likecometsx · 2 years
┘chris&diana *☄; closed starter  // @lcnelyhearted​
“weird question,” chris said bluntly. “i’m acknowledging it's weird so you don’t have to. anyway, have you ever tried to move things with your mind? like- when you were a kid and you watched matilda or star wars or whatever?”
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nikaizkool · 11 months
Hello 👋 anyways um could you do an alphabet (nsfw) for Quackity love you pookie
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B- bondage. He loves to see you struggling underneath him with your hands being tied up
C- claustrophillia. He loves the thrill of fucking you in a public bathroom stall
D- dom/sub dianamic. He loves bottoming you out so much, having you moan under him
E-Erotic Asphyxiation. He like hearing your breath hitch with every movement he makes
F- face riding. He loves the idea of you riding his face. Just the thought of his hands on your ass guiding your hips to rock makes him excited.
G- gagging. He likes you choking on his dick as he face fucks you. 😨
H- humiliation. He loves teasing you to the point where your embarrassed wether it be by telling you how beautiful you are and how he’d love to share you with the world or him degrading you into humiliation.
I- imprints? Idk if that’s a kink but I do know he’d love leaving hickeys and bruises all over you to show everyone who he belongs to
J- Japanese bondage. Again he loves to see you tied up underneath him
K-Katoptronophilia. He wants you to see your face as he fucks you letting you see every movement he’s about to make. Sometimes he’d put the mirror a little to close and accidentally squish your face up to the glass.
L- licking. He loves to tease you or for you to tease him by licking each others neck or biting each other.
M-Masochism. He thrives on seeing you get off to him slapping you. He apologizes after if he felt that he overdid it.
N- ?
O- overstimulation. He loves seeing you squirm and tell him to stop as he teases the fuck out of you.
P- public sex. Wether it be him fingering you in a restaurant or teasing you in a park, he’ll do it. Unannounced.
S- somnophillia. Him fucking your thighs when you asleep is such a turn on for him.
T- your tits. Literally he’d be sucking on them for ages being able to get off at just that
U- underwear. If your to busy for him he’ll jerk off into your underwear.
V-Voyeurism. He could and he would watch you masturbate, if your using a toy or your hand he doesn’t care he will just watch.
Idk any others to add so 💨💨💨
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lenoreamidala · 4 months
Like... it's so annoying when people act like it's a writing flaw that you don't see much of the cullens outside of bella's pov/situation. Its not that they have no lives/agency outside of bella... bella is just the main character. It's not much different from any other main vs. side character dianamic in any other story.
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falchionier · 8 months
Oh why not. I’ve been doing elegiac couplets for ClassicsTober over on bluesky to practice my poetry, so here’s my fumbling attempts so far
Dies I: Cassandra
[carmen ad dianam illam nuper defunctam]
Exclamo, taceo; moveo audientes nisi senes
Quod qui non vivent, deposita ut ferimus
Dies II: Medusa
Cum statuis sedeo tranquilla apud hasce sorores
Terrorem oblitae donec adiret edax
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sapitties · 1 month
was rewatching sapnap videos and watched the trying minecraft foods irl video and now I'm missing punznap 😔
- jester
honestly I miss punznap too their dianamic was so fun and I loved rewatching that video😭😭 the fact punz threw away that friendship cause he got cucked by his best friend's best friend is crazy😭😭
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fundiesimsfamily · 11 months
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Esther Ruark: Pff, moving, like she isn't buzy enough. Pff! What did Christian think, suggesting this! Pff, this house is perfect, it holds the memories of her parents. She doesn't want to change that. She wants to keep living here, remember them, every single day again. Baking with mom, seeing dad work. She doesn't want more change. She doesn't need more change. She already has plenty to deal with, with her parents dead and everything that comes with that. Even the new family dianamic is change and to much for her right now. Christian should have kept his mouth shut. He maybe is the oldest male right now but he is not dad, not Adam. He should keep his mouth and let things be.
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Back I Beginning I Spreadsheet I next
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equinquinox · 2 years
Tagged by @lilybitten !! Hello!!!!
Rules: tag 9 people you wanna know better!!!
Last song: Bitter Water by The Oh Hellos (surprise surprise…)
Last show: Mob Psycho 100
Currently watching: Mob Psycho 100 and My Hero Academia!! Kinda paused on MHA though because it’s hard to watch it due to my tiny attention span and how long it is…I think I’ll just read the manga for the rest tbh
Currently reading: hmm I haven’t really read anything lately, I ran out of stuff to read lmao..I mean, the last book I read is this book called Do Fish Drink Water? By Bill McLain..it’s a QnA book but it’s REALLY GOOD NGL
Current obsession: Mob Psycho and MHA mainly 😎😎😎😎
@‘s: @dianamations @helleboreplays @epickiya722 @lilybitten @rat-all-the-stars @quinnistired @nemovanilla @varonov @oliverrerererr
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megantga · 5 months
Final Evaluation
In this past term I created a lot of work, some up to my own standard and some not, I think that my favourite pieces of this year was my mushy cult work.
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I adore this piece it’s simple and nice to the eye and I think the colours look well together
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This piece is a peace I love but I wish I did another in a more dianamic pose, I will practice more on poses soon.
Although I didn’t finish that task that day the work I did produce is very good, I had really bad artblock and didn’t produce enough.
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As you can see I was very frustrated.
My inspiration through out this whole term was a number of things, branching from Anime, Cartoons like gravity falls and Over the Garden wall and more
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reeffairy · 8 months
The curse of the jade scorpio (2001)
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I really enjoy the magic elements and the use of hipnosis in this! The guru guy is so shady but it often is the role of the magician to be almost criminal in order to get work done in the shadows. Its pretty comical to think two people could get cursed with love, specially this dianamic (older man with a slightly younger heroine). It kinda reminds me of a bad Rick and Morty episode lol #Lamethon
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latinlizard · 10 months
Catullus 34
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Bernardino Luini Procris' Prayer to Diana, c. 1520/1522
Dianae sumus in fide Diana, we are joined in loyalty puellae et pueri integri: boys and girls chaste: Dianam pueri integri〉 Diana's intact boys> puellaeque canamus. and girls let us sing. o' Latonia, maximi O' daughter of Laton, greatest magna progenies Iouis, great descendants of Jove, quam mater prope Deliam whose mother near the Delian deposiuit oliuam, olive tree she deposited them, montium domina ut fores so that she would be the mistress of the mountains siluarumque uirentium and greening of the woods saltuumque reconditorum and the hidden groves  amniumque sonantum: and the noisy streams: tu Lucina dolentibus you lucina, suffering ones,  Iuno dicta puerperis, after birth called to Juno   tu potens Triuia et notho es you as the powerful Trivia and your illigitemate dicta lumine Luna. light of the moon have been called.  tu cursu, dea, menstruo you run, goddess, by using periods  metiens iter annuum, to measure the annual journey,  rustica agricolae bonis the rural farmers with good tecta frugibus exples. crops you fill their barns. sis quocumque tibi placet may you be pleased with whatever sancta nomine, Romulique, sacred name, and Romulus, antique ut solita es, bona as in the old days, your good sospites ope gentem. protection for his people.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studies
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/small-pet-news/monoclonal-antibodies-preserve-stem-cells-in-mouse-brains-bring-promise-for-future-studies/
Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studies
Newswise — A new approach to stem cell therapy that uses antibodies instead of traditional immunosuppressant drugs robustly preserves cells in mouse brains and has potential to fast-track trials in humans, a Michigan Medicine study suggests.
For this study, researchers used monoclonal antibodies to suppress the immune system in mice and compared the results to traditional immunosuppression with the medications tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil. They tracked implanted human neural stem cell survival using luciferase, the protein that makes fireflies glow.
Results published in Clinical and Translational Medicine reveal that suppression with monoclonal antibodies enabled long-term survival of human stem cell transplants in mouse brains for at least six to eight months, while the cell grafts did not survive more than two weeks in most animals when using standard immunosuppressant drugs.
“This study makes it clear that using monoclonal antibodies is better for the study of stem cell transplants in the brain and spinal cord over the long term,” said lead author Kevin Chen, M.D., a neurosurgeon at University of Michigan Health and clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at U-M Medical School. “The cells survived for so long with fewer injections and less toxicity from immunosuppression when using monoclonal antibodies. This will enable more experiments and studies of stem cell therapies, bringing more promise for their future in the neurosciences.”
Researchers sought to combat a longstanding obstacle for stem cell therapy in neurological disease of keeping cells alive when testing them in pre-clinical animal models. Many scientists have relied on immunosuppressant medications to keep the animals’ immune systems from rejecting stem cells, Chen says, but they eventually fail and torpedo the process.
“In many of these experiments, we would only see around a third of animals have cells survive and have no way to interpret the results,” he said. “It gets expensive in stem cell therapy to conduct these experiments and not have the cells survive.”
Traditional immunosuppressant drugs are less selective than monoclonal antibodies, which, in this study, targeted two immune proteins. The antibodies have only been analyzed in a handful of stem cell therapy studies for the nervous system. However, this study tracked cell survival for as long as eight months – one of the longest time points published for stem cells in the brain and spinal cord.
This study lays the groundwork for understanding how transplanted stem cells integrate into the brain, says senior author Eva Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., James W. Albers Distinguished Professor at U-M, the Russell N. DeJong Professor of Neurology and director of the NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies at Michigan Medicine.
“Our new findings continue to support advancing stem cell therapies into human clinical trials,” Feldman said. “Stem cell therapy remains a beacon of hope for neurological diseases.”
Additional authors include Lisa M. McGinley, Ph.D., Shayna N. Mason, B.S., DianaM. Rigan, B.S., Jacquelin F. Kwentus, B.S., John M. Hayes, B.A., Emily D. Glass, B.S., Evan L. Reynolds, Ph.D., Geoffrey G. Murphy, Ph.D., all of University of Michigan
This study was supported by the National Institute on Aging, The Handleman Emerging Scholar Program, The Robert E. Nederlander Sr. Program for Alzheimer’s Research, The Sinai Medical Staff Foundation, and and The NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies
Paper cited: “Monoclonal antibody-mediated immunosuppression enables long-term survival of transplanted human neural stem cells in mouse brain,” Clinical and Translational Medicine. DOI: 10.1002/ctm2.1046
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ilragliodelmulo · 2 years
Feralia - Il gioco degli opposti
Sono opposti. "Under Stige" è un viaggio notturno, mortifero, maschile e musicalmente è black metal. "Over Dianam" è più solare, melodico, femminile.
I Feralia giocano al raddoppio. Se il lockdown ha minato la stabilità di parecchi gruppi, portandone alcuni allo scioglimento. La black metal band italiana, invece, ha sfrutto il blocco per tirar fuori un disco doppio, o forse meglio duplice, “Under Stige / Over Dianam” (Time to Kill Records \ Anubi Press), capace di far uscire fuori sonorità e sensibilità opposte . Benvenuti, dal 28 Aprile è…
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yesalexboyd · 3 years
Découvrez et achetez les meilleurs steroides oraux sur Upsteroide. Pour amateur ou professionnel. Produits de marque et originaux, pour booster vos performances. Paiement simple et sécurisé, expédition rapide.
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ladymacbeth3759 · 3 years
Analysis on Luca Guadagnino’s film (2) - Call Me By Your Name
This is really long, so please have patience while reading this. And because I translated it to English from my original language, there might be some mistakes.
Link to (1):
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One of the most significant metaphor in this film is the greek statue. These sensual and ancient figures symbolize the nature of desire and physicality, and also represent the instinctive, irresistible love between Elio and Oliver. As an example, in the scene of cataloging the pictures of the statues, the words of Elio's father express these significance. Another scene also shows this metaphor very well. There is a scene in which the two have a little confrontation and after the subtle fight and jealousy, the camera shows the scene where they lift up the statue from the ocean. This scene can be interpreted as a metaphor that the desire became visible by bringing it above the surface as it began to be expressed as an emotion of jealousy. It means that the boundaries of emotions that were unclear until then have gradually became clearer. After the statue was brought up, the two call each other's names in a swimming scene. If there is a guideline in love, the first step will be recognizing each other's ‘existence’ (metaphysically speaking), and the last step will be taking a full look at each other's ‘existence’, the true self, a state of unity in which the other person becomes the other one, and vice versa, which is the idealistic idea of love. In that respect, it can be said that the two have already entered the stage of destined love. Following this, after making love for the first time, they call each other by their names.
In the next scene, the camera focuses on Elio sitting on a bench and reading a book, following the narration:
‘The Cosmic Fragments by Herclitus’
“The meaning of the river flowing is not that all things are changing so that we cannot encounter them twice but that some things stay the same only by changing.“
Human beings are existents that change from moment to moment, and human identity is what grows due to conflicting elements or events. One of the reasons ‘Call Me By Your Name’ is such a special movie is that it can be a movie about love but also can be a movie about growing up. In this scene, Oliver's voice specifically puts the contents of the book as a narration because probably he is the very ‘moment’, the very elicitor in Elio's life. Although it is not revealed through dialogue or narration in this film, Elio has a very important moment of choice. Before making his first love with Oliver, he continues to engage with Marzia. If we learn that some important moment will change ourselves forever, it will probably be confusing and we will try to stay in the stability that we’re standing on right now. So Elio looks forward to meet Oliver, but he also feels nervous that something might change in himself. Perhaps Oliver left the book in an attempt to share the voice of wisdom with Elio? Like a flowing river, humans will always change, and even in the moment of change, we will still be perfectly ‘ourselves’. Perhaps this is the most important narrative in growing into life.
In this film, there are many voices overlapping between scenes, which kind of reminds of the act of retracing memories through one’s mind. (When we sometimes try to remember various scenes from the past, some imagery or voices pop up first before continuing to the next scene.) Also when it is a scene that Elio's emotions are maximized, music is inserted, which can be seen as a hint that this was based on Elio's memories. And the scenes where the focus becomes blurry can also be the evidence of this assumption.
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In an interview, director Luca said that the meaning of true love is to accept difference as itself. In other words, it can be said that true love is not distorting the other into an stereotyped image, but seeing the other’s true ‘self’ clearly. After the scene where Elio realizes his desire and makes a first kiss with Oliver, the camera captures the image of Elio, waiting for Oliver who is too cautious about love, who is trying so hard not to surrender. And the narration comes in the middle of this scene. 'Do I know you?' Elio asks himself if he ‘truly’ knows Oliver. Or Oliver truly knows him. Often in romance movies, looking into each other's eyes is considered a cliché. As it is said that the eye is the window to the soul, the act of looking at the eye is the final gesture of love, the gesture of wanting to understand other’s true soul (the existence, the idée-edea). This is realized when the two make love for the first time and change each other's names. What's interesting here is that it was Oliver, not Elio, who suggested this first. Even though the desire became visible, it was Elio who actively expressed it, and Oliver was the one who relatively rejected it and avoided it. Remind ourselves what Elio's father said at the very end of the movie. “Nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot”. Oliver, who is older and probably has some experience with love, is actually being realistic avoiding Elio. The fact that Oliver’s wound from riding a bike became more festered after the first kiss with Elio suggests that the nature has discovered such a weakness (love for Elio) from Oliver. It is also understandable that Oliver, who has completely surrendered for the fatalistic love after this, wants a full understanding of the other. He understands how love can make a person helpless and lead to despair. When people don’t try to see each other as the complete ‘true self’ or accept difference as itself, relationships between people becomes inevitably distorted and tragic. He has rejected the love for Elio because of this fear (including practical reasons), but nature brought him down to a state of exposure. Therefore, asking each other to call as each other's names can be seen that Oliver finally accepted what he refused because he was too afraid of being hurt or hurting the other, and praying only for the complete love from now on.
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There are two related scenes that are very interesting to see in this regard. There is a scene where Oliver deliberately dances closely with another woman in front of Elio's eyes, and the next day the two confront each other. At that time, in the scene passing through the door, the person who passes through first, that is, the person who leads, is Oliver. And after the two have made love for the first time (when Oliver is completely surrendered by nature of love), in an awkward atmosphere, Elio passes through the door before Oliver. Through these two scenes, we can see that the power dianamic, or superiority in this relationship has been completely reversed.
At a square with a monument commemorating the Battle of Piave, the camera takes a brief shot ascending towards the sky. This is the scene where Elio confesses his love to Oliver without saying that he loves him. In previous work of Luca, he used movements of camera to symbolically express relationships and emotions between characters. From that point of view, perhaps it can be seen as a symbol that Elio's desire has risen to its peak, and at the same time, the change in the relationship between the two begins to drive forward. And although it may be a coincidence, the camera takes a shot from top to bottom in the scene where the two go on a trip together, before the scene where Oliver has to leave. And after a moment of the descending camera movement, there is a scene where Oliver remembers the memories of the two at Piave Square while watching Elio, who fell asleep after making love at the hotel. Then he abruptly turns to the side as the news of the sudden breakup attacks(the sound of the train). And immediately after that, the sound overlappes the scene of the train station. It is as if the journey of the two's love was brought up by fate and then settled down again.
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The timing of this film and the Battle of Piave are also closely related. Because the time where they are in is the summer of 1983, that is, the time of the AIDS wave. They are in a kind of virtual world that is closely connected with the reality around them, as if they were in the eyes of a typhoon. Like Elio, who confessed love while standing next to a statue that symbolizes the damages, death of the war(which can be interpreted as the AIDS situation where hundreds of people’s lives were at stake), the gap between the world in which the two are staying and the real world outside the shell is expressed very interestingly in this film.
Another interesting ‘connection’ in this movie is the scene where Elio watches Oliver dancing. There are only two scenes where Oliver dances based on the same song. Elio, enamored with jealousy in the first scene, drinks while watching Oliver, and in the second scene, this continues to Elio being drunk while watching Oliver, and after that he vomits. Personally, I think these two scenes symbolize the beginning and the end. It is the structure of continuation in the movie. Like a formal symbol where a love like drunkenness begins and ends.
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It is no coincidence that Oliver is the only American in this film, and is set in the position of a student who stays only for the summer. This is because the symbol of the stranger who suddenly appeares in the landscape where everything else perfectly melts into the background means, that the essence of love is that the differences between two world eventually make contact with each other's eyes. Even the difference ‘itself’ is accepted without any distortion. That is the purpose and theme of this film. When I watch this movie, I sometimes think that what this movie is trying to say is completely different from the other typical queer movies. Other queer movies pay attention to the “queerness” of queer, but this movie rather pays attention to the “universality”. The universality of enjoying and appreciating love is shared from all kinds of people all over the world. Despite being a queer film set in the 80s, there are no obstacles between the two protagonists. It is a choice to only show the journey of love, that magical universality. I'm a pessimetic person, so naturally I’m kind of skeptical of this so-called ‘universality’ and ‘nature of love’ that a film like this presents. Can you really accept someone with its full self without any distortion? Isn't the first thing to be addressed is the anwser to the question of ‘what is the essence of human being?’. Human senses inevitably entail distortion, and the brain, where survival instinct and the reason are mixed, attempts to shrink and simplify the multi-layered and obscure nature of humans to a minimum. Isn't the existence of others inevitably bound to collide with another? As other reviews of mine will say, I'm skeptical, but I'm not hopeless. This is because I think that the state of struggling to try is perhaps the only goal that humans should have. Maybe Director Luca have different opinions from mine, but I see this movie as part of that attempt. This fantasy, fairy tale love story looks so perfect and ideal. The director's attempt to present it as some kind of a living experience is definitely admirable.
In the last scene, when the camera calmly captures Elio's face and the ending credit goes up, the lingering emotion we feel is quite unforgettable. That scene feels ike they are finally proclaiming that this magical experience was forever over. When Elio's mother calls out towards Elio, what Elio heard was the obituary of the one united person, someone, Elio and Oliver.
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equinquinox · 2 years
it’s nearly 2 am and I spent the entire night roleplaying forbidden romance in a cat game on ROBLOX with @dianamations
what even is my life anymore
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baka-monarch · 3 years
SBI family dianamic: is crumbling
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