#did yall not understand the ending of the damn film ???????? HOW could you hate her???
manchesterau · 5 months
wait....what if i write a challengers au
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blackfilmmakers · 4 years
Here are my thoughts of Pixar’s latest animated release “Soul”:
📢 Spoilers 📢
Things I enjoyed:
-Angela Bassett
-Music(when there was music at least)
-Designs of the human characters
-Pretty animation which is to be expected out of Pixar
-The set design of New York
-Pretty good message a lot of us could relate to
Things I didn’t enjoy:
-The designs of the souls
-The lore behind the pre-soul realm or whatever. It wasn’t all too fascinating. Feel like I’ve seen a better understanding of one’s personality through uquizzes and Sims
-The design of the pre-soul realm was also lacking. Felt pretty restrictive.
-Disney and Pixar really need to start leaving their main Black characters alone and just let them be human. Which btw, a lot of yall out here are convincing folks that Joe was human for most of the movie when that's not even true he was a cat. I ended up watching this with high hopes, because you guys convinced me that he stays as a human for most of the film instead of a soul. Imagine my disappointment when I see the Black character ends up as an animal
-The idea that this body swap thing made it where a White woman voiced a Black character and the Black character was an animal? That alone gave me a headache
-I got lost with the direction of this movie. First it was an escape from the afterlife story, then it became a body swap comedy half way through? Along with the other b-stories, it was just hard to pinpoint the overall narrative
-They downplayed a lot of aspects of African-American culture including soul music which at this point I don't think they even had soul music in mind
-Making the Black mama out to be the unsupportive bad person in all this. It's not extreme but regardless, she was still painted in a negative depiction. She was literally the only one that had to struggle to put bread on the table for her family all because the husband wanted to follow his music dream. But apparently she’s the villain here for wanting her son to have a stable financial future before she passes?
-Tina Fey
-Jamie Foxx. I just don’t like the dude
-The ending
-Somewhat came off as a magical negro story. Having the Black guy teach the White-coded character why life is worth living all while in the body of a cat. And then to literally see 22 run off with his body? Not a good vibe. And don’t come at me with the “22 was just a soul with no body, how are they White” because 1)I’m already seeing y’all draw them as a White person and 2)Learn how coding works
-They actually killed the cat which uh........damn
If it wasn’t obvious enough looking at my “Things I enjoyed” list vs my “Things I didn’t enjoy” list, I did not like the movie. For me it served as a cash grab for a Black audience and simply did not amaze me. Know that I'm not looking for the next Black Panther here, but if you're gonna promote yourself as a film centered around Black culture, it helps to actually have a bunch of Black people work on the project. Which they didn't have.
There are some Black people that liked it. There are some that hated it. There are some who liked it but wish it didn't contain these tropes. We aren't a monolith but regardless don't be out here trying to dismiss these issues because you weren't personally offended by it. This especially goes out for nonBlack people too, I really don't want yall telling me how I should be grateful for what the movie showed or didn't.
Like I said before, for a movie titled “Soul” it was actually pretty soulless
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anonil88 · 3 years
*warning there will be spoilers*
I love fezcos grandma. I love fezco and baby Ash. Aw my babies are so cute.
Come thru soundtrack also this is already very different than season 1 in terms of its more grounded.
Everyone i know whose grown up this way has amazing life skills but it isn't healthy in the end. It ends up messing them up a lot and honestly he could have called the cops and been like my grandma passed out outside.
His grandma would have tripped that fucker down the stairs.
God dammit Ash. He should not have killed mouse sigh but also it was justified.
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At least Rue is a complete vibe. Ew not the Tapout shirt eww, ayy new girl.
Rue said girl im just tryna snort drugs I'm not tryna inject this shit. That girl bout dumb as shit, exactly now you look stupid as hell and are caught the hell up.
Oh wow they got a Fezco type of Grandma on their end too.
The way drug dealers will let you just put back on your clothes after they check or they spray ya ass with water. Just take the damn clothes off yall taking all this damn time.
Rue is really out here like I had the best time of my life girl that was not a woo-hoo moment but she copes with trauma with humor.
Nate you piece of literal shit, I swear this boy is 🤢🤢.
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I love the use of film cameras so far and the texture it gives to everything.
I know these two are gonna fuck but how stupid are they. Maddy is gonna beat her ass and I mean straight up knock the dog shit out of her one day.
I really don't want these two to date cause he's an adult and she's a minor.
Rue is making me yell out loud "I hate gay people" just go the fuck inside and tell her you like her. But nah let's shoot up heroin for the first time. It will give her confidence but she really doesn't need another fix.
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Everytime Jules sees Nate she wants to get blackout drunk. Ughhhhh.
These two bouta become addict bestfriends, thats gonna end awful.
Karma is a bitch and Cassie deserves every bit of it. Maddy deserves every bit of revenge tbh.
At least Rue knows what to take to do push off certain side effects but this is so fucked up to do to Elliot. He can be hugh but he's not signing up to be a harm reductionist and her depressed ass is very nihilist.
Aw Fezco the Christian thug, I kill people and sell drugs in the name of the lordt.
Where is Jules going? Ah yo go talk to Kat.
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Maddy and Travis look hella cute. Ooo I like these two together.
Cassie got lucky as all hell and now her ass is stumbling all over the place looking dumb as fuck. "I did everything I could." Nah you havent you just fucked over your "bestfriend" tbh both of yall did.
Hey hey Ethan get you ya lil girlfriend ayyy. Ah Jules got left to the side and is gonna stumble on her own honey and it could go awfully.
Sigh here we go again these two on the couch like this is some k.i.s.s.i.n.g, he's an adult bruh noooo i really hate this Fez and Lexi thing.
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BE SINGLE CASSIE BE SINGLE omfg girl. This secret is gonna eat her up on the inside entirely though for a long while until it finally comes out.
Rue is high as a fucking kite but she also may be pissed off.
Nate is gross as hell just nasty and is being all possessive and shit. This is weird and oddly homoerotic this encounter with McKay like um bro chill. Nate back the hell up you only had sex with his ex once and now you acting like an entire feral dog peeing on your territory. Weird ass.
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How is she doing? Uh not well. Be honest Rue it's what yall both deserve. I'd rather know my person is on drugs again than them hide it. Jules has to understand it isn't her fault though that Rue relapsed.
Shes 17 bro.
Fezco look good as hell getting ready to fight and I hope he beats the fuck out of Nates chiseled ass face. This is very calculated though.
Rue take ya ass inside and get a new years kiss. Jules is heartbroken as hell and you need to talk.
Aw yay at least my babies get one happy moment. They are girlfriends or dating yayy, I just wanted one of these happy moments
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Where is fez with the bottle, please beat his smug ass. Yesss yesss beat his bitch ass. This is so satisfying.
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What a good season 2 premiere i like how this is different from season 1 but similar. My friends theory is Nate is going to kill Cal or vice versa based on what he sees in the hospital. I could see it. Only thing that could have made that better is for Jules, Rue, and everyone else to get a kick in or beat his ass along with Fez.
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Claraʻs Triannual Much Ado About Nothing Obsession
So some of you may know that much ado is one of if not my favorite shakespeare play. From a young age it shook me to my core and every few years I revisit it in its various forms (maybe Iʻll make a post just talking about the various adaptations at some point but not tonight).
I recently watched both the david tennant/catherine tate 2011 production as well as the danielle brooks/grantham coleman 2019 shakespeare in the park production and I have some thoughts.
I fucking hate Claudio.
For whatever reason he really bothered me this time through. Like I get that blah blah blah he was manipulated but damn that wet piece of sponge doesnʻt deserve to still marry Hero. Like wtf.
One of my core memories of this show was when I saw it done by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in 2015 (sidenote that set was gorgeous yall should look up pics omg dreamy). At the end of the show they had a moment where Hero walked away after the wedding and just looked at Claudio before exiting and you could feel the tension, the disappointment. In that moment you knew that though they were married there was still anger there. It was frankly cathartic. It really bothers me that in most adaptations you donʻt see that and theyʻre just happily wedded at the end (some adaptations spend time on Heroʻs funeral to make that connection but idk I still want more).
2. David Tennant is so amazing.
Like is this a shock, no, but some of his line performances were just a revelation. You can really tell he understood exactly what he was saying and he did some things I have never seen another Benedick do.
3. Shakespeare makes so much sense combined with AAVE.
The 2019 production was done with a completely black cast was at its core a love letter to black culture. It was truly beautiful and the line readings were done in a completely unique way which infused so much color and personality into the text. I watched this version third after the 2012 film and then the 2011 play so the text was getting a bit tired but the readings brought energy and joy back into so much of it. Plus Danielle Brooks is just so talented I just canʻt. My favorite adaptations of the bards work are the ones which take the text and use context though set, choreography, and costumes to create a new understanding, not the stuffy traditional direction but something inventive and new. This production did that and Kenny Leon did an amazing job.
4. If I were a man hits different.
Maybe itʻs just that now Iʻm older, but how actresses present the if I were a man speech really effects how I like them. I need to feel that rage, that desperation, that distraught nature. I love the 2011 version but tbh I donʻt love how Catherine Tate did it. The switch from the joyous profession of love into the rage just doesnʻt feel natural. The 2012 version doesnʻt do it for me either, she just doesnʻt feel angry enough. Even if they arenʻt screaming I want to feel the simmering rage under the surface. Danielle Brooks was the most enjoyable for me, perhaps because her energy had the most reasonable flow.
5. I fucking miss performing.
I desperately want to do a production. I really miss it. My town does have shakespeare in the park but unfortunately I missed the auditions because of graduation. I just love seeing actors master the words. I think I just need to go to OSF and see something this year. Who knows maybe thatʻll give me my fix. If anybody wants to do a zoom readthrough with me let me know.
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Ben Solo’s Story Arc - An Autopsy
This will be the second post before I publish the full TROS review, mainly because it’s yet another thing I want to get out of the way first. After which, I’ll be posting an announcement about the future of this blog, but no worries – I’ll be sticking around.
After Rey and her parentage, I’ll be talking about Ben here specifically – mainly because I have a pretty big inkling that his plotline for TROS was mutilated, and that he initially actually had an arc.
Except, somewhere in the executive meddling, for reasons I myself am not sure of (okay, I got some theories but it’s pointless to share them here), it got cut.
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The Rise of Kylo Ren might be an inkling that there was something more in the works, also that when it comes to its take on Snoke, it directly contradicts things TROS sets up. The simplest explanation is that the Lucasfilm Story Group had a hand in TRoKR, and not for TROS. But even then… the comic reveals things that make me BAFFLED they didn’t put that in the films. I don’t want to be that person who thinks 30 minutes of TLJ should have been dedicated to Snoke’s origins, but stuff like how Ben didn’t even destroy Luke’s Jedi Camp? THAT’S the kind of thing you need to include in your film.
Also, I 110% believe the rumors that JJ Abrams just ignored the Story Group’s existence entirely. Wanna know why? Just the fact that Exogol is established as the Sith world… when we know thanks to The Clone Wars that it’s Moraband – which would have been super easy to use. But fuck continuity I guess.
I will say though, I am NOT surprised it’s leaking out that the movie was severely tempered with and was constantly changing during production, simply because from my first (and only) viewing… I could tell something was wrong. Namely, I could tell that Ben’s arc had been mutilated – and the more I think about it, the more glaring it gets. It’s not even that I’m mad that Adam Driver (aka Golden Globe/Academy Award nominee Adam Driver) gets relegated to playing Darth Exposition for 75% of the film (and godawful exposition at that), it’s literally that so much of what remains of his arc makes no sense, and it affects Palpatine and Rey by extension.
I explained why Rey’s character arc was butchered here, and I’ve also talked about how Palpatine’s implication in her arc didn’t work either, so I won’t talk about it too much here, nor do you need to have read it prior in order to understand this post. I will also point out that a lot of what will be my speculation – so for all I know, I could be wrong, but I’m trying to fill in the holes here.
So, for starters… somehow, Ben knows that Palpatine is still alive. Somehow, he knows how to get to him. AND SOMEHOW, THE WRITERS DECIDED NOT EXPLAINING SHIT WAS THE WAY TO GO. This is not even on the level of not explaining who the fuck Snoke is in the two previous films – while I do think there could have been a throwaway line in TLJ, it didn’t “hinder” the story.
HOWEVER, not explaining how Palpatine is still around and kicking (well, he’s on life support so kicking might be a little too flattering), why he decided to reveal himself right there, right then, and how the hell Ben knows he’s around, how he figured out how to get to Exogol using the holocrons… THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM. This is the triggering element of the rising action in your story. But before you do that, YOU. NEED. EXPOSITION. TO. SET. UP. THE. CONTEXT. OF. YOUR. STORY.
What TROS did would be like skipping Finn’s intro when he’s with his Stormtrooper squad on Jakku, removing the interrogation with Poe and Kylo entirely, and just start TFA with him escaping with Poe without any explanation given. Oh, and also cut out Rey’s introduction as well, and we first meet her when she kicks Finn’s ass in Niima Outpost. You’d just have a bunch of characters coming out of nowhere, and you’d have no frigging clue what they’re doing, and what they want. And that’s what TROS does with Ben and Palpatine.
Take the handling of Snoke, for instance. I’d be a lot more mad about the Snoke retconning if it wasn’t for… what I’m going to call the “Snoke Stew” (and I’d crack a joke about how it was probably made with the DNA of a guy called Stu, which is not funny but still funnier than most of the jokes in TROS). That’s pretty much the one thing that stops me from being mad, because of how STUPID it is.
But the explanation for Snoke’s origins just… retcons so much that has been established before, INCLUDING INFO FROM A COMIC THAT CAME OUT AFTER TROS. We knew Snoke had a past, even if we weren’t privy to it yet. We did kind of know that he was a rich guy, like all the shitty rich people we saw in Canto Bight, who happened to be a Dark Sider and was seemingly smart enough to kill his way to the top. Considering how exploitative the First Order is when it comes to resources and that a rich patron would be welcomed with open arms, it makes sense.
With the explanation given by TROS, it just provides a fuck ton of plotholes to the fact he took over the First Order while killing off old Imperial higher-ups to establish himself as Supreme Leader. Do you really think a guy in a golden bathrobe would just be able to take over out of fucking nowhere because he killed all the higher-ups? No. And even if some of the higher-ups knew that Snoke was a Palps plant (like Pryde seems to), I doubt Ben would have stayed Supreme Leader for as long as a year.
But that’s not even the biggest problem! Seriously, I don’t know if Palps is senile in this film, because we got an ENTIRE trilogy explaining how the guy is one of the worst evil masterminds to have ever lived, in the Galaxy Far Far Away and even in today’s culture. Here, you don’t even understand what the fuck he even wants! I’m “guessing” he fucked with Ben to get his revenge on Anakin, because he uses Ben as his lackey while being seemingly totally oblivious that Ben is working against him (what happened to “every voice in your head”???). He wants Ben to kill Rey… while knowing Rey is his granddaughter, and while telling her when she shows up that he wants to use her as a new host or some shit. Seriously, MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY.
This said… I honestly wonder if Ben was initially meant to be the new host, and not Rey. Because not only that was an actual theory I had pre-TROS, but it would make a shit ton more sense than having Rey be the host – not to mention it’d be the ultimate revenge against Anakin (and if you want to get REAL yucky, he may have planned to have Rey be his new consort, but I’ll spare you more speculation about that aspect). But nah, I guess.
The most damning thing in all this is that there’s no difference in Ben’s overall behavior and actions AFTER Snoke has been killed, when it’s clear Snoke was the biggest influence on him. Saying that Palpatine just kept messing with him makes no sense because with Snoke dead, any voice Ben would still hear would make him go “NOPE” and do exactly the opposite of what said voice tells him to do.
Like, for real, with Snoke dead, unless he’s REALLY stupid (I mean… Ben is reckless, but not stupid), why would Ben do anything a now Random Voice would tell him to do?
The thing is, there have been hints in previous material that Ben isn’t exactly 110% on board with what the First Order does. He’s clearly against blowing up planets, he snarks about how Stormtroopers should be clones instead – which could just be a throwaway snarky line, but considering Ben’s past… I can see him not being too fuzzy about the Stormtrooper program. Like, I’m not saying he’d start a Galactic Free Donut Day, but there would be a change. It wouldn’t be Business as Usual – especially that Ben wasn’t that young (23) when he joined Snoke, and it’s a little hard to go from “My uncle tried to kill me in my sleep and I’m going towards the one figure I think can protect me” to “Blowing up planets and enslaving people is the way to go”. It would have worked if Ben had been brainwashed from his teens, but not so much as an adult – hence you need a little more nuance with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.
Oh yeah, and the Knights of Ren? They’re just there to look cool. “But they kidnapped Chewie!” Yeah, what was the fucking point of them kidnapping Chewie apart from giving a reason for the Beautiful Friendship Gang to get on the Star Destroyer and give us fake suspense because we all know how it’s gonna end, just end my suffering already. Also, NO INTERRACTION WITH BEN? DID YA FORGET CHEWIE IS LIKE, HIS UNCLE? DID YALL FORGET BEN WAS PART OF YOUR FAMILY OR…
Seriously, that sequence on Pasaana where they’re just standing there on top of a fucking mountain? I called that part the Backdesert Boys. That tells ya how much I hated it.
Oh yeah, and they’re fighting fodder for Benny Boy in the end, because of course they were Palps’ lackeys all along, can’t think of anything else that’s more imaginative.
So what could they possibly add to Ben’s arc, that would explain so much, like how Ben finds Palpatine, or how he’s always one step ahead from the Beautiful Friendship Gang in their Wild Goose Chase no one fucking cares about?
This is where I got into speculation/conspiracy theory territory. Brace yourselves. 
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So, the film has Lando reveal that he and Luke “knew” about Palps being around thanks to snooping around… except that makes no bloody sense. Lando was never involved in a Force plot of any kind, and he was never that close to Luke anyway. I mean, Lando’s a nice guy and all, but he’s not really besties with Luke – he’s Han’s friend.
So that research should have taken place either before Ben joined Luke at Jedi Camp, either after. Then again, before would make no sense, because why would Luke leave that critical of a search on the ice for 10 to 15 years? The only place where I can place it in time, where it would make logical sense… would be when Ben was around, and it’d make WAY more sense to have him be Luke’s sidekick in that search.
It would have totally explained why Luke freaked the fuck out reading Ben’s mind, because only Palpatine can give her that severe of a PTSD-like reaction. It would have totally explained why Ben would run to Snoke, grooming and desperation set aside, under the promise that they’d associate to defeat Palps, because if you ignore the plot hole extravaganza of TROS, you’d bet Snoke wouldn’t want Palps anywhere near his throne – mainly because Snoke is a wannabe Palpatine who targeted Ben to get his own Vader. It would have totally explained why Ben thought becoming Supreme Leader is a good idea – even if it’s morally wrong, it makes logical sense. It would have totally explained why Kylo was collecting Sith artefacts in the year gap while keeping in mind he made his distaste for the Sith clear in TLJ. It would have totally provided the audience (and Rey) a good reason to forgive Ben, because even if he had godawful methods, he wanted to do the right thing and save the galaxy from the person who came this close to destroying them, as well as his family. That would have provided for him the means to realize that he cannot defeat Palpatine using Palpatine’s means – as Rose said, he’ll win by saving what he loves, and not destroying what he hates. That would have made Rey the glitch in the matrix, who must join forces with Ben because without her, he would have been doomed despite his best efforts.
And before you tell me that would have been unnecessary… let me put it to you this way. Ben keeps saying it's too late, and if it was just that, it could be interpreted as him thinking he went too far to come back. But he also adds that he has "something to do", and I'm here waving my arms like "WHAT? WHY? FUCK, YOU DIDN'T EVEN KILL YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS!!! THEY'RE NOT EVEN BOTHERED TO SAY THAT IN THE ACTUAL FILM!!!"
Hence why my theory is the simplest way to just tie it all neatly together, without retconning anything. There.
IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPER SIMPLE TO DO. Except that, as I mentioned earlier, they mutilated Ben’s arc, and left him to play the part of Darth Exposition, until the very end, when they have Ben save what he loves… but even then, I can’t even appreciate that either, because it happens in a way that makes EVERYONE look horrible, while Ben is, from a storytelling perspective, a saint… a saint everyone ultimately forgot about.
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virtualreylo · 5 years
My review of TROS:
As some of you may know, I went to see TROS on the premier night, and I wanted to give myself a full week to think everything through to see what stil stood out to me. See-the-fuck-below:
I want to first say that TROS was honestly better than I thought it would be, however, IT WAS SO RUSHED.
I felt like we the audience had zero time to actually react to what was happening because this movie literally had two, maybe even three, movies crammed into a single one.
Rush Job / Leia:
We weren’t given the opportunity to actually feel as though Chewie had died, or really get to know Dio, or properly grieve Leia-Effing-Organa-Skywalker-Solo.
Like seriously, what the hell was up with that? This woman had given so much to the Star Wars universe, and the characters along for the ride couldn’t even have a minute to respond and process.
It was always just so “Onto the next thing!”, and I hated it.
I did like that we were able to kind of get a glimpse of Poe’s background a little more, but when he was given the title of ‘General’, I WISHED they would have also given him just an extra five seconds to process and acknowledge this! That was a huge step for every one around him, and for Leia to do, and it was just glossed over.
With Finn, I hated how he interacted with Rose. Those few seconds reminded me of how we deal with an annoying little cousin. Those two characters literally spent an entire movie together, at least show they’re more than strangers.
I do like how it’s more obvious that he’s force sensitive, but I HATE that JJ made it seem as if he was trying to tell Rey that he had feelings for her or some shit. I mean, if you were paying close enough attention, Finn was telling everyone else around him about it, so it made sense that that was what he was also trying to tell Rey (John Boyega has also confirmed via Instagram that Finn was not trying to tell Rey he loved her). It just could’ve been handled differently, and I don’t think Finn’s story had to be based around Rey, of course, until he met Jannah...
Rose - My, my, my. It was such a shame to see her character pushed to the sidelines in such a harsh way. I understand she may not have needed to be such a big character in TROS, however TLJ made me feel like she was part of the gang.
If JJ wanted to exercise his creativity, he could have included her and formed it in a way where it wasn’t so in your face. Instead, after alllll the backlash and harassment Kelly had dealt with, her character was pretty much trashed, and at a time when female friendship was needed in the Star Wars films.
I actually loved C3PO’s humor in this one - But part of me did feel a little betrayed about how easy it was for the gang to decide to just destroy his mind (Its rediculous when you think about it lmao). I am not saying it didn’t make sense, I just wish they would have taken only an extra 5 seconds to be like “Mmm... Are we sure?” - But no, it was always “On to the next thing!”
Chewie - Yall already know that I wanted a bigger reaction to the almost-death. Again, literally 5 seconds more could have made the difference.
In addition, it would have been amazing to see Chewie and Ben interact...
What the actual fuck?
I seriously felt as though I blinked and Lando just popped up with no acknowledgment.
I was soooo frustrated, because Lando was a big character that I think a lot of people were looking forward to seeing, and the only one excited to be there, was Lando himself.
Everyone just kinda had the reaction of: “Oh, hey.” on screen. WTF!!!
The spy, eh? Full on caps-lock-pissy-mode activated.
Sorry. The end.
Also, he looked hot af in this movie.
Now, let’s get into the heavy.
I, again, hated how rushed this movie was, and that included how they dealt with Rey’s character and growth.
Only one year had passed, you’re telling me she learned all of these powers and moves by Leia? Let’s say that was the case, JUST SHOW US HOW. Even a 10 second clip of just their various training methods or sessions! Anything.
Don’t get me wrong: I know Rey is a Palpatine (Rolling my mf eyes) - so she would obviously be very powerful. But the last we saw of Rey, she was lost and struggling how to move on.
Her saber was broken, she had the Jedi textbooks, and she was lost.
What happened??
Along side this, I was extremely disappointed to find out that she was indeed a Palpatine. I had my theories when TFA came out, but I, along with so many others, loved the fact that she didn’t have to be part of any big name in order to be a strong, self sufficient lead, and I think Rian Johnson did a great job at letting us know and feel that during the mirror/cave scene in TLJ.
Rey’s overall attitude this movie really left a sour taste in my mouth. I get that she was hurt, and angry, and panicking... But, she acted like an ass quite honestly.
But, to me, it kind of played into the dark side of herself, though I wished that was explained a bit more for people that don’t really get into Star Wars as much as we do.
With that said: I wished Rey was still a nobody from Jakku, and that she kept a little bit of her curious/sweet side. And I wished her growth was shown a bit more - Not in just the powers she used against Kylo Ren.
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren:
Can we seriously just take a minute to thank Adam Driver? This isn’t me being up his ass. As an aspiring director, his acting was amazing in this movie, and I feel he really out did himself.
With that said: I, again, hate how everyone’s characters and growth were glossed over in TROS, as if TLJ never happened and it’s really so childish and disheartening. If Abrams wanted to literally skip TLJ, he should have manned up and taken on TLJ himself.
I feel like Kylo Ren was back in his TFA ways; Demanding, with a little charm now. I liked it, but I would have liked it a little more if he actually talked to Rey like a normal human being like he did in TLJ.
(But, Kylo Ren with an attiude? FuCk YeS pLeAsE.)
Ben Solo: Can we all just marry you now? That fucking switch was everything, his ‘Ow’ was everything, his lightsaber throw-age was everything, his interaction with Han was life, and kicking ass and forgetting names was the best fucking time.
I wished he had more lines in the end, literally, how does he barely have any lines as BEN SOLO!!!!
But jesus, the way he literally crawled out of the dark to save Rey was everything.
And that kiss? I could stare at it for hours.
Amazing acting with these characters, brav-fucking-o.
The end (+THAT “death”):
Ben Solo is not dead.
That is not denial.
I think that is the “hope” that JJ kept referring to. There are so many big points that show he isn’t, and I think down the line, we will get another movie with his comeback.
With the end, I hated how Rey didn’t seem to react to his death either, but I think it leads to something bigger: She feels him out there somewhere, in the in-between.
I do not like how she adopted the Skywalker name... I wished she stuck with the “Just Rey.” shit. I lived for that.It’s great, she has some sense of belonging, if that’s what you want to call it... But again, it was thrown together and it isn’t real.
The ending itself was left open: Yellow lightsaber, and walking around on Tattooine? I really doubt she stayed there.
I hated how rushed it was, and how JJ tried to erase TLJ (Seriously, if you aim to do that shit to a movie, JUST DON’T TAKE THE JOB, YOU SCARED/POSSESSIVE POS!! Let’s say the movie was split up in two, with the same outcome, but at least TLJ still existed in his world - I would be 100% okay with that!
But, that’s not how it was handled, and we the fandom, were provided a “close” to a saga that we rode with for many, many years just to have it all thrown down the drain without a second thought.
 I do believe a LOT of last minute decisions were made, especially with editing. But I sincerely hope that we get a glimpse into the shit that was left out, at least on the DVD extras, or an extended version of the movie (GOD, PLEASE).
When all is said and done:
- Ben Solo will come back.
- Rey’s story will continue.
- Hopefully we have a director that actually cares about the characters and story.
- I am looking forward to the novelization, the Kylo Ren comics, those DVD extras, and once the dust settles I really want to see what JJ and the cast have to say for this shit.
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faunusrights · 6 years
another saturday, another series of me screaming. not much of an intro up here just a plunge straight tino desert bullfuckery. here we GO-
Then the mass at the core of them took shape, practically glowing from inside like a coal in a burner. Glynda recognized the patterns of gold surging with Aura along Cinder’s dress, the long strides which carried her over the molten remains of the stone spire.
we’re opening with this quote because i feel like i never did express how absolutely God Damn Sexy cinder is in this chapter. there is something VERY attractive abt having someone become SO POWERFUL they are completely overwhelming. this is going from a candle to a blowtorch. i’m very into it. i don’t think i ever said that before BUT HERE WE ARE.
im pretty sure this is their first real desert encounter but i wonder if glynda would have noticed any marginal increases to cinder’s fire bullshit if she hadn’t been so focused on the hunt..... but no glynda needs to whapped in her face with a wet fish before she notices JACK SHIT,
glynda yr EYES,
Even the slightest graze against her Aura invoked flash sweats, the heat of the desert paling in comparison.
i get that shit from sitting in a 24C bedroom i would be DEAD BY NOW,
i wonder how fire like this feels to cinder... ive written weiss as being immune to cold before (which is hilarious when she’s trying to articulate how cold something is to someone who actually, yknow, feels it) and im like... is cinder like ‘well this is toasty warm’... cinder whats yr body temp.... hello..........................
honestly i just wanna know, as someone who hates heat, what its like, to not hate it,
Too much, if she was being honest, but staying here meant death, and death meant failure.
my favourite character trope is people who think failure > death, and honestly it makes me think of hermione when shes like... we could get killed, or worse, expelled. im just rly enjoyin this HYPERFOCUSED GLYNDA OKAY.............. shes just so 👌 and also a moron,
“It must be the heat.”
/distantly: ‘its cause yr so hot,’
Yet for all that Cinder must have known what rushed at her back, she didn’t waver, her eyes set on Glynda, never straying.
i mean lets be real you’ll have read to the end of this chapter before reading my blathering like a total Foole so like... consider how terrifying it must be to have yr rival ignoring the danger (because she has nothing to fear) just to focus on u. so powerful! u’d shit yrself! there’s nothing in the WORLD to draw her attention from u..... Oh No,
glynda Yet again refuses to fear Anything do u kno how many times this stupid lesbian ends up in trouble because of this??? Too Many is the answer. too.... fuckign many.
Glynda was as vulnerable as a rabbit in a snare.
velvet scarlatina is en route to break yr bones,
A jolt of terrible recognition shot down her spine at the sight of Cinder Fall silhouetted against the sunlight filtering in, her dress billowing around her as her flame construct faded into nothing behind her.
i stan this Aesthetiq Bitch!!!!! like HONESTLY she stood there, waited for glynda to fuckin look up, posing, silhouetted, the billowing wind.... darth vader who? only one bitch has the pizzazz, the willpower, the flawless Look(tm), and its cinder.
It was like looking into a mirror and trying to parse the empty gaze staring back at her.
oh bitch what a good line THATS A GOOD LINE WHAT THE HELL
oh no like. thats really good, actually, like, oh no. THATS. MMMMMMM-
He would have to take her destroyed body back to Beacon, for she could never return to the only home she’d ever known by her own feet again.
god thats. Rough. like i love the whole desert arc bit thing because it is Full Of gifts but also. it takes away so much.
Cinder’s toes curled against the stone. “Leave.”
honestly the references to cinder’s sigils are. very good. she is Hot and i would like cinder to step on me, and also kill me maybe,
Cinder stood silent and still as a queen, watching her soldiers lower their heads as they passed her by.
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i was threatened and the threat came to PASS, WHAT THE FUCK,
god cinder is SO GOOD IN THIS REMASTER shes powerful, sexey, a small gay loser....................... i am Lovin It and im EATIN HER UP...... but srsly tho the thirst,
there ARE still a bunch of 👈😎👈 moments but we finally had one of the bigger juicy bits drop (AND WE HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN ALL OF THE JUICE YET..... CHUG CHUG BABEY) so its Fine and also-
Alerted by some miniscule sound, Cinder’s head turned, eyes gleaming like an animal’s by night.
THE GLOWY EYES HAVE COME TO PASS THIS CHAPTER GIVES SO MUCH oh my god i have been waiting on the glowy eyes for. Years. i am 97 years old,
Instead, Cinder examined Glynda closely before crouching carefully before her, one knee pressed into the ground.
‘will u marry me’ ‘wh-’ ‘im attracted to idiots and i gotta say u have maybe 2 braincells going for u rn,’
“The great Glynda Goodwitch, on her knees before the enemy.” Cinder said, thumb smoothing an errant tangle of blonde hair out of Glynda’s eyes. “Do you understand what I could do to you?”
im losing my FUCKIGN MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is. god. u kno in films where the bad guy flirts relentlessly in a position of power.... well i never cared for it because it was almost always hetero but as it turns out, like most things, when its gay i am HERE 4 IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Red-hot and foreign, it was entirely unlike any other Aura Glynda had ever felt. In her years, Glynda had encountered hundreds of people and their Auras—but this was something dark and feral, wine-red and ichor-black, shooting scalding and angry through Glynda’s own body. A steady flow of blood or a seep of decay; Cinder’s Aura was so wild it barely felt human at all.
did i say i wouldnt 👈😎👈? jk i lied
honestly? diesel n kc can. die,,
god why is this scene SO...... WHY ARE THEY NOT KISSING YET, IS THE THING, IS THE QUESTION, I HAVE TO ASK-- like seriously this scene became. 3x more queer than it was before. are yall seeing this shit????????????
Just who was Cinder Fall?
okay so. okay. did i mention i love the desert arc? because i DO and i continue to LOVE IT and i cannot wait for the bullshit that was chapter 7 now chapter 9??? did i get that right i probably didnt. BUT STILL,
anyway this chapter was powerful and gay and i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CINDER, U SEXY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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utopianvoices · 6 years
one and only | l.minho
↭ genre: relationship au; angst, fluff
↭ word count: 2.2k
↭ a/n: big big shoutout to @chanrismatic for giving me basically the whole plot idea!
you and minho were no doubt a really busy couple
you were busy with your uni and he was busy with his idol career 
but that didn’t stop ya’ll from seeing each other as often as ya’ll could
which was really often
because you two always found time for each other 
he was your pillar of support when you were going through tough times in uni and you were his when he was going through all the stress of idol life
well it’s pretty funny how ya’ll met
because lo and behold
you were jisung’s sister
one day when you go and visit your brother at the dorm because who else are you gonna annoy other than your twin brother
this amazingly handsome and hot and pretty and cute boy opened the door you were knocking on incessantly 
“yea yea i’m coming calm yourself wo-”
he just stopped mid sentence and stared at you 
and you stared at him
and you probably would have continued staring if it wasn’t for him shouting for jisung
but what you didn’t hear because of how distracted you were by the loud clashing noises coming from the dorm is the “but the cuter and prettier version of you” that minho uttered underneath his breath
before you could say anything
a wild jisung catapults straight into your arms and squeezes the life out of you
“jisung i saw your ugly ass two days ago”
“so???? i still miss you”
yep ya’ll were a cute pair of twins
so you were just spending the day with jisung when you ask the question that’s been on your mind since the moment the door to the dorm opened
“hey poop, who’s the guy that opened the door for me? you know the one who wasn’t very good looking or anything”
clearly you were amazing at being subtle
jisung gives you the side eyes and just goes “hmMMHmm” in his head
“that’s minho hyung. he’s the dancer in our team, born in 1998 and will probably date you”
you did a double take and just put on your innocent face like nOoooooO you totally didn’t want to date him
but you end up dating him anyway 
end of flashback and back to the present
you were done with your classes pretty early that day because one of your professors called in sick
and it just so happened to be your last class
so you messaged your boyfriend asking him if he was free for lunch
and perfectly, he was out and about with the rest of the boys filming the street mv for their song “rock” 
and he was clear from schedules for the rest of the day
so replies to your message saying that they were just done with filming and that he will meet you at the starbucks with the rest of the boys
and adds a lot of fluffly and cringey emojis
which makes your heart go baduMP BADUMP
you leave your campus with a smile on your face and make your way to the starbucks
the boys were already at said starbucks fighting over who was gonna pay for the drink we all know its gonna be chan in the end
when minho feels someone tapping his shoulder
he turns around to see his childhood girl best friend
he smiles the widest smile because he hadn’t seen her for years after she moved away from seoul
and grabs her in a hug
“omG i haven’t seen you for so long!!!! it’s been years, (f/n)!”
“tell me about it!!! my my look at you minho you haven’t changed one bit” his friend teased him
while all this was going on, the boys were gaping at the both of them
before jisung let out a really exaggerated cough and gave minho a pointed look that screamed “please explain as to why you’re fucking clinging onto this girl”
but minho doesn’t catch onto it because of how excited he was to see his best friend
“guys this is my childhood best friend, f/n!!! we grew up together since our diaper days and i haven’t seen her in years!”
jisung, clearly not pleased about it, mutters a “right” and turns towards the rest of the group who were clearly tensed up
minho, forgetting about the rest of his friends, grabs his friend’s hand and leads her to a table, where they sit and catch up on all the years they had missed
and while all these eventful things had been happening, it totally slipped minho’s mind that his girlfriend was on his way to the starbucks, excited to see him after a good week of hardly any time spent together
you walk into the starbucks and spot the boys first, but finding it odd that minho wasn’t with them
but you still walk over to them and greet them with a hug
“hey guys where’s minho?”
“umMMmm well you see he-”
and before chan could explain the situation to you, you hear the voice of your boyfriend that you would recognise anywhere 
accompanied by a girl’s voice
you whip your head around just to see the girl grab minho’s hand and say the words that made your whole world come crashing down around you in a split second
“i can’t believe i’m doing this now but i’m in love with you minho. since we were kids. but i was too scared to tell you because i was convinced you were going to reject me and we would lose our friendship. but over the years my feelings just got stronger and here i am pouring everything to you”
you immediately turn around on your heels and leave before the tears start falling because you hated crying in front of people
minho looks at his friend shocked not knowing what to reply, when he hears a door slam
he turns around just to catch a glimpse of your furious silhouette leaving the starbucks
what the fuck did he just do
he was about to get up and go after you but jisung who had, together with the rest of the boys, witnessed everything stopped him with a glare
“don’t” was the only thing he mutters before running after you
minho can only stand there shocked as the sight of his love leaving the store with anger, frustration and hurt, drives daggers into his heart 
that’s when he remembers that his friend is still sitting there, watching the whole scene unfold with an open mouth
“i’m sorry f/n but i already have a girlfriend who i really love more than anything. and i don’t know what i’ll do if i lose her”
the thought of losing you was enough to cause the tears to well up in his eyes
f/n nods and shoots him a sad but understanding smile, knowing that she had no chance with him because he was clearly with someone who made him happy
“it’s alright minho. i’m just glad i got it out of my system because it’s been eating my alive, not knowing what you were thinking. i’m really sorry for causing all this trouble....” she trailed off, looking at the door uncertainly
“it’s fine, really. you couldn’t have known” minho mumbled, still unable to concentrate fully when his thoughts kept wondering back to you
“can we..... can we still be friends?” 
minho shoots her a small but genuine smile and replies with a “best friends forever”
the two friends smile at each other and she encourages him with a “go get your girl”
that’s all he needed to scramble up to his feet and make his way towards the door
the rest of the boys who had been looking at the whole scene unfold, rushed towards him once they realised he had sorted things out with his friend
they shoot her an apologetic smile and leave the starbucks in a hurry, clearly wanting to help their teammate get his girl back
you, on the other hand, were in your and minho’s shared apartment, bawling your eyes out into your pillow
the rational part of your brain was telling you that you probably shouldn’t have jumped to a conclusion and left without an explanation
but 99% of your brain was ruled by irrationality at that point
you heard your brother’s voice float through the apartment, seemingly sounding closer and closer as he walked towards where you were
you felt the bed sink as he sat at the edge, rubbing your back and whispering for you to calm down
soon you calmed down, hiccupping here and there as you crawled into your brother’s arms 
“you know he loves you a lot right? i want to tell you that maybe you should have listened to him but i don’t think that’s what you need now”
“you literally just told me dipshit”
“oops i guess it was meant to be jammed into your brain”
you smacked your annoying but loving brother and sighed
“do you think it’s too late if i go back and ask for an explanation now?”
jisung just turned and looked at you like you were dumb
which you kinda were, at that point of time
“y/n, my sweet sweet dumb sister, even if you were to hit him i’m sure he couldn’t get mad at you. have u seen the disgusting googly eyes he has whenever he sees you?”
and following this statement, jisung fake gagged, earning a light slap from you
you looked at him with determination in your eyes and got up, ready to call your boyfriend when the door to your apartment burst open, with 8 boys falling in one after another
but one stood out to you; he always did 
ya’ll just stared at each other, unsure of what to say, when the rest of the boys took the hint and left the apartment
“so ummm...” you trail off, not knowing what to say now that you were cooled down with 99% of your brain back to rationality
but before you could start overthinking, minho interrupts and just starts off ranting
“im so sorry baby i swear i didn’t know she felt that way about me and also i didn’t mean to forget about you it’s just that i hadn’t seen her in a long time and she was my best friend since i was a kid and i really feel like i’ve ruined things but like i really don’t want you to leave me and-”
this boy wasn’t stopping even for a damn breath
so you did the first thing that came to your mind
you smacked his head 
i bet yall thought i was gonna say kiss him but nAh fam 
he let out a small ‘ouch’ but it got him to shut up 
“i understand now.... i’m really sorry for leaving without listening to your explanation. and don’t be silly i’ll never hate you. you provide me with way too much entertainment” you say and shoot him a cheeky smile
he rolls his eyes and crushes you in a hug, relieved that you will still remain his 
just then he realised something
“did you just smack my head to get me to shut up”
you laugh nervously and slowly try to get away from his grip when his hands shoot to your sides and start tickling you
you scream-laugh and try to get away from him but somehow you just end up dragging him onto the floor 
he was hovering above you still tickling you when you grabbed his hands to stop him
both of ya’ll breathing heavily from laughing too hard 
and he just stares at you with this soft smile because he still can’t believe how he scored someone like you
cue the same thoughts racing through your head
and this is where he actually leans in and kisses you softly because why not
ya’ll were really the cutest couple out there
the boys slowly open the apartment door, afraid that you had killed minho or something because you were known for your scariness when you were angry
and they see ya’ll having this soft moment and they just have different reactions in general
most of them either aww-ed or gagged
but jisung, being an idiot, walked over and kicked minho off of you and shot him the best brotherly glare he could muster 
which wasn’t really a glare 
was more like a squirrel trying to look upset
which is really cute
but anyways yes
“you pull this shit one more time and i’m gonna...i’m gonna...uhm.. idK what i’ll do but you watch your back” he said as he narrows his eyes and shows minho a ‘i’m watching you’ sign with his fingers
you stare at jisung and wonder how you were related to that... thing that clearly had no more than one brain cell
minho pretended to be scared to humour jisung and raised both his hands in surrender
“yes boss”
and that’s how you and minho have a prospering relationship, with more understanding, lesser fights, and 8 other third-wheels (or eight-wheels)
∞ end ∞
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steviesays · 6 years
In depth analysis of Solo: a Star Wars Story
wow that title makes it look like this wasn’t just me rambling for 4 whole ass pages on word, but I wanted to give you guys all of my thoughts and reactions on the movie. All of the spoilers are going to be under the cut and I’ll continue to tag spoilers for solo for the next two weeks, so until JUNE 8TH so none of you are allowed to yell at me for spoiling the movie. 
alright yall here we go im going to start with the plot and move into the characters the same way I did for tlj.
After coming out of this movie, it took me the entire ride home to process and think about whether I even liked it or not. When I got home, I had a two hour long conversation with my brother on the purpose of all of these movies rather than on what the movie is about because hes a fake fan and didn’t go see it last night. But anyway, after giving a brief synopsis with as little spoilers as possible, we kind of came to the consensus that this movie didn’t really matter, plot wise. It was kind of just made to sell tickets (even though they didn’t even sell tickets because there was no promo). Literally the whole movie was just an adventure that Han Solo went on, there was no real character arc, Han was the same person he was at the end as he was at the beginning, the only real development was him meeting chewie and lando and getting the millennium falcon. Did we really HAVE to see the kessel run, like yeah it was cool, but having the whole movie based around that? I feel like we were all kind of expecting more of a backstory, which is what it was kind of advertised as, and I think it would have been more effective, at least from a fan perspective, to have seen what Han’s life was when he was a child on Correlia. We still have no information on his parents, except for his dad was apparently a mechanic that wanted to be a pilot. We don’t know how he became orphaned or how he ended up with that fucking lizard monster thing, how he met Qi’ra, or how any of this affected him. I think they just started the movie at a bad spot, but that decision was made to maximize profit. I guess no casual movie goer would want to see han solo roughing it through some angst, but for people that are fully invested in star wars? It was just kind of a pointless action movie.
Other than that, it was a decent movie overall. I didn’t walk out of it pissed like I did with tlj, it kind of just made me feel nothing. Like I knew all this shit before, I didn’t need to see it in a two hour film. Him meeting chewie and lando, getting the falcon and doing the kessel run in 12 parsecs were things that were already established. There was nothing really spectacular about this movie it kind of just exists as a plot extender, rather than something that moves the plot forward or gives us major insights. I guess they can get away with it being useful to plot by the scene at the end that establishes to everyone that Darth Maul is still alive and fucking up the galaxy, but they could have just made their own damn darth maul movie, which is probably coming anyway based on that scene.
 But now that I’ve dragged the movie enough, lets get into the characters because I have a lot to say. There were characters that I really liked, characters that had a lot of potential, and characters that I hated.
Lets start with han. I really liked him in this movie and I like the actor they got for him, I think he did a really great job showing han’s snark and egoism while also keeping his inner goodness and making sure the audience was sympathetic. As I said before, he didn’t really develop much as a character, he was born a scoundrel and stayed that way. His quest to do whatever he could to get home so he could save Qi’ra was something we all would have expected out of him. I did like that we were able to see his street smarts and ability to strategize more than we have in other movies. I guess we have a bit of development, in that he learns to be even less trusting than he already was at the beginning through all of the betrayals in the movie, but like …. He was already distrustful in the beginning from the life he had already lived. Also, this has nothing to do with what I was just saying but I just remembered, this is during the time of the empire. Didn’t the empire use cloned Stormtroopers as their infantry and navy with humans only being officers …………………… like correct me if im wrong, but im like 90% sure that’s right. Because the first order were the ones that used human Stormtroopers. And even so like, what are these infantry men even doing. Aren’t Stormtroopers the ones that have always invaded planets for the empire, these people weren’t wearing any type of armor or cohesive uniforms and I just remember being confused as fuck during this whole sequence. In a ‘this is a major plot hole’ kind of way. Were they running out of clones ?????? like just make more ???????????? like the whole reason they used clones was because using actual humans to do grunt work was barbaric and clones aren’t really seen as people. Also now that I’m thinking about it what happened to all of the clones once the war ended. I haven’t watched or read many of the side stories or books, so I don’t know if it’s just me that’s missing something, but idk having han join the empire as an infantryman just didn’t make sense to me. Also having an imperial officer be the one to give him his last name was just kind of yikes. Like they couldn’t have just had him come up with one himself in that moment. Whatever.
Now lets talk about Qi’ra aka fake bitch. I fucking hated her so much through this entire movie and not just because I called her fake leia in the lead up to it coming out (tell me han doesn’t have a type). Like what the hell honestly. She was the WORST. And its kind of sad because she really had the potential to be a better character, but it just did not happen. Like she was gone for three years and just happened to appear back at some sketch party? And the only explanation for it was “yeah ive been through some shit don’t ask.” And what killed me is that she just never fucking explained!!! Like han asked her multiple times to tell him what happened in the in-between time and they have this whole ass history, he was doing all this shit FOR YOU, and he doesn’t even get an explanation ???? at the very least give the viewers an explanation. Like I guess it was implied that she did some dark shit, slept her way to the top, killed a few people on the way there, but HOW ??? WHY ??? WHEN ???? how long has she been involved in this shit to be at the position she has and to be so changed by it? Her character was the one that changed the most, from being careful of people other than the one she trusted (han), but still having hope for a better life, to just being like fuck everyone, I’m here for me and I don’t care how many people I have to kill or betray to survive. But we never got that character development in the film so she just came off as a terrible human being. We never got the chance to be sympathetic for her, and tbh im about to get even more angry because this whole film was centered around M E N yes I said it im being that bitch right now because the women in this movie were paid DUST.
And on that note lets talk about fucking Val. Another character with so much potential that was just …………………. hnjdklsbckdsbcbsdlv. She was the literal embodiment of the angry black woman trope and it pissed me the fuck off. She was the one that refused to bend on bringing han into the group and continued to antagonize him the whole mission, which the audience obviously took as a damn joke because duh its han fucking solo. We all know that she’s wrong, but when everyone else jumped on board with han she stayed adamant in her position, making her the odd one out of the group. Every time she opened her damn mouth I got mad because she just kept putting han and chewie down and it was just so cringey because I knew that this would make her either a hated or a forgotten character. AND THEN SHE JUST FUCKING DIED. I was like oh ok, 20 minutes in and the whole squad is dead already god damn. Which brings me into my analysis of tobias.
I love woody harrelson and he did a great job but there were a few scenes that just annoyed me, one of them being after his squad dies. Like hes sad for like 5 seconds, punches han which is an understandable reaction considering the fact that it was his fault everyone died for no reason, and then hes just fine again? Like it was never brought up again that two people he was obviously very close to, especially Val, just died pointless deaths. Even the night before the mission he was like ‘yeah you got to get someone you can trust I got my girl val’ and then they kiss and im like oh ok theyre in love that’s cute we love representation of interracial couples, but then she dies and he never mentions her name again. He doesn’t even grieve for longer than 2 minutes ??? he gives han another chance even though this was 100000% his fault and everyone knows it ??? it was kind of like oh, ok why the fuck did we even do that, why did I have to watch all of this happen if there are no consequences. His character didn’t change at all throughout the movie either. He’s just as distrustful and self-centered as he was, he just has less friends now and he’s dead. He was a good fatherly/mentor-y figure for han throughout the movie, but that’s about it.
I don’t really have much to say about Lando other than the fact that Donald glover did a great job, but I really didn’t expect much else. B U T last week I reblogged a post about him confirming that lando was pan and in the tags I was like lol watch him still be in a het relationship and GUESS FUCKING WHAT. Like its as if they thought making him be in love with a robot that has a female voice, a female build, and people that address her with she/her pronouns would be enough for people to be like come on it’s a fucking robot they don’t have gender …. hsdakbckdsla and while we’re on this subject lets talk about L3 because her (it? I don’t even know) character probably made me the most angry while watching the movie.
L3 being like an advocate for droids was an obvious parallel to other civil rights movements like womens rights or even African American rights and the way it was handled made me so fucking angry. Everything the droid said was used as comic relief or made to be received as a joke because obviously shes talking about fucking robots. But honestly, let me get deep for a moment here, droids in the star wars universe ARE sentient. They have minds of their own and are put into the story like characters, but theyre treated as lesser because theyre not made of flesh and blood. I understand and identify with the things L3 was saying because she’s right, but through the whole movie it was made to be a joke, because you know droids don’t need rights theyre droids. But that was the same thing people in the fucking 60s were saying about black people we’re ‘just n******’ (im sorry I cant even type the word it makes me uncomfortable). And her revolutionary spirit mirrors that of women’s rights revolutionaries today. Being a black woman that’s involved in social justice in America, the characterization of L3 just made me upset because everyone was treating everything she said as a joke, and there was no rectification of it. After L3 died, there was no ‘hmmm maybe she was right maybe we should start thinking of droids more as people’ she was another wasted character whose only use was her navigation system when they could have taken a completely different route and addressed something that was actually wrong with the star wars universe rather than just enforcing it. And when she started to give the droids a mind of their own in the control room I knew it was going to dissolve into chaos and make a horrible situation because it was such a predictable moment that completely undermined social justice actions and it pissed me off.
I guess the plot twist that effys nest (is that how you spell her name? probably not it doesn’t really matter) and her squad were working with the revolution was cute. I deadass thought for a second she was gonna be like ‘what up tobias or should I call you DAD’ cause that would have been a 100% star wars thing to do. The bad guy was a generic bad guy so I really don’t have much to say about him. I loved the scenes between han and chewie which showed why they became so close.
This is really all I have to say about solo for know, nothing huge is coming to mind. Overall, it was a good movie if you’re not a fan, but kind of a wasted opportunity for everyone else. This movie had a lot of potential to deliver and im pretty disappointed that it didn’t. If you don't agree on anything I’ve said or you just want to talk about the movie with me PLEASE dont hesitate to slide into my dms I love discourse
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fathertaurus · 7 years
P.S: a lot of this is just me going off on tangents, if yall dont like it please tell me in my inbox what you would prefer to see in the next part or for other potential celebrities 
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On god you would be on that girl’s Snapchat all the time (well whenever she posts)
She’d have some music blasting while she pans the camera over to you
Her hand is on your thigh
You’re oblivious to her recording
She flips the camera back on her and she has the sweetest grin on her face
But there would be those few times where you’d catch her and you’d groan at the top of your lungs
“The directions say to turn—Oh my— Can you focus on the road please”
“How can I focus on the road when you’re sitting right next to me?”
“…oh be quiet.”
It would be a bit embarrassing how many videos there would be of the two of you screaming 2000s R&B hits
Not to mention how many times those videos would be in the car
So you would catch people staring at you 24:7 which adds on to the amusement
If you’re not playing 2000s R&B it’s Bruno Mars..or Beyoncé..LEMONADE TO BE SPECIFIC
She’d record you singing in the shower
You’d record her singing while she’s cooking or watching tv
It always end in a duet
And whenever you decide to start boogieing she has to hype you up
Because if not who else???
But her hyping would get dangerous
She’d get you so geeked you would probably get down so hard you break something
You: *crashes into wall*
“Oh no.”
*snapchat video cuts out*
Cute Ass Fluffy videos&pictures/MIC
She’d take unnoticed pictures of you whilst you were
Watching tv 
literally doing anything she invades your privacy so much it should be a bit illegal 
You’d both be laughing about something really hard and she’d have to record it (more for her own sake but y’know the world should see it too)
but no one would be about to understand what you guys are saying because you’re both cracking up from laughter
“Y-YOU ARE *snort* SO STUPID–”
“Did you just *cackle* dID YoU JUst sNORT?!”
“OH MY–I’m breaking-g up with you this relations-ship is over.”
You’d be more of the instagram type, posting pictures and videos of her doing similar domestic things
And if you weren’t posting cute photos such as that you were posting a whole bunch of promo for whatever project she was working on
(she would definitely have you model for her clothing line, there is no doubt) 
The two of you would try your best to fit small vacations in your schedules 
they typically clashed due to her working and your schooling but you managed
you would spend months looking for the best place to spend a couple days, extravagant or not 
it could be somewhere on a far away island
or just at some hotel a city away
anything that separates you from your daily stresses 
The cutest thing though is how excited she would be to see you no matter the time of day or what was happening or how long it had been since the last you had seen each other 
it could months when she was off filming somewhere 
it could be weeks–press tours and what not
it could be days in which she had to go travel for some red carpet or fashion show
it could be a couple hours, when she was on very long shoots
and it could be minutes
she just hates being away from you too long
so when she sees you again, the kisses and hugs are indescribable 
and the sex is fantastic who am I kidding 
You two are big fans on PDA
at most its holding hands or a peck on the cheek
You guys are always color-coordinated
You can’t explain why
it just happens 
And the fans love it??????
There are several accounts dedicated to your guys’ matching outfits
Some fans would go into full details about it
Others would just scream
and there are some that think it’s some sort of illuminati conspiracy theory but let’s leave that alone
One of your favorite things to do together in public is go for lunch dates
They weren’t always fancy
sometimes it would just be the two of you sitting in her car eating In-N-Out 
But other occasions were typically instagram worthy
meaning you go somewhere pretty nice and then end up posting a photo of your lunch with her sitting in the background 
these photos would become a collection
every time you guys went out for lunch (or any other meal, but typically lunch) you would post the picture to your gram
And everyone would love you for it
Including Zendaya who would claim to be annoyed by it
but would secretly love it 
And if you weren’t eating meals together it was with your close group of friends/the spiderman:homecoming 
Zendaya would invite your closests friends over and it would be a fantastic “group date” (because they were all severely jealous of your love for each other)
lots of dancing
lots of laughing
lots of really really good food
And even though you guys weren’t alone it still felt like it was just the two of you
You were never in the interview 
but you did your best to be on the sidelines because she loved having you there
And the interviewers always did their damn best to get info on your relationship
They’d get little things but if they asked the right questions like:
What’s something she does that makes you laugh?
What’s your favorite thing to do together?
What’s one of her quirks that you love?
THe girl would go off on a tangent
Just non-stop gushing about you and your shared memories
Which left you burning in the face and caused butterflies to stir in the pit of your stomach 
The first time she takes you to a premiere as he date it would be Spiderman:Homecoming 
and it would be recorded religiously 
People already knew you two had been dating for a while now but this was still your first extremely public outing
Meaning you were nervous as hell
But she helped you pick out the perfect outfit because she wanted you to feel as comfortable as possible while still looking fantastic
And the second you meet her eye she’s on the ground, literally throwing a fit because her girlfriend looks so hot (and someone is off to the side posting the whole thing on her snap)
“Come on I wanna see you!”
“Alright alright I’m coming.”
*walks from around the corner*
“I hate you.”
You would show up on the red carpet and all she would do is either step back and show you off
Or she’d be connected to your hip, fingers intertwined with yours, a hand wrapped around your waist
Regardless, she would be glued to your side all night, not because she’s clingy because she wanted to make sure you were okay
And at the end of the night the two of you would cuddle in bed together and you would continually congratulate her on the movie and remind her how proud you are of everything’s she accomplished
“You’re so talented you know that?’
“I thought I was suppose to be the mushy one babe.”
“Well you deserve a night off.”
“Thanks.” She chuckles shaking her head at you.
“….I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You of course met him whilst Zendaya was working on SP:HC and instantly the three of you built a bond
it might’ve been due to the fact that you were such a big spiderman fan and begged your girlfriend to hang out with him but hey who knows right?? 
(you honestly just wanted to see the suit. Tom Holland who??)
Over the course of the months of working on the movie it soon became impossible to separate the three of you 
You were either
messing around on set (when you were suppose to be at school actually but who cares about education)
going out to eat (and the boy could eat)
and predominantly hanging out at Your’s and Zendaya’s house 
Zendaya made sure to teach the boy a couple of dance moves that she had already taught you 
to which there would be video evidence of
After 14 hours shoots you would come to pick Zendaya up from the set
And Tom would be there too, equally exhausted if not more 
So you asked if he’d like to just spend the night so he wouldn’t have to drive back to his place
He agreed gratefully
but soon after you start inviting other people everyone once in awhile just because it’s a memorable thing
COnstantly posting you guys on his insta story whenever you’re all together
getting into twitter arguments with you both 
becoming memes 
petty & hilarious arguments 
you and Zendaya ganging up on Tom for a multitude of things but of course it’s love
and of course you guys have other friends, couple friends amongst them too but yall got a bond like no other with spider boy
A/N: OKAY THAT’S ALL I HAVE FOR NOW..who knows if anyone will actually see this or enjoy it but hEY I NEED GOOOD ZENDAYA CONTENT AND SINCE YALL NOT DELIVERING I WILL 
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nothingneverforever · 7 years
Remember Me (2010)
It would be accurate to say that I hated this almost wholeheartedly until the last and extremely rushed act when there was some actual, on-screen emotion that didn’t leave implied connections to be made by the viewer, but then this emotion was still very thin anyway and hinged totally on the viewer’s own associative understanding of the 9/11 attacks and less so on loss in general, so perhaps it is better to simply say that I hated this, period.
I remember avoiding this back when it was first released (on DVD at least, I didn’t go to the cinemas for anything besides crap back in 2010. Not that this film isn’t crap….cos it is) for some reason, I think maybe it was rated M18 or something and strangely for an early teen I did usually dutifully avoid such rated films because I didn’t (and still don’t) like explicit scariness or sexualness in any form. And then later on when I had lost interest in the genre (drama/romance?) but gained interest in Robert Pattinson, I still avoided this because it looked dumb. Anyway, we’ve made it here today and I sit eating my nice lentil dinner having just finished the film. So let’s go !
Okay firstly… I am not surprised at all at its 27% rotten tomatoes rating lol
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Maybe it’s personal to me, but I really hate playfighting couples. I talked about it <<here>> briefly, exactly 2 years ago in my Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) review:
This scene, of Clementine and Joel play-fighting got me rather angry. I hate hate hate it when couples, people, do dangerous shit for fun.
^Lmao, rather angry wtf? The writing sucks lol hate it…… But this still stands; in Remember Me the playfighting is not ‘dangerous’ as it was in Eternal Sunshine, but equally successful in making me rather angry in its annoying grossness. Is it unfair for me to find it childish?! Like the fuck??? Where’s the fun in getting each other wet and forcing each other into submission in the shower?! And as complained about to Jade, self-aware, intertextual, referential, whatever the term for it is, scenes, dialogues, films, are as annoying as ones done in earnest.
Okay this playfighting scene was a one off, but it is absolutely extrapolate-able and gives insight to why Ally’s character was so phony and wobbly. Ally ultimately stands for nothing, all her quirks don’t create a whole, and as a result we can anticipate nothing from her nor can we actually feel for her at all. That I have dessert before the main scene was shockingly out of place because its manic pixie dream girl brazenness and eccentricity don’t present itself anywhere else. Full transcript of her dumbass dialogue (re: why she has dessert before the main. Substituting their names with Girl/Guy cos that’s literally all they are, their chemistry is so absent and their connection so fucking blah that they are any and every guy/girl ever):
GIRL: I just don't see the point in waiting. What if l die eating my vindaloo?
GUY: Is that probable?
GIRL: It's possible. Embolism bursts, asteroid hits the restaurant. I'd die without having eaten the one thing l wanted most.
GUY: l mean, the odds are...
GIRL: Tell you what. Guarantee me, swear to me on your eternal soul that l make it through my entre, and I'll wait. Before you answer, if l die, you're gonna have to live the rest of your life knowing not only did you lie to me, but you denied me of my one last indulgence. My last wish. Are you prepared to shoulder that kind of responsibility to prove a point?
If you feel like that second bit (swear to me on your eternal soul etc etc ad nauseam) went on for far longer than its logical reach, you’re right, and you’re lucky you didn’t have to sit through it. “Are you prepared to shoulder that kind of responsibility to prove a point?” - eh, i don’t remember anyone but you having a dumbass point you were desperate to prove, unprovoked?? I don’t know, I don’t think this is specific to the film’s storytelling or scriptwriting, I just generally am averse to such people in real life (same with the playfighting issue I guess). Like Jade said when I complained about this scene to her, it reminded of her Zoe Kazan’s character in What If? (2013) which we barely emerged from alive. Fuck that film lol seriously. Sorry I made yall sit through it… But Daniel Rafcliffe is so nice :’( Okay but how should I best describe these increasingly commonplace female characters? Manic pixie dream girl doesn’t suffice anymore (lmao I googled MPDG just so I could get ideas of other prototypes and wiki lists Belle from the 1991 Beauty and the Beast as one?!), and I feel that they do belong to a specific type. Just reading the dialogue above, don’t a handful of other annoyingass “””not like other girls””” girls from film come to mind? I don’t know, does ‘fake-witty’ cover enough ground? Like Jade says, why do people even enjoy these characters? Just because they are different from what is commonly shown doesn’t make them more endearing or likable or even remotely realistic surely?
In general, MPDGs are dangerous because their blinded male lovers don’t seem them in any real measure, more as designs of their own, existing to imbue their own lives with all they are missing. But in Remember Me, we don’t even get to see how Guy sees Girl, much less see her for our own selves. Guy and Girl barely share a meaningful eyeline, I can’t recall a single intimate or perfectly honest conversation, which leads me to……
UGH I’m tired of big screen romances having their highs shown almost exclusively through physical intimacy, because this message is completely toxic, and this is not just me spreading my asexual agenda honestly? Seriously, how much of a copout is it for the connection to be, you know, ambling on just fine, nothing special or sparkly, until that one kiss or that one morning-after with a camera pan of the girl’s bare back kissed with soft dusty morning sunlight and the guy looking at her from the window with some kind of stupidass serious contemplation? Can we not be led to believe that this is how connections are formed, that you know someone when you know their body? It’s like that song, Suzanne by Leonard Cohen , that Leila used to play over and over when we sat alone at the pagoda every Tuesday, an hour early for our organic farming sessions, which I now love because it reminds me of those nice sunny times and nice sunny Leila who I loved so much, but bleghhh this line plz stop: And you know that she will trust you/For you've touched her perfect body with your mind.
I know, it’s obvious, Guy and Girl here are each other’s safe places in a world where so much is messy and dark for them, etc etc etc, but we don’t get a sense of the warmth at all, we don’t see how much they love/need/appreciate each other or why.
Conclusion: I do not ship Guy and Girl because there was literally nothing to go off on and therefore the entire emotional premise cannot stand and we cannot love anyone or anything we see on screen.
Moving on~
Okay it’s unfair to compare the two just because of the 9/11 relevance, but seeing this reminded me of When God Was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman that I read in 2011. It remains one of my all-time favourite books, and I remember liking it so much I lent it to Rebecca, and then later Nichole, and Krysia, and maybe some others. Lol cute memories, being in school, with girls, nice girls, wearing a uniform, sitting outside the class on the steps by the grass patch…2011 was chill as hell. ANYWAY the book changed my life and I remember sobbing in my bed when I first read it, because 9/11 being woven into the storyline felt authentic and necessary and actually helpful to our understanding of its characters – what little I’ve read of the critiques of Remember Me from Rotten Tomatoes decry its opportunist, ‘piggybacking’ of the tragedy. I’m sure everything I feel about the cheapness of the 9/11 insertion has already been written about, and my arms /shoulders hurt from my heaviest clean and press sets ever last night, so let me look for something that speaks what is in my heart.
Okie, found something close enough:
I hate this movie. I hate it a lot. And I want to spoil the ending right here but I won't. I want you to go feel the same feeling of being sucker-punched that I anti-enjoyed in the final minutes when THE BIG SURPRISE ENDING takes place. Because it's cheap. And shallow. And manipulative in a way that's not heartwarming or cute or moving. It's just gross and infuriating. It's also pretty easy to predict: a rug-pulling, emotionally pornographic climax of tragedy-kitsch that will come to you early if you're willing to pay attention to small details here and there, things the movie just puts in the background or touches on briefly, creating a timeline and an inevitable outcome that it finally shoves in your face with a big, "TA-DAAAH! TIME TO CRY EVERYONE! DO IT! NOW!"  (source)
Ah this doesn’t fit in anywhere else so here is an important stand-alone comment: fuck the opening of the film! Honestly is it naiveté that I don’t believe something like that would happen? Okay not that it would never, but it’s certainly not probable? Who the fuck shoots the individual, a mother to a young (and present!) girl no less, they successfully rob and are getting away comfortably from? I don’t wanna be this person but………..it seemed damn racist lol
Okay so obviously it’s the cheapest technique in the book but I am a sucker for voiceovers, especially ones that open and/or close films (I’m sure there’s a technical term for this, but whatever). Okay well not all, the dumbass fake deep quotes that the Twilight series open with are, well, dumbass. But the film series still rocks :-) fight me if u disagree :-)  But okay the point is that Remember Me ends with Tyler (whose life we know to have just been taken by the 9/11 attacks) and this stupidly moving voiceover narration:
Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it, because nobody else will. Like when someone comes into your life, and half of you says, "You're nowhere near ready," but the other half says, "Make her yours forever." Michael, Caroline asked me what l would say if I knew you could hear me. I said l do know. "I love you. God, l miss you. And I forgive you."
Sorry but…………..that is just truly so stupidly moving. :’( I need my inspiration spoon-fed with zero subtlety, and this did just that. I will indeed do all I want to in life! Nobody else will! I’m gonna make her mine forever! And I truly miss and love everyone who has ever been in my life!
Since we’re on the positives now let me also generously add that there was in fact a lot of potential in the film. Which…naturally….only made it all the more disappointing. But, okay, there was a lot of richness in the subplots. Maybe too much, because it was slightly stifling, how little space they were given. But that’s only realistic right? That one guy and one girl should have at any time a hundred other things going on in their lives that aren’t played out on centre stage. So that’s good, yay. Robert Pattinson’s sister’s narrative especially was quite unique, subtle, engaging, and all in all a nice character to follow. It taught me things about the various ways in which mettle presents itself in different people, and made me want to know how to stand my ground more convincingly. I have a long way to go in denouncing cowardice. Again, I think the voiceovers helped in this respect. Pushes the viewer just enough while holding them back in the right ways, deepening roots while inspiring upward growth. Nice!  
Okay I think I’m done……..gtg eat lunch
No offence but Miley Cyrus’ new song Malibu contains and inspires ten times the emotion that this film did. This being said, I did cry in one of the final shots, of Pierce Brosnan bringing his daughter round (presumably) the Met. Only cos he’s a good actor though. Like everything else in the final act of the film, his character’s growth was very heavy-handed and traditional but he played it well. Also Malibu rocks. Also I need to stop listening to pop music :’( save me!
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