#did you guys know not every animal has wolf ears and a wolf snout...wild right
skunkes · 2 years
thsi is so mean and evil but sometimes I'll stress over not drawing smunker accurately enough and then immediately have my worries quelled upon looking at. any given popular [within fandom] rendition. Of an anthropomorphic skunk.
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your-denki-kun · 4 years
Katsuki x Reader
You grew up in the wild and are going to teach 3-A some basic skill for a week. After the week of harsh training they have a week off, in which Katsuki goes to you every day.
Just some random fluff. That’s it
~3rd person pov.~
''Hey uncle Shouta.'' You say in a tired voice as you approach your tired uncle.
''Hey, you ready to teach these headaches some outdoor skills?'' He asks you.
''I guess.'' You shrug.
Shouta Aizawa is your uncle. Your mom was his sister, but she died a few years ago. You don't see Shouta often, seeing as you live in the woods. Your mom and dad lived there before they got you. Your dad went hunting one day when you where five and didn't come back. Your mom and you grew very close after that and the only male figure you have is Shouta.
He pays for your phone bills and anything else you need, seeing you don't have a job or anything. The only thing he asks in return is that you teach his class some basic skill for in the wild. You agreed, seeing you grew up in them and rule over the wolves there, so it's safe for them to train in the wild.
Right now it's that time again. For a week you'll train them and they'll have to listen to you. You try hiding it, but you actually like teaching the students. It gives you a chance to socialize with people your age. Right now you're going to teach 3-A, a class full of eighteen-year-old students, so they're your age.
''Lets get to it then. Wait out here until I tell you to come in.''
You nod at Shouta as he walks into the loud classroom. You can hear him silence them just by entering, causing you to snicker to yourself. You can hear him explain what they'll be doing over the week before calling you in. You open the big door and walk into the classroom to see everyone looking at you. You walk over to Shouta to see him sleeping on the ground.
''Of course you're sleeping on the damned floor again.'' You sigh before turning to the class. ''Hello, I'm (y/n) (l/n). Shouta is my uncle and I'll be teaching you guys some useful skills for when you are in the wild. Any questions?''
Everyone puts up their hands, causing you to groan internally. The introduction is going to take a long while. Scanning over the class you frown. Only three people didn't raise their hand. An ash blond guy, a half white half red haired guy and a purple haired girl. You shrug and point at a green haired girl.
''My names Tsu, kero. How old are you?''
''I'm eighteen. You.'' You say, pointing at a blue haired guy.
''Why aren't you in school?''
''Well, I grew up in the wild. That's also why I'm teaching you guys. My parents home schooled me and uncle Shouta provided the books needed. I'm just as smart as all of you. The only thing is that I don't have a degree. You.'' You point at a red haired guy.
''What's your quirk?''
''I can communicate with animals. I have it from my father, he could communicate with animals too. You.'' You point at an eager green haired boy.
''How does it work? Does it include all animals? Do you speak their language or does it sound like normal talking to you? How do you activate it?'' And so he keeps on muttering.
''Izuku Midoriya. Uncle was right. You can analyze my quirk later. Any other questions.....You.''
''Yaoyorozu, you said that your father could, as in past tense. Does this mean he's not around anymore?'' She asks, voice formal.
''He went hunting one day and didn't come back. It's safe to assume he's dead and has been eaten by the wild live. Yes.''
''Ashido. Do you ever talk to people your age?''
''I'm talking to you guys right now. Yes?''
And so they keep on asking some more questions. Mostly about your life and boring things. After an hour you grow tired of it and stop pointing at people.
''Well, I hope most questions are answered. Lets get going. Everyone put on your hero costume or your PE uniform. Meet me in front of the gate in fifteen minutes. If you're not there I will leave you behind.'' You sigh, walking out of the room.
You sigh, only a handful of them are here. Midoriya, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Bakugou and Jirou are there to be exact. You grumble softly at that. Clearly they are not taking you serious. You turn your back to UA, put your hands in your pockets and look over your shoulder at the waiting students.
''Lets go.'' You mumble.
''Wait! We're seriously leaving them behind?!'' Midoriya exclaims.
''I told you I would. That you guys don't listen is your problem. I did tell you guys Shouta is my uncle. You could have seen this coming.''
They exchange glances and nod hesitantly, slowly following after you. As you all near the corner of the street you hear people calling over to you. You all stop and look behind you to see the rest of the class running over. You find it funny that they're all wearing their hero costumes, even though you gave them an option today.
''Why did you leave us behind?!'' Ashido asks.
''I told you guys I would.''
''We didn't think you were being serious.'' You hear a male mutter.
''Well I was. Now lets go. We are training for the scheduled time. It doesn't matter for me whether we stop at five or ten in the evening.''
Everybody nods as you start walking again. They whisper among themselves, mostly about you. You ignore them and head to the woods. People on the street look at you all curiously. It's not everyday you see twenty well know heros in training walking over the street, whispering among themselves while following after a random girl. As you all arrive at the woods you turn to the class.
''Okay, two by two and follow behind me. We're going to a clearing, but it's easy to get lost. If you do good luck.''
You turn away from them and start walking, not caring what they do really. They all scramble to walk after you two by two. More whispering can be heard from them, only about you this time. You grumble under your breath as you keep a steady, fast pace. Soon you hear rustling all around you, the sound following you and the class. You smile and glance at the bushes to see wolves everywhere.
As you reach the clearing you run to the middle, sitting on the ground and opening your arms. The class looks at you confused form the tree line. A lot of rustling can be heard as around fifty wolves run towards you. The students yell and scream at you to move, but you just smile and ignore them. The wolves jump onto you and make a huge pile, liking all the skin they can touch.
You giggle fondly at your friends as the students run over to you worried, yelling your name and trying to get the wolves off. Some start growling as the pile on you gets smaller and smaller. You sit up once the last one leaves you, seeing they knocked you over, and look at the students who are trying to shoo the wolves away.
''What the fuck do you think you're all doing?'' You ask, getting up and walking over to them.
''(l/n)!'' They all exclaim relieved.
You sigh and pet the leader of the wolf pack. It's a big strong wolf. His fur is black while his stomach and snout are white. His eyes are fiery red. Once you pet the wolf he relaxes and so do the other wolves. You gently press against his head, signaling him to leave together with the pack. The wolf gives you a headbutt and walks off, the other wolves following.
''You guys really need to start listening. I can talk to animals, remember. The wolves are on my side and listen to me. Now, stand in a line and actually listen.''
Everyone nods and gets in line, Iida yelling at them while they do. After about three minutes they're all in line. You smile and whistle. It's high pitched and shrill. Some students winch at the sound of it. You glance to your right and see the leader running towards you with two others. The leader is called Hugo, the female that's with him is Scarlet and the other boy is Lumine.
''Okay, since you're a rather big group these three and the others will help me. None of the wolves will attack you, but stay alert, sometimes they might. You never know with these goofballs.'' You smile, ruffling the fur of Hugo.
''Anyway. The goal is to reach the top of that mountain without getting seriously injured and getting lost. If you're not there in eight hours that's your loss. That means no dinner and escort to the place you'll all be staying. I will leave a map there for the late comers. Now don't eat anything from plants, it could kill you.'' Yu ramble, making a motion for Hugo to get the bags, Hugo, Scarlet and Lumine run off as you smile at the students.
''I'll provide every group with a bag. In it are two water bottles, some apples, first aid kit and a fire gun. Only use the fire gun when something is very wrong. As soon as one is fired everyone goes to where it was fired from. Don't freak out when the wolves come. They're there to protect you if you're being attacked and can't venture for yourself.'' Hugo, Scarlet, Lumine and some other wolves walk over with bags.
''For people with fire related quirks, don't burn down the woods please. Try not to use your quirk, only when necessary. Now, make groups of three or four and come get a bag here.''
Everyone turns to each other and start talking, making groups. Slowly people are coming to you to pick up a bag. You tell them to wait with walking off and everyone complies. Once everyone has a group and bag you motion for Scarlet, Lumine and the other wolves to leave. You look at the class as you pet Hugo.
''I'll leave first. My tracks will be removed, so don't think about following them. Ten minutes after I have left the first group will leave. Ten minutes later the second and so forth. If you don't comply the wolves will take action to make sure you do. Now, see you all at the mountain.'' You smile, running off.
Hugo follows you as you run through the woods. You climb into a tree and start jumping from tree to tree, parcouring your way to the mountain. It only takes you about an hour or two to get there. You know some secret passages that are hidden from sight that get you places fast. As you reach the top you sit down on a bench and scratch Hugo behind the ears.
''You can go and run around the woods, spook the students a bit. I'll make some dinner for them. Go on.'' You smile.
Hugo licks you and runs off at full speed. You smile before walking to the campsite that's a good thirty minutes away from the mountain top you told them to go. Well, it's not really a mountain top, more like a flat spot beside a cave on the mountain. You make some sandwiches for the students before heading back to the place you told them to go.
As you get there you sit down on the bench again and look at the dense woods before you. Everywhere you look are trees, close to each other. Sometimes a line of trees gone because of a river or small lake. You hear someone run up to you and spot Scarlet running over to you. You frown slightly and pat your lap. She puts her head on it and looks up at you.
''What's wrong?'' You ask.
''The students. They're all teaming up.'' She says.
''Hmm. Collect a few wolves and drive them apart by hunting  them down.'' You smirk.
''Okay. I'll get some to help me.'' She grins.
Scarlet lifts her head from your lap and trots off, stance prideful. You giggle to yourself at her antics and continue looking at the woods and the birds and other wildlife. After a good half an hour you hear faint screaming and yelling coming from the woods. After a bit you hear something approach again. You look to your right and see Bakugou emerging from the treeline.
''Welcome.'' You smile.
''Fuck off. The extra's take to long. Ditched my group.'' He grumbles.
You scan him over and see no injuries of any kind. You do notice he doesn't have a bag however. You smile and get up, walking over to him.
''Follow me. I'll take you to the camp. You can drink and eat whatever you want. But please, don't leave the campsite just yet. The wolves are still on lower parts of the mountain and not here.'' You hum, motioning for him to follow you.
He does, not uttering a single word. As you both reach the campsite you let him walk around, pick a tent and eat and drink. You silently watch him as you scan the tree lines, expecting Scarlet or Hugo to come to you soon. Hugo because he's basically like your pet and Scarlet because you just gave her an order.
''You're something else.'' You hear a gruff voice say from behind you.
''I could say the same for you Bakugou.'' You smirk, turning to him.
''I know.'' He grins.
''Confident I see. I like that. Can come in handy at times. Means you won't hesitate.'' You say, walking past him to the table with food.
''I like your confidence too, extra.'' He grins, walking after you.
''You know Bakugou. Normally I don't like cocky people, but I got to admit. I might take a liking to you.''
''Normally I don't like people who fucking talk back to me either, yet I find myself drawn to you.'' He whispers softly into your ear as he wraps his arms around your waist.
''Hmm. I must say Katsuki, keeping secrets isn't your strong suite.'' You purr.
You met Katsuki years ago. You were seven at the time. He had ventured off deep into the woods while hiking. You had met him and you two started talking. After he left that day he would come back often, always meeting up with you. You had both kept everything a secret from everyone and started dating four years ago. Now a days Katsuki comes over less, but you two call and text.
''No ones here. What's to keep secret.'' He growls lowly, sending shivering down your spine.
''Damn you. You used one of my shortcuts didn't you?''
''So what if I fucking did?''
''Hmm, let me go Suki. The first people will start coming soon.'' You giggle.
''Stupid extra's.'' He grumbles, letting go off you.
''I know you don't like them. Now stay here with Scarlet while I go wait for the others with Hugo.'' You smile, spotting the two wolves standing close by.
Katsuki smirks and motions Scarlet to come over. Her black fur with a red glow to it shines in the sun. Her bright red eyes have a glint in them as she walks over to Katsuki. Katsuki sits down on the ground and Scarlet lays down beside him, head resting in his lap. Katsuki pets her while Hugo walks over to you.
The two of you walk to the spot you told everyone to go. You sit down on the bench and Hugo sits on the floor beside you, stance screaming authority. You smile and ruffle his fur before looking at the scenery again. Your mind wanders while you stare at it, memories flashing through your mind.
You get snapped out of your thought when you hear rustling and talking coming from the woods. You look to the right and see the class walking through the tree line. You smile and get up, walking over to them with Hugo following behind you. They all look tired and have scratches all over them.
''Welcome. Follow me to the campsite we'll be staying. Sharing a tent is necessary, but don't worry. You can pick yourself.'' You smile, heading towards the campsite. ''Hugo, go warn them.'' You smile.
Hugo runs off without a word towards the camp. You follow him with your gaze, a smile on your face.
''He seems attatched to you.'' A male voice says from beside you.
''Yeah. We're both leaders.'' You smile, looking beside you to see Kirishima.
''Have you seen Bakugou by any chance? He split up from us and we haven't seen him since.''
''He's been at the camp for a while now. Don't worry.''
''He has an advantage.'' Kirishima mumbles.
''How come?''
''He hikes a lot. Clears his mind as he always says when we ask. When he comes back from hiking he is always calm though, so I guess it works for him.''
''Yeah, hiking does wonders for the mind.'' You giggle.
The two of you talk some more as you all walk. As you reach the camp you see Scarlet and Hugo goofing around as Katsuki sits on a chair by the fire, grumbling to himself while he does. You giggle and turn to the class.
''There are sandwiches on the table same for drinks. When that's all settled you can pick a tent to sleep in. There is a change of clothes in the boxes by the fire. Look for whatever fits you. There is a river if you follow the path. Don't go without telling me please. Now do whatever you want.'' You smile, walking over to the grumbling Katsuki.
''Why you so grumpy?'' You whisper, sitting close by him, but not too close.
''The fuckers are here. Can't be close with you now.'' He growls.
''Don't worry. I know you're strong enough to keep acting for a little while longer.'' You smile.
''Yeah yeah.'' He grumbles.
The rest of the week you and Katsuki go to secret spots to just be together. As the week ends you all bring them back to UA and wave them goodbye before heading back to the woods. Katsuki and his classmates go back to the dorms and take long showers while talking about their intens week.
As they all meet up in the dorms that evening to talk about the weekend they all agree on one thing. Katsuki has taken a liking to you. While he was around you he wouldn't yell, walk off, curse that much or use his quirk. Things he does around everyone. They also noticed how you were softer on him and how you kept looking for him.
''We should set them up for a date.'' Ashido states.
''How are we going to find them though?'' Yaoyorozu asks.
''Simple, we go back to the woods. They are bound to find us. They said it before, the wolves are everywhere. And they won't attack us because we spend a whole week with them.'' Ashido says.
''How are we getting Bakubro to agree?'' Kirishima asks.
''That's what we have you for.'' Ashido smirks.
''I knew it.'' Kirishima sighs.
''You're the only one he doesn't blow up on that bad.'' Kaminari says.
''And who's going to get them?'' Sero asks.
''I haven't figured that out.'' Ashido admits.
''Well, Kirishima should go. If the wolves do attack he can protect us.'' Yaoyorozu says.
''I ain't going alone. Kami is coming with me. He can stun them.'' Kirishima says.
''Deal. Okay when is the date gonna be?'' Ashido asks.
''How about upcoming Saturday?'' Hagakure suggests.
''Works.'' Everyone says.
They keep planning before going to bed. It's Sunday right now and the upcoming week they all have off to recover from the intens week of training and to make sure they make all the homework. The next morning they all wake up at a normal time and eat breakfast together. After breakfast Katsuki goes up to his room and gets changed into his hiking clothes.
''Where are you going bro?'' Kirishima asks when he notices Katsuki walking to the big doors of the dorms.
''Hiking.'' Katsuki grumbles, opening the door.
''Can I come along? (l/n) said it does wonders to the mind.'' Kirishima smiles.
''No. It only fucking works when you're alone. Now fuck off.'' Katsuki grumbles, walking out of the dorms.
Once he's out of UA he runs to the woods and up to the cabin you live in. Along the way he spots Scarlet and grins at her. She runs beside him as they approach your cabin. As he spots it he sees you working in your garden with Hugo watching you. Hugo is your wolf and Scarlet his. For some reason the two of them really clicked.
''Hey Baby.'' Katsuki smirks as he walks over to you.
''Hey Suki.'' You smile, getting up and giving him a kiss.
The next four days Katsuki goes to you everyday for the whole day. The class notices him going hiking everyday and grow suspicious. They decide to follow him this time. So when Katsuki leaves UA the Baku-squad follows after him. They notice he's going to the woods, pace a bit faster than usual.
They follow him into the woods and see him walking down a path they didn't notice before. They frown, but shrug it off. Their eyes widen when they see Scarlet walk up to Katsuki and casually walking beside him. Katsuki ruffles her fur with a bright smile on his face. After a bit he reaches your cabin and walks over to the door. The squad looks at him curiously.
''Oi!'' Katsuki yells, walking up to your frontdoor.
''Yeah, yeah. Give me a damned second Suki.'' You call out to him from inside.
After a few seconds your door opens and you give him a kiss, which he gladly returns.
''You know they're here right?'' You whisper against his lips.
''I don't give a fuck. They wanted to set us up for a date Saturday anyway.''
''Aww, you just ruined a free date.''
''Shut up.''
You giggle as you pull away from Katsuki, looking past him at his friends.
''Hey guys! Nice seeing you again!'' You wave.
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lit-works · 6 years
Heroes For Hire: The Gang Wars Trilogy
Book 1: After Midnight
Chapter 4: trouble at Hank’s
Jessica Jones and Misty Knight stood outside of Hank’s tavern. The full moon sat high above the city, spinning and watching impassively. Late at night, Times square is a busy place. Con men and prostitutes filled the streets, along with the junkies, and their pushers. Panhandlers beg for loose change while the street artists do flips and play old instruments for the same. The two women draw few stares. Jessica talked with her phone to one side of her head and Misty stood patiently by. “I know, Luke, but i don't get any breaks. Raising Danielle has been a full time job for me and i could really use the night off.” Jessica rolls her eyes at the phone. “Fine, eat my egg rolls, i don't care. Danielle’s already in bed, right? Good. So then, I'll see you in the morning? I love you, Luke. Goodnight.”
With that Jessica hung up her phone.
With the most recent development in the Met case Jessica had decided to follow Misty along to Hank’s to find Felicia’s brother Johnny and the missing book.
“Any sight of this Johnny guy?” Jessica asked Misty.
“If they are twins, i haven't seen a single soul that looks similar to Felicia yet.” Misty replied.
“Maybe he's inside?” Jessica suggested.
“Maybe.” Misty dismissed as she lit up a cigarette and looked up and down the street.
“Well, let's go order some drinks.”
Hours dragged by. Misty scanning the face of every patron in the bar as they came and went, and Jessica imbibing more and more. After the clock struck midnight and no perceivable meeting was taking place, the two women began to believe that perhaps Felicia had misled them or was perhaps not as informed as she led them to believe. There were clearly members of the Flashing Blades present, identifiable by their white and red bandanas and readily apparent sheathed blades. None of them seemed to be related to Felicia, and even fewer of them seemed to be there for anything other than libation. “I'm gonna go out for a cigarette, okay, Jess?”
Jessica looked up from her near-empty glass, her glazed eyes revealing she was lost in the sauce. “Ok. I'll be right here waiting for you when you get back.” she slurred.
Jessica drunkenly bobbed to the Motorhead song playing on the jukebox, and looked from person to person. There at the corner of the bar, she thought she saw someone who could've been the Johnny they were looking for. Tho trimmed very short, this kid had blonde hair and even a similar physique to that of Felicia. He hadn't gotten a clear look at his face, but swore she saw the lines of the same angular jaw-line. Swigging down the last of her glass, Misty catches a disgusting smell on the air. Worse than the typical aroma of a dive bar. More than the sweat, booze, and regret that usually hung in the air at Hank’s. She smelt wet dog. Wet dog and sulphur.
A woman’s scream and the squeal of tires grabbed Misty’s attention as she stood outside the building. A large black Sedan tore down the street, scattering pedestrians in its path. Out of the windows, the smoking barrels of vintage tommy-guns pointed menacingly. They were coming right at her!
Inside, Jessica lifts her head off the table at the sound of panic. The smell of wet dog is filling the room now, suffusing the air with its thick stench. All around her was chaos. Men were running out the front door and leaping out of windows. Those who weren't seemed to be trying to take cover behind upturned furniture. The screams carried to her ears through her drunken stupor along with the sounds of shattering glass and breaking wood. Extremely confused as to what she had been missing since falling asleep, thats when Jessica saw it.
A massive wolf-like creature destroying the bar in its fury. Thick wintry hued fur tufted over the beasts body, from its grisly short snout to the humanoid hands and feet. Snarling fangs and rabid eyes glinted in the neon of the bar's interior. With animal strength, it flung tables and chairs and struck the nearest patrons. Their screams agonized as their skin was rent from their flesh by hideous claws. Either Jessica had consumed entirely too much, or there was none other than a werewolf before her.
Her instincts shined through the vapor of repose and alcohol, springing Jessica into action. She jumped up from her chair and stumbled over to the monster, and brought her recently emptied bottle of Bourbon shattering down onto the beast’s furred dome. With blood coursing down its face, it turned its angry and growling maw towards her. “Oh shit.” Jessica groaned
Stepping out onto the street, Misty hastily ripped the right sleeve from her red zip-up coat. As the cloth fell to the ground, the streetlights reflected from the brilliant adamantium underneath. The entirety of Misty’s right arm machinery, and a very high-tech prosthesis.
A long time ago Misty Knight had lost the limb in a terrorist attack. When she survived the explosion and even went on to stop those responsible for the detonation, the affluent Tony Stark thought she deserved to be rewarded for her bravery and spent thousands of dollars and materials to craft the new-and-improved appendage. Forged from Adamantium, one of the strongest minerals in existence and equipped with numerous gadgets and tools, Misty now had the leverage against the shooters.
Levelling her bionic arm at the front of the vehicle, a thought triggered the arms mechanics. Gears grinded in its internal workings and a barrell running down her forearm shot a 9-millimeter bullet into the front passenger side wheel, exploding in a pop of air and plastic. Immediately, the sedan swerved as the driver fought for control of the wheel. With their speed and the sudden loss of a wheel, the driver tried to make for the street corner but turned much too tight and slammed into the Streetlamp on the corner.
Black smoke billowed from beneath the hood. Misty slowly approached the wreck, keeping her arm aimed at the vehicle. She could see now there had been 5 of them. Three in the back, and the passenger with sub-machine guns. The 3 in the back kicked open their doors and jumped out onto the streets, one of the rear passengers wildly fired shots into the air to cover his escape as he started running from the accident. The other 2 decided to stand their ground against Misty would be their only way. It appeared both the front passenger and the driver had been rendered unconscious in the crash.
Misty swiftly ran towards the two gangsters, dressed in pin-suits and wearing fedoras. The full frontal charge balked the two men and stalled them from firing their weapons. With her momentum, and the full weight of her body and the metal in her arm she threw a devastating right hook into one of the gunman’s chest. His air expelled from his lungs in a whoosh as he dropped to the ground, with multiple ribs likely broken if not fractured.
In a flurry, the second gunman popped off a shot but it went wide of Misty and embedded itself into the red-brick exterior of a nearby building. As Misty then closed on him he swung his gun to strike Misty with the butt. Grabbing his arm by the wrist Misty turned at the hips and flipped the man over her and onto his back on the ground. Then, with a flick of her metal wrist bones within the man's forearm shattered. She delivered a swift kick to his temple, just make sure he was out if the shock from his arm had not done so already.
It was then that she glanced back at the car and spied the passenger was gone. He was now on the sidewalk, blood streaming from a break in the bridge of his nose. He held a hapless woman in a headlock with the hot barrel of his machine gun compressed against her cheek. Misty stopped cold.
“That's right, bitch! Don't fucking move! Ill fucking kill her!” the gangster shouted angrily and his hostage let out a sob.
Jessica had heard of seeing little pink elephants before, but never werewolves. If anything, she was taking it as a lesson as to why she didn't drink as often anymore. ‘And where did Misty go?’ Jessica wondered. In the bedlam before Jessica regained coherence the beast had already murdered a young man. His partially eviscerated corpse laid their on the floor. Grisly wounds seeping blood. Jessica bashed and struck at the monster, but it's savage and ferocity was unlike anything she had seen. It bit, and slashed, and raked. Aiming for her eyes and neck. Jessica’s leather jacket was nearly torn to shreds from her defending herself.
The two stood squaring off. The werewolf lunged at Jessica and though she tried to catch it, the beast was upon her. Its tough jaw clenching vice-like onto her clavicle, the teeth drawing blood. She screamed in pain and began throwing wild blows into the abdomen of the werewolf. With each blow the wolf yelped around the bit of Jessica it held in its mouth. Finally, thinking of how to remove the creature she reared her leg and brought her knee straight into the werewolves groin.
With a series of high-pitched yelps it released Jessica and loped out the entrance of the bar and Jessica gave chase.
The doors to Hank’s tavern swung open, and instead of seeing Jessica like she hoped she would, Misty was horrified by the beast she saw. The werewolf, grotesque in the moonlight and bathed in blood, stormed out into the night. The gunman with his hostage also saw the werewolf and became overwhelmed with abject fear. “What the fuck is that thing??!!”
He screamed as his hostage slipped free.
All focus on the nightmarish beast before him, the gangster let his hostage free and assumed a defensive posture at the werewolf. Waving his gun wildly.
The werewolf reared back, its dark gray and black coat bristling as it emanated a deep rumbling growl. Its bares fangs shining in the moonlight. Suddenly, the gunman opens fire but wasnt aiming. The bullets miss and the werewolf pounced. Jessica Jones followed shortly thereafter out onto the street. Misty and Jessica stood in horror as the werewolf claimed another victim, but in this attack something very odd occurred. Streaks of visible electricity crackled over the werewolves body and then, within the blink of an eye, it vanished. Leaving the body of its fresh kill littering the street.
In the aftermath of the fight the remaining patrons of Hank’s expressed their gratitude for Jessica and Misty’s presence. The NYPD arrived in a timely manner to question the witnesses with coroners and paramedics to clean up, When a particularly feminin young man, bearing a resemblance to a certain museum attendant, thanked them Misty began asking him the questions. “You wouldn't happen to be Johnny Bifrost, would you?”
“Why? I got a warrant or something?” The kid asked, looking skeptical of his heroes now. Also recognizing Misty Knight from her time as a police officer, one who had put a few of his friends behind bars.
“Not that i know of. It's just that this kid Johnny’s sister, Felicia. She's really worried about him and the kind of trouble he might be getting himself into. If you are Johnny, id say tonight proves she has reason for concern.” Misty alluded.
“Damn, Felicia sent you here?” his countenance changed to sullen. “I’m just trying to keep food in her fridge.”
“Where's the book, Johnny?” Jessica asked bluntly, looking she had clearly had much better nights.
“Whoah! I swear i didn't take the book from the Met!” Johnny defended.
“You knew we were talking about the Met heist?” Misty noted.
“What other book would you be asking about?” Johnny shrugged. “You think i’d swipe the book. Why would i sick monsters after my own friends?”
“You think that wolf thing had something to do with the book?” Jessica gave a quizzical look.
“Either way, i'm pretty sure it was Hammerhead who stole it. And those are his goons too.” Johnny pointed at the corpse in the pinstripe suit and wing-tip shoes being loaded into the coroner’s van.
“Why did Hammerhead want this book?” Misty Knight asked no one in particular, as much to herself as anyone listening.
“Well…” Johnny stuttered slightly and continued. “rumors say that Hammerhead’s branch of the Maggia stole the book. Now they're using monsters to wipe out the rival gangs.”
“Thats ridiculous!” Misty spouted.
“monday night the Crimson smiles were thrashed in their own pad, and tonight my bro gets clobbered by a goddamn werewolf!” Johnny iterated.
“Well, then who would be next?” Jessica thought to ask, humoring the kid.
“Tommy Kent. He's the leader of the guys from the Lower East side, they kick it in a pool hall down there called Starky’s. Tommy used to work real close with Hammerhead until they had some kind of falling out, and Hammerhead started going around telling people he was gonna have Tommy killed. Tommy also knows where you could find Hammerhead on a given sunday, so i think Tommy’s gotta be next.”
“You know, you should be home with your sister instead of in places like this.” Misty advised. “There's no reason a kid like you should be packing a knife like that, and running these streets.”
“I have to make  money, you don't understand. I've been in trouble, nowhere will hire me.” Johnny hung his head.
“Bullshit, kid, my husband’s been to prison. Multiple times. And he's never had a hard time finding work.” Jessica threw in.
“she says you're a good kid, prove her right.” Misty stated. “Felicia loves you alot.”
“The Blades wouldnt ever let me leave. It's bleed in and bleed out with these guys.” Johnny quickly looked around to assure himself none of his fellow blades were within hearing distance.
“We could protect you.” Misty offered.
“I'll go to Felicia tonight. I owe her at least that.” Johnny said as a police officer approached them. As the officer got close Johnny exited.
“Mrs. Knight.” the officer greeted as he tipped his hat.
“Officer Spinoza. Thank you again.” Misty smiled.
“No thank you guys for being here at the right time.” Officer Spinoza chuckled. “We were able to ID the guys in the black car too. All 5 of them have pretty long rap sheets, so the 2 surviving guys we arrested are gonna end up doing at least a nickel.”
“Did they have any major criminal associates?” Misty asked. “Maybe to Hammerhead or the Maggia?”
“I thought that too on count of the way they're dressed,” Officer Spinoza said in his thick southie accent. “But turned out they were all in some set gang on Yancy street back in the day. Used to rob people on the streets with baseball bats. Didn't know whatever happened to that little gang and was glad they had disappeared.”
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