#did you know tsukasa is one of my favorite characters
blurmarsh · 5 months
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Megumu finding Tsukasa after TH19
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adhdtsukasa · 4 months
in honor of tsukasa's birthday, obviously i need to ramble about my kamioshi and favorite fictional boy ever!! but since i don't have any thoughts that make sense at the moment, i just want to talk about something that i've realized recently and found it pretty cute:
it's probably not as common of a stereotype anymore (i believe), but there was a thing of headcanoning cold and stoic characters as aroace solely because they are cold and stoic, which people often interpreted as the unability to love. and while it can be the case, thinking that being aro equals not feeling anything at all is rather... questionable, definitely. which makes tsukasa's aromantic implications even greater.
i have a feeling that tsukasa's aro moments™ were actually talked about back and forth countless of times, so i'm not going to repeat myself (despite also having a lot to say about it). it's not canon, but i guess you can say that it's implied...? well, not like colopale confirms it or anything (although i'd be very happy if they did, but... yep) so headcanoning him as anything else is definitely okay and valid, but there *are* situations that just scream yeah!!! that boy is so aro!!
and whether you think of tsukasa as an aromantic or not, you have to admit that the thought of tsukasa being aro, as a concept, is so damn cool. he's one of the most apparent characters, after all! he's loud, eccentric, expressive, cheerful, full of life. he's basically anything but devoid of emotions, anything but calm and stoic (most of the times). having him as an aro rep is without a doubt shattering the stereotype of having to be cold and emotionless in order to be aromantic.
he's not unable to feel love. because he feels love! he loves his family — he loves his friends — he loves acting; and it's the highest and purest form of love that he needs in his life. why would he need any other form of love? all the great love stories would be better if they were more violent and gorey, after all
i don't know i'm just saying random things at this point but i need everyone to just think about arokasa sometimes. okay? for me?? because it's his birthday today???
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Your favorite Toilet Bound characters as Yanderes with their Darling being a fairly powerful exorcist who can manipulate gravity
(If that is possible I can’t remember it’s been awhile sense I’ve read and watched the series)
Darling is a powerful exorsist
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Hanako, Tsukasa, Teru, Sumire ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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× Sumire is a character that had only been show in the manga so it could be taken as spoiler
My dear!! I love youuuuuu!! Thank u so much for requesting for JSHK!!! requesting yandere and a really interesting prompt! Love it! ❤️
Sorry, I didn't manage to put the part of controlling gravity 😔 still I hope you like it as much as I did
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Since the moment you got into the school Hanako noticed your presence, specially since you are just not anyone, you are an exorsist, and a really powerful one
Knowing that Hanako spend some time following you close (with you knowing it or not), watching over you from afar trying to know more about you to make sure you won't represent a problem for his plans (specially because he already has to deal with the Minamoto brothers), however, ass the time pass he can't help but get more and more interested on you, maybe it was that he finds you a funny person to be around, maybe you are, in reality, really caring, maybe even you had showed kindness to the weakest supernaturals (like the Mokkes), or maybe it was just everything about you that mesmerize him
Hanako can't help himself but want to be more and more close to you, reaching the point where he can't even hide well because he just wants to approach to you, that is why the moment you confront him (either by attacking him by surprise or just kindly asking him what the hell he wants) is like a reality check for him, he is startled by it for a moment but quickly tries to recover his charming and misterios facade, introducing himself as the honorable no. 7, leader of the seven mysteries (even if you already know who he is)
He doesn't want to let his guard down around you yet and still he can't help but wanting to spend all the time he can with you, it doesn't matter if you find him annoying or even if you want to exorcised him, Hanako just brush it off and even playfuly challenge you to do it (however provoke you isn't his smartest move since that one time you attacked him he barely made it alive)
Hanako wants to be careful, wants to focus on his work and help Yashiro with her wish, but he can't stop thinking about you, wanting to be around you, even if you don't really like him he wants to mess with you, and he can't stop himself from following his heart and just follow you around the school, clinging onto you and teasing you here and there. Somehow you two quickly become friends but Hanako wants more, he craves for more, for him it doesn't matter if you see him as annoying he can't just go away, it hurts his heart when he isn't with you even if you just send him angry glares (however if you are kind and even playful with him that just feed his obsession for you)
Hanako doesn't show it off much his obsession and dependence for you and just cover it up with his charming and clingy personality, when he is with you he can't just think straight, he just want to have fun with you! he want to see you smile! he wants for you to be happy with him! But when you aren't around he tend to overthink a lot, he is nothing but a mere ghost, and even worst, an assassin, how he dares to think that he deserve to be happy by your side? And you are an exorsist! You should hate him! you probably hate him (if you actually express that you want to exorcise him he laugh at it in front of you, but is something that hurt him a lot, in the moments when he feels specially down or anxious/insecure he actually thinks on letting you just exorcise him)
Hanako is really demanding, he is taking your attention from anyone and anything else all the time, specially when he is jealous (what happen constantly), clinging to you protectively and possessively even if you are the only one who can see him (he actually takes advantage of this), sometimes he lets you alone but not complety, if he actually manage to make you mad at him for how clingy he is he will let you and just watch you from afar (after scolding himself pretty harsh, the more angry you are the more harsh he is with himself)
Hanako finds both scary and incredibly attractive how stronge you are, he is completely mesmerize whenever he sees you use your powers, even if is against him (he barely make it of because he is too distracted being in lovestruck) and even when you are clearly more powerful than him that doesn't stop him for trying to help you and protect you from any danger (for what he sees as a danger), he wants to show you that he is more than a simple assassin, that what he had done in the past doesn't define him (he is actually scare that you don't see him as more, the thought of you seeing him just as a mere assassin or supernatural make him incredibly anxious, he fears it even if you don't see him that way)
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa doesn't have a great title like his brother, he is just in the school because he has a goal to achieve and because he wants to have fun, so for him you could easily go unnoticed for a while, it could be that Sakura notice that you are a powerful exorsist or that he sees you using your powers to exorcise a supernatural one day
Tsukasa doesn't really fear you so the moment you catch his attention he waste no time and just approach to you, he wants to tell you that what you did was amazing!! He wants to aks you how did you do that and where you learned to do that!!
Is probably that he scare or trigger you and you attack him out of instinct for how he appeared out of nowhere, he will try to avoid the hit at the best of his habilities and still is probably that you manage to hurt him, however he won't really take it bad, maybe just tells you that attacking him by surprise it wasn't fair or even asking you if that means that you want to play with him and attack you too, turning it into a fight. However, if you don't react bad or against him Tsukasa will be just making you a lot of questions (even some that doesn't have nothing to do with your powers and he almost doesn't gives you time to answer) and with every question he does he get closer to you, until the point where he is just inches away from your face
Once Tsukasa is interested in you his interest grows more and more with time, quickly becoming an obsesion! He can compare the feelings he has for you with the feelings he hold for Amane! The inmense loves he feels for you is your sentence, no matter how stronge you are Tsukasa isn't going to give up with you, the only way to get away from him is exorcising him, vanishing him from this world, and even if that happen he won't be sad for it, in his mind is an act out of love
Tsukasa isn't exactly delusional, but he firmly believes that you love him as much as he loves you even if you try to deny it he won't accept it
No matter how it happens your first met once you catch Tsukasa's attention there is no way that you will be able to get away from him, since that day Tsukasa follows you around whenever he has the time or just want to do it, either by following you from afar or directly by your side, if you ask him to go away he will ask you why innocently, if you ask kindly he may leave you alone for now but if not he probably just cling onto you to mess with you (he finds funny your annoyed expression)
Tsukasa knows you are stronge but he doesn't fear you, he has no problem with going full strength against you if you two end up fighting (as much as he doesn't has problems with killing other supernaturals he doesn't want to kill you, not when you are so funny to be around). Tsukasa finds really interesting and funny to see you doing your work as an exorsist so he sometimes ask Sakura to change the rumors to something really big and dangerous just for you to having to fight against them, and when it isn't that he himself mess with the most weak supernatural to try to create one big supernatural just for you to having to fight it (he is even proud about his creating and ask you how it was, if it was good and if you liked it)
Tsukasa quickly becomes demanding and pretty possessive, he doesn't understand and doesn't care that you go to that school to take classes and more than once he will make you skip classes just so you two could hang out or because he wants to show you something, even if you don't want he will drag you with him because Tsukasa isn't going to accept a no as response
Little by little Tsukasa start to completely monopolize you, for him it doesn't matter if he brings you problems in your personal life, he just want you to himself, also he has no problem with resorting to dirty tricks, like forcing you or scaring you to be with him, even if he has to attack you by surprise just to have all your attention for himself
Tsukasa doesn't see anything bad in his actions, not even when he is practically kidnapping you by locking you with him in the radio club or at the boundary of a mistery just so you two can spend time together, even when you can easily find you way out of there that doesn't stop him from doing it again and again
Tsukasa always act childish and playful with you, but he is totally willing to throw off whatever threat stand between the two of you, it doesn't matter if is a human or a supernatural, it doesn't even matter if that threat is you, if he has to make you change you mind and make you give up to him he is totally willing to do it, it doesn't matter if in the process hurts your body or your mind in his eyes is just part of the fun! he is just getting you ready for all the fun you two are going to have together!
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Teru Minamoto
The Minamoto Family has been engaged in exorcism for a long time and Teru, for being the firstborn of the next generation, he has been trained to be an exorsist since he was really young. Since you are an exorsist too that is the main reason why the two of you met in the first place, and probably you two know since a young age too
For being so stronge the two of you are the main people in charge of exorcising the supernaturals around the city and you two have been working together for a long time, and for that Teru is grateful, being an exorsist is a really rough job but having someone by his side it makes it more bearable
Since the start Teru felt atracted to you, maybe is that you are really stronge or maybe that you can understand how he feels for having to spend all his time in this job, even if you are more introvert or even shy he has no problem with being the one who start being the talktive one at first
The relasionship you two have together quickly grows for how much time you two spend together, even you two had spend some time training together too at some point. As well, his feelings slowly grows stronger and stronger with the time and still because of your job it could go unnoticed for a long time how clingy and possessive he grows with you, hidding it by his excitment to see you again and to work together (what he always express, specially if you get flustered, making you flustered just increase his ego)
Teru doesn't like much his job, having to spend all his live fighting with supernaturals isn't his ideal and you sharing the same fate with him is something that troubled him but at the same time make things a little better, he loves that thanks to being exorsist he can spend almost all your time together and monopolize you but in the other hand he hates that you give your life to fight supernaturals without other option
Sometimes, while things are a little more peaceful or you two are taking a break Teru likes to talk about what you two could do if you weren't busy all the time, jokinly telling you about dates he will like to take you in or even a future together without having to be exorcist with his usual charming smile, even if you take it as a joke or ask him to stop for being flustered he just softly laugh at your reaction but he actually mean what he said, and he isn't planing to let you go anytime soon (it irritated him a little if you take it as a joke but he is confident that with time you will see how serious he is being with this)
Your relasionship could be seem very calm since Teru is really good at hidding his possessiveness, however there is something that dangerously triggers him, he had been feeling like you two have an unbreakable bond, that you two are mean to be together and that nothing can separate you two, he feels like everything goes perfect between you two until he sees you outside your job, seeing you one day hanging out with others (or if you two go to the same school it trigger him seeing others being too close and touchy with you, however for being the school prince he has an advantage), even if they are just your friends is pretty shocking for him
Teru is really possessive, he does not own his own life and it isn't like has other option so you and your relationship is something that he feels that he can fully possessive and have control over it so seeing you be happy with others make him anxious, he may be too shocked and angry the moment he sees you so he will just confront you about it later (but still trying to seem calm). Also, thanks to this Teru grows a little more controlling, trying to lead you to go to the same school with him (even using the mysteries as an excuse) just for you two to spend more and more time together, and he being able do watch your interaction with other and rip off any possible threat
Most of the time Teru tries to keep his charming facade while talking to you but it could be that, since you know him for a long time you can tell that he isn't bring sincere, something is bothering him, still he will just cover it with saying that he is worried about you, but after this he is more and more possessive and a little more manipulative, trying to lull you to do what he wants, he doesn't trust in the people around you and he will try to make you distrust them too
Teru can go as far as training until he feels his body shatter and feeling short of breath every day to be able to become more and more strong until he finally surpass yourself in power so you could depend on him, as well to have an advantage over you
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Akane Sumire
Since a young age Sumire knew that her fate was to be sacrificed to the god to bring peace to the village, she hates it but she just accept it because in reallity she doesn't really have another option, however she never lost her smile
After the village lost the last exorsist of the Minamoto Clan Sumire started to train to be able to protect the village as the Kannagi, although it could be that you are part of Minamoto Clan as the next exorcist in training or that you came to the village one day and were welcome to take the place as the exorcist, in any case Sumire is really willing to meet you and excited to learn from you
Sumire isn't the type to fall in love immediatly, specialy with her position, so you two start as friends, quickly becoming close and despite all the hate and warnings of the villagers it become pretty common to see you, Sumire and Hakubo together around
Sumire always plays innocent with that smiles of her, but the moment she warms up with you she start to be more clingy and truly smiles at you. It doesn't take her long to notice that she feels a true happines with you, one that she only feels when she is with Hakubo or when she is healing wounded animals she have found, you don't treat her as the Kannagi but as a friend and that makes her extremely happy, being with you makes Sumire feel like everything is fine, heck it even make her forget what her fate is at times, she loves the feeling she has when she is with you and she isn't going to lose you
Sumire isn't always honest with her feelings with you, she tend to complain a lot about how bad temporary husband Hakubo and still, deep down in her heart, the only person she wants to be with is you, Sumire lies during training with you saying that she can't do it just for you to focus your completely attention in her a little longer to explain her how to do it again, even more just so you will touch her to explain her how to hold the weapons, Sumire lies and smiles like if she doesn't hate that place, like if she doesn't think that you and Hakubo are the only worthy people of protect in there, and Sumire isn't complety sincere when he tells you that she likes your company because in reality she wants you all for herself, she wants to trap you in her arms, she want for you to depend on her and NEED her as much as she does with you
Also, Sumire loves to play innocent with you, just like when she gets into more troubles just for you to came and stand up for her, defending her from the other villagers, just as she gets really aggresive towards who dare to say something bad about you or start questioning your relasionship
Little by little Sumire start to monopolize all your time with every excuse she can, acting like a perfect wife to you too, healing your injuries carefuly and with love, making you flowers crowns, physicaly clinging to you, acting all cute and innocent, anything she can do to make you fall in her trap to make you hers forever, Hakubo knows exactly what she is doing but he isn't going to say anything about it, he haven't been asked to do it after all
Sumire admire your strength, she truly find it amazing but it isn't really a threaten for her or her plans to be with you forever, it would be even an advantage since she is really smart and can easily lull you to do what she wants, and even if the manipulation doesn't work it doesn't matter, she has learned a lot from you and she can always ask Hakubo to force you or restrain you until you finally accept to be with her
Sumire can't forget about her position as the Kannagi, even if she tries Sumire is still fully aware of her fate, she had given up some time ago choosing to just enjoy the time she had and hoping for all the village to fall into hell after her dead, however now that you are in her live she wants to stay alive a little longer just to be with you, to have you, so some days before the ritual cames she talks to Hakubo about it, saying that it would be amazing for the three of you to just go away and start a new life, go somewhere where all of you can be together, finishing her speach by asking Hakubo to end with the village, make them live a hell in the earth just like she always wanted so the three of you could just leave and Hakubo can't say no when he is asked to do something, however this time he isn't doing it just because he had been ordered to do so
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nogenderbee · 11 months
Im so happy your requests are open‼️ anyways can i req a reader thats like an idiot? The type of person to say "duck and chickens are the same because theyre both birds" or something even dumber will they tolerate readers dumbassery? Or do they just give up? I also want the characters to be mafuyu, akito, an,tsukasa djdndj$-$+$+$ take your time💗
Of course! I swear I took so much inspiration from just looking up dumb quotes so... hopefully it matches your expectations!
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕓 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ An, Akito, Tsukasa, Mafuyu with idiotic!reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @yulikesminori @qxmmi @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @alicewinterway18 @modyuki @hearts4gf
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You were sitting in An's cafe after it closed. Her dad had to go there so she was the one who had to do the cleaning. But of course, she didn't wanted to do it so instead of that, she decided it'll be great idea to just bake something for you both!
You were just eating your favorite cake with her and accidentally bit your tongue.
"Oh gosh, Y/N are you alright!?"
"Have you ever wondered why you can't taste your tongue?"
That left her speechless... she was so worried about you that she didn't even realized the question at first.
"No, but... that's actually a good question!!"
My girl doesn't see the answer here... not at first at least! Give her some time to think and she'll actually explain it well! Maybe it's because she knows about all the food stuff thanks to working in cafe? Whatever it is, it definitely helped her right there!
"Oh I know! It's probably because taste buds are on your tongue, right!?"
"Ooooh, thanks An!"
You both stick together through your dumber thoughts. Usually she's the first one to come up with at least a bit smarter answers for them.
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You and Akito were bored to death as you just layed on your back in ones bedroom. You already played all games you could, talk about everyting you could, so he was distracted with his phone as you thought about everything and nothing at once. That's when you heard him get a bit more mean, most likely because of video he just saw.
"How the fuck do people do that!? C'mon it gotta be edited... it's so impossible after all..."
"Penguins can fly so you can do that too for sure."
"Penguins can't fly, stupid."
"They can if you give them a rocket!"
He just stared at you... he did not understand your way of thinking, so the only thing he could do was show how stupid he thought it was with his expression.
"I'm just done with you."
He's really not, he loves you so much despite your question and statements that sometimes even get him worried about your mental health...
Also he definitely looked up "rockets for penguins" when you weren't looking-
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You were helping Tsukasa with his school project. Basically he was supposed to do model of something son you naturally helped him.
You were just gluing some pieces together when a sudden thought appeared in your had...
"Hey Tsukasa... glue is made to stick to everything, right?"
"Yeah of course! That's like it's whole purpose."
"Then why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?"
"It... wait... you're right! Why it doesn't!!?"
You two are combo of dumb and dumber but that's exactly why the two of you are just so adorable together!
You definitely gave up on that project for now and focused on discussing why it could be like that and omg weren't your assumptions delusional.
"Maybe bottle is just glueproof?"
"But how? Is it like magical or something?"
"It could be!"
You ended up looking the answer up on Google and both of you were disappointed that the answer was this simple whole the two of you discussed this topic for at least half an hour and even did sketch of how it could've been created!
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Mafuyu was resting at the cafe with you as both of you waited for your orders to come. But then closed and opened your eyes... first thing that came to her mind is that you might be tired so she immidietly asked you for the reason.
"Are you tired? Do you want simp of my coffee? Or you can take a nap... I'll wake you up once our orders come."
"No I just realized something..."
She held herself back from sighing, she knew very well where this is going but of course she doesn't want to be mean without giving you a chance first so she let's you finish your thought.
"And what could it be this time?"
"Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can’t see."
"... Sometimes?"
She was confused... skipping the stupidity of that statement, what did you mean you don't see when your eyes are closed only SOMETIMES?! Should you go to doctor instead of aquarium date...?
As you nodded to confirm your words, she knew there was no way if explaining everything to you so she just gave up and decided to play nice. Especially since it's not first and definitely not your last stupid statement she hears today.
"That's... kinda right..."
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correctproseka · 8 months
I randomly got a pokemon hyperfix so welcome to my: prsk characters and their favorite pokemon (or the one most like them in my opinion based solely on designs bc i like them), most of these are the ones i see them having as a first pokemon (i mean, the evolved ones probably got the first version but yknow)
In other words
Kin typing prsk characters as pokemon (chaos edition)
I started with niigo since Mizuki and Sylveon is what started all of this idea.
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[image ID: a picture with the empty sekai background, all of niigo transparents are on it with their anniversary outfit, first is Mizuki, with a Sylveon image on their feet. Next is Mafuyu, with a shiny Bunnelby also on her feet. Next is Ena, with a Torchic on her head. And Kanade with a Meloetta on her feet]
Ok i know i said "the ones i see them having as a first pokemon" and Meloetta is a mythical but if you playing as a 10yo can catch one so can Kanade fuck it.
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[Image ID: a picture with the street Sekai background, all of the vivid bad squad transparents in their anniversary outfits. First is Akito with a Torracat on his feet. Next is Kohane with a Morpeko. Then is An with a Rockpuff shiny. And lastly Toya with a Riolu.]
You guys have no idea how happy I was when seeing dog pokemon for An i found out that the one that felt like shed use the most was blue in the shiny.
Also, fun fact, im putting these in the order that im thinking of them in.
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[Image ID: a picture with the classroom Sekai background, with the Leo/need girls also in their anniversary outfits. It starts with Saki with a shiny Yamper, Honami with an Appletun on the top of her drum, Shiho with a Luxray and Ichika with a Pikachu]
I just feel like Ichika would appreciate the classics such as Pikachu, and also poor Yamper i did not find a 2D model of your shiny
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[Image ID: image with the stage sekai background and the more more jump girls, again with their anni outfits, Haruka has an Empoleon behind her, Minori is holding a Lillipup, Airi has a Snubull and Shizuku an alolan Ninetales]
THESE WERE THE HARDEST TO FIT DUE TO EMPOLEON AND NINETALES BEING A BIT BIGGER, also bc they're jumping and i have less size notion with them in the fuckinf air.
Also, first one I didn't feel the need for a shiny, the designs fit easily without a change of colors.
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[image ID: an image with the wonderland sekai background, wonderlandxshowtime is wearing the anniversary outfits, Emu has a tinkaton, Nene has a Golett, Rui has a Rotom flying around his head, and Tsukasa has a galarian Rapidash]
And to finish it off, i needed help with Rui and Tsukasa from professionals (wxs fans that are also old ass pokemon fans, my hyperfixation literally started 3 days ago), also, in my head, Nene has a shiny Golett, which has green lines instead of yellow, but i didnt see any model to use so oof.
And thats all, that was very fun to do!! I accidentally made my friends start yelling teams for them on discor
-- Tagging some friends under read more
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myunghology · 2 years
walk me home — hellovenus
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project sekai boys and how they love.
— akito, toya, tsukasa, rui x gn! reader (seperate) got this idea from a post user @/akiitos tagged me in 🫶🫶🫶 ALSO FASTEST WORK I'VE EVER MADE WITH 4 CHARACTERS? I DID IT IN ONLY AN HOUR
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✦ akito shinonome
he's a bit passive aggressive. but you know he loves you dearly.
he loves by telling you aggressively not to overwork, just because he seems distant doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. and then when you don't, he lightly scolds you, calling you stupid for not listening to him, but even after all that, he still takes care of you.
he loves by looking out for you. telling people to shut up because your sleeping— telling people to fuck off because you're getting uncomfortable and because he knows you're too nice to say anything.
he loves by treating you sometimes with his own hard earned money. akito wants to take you out with his own money. not anyone else's. refuses to buy anything for you unless it's with his money.
he loves by being attentive. you send a chat that you're tired, and he reads it immediately. you might think he ignored you but 7 minutes later he's outside your house with some snacks so he can help you with whatever your dealing with. he walks in before closing the door with the spare key you gave him, going inside your room saying, “i heard someone was stressed.”
he loves by being an asshole. you were so sick of him that you say, “why are you always such an ass to me? what the fuck did i do?” and he replies with “I'm 'such an ass' because I'm in love with you, you fucking dumbass.” that was basically how he confessed.
✦ toya aoyagi
toya is an interesting person, it's hard to tell what he's thinking, but besides that, you still love him.
he loves by being considerate without you asking. one time, he heard you were having difficulties with an exam. so he came over and studied— even if he was tired, he's still considering you. motivating you even though your also tired.
he loves by giving you gifts as appreciation. we all know toya has a habit of literally winning a lot of stuff in arcades, so most of his winnings go mostly to you. you know, your plushies have their own bed now because of him.
he loves by reassuring you with anything and everything. telling you even when you're stuggling, bad times and good times, that he's still in love with you, even in arguments. tells you he'll still love you as you are whenever your too shy. tells you it's okay to make mistakes.
he loves by doing what he dislikes the most just for you. even if you never asked for it. you could say you love piano covers and suddenly he sends you a recording of him playing your favorite song on the piano even though it brings him unpleasant memories, he knows you'd never do something he doesn't like, but he can't help but do it for the person he loves.
✦ tsukasa tenma
tsukasa is a very, very energetic person. which makes him hard to get along with especially if you're an introvert.
he loves by making you smile almost always. how he goes the most goofiest shit just to see you smile. the lengths he goes just to see you happy. wxs calls him a simp, but who is he to deny that? even before you both start dating, his focus is always on you. and saki
he loves by showing you off / flexing you. you just laugh it off, but he really likes doing it. he always goes "oh my god their so amazing how could I get so lucky" etc. people give him weird stares, but he says everything he says is true.
he loves by helping with your social skills. if you're anxious, of course. he isn't afraid to introduce you to his other friends, encouraging you to talk, even if you don't want to, it's okay. he'll talk for you, no problem.
he loves by always spending time with you. he's always with you to the point that when you two are seperated, something went wrong. but really, he's just really busy. even if he is busy, he always makes time for you, checkin up on you everyday, and gets worried when you don't reply.
✦ rui kamishiro
rui is also an interesting person. you question him sometimes, but you still love him.
he loves by flirting with you. will stop if you're uncomfortable of course, but if you aren't, pickup lines are daily. and it isn't those weird cheesy ones. it's the ones that come out of no where. when you say something— he always has a pick up line to say. it's a 6th sense at this point.
he loves by listening to you. when you tell him to eat and stop being picky, he's pouting while eating vegetables. listening to you also means while you're sad. he's all ears. giving advice there and then unless you only want him to listen. and he's greatful that you're willing to share with him.
he loves by always willing to help you with anything. especially with robotics if you take it. he's really smart, you know. but he just.. doesn't use his smartness well if you know what I mean. if you two listen enough in class, then you two are definitely passing.
he loves by always noticing you when you're left out. he sees your trying to talk but other people keep interrupting. suddenly his voice gradually gets loulder when he says "ah wait [name], what were you trying to say?" always considering you even in moments like these, and you always appreciate it.
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©myunghology — all works written are made by ©myunghology. DON'T steal / copy my works. if you do see someone stealing my works, please report them :).
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mari-lair · 9 months
your posts about this newest chapter are so real because it disappointed me so much.
It was way too lighthearted and just seemed like a huge joke. I was expecting the trial to have suspense where you can really feel for the characters and wonder what will happen next, but it just ended up being comedic. It was funny, I’ll give it that, but I really really wanted some angst.
This may just be me, but Teru felt so out of canon to me. I can understand him putting on that “flawless student council” mask but it feels odd considering he is around mostly supernaturals. He is shown to be very intelligent and considering he is an exorcist and they are school mysteries why tf would that “look at how beautiful I am I could never” argument work. It was funny, sure, but just seemed out of canon for him.
Akane felt a little out of canon too to me? Probably not but he seemed to fully accept his role as a judge with little to no guilt at all. We don’t really get him looking guiltily at Teru or feeling frustrated, he’s just kind of there. Probably because (as always) the story focused on Hanako, Yashiro, and Tsukasa.
NOW UGHH TSUKASA IS SO FAVORITED ITS PAINFUL. You’re telling me after all that suspense around the clock keepers he takes them out in TWO PANELS. The clock keepers seem like a fucking joke in this chapter instead of the powerful mysterious beings they have shown to be previously.
Overall I expected something much more satisfying and I hope next chapter will be a little better because the last chapter got me so excited for nothing.
just my opinion though, I know some people enjoyed this chapter and that’s totally ok! just not my personal favorite
That's a mood ya-rr-ow. Big mood.
Many people enjoyed the chapter, and I'm happy for them, but I was also majorly disappointed so I'll talk about what you mentioned here and add some other things.
(I will just focus on the negatives here so if you're feeling hyped about the chapter. I am sorry, I wouldn't recommend reading this)
Okay let's go
Chapter 108 went out of its way to create a tense atmosphere, it was mostly a set up and hype piece for the trial.
Mirai was a beast, but Akane was the one that really set up the tone. He had the power to make Teru harmless, which only hyped up the other clock keepers since he is the lowest ranking keeper. Mirai and Kako's supposed power was said to be dangerous enough to make Akane, who hates supernaturals and is so firm in his beliefs, feel cornered, switch sides to 'do his duties', his vague words hinting that there is more to this trial than it seems on the surface.
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So I don't think we were being delusional to expect this trial to be dramatic. To have angst. Or at least, character dept. To be important.
But despite the trial being the title, the spotlight, we got none of it: Not only is the trial treated as a joke, which I already don't vibe with considering how tense the atmosphere in chapter 108 is. It is an empty joke.
It doesn't teach us anything about the characters, it doesn't give any new information. Nothing.
Hanako's trial was a gag. He isn't even my priority character, but considering how he have the title of 'leader of the mysteries' and had been put on trial before for the Yorishiro's destruction, it is a baffling choice to make Kako not mention this big BIG crime when judging him.
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Nene's trial 'revealed' she likes Hanako and want to confess to him. Which she has been doing this whole manga.
We could talk about her time crimes (every time travel that made her meet Amane), try to bargain her lifespan since this is the main conflict in the story and they are talking to the keepers of time. They could talk about her crime of helping to destroy the yorishiros with Hanako, or just acknowledge she is still a threat since she is the Kannagi, the only one capable of ripping their yorishiro in the first place. But no, those are stupid, let's spend 4 full pages of a monthly manga to tease a confession she already did in the very previous chapter.
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Teru revealed he has some craving for destruction on him. Which surprise, surprise! It also isn't new information! How nice!
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( I talked about his love for the idea of destruction and how it's almost an escapism recently, here you go if you're curious)
About Teru and Akane's acting weird. That's not them being ooc, that's Aidairo making a narrative choice to not take anything serious, including his own characters. Everyone is acting like themselves, and nothing contradicts what has been established about their personalities, but their competence has been drastically downgraded to move the plot quickly.
Teru has the bad habit of becoming pathetic when he has strong feelings, like locking himself in his room and hiding under the covers after his fight with Kou, immediately hitting Akane's stab wound when he is too late to rescue aoi cause the situation stressed him. So it is in character that he wants to kill Akane, who has always been his stress relief.
However, because Teru takes things so personally, and it was stablished in chapter 108 that Teru is way more bothered by Akane's betrayal than being in a court of law, it makes no sense that he treat it as a normal court instead of using his very obvious alibi that he couldn't destroy the clock because he was with Akane. Teru doesn't turn this court into the confrontation that would bring attention to their split up, doesn't go "Are you doing to deny my alibi now?? betray me again??" or question "So? We are here! Why did it had to be now??" or anything that builds up on the last chapter to expand it.
Cause Aidairo decided the court doesn't matter. The build up doesn't matter. Once more, the consequences are an afterthought. We don't need the answers to anything.
Akane is still guilty, he can't look at Teru in the eye, can't defend him, but he goes "!!!" when Teru finally calls for him, paying full attention.
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But this is comedic. And as i mentioned above, Teru doesn't say anything useful, anything with more depth than what we already know: that he is angry by Akane's betrayal and hasn't forgiven him.
We TRULY are given nothing in this trial.
Which is insane, cause even the promo art had details to build intrigue, a vague idea that while the chapter would be comedic in nature, it would explain more about the clock keepers, or at least expand on their boundaries.
Like, what are those numbers on the scale? will they be judged by year? Will a lie make their time be stolen? oooh what could it be! Can't wait for the chapter!
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And the chapter comes, and there is nothing. The whole trial feels like filler. They treated the audience as a fool for being excited.
That's why this big twist at the end? I don't care.
As you said Tsukasa is overpowered, they are Aidairo's golden child. And they will break established lore rules and make a joke out of everyone else just cause he can.
It's not just Teru and Akane who were nerfed to make the plot move faster, not allowed to have any proper focus. The clock keepers were also a joke, acting 'in character' but more incompetent than they have been stablished to be.
Tsukasa op moment doesn't make me go "wow he is so cool" it made me look at the clock keepers and go "You are all are stupid"
Cause Tsukasa has the judgment seal?? And he was already sentenced as guilty??? There are three clock keepers in the room too? So why not... you know... restrict him again...?
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The clock keepers is a school rumor that was introduced all the way back in chapter 23. Like you said they are supposed to be super op! They are a mystery so hyped up that just Mirai's power (who isn't the strongest keeper) can throw the intire school into chaos in the Near Shore, where supernaturals are debuffed.
Even before Tsukasa attacked he made the clock keepers act incompetent, to make him look more mysterious and cool in comparison.
These very old and supposedly op school mysteries know Yugi Amane is Hanako, but they don't know who Amane's twin brother 'Tsukasa' is, they also don't refer to him as a yorishiro despite the seal being in his face, and use titles for every other character (Leader of the school mysteries. Kannagi. Student Body Representative)
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Which might look like a small thing, silly nitpick, but it shows the favoritism isn't just for a twist. Aidairo naturally likes Tsukasa more than his own narrative, and is willing to make others be less competent for the sake of it.
I don't think Kako will die. That would objectively be bad writing at this point. He'll probably be back in the next chap, a la "teru got fucked up by No.6" and "Akane got stabbed by Aoi but he lives bitch" or even "i always had a ton of clones, like Mei of the art room" but it is still disappointing to see him and Mirai get fucked up in their own boundary after all the hype they have accumulated through the story.
There is a hint Akane can be a yorishiro at the end of the chapter, and that is cool, genuinely really cool, but I am tired of getting excited over possibilities and 'promises for the future'. I want something concrete.
Speaking of which, I don't think Akane will die. This is just another bait to keep reading like when No.6 slashed Teru, Kou, and Akane and we didn't get any answers for a few months before 'oh well nothing happened :) no consequences to be had here folks!'
"But Tsukasa has always killed everyone that he pulled the heart of! there is Mitsuba, and The puffer fish of the mermaid, and the previous No.3 (the bird)" And to that I say I trust Akane's ability to say fuck to fate.
My boy gets new death flags every year, he collects them like pokemon cards, you all should have gotten used to it.
He also survived his bae stabbing him, this isn't new. Sucks to be Tsukasa and die by a stab in the gut and all but Akane is built differently (quite literally with two bodies).
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He is also in his own boundary, so if Aoi doesn't kill him while in the territory of another mystery, but he dies in No.1's boundary I will... idk probably just sigh.
In short, Aidairo treated this as joke, so I will treat their cliffhanger as one too. Give me reasons to care in chapter 110. Cause at the moment? I don't.
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project-sekai-facts · 11 months
What's ur fav piece of trivia for every* character?
(*or at least as much as you can recall off the top of ur head)
my favorite trivia for characters is usually just whatever i think is funniest so just keep that in mind. that's not always the case but you might see it become a pattern. oh the other thing is whatever is most soul-crushing so yeah.
Ichika - either the fact her name comes from how her parents met (because i think it's really sweet) or that she accidentally discovered miku when she was watching videos on her dad's tablet and opened a recording of a miku concert
Saki - she used to listen to the song Time Machine when she was in hospital (at Ichika's recommendation) to remind her of family and friends. It's the in-universe reason why she is featured on the cover. This is actually one of my favorite facts in the game overall.
Honami - she is surprisingly good at flirting
Shiho - not one I've posted before, but in Run! Sports Festival! she couldn't bring herself to throw any of the balls in the ball toss because they had cute animal designs on them
Minori - she once passed out because Haruka wished her happy birthday.
Haruka - she likes penguins because she thinks the way they waddle is cute and she likes how round a lot of penguin merch is
Airi - she followed all of Shizuku's campaigns and bought all the magazines she was featured in when she was still a member of Cheerful*Days. She insists it was just research.
Shizuku - either that she usually has a thermos of miso soup on her to eat after practice or archery club or that she isn't good at texting. i haven't posted either of these before
Kohane - again one I haven't posted yet, but her favorite photo she's taken of Count Pearl is one of Pearl eating mice. the rest of VBS are surprised that she isn't squeamish about that sort of thing (i dunno what they're talking about that sounds like a very cool photo).
An - the possible symbolism of the black stripe on her new school cardigan. hello to the person who submitted that i am still not over it.
Akito - in Cinema he's the only person to sing solo during the first two choruses, the others don't get solo parts in the chorus until the end of the song. i think about this one a lot actually
Toya - he can't swim
Tsukasa - he's the comedic relief and there's a lot of really random shit i know about him because of that, so my favorite fact about him is whatever will have the most impact in the moment if i were to mention it out of nowhere. for a less vague answer, this one although i consider it to be one of my worst posts
Emu - she's very good at replicating cartoon faces. i like this one because it raises a few questions about whether the L2Ds are still exaggerated or if she just looks like that and no one questions that she actually has a cartoon face. what if project sekai ends with them all becoming self-aware.
Nene - either the fact that she thinks the forest has good graphics or that she called rui's mom "auntie" when she was younger because i think it's cute.
Rui - i like a good reference and i appreciate that he sometimes references famous people and media.
Kanade - she's left handed. i also like that her family name was made up specifically to contrast with the rest of N25.
Mafuyu - either that it's shown one time that she can see ghosts and then it's never brought up or referenced again, or that the "mom's cooking" listed as her favorite food might refer to the bunny-shaped apple slices her mother would make for her when she was a kid. i also like the detail that her eyes being two-tone is because she inherited the eye colors of both her parents.
Ena - twitter user. also despite loving cheesecake, she doesn't like cheese. girl what the hell.
Mizuki - they started out editing by making AMVs for a magical girl anime they liked. Amia comes from the name of a character from that anime. also did you know they put ice cubes in noodles because of their sensitive tongue. ice cubes.
Bonus - some side character stuff I like
Kotaro's favorite food is strawberries but he doesn't like strawberry flavored things for whatever reason
Asahi and Sakurako's family names are Chinese mythology references
Tatsuya's hobbies are motorbiking and fishing. these are not things you expect to go together
Nagi hated tomatoes but she would eat them in front of An
Iori hates spicy food, whilst Mio's favorite food is super spicy ramen. Meanwhile Mio doesn't like cream, but Iori likes crepes (which usually have cream on them).
Souma started listening to foreign music after Arata left for America
gbr i forgot about the vocaloids for a second but before i call it a day i think it's incredibly funny that Len cannot reach the stools in crase cafe.
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miimo96 · 3 months
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 115
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Judging by the Cover Card it looks like this chapter is going to be focusing Heavily on the relationship between Kou and mitsuba in this timeline, since the last chapter ended with mitsuba asking for kou to join him in investigating the incident that happened with the Students missing after summoning a spirit AKA Tsukasa, I wonder if this will be like a Scooby doo mystery adventure for these 2 or if it will Entirely focus on them at all like in the Aquarium date a few Chapters back, or heck if we even see any other characters show up like yashiro or hanako, or if This will focus on anything that I had predicted last Chapter, well only 1 way to find out
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Ok 2 things: 1 I'm surprised I Actually remembered who the f#%k this guy was the Minute I saw him since it's been like Chapter 1 when he was 1st introduced and was just there to drive the plot forward, 2 is yashiro in this timeline Still the Same as episode 1, like is She Still the girl that is So desperate for love that she will literally ask anybody if it means even having some sort of a "chance" and that She Never changed Staying the way used to, and 3, TAKE YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER YOU TROGLODYTE, The hell you mean if She gives you an "interesting" confession She'll be your TENTH Girlfriend, Sry but she's taken; I'm actually kinda worried that's he's back because when Stuff like this happens, it usually means we're Getting closer to the End, Omg I'm not ready 😰😰
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There ya Go yashiro get the eff away from Him, I'm glad that he got the headbutt treatment she likes to do to Our sweet boy Servers him right, also the fact that she did a freaking somersault and Stuck the landing while getting out of dodge immediately is Just Hilarious 🤣🤣 *sigh* I miss Hanako so much....
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Already this is Starting to become one of My favorite chapters omg I love that she's Finally realizing how Stupid she used to be before meeting hanako, always being manipulated into doing things for other people, always asking out people who Never truly even cared for her, always just being the classic "Doormat" shoujo protagonist she was, Glad She's finally realizing how much growth and character development she's had ever since meeting kou and Hanako, God I love this series ^^
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😦😧😨 No way omg no way Did I call it Omg please
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Wait what was it all a Dream omg my Heart Damn it Aidairo why!? 😫
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Ngl this scene hurt, I went completely silent reading this part, and wow just, wow, Seeing hanako's/ Amane's life and what it is/could've been really hurts and yashiro's tears in this Scene just speak louder than any words possible, God This chapter is so Good 😣
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Ok firstly is it me or is My boys rocking the DRIIP, secondly this Show has gotten Way more Darker than when it 1st started, the fact that this Went from being a Show about ghost stories and spooky stuff, with just a tad bit of Dark topics to it, To literally now giving me Straight Gravity falls season 2 vibes is Really telling me a lot, also Kou in this timeline seems to be a lot more experienced when it comes down to being an Exorcist, the way he was just talking and examining the situation shows that He's no longer a Noob when it comes to this sort of thing, and is a lot more trained than he let's on Which pretty awesome
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Bruh this series is Not holding back Anymore whatsoever, this is just Straight TERRIFYING 😅
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Oh yeah that's Totally Not Nightmare fuel at All, Wow when did this Series become so horrifying, Also this is NOT Tsukasa, this is that Mother effing THING, till this day I still don't understand what this thing is and What it wants, all I know is that it's the freaking Hole the Kannagis were being sacrificed to and that the real Tsukasa sacrificed himself to in the Red house, I've always had a thought that Maybe just maybe a bit of him was still in their after the Red house arc and that he was just fighting or switching out from time to time, But from what I'm seeing It looks like the Thing has Taken him over COMPLETELY in this timeline, Tsukasa is Gone, this just a Shell, an empty husk Wearing his face; yep it's official, This is Absolutely One of my favorite Chapters Now, Omg I can't wait ^_^
Also the fact I was right about that the Next chapter was going to be focusing more on Yashiro, Makes me so FREAKING happy ^^ YEAH! I CALLED IT
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001: Kamishiro Rui (WXS)
002: Momoi Airi (MMJ)
003: Shinonome Akito (VBS)
004: Shinonome Ena (N25)
005: Aoyagi Touya (VBS)
006: Hinomori Shizuku (MMJ)
007: Akiyama Mizuki (N25)
008: Otori Emu (WXS)
009: Tenma Tsukasa (WXS)
010: Hinomori Shiho (L/N)
Warden: Hoshino Ichika (L/N)
Jackalope: Hatsune Miku (VS)
I planned out Tsukasa first, because he’s my favorite…
009: Tenma Tsukasa
Obviously my favorite character is gonna have the most ideas.
there are so many things i could do with his character, like,, i could give him DID like Mikoto, or he could be similar to his character in PJSK
“(cheerful) ..My name is Tenma Tsukasa! (saddened) Formerly, a Future star.. I’m 18, a third year at Kamiyama High School.”
This would be his introduction, or something like that.
He would, like Mikoto, have DID.. and he would, like Mikoto, not quite understand why he was there. He wouldn’t be violent for awhile, and he’d try to be kind. The friendships he’d make would 003, 001, 005, and 008. After trial 2, it depends if he gets guilty or innocent.
Guilty → changes to violent, closeted(?), untalkative. Still talks to 003, 001, 005, and 008, but never to others. Usually, him talking leads to fights.
Innocent → cheerful, happy, talkative, sympathetic. Attempts to befriend those voted guilty, and attempts to comfort them. Gets violent when the attacker of the guilty is near to them.
And then I wrote a script!
action: ichika walks in. clattering of boots, it catches Tsukasa’s attention.]
Ichika: “Prisoner Nine, state your name and age.”
Tsukasa: “Tenma Tsukasa! 18 years old, third year at Kamiyama High School.”
Ichika: “I am prison warden Hoshino Ichika.”
[Action: extend arm, hand out to shake hands.]
[Action: Tsukasa shakes Ichika hand. Energetic, but not too energetic.]
Tsukasa: “Pleasure to meet you, Warden-kun.”
Ichika: “I believe we’ve met before, Tenma-san.”
Tsukasa: “..eh? What do you mean, “we’ve met?””
Ichika: “Don’t you remember Saki-chan’s childhood friends?”
[action: Tsukasa stands there for a second, seemingly thinking.]
[action: Tsukasa has a surprised face.]
Tsukasa: “ahh, Ichika-chan! I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you. You look different, per say..”
Ichika: “Well, i’m glad you haven’t forgotten me. But don't get formal, Tenma-san.”
Tsukasa: “of course. I’ll stick to Warden-kun, then..”
Ichika: “it doesn’t matter.”
Tsukasa: “okay.. You can call me whatever you’d like.”
Ichika: “of course. Now, we shall began the interrogation. We’ve wasted too much time.”
Tsukasa: “yes, of course.”
Ichika: “silence.”
[action: Tsukasa darts his eyes to the side and nods.]
Ichika: “Sekaigram exists for one purpose; Everyone in here are murderers, and it’s our, Sekaigram’s, duty to come to the judgement if your sin is forgiven.”
Ichika: “Tenma-san, do you remember anything that happened before or during the event of the murder you committed?”
Tsukasa: “..no. This feels like a mistake, i shouldn’t be in prison. You know that, right, Ichika-chan? I haven’t committed any sort of murde—”
Ichika: “Silence! I will not be biased, and you are to call me the Warden. Understood?”
Tsukasa: “yes, ma’am.. “
Ichika: “Tenma-san, what have you been doing as of late? Perhaps, do you have a job? Something you do for fun?”
[action: Tsukasa opens his mouth to speak. He hesitates.]
Tsukasa: “I work at.. Phoenix Wonderland.”
[action: Ichika confused at hesitation.]
Ichika: “do you work with anyone? Perhaps someone I might know?”
Tsukasa: “…Kamishiro-kun and Emu-chan.”
Ichika: “Ehh? Prisoner one and prisoner eight?”
Ichika: “But… did anything ever happen between you guys? It seems like your bonds aren’t very… strong.”
Tsukasa: “Emu-chan was acting weird, and then she got arrested for some reason. I don’t remember why, but she had been a little.. off. As for Kamishiro-kun…”
[action: Tsukasa has a fearful, maybe worried(?) expression.]
Ichika: “Tenma-san? Is something wrong?”
Tsukasa: “....Kamishiro-kun is my best friend. He trusts me. I trust him.”
Ichika: “what are you hiding from me?”
Tsukasa: “Nothing, warden-kun.”
[action: Tsukasa smiles. He is sitting with his hands in his lap.]
[action: ichika seems aggravated, or rather, upset.]
Ichika: “Tenma-san! Speak now! Is Kamishiro-san threatening you?!”
Tsukasa: “ehh? No.. nothing of the sort. Warden-kun, are you okay?”
Ichika: “Shut up! I’m fine, i’m asking you whats wrong! Answer me, Tenma-san! What is it that Kamishiro-kun did?!”
[action: Ichika’s boot clatter on the floor as she walks closer to Tsukasa. Her hands are in fists.]
Tsukasa: “He didn’t do anything. Kamishiro-kun is innocent.”
[action: Ichika looks dumbfounded. She has a blank expression.]
[action: ichika laughs slightly and quietly.]
Ichika: “hhaha… hahahaha… AHAHAHAHA! Tenma-san, do you coin me as a FOOL?!”
[action: ichika kicks down a chair, turning around with her hand in fists.]
Ichika: “I’ll give you one chance. What did Kamishiro-kun do?”
Tsukasa: “...I saw him.”
Ichika: “eh?”
Tsukasa: “I saw him, watched him, commit his murder.”
Ichika: “...!!”
Tsukasa: “It was on accident. He didn’t mean to. It’s not his fault, it’s not.”
Ichika: “..that’s for me to decide!!”
Tsukasa: “I request you give him the verdict of innocent, please.”
Ichika: “ghh.. And what about you?! Do you want a guilty verdict?! You, Tenma-san, are a murderer! As well as Kamishiro-kun, Otori-kun, Hinomori-san, and everyone else!”
Tsukasa: “i’m not a murderer! Warden-kun, i’ve told you so many times!”
Ichika: “ you are a murderer! There is no doubt about it, do you understand?!”
Tsukasa: “no.. no… im not.. I’m not.. I’m not, i’m not, i’m not, i’m not… I’M NOT! I’M NOT A MURDERER! I’M INNOCENT! SHUT UP!”
Ichika: “.....!!!”
Tsukasa: “dang it.. So aggravating… aahaaha.. Stop it… shut up..”
Tsukasa: “you think you’re so great because you’re the prison warden?!”
Tsukasa: “you think you can boss people around!?”
Tsukasa: “hahaha… stupid.. Stupid.. Stupid..”
[action: Tsukasa kicks Ichika, she falls.]
Ichika: “--gah..!!”
Ichika: “..what? But– you– thats.. Impossible..”
Tsukasa: “hahaa.. Impossible, you say? ahahaa… impossible… impossible…”
[action: Tsukasa punches ichika.]
Tsukasa: “You’re sooo high and mighty, you can’t get hurt! Ahahaaahahaa… that’s what you thought, isn’t it?”
[action: Tsukasa punches ichika again, and again, and again. Ichika is wincing in pain, eyes slightly teary.]
[action: Shiho hits Tsukasa in the back of the head after swinging her bat.]
[action: Tsukasa gasps and falls, passing out.]
Ichika: “--!! Ggh..”
Shiho: “..ichika, can you get up?”
[action: Shiho reaches her hand out. Ichika uses it to stand up, using Shiho as support.]
Shiho: “It seems like Tenma-san can loose his temper very easily.”
Shiho: “but it seems like you can too, Ichika.”
[action: Ichika looks to the side and frowns.]
Shiho: “we’ll talk later. For now, get Tsukasa-kun to wake up. I assume he won’t remember anything.”
Ichika: “..mhm.”
[action: Ichika nods. Body language indicates tiredness.]
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theguardianace · 4 months
Can I politely ask you to elaborate on the Aroace Nene fic you talked about some time ago? Or just simply how you see her in your brain after finding out she's aroace? If it's not much to ask, of course
OMG YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! absolutely. i will ramble about aroace literally anybody on the drop of a dime this is one of the best anons to get actually
nene's story is actually the one i have the least about, to be perfectly honest. i have a plot for both emu and tsukasa's stories, but haven't quite figured out one for nene. honestly, i think nene's the type of aroace to not really... care about it that much. she'd never cared about love or romance to begin with, so when she realized it was because she was aroace, it was mostly like "hm. cool. im gonna go play animal crossing now".
as for finding out... i think it would have happened in middle school, back when she was Online Gamer Nene TM full time. with how much she loves games and storytelling, it really only makes sense she'd want to engage with fandom content like fics. however, just... seeing the way people sexualize her favorite characters, or only write/draw shipping content... she didn't care for it. she didn't want to engage with that. not that there was anything wrong with it! people can do whatever they want with fictional game characters. she just. didnt care about it herself. which led to her feeling even more isolated even within her favorite hobbies. i think this would sort of lead her to playing a variety of games so she doesn't have to worry about getting absorbed in fandoms she doesn't care to be a part of. she still checks, every once in a while. for games that she really likes. i think its through this that she eventually stumbles across a popular aroace headcannon, goes "what", googles it, and is like "wow. thats me. sick". and then moves on
but like. even when she's moved on. it's still really nice to know, yknow? it explains why she felt like the odd one out not wanting to ship stuff, or even care to entertain it. there's people out there just like her. it makes her less anxious, a little more sure of herself.
she doesn't ever tell anyone. not even rui. (i mean, they hadn't talked in ages. how is she supposed to? "hi, we havent had a genuine conversation in years, how are you? by the way i discovered im aroace and you probably don't know what that means and honestly i dont really care about it myself. have a good day".) (and once they do start talking again, it just... never came up. she never felt the need to, and he never felt the need to ask.) until my epilouge chapter where they all end up coming out like WHAT WERE ALL AROACE THATS SO SILLY anyways
in casual life, i think nene would have been the type for adults to go "oooh, you have a crush on him, don't you? look at you, all red and shy just thinking about him" when shes simply Just Like That. it was really annoying. she knew she didn't like them like that and that was that. but shes too scared to say that so she just took it. definitely didn't help the "nene needs to learn how to make friends" department. honestly, her only relief from it was with rui- both her parents and the kamishiro parents recognized that the two really did care about each other, but it wasn't like that. also no way in hell they're ruining the one friendship their kids have.
later with emu, i don't think there was any point where people even considered a romance, at least not at first glance. it wasn't like people at school even knew about emu (minus when she snuck in, but why would this hyperactive pink thing be looking for that shy second year?). and people walking the streets didn't really assume they liked each other like that since they were two girls. nene's mom was a little curious if they were dating since emu comes over so often and is so physically affectionate, but she never really pressed. she was mostly just happy nene has friends over that aren't just rui. (also, emu's aroace too, so nothing in her demeanor even made nene consider it could have been romantic. shes just Emu.)
for tsukasa, it's a similar thing. by the time people have realized the two are friends, nene's confident in herself and her feelings enough to shut down the people who would even dare assume she likes a buffoon like that star in that way. there's those people that go "oh but you're mean to him and girls are mean to boys when they have a crush on them" but she's tough enough to go "ew" and move on. (she did complain about it a little to rui on a walk home once. if he ended up in her classroom the next day to "grab her for lunch" and weaponize his dangerous reputation to intimidate them when she wasn't looking, it was sheer coincidence.)
also, i think out of the four, nene falls most on the loveless scale. tsukasa, emu, and rui are all beings made of love despite the fact they don't fall in it. nene's a bit different. she cares about her friends, and she's super good at making them (despite what she thinks), but she doesn't really... love them. not in the ways people usually want to describe love. she would kill a man for them in a heartbeat, don't get me wrong. she just experiences those sorts of feelings differently. it's care, and determination, and hope, and happiness, but not... love. not completely.
anyways aroace gamer nene so real fic will happen once i figure out how to tie these ideas to a plot 👍
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zylophie · 8 months
🍙﹒星 — day 4 featuring tenma tsukasa
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knock knock!
heres some mail!
ଘ(੭´꒳`)°* ੈ‧₊ 💌
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...nian-7 is typing... ♡
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
❝sooo.. i know i don't really know mango very well but seeing as tsukasa is on their favorite characters how about tsukasa for their birthday event for slot 4? <3 ❞
━━❝I love hearing your voice even when we are so far away from each other❞
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You loved being somewhere different. The scenery was gorgeous, the food was amazing, and the new fashion? You were in love with all of it… The diversity in clothing styles, makeup styles, and hairstyles was everything you wanted to see. 
You were glad to take the chance you’ve been dying for… But, something wasn’t right.
It was quiet. Too quiet.
You loved the rare quietness you got from time to time… But, being somewhere totally new with nobody was isolating.
Of course, there were other classmates, but they weren’t considerable as friends.
There were many friends back at home and it was never lonely. Hanging out with friends was awesome, but what was more awesome was being with him…
You sighed, reviewing the pictures you took on your camera on your laptop. ‘Who knew taking pictures all day was such an exhausting thing…’
As much as it was boring, it was also slightly entertaining to see where your day led you. Plus, you had many pictures to show your friends once you got home.
Call it unprepared, but you didn’t realize that you would need to purchase cellular internet for another country. So, you were offline for the next week until you could get the chance to make a plan.
Falling backward into the chair, you groan. “This sucks…”
You jolted upwards, looking around the room. “What the hell?”
The noise was heard again, and it came from the hotel phone. You laughed softly before scooting the chair backward and stood up, walking towards the phone.
You pick the phone up and hold it to your ear. “Hello?”
“Ah- I finally got it!” The voice on the other end exclaimed.
Eyebrows furrowed, you tilt your head to the side slightly. Laughing awkwardly, “Who is this?”
“You don’t recognize the sound of my terrific and mighty voice, co-star!?”
“AHA! You guessed right, my amazing co-star! I can never get anything past you!.”
“Wait,” You paused. “How did you find my room’s number? I couldn’t even text anyone!”
It took a moment for Tsukasa to answer. “I asked your instructor what hotel you were staying at! The process was long but unimportant! What matters now is that we are speaking!”
You laughed at him with a small smile, sitting on the bed.
“Everybody has been missing you, my co-star!”
Even though you couldn’t see him, the smile on his face was screaming from the other end of the phone. “Of course! I wouldn’t dare lie to you!”
“Oh no, of course you wouldn’t.”
Tsukasa suddenly sighed. “I can’t believe you had forgotten the fact you had to buy a new plan when you left the country!”
“It slipped my mind…” You sighed, rubbing the side of your head. “I was busy planning everything else! I would have gotten the international plan for the time being if I remembered!”
“That’s why you should have a bright calendar like me!” He beamed. “Every shining star must have one, you know?”
“I’ll be sure to get a calendar once I’m home,” You smiled.
It was silent for a moment until Tsukasa mumbled something softly.
“How is it there!?” He asked loudly, causing you to drag the phone away for a moment then back to your face.
“It’s honestly so nice here,” You explained. “It’s so beautiful. The sites are amazing and- I wish I could show you and everyone else. But- the culture here is fascinating! I had gotten the chance to speak to some locals and some traditional clothing stores and I’ve gotten a great chunk of history on some of the culture here! Oh and also- the food is so tasty!”
Tsukasa listened quietly with delight as you continuously spoke about the new place you had been staying at. He liked how much you loved the new place and how passionate you were about it…
“Sounds fun… We and our friends should all go to the shining future together!”
You laughed with a smile and nodded. “I think we should too- oh, but I have to go soon. I need to finish up some homework before tomorrow.”
“Oh. Of course! A light has to do their work to make sure they can truly become the shining stars they’re made to be! Just like me!”
“You get it.”
The silence came back. It felt like he had something to say but at the same time, not really… It was hard to tell…
You hummed a small tune in response.
“I love hearing your voice.”
You were silent, still smiling, before becoming confused. “Huh?”
“I truly love hearing your voice whenever I can,” He softly said, contrasting with how he usually spoke. “I love hearing your voice even when we are so far apart. It’s comforting to hear! Not as comforting as mine but-”
You burst into a small laughter before he could finish his sentence. “You’re so sweet, Tsukasa. I honestly feel the same about you… it’s pretty quiet and lonely without hearing your voice every so often,” You breathed out a laugh.
It was silent again but felt more complete. “I’m glad you feel the same way!” He laughed. “Nobody can get enough of the star! It’s an after-star effect!”
“What the heck is that?”
“The effect after seeing someone amazing on stage who was truly so amazing you want to see more of them!”
You laughed again with a fond laugh on your face.
“Well, I should let you get back to work now, huh co-star?”
“It’s probably for the best,” You shrugged. “Call me tomorrow around this time again. I’ll make sure to finish my work early so we can talk for longer.”
Tsukasa laughed. “Alright! Farewell, my amazing co-star! I shall speak to you tomorrow!”
“Goodbye Tsukasa.”
You put the phone down before pausing, just remembering the conversation then laughed. How much of a dork he was…
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(っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌 You receive a letter from Mango!
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
i hardly write on this blog but i hope to change that soon TT i love writing for tsukasa he is so silly 🩷 HEHHE
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musicalmoritz · 27 days
What do you think of Natsuhiko as a character? I personally don't like him all that way, granted it's pretty surface level. While I wouldn't say I hate or despise him, I do find him a tad irritating in the beginning of the series. However later chapters have piqued my interest regarding his character as a whole, and I would also like to ask about his relationship with Sakura. At first glance it seemingly falls into a dynamic like AoiAoi, where the girl shows disinterest while the guy does not stop with his pursuits. Of course now we have more insight on AoiAoi, but this isn't yet the case for Sakuhiko. So by extension, what do you take from their dynamic?
Thank you for this question, Sakura and Natsuhiko are two of my favorites but I haven’t gotten the chance to talk abt them much yet!! (I say “favorites” but they’re 9 and 10th on my character ranking respectively so do with that info what you will lol)
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Starting off with Natsuhiko, I didn’t like him much at first either. In fact, when I first watched the anime, I fucking hated this dude on sight. Like I couldn’t even stand to look at him, he gave me frat boy vibes and I didn’t trust him. When I realized he was going to be a prominent character I dreaded it. I’m not sure when my opinion started to change, maybe around the door arc?? As a Natsunene enjoyer that one’s a favorite of mine lol. Tbh he still annoys me sometimes, he’s just so shady mixed with a personality that’s made to be irritating and it makes me roll my eyes so hard. I feel bad saying that bcuz a lot of my moots LOVE him but fear not, he’s in my top 10 for a reason
As much as I love Sakura and Natsuhiko, it’s hard to say much about either of them with what little info we’ve been giving. I have to laugh at ppl who think the current arc of the manga is going to be the last one because that would likely mean the series would end without either of them ever getting their time to shine (despite all the recent lore that’s been dropped, we still don’t know much about Natsuhiko). However, what we’ve seen of them so far has been super compelling
For Natsuhiko, I like him most when he’s with the Broadcasting Crew. I know he’s almost always with them but I mean specifically when we see the side of his character that acts like a true upperclassman. I like when he’s visibly annoyed with Tsukasa, it shows a different side to his laidback personality. Despite how chill he appears, he seems to have a short temper, it’s just something he keeps inside. I also think him being an ASMRist in the Monster Nursery au is so hilariously on brand. And tbh I could yap forever about what the anime did with the Monster Nursery au!! I can’t remember if Natsuhiko was the undercover researcher in the original au or not but regardless I love the route they took. If I have time I will absolutely write a Sakuhiko fic set in that universe someday bcuz they give me major Spy X Family vibes
I need more details on why he can’t die and how his blood kills people. Is he from an exorcist clan??? Is he part supernatural??? What is his deal??? I’m very interested to learn more about him. He’s always been a suspicious character so I like that we’re starting to get more insight on him
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Now onto Sakuhiko…*dreamy sigh*. I love Sakuhiko so much. They’re one of my top ships for TBHK, at one point they were even my favorite. I do headcanon them as sapphics, with Sakura being a nonbinary lesbian and Natsuhiko being a genderfluid bisexual. I have written a few fics for them on ao3 so if you’re looking for some good sapphic Sakuhiko stuff…🤭
I see where the AoiAoi parallels come from on a surface level but beyond that I feel as though the two ships are quite different! First off, Aoi never shuts Akane down the way Sakura does with Natsuhiko. Sakura hits him every time he tries to make a move on them, a clear sign of rejection coupled with berating him verbally. They make their disinterest abundantly clear, although it’s highly implied that the ship isn’t as one-sided as it appears. There are moments where Sakura looks at Natsuhiko with fondness, and times where they even seem to flirt with him! Natsuhiko himself says that Sakura just has a different way of showing their love for him, very similar to the Minamoto Typical Sadism I write so often lol. It’s not a TBHK couple without a little sadomasochism (not the weird kinky kind just the bullying kind, the majority of them are babies. Normally I wouldn’t feel the need to specify that but this is Tumblr)
Anyways this is very different from how Aoi “rejects” Akane. Every time she turns him away, she does so in a way that will encourage him to keep trying. With a cute smile and a hand to her face, rating his pursuits so he’ll be motivated to try and do better next time. She never gives him less than 2 points (as far as I remember), and she’s not even mean to him until she’s under the potion in chapter 69. I’m pretty sure Aoi would cry at the thought of treating Akane the way Sakura treats Natsuhiko, she’s pretty down bad and dependent on him in certain ways. She shuts down at the thought of Akane ever moving on, so she would never reject him so bluntly and risk losing his approval. Sakura doesn’t seem to care what Natsuhiko thinks of them, they’re a very independent as opposed to Aoi who is more on the dependent side of things. If Sakura were revealed to have been super clingy and emotionally attached to Natsuhiko this whole time, that would be weird writing. But Aoi’s attachment to Akane has been implied since the Confession Tree arc
The differences between Natsuhiko and Akane are so interesting to me because they get compared so often. The biggest thing I notice is the level of respect they have for their partners. Akane is overly obsessive and a yandere at times but he never actually attempts to touch Aoi the way Natsuhiko frequently does with Sakura (not in a perverted way like Hanako but he still makes attempts to take their hand or hold them in a way we never see Akane do with Aoi). The first time we really see Akane being physically aggressive with Aoi was in ch.69, when he was initially trying to forcefully stop her from a suicide attempt. Not saying he handled it right but I try to cut him some slack bcuz it was an insanely tense situation, I myself wouldn’t have handled it perfectly.
After that, he kisses her hand to apologize for saying he hates her (many fans mistake this scene for him ignoring her consent but if we focus on the setup, that wasn’t the situation at all- the kiss was an apology and Aoi’s “don’t touch me” didn’t even get a full speech bubble). At that point she’s blushing and leaning into him, no longer trying to run away. She looks conflicted bcuz it’s a very emotional scene, but she’s clearly calmed down from how she was feeling before. By the time they kiss, she’s fully clinging onto him. After that he’s more causally touchy with her, like holding her hand or helping her get around No.6’s boundary. Aside from official arts we never really see Sakura leaning into or reciprocating Natsuhiko’s touch. They appear to enjoy his company, letting him tag along everywhere they go; but they’re not easily moved by affection the way Aoi is. That doesn’t stop Natsuhiko from being pushy, but I will give him that he knocks it off after Sakura rejects him. I swear I’m not trying to cancel this dude, I’m just saying he has less regard for boundaries the way Akane does
Another thing is reciprocation. During the Clock Keepers arc, Akane tells Nene that he plans to love and support Aoi even if she never loves him back. This means he expects nothing in return for all the love he gives her, all he wants is to make her feel loved. And if she enjoys receiving daily confessions, he’ll gladly make a fool out of himself each time. In the same scene he talks about Aoi’s past with having to put up with creepy guys, which explains why he’s so overprotective and hostile to men who want to pursue her. We see later in the manga he’s not as bothered when he realizes Teru’s feelings for her are genuine. Once he realizes Teru respects Aoi the same way he does, and that he won’t hurt her like he does with Akane, he begins to view Teru as healthy competition. This is much different from the way he treats Yokoo and Satou in ASHK when he catches them spying on Aoi
Also in ASHK, we see Natsuhiko attempt to give Sakura a love potion. I know this was literally in a comedy spin off but it stands out to me because Akane would never do this to Aoi. He respects her too much for that, he would never force her to reciprocate his feelings. Natsuhiko is a far more manipulative character, so it’s not all that surprising to me that he’d be okay with Sakura’s love being fake. He just wants a date with them, he doesn’t seem to care how he gets it. Again, I’m not trying to accuse him of being something he’s not, I want to make that very clear (think of Hanako, he’s known for being a perv but he would never intentionally make Nene upset or uncomfortable. Imo Natsuhiko is similar but in a different way, I wouldn’t call him a perv like Hanako but he’s a bit more possessive than the other characters). I see Sakuhiko as being on the more toxic end of TBHK ships as opposed to AoiAoi which has become more healthy recently. That’s not necessarily a problem with the pairing, just something I don’t see pointed out as often. And keep in mind that the toxicity is mutual, since Sakura knows Natsuhiko can’t die they regularly make attempts on his life and send him out to do dangerous missions. They’ve both got their quirks
One of my favorite things abt the ship is how Natsuhiko seems to know Sakura better than most people. More than Sakura is aware of, probably. I’m thinking specifically of that scene where Mitsuba asked if he could stay with the Broadcasting Crew and Sakura didn’t know how to respond so Natsuhiko answered for them. Sakura cares more deeply for people than they let on, and the only person who seems to recognize that is Natsuhiko. That’s so!! Fucking sweet to me!! They’re a toxic mess but they were made for each other and at the end of the day they’ll stay by each other’s sides. Natsuhiko would watch the world burn if it meant Sakura would look in his direction. Despite the themes of betrayal in his character, he is loyal to a fault when it comes to Sakura. I love that so much
Sometimes I wonder how serious the relationship is tho bcuz like…every time I see it written platonically absolutely nothing changes. Maybe Natsuhiko is there for ulterior motives and he’s just joking abt the flirting. I highly doubt that since TBHK is partially a romance but it’s a cool concept. I also love their ship trope, they remind me of Beast Boy and Raven. Grumpy X Sunshine except they’re both kinda shitty people. Peak
I hope you enjoyed this deep dive, and that I didn’t turn you away from the ship yapping abt their problems lol. To me toxic elements of ships are more things I love about them (within reason) because I love exploring character flaws and how people can overcome those in relationships. Or sometimes I just want to see them be terrible together. The duality of woman.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
hey! hope you're having an awesome day so far. i recently just finished watching "romantic killer" and OMG I LOVED IT! if you don't mind, could i request some headcanons of kazuki, junta, and hijiri crushing on the reader who's a huge otaku (like a huge one. loves watching anime and reading manga when given the chance, owns as much merch as they can afford, and their eyes literally light up when anyone mentions her favorite series)? and one thing about them is that they're such a simp over certain anime characters, will literally squeal over images and video clips like "WHY IS (INSERT ANIME CHARACTER) SO CUTE/HOT/GORGEOUS?!" later, it turns out the reader also likes the boys back, and while they're happy about it, they're initially flustered like "you actually like me? out of all people, you like someone who does nothing but watch anime 24/7?" and even asking "you do realize that you're probably gonna deal with me screaming over my anime husbandos and/or waifus even when we date, right?" (may or may not have put myself on blast with this request. also, sorry if this got a bit too long LMAO). ty! <3
Their crush is a huge otaku
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Kazuki, Junta, Hijiri ] [ Romantic Killer ]
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Dear are you sure you aren't my lost twin or something? 🤨 Because you have described me perfectly
Haha I loved your prompt dear, it was really funny to think
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Tsukasa Kazuki
Since the first moment you had met Tsukasa you had always been like that, and actually that is something he admires, just being you is something that atracted him to you at first
It help that you don't pay much attention in his beaty, he hates to draw attention for his appearance and you had never made a big deal of it (mainly because you are always focused in the characters you love, but he still appreciate it)
Speaking of, probably you had emphasize his appearance at least once, and the first time you did it he get anxious (specially if it was when you two met), but he was surprised that in just on a second you started talking about someone else, a characters that looks like him (even if is just a little) and you just start ranting about them, not even paying attention to Tsukasa anymore, he was confused and shocked but somehow grateful too
He had never been bothered by your ranting, at first he find it problematic since he hates drawing attention, and with how excited you get it could be a little difficult to not to, but with some time he just gets used to and doesn't bother him anymore
He had never mind it at all whenever you talk about the characters you love, but he tent to ask you to calm down before you hurt yourself for how excited you get, if you show him pictures or videos of them he will see them (just because you asked nicely) but he doesn't say much about them since he cannot see what is so special about them (he doesn't say it out loud though, he had learned his lesson after the first time he did it and you explained to him all the good things you know about that character)
If you ever show him your collection, either mangas or different merch, he will find it a little strange (it would remember him a little about his stalker, but he calms down rather quickly when you start talking like always), he won't judge you though (at least try not to), and will give you some advice of how take proper care of it if you ask him (he is pretty good with the housechores so that could help)
If you ask him he will make you company while shopping whenever you go for more mangas or merch, he doesn't mind too much, but he will make you dress something not anime related
Tsukasa doesn't even realice when he started to pay more attention to whatever you are saying, when he start to made efforts to understand what are you talking about, when he started waiting to be able to talk to you just so he could hear you speak with such emotion nor even when he started to get annoyed whenever he heards you simp about one of your favorite characters, wanting to be the one you are talking about so lovely (but he feels embarrassed about feeling like that)
For him is a slowly process so he will notice his feelings for you after some time, when he had already fallen in love you, and his attitude doesn't change much, but he discreetly start to spending more time to you, you have become his safe space so he start being a little more clingy
He start to even pay a more close attention to you, to your voice and your expresions so it won't be so strange if he ask you from time to time about the anime you are watching, he may even unconsciously mentions it when you two aren't talking about it just to to provoke you so you will start talking about it (specially becouse by just hearing the only mention of it makes you noticibly excited, and he loves seeing you like that, it amused him)
He probably won't confess, it had to be you the who confess to him or either one of you do it by accident, unconsciously letting out at comment that express your feelings
And when you two admit your feelings for each other he never expected for you to asking if he is willing to accept you as the huge otaku and simp you are, he will look at you weirdly and say that he already does it and he loves you for who you are, he is already used to your craziness (and he will tease you for it)
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Junta Hayami
Junta is really sweet and kind-hearted, even when he is bothered for something he has troubles to say it, but by the moment you two become friends he is always up to hear you rant about anime, he doesn't mind
From time to time he can get confused and a little bit overwhelmed for all your ranting and he tries to ask you to stop or to repeat yourself mainly because he is actually trying to undestand all you are saying, Junta really tries to get into the conversation, even if he doesn't really know the anime or doesn't say much he is always paying attention
He won't have much troubles to help you whenever you need it, like if you stayed up watching anime at night or were too distracted during class he will help you to cover it or explaining to you what you missed, but will scold you for doing it (no matter how much times you do it he never stop helping you, he just get more worried about you)
If you ever recommend him an anime or manga he promises to watch/read it, and he actually will make some time to do it, it won't be too weird if one day he came to you to ask you something about it or to tell you something he really liked it
Also, it won't be so strange if he ended up learning your favorite animes and characters, he actually did efforts too, and he even search about them a little more whenever something you say catch his attention
Whenever he heards you being simp over a characters he laugh nervously, at first it makes him nervous because is like if you were talking about something personal (since you like them so much), after some time he get used to but still it makes him a little nervous since you get so excited and even passionate whenever you talk about the character you love (and when he starts liking you he start being a little jelous too)
Junta doesn't have the heart to say something bad about them or ask you to stop, you seem to be having a lot of fun with talking about them and he will feel bad for interrupt you (even by accident). Also, if you show him pictures or videos of them he won't say much and just nod or say that you are right
Junta doesn't think much about his appearance and he is rather shy, so if you ever compliment his appearance he will get super flustered, even if you did it because he looks like one of the characters you love and start ranting about them, he doesn't mind (that actually help him calm down) he still appreciate the compliment, but after some time it would start bother him because he wants to be the person you like (he may even put more attention on what you say about them)
To be honest he was surprised the first time he saw your collection or when he accompanied you to buy something new, he has never thought that it would exist some much merch for just one anime, he really takes time to appreciate all your collection if you let him and he gladly hear you rant about it (like from what anime it is, from what scene, if it is a special edition and so on)
Also, he normally is busy with the school and the club (all the training and matches) but he will be happy to go with you whenever you want to buy more things for your collection (but he will be a little shy for it since that could easily be a date)
By the time Junta start liking you he will get a little more clingy and blushy with you, it would take him some time to notice it too but he tries to not make a big deal of it
He had never mind it all your excitment about the animes but now he start to get more flustered whenever you rant about them because now he pay more attention on your expresions and your voice, feeling that he falls more in love whenever he sees you and feeling embarrassed whenever he catches himself thinking like that. Now he will pay more attention on the characters you love the most, trying to see if there is something similar between them (maybe there will know your type or if he even has a chance with you)
The moment you two confess your feelings for each other you don't even have to ask him because he had let out his heart when he tell you how he feels, and he makes sure to say that he loves you completely , even that part of you that loves ranting about the animes and characters you love the most
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Hijiri Koganei
Hijiri is used to be surrounded by people who admire and praise him, so to catch his attention you have to be different from them and not really pay attention to him. It could be either because you say that he is like a typical anime character or praise his appearance just to start ranting about one of the characters you love that he looks like
He doesn't even know what are you talking about but he is offended because you are comparing him with someone else and you seem to prefer the other. He will confront you right away, how you dare to compare him with someone else?, he demand to know it in that moment so you will have no other option than talk about the anime/character (not like you don't want to), that is the first time he heard you rant like that
At first he just stay by your side because he wanted to show you that he is obviously better that all that characters you talk so much, but soon he start seeing you as a friend (as much as he hate it)
He thinks that all your rant is dumb and usless (at least at first) and he will express it, but he will learn to at least tolerate it since offending what you love just makes your relationship difficult (either because you get mad at him or because it sadden you, both option lead you to avoid him)
After some time Hijiri go from criticize you for obsessing over something he sees silly to criticize the plot and characters, he may even admit from time to time that "is not too bad", maybe it isn't the best change but that shows the interest he started to win over it
Normally you two have this conversations in "dates", he accept to hear you rant about everything you want only if is in a date (for him is like a deal), and after some time he just get used to all your ranting and even start to get interested in it, and when he does he will start to search more about it (either him or ask Tsuchiya to do it)
Also, he tent to surprise you by having the iniative to talk more about that anime or saying some details that you could bet he didn't know, he says that is not a big deal, is normal for him to know so much but in reallity he loves to see your shocked expression when he does it and to brag about it too
When you had commented that you have a collection with a lot of merch about it, he find it strange (and he say it) but he demand to see it (he is curious too). Even if he is surprided by your collection (no matter if is a lot or just a few things) he will act like is nothing, saying that he isn't impress even when he is curious
He from time to time buy you some things too, mainly after he got interested on the anime (and in you of course), he doesn't go out of his way to buy something but if he find something casually that he reconize it from anime you like or that he even is interested in, something he knows you will like
What he will never like is seeing you simp over the characters, even before he start liking you, he will call you idiot for it (but will stop after learning that this make things more difficult) he just don't see what you see in them, why you put so much attention in them and not in him? What they have that he doesn't? He is embarrassed for it but he is jelous of seeing you so excited for someone else, he will try to avoid to talk about them and even cut you when you start talking (and that just increase when he start liking you)
After he started to like you in a more sincere way then he will do more efforts to know what you like, trying to remember the animes you like the most (at least the names), now he pay more attention what you say than in criticize it. And this time he does efforts to find some merch about it, specially if is a special/limited edition, too expensive or something that have a special meaning either for you or in the anime (he isn't going to accept it but he is trying to impress you)
He never really had a problem with admiting that he is interested on you, so a confession it would came either from you or him admiting that now he likes you in a more sincere and romantic way
And when you ask him if is real and if he is willing to endure you he gets a little annoyed, first because you are doubting his feelings and second because he had already endure your attitude all this time, do you think he will do that if he doesn't wanted? He just accept his love for you inconspicuously, in his own way
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twilightmalachite · 5 days
Memories Road - Class 1-B
Characters: Tori, Tsukasa, Shinobu, Sora, Mitsuru, Yuuta
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I can’t believe you’ve ordered every parfait there is off the menu… How embarrassing~! Pfft! ♪"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: 1-B Classroom
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Tori: Bow down, it is I, former Class-B Class Representative, Himemiya Tori-sama~! ✰
Sora: HaHa~♪, it’s been a while since Sora heard Hime-chan talk like he’s from a period drama~!
Shinobu: Mhm, mhm! I was extremely shy when I was a first year student, so I couldn’t talk to anyone, but I secretly felt a sense of kinship with you, de gozaru!
But when it comes to that phrase, I rarely hear it these days…
Tori: Right. I think I might’ve stopped using it as often after Yuzuru pointed it out to me? What about you, Anzu? Remember when you were Slave No.2?
It brings back memories? Ehehe, same here~. Back when you attended Yumenosaki Academy, you’d let me lay on your lap and feed me bentos and stuff! ♪
Tsukusa: Gh, I’m so jea… Ahem! To be spoiled like a child while you’re in high school is a crying shame to the Himemiya name!
By the way, it’s quite rude to call big sister something like a slave. You should feel ashamed.
Shinobu: Um, I don’t think she’s your big sister either, Suou-kun…?
Tori: I’m a noble, so it’s fine. Besides, you’re childish too, aren’t you, Tsukasa? I’d say you going out for parfaits after school even though you act like you’re all big makes you even more childish~!
I can’t believe you’ve ordered every parfait there is off the menu[1]… How embarrassing~! Pfft! ♪
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Tsukasa: Wh…!? How do you know about that?!
Mitsuru: I told ‘im! I told ‘im about how we ate parfaits at the cafe downtown with Yuu-chan and Tsukasa-chan!
Was I not supposed to? If I did somethin’ that I shouldn’t, I’m sorry!
Tsukasa: N-no, you don’t have to apologize…
Yuuta: There are so many boys out there who hide their sweet tooth, y’know~? I’m sure Tsukasa-kun’s just one of them.
Sora: There’s no shame in saying one likes what one likes, though~? Sora wants to spread what he likes, and share it lots!
Yuuta: Wouldn’t doing that make it more of a net positive, if anything? Then you can be given gifts of what people know what you seem to like!
Mitsuru: Then, today, I’mma show you guys my favorite bread! Lemme go purchase it from the shop right away! Dash, dash~! ✰
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Tori: Hey~! No running in the halls~!
[ ☆ ]
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A reference to Fruits Parlor.
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arkus-rhapsode · 23 days
Manga Publishers: Shueisha and Shonen Jump-What's the deal? (Quick Post)
Hello all, Arkus Rhapsode here again this time with a much smaller post. Recently I've been getting asked by people what a "Shueisha" even is? "Isn't it all just Jump?" Which reminded me how, at least in the west, manga fans really don't understand the difference between publishers and how something like Weekly Shonen Jump is an imprint part of a larger publishing company known as Shueisha.
Shueisha itself has numerous other magazines underneath is such as V Jump (monthly Shonen magazine aimed at middle schoolers), Weekly Young Jump (A weekly seinin series), Jump+ (An online service that allows multiple manga with more range and broad genres), Ribon (A monthly shojo magazine), etc. With the ones containing the word "Jump" being part of the Jump Line of comics which are usually Shonen and Seinin series.
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The amount of magazines may vary from company to company so it may be too much to ask of everyone to know all of them. In fact with digital platforms they kinda just blend together. And as someone in North America, I can see the SJ stamp placed on non shonen jump series by viz because they don't use categories like "Jump Comics" at viz.
Now this is information I really don't expect the average western manga fan to know because back in the day, we all had to use stuff like Manga Panda or Manga Stream which would post chapters from One Piece and Naruto alongside stuff like Fairy Tail and the Seven Deadly Sins. So for a lot of people the distinction of what is even inside "shonen jump" can change. Even with modern convinces this makes it hard for some as they think Spy x Family or Kaiju no 8 are shonen jump because they're updated on the SJ app.
This did get me thinking about how much publishers in Japan don't really make the company the "brand." In America, Marvel and DC slap their names on all their comics. This is the "Marvel Universe" or the "DC Universe." Now part of this is because they are a connected universe so they need a single unifying brand so you know what's what in a world with things from super science to mutants to magic. As well as the fact most of their characters are owned by the company. But you see this with things like animation too, its easy for networks to remind you that this is a Cartoon Network show or this is a Nickelodeon show even though they may have wildly different tones or genres or artstyles.
But in Japan, its interesting to see how much Shueisha as a publishing company isn't really concerned with tying its identity with the brand of their magazines. Part of me wonders that if its due to the fact that the publishers of these companies don't actually permanently hold the rights of the series that run in them. There's actually a lot stronger creators rights in Japan and a creator can simply choose to walk away from a publisher, famously Hiroyuki Takei would leave shueisha and take all of the Shaman King franchise to rival publisher Kodansha. Then Tsukasa Hojo and Tetsuo Hara both famous for their work on City Hunter and Fist of the North Star respectively, would create their own publishing company called Coamix and take the rights to their series to bolster the value. And none bigger than Makoto Raiku, a creator heavily critical of his former employer Shogakukan and creators rights enthusiast, would end up taking Zatch Bell with him and having its sequel independently published.
While in the case of Marvel many creators made characters on a work for hire contract which would stimulate that anything they made would become the property of the company.
Now that's not to say Shueisha don't invest in their brand. "Jump Comics" is a brand that possibly gets more promotion than another. As mentioned previously, you only really see Weekly Shonen Jump making manga the focus of their magazine cover. Heck some of the best covers are when you see all the characters inside the magazine hanging out. And my personal favorite is the Shueisha puts on Jump Festa, a convention specifically for jump related announcements and advertising which are almost always host to a massive mural each year of series running under the "Jump" label. I wish more companies honestly did this, particularly Kodansha and Shogakukan, but it Nintendo Direct vs Sony State of Play has taught me anything, its that not every company has that fanbase that'll make a big deal out of everything to sustain such a venture.
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