#didn't wanna do raids i dont know the fights for to get it
wp100 · 2 years
oof i missed out on the slime cat mount. oh well. it doesn't even fly anyway
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stiffyck · 5 months
I’ve been having a bit of a headache dealing with family giving me shit for being aro ace lol. If you have any qpr/aroace headcanons - desert duo or elven duo - it would rlly make my day, if you want! Feel free to answer this or not
Oh absolutely.
Desert duo:
Scar would realise he's aroace after he started dating Grian. He's always thought you sort of "pick" your crush. He'd see someone good looking and ask himself:
"Does this person give me butterflies in my stomach? Do I want to date them? Do I want to kiss them?" And he'd never really know the answer. The idea of dating the person usually didn't seem appealing and kissing them even less so. And he never knew what the butterflies in his stomach means. How would that feel like? How would he know that's what he's feeling?
So when he meets Grian and they become friends Scar thinks he might have a crush on him. He thinks that he's very close with Grian and that this is the closest feeling to what the others described as a crush.
So they start dating. But Scar doesn't really like that. He likes cuddling and holding hands but he doesn't like all the other romantic stuff.
They talk. Grian suggests Scar looks into what being aromantic and asexual means.
Maybe they stop dating, maybe they don't. That's honestly up to you!
Grian is fine with just cheek kisses and hand holding and cuddles. He doesn't need more from Scar. So they could still happily stay as partners.
I think Scar would love being on hermitcraft because the hermits value platonic relationships just as much as they do romantic ones.
Grian loves that too. Grian can be aroace too, depends on how you wanna see it.
QPP desert duo would hold hands and cuddle a lot. Scar is clingy.
Grian is usually stubborn and does not want to admit that hes clingy too. He likes when Scar randomly comes over and just hugs him from behind maybe or if hes sitting Scar will sit on his lap or lay across him. Scar just likes to spend time with Grian even if they dont talk- he'll just watch Grian work in silence. And if he can hold Grians hand or hug him or somehow cuddle him while he works? even better.
Grian loves playing with Scars hair.
Grian also loves to read-
he will lie on his bed with Scar holding onto his middle while he reads. if Scar is awake, Grian will read out loud to him.
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Grian loves when Scar presses kisses in his hair. Scar loves when Grian kisses his nose or his cheeks.
Elven duo:
they love gossipping while doing each others hair. Gem loves braiding Scars hair and Scar loves adding all sorts of accesories to Gems hair.
One of them will stop by the others base to ramble about one thing or another while the other listens and continues with their work.
They're not very keen on handholding but they will absolutely lean on one another and hug.
They like to fight! Scar might not be the best at pvp but he's getting better and fighting with Gem is awlays fun.
They both like to dress up together. Scar has plenty of fancy suits and dresses and he lets Gem raid his dresser occasionally so they can both dress up just for fun.
That also usually leads to them dancing. Scar constantly trips over his feet but is otherwise a great dancer. Gem finds it sweet.
They love watching movies all cuddled up together in a pile of blankets with Jellie. They comment on the stupid stuff that happens in the movie. They love complaining!
Okay thats all i got rn! I hope your family gets their heads out of their asses and i hope you survive the rest of the holidays!
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daiskken · 2 years
My Hero Academia 6x01
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Before i start, let me apologize cuz i didn't know season 6 had started until today.
When the first episode of the season isn't a recap, you know shit is about to go down. Before we talk about the episode i wanna mention the new opening, it's cool with a more comic book feel, as a concept i like it, but the vibe feels off from all the previous MHA openings. I get that a war is about to happen but it didn't feel like the same show, the last opening of season 4 also had this "shit is going down" and the usual MHA opening flavor, sorry if i'm not making sense.
But enough of the OP, not much really happens in this episode if you break it down, basically Endeavor and Edgeshot lead 2 teams of heroes. Thanks to Hawks intel, they wanna arrest Kyudai Garaki (the evil doctor guy that worked with All for One) and raid a Paranormal Liberation Front meet up at the same.
It's in the "who is where" that makes it interesting. In the hospital we have Eraser head, Present Mic, Endeavor, and Mirko as a focus this episode, they seem to catch Garaki kinda quick cuz the official records say he is quirkless, but when Aizawa uses his quirk we see him age alot, implying he has some rejuvenation quirk or fast regeneration, and that also explains why black nomus have that trait and maybe its why All for One is still allive after centuries. But Garaki turns out to be a Twice clone while the real doctor is in a secret place in the hospital getting Shigaraki ready wich aparently will take 1 more month.
While Aizawa and Mic were questioning the clone doctor about Nomus with the recent discovery that Kurogiri used to be their friend clearly on their mind, Mirko fights her way to the evil lab. I assume her power is to hop high and have super strong kicks (would've been a good internship for IIda back in season 2) But then the clone reveals itself and Nomus come out of every corner, heroes at the hospital start to fight them and she finally comes into the lab and i expect her to die next episode, cuz any other outcome would seem like plot convinience.
I watched the episode last night and i know Class A, Class B and other random heroes where split in 4 groups, 2 in each location as frontline and backup, i dont remember who was in the hospital, but they did mention that Kaminari. Honenuki, Tokoyami and Komori are in the frontline of the Paranormal Liberation Front raid cuz they have large area quirks. I dont think of Dark shadow as an AOE but if it meens Tokoyami focus i'm here for it, i sadly also expect people in the front to be killed or injured first, so in that sense, not so cool to see Tokoyami in the list. The raid still hasn't started tho and it seems episode 2 will be focused on Mirko.
Other stuff that happened was Hawks sweet talking to Twice, (who is still my favorite villain) He seems to both keep an eye on him, specially now that Twice can become a 1-man army but also trying to get close to him to get to Shigaraki. I feel bad for Twice he's the most developed besides Shigaraki and it's clear he has a good heart, he just found acceptance among bad people, so he settled as a villain.
An interesting side effect of this massive operation is that there are no heroes in the streets doing regular patrols, and i think this could backfire. The entire speach of Re-destro is about everyone being free to use their quirk not just licenced heroes, that's what they kinda started by making the Deika fight seem like "regular citizens fighting back" If this isn't like the Overhaul arc that in real time took 30 minutes and people see no heroes around for a few days, i fear they will believe in this philosophy.
So certainly an interesting start to season 6. since i am a few episodes behind, expect the next review to come soon too.
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angelwars11 · 4 years
At Ara'Novor (Part 3)
What's up what's up everyone!!💯 We're fucking back with the 3rd and final part, the ending to At Ara'Novor 🎊 I wanna say something before you all read this. This story was created over 2 MONTHS ago: planned and started in December to 3 parts completed and posted in January. This story has been an amazing journey with my Captain @colorfulloverbatturkey and I literally would not have made this story without having meeting her, she's literally the best; the story is emotional and can pack quite a punch to the feels of any Star Wars nerd or Fanfic reader!
The 3rd part was made super long anddddd... There's a special BONUS at the end for our loyal readers, anyone who's followed and read this story from the very first post. The BONUS is a gift to all of you💕 my fingers are tired now from typing so here it is! I finally give to you *drum roll* At Ara'Novor part 3 and BONUS. Content warning: (ooo, our first one😱🤣) There is cursing in this part (not Star Wars universe related) I mean like, the F-word and stuff. Also, we've snuck in a Rex thirst scene for all our fellow Rex lovers😍 (not explicit or anything but still, here's a warning)
Btw! Here's a link to part 1! And here's a link to part 2!! Enjoy!! 👋🏼 "I'mma head out."✌🏽 *gives a two fingered salute and uses instant transmission*
Previously.... On "At Ara'Novor". Cody made it back to the village and told General Kenobi Rex was missing was a little girl. Cody sends out Jesse and Kix to retrieve them and bring them back. Rex spends some quality time with the little girl, he soon learns her name is Eida, and they bond over a long conversation. Kix and Jesse finally reached them.
*echoing footsteps*
"Captain? Rex, are you ok?" Kix said, spotting his Captain on the floor before him. Silence was the only response he'll receive so he rushed over to Rex immediately, crouching down next to him to start, he obviously needed treatment right away. He was about to lift Rex‘s hand off the wound when he cocked his head to the left and hissed, "Her first, I'm ok." Kix eyed him doubtfully, but proceeded to get up, appeared on Rex’s left and kneeled down before the shivering girl. He took off his helmet, "Hello there little one, is it ok if I examined you real quick? It won’t hurt, I promise!“ Kix smiled. He treated many children during other raids and commissions, and the practice of trying to help and calm down scared vod made it easier. 
He knew how to comfort patients. Eida looks up to Rex for reassurance, and when he nodded, she looked back to the medic and said with a trembling voice, "Okay…" Kix smiled and pulled a blanket out of his bag and handed it to Eida, who gladly took it and wrapped it around herself. She sat patiently as Kix checked her heart, her pulse, and her lungs. He also checked her reflexes and shone a flashlight in her eye, after which she blinked furiously. Kix chuckled "Ur all done, kid. you got a few bruises and you’re probably still in shock, but you’ll be able to sleep it off.“ Kix knew she didn't understand what "shock" was but sleep, definitely. Poor thing looked exhausted. 
Eida snuggled back into the warm blankets and stares at the medic. She was looking at Kix's face and tries to process something, then Jesse takes off his helmet as well, this confirmed her suspicions and her eyes grew even wider, "You all look the same!“ She pointed in awe, looking between the three. 
"As I said, they’re my brothers!“ Rex said, smiling as best as he could in his state, but it looked more like a grimace and Jesse smirked at Eida. "Sir, you’ll have to take your hand off so that I can inspect the wound.“ Kix said, kneeling beside the Captain, opening his bag and pulling out tools. Rex hesitated because he had his hand on the wound for so long and he was feeling a little nervous, but he did it anyways with a hiss. Shaking with effort he slowly moved his bloodied hand away from the sticky, painful wound. Kix shone another light onto the injury, inspecting it. "Kriff, I think we have no choice but to start treatment right away. You’ve been sitting here far too long!“ He murmured, handing the flashlight to Jesse so that he had free hands. 
 "You mean… perform surgery? Right here?“ Rex said, his eyes widening for a second and he shivered. It's starting to hurt quite a lot again. "Yes, Sir, if you try to move the wound it'll only get worse. It is cauterized, but still sensitive, and it's in a place where it will only rip open further if jolted wrong. We’ll have to perform mild surgery here.“ Rex took a deep breath. Don’t be whiny. You’re a soldier and you’ve been worse off than this. He thought to himself. Rex looked over to Eida, who was staring at the wound with terrified eyes. When she looked up at Rex, he said "Kid, I need you to go outside, this could turn really nasty, I don��t want you to see that." Eida's eyes widened even further, and tears started to form once again. 
"No! Don’t hurt him!“ she whined, shuffling closer to Rex and wrapping her hands around his left arm. "We’re not gonna hurt him, we have to treat his injury. We have anesthesia, uhh, something that'll block the pain. Don’t worry.“ Jesse reassures her, he walks over to Eida, extending his hand for her to take. "No, I'll stay!“ she refused and clung to Rex‘s arm even tighter, Rex held in a slight groan as her nails dug into his forearm, but she wasn't the reason, it was the goddamn wound. It's hurting more. "Kid, please you really should'–" Rex started, but then Eida crossed her arms over her chest once again, pouting.
He sighed in defeat. Knowing that arguing with this girl was pointless. "Fine. But please, go over there, you really shouldn‘t watch something like this.“ He said, nodding to Jesse behind her. Eida accepted his terms and slid further away from the three men, still looking at Rex. He smiled back at her reassuringly, only to flinch a second later when Kix started to sterilize the wound. Here goes nothing Rex thought, focusing on a spot on the ceiling as Kix injected a bit of anesthesia close to the wound. "Sir, just so you know, we can only use a bit of anesthesia here, because this particular anesthesia doesn’t do too well if combined with bacta, and we don’t want your injury to get worse. So, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm afraid you’ll have to fight through this one." Rex rolled his eyes. 
Of course. Great. 
Kix started by delicately removing pieces of dirt, shrapnel and other things that don’t belong in a body from the wound with tweezers. "This–isn't so bad." Rex murmured to himself. However, he could still feel every little thing Kix was doing. that's going to be a problem. "Yeah, about that—there seems to be some form of unusual crust in some places, an infection's starting to develop… we’ll have to cut those away, otherwise the bacta-spray won’t properly help with the healing…“ Kix said, glancing at Rex sideways, only to be met with a neutral expression. "So… it’ll...hurt, probably. Sir.“ Kix said. "Yeah no kidding, just get on with it so we can get out of here!“ Rex gritted through his teeth, letting his head fall back against the wall again. "Yes sir. “ Kix said. He quickly grabs a scalpel and steadies his breath. "I'm gonna start now.“ 
It was completely quiet in the room as Kix slowly cuts away the crust of the wound and placing the pieces on a towel. The only thing that could occasionally be heard was when the Captain's breath caught in his throat whenever Kix hit an extremely painful spot. Kix was almost done cutting away the last bit of crust when...
Rex let out a blood curdling scream when Kix’s scalpel dug deep into his flesh, startled by the pain and the sudden noise of Eida sneezing. "God dammit!!" Rex slammed the back of his head into the wall behind him and he whined, the wound in his abdomen was burning with incredible and unbearable pain. He moaned and rocked his head side to side and tries to ignore the raging river of lava deep within his abdomen,  "Kriffing…. K-K-Kriff… F-F-Force." he was trembling violently as the pain smacked him in rough waves, like an ocean during a storm. Jesse immediately rushed to Rex’s side, holding him down by the chest and trying to calm him while Kix was quickly wiping away the fresh blood that was oozing out of the wound. Rex whimpered when Kix grazed the jagged edges of broken skin and he stared up at the ceiling. 
All the while Eida walked backwards, away from the man she had hurt. "M- I'm sorry I–" Eida whimpered, moving closer to the still grunting Rex "I–I didn’t–" "Just be quiet!“ Kix shouted, he didn't mean to but it was the stress. He tries to get the scalpel out of Rex while Eida ran out of the room towards the exit, her cries filling the entirety of the cave. "Kix that really wasn’t–kriff!" Rex screeched at Kix, only to be cut off by the excruciating pain coming from his abdomen.
"Jesse *chokes* go after her…dont–fuck! Don’t let her run away!“ He was squeezing his eyes shut, trying not to move so Kix could patch him up again. Rex held his breath but let it out very quickly as his lips trembled, his head hurt and it was just everything. Everything hurts, force, why does it hurt so much. Jesse made sure Kix would be alright on his own before he grabbed the blanket the girl dropped and jogged after her, the tiny sobs still echoing off the walls. 
Rex's breaths were drawn in and out in shallow gasps and panting, the wound was burning. "Hey, Rex, I need you to breathe for me. I know it hurts but you gotta take a breath alright. " Rex took weak, shallow breaths, heat surrounded his wound and it hurt so badly, but he followed Kix's direction well. Kix moves to grab the medical equipment again but Rex was trembling too much. Not good, not good at all ori'vod. So he placed his hand on his shoulder to calm him. "Sorry sorry. " Rex apologized and tried again, Kix only nodded in an encouraging manner. That seems to work. Rex stilled and Kix continued what he was doing before while his brother kept up tranquil and steady breaths; he just hoped that Jesse caught up with the kid in time.
Jesse found Eida sitting at the exit of the hideout, her cheeks and nose bright red from the cold and probably the crying. She was resting her head on her knees, leaning against the wall to her right. Jesse carefully sat down beside her and put a hand on her shoulder, to which she flinched. “Hey–it’s ok. It’s only me.” Jesse cooed, taking his hand off her shoulder to drape the blanket around her, protecting her from the crisp night air. They both sat in silence for a while, looking at the dark forest trees that hovered above at the top of the ravine. “I'm sorry. " she suddenly apologized, followed by a sob. “It’s not your fault, ad'ika. Accidents happen, don’t blame yourself.” Jesse said calmly, turning his head to face her. “He got hurt because of me! I didn't want to hurt him." Eida sobbed, new tears forming and rolling down her cheeks. 
“Rex is fine, I checked up on him. He was just startled, nothing more!” Jesse half lied, kind of. Rex was hurt but he'll pull through and Jesse figured that lying was definitely okay in a case like this. *sniffles* “Really?” she quietly asked, wiping her face with her hands. “Yep, he’s okay. Honestly, I was about to sneeze as well, it’s verrrrryyy, dusty down there!” Jesse joked while wiping his nose and Eida let out a giggle. “So, are you ok now ad'ika? Wanna go back inside? I think they should be done by now.” Jesse smiled, standing up and offering his hand to pull her up. She was hesitant. “Aren’t they going to be mad at me?” She asked, her worried eyes looking up at him. “No, I promise.” He replied, and she took his hand and he pulled her up with ease. 
They walked back inside to see Rex sitting upright, wearing a fresh set of blacks. Slightly pale but a bit of color had returned. A medical patch was visible through the tight fabric where his wound was. Kix was putting away all the supplies when they both lifted their gaze to the figures walking inside the room. “Hey! There you are!” Rex smiled warmly at the sight of Eida. She walked over to him in tiny steps and mumbled  “I'm-I'm sorry.” keeping her gaze to the ground. “What for, ad’ika?” Rex questions, wanting to lift the child’s spirit. “Yunno…when I sneezed.” she explains, looking up at the two men. Kix kneeled down beside her and with sincerity he said, “No, I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that, you did nothing wrong. I'm sorry.” 
Eida was hesitant, then extended her arm,"I accept your apology, sir!” She was obviously trying to sound grown-up. Kix chuckled at that and took her little hand to shake it lightly. She then turned to Rex, taking a seat beside him, looking back and forth from his face to his covered up injury. “Are you feeling better now?” She asked, pointing to his stomach. “It still needs to heal, but yes, I am feeling better.” He smiled. His brothers stood behind the two and watched the cute interaction. 
– – – 
A few minutes later, they had everything packed up, Rex was wearing most of his armor again, for warmth and protection, and he was being supported by Kix; after insisting that he could walk alone and almost falling over. Eida was getting sleepy and the night air was extremely cold, so Jesse carried her on his hip and it seemed so paternal. Her head lolling slightly with each step that he took. Rex leaned heavily onto Kix and whimpered, this worried his brother. "What's wrong?" Rex tilted his head and shook it dizzily, "F-F-Feel hot. " Kix felt his forehead and murmured to himself. His hand felt amazing to Rex and he moaned with a sigh. Jesse looked over, "What?" "He has a fever, we need to hurry it up a bit." Kix walked a little faster while dragging Rex along, Jesse followed and tried his best not to jostle around the sleeping child. 
– – –
Corel Village
Time: 0740 (7:40 p.m.) 
The sun had completely set hours ago and it was so cold. A lot of voices echoed from the huts surrounding the outer part of the village, this is the part Rex and the others passed by. They overheard the villagers discussing plans, comforting each other and tucking in the children.  They also heard footsteps that could be identified as military boots pounding into the dirt and the voices of many brothers speaking through their helmets with hushed voices, talking about further actions and how much they wished they were on a warmer planet. As soon as the four walked further into the village they were immediately recognized and spotted by two brothers in 501st blue, who approached them in a hurry. “Captain Rex, sir! Jesse! Kix! You found him." One of them gaped, it was Tup, one of the shinies. He strolled around to Rex’s right and supported him with his left arm. “He needs to lie down, come on Captain.” Kix led them to the nearest shelter. 
Dogma, who was the second approacher, started to walk with Jesse. He was still carrying the now sleeping child. “So, what happened?” Dogma asked in his usual loud and nosey voice. “Shh, keep it down will you? She's asleep!” Jesse hissed, gesturing to the girl. “Right. Sorry.” Dogma replied, now more quiet. “We found them in a hideout about 15 klicks from here. The Captain was shot while trying to rescue the little one on their way there. That's all I know.” Jesse whispered. Dogma nodded. “And what now? Where do we put her?” He asked, looking at the kid and raising an eyebrow. “We are not ‘putting’ her anywhere. We’re gonna find her parents, so she can go home safely!” Jesse said, rolling his eyes at Dogma. “I don’t think that's our job. She’s back in the village, whatever happens to her is not our problem.” Dogma replied, visibly annoyed. “Leave that up to me, will you? If you won’t help me, I'll find the kid's parents myself.” Jesse said, starting to walk towards the biggest hut where he assumed the Generals would be. 
He walked through the door and immediately trailed over to where the Generals and Commanders were. The group wasn't talking at the moment, they were just staring at a hologram and it looks like it's one of the masters from Coruscant. 
"Yes Kenobi, when you finish up there then come back to Coruscant immediately." 
"Of course." General Kenobi responded and then the call ended. 
Ahsoka turned around when she noticed another's presence behind them, Jesse stood in the doorway with Eida snuggled into his arms, for a soldier who was placed into violent situations he was shockingly handling her with such care very well. Ahsoka became distracted when her eyes landed on the tiny little thing and she moved closer and chooed. "Awww, she's so precious. " And Eida made a gurgling sound and rubbed her cheek into Jesse's armor, then she sighed and stopped moving again. Anakin and Obi-Wan had noticed they came in but they were too busy talking about war issues and the call they had received a couple seconds ago. 
"What's going on?" Jesse whispered. "Oh, we'll have to return to Coruscant soon after this. " Ahsoka shrugged and then stared at the child again. Jesse chuckled under his breath, Ahsoka was so predictable when it came to younger children. Sometimes. "You wanna hold her?"  Ashoka nodded with such an eager movement, Jesse softly handed Eida to Ahsoka and she immediately walked over to a table in the corner and cradled the youngling. While Eida was occupied Jesse deemed the time was right to go ask Commander Cody a question. "Sir?" 
Cody turned around and nodded, he was watching the generals argue again. "Yes." Jesse straightened up a little at attention, "I have a question sir, about the villagers. Sir. " Jesse added an unnecessary "sir" At the end, but it was only because of stress. Cody smiled and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You can relax. The battle is over vod. " Jesse physically relaxed, shoulders slumping slightly and he sighed in relief because sometimes it hard to stay at attention when you're tired. “Captain Rex rescued this girl. ” Jesse pointed to where Ahsoka was standing. She was poking the child on the nose with a soft "boop" sound to make her laugh. She was entranced by Eida's adorableness. “We need to get her back to her parents, but we don't even know how to start to look, Sir?” He asked the Commander for a solution, perhaps he would know. Cody stroked his chin in deep thought, looking at the girl. 
“Good question. No one has reported a missing child, maybe her parents are injured. Knocking on every door will take too long and will only further stress the villagers. We shall find the girl’s parents tomorrow.” He nodded and turned around to work on some reports. “And where will she stay the night, Sir?” Jesse asked, to which Cody turned back around. “Uhh, the barracks are too loud, definitely. We can’t just drop her off at a random house either…” Their conversation peeked Ahsoka's attention and she walked over to them, "I'll watch over her, she can stay with me for the night." She offered. Cody and Jesse exchanged looks and then they agreed. "Alright Commander, good luck." Cody smirked and walked away. Jesse placed his hand on Eida's forehead and sighed, "Well, guess I gotta head back out. Watch her for me will yah?" Ahsoka smiled, "Of course." And Jesse gave one last look before leaving the hut. 
Ahsoka sat on the bench a little longer till her Master walked over and placed his hand on Eida's head. "Hm, and who dropped this little one off?" Anakin smiled to himself when the little girl snuggled closer to Ahsoka. "Jesse did. I'm taking care of her till tomorrow, then we're going to look for her parents." Anakin nodded and slipped away, "Well, get some sleep snips. The both of you." Then he left the hut with just Ahsoka and Eida still inside. 
Rex's POV
Rex laid on a cot in one of the many shelters. He felt hot again and he was confused on where he was, he thought he was back in the Hideout with the kid but then he looked to his left and saw a brother. He was laying next to him on another cot and didn't look too good either. 
"Hey vod, looks like you finally woke up." His brother waved at him with a wonky smile. Looks like he was on drugs. "Uhh–" "Hey! Don't bother, he's conked out too!" Another brother on his right side yelled and then silenced himself when Coric walked past them. He gave them a suspicious glance and smiled with enjoyment, then he walked away. 
"Shitttt, now look what you did! He's going to get Kix!" The drugged brother on the left hisses at the other. Rex stared at the ceiling in exhaustion, why are they so goddamn loud. "It's not m-m-my fault!" The other brother on his right yelled and then crossed his arms over his chest with an "umph", there was a shuffling sound and then a raspy and brute like voice from the cot on the other side of the tent. "Hey! Shut up will yah! Before you get us all in trouble." He demanded. Rex raised his hand and smirked when the two on either side of him sat up to defend themselves, this caused an all tent brawl of yelling insults back and forth. 
*curtains shuffle*
*immediate silence*
Kix walked in with Coric right behind him, he had a sly smirk on his face when the yelling of insults quieted down. Kix walked to the middle of the room and glanced at every single one of them, giving them the stinky eye. "So, does anyone want to make anymore commotion and bring more droids down on top of us! Or are you going to be quiet." It was not a question, if one unaware and unlucky shiny opened their mouth to answer then they were all done for. A shiny who was a cot down from the brother on Rex's left sat up slightly and his mouth opened just a smidge, found the unaware shiny, and then the brother on the left from Rex launched himself over and pressed his hand over his widening mouth. "Be quiet." he whispered in warning to the vod'ika who just nodded along nervously. "Good. Now go back to sleep everyone." Kix walks towards Rex's cot with a satisfied grin, he likes having control of the patients. He was notorious for it. 
Kix was checking a couple things next to Rex and then waited for Coric to finish checking up on his patient, Coric walked over and then he took some stuff out. Antibiotics. When did they get those? "Hey Rexter, stay still for us ok." Kix said and then he began to unwrap the bandages around his chest and abdomen. Coric stood away but he was ready for anything, IF anything happens at all. The bandages were unwrapped and Kix immediately started to check the wound while Coric searched for clean bandages. Rex looked down at his stomach and hissed, it looked kind of red but it was also healing at the same time. "It's infected, we'll have to use our antibiotics on it so it'll start to heal faster and then we'll bandage it up." Kix talked Rex through the process of what they were about to do. This usually calmed down his patients. 
"Ok." Rex nodded. Kix dabbed the alcohol onto a wash cloth and then he nodded to Coric who had a tight grip on Rex's arms. The wash cloth touches his abdomen and he yelled and groaned while gritting his teeth. The antibiotics stung like the fires of hell were dancing on top of his stomach, it hurt so bad! Kix rubbed it in and then went for MORE of the stuff and Rex couldn't handle it again. He reacted in an involuntary flight-or-fight response as he tries to get up off the cot but Coric pressed all his weight into his arms, "ahh, k-kriff! Let g-go! You son of a-a Bantha!" Coric however only smiled down at him and made a "tsk tsk tsk" Sound with his tongue, "Your insults don't scare me sir. And I've heard worse. " He calmly teased and continued to hold him down. 
Kix reached down with the wash cloth in his hand, ready to wipe it on his abdomen again. Rex stared at it and then looked up at his brother's eyes pleadingly and Kix just looked at him with a blank stare. He wasn't going to pull away in mercy, that just wasn't his style. The cloth landed on the wound again and he screeched, slamming his head down into the pillow behind his head and he moaned loudly. All the clones in the tent were trying really hard to go to sleep and not piss off the medics by watching them take care of the Captain. It was very hard not to, if they managed to look away and simply ignore then they should earn a gold medal for not being intrusive. "Rex, breathe for me." Kix whispers. 
"K-Kriffing…Haar'chak." He exhaled and shivered, Coric patted his right shoulder and Kix inspected the wound and nodded in satisfaction. "You're alright Vod. We should see some improvement by tomorrow. You can settle down now Cap." Kix began to wrap up his side while Coric stared at the brother behind him lying on the cot on the right side, he gave the medic something and then smirked. Rex looked over to see what the trooper gave him, in his hand was a wrapped piece of candy; the wrapping was red and has a golden stripe on it and it was round. Coric held it in his hand cautiously and when Kix spotted it he laughed to himself and snorted. "Yeah, he can have it. Apparently this di'kut says it calms those who are in pain. And guess what, his theory was actually true." Kix gathered up his equipment and Coric shrugged and tosses it over. 
"Huh." Rex lazily caught the small orb and stared at it, then he glanced over at the fellow bed-ridden brother. "Do it vod. You won't regret it." He nodded with a silly grin and then leaned back so he could go back to sleep. Rex unwrapped it, observed the tiny thing and without hesitation he popped it into his mouth; with everything he went through, a little candy was the least of his concerns even though it was contraband. The chocolate melted in his mouth as the saliva began to break it down and Rex moaned in appreciation, then he turned over and snuggles down into the blankets. Kix came back around and smiled to himself. 
"Guess it worked." He asked Rex. "Yeah, definitely." Kix took the rest of his stuff and touched Rex's forehead again. "Still have a slight fever. Here, drink this and it should be gone by tomorrow." Kix handed him a small cup filled with liquid. Rex tilted his head back and swallowed half of the white, pasty stuff and he instantly gagged. "Choy bu kriff!" Rex cussed and Kix snorted, he said, "It's not that bad, now take the rest of it and go to sleep. Night." And he walked away. "Goodnight Kix." Rex felt slightly disgusted, yet warm and better, the wound had stopped hurting a while ago and he was just happy. He hopes that tomorrow he'll be blessed to see Eida before they most likely get picked up by the larty. But for now, he needs some well-earned rest. 
Corel Village
The next day, 0700 (7:00 a.m.) 
*birds tweeting*
The beams of the rising sun warmed up the surface of Corellia, painting the landscape in a warm hue. It felt good to not be in a cold environment anymore. The troops were already up and busy cleaning up the village, aiding the injured and slowly starting to load up the ships again. Jesse and Kix were ordered by Captain Rex to pick up Eida from the main hut to help them search for her parents. When the two entered the house Eida immediately ran towards them and jumped so Jesse could pick her up. He scooped her up into his arms, "Hey ad'ika! You slept well,  I assume?“ He chuckled. Eida nodded, smiling brightly, "Yep!" She wiggled in his grasp, "Glad to hear it.“ Jesse replied. "We came to pick you up, it’s time to find your parents, don’t you think?“ Kix chimed in, motioning for them to go outside. "Yes! I miss them so much!“ She said, getting excited about seeing her family again. 
They walked outside and just stood there for a minute. It was quite a big village. Where would they start their search?  
"Do you know where your home is? Could you point us in a direction?“ Jesse asked Eida while Kix was looking around. "Um, I don’t go outside alone, always with my family. But our house is close to a big fireplace and our house has little bells hanging on the door.“ Eida replied, trying to picture her home in her head. She then looked around, trying to remember which way they would always take to get back home. "I think that way!“ She yells, pointing to their left. They started walking in that direction, they pointed to every house and hut asking Eida " This one?“ Every time, to which she shook her head. About a couple minutes passed and Jesse thought about what they could do in the meantime. "So, what are your parents names?“Jesse asked, maybe it would help with the search. Also, he was trying to start a conversation. 
"Uhh…“ Eida was confused, "Uhm, I don’t think children call their parents by their names, Vod.“ Kix replied, chuckling slightly. "Oh.“ Jesse replied dumbfounded. It surprised him every time when they were out on missions how little they actually knew about the outside world. They continued to walk for a while, pointing to more houses and asking Eida if they were hers. They reached a fireplace which was surrounded by beautifully painted benches and tree trunks. "This is the fireplace! Over there is my house!“ Eida squealed excitedly, scrambling out of Jesse‘s arms and running towards her door. The two troopers followed her, coming to a halt beside her. Eida had already knocked on the blue and yellow painted door, it had intricate swirls and circles painted onto the wood and there were purple bells hanging from the doorframe. 
The girl hopped from one leg to another, when a Brunette woman, around the age of 24 opened the door. Her eyes widened immediately and she picked up Eida with a relieved sigh and held her close, stroking her hair. Kix and Jesse watched the pair, smiling. The woman looked back into the house and shouted, "Lillian! Eida‘s home!! She’s back!!“ while tears streamed down her smiling face. She turned back to the men, never letting go of her daughter and grinned, "I can’t thank you enough! We were worried sick! Thank you for bringing her back!“ Jesse stepped up to explain what happened, "Actually, Ma‘am, our Captain rescued her, not us. She was running into the forest and Commando droids followed her. Our Captain was shot, but he‘s fine now.“ He glanced over at the medic and Kix nodded.
In that moment, another woman with black, curly hair came running towards the door, and when Eida spotted her she squealed, "MOMMY!“ and practically jumped into her arms. Meanwhile, the Brunette woman extended her hand to the two men, who shook it gently. "I cannot express how grateful we are, my wife and I, we didn't want to believe she was..she didn't make it. Our two other children got hurt pretty bad, so we couldn’t leave them to go look for her yet! Please tell your Captain how thankful we are! If there’s anything we can do. "— "Thank you, Ma‘am, but it's our job. We’re glad the little one is safe now!“ Jesse replied. "Then… I'd like to at least thank your Captain personally. If it weren’t for him, She might not be… I don’t even want to think about it!“ The woman said, looking at the two soldiers with hopeful eyes. 
Her wife came to stand next to her, putting her free arm around her while still holding the happy girl in her other arm. "I’d like that too! It's the least we could do." Lillian smiled. Jesse and Kix looked at each other, not sure if that was allowed and then they both shrugged and turned back to the family. "The Captain is in one of our shelters, he’s still healing, but I don’t think he would mind saying goodbye to Eida!“ Jesse replied while turning to gesture in the direction where the shelters were. "We should go now since we are leaving quite soon.“ Kix suggested, checking the time. The two women looked at each other, silently communicating. "I’ll come with you, my wife has to stay with the other kids.“ Lillian replied. The Brunette nodded, thanking the soldiers one last time and gave her daughter a pat on the head and her wife a kiss, then headed back inside when she heard their son cry. 
*door closes*
– – –
The four were on their way back to the shelter. During their walk, they talked about the attack on the village and about the rescue of Eida. The two men found out that Lillian helped to fight off the droids while her wife tried to find all the village younglings and helped the injured. "That was very noble of you." Jesse respected her. They arrived at the shelter a few minutes later and went inside to discover it was way more empty than it was when Kix was last in there; most of the beds were empty and a few troopers were already starting to put away equipment and getting ready for pickup. To their left was Rex. He was sitting on his bed leaning against the wall behind him, reading a holopad. 
When Eida spotted him she wiggled out of her mom's grasp and ran towards him, jumping onto his bed, to which he dropped the holopad; startled by the sudden movement. When he spotted Eida though, he smiled brightly. 
"Hey there ad‘ika! Glad to see you’re okay!“ He said warmly, putting the holopad beside him on the table. "Yes! Your brothers brought me back to my home! That’s my mommy!“ She said excitedly, pointing to Lillian, who approached the bed. She extended her hand to the Captain, who took it and offered a small bow of his head. "Captain, you have our eternal gratitude. Without you, our daughter would've never made it home. Everything you and your troops have done to protect the village will never be forgotten." Lillian gestures to him and to the many men gathering their equipment with a soft, motherly smile on her face. The gratitude was gleaming brightly in her eyes like the hot orb of Helios. Rex felt warmth crawl up to his cheeks. Not many people thanked him for his work and his sacrifices, he'd accept awards, medals and even the Jaig eyes that now rested upon his helmet but they were definitely not like this. He looked at her and then at Eida. 
"Uh–Thank you, Ma‘am. But this is our job, it’s what I was trained to do. I’m glad to know that the little one is safe!“ Rex smiled, trying to sound formal. The woman smiled back. "If there is anything you’ll ever need, our family will forever be in your debt.“ She replied sincerely. Rex looked at her and wanted to reply but figured it would be best to just simply nod in appreciation, so he did. They both smiled at Eida, who was playing with a bandage that she found at the edge of the bed, trying to neaten it up again. The three of them kept a light conversation for a few more minutes when a trooper in 212th colors approached Rex‘s bed and stood at attention. 
"Sir, everything is being packed up and brought back to the ships, we‘re leaving at 01000“ He said, handing a datapad to the Captain. "Understood. Thank you. " Rex dismisses the trooper before reading the pad.
The trooper saluted, Eida watched the military gesture before he walked away to help with the packing. "Well, I guess I better get up, before they put me away along with the medical supplies.“ He joked, starting to get up. "And I think it's our time to leave, tell the Captain goodbye Eida.“ Lillian said to her child, who was looking up at Rex with big wet eyes. "Can you stay?“ Eida asked, tears welling up. *sighs* Rex wished he could. He didn’t want to hurt the child. Don't get attached. he thought, but he knew it was already too late. 
He would definitely miss the little ad‘ika. "I… gotta go home, just like you did little one.“ Rex sighed. He couldn't give her the, "I'm a soldier and I have a duty" speech, she was too young to understand. But the one thing she definitely would never hear from him is the truth, that he was "a slave to the Republic and had no choice but to follow his Superior‘s orders". "Will you… will you come back? Please?“ the little one sniffled. Haar'chak! Why was this so difficult? It broke Rex’s heart. He would love to come back. But he knew he wouldn't live long enough to do so. "One day, I will. We'll see each other again, little one. Ok?" Was all he could say. It was a lie, he couldn’t promise anything. But he couldn’t bare to look at the child's eyes and see her heart break. 
Eida started to cry and crawled over to the Captain to hug him, trying to hold back her sniffles as good as possible. Rex was startled at this, he wasn’t used to hugs, but he smiled down at her and patted her head. "Ok." Eida responded with a sigh into his chest and smiled to herself, Rex's core felt warm; like something in his heart was budding, he's had this feeling before when he bonded with his brothers between battles and during cadet training on Kamino. It made him feel good, like he was just, happy. 
Entrance of Corel Village
01000 (10:00 a.m. Larty pick-up) 
The ships were fully loaded and ready for takeoff by the time 10 a.m. rolled around and all the villagers gathered at the front to say farewell. The Generals along with Commander Cody, Commander Tano and Captain Rex spoke with the Village Chief, saying their goodbyes. "Your village should be armed and prepared well enough. If they come back, we'll send assistance if able to. The Separatists are relentless.“ General Kenobi informed the Chief kindly. "Thank you, General Kenobi. Your help is much appreciated. If there is anything you should ever need, our village is forever in your debt." The Chief smiles, he offered the Generals' a small bow. The Jedi mirrored the gesture while the two Clone troopers stood at attention and saluted. Eida watched the military gesture from the crowd once again, she was surrounded by her family. 
All the troopers lifted themselves up into the larties and looked down at the villagers. The younger villagers cheered and waved. Commander Ahsoka joined her crew in the 2nd larty with her Master. *engines starting* A few moments later, the ships lifted upwards into the sky, leaving the small village below. Force, I need to take a nap when I get back. The Captain looked out the open bay doors and stared at the ground below, the only thing he saw was a little figure running over to the empty ground where they had been, waving. "Goodbye! Goodbye Rex!" Eida screamed. Fives and the others chuckled and Jesse smiled, "Heyyy! Stay safe kid!" He yelled out, even though she might not have heard them. 
Ahsoka elbowed Rex in the side. He turned to look at her and General Skywalker, "Looks like you made a friend Rex." Anakin grinned and Rex chuckled and waved back at Eida. She smiled and then lowered her hand to imitate the military salute, she memorized what the troopers did to each other. Her figure grew smaller and smaller, so far away as they lifted further away and her mothers' stood at the entrance with her siblings  they were watching her. Rex smiled to himself. "Goodbye Ad'ika." And they were enveloped in darkness. 
*Bay doors shut*
That's the end of the story!!! 🎊 *pauses* *leans over to listen to Captain* Oh. Oh! Really?! Well then, hold on folks, just wait. I just received word that there's a bonus!! Yes, you heard right, it's not quite over yet!
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2 weeks later
Clone troopers walked up and down the lowered ramp of the Resolute as they were docked on a durasteel platform. Everyone was moving around in patterns, hopping left and right and dodging each other when they almost collided and then they just continued on. The shinies were struggling to keep up with their ori’vod, they are more experienced in these kinds of pickups but the younger clones were not; so if they got in their way they basically got trampled. Used as doormats. Tup watches his older brothers speed walk down the long ramp and disappear into the crowd, he decided to stand next to the wall and wait till someone told him to join in and actually work. Jesse’s gaze scanned the entire pickup platform till his eyes landed on the infamous blue Jaig eyes of Captain Rex. Jesse walked up to him, as he got closer he saw that the Captain was inspecting the cargo, new supplies probably. “Sir, do you need any help with this?” Jesse asked, pointing to the shipment boxes. The Captain shot his brother a quick look and said “Yes, actually I was going to get someone to help anyways, your timing is perfect.” 
“Great.” Jesse reached over and started to heave up a big, heavy crate from the transport ship and set it down outside next to the ramp. When he went back inside to pick up the next one he spotted a metal crate that had colorful splotches all over it. He read the label and said, “Hey, Rex! We got some new paint! Finally, our armor really needs some touch ups!” he lifted the crate and carried it outside as well. “It’s been a long time since you touched yours up, too. And it’s been ages since you added anything to it!” He mentioned and turned to the Captain. 
Rex looked at him and picked up another crate. “I don’t really have time to worry about my armor Jesse.” he said, thinking this would dismiss the topic. “But what about adding something new, how about a little tribute to that girl on Corellia, what’s her name, uh..” “Eida." Rex said immediately, “Uh… that wouldn’t be appropriate for a Captain.” Rex added, walking back to the ship. Jesse followed him and said “Ah, come on Rex. We could give her a name...Cuyan! You could put that on there! It wouldn’t be obvious!” Jesse recommended. “Jesse, I said no. Now, help me unload this ship so we can get some rest.” Captain Rex replied, picking up another crate, leaving a frowning Jesse in the ship.
5 minutes later….
The clone troopers finished loading up the cargo and made their way back into the Resolute, some empty handed; specifically the shinies, and the older troopers were holding extra crates. Ahsoka and General Skywalker observed from the platform as their men worked and Ashoka helped from time to time but usually the men wanted to do it themselves. Either they were trying to show off to their fellow brothers or they just didn't want the Commander doing their job, Ahsoka insisted and she helped maybe 5 troopers with the work till she couldn’t find any others. “Well, that’s the last of it.” Jesse smiled at the crate he just lowered to the ground, “Guess we’re going to lift off sometime soon around dinner. Wanna join me in the mess?” Rex looked over at Jesse when he realized he was addressing him. “Oh, um, yes. After I undress and everything.” he nodded before heading towards the bay doors which led to a hallway. 
“Alright, spit it out.' Rex said, he knew Jesse wanted to say something, he just groaned in annoyance when he heard it, "I swear it wouldn't be a bad idea just to paint 'Cuyan' on your armo–" "I said no! Now drop it." Rex glared at him. Jesse raised both hands in surrender and shrugged, "Ok, fine fine." He gave the Captain a side glance before keeping up with him. Jesse exhaled and shook his head, "I'll probably just ask Kix if he'll want to do it with me then. You know, it would be nice because I don't want to be alone doing it." Jesse tried to guilt trip him. Rex just continued walking and contemplated the idea for a moment, "Yeahh, you should do that." Jesse did not guilt trip him at all, he failed. 
Jesse raised an eyebrow and followed his Captain down another right turn. "Oh, and I'd like to see the design you plan with Kix. Yeah." Rex smiled and headed down a left hall towards the bunks. Jesse stood alone in the blanched, brightly lit hall and watched Rex continue forward until he disappeared around a corner. "Ok Cap. We'll see about that." Jesse smiled to himself and walked in the opposite direction towards the med-bay. 
Back in his quarters, Rex unclipped his chest plate and pulled it off with ease, he's done it so many times it's like muscle memory. He had his own space and didn't sleep with anyone else, just him; but sometimes it got pretty lonely so most times he goes to the mess, the sparring room or shooting range. Anywhere where there were fellow brothers he could talk to, or he used the comm. *sighs* Rex left his armor on the bed and stepped into the shower in the next room over. A small bathroom meant for one person use only so here he was, privacy finally and no obnoxious vod'ikas. The shower turns on by a simple press of a button and hot water was sprayed out in consistent rainfall, the perfect pressure and temperature. 
(Warning: Rex thirst inbound *panicking sounds*)
Rex groaned as the water got into the creases and crooks, loosening the tightness in the overworked muscles; he closed his eyes and relaxed as the water droplets dripped down his bleached hair softly and it just cascaded down upon his perfectly toned body and the water defined his well organized, worked out frame. It pretty much massaged his aching muscles, his lips parted as he inhaled deeply in relaxation. Rex slapped his palm onto the wall in front of him, closing his eyes and allowed the water to flow down the back and front of his neck. The sensation of the steamy water calms me, it just takes my mind off of things. His thoughts swirled, it was like he was standing under an everlasting waterfall. The steam lifted from the shower and floated around the room above, making the tiled floor gleam and the mirror fog up. 
4 minutes later…. 
Rex stepped out of the shower wrapped in a white towel and made his way back into the bedroom, he shuffles on some fresh blacks and mosied on out of his bunk. He planned to go to the mess and eat something before heading up to the sparring room. A good plan for a good day. Rex walked further and further from his room until he was far from earshot. Out of the corner Jesse snuck his way around and chuckled before smashing in the code to Rex's room, how he got the codes? No one will ever know. Jesse looked over both his shoulders, making sure no one saw him before he went into the room, the door closing behind him with a *swoosh*. He looked around the room and he couldn’t remember ever being in Rex's bunk before. The room was illuminated by a light coming from the small desk; the bed was neatly made, just like the rest of the Captain's room and there was a dresser where his clothes were probably located. Jesse decided against snooping around because he didn’t want to further violate his brother's trust. He did however, spot three photos attached to the wall right over the pillow where Rex slept. 
The first picture was of: Rex, General Skywalker and Commander Tano, after a battle, the second one showed Rex and a few of his brothers and Jesse could easily spot himself on the picture too. He smiled at that. The third picture showed no one, it was just a beautiful sunset; a purple sky dipped into a ray of orange and yellow, peaceful and it made Jesse feel warm just looking upon it. Jesse didn’t understand the last one though. Why would the Captain hang up a picture like that? He shrugged and picked up the chestplate from the neatly stacked pile of armor and put it on the desk before him. He eagerly puts down the paint and his brush, when he halted in his movements. Should he really do this? He and the Captain trusted each other with their lives and he didn’t want to break that trust. Jesse placed down the brush and picked up a piece of paper from a stack resting on the desk and a blue pen, and started writing. When he was done, he read it over again, smiled and sat down to start his brilliant plan.
— — —
The mess hall was loud, just like after every mission. Rex didn’t understand how his brothers could muster up the energy to be this loud after an exhausting mission. Must be all the adrenaline. He decided to block out the constant chatter and continued eating his ration bars. Rex never realized how hungry he really was until he started eating. It’s like his body pretends not to be hungry just so that he can stay focused. He was peacefully eating his meal when suddenly, three of his brothers slid onto the bench across from him. Hardcase, Kix and Jesse. Ah, here we go again… 
Rex looked up at them, slightly annoyed that they disrupted his state of tranquility. They were all smiling like innocent angels. "Heya Captain!“ Hardcase said in a loud, excited voice. "Hello Hardcase." Rex answered in a normal monotone voice, continuing to eat his ration. When no one said anything else he raised his head again and asked, "How are you guys? I barely saw you the last few days. Except for Jesse. Everything's okay, I hope?“ The three troopers looked at each other and then back at the Captain again. "Yes, we’re fine, as usual. I'm sorry in advance if I am reading too much into this, but is everything alright with you, Sir? Because you don't look so fine yourself.“ Kix asked, looking at the Captain slightly worried. "Yes, I'm fine. Just very busy, nothing else.“ Rex replied, and when the trio still looked at him doubtfully, he gave them a slight smile. That seemed to sell it. 
They all talked about the upcoming training and about other half–important things for a while. When the conversation shifted to an uncomfortable topic for the clone captain, he excused himself, got rid of his tray and headed back to his room. Jesse watched him leave and raised an eyebrow mixed with confusion and concern. When Rex exited the mess he felt eyes following him, but he decided not to turn around because he was way too exhausted to be bothered. Screw the sparring room. While walking he went over his mental checklist. He still needed to write a few reports and then he can finally go to bed. Rex reached his room at last and turned on the lights, scanning his room just like he always did; the Captain immediately noticed his chest plate resting on the desk—where he definitely didn’t put it—and walked up to it. Frowning, he spotted the piece of paper that was neatly placed over the piece of armor and he picked it up. 
Don’t worry, I didn’t touch your stuff. Just this chest piece. Since you weren’t going to paint your armor, I did it for you and look, you can thank me later. Hugs and butterfly kisses, 
P.S. I did look at the photos. I love you too, brother! :) 
Rex rolled his eyes and started getting angry. What was this little di‘kut doing in my quarters? The next time I see him, I swear to all nine hells I– That's when Rex spotted the blue word painted on his chest piece, just above where the chest piece meets the stomach, 'Cuyan', was written in Aurabesh and looked to be very neatly done, with a few accents surrounding it. Rex wanted to be mad at Jesse for breaking into his quarters, and for vandalizing his armor, but all he could do was smile. He reached for the chestpiece and ran his thumb over the dried words. 
The next day
 0600 (6:00 a.m.)
The 501st was getting ready for duty. Everyone was in full armor already when their Captain stepped into the barracks. “Captain on deck!“ Someone shouted, and they all stood at attention simultaneously. “At ease, brothers.“ Rex replied, scanning the room for Jesse. He approached him immediately and Jesse was getting visibly tense. The Captain came to a halt in front of him and just when Jesse readied himself to get yelled at for breaking into the Captain’s quarters, Rex poked him in the chest once and said, “Don’t go into my quarters ever again, understood?“ He said it in a low but stern voice, Jesse looked up at his Ori’vod and he thought he was going to see a frown and eyes filled with disappointment but instead he saw the corners of the Captain’s mouth form into a smile. They looked at each other for a second, communicating without speaking, and Jesse said “Sir, yes, Sir.” and smirked.  
Jesse was glad he didn’t get in trouble, he knew however Kix would reprimand him for it later but he wasn’t scared of him; until he gets his hands on a syringe. But Jesse was going to make sure he couldn’t find him for the rest of the day. All the troopers went on with their business. Carrying heavy loads around: crates, carts and machinery, they spoke with one another and quickly made way for incoming brothers who were carrying extremely heavy loads to the hangar bay. The sun was shining down on them again and the city in the distance was as beautiful as ever; hopefully they didn’t go back out into battle anytime soon and just stay here on Coruscant, where they were safe. But that was unlikely because they were soldiers. 
Ahsoka waved from where she stood next to Anakin as Rex passed and he gestured back to them. Rex learned something during this commission and he was sure his brothers did too: that the ones you saved become your family in some way, they’re appreciative and never forget; especially the little ones, Eida will always remember the soldiers that saved her and her home. War has its ups and downs, negatives an all, but it can also have some positive things result from it as well. Rex passed Jesse and the boys and they all smirked at him. Captain Rex smiled back, gave a two fingered salute and they all grinned happily in response, especially Jesse. Mission accomplished, Jesse thought. Rex continued walking, he inhaled the lukewarm summer air, everything was the usual except for one thing; the Captain of the 501st seemed to be puffing out his chest more than usual, and some people even caught him smiling. What a strange thing to notice? Not something you see everyday.
The End.
Its over guys!! *falls to knees* It's finally overrrrr!! *voice echoes* This was such an amazing journey from start to finish and I just want to say, thank you for joining us! 💕💕 This was amazing and I loved every single minute of it and just.... *sniffles* My brain hurts though, just saying🤣 but anyways! THANK YOU for joining me @angelwars11 and my special Captain @colorfulloverbatturkey on this wonderful journey and I hope to see you again soon! (Not too soon though, cause I'm tired😵) Goodbye everyone!! 👋🏼👋🏼
The song down below is for y'all, this fucking story and my Captain @colorfulloverbatturkey 💕 because brahhh this is amazing and I can't say goodbye, so I'll see you again. Brah *cries* please like and comment, on this post and my partner's! And please please PLEASE reblog! Thank you all! Ok I'm actually leaving now, BYE! *teleports away*
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comic-nerd-dc · 4 years
Dick Grayson x oc
Uhh I made star fire mean in this one and some sexual references
“And robin, you will take this lovely young lady to her junior prom” moth dude says and shows this annoying blond chick calling him Roby-poo and I stifle a laugh
“And Luominen you will take this young man” he shows us this guy who looks super uncomfortable but he’s actually kinda cute if only he wasnt with the bad guys
“Moth sir, she really doesn’t have to,” he says and I smile
“One moment please” as we drag Starfire away
“ We can go keep him on end while Star, Cy, BB, and Ray find out what the connection is and save everything,” I say
“And we can keep an eye on each other” robin adds and I smile until star gives in
“Yeah ok well do it,” Robin says
“Ask her!” moth guy says and robin and the video guy start at the same time stop and video guy gets all embarrassed
“Uhh also you should probably know my names Jupitar,” the tv guy says as robin asks kitten is apparently her name
“ see you tonight,” I say and they leave and I pull up the communication device
“Are you guys coming or what?” Cy asks
“We cant star will help you find the connection between these two kid and moth guy ok,” I say and Cy looks confused
“Why aren’t yall coming to help,” Ray asks
“Because Ray we have dates” I smile and robin looks pained
“With each other because, I’ve seen it coming but now isn’t a good time,” BB says and my eyes widen, I’ve always liked Robin, he intelligent, funny, and altogether just hot but he’s never shown any interest in me so I assumed friends was as far as we could go
“BB no bad guys the kids we have to take to prom, and I have to get a dress” I laugh and close the device
“Star go we have the stuff to do” I smile and she flys away I go to change and robin grabs my arm to stop me
“Are you actually happy about this” he accuses
“Look, Rob, I never got to go to my prom, I turned into Luominen and dont get to live my life as s- as me anymore so yeah I’m excited, but he’s not the date I want” I stop after almost revealing myself, I pull my arm and walk away
“I would go get ready if I were you,” I say and finally get to my room, and raid my closet for something ohhhhh this one, I change into the sleeveless red dress I found that accents my curves without looking trashy and it has a slit in the bottom stopping mid-thigh, I do my makeup even though I still have my mask on and curl my hair and put on the heels, I walk to the living room area and think about how I should get there if I should drive or ask robin to take me on the bike I know he will use to get there, no ill just drive, I head to my car when I literally bump into Robin,
“Wow you clean up nice” I smile at him but he doesn’t respond just staring at me I see his eyes go up and down
“Earth to Robin” I wave my hand in front of his face and he shakes his head
“You look wow, uh we should go” he stutters and I smile
“Ohh, I was just leaving I was going to drive but apparently you had other plans” I smile and I can tell he rolled his eyes
“Let’s go” he grabs my hand and leads me to the bike we get on and once we get to the prom a pink limo pulls up
“Ohhhh Roby poo I’m so glad you came as my date to the prom,” the kitten girl says the way to loud wrapping herself around him and then I see Jupiter come around the other side and smile at me
“Hey, wow you look beautiful,” he says and I blush and look down
“Thanks, you dont look to bad yourself” I smile at him
“I'm really sorry about all of this, I never wanted this to happen, I had just mentioned to my sister that I had a minor crush on you and then this happened, I never wanted it to go this way” he smiles and we walk in as robin looks miserable, we get in and I smile,
“Wanna dance, or just look awkward all night,” I ask and he smiles as we go dance
“Why are you being so nice to me,” he asks and I smile
“Well one because your sister is insane, and two because you dont seem to want all of this” I smile as I see a robin and whats her name dance and a small part of me wishes it was me he was with instead until
“Get away from my girl” and the spider dude drops in
“Fang you do care” she squeaks and they kiss
“So we good to go now?” robin asks and she looks at us
“Never, give my brother the night to remember, kiss him or the whole city goes” and I panic as she has the button out, I look at Jupiter and he already has his eyes closed so I suck it up and lean in and close my eyes,
“No” I hear and then I’m kissing him, its actually a really good kiss until I hear a squeak
“That’s the wrong guy you whore” and my eyes snap open to see a robin and we pull away but she clicks the button
“We will talk about that later” I snap and he blushes and we all fight until everyone’s in handcuffs even Jupiter
“What?” he asks and I look at him
“I know you didn't want this but you still went along with it so jail time for you as well,” I say and he looks down but goes willingly
“And this year’s prom queen and king are robin and Luominen” and he looks at me
“I think I have one more dance in me” he smiles and takes my hand
“So what was that,” I ask
“What was what” he pretends to not remember
“Oh I dont know how bout when I went to kiss him you yelled no and jumped in to kiss me instead,” I say
“I uh, was trying to save you and we happened to kiss?” he says as a question
“Uh, huh, so if I went to that prison truck, and kissed him you’d just let me because it was my choice right,” I ask and he nod
“Ok I’m gonna go give him that kiss” I let go of our dance to walk over to him but robins grip on my waist doesn’t allow me to
“Dont, please, why are you so caught up in this anyway,” he asks
“Look robin, I became Luominen at 15, I’m 18 now and I should be having my own prom but because of my powers I can’t even go to school anymore, so I wanted to be normal for tonight, have the dance, and kiss on the dance floor, or at the end of the dance, I wanted my normal night” I look at him and he smiles down at me
“Well I can work that out, I mean you do have a ruggedly handsome superhero here, its a dance floor, I could kiss you,” he says almost shyly
“Robin I can’t do that, because as awkward as it may make this, I’ve always had some feelings for you and if you kissed me again, id fall more for you than I already am, and I know you dont feel that way for me so no,” I say and he lets go of my waist
“Yeah that’s what I thought” and I turned around to walk-off I just decided to walk back to titans tower and was about halfway there when the rain starts pouring down probably my fault as I can create based on my emotions.
“Get on the bike” robin yells but I dont stop walking
“Please Lu just get on the bike” he begs and I look at him
“No, ill walk thanks” I respond
“Please your gonna get sick,” he pulls over and gets off the bike running to me and I dont stop, except when I’m picked up and thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
“Let me go you asshat” I snap but he just sets me on the bike and gets on and starts driving once we get to the tower, I get off and start to walk inside
“Why are you so mad at me lu, I never even answered you,” he says
“You didn't have to, the way you looked at me the way you instantly let me go, all signs of disgust, dont worry tho I get it, it’s fine but you dont get to act like its normal either anymore, because it’s not and we both know that, and I’m mad because I let myself get there, I let my self fall for you and open up to you knowing you were into Star, knowing I wouldn’t be enough,” I say with tears in my eyes
“I wasnt disgusted honestly you’re beautiful and amazing and anything I could ever want, I was surprised, because here I was falling completely in love with a girl I dont even know her real name, and she took me off guard, also I’m not into Starfire shes just my, friend,” he said and I looked up at him and he kissed me, not the panicked one like before but, slow and hot like he was proving I was the one he wanted when we pulled away
“Sandy” I breathed out
“What” he questions
“My real name,” I say and he smiles, kissing me again but this time he picks me up bridal style bringing me into the tower we are both laughing until we see everyone standing there with pizza and Robin freezes
“Hi guys” I laugh
“Looks like they had their own celebration in mind” Raven laughs and everyone else does but Starfire
“What I do not understand,” she says
“They where probably gonna do the dirty deed, horizontal tango” BB laugh and star looks pissed
“ they would only do that if they were together and they are not together” she snaps
“Uhh yeah actually we are gonna go figure that out, in, my room” Robin rushes out the speeds walks up to his final setting me down
“You never even put me down” I laugh and he blushed
“I panicked ok” he defends
“Oh I bet, at least you picked me up bridal style not another way” I laugh and he smirks
“That was not an invitation” I smile and he fakes a pout
“Oh come onnnnnnnn” he whines and I kiss him
“We do actually need to talk about what we are,” I say and he looked down at me
“What is there to talk about,” he asks
“Are we together, are we not together, are we just messing around that stuff” I add and he smiles pulling me closer as I hadn’t realized I was pacing
“Of course we are together, mine now, and we will definitely be messing around” he winks and I release a sigh of relief and kiss him
“Pardon me the door was open, am I interrupting,” Starfire asks
“No at all, what’s up,” Robin says awkwardly and I mumbled yes under my breath
“Well I felt that before you made her your choice you should know that I also have the romantic feelings for you” she adds and I flop on the bed well it was a nice few minutes while it lasted
“Star that’s sweet, and I’m really sorry but I’m actually really into sa- Luominen,” he says and I punch his shoulder after almost revealing me
“Ouch I didn't” and I smile
“Oh I see, however, am I not prettier than she is, she is not as good as me, so why choose her,” Star asks and I look down, she’s right, how could I ever compare
“What did you say” he snaps and her eyes go wide and I instantly go to stop him
“Robin no it’s fine honestly” I grab his arm but he shakes me off
“Get out,” he says almost to calm
“GET OUT” he yells at her when she doesn’t leave, she then jumps out and he slams the door on her
“Robin what was that, it’s not like shes super wrong,” I ask he doesn’t answer just grabs me and pulls me into a very hard kiss when he finally pulls away I’m hurrying for a breath
“She’s right, you aren’t as good as her, your better, and also its Dick,” he says and my eyes widen
“Really that’s the card your puling now, you want to have sex?” I snap as I pull away from him and he busts out laughing
“Why are you laughing,” I ask confused
“Babygirl, Dick is my name, short for Richard,” he says with a huge smile on his face and I turn red
“I-i'm so, I’m so, I’m so sorry,” I say and he just laughs pulling me into him wrapping his arms around me
“Sandy it’s fine, that was by far the cutest misread of my name ever tho” he smiles and I hide in his chest
“I'm so sorry Dick,” I say again as he laughs
“I'm serious dont be,” he says and I smile up at him again and kiss him when there’s a knock at his door I move away from his death grip on my hips and open it and see BB and raven
“So wanna explain why are Stars crying?” BB asks and I look at him and roll my eyes
“Because she was being rude, she literally came in and asked me to choose her and when I did she said she was better than Lu, rudely so I told her to get out and when she didn't I yelled get out” Dick comes up behind me saying that and I nod
“Fair enough,” Raven says going to walk away but BB grabs her arm
“ you need to apologize to her” BB demands
“Ok ill go talk to her,” I say and then I’m wrapped in chains so I look at the raven
“Me or you?” I ask and she laughs
“You” I nod
“I guess I won’t be going to apologize, and you can’t get mad because I dont have complete control over this,” I say as BB looked pissed
“You done here?” Dick asks and BB looks surprised as the door closed in his face a few minutes later I’m able to get out of the chains, my powers allow me to create things according to my emotions, so the rain was when I was sad but the rain didn't go away when I was happy again, it was apart of the weather then, the chains were now physical things because I felt trapped
“ you didn't get your dream prom but would you like that final dance and kiss?” Dick asks and I smile at him and nod and he spins me around as we dance in our soaked clothes and dance around his room until we are both tired and in the last moment he kisses me
“ I think I’m completely in love with you,” he says and I smile looking up at him
“I think I’m completely in love with you as well!” and kiss him again that night!
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Ali & Carly
Ali: oi walsh Ali: wanna go to a party where the guestlist is undesirable Ali: not in the cool way Ali: but the drinks will be aplenty Carly: u had me @ party but keep talking Ali: obviously you love when I chat you up Ali: family function but they ain't gonna force smalltalk on you w the booze, like so no fear Carly: love wen ur offering 2 take me away Carly: compliments are a beautiful bonus Carly: ur hot bro gonna b there?? Ali: easy Ali: take you somewhere better than wherever he is after if you play your cards right Ali: and someone isn't too OD'd on beer and BBQ by tonight to organise a decent shindig Carly: yea lads r sooo easy Carly: its boring Carly: showing my cards we should get some 💊 & fly through it Ali: 👌 Ali: sadly my mother refuses to address her issues so no stocked medicine cabinet here to raid Ali: I'll ask about Carly: ha Carly: mine don't Carly: I've got this Carly: show your love later Ali: 🙌 Ali: gimme her number Ali: put in the groundwork now like the overachiever I am Carly: [does give her number out] Carly: k but you love me more Ali: obviously Ali: love of my life Ali: gotta rep my manners with your ma though Carly: said as ur slipping ur 💍 off & giving some other bitch the 👀 Carly: how my da works Ali: hmm Ali: better leave her alone then Ali: don't need to repeat her mistakes Carly: if 1 person did the cabinet wouldn't be full for us Carly: let's keep one 'rent 💔 at a time Ali: smart Ali: that's why you're my bae Carly: its cos I kno how to juggle 💘 Carly: & other body parts ofc Ali: 😂 Ali: and a decent trip, hopefully 🤞 Ali: your mum's got a mixture, yeah or do I need to bring tissues Ali: or 🥊 Ali: what's the #mood Carly: whatever you want it to be baby Carly: shes got docs wrapped around her finger Carly: hers anyway Carly: mine's a woman & she refuses to flirt w her own gender Ali: k am a bit in love with her now Ali: soz Ali: clearly send her in, she'll change her tune and your prescription Carly: other than my da who isnt Carly: taught me everything I kno Carly: leave her a message she'll hit you back if you pretend to be hot lad Ali: 💔 that Carly: same I could have two mas Carly: more clothes & drugs to steal Ali: idk, my missus might reckon your da's a style icon Carly: ha Carly: she coming? Ali: nah Ali: you wanna see actual flirting w a middle-aged woman, like, she's your woman Ali: I can't Carly: on her bday she'll propose a 3way w ur ma Carly: been there Ali: 🤢 Ali: that's vile Ali: her diehard need to be more chivalrous than any man should work in my favour for once, like Carly: k Carly: tell me I'm wrong wen she's 1 year older & you ain't had to nah that Ali: bold of you to assume we won't be happily married by then, babe Ali: it ain't til feb Ali: hint hint buy me something Carly: ur married to me Carly: so you gotta say no Carly: & i kno ur a typical aquarius Carly: but I said hers you weren't listening such a hubby mood Ali: wish I could be the man you want and say I don't remember when it is Ali: but I think I do so Ali: 💔 fucking estrogen and empathy strikes again Ali: ultimate cockblock Carly: im not wrapping myself in a ribbon for her so idc when it is Ali: gutted for her Ali: when's yours then Carly: I'm a gemini girl Carly: guess Ali: ah fuck Ali: gonna have to kick it belated Ali: just means I have to go harder so enjoy Ali: hmm Ali: gonna go for 21st Carly: 😢 Carly: nope Ali: damn Ali: just wishful thinking I'd only just missed it, tbh Ali: it's June though, not May Ali: I'm positive Carly: yea Ali: I'll ask our mans Ali: shake him down for all that knowledge I'm sure he's hiding Carly: try it Carly: be funny Carly: how wrong he is Ali: counting on it Ali: how else am I stealing his girl Carly: im not his Carly: already yours Ali: 'course Ali: you seen him much since partygate Carly: just waved him out before you hit me w your invite Carly: y i said yea so fast Ali: I get it Ali: making him leave was always harder than it had any right being Ali: least he didn't invite himself Carly: he makes himself comfortable if I am or not Carly: revolving door on this caravan too so Ali: having 'nam flashbacks Ali: yikes Ali: let's not waste any more time talking 'bout exes tonight Ali: or currents Carly: did your ma let him in on her way out too or does she only like the girls ur w? Carly: aw you don't wanna talk Carly: let me apply gloss hold on Ali: safe to assume he's not coming 'cos of multiple people Ali: not just Lene Ali: 🍓 if you got it, babe Carly: & she's not coming cos of multiple ppl not just ur ma Carly: you not a 🍒 girl hm Carly: interesting Ali: she's not coming 'cos I ain't asked her Ali: awkward if my mother has taken the initiative but help the party go with a swing, I guess Ali: nah, you're a 🍓 girl Ali: too sweet for 🍒 Carly: cos you asked me i kno 😍 so cute Carly: aw you want me to taste how i naturally do Carly: even cuter Ali: be more fun Ali: invite her to my next protest or something more fitting Ali: nothing personal Carly: hey i can be loud Carly: do it all the time Ali: aw you want all her invites now? 😏 Carly: yea Carly: you want me you got me 💍 Ali: alright Ali: you're on Carly: k Ali: get ready for so many adventures Carly: 😊 Carly: wot am i wearing to this 1? Carly: gotta dress for hot bros & disapproving mas Ali: 🙄 Ali: if that's the mood you wanna go for Ali: though idk why you'd choose that over turning my head but go off, honey Carly: i can do that in what Im wearing rn Carly: gimme a challenge Ali: love the confidence Ali: my ma ain't but you will need it with my brother Carly: they all play hard to get until i get there Carly: being easy keeps it easy for them Carly: not my first bbq Ali: nah babe Ali: remember, we're ditching before it gets to that part of the evening Ali: soz to 💔 but I'll be nicer about it than he would so also welcome Carly: throw the keys in the salad bowl as soon as i get there idc Carly: no foreplay needed Ali: gotta get you outta the caravan park more, babe7 Carly: yea Carly: im walking now before he can follow me Ali: meet you halfway? Ali: will bring a crowbar if he's being that clingy Carly: ha Carly: im in the stash don't be sad Carly: ill leave you lots Ali: 👍 leave me chance to catch up too and no worries Carly: ofc Carly: 💙 Ali: you're a doll Carly: yea thats y everyone wants to fuck me Ali: nah Ali: plenty of other reasons for that though Carly: its k you dont need to list off ur compliments 1 per 💊 Carly: i feel the love Ali: you ain't saving me that many, I know 💚 Carly: aw Carly: ur so sweet Ali: nicer to my wives than my girlfriends, obvs Ali: pecking order Carly: 😊 Carly: she's still lucky to have you cos ur an angel to me Ali: you Ali: trust, no angel Ali: and that ain't some juvenile attempt at a brag there Carly: it's a flirt 😈😉 ha Carly: you wanna misbehave w me in front of your whole fam im there Ali: assuming my brother ain't up for it, obvs Carly: cant i have both Carly: what kind of bi r u Ali: one that don't like her brother's handmedowns Ali: lived that life long enough Ali: he ain't a style icon either Carly: ur first Carly: hes maybe Ali: was hoping if we skipped ronan and lene off the guestlist we could avoid the punch-up, tbh babe Carly: aw you dont wanna fight for me Carly: 💔😢 Ali: I mean my brother's girlfriend will have you Ali: only tryna protect, not kill your vibe Carly: scarier than your gf? Ali: deffo Ali: she wishes, the real threesome request that'll spell the end of it all 🙄 Carly: hes forgotten then Carly: be more fun just me & you Ali: obviously Ali: been tryna tell you but easier to prove it Carly: k Carly: ready when you are Ali: soz, forgot shoes Ali: gimme 5 Carly: ha Carly: im not wearing any & im fine Carly: you just wanna do a last mirror check for me 💙 so cute Ali: 😂 Ali: such a pisstake, you walsh Carly: part time flower child you Carly: but its k i still love you Ali: just defending why I'm being so slow Ali: obvs my 😍 weighing me down but lemme have some pride, woman Carly: ha Carly: you're my cute 🐌 Ali: now you're gonna be adorable, fucking hell Ali: you're dangerous Carly: if you cant handle me now wait til I come up Carly: 💊s are the real danger baby Ali: I'll be caught up by then Ali: might have to double-down but I can handle that, no worries Carly: they r being so slow 😢😢😢 Ali: ride it out, baby Carly: you sounded like him then Carly: except hes never called me baby ever Ali: oh dear Ali: I've gone full dickhead Ali: 😬 Ali: I'll take it down a notch Carly: no youre being sweet Carly: theres just lots of ways to trigger a fuck flashback when youre me Carly: dont change Ali: dunno if I could but glad you still wanna keep me around Carly: ofc Carly: i love you Ali: you're so pure Carly: not for years soz boo Carly: & this stash aint either Carly: such a let down 💔😢 Ali: shh Ali: we can make it work Ali: there's enough here to get crossfaded Carly: just dont hate me k Ali: why and how could I ever Ali: silly wabbit Carly: easily Carly: my phones full of Ali: you gonna fuck my girlfriend? Ali: or me and leg it Ali: neither's likely so we're all good, baby girl Carly: she scares me still even if she would have an amazing collection of giant strap ons Ali: 😂 Ali: well I can neither confirm nor deny Carly: no need its every lesbian of her kind Carly: labelled herself Ali: just don't bring up penis envy Ali: she'll lose it Ali: #freudstarteditbabe Carly: can i ask her what she'd do first if she woke up w one? Carly: fave ice breaker Ali: it is gold Ali: but save it 'cos it's just me and you remember Carly: do you wanna know my answer Ali: of course Carly: guess Carly: you owe me a right answer for my wrong bday Ali: Hmm okay Ali: would you Ali: bang as many people as humanly possible Carly: i do that anyway Ali: well you get banged, if we wanna be misogynistic about it Ali: I know what I'd do Carly: more fun with more holes tho so I'm not mad Carly: first thing I'd do is measure to see if I need to brag or exaggerate Ali: pragmatic of you Ali: hadn't even considered that Carly: wanna know if mine's bigger than the lads I've been w ofc Carly: size matters idc what small dicked lads are trying to say Ali: yeah but they're always thinking length when really Ali: girth is where it's at Carly: yea Carly: shouldve taught that in school Ali: how to measure circumference Ali: they defs did Carly: yea?? Carly: idk Ali: I'll show you Ali: on a beer can Ali: unrealistic expectation but you get the idea Carly: all my expectations r unrealistic Carly: make me cum is a stretch for most lads on site Ali: babe Ali: gonna make me 😥 Carly: youre the pure 1 aint you Carly: aw Ali: hardly Ali: saying at least I get that, like Ali: minimum Carly: your gf has some uses that arent being your ma's BFF Ali: precisely Ali: I would've been a bit kinder with it but in a nutshell Ali: what about ronan at least Carly: have you forgotten him now youve upgraded Carly: shouldnt need my review Ali: shh, he'll cry Carly: he was when i wouldnt let him stay for dinner idc Ali: poor boy 😏 Carly: one of his other girls can cook for him Carly: my ma aint there & i aint doing it Ali: he needs to just give in and marry one of his own Ali: it's what he wants, no matter what he reckons Carly: he told me he is Carly: but hes said worse for a fuck so idk Ali: rude Ali: where's my invite to mourn my loss, boy Carly: ill tell him to text you Carly: wont have lost your number Ali: got the drunk texts to prove it Ali: bless Carly: ha Carly: only answer mine tho Carly: 💍 perks Ali: only if I ain't also there with ya Carly: yea Carly: youre gonna b w me forever so Ali: I'll just tell you in person then Ali: if you tell me Ali: deal? Carly: k Carly: i feel happy Carly: 😊😊😊😊😊 Ali: you're on your way Ali: where are you, btw Carly: the longest road ever Ali: hm, tell me about it Ali: I'll run Ali: in dramatic, sexy slo-mo Carly: me too Carly: only way i run Carly: see you when we collide Ali: wifey goals Ali: won't even try and make it our lips that collide Ali: scout's honour Carly: anticipations more fun Carly: plenty of other places I can touch you first Ali: we'll pretend you meant my 💘 Carly: i did that first night @ first 👀 Ali: no lie, we'll have to think of somewhere else innocent-sounding then Ali: do some experimenting, straight girl Carly: i have Carly: i told you ready when you are Ali: I told you, dangerous Carly: only if you get caught Carly: i won't tell if you don't Carly: so good at keeping secrets Ali: I'll sort it Ali: I made vows Ali: she'll understand Carly: were just taking them seriously Carly: nobody can be mad about that Ali: deadly, like Ali: also forgot a bra, naturally and this run is killing me Carly: somewhere innocent I can touch you then Carly: god works in obvious ways Carly: like you Ali: please Ali: if I was doing it for your benefit sure I'd put one on Ali: show 'em off Carly: you kno you dont need to Carly: not your first bbq either Ali: 😏 Ali: maybe Carly: no maybe u kno Carly: & you can feel my 😍 Carly: travelling faster than my slo mo run Ali: love being your wcw, babe 😉 Carly: idk what that is Carly: but if the first letters arent wild child I'm sad Ali: that's far less straight girl so we'll go with it Ali: hope for you yet, like Carly: youre not gonna tell me what it means Ali: woman crush wednesday Ali: used exclusively by girls like Leesha and that Carly: omg i think my ma said that @ the telly the other night Carly: it wasnt wednesday Ali: feeling like hyping up Chezza whatever the night Ali: I 👀 you Carly: but youre wrong Carly: i dont have a crush on you i love you Ali: so if I need a kidney you're down Ali: but no gay shit Ali: 👌 Carly: yea cos whats mine is yours Carly: all of me Carly: so you can have anything you want Ali: good to know Ali: make a killing on the black market Carly: just tell me if youre draining me in the tub so i can have a good last nite before Carly: & stop making me beg for gay shit that's not a mood Carly: i dont do the begging its the other way round Carly: ask anyone Ali: of course Ali: I ain't an animal Ali: you don't have to beg Carly: what do you want me to say then Ali: what you want Ali: obviously Carly: find me Carly: you can do that yea Ali: easy Ali: [does 'cos how long can one road be] Carly: [most excited hug that turns into the longest hug & moment because well we know] Ali: [turns it into linking arms and walking 'fore shit gets too real here] Carly: [is just happy & loling & chatting shit which is endless compliments basically like her eyes being tiny skies & sunshine hair etc you get the idea because high af] Ali: [is listening and not dismissing it 'cos not that bitch but also knows she's high so not being like ooh lol, 'you're so pure'] Carly: [dramatically stops cos remembers suddenly that she needs to give Ali her share so does, sad & mad at herself like she's so upset she nearly forgot bless] Ali: [cups her chin like hey and tells her it's okay whilst looking in her eyes as she takes her share] Carly: [back to being smiley just like that because reassurance bitch & takes her hand & leads her along cos handholding ftw] Ali: [is happy she's happy again] Carly: [her phone is going off cos Ronan but she's ignoring cos only got eyes for Alison rn] Ali: ['you put love eggs in or?'] Carly: [talks in depth about how she's drawing the line at borrowing that kinda shit from her ma cos oversharer even when she ain't high & also throws her phone to Ali playfully like no look so we can imagine how lovely those messages are even just from the first line preview thing] Ali: [takes Carly's thumb so she can open it and reply 'cos that bitch] Carly: [is just loling even though this is such a bad idea] Ali: [schools him in a way that probably sounds familiar lbr] Carly: [then a selfie sesh cos those bitches they love themselves] Ali: [takes her sunnies off her head and puts 'em on Carly 'cos her eyes are massive/pinholed depending which way we're rocking this lol] Ali: [does a 'shh' like no one's gonna know] Carly: [you know she's keeping them sunnies forever now soz] Ali: [just swinging their arms having a gay old time] Carly: [just singing something as they going cos no stage fright when high af & her voice is nice so its a moment] Ali: [😍] Carly: [more compliments when she notices Ali is looking at her cos she's pretty af lbr] Ali: ['how many other hidden talents you got, like?'] Carly: [thinks about it way harder than the question warrants like its a hard question cos lowkey is when you don't reckon you got any skills. Says 11 cos bday clue & lucky number with a mysterious expression like but then laughs cos if she has to ever back that up awks] Ali: [lols back but squeezes her hand like don't doubt it] Carly: [looks down at her feet because actually is shoeless here 'how far?'] Ali: [gestures like 'piggyback?' but ain't that far in my mind] Carly: [accepts because always, good thing Ali is strong & Carly is skinny cos they literally the same height] Ali: [galloping about and into your function like idiots 'cos she's coming up now too] Carly: [miracle that Carly don't fall cos not holding on properly cos wants to stretch her arms out so its like a bike with no handlebars situation lol] Ali: [imagine everyone's faces lmao] Carly: [Tess scowl be like seen from space] Ali: [gets situated on the grass and is just helping herself to drinks Carly: [is just having a little dance by herself cos feeling great not soz everyone especially not soz Ro cos you wish you could babe] Ali: [at least little rock can join in] Carly: [aw the two of them dancing together like cute nerds & she's spinning him round & everything] Ali: [just ignoring all her fam's questions and being chatty af like nothing's weird 'cos high, then joining in 'cos duh more fun[ Carly: [all you can hear is Carly's laugh which is the best so deal with it fam thank you, let my sweet baby angel be happy] Ali: [when you being blatant af] Carly: [when you don't need to be touching a girl who has a girlfriend this much when you dancing in a non sexy way but you is] Ali: [defs need a sprinkler they can all be running through] Carly: [wet t-shirts ftw I see you] Ali: [is motioning like come to my room but not like that lads, just get some weed like you need it] Carly: [takes some drinks with her but the only mental image I have is when Lily in Skins with armfuls when she says keep your vagina on & I'm loling] Ali: [hey ro hey] Carly: [okay but Carly trying to talk to her & being so nice cos she's so pure & Ro being so rude] Ali: [even in her state given her all the disappointed looks like ??] Carly: [this sweet child laughing it off cos how she do but how dare you Ro, I'm mad] Ali: [going to the kitchen for food, accidental ultimate ro shade] Carly: [just following Ali cos she's never been here & don't know where she's going but quieter cos you can tell she's thinking what did I do wrong cos how her brain works] Ali: [being reassuring af] Carly: [sitting on the kitchen counter swinging her legs looking so cute with her dirty feet & drinks from the tap cos she do what she want] Ali: ['you look beautiful'] Carly: [smiles & laughs like its chill but is seriously 😳 cos who says nice things to her like this ever] Ali: [gets them and rocky ice lollies bye everyone else] Carly: [when you eating it seductively without being aware or trying to be that cos its your life] Ali: [is giggling 'cos high] Carly: [more compliments because how cute] Ali: [lays her head in her lap to 'cloudgaze' aka sneak peeks] Carly: [playing with her hair & freckles sporadically because she's soft & intimate like that, be more blatant girl, love it] Ali: [doing daisychain around her wrist 'cos bringing it back] Carly: [finally remembers there are drinks so is on that but v distracted looking at & touching Ali, oh girl same we all would] Ali: [tryna be chill but obvs into it regardless of how 'straight she is] Carly: [lies in the grass & does snow angel moves like she can flatten the grass & make one, god bless you babe, brings Ali with her so they just snuggling cos we can be this blatant] Ali: [just stroking her hair nbd] Carly: [loves it & is making it known by talking about how good it feels & throwing out compliments like its her job sorry for how gay this is everyone but she thinks Ali is the best so] Ali: [backatcha telling her how pure and sweet she is and they're just blabbing at each other] Carly: [soz k stew but this is cute] Ali: [when you wanna kiss her so bad 'cos you're high and happy and this is a mood] Carly: [I'll either save or condemn us cos she's gonna go take some more pills so they don't wear off so they could be alone if Ali goes with & she'd be dragging her along so v dangerous] Ali: [looking at themselves in the mirror and making funny faces] Carly: [& Carly just peeing cos no shame, same tbh] Ali: [but doing like war/festival style paint on each other's face with like, whatever lipstick has been left in that bathroom] Carly: [but think how close Ali would have to be to her face to do that like how has she not kissed her, applause needed honestly] Ali: [draws a lil heart on Carly's nose] Carly: [can't stop looking at herself cos loves it] Ali: [takes loads of pictures, improtu bathroom photoshoot sesh] Carly: [likewise taking loads of pics of Ali but like weird close ups cos she gaaaaaaaay & focused on the details] Ali: [posing 'cos we know she's about it lmao] Carly: [more touching of freckles like she's gonna draw something connect the dots style but just using her fingers cos they are perfect as they are & she'd say so] Ali: [not much would phase her but she would be blushing rn] Carly: [just gushing about how adorable she is endlessly like it'd be too much from anyone else] Ali: [keeps saying ILY 'cos being off your face ftw] Carly: [saying it back of course & all the terms of endearment like baby, angel etc cos that's just how she is anyway] Ali: [someone, probably Tess, banging on the door like they're desperate, we see you ma] Carly: [jumps out of her skin, again same] Ali: [hugs her protectively] Carly: [smelling her hair like a peak gay during the hug because lbr it'd smell nice, no shade or shame here, more compliments for that obvs] Ali: [going back downstairs before there's a brawl but when you ain't even phased 'cos something happening here deal fam Carly: [when you lowkey dancing your way back out cos you happy af & you find the dog on the way so you're carrying him with you & kissing & loving him & its adorable sorry bye] Ali: [and spuds such a funny looking boy lmao] Carly: [lying on the grass again spooning the dog & singing to him probably a song from when she was little & her mum cared like he a baby] Ali: [just watching and melting 'cos actually so cute, don't cry bitch lmao] Carly: [sees her & crawls over like hey, curling up with her again because the lap is a mood forever & we need to claim it from your future child for the gays] Ali: [doing teeny tiny plaits in her hair and humming the song she was just singing to the dog] Carly: [just chatting shit the whole time soz everyone else but they loving life let them be] Ali: [just getting to know each other hardcore 'cos neither of them has much time for small talk or bullshit anyway so on drugs it'd be like 1000 percent more intense, also shamelessly ignore a call and multiple texts from your actual girlfriend] Carly: [but then after all that because I'm evil & she's 'straight' let's say she makes eye contact with Fraze somehow so off she goes to flirt with him as if that's even a possibility when you know it'd just be annoying like her taking his 🚬 to try & be so cool & seductive, babe no. He's just like Ali control your girls] Ali: [is annoyed but not gonna do anything unless it got more dramatic like you deal, casually going through her phone to find a party or something] Carly: [Fraze just being such a dickhead soz Carly also knowing that's Bea's lipstick because of course he does so loling about her & Ali's impending doom] Carly: [also Ro coming out cos someone made her to 'eat' so just being super judgey such joy] Ali: [fully like fuck this like don't kill my vibe fam so walking like she just gonna go in the house but really she peacing] Ali: if ur done come back out Carly: where d u go? Ali: found us a party Carly: k Carly: [catches up to her like oh hey] Ali: [tells her it ain't far to go and starts walking] Carly: [looks down at her feet like she only just remembered she's not wearing shoes but doesn't miss a beat in keeping in step with her because being gay is more important] Carly: dont b mad @ me Ali: [looks down too and is like, we can go get shoes first if you want lol] Ali: I ain't Carly: the colours around you have changed Carly: i kno u r Ali: nah it's like Ali: hmm Ali: I'm not sure what it's like Carly: like me again Carly: [is saying sorry because always quick to that one] Ali: ['I do, you don't need to say that'] Carly: [trying to give Ali her drink as a peace offering like hmm I've done something wrong must make amends somehow] Carly: [& then more pills when she remembers she has them still] Ali: [shrugs like why not and accepts, cue Leesha and probably her 'best' friend tottering out of her house looking the most overdressed] Carly: [Carly loling because she has the whole day but these bitches taking it as a slight against their everything] Ali: [Leesha started shouting the odds 'cos mother's daughter and obvs already white girl wasted, Ali like let's just go 'cos over it] Carly: [Carly offering her pills cos change your mood babe & being looked at like she's offering poison, you've been there before Leesha I get it] Ali: [tryna lowkey drag her away before this becomes the Thing tm they want it to be for the #drama] Carly: [Carly just chatting about Ali's heroics & how sweet she is cos knight in shining armor for her forever lbr just like 😍] Ali: [loling] Carly: [Carly just out the blue like 'you should kiss her, then she'd be happier' like no babe Leesha ain't you but I love the softness of your world view] Ali: ['fully converted, are you?'] Carly: [lols but is also like 'you haven't kissed me yet' with a cute little pouty face as she walks on slightly ahead looking at the sky] Ali: ['Night still young, baby'] Carly: [clearly is buzzing about this & not hiding that 'I love you more than her' how unspecific she could mean Leesha or K stew or both, god bless] Ali: [is all 'I know' but not 'cos she's a cocky bitch lmao 'cos you're pure'] Carly: [puts her arms up like a child who wants to be picked up cos she wants Ali to carry her into the party] Ali: [does 'cos duh even if she's joking about how high maintenance she is] Carly: [snuggling into her the whole time cos she's soft] Ali: [let's hope it's not too far, probably some 20-something hippie waster's chill thing] Carly: [when you humming but using Ali's heartbeat as your basis for a tune cos gaaaaaaaaaaay] Ali: [when you're harmonizing] Carly: [#goals for real] Carly: [but then she gotta stop so she can compliment Ali again cos we know her voice is fire but Carly didn't necessarily know this] Ali: ['we should jam for real some time'] Carly: [cue her rambling stage fright reveal because like we said no time for bullshit so its just being put out there & she's like 'you'll have to sing to me'] Ali: [is like okay but silently thinking of all the ways she could help her confidence 'cos that bitch but not gonna be pushy and patronizing about it 'cos not THAT bitch] Carly: [just staring at her adorably all like 'what are you thinking about?'] Ali: ['you'] Carly: [such a big smile but also blushing 'good things?'] Ali: [just gives her a look that's like what do you think and obviously, yes] Carly: [a big hug moment and kisses her on her forehead cos where the thoughts come from] Ali: [the mess of lipstick their faces are] Carly: [they must look crazy, living for it] Ali: [good thing no one at this party will care, turn up and chatting to people and the usual] Carly: [there should be someone there for Carly to hook up with to hurt Ali's heart & reaffirm the 'straightness'] Ali: [when you can't 'cos you got a gf, gutted] Carly: [who is probably still trying to contact you cos highkey] Ali: [text her back girl, come on] Carly: [do it while your real gf is getting you a drink lol] Ali: [let's text]
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