#diego x varynn
choicesislife-blog · 6 years
Endless Summer Fantasy AU Chapter 2
A/N: Another annoying author's note in the way! Either way...these r things you should be reminded about...
Ships present in the fanfic:
Jake x Female! MC (Taylor)
Estela x Male! MC (Travis)
Zahra x Craig (Namasiao)
Sean x Michelle (Seanelle)
Grace x Aleister (Graleister)
Varynn x Diego (Variego)
Malatesta x Yvonne (Malavonne)
If you haven't checked out Chap 1, do check it out! :D Hope you enjoy!
The night had struck the kingdom. Silence is present in the grand palace of Aethiopia...
In her bedroom, Taylor watches the clock as its hands slowly tick its way to midnight. The moment they do reach midnight, the princess grins.
"The perfect time to strike." Taylor smiles to herself.
The princess rises from her bed, and dons a black cloak before exitting her bedroom. Lucky for her, her twin brother's room was just across hers. Taylor raises her fist and gently knocks on the door.
Tapping her foot in slight impatience, the pale-skinned girl knew that she had no other choice but to wait.
Finally, the door swings open. Travis strides out of the bedroom in the same black cloak Taylor is wearing, sleepily rubbing his eyes.
"Gee, do we really have to?" Travis says.
"Come on, we don't have all day...!" Taylor says in a hushed tone.
She grabs her brother's wrist and drags him with her.
"Are you sure Aleister won't reprimand us for sneaking out of our rooms at midnight?" Travis blurts out. "He did say we have a curfew..."
"At least we have a good reason to be awake," Taylor says, irritated.
The twins continued their way down the dimly lit corridors.
"If we get caught, I'm definitely going to blame you." Travis muttered under his breath.
"Hey, you were the one who said you'd help," Taylor says.
"I didn't know we'd do it tonight," Travis whispered back. "Where the heck are we going, anyway?"
"You'll see." replied Taylor.
Taylor pauses once she's reached a pair of large, tall doors. Travis stops right behind her.
Travis's brows raise, "The library? Isn't it locked right now?"
"True," Taylor hums. "but I have a key."
"Say what?" Travis exclaims. "How?"
Taylor grins, tossing her platinum-blonde hair over her shoulder. "Perks of being a princess."
Taylor inserts the key into the keyhole, twisting it...
"Is...that the key itself or a duplicate?" Travis asks in curiosity.
"The key itself," Taylor responds. "but don't worry, we'll put this back to where it belongs."
Taylor pushes the doors open, revealing a vast library filled with numerous bookshelves.
"Come on, I'll show you my progress." said Taylor, beckoning her brother to follow her.
Travis stalks off behind her, taking a few moments to gaze at the beautifully lit library. Taylor stops in her tracks before a long, brown table. Files and books were stacked on top of it.
"That's all I've got," said Taylor, pointing at the documents and books piled up.
Travis takes a book, beginning to flip through its pages. "This reminds me of the history lessons we'd take under Aleister's tutelage, to be honest."
"Believe me, I've spent hours in this library..." Taylor sighs.
Travis sits atop the desk, while Taylor takes a seat on a nearby chair, with both of them reading.
"All I see here is the history of Aethiopia," commented Travis. "How's that supposed to help us find the killer of our parents?"
"Well, it's important to know the history of the realm." Taylor says, shutting a book she'd just finished reading closed. "That way we can find out who's against our kingdom."
"I guess you have a point," Travis nods thoughtfully.
An hour passed, and the twins had already finished reading all the documents and books Taylor had stacked up in her hours of research.
"Still nothing?" Travis asks, turning to his twin.
"No...unfortunately." Taylor bites on her lower lip.
A curtain of silence draped over them...
"Why are you so desperate to find out who...murdered our parents?" Travis says ever so suddenly. "I mean, I know I'm upset, but...--"
"I'm scared."
Taylor's words made Travis pause mid-sentence.
"...What?" Travis asks, confused.
Taylor releases a heavy sigh, "I'm scared that it might happen to you, Travis. We lost Mother and Father before, and I...I don't want to lose you like we lost them. So I thought that if we'd catch our parents' killer...no one would harm our kingdom."
Travis's eyes softened. "Hey...you won't lose me, sis."
Travis climbs off the table, taking a seat beside her and flashing his signature smile at her. "In fact, we'll make Mother and Father proud. We can start by becoming great leaders to our people."
Taylor forces a small smile. "Thanks, Travis."
"Say...wanna keep searching?" Travis asks.
"You bet." Taylor beams.
The next morning, Taylor is seen sleepily snoring on her bed. She and her brother had gone to sleep at around three in the morning, so they barely got enough sleep.
The door to her bedroom slammed open, and the Royal Advisor, Aleister angrily stormed inside.
"Princess Taylor, your sleeping habits are completely intolerable!" Aleister yells.
Taylor groans, removing her sleeping mask. "What's the big deal?"
"Don't act like a fool, Princess Taylor." Aleister glares at her. "You've overslept, yet again!"
Taylor yawns, rising up from her canopy bed. "Yeah, yeah...Sorry 'bout that."
Aleister sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shakes his head. "I'm quite disappointed in you, Princess Taylor."
"Well, I'll leave you be to dress properly for breakfast." said Aleister, walking off to exit the room. "I'll be expecting you to be in the Dining Hall in the next few minutes."
Taylor sighs as her advisor leaves. A dark-skinned beauty enters the grand bedroom, wearing a pale-orange maid dress with white frills.
"Your Highness," the maid politely curtsied.
"There's no need for the formalities, Grace..." Taylor says.
"O-Oh...I see." Grace meekly responds. "Here...let me help you prepare for breakfast, Princess."
"Taylor's just fine." said the young princess.
"I understand, Pri--I mean, Taylor." Grace quickly corrects herself.
Taylor smiles and takes a seat in front of her vanity, while Grace begins to brush her pale-blonde hair.
In the Dining Hall, Travis drums his fingers on the table, glancing around the room to find something that'd entertain him. Aleister enters, looking stressed. "Aleister," said Travis, snapping his head up to look at him. "Where's Taylor?" Aleister sighed, taking a seat across him. "She is still preparing, as usual. Your sister has been late seven days straight."
"That's my sister for you," Travis sheepishly laughs.
Aleister simply blinks.
"Uh...never mind." Travis awkwardly says, scratching the back of his head.
A/N: Just note that I wanted to make this fanfic for fun! Also, I’m really sorry if there r no ship moments yet! I wanted to introduce the characters first (at least two new characters per chapter). I hope you liked, reblogged, and left a comment/note! ^_^
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kitsumiekat · 6 years
Desperation - Jake x MC (Endless Summer) Part 1
Pairing: Jake x MC
Rating: PG
Setting: Jake Walker would do anything to get his Princess back. He would stop at nothing... because he wanted no one else.
Author’s Notes: I really wanted to see a combination of Vaanu’s ending where everyone returned home, and where the MC get’s to live because seriously! Jake... poor Jakey. T_T
Everyone stopped. But not him. He couldn’t bring himself to do it.
There had to be a way. There just had to.
The voice echoed in the cavernous halls of the Rourke Industries archives, and a flick of a switch brought light flooding into the hall where rows upon rows of folders, files and storage of discs and files were kept.
He squinted as he looked up, pushing away his floppy brunette locks until he saw the figure of Aleister in a suit, walking towards him with a worried look carved into his frown. The blond CEO of Rourke Industries paused next to the table Jake had been seated at for god-knows how long now, and he sighed a long, all knowing sigh.
“C’mon, I’ll give you a ride. I’m picking Grace up on the way to Craig and Zahra’s place.”
He frowned, his mind racing to remember why would Aleister know to look for him down here.
His friend saw his perplexed look, and sighed again, running a hand to mess up his perfectly gelled blond locks before he spoke in a patient tone. “We have a dinner party tonight, remember? To celebrate Raj being promoted to sous chef working in Grandina Ramseus?” 
He knew why she did it. He knew because he was the same, and he would’ve done the same. But god he wished she didn’t.
“Six years guys! And the first one we didn’t spend at a beach.” Diego made the usual toast, and a ripple of laughter chorused through the group, especially as Aleister laid a palm on Grace’s slightly rounded belly. 
The choice to do the dinner party at Craig and Zahra’s apartment was easy, as their was most central to everyone’s locations, and easy for Michelle and Quinn to get to since they were both still finishing their studies on Hartfeld and remained on campus housing.
“Where’s Varynn?” Sean asked as they all took a swig of their drinks.
“He returned to La Huerta to finalize certain things for the Vaanti and to instate Taari as the new elyshaar.”
“Oh, is he finally old enough?” Quinn exclaimed, excited for he little Vaanti boy who displayed more spirit for his kind then any other they had come across. 
Diego grinned, and nodded, before his eyes turned to Jake, and he sighed again. “Are you at it again?”
“I found him in the archives.” Aleister spoke up, when Jake made no move to respond. “I should revoke the access pass I giv-”
“No!” the pilot immediately shot up in his seat, horrified at the idea. He couldn’t. No. That was his only shot at finding her back. He needed his Serena back.
“Jake, if you don’t be reasonable, we’ll do something about it.”
“Don’t you get it? I’m this close to getting her back.” his whole body was tense as he backed away, not even looking at anyone, a slightly wild look in his eyes. “I’m almost there. I found Rourke’s old plans he used to build La Huerta’s machinery, and his studies on Northbridge, a place called the Prism Dimension. I just... I just have to find Vaanu. He can return Serena to us, I know he can.”
And before anyone else could say anything, Jake dashed out, leaving a pindrop silence within the apartment before Michelle spoke up.
“I... I feel bad for him.”
“I understand,” Sean replied, placing his hand over hers and giving it a tight squeeze. “I think we all do. We all pitched in to help him, but he can’t keep going on like that. I heard he’s even gotten suspended from his job because of how he’s always getting in late and leaving early.”
“What can we do?” Raj muttered.
“I’ll limit his access to the archives.” Aleister finally mentioned. Worried looks were passed around. They knew Jake clung on to his research like it was his final hope, but with how destructive he was being to himself now, it was no longer helping him.
“Again, Vaanu?”
“She misses him, Bayu. It’s obvious enough.” the light figure glows with a bright light of happiness when he sees his mate and partner approaching him where he stood observing the swirling blue and white planet. 
“Is there no way we can help her?” Bayu replied, her light glowing with worry. “I feel sad for her. I missed you when you were trapped there.”
“Perhaps.” Vaanu replied, taking his mate’s outstretched palm and tracing his patterns in it. “But the first push has to come from that end.”
Sean 09:37PM : Any of you seen Jake?
Michelle 09:38PM: Typing...
Michelle 09:38PM: He sent me a message asking me what was the earliest train to downtown Northbridge.
Aleister 09:41PM: I just checked the system. He hasn’t been in the archives all day. He just left yesterday night. 
Sean 09:41PM: I was calling to see if he wanted to grab a drink after my practice was done today. He hasn’t picked up.
Sean 09:41PM: It’s been 15 minutes.
Raj 09:45PM: I just finished my shift. I’ll go over and check out his apartment.
Diego 09:55PM: Guys, Varynn told us all to head to downtown Northbridge now. Jake’s getting himself in huge trouble.
Zahra 10:02PM: Anyone need a lift? We’re on our way.
“What did you see, Varynn?”
In the backseat of the car, Zahra spoke over her shoulder as Craig focused on the wheel, speeding down the highway towards Northbridge. Heavy Friday traffic was making it difficult to make it quicker, but Craig did his best.
“I didn’t.... see anything persay. Just... I heard her.” he paused, and the silence was palpable. Diego slipped a hand into Varynn’s grip and squeezed his boyfriend’s fingers. “I heard Serena. She was panicking. She told me to hurry. And then I saw a building which said ‘Prescott Industries’... and Jake was just staring at it.”
“Have you told them?”
“I sent a location to the group chat two minutes ago. They’re all on their way save for Aleister. He said he’ll-” Diego was cut off when all of their phones buzzed at the same time. Zahra quickly whipped it out to check, and frowned when she saw the picture Aleister just sent of a PNG document.
“Prism Crystals?” she muttered in blank confusion, blinking at the sketches of a pink gem looking object, right next to many articles and diagrams and pictures of tubes. “Liquid prism?” 
“Look, there’s a name. Silas... Prescott. He was unveiling something, and... there’s been an outbreak of the supernatural happening in Northbridge.” Diego muttered, leaning over to let Varynn peek in.
Upon the Vaanti looking at the article however, his eyes widened when he saw the figure of the prism crystal. 
“What is it?” Diego asked in a concerned tone.
“This... gem. Is similar to the Island’s Heart?”
“Wasn’t that what Vaanu said Serena was made from?” Craig spoke up from the wheel.
“And they all come from the same place. This... place called the Prism Dimension, it seems.” Zahra murmured, flicking to the second picture.
“And that’s exactly where Jake is headed.”
Part 2 here!
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endless-vall · 7 years
Please Remember Me - Endless Summer fanfic
Summery: After traveling to La-huerta, the gang seems to remember the events in an entirely different way than they’ve actually experienced. almost as if... their memories were wiped clean and replaced with memories of a normal, amazing tropical vacation that it should’ve been. But nothing can really be forgotten forever, and a stranger Taylor meets at a bar in Louisiana helps her remember it. Author’s note: So, this idea sounded way better in my head, but here’s what I came up with. Imagine Rourke using the gang (or the island’s heart, whatever) for whatever evil and wacky plan he has, but once he doesn’t have any more use to this group, instead of killing them off, he just wipes their memory and (somehow) inserts different memories into their heads!  Will they be able to stop him in time? Pairings: Jake x Taylor (F!MC), Diego x Varynn.
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Taylor was walking around the street of the city of Shreveport, in Louisiana, talking over the phone with her best friend from college, Diego. “I know summer break is almost over, but i’m not ready to go back just yet.” She admitted. “Taylor, I know you love to travel, I’ve seen as much in our school trip to la-huerta, but the crowded streets of Louisiana are no match for the tropical paradise we visited! What did you lose in Shreveport, anyway?” Diego commented. Taylor could imagine his pout even without seeing him. They had a great time in La-huerta. An amazing trip on an amazing island. Everything seemed almost too good to be true. Everyone seemed to remembered it the exact same way, too. “I didn’t lose anything here, dummy. I’m just enjoying the last week of my school break before the new semester begins!” She assured him, not even knowing how wrong she was.
The thing was, none of the group seemed to remember their trip to La-huerta well. Raj joked maybe his “herbs” fell into one of his and Quinn’s cookings, and that might cause their uncertinsy, but other than that, nothing. Everyone remembered a nice, warm and calm trip to a paradise island, with exotic views and tropical weather. None of them remembered the true events that went down at La-huerta. And none of them remembered the friendships they’ve made along the way. They were back to square one, Taylor and Diego against the world. “But you should be enjoying it with me!” Diego protested. “I’ll be back before you know it.” She promised, remembering he was, indeed, waiting for her. She knew he couldn’t go back to his parents for the break. They never accepted him. He stayed at a nice house he and Taylor rented near campus, and traveled with her most of their break. He decided to come back when he got a strange letter - from a guy named Varynn, that carried Rourke international symbol on it’s envelope, but made absolutely no sense. ‘You’ve got to come back Taylor! The guy didn’t even leave any contact information! I’m sure you’ll figure this one out, like you always do!’ She remembered how he told her. He said it didn’t make any sense, but she had a feeling once she’ll take it into her hands with him it’ll all be clear.  ‘Once i’m back. I promise.’ “Fine.” Diego gave up, playing extra-dramatic, making both burst into giggles. “You better bring back something super worthy for my patience.” He made sure to point. “I didn’t plan otherwise.” She smiled, and they finished their call. Taylor checked into her hotel room earlier today, and was finished with scanning the city and it’s beauty. She headed down the street, hoping to catch a cab back to her hotel. A yellow cab made it’s way near her, and Taylor was about to raise her hand when something flashed infront of her eyes in the skydiver infront of her. it was merely a second, but Taylor could swear she saw a... red spaceman. She blinked hurridly, and the image disappear as fast as it has appeared. She must’ve been too tired, she figured, as she watched herself in her reflection on the skydiver. Everything was normal. She sighed, about to look for another cab when something caught her eye. A certain pub across the street. It didn’t look to fancy, but something drew her to that pub, and she decided to have one last stop before returning to her hotel room. ‘just one drink and i’ll go’ she told herself. She entered the pub, a few people turning her way, but none commenting. The bartender offered her the menu, but she shook her head. “Whiskey, neat.” She told him, without doubt. A man from the other side of the counter raised his own glass at her. “Good taste, kid.” He winked at her, and got back to his business. Taylor could’ve swore her heart missed a bit, but the man looked untouched. He had long hair, reaching his shoulders. He wore a green jacket, and... dog tags. Was he in the military? She wondered. No. He didn’t look like someone who was in active service. Maybe an ex-military. She figured. She felt something. Like she knew the man, but he looked like he couldn’t care less. Taylor tried to shrug it off. The bartender gave her her drink, and she started drinking it, savoring the taste. After she finished her glass, the bartender placed another in front of her. “But I... didn’t order-” She started protesting, until the bartender pointed into the man with the dog tags direction. “It’s from him.” He smirked at her, and turned to his other costumers. She looked at the man again, who winked at her. “Why don’t you join me?” She mouthed, and he shrugged. “Ah, to hell with it.” she heard him say, and he stood up, and took a seat beside her. “I’m in the mood to forget, anyway.” He tells her, and orders another glass for himself. A vision flashes before her eyes. To... forget? She sees a sabertooth tiger stalking her, and a plane catching fire... and suddenly, it’s all gone. “Did you bring me out her to ogle me?” The man chuckles, and brings his glass in the air, motioning her to clink hers with him. Another vision flashes before her eyes, this time too fast for her to catch up, but she can make something that looks like a rain forest, or like a tropical island before blinking back into reality. A weird sense of deja-vu surrounds her. “I gotta wine and dine you first?” She doesn’t know why she asks that, but clinks her glass with him anyway. “Exactly.” While his voice sounds confident and decisive, his eyes are full of shock. As if he’s asking ‘how did she know I was going to say it?’. She felt it too. “So, what’s your name, Jared Leto?” She tries to joke, and get the conversation to a lighter note. “I’ll have you know I had this haircut wayyy before he did.” He told her. Somehow she already knew it. She chuckled. “Sure you did.” Her smile brings him comfort. He doesn’t know why he tells her his name, but it makes him feel safe... for some unknown reason. “The name’s Jake. What about you, princess?” He asks her. Before she has a chance to tell him, he guesses her name is Taylor. “It’s... uh, Taylor.” She blushes as she tells him, stroking a strand of her beautiful, blonde hair behind her ear. Jake wants to reach out to do the same, and it takes everything in him to stop himself from touching this... stranger. He didn’t know her. Why did he feel the need to touch her so bad? Why didn’t she feel like a stranger, at all? “That’s a pretty name. Suits you, princess.” He gulps before answering her, and she rolls her eyes while finishing her second glass for today. “So why don’t you use it, now that you know my name?” But he knew it even before she told him. “You don’t have to keep calling me princess, y’know.” She adds. “Oh. But I do have to.” He smirks, leaning a bit more towards her. She doesn’t flinch away, not even the slightest. “Do I have to earn it, or something?” She asks, half smirking. Something in her eyes tells him that she already knows. He wants to tell her that yes, she has to earn it before he calls her by her name, but he gets the feeling she had already earned it. Maybe in another life. “Something like that.” He smiles, and now she’s leaning towards him, too. Before they know it, they’re kissing. Two drunk strangers in a bar. Nobody will suspect. But they know better. Somehow... They know. Suddenly Taylor feels like she drowning. It’s as if she’s seeing herself in third person. She sees Jake there, too. They’re drowning together. And there’s someone else there too. Is that Sean? The Quarterback from her school?  I’ve never even talked to him.  As the scene unfolds, she sees herself swimming over to Jake, who looks at her surprised, but takes her into his arms. Pressing together, in the freezing ocean’s water, Taylor feels like she’s about to die. But it brings her comfort that she’s in this man’s hands. Suddenly, she kisses him. Passionately, tenderly, hearts beating as one... until everything’s pitch black. When their lips break apart, she’s back at the present, sitting in a bar with Jake in front of her. The question is... Which Jake is it? From the way they’re both panting, people could think this was just a really long, passionate kiss they just shared. Jake’s trying to convince himself that It’s all the whiskey and rum’s fault, that he was seeing those things. Feeling those things. But something tells him otherwise. What he had just seen had defiantly happened. And it certainly wasn’t in ‘another life’. “Do you wanna get out of here?” She asks him, suddenly. “I thought you’d never ask.” He admits, and both pay their check and quickly go out of the bar’s doors. They don’t make it far down the street, and before they reach another turn, Jake’s pushing her against the wall of some dark apartment building and kisses her hard. He has to taste her again. She’s just as eager as he is, kissing back open mouthed and pushing herself closer to him. She wraps her hands around his neck and he holds her waist steadily with his hands. When they break apart, again, this time just to catch their breath, their lips are still almost touching. “I don’t know how... But everytime... fireworks...” He tells her, searching in her eyes for something he didn’t know how to spell out. “Last time you said it it wasn’t just about kissing.” She lets out, still gasping for air. Last time? “So you feel it too?” He asks, now sure of himself. She looks as if she figured she said something she shouldn’t have, but then swallows and nodds. “Yeah. I do. I wasn’t sure if I was the only one...” She trails of, when she meets his gaze. “I don’t know how it is possible, but...” He bites at his lip. “We know each other.” She completes him. He nods. They continue walking, and get to her hotel room. - They’re too strong! - Diego, just don’t let go! - They’ll just take you with me! - Diego, no, don’t do it... Before she knows it, Diego lets go of her hand. A sorrowful look on their eyes, as something, someone... is pulling him from out of her hold. - Goodbye, Taylor. - Diegoooooooo She wakes up. While trying to catch her breath, she looks around herself. They fell asleep. She notices. Still fully clothed, they both fell asleep is each other’s arms. It was... well, weird, for one thing. But also felt right. Like this was where they belonged. She reaches for her phone, and sees 4 unread text messages from Diego. Here we go. She figures. At least she knows he’s okay. - Taylor, I’m really worried about this letter.... Call me.  - This Varynn says ‘It’s important’ and that ‘we’re in danger’. - Taylorrrrr your best friend needs you c’mon!  - I don’t think that guy’s kidding..  She checks the time on her phone, it’s already 1 pm... they slept in till midday? Woah. She slips out of Jake’s reach, he lets out a protesting sound, but doesn’t wake up. Taylor is, too, missing his warmth, but decides to call Diego. This feels important. After everything she imagined, remembered.. yesterday... this had to be connected somehow. She gets out to the balcony of her hotel room, and dials a familiar number. “Finally!” Diego’s voice is eager from the other side of the line. She chuckles. “Sorry.” “So, what does the letter say, exactly?” She asks, getting right into business. “Okay, so, it has like... Rourke international’s signature mark, but I don’t think it’s really from them.” Diego begins explaining. “How so?” Taylor asks, but she has a feeling Rourke internationals are bad news. “Well, the paper feels... old. And it has like this ancient looking handwriting. And all it’s saying is... ‘Diego. Come back. You’re all in great danger, I can’t protect you from there. It’s important. Please.’, and that’s it.” He sounds like this had kept him awake all night. “I know it sounds fishy... Or like a prank... But Taylor, I don’t think so. I don’t feel so.” He tells her. “I know what you’re talking about.” She admits. He’s surprised. “You... You do?” he stutterers. “Aha...” She nods, even though he can’t see her. Give it to Taylor to believe in all sorts of weird and unnatural things. Diego was glad this was his best friend. “So... What are we going to do?” He asks her. Now, that he knows they both believe it. “Come back where?” She asks, out loud. “To La-huerta, of course.” A voice says behind her. She turns around, startled, until she notices Jake. “Oh thank god.” She sighs in relief, and comes closer to him. He wraps his arms around her. “Taylor? Is there someone else with you there?” Diego asks, reminding her she’s still on the phone with him. “Oh, yeah, it’s Jake.” She simply says. “Jake.... As in the pilot who took us on our vacation Jake?” Diego asks. Right! That’s where I know him from! Taylor shoots her eyes open in shock. But as far as she remembered, they never talked. Not the way they vaguely remembered the entire trip. No, but in her mind, in her visions... She remembers coming into the pilot’s cockpit. Looking into Jake’s eyes, she knows he remembers it too, now. “That’s the one.” She tells Diego, gladly. “I see.” Diego sounds thoughtful. Taylor guesses that whoever that Varynn guy was, Diego probably felt about him the same way she felt about Jake right now. “We have to get back to La-huerta.” She tells Diego. He gulps. “But how do we do it?” He asks her. “With all our friends.” Suddenly, she thinks back about everyone who went on the trip with them. Sean, Michelle, Quinn, Raj, Craig, Zahra, Grace, Aleister. and Estela. They were all important. And even though at school, even after the trip, no one remembered how they mattered to each other, she knew that they did.  Diego seemed to catch up. “Do you think they’ll believe us?” “I know they will.” She’s certain. “Besides, I don’t know what it is, but if Varynn says we’re in danger, we have nothing to lose either way. Varynn’s waiting for you. Do you want to keep him waiting?” “God no.” Diego lets out before he even realizes it. “Good. Then it’s settled.” She’s smiling, determined now, and they hang up. She turns to Jake, who looks like he’s already made up his mind. He going to help, too.  Smiling, she get on tip toes and kisses him good-morning. He gladly obliges, kissing her back and gently stroking her hair. Taylor feels content. “Do you still want to forget?” Taylor asks, when they separate from the kiss. “No. Right now... I want to remember. Everything.” He tells her, before pulling her in for another kiss. They can leave saving the world, stopping Rourke internationals, and getting back to La-huerta and Varyyn for later. Right now, all they wanted to do was... get right back into that hotel room. And into that bed.
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jakeymckenzie · 7 years
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sorry diego, but the only aragorn in endless summer is jake, okay? OKAY.
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izzyzigs · 7 years
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I ship them so hard
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torchicpox-blog1 · 7 years
The Endless Summer Atlantis AU that's just an excuse for Diego x Varynn
So this takes off from the end of Atlantis 2 when Atlantis finally reemerges from the bottom of the deep dark sea, in which the Vaanti are the Atlantis, but instead of blue markings, they have blue skin and golden eyes. Prince Varynn, in a gesture of trust and peace, decide to meet up with Earth ambassadors and work on the minute details of their peace agreement. Diego Soto Ortiz, 22 and already working on his Phd. on Ancient Runes and Linguistic, has been on his toes since the first broadcast of the emerging ancient civilization. He's got notes, scrolls, and a personal decrypted rune dictionary in his hands as he excitedly chatters on 'Oh my gods, actual ancient civilization Taylor-you-cannot-believe-it-I'm-gonna-translate-for-them' to the phone. Cue them meeting and whoa-those-eyes-are-there-gyms-in-Atlantis, Diego actually trying to say hello you look nice in broken Vaanti while flailing a lot, and Varynn answering Diego in an accented yet almost flawless English. 'Yes, hello, thank you for saying I look nice (the version of Vaanti language that Diego used was actually 'flawless'), you are quite fetching as well. I am touched that you've taken to learn our language,' while doing that holding the shoulder like in ES2 Chap 4 (tenderly) Meet-cute thingies which ends up with Uqzhaal looking on shrewdly, Taylor shaking her head at the extent of the romcom-ness, and the most awkward romancing between an in-self-denial-Pop-Culture-Petey and very-subtle-too-subtle Prince Varynn /Got this when seeing how Diego could translate a bit of Vaanti language/ :>
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queenstacygreen · 7 years
ok so the general message I’m taking from the replies and tags on my posts abt ships is that Varynn x Diego is pixelberry’s greatest success and Brooke x Sereena their greatest failure
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hufflepuff-morganne · 7 years
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omfjf · 7 years
Diego and MC getting married, MC fantasizing their perfect future together with their Li, MC possibly knowing he/she likely won’t have as much as a future as she does a past, seeing Michelle and Sean rekindling in the future, seeing everyone at bliss before the storm, and seeing the endless die as they remember the crew while looking up at the stars….
Me the entire time:
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flochisms · 7 years
one more minute - a quinn x male mc fic
i’ve noticed that quinn is quite underappreciated within the choices fandom, so i decided to write this, enjoy!
summary: luke and the rest of his friends finally find a way to escape la huerta, but what happens when his connection to the island and relationship with rourke may prevent him from going?
[[this actual chapter hasn’t come yet, it’s just a fanfiction sdjhs]]
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word count: 838 (1,012 with alternative ending).
“luke, hurry!”
sirens blasted around luke as he ran, panting within every breath. his eyes searching for one person and one person only.
luke ran to catch up to quinn and the group, but the metal doors slammed in front of his face.
“no!” he yelled, slamming his fists onto the door. he heard something, or someone ram into the door and saw a pair of eyes looking through the small glass window.
“i’ll be alright, craig,” he assured as he heard craig let out a pained sob.
luke looked through to see all of his friends smiling sadly at him. he noticed diego sniffling as varynn held him, zahra rubbing her thumb across craig’s brusied knuckles as michelle cleaned up some of the scrapes, jake and mike embracing, everyone just comforting each other.
they were a family, a broken one, but a family.
time had finally caught up with reality. everett rourke was more determined than ever to turn luke and his friends into lab rats, but luke was making sure that his friends got off the island safely.
his wife-to-be walked up to the glass, placing her hand on it gently. luke smiled sadly at her, wondering how she was always so optimistic, even in the saddest of situations. he placed his hands against hers, only meeting cold plastic rather than soft skin.
“i love you, quinn. i love all of you,” luke stated. the group started to recompose themselves, “and that is why you all need to go, now. i’ll catch up, i swear-”
“no!” estella shouted, running for the metal door as sean and jake held her back. tears ran down her face as her hair fell to her eyes.
“yes,” luke said, “go.”
estela looked up at her friend, eyes bloodshot red. with a small nod, she turned and began to lead the group. raj and grace gave luke a small wave, hoping they’d be able to see him again.
with a deep breath, luke turned around and heard stomps approaching. he looked back one last time to meet quinn’s eyes.
“i love you,” she whispered, sighing as she ran to catch up with the group.
everett rourke opened the door from the other side, smirking as he saw the boy. tetra and fiddler entered shortly after.
luke glared at rourke. “rourke, enough is enough. it’s time you and i have this conversation, alone.”
the businessman rolled his eyes, shooing his workers away. “oh, how i have waited for this moment,” rourke smirked. “sure, the rest of the group is interesting, but you, luke, you are quite different from the rest.”
luke ignored the chills that went up his spine, standing tall against the man whom he loathed. the man who was taking everything from him. with clenched teeth, luke found his fist connecting with the man’s jaw. he was sick of everything. he just wanted rourke to leave him alone.
rourke stumbled back, surprised by the sudden contact. however, he only smiled and punched luke in the stomach. “stop. fighting.” rourke commanded. luke scoffed. “i’m not like your other toys, rourke. you can’t control me.” he punched the man in the nose and heard a crack.
however, the metal door with the glass door suddenly opened and luke ran through, the doors shutting immediately. “come on!” zahra shouted. luke grinned as he saw all of his friends.
“luke!” quinn yelled, running to him. he grinned as she leaped into his arms, his arms instantly tightening around her. “you’re okay,” he sighed happily. “you’re all okay!” she smiled and caressed his cheek. “did you really think that we would leave without you, that i would leave without you?”
luke grinned. “i couldn’t imagine it any other way.”
aliester coughed awkwardly in the background, causing jake to smirk. “sorry to break up your little...reunion, but we’ve got places to go,” the blonde stated. luke put his lover down.
“we found an exit. we don’t know if it will work, but we have to try,” michelle said. sean smiled at her, nodding. he was proud of the woman she had become. “we can get there in ten minutes if we move quickly,” sean stated.
“well, what are we waiting for then? you heard him, let’s go!” jake said, running in the direction michelle was pointing towards. the group found themselves at an odd portal shortly after, one that looked nothing like the one they had found months ago.
“where does it lead to?” craig asked. luke grabbed quinn’s hand, smiling at her. diego grabbed his other and smiled at his best friend. varynn grabbed diego’s hand and the whole group eventually found themselves lined up with one-another.
“only one way to find out.”
the group jumped in and found themselves spinning through time. everyone began to float as rainbow swirls danced around them. luke’s lips found quinn’s and whether the two of them made it home together or not, luke just wanted to hold his fianceé for one more minute.
ALTERNATIVE ENDING (just continue on from the previous sentence):
luke felt time separating them apart. “quinn,” he whispered, a tear falling from his eye. he didn’t want to leave her, not like this, not ever. this was the woman he had been planning to marry. “n-no!” quinn shouted as she lost his grip. “i love you,” luke declared.
the group hit the ground and found themselves staring at a sight that seemed all to familiar.
“we...we’re home!” craig grinned, looking at the hartfeld football field. sean clasped a hand on his shoulder. “not all of us, buddy...”
the group turned to see quinn sobbing. michelle knealed down next to her. “quinn...he, he probably just landed somebody else. he’s here, don’t worry.” 
quinn shook her head. “the island...he’s at the island,” quinn said softly. michelle frowned while jake walked over to quinn. “ariel...i’m sorry.”
quinn’s body shook as she cried, thoughts becoming fuzzy. she didn’t hear everyone pitying her. she was only focused on the small ring against her chest. “i love you too, luke,” she whispered, a tear falling onto it.
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Choices Tag Game
Tagged!by: @aryn-choices thanks, dude!
Favourite book(s): ES, Hero, THOBM, TC&TF
Your MC’s LI for each story you’re playing:
The Freshmore Series: Becca
The Royal Romance:  Hana
Hero: Eva
The Crown and The Flame: Val
Endless Summer: Estela/Quinn
Red Carpet Diaries: Teja/Victoria (This will be the hardest choice ever I stg)
High School Story: Maria
It Lives In The Wood: Stacy
Favourite MC ship: Mc x Becca, Mc x Val
Least favorite MC ship: Mc x basically any dude because I’m gay af
Favourite non-MC ship: Diego x Varynn
Least favorite non-MC ship: Grace x Aleister (Unpopular opinion, I know, don’t come for me)
Favourite character and why:
Becca - her character development was really well done (in my opinion) and, unlike a lot of Choices characters, it was a pretty messy transition, which I felt made it more realistic
Val - Merc wife was my fave literally from her first appearance, I was so bummed she wasn’t a li in the first book. Also, she’s a freaking gay disaster, which, same.
Hana - she's just so innocent, it’s adorable
Michelle - because I adore her, plain and simple
Least favorite character(s) and why: Manny, because not only is he suuuuuuper problematic, but he reminds me of someone I knew in high school and that is NOT a memory I want to rehash, thank you
Character(s) you like that most people don’t: Becca, Maria
Character(s) you don’t like that most people do: Drake & Noah (sorry don’t come for me)
Which character are you most like in real life: Honestly I have no idea. 
If you could be in any Choices story, which would you choose: Hero because that would be lit af?
I’m too tired to tag anyone rn but feel free to do this if you feel like it!
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choicesislife-blog · 6 years
Endless Summer Fantasy AU Fanfic Chapter 1
A/N: So...um...I’m a big Choices fan, and I especially enjoy reading Endless Summer. I’ve been playing the game for about 2 years, more or less. I’ve created drafts for my Endless Summer fics...but I was too shy to even make a Tumblr account. Heck, I’m too shy to reach out to anyone!
Ships present in the fanfic:
Jake x Female! MC (Taylor)
Estela x Male! MC (Travis)
Zahra x Craig (Namasiao)
Sean x Michelle (Seanelle)
Grace x Aleister (Graleister)
Varynn x Diego (Variego)
Malatesta x Yvonne (Malavonne)
Btw, I had a hard time deciding Male! MC’s name...so I just decided to pick a boy’s name starting with a ‘t’. And yes, those are my Endless Summer OTPs. Taylor & Travis are twins in this fanfic...just a quick reminder. So, in this first chapter...the ships wouldn’t really be elaborated on, sorry.
Don’t get me wrong, I also ship the ES MC with Sean and/or Quinn. I just rolled with Jake & Estela for this fanfic. Also, a warning, I MAY make the characters a bit too OOC (make that way too OOC)...Also...I don’t really know if anyone made some kind of fantasy au of ES so if my fanfic is a bit similar to someone else’s fanfic...I’m REALLY sorry. XD I’m sorry if my author’s note is super long lol.
^_^ Hope you enjoy!
"Taylor, you feelin' okay there?"
The blonde-haired princess turns around to face her brother, who had just entered the grand bedroom. Taylor releases a heavy sigh, turning her gaze back to the tall glass window.
"N-No...not so much, to be honest." Taylor responds with a sigh. "But thanks for asking, Travis."
The prince walks over to her canopy bed and sits beside her.
Travis runs his fingers through his spiky brown hair, "Don't you have etiquette lessons and what-not?"
Taylor remains quiet, her blue eyes fixed on the scenery outside.
"Taylor...?" Travis says, waving a hand in front of his sister's face.
Taylor blinks, then shakes her head to snap herself back to reality. "I'm sorry...I was just thinking."
"You worried about being queen?" Travis asks, glancing at her.
"Obviously..." Taylor says, another sigh escaping her lips. "Our kingdom had lost its king and queen ever since we were young, Travis...and until now, there's still no chosen ruler."
Travis's forehead creases. "Yeah..."
"That certain ruler would be one of us," Taylor continues, directing her gaze to her brother.
The twins held each other's gaze for a long moment of silence...
"Geez, you make me feel like I'll make a bad king." Travis laughs in a sheepish manner.
Taylor couldn't help but giggle, "You aren't alone in that."
The blond girl stands up, her legs taking her to a nearby desk. Her brother watches as she picks up a small envelope.
"What's that?" asks Travis, tilting his head in curiosity.
"...The last letter Mother sent us." Taylor solemnly replies.
Travis's chest tightened a little. Just the mention of their mother made him crack.
"Oh..." Travis manages to say.
Taylor pulls out a piece of paper from the envelope, grazing her fingers over her mother's elegant handwriting.
"If Mother and Father were with us, things wouldn't be this...complicated." Taylor speaks up, looking over her shoulder to glance at Travis.
"Taylor..." Travis says, his eyebrows furrowed.
Taylor sets down the letter on the table, taking a deep breath before facing her brother. "So I decided to do a little bit of research."
Travis raises a brow in confusion and slight curiosity, "Research?"
"Mhm hmm." Taylor hums in agreement, nodding. "To find out who killed our parents."
"And? How'd it go?" Travis says.
An unsatisfied frown crosses Taylor's delicate features. "...Bad."
"Bad? As in, kinda bad, or bad-bad?" Travis blurts out.
"The latter." Taylor answers.
"And this is the part where you ask for my help, right?" Travis clicks his tongue.
"...Yeah." Taylor sighs slightly, combing her platinum-blonde hair with her fingers.
"What can I do to help?" says Travis.
Taylor's blue eyes brightened, "You're willing to help?"
"There's nothing else to do, anyway--"
Taylor cuts him off with a tight hug, "Oh thank you so much, Travis!"
Travis chuckles, patting her back. "No prob, sis."
They both release from the hug shortly afterwards.
"So...when do we begin?" Travis asks.
"Tonight." Taylor beams.
A/N: Hey, readers! I know, first chapter is crappy af. Sorry if this doesn’t satisfy you...but I assure you, I’ll write ship moments in future chapters! Just not now...I felt like introducing the twins first.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Hope you like, reblog, and leave a comment/note! Do tell me if you have requests and questions for me! :)
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kitsumiekat · 6 years
Desperation - Jake x MC (Endless Summer) Part 2
Pairing: Jake x MC (Serena)
Rating: PG
Setting: Jacob Lucas McKenzie would stop at nothing to get his Princess back. Even if it meant breaking into a high security company to steal it’s top secret research. 
Author’s Notes: Give her back! xD
Read part 1 here
He had discovered the Prism Dimension almost a month ago. And then when Northbridge News reported the unveiling of Silas Prescott’s newest invention going awry had caught his attention, and from then on, Jake had been slowly making his plans.
When Aleister had limited his access, Jake had been frustrated, but he made it work. He saved and took pictures of as many things as he could within the three hours he was allowed in, and went home to do further research whenever he could get time away from his job as a pilot-for-hire. 
Serena would be unhappy. He knew she would. His Princess had always stressed on him to care for himself, that he spent too long ensuring the well being of others.
But that was why he needed her next to him. To have someone to remind him when he was acting dumb. Someone to ground him.
His eyes slid away from the neon sign atop the Prescott Industries building, to his screen showing the Prism Crystal. That was his key to getting to wherever it was that Vaanu had brought her to. Find Vaanu, and he’ll find her. And he can finally hold her again. If he closed his eyes, he could almost imagine that she was in his arms, could hear her voice.
No Jake, please. Don’t do this. You’re putting yourself in danger.
His eyes snapped open, and he whipped his head around. “Serena?” he called out loud, disregarding the weird looks he got as he wildly attempted to search the throngs of people returning home at rush hour. Did he imagine it? He could’ve sworn he heard her.
“ Bayu, do you think it is possible?”
“Possible. She was previously born out of a need. A necessity for survival. This is a similar force.” his mate responded, a confident aura of purple glowing around her as she connected her palms with Vaanu and smiled.
“Trust me, my love.”
He nodded, and their corporeal forms merged, a flash of yellow and red light glowed, growing bigger.
“There he is!”
All eyes turned following Quinn’s pointing finger, just in time to see a hooded figure heading towards the guarded entrance of Prescott Industries. Without missing a beat, as one the group started running across the street, almost causing an accident as they skidded to a stop, blocking Jake’s approach.
His eyes registered surprise at first as he noticed his friends, before they hardened into a stubborn steel.
“I just have to get in there. I get some Liquid Prism, and I can see Serena. I can find a way to bring her back. I just need-”
“Stop this, Jake. Please.” Michelle cut in, her voice firm and unforgiving now. “We know you miss her.”
“We all do.” Diego piped in, his voice cracking.
“And we all want her back.” Quinn added.
“But you’re ruining yourself, man. Don’t do this to yourself. Serena would be heartbroken to see you like this.” Sean chimed in.
“C’mon,” Raj extended a hand at Jake like one would an injured animal. “Let’s go back. We’ve got our cars, and-”
“No.” Jake cut him off, scowling. “I can’t. None of you get it. You’ve got Varynn.” Jake gestured at Diego. “All of you have someone you came back to. I have no one, not even Mike. I don’t even get to live out my Ember of Hope. Vaanu lied. I just ca-” his voice cracked, and for the first time, all of them were speechless as they watched Jake avert his gaze, and dragged the back of his hand across his eyes.
“I need her.”
“You have me.”
Like in a movie, Jake suddenly felt as if his whole world was put on hold. The voice brought back a wave of memories, memories he had clung to like lifelines over the past six years as he desperately combed through everything he could find, anything he could find to bring his love, his Princess, his wife back to him.
“You’ll always have me, Top Gun.”
“Serena?” Diego broke the silence of the group when he hesitantly called out to the figure they were all staring at behind Jake’s shoulder. Jake didn’t dare to turn around. He was too afraid to move. Afraid that if he turned, it would all be a dream, and he would wake up back at square one again in his empty bedroom in his sparse apartment, wishing and hoping that he could get her back.
“Hey guys. I’m sorry this took so long.” the voice paused, and then spoke up again in a softer tone. “Jake, do you hate me? Is that why you aren’t looking at me?”
That made him turn.
And almost immediately, his breathe caught in his throat. It was like he forgot to breathe. She stood there, in the same pair of shorts, although she now had a black hoodie over her usual red tank top, an advisable piece of clothing considering the wet evening Northbridge was having.
Her blonde locks were left to hang loose, and they were tossed around in the evening breeze as her lips curled into a smile, that familiar cheeky, playful twinkle in her eye that he’s missed so so much. Jake’s heart hammered in his chest as she began walking towards him, finally stopping so close, he could touch her if he only reached out.
If he only dared to reach out.
“Hey there, Top Gun.” she murmured, a breatheless murmur as if she too, was afraid. Afraid that this was all a dream. “I’m sorry I left you. I missed you. I-”
He couldn’t let her finish. Convinced now that it was no longer a dream, Jake reached out and crushed her towards him in one swift movement, and his heart swelled when he felt her curl her fingers into the front of his green bomber jacket, gripping it just as tightly as he did to her, as if both their lives depended on it. He buried his face into her hair, breathing her scent in deeply, wanting to make up for all the year’s he’s lost with her.
“You promised me a year and a day, Princess. I intend to claim it.” he muttered, his voice shaky with the intensity of his relief, and a mixture of disbelief that she was actually here.
“You gave me life again, Jake. It is only fair that the life is yours now to share.”
Read epilogue here
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jakeymckenzie · 7 years
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my babies 💞 please let them be together forever ㅠㅠ
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sarcasticace · 7 years
just asking but why don’t you like diego x varynn?
Because Diego (and determinant Grace and Raj) were captives of the Vaanti for 6 months after they assaulted The Celestial, an attack led by Varyyn himself. Sure, their primary goal was to capture, not kill, but Varyyn wasn’t all that shaken when he accidentally killed MC’s LI/Diego. Didn’t even properly apologize for causing their death or let MC grieve before wanting to drag them back to their village because of their dumb prophecy apart of their fake religion. Even then, they still weren’t sure what to do with them. “Are they our saviors? Will they bring our doom? IDK, take them all and kill them if they resist.” was their general attitude it seems. And Diego was a prisoner of the Vaanti, forced to be Varyyn’s English tutor while Raj and Grace were held on prison island. He definitely didn’t have a choice and even if he did, which I doubt, you think he would’ve said no? After his home was assaulted, his friends attacked, and then dragged all the way back to their home-tree?
Look, I get Varyyn isn’t actually a bad guy and PB wouldn’t actually romanticize a prisoner/captor relationship, but just like I saw Yvonne as a pretty pirate plot device to get the crew off the island surrounded by super piranha, I can help seeing the whole 180 they did with Varyyn to make the ship okay. Our very first meeting with them, which included Varyyn and two other Vaanti, they wanted Jake, MC, and Sean to come with them. They gave them two choices: come or die as indicated my MC’s visions where they killed them if they refused. They slit MC’s throat when they refused! Then, in the finale, we learn from The Endless that the Vaanti were originally SO aggressive towards our friends that EVERY SINGLE ENCOUNTER led to their death in EVERY timeline he revisited to the point where The Endless had to actually rewrite their entire culture and religion by going back in time to the point of their origin just so the Vaanti/Varyyn wouldn’t kill them every time they saw them. Even THEN, they’re still this aggressive.
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helentwombly · 7 years
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I’ll ship Diego x Varynn until my dying breath even if it means to read Aladdin x Genie or Abu x Magic Carpet fanfiction 😆😍❤️
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