#difficulty level and also that is OBJECTIVELY CREEPY)
jorvikzelda · 6 months
im not even GOOD at the fucking game like probably i suck Ass at it actually. i havent watched anyone play it so i cant say for sure but jesus fucking christ i am dying a lot and my coordination is like. not even NEARLY good enough for these fucking climbing & air navigation combo moves. im talking like, “i just retried probably 20 times to get across some fucking long spiky hole in greenpath and then had to just decide it was time to give up and go to bed bc i couldnt get it to work” bad. but somehow i also think that fucking. intensifies the hyperfixation, purely because I am also stubborn as a Bitch and if theres so much as a glimmer of hope for getting the thing to work I am GOING to do it if it so takes me several Hours. difficulty fuels determination through stubbornness and then that determination fuels the hyperfixation. but anyway yea i suck at the game and it scares me to death. unashamedly
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awesomesaurous · 1 year
-rant, please excuse the salt-
I really wish Don’t Starve Together was a different genre of game. I know that’s stupid because the objective “Don’t Starve” is the whole foundation of it, but I kind of just wish I could take the look and the loose story and make it more of an adventure and less of a never-ending survival game. I think in the Hamlet DLC for the base game, the “town” aspects of it scratched that itch a little bit, but I want more. The interface could even look exactly the same. I played the demo of Cult of the Lamb, and that game has a similar top-down 2D look to Don’t Starve, except there are in-game “cutscenes” and you have dialogue options which advance the creepy little narrative. Hollow Knight was good with this too. It’s a metroidvania, so there’s no crafting at all (I don’t consider status upgrades to be crafting), but like most RPGs with a silent protagonist, the story is furthered through exploration and interaction with NPCs. Some people love survival games, and I enjoy them quite a bit, but I like them to have an endpoint. The Flame in the Flood has a brutal difficulty curve, but it does reward you for your persistence, and it’s by no means impossible to beat. The journey takes you further and further along a river which at first seems endless - but it does have an end, and that’s what I want, I guess. Closure.
Hades is one of the most enjoyable games I’ve ever played, and the main reason was how much you are rewarded, even for failed attempts. You might totally choke on a run, but even so, every time you venture out you’re gaining more darkness/gems/etc that you can invest back into your stats and weapons. As in - there is no wrong way to play the game, you will move forward and improve no matter what. I love that. DST has finally dipped into this territory with Wilson’s skill tree, but I think they ought to give every character a similar mechanic. The skills would be specific to each character, and I think would give players more of an incentive to do repeat runs. At a certain point the whole game gets boring, and depending on my mood I sometimes boot it up, think about all the trees I’m going to have to cut down, and then immediately close the game, because I’m sick of doing virtual chores.
Stardew Valley was so addictive for me that I had to delete the game to get control of my life back. That game is nothing but farming and chores, yet I didn’t get tired of it. I think that’s because if you want to, you can ignore any aspect of the game you don’t care for, and time will pass anyway. You can spend all your time farming, or just mining, or focus on relationships with NPCs. Obviously with Don’t Starve, you can’t ignore food because starvation is an ever-present threat.
I also don’t give a damn about boss fights. I never have, in any game. I’m always eager for them to be over so I can get back to actually enjoying the game again, but nope I have to hit this thing 1000 times without getting permanently killed. Don’t Starve’s fighting system is shit, and it always has been. The hit boxes suck, and the fact that I need to download mods just to see health levels for the enemy is ridiculous.
I’ve had a lot of fun with DST, but I think I enjoy the fandom stuff more than the actual game. Same with TF2. It’s pretty fun to play, but I enjoy watching SFM videos and stuff like that more than playing the actual game. Don’t Starve has such fun characters and such an appealing style that it draws people in, and the animated shorts promise this wider world and a more intriguing story that isn’t in the actual game. Most players won’t even get to the cryptic hints at the story that are in the actual game (the Ruins, etc) due to the difficulty curve.
There’s a lot of creative energy and highly imaginative world-building, but when are we going to see it put to use? If anybody has any thoughts on all this, feel free to leave a reply.
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Big announcement time!
A lot has happened and even more is about to so I’m here to catch everyone up and announce something new!
To start: Over a month ago I held the first play test in the server with Nines, Slime, Chime, and Talai. It went really well! So here’s a rough overview of what happened:
Team Twoshot was tasked with finding a missing Volbeat and disabling a minor dungeon, named the Symphonic Glen, which used to be a stage for Pokémon to share their music with each other. Loudred, with his posse of 4 Whismur, took over the stage and pokénapped the Volbeat to use as a personal spotlight with her Tailglow, which gave him a +3 to Insight making his Echoed Voice even more dangerous. Plus each Whismur had a specialty punch move; Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Mega punch. It was a tough fight but Team Twoshot managed to bring the crew down and save the Volbeat, reuniting her with her lovely partner Illumise.
Nines played Heathcliff, a scarred male Gyarados with a purple scarf, well-worn but also well-cared for. Very much willing to let loose, but surprisingly careful about his allies. Particularly the ladies.
Talai played Slasher, a female Sneasel with some piercings. She has a rough exterior and personality who secretly has a soft side.
Slime played Demeter, a somewhat dainty and matronly Roserade with a penchant for drinking tea, and a distaste for unnecessary fighting. Has unique colored roses, one red and the other purple.
Chime played Tealight, a small but fearless Litwick. He's friendly if a bit creepy, and prone to jumping straight into battle for his teammates. Totally consumed with inflicting status effects.
We found a lot of things that needed clarification thanks to the playtest, such as:
Travel Points now allow you to move up to 2 tiles per point.
Which kinds of effects still apply on partial hits, most notably Lifedrain.
Fainting has been entirely reworked, which will be addressed at a later time.
General Movement, such as you can't move diagonally through 2 hostile Pokémon.
Lots of changes to Roleplay Actions, including a new feature called the Stamina Bar.
And a lot more that we've been working on!
In other news, we've finished our Explorers of Sky playthrough and have started Gates to Infinity! Team Soy Bois, led by Boi the Riolu and Wattson the Shinx, managed to save the world (with a single punch!) and now it's time for a team; Team Gorls, staring Fraisey the Axew and Brittany B the Snivy. I've actually never played Gates (no spoilers if you join us!) so I'm excited to see what happens. We stream most every Saturday at 6pm est and we voice the characters! Anyone is welcome to join and, if you're interested, you'll have a chance to voice a character too!
Another event that is just starting is Talai's Friendlocke! We will be playing through Pokémon Insurgent as a nuzlocke where each person participating roleplays as a member of the team, choosing moves in battle and strategizing together. Can these mons parent their kidnapped orphan trainer? Join us and find out!
So, what's next? Well, simply put, more playtests! There's still a lot of mechanics that need tested before this project is finished. This time, however, I will be taking a backseat. Instead, my co-creators Nines and Slime will be DMing, each testing different parameters with very different dungeon layouts, difficulties, and more. I will still be involved, just this time I will be observing the sessions and taking notes on anything that needs worked on. Below are brief descriptions of each DMs planned playtest:
Nines' Playtest:
The Coral Cape stars a ragtag group recruited by the Cutthroats, a roving pirate band. You're tasked with scouting out the titular dungeon, reporting back with any objects of interest, and - most importantly - looting anything you can get your hands on!
This playtest places low-level characters against a variety of situations,  primarily combat as well as some social scenarios.
Slime's Playtest:
Deep within the Iron-Soul Mausoleum, something has stirred, causing Steel, Rock, and Ground type Pokémon to become rowdy and dangerous. Several Explorer teams have ventured into the ancient crumbling ruin, but none have successfully cracked the puzzle and made their way into the central chamber.
This Playtest is testing the upper levels of character creation, dungeon based weather effects, as well as the maximum size of Dungeon layout.
Once the Alpha playtests are over we will be going over the entire system and reworking/finalizing as much as we can before the next stage; Beta test Oneshots. There will be a series of oneshots with the goal of giving as many players a chance to play as possible. If you are interested in being a part of the two alpha playtests or the upcoming beta oneshots please check out the Discord server.
And that's all for now! I will do my best to keep everyone posted but if you have any questions feel free to drop them in the comments and we will do our best to answer them. Thank you all for being a part of this project and for being patient while we figure out the next steps; your support truly means a great deal to me!
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
Do you have a favorite of the metroid games (including pinball)
Despite the temptation to answer with Pinball for the meme, tragically I must admit that I have not played Pinball. I am sure that if I did so, it would take top rank, but alas. For now, my loyalty is to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Which isn't really an unpopular opinion anymore lol, I understand it used to be the least favorite, but now has been reconsidered and has plenty of defenders; for better or worse I came to the party late and uninformed and just like it based off my own experience with it.
I honestly think it's tied with Metroid Prime in terms of overall quality, though it has different strengths and weaknesses, and is kinda a more uneven experience overall. Soundtrack and aesthetic isn't as great and memorable, but they're more consistent in selling the atmosphere while still managing to achieve a few good wow moments here and there. World layout/progression/narrative delivery is more linear and direct compared to Prime, in both good and bad ways. (Though still less so than Corruption at least, lol) Story branches out from Metroid's usual subject matter and recurring motifs, but also feels kinda disconnected as a result. Bosses are bigger and better, and the Spider Ball gets its dues here, but there are also plentiful frustrating QoL-related decisions scattered throughout the game as a whole, one of which turns a potentially great boss into the absolute worst. (Spider Guardian Phase 3 my beloathed) Chozo Ghosts vs. Dark Pirate Commandos. Beam Ammo. (Which I had no problem with personally, but I've heard even other defenders of the game apparently tend to dislike.) From an objective standpoint, I think Echoes is on par with Prime, building off of its foundations well, but also liable to be a more frustrating experience in a bunch of little ways.
But from a subjective standpoint? I just love it a bit more despite its flaws, all thanks to Dark Aether. The creepiness of the dark world and overall moodier atmosphere, and how the game handled difficulty in a way that I really appreciated, make me able to look past its shortcomings in other areas and choose it even over Prime's overall smoother experience.
The vibes throughout are simply impeccable, and I love how little touches like Samus slumping exhaustedly in the save station animation, and the frequency of Luminoth corpses littered throughout the world, really help to sell the severity of the situation. Not to mention the opening investigation of the missing Federation troopers, and how their eventual fate (and the sobering realization that they never even met the Ing proper) really sets the tone powerfully right off the bat.
And it's not all gloom and doom, either, I have just as much love for the bright and sunny Temple Grounds and the associated banger of a theme as for the darker stuff. The environmental design is gorgeous throughout, and I love how bits of Luminoth decoration and artwork are visually echoed (heh) later on in the Light Suit. But even then, it doesn't feel like a complete break in tone, light to offset the shadow and make it darker by contrast.
On that note, I just adore Dark Aether, with its swirling purple skies, the twisted versions of parallel rooms, and eerie distortions of the light world area music; just mwah, chef's kiss from me. Plus the fact of constantly taking damage while outside the light bubbles, further underlining the grim atmosphere and adding an extra layer of anxiety to both exploration and combat.
Which brings me to my second point; I really enjoy how the whole concept of Dark Aether's toxic atmosphere provided a compelling challenge that is like, the kind of approach to difficulty that I actually like. AM2R, much as I love 99% of it, I wound up giving up on at the finish line, because the last two Shinespark puzzles demanded a level of pixel-perfect timing and precise execution of several consecutive, individually tricky actions within the space of a second at most that I simply could not pull off, which kinda killed my motivation to continue despite being right on the Metroid Queen's doorstep.
With Dark Aether, there isn't that same demand for perfect execution, but instead an ever-present source of danger; that emphasized, (for me at least) a fine mixture of thinking ahead by using knowlege of the light world's layout to navigate the dark, and a need to be willing to take risks and go into areas without the light-bubbles. Sometimes that risk would pay off, and sometimes it wouldn't and I'd die; but either way I'd be getting something out of it, whether the reward of success or the reward of learning.
Similarly, I think I died once or twice during the Chykka fight, to the atmosphere instead of the boss itself, and it felt like an entirely fair outcome for playing very haphazardly on that attempt. So to get back to the point, I like how it didn't demand flawless timing and execution, but still forced me to play well, and employ a fine mixture of cautious planning and calculated gambles to make my way through both exploration and the boss fights. Even if not done through the same means as Dark Aether, this is the kind of approach to difficulty I would like to see more of from the series in general; fingers crossed for Prime 4.
Like I said, I think Echoes isn't as smooth or polished an experience as Prime, and replaying it is as much a reminder of all those little frustrations as a reinforcement of my love for it, but I still think that the fantastic execution of the tone and tough-but-fair approach to difficulty keep it my personal favorite despite the flaws.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
I don't know if this has been talked about on other blogs since I was but as I am going through my DMs, a friend has sent me ss of many photos of n*k*d bodies that Alba has liked. Cevantines on twitter and wakeupitsscalet on instagram have shared them. wakeupitsscalet has also shared some ig pages that she has been following.//
Trollba's behavior is creepy as hell!
I doubt she suffers mental issues, that's why the pr is different from Seb and Ale's. This shitshow is too much difficult and unpredictable, it's the most ridiculous pr in HW so far!
She deleted 100+ porn pics before signing the contract, and liked many nude pics, she’s obsessed with naked bodies. We noticed she always wore the same clothes and no bra, it seems she never care what she wears! She loves to sleep with anyone, normal ppl will be shy and hide this behavior to their family. But she has to be accompanied by her mother or sister wherever she goes!!! It's highly possible her family will give her pills and control her when she got attacks and out of control! I'm sure Alba has hided many secrets from Chris' team, her team is untrustworthy!
Professional info about schizophrenia and it’s treatment:
Personality and Behavior Changes - Disorganized behavior
"Disorganized behavior refers to doing quite unusual things (such as undressing or masturbating in public or shouting and swearing for no apparent reason). People with disorganized behavior typically have trouble doing normal daily activities (such as maintaining good personal hygiene or obtaining food)."
Schizophrenia CHPATER 16 -List and define the types of schizophrenia. https://quizlet.com/790284946/schizophrenia-chpater-16-flash-cards/
"These difficulties are the source of many bizarre behaviors such as public undressing or masturbating, speaking about oneself in the third person, or physically clinging to objects in the environment. "
Family support and adaptation mechanisms of adults outpatients with schizophrenia
"Previous researches have shown the practice of self-care in about 70% of ten families, which involves making the patient available for treatment, providing supervision while taking medications, and engaging the individual with activities. Specifically, family support includes the provision of emotional, informational, instrumental and research assistance by the client’s relatives, in order to maintain a therapeutic regime. The delivery of home care by the family members to strengthen and augment health services maintains the independence and dignity of schizophrenia outpatients. Being the closest unit to a patient, families play a role in determining the nature of care, and also to prevent relapse. This participation helps in the initiation of treatment at home, in order to prevent the possibility of relapse. The support provided has been associated with the decline in stress levels, which consequently strengthens the individual and collective mental health."
Anon, I would have to disagree with you. Although I am not a dr but I have seen some patients of schizophrenia my surroundings and what I have seen there are other symptoms as well which we do not see in Alba in any way. I don't know if you are a dr or you have some kind of knowledge to the field of medicine but it seems not okay to label someone as a patient of a mental disease.
Her behavior seems to be weird from liking disturbing photos to showing her liking for Lolita and also Marlon. It seems like a case of focus on hypers*xuality. She had a boob job at a very young age and it is very alarming that her parents didn't stop her and let her have it. Also, most of her career is based on soft p*rn movies. Some of her work also depicts disturbing relationships between old men and young woman where she plays the role of the young woman who looks like a teen. It satisfies the ill-minded fantasies of creepy men.
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theoutlasttrials24 · 3 months
Diving into Terror: The Outlast Trials Review
When I checked out The Outlast Trials back in May '23, I was seriously impressed. The game was super polished, with no hint of early access - it was like diving into a top-tier experience without needing to buy Xbox games. My only worry back then was its future, which was up in the air. Luckily, Red Barrels has kept polishing their multiplayer-focused take on Outlast. Now that it's out of early access on PC and hitting consoles, The Outlast Trials feels fully loaded. It's a must-play for fans of the series and anyone into scary co-op games. If you don't know, The Outlast Trials is a spinoff prequel set in the Cold War '50s. Unlike the first games, this one's all about multiplayer, with tons of trials across three maps plus the new Courthouse level dropping on Day 1 for consoles.
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Navigating the Outlast World: A Survival Tutorial
Thankfully, you can also rock The Outlast Trials solo, though the difficulty might trip you up, especially if you're used to needing to 'buy PS5 games'. I managed to ace most trials, give or take a few, but it really depends on how deep you've dived into the game mechanics and how much patience you've got. For those not in the loop, The Outlast Trials is a prequel spinoff set in the '50s Cold War era, adding to Red Barrels' horror saga. Instead of a straightforward progression with a couple of big areas to explore, The Outlast Trials breaks it down into distinct levels. These are the meat of the game, chosen from the starting area called the Sleeping Room. It's like a creepy facility funded by Murkoff, doubling as the central hub. Before you can hit up the Sleeping Room, you gotta grind through a solid 20-minute intro. It's not just a prologue; it's a slick tutorial on how to stay alive. If you've dabbled in Outlast before, that'll feel like old hat—assuming your idea of comfort is dodging Murkoff's shady science types in a nest of sketchy characters.
Introducing Extreme Difficulty and Weekly Challenges
In The Outlast Trials, missions or trials are handled through the Sleeping Room terminal. At first, you'll only tap into the Core Therapy playlist, which unlocks four main levels: Police Station, Fun Park, Orphanage, and the recently added Courthouse trial. These levels throw different tasks at you, from finding key items in corpses to chasing down and dealing with crazy folks in creative ways, like microwaving their heads. These side goals add a ton of spice to The Outlast Trials, keeping things feeling fresh. Though four levels might not seem like much, Red Barrels has made sure each one feels sprawling. As you tackle trials, new parts of the map open up, usually with three objectives per map. Finish the Core Trials and you'll unlock Program X, with harder versions of the initial trials. It's end-game stuff. Plus, on consoles now, there's an Extreme difficulty setting for the hardcore pros looking for a challenge. And don't forget the weekly challenges in the Sleeping Room. They switch up every week, offering fresh twists and giving newer players a shot at later game stages earlier than usual.
Red Barrels Nails The Outlast Trials' Multiplayer Transition
Speaking of putting in the hours, The Outlast Trials offers plenty of goodies to unlock, keeping you hooked while pushing you to tackle tougher challenges. Upgrades include RIG augments and Prescriptions for your character. RIGs are skills with cooldowns that give you helpful abilities like healing, stunning enemies, wall hacks, and more crucial perks that can swing the game in your favor. On the flip side, Prescriptions are permanent buffs and abilities that boost your parkour skills and survival chops during the intense trials in The Outlast Trials. They range from simple moves like sliding and faster item handling to essential actions like kicking down foes, especially useful when teaming up with pals. Beyond gameplay boosts, The Outlast Trials also gives you private chambers, your only safe spot in the game. You can jazz it up with trinkets and oddities to give your cell a personal touch. Plus, there's a wardrobe for unlocking character skins and outfits, adding even more customization options. Props to Red Barrels for nailing The Outlast Trials' transition from the series' nerve-wracking vibe to a blast of multiplayer fun with friends. It's no easy feat in the survival horror genre.
The Outlast Trials: Next-Gen Console Experience
And now that it's hit consoles, The Outlast Trials fully harnesses the PlayStation 5's power, with sharper graphics than Outlast 2, a slick framerate, and crossplay options with PC gamers right from the get-go. In a nutshell, The Outlast Trials serves up the gritty, dark vibes of the series in an outrageous multiplayer format that's a must-try for horror buffs.
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w-ht-w · 10 months
exposure effect, where attraction increases with exposure to something/someone
Rather than love at first sight, it seemed that participants experienced love at fourth sight, which was when the repetition effect was strongest. ... the more times people saw faces, the more brain wave activity associated with excitement took place. ... “Much to their surprise, people often find themselves drawn to individuals after multiple encounters, even when there was no initial attraction. Cupid’s arrow is often slow to strike." Not sure whether this study is encouraging for those of us who don’t have [conventional beauty] wow-factor, or a little creepy that we can effectively be brainwashed into finding people attractive if we see them enough. But it seems that when it comes to flirting if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. (x)
... aesthetic pleasure is a function of the perceiver's processing dynamics: The more fluently perceivers can process an object, the more positive their aesthetic response. (x)
In terms of physical appearance, research has found that the more times we’re shown a face, the more attractive it becomes, although attractive physical traits vary from person to person. What you think is attractive could be totally different than that of your best friend. But the psychology of attraction goes far beyond appearance. The reciprocity principle of social psychology, for example, says that we like people the more we think they like us. As the relationship builds, we may naturally start to reciprocate feelings for someone we know has those feelings for us,  And the longer you’re with someone, the more other psychological factors help solidify and strengthen the relationship, “As a romantic relationship develops, partners may tend to idealize each other or exaggerate each others' positive qualities to preserve the relationship,” he says. “They may also cognitively de-value potential alternative partners (a process that could be non-conscious) to protect the relationship against temptations.”   At the same time, the more you know and like someone, the more likely you are to disclose private information which, in turn, makes you feel more connected, “On a more primal level, we’re figuring out who would make good partners or additions to our tribe, so it increases our chances of survival and reproducing. Attractive traits signal good genes and therefore a good partner to spread your genes through children,” “Novelty sparks initial attractiveness because of the possibilities. And our curiosity increases attractiveness,” he says. Once the newness wears off, it’s the positive traits that we were initially attracted to that keep us coming back. We all age and some of the physical attributes that were present initially may fade too; We may gain weight, get wrinkles, go gray or get too busy to put in the effort. But when relationships work it’s because attractiveness goes beyond appearance. And the opposite is also true. When the good qualities we thought were present at first seem to diminish or weren’t there in the first place, so too does our attraction. what these movies don’t show is the difficulty in keeping that spark alive once physical attributes fade and you’ve known each other for more than a few months. While you might be captivated initially, for attraction to last, the real glue needs to go much deeper. (x)
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Hired 2 Die pits you against your senses on Linux
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Hired 2 Die dark horror co-op game gets a Demo for both Linux and Windows PC. The ingenious minds of Electric Monkeysy unleash a captivating creation that will leave you breathless. Available to try on Steam. Get ready to step into the universe of Hired 2 Die on Linux. Due to take you on a dark adventure where the way we see things and what is actually real can get blurry. In Hired 2 Die, your perception of reality can create dangerous beings called Distortions. As the world teeters on the brink of chaos, a mysterious organization known as Intersection emerges to confront this threat. In Hired 2 Die, you find yourself in a world where people's minds are falling apart. This is causing creepy creatures and strange objects called Distortions to appear. These eerie things pop up in places where people are feeling really stressed out or sad. Intersection, a secret company, hires special workers like you to test, fight, and contain these Distortions. You'll use a security computer in the main room to access the footage from various security cameras throughout Hired 2 Die levels. This lets you check if a path is safe or if there are anything strange around that you need to deal with later. If there's a creature lurking in a spot you want to go, you can use the sound system to make noise and lure it away. If you're playing the dark horror co-op with a friend, you can also guide them to where they need to go and keep them safe.
Hired 2 Die | Demo Release Trailer
The dark horror co-op is available in 10 different languages. In Hired 2 Die, you are a strategic planner who has to go into workplaces and face dangerous challenges. Your goal is to survive and complete missions. The Distortions attach themselves to objects that have caused someone a lot of distress. Depending on the difficulty level of the task you choose, you might have to do simple things like organizing boxes. Or more complex tasks like fixing electrical systems that require advanced knowledge. Intersection always provides a manual that explains how to do your job in Hired 2 Die. One important aspect of Hired 2 Die is the tactical planning and preparation. You need to gather useful items and learn about the layout of the rooms. You can also control security systems like doors and alarms to your advantage. But be careful, since you have limited energy and you need to use it wisely. Another great feature is the ability to talk to other Linux players. You can talk to your partner when they are close to you, and if they are far away, you can use CCTVs to chat with them. This helps you come up with the best strategies to stay alive. You can play Hired 2 Die alone or with a friend. To progress in Hired 2 Die, you have to complete different contracts. These contracts involve tasks like organizing boxes or fixing electrical systems. Each completed objective helps you advance and prepares you for harder missions. The game provides manuals to guide you and teach you the skills you need. In Hired 2 Die, you can also buy equipment to help in your missions. You can get new gear from the in-game store to make sure you're ready for dangerous jobs and creatures. It's important to be resourceful and adaptable to survive the dark horror co-op. So make sure to equip yourself with the best items available in the Hired 2 Die in-game store. You'll items to handle the more dangerous jobs and creatures that you'll encounter. It's always a good idea to have an extra tool or a stronger flashlight, just in case. So get ready for an deep dark horror co-op game where perception and reality collide. Explore a world filled with suspense and mystery as you work to tackle Distortions and save humanity from the edge of chaos. Available to try on Steam for Linux and Windows PC. Due to launch in Q3 2023.
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orthogreys · 2 years
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#Clandestiny full#
#Clandestiny series#
There are the traditional, 7th Guest type, involving word strings and chessboards and leaping toads and such, and these are all entertaining. There are two kinds of puzzles in Clandestiny. However, the environments are very well done, and the castle is a very fun place to explore. Unlike The 7th Guest which provided beautiful 360 degree movement, the navigation in Clandestiny is a slide show a la Myst. Instead of this creating hilarity, it pretty much just gets on your nerves. For whatever reason, she cannot see the ghosts you see until about three-quarters of the way through the game. The voice acting is for the most part adequate, but I must say the the writing of the role of the fiancee is pretty darned irritating.
#Clandestiny full#
Unfortunately, the castle doesn't appear to be full of treasure - merely ghosts. Your character has inherited a Scottish castle and title, and you and your fiancee show up to claim your windfall. The game is played in a combination of first and third person: first person for navigating and puzzle solving, third person for the animated cut scenes. The only new element Clandestiny introduces is some fairly well-done animation. The formula? Stumble around a haunted house solving puzzles while being mildly diverted by the thin storyline. I am personally a big fan of the formula codified by the wildly successful "The 7th Guest" in 1992. It breaks no new ground in terms of format or content, but I really enjoyed it nevertheless.
#Clandestiny series#
Malcolm.Ĭlandestiny is the third in the Trilobyte series of haunted house puzzle games. Clandestiny features three difficulty levels, 3D animation and a story written by author Jahnna N. While Andrew explores the castle's eerie rooms, false walls and secret passages in an attempt to discover and overcome the family curse, some of the cursor objects, such as rolling eyeballs, a drama mask, skeletal pointing fingers and a throbbing brain, may seem hauntingly familiar with good reason - the game is designed by the developers responsible for the Henry Stauff stories, The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour. Most of Andrew's attention, however, will be focused on the dozen "family" members from generations past who are instrumental in helping our reluctant Earl get a grip on reality, destroy a centuries-old, ancient family-borne curse and clear the MacPhiles name.Ĭlandestiny uses humor, riddles and puzzles to aid the progression of the storyline and immerse the player in this fanciful, haunted tale of a cowardly family beset by a terrible, dark secret. Dimwitty, chief cook and bottle washer of the estate and the odd Vicar, cursed with something of a "toothy" problem. Upon arrival, Andrew meets a zany cast of characters including Murthly, the proper English butler with a secret, the little Scottish handyman Fergus, who delights in creating problems, Mrs. Andrew's supportive fiancee, Paula, accompanies him on this unexpected trip to reclaim his rightful position as the 13th Earl of MacPhiles despite the embarrassing family reputation. Clandestiny is quite a gem and an ultra rare diamond in the rough.Ī definite highlight from the creators of the 7th Guest and the 11th Hour.In this animated tale of ghosts and family redemption set in Scotland, you control the actions and exploits of Andrew MacPhiles as he takes possession of an inherited castle - an isolated, dark, dank and creepy place filled with 12 spirits from the long and cowardly line of his ancestors. The solutions are usually simple, clean, and logical. While the puzzles are of the parlor variety and seem detached from the main story line, it hardly takes away from the game. The game also offers a built-in reference guide that you can view at any time to learn more about Scottish culture. Clandestiny seamlessly weaves traditional Scottish myth and lore into a modern story line. Whether it's the cowardly Andrew, the diabolic Murthly, the handyman Fergus, or any of the myriads of characters you meet, you won't soon forget any of them. The quirks and well thought out (and acted) characters also deserve a special mention. The Disney-quality cutscenes are beautifully animated. The graphics are top notch and surpass any other previous Trilobyte release. Clandestiny weaves a spell that is undeniably hard for anyone to resist. They soon arrive at their new and not-so-humble abode and the troub…erm…fun begins. Scary spooks abound in Trilobyte's ghoulishly delightful Clandestiny.Īndrew MacPhiles has just inherited the family castle in Scotland.īeing the coward he is (it runs in the family you see), he doesn't want to go.Įventually, his girlfriend obsessed with the hidden treasure that is mentioned in the estate executor's telegram practically bludgeons Andrew into going.
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psychicjust · 2 years
Kongregate nyan cat lost in space
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#Kongregate nyan cat lost in space how to#
Let him explore the many space-themed levels, and unlock more skins using coins and the candies he collects. But he also has to avoid obstacles that are on his path. And that's not all, you can choose from multiple. supercat), jump onto platforms made of cake, avoid angry dogs, and discover the infinite space. Nyan Cat come from the coin box play it and you will know what am talking. supercat), jump onto platforms made of cake, avoid angry dogs, and discover the infinite space. Long live the cat memes, however dead they say. Drink milk, eat ice-cream, collect coins, buy gorgeous boosts, fly like a superhero (sorry. Drink milk, eat ice-cream, collect coins, buy gorgeous boosts, fly like a superhero (sorry. Acerca deste jogo Official Nyan Cat Game Play with the most celebrated flying cat in human history. All you have to do is guide Nyan Cat as he jumps and gets coins and candies. Play with the most celebrated flying cat in human history.
#Kongregate nyan cat lost in space how to#
Oh, he will be collecting both coins and yummy candies too, which you can use to buy him cool skins! And there are many space-themed levels to explore, and you will have a lovely time bringing Nyan Cat from one platform to another! How to Play Nyan Cat? He will be facing various obstacles as he jumps his way through his trusted colorful rainbow. Nyan Cat: Lost in Space is an arcade game by isTom Games that lets you take control of Nyan Cat as he travels through different dimensions in the entire galaxy. Games like Flotsam for iOS: Nyan Cat: Lost In Space,VEGA Conflict,Raft,Almost There: The Platformer,Battle Group 2,Ace of Seafood. Join him as he rides his rainbow while he jumps through various obstacles, all while collecting some intergalactic candy and avoiding space dogs! Play A Rainbow-Riding Cat Android devices with less than 1 GB of System Memory (RAM) will likely experience crashes when playing the Fran Bow apps, or not play the apps at all.Īvailable in English, German, Russian and Spanish.Now, you can join Nyan Cat on his many extraordinary adventures in this casual platformer game called Nyan Cat: Lost In Space. IMPORTANT NOTE: Larger screen size is recommended for best enjoyment!Īndroid devices with 1 GB of System Memory (RAM) or more are strongly recommended when playing the Fran Bow apps. * A big variety of puzzles designed with different levels of difficulty and specifically based on the story. The most popular and most appreciated Nyan Cat game on iPhone/iPad 'Awesome' - prguitarman, author of the original Nyan Cat characterWARNING The Nyan Cat game and music are seriously addictive Play with Nyan Cat only at your own riskiTunes reviews (US and UK):'Best, game, EVAR' - Jamiejdjdjdjdj 'This is the beat of the. * Self administer medication to open the terrible hidden world that will help solve puzzles and find objects. * Unique and peculiar hand drawn 2D Art-Style and 2D animation. * Story driven creepy psychological horror adventure game. Midnight is nowhere to be found.Īfter having a dream about her beloved cat, Fran decides to escape from the mental institution to find him and go back home to Aunt Grace, her only living relative. In the forest, Fran goes into shock over the loss of her parents and when she recovers, she’s at Oswald Asylum, an oppressive mental institution for children, and Mr. Midnight, a black cat that Fran had previously received as a present from her parents. Fran Bow is a creepy adventure game that tells the story of Fran, a young girl struggling with a mental disorder and an unfair destiny.Īfter witnessing the gruesome and mysterious loss of her parents, found dismembered at their home, Fran rushes into the woods, together with her only friend, Mr.
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aptlascl · 2 years
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#Fnaf 1 download for free windows
While games like Gacha Life and Diablo III focus on engaging gameplay, Ultimate Custom Night offers the perfect mix of terror, fun storylines, and various characters going on a horror spree. Since there are numerous elements, including cutscenes, voice acting, and skins, you’re engaged and encouraged to fight off enemies. With 16 themed challenges, the game requires you to be on your toes at every step of the journey. As such, you can explore and hoard more weapons to keep yourself safe. While playing the game, you can collect Faz-Coins to make in-app purchases. With the right strategy, you’re able to block pathways, entries, and exits to give a tough response to the characters’ attack. You can use several items, such as vents, side doors, hoses, etc., to defend yourself against enemies.Īdditionally, the game lets you set up laser traps and master different skills to use the air conditioner, music box, and other creepy objects. The animatronics keep seeking your soul throughout the game. The game starts with your character struck in a haunted office, trying to get out while fighting various villains. Most gamers describe the game as a mashup of the popular FNAF series. According to reviews from the Steam’s solid gaming community, the official website offers great support, just in case you experience any issues. Moreover, you can have fun with enunciations from popular voice actors.
#Fnaf 1 download for free windows
Since the game comes with multiple difficulty levels, it keeps you engaged for long hours.Ĭompared to PUBG for Microsoft Windows and Dragon Ball Z: Karakot, Ultimate Custom Night offers several scary characters, engaging storylines, and themed challenges. With 50+ animatronics and characters, you get the perfect mix of office skins, challenges, content, and more. It uses a wide range of sequences and cutscenes to provide you with a fun experience. Get hold of Five Nights at Freddy's, also known as FNAF, and start enjoying this highly acclaimed indie terror game.A popular choice among action gaming fans!įor the popular Five Nights At Freddy’s (FNAF) series, Ultimate Custom Night serves as the perfect extension. We're talking about Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken and Foxy the Pirate Fox, the teddy bears that cheer up the restaurant during the day. Don't let those teddies into your office!ĭo you think you're alone? In the restaurant you'll be accompanied by some nasty animatronic beings that come to life at night. Five nights at Freddy's that can seem extremely long. In these strange circumstances, your mission will be to survive five nights. Taking a look at old newspaper cuttings, you find out that five kids disappeared from the restaurant and nobody ever saw them again. The guy who worked there before you decided to switch to the day shift!īut why? Well, basically because when night falls, whispers and strange noises can be heard in this restaurant, and its few lights start flickering. Your new job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza will bring you a few upsets. Will you manage to survive the night?įramed within the Survival Horror genre, you'll become Mike Schmidt, the night watchman of quite a strange place. In fact, most users that have tried the game haven't even been able to complete an hour of gameplay. It's not suitable for people with heart conditions, or any other person afraid of the dark. I bet won't last for more than 20 minutes playing this horror game.įive Nights at Freddy's is a game in which you'll feel real panic. In this terrifying game you'll come across plenty of flickering lights, whispers and strange sounds in the middle of the night that will definitely get your heart beating like mad. This title is one of the most striking indie games at present.
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developmentvewor · 2 years
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#Fnaf 3 exe google drive download mods
#Fnaf 3 exe google drive download windows
With 16 themed challenges, the game requires you to be on your toes at every step of the journey. As such, you can explore and hoard more weapons to keep yourself safe. While playing the game, you can collect Faz-Coins to make in-app purchases. With the right strategy, you’re able to block pathways, entries, and exits to give a tough response to the characters’ attack. You can use several items, such as vents, side doors, hoses, etc., to defend yourself against enemies.Īdditionally, the game lets you set up laser traps and master different skills to use the air conditioner, music box, and other creepy objects. The animatronics keep seeking your soul throughout the game. The game starts with your character struck in a haunted office, trying to get out while fighting various villains. Most gamers describe the game as a mashup of the popular FNAF series. According to reviews from the Steam’s solid gaming community, the official website offers great support, just in case you experience any issues. Moreover, you can have fun with enunciations from popular voice actors.
#Fnaf 3 exe google drive download windows
Since the game comes with multiple difficulty levels, it keeps you engaged for long hours.Ĭompared to PUBG for Microsoft Windows and Dragon Ball Z: Karakot, Ultimate Custom Night offers several scary characters, engaging storylines, and themed challenges. With 50+ animatronics and characters, you get the perfect mix of office skins, challenges, content, and more. It uses a wide range of sequences and cutscenes to provide you with a fun experience. And don't forget to use Faz Coins to gain power-ups or distract animatronics.ĭiscover the universe in depth: Earn points and unlock unpublished video sequences that will show you new aspects of the plot.A popular choice among action gaming fans!įor the popular Five Nights At Freddy’s (FNAF) series, Ultimate Custom Night serves as the perfect extension. They will allow you to eliminate specific animatronics. Stay alert: The cute animatronics will chase you down, so always watch them with security cameras, avoid them by using ventilation ducts.Ĭoins: Death Coins are specific coins you earn by reaching objectives. Master the game, master the tools: To stay alive and complete the challenges, you will have to master various devices, including a music box, a power generator, and a heater, and you will also need to cleverly use laser traps in the vents, purchase items from the prize counter, keep an eye on Pirate Cove Curtains and many more! Thematic challenges: Ultimate Custom Night offers you more content with 16 challenges to be completed. Each of them has a unique look and personality.
#Fnaf 3 exe google drive download mods
You will also be able to add new mods developed by the communityĪ massive list of characters: You can choose among 50 Ultimate Night Characters. Gameplay: Ultimate Custom Night is a single player horror adventure game where you will have to solve challenges and stay alive against evil animatronics that only want you dead.Ĭustomize each game: Build up your own story by adjusting settings such as the type of your office, the animatronics you have to face during the game, their level of AI from 0 to 20, and the available power-ups. Mix and match all the assortment of characters you like, choose the difficulty level, sharpen your skills, master all the tools you need, and try to stay alive throughout the terrible nights. But this time, you will have to face the entire gang of 50 cruel animatronics. Once again, you are trapped in the Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) universe, alone in your office, trying to escape to the evilest animatronics the world has known.
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spinningbuster98 · 7 months
We finally start Salazar's Castle! And this is where things start getting spicy!
I wouldn't call RE4 the hardest game ever by any means, but it is absolutely a game that is not afraid of throwing everything and the kitchen sink at you, and the Castle makes it very clear from the get go
The biggest difference from the Village is that your typical Ganado villagers have been replaced by Ganado Cultists and these guys are way more dangerous
They behave mostly the same, but they deal more damage, are sturdier, some can rock wooden shield to defend themselves, none of them throw dynamite but now they have archers that can snipe you from long distances, and some of these guys even wear helmets to protect their heads so no more headshots for them!
But to me the biggest threat are the Plagas that sometimes burst out of their heads: unlike the Type 1 Plagas with their long tentacles that were already pretty deadly, but these Type 2 Plagas can instakill you by biting Leon's head off! If one of them spawns make it priority number 1!
These guys are also way creepier for me, mainly due to their voices. RE4's sound design is somewhat underappreciated I find, because these guys' voices, along with the game's OST, can go a long way in unnerving the shit out of you. Their voices are more demonic, more inhuman sounding than the villagers', and there's nothing worse than hearing you taunting you while you're being chased around. (though in true RE4 fashion, if you know a bit of spanish, what they're saying is actually really corny. They're literally muttering "Brains...brains...brains...." or "To die is to live..." half the time)
All of this comes to an incredible climax at the end of this Chapter
The one part of the game that every RE4 player fears
The Water Hall
This is an absolutely GARGANTUAN room with an army of cultists! Way more than in any previous circumstance!
You're not safe anywhere you go: out in the open you'll get sniped and flagged from multiple angles, inside the narrow passages you can get easily trapped. The objective is to reach a room on the opposite side and activate two switches which will in turn activate another switch in the middle of the Water Hall that will unlock the final part of it
My strategy is to bait the enemies into said room so that you can bottleneck them, but this won't work on all of them, as you'll have no choice but to go out in the open for some of them
Did I also mention that you have to protect Ashley during all of this? Probably the only part of the game where even I'd say that protecting her gets genuinely treaturous
And during the final section you have to play sniper to protect her while she pulls some levels while also defending yourself at the same time.
Fortunately the two sections have a checkpoint inbetween but holy smokes! Talk about a difficulty spike! This might just be the hardest part of the whole game! I don't blame the Remake for toning it down a bit!
I have conflicting thoughts on it overall
On the one hand it is way too hard for being only at the halfway point of the game
On the other it's a perfect example of how RE4 can create tension and fear through its action gameplay mixed with its sound design and creepy ost. Do consider that while all of this transpires you'll be listening to this lovely melody and the cultists' demonic voiced taunting you while they chase you around. You won't be able to tell that they're following you because of how the camera works but you'll sure as shit be able to hear them!
I honestly find this one area to be way more tense than any Nemesis encounter from RE3 (the original), which is not to shit on good ol' Nemmy!
To relieve ourselves from that fun party, the Merchant presents us with a new activity: a shooting range!
It's pretty simple and completely optional, but I recommend completing each challange that gets added as the game progresses. You get awarded with little character modles, and with each row you complete you're also rewarded with a big payout in cash
Oh and Ashley gets captured! Thank God finally a bit of breathing room!
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ndoandou · 2 years
If the ikevamp boys played modern games
I wrote this almost a year ago so apologies for any mistakes etc 😭
Leonardo - Minecraft
He would create the most unreasonable, complicated, redstone mechanism
Would recreate the monalisa in minecraft
Hes not a fan of mining but he loves travelling
his eyes lit up when he comes across some kind of structure
Occasionally he would get isaac to play on multiplayer
And of course, they will be on multiplayer only to create some redstone mechanism-
Isaac - Universe Sandbox
This boy has 2000+ hours bye-
He spends most of the time defying the laws of physics
He secretly LOVES defying the laws of physics
Would test out absurd things
Like crashing andromeda and milky way together
He feels cool after defying the laws of physics
And at the same time he felt as if he commited a crime with some of the things he tested, like making earth as big as the galaxy for no reason
And make an absurd amount of meteors hit the solar system
Shakespeare - Doki doki literature club
What can i say?
A disturbing game full of young girls who are into literature
Let me tell you this, shakes will treat this game as if hes playing a casual visual novel
For example when yuri stabs herself, shakes would probably just chuckle softly and say "oh! How dramatic!"
The jumpscares and creepy moments makes him laugh and giggle. He sees it as something comedic
I mean what can u expect? We talkin bout shakes here
Mozart - Osu!
Mozart isn't into games
He just happen to stumble across dazai who was trying to play a 7☆ difficulty Osu!Mania map as a joke, while the others watched him
As expected, he failed within a few seconds
"Pathetic. How were you not able to see the notes coming?" Mozart spat
Everyone looked at mozart
"Ahh mozart-kun! Want to try and play this map?" Dazai asked
Mozart rolled his eyes
"Such a waste of time, but ill give it a go. What keys do i press?" Mozart asked
"You press DF and JK" dazai explained
Mozart pressed the hard map dazai was trying to play
When the notes started pouring down, mozart hit every single note perfectly
He ended up scoring an SSS
"There, as simple as that" mozart said as everyone looked at him as if he was crazy"
He actually starts finding the game addicting after playing some more
He also would try other game modes, but osu mania wouod be his favorite.
Dazai - pou
Pls he loves this game too much-
Im not joking, he would spend real money just to buy the shitty cosmetics and clothes
Treats the minigames seriously
This mans sweaty when it comes to sky jump 🥶🥶🥶
Would try and convince people to play pvp with him
Sebastian - Candy crush
You cant tell me that sebastian isn't at level 1000+
He might aswell be a candy crush e-sport player 💀💀💀💀💀
This man would have a mental breakdown if he ran out of moves in the game
Would write a whole essay on why candy crush is a superior game
Would try and get MC to play it which then she would give in
Arthur and theo - Resident Evil
Arthur would be doing most of the objectives ngl
Theo was kinda forced to play it but he slowly starts enjoying it
Theo is terrified half of the time
You can't tell me that theo doesn't scream like a highschool girl whenever he turns back only for a zombie to be right on his face
"AHHHH FUCK! ARTHUR GET IT OFF ME" theo screamed as he pressed space as fast as he could
Arthur would T bag as Theo gets attacked by a swarm of zombies
Ill do vincent, napoleon, jean, and momte next if u guys want
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stellocchia · 4 years
Alright, now that I got some sleep, time for an overly long analysis on Tommy’s second prison visit!
I’m only talking about character in the rp from here on out, not the cc’s unless explicitly stating otherwise
First of all, a clarification is in order: was it Dream’s plan from the very start to get put in prison to end up in this situation? No. Does this mean he couldn’t have caused this to turn things in his favour? Also no.
Dream has proven before that he’s a rather flexible character (kinda has to be with a nemesis like Tommy), he’s been put multiple times in unexpected situations and managed to come out of top. We don’t know if he expected L’Manburg to be reborn after the 16th, and yet he managed to have the whole cabinet wrapped around his fingers. He didn’t expect Tommy to threaten him with Spirit, and yet he spun it around on him. We also know he didn’t expect Tommy to leave Logsteshire (he was talking about it with Punz, it’s the reason he went to check on him shortly after because he realized he may have stepped too far and broken Tommy out of his manipulation there) which offered him the opportunity to frame him for the community house disaster later on.
He is nothing if not resorceful.
Another thing we have to discuss when talking about the visit is the themes of their relationship:
- Dream’s possessiveness/obsession
- The whole Dream finding Tommy “fun”
- Their “game”
More under the cut
- For the first point, when I say “possessivness” I mean that Dream literally regards himself almost as Tommy’s owner. Don’t believe me? Let’s talk about how he treats Tommy’s canon life then!
Remember all the way back during exile? To keep Tommy in line Dream consistently threatened to take his last life, implying that he would have been fine with Tommy dying, yet, as soon as Tommy showed signs of wanting to take his own life, Dream bust out the line “it’s not your time to die yet”, 2 times in fact. Why? Well, Dream wants control in all things, not only that, but he clearly thinks he’s in the right in wanting it. Of course the life of his favourite toy is no exception. Also let’s not forget about the terrifying scene on top of the obsidian grid where, when Tommy said that their story would be over soon, Dream immediately took control again assuring him it would never be over.
There is also Tommy explicitly stating that Dream was “borderline his owner”, in case we needed an additional affirmation, in the stream where Mexican Dream made an appearance in exile. 
Also, I have to mention that during the first Prison visit Dream, when talking about what he missed, grouped Tommy together with “his stuff”... can’t get much clearer then that
- Dream’s describing Tommy as “Fun” has been a reoccurring creepy theme between them. But is it soley done out of manipulation or does Dream actually feel that way in his twisted world view? I’d say a bit of both to be honest. 
Clearly there is a level of gaslighting with it were he used to say it at the very start of Tommy’s exile to get him in the frame of mind of considering Dream his friend and trying to convince him that they always had fun together (trying to get him to switch his anger from being directed at Dream to being directed at his old friends), but that’s not all. 
Dream, in cutting all his known attachments, is left with only Tommy as an attachment, Jack is right on that one, which is the rason why his obsession seems so extreme. That said, it’s pretty obvious that he does sort of find his relationship with Tommy “fun”. It’s the reson why literally everyone else is a replaceable pawn, but Tommy isn’t. Don’t get me wrong here: he doesn’t see him as a human and, despite him “caring” in his twisted way, there is NOTHING healthy about their relationship. But it is still important to point out that Tommy is extremely important to Dream.
- Their game is something we’re all well aware of. They are regarded by so many people as the hero and the villain of the server, even though neither of them accepts their assigned role. That said they both view the other in the role assigned to them. Dream doesn’t see himself as a villain, but he does see Tommy as a hero and vice-versa. And, just like that, the stage for their “game” is set.
Only problem? Only one of them is playing the game. We know this from the season 2 finale: the reason Dream kept coming down and trusting Tommy was because he thought Tommy was as attached to their “game” as he was, but he was wrong. Tommy HAS other attachments, plenty of them, he’s not dependent on Dream and that’s also probably why Dream is so obsessed with him in the first place: everyone else is predictable, easy to use. They aren’t surprising, they aren’t “fun” (remember that? Remember Dream goning “Tubbo isn’t fun” when Tommy said he had as much value as himself? Because I sure do) they are boring pawns. 
You’d think he may think differently of someone like Techno but, despite him acknowledging his strenght, he has no reason to think he won’t be able to use him every time at the smallest promise of violence as it worked every time before. George and Sapnap? When’s the last time Dream showed them he cared in any way? He used them time and time again and then left them behind when the relationships required work on his side to mantain. He didn’t even speak to Sapnap during his visit! He regards Quackity as barely an annoyance (remember what history left on him in the Lost City of Mizu? Just a Fool). Punz and Sam were both people he paid, only means to an end. They ALL played his game and followed his rules, which is what made them predictable. It's what makes them so replaceable.
Now that the themes are established, let’s move on to the analysis of the visit itself!
First of all: big foreshadowing from Sam with the missing books (which Tommy admitted to not remembering the content of) and from Tommy saying how much he trusted and appreciated Sam. It doesn’t have much to do with the analysis, but we all pointed it out.
That said, what was Tommy’s objective with this visit? Closure. Tommy wanted to make their game finally stop for good, he wanted to reclaim the control over his life that he hasn’t had for a while now. Not over his literal last life nor over hid day to day life. Both used to be controlled by Dream. 
Dream “loosing” his clock is the first information we learn. But, remember during Bad’s visit when Bad convinced Sam to give Dream one last chance to get his clock back if he behaved? And then again with Sapnap? Dream wanted the clock to go, that’s why he kept burning it despite the warnings. Why? Could it be that he was planning to get someone to stay with him in there? Isolation affects you much harder when you’re not aware of the passage of time after all...
“That’s the Tommy I know!” from the start of the visit Dream is trying to re-establish their “bond” and get Tommy in the mindset of them being “friends” again. I mean, it’s not a coincidence that he’s never been this talkative or friendly in any of the visits from other people. 
Other point in favour of Dream having planned this long stay is the sheer number of potatoes he had stored. Also, may I add that he immediately started giving them to Tommy? He started before the tnt and explosions, before he should have known Tommy was gonna stay. He never did this before during any of the visits we’ve seen. Establishing his role as provider again like back in exile I see...
Dream also started immediately demanding for Tommy to visit him more, but Tommy does turn it down just as quickly by explaining that that would be the last visit (if Dream wasn’t planning to act this time, he changed his mind in this moment. He’s very adaptable remember? And his main accomplice was online...). Of course, Dream isn’t happy about it. 
We already established that Tommy is the only one he finds “fun” (as far as we know), having him stopping visitations entirely wouldn’t be good for Dream. There is also the fact that Tommy is deciding to move on on his own. It’s Tommy’s choice under Tommy’s complete control and Dream has already shown he’s not too kin on that being a thing.
“Anything you want to say to me now, you have to say to me now, because I’m not visiting you again” “Why?” I’m highlighting this piece of dialogue because I think it’s pretty indicative of Dream still being convinced that they’re both still playing the game. Sure, Tommy outplayed him for now, but the game is not over, is it? Tommy can’t just decide to drop him can he? They both have so much “fun” after all... 
Of course though, to Tommy the “why” should be obvious. Because of Dream he’s struggling with severe ptsd. He’s afraid of plains biomes, of lava, of heights to a certain degree, of black stone (both because of the Attachments vault and the Final Control Room on this one), of tnt, of small holes (big enough to drop your items in as he said), of giving up his stuff and of Dream acting Friendly. Dream hurt him a great deal to the point were he’s not managing to settle down even now, he’s still afraid. How can Dream not see how he hurt him? How can he not understand? In Tommy's mind it just doesn't make sense.
TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES (had to add this because it was just funny... why are there always bloopers with this 2?)
Potatoes again. Again the tnt had not started to go off yet. And Tommy eats them again immediately, of course. I can’t stress this enough, but this is done again to re-establish the dependency tommy had on Drem during exile. While he didn’t entirely depend on dream for food (he barely ate and he had Mushroom Henry), he used to be entirely dependent on him for protection, getting to the point where he would hardly defend himself from the mobs when they attacked him even when Dream wasn't around. Of course Dream can’t provide “safety” while he’s in prison, so he has to find something else.
“You had all this shit coming” “I did but... you know... maybe one day” “No! Have you seen this prison? It’s kind of the most secure thing ever” They are talking about two different things here. Dream is implying that, maybe, they’ll let him out in the future while Tommy, having already decided to move on and not worry about Dream anymore, is implying that the only way Dream is getting out is if he manages to escape, which he won’t. Quite different from the first visit were Tommy showed quite a bit of hesitance when asked if he would ever let Dream out.
“Unless you have extreme therapy” Tommy recognizing the importance of therapy I see! No, but, more importantly, this goes to show that Tommy is moving on from his exclusively vengful mindset he had at the start (which was more then understandable, btw). At the start of this visit he said he didn’t think that Dream deserved to die anymore and now he’s recognizing that he needs help, Tommy however also knows he’s not the one who should be helping him, he can’t. Still, he’s empathizing with him, because he can’t help doing so. Despite everything, Tommy always tends to see others as their own individuals, even when the same is often not true in reverse. 
“I mean exile wasn’t that bad... right? I mean, we hung out” again, tying it back to the themes in their relationship, this fits so well. Of course exile wasn’t that bad, right? After all: why would Tommy have needed anyone else when he had his Best Pal Dream? And here’s the thing: we can’t know how much of what Dream says is just manipulation and how much of it he believes, but Dream has shown enough signs of being dependent on Tommy as his only attachment that we can assume there is, at the very least, some level of truth in this. I mean, if you remember back when he blew up Logstedshire, he didn’t even wanna believe that Tommy was suicidal. Tommy told him directly, but was dismissed. Why? Not because Dream wasn’t extremely opposed to him taking his own life, he’d already shown that not to be the case. Perhaps because he actually didn’t think it was that bad? Maybe he didn't want to admit he pushed him too far? Did he actually view himself and Tommy to be Dream’s own twisted version of “friends”? It’s a possibility and it’s what this visit seems to imply. 
“When I’m around you I feel like my brain is conditioned to be your friend, but also when I have a knife I wanna just plunge it into your heart... you don’t make me a good person!” This seems to be a rather recurrent theme with Tommy and the mentor figures in his life. Wilbur trying to convince him (albeit not managing to) to just blow it all up and give in to his aggressive nature. Techno wanting to “bring him to the side of evil” and making him more violent in the process. Now we have confirmation that Dream himself makes him lash out more (though we could see this already when he was in exile in how he lashed out at Jack Manifold without the latter having done anything to deserve it). There is also the confusion to point out. While Tommy is trying to move on he’s clearly in no way “healed”, he’s still very much suffering from the consequences of Dream’s abuse and manipulation. He still doesn’t know exactly how to feel about him because, despite everything, he feels compelled not to hate him entirely. 
“You’re a bad guy” “Well I did bad things, but everyone thinks they’re right from their perspective” “That’s not true” I haven’t seen almost anyone talk about this exchange, but it’s such an important one! As we said, Tommy views Dream as a villain, Dream doesn’t (he admits to having done bad things, but not to being bad because of them). Dream also sees Tommy as a hero, but Tommy doesn’t (Tommy doesn’t even view himself as “the good guy” in his own story, which ties in to his big self worth problems). It’s an interesting dynamic to be sure. 
“Well I think I’m right. I did bad things, but I did them for good reasons” “What good reasons?” “I wanted to bring the server together you know? Make it a big happy family” This is the second time Dream brings up unity as his ultimate goal (the first being with Punz). Of course we know that the “unity” he wants it’s under his complete control. It’s not an objective that we can see as positive, but he does, or, at least, if he’s telling the truth about it, he may actually believe in it. Now, while this is the second time he brought up “unity” directly he did also strongly imply in the season 2 finale that that was his intention when explaining he was doing everything to get the server to “how it used to be”, back in the idealized past with no conflicts that never existed. Dream is deluded in the literal sense of the word, I would say it’s pretty probable there is at least some truth in his declared objective (truth in the form of him actually believing the bs he spews).
At this point Tommy is done. He’s drawing an end to the visit and Dream started getting more frantic. He started insisting on how he’s “changing” and insisting for Tommy to go visit him again. Ngl, I think this was probably to buy time for his accomplice (who is very possibly enderwalk!Ranboo) to get there. Because, if he let Tommy go, their game would truly be over, and Dream can’t stand that.
And cue the explosions! 
So: Dream managed to buy enough time and, by the prison's protocols, Tommy is now stuck with him up to 7 days. He can’t leave which means Dream gets another chance to force him into continuing their game. 
Quite a few people pointed it out, but, from this point onwards, Dream gets much more assertive and controlling in his demeanor. He drops the whole “insecure” act that he had going on in his enunciation and general behaviour and goes back to being like the old Dream (you would almost think that all that talk about “having changed” was just absolute bs, though he keeps insisting on it throughout) 
Tommy’s behaviour also changes. He gets much more paniked (no doubt a combination of way too many of his triggers being present at once) and pliant. He starts calling out for Sam and asking to be let out but, of course, that doesn’t happen as Sam has to take care of the security breach first and foremost. 
Dream starts immediately harping on Tommy being stuck there (probably to increase his panic, as he's easier to influence when he's distressed), first pointing out how “Sam can’t hear him” and then that the tnt must indicate a “security problem” (which he then explains he knows the consequences of because he wrote the book). By now he’s dropped his meek act entirely and he’s showing to be much more smug and self assured (a big contrast with Tommy having a very obvious panic attack). As we already said: he got what he wanted, he basically won already. All he needs to do now is get Tommy back to how he used to be in exile (”when they had fun” in Dream’s words...). 
At this point there is only one question left to be answered: Why did he do all of this? How does this benefits dream?
Clearly this didn’t help him to get out. The security may actually increase because of it. Right? Well...
“I mean... if you want a way to get out, let’s get out together! We can work it out, we can-” “Fuck off” “Then there is no way out” I’m going out on a limb here and saying that, perhaps, Dream may know a way to get out provided 2 people cooperate on it. Tommy wouldn’t help him yet, but, who knows what he may do after spending way too much time locked in a small room, with a lava fall on the side and Dream to top off the list of his worst nightmares... 
“Are you trying to get out?” “I’m not trying to get out, I’m not trying to get out!” a bit of a contradiction here, considering he proposed getting out together like 2 minutes before (coupled with his insistence on “one day...”)... however “I’m not trying to get out (yet)” may be a way to interpret his words more truthfully. If he just needed an accomplice to get out, he would have probably used Ranboo, but there is something else he wants as well... 
(btw, potatoes AGAIN multiple times, especially every time Tommy is particularly distressed, and Dream also brings up Tommy being on his last canon life again in the context of this being “just like exile”... man do be trying hard with those parallels...)
You see, he already told us that he still sees his objective as good. He still wants control. He still wants his game to go on. And there is one person he elected to be the key to everything...
“I’m telling you you’re stuck in here for a little while with me, were we can bond, we can talk, just like old times, right? You know... just like exile” “Tommy this is the best thing that’s happened to me since I got in this prison, because now we can be company, we can stay together!” “Fine, fine, you’re done with me in a couple days, when you get out of here” “Tommy it’s not that bad! We can- we have lot’s of time to bond” Ngl... something tells me his other objective is very obvious... and we talked about it to death by now. But, in case it wasn't clear to someone, he wants to get back what (or who in his case) he considers to be his most cherished possession (again, do NOT interpret this as a "good" thing. It isn't. Dream literally treats Tommy as his toy, it isn't healthy and I've seen way too many people in chat trying to imply otherwise and calling it "cute". It's not cute, it's abuse)
“Tommy you’re stuck in here with me wether you like it or not, ok?! Wether you like it or not you’re in here with me for a WHILE, we’re gonna talk, we’re gonna have lot’s of fun” I just wanted to point out again how much Dream’s demeanor changed from the start now that he’s back in control. He’s not asking Tommy to talk to him, he’s not giving him a choice in it. Tommy already said how he doesn’t wanna talk and “get to know him better”, but that doesn’t matter. He has no power anymore. He doesn’t have the power to leave NOR the power to ignore Dream, as much as he wants to. Also, after this, Dream seriously ramps up the whole “We’re gonna have so much fun!” shtick...
And you want to know the saddest part of the ending? Tommy is already cracking (honestly, not surprising. He’s been through WAY too much by now...) 
He started asking Dream for confirmation of whether all of this was “serious” (just like he needed to ask if things were real back in exile... or generally Dream’s opinion on everything). He also asked for more potatoes in a dejected tone (I know it may not seem that serious, but, as I said, it is just another way to create the dependency that Dream wants), showing a beginning of acceptance for Dream’s role as provider once again. Together with the very obvious “I can’t do this” and the black screen right after it creates a very worrying picture.
In conclusion: Dream is already dependant on Tommy, but the opposite not being true was a big part of his downfall. So, before he can get out, he has to work on getting Tommy back to exile!Tommy only this time he’ll be even more careful not to do some dumb mistake probably... 
As anxious as I am to see how this will develop I do also think it’s one of the most interesting outcomes they could have had!
Also can we please take a moment to appreciate how WELL cc!Dream anc cc!Tommy manage to handle this incredibly serious scenes? Like, they bounce off of each other perfectly and, as someone who’s done theater themselves, I cannot commend them for managing to do so well in IMPROV enough!
They are honestly so great! Let’s get some serious love and appreciation for them to close on a positive note!
Also @mysweatymakerstudentworld
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magiefish · 4 years
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hhhhhhhhhh guess who drew all the batim characters in prep for the comic they’re making!
yeah so it took like 4 days to draw all these guys, and it was actually pretty fun figuring out colours and designs and stuff!
(also, update on the Reveries Twisted comic, I have a plan for the first chapter but i have like, 7 tests next week and I haven’t started drawing it yet so it’s definitely not going to be coming out anytime soon sdfgsdfsj but i am still working on it!)
anyway, i felt like writing little descriptions for every character, so feel free to read these below the ‘keep reading’ line if you feel like it! My ask box is also always open, so if u have any questions feel free to ask
Bertrum Piedmont-he/him, gay/ace
-Started working as a mechanic at about 15 and worked his way up from there -Everyone in the studio @ him: why are u british -His big ego often gets in the way of things, but at his core he's a good person (doing bad shit but ultimately having good intentions is common among these guys shdgfs) -Wlw & mlm solidarity w/ Lacie, who is his most trusted confidant and friend -Actually treats his employees well, even when they do basically nothing all day, so he does a lot of work himself most of the time Linda Stein-she/her, straight as a ruler -Parents immigrated from Spain -She's very catholic and very into 'traditional family values' and that sort of stuff -She is sweet, but her strict morals and black and white ethics often make her do unintentional harm -She is also pretty oblivious to most things Jack Fain-he/him & they/them, pan/ace, OCD -Mother immigrated from China to France, and then he moved to America, it's confusing -Can play the violin really well, but is terrible at composing his own pieces -Peak friend material -Short and round and soft with a love of a good espresso -Kind and quiet but ultimately ineffective and happy to watch from the sidelines Daniel 'Buddy' Lewek-he/him, aro/ace, autistic, jewish -He is curious and observant, but very very naive -He finds it hard to pick up on social cues, and tends to daydream a lot -Never really had a father figure, and unfortunately kind of half sees Joey as one (baaaad choice), but his mother is great -Loves drawing and tends to chew on pens (and most objects really) -Too young Susie Campbell-she/her, demi -Her parents were Russian and she picked up their accent, but taught herself how to cover it up. She is now excellent at voice acting. -Has a birthmark most theatres turned her away for. But luckily voice acting gave her another chance at performance, and the music department really does not care about it. -Her dad was a butcher, so she now knows a concerning amount about how to cut up and dissect meat. -She gets easily attached to things emotionally, and has a whole pile of random bits and bops she keeps on her person because she can't throw them away. -Naive, but smart enough to know how to read and deceive people if needed. Ms Abigail Lambert-she/her, lesbian -A very gifted artist, who is quite frustrated with the business aspect of animation. -Picked up quite a few things about engineering from Lacie. -Stern, but kind. Motherly, if she likes you and you squint hard enough. -Used to fighting for things. -Giving her food is a pretty good way to get her to like you. Being an artist, she forgets to eat at the correct times a lot, so a meals always appreciated. Norman Polk-he/him, gay, albino -Knows how to fix things, knows how to fight, knows how to hide -General cool uncle vibes -He watches people a lot, and gives off some creepy vibes, but he does genuinely care about people -Knows something is up and is determined to find out what (even if he dies trying) -Fought in WW1, then worked at a cinema for a bit. Emma Lamont-she/her, heteroflexible -Keep dancing even when everything goes wrong -Bit of a 'i'm better than these fools' mentality going on -But she's pretty chill, and willing to act when needed -Basically every woman in the studio knows her on the basis that she chills in the girls bathroom. -Hates Joey, but knows those who stir up a bit too much trouble usually 'resign' Sammy Lawrence-he/him, (vocal-romantic) bi/ace, ADD -His dad sucked, so he ran away. He's also the reason he's largely abandoned his faith, but he still holds hope that there is some kind of god out there. -He and Jack are basically brothers, they've known each other for a long time. -He can compose music in his head, but can play basically every instrument. -Tall and thin and sharp with a love of black coffee. -He's actually pretty chill and nice, but the conditions of the studio (workload, noises, dreams) have left him quick to snap and a stressed out mess. -He's pretty oblivious to his own feelings and spends basically all his time thinking about music, so he usually only realises that he has a crush on someone if he hears them singing (hence the vocal-romantic joke) Johnny Hart-he/him (she/her), gay (trans), heart condition -A nervous wreck who avoids everything and everyone -Trans but doesn't realise it, he thinks this level of discomfort has something to do with his heart condition or something like that. -Speaking of which, if he gets genuinely terrified or panicked he could have a heart attack. -Hence why he's a recluse who remains in the organ room and interacts w/ literally no one. -Except Dot and Buddy (who forgets he exists and who he also has a crush on). Wally Franks-he/him, pan -Friends with literally everyone who isn't one of the older folks (and thomas) -Honorary member of the music department because he can play a harmonica and vibes with everyone there. -Tries to put a positive spin on everything, often beyond the point of reason -A mischevous, mildly selfish prankster with a heart of gold -Gossip pals with Susie and Norman The Violinist-she/her, nobody knows -Has literally never expressed an emotion ever -Seems to know things are going to happen before they happen -Just generally pretty weird -She isn't friends with Dot, they're both just vaguely interested in what the others doing -She looks a lot like Allison, but the two have never spoken and nobody knows if they're sisters Thomas Connor-they/them, gynephilia -He is just. So tired. -An actual mechanical genius who gets his work used for the wrong purposes. -Is very of the 'when you're on a path stick to it' mentality -Cold and hard exterior that vertually no one except Allison has ever managed to get through. -He can and will beat you up. Henry Stein-he/him, gay, vitiligo -Nice and hardworking. -Doesn't have many emotions other than to draw. -He's in fucking narnia he's so deep in the closest. -Feels emotions, but buries them deep down and doesn't express them too clearly. -Has difficulty setting healthy boundaries with people and represses himself far too much. Joey Drew-he/him, homoromantic/pansexual, bipolar disorder, alcohol and cigarette addictions -Chaotic, feral, short little man who lies to everyone -Charismatic as hell, but also a terrible friend and person in general -He doesn't blink enough, does not know the meaning of personal space, and hasn't aged for about 4 years, which are all very bad signs. -Doesn't understand how to run a business but does so anyway. Doesn't understand how to interact with people but does so anyway. Doesn't understand how to create life but does so anyway- -He isn't pure evil, he just gets into very bad mindsets and makes poor decisions that lead him down the wrongest way to go. -Does some self evaluation and goes 'maybe this wasn't the right way chief :/' just a bit too late Audrey Dempsey-she/her, lesbian, Borderline Personality Disorder -Feral conspiracy theorist -May or may not be related to multiple studio members -Everyone's called her crazy for years and made her feel like a burden, and she is hellbent on proving everyone wrong -Quite socially awkward, and rather sarcastic with a dark sense of humour -Works for Archgate Allison Pendle-she/her & they/them, androphilic/ace -Is forever lost in a vintage clothing store -Most people say she seems nice, but everyone just kind of subconciously registers that there is something up with her -Knows a lot about the supernatural -The person closest to Joey, which doesn't necessarily mean they're friends -Nobody has ever seen the right side of her face Dot Acciaci-she/her, pan -Her parents are Italian, and she speaks a little herself, usually using it to encrypt her private notes -Mischevious & curious, but ultimately kind -She will find out your secrets, and is very good at reading people -Great storyteller -Struggles with loneliness a lot Dr Eleanor Hackenbush-she/her, aro/ace -Science knows no bounds -Doesn't care what your motivation is, as long as you give her some cash and some experiments -Filled with nothing but utter spite Ms Reina Rodriguez-they/them, demi -Tired of everything -Although she puts up a calm exterior, Rodriguez is very attached to the studio and views it as her 'new family', having a terrible relationship with her old one -Her family drama connects to the fact they're very catholic, but she nobody knows what this drama is other than Joey Tessa Arch-she/her, straight -An absolute bitch -Trusts her husband far too much -Not very smart, but compensates for this for being good looking and rich Shawn Flynn-he/him (intersex), pan -Jovial, but gets angry quickly -Willing to do 'wrong' things if it helps someone else out, kind of like Robin Hood or something -His mother taught him how to sew and he helped her make clothes when he was younger -Found it hard to get a job because he's Irish, so despite being tired of all the bullshit of JDS, he is reluctant to look elsewhere -Friends with Lacie and Grant because they appreciate his humour Lacie Benton-She/her, lesbian, trans -Tougher than the toughies -wlw & mlm solidarity w/ Bertrum, who she views as one of the only genuinely smart people in JDS and who she has worked for for basically all of her life -Feels like something is up, but doesn't notice much if it doesn't connect to her work -Has automatophobia -Friend with Shawn and Grant because she respects their dedication to their work Grant Cohen-He/him, bi, depression, jewish -Absolute madlad at maths -Acts like he doesn't care what you think, cares far too much about what you think -Everyone wants him to just get therapy already -Doesn't have many friends, but has a weird 'we're both horribly overworked' kinship with Sammy, so they usually just chill and smoke together -Friends with Shawn and Lacie because they're actually mentally stable and he needs some rocks Nathan Arch-He/him, straight -You should hate him -You should hate him a lot -Super rich and doesn't pay his workers enough -Silver tongued -Basically a spider. Creates webs of manipulation and lies, sees a lot, and knows plenty about waiting for his prey to come to him.
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