#digital Communities
fansplaining · 11 months
The internet is really good at speaking in extremes. Someone is either the G.O.A.T. or someone is trash. Someone is the internet’s boyfriend, or the internet’s villain. And there’s very little gray space, where people come to the dais of the public square. It is only kind of for one of those extreme reasons. They are the greatest of all time, we worship them, or they’re the worst thing ever, let’s mock them, at a time when they could probably use a helping hand, not mockery.
Dylan Marron on the lack of nuance in online conversations while discussing his new podcast, The Redemption of Jar Jar Binks. Click through to listen to the whole interview or read a full transcript!
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yhlifestory · 24 days
Week 7: Slow Fashion and Influencers
“Buy less. Choose well. Make it last.” -Shelly Xu
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"Slow fashion" aims to slow down the crazy pace of fashion by releasing just a few lines each year but it's also sustainable. Meaning it's better for the environment, but it's often expensive, limited in size, and hard to find. It's not as convenient as fast fashion. Lately, more people are paying attention to slow fashion, even calling it a trend. However, slow fashion isn't just a trend; it's becoming something we see as essential. (SeventhQueen and Chomsky, 2023)
During class, my friend started a chat about what we were wearing. When they asked who was wearing 'slow fashion,' only a few of us were. Most of us had clothes from thrift stores, second-hand shops, or local brands. This little conversation showed that slow fashion means different things to different people. Not everyone can afford to buy from slow fashion brands, but many of us are taking steps towards sustainability in our own way.
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A study I found looked into how slow fashion affects shoppers. Most people in the study thought sustainable clothes cost more than regular ones. It was interesting that only one person said the higher price meant better quality. The study found that people are pretty price-sensitive and don't want to spend extra to be eco-friendly. This made me think that a lot of folks see sustainable fashion as a pricey luxury that might not even be better quality. (Domingos, Vale and Faria, 2022)
While doing some research, I also found that a lot of people are still confused about what sustainable fashion really is. To clear this up, we need to explain it better so everyone can understand. This is where social media influencers come in—they're helping to spread the word and make slow and sustainable fashion more popular.
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Kittieyiyi, also known as Lim Zi Yee, is a Malaysian slow fashion influencer known for her unique style. (not gonna lie, I love her style so much, it's giving me positive vibes) She's big on promoting sustainable fashion, encouraging people to buy locally and reduce waste. She teams up with brands that share her eco-friendly values, showing off their stuff and urging her followers to make greener choices. With her colorful outfits, she proves that being eco-conscious can still be fun and trendy. She's all about making sustainability cool and doable for everyone, which is why she's a favorite among those wanting to make a difference online. (Lifestyle Asia Kuala Lumpur, 2022)
We're pretty lucky these days with the internet and all. Everything is at our fingertips. You can shop for a whole new wardrobe without even leaving your couch. It's fast and easy, and there are so many deals to be found. With all this convenience, it's no wonder that sustainable fashion is becoming more popular. I'll admit, I wasn't really into it at first. However as I started researching and writing about it, I discovered a whole world of influencers and social media accounts dedicated to sustainable fashion. They've really opened my eyes to the importance of living a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
References :
Domingos, M., Vale, V.T. and Faria, S. 2022. Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: a Literature Review. Sustainability, [online] 14(5), p.2860. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14052860.
Lifestyle Asia Kuala Lumpur. 2022. LSA100: Rule Breaker Kittie Yiyi explores the whimsy in life through fashion and beauty. [online] https://www.lifestyleasia.com/kl/digital-cover/lsa100-rule-breaker-kittie-yiyi/.
SeventhQueen and Chomsky, R. 2023. What is Slow Fashion? A Guide to Sustainable Style. [online] Sustainable Review. https://sustainablereview.com/what-is-slow-fashion-a-guide-to-sustainable-style/.
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kngshuen · 7 months
Is Social Media Useful in Spreading Information on COVID-19 in Malaysia?
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In the current digital era, social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us to our family, friends, and the world. In addition to sharing photos, social media has played a significant role in disseminating information about crucial issues, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Let's explore how social media helps spread virus-related information and its impact on digital communities.
The Power of Social Media for COVID-19 Information
1. Rapid Dissemination of Information
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During the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, the increased social media activity in Malaysia played a crucial role. Malaysians were well-connected digitally, as they spent an average of 2 hours and 47 minutes daily on social media, surpassing the global average by a significant margin. This participation was primarily motivated by the need to obtain information (76.2%) and keep up with news and events (65.8%). Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp were the primary sources for vital updates, news, and recommendations. This ongoing flow of information helps increase the awareness and preparedness of the digital community (Howe, 2023).
2. Real-time Updates
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The Malaysian government provided up-to-date COVID-19 information via e-government and social media. They relied on channels such as the Ministry of Health's Official Portal, specialised Facebook pages (such as CRPC and KKM), and the CPRC KKM channel on Telegram. The Director-General of Health's daily press briefings are not only broadcast live on television but also live online via Facebook. In April 2020, they released the MySejahtera mobile app to assist users in monitoring their health and reporting check-in locations, allowing for prompt responses to control the spread of the virus (Dawi et al., 2021).
3. Community Support
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During these difficult times, social media has been essential in helping Malaysians feel more connected to one another, with many Facebook groups and online communities offering information and support. For example, neighbours used platforms such as Nextdoor to offer assistance to those in need, and digital communities united in unprecedented ways to share resources and aid one another (FMT Media Sdn Bhd, 2020). Moreover,  #benderaputih groups were formed on Facebook to share addresses for assistance and information on local food banks, with Malaysians in need flying white flags outside their residences to indicate distress. The digital community, including neighbours, personalities, and businesses, responded by donating food and other necessities, demonstrating the power of social media to bring communities together in times of crisis (BBC News, 2021).
4. Countering Misinformation
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By actively utilizing social media, the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM) has taken significant measures to combat COVID-19 misinformation. Through their official social media channels, KKM provides accurate and up-to-date information, dispels misconceptions, and addresses concerns, ensuring that the public receives trustworthy information and is better equipped to make informed decisions during the pandemic. In addition, KKM has released information about the repercussions of disseminating false information. This proactive approach not only helps counter Misinformation but also fosters a sense of trust in official sources, which is crucial during a public health crisis (Euronews, 2020).
The Dark Side of Social Media in COVID-19 Information Spread
1. Misinformation and Rumors
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In Malaysia, as in many other countries, social media has served as a breeding ground for Misinformation and rumors about COVID-19. Facebook and WhatsApp have been used to spread false information about the virus's origins, prevention, and treatment options. This has led to public confusion and, in some cases, hazardous behavior, such as disregarding medical advice. False information can undermine the efforts of health authorities and exacerbate the pandemic's effects, causing unnecessary alarm (Balakrishnan et al., 2021).
2. Amplification of Fear
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Despite its many advantages, social media can be a double-edged instrument, particularly during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. One of its negative characteristics is its potential to amplify fear and anxiety. Sensationalized headlines and the dissemination of misleading images can elicit strong emotions, resulting in increased stress and negative effects on mental health. The internet has been rife with misleading information about the virus, including conspiracy theories and misleading statistics. There have been instances where images fraudulently purporting to depict the coronavirus under a microscope have caused panic and confusion. Such false information can be extensively disseminated on social media platforms like Facebook, inciting panic and undermining accurate comprehension (Euronews, 2020).
In conclusion, social media has proven to be a powerful tool in spreading information about COVID-19 in Malaysia. During the pandemic, it rapidly disseminated vital information and connected people, nurturing community and support. The government's use of social media channels contributed to disseminating timely information to the public. However, this has a negative aspect: disseminating false information and terror. Misinformation and sensationalized content have led to public perplexity and hysteria. To maximize the benefits of social media, we must use it responsibly and ensure that accurate information prevails, particularly during the pandemic. Connecting and informing us, social media can be a force for good, but it is up to each of us to ensure that it serves our best interests.
What's your opinion on the role of social media in spreading COVID-19 information in Malaysia? Share your thoughts and vote below.
Reference list
Balakrishnan, V., Ng, K. S., & Rahim, H. A. (2021). To share or not to share – The underlying motives of sharing fake news amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. Technology in Society, 66, 101676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101676
BBC News. (2021). Malaysians in Covid lockdown fly white flags to ask for help. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57717214
Dawi, N. M., Namazi, H., Hwang, H. J., Ismail, S., Marešová, P., & Krejcar, O. (2021). Attitude toward protective behavior engagement during COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: the role of e-government and social media. Frontiers in Public Health, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.609716
Euronews. (2020, January 30). Coronavirus: Malaysia arrests five for spreading misinformation online | #TheCube. Euronews. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2020/01/29/coronavirus-malaysia-arrests-five-for-spreading-misinformation-online-thecube
FMT Media Sdn Bhd. (2020). Nextdoor: Free network connecting neighbours in quarantine. Freemalaysiatoday. https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/leisure/2020/03/29/nextdoor-free-network-connecting-neighbours-in-quarantine/
Howe, S. (2023). Social Media statistics for Malaysia [Updated 2023]. Meltwater. https://www.meltwater.com/en/blog/social-media-statistics-malaysia
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cant-even-function · 4 months
Tumblr's Paradox: Freedom at the Crossroads of Openness and Responsibility
Social media is like a miniature society within the screen, with each platform offering different experiences. Among them, Tumblr stands out as a vibrant digital community where users immerse themselves in a diverse array of content and interactions.
The Allure:
What sets Tumblr apart from its counterparts is its unique approach to creating and consuming content. The platform's "mini blog" structure provides users with a framework to express themselves succinctly yet profoundly (Reeve 2016). Whether through short texts, captivating images, mesmerizing videos, or soul-stirring music, Tumblr offers a pathway for individuals to articulate their thoughts, emotions, and artistic endeavors in a visually compelling manner.
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Moreover, Tumblr's interface is designed with a focus on user interaction, fostering engagement and connectivity among its diverse user base. The platform's reblogging feature allows users to share content seamlessly, expanding its reach and igniting conversations across various communities and interest groups. Through likes, comments, and blog reblogs, users establish connections, exchange ideas, and form virtual communities centered around shared interests, beliefs, and passions.
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Tumblr values individuality and celebrates diversity. Users can customize the layout, theme, and content of their personal pages flexibly, creating a space of "personalization." This inclusive and accepting characteristic nurtures a sense of familiarity and empowers users, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural differences. This is why, despite the presence of giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, Tumblr remains a favorite platform for many people.
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Will the open door that welcomed so many, now leave Tumblr exposed to the storm?
Tumblr allows users to explore their identities and interests without rigid rules, fostering appropriate communities and diverse voices. With minimal content moderation, users can delve into complex topics without fear of censorship, sparking unfiltered dialogues. This is something that other platforms rarely do. For example, on TikTok, content moderation is stringent; videos containing suggestive images or sharp objects are immediately removed. However, on Tumblr, sharing "nudity" images often remains uncensored and is even easier to find when searching through hashtags.
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The shadow of openness:
Because of Tumblr's excessive "openness," it has led to some negative aspects. Like June said, Tumblr is a mishmash of thematic blogs revolving around every topic imaginable (2014). The feature of anonymity coupled with Tumblr's limited moderation has led to the emergence of inappropriate content, making some people feel violated and unsafe when using this platform. Moreover, there is a risk to security and privacy when users may lose control over their personal information when shared widely. The loose content control policies on Tumblr can lead to the spread of misinformation, rumors, and even fake news. This lack of control can affect the platform's credibility and create an unsafe environment for users.
In 2018, Tumblr issued a complete ban on Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content to restrict the posting of inappropriate images and animations. However, this transition process faced many challenges and criticisms. The lack of robust datasets due to Tumblr's previous lenient stance on adult content contributed to erroneous automated decisions and lack of transparency, leading to the removal of diverse content due to mistakes. Transforming Tumblr into a safer space is associated with sacrificing group cultural activities, raising concerns about losing the positivity of the "old Tumblr" and disrupting the community. Automatic filters hiding NSFW content sparked intense reactions due to misclassification and unaffected adult entertainment programs. The shift from user-controlled self-assessment to machine learning algorithms was criticized for gender bias and functional disorders. Algorithm errors, such as flagging LGBTQ+ content as adult content, disappointed users, mocking the system's inefficiency. Tumblr's poorly trained algorithm increased concerns about Verizon's indifference, fueling online resistance with criticisms focused on "nipple" as a symbol of rebellion.
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The question remains: where is the line between openness and responsibility?
Reference lists:
Reeve, E. 2016 'The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens'
Jacomy M, Venturini T, Heymann S, et al. (2014) ForceAtlas2, a continuous graph layout algorithm for handy network visualization designed for the Gephi software. PLoS One 9(6): 1–12. 
Power, JL 2014, “Tumblr,” Journal of access services, vol. 11, no. 2, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 91–96.Pilipets, E., & Paasonen, S. (2022). 'Nipples, memes, and algorithmic failure: NSFW critique of Tumblr censorship'.
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ngoclnm · 4 months
[WEEK 3] Unveiling the Digital Feminist Playground: How Tumblr's Vibe Compares to Twitter and Facebook
Remember when MySpace was the OG place to blast embarrassing angsty music and upload blurry webcam pics? Ah, simpler times. Now, teens (both actual and honorary) are slaying the social media game across multiple platforms, each with its unique vibe and "rules of engagement." Today, let's dive into the fascinating world of Tumblr, a digital haven for all things creative, weird, and wonderfully niche. But how does it stack up against Twitter and Facebook? Buckle up, internet explorers, because it's time to unpack some platform vernacular!
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First up, Twitter: Imagine a high-pressure debate club where everyone has 280 characters to drop their hottest takes (Keller 2019). That's Twitter, a platform for news, memes, and lightning-fast arguments. Want to spark a feminist hashtag movement? Twitter's your jam. Remember how the #MeToo movement gained widespread attention and support on Twitter with the hashtag being used more than 19 million times on an average of 55,319 uses per day, with survivors and activists using the platform to share their stories and advocate for change (Toor & Anderson 2018)? That’s how it works. Just keep in mind, that brevity is key, and don't get caught in the comment section crossfire.
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Next, we have Facebook: the OG social network, now the chill family picnic where everyone from your grandma to your third cousin shares everything from baby announcements to political rants. It's a platform for staying connected with loved ones, sharing life updates, and joining groups with like-minded folks. However, Facebook is like an open house where your connections (or ‘friends’) are freely invited, including parents, siblings, other relatives, and school peers, who are people with whom you have social connections outside of the platform. Indeed, this is a key part of Facebook’s platform vernacular; anonymity is designed out of Facebook, and one is required to present an “authentic self” via a “real” first and last name when creating a Facebook profile (Bivens 2015). Thus, for the most part, teens were selective in what they chose to post on Facebook, carefully considering their “imagined audience” (Marwick & boyd 2011) and the types of reactions they’d receive from their “friends.”
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So, where does Tumblr fit in? Imagine a vibrant marketplace where artists, writers, and meme lords showcase their passions, share fandoms, and build communities around shared interests. Think GIFs galore, long-form blog posts, and niche groups for everything from obscure historical fiction to cat cosplay. Tumblr's strength lies in its anonymity and freedom of expression (Collins 2022). It's a haven for anyone who wants to be weird, creative, and unapologetically themselves without the curated pressure of Insta or the algorithm-fueled firestorm of Twitter.
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Here's a handy infographic to break it down:
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But what about the feminist factor you ask? All platforms have their strengths and limitations. Twitter's speed and reach make it ideal for amplifying social justice movements. Facebook groups foster community and offer valuable resources for feminist activism. However, Tumblr's unique blend of anonymity, creative freedom, and long-form writing allows for deeper exploration of feminist issues, fostering discussion and building supportive communities around shared experiences.
Ultimately, the best platform for you depends on your personality and goals. Want to spark a discussion about gender equality? Hit Twitter. Want to share your art and connect with fellow feminists? Tumblr's your friend. Just remember, every platform has its quirks and challenges. Be mindful of the platform vernacular, navigate respectfully, and stay true to your voice. Don't be afraid to be a digital nomad, hopping between platforms to explore different communities and express yourself in diverse ways. After all, the internet is your oyster, and your feminist voice deserves to be heard loud and proud, no matter where you choose to share it!
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Remember, the key is to be:
Savvy: Understand the strengths and limitations of each platform.
Strategic: Choose the platform that best suits your goals and needs.
Respectful: Navigate each community with a kind and inclusive mindset.
Confident: Don't be afraid to express your voice and engage with others.
Bivens, R 2015, ‘The gender binary will not be deprogrammed: Ten years of coding gender on Facebook’, New Media & Society, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 880–898.
Collins, L 2022, ‘How Tumblr went from a $1 billion Yahoo payday to a $3 million fire sale’, CNBC, viewed <https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/15/how-tumblr-went-from-1-billion-yahoo-payday-to-3-million-fire-sale.html>.
Keller, J 2019, ‘“Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms’, Social Media + Society, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1–11.
Marwick, AE & Boyd, D 2011, ‘I Tweet honestly, I Tweet passionately: Twitter users, Context collapse, and the Imagined Audience’, New Media & Society, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 114–133, viewed <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1461444810365313>.
Toor, S & Anderson, M 2018, ‘How Social Media Users Have Discussed Sexual Harassment since #MeToo Went Viral’, Pew Research Center, viewed <https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/10/11/how-social-media-users-have-discussed-sexual-harassment-since-metoo-went-viral/>.
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thuyduongiuoi · 4 months
Week 4: Digital Community and Fandom: Reality TV Case Study
The convergence of traditional and modern media has led to the emergence of a new form of media different from traditional methods. Studies on viewing habits showed that 54% of viewers in the UK watch audiovisual content on a laptop, 49% on a tablet, and 39% on a mobile phone at least once a week (Sørensen 2015, p. 382).
It is possible to develop definitions that approach Reality Television as a distinct study area with its characteristics. Developing these definitions is by examining the terms 'real' and 'life': the genre invites viewers to witness the everyday, domestic, and behind-the-scenes aspects of ordinary individuals' lives. The audience is promised a glimpse into the lives of "real" people (Alsultany 2016, p. 3), and the shows are not typically scripted, are cheaper to produce, and feature "real" people instead of celebrities. 
The 'REAL' Show
In the analysis of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, the reality program began as a spinoff of TLC's Toddlers and Tiaras which offers a portrayal of people going about their normal lives, with storylines ranging from everyday activities like grocery shopping to unique, remarkable, or bizarre social rituals specific to a particular geographic region or socioeconomic class. However, the constructed panorama must also appeal to commercial television audiences, representing a fusion of popular entertainment with a self-conscious claim to portraying reality (Murray & Oullette 2009, p. 3). This self-awareness highlights the constructed nature of even the most seemingly "observational" Reality Television show, suggesting that perhaps the genre's most fundamental goal is to somehow prevent viewers from critically examining the underlying nature of what they are watching. Conclusively, this highlights that key terms serve an overarching purpose in Reality Television to provide enjoyable voyeurism by allowing viewers to follow an individual's lived experience. When Here Comes Honey Boo Boo premiered in 2012 it was a ratings smash, garnering itself an audience of 2.2 million people and a 1.6 share among 18-49 year-olds, according to The Hollywood Reporter. 
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Reality TV is a perfect fit for humor as a genre. Social media is a hub for fans to perform for likes and shares, with popular reality franchises like Drag Race and Love Island having multiple fan accounts dedicated to sharing jokes and memes about the shows. Humor is a key component of certain reality brands' social media presence, with both the creation and circulation of jokes and memes being a common practice (Deller 2019). 
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The reality series "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" follows the life of Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson, a child beauty pageant participant, and her unique family. Johnny Depp has confessed to being a fan of the show, showing both intrigue and a hint of apprehension, stating, "I'm a little frightened of the show. That's the thing They're probably great people, but there are bits that happen that just I am mesmerized by." Here Comes Honey Boo Boo has amassed many celebrity fans, including Rosie O'Donnell and 'We Can't Stop' singer Miley Cyrus (Harp 2013). In October 2014, the reality TV world was rocked when TMZ.com released a photo of June "Mama June" Shannon in a hotel room with a man named Mark McDaniel, who had just been released from prison after serving ten years for molesting an eight-year-old child. To make matters worse, TMZ also reported that the child was someone Shannon had been in contact with. In response, TLC expressed serious concern and stated that they would be reevaluating the future of the show. The following day, TLC made the decision to cancel Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, emphasizing their commitment to the well-being of the children involved (Meltzer 2023). This caused a stir among both fans of the show and those who were not fond of it, basically, as the TV show was found to be sheltering a criminal. 
To conclude, Reality TV Shows are not about reality, they involve real humans and scenarios.
Alsultany, E 2015, “The Cultural Politics of Islam in U.S. Reality Television,” Communication, Culture & Critique, vol. 9, no. 4, Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 595–613, accessed &lt;http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cccr.12121>.
Deller, Ruth A, 2019, Extract: 'Chapter Six: Reality Television in an Age of Social Media' Download 'Chapter Six: Reality Television in an Age of Social Media'in Reality Television: The TV Phenomenon That Changed the World (Emerald Publishing).  
Harp, J 2013, “Johnny Depp: ‘I’m a Honey Boo Boo fan, but she scares me,’” Digital Spy, accessed &lt;https://www.digitalspy.com/showbiz/a495764/johnny-depp-im-a-honey-boo-boo-fan-but-she-scares-me/>.
Meltzer, M 2023, “The Real Reason Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Was Cancelled,” The List, accessed <https://www.thelist.com/285217/the-real-reason-here-comes-honey-boo-boo-was-cancelled/>.
Murray, S 2009, I Think We Need A New Name For It: The Meeting of Documentary and Reality TV. In S. Murray, & L. Ouellette (Eds.), 2nd ed, New York: New York University Press.
Sørensen, IE 2015, “The revival of live TV: liveness in a multiplatform context,” Media, Culture & Society, vol. 38, no. 3, SAGE Publications, pp. 381–399, accessed &lt;http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0163443715608260>.
The Hollywood Reporter 2012, “TLC’s ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Scores Winning Ratings With Series Premiere,” The Hollywood Reporter, accessed January 31, 2024, &lt;https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/honey-boo-boo-tlc-ratings-360966/>.
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dieuthaosposts · 5 months
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Tumblr, a social networking site that prioritizes short-form content, boasts over 529 million blogs with a diverse range of material including fan fiction, art, memes, and advice. It is particularly popular among young people, with half of all visitors under the age of 25 (Chang et al. 2014). Tumblr's unique combination of blogging and social networking allows for immediate feedback on posts and provides a community centered around shared interests. Additionally, Tumblr has a thriving LGBT+ community that offers a safe space for individuals to explore their identities and connect with their community (Team 2022)
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Tumblr provided trans users with the necessary changeability, network isolation, and identity authenticity, as well as the queer qualities of plurality, movement, and uncertainty, for gender transition. Trans technology facilitates trans experiences in various ways, but it must go beyond that. It must also maintain regulations and a business model that accepts adult or sexual content—an essential component of transitional and intersectional community development for many trans bloggers—without labelling it as sexual and eliminating it (Haimson et al. 2019).  
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Tumblr creates the environment for a varied and inspiring feminist community. The platform's ability to provide textual content with selfies makes it ideal for communication studies. Posts inside these hashtags are seen regardless of follower count, community activity, or amount of reactions, enabling diverse views to be recognized. According to Reif, Miller, and Taddicken (2022), the goal of #bodypositive is to create varied feminist places that encourage women to embrace their beauty.
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In conclusion, Tumblr's unique features, such as its focus on short-form content, combination of blogging and social networking, and diverse community, make it a popular platform among young people. Its vibrant LGBT+ community provides a secure environment for individuals to explore their identities and connect with their community. Moreover, Tumblr's ability to create varied and inspiring feminist communities makes it an ideal platform for communication studies. Reference
Chang, Y, Tang, L, Inagaki, Y & Liu, Y 2014, ‘What is Tumblr’, ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 21–29.
2. Haimson, OL, Dame-Griff, A, Capello, E & Richter, Z 2019, ‘Tumblr was a trans technology: the meaning, importance, history, and future of trans technologies’, Feminist Media Studies, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1–17.
3. Reif, A, Miller, I & Taddicken, M 2022, ‘“Love the Skin You‘re In ”: An Analysis of Women’s Self-Presentation and User Reactions to Selfies Using the Tumblr Hashtag #bodypositive’.
4. Team, IM 2022, What is Tumblr? -- What parents need to know, Internet Matters, viewed 20 January 2024, <https://www.internetmatters.org/hub/news-blogs/what-is-tumblr/#:~:text=Tumblr%20is%20a%20short-form>.
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jyt-120 · 8 months
Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?
In the landscape of contemporary society, the advent and proliferation of social media have seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of our daily existence. These digital platforms offer us a vast array of options, each tailored to different types of communication, information sharing, and online interaction. Whether it's WeChat and WhatsApp for direct interpersonal communication or Twitter and Facebook for disseminating information and expanding our social circles, there is no denying the profound impact of social media on the way we connect with the world.
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Amidst this rich tapestry of social media platforms, one mode of online expression that often takes a backseat is blogging. The origins of blogging can be traced back to the 1990s, marking it as one of the pioneering forms of modern social media. However, as we find ourselves immersed in the age of TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat, a pressing question arises: Does blogging maintain its relevance in this era dominated by short-form, visually-driven content?
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To explore this question thoroughly, it's essential to first understand the essence of blogging. At its core, blogging is a versatile medium that caters to individuals who find joy in creating substantial articles. Like TikTok and Instagram, blogs accommodate various content formats, including text, videos, images, GIFs, and more. Yet, as we witness a shift away from blogging in today's social media landscape, several factors contribute to this change.
One primary reason for blogging's decline in prominence is the stark disparity in content length. Blog posts traditionally tend to be longer and more detailed compared to the bite-sized content prevalent on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. In an era where our lives are fast-paced, carving out time to delve into extensive articles becomes a luxury. People increasingly prefer content that is concise, easily digestible, and quick to consume, a preference that platforms like TikTok and Instagram cater to impeccably. As someone who frequently navigates the digital realm during coffee breaks or moments of respite, I can personally attest to this trend. It aligns with what some call the RSVP principle, where content must be brief, engaging, and diverse to capture the attention of individuals leading busy lives, constantly seeking entertainment. Furthermore, social media platforms undergo rapid evolution, often outpacing the development pace of blogs. This breakneck speed contributes to the gradual diminishing of the blog's prominence in the fiercely competitive landscape of the internet.
However, it's vital to assert that blogging still holds immense importance and value in contemporary society. Firstly, blogs have established themselves as stalwart platforms within the social media landscape, boasting dedicated readerships and passionate creators. Platforms like Tumblr, for instance, continue to thrive as spaces for regular article publications, with audiences hungry for substantial content.
Secondly, blogs offer a unique avenue for individuals who aspire to delve deeply into specific subjects, exhibit their expertise, and provide valuable, insightful content to their audience. This distinctive feature sets blogs apart from other forms of content found on social media, where brevity often trumps depth.
In essence, while social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram thrive on rapid engagement, quick visibility, and the allure of instant gratification, blogging functions as a long-term investment in establishing a robust online presence. Blogs serve as repositories for valuable content, catering to the unique needs and preferences of specific target audiences.
This strategic approach to content creation can pave the way for higher search engine rankings, niche authority, and diverse avenues for monetization. Rather than viewing blogging and social media as competing strategies, a more holistic perspective suggests integrating the strengths of both mediums. This fusion can create a comprehensive online marketing approach, harmonizing the immediacy and visual appeal of social media with the enduring value, depth, and SEO benefits of blogging.
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Zain, August 14,2022,"Blogging Vs Instagram: Differences and Similarities", viewed on 30 September 2023.
Corinne, April 3 ,2021 "Is Blogging Dead? The Rise Of Instagram And TikTok", viewed on 30 September 2023.
Caroline Forsey August 25, 2023 , "What's a Blog & Why You Need One", viewed on 30 September 2023.
Jon Allen, October 5 ,2017, "The History of Social Media", viewed on 30 September 2023.
"Rapid serial visual presentation"(2022),Wikipedia,viewed on 30 September 2023.
"RSVP-Test", WPMTEST, viewed on 30 September 2023.
"Be Animated", GIPHY, viewed on 30 September 2023.
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maximus-02 · 7 months
The Digital Frontline: Ukraine's Crowdsourcing Revolution in Warfare
In an era marked by digital transformation, Ukraine's response to Russian aggression showcases an extraordinary use of crowdsourcing in warfare. This blog post explores Ukraine's innovative approach, which leverages digital platforms to mobilize public action, document war crimes, and counter disinformation, thereby redefining the contours of modern warfare and justice.
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The Rise of "e-Enemy" and Digital Witnessing
Central to Ukraine's digital arsenal is the "e-Enemy" chatbot, a brainchild of the country's Digital Ministry. This platform empowers citizens to report Russian troop movements and war crimes. Each smartphone becomes a digital witness as users upload time-stamped, geo-tagged footage, ensuring accurate documentation of enemy actions. This system of digital witnessing has turned ordinary citizens into crucial contributors to Ukraine's defense mechanism (Bergengruen 2022) (Lawler 2023).
President Volodymyr Zelensky's 2019 election was predicated on digitizing the state, culminating in the Diia app (Lawler 2023).
Diia, used by 19 million Ukrainians, facilitates digital ID access and government services, streamlining administrative processes and reducing corruption (Lawler 2023).
Adaptation During War:
Diia's features expanded to meet wartime needs with the onset of war, including evacuation assistance and property damage reporting (Lawler 2023).
The "e-Enemy" feature on Diia enables users to report Russian military movements, enhancing the military's situational awareness (Lawler 2023).
Crowdsourcing in Ukraine: A Community's Digital Armor
Ukraine's crowdsourcing strategy extends beyond the battlefield. By engaging the community in data collection, Ukraine has fostered a sense of unity and purpose among its populace. This collective effort goes beyond data accumulation; it moves towards transparency and participatory defence. Citizens document Russian offences, creating a vast archive of digital evidence. This democratizes information gathering and ensures clarity in the chaos of war (Bergengruen 2022).
The scale and systematic nature of Ukraine's efforts stand out. Over 253,000 reports of Russian military activities have been submitted via "e-Enemy", with more than 66,000 instances of property damage catalogued (Bergengruen 2022).
These reports feed into a centralized database at Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office, categorizing war crimes and human rights violations (Bergengruen 2022).
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Beyond Documentation: Tackling Misinformation
Ukraine's crowdsourcing initiatives are crucial in countering disinformation in the information warfare accompanying the physical conflict. These digital tools debunk false narratives by providing a channel for real-time, verified updates. Thus, crowdsourcing becomes not just a tool for evidence gathering but also a means to uphold truth (Bergengruen 2022) (Druziuk 2022).
Ukraine's documentation serves two purposes: providing evidence against Russian war crimes and countering Kremlin disinformation. This digital archive will be vital in preserving the factual narrative of the war (Druziuk 2022).
Legal Frontiers: Crowdsourcing and International Law
Ukraine's digital evidence collection could revolutionize international law. The array of user-submitted content – images, videos, eyewitness accounts – is building a solid case for war crimes tribunals. This innovative approach may set a new precedent in international law, recognizing the significance of open-source intelligence and citizen journalism in legal proceedings. The challenge lies in the digital nature of evidence and its admissibility under international law standards. Thus, Ukraine's efforts are to adapt and influence international legal practices. This digital mobilization raises critical questions about the traditional distinction between civilians and combatants. When civilians use technology like smartphones to aid military efforts, they potentially become active participants in military operations. This involvement could blur the lines between civilian and combatant roles, a distinction fundamental to international humanitarian law, as established by the Geneva Conventions and other legal frameworks (Bergengruen 2022) (Druziuk 2022) (Olejnik 2022).
Conclusion: Crowdsourcing as Ukraine's Beacon of Hope
In these times of adversity, Ukraine's embrace of crowdsourcing stands as a beacon of resilience and innovation, exemplifying the transformative power of technology in the realms of justice, unity, and truth. The nation's pioneering use of digital tools in warfare serves as a learning model for the global community, offering valuable insights into integrating technology in conflict resolution. Moreover, Ukraine's approach underscores the urgent need for clarity in applying international laws in this rapidly evolving digital age. As personal technology continues to reshape the battlefield, the international community must address and adapt to these challenges, ensuring that the principles of justice and sovereignty are upheld in the face of technological advancements. Thus, Ukraine's journey highlights the nation's steadfast spirit in the face of conflict and marks a significant shift in modern warfare and international law (Olejnik 2022).
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Reflective Closing
The unfolding story of Ukraine's digital defence prompts a broader reflection on the role of technology in conflicts. Ukraine's example offers lessons for the international community on leveraging technology for justice and conflict resolution. This narrative highlights Ukraine's creative approach to warfare and emphasizes the transformative power of technology in shaping geopolitical realities. It's a testament to the enduring spirit of the Ukrainian people and their steadfast pursuit of justice and sovereignty.
Bergengruen, V. (2022, April 18). How Ukraine is crowdsourcing digital evidence of war crimes. Time. https://time.com/6166781/ukraine-crowdsourcing-war-crimes/
Druziuk, Y. (2022, April 19). A citizen-like chatbot allows Ukrainians to report to the government when they spot Russian troops - here’s how it works. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-military-e-enemy-telegram-app-2022-4
Lawler, D. (2023, May 26). Ukrainians use the same app to file taxes and track Russian troops - axios. AXIOS. https://www.axios.com/2023/05/26/ukraine-diia-app-fedorov-russian-troops
Olejnik, L. (2022, June 6). Smartphones blur the line between civilian and combatant. Wired. https://www.wired.com/story/smartphones-ukraine-civilian-combatant/
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vicrunk · 7 months
Are media representations of fans as ‘weird’ and ‘overly emotional’ fair?
In pop culture, fan communities are the lifeblood of artists, forming dedicated followings that transcend mere admiration. However, these fervent and passionate groups often fall victim to misrepresentation in media narratives, characterised as 'weird' and 'overly emotional' by various media outlets.
I believe these stereotypical characterisations of fans by the media and the general public are unjust and unfair. We will find out why in this blog by looking at fans of Taylor Swift, also known affectionately as 'Swifties', and my own experiences in fandom.
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Taylor Swift isn't just a global music icon; she's also got a colossal fanbase that spans the planet. But let's talk about a not-so-fun part of being a fan: the stereotypes.
You might have heard that Swifties are 'obsessive' or 'weird' because they'll tattoo her lyrics on their bodies, analyse her every move, or get super invested in her love life (karma is the guy on the Chiefs!).
Sure, there have been some not-so-great moments, like stalking and breaking in (which is entirely not okay, by the way) or crowding at places just to get a glimpse of her. For example, hundreds of fans crowded outside Jack Antonoff's private wedding event to see Taylor Swift walk out the door and enter her car within 5 seconds, and it was NOT cool for so many reasons!
However, those actions don't define the millions of fans out there. These stereotypes overshadow fans' genuine love and support for Taylor and her music. And you know what? Taylor herself encourages this enthusiasm! 
For example, she loves dropping hints for fans to pick up. Be it interviews, talk shows, award ceremony speeches or even her own music videos and live concert performances, Taylor almost always leaves clues about her next move, especially regarding her future works. A great example of Taylor being an absolute mastermind (pun intended!) when it comes to Easter eggs is her Bejeweled music video, where she gave many indications that she will be dropping the rerecording of Speak Now (Taylor's Version) next while paying tribute to her other "eras" as well. Taylor herself even admitted that her team kept a PDF for all the Easter eggs they dropped in the Bejeweled music video, and we don't blame her!
The bond between Taylor and her fans isn't the only enchanted thing in this fandom: Swifties have successfully fostered a community of support, empathy and solidarity among the members. An example that showcased the love and care of the fanbase was when a fan tragically passed away due to heat before one of Taylor Swift's concerts in Rio de Janeiro recently. 
Rather than just mourning the loss, Swifties rallied together and raised funds to ensure that the fan's body could be transported back to her family, displaying an incredible level of compassion and unity.
But that's not the only instance where the fans showcased solidarity beyond their shared admiration for Taylor Swift. When unfortunate accidents occurred involving fellow fans — like the fan who got into a car accident returning from a concert or the one who was mugged and killed on the way to a show — the community stood together in support. They paid tribute, remembered, and honoured these individuals on social media, showcasing a deep sense of humanity and compassion that transcends the bounds of fandom stereotypes.
These incidents paint a different picture of Taylor Swift's fanbase — one that's deeply connected, empathetic, and caring. They're not just fans; they're humans with genuine feelings and hearts, demonstrating that the bonds within this community extend far beyond their shared love for an artist. 
These stories are a testament to the power of human connection within the Swiftie community, showcasing that they're much more than the unfair and lousy stereotypes suggested.
My own experiences in fandom
Now, the topic of discussion will have to take a significant leap into the world of anime.
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While I am a massive fan of Taylor Swift, I don't have a fan account for her, nor do I engage much with other Swifties online. However, I am guilty of being on anitwt (fandom slang; the community of anime fans and anime-focused accounts on Twitter/X) for a few years already, and the very fandom that I indulge in is mainly Haikyuu!!, a manga-turned-anime that follows the main character, Hinata, throughout high school as he chases his passion for volleyball, ultimately making his mark in the professional circuit.
Interacting with fellow fans within this community has been an eye-opening and heartwarming experience. Beyond their shared passion for our common interest, I've realised that these fans possess incredible qualities that have shaped my perception of them in the most positive ways.
Firstly, their kindness knows no bounds. It's not just about praising the content; it's about uplifting each other. Whether someone shares a drawing, a captivating 'threadfic,' or expresses a challenging moment, the response is a flood of unwavering love and support. The comment sections resonate with encouragement, and there's always this beautiful energy of cheering each other on.
Moreover, their willingness to extend a helping hand is truly remarkable. I've witnessed instances where a fellow fan faced financial struggles — unable to cover rent or facing hefty hospital bills — and the community rallied, generously donating to ease their burden. It's not just about admiration for our shared interests; it's about being there for one another in times of need.
But what indeed resonates with me is their genuine heart for making a positive impact. Many fans, especially those with large followings, use their platforms beyond fan-related content. They fearlessly call out toxic behaviours within the community or passionately advocate for crucial social issues. It's a courageous act, utilising their influence for the greater good, amplifying awareness beyond the realms of our shared interest.
Most incredibly, the friendships formed here aren't just digital connections; they transcend borders. Fans from all corners of the globe become real friends, meeting up whenever they travel to each other's countries. I've been fortunate to receive several invitations to meet, reinforcing my belief in this community's tightly-knit and inclusive nature.
From observing the Swifties communities to analysing my own experience in fandom, I believe that the media representations of fans as 'weird' and 'overly emotional' are unfair. 
Fans are not just admirers of a common interest; they are compassionate, generous, and fearless individuals who use their connections to foster a community of support, advocacy, and genuine friendship. It's a reminder that amidst shared enthusiasm, the human connection is what truly defines a community.
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Bailey, A 2022, Every Easter egg in Taylor Swift's ‘Bejeweled’ music video, Elle, viewed 27 November 2023, <https://www.elle.com/culture/music/a41760214/taylor-swift-bejeweled-music-video-easter-eggs/>.
Lakritz, T 2023, Taylor Swift's Eras Tour is about to go international. Here's a guide to every era of her groundbreaking career., Business Insider, viewed 27 November 2023, <https://www.insider.com/taylor-swift-eras-tour-guide-to-every-album-era-2022-12>.
Noyen, M 2023, Swifties labeled 'disrespectful' for swarming Jack Antonoff and Margaret Qualley's wedding rehearsal to catch a glimpse of Taylor Swift, Business Insider, viewed 27 November 2023, <https://www.insider.com/taylor-swift-fans-slammed-for-swarming-jack-antonoff-wedding-rehearsal-2023-8>.
Swift, T 2022, Bejeweled, 25 October, viewed 25 October 2023, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7QlX3yR2xs&pp=ygUWYmVqZXdlbGVkIHRheWxvciBzd2lmdA%3D%3D>.
Taylor Swift: 1989 (Taylor’s Version); Why is Taylor Swift re-recording old albums? 2023, Taylor Swift: 1989 (Taylor’s Version); Why is Taylor Swift re-recording old albums?, The Economic Times, viewed 27 October 2023, <https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/taylor-swift-1989-taylors-version-why-is-taylor-swift-re-recording-old-albums/articleshow/104761223.cms>.
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fansplaining · 1 year
I'm currently an undergrad at UCSB doing an autoethnography on fandom and my solitary consumption of it. I just listened to your guys' episode 8 and was hopeing to get some more information. A big question I still have is can you be in a fandom with out producing and interacting with others as long as you consume the content that fans create.
Hi onionhairs! Elizabeth here. So the first thing I'd recommend is probably checking out more episodes—that was a very early conversation (we are now on episode 193!) and definitely one we've been building on a lot throughout the past seven years.
But tl;dr what I would say is 1) "being in fandom" is about self-definition (if you say you're in fandom, you are, regardless of what you "do" as a fan and 2) discussing what "counts" as fandom is contextual, and it's very important to define that context.
If you're talking about "participatory fandom," for example, a lurker who doesn't engage with other fans in any way might not "count." Scholars and industry researchers often look at participatory fandom because those are the fans they can see—they can't write a paper or report on the thoughts or feelings of lurkers, because how would they know what they are? Deeper into the industry side, someone might define "fan" as a person who spends money on a ticket to a thing: it doesn't matter if lots of other people think of themselves as fans, because your only metric is a fan's monetary value. (This is reductive, but as the saying has historically gone in Hollywood, it's all about "butts in seats.")
Speaking as a person who lurked in fandom for about 15 years, I think you're well-positioned to write about these paradoxes, and about feeling like you're part of a community even though it's totally one-sided—you really feel like you're in the room, but nobody knows you're there. Or at least that's how I always felt! It's a hard thing to talk about with folks who've never lurked—especially because the "participatory fandom is the only fandom that counts" argument can be delivered very loudly—and harder still to find other lurkers to relate to, since they are usually still lurking.
The classic internet community ratio is 90-9-1: 1% creators, 9% commenters, 90% lurkers. Anyone who creates fanworks can see this imbalance in their stats. The idea that "fandom" is only the people in that 10% has never been true, at least as long as fandom has been conducted in digital spaces where people could lurk. And I think the answer to the "can you still be in fandom if [x]" question is always "yes"—the real question here is what does it mean to be "in" a community when you aren't communicating with anyone else?
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aspectabundgaze · 7 months
Activism : The Play, Scene II
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Activism has always been around for such a long, long time. However, not a lot of people are aware of how people back in the days used to use their voices or influence in the acts of activism. Which brings up to the question I have in mind, "What was activism like in the days of Ancient Greece?" "Now I know they have protests too, but did they incorporated it into their entertainment? Entertainment has always been a tool to advocate for changes. Right?"
I've always been a huge fan of ancient Greek history, mainly mythology but sometimes, I do dabble into their philosophical and political sides. To answer my own question, I've decided to do a slight dive on Aristophanes.
First thing's first, what is activism? Nolas, S.M., Varvantakis, C. and Aruldoss, V., 2017 defines activism as an act that could be driven by the intentions to challenge social norms, practices that holds back and oppresses, suppresses identities that does not conform to the values of a society. Now activism can happen anywhere and any time, from a playground where both genders can play together without being judged for being a girl or a boy, a dinner table where discussions from studies, work, world issues can happen. Nolas, Varvantakis and Aruldoss, 2017 have also stated in their papers activism can also be a response to changes and events within the society, such as the rise of new social movements and the need to do a dive in onto political participation in the face of unexpected political outcomes. So how does this relate to Aristophanes?
Now according to an article published by Columbia College, Aristophanes was an ancient Greek playwright and comedian who lived in Athens, he was born somewhere around 446 BCE and died around 386 BCE. He was best known for his comedic plays, wrote roughly around 40 plays, where only 11 of his works survived to this very day. The reason why I found that his work is related to activism, particularly political activism is because his plays were known for its satirical and political nature. He incorporated humour, an exaggeration towards contemporary issues, philosophy and social trends into his work, making him known as one of the first people to be a public relations activist. Using political satire was one of the Ancient Greek's way to perform activism and public relations. (Bisbe, M., Molner, E. and Jimenez, M., 2019).
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An example that can be taken from Aristophanes' play called "Lysistrata" written in 411 BCE that depicts the Peloponnesian war between the Athens and the Spartans. As known with his knack for satire and comedy, he wrote this as a portrayal of a fictional attempt by women from Ancient Greek to end the war by withholding sexual privileges with their husbands in order to stop the war until a treaty was signed. Albeit the play talking about a woman's needs with her spouses, the dialogue. talked about how men who focused on the war has been nothing but wasteful of the tax payer's money that women and the society contributed to, going back to Aristophanes' way of addressing the the financial effects of war, showing the frivolous nature of war and also the effects of wat on families.
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Another example would be one of his well known plays "The Clouds". The Clouds was written as a political and philosophical satire on Socrates and his institution, which is also known as "The Clouds" Aristophanes used humour and exaggerated language to caricature Socrates' methods of inquiry and the perceived consequences of philosophical education. For example, here is a small dialogue from the play I read.
Well now! what are you doing? are you reflecting?
Yes, by Posidon!
What about?
Whether the bugs will entirely devour me.
May death seize you, accursed man!
He turns aside again.
The play suggests that the pursuit of abstract knowledge and intellectualism can lead to moral and societal corruption, as The Cloud is about a man named Strepsiades who enrolled himself to Socrates' institution in order to avoid getting caught for his financial debts instead of trying his best to work things out and ethically clear out his debts. And in my opinion, activism doesn't always have to be something we do as a form of protest (physically done with marching), or an online post, or a drawing or photos but it could also be done in a form of writing. A script, a play, a book or a poem.
Nolas, S.M., Varvantakis, C. and Aruldoss, V., 2017. Political activism across the life course. Contemporary Social Science, 12(1-2), pp.1-12, viewed 22 November 2023.
Bisbe, M., Molner, E. and Jimenez, M., 2019. Public intellectuals, political satire and the birth of activist public relations: The case of Attic Comedy. Public Relations Review, 45(5), p.101790, viewed 23 November 2023
Foley, H.P., 1982. The" female intruder" reconsidered: Women in Aristophanes' Lysistrata and Ecclesiazusae. Classical Philology, 77(1), pp.1-21, viewed 19 November 2023
The Internet Classics Archive: The Clouds by aristophanes’, The Internet Classics Archive | The Clouds by Aristophanes, viewed 24 November, 2023, <http://classics.mit.edu/Aristophanes/clouds.html>
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aaronchia · 8 months
Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikTok and Instagram? 
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In this current age of digital advancement, the way people consume and share information has surely changed due to the growth of social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, where sharing short form content with the audience is now simpler than ever, with visual content taking center stage over written content. So, that brings me to a question: is blogging still relevant nowadays? Let us go into topic as in “What is blogging?” Blogging or blogs are like online personal diaries that individuals share. You could discuss your daily activities or exchange information on this online journal. People then recognized it as chance to share information in a novel manner online (Minaev 2023). The many reasons for blogging could be ranging from personal use or for business purposes, as the main purpose of the blog is to connect yourself to your desired audience. Thus, the lovely world of blogging was born. Back to the main topic at hand, is blogging still relevant in this current age? According to Bosnjak (2023), blogging retains its relevance as a platform that offers unique advantages in terms of its relevance and profitability for the years to come. 
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According to Rettberg (2014), following a blog is like getting to know someone, because blogging is a process that is accumulative and the contents. In contrast to the fast consumption and short-form material that are common on TikTok and Instagram, blogging still has its own deep engagement, informational value, and scope for in-depth narrative expression. It provides a platform for creators to showcase their talents, blogging also provides them with a means of building a loyal following, allowing readers to connect more directly with the author. A simple blog consists of more words and images, it is the imagination and creative layout, connections and links that someone had dedicated their hearts into writing (Rettberg 2014). The blog will continue to be the platform of choice for people who have something to say and a desired place to express their thoughts on a public domain. It allows for a wide range of opinions to be shared and encourages open dialogue. It is also a great way to stay informed on current events and trends. Blogs have the potential to be a powerful form of expression and ultimately being the visual representation of someone's creativity and passion. 
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Although TikTok and Instagram are filled to the brim with content and information, blogging still plays an important role in promoting social commerce and social interactions through the development and maintenance of trusted online identities (Yuan 2022). Facilitating social commerce through information sharing in music blogs, travel blogs, product review blogs, fashion blogs. The numerous blog applications encourage social engagement and social commerce, offering a forum where users can actively engage in conversations, share ideas, and support a vibrant community. TikTok and Instagram has a limitation on the wording and photos, where in my opinion a blog is used to share information, educate others by telling a story while building a steadily growing community which will establish the base of one's audience, whereas Instagram is more about sharing the present moment, the experience you had and having a sense of a community supporting and enjoying the moments that are happening in your life. In terms of audience engagement, blogging needs participation that takes the form of leaving comments on posts, sharing them, signing up for newsletters, and participating in conversations. Whereas TikTok and Instagram are based on engagement in forms of likes, comments, direct messaging and shares. Each platform tailors its engagement dynamics to suit its unique format and user base. 
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In conclusion, despite the popularity of sites like TikTok and Instagram, blogging is still very relevant and has a distinct uniqueness to it in this digital world. While TikTok and Instagram's emphasis on visual, short-form, and quick engagement has revolutionized how people consume material, blogging continues to offer unique benefits that are more suitable to a different audience and purpose. Blogs offer a format that can integrate multiple media elements and enable a mixture of written content and interactive features, allowing for versatility to grow and go beyond one's imagination. Hence, blogging provides a space for a deeper understanding and exploration, while remaining as a relevant and essential medium for communication and content sharing in this digital age. 
Reference  Li, Y 2022, ‘Identity construction in social media: a study on blogging continuance’, Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(8), pp. 1671–1688, doi:10.1080/0144929X.2021.1895319. 
Rettberg, J, W 2014, Blogging ,Polity Press, < https://research.ebsco.com/linkprocessor/plink?id=cbb34283-a1fc-35c4-be0f-0c6108df069b>  
Bosnjak, S 2023, Is Blogging Dead in 2023? , Play Media, <https://play-media.org/is-blogging-dead/#:~:text=To%20answer%20the%20question%20from >‌ 
Minaev, A 2019,  What is a Blog? – Definition of Terms Blog, Blogging, and Blogger , 
FirstSiteGuide ,< https://firstsiteguide.com/what-is-blog/> 
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almyrachiam-blog · 9 months
Is Blogging Still Relevant In The Age of TikTok and Instagram?
Blogging Has More Freedom Than Other Social Media Applications
Let us start off by explaining the question “What is blogging?” Blogging was created to write stories, interests, and thoughts of a person that are shared online to engage with communities or their targeted audience (Minaev 2023). Nowadays, blogs are used in a more aggressive manner where users talk about serious topics and raise awareness of worldwide problems in an essay format. Even so, blogs are still sticking to the same purpose which is to educate others and to build an online presence. Although the function remains the same, the motives are not because the type of content produced on blogs are more diverse. While some bloggers still use blogging to write online diaries, most users have started to use blogging to educate others on specific subjects or make a professional online presence for their businesses (Maulidina 2023). In short,  yes, blogging is still relevant in the age of TikTok and Instagram, and it continues to be a valuable platform for web users.
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Freedom in blogging 
Firstly, freedom of speech and expression are allowed in blogging as it has no word count limits and blogging allows for in-depth exploration of serious topics whereas TikTok and Instagram focus only on short-form content that mostly entertains and humors viewers. People prefer blogging as blogs can provide a safe space for detailed discussions of sensitive topics, explanations of the author’s views, and analysis of heated news discussions. According to Gavinn 2022, influencers writing about their opinions online, may change the reader's views on topics, because one’s opinions can bring up information that may be new compared to the structured education format to which some readers have been taught to adapt (Gavinn 2022).
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Content Ownership
On platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, users must be varied in algorithm changes and platform policies. However, with a blog, users may write and control their own content postings. In short, bloggers may have lesser follower counts but they have more freedom than social media application users as they need to agree with the terms and policies of the applications before writing and posting their opinions online. Another added advantage of blogging in terms of content ownership is that when blogging, the content created and posted by you automatically owns the copyright of the content, post, or discussion that users have posted (Mackenzie 2012) When bloggers post their blogs, there is not a need to register for copyright ownership as anything posted by users and no prove of such ownership is needed when it comes to blogging. When it comes to transferring ownership of any related content that is posted on the blog to another individual, a written agreement must be present for the proof of transfer of content. Without any written agreement, the content in the blog shall still remain under the ownership of the original owner.
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Brand Building
Blogs are a part of a brand's online presence in terms of business, blogs allow users to tell their brand's story, share business strategies, and values, and promote an engagement with targeted audiences on a deeper connection level than social media platforms tend to permit. In terms of brand building, blogging can be used as a very strong tool for image building and improving marketing strategies (Lazarov 2018). The best way to compare social media and blogging is where social media is like renting a small shop to promote to the general public while blogging is like owning your own company building. People tend to respect individuals who own their own building compared to individuals who only rent a small shop. In Short, blogging allows individuals to gain more respect through their vlogs while social media only invites more traffic. More people looking at posts on social media does not necessarily mean more business, it could only mean people are just looking at the posts and are just passing by whereas blogging, people tend to visit blogs because of specific interests in the blog or to gain specific information through the blogs (Julson 2023).
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A prime example of a successful blogger building their name brand would be Neil Patel. Neil Patel is well known for his technological and marketing strategies (Zaballa 2022). He is called one of the most influential people on the web to date (Patel 2023). He is currently 1 of the top 10 Marketers by Forbes, in recent times, Neil has also started posting more on Instagram as a complementary tool for the sharing of marketing strategies and providing information on how to improve business.
In a nutshell, TikTok and Instagram may be excellent for visual and short-form content nowadays but are seen as an extended complementary to blogging instead of replacements. Blogging is still considered as a form of communication and engagement targeted to specific audiences.
Ashraf, M 2022, How to Promote Your Business Through Meme Ads, Monsterclaw.com, viewed 30 September, 2023, <https://monsterclaw.com/how-to-promote-your-business-through-meme-ads/>.
Kai , B 2022, ‘Pin on gaming setups’, Pinterest, viewed 30 September, 2023, <https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1053701644041782878/>.
Gavinn, 2022, ‘The two sides of free speech in Social Media, Voices of Youth.’ , https://www.voicesofyouth.org/blog/two-sides-free-speech-social-media, viewed 29 September, 2023.
Julson, E 2023, ‘Social Media vs blogging: Which one is best?’, The Unconventional RD, viewed 29 September, 2023, <https://www.theunconventionalrd.com/social-media-vs-blogging/>.
Lazarov, T 2018, ‘Why you should prefer a blog over social media’, Fstoppers, viewed 29 September, 2023, <https://fstoppers.com/business/why-you-should-prefer-blog-over-social-media-250816>.
Minaev, A 2023, ‘What is a blog? - definition of blog, Blogging & Blogger’, FirstSiteGuide, viewed 30 September, 2023, <https://firstsiteguide.com/what-is-blog/>.
Zaballa, R 2022, ‘12 famous bloggers that make an impact', Unlimited Graphic Design Service, viewed 30 September, 2023, <https://penji.co/famous-bloggers/>.
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i-shen-blog · 9 months
Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?
Today, we will be analyzing if blogging is still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram and also discuss the reason behind the facts after investigating.
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Blogging started to become a commonplace business digital tactic ten years ago. Before then, blogs about politics, travel, food, and technology were mushrooming everywhere and serving as trustworthy resources for guidance and specialized knowledge. It turned out to be a potent approach to show up in search results and in front of a crowd that was already interested. Additionally, it was a very efficient tool for businesses to demonstrate their expertise and to share expert opinions.
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Instagram started to be used alongside blogs. Most bloggers did want to use it as a way to promote blogs, like on Twitter. But with Instagram not allowing clickable links in captions, that never seemed to happen successfully. You can use the phrase ‘link is in the bio’ but it’s just not the same as clicking a link there and then.
Now Instagram has turned into something that feels like an unstoppable force and now we hear of Instagrammers, Influencers and content creators more than words like bloggers, vloggers or YouTubers. Instagram feeds are no longer snapshots of peoples Sunday roast, but highly curated images, many have images that look like they are straight out of a magazine. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, I am often guilty of getting lost in a beautiful Instagram feed.
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In 2019, TikTok was the most downloaded app from Apple’s iOS app store? TikTok seems to have come out of nowhere and is everywhere. It has even infiltrated Instagram – every other food post I see is of a ‘TikTok recipe’ such as baked oats or feta pasta. Not to mention Instagram Reels – which seem to be a rip off of TikTok. Growth is hard on Instagram, but the way in which TikTok works means that anyone can go viral, even if you don’t have thousands of followers.
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Why has these newer platforms become popular? is Blogging dead?
Joining Instagram and TikTok is simple. You simply sign up and you are ready to start publishing. You don’t need to mess around with a DNS server, buy a domain, pay a host then install WordPress. You don’t need to find a theme and fidget with widgets. Now, it’s a lot more mobile-based. We want to quickly scroll, consume and move onto the next thing. This is why Instagram is the go-to for looking at beautiful photos and TikTok is the best place to get short, entertaining videos.
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Nothing has changed since then.
Despite the overwhelming presence of newer social media platforms, blogging is still a powerful tool for marketing. It's actually turbocharged. According to a recent Data Box survey titled "The Shift in Your Content Marketing Mix: 25 Marketers On What's Changed in 2 Years," 68% of marketers now regard blogging to be more successful than it was two years prior as blogging is about building relationships.
It’s about playing the long game.
To conclude, if you Take time to write your posts. Talk to your customers and build conversations. The everyday consumer is smart and has a limited amount of time. They make informed choices, not only about what they want to buy, but what they want to read. It’s only by offering your reader something truly valuable, that you’ll get the conversation started.
Your blog should always aim to answer the questions your audience has. How consumers find your content will undoubtedly evolve, but what they’re looking for probably won’t. We still need the same information we did 5 years ago, but we’re just using different methods to find it. Creating high-quality, original content will go a long way to getting results from blogging.
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vlyteng · 1 year
Omegalul-ing through the pain: Online harassment and cyberbullying against women in the gaming community
As a girl in the gaming community, I have been extremely lucky in terms of interacting with strangers online. I have made many online friends through games and Discord and even developed connections more intimate than people I know in real life (iykyk). However, the same cannot be said for women and many others that belong in the minority groups that use the internet. As gaming is a traditionally and stereotypically white male-dominated activity, minorities can easily become the target of unwanted attention due to factors such as stereotypes, racism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny. In the gaming industry, 20% of female players have encountered sexual harassment in the form of objectifying remarks, death threats, or rape threats from male or other players (Bougacha 2022). In reality, according to a poll done in the US, Germany, and China, 59% of women conceal their gender to avoid sexism and violence (Bougacha 2022). Harassment online comes in many forms such as slurs, death threats, doxxing or the act of disclosing personally identifiable information about someone online without their consent, including their true name, address, phone number, and financial and other details (Kaspersky 2023).
Online harassment in the  gaming community is not just experienced in-game but it can occur in any other online spaces that allow open interaction between players and users. Community platforms such as Discord, Twitch and YouTube are spaces that gamers and non-gamers visit often thus making it easier to become a victim of virtual harassment and cyberbullying. In even more extreme cases, these online harassment can move offline too. Amouranth, a popular Twitch streamer and OnlyFans model, has had many online and offline stalker encounters. In 2022, a guy from Estonia was detained when he attempted to enter Amouranth's house (Gwilliam 2023). This happened after he apparently sold all of his possessions in a last-ditch effort to meet the model and start a relationship with her (Gwilliam 2023). Amouranth mentioned that she was scared for her life as this man had been routinely walking around her neighbourhood while hosting a Twitch stream called “Find Amouranth and Make Her Mine” (Moore 2022). 
Amouranth’s case is only one among a countless number of women that risk their lives everyday despite not doing anything wrong. Women are not safe from harassment no matter online or offline. While gaming communities and platforms should do more to protect vulnerable groups like women, they cannot be blamed 100% because if people want to hurt minority groups, they will bypass any moderation and censors to get to the individual. While platforms should aim to provide better protection for everyone, especially women and resistless groups, we should all learn to follow cyber etiquette to ensure a safe online experience for all. 
Bougacha, S 2022, Gaming: Hidden Sexism and Harassment, IVolunteer International, viewed 12 June 2023, <https://www.ivint.org/gaming-hidden-sexism-and-harassment/>.
Gwilliam, M 2023, Amouranth says stalker tried breaking into her house again and left mysterious package, Dexerto, viewed 12 June 2023, <https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/amouranth-says-stalker-tried-breaking-into-her-house-again-and-left-mysterious-package-2076350/>.
Kaspersky 2023, What is Doxing – Definition and Explanation, Kaspersky, viewed 12 June 2023, <https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-doxing>.
Moore, E 2022, Amouranth Stalker Arrested After Travelling From Europe For Alleged Break-In Attempt, Gaming Bible, viewed 12 June 2023, <https://www.gamingbible.com/news/amouranth-stalker-arrested-following-alleged-breakin-attempt-20220616>.
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