#digital lomo
garr8 · 2 years
DH 4 on tour
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nival-art · 3 months
Done with this thing!
Also on Vimeo, and you can find me on Insta too
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ajadedlens · 25 days
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𝘼𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙙𝙨, 𝙖 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙄𝙣 𝙖 𝙨𝙠𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙗𝙡𝙪𝙚, 𝙥𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩. 🕊️☁️📷 - 𝘛𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘮!
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masavola · 1 year
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Nikon D40x + Holga Lens
forgot my cleaning tools
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protozumi · 1 year
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kindaferal · 2 years
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grain brain
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zytes · 6 months
what camera do you use?
I learned on a Canon T3 and currently use a Canon T6, an inexpensive DSLR that’s several years out of date - it isn’t exactly professional gear and I usually avoid talking to self-labelled photographers about my equipment because it’s quite insufferable listening to 50 year-old hobbyists tell me that I *need* a mirrorless camera for the Nth time; they’re like $4000 tho, so even if I could afford that I’d be too scared to use it in the ways that I like to use mine.
I think the T7 or T7i is the more current model, and it runs around $500-700 brand new in a basic starter set with two lenses and a soft case. In addition to the lenses that came with the camera body, I also occasionally use a half-dozen different plastic lomography lenses that I bought in a set from a thrift store many years ago — they take sorta shit photos, and are a little inconvenient to use, but they’re really unique; plastic lenses are super underrated imo. The only other accessory I use is a $20 aftermarket battery pack that doubles the battery life and extends the body of the camera to make it fit more comfortably in my hands. Using inexpensive gear has allowed me to be much more adventurous while I’m shooting without fear for rain or snow or dirt - although I do occasionally have to digitally remove water spots and other small shadows that make it into photos whenever my lens is a little scuzzy.
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^ the lomo lenses I mentioned, extremely cool vibe but literally held together with tape.
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thejazzera · 4 months
Contemporânea magazine, No. 6, ads, December 1922
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Lomos motorcycles, and Kappel typewriters.
Via Hemeroteca Digital da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
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chrisbissette · 1 year
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I've spent a long time obsessed with the idea of the Leica Q2 and I'm not sure why. I think it's possibly because I've fallen in love with the portrait photography of Greg Williams, and he uses a Leica. I don't like shooting digitally and I don't shoot portraits but I've still been lusting after this £4,000 camera I absolutely won't ever be able to afford.
The Q2 has a fixed Summilux 28mm f/1.7 lens, and I decided that since I'll never have a Leica I can at least grab 28mm lenses for my go-to cameras and see how I like the focal length.
These were taken on the Miranda 28mm f2.8 on Lomo 400 with the Olympus. Of all the focal lengths I've shot with so far, this is my least favourite. I don't like how close I have to get to people to take portraits/candid style shots, and finding interesting compositions with such a wide lens is tough. Most of these images have been cropped in some way, and that feels like cheating.
I'm going to keep practicing with it, but it's definitely gone some way to helping me stop lusting after the Q2 quite so much. That said if anybody wants to buy me a Leica, I won't say no.
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ltinuviel · 2 years
I decided to take part for the first time in the Frugal Film Project
I heard about it on twitter, Thanks @davewhenham
I was so excited about this new project that I prepared a post about it:
"You know what? I'm joining Frugal Photo Project 😊
I've always wanted a project like this, but.. it was the wrong time or I haven't been part of a group and all alone is not so fun.
The rules are 1 year - 1 camera - 1 film . The camera should not be more expensive than $75.
I always wanted to try to be more consistent in my shooting, but instead I'm always trying new stuff. Every time I settle on a camera, which I feel is the One, it breaks on the next roll. And I 'm not superstitious, just all my cameras are old and faulty 😐🤭
These days I have a ney toy - a Soviet Zorki, however I suppress the urge to use it in the FPP, as it's not tested yet.
Therefore I decided to enter the project with one of my favorite cameras - Kodak Retinette ib. It's a favorite toy, however I don't shoot often with it. It's so smooth. I like to watch it and hold it, I like to shoot with it, I like the photos it does, I like how flawless it is. It's mystery why I don't use it more often. This project seems like the perfect way to connect more with the Retinette.
For film I decided on Kentmere 400 - very versatile and cheap enough. I just ordered 4 rolls.Yay!"
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(even made a complimentary photo for this post 😄 here it is)
And then I found the wrong way that there is a film already loaded in it 🙈 - Ilford hp5+ to be exact 😄 and it was on the 6th frame. I even can't remember when I've loaded it, but maybe sometime in 2021. 2022 was some dark space for me and I almost haven't done any photography.
I just couldn't waste the roll with some meaningless shots around the house. I also realized that I don't have the time to shoot both films till the end of the month - I know myself, I am a slow shooter.
(Also, I realized such a long project will teach me a lot and I was tempted to choose a "harder" camera)
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So another camera it will be. Enters Smena Symbol , cheapish Soviet toy camera, my first camera as a child. My father bring it to me (and one for my little sister) when I was a kid, after he got back from a business Trip to the Soviet Union back in the day.
At first my parents didn't allow me to use it. Then I was old enough, however it were poor times and the film was not cheap. I remember shooting with it once or twice.
Then there were digital cameras all over, and I remembered about it in 2014 when I rediscovered film again. I've run just few rolls through it. I wanted to try other cameras, bigger, fancier, the GAS level increased.
Now at first I had mixed feelings: it's definitely a challenge. I like to own it, but the shots are not brilliant. I don't like how it does color negatives. Black and white is better though. I always felt that the stops and the speeds are not enough: the biggest aperture is 4 and the fastest speed is 1/250.
I'm adding Lomo Blik accessory external rangefinder, bought some years ago for the equivalent of $7
I'm very excited. I already joined the dedicated facebook group and I'm pleasantly surprised how friendly and knowledgeable are the lovely people there.
Thank you for reading this long post to the end.
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ire314091 · 2 years
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went to 中目黒 today at dawn to take some cherry blossom pictures since its going to rain the rest of the week.
a ton of other people had the same idea as me 🥲 so it was hard to avoid getting people in my shots. managed to finish a roll of 120 and 35mm.
pentax lx is shot. have to send it off to get fixed. i have no idea if my konica works until tomorrow when i get this film back. film prices are still rising and i cant find my go-to cheap lomo 800 anywhere.
feeling sad about photography.
keep meeting digital photographers who dont know what iso, aperture and shutter speed mean. wondering whats the point anymore 🥲🥲
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liverpoollomo · 1 year
Camera mess. Lomo LC-A+. Fuji 400.
It is a good job I live alone. By some definitions I would be considered a hoarder. I keep telling myself I need to get sort out proper storage for my camera gear. I do not have a system or proper storage for my film or digital equipment.
I do not want it packed away in boxes. if I had the room i would look in to getting some sort of display cases.
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edicionesneutrinos · 1 year
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Julián Bejarano
Poesía entrerriana, 2023
ISBN 978-987-4430-30-4
76 páginas
Como un insomne que se sienta en la oscuridad a ver televisión hasta quedarse dormido, como un bot defectuoso inundando la sección de comentarios de un diario digital, el poema repite el vocabulario de los medios, pero invierte el efecto de esa repetición: donde los discursos de odio, las fake news y el lobby empresarial hacen de la reproducción una fuente de poder, la escritura vuelve a pasar por las palabras para desarmar su sentido en combinaciones impensadas. Hecho social total es un libro político ante todo porque construye un modo de escuchar y leer los discursos que nos hablan, y de este modo no pide ni pregona una transformación, sino que la efectúa en el lenguaje mismo del poema. Ana Rocío Jouli
Julián Bejarano nació en 1983. Vive en Paraná, Entre Ríos. Publicó los libros A Eda, por su dulzura (Ediciones de la intemperie, 2008), La prefabricada (Colección Chapita, 2009), Humito (Ese es otro que bien baila, 2010), Superclásico (Ese es otro que bien baila, 2011), la caja de poesía Los Materiales (que incluye los libros: El alguacil y la tucura, El cero dorado de marzo, Nunca quiero que la fiesta se termine, Farmacia y Los cimientos; Gigante, 2013), Camorra (Gigante, 2015), Ambiente Aluminio (Fadel&Fadel, 2017), Sombra Grande (Lomo, 2018) y Dinero (Slimbook, 2020). También publicó el libro Amor, traiciones de poemas de Arnaut Daniel (Gigante, 2014). Junto a Ariel Delgado creó al poeta entrerriano Román Sangoy, que publicó los libros Pillín (2010) y Las chicas de barrio son mejores cuando te lastiman (2012). Cofundó las editoriales Ese es otro que bien baila (2010-2011) y Gigante (2011-2017), y el proyecto virtual mal.ar (2023). Hecho social total conforma una trilogía iniciada con Dinero (2020), que culminará con la publicación de Liquidámbar be real.
Obra en tapa: Juan Hernández
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juliankai · 2 years
Nons SL660 + Lensbaby
I’ve been playing around with the Nons SL660 Instax Square camera combined with my old Lensbaby lens lately and really enjoying it so I thought I’d write a little post about why....
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If you follow me on Instagram (@juliankaifilm) or here you’ll know I’m really loving the Nons SL660 camera. I’ve been wanting a full manual Instax camera for a long time and Nons have done a great job with the SL660 and the fact that it has interchangeable lens’ is the icing on the cake (see earlier post for more on the Nons)
I bought the Lensbaby a long time ago and only ever really played with it a few times on my digital camera. It was a bit of fun but of limited use as i don’t tend to shoot digital for my more ‘artistic creative’ work.
The Lensbaby allows you to tilt the lens thereby controlling and manipulating the Depth of Field in creative and unusual ways. 
For me this comes into it’s own when shooting instant film but Ive never had an instant camera (apart from my lovely Polaroid 600SE) that had interchangeable lens’... until Nons came along.
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What I used to love about using ‘Impossible Project’ film back in the day was that you never really knew what you’d get as they strived to get the chemistry etc. right. It’s slowly got better and better and they stuff they produced as ‘Polaroid Originals’ and now ‘Polaroid’ is pretty good (tho I’ve not shot any for a while since my SX70s are both broken).
But I loved the artistic photos you’d get from the imperfections. If I wanted perfectly sharp images with accurate colour I’d shoot digital! 
Instax can also be too ‘good’ so adding the Lensbaby really helps create that lomo Holga imperfect feel to the photographs. 
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These phone ‘scans’ don’t the photos justice (especially with those dust spots!) 
Was hoping to post a few more photos but Tumblr say NO for some reason! So I’ll post them separately here and over on my Insta.
Looking forward to trying this combo with colour film. 
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masavola · 1 year
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Nikon D40x + Holga Lens
1600 ISO
still learning how to use this lens
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kindaferal · 2 years
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dark sugar kisses
taken on a mid 2000s digital point and shoot
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