#dilluted what it means? i guess
tiny-merkitty · 4 months
"impure regression" it's therapy, impurity came free with your xbox
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balkanradfem · 9 months
I have important question, what do you use as fertilizer for plants? I don't really want to buy one and I read there are options, like veggie broth or tea, but I am unsure what works best. I read some use a bit of menstrual blood diluted in water, which I am tempted to try, but wonder how weird it is.
I use menstrual blood diluted in water every time! But there's not enough of that to be a consistent fertilizer, or to work for the entire garden. Here's stuff that I have tried out:
urine dilluted 1:10 with water! It has a great amount of nitrogen and trace amounts of other minerals, do not use it more than two times a month, and not on tiny plants. It's the best for green growth
fermented nettle: for this, fill a plastic container that you can close, with big nettles, and then pour water on them, all the way to the top, and close it up. Leave in hot sun to ferment for 10 days. Once it's done it will stink, and I mean, stink badly. Dillute 1:10 before watering your plants with! Don't use on peas, beans and other legumes, they do not like the nitrogen.
fermented comfrey: same as nettle, has so many good nutrients in there, has tons of calcium, will help your plants a lot!
menstrual blood diluted with water: safe for all plants, plants absolutely love blood
if you suspect your plants are lacking in some minerals you can use egg shells, or even crushed shells from the beach/river, and put them in your soil to make sure there's enough calcium in it! I didn't do a lot of this but the plant lady is always doing it
Mulch: it means putting organic material on top of the soil, this can be hay, straw, cut grass, dried leaves, pine needles, cut off tree branches, plant cuttings or leftovers, whatever has fallen off a plant or a tree is in this category. Now what will happen is these materials, exposed to the sun and elements, will start to degrade and compost themselves into your soil, and you will have fresh organic compost on top of your soil. Once your mulch degrades to compost you can add more material! Endless fertilization and fixing the soil and making sure you little worms have food to eat.
Stuff I've only heard of:
coffee grounds: apparently they're very good for soil and feeding the plants!
if you have leftovers of food in the forms of fish or bones, those are great for fertilization! There even are specific fertilizers called 'bone meal' or 'fish fertilizer' because plants really love that kind of stuff. It's better to compost them first though or add them in crushed form, they need to be reduced to the elements before plants can absorb them
Mushrooms: if you can get any fungal growth in your garden it's extremely healthy for your plants! If you're only looking for potted soil disregard this. But garden plants love having mushrooms around and if you have any mushroom growth it means your soil is super healthy
compost tea: I am sure this one is amazing because 'Roots and Refuge' farm used it to rejuvinate their soil after it's been poisoned by herbicide. I'm not sure how I would do it with my outside compost pile but the idea is to put your half-composted leftovers into water, leave it there for some hours, and strain it out, so the water has taken tons of nutrients from it, and then you water your plants with it! In general, whatever you use dissolved in water will have immediate effect because your plants will draw that water in immediately. It takes a bit to absorb stuff you put in the soil!
I guess I shouldn't leave out the 'traditional' fertilization methods, which is animal poop, just in case you have like, chicken or bunnies or something making a lot of poop, that can be used as fertilizer. Do look up what poop needs to be composted for a while first though! Some animals like cows produce poop so nitrogen-rich it would fry your plants if used immediately, it needs to sit for a year first.
Good luck to your plants, you never have to buy fertilizer because there is so much of nutrients in nature you can always get it for free, with just some basic knowledge of how to get to it :)
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incarnateirony · 1 year
OH, YEAH. let's start with this wonderful grammar "There has been a number of reports regarding assistants and stand-ins that have been credited on IMDb a number of Marvel Studios projects recently including Halle Berry & Famke Janssen for ‘DEADPOOL 3’."
Then we click the thing:
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Everything else hidden, but sure. Okay leaky person cut on a discord background, this has NOTHING to do with how easy it is to edit IMDB, AMIRITE????????
THIS one was golden though, this one right here when any fact check was begun:
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A bunch of these just look like guesses, like back in like May Halle Berry was sporting white hair and everyone assumed it was to be Storm again in Deadpool and fans went everywhere speculating.
Jared's fans have been pitching 238492384 marvel things for him to be every year for ten billion years. Gambit off the top of my head as the most recent one I recall. A list of returning GotG members because duh. Several names like Froy Gutierrez that were floated for shit like Marvel's Young Avengers on fanpages. One of these is a guy with like, NO history WHATSOEVER beyond being on CW Charmed for a few episodes (6) and then a few on night court, and isnt even in the top 5000.
Stinks of fan wishlist passed as rumor, originating off of some cross Marvel/CW fan. I mean, if Talik is managing to rocket from bit actor obscurity in the 15,000 range to being some yet unconfirmed character, all power to him, but sorry, this smacks of lmfao. It's a bunch of like fan observations of the obvious from 2 months ago (storm), CW people (Someone was a Charmed & Supernatural fan), and shit the Marvel community went "OOPS LMAO THAT'S WRONG" like Janelle Monae already:
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Page was put up same time as the tweet according to google deleted in the last day, and the tweet was posted yesterday. Lmao bruh.
Like if Jared finally gets his first voice acting role of some rando XMan like 4 years behind the jackles curve, good for him I guess? Like marvel going, DC got jensen, who was That Other Guy? Given this is just a Special like holiday specials, so it'd be like one episode.
On the other hand you're going to need more than someone blatantly trying to run a list while anyone can edit the source. You think Marvel's gonna announce it like that? AH yes we hide everything even the title, and the stars, but leak the assistants. On multiple shows. NOTHING ELSE, NOT EVEN A TITLE THERE, NO RELEASE DATE GIVEN BUT WE GOT THE RANDO ASSISTANTS *SQUARED* cuz *LOGIC* But yeah, cool. Jared Padalecki As Knockoff Voice For Some Character In One Off Holiday Special Or Shortrun Webseries Some Shit For Character/Series Zero Of the Jpeg Stans Care About.
Please take your Fangasm induced and boosted nonsense out of my inbox.
Add in, be real careful holding your breath even if it IS real. Kevin Feige is listed as producting and Iger was just talking about him being "spread too thin" and dilluting their product. He's named streaming as the problem and opened fire purging products from Disney+ even before the strike. Just outright brake pump on output of Disney+ stream content. Now, they HAVE had problems with integral marvel stars recently
Why would this come out during a strike nobody is working, no less???????? Before the strike they hadn't even sorted directors or anything??????? Are you saying Jared, what, accepted the role during strike?????????? or... kept his mouth shut without a single hint for half a year????????? JARED????????????????
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Also??? Jared's supposed assistant is uh. well i mean. i support immigration. But it's Real Weird that if you google him and Force It To English Results, there's 3 mentions; one this imdb listing, one bot garble nonsense, and one his application to go to college in california this spring while listing also moving into the country this march (actually with how he fucked up the US MM/DD/YY format for his birthday... this april??). So like. IDK man. Smells real fuckin sus. He wouldn't pass marvel vetting to be a janitor with that status.
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Love the MULTIPLE errors on here. Class act
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tainbocuailnge · 3 years
Apparently a few people on twitter and reddit are saying they'd rather trust FGO being handled with Cygames. Since you're more familiar with their track record than I am, what do you think about this?
I fucking hate the direction cygames has taken with both granblue and dragalia recently, the only clear benefit I can see coming out of fgo joining cygames’ ranks is a) the inhouse translation team means the game will be translated by people who actually play it working in close relation with the writers b) we’d definitely get a console port of fgo arcade because cygames blatantly wanted to be a console game developer anyway. much as people love to bitch about dw (and boy is everyone jumping at the chance to bitch about dw now that sakura wars is dead) I will continue to insist that they’re making noticable efforts to listen to user complaints, if nothing else they’ve been listening to MY complaints. granblue on the other hand is doing nothing but steadily getting worse the past two years, even setting aside my gripes with the writing and only focusing on the gameplay, and I’m still convinced it’s because they’ve put all the competent people to work on the console games.
it’s part of what I said in my previous post which i’ll link for when this ineviably gets reblogged out of context about respecting the player’s time and games that use autobattle as substitute for actually being fun to play. granblue USED to be a game that respects its players’ time but the past roughly two years it’s grown steadily worse and worse on that front. in the granblue I signed up for you could ignore it for weeks and then sit down for an afternoon and grind for a bit and make tangible process, but nowadays the game has shifted to demanding you sit down and clear these specific raids every day if you want a chance in hell to get the new endgame weapon with marginal power increases, and to compensate for how unfun the game has become to play they introduced the ability to make the game play itself which only made farming it worse because now you’re actively encouraged to... play the game so that you can get strong enough to not have to play it anymore. dragalia is even worse because they just hand you buckets of tickets that let you skip having to play the game instead of like..... not making it awful to play the game. i used to joke that “real granblue players don’t play granblue” as a way to convey how the game was perfectly fine with you putting it down for a while if you don’t feel like grinding but apparently cygames took me too literally and now you can literally play granblue without playing it, except we’re in hell so if you want the stuff that makes the game good at playing itself you actually have to sit down and play it every day.
like i said in the other post that’s something that fgo actively tries to avoid and that i want them to keep avoiding, and I think it’s thanks to the stubbornness of someone at either delightworks or type moon that they refuse to let you autobattle. the problem with fgo isn’t that it won’t play itself, in fact its great strength is that it doesn’t need to play itself because mechanically it doesn’t give a shit how slow you are to clear the quest, the problem is that it only has a limited amount of content available at any given time so you’re forced to play the content it tells you to play instead of really being able to go at your own pace. that’s not something that cygames will solve, they’re just going to make the game play itself.
I honestly think the people saying cygames will be a better developer for fgo are just blinded by cygames’ reputation of giving away loads of free rolls all the time, but just because you get to roll a lot doesn’t mean granblue gacha is actually any good. it has its spark system sure but the rates are so dilluted that without those 300 rolls you don’t have a chance in hell of rolling a specific rateup character. people regularly go whole sparks without rolling any of the five characters put on “rateup” at the same time. the reason cygames can get away with giving away all those free rolls in the first place is that rolling the strong characters actually doesn’t make you all that much stronger in granblue unless you roll them multiple times for their weapon, except if theyre a new seasonal limited i guess because then all the new raids will be centered around you having that specific fucking seasonal limited because we’re in hell. fgo gacha feels bad because it’s hard to get stuff but granblue gacha feels bad even if you do get stuff because it’s all so fucking meaningless.
so yeah no i don’t think cygames would be a good developer for fgo i think delightworks should just get its shit together
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lasesmed · 3 years
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[Image ID: a significant collection of beverages labelled “Fun Light”. End ID.]
my new series where i review the concentrates of the fun light line of products, and someday, maybe more
Today, we’ll be reviewing lucky number four, Happy Husholdningssaft, or, if youre english, happy household juice/lemonade
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[Image ID: A bottle labelled Fun Light “Happy Household Juice” in norwegian. End ID.]
Husholdningssaft, a true staple of norwegian culture. you will not meet an adult in this country who has not tasted some form of husholdningssaft during their life. In my youth, i too indulged a lot in husholdningssaft, because it was one of the few juices i actually liked, and so i consumed it in large quantities for many years until i learnt to actually have taste buds that didnt want to kill me.
anyways, its fucking wine coloured
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[Image ID: The Juice. It is reddish purple. End ID.]
So we’re off to a great start already off the bat. It’s got a great bottle colour, which stays nice and solid throughout the dillution.
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[Image ID: Concentrate in a measuring cup. It is undiluted. End ID.]
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[Image ID: Concentrate in a measuring cup, now diluted to 1 part concentrate, 4 parts water. It has the same colour as before. End ID.]
So on the colour rating, I’m giving this classic type of juice a 10/10.
Now, for the taste.
Its Husholdningssaft pretty much. If you’ve had it before, you know exactly what it tastes like, its nothing special. I mean, dont get me wrong. It tastes okay i guess, but like, its husholdningssaft. 5/10.
While it has a really good and nice colour that stays consistent throughout the entire process, the fact that it really is just, stock standard husholdningssaft does drag down the score a bit. 
Final score: 7/10 Funnies
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a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
Hi! I hope that you're doing well. For the Send Me a Character meme, would you like to talk about Flowey? Thank you!
FLOWEYYY It's always a good time to talk about him ngngnlf
First impression
"i know people who play Undertale distrust flowers i bet im gonna do the same but let's pretend i'm going blind- Oh crap." He's so mean and awful and uuuuugh once i finished the game i felt like he was the type of character you're supposed to prove wrong.
Now, the stuff he says if you spare him in neutral routes got me intrigued and well, they pushed me to look more into him.
Impression now
He's so important to me! I think his arc and ideals are so interesting to explore. I LOOOVE the way that he's an example of what a player would try to do with the power of resets and loads. I honestly just wished we got to see more of him mid game, but I guess getting glimpses of his influence is good too. I did walk on him stalking Frisk on my first playthrough.
Favorite moment
No Mercy conversation in New Home. All of it. The transition between his first life and his second, the tragedy of it, the way his views are affected by the paths he's explored. God I love that so much.
Idea for a story
Him piecing together how the world has changed after his death, him calling out other characters... And another with him questioning his identity and his choices. Like, if you could pick any route, which route is more authentic to yourself? I'd love to read or make a story to explore the dillution of identity brought by the multiple routes and attempts.
Unpopular opinion
He does not need a soul or be able to have feelings to be saved and live a good life. As much as the idea of saving Asriel is attractive, I don't like it when that it undoes who he became when he was a flower. I just look at the dialogue he has if you try to do a true reset and cannot see him as just a shell of what he once was. He's changed, sure, but the route to recovery doen't have to be about reverting who he was. I think accepting that is a lot better and welcoming to those who have trouble understanding other's feelings too.
Favorite relationship
I'm intrigued by his friendship with Papyrus. I think it's a genuine friendship, at least, he genuinely cares about Papyrus enough to know about him more than the average person. Papyrus would make him better to.
Alphys is also an interesting one, because she Would recognize him as a product of her experiments. God that would be so messed up. I would love to read more about that.
Favorite headcanon
He plays drums, he can have multiple limbs and he's gonna use them to be loud and obnoxious. But he could be a great drummer eventually so, good for him. He lurks on the surface, but doesn't wanna face most of the main cast, except maybe Frisk and Papyrus.
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hiehgiuhdkgdfjhdf · 4 years
🐍 abel 👹🍏🍇vasily 🔮☀️ tal
thanks king <3
🐍 Is your OC a good liar? How easy is it for them to tell lies? What is the biggest lie they’ve ever told and did they ever get found out? On the other hand, what is the biggest lie someone has told your OC and did they believe them?
OK Well they arent really developed yet but umm abel is one of my nicer ocs so they wouldnt lie out of malicious intent or to manipulate people BUT in stressful situations they would try and convince themselves that everythings fine even though it Obviously isnt to try and stay calm which i dont think counts as lying but well. its smth. going off of that maybe theyd lie abt theit own wellbeing to other people just to keep them calm
👹 How does you OC act around different people and how does their personality change to match the environment they’re in? How do they act with: friends, family, strangers, children or their lover(s)?
vasily has a weird relationship with their family and doesnt stay in contact not out of avoidance they just dont deem in necessary i think. they generally ignore strangers and dont bother talking to them unless they get Really Bored ans decide to fuck w people. when a stranger DOES decide to pester them vasily just starts being cryptic and weird to scare ppl for fun. around friends he is surprisignly nicer but that doesnt say a lot lol drops the weird act to make fun of them instead. but also he is just a weirdo still its just less creepy and scary when you know him . he is the nicest and most open w his boyfriend but they still tease each other a bunch its jist the least threatening from vasilys end
🍏 When your OC says “I had a bad day” what does that tend to mean? Is it really as bad as they’re saying or are they being a bit dramatic?
OK well vasily passively denies his own trauma and doesnt acknowledge anything bad happening to him 99% of the time bc hes used to seeing fucked up shit from being raised into hunting monsters. also i guess the being an avatar part dillutes those feelings too. so if you on the rare occasion DO hear him say that (ie watching his boyfriend die but shes fine now?) it was. genuinely really bad
🍇 Does your OC have any bad habits? Does your OC have any addictions like smoking or drinking? How did they fall into these habits and why? 
oh they smoke but thankfully isnt in any health danger bc avatar rights. anyway the wiki talks abt the hunt being like an addiction for hunters so i guess i can talk about that. not really their fault for falling into it bc avatar family BUT they worsen it awfully by going way too far into their head after self isolating and as a result pretty much completely devotes themselves to hunting for like 2 and a half years like they straight up werent a person functionally. it took some physical trauma to snap them out of it and realize Maybe I Would Like To Atleast Live As a Person Half The Time. but it takes a bunch of work for them to feel and act. normalish. establishing relationships again is what helps the most bc self isolation drove them to being like that in the first place and i always joke about this but i think getting pets to take care of is also smth that calms them down
🔮What does your OC think is their best trait. What is actually their best trait? What about their flaws? Are they one to admit these flaws or do they like to pretend they’re perfect?
he isnt much of a narcissist usually BUT he does think his looks r the best thing abt him he is really pretty. his actual best trait i think is his persistence n willingness to dig deep to find out the truth and devoting a lot of time and energy to it. as for worst traits id say th fact that he just does not talk about his own problems because hes scared of ppls reactions and prefers to deal with them alone. also around other sylvari (except those close to him) he is an uncharacteristic people pleaser like he doesnt seem like one at ALL bc hes scared of more rejection BUT after not living in the grove for a while he eventually stops with that
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
he is pretty normal on this front except again if its w other sylvari but its not as extreme as completely neglecting himself and his own needs. his favorite way to pamper himself is to take a lazy day off and spend time w his pets
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crazyspookies · 6 years
So, i wasn’t planing on going back to making recaps but i had a couple thoughts that im going to leave here somewhere! :)
1) This is such a nice way to start the season. Also, it kinda feels like one of those national holidays in wich you still go to school but you mostly do other activities that are nothing like your usual classes and the whole school is full of kids going aroudn doing activities or going on a little school trip you know what i mean.
2) “the patchwork cushions look cheerful, and the handmade scepter and mace are a delight!” What a nice reporter i like her.
3) Royal Roller Derby, now a tradition :’/
4) “Me and Five are just in the outer hall. It’s so quiet, anyone could hear! “ Are there any other people here? Are we like, officialy escorting janine as representant of Abel Township? I can’t imagine we’re the only source of security here, i mean, this is a peace conference there should be other people from the other major townships and royal security to make sure nothing happens to their representants, right?
6) “ Five, do you hear that? Bikes.”
Me: it begins
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7) “She’ll hear you, and beat you with an Abel pennant later! Janine’s intel is never wrong.“ Sam i love you but lmao in what delusional limbo do you live to even think janine’s intel can ever be wrong
8) “[motorcycle engines roar, laughter, glass shatters]”
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9)”And there’s a little disturbance, as we all knew there might be" I love it that we all knew that. Peace conference? Obviously someting’s going to go down
10) Ok, Sorry For Party Rocking? Best song choice ever, great party, 10/10 would recommend
11) I am so weirdly charmed by these toe eating chaos viallians. After having to deal with Sigrid, who if we go by evidence, is a generally much higher profile kind of villian, this is a lot of fun. Like, the stakes are still high, because of the whole “we are going ot be bombed to death or killied insome other way thing but. You know, Sigrid was a cold villian. A conqueror, if you will, with her fingers in many important pots, orginized and a high goverment official. The contrast from that kind of angst to suddenly being surrounded by hot blooded chaos and..a bunch of picturesque baddies who cheer and provoque and make very overt threats is pretty fun. Kinda like little guideon and the prison inmates hahaha
12) Operator Rofflenet. Nice, this is cool, this is smart.
13) “ Abel! Abel scum! Look at their uniforms!” BRING IT ON BITCH
14) Me, listening to the biker chaos: am i on the fury road
15)  “ No uniform will save you from the chaos, Abel! [laughs] Come here, little Abel. [kissy noises]” im crying bless your terrible soul you dickhead i can’t believe he’s making kissy noises and giving me classic villian dialogue this is amazing. But also, if i was actually there and someone did this at me id want to smash their face with a rock.
16) "I am getting a very Weinstein vibe from that biker” rock in the face it is
17)” We’re going to kill you slowly. We’re going to eat you piece by piece, starting with the toes “ IM SORRY BUT IM LAUGHING SO HARD COS THERE’S BEEN SO MANY SUCKING TOES MEMES THESE PAST FEW WEEKS, ESPECIALLY WITH THIS PIC AND IM CRYING
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18) I’m sorry but, what kind of bad evil cannibals put a burning manequinn on top of a van rather than an actual corpse? Like? I imagine wood takes longer to charr? So what ytou’re saying is that this absolutley was an aesthetic decision
1) On the one hand i’m sad that jody always puts herself down comparing herself to janine. Like, ok, janine might be better at tactics but jody is really good and the truth is, Janine is not there so why compare yourself at all? This applies especially to season 6, because janine very literally LEFT to do a different mission and left the township in our hands. It’s of no use to think “she would do it better”, she’s not here AND she left this work to us, so that means she trusts us enough to get things done without her (and let’s be honest, that’s a great compliment? especially if janine is such a perfectionist?). So, on the one hand i don’t enjoy jody making these comments (especially because?? she’s actually a super good tactician anyway? jody istg) , but on the other i like how they twisted this by showing something jody is good better at than janine, which is diplomacy. I like how they make a note that maybe on this mission it might have been more beneficial for them to have been switched on this mission, and to have played their strengths in a more profitable way.  I feel it could be interesting to expand on this, especially with this thing jody is doing with the uhhh thingamabob to reach other countries
2) Alright, so V types. If V types bit a corpse and it reanimates, does that corpse become a V type too and is it able to reanimate other corpses? From what sam says about the biker who is turned, it seems that it most possibly yes, and if he can infect other corpses this becomes a really really bad situation. It really changes the way we have to deal with zombs AND living people who die in any way or form from now on. Corpses from people who die should probably be incinerated to make sure they cannot reanimated. I believe there’s religions that are not too hot about that (badumtss) so i guess there would have to be a difficult conversation to be had there.
I’ve been curious about how did old timey people made sure to make those V types to go to sleep though. I should look it up but I think to remember that the blue flowers and Loki the sorceress were mentioned in this. The blue flowers calm normal zombies down, and it would be interesting to try that out with the V types, see how that works. I don’t quite remember what the deal with the viking blood was but maybe there’s something to reaserch there too, seeing as it was old as balls and probably more likeley to work with the original virus rather than the new types of zombies created by sigrid.
If we got a way to get them super duper high with blue flower extract or whatever, then it might help getting rid of them. All in all, we really need to get them in big numbers and maybe move them to a location where we can get rid of them. Like, if they can infect corpses it will not take much time until we are overwhelmed by the numbers of immortal zombies yakno?
3) On this very note, peeps being idiots and not believing janine about the new V type is so infuriation lmao what the fuck mate we have already gone through so much you REALLY don’t believe us, because we didn’t do everything you wanted when you needed us to (eventhough we were, ya know, busy trying to debunk a fascist regime and all that)? that is some hard headed petty denial right there. My inmediate idea is: somehow capture a V-type, put it in a cage, and get janine and jody play good cop/ bad cop with the other memers in the house of commons, all super theatrical. Jody talks in an appeasing way, janine delivers hard facts, and then dramatically shoots the zombie in the head. Everyone gasps horrifically at the zombie still being alive and janine makes an iconic metaphorical Mic Drop ™
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4) Another thing this whole flodding that district no one lives in reminded me is that i’m really worried about is exacly how much can a zombie infect water itself? I think this Might be one of those plot hole moments because?? I think we have stated that contact with infected blood turns people, but who hasn’t been splattered by killing a zombie with an axe? Or while killing an infected person that has not yet turned? If there’s enough zombies underwater close to the beach, is a certain part of the current infected to? What about lakes or rivers? Too many corpses in general poison the water in normal circumstances so what if those corpses are infected? wont the water carry the infection? (how much water is enough to dillute it?)
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idjiyeon-blog · 6 years
matters of friendship.
@idyujin < detail your character doing a vlive broadcast >
these days jiyeon doesn’t have much to do, and for once she is fine with it. her career is going different from what she thought it would be, but it isn’t that bad – she has time, actual time to sit down and watch tv shows she likes or dance tutorials on youtube, have lunch with her sister and visit her on set. it’s not bad, it’s a life she can get used to. some people need the stage lights as much as they need air to survive, jiyeon is not one of those.
but she can’t get out of that trainee debt or make a living of just training and eating – unfortunately – so she still does what she is told to, lives by the idol rules. and again, it’s not so bad, it’s a lifestyle she can tolerate if it means she gets to make money and doesn’t have to deal with her family asking about her work, they know she is not that famous, come on.
for once she is not at the midas cafeteria on her lunch time, and while she would prefer the calm the place offers ( when roman is not there to annoy her ), jiyeon is happy that she has company for lunch this time. her manager sits in front of her, busy on his phone, as they wait. of course they wouldn’t let her by herself, jiyeon is a liability with her blunt personality and carefree attitude. the public likes it, but in dilluted doses, not in the way jiyeon is.
she checks her hair one last time before her manager gives her the okay to start the broadcast. they announced it on their sns before, so there is a good number of fans as soon as she greets them, smiling. “hello coven, how are you doing today?” jiyeon keeps her eyes on the comments, sees languages she recognizes but doesn’t understand. still, she knows enough to give shout out to different countries and say random words in english, spanish and japanese.
“the other members are busy today, but i have a guest. she will be here soon. can you guess who is joining me?” jiyeon is not sure of whose idea it was, but she is not mad at it, having yujin with her is something that the public will like and they are actual friends.
when the other girl arrives jiyeon keeps the phone away from the entrance of the booth she’s sitting on, keeping the mystery. “ah, here she is.” she gestures for yujin to take the seat besides her, holding the selfie stick in a way that the viewers can see who joined her once the girl is settled. “everyone, say hello to her.oine’s yujin, my friend!” she smiles. “you took long, i ordered without you.” her tone is casual and playful as she swirls a lock of yujin’s hair on her finger. “this girl, always making unnie pay for things.”
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perseuvaldez · 7 years
no one breaks my heart like you
i know what you did last summer - does he know it’s killing me? he knows... does he know?
without it - but if i have been just a fool who has let you down? what now?
break a little - everytime i see your face, i break a little
like this - thought i was strong enough for you, but i just can’t hide the truth... so i guess i’m going down like this
losing you - what can i do to convince you we need more time?
tell me how - of all the weapons you fight with, your silence is the most violent
pool - happy second chance or happy ending
green eyes - i see you, a curse in my mind coming to haunt me, you’re holding me tight
thinking of you - did you run out of love? or just run out, love?
those days are gone - in my mind forever i will be holding on... oh, well, those days are gone
blinded by you - made to be wrong for each other, i tried another, fade like ghosts they do 
falling in love - we could’ve fallen in love
two ghosts - we’re not who we used to be
new york - nothing here has changed, but without you nothing feels the same
night driver - i remember when you said to me that we’d live forever... how could you, babe? make a promise that you couldn’t keep?
sick of losing soulmates - i can finally see you’re as fucked up as me, so how do we win?
all night - we can make love or war
easy - no fun when you’re the only one, love drunk when the other’s sober
3 am - don’t think about you at night, i’m happy to be alone, it’s okay... but that was yesterday
too close for comfort - won’t you think about what you’re about to do to me and back down?
why - you’re out of touch and i’m out of time
woman - apologies are never gonna fix this
that’s the truth - there’s no saving us now, i’m just doing this to clear my name
dilluted - i need this to be over, i know that now; holding on to cold hands and sunken eyes hasn’t held the same charm as it once did
broken - under the gun, look what you’ve done, made a fool out of everyone
pov - i’m looking at you from another point of view, i don’t know how the hell i fell in love with you
i have questions - my name was safest in your mouth; and why’d you have to go and spit it out?
you can’t break a broken heart - no damage you can do now, i’m immune to you now... you can’t break what broke apart
crying in the club - you think that you’ll die without him... you know that’s a lie that you tell yourself
powers - can’t you tell you cast your spell on me enough?
everybody knows - now hearts are getting broken, but i guess it’s what they call ‘growing up’
see it - i can’t hide this feeling, paint a smile on; had me believing, but i know you’re wrong
unknown (to you) - tell me that it’s over, tell me that you mean it, this time it’s true; tell me that i’m unknown to you
gracious - darling, i’ll grow weary, happy still with just the memory of your face
coaster - maybe you weren’t the one for me, but deep down i wanted you to be
saved - i’ll keep your number saved ‘cause i hope one day you’ll get the sense to call me
i don't think about you - and you swore ‘i’d never do this’, but it’s your time to face the music
nostalgia - do i even want you back? or is it just nostalgia?
peace of mind - it's not like i'm still in love, i'm just used to being yours
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