#din? flop
oflgtfol · 1 year
grogu has been the most badass one out of everyone this episode
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shanediomorrissey · 1 year
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Jedediah and Octavius walked so dincobb could run. This is a tribute to the blueprint.
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risingshards · 1 year
bo-katan (ominously): "It's time to get rid of him once and for all..." bo-katan, a minute later: "I told you I want to be left ALONE."
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jessescoldbrew · 1 year
DinBo truthers ever since the Mando S3 finale aired:
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
Dincember Day 19: Coat
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Word Count: 1989 Rating: General Summary: You and Din arrive for a vacation in a picturesque snowy mountain town. There's just one problem: you brought the wrong coat. You head into town in search of the perfect coat but after a long day of fruitless searching, fortunately you have an incredibly patient and attentive Mandalorian to help you through the shopping stress. Content Warnings: Reader struggles to find a coat that fits right (not specified why) so maybe a little body image issues if you squint. Author's Note: This may or may not have been inspired by me spending the past two days looking for the right coat while shopping and now being ready to drop from exhaustion (hence the later post!) but hopefully tomorrow is the day! This one is linked pretty heavily to Day 1 and Day 12. I tried to make it as inclusive as possible in terms of why finding a coat that fit was hard, I struggle myself (I'm very tall) so if that applies to you too, I feel you. It sucks. Hope you enjoyed!
Link to read on AO3 | My Dincember Masterlist
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The moment when Din walked through the door holding a bag of shopping should have been the first clue that something was untoward. You knew that he enjoyed the occasional visit to the weekly market that passed through Nevarro with you but you had never known him to be one to shop for himself, certainly not without you. So, your curiosity was piqued when you noticed Din’s return with a mysterious bag, both at what he had bought and the reason for his apparently secretive shopping trip. Given thousands of attempts though, you would never have accurately guessed what Din had purchased. It was the last thing you expected to see.
“What have you got there?” You asked, getting straight to the point as you sat on the couch with Grogu on your lap.
“It’s for this little guy,” Din said, nodding towards Grogu as he removed his helmet and placed it on the table in front of you.
With his helmet out of the way, Din took the mystery item out of the shopping bag. He revealed it to be a little red coat with matching red trousers, complete with foot coverings, just small enough to fit Grogu. It appeared to be a snow suit of some kind. You were thoroughly confused. You looked up at Din questioningly. Nevarro was a warm planet with lava flats, you had never known there to be a day cold enough to necessitate such a garment. It was then that Din had told you that the vacation you were taking was, to your surprise, a cold planet. 
You had done your best to pack for the surprise trip that Din had told you would be to cold climes. Although that was difficult, since the selection of clothes you were working with was intended for climates much warmer than in the mountains of Corellia, where Din had brought you to vacation. After one afternoon of playing in the snow your coat had proved to be woefully inadequate, the material was not thick enough and it was completely sodden after a snowball fight with Grogu.
The first morning that you woke up in the snowy paradise, rather than being able to enjoy your surroundings, the first order of business was to procure you a more suitable coat that would protect you against the elements. The two of you were heading into town to shop for a new coat. You felt enormously guilty that your lack of preparedness had put a stop to all the fun you could be having. Plus, shopping when you needed something was not the most pleasant experience. You did not have the luxury of browsing the shops, selecting something for a treat that took your fancy. If you didn’t manage to find something suitable you would not be able to enjoy your time here.
Din had dressed in his beskar’gam for your excursion and despite how bad you felt, he would let you feel no such negative emotions. But despite his insistence that you needed to get this coat sorted so that you could enjoy your time here, you still felt awful. Plus, given Din's unsual appearance, you were painfully aware that he was turning a number of heads as you wandered through the streets of Doaba Guerfel. You doubted that the picturesque mountain town where you were staying for a festive winter retreat was used to many Mandalorians. You had done your best to ignore them though, and remain optimistic that you would find the perfect winter coat in one of the various clothing retailers dotted around the quaint town. 
But the day had dragged on, beyond even your worst fears. You had been searching for what felt like an eternity. Now, Grogu was getting restless and the number of stores left for you to visit was dwindling. Yet still, the perfect winter coat eluded you. Everything that was available seemed to be out of season. And any winter coats that you saw were either not made of the right material, not something that you felt comfortable in or not quite the right size for you. Din was doing his best to reassure you and ensure that you did not feel bad even though you could tell his patience was beginning to wear thin.
“One more store,” You sighed, already feeling defeated. 
“This is going to be the one, mesh’la, I can just feel it,” Din said as the two of you walked arm in arm towards the final store. You noted the way Din had used the Mando'a phrase for beautiful to refer to you and it touched you deeply. He clearly wanting to highlight that to you now, he could see that the amount of ill-fitting coats had perhaps made you slightly insecure. You felt instantly lighter as Din pushed the door and entered the small shop that appeared to be owned by a family, judging by the name on the door.
A friendly old man greeted you from behind the counter when you walked into the small store. The family-run business was quiet, a few people were shopping but it was a world away from the many hot, cramped stores that you had already visited today. This one was slightly off the main shopping street and appeared to be less of a tourist trap.
You felt slightly more optimistic, both from the vibes of the store and the way Din had assured you while approaching this store that this would be the one. He was so confident that you almost believed him. But cruelly, as you rounded the last rail of coats, still nothing was appropriate for you. You were dejected, disappointed and you felt terrible looking at the way Grogu was writhing impatiently on the seat Din had placed him on. He had brought you both here for a relaxing vacation, not to shop for coats. You were about to turn on your heel and storm out of the store, when the sound of Din’s voice stopped you in your tracks.
“I need to find a coat today, something warm,” Din explained, having already marched over to the counter behind which the elderly man was standing. “I have a lot of credits. It’s for my partner here,” Din gestured towards you. You felt awful that it was having to come to this, even more so that he would have to waste any more of his hard earned money on you, after he had clearly splurged on this vacation. 
“Ah… there has been quite the run on coats recently, with all the tourists at this time of year, we simply cannot meet the demand,” The old man explained, bringing up a finger to scratch his chin as though deep in thought. “However, I think I might have something in the storeroom that is just the right size.”
Din nodded slowly, then turned towards you and tilted his head as if to say, I told you so. You smiled and shook your head at him, you hadn’t even seen the coat yet and already he was so certain that it was going to be right for you. When the old shopkeeper returned with the coat in mind, you could see instantly that this was the coat for you. It appeared to be the right size, unlike most of the coats you had seen thus far today. Plus, it had a thick, fur-lined hood with equally warm lining and a waterproof material on the outside. But that wasn’t even the best part. The best part was the colour: bright red, Just like Grogu’s snowsuit. 
Your face lit up as the shopkeeper brought it over, your heart was pounding. All day you had been hoping to have the moment when you saw the coat and just knew it was right for you and finally, it seemed, that this might be it. You took the coat from his wrinkled hands, trembling slightly as you did so. Din had walked over to be by your side as you tried it on. 
As you slipped your arms into the coat, you felt a rush of euphoria. This was exactly the right coat for you. It fit you like a glove, you loved the material and it was the right colour so you could match with Grogu. 
“It fits you perfectly!” The old man exclaimed with glee once you had fastened it around you. 
“It does,” Din said, his helmet tilting to look you up and down. You felt your cheeks warm slightly out of embarrassment from knowing that he was gazing at you like this, but it was just another sign of how much he adored you. 
Din went to pay for the coat while you scooped Grogu up from the seat he had been sitting on, watching you try the coat on. He cooed happily and placed his little claws on the chest of your coat, as if to give his seal of approval at the fact you were now matching.
“Thank you for your business!” The old shopkeeper said with a wave as you left the store, “I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here!”
“Thank you for your help,” Din nodded as you stepped out of the store.
You headed back towards the cabin, Grogu in your arms, the two of you matching while the unpainted Beskar of the man beside you gleamed in the late-afternoon sunshine.
Later that evening, when you returned from the long walk that you had taken as the sun set over the mountainous paradise, your history with coats was weighing upon Din’s mind. After all, if it hadn’t been for you forgetting your coat to run a few errands on your homeplanet when a rainstorm hit, you never would have met Din. As you proudly hung your new red coat up on the pegs just inside the cabin, right next to Grogu’s much tinier one of the same colour, you heard Din walk into the hallway beside you. 
“It seems to be a pattern with you,” Din observed with a smirk as he leant against the wall.
You looked at him quizzically, not following where his mind was.
“I mean, you and coats,” Din elaborated. “We met for the first time because you forgot to wear one and there was a downpour. Now we spent an entire day shopping for a coat so you’d be wrapped up against the elements here.”
“You’re right,” You giggled. “I really am hopeless.”
“You are hopeless,” Din said teasingly as he walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “But that’s why I love you.”
“Well, I love you too,” You said as you leaned in to kiss Din softly. “But maybe next time you do a bit of shopping for Grogu, you could at least include me too.”
“Oh, so this is my fault,” Din huffed, pouting slightly.
“Maybe…” You mused. “But you did fix it. Thank you for helping me get what I needed in the end.”
“You’re welcome, cyare,” Din smiled. “You know I’ll always fix anything for you.”
“I do,” You sighed, looking up at Din dreamily, feeling grateful that you had such a caring man in your life.
You leaned in to kiss him again, before he placed his arm around your shoulder and the two of you walked into the main living area where Grogu was playing with the fire. 
Despite how terribly the day had begun, you had managed to turn things around with Din’s help. Now, you would be wrapped up against the elements. You could enjoy the rest of the time you had here in this idyllic mountain paradise, complete with the new red jacket to match the snowsuit Grogu had been bought by his father. It was just another story to add to the amusing history you and Din had with your apparent hopelessness at being prepared for the weather with the right coat. 
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Luke, working on his X-wing: *sigh* "Cara can you please stop throwing credits at my butt!*
Cara, still throwing coins: "No can do sunshine, I heard Paz say you 'had an ass you could bounce credits off' and I need to prove him wrong."
Luke: "You proved him wrong 30minutes ago!!"
Cara: "Yeah but then Din decked him saying you 'could bounce a thousand credits off it' so now I have to prove him wrong too "
Bo-Katan: "why are none of you taking into account thAT CREDITS ARE RECTANGULAR"
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bearsbeetsbeskar · 5 months
I’m feeling the same way about the Mando movie 😭 I’m worried they’re gonna use it as a way to kill off Din and have someone else take over Grogu and completely change the storyline 😭😭😭
i could go on forever at length about my fears, worries, and concerns for what the writers will do to our beloved Din and Grogu in this upcoming movie, but I'm trying to stay optimistic about how it could turn out.
Here are my thoughts under the cut:
Many ppl agree that the way they ended s3 with Din and Grogu was finite. A neatly wrapped up package with a bow tied on it, to end their adventures and consequently, their story within the mandalorian universe. They have their house on Nevarro, Moff Gideon is no longer a threat to Grogu and Din, and they can live the rest of their lives in peace, as father and son. I just really hope the writers heed the terrible low warnings that s3 received and use it to keep Din and Grogu as the main focus of the movie, without straying too far to focus on other characters.
I know John Favreau has already said that they have already written s4 of the Mandalorian but I can't help but think that it really will not involve much of Din and Grogu at all, given the way s3 ended. That plus the fact that they kept saying that the Mandalorian doesn't have to be about one singular Mandalorian, and that it can center around the entire Mandalorian universe as a whole, and other mandos (*cough cough* Bo-Katan *cough cough*). Consequently, with s3 centering around Bo-Katan for the majority of the season, it is pretty clear that this is the direction they are moving in. Which makes me incredibly sad, but I do understand Din and Grogu couldn't go on forever.
Plus, Pedro's filming schedule for s3 of mando was extremely rigid given his time and devotion to filming TLOU, I'm doubtful that he could have had a major role in the future seasons. Given TLOU's success paving the way for 2023 to really be Pedro's year, I feel that he is going to step back from Mando, which would align with the way the storyline for Din and Grogu is going.
I think what makes me most sad is I'm not sure which is the cause and which is the effect in this scenario. Is Pedro taking on other roles and stepping back from Mando bc he feels short changed by Disney? With how they've been writing for Din and Grogu lately? Did they start to push him to the back burner as soon as the hype around TLOU began? OR are the writers fruitlessly writing out his character and making space for the mandalorian to center around other characters bc of Pedro's rise to fame and popularity now? Rightly so, he's a hot commodity and everyone wants him starring in their projects, so it makes sense that they would take this into consideration when writing future stories for Din and Grogu.
All of this to say that I feel like the movie is the final send off we will get for Din and Grogu, which is bittersweet and heartbreaking. If I'm honest, I think I'm in my feels so deeply over the whole thing because the Mandalorian was how I found Pedro.
Other people found him through Game of Thrones as beloved Oberyn, or through Narcos as the insatiable Javi P, and some more recently discovered him as Joel in TLOU. My ex was a huge star wars fan, and I had only seen the OG trilogy (which I did enjoy), and he suggested I try watching the Mandalorian. I tried it once and didn't enjoy it, but then I gave it another watch and slowly fell in love with it. Once I found out that Pedro was the main actor, and he was the one underneath the suit?? It was over for me.
I fell HARD, down the rabbit hole. Interviews, photoshoots, his other movies and shows, you name it. Anything I could get my hands on, I consumed with a ferocity that scared my ex away lmao. So for me, this whole thing really feels like the end of an era. The end of Pedro's era as the Mandalorian, the end of a character that made me discover him, and fall in love with him. So that's why it hurts a bit more to anxiously anticipate how they will write his character out of the story line. I wish I could go back to the glory days when mando was still airing and the show was still about our beloved father son duo and their adventures, their relationship, because they are the heart and soul of the show. They are the reason I kept coming back for more, kept rewatching, kept looking for fics to consume.
AND IF YOU READ THIS FAR I FUCKING LOVE YOU, THANK YOU. I am always open and wanting to nerd out more about these two and my theories for them, my inbox is always open to you!
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 1 year
I gotta say, one of my favorite parts of the episode was when Bo Katan heaved Din out of the water and he just flopped on the ground
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bambeebirdie · 1 year
So I just finished the Mandalorian and I have some thoughts. Not many positive thoughts, you could say this is actually just a list of complaints and suggestions of how to improve. Obviously this post will have spoilers up to season 3. I feel like it was close to being good but I have a lot of issues with that last episode especially. (This post is going to be long so for your convenience I’m cutting it here)
Genuinely there were so many things about season three that could have been good but also just as many things that annoyed the crap out of me. My only feeling after finishing it is aggravation.
I feel like everything with Moff right at the end could have been so much more impactful if Grogu was more of a proper Jedi (I know he is kind of a Jedi but like come on, he barely counts). Or like if there was a Jedi who began to travel with them so Grogu could be trained in both. I feel like there isn’t anyone who could really start to be on the team full time because the closest is Luke and I can’t see Disney doing that ever. But like imagine having a mandalorian, a clone and a Jedi getting to be there while Moff just steals their cultures. The actual reaction of someone properly trained in the Force getting to see it be created artificially. Chef kiss. I feel like for a Clones it’s a little more complicated, but just like Star Wars needs a droid revolution they need more respect for Clones. Having a clone there who gets to also be horrified by Moffs fucked up clones would be nice to see. I just feel like the addition of two characters like that would have packed a bigger punch. Also Star Wars has established Clones as individuals. Even with Moffs DNA as their base they wouldn’t have necessarily been evil. I get killing them, but having a clone there to get to have feelings about that would have just been nice to see. (I suppose the scene was technically fine on it own. Gross to see the mandalorian rip offed in such a way so like way to write your villain well. But i just feel like it would hit harder with a more established Jedi on the team and a clone on the team. If you want the clone could have even been a Mandalorian and that could have fleshed out on of the background guys. The force is so important to Jedi’s too, right next to lightsabers, I just need to know their reaction to Moff. There was wasted potential in just making the Mandalorians be allowed to react to Moffs fucked up experiments. I refuse acknowledge otherwise.)
The big mando guy, Paz Vizsla, dying is literally so upsetting, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t expect it. Paz just deserved better. Leave it to Disney to kill off the only guy with a distinct body type.
THE FUCKING DARK SABER BREAKING!! AND IT JUST GETS BRUSHED OVER?!? WHO THE HELL OKAYED THAT!?! It can supposedly cut through anything, kinda it’s whole thing. That fight should have ended with Bo-Katan just decapitating Moff after at least a few minutes of proper fighting. That time could even be a stretch for how long sword fights should take irl, but since it’s the final stand it should take a while for Drama™. Even with the argument of “it can’t cut through beskar”, Moff’s weapon shouldn’t have lasted that long. Also the Saber is basically a lightsaber and with some work those can technically cut through beskar. Mainly Moff just dying to fire too is literally the worst. Genuinely any Mandalorian killing him would have been better. I don’t care who. Just any of them!
I also feel like Din didn’t really have to be there. Even if he was affected by Moff all the Mandalorians technically were. I feel like Bo should have been allowed to let that be a solo fight or just allow more Mandalorians to assist. Though, if for whatever reason just Din assistance was really required, it should have been because the red guys started to invade the fight. I refuse to just let Moff just be so cool and strong he can reck both Din and Bo easily by himself.
Back to the Darksaber. That saber was so important for so long it shouldn’t have broken so unceremoniously. Especially not by fucking Moff. Now look I can understand a world where the Saber gets destroyed. It’s kind of obvious that Bo-Katan thinks that’s the only reason people follower her (let’s just ignore Din’s reassurance of otherwise for now. Or just say one guy isn’t really enough to convince her which is valid imo). I could totally understand the Saber getting removed being a cool character moment. Bo fears that without the saber she cannot lead but she still has to let it go for Plot™ and then like instantly gets assured by Din and the Armorer and then everyone else. That could have been cool. But Moff just fucking breaking it fills me with rage.
Consider this instead if you really want Moff to be the reason it’s gone: The ship is crashing and Bo and Moff are fighting near the edge. Bo sees an opportunity to push him fully under the ship but struggles to get him to fall. She realizes the best way would be to stab the Saber into him. She does so sending him off the edge and the Saber in the process before needing to fucking run as to not get consumed by flames. She can still try to protect Din and Grogu only for Grogu to save them both. Then we have a little moment with her and all the Mandos and Bo is like “We won. He’s dead, but I lost the Saber so I understand if you won’t follow me.” Then literally everyone expresses their support of her leadership even with no Saber. That would have been so much better than just it BREAKING AND INSTANTLY GETTING BRUSHED OVER!!
The Armorer shouldn’t have had to fight with her smithing tools. That’s so dumb for so many reasons. What if they get damaged or deformed during a battle? How are you gonna fix them?? With your fucking broken ass tools?? She should have gotten a battle hammer, giant laser axes, a mallet, idk but not just her fucking tools!?! There is so much stuff you could do with a blacksmith themed character but they didn’t do shit! It just feels jarring. Like they couldn't bother to give her a weapon? This stupid when SHE'S LITERALLY THE HEART OF THE COVERT! Haven’t we already established weapons are a key part of Mandalorian culture! Why doesn’t she have any?!? She’s the forge master, a key character in a culture that is all about weapons and armor, SHE SHOULD HAVE WEAPONS!!! They dropped the ball hard is all I’m saying.
Why must everything Din ask for just not happen and he’s not even allowed to be upset about it? He wants the Razor Crest and he gets the equivalent of a motorcycle. He wants his buddy back and he gets an astromech. He once again tries to get his robot buddy back and baby yoda gets a robot he can control. All of this happens and he just goes along with it! No issues at all expect mild annoyance of the baby’s new mech since he commits crimes with it (on brand ngl). He better get something Razor Crest adjacent next season I swear. (If there even if a next season. Id assume but idk.) I don’t need him to get everything he asks for, that’s just unrealistic, but I’d at least like for him to be allowed to get annoyed and stand up for himself. It’s getting ridiculous.
My pitch for a new ship would be something his speedy ship can like attach to the bottom or the top of. Then it can detach when needed. That way he can still have a ship he can transport people in and a speedy thing to use for necessary missions. (I kind of feel like the speedy ship now feels a little too important to just sell, but also they just broke the dark saber so what do I know.)
I don’t like how often Mando takes Grogu to battle fields. I know that’s his baby who needs him and I wouldn’t be surprised if they both have attachment issues. But seriously? Why you gotta take the baby to the epic last stand? That’s so not safe. And then they just validate it by making Grogu the one who saves his life?? Alright I see how it is. (Another issues that might be solved with a Jedi being part of main cast. I’m not super implying anything because it could easily be changed to not require a Force user in that fight, but it would fix the current child soldier problem)
One last thing that’s mostly unrelated but I’m very annoyed that Din getting Grogu back happened in a different show. I’d be fine (at least I’d pretend to be) with something plot relevant happening to Din in a different show but like an extremely important event for Din and Grogu happening in Boba Fett is absolutely ridiculous!! It’s such an obvious ploy to make more people watch Boba Fett but that show is about Fucking Boba Fett! I can 100% guarantee you people would watch the show without any Mando references!
I guess that’s all I have to say. I dunno I feel like more annoyed me but I spent too long festering about the Darksaber I kinda forgot my other points. There’s just so much here and I feel like a lot of it isn’t terrible, but so much of it is just bad. It pains me. I just don’t like finishing a show and just getting upset. Every Star Wars thing is just “Good concept. Bad execution.” Why must it be one of my favorite series?
I don’t try to be so ranty but specifically the death of the darksaber really brought it out in me. I apologize (not completely but I do a tiny bit). I will apologize for my constant forgetting of people and things names. A constant problem I have and could fix by looking names up but I simply didn’t feel like it <3
That one kid, Ragnar, finally got to finish his ceremony after that whole bird snatching incident, on Mandalore no less, which is certainly swag. I’d say good for him except that HIS DAD WASN’T THERE BECAUSE HIS DAD FUCKING DIED!! And then that green baby who kicked his ass in a trial battle stole his thunder by also being requested to be added to the Song! And then he just gets adopted right before his very eyes AFTER HIS DAD JUST DIED!! The tragedy! That’s poor kid!! His dad didn’t even need to die! It’s upsetting. Why must their jet packs only work when it’s plot relevant because there’s no fucking reason big man had to try to fight the red robed guys. He could have flown away! Maybe they pick him up and he’s injured or something! Idk!?! Why’d they kill the poor kids dad, steal his thunder, and not even properly addresses his dad’s death?!?
Okay that’s everything (I’m sad now)
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foggysirens · 2 years
The first thought that crosses Luke’s mind about the man in front of him is that, ‘his eyes are stunning’.
His second thought is a loud and resounding, ‘shit’.
Or, the one where Luke is forced to retire early, copes by flying across the country to visit his sister, and falls head over heels for the handsome stranger he got caught staring at in the airport.
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formari · 2 years
seeing people compare din djarin’s face reveal to mister dream…like this is really cracking me up guys
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archieimagines · 2 years
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Imagine Din Djarin finding you asleep with Grogu.
i just wanna nap with grogu. this whole thing is entirely self indulgent, sue me. written by: archie
He emerged from the refresher after an hour, body and beskar finally squeaky clean. Sand was always too good at getting inside his armour, and after being swallowed whole by the krayt dragon outside Mos Pelgo, he knew he’d stunk of stomach acids and monster’s insides. As soon as the Crest was in hyperspace, he’d excused himself away to save both you and the Child from living with scrunched noses.
He felt much better now as he climbed up the hatch into the cabin, only to be met with a sight that brought out surprising warmth in his chest.
There you were, curled up in the Crest’s passenger seat, fast asleep. Your boots on the edge of the seat and knees drawn to point at the roof. With a stray blanket draped over your form and head bowed as you dozed, you’d never looked so cosy.
He stayed quiet and turned to the other seat to check on the Child, too- But he wasn’t there.
His brows furrowed behind his helmet. He glanced around, wondering if he was hanging by his feet like he so often was, but no. He was nowhere.
A gloved hand reached out to your sleeping from, about to shake your shoulder to ask, but-!
A soft gurgle. A twitch beneath the blanket over your chest.
The building panic melted away like it’d never existed.
He stepped in close and took the corner of the blanket, lifting it ever so carefully to not disturb either of you… And was greeted by a sight that brought surprising warmth to his chest.
His troublesome green blob was bundled safely in your arms, eyes closed and ears flopped against the fabric of your shirt. His head was nestled into your chest as soft babbles and gurgles spilled from his mouth, a little thread of drool attaching him to your shirt. It left a tiny patch of wetness that was uncommonly cute. He’d never looked so peaceful, Din mused.
He raised his eyes to your face. Peaceful, tired. It was clear you loved the Child like he was your own. With that, Din trusted you like no other.
In a pure moment of affection, he extended his finger to run a knuckle delicately down the bridge of your nose, then touched lightly on the kid’s hairy head. Each of you shuffled slightly at his touch, but didn’t wake. It was no surprise: he’d put you both through a lot that day.
He smiled to himself and tucked the blanket back the way he’d found it, soon settling into the pilot seat. He leant back and crossed his arms, allowing his eyes to fall closed, too.
With any luck, he’d see the two of you in his dreams.
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flightlessangelwings · 4 months
What Was Unspoken, And What We Finally Said
Din Djarin x fem!reader
Word count-3.6k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), sexworker reader (respectfully), mutual pining, reader is said to have been with both men and women but her sexuality is up to you, unprotected sex, hj, finering, oral (f receiving), protective!Din, soft!Din, feelings, no description of reader other than body parts and no use of y/n
Notes- This is part a bonus Valentines fic and part a thank you for 5,000 followers fic! I would have liked to do a full follower celebration but since I'm low on writing time lately, I'm doing 2 gift fics for y'all instead. I just want to say thank you each and every one of you for following and supporting me all these years!
Since this is Star Wars, I looked up if there was anything like Valentine's Day and while there isn't one canonically, there is a "Lover's Day" that the fandom kinda agreed is equivalent so I used that here but it can be read any time of year since it's Star Wars and we can say it's any time lol! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is my update blog so please also follow that and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post new things!
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You were exhausted.
If you were honest, you weren’t even sure what day it was… or even what time of day at all. Things had never been busier at the brothel the last couple days, and you weren’t sure why. Especially today it was back to back clients for you. The extra credits were nice, and much needed, but by the Maker were you wiped out. But it wasn’t all bad. The brothel you worked at was safe and respectable and the clients almost always tipped well. You even had a lengthy list of regulars, which was nice. Many of them even came by today too.
The day started with a visit from one of your favorite bounty hunters, Fennec Shand. She was usually more quiet and stoic, but today she had an air of playfulness about her, and the smirk she wore on her face made your heart flutter. Later in the day, Axe Woves came by, and seemed more flirtatious than usual. He always left you with a wink and a kiss on the back of your hand, but today he left a lingering kiss on your cheek… and extra credits in tip. 
But there was one person you looked forward to seeing more than anyone else. And he hadn’t come by in some time. 
You let out a heavy sigh as you flopped down onto the bed. Wrapping your robe around yourself, you closed your eyes as you finally got some time to rest after a busy day. Just as your body relaxed into the plush mattress and you felt yourself about to doze off, there was a knock at the door.
“Coming,” you sighed as you pushed yourself up, ready to turn away whoever was on the other side of the door. You just wanted to rest for the rest of the night. “Listen, came you come back tomor…” you froze mid word as your eyes landed on the one person you had hoped to see, “Din!” you breathed.
“Did I come at a bad time?” he asked, tilting his helmeted head to the side, “I had a bounty in the area and I thought I would come by.” Since it’s been awhile, he thought to himself, and I missed you.
“No, no,” you ushered him inside before he could walk away, “Come in.”
The Mandalorian walked past you, entering the room while you closed and locked the door, “Everything alright?” he asked, noticing the exhaustion in your voice.
“Fine,” you replied as you crossed the room and sat down, motioning for him to sit next to you, “It’s just been really busy here the last couple days. Not sure why,” you shrugged. 
“Want me to come back another time?” he asked plainly, his tone hiding his true disappointment especially after having not seen you in so long. Din truly looked forward to the days when he could come by the brothel and spend time with you.
“I think I can muster up some energy for my favorite client,” you replied with a flirty wink. It took everything you had to not sound like you desperately wanted him to stay, and even if you couldn’t even pull yourself off the bed you would do it for him.
Din tilted his head to the side slightly as a soft amused huff escaped his lips, “Your favorite, huh?”
You heard the smile in his voice. Biting your lip and subtly shimmying your shoulders, you closed the gap between your bodies and traced the chestplate of his beskar armor with your finger, “Don’t tell anyone else. They might get jealous,” you purred as the room started to warm around you.
Din reached in his pocket, pulling out a generous amount of credits and placed them on the nearby table before he leaned in closer to you. He cupped your face, tenderly caressing the side of your head in his gloved hand, “Your secret is safe with me.” Din gently rubbed his thumb against your cheek while his large hand cradled you softly while he pushed his body against yours.
“Din…” you breathed as your eyes fluttered shut and you allowed him to guide you back until your legs hit the bed. 
“I’ve got you,” he murmured as his hands moved down the front of your body and tugged at your robe. 
A gasp escaped your lips as the cool air hit your skin. But, you didn’t feel cool for long. Even through the darkness of his vizor, you could feel Din’s gaze on you, and you could tell he eyed you hungerly. The way his breath hitched whenever he saw you bare for him, the way his helmet tilted slightly, the way his hands gripped you just a little bit tighter… you knew all Din’s tells by now. And you craved the feeling of being under his touch.
“Beautiful,” Din sighed as he guided your body down onto the bed. He stood in awe over you for a moment as your robe fell open and framed your figure. His pants felt tighter as his cock reacted to the way you settled yourself, spreading your legs wide for him. Din let out a low groan as he tugged his gloves off. They were the only thing he ever removed, and he only ever took them off with you.
“Din,” you whispered again as the bed dipped as he hovered over you, “Let me…”
You ran your hands down his chest once more, imaging what it would feel like to feel his bare skin under your touch instead. You bit your lip when you reached the hem of his pants, and you expertly unzipped and freed his cock without letting any other sliver of skin show. You knew the trust he put in you, and you never took it for granted. You felt honored that he even trusted you with his real name- something else you held near and dear to your heart. 
Savoring the groan he let out, you stroked his length slowly. You made sure to squeeze right where he liked it, and you let out a whimper every time a louder growl escaped his lips involuntarily. But you let out another whine when you felt his thick fingers cupping your pussy, and you mewled when Din pushed them inside you.
Pumping his fingers to the same rhythm as you stroked his cock, your moans harmonized with his grunts as you both prepped the other. Heavy breaths filled the room as you fought to keep your eyes open and locked on his vizor. Din rested his helmeted forehead against yours as he thrust his fingers deeper inside you, causing you to cry out louder. But, being a professional, you kept your wits about you and squeezed his cock harder in response.  
Din groaned and let out an amused laugh, “Are you ready for me, mesh’la?” he cooed.
“Always,” you whispered back with a smirk of your own.
Another short huff echoed from his helmet as he murmured your name and pulled his fingers out of you. At the same time, you let go of his cock, your hand brushed against his as he reached for it to line himself up with your pussy. The two of you froze for a moment as your gazes met, and for a breath, time felt like it stopped.
A whirlwind of emotions ran through both of you as you stared at each other. It was as if you could both sense the other had something to say, and if you both had a secret you kept buried. Yet, it remained unspoken between the two of you. Your mouth dropped open and a deep breath escaped your lips, like you were about to put into words what neither of you would say.
Before you could, though, Din thrust his hips forward, driving his cock into you in one swift movement. Your head dropped down into the bed as you let out a loud, obscene moan as you felt the familiar stretch of his cock. 
“Din!” you cried out as he reeled back and thrust forward again.
“I know,” he grunted as he felt his skin sweat underneath all the armor. You had an effect on Din that no one else did. He lost all control when it came to you, especially when he was inside you. And the way you moan with every thrust of his hips only made him come more and more undone.
You cried out in ecstasy as Din rocked in and out of you in a fast and steady rhythm. Tears filled your eyes as you clutched the sheets. He made you feel something you had never felt before. And every time Din visited you, it became harder and harder to deny your growing feelings for him.
Passions ran wild as Din picked up his pace, thrusting deep into you harder and faster. He growled from under his helmet as he felt your warmth engulf his cock. Grabbing your hips, Din gave one harsh thrust, driving his length as deep inside you as he possibly could.
The gasp you let out when he did that made his cock twitch, and Din knew neither of you would last much longer. Din kept a strong grip on you as he repeated the action, changing his thrusts to slow and deep and deliberate.
“Fuck… Din…”
“I know,” he grunted.
You moved your grip from the sheets to his arms as you clung to him for dear life. With every slow, deep thrust, you felt your climax inch closer and closer and closer until you finally spilled over the edge. With a loud scream and trembling legs, you came hard on his cock. Squeezing your inner muscles as you gushed between your bodies, wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through your body as Din continued to thrust into you, hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
With a low groan of your name, Din came right after you. He spilled himself deep inside you as he drove his cock as deep as he could once more. Din kept his pace as long as he could, riding out both your orgasms as you moaned and groaned together, clawing at each other in desperation as you did so.
After one last thrust, Din pulled out of you. He watched as you collapsed onto the bed while he regained his composure. Heavy breaths filled the room as you both came down from your highs, and Din rested himself on the bed next to you in silence. His breath hitched in his throat as you immediately rolled close to him and nested yourself comfortably against his body.
“Hey,” you breathed, breaking the silence, “Is your bounty urgent or do you want to stay for the night?”
Din let out a short laugh, “He’s frozen in carbonite,” he sounded pleased with himself, “He’s not going anywhere.”
You smirked against his beaker chestplate as his unspoken acceptance lingered in the air like a comforting blanket between the two of you. Together, you laid in silence as Din wrapped his strong arms around you. Your heart pounded at the feeling of being in his arms, and you wished that it could be like this every night. But, he was a Mandalorian bounty hunter, there was no way that was in the future for you.
Suddenly, an explosion of fireworks echoed from outside, making you gasp and jump up with fright. Din tightened his grip around you, pulling you even closer and going on high alert. The two of you looked out the window as another color firework lit up the sky in the distance. More and more fireworks continued as the show went on, and in the distance you heard a crowd ooh and ahh at the marvel of the show.
Then the realization hit you. “Maker…” you breathed as you burst into nervous laughter, “Do you know what today is, Din?”
He turned to you but said nothing.
“It’s Lover’s Day!” you laughed more to cover the nerves. You just spent the evening of Lover’s Day with Din…
He seemed to mull over for several moments, his gaze moving down before he finally said, “So it is,” Din was quiet again as he turned back to you. 
Even without seeing his face, you felt your skin warm under his gaze. Somehow, you felt all his emotions just in the way he held you, and as Din moved his hand and cupped your face your world felt like it was spinning. You savored the warmth of his touch, and you let out a deep breath as you leaned into his hand and closed your eyes contently.
“Since it’s Lover’s Day,” Din was the one who broke the silence this time, “Let me take care of you…”
Carefully, Din rolled your bodies so that you laid on your back while he hovered over you. Looking up at him, your breath caught in your chest and your heart fluttered as he pushed himself down and settled between your parted legs. 
You let out a whine as heat rushed through your body. All you could do was swallow hard and moan in anticipation as you watched Din lean forward so that he hovered over your exposed pussy.
He murmured something incoherent before he rested his hand on your hips, gently pinning you in place. Not wanting to let go of you, Din used the leverage of your body to tilt his helmet up while he positioned his face over your folds.
A gasp escaped your lips when you felt his breath on your skin, “Din…” you whimpered as you closed your eyes tightly.
Din growled as he licked his lips before diving into you. The cry you let out sent a jolt through his veins, and combined with tasting you, Din almost lost all his composure. “Fuck,” he groaned against you before he lapped at your cunt again.
His hips bucked against the bed as he savored the sweetness of your pussy. Din groaned into you as his hands gripped you tighter, as if he couldn’t get enough of you. And the way you moaned and cried out in pure bliss only added to the overwhelming sensations and emotions he felt.
Not having expected this, tears quickly filled your eyes and your mind and body floated in the pleasure that Din’s tongue brought you. With every lap of his tongue, you felt a shock of pleasure tingle through your veins. And it wasn’t because he physically made you feel good either. It was the act itself, Din putting himself into a vulnerable position just to lick and suck at your pussy, and doing this for you.
It had to mean something, right?
“Fuck… Din…” you whimpered as you moved your grip from the sheets to his wrists, finding just the tiny sliver of skin under his armor.
Din grunted into you as he pushed his face more against your body. His hands shifted slightly so that his fingers curled around yours, holding both your hand and your hips at the same time. As much as he wanted to murmur soft words of encouragement, to tell you to cum in his mouth, he also couldn’t tear himself away. From the first taste, Din was addicted to you, and he already knew he wanted more… Wanted you.
Your legs trembled on either side of his helmet as you felt your body warm as your climax was about to hit. Without warning, you came hard with a loud scream, arching your back off the bed and gushing into Din’s mouth as your cries of pleasure filled the room.
He slurped and sucked at your folds as he tongue hit your clit over and over again, allowing you to ride out your orgasm on his tongue. And Din greedily lapped up every drop of your release, swallowing as much of you as he could. His grip on you tightened as he moaned against your body, lapping at you until you couldn’t take any more.
With one final gasp, you flopped down limp on the bed as Din broke away from you with a huff. His helmet slid down to cover his face in one smooth motion as he sat up and licked at the corners of his mouth from under the cover of his armor.  He watched you with captivate fascination as your breasts rose and fell with your deep, heavy breaths as you recovered from your intense climax.
There were so many words on the tip of his tongue. So many things that Din wanted to tell you. The tension in the air was so thick that it almost overpowered the smell of sex in the room. Din ran his hands up and down your body, gently caressing you and letting his touch speak for him instead.
“Din,” you murmured as you broke the silence and blinked your eyes open to meet his armored figure in the low light, “I…”
He moved his hand to the side of your face, not covering your mouth but the motion itself paused your thoughts. He said nothing as he pushed himself up to your face, stopping for a moment to rest his helmeted forehead against your own. As the two of you sat like that for a few moments, he brushed your cheek with his finger tenderly. Din whispered your name as he broke away, moving his hand to cover your eyes as he did so. 
Your lips pasted with a gasp, yet you stayed still, fully trusting the Mandalorian. With your eyes covered by his large hand, your world went black. Faintly, you heard a hiss in front of you, but before you could ask what was happening, you felt something on your skin. His breath.
Din pulled his helmet up just enough to uncover half of his face. His lips felt cold as the air hit his skin, but he was instantly warmed again when he pressed his lips to yours. He swallowed the moan you let out as he kissed you for the very first time. Tightening his grip on you, Din pushed himself even closer against you, desperate to feel you as close as possible.
You surrendered yourself to him willingly. Tilting your head, you were mindful to keep your eyes covered as you deepened the kiss by parting your lips for him. Din eagerly accepted the silent invitation, and you both moaned into the other when you tased each other for the first time. The fireworks continued around you, but the only explosions either of you cared about were the ones happening between you.
“I know,” Din murmured against your lips when he reluctantly broke away from you.
You let out a deep breath against his face, and you knew he felt your smile against his skin. Din placed one last kiss on your lips, lingering on yours for several moments before he pulled away and dropped his helmet back down.
Blinking your eyes open, you grinned when you were met with the familiar silhouette in the darkness once more. A soft smile lit up your face, and it made Din’s chest tighten with the sincere look in your eyes. Just as you were about to say something, though, a knock at the door made both of you jump to attention.
Din was quick to stand and shift into attack mode. Out of pure reflex, his hand reached for his blaster, ready to protect you.
“Wait,” you grabbed his wrist with one hand as you reached for your robe with the other, “It might be another client. Hang on,” you slid the robe over your shoulders and wrapped it around you as you moved around the Mandalorian.
He didn’t stray far from you, hovering behind you as you opened the door and recognized the man who stood on the other side, “Hey, I’ve got an overnight tonight,” you told him in a kind voice, “Can you come back tomorrow? I promise I’ll leave a time open for you.”
The man stuttered as he suddenly felt nervous as the Mandalorian glared at him from over your shoulder, “Y-yeah,” he finally said, “Sure… Sorry,” he mumbled before he turned and left.
Closing and locking the door, you turned back to Din and shook your head as you grinned, “He’s a nice guy,” you explained to him, “One of my best tippers too… So please try not to scare away my source of income.”
“Sorry,” he mumbled an apology as he visibly relaxed. Din had no issue with what you did for a living, he only had your safety and best interest in mind. He had seen you mistreated once before, and while he knew it was a rarity, Din never wanted to see you hurt ever again. Especially not if he could prevent it and protect you. 
“Let’s lay down,” you said softly as you reached your hand out to him. Your heart fluttered for a moment as he took your hand and allowed you to lead him back to the bed where you both made yourselves comfortable. Din immediately pulled you in close and held you in his embrace. 
Settling down for the night, you never felt more safe than you did right now, in Din’s arms. Yawning heavily, you felt the exhaustion start to overcome you once more, and you knew soon you would be sound asleep, “Hey Din,” you muttered sleepily, “Happy Lover’s Day.”
Din’s breath hitched in his throat as you quickly started to snore softly. He looked forward to nights like this, nights with you. And it was pure coincidence that he happened to come to you on Lover’s Day. But perhaps it wasn't a coincidence. Perhaps he was meant to be here tonight… with you. As Din listened to your steady breaking while you slept, he leaned in and whispered, “Happy Lover’s Day, cyare.” 
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
Hi kel! Could I maybe request riding dins boot and he’s just loving every second of it? We don’t have enough boot riding fics on this website!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!
Clean Up Your Act
Dom!Din Djarin x Sub/F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist
Author’s note: Thank you so much for this request! Special thanks to @chaotic-mystery for the title 🥹🤍
Summary: When you don’t do what you’re told, Din comes up with a special punishment.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), no Grogu, established relationship, dom/sub dynamic, boot riding (don’t worry you clean it first🧽), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, sir kink, slight degradation, spitting, pet names (good girl, cyar’ika, mesh’la), helmet comes off, no use of y/n
Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
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Din’s been gone for ages now, off tracking down a bounty on this random Outer Rim planet. He landed the Razor Crest in a barren field, leaving you here with the ramp locked and telling you “Don’t open it until I’m back”. You’ll do as you’re told. You’re almost always a good girl for him. 
You entertain yourself as best as you can, thinking about what Din’s doing right now. Your mind drifts off to thoughts of him effortlessly restraining the bounty… Or his big, strong arms wrapping around the guy’s neck… Or his gloved hands grasping his blaster… Or-
Maker, you’ve got it bad. And now there’s a warm, tingling feeling brewing between your legs. It would be so easy… so convenient to just touch yourself to the thought of him. But you’re a good girl and you never touch yourself without his permission. All you can do is sit here and wait. 
You flop down on the cot, staring at the ceiling and wishing he was back already. You don’t know how long he’s been gone exactly but one thing is certain— he’s been gone too long. 
The beep of the comlink on the shelf snaps you from your thoughts. You roll off the cot and grab it, bringing it to your ear and pretending Din’s here whispering in the shell of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine… 
“Cyar’ika? I’m on my way back. Be a good girl and be ready waiting for me, okay?” his low, raspy voice says through the comlink.
You press the button to respond and say, “Of course, sir. See you soon,” before complying with his request. You know exactly what he means by “be ready and waiting for me”. He wants you naked and waiting for him on the cot. Which is an easy request. If you do exactly as you’re told he’ll be sure to take care of you real good when he’s back. 
You strip your clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor, and lie down on the cot, the excitement fluttering in your stomach. You stare up at the ceiling, anxiously awaiting his return. You’ve been waiting so long… so long that you’re starting to feel tired. You should wake up before he gets back, right?
Din’s towering form over you wakes you up. His hands are resting on his hips and his visor is fixed on you and your naked form. 
“What do we have here?” he tuts, cocking his helmet to the side. 
Your eyes widen at the realization of what you’ve done. You sit up, looking up at Din whose stance is not changing. You know what’s about to happen. You’re about to get punished. 
He lets out a sigh and says, “What happened to being a good girl?”
“I’m… I’m sorry, sir,” you apologize. 
“Well, that’s a start,” he sighs, “But you need to be punished.”
“I know, sir,” you admit. 
He leaves the bunk and walks over to a crate in the storage area, sitting down with a wide stance. You glance over at the bounty who’s frozen in carbonite before shifting your eyes to his thick thighs. But also… his dirty boots. 
“I’ve had such a long day,” he sighs. 
You get up and follow him, standing before him with your eyes fixed on his boots. He follows your line of sight and an idea pops into his head. 
“Be a good girl and clean my boots,” he commands. 
You head to a cabinet, searching for a rag and a canteen of water. You dampen it and walk back over to Din, kneeling on the cold metal floor before his boots. Following instructions you scrub his boots clean of all the dirt and grime. And the whole time you’re doing that, he’s degrading you, telling you how disappointed he is. 
“Shame you couldn’t follow instructions,” he says. 
You meet his visor, your eyes pleading with him for any turn of affection or praise. 
“I would’ve taken such good care of you,” he continues. 
“Din, please,” you whine. 
“Try that again,” he says sternly. 
“Please, sir.”
“Please, sir, what?”
“Please, sir. I can’t take it anymore. I need you,” you whine again. 
You pull the rag away from his left boot and move to the right one. His visor follows you, watching as you meticulously clean his boot. Just as the right boot is finally clean, he brings his hands to the edge of his helmet, lifting it off his head and setting it on the floor beside him. He leans forward and spits on the toe of the book you just cleaned. 
Your mouth falls open and he doesn’t stop there. He grabs your chin, angles your face up towards his, and spits into your mouth. He closes your mouth and leans back against the wall, enjoying the bewildered look in your eyes. 
“What?” he says, lips curling into a smirk.
“Please, sir. I need something,” you whine, eyes moving back down to his boot. 
“Ride my boot,” he commands. 
“What? I-”
“I think you mean yes, sir,” he says. 
“Y-yes, sir,” you breathe out, inching forward to straddle his boot. 
You lower your cunt against the leather of his boot, feeling your wetness slip and slide against it. You rest your hands on top of his thigh, gripping the beskar armor as you pleasure yourself. He’s looking down at you with a devilish grin while you hump his boot. You’re desperate, aching for any kind of relief no matter how he lets you have it. 
“Poor girl. So desperate that you’ll take my boot. Isn’t that right?”
He cups your cheek, stroking your skin with his thumb. Your eyes plead with his, begging for more. His gaze softens and his smirk falls just a bit, taking pity on you and how deliriously horny you are. 
“Give me one orgasm and maybe I’ll think about giving you my cock.”
He chuckles when your eyes light up. 
“Show me you deserve it,” he says, tilting his head to the side. 
You rock your hips back and forth, rubbing your soaking wet cunt against his boot. With each movement of your hips, your clit gets stimulated just right and you’re sent closer to the edge. 
“You can do it, mesh’la. Soak my boot.”
The leather pushes up against your clit once more and you’re seeing stars. Your cunt clenches around nothing, aching to be filled. You feel your release soak his boot and your inner thighs. A mangled moan escapes your lips and your head is thrown back in pleasure. He marvels every moment of watching you like this; watching you make a mess of yourself on his boot of all things. 
“Good girl,” he praises, leaning forward and pressing a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss against your lips. He removes his hand from your face to pull his already hard cock out of his flight suit. You look at it with wide eyes, taking note of the way it springs free and falls against his stomach. The pre-cum is gathered at the tip, oozing from his foreskin and threatening to slide down his shaft. 
“C-Can I ride it now?” you ask, looking up at him and hoping he’ll say yes. 
“You’ve earned it,” he says. 
You eagerly rise from the floor and move to straddle him, resting your knees on the crate. You sink down onto his cock, sighing at the feeling of finally being full. You stay still for a moment, reveling in the feeling but he’s impatient. He wants to see you bounce on his cock like a good girl. He slaps your ass and says, “Get to work,” before bringing both of his hands to your waist. 
You do as you’re told, bouncing and grinding on his cock. Tears spring in the corners of your eyes as his cock hits the deepest angles inside you. His hands move from his waist to your breasts, caressing the soft skin before taking your nipples in between his fingertips. You let out a sharp gasp and bounce on his cock even harder, anxious to cum from his cock this time. He leans forward away from the wall, leaving wet, sloppy kisses on your chest, nipping and biting at the sensitive skin. Your moans and cries become incessant as you get closer to the edge, so close to relief but still out of each. 
“Cum on my cock, mesh’la,” he says between kisses and bites. You tangle your hands in his hair, tugging on his locks as you’re finally sent over the edge. Your moans and whimpers fill the small storage area of the Crest. He pinches your nipples harder as you cum, intensifying your release. Your walls flutter and pulse around him, eliciting a deep moan from his lips. He lets out a string of curse words in Mando’a that you don’t understand as his arms wrap around your body, pulling you into him as he cums. 
You rest against him, both of you panting and coming down from your respective highs. You pull back and look him in the eye, his pupils blown wide, his eyes filled with so much love for you, his good girl. 
“Are you going to disobey my orders again?” he asks, complete with a raised eyebrow and a suggestive smirk. 
“No, sir,” you say. 
“That’s my good girl,” he says, pulling you back into his chest and rubbing your back. 
His good girl you’ll always be… But you do have to act up sometimes… 
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pedropascallme · 1 year
Poker Face
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!Reader
Summary: “And maybe he didn’t care. Maybe he hadn’t been thinking about how his words had made you feel, how you had blushed in his presence during every interaction since then. Truly, why would he?”
Warnings: None! 
AN: This is part two of Stupid For You!! Thank you all for the lovely feedback on part one <3 Part three here!!
Soundtrack: Poker Face by Lady Gaga
You couldn’t look him in the eye.
Actually, you could never look him in the eye; Din kept his helmet on every second of every day, so in a way, it didn’t matter that you were having trouble keeping it casual with him after the events of the week prior.
A week. An entire week of flying and camping out, of taking care of the kid and yourself—and Din, when he’d let you—and trying to forget about how he had caught you wearing his armor. How he had touched his knuckles to your chest just above the curve of your breasts. How he had said it had looked good on you, calling you by yet another nickname you didn’t know the meaning of.
Really, the worst part was that you had gotten so in your head about it when it seemed like Din couldn’t care less. Nothing had changed with him; he continued to putter around the Crest, go out to meet with Greef, pilot the ship, and he did it all as if he had not a care in the world. And maybe he didn’t care. Maybe he hadn’t been thinking about how his words had made you feel, how you had blushed in his presence during every interaction since then. 
Truly, why would he? He was Din, and you were just…you. The hired help.
Despite the drawback of constantly thinking about the, what? Three sentences he had said to you within that interaction, you went about your days as best you could, doing your job and trying to pull yourself together whenever he spoke to you—which was still rarer than you’d like it to be, but it was always a delight to hear his voice flow through the modulator. You wondered what it would be like to hear it without the helmet on, what it would be like to see his lips as he formed words… 
It had been a long week.
Grogu babbled something to you, holding up the spherical metal piece that had once been attached to a control stick. When you had joined the pair, Din had told you it was the baby’s favorite toy. You left your daydreams behind—tried to—and reached out for Grogu.
“You giving this to me?” You joked when he placed the object in the palm of your outstretched hand. “Is this a proposal?”
He gurgled.
“I appreciate it, really, I do, but I think I’m a little old for you, kid. Or maybe you’re too old for me, I’m still not so sure how all this works.” You continued your one-sided conversation with the child. “I’m sure someday you’ll find a beautiful frog woman, and you’ll give this to her.” Grogu shrilled, throwing up his arms in the hopes that you would pick him up. Sucker for him that you were, you did. Rolling onto your back from where you sat on the floor of the Crest, you placed him on your chest and let him flop over you.
“You’ll have your pick of all the beautiful frog ladies. You’re going to grow up to be the coolest little frog guy of all.” You played with one of his big ears. “And nobody will mess with you, not with a dad like yours.” Grogu’s big eyes stared into yours, and for a second you wondered if this was the moment he would say a real word, respond to what you were saying. Maybe he’d say something along the lines of “thank you” or “you think so?” 
Instead, he let out a long string of gibberish, which was just as good. 
“Yep. You’ll find your beautiful frog, and I’ll…” You trailed off as you began to play with his other ear. You could’ve kept speaking, could’ve said “I’ll win over your dad,” but you were so desperately trying to ground yourself in reality. 
You laid with the kid like that for a while, giving him back his treasured toy and letting him bounce around on your stomach. It was the best way to babysit; you got brief respite, and he contentedly babbled to you, rolling his metal toy over your stomach.
A clang from the ladder next to your feet broke you out of your relaxation. Turning your head, you could see Din had come down from the cockpit and was standing over you and the baby.
“You’re on the floor.” He spoke. 
“Am I?” You tried to retort, but you could already feel the heat blossoming in your cheeks. Din seemed to excel at finding you in compromised positions. Grogu made noises at his father. You sat up with him, pulling him into your arms and standing, trying to meet Din’s gaze. What you assumed was his gaze. Fucking helmet.
“We were just relaxing.” You explained. Why were you explaining?
“I think your kid proposed to me.”
“You’re a little too old for him. Or the other way around.”
“That’s what I told him.” You placed the child down at your feet and he wandered over to Din, knocking the toy on his beskar clad shins a few times before Din picked him up.
“You’re brave, kid.” Din spoke to Grogu, and for the first time in hours he fell quiet. Sometimes you wondered if the duo understood each other more than you and Grogu did, maybe even more than you and the Mandalorian did. For a while you had considered the fact that Din was just a grown up of the same species as his son, but that was before you realized Din had ten fingers to Grogu’s six little claws.
“We’ll be in hyperspace for a few weeks.” Din refocused his attention to you.
“Ok.” You tried to hide your nervous excitement at the knowledge that Din would be staying on the ship with you and the kid for several weeks. It was why you looked forward long journeys.
Din remained in front of you. 
“Are you alright?”
“What?” You were taken aback. Din had never been one for feelings; never sharing them, never asking about them.
“You seem fidgety lately, mesh’la.” He stood still, save for the occasional hand that gently swatted Grogu away from his helmet.
“I’m…I’m fine.” Maker, he was onto you. Maybe you hadn’t been as discreet in your embarrassment and your longing as you thought you had. 
“Ok.” He stayed where he was. “If you need anything—”
“Din, I’m fine.” You smiled, putting on your best poker face as you tried to convince him (and yourself) that there was nothing on your mind distracting you.
“Ok. I believe you.” He shifted Grogu to one arm.
“Thank you.” Thank you? 
“You know you can always…” Ever the stoic, he had trouble communicating to you what he was trying to spit out. “You can always talk to me. If you need to. Or, just…if you want.”
You looked down at your hands, picking at your nails. What would you tell him? “Oh, sorry I’ve been so out of it, but I think I’m in love with you. I think I have a schoolgirl crush on you”? Absolutely not. You needed to get it together. You wanted to be as unreadable as he was. But if he was suddenly going to be ok with your emotions, you needed to be, too. And that started now. And you were going to play dirty. You were going to dance around the subject the way he did, and you were going to force indifference. 
“That’s sweet, Din.” you mustered the courage to respond, walking towards him. “Good to know that I have you and the kid in my corner. Better two therapists than none. Mesh’la.” You smiled at him, patting him on the chest in a manner similar to what he had previously done to you as you spoke your final word, and then slipped by him and into the fresher.
Under his helmet, Din was bright red.
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Can't read my, can't read my No, he can't read my poker face (She's got me like nobody)
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bitchystxrk3000 · 3 months
Surprise, Surprise
A/N- Please keep in mind, this is my first time writing a Reader Insert. So, I'm sorry in advance if this isn't that good.
Loki x Fem!Reader
F/F= Favorite Food
Imagine on the elevator, Thor talks to Loki about a girl he met while on Midgard, having no idea that girl happened to be Loki girlfriend of 6 years, you.
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"I'm sorry, my lady." Thor's voice booms throughout the kitchen after having bumped into you after turning away from the fridge. You smiled softly and nodded your head in thanks. "It's no problem Thor." you said. "Would you like to have lunch with me, my lady? Everyone seems to be out of the Compound at the moment." Thor asks in a surprisingly soft voice. "Why the hell not? My name is Y/N L/N, by the way." You smiled widely. "It is nice to meet you, lady Y/N. What would you like to eat?" Thor grins, gesturing to open-planned kitchen in the Avengers Compound. "I'll just take a plate of F/F from the fridge, Thor. Thank you." You spoke before sitting at the dinning room table, as Thor plated both you and him some F/F. After heating both plates up, Thor flopped into the chair next to the one you were sitting in, after putting both plates on the table. You and Thor got to know one another as you both ate. Loki had told you about Thor and stories about when they were little, but you didn't think Thor would have such Golden Retriever energy based off of what Loki had said. You guys eventually went separate ways as Thor said he was off to the gym. You bid goodbyes as you went back to Loki's room. As you arrived at Loki's room, you could see him walking down the hall towards the Elevator. "I'm going to get a new book, my Queen." Loki spoke softly but loud enough for you to hear, without turning around, as if sensing your confusion. "Ok, I'll be in your bedroom, my King." You spoke before heading into Loki's room and closing the door.
Loki got to the elevator the same time as Thor, and coincidentally the Library and gym are one floor apart. Going the same way, down. Thor held the elevator doors open for his brother which had Loki nodding his thanks. "I met such a wonderful maiden today, brother." Thor announced as the elevator doors closed. Loki raised an eyebrow in question, which Thor noticed. "Why yes, she was the upmost kind and sweet woman I've ever met. I think you would love her. She has a mischievous side but also has a kind and caring nurture to her. I think you and her would get along great after some of the pranks she told me she's pulled on her older brother." Thor explained with a bright smile. "Who is this, you speak of Thor?" Loki questioned with genuine curiosity. "Her name was Y/N L/N. She was brilliant, she was." Thor spoke, with wild gestures of his hands, before smiling at his brother. "I think you and her would get along great." He added quickly, noticing Loki's amusement to the situation. Loki nodded with a mischievous sparkle to his eyes. "I'll keep that in mind, brother. Thank you." He spoke with a hint of a smile pulling at his lips. "No problem, brother." Thor grinned while giving Loki a pat on the back.
As Thor and Loki went their separate ways once arriving to the destined floor, Loki smiled to himself, a genuine smile, just thinking about you and thinking he's ready to tell the team about you. He knows you're the one for him. You complete him. You make him feel things he's never felt before. You are the love of his life. He doesn't know what he would do without you. You make him a better person. Loki is happy for the first time in what feels like forever because of you. He is beyond grateful he met you. He would go to the end of the Nine Realms for you. He would kill for you. He would do anything you asked of him. You have him wrapped around your finger like there is no tomorrow.
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