whaitwhatt · 1 year
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Art trade with @octooctogabby
Background pixel art and character belongs to them
Twin "(" from game they are currently working on @dreamingisntbad (!!)
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silcoitus · 2 years
The icon to block and report is right next to the follow button so my stupid fat thumb keeps accidentally following the spam bots I'm trying to report/block.
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dindadjarin · 1 year
also, was that the “emotional” and “intimate” scene?
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 4 months
i da er yu ot try a bit eof spaghwryti
sme. S lien rhe crep y pasts rady !!!
stol i t sabs in dinb wutb the gjomsving
soubd lie skne one s funt. Bones bronev,
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eggdrawsthings · 1 year
Have you watched the finale???? I need to hear your thoughts cos I'm so excited!!
i JUST finished it. my brain is a mess rn but here we go:
Grogu was being so brave and Dad and Son having each other's back fighting against the Red Guards is something I need to inject directly into my blood.
I fucking WON Din finally officially adopted his son and go live w him on the outskirts of Nevarro I've been manifesting this since BoBF I WON BITCHES!!!
So no Mando'a adoption vow then? I KNEW I can only rely on fanfic writers, god forbid a man some Mando tradition on screen ig :)
So no Boba Fett&co then? *throw phone on the floor* *scream into the abyss*
If I see someone posting DinB* shit and says shit like "Clan of Three" I'm blocking them on sight :)
Admittedly, this season is so mid and this ending is so underwhelming and by the book, it gave the same BoBF vibe. But cos I have my Clan of Two contents and one of my biggest manifestations came true, I'll take it lmaooooo
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ask-ocean-o-r · 4 months
Pebble can be the new captain of the pirate ship ‼️
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Onky temporary! Yarr! I will get my caltain rol back oncr I:m out if this dinb jospqital!!!
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doublechocolate · 11 months
star wars but specifically the mandalorian (:
ayy thank you, dear!! the mandalorian it is, then!
The first character I first fell in love with: Din Djarin, 100%
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Migs Mayfeld. His episode in S2 gave him so much depth. Also R5. I need more fics with R5 since we cannot rely on canon anymore
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Post S2 Bo-Katan :/
The character I love that everyone else hates: tbh I think the only character everyone hates in this show is Toro. and Migs' friends who dropped Grogu in S1. And don't like them either so 😂
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Dr. Pershing. He was interesting until S3 happened
The character I would totally smooch:  Dinjamin!
The character I’d want to be like: Kuiil, for sure
The character I’d slap: Gideon. Who told him creating Force-sensitive clones is a thing??
A pairing that I love: *drum rolls* DinLuke! (omg that was shocking 😂)
A pairing that I despise: DinB*
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ravenalla · 1 year
The literally only bright side to all of this for me is the amount of Din and Grogu fanfics that ending will generate. Literally nothing has been inspirational all season besides for the dinb* shippers. Im so ready finally for the new father son fan content that can come form this.
But also rip to the “omg we’re gonna see Din Djarin tortured and helmetless it’s going to be so angsty and dramatic” crowd. It’s me. I’m the crowd 🥲
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miscling · 7 months
⁉️While you do the second portion, wear the tens unit on your dominant arm, set to a level that isn't painful, but makes controlling your muscles difficult
🗣️ You should talk about your favorite representations of hypnosis in public media
I thought it would be fun to give you a light challenge today, I hope you don't mind :)
okkay so leftt handeeed typing thnen because the tenss unit iss nott a ligyht challenge mmmm i thnk i'mma have a hard time concetrating while this sthing is rinnugn even at its lowest setting this thing is intense
soo i only got itno hypnoi recently ui dinb;t reakky have a favourute representation in mediia to speakk of shorty of like, i used to do a vampire the nmasquerade larp and that had some ind controll powers like i'm used to dnd charm effects and stuff from rpgs imm trying really hard to think but the tens unit is soo hard to concetrate through like imma be paying attention to any hypno typoe stuff i see in media from now on like it was only a couple of mnths ago i realised i could even vbe hypnostised adn it opened a lot og foors for me i love it a lot my favourite ind of mind control hypno stuff is like, succubi for sure though like you know taht its a bad idea right from the off but like, so hot you'll do anything for them because they;er just that charming and also the thinf where ouget peop,le who've just been rewwrittem like who they were might stimll be in there but also theyte' someone nbew now. i really suckk at specifc examples though my brainn memoryt i s so unrelable for stuff ike thins!
wow this is hard i hope you like th answer!
thank you for the challenge! i really had to try hard thgriygh this one!
Thank you for the ask task! (4)
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moondust-moth · 1 year
Deep dumb doll
deep dimb doll
deep dimb dol
deep dim doll
deep dinb doll
deep dumb doll
deep dimp doll
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sirdindjarin · 1 year
I want to throw no shade to DinB* shippers but it makes me nauseous?
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dreamingisntbad · 1 year
Spoiler-free brief descriptions of DiNB characters
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Please note that character sprites might change in the future. If it happens, I'll edit/remake this post! Boy ,'s tag includes a "magic comma". Here's it: ‚
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lavendorii · 1 year
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dindadjarin · 1 year
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eggdrawsthings · 1 year
came here from your twitter and thank god the DinB* thing is a false alarm
Amen! If I had a nickel for every time Din pledged allegiance to someone and ppl read it as romance, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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thesecrettimes · 2 years
US Regulators Close Silicon Valley Bank in One of the Largest Bank Failures Since Washington Mutual
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After Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) experienced financial turmoil, the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation closed the financial institution. Insured depositors can withdraw their funds on Monday after the FDIC took over the failed bank.
Federally Insured Depositors to Withdraw Funds on Monday, Uncertainty Looms for Depositors With Accounts Exceeding $250K
On Friday, U.S. regulators closed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) following a significant drop in the firm’s stock value and reports of a bank run on deposits. SVB’s shares were halted on Nasdaq, and rumors began to spread that the bank was seeking a buyer. Shortly thereafter, the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation and the FDIC shut SVB down. The FDIC announced that federally insured depositors, up to $250,000, can withdraw their funds on Monday. It is uncertain how the bank will handle larger deposits. “At the time of closing, the FDIC as the receiver immediately transferred all insured deposits of Silicon Valley Bank to the DINB,” the agency explained on Friday. Depositors with accounts exceeding $250,000 can contact the FDIC to seek a resolution. The regulator noted that as of the end of 2022, SVB had $209 billion in assets and $175.4 billion in deposits. “At the time of closing, the amount of deposits exceeding the insurance limits was undetermined,” the FDIC statement cautioned. “The amount of uninsured deposits will be determined once the FDIC obtains additional information from the bank and its customers.” The failure of Silicon Valley Bank is one of the largest bank failures in the United States since the bankruptcy of Washington Mutual (Wamu). SVB’s failure comes shortly after the liquidation announcement by Silvergate Bank, a crypto-friendly financial institution that said it was winding down operations. What do you think the closure of Silicon Valley Bank and the recent liquidation announcement by Silvergate Bank say about the state of the banking industry? Share your thoughts about this subject in the comments section below. Read the full article
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