#dinky dog
Even on the waves, there's certainly something about Dinky
As if Uncle Dudley's deteriorating state of health wasn't enough to have Sandy and Monica (and their rather ironically-named Old English Sheepdog/Irish Wolfhound mix, Dinky, for that matter) sent to live with a somewhat eccentric relative living close to Venice Beach wasn't already upsetting enow ... it took an otherwise predictably boring-looking Sunday afternoon on a rather isolated stretch of beach between Venice and Malibu known widely as a "clothing optional" such to show a most unlikely athletic angle to Dinky.
And it all came about with a desire for the sisters for to try some bodysurfing themselves.
But not just bodysurfing per se--bodysurfing in its purest and most natural form, as if bodysurfing, in and of itself, wasn't merely the purest form of surfing known, the fact of which going back to the ancient Polynesian peoples as practically invented the ideal.
Otherwise known as bodysurfing wearing but yourself.
Even with one of those beach blankets designed to allow beach sand to fall though, saving much needless shaking of the blanket when one was leaving, our gals (and their canine compadre) couldn't resist letting their inner wahine out .
It may have taken about an hour after arriving on the beach for "just the right wave" in the bodysurfing fashion to come along, but the way the sun warmed everything, Sandy and Monica couldn't resist such an interesting desire.
Neither could Dinky, judging by his excitability towards the waves and a desire to ride such as would give new meaning to "hot dogging," come to think of it.
"Yet, Sandy," Monica observed, "doesn't it seem a little weird to imagine Dinky bodysurfing, what with the sea salt bound to cling to his fur when all is said and done?"
"Might it surprise you to know, Monica," Sandy remarked, "that sea salt could actually do wonders to a dog's coat, as well as general time in the sea?"
Dinky couldn't have agreed more as our trio, wearing themselves essentially, charged into the surf heading towards the break (though Dinky's movements amounted to a comical dogpaddle, which were enough to cause a mix of concern and fascination to the gals) ... and once in the break, preparing to duck-dive their way into bodysurfing's annals, Dinky charged into the break with such gusto that no other bodysurfer, human or canine, seemed to possess.
And what a feeling came over the bodies of Sandy and Monica in their utterly Polynesian-like nakedness, diving their way through the underside of the wave ... as well as the ever-enthused Dinky, first to lie in the prone position essential to bodysurfing as a whole. A feeling which continued as the party of three glided through what must have been a four-footer of a most impressive shade of turquoise blue, and hardly any embarrassment over the nakedness deployed!
"What could be more fascinating," Sandy remarked with her usual stoked-up enthusiasm, "than just surfing yourself, wearing but yourself, Monica!!" Dinky barked out his agreement after shaking his body dry from the sheer ecstasy of the exercise, to the sheer agreement of his handlers. Not long afterwards:
"Uh, Sandy," Monica was asking a bit on the off-hand side of things, "how exactly was it that we learned bodysurfing, to begin with ... and when?"
"Obviously well before Dinky came into our lives," Sandy replied. "We must have been, like, six, seven, maybe eight years of age, now that you think of it."
To which Monica suggested, "I believe it was at a summer day camp on the beach; remember our parents wanting us out of the house pretty much every day during the summer vacation from school?"
"Now that you mention it, Monica," remarked Sandy, "I admit some initial resentment, but realised that the parents especially needed it."
"Yet, looking back, I couldn't help but think how Mom and Dad were forever calling us out about 'taking up space during summer vacation when you should be out and about'!", replied Monica.
Dinky couldn't help but chuckle.
"But suffice it to say that the experience of learning bodysurfing," to hear Sandy explain it, "was a rather memorable one!"
"And fascinating!" Monica added.
Enough so to pull off a couple more bodysurfing rides, with Dinky, for some reason, being especially enthused about his hairy canine body being an ur-surfboard, before calling it an afternoon. Back at the apartment of the relative they were living with for sandwiches over supper, over the discussion about the bodysurfing experience that afternoon, came--
"It's about Uncle Dudley," the relative explained.
Enough to have Sandy and Monica gasping in concern.
"I don't know how to explain it, but ..."
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summer-solo-day · 4 months
103/?? Childhood TV Shows You Should Watch
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Title: Dinky Dog
Episodes: 16
Original Air Date: September 9, 1978 - September 5, 1981
The show is about two girls: ditzy and beautiful blonde Sandy and smart, sensible, bespectacled brunette Monica. They live with their Uncle Dudley. Sandy buys a cute puppy named Dinky, which suddenly grows to the size of a polar bear. Sandy is now stuck dragging Monica into always finding work and different ways to repair the damages Dinky causes at their poor uncle's expense. Sure enough, however, Dinky always seems to fix things and is forgiven, much to Uncle Dudley's dislike.
In the second portion of the series, Dudley takes the nieces for a world tour on a rented leisure boat, giving Dinky a chance to cause mishaps on the different continents for more adventures.
My Rating: 6/10
My Reasoning: This is a cute cartoon. However, to be honest I don't remember a whole lot about it. I remember it being decent, so I think it's just a middle-of-the-road cartoon. There isn't anything super special about it or unique. It doesn't have a whole lot going on plot-wise. It's pretty straight forward and simple. I think it's a good cartoon to watch if you want something simple.
My Rating:
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ygamiraito · 3 months
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obsessed with him in this dinky ass white turtleneck. he looks so Cooooozy
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!!!! SPOILERS !!!! for Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
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That's not what she meant, Max.
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fuhosh-i · 1 year
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scans from the HELL DOGS - IN THE HOUSE OF BAMBOO (2023) booklet
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fayeandknight · 1 year
Agility classes have started up again. Unfortunately the couple, and thus the person who takes videos for me, are not in attendance.
I got three runs in and the last one the instructor had me do silently. Forte really is so much more focused when I shut my mouth, lol. I think part of it is that my theatre background comes out so I'm using my projecting voice and thus get very loud. Also I feel like I'm mentally scrambling to say the cues fast enough to match his speed, which is mach 17. When I let my body do the talking he has to check in with me more often and I am using less mental bandwidth on spitting out cues.
On a side note, there are three people who have been in one previous class with me but I've not directly interacted with before. Today one of their mom's came to watch and Forte and I ended up in the hallway with her on the way out. She complimented his looks asked what breed he is. As I was telling her Forte started making eyes at her and she asked if she could say hi. I told yes he's super friendly, and once I have him permission he was leaning into her for the good pets, lol.
As she's cooing about how sweet he is, the trio came into the hallway. They get all excited and ask if she's found out his breed and expressed surprise that she got to pet him.
That, in turn, took me by surprise. Because I look at Forte and see a marshmallow in dog form and frequently call him Dinky.
From their perspective, as told by them - he's a speed demon on the course, I use hard words and he just does it, and he looks so intimidating. And I laughed because I do forget how others might see us. I explained that he's a big baby who loves people, his cues are in German, and has more speed than brain cells most of the time.
Anyway it was a good practice and an interesting interaction. Here's a picture of him from our pre agility routine.
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Hi hello I'm still alive. I've been making art pretty frequently but I just.... keep forgetting to post it so here's a little art dump from most recent to the least recent
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(I added shading to this but I don't have a pic of it at the moment)
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Sorry it's not much, art block has been kicking my ass recently
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devilmass · 1 year
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does it count as canine coded if he'll bark
the proof that john is canine coded is that he didn't mark off 'smaller than him' but its small dog coded. accepted. please be at the confessional booth for a make out at 2 pm on saturday.
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beansnpeets · 1 year
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Okay, I'll post this one just because I like it so much. This is Raiden.
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moonfromearth · 2 years
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Corey staring into his watermelon salad wondering where it all went wrong... 😆
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eqan · 2 years
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egan sporting his double ace bandaged legs following a vet appointment in which he charmed his way through way too many people
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sohannabarberaesque · 1 month
So Sandy, Monica and Dinky Dog are having a rather casual day at the beach when the conversation turns thus:
MONICA, just off the top of her head: Sandy, could you ever imagine what it would be like if Dinky were ever to come across a dolphin while splashing about in the shallows? SANDY, making note of what Monica just noted: If you'll just look over there-- [Whereupon Sandy points to where their pet dog Dinky--a misnomer, if ever there were one, considering his size--playing a sort of tag with a dolphin swimming through the shallows. And the two couldn't be more surprised. As for Uncle Dudley--]
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c-o-z-m-o · 2 years
When you sit down for a moment and realize how many patb aus you have and most haven't gotten anywhere:
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prettyvacanttt · 1 year
Fostering this 4 week old kitten named dinky that looks IDENTICAL to fizzgigg when he was born omg I am losing my mind😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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shyshyshyshy0 · 2 months
AUUGHHH i need a mask/head so bad
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