changxlingfae · 1 year
@diruswolff​ liked for a starter:
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“That’s actually a restricted section of the library - if you want to use the archives, you need me there to unlock it and manage the equipment.”
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vormundwolff · 1 year
Hey Miles.
You’re a punk.
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edhellfire · 1 year
👪 - A family related headcanon
SEND A SYMBOL FOR A SPECIFIC HEADCANON 👪 - A family related headcanon
Eddie never stopped waiting for his mom. She left when he was about 4 years old, promising she would come back to him and he never thought she wouldn't. Didn't even consider it.
I think he slowly came to terms with her not coming back about a year after his dad went to prison.
Nonetheless, he doesn't harbor ill will towards her. I think maybe deep down he resents her a little for not coming back for him but he keeps that locked down. He loves his mama.
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hellsstarmisfits · 8 years
"Why are you in my bed?" - {Norman}
➳ @diruswolff
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➳➳ “Uhm- No clue-”
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changxlingfae · 1 year
Miles would straight up punch the other guy straight in the nose, grab Bex's hand, and book it. Unless it was at Bex's work and if that was the case Miles would call out to Bex in the most cute pet name he could think at the moment and pretend to be his boyfriend by saying he can't wait for their anniversary date later or something along the lines just trying to be all cute boyfriend like until the other person hopefully left. Then drop the act once they're gone.
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"I greatly appreciate the two different thought-out plans... that's awful considerate."
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vormundwolff · 1 year
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?: Pine, hay and the smell of rain. Occasionally like paint if he’s been working on a painting.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?: Kind of rough, but not unpleasantly so, callouses primarily from living on a farm.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?: Breakfast he usually just grabs some fruit or oatmeal, lunch is usually just a sandwich or a wrap, dinner varies, during the winter he makes a lot of soups and stews, summer and spring is lighter meals.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE?: Ehhh, depends on the type of music, he grew up with a lot of Gaelic folk songs, so he’s pretty good when singing those.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS?: He bites the inside of his cheeks a lot, if he’s nervous he tends to bite at his thumbnail, not biting it off, but chewing on it.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR?: Connor wears a lot of overshirts, be it plaid, a denim jacket with patches on it, or his dad’s leather jacket and jeans, even during summer. He wears worn out black boots, or beat up converse.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO?: Connor is incredibly affectionate, especially if he feels like he can trust you. He will lean against you, or lay his feet or head in your lap. He likes to have people he trusts do that with him as well. Connor will squeeze people’s shoulder or just bump shoulders with them too.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?: Usually on his right side or back.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM?: Depends on if he’s angry or not. Angry Connor becomes loud Gaelic or German cursing.
tagged by: @redhoodiskra tagging: @diruswolff, @battle-scars​
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fervidusoculi · 8 years
Five times kissed
The first time they kissed Miles told him it was a pack thing. That all born werewolf packs snuggled and scented each other via way of kisses. He went with it, nuzzling into Miles easily, willingly. And then Miles pressed a kiss just below his ear, making him blink. Being an alpha never ceased to be really, really complicated.
The second time they kissed, it was a little too close to just be something as simple as pack scenting, Miles pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his lips. That one had definitely caught him off guard, making the wolf blink with confusion before he ducked, allowing a kiss to be brushed along Miles’ cheek. “I’m still not so sure this is a pack thing.” but Scott would digress.
The third time Scott was absolutely certain it wasn’t just a pack thing, because Miles had offhandedly mentioned he found the alpha attractive, and that he’d date him if given the chance. It was a fact that made Scott laugh awkwardly, almost shyly, but he kissed Miles back then.
The fourth time may have been drunkenly inclined, it was a party after prom at Lydia’s lake house. Someone had brought alcohol, of course, and they’d somehow all been roped into playing spin the bottle. A fact that had been amusing at the time. Until the bottle had landed on Miles. Scott half scooted across the circle, climbing into Miles’ way and kissing him, fingers curling into the born wolves’ hair as he leaned in, pressing a kiss to the other’s soft lips.
The fifth time was very easily willing between the two of them, a meeting of close desire for each other. It was something they both felt, longing and adoration for the other wolf. They’d been out of high school for a while now, each deciding to stay in Beacon Hills because the town needed a proper pack looking after it. It was necessary by this point. It was during a time when things were settled and Miles approached Scott. He’d expressed his feelings properly then, telling Scott that he’d wanted to date the alpha for a long time now. Scott didn’t say anything, instead pulling the Beta in close and just kissing him softly. “Trust me man, I’ve felt the same.”
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forgedinsteel-blog1 · 8 years
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"So now you’re stealing? Daniel will definitely not approve of this behavior.
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ofcrovvns-blog · 8 years
diruswolff​   ( cont from ✘ )
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     ❝Markin’ me fuckin’ TERRITORY.  T’at’s w’at ‘M doin’.❞ Was all the Irishman muttered against the OTHER’S neck, teeth grazing his flesh before he began to SUCK on the pale flesh of his neck, PHYSICALLY marking the boy up and he was going to MAKE sure that everyone sees that he BELONGED to someone.  Of course, they wouldn’t know WHO Miles belonged to, and they’d figure it out if and when someone ATTEMPTS to take the other AWAY from him.
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stiernhawk-blog · 8 years
[Teach]: Would it count as extra credit if I send one back?
[Teach]: Also damn, I would have never thought with that
[Teach]: A++
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prewarsurvivor-blog · 8 years
Seeing people who were young still surprised Daniel, it made him remember how resilient humans could actually be. It gave him hope for a future in this odd world he’d found himself in. It was late in Diamond City, the lull of people’s voices gone and the bustle to a minimum, mainly only the security that patrolled idly.
Daniel walked from his house, the small place a comfortable bit of luxury for the former soldier. Approaching the center of town, he walked to the noodle bar, nodding to the young man who sat there.
“Mind if I sit here?”
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fervidusoculi · 8 years
Kiss + upper neck just right below his ear
Scott wasn’t used to betas, he definitely wasn’t used to how werewolves who were born could be. But he was slowly getting the hang of the whole cuddle pile thing that werewolves seemed to be very fond of doing. A grumbling Stiles had been drawn into the whole thing, and Lydia sat perched on the edge, choosing to lean against their legs as the wolves scented and curled together.
Liam was curled up into Scott’s back, Hayden in his arms and Miles was curled into Scott’s chest, making that little rumbling noise that Scott had learned to attribute to comfortable, born wolves. The alpha had his eyes closed, fingers curled into the back of his beta’s shirt.
Soft lips pressed just below his ear and the alpha blinked, looking at Miles quietly. 
He’d never considered the young beta that way, and he was hit with confusion, his eyebrows knit.
“It’s a pack thing.” Miles murmured softly, nuzzling the spot he’d just kissed. “It’s scenting. Born packs do it a lot.”
Scott hummed before shifting, brushing his nose lightly over the same spot behind Miles’ ear. “I guess I have a lot to learn.”
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resolutearcher-blog · 8 years
@diruswolff liked your post: “|| Like this for a starter. ||”
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“You know what I miss? I miss actual whiskey.”
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ofcrovvns-blog · 8 years
rough touch(Connor)
meme;  ✘status;  not acceptingnumber; 4
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A grin FLASHED across the Irishman’s features before his hand ROSE, fingers curling around the strands of hair he was ABLE to grab and tugged his head back harshly; his lips ATTACKING Miles’ neck without a second thought.  A low NOISE arose from Connor’s lips before he BIT down on the flesh, his tongue DARTING out soon after to soothe the flesh he only just bit.     ❝MINE.❞
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