spockvarietyhour · 11 months
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U.S.S. Enterprise inside Bannon's Nebula, "Lost in Translation"
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startrekships · 6 days
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1966 and 2019
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erindrifter · 1 year
Well, I've regressed a bit.
I have done a fair bit of work on Enterprise 3D models. Mostly on the Kelvin Enterprise. It's my wallpaper, so having to look at it all the time makes me have to look at all the mistakes I made.
So far, I have updated the textures of the saucer, making me have to update the textures of the other paneled parts. I also decided to change the look of the bussard collectors, but that's more subtle. I updated the penant on the side from the lazy way I did to a much more proper one. But, most of all, I completely changed the deflector dish. I don't know why I did that first method, it really wasn't what it was supposed to look like.
Unfortunately, it is still not accurate, so I will likely change that soon as well.
There were some incredibly minor updates made on the TOS Enterprise, but it was all pretty subtle. The deflector dish is shinier. I think I changed the bussard collectors?
I haven't touched the Discoprise yet. I don't know what I would change, I am actually still pretty proud of that one. I might put it in front of a planet though...
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astreljourne · 4 years
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USS Oleander: Be a sister ship.
You are a Discovery Era Constitution Class Legendary Temporal Flight-deck Carrier, and sister ship to the USS Juice and USS Kenya. As the Discoprise bridge hasn't been released in the game, you oppted for the saucer without the "windshield" and have The Original Series Interior. You got your name from a placeholder Exeter Class ship that used to be the USS Juice.
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weerd1 · 3 years
I started watching Star Trek so long ago...
...I could just say, “The Enterprise.”
Then I said there was the Enterprise and the Movie Enterprise.
Then the Classic Enterprise, the movie Enterprise, and the Next Gen Enterprise.
Then the Classic Enterprise, the Refit and A, the C, and the D.
Then the TOS Enterprise and Refit, the Enterprise A, B, C, and D.
And the E.
Then the 1701, the Refit, the A, B, C, D, and E...
...and the NX-01.
...And the J.
Then the 1701, the Refit, the A, B, C, D, E, NX-01, J, and the JJ-Prise
Then the 1701 (Prime and Kelvin), the Refit (Prime and Kelvin), the 1701A (Prime and Kelvin) and the B, C, D, E, J, NX-01.
And the Discoprise.
And, some 46 or  so years since I first sat down to watch her, I still love all of her.
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defconprime · 4 years
This is the fifth week of the Big Ole Star Trek Uniform Tournament, during which we will find out what is the best uniform in all Trek.
This week is the semifinals!
Give me your picks in the comments by July 16th!
This matchup pits the Enterprise uniforms from Discovery:
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Against the 2380s flashback uniforms from Picard:
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stra-tek · 4 years
Where Discovery Fits.  Or Does It?
So Star Trek: Discovery is meant to be set roughly 10 years before TOS proper, beginning in 2256.
BUT:  It introduces a new human sister for Spock who had never been mentioned before (yes I know, Sybok wasn’t mentioned either but that was before 30 years more canon).  Everything looks different.  The Klingons have been reimagined yet again and there’s open warfare for 9 months between Klingons and the Federation which wasn’t really mentioned before.  Here’s a breakdown of pros and cons of fitting Discovery into the larger Star Trek universe:
Klingon redesign
Not only have the Klingons been reimagined yet again, their appearance here completely ignores the ENT episodes “Affliction” and “Divergence” which after 30 years finally explained why TOS Klingons look and act like humans and Klingons in the rest of the franchise do not. As well as the Klingons themselves, their ships look very different to how they have endlessly reused the same ship designs in the 225 year span of ENT, TOS, TNG DS9 and VOY.
 Federation redesign
Everything has been reimagined, looking far more like the Kelvin Universe reboot movies to TOS. Massive windows at the front of the bridges instead of smaller screens, complex touchscreen displays everywhere instead of blinking coloured squares and jellybean buttons.  When we see the iconic USS Enterprise, her profile is flatter, the nacelles are swept back akin to the classic movie version of the ship. The uniforms worn by her crew are brightly coloured versions of the Discovery costumes with black collars and pin badges, and only resemble the costumes from “The Cage” in the most superficial way. You can’t explain the design changes away with refits as happened way back in 1979 with The Motion Picture, since chronologically the Discovery Enterprise (or Discoprise, for short) appears before and after TOS version of the ship in “The Cage”, and in “Ephraim and Dot” the Discovery version USS Enterprise is the one seen throughout the TOS 5-year-mission implying it’s meant to be a straight up replacement.
 Technology upgrade
The USS Shenzhou is an old ship at the start of Discovery (2256), yet it has the same forcefields seen throughout Next Gen and Voyager, and appearing wherever needed to capture alien intruders.  Discovery has an atmospheric forcefield in her shuttlebay, and they keep the door open for the whole of season 2 affording a spectacular view.  Prior to this, the earliest we saw a forcefield that keeps atmosphere in was in Star Trek Generations, on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B 40 years later (2293).  For comparison, the classic Enterprise from TOS (2266ish) had to decompress their shuttlebay to allow landings/takeoffs (as seen in “Journey to Babel”) and when engineering is breached in The Wrath of Khan and the saucer in The Undiscovered Country, we see doors come down to seal off the affected areas.
They directly reference the ENT episodes “Broken Bow” and “In a Mirror, Darkly” in dialogue, although in the latter, the USS Defiant appears on a monitor and it looks notably different to how it did in “The Tholian Web” and “In a Mirror, Darkly”.  
 In season 2 we even get a “previously on…” going all the way back to “The Cage” with everything looking exactly as it did in 1964.  It ends on a cool cut between Jeffrey Hunter’s Christopher Pike and Anson Mount’s.  The story of “If Memory Serves” is an integral part of season 2’s story and probably doesn’t make much sense unless you’ve seen “The Cage”, Trek’s very first episode from 55 years previously.  So here they’re making it clear that although everything looks and acts different, it’s the same world.
 The holographic communications system is removed from the Discovery Enterprise when it’s discovered to be the cause of her system breakdown in “Brother”, explaining to an extent why we never had those cool conversations with holograms in TOS and only screen comms.
 Anything to do with the USS Discovery, her Spore Drive, Michael Burnham etc is classified at the end of season 2.  Pike and crew tell Starfleet she was destroyed in the battle with the Section 31 Control ships, ensuring no surviving part of the Control AI can continue it’s quest for the sphere data.
 Star Trek: Picard adopts the Discovery split delta symbol and it’s shown prominently on the Starfleet bases and uniforms in 2285 and 2299.  The commbadge of 2399 at a glance looks like the one from “All Good Things”, “The Visitor” and “Endgame” a closer look shows they moved the split to from the centre to the Discovery 2/3rds position.  We also see the Discoprise as part of a holographic display at Starfleet HQ.
Star Trek: Discovery has had a very troubled life:  It was conceived as the first part of an anthology, then plans changed.  New showrunners had new ideas, Netflix gave the show a huge financial boost for international distribution rights (to the extent they were in the already in the black before the show was released).  And then more and more firings and leavings happened (some over quite ugly things, one showrunner was fired for being abusive to the writers), the show went through many showrunners, perhaps explaining why some plot threads seemed to vanish mid-season (Lorca’s tribble never met the Klingon spy it was seemingly set up for, and what happened to Pike’s religious leanings in his first few appearances?) and why the Red Angel storyline makes no sense when you think it through.   One of the writers seemed to think they weren’t allowed to use anything from ANY of the movies due to the Paramount/CBS split in a season one-era interview (thankfully said split is not an issue anymore) and an artist was under the impression everything had to look 25% different to TOS for legal reasons which sent parts of fandom on crazy conspiracy jags.
 When I watched Discovery, I treated it as a reboot.  It looks different, the technology is different.  The Spock of TOS didn’t have a human sister, that’s silly.  It was like comparing Adam West’s  Batman series  to Gotham. They’re different versions of the same world.  But now we’ve got the Star Trek Universe of shows (Discovery, Picard and forthcoming Lower Decks, Section 31, Prodigy) either here or on the way and of course they want everything interconnected.  It’s probably only a matter of time before we get a Defenders-style crossover miniseries.  New canon overwrites old canon, that’s why Jim Kirk’s middle initial is T not R, why the Enterprise runs on Dilithium and not lithium crystals.  So now Kirk’s Enterprise in TOS looks like the Discovery version, Spock has a human sister and Klingons look like they do in Disco.  They've rebooted Trek's 23rd century but kept the rest. Am I mad?  Nope, cos I’ve got my DVDs, decades of novels and fanfic about the “old” TOS era if I want to explore there.  And really just a TV show, right?  Enjoy modern Trek for what it is, because being mad at what it isn’t ends in toxic fandom.
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beammeupchief · 6 years
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Discoprise by painthatimausedto on @deviantart
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dewyatt · 4 years
The REAL Enterprise
Someone did this edit on YouTube, proving what I’ve been saying ever since the Discoprise was revealed:
The ONLY thing she needed was updated surface textures and a new lighting scheme. The old girl looks GORGEOUS.
And don’t give me any of that “We had to make it 20% different because lawyers” bullshit. That argument went out the airlock the INSTANT the TOS Bird of Prey showed up in the teasers for Picard (in the actual episode, the Bird of Prey underwent the same visual update as below: New, more detailed surface textures and a better lighting, but was otherwise virtually identical).
It’s just gaslighting. The FACT is that the showrunners wanted to do a reboot, but wanted to placate fans who were disgruntled over the JJ-verse. That’s why their FIRST argument was to claim that “we don’t know what this period in history looks like,” until fans reminded them about “The Cage.”
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impercebida · 7 years
Tenho ouvido falar de Tuas maravilhas, que tens poder pra salvar. Escreve um novo começo pra minha vida, creio que ainda hoje tudo vai mudar.
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iron-bundle · 6 years
petition to call the discovery version of the enterprise the discoprise
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spockvarietyhour · 10 months
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The Starship Enterprise in "Subspace Rhapsody"
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startrekships · 9 months
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SNW Enterprise, renders by Greg Ellingson
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erindrifter · 2 years
So, that new Star Trek show is out, Strange New Worlds! In it, we see a reinterpretation of the original Enterpise from The Original Series. It has been given the name “Discoprise”, since it is very shiny with a lot of lights. It looks something like this, actually:
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In my opinion, this is still a very faithful adaptation of the original Enterprise, easily better than some other ones *cough* Abrams movies *cough*
I did have to teach myself how to add in the light streaks for the full effect. I’m still learning. It is actually a bit overlit... And I do need to do some more work on the nacelles...
Let’s call this Discoprise V1!
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kennethmdement · 5 years
Discoprise 1701 Bridge First Reaction - Trekyards
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weerd1 · 2 years
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20 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 02:15:55 GMT
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Nanaue! My Funyuns!
20 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 20:34:34 GMT
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When I was a child my village was often the target of pirates. They’d drop from orbit, take what they wanted, and leave. When we’d get everything back together we knew it was only a matter of time before they would return. Then once, when I was about 12, the pirates had everyone lined up, ready to take it all. And suddenly, this man and a robot came out of the woods and just said, “Stop.” The lead pirate, a Weequay with thick eye lenses, laughed and asked who he thought he was. The man said only, “My name is Skywalker.” The pirate stopped laughing. They never came again. - - - #starwars #toyphotography #lukeskywalker #r2d2 #hottoys https://www.instagram.com/p/CLWuhQkAzeF/?igshid=w17ub40zca3l
24 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 13:40:38 GMT
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39 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 14:27:21 GMT
I started watching Star Trek so long ago...
...I could just say, “The Enterprise.”
Then I said there was the Enterprise and the Movie Enterprise.
Then the Classic Enterprise, the movie Enterprise, and the Next Gen Enterprise.
Then the Classic Enterprise, the Refit and A, the C, and the D.
Then the TOS Enterprise and Refit, the Enterprise A, B, C, and D.
And the E.
Then the 1701, the Refit, the A, B, C, D, and E...
...and the NX-01.
...And the J.
Then the 1701, the Refit, the A, B, C, D, E, NX-01, J, and the JJ-Prise
Then the 1701 (Prime and Kelvin), the Refit (Prime and Kelvin), the 1701A (Prime and Kelvin) and the B, C, D, E, J, NX-01.
And the Discoprise.
And, some 46 or  so years since I first sat down to watch her, I still love all of her.
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60 notes • Posted 2021-10-17 21:41:06 GMT
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