#dislyte jeanne
cosmos741 · 22 hours
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shizuma-akira · 6 months
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Happy birthday to my man
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seharuuchan · 1 year
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funkii4-blog · 1 month
I just realized I need to draw Saiko and Jeanne together they’d be an incredible duo
pink haired rocker girls >>
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reshramlove1ob · 5 months
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OK I'm actually gonna write stuff for this au 🤭
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nameace · 1 year
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acearohippo · 1 year
Hippo's Dislyte Awards of 2022
Inspired by @ilikedyourablogithere, this one wanted to compile one's own list of faves! This one will format it a bit differently due to personal reasons. Everything, of course, is based on personal bias and NOT on actual gameplay usefulness or canon accuracy. The categories one included:
Favourite Men: Union, Shadow Decree, Non-Affiliated
Favourite Women: Union, Shadow Decree, Non-Affiliated
Favourite Ships: Straight, M/M, F/F, Friend, Family
Favourite Events: Billboard, Sidestory, Non-Story
Favourite Miscellaneous: Boss, Element, Relics (Una, Mui, and Combo) Mythology, Esper Skin, Esper Drip
Favourite Songs: Character Song, DJ Contest Song, XHz Radio City Song, XHz Radio Bar Song
Favourite Union Man Award: Lewis [Ares]
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Why? Because my man's out here weighing the pros and cons of joining the Union, based on his personal goals. You don't get that sort of introspection when creating "good guys". He's allowed to be passionate, aggressive, and brash without sacrificing his logic or critical thinking. He's allowed to be confident and dutiful without comprising his youth and playfulness. He respects his younger sister for choosing a different path than him and doesn't selfishly think he's failed her (or himself). He admires his mentor, Gaius, but doesn't hold him on a pedestal as an impossible goal to become. Lewis' sense of self-worth, self-respect, and self-love is so inspiring. Wish he had more stories.
Runner Ups: Li Ling, Tang Xuan
Favourite Shadow Decree Man Award: Long Mian [Ao Bing]
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Why? Long Mian has the single most cliché, yet disturbing reason for joining the Shadow Decree. This man witnessed his beloved dog die and, clichély, became a Taxidermist after his dog was stuffed and Long Mian saw he could preserve his most precious items this way. The disturbing part is that he preserves anything beautiful that catches his eyes: which include people. This one loves that his sole reason for joining Shadow Decree is because they don't care that he's collecting people while he brings them miramon for study. That's fantastic. It also seems like, outside of the Decree members, the public doesn't seem to be aware of his activities, because he still has a job... as a taxidermist. He's a serial killer, with a very serial killer-cliché job, but he's so nondescript, he's able to roam free doing what he does. I respect that.
Runner Up: Jiang Jiuli
Favourite Non-Affliated Man Award: Unas [Shu]
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Why? He might not have a lot about him, but can we appreciate how- after his wife died- he decided his best bet to keep moving forward was to become a travelling hippie? So many espers have lost their beloved and have grieved in their own way. This one just thinks it's lovely that Unas' grief didn't lead him to any extremes. He doesn't wallow in self-loathing, doesn't blame others or himself, doesn't go around spiteful. On the flipside, he doesn't try to be overly optimistic or happy-go-lucky. His wife's death has taught him to appreciate each day as it comes and goes, not dwelling on once was or what may be. One just loves the vibe he gives off.
Runner Up: Narmer
Favourite Union Woman Award: Heng Yue [Chang'e]
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Why? Love oxymoronic characters, that's why. Yes she's a "cold-hearted medic" but guess what? THEY KEEP HER THAT WAY. She's not outright rude or anything, but she comes off as aloof and disinterested and we love that. She does what needs to be done, using what was bestowed to her (begrudgingly) to help others. And her ultimate goal of undoing the transformations? Solid, stuff. It doesn't make sense for everyone to be on board with the changes, including those part of the "hero" faction. This one is just happy that Heng Yue's stance is not tied to something traumatic. She simply wishes to return to her goal of making affordable medicine for all.
Runner Up: Kaylee
Favourite Shadow Decree Woman Award: Lynn [Hathor]
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Why? She's gentle, loves to cook, and takes care of everyone... AS PART OF THE SHADOW DECREE!! In case you haven't noticed the trend, this one's faves tend to fall under the "mismatched personality/actions" type. While there isn't much about her to know, it will never not be awesome that her disposition is so gentle while attached to the inhumane faction that is the Shadow Decree. One needs to know what her role is in the Decree, and how she manages to remain so soft spoken and kind working with literal human traffickers.
Runner Ups: Bonnie, Kara
Favourite Non-Affiliated Woman Award: Biondina [Poseidon]
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Why? SHE WAS AN UNDERGROUND FIGHTER AND THEN BECAME A TRAVELLING HIPPIE WITH UNAS. CAN YOU GET ANY MORE BADASS THAN THAT?? She (with Unas) just goes around, taking in the sites, lending a helping hand to whoever she comes across in her path, and just takes each day as it comes. We love the VIBES. Like most of the espers on this list, one wishes we had more stories with her.
Favourite Straight Ship: Long Mian [Ao Bing]/Lynn [Hathor]
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- Long Mian's bounty story with Lynn is the first bounty story one ever read and the gentleness in the story between the two just had me gushing. This one can just see their domestic life play out. Long Mian bringing home another "collector's item" to preserve and Lynn watching him at work. Lynn preparing the unused parts for a lovely home cooked meal and Long Mian attempting to sneak a bite before she finishes. Them sitting close to each other talking about their day, chuckling at the antics of the Decree's younger members and rolling their eyes at the dramatics of the older members. Very cosy, domestic living.
Favourite M/M Ship: Li Ling [Nezha]/Tang Xuan [Sun Wukong]
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- This one has talked and gushed about LotusMonkey before, several times, but why is this ship my favourite? I just love their dynamic. A lot. One cannot put it into words, just all the little nuances in their CANON relationship makes me uber pleased. Truly, the best way to express my feelings is to read any of the psots this one has made or fanfics this one has written. They have so much going for them and one is just happy to partake of the buffet.
Favourite F/F Ship: Bonnie [Eris]/Jeanne [Gerd]
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- This one hit me out of nowhere, when this one realised that they both would just work so well together. They're loud, they're aggressive, they're unapologetically them and one just knows their dates would be bombastic and wild. Definitely nothing canon for this ship to fall on, but just trust me on this. Bonnie and Jeanne are just this sort of innocent (?) relationship? Like, it would be new and exciting and they'd get to just experience themselves through each other in a non-exploitative way? If that makes sense. Too many F/F ships are either soft and sweet or bold and sensual and this one just wants the wild energy of two young adults going wild, acting their age, and being able to express themselves through their alternative lifestyle. Apologies for this explanation, there is just something hopeful that this relationship gives me.
Favourite Friendship: Lewis [Ares] & Li Ling [Nezha]
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- They are FANTASTIC FRIENDS. Lewis just oozes "fed-up older brother" to Li Ling's "annoying little brother" vibes and it is immaculate. Love that their relationship is founded on beating each other up during training.
Favourite Family Dynamic: Hyde [Hades], Anesidora [Pandora], Nicole [Nephthys], Kara [Serket]
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- Hyde might not have expected (or asked for) 3 bickering daughters but he GOT 'EM AND HE'S A SINGLE DAD OF THREE NOW. Anesidora is, of course, the favourite and most successful, eldest daughter. Nicole is the often over-looked, but nonetheless productive middle child. Kara is the wild and rambunctious baby of the family who gets away with way too damn much. And Hyde is just trying to get his work done in peace.
Favourite Billboard Event:
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This event gave us the opportunity to run around in circles on a map. That's it. That's the entire reason one loves this event, so much.
Favourite Sidestory Event:
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Love it only because it dropped the iconic Soulmate song. Ahmed's version of has the vibe of coming out in elementary school and just being bamboozled by how every girl and some dudes are obsessed with it and the singer and just not understanding why?? Like, the song isn't bad but, sheesh, you'd think Ahmed just dropped this single directly from heaven with how your friends are foaming at the mouth every time it comes on. Then, a decade and a half later, you're at uni listening to one of those throwback playlists and it's evening, you're at that point in the semester where your grades are starting to stress you out but you aren't drowning in despair (yet) and this song comes on. You never actively listened to this song before, but you know the lyrics and you just casually sing along. As you do, you start to bob your head and get into it and then it hits you: Wait, this song is a total bop. You don't know what you were on when you were younger, but all your friends were right and Soulmate is just a fantastic song, sung by a very smooth voice. Now, whenever the convo comes up about throwback songs or impactful moments in your childhood, you gladly bring up Soulmate and enjoy gushing about it and singing purposely offkey to the lyrics with company.
This is the spiritual journey this one went on, despite this song coming out a few months ago.
Favourite Non-Story Event:
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This one loved this event so damn much. It forced me to try out different combinations of espers and this is event single-handedly proved more effective at getting one to understand team synergy than any load of tutorials or reddit pages one read.
Favourite Boss: Apep
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As much as ONE HATES how 3.1.7 update made him nigh impossible to beat, he reminds me of Onyx, my all time favourite pokemon so this one has to stan.
Favourite Element: Wind Element
It's the closest to Earth Element. Also, it's green (one's favourite colour)
Favourite Relic Sets (Una & Mui): Tyranny of Zeus (Una) & Sword Avatara (Mui)
Yes, this one is that person that puts Zeus set on most multi-hitting espers. This one is not ashamed of it. Sword Avatara is a given because all the other Mui sets just raise stats or offer 1 time-use skills.
Favourite Relic Combo: (Astral Witchcraft & Sword Avatara)
ONE LOVES SETTING UP COMBOS. Just, nonstop hitting is so much fun.
Favourite Mythology: Chinese Mythology
Listen, every other mythology goes wild with their dieties, giving them very iconic imagery like weapons or elements or animal characteristics to make them very easily recognisable. This one appreciates that lillithgames did so much to match their espers to their dieties visually. It's subtle (for the most part) but also very eye catching and it works so damn well.
Also, Hindu mythology hasn't dropped yet in game, so Chinese mythology is the closest we goin get to that. For now.
Favourite Esper Skin: Tang Yun's Flowing Jade [Six-Eared Macaque]
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One will be honest: This one loathes Tang Yun. He's #2 on one's Most Hated list. But, this outfit?? Fantastic! The jacket, the sleeves, the colour palette, HIS HAIR. THIS ONE LOVES HIS HAIR SO DAMN MUCH. HOLY CRAP Normally, this one thinks mullets and anything similar are tacky (*glares at Yun Chuan's stupid little braid*), but this do right here?? It WORKS. It works SO WELL with Tang Yun, one had to put aside one's hatred to appreciate the DRIP. 11/10.
Favourite Esper Drip: Li Ling [Nezha]
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Have you seen this man? No, but have you SEEN? THIS? MAN? By far the simplest, yet most effective character style this one has come across in a long time. My goodness. Li Ling has to have the most iconic silhouette to come out of a game for a long time.
Favourite Character Song: Jumpin'
Anything by Nikki Simmons feels like a Disney Channel Original Movie song and this one approves 1000000%. This one loves how cutesy the song sounds in juxtaposition to the brooding teen vibe Zora gives and really sells her character for this one. Honestly, it was a tie between this and Reborn (also by Nikki Simmons) but, since Reborn isn't technically introduced as a character song, this one kept it off the list.
Favourite DJ Contest Song: Psy the Future (Sally's Record [Sif])
Favourite XHz Radio City Song: Adíos! by André Aguado
This one thinks André's songs are royalty free, that's why this song appears in the game. AND WE ARE SO THANKFUL FOR THAT. This is the song that got one hooked to dislyte. Not the game play, not any of the characters. This. Song. The moment one heard that melody, we decided we had to stick with this game for a bit and, well... half a year later, we still here going strong. If this song hadn't been part of the in game radio, this Hippo would've never been a part of the fandom. Period. Would've deleted the app once one realised there weren't no Hindu gods. So, thank the person who chose this song and then thank the person who approved it being in the game.
Favourite XHz Radio Bar Song: Refuge by Anyar
First, this is NOT the in game version, which combines Ollie's DJ Contest record with it, but STILL. This song is FANTASTIC. It's what Sam Smith tried to do with Unholy but fumbled due to how squeaky clean it came out in the official drop. It feels sensual and seductive at times but also heartfelt and compassionate at others, and the VOICE?? ANYAR?? The grit and gruffness he hits with some of the lyrics is GORGEOUS. LOVE. THIS. SONG.
If you got through all of this, big thanks! Have a happy New Year!
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just-1-scorpio · 1 year
Dislyte ship weding headcanons part 1.
I don't ship all of those ships, I just thought that it would be fun to do this with random ships I found. (Sorry for the grammer, and speling mistakes English is not my first launvige.) (and sorry if this is cringy)
Jecob and Bai Liuli
Probably a small, and quiet weding. Jecob, and Bai Liuli got ready together, and walked to the oltar together to to start the ceremony. It's probably just them, and a few people who are close to them. Lynn, makes them both the weding cake, and the dinner, and is probably the maid of honor of Bai Liuli. Long Mian is probably Jecob's best man. Bai Liuli probably wears a traditional Chiness weding dress, and Jecob probably wears one too, to match with her. The ring is simple, or it was made to like the ring is formed by two huging snakes. Jecob's snake defenetly has a flowers crown.
Freddy, and Leon: Oh boy. Leon plane it to be a small, and quiet weding, but Freddy ended up inviting more people then they pland to. Before the weding Leon checked if everything is ready, before he went to get ready himself. Freddy got ready in Chloe's Salon, his fur is in perfect condition. Hall was Leon's best man, and unky chai was Freddy's best man. Freddy ended up inviting Chloe, and a few others. Mostly rock, a jezz music playd after the dinner, when it come to dancing. They ring is a simple silver weding ring, one is a normal sized ring, and the other one is the perfect size for Freddy.
Jiang Man and Lynn
They pland a relativly small, but not so quiet weding. Lynn made the weding cake, and the dinner herself, she put her soul into it, so that this day can be trouly special. They get ready together. They probably wear a simple weding dress, that are similar to each other. The decoretion is mostly made from flowers. Lynn waits at the alter, whaile Jiang Man comes down to the alter by herself. Jeanne plays the music for them, and is the maid of honor of Jiang Man. Bai Liuli is probably the maid of honer of Lynn. They weding ring is a silver ring, with a ruby in the middle.
Hyde and Narmer
A big, and loud weding. The food is the weary best. The decoretion is the mix gold, and light colors, elements, and dark blue, black colors, and elements. They get ready sepretly. Zelmer is next to Narmer, as much, as she can. The three of them has a sepret table where they eat, and other family stuff. Abigail probably brouth an expensiv gift, said congratulation, then sits at one of the table, with Alexa, and enjoys the food, and the drink. Hyde's dog(s) are really well behavied for the event. They ring is a gold ring, that is decoreted with diamonds.
Brynn and Berenice
A big, and defrently loud weding. They get ready sepretly. Sieg walks down Brynn to the alter. The whole Esper Union is there. Q throws flowers, and rice at them. Brynn, and Sieg's music is playing, along side with other rock songs. Helena is Brynn's maid of honor, and Celine is Berenice's maid of honor. They spend the weding from the start to the end. Both of them are wearing a parfume that was made by Berenice's. They weding ring is a shiney silver ring, Berenice's ring has a sodalite in it, and Brynn has a sugilite in it.
Gaius and Hannah
It was a somewhat big, and somewhat loud weding. They got ready together. They walked to the alter together. They cut the cake together. Gaius, cryid tears of joy when Hannah said yes. Hyde got a really good present for them, then set in one of the table for the whole event. The enetry Esper Union was there, which contain ed less members then. Hannah kissed Gaius every chance she got. Gaius, and Hannah both had an adorable toast to each other. We know how they weding ring look like.
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pinkniz · 2 years
Shadow Ted Talk
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unasluvr69 · 2 years
An unexpected partner
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cosmos741 · 29 days
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Hear me out
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shizuma-akira · 9 months
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They're so silly
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carlosyt14 · 1 year
... And then, I pulled the trigger...
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funkii4-blog · 1 month
You mean to tell me my girl Jeanne who’s literally a musician got 141st out of 144 in the first round??? An absolute tragedy I’m so sorry bestie
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02kt · 1 year
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rare resonance artworks that maybe you havent seen yet
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Sander: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Hailey: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents
Kara: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Anesidora: Actually I did the math, Hailey would have $225, not $0.15.
Hyde: Girls, please….
Bonnie: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Li Ao: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Bonnie: Sorry I only have a dollar
Li Ao: :(
Nicole: Hey I just realized, Hailey would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Hailey: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Jiang Jiuli: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Jeanne: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
Xie Chuyi: Apply juice to what
Xie Yuzhi: Directly to the forehead
Lynn: Great chat everyone
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