#disney planes 3
penname-artist · 2 years
Brain: it's almost tomorrow and you have inventory in the morning, do the sleeping
Me: okay but Planes 3 proposal, like-
This was discussed a bit in the VC in Volo Pro Veritas but I wanna take a second to like, gather the thoughts and elaborate this as best as I can while my brain has this sparse fleck of energy to give fucks about things.
I would have loved it, in the hypothetical scenario Planes 3 was actually happening, if Dusty really struggled to balance his life now. He has just come back from being newly certified and equipped to fight fires, and he has duties to uphold in Propwash with that. But also, he can race once more, and you know that he's going to take that the first shot he gets. But the strain of two very demanding careers, that's got to start messing with his head before too long.
To throw more wrenches into the plans, he can also be fighting trying to move up the ranks to take Mayday's stead when he finally retires, and taking on learning how to train his OWN rookies. Add in the fact that he's still a crop duster on the verge of engine failure half the time and he's just balancing on increasingly thinning lines to stay together and keep himself from, you know, fucking exploding. AND he's likely moving into his 30s now. Do I spy a recipe for disaster? A blow-up in front of friends? A meltdown? MOrE aNgSt AnD CHaoS!? PLEaSe????
I would have loved to see the strain. The slow collapse of his normally bubbly and bright demeanor, until he was back to a place similar to when he blew up at Blade in front of the mines. He knows he's biting off more than he can chew. But what could he do about it anyways? Give up his life dream which has inspired countless others like him, doing more than they were designed to do? Or give up his means of giving back to his community, and holding his entire home town up? He can't do both anymore, but cutting even one thing out will bring everybody down. And you know he's not about to give up on them.
Even if this kind of struggle was only the call to action to some wacky adventure, and the strain could only be seen for a single montage, wouldn't that be enough to weigh it in? He can't do it forever. Eventually, something will need to go. He just needs time to be able to accept that.
Watching him deal with that would have been the golden ending to the trilogy, which, ironically enough, would complete it's similar pattern to the Cars franchise: the first film is the racing tale, the second one veers off into a whole new area of intensity and stakes, and the third deals with the weight of everything only being temporary, and learning how to cope with that. God I would have loved to see it.
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travmalyubvi · 10 months
Cars came out in 2006, Cars 2 came out 2011, Cars 3 came out in 2017, Cars on the Road came out in 2022. The next Cars will be in 2028. And the next Planes will be in our dreams
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onyxbeingderanged · 1 year
Had a “concept comic” or whatever you call these w/ my cars oc. Again, another excuse to draw a Dinoco member 😭
I would like to publicly announce that I love Cal Weathers and he is very special to me
very rushed and aint the best but what can you do lmao💪
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bootleg-cal-weathers · 3 months
i’d like to point out that Dusty is probably on the PPAA wall of fame, cause yk, he crashes and ya need to crash to get on it
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mittch22 · 3 months
Vehicle Biology Headcanon
For about two to three weeks after birth, vehicles cannot regulate their own body temperature, and therefore have to spend that time close to the side of their parent/s. To spend any long periods of time away from the warmth this provides them can be deadly, if not severely damaging to their development, especially psychologically. They can, of course, be placed on heat mats to ensure their survival, however it's not at all the same.
This doubles up as a comforting mechanism that follows them all the way into adulthood, making physical touch (side panel to side panel) pretty much a regular requirement throughout their lives.
Vehicles that didn't have enough of this type of contact with their parent/s often find themselves regularly physically cold and resistant to intimacy of any kind.
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1mnott0ne · 14 days
Does subculture exist in cars universe and planes
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spottylightning · 9 months
This is such a fascinating topic I love to consider when thinking about the WoC fandom. Cars/Planes folks of Tumblr, what's your personal headcanon when it comes to this, and if so, why?
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flying-machine07 · 8 months
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School doodles
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ijustlovefiction · 1 year
Cars Universe Chalenge!!!!
(cuz why not)
1. Fav character from Cars
2. Fav character from Planes
3. Fav character from whole universe
4. Your least favorite character from Cars
5.Your least favorite character from Planes
6.Character you hate the most
7. Character that you kin the most (character, that you see yourself in them/you can relate to them)
8. Characters that you wants as friends
9. Fav character(s)?
10. Things that you like the most in you fav character(s)
11. Thing that you find out, why you kin this character (if you have character that you kin)
12. Fav song(s)?
13.Fav moments from Cars
14. Fav moments from Planes
15. Fav racer?
16. Lightning or Dusty?
17.The saddest moment in whole franchise?
18. Favorite Cars on the Road episode?
19. Fav ship?
20. Fav duo/trio?
21. Cars, Cars 2 or Cars 3?
22. Planes or Planes or Fire and Rescue?
23. Fav Cars Toons?
24. Fav Mater's Tall Tales?
25. Song that you listen the most rarely?
26. Fav video game?
27. Fav soundtrack (music without words)?
28. Best antagonist in whole franchise?
29. Which machine you would be in Cars Universe?
30. Fav girl?
31.Place from Cars Universe you really want to visit?
32. Thing from Cars Universe you want to have?
33. Radiator Springs or Propwash Junction?
34. Do you want to ride a WHOLE road 66 with all atractions?
35. Character that shows you data fanbase MBTI personality
36.Song (not from Cars), that reminds you your fav character(s)
37. Best agent?
38. Best lemon?
39. You want a "Boats" movie?
40. What do you want to see in Cars on the Road season 2?
41.The character you think they would have the same style like you (if they would be a human)
42.Luigi or Guido?
43.Character form Radiator Springs that you want have as roommate?
44. How much you miss Doc?
45.Character that you think they would be the most suportive to you
46.The worst Cars/Planes mockbuster? (Lucky you, who doesn't watch it)
47.Your favorite fanarts (if you don't have it, you don't have to do this)
48.Fav voice actors from Cars Universe?
49. The moment in whole franchise that made you angry
50. Best trailer?
51. Character from Radiator Springs that you would have least good relationship
52.Ideas for next movie?
53. Fav easter egg in whole franchise?
54.Best deleted scene?
55. What would you say to younger version of you, when you see that you are playing with toys from Cars/Planes?
56.With which movie/game idk and Cars Universe you want to see a crossover? (If you have idea, ofc)
57. Thing that you hate in fandom
58. Cars or Planes?
@penname-artist @leiasky (you two must do it, haha)
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c-119 · 1 year
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Game night!
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cars-and-planes-dork · 9 months
So I randomly felt like quickly sharing my thoughts on all three Cars movies and both Planes movies. Quick disclaimer, no matter how I feel about certain things it's totally cool if you feel different and I respect that.
I love Cars. This was my childhood movie that I watched over and over and over again since I was a young child. I love the characters, the plot, and I think the animation holds up really well. I also am glad to see it with adult eyes cause there's a lot of nuance and stuff that I of course didn't get as a child. Recently on a whim I needed to unwind from stress and I put on Cars (just like my parents used to do for me as a kid, lol), and it genuinely did make me feel better and woke up a part of me that had laid dormant for years. Cars is a film that almost makes me wanna take a long drive on Route 66...until I remember I'm not any good at road tripping, lol.
Cars 2:
I have a distinct memory in my mind of being a child in the theater watching Cars 2, turning to my dad and saying 'can we go now?'. I didn't watch it all the way through until recently and I can thoroughly say that I don't despise it, but I'm also not its biggest fan. It's actually something of a guilty pleasure for me now. Sometimes I'll just put it on in the background while I do things. It also makes me contemplate the inner workings of this world more than the writers themselves probably thought about, like how the heck do different makes and models come about, what is the impact of climate change on a world of vehicles, but that's probably its own post. But yeah, I accept it for what it is and even enjoy some parts of it.
Cars 3:
So confession, it took me over 6 years to work up the courage to watch this one. I don't know why I was so worried, but I finally did it. And I loved it. I really think they ended on a good note. I'll admit the first part was probably the weakest in my eyes, but I really enjoyed the tribute to Doc Hudson and I actually teared up and I was happy to learn more about his past. I liked the torch passing narrative as well. I think my biggest complaint is that I wish we could've seen more of Lightning and his friends. (I may be biased because somehow Cal Weathers worked his way into my heart).
Planes took longer to stick in my brain than Cars did. I remember going to see it actually, the local air and space museum did a showing of it and I went to watch it with my family. My parents didn't like it much but I remember being happy with it. Upon rewatching, there's things I like, but there's a part of me wishing it was something more. I can't fully explain it. Also I find Dusty's attitude off-putting to me personally (particularly his feeling of being entitled to being trained by Skipper and essentially demanding that Skipper tell him about his clearly traumatic past strikes me as kinda callous). But I still enjoy putting it on in the background and enjoy thinking about the world itself, much like Cars 2. Also fun fact, Skipper is one of my favorite kinds of planes.
Planes Fire & Rescue:
I'm sorry but I have much less patience for this film, but like I said above, I respect those who do. I will say, I appreciate them highlighting some of the realities of firefighting (like how the general public doesn't hear about a lot of fires that are dealt with). But other than that, I don't have much positive to say about it. The characters for the most part feel underdeveloped and I can't say I'm particularly endeared to a majority of them (Blade is the exception for me, tbh). And Dipper in particular needs to chill the hell out, her behavior is pretty inappropriate and creepy while being played off as jokes. Beyond that, my aforementioned issues with Dusty remain in this movie. Honestly, he doesn't strike me as capable of doing this job and he actively creates a situation that nearly gets Blade killed. I could spend awhile talking about it, but I'd honestly rather not. To end on a positive note, I think the married RV couple are adorable and I like them.
So that's all my thoughts. I enjoy both franchises and tend to overthink the hell out of them (if I overthink something it's usually cause I enjoy it). Hopefully I didn't piss too many people in the fandom off, lol.
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travmalyubvi · 1 year
I was walking around my town
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onyxbeingderanged · 1 year
Wanted to remake my incredibly old cars/planes oc. I also have a racecar I made a while back but I’m not too proud so I got that hesitance to post it lol
Anyway Louis:
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Also a small sketch practice with Louis, the racer oc and idk why not throw Strip (the king) Weathers into there 🌝
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bootleg-cal-weathers · 2 months
i feel really bad about like not posting consistently for the past 7 or so months, i have no real reason to say, it’s mostly just that i’ve gotten into other things and kinda fell out of cars for the time being
i will never truly leave this fandom, it’s a VERY big part of my life and has been for the past 16 years i just don’t know what to post rn 😭
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jigsaw173 · 1 year
Man I know haters are actually healthy for a fandom but like every time I see one of those comments about planes 3 and the other movies like “I’m glad they cancelled it the other movies were trash” I can’t help but get so sad cause it’s like… it’s the world to me…
people are so quick to shit on the WoC movies because they’ve only seen like two movies from it or just simply don’t care cause they’re vehicles… people like to give planes and others zero chances... we could have had cars worldbuilding! we could have had a cool plot! cool characters! we could have had beautiful aerobatic shots! we could have had f22 raptors! we could have had a goddamn valkyrie character! we could have had GOBLIN! we could have had a dramatic space rescue! we could have had niche awesome experimental planes! We could have had a flying wing character! for fucks sake we could have had a blackbird! WE COULD HAVE HAD COOL SHIT!
i could say and point out so many things I've noticed from the storyboards and concept art and stuff, like its literally my life at this point. i'm going insane because we'll never get to see blaze and goblin and the others. we'll never get to live their happy endings and their story.
and they always say its a good thing it never came out and it makes me so sad...
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penname-artist · 1 year
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