#disposable adjunct
trillscienceofficer · 3 months
I would like to clarify that when I say that Seven's situation on Voyager is fucked up (like in this post I wrote yesterday) I don't mean that Janeway should've listened to her demands and let her go in “The Gift”, or that Janeway and the Doctor had no right to start removing her implants (leaving them would've killed her after all). What I mean is that the fucked-upness is in the whole situation that made Seven's reclamation from the Borg possible but also put her in an environment (the USS Voyager) where survival is guaranteed by the close collaboration of everyone on board, which also means concessions of personal freedom and privacy. Other crewmembers entered this pact voluntarily (we can discuss some other time what choice did the Maquis actually have other than join the crew), but Seven unequivocally did not. Yet it's the only way she could've been reclaimed because we know, and the show drives this point home multiple times, that she was so young when she was assimilated that Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One alone would always choose the Borg. She knew of no other alternative.
I don't think letting Seven go back to the Borg in “The Gift” would've been an actually ethical choice, even if it's true that that was what she wanted. She was undoubtedly a prisoner, but I think that we forget (well, I do sometimes at least) that Seven, outside of any metaphor, can be very dangerous. She is strong and quick, she has Borg weaponry and technology at her disposal, she is relentless when pursuing her goal, and even as a drone she knows how Voyager works inside and out. Janeway took the gamble of disconnecting her from the Collective in “Scorpion, part 2” because they were expecting her to try and assimilate Voyager on her own, which she promptly tried to do as soon as the Species 8472 was no longer the main threat. So imho the ethical question posed by “The Gift” is, what do you do when an extremely dangerous individual asks you to be freed so she can rejoin the genocidal alien army of brainwashed zombies that terrorizes the galaxy? They will likely pursue you afterwards, but even if by some lucky chance they don't, you'll still have given back both a weapon and cannon fodder to the genocidal alien army. In addition to that, there's the concrete possibility that your prisoner might one day start living a different life once the brainwashing loses its hold on her.
So no, I really don't think that Janeway made a bad or even questionable choice in “The Gift”, even if it's painful to see Seven struggle against it. The complication has only just started at that point, imho. The fucked-upness comes from her having to “become an individual” in a highly-regulated and closely-surveilled community, one she could've never chosen on her own. On one hand this allows Seven to develop skills she completely lacked in a somewhat safe environment, but on the other hand it limits quite severely what she can or can't do. And while at first she rails against those limitations (she spends the entirety of season 4 doing just that), with time she starts understanding the value of living on Voyager. She manages to resist the Borg Queen's threats in “Dark Frontier” because she has learned compassion in the meantime, eventually choosing voluntarily to return to Voyager. It's a turning point that definitely does a lot to compensate for her lack of agency in “The Gift”. She thinks of Voyager as her new collective, which is equally a testament of how far she's come as much as it is a worrying admission that her new group identity is not that far off the Borg, in her mind.
By season 7 Seven is outright grateful for everything Janeway has done for her, but it still doesn't make her arc learning to ‘fit in’ any less of an exercise in shaping herself into the mold she was given as her only possible future. Is it better than being a murderous, mind-controlled zombie? Yes, it absolutely still is. Seven's independent thoughts and actions now matter, even when they clash with the rules, which is just not comparable with being a Borg drone in any way. Yet it's easy to see why her role on Voyager is also stifling, and that again she can't choose differently because she knows of no other alternative, and none are available to her anyway.
The fucked-upness also comes from extra-diegetical, production reasons, of course. The stupid ideas about what a woman is and what Seven should do to really be one (does she even want to be one?), the fact that a medical practitioner could control so closely how she presents and what she eats, the lack of actual clothes in order to make her a sexy babe for the 90s Trek target audience (“males aged 16-40”), the lack of locks on Cargo Bay 2 where she regenerates, and many other aspects that I'm sure I'm forgetting now... Ignorant, ‘default’ assumptions on how things ‘are’ that the show simply refuses to acknowledge. I know they only seem so obvious now because more than twenty years have passed since Star Trek: Voyager was on the air and the culture (in the US) has changed so much since then. This, I agree, is the kind of fucked up that I could easily do without and Seven's story would be better for it.
So in conclusion, when I say that Seven's situation is fucked up it's not so much because I think Kathryn Janeway should have chosen differently when it came to her; it's more that Seven's arc on Voyager is very complicated, for the most part, by design. Even if I think Janeway could've handled some things in a different way, in most cases it makes sense for her character to have taken those decisions regarding Seven, and I don't always think it would've made for a better story if she hadn't. Obviously I wish the production-level assumptions weren't there, and I think part of what Star Trek: Picard did right in its first season was flipping a lot of those assumptions on their head in just a handful of episodes where Seven appears.
Personally I find it valuable to keep in mind that Seven's storyline on Voyager can be complicated and fucked up without necessarily wanting to make it ‘better’. It still is interesting and effective because it's far from perfect, because everyone tried the best they could given the very difficult circumstances, because we've never seen the whole crew, much less the Captain, outside of survival mode. Yet Seven is also a survivor of almost unimaginable violence and coercion and it makes sense, I think, that her presence regularly poses ethical challenges to what other characters and even the audience might consider ‘right choices’ or ‘right behavior’. Survivors in real life, I think, often challenge our societies (none of them perfect, and where many also live in survival mode) in precisely the same way.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 8 months
hi, I was re-reading some of your posts about anti-male sexism in the prison system (from jan 22nd), and was wondering if you could elaborate on your arguments some more? While I do understand how men tend to receive harsher sentencing, I don't think that they are treated worse than female prisoners necessarily? Both experience different forms of sexual and physical violence, but I'm not sure how this demonstrates anti-male sexism? I do really want to know what you think in good-faith; I didn't know how women were over-represented in prosecution which is kind of eye-opening
first off i should correct a confusion: women are not over-represented among cali prosecutors; prosecutors here are female at about the same rate as attorneys generally (~45%). the reason i brought this ratio up was not to suggest women play a particularly important role in this disproportionate incarceration of men, but that it is not the exclusive work of men, which is a common way of dismissing allegations of misandry: "its just men doing it to themselves!"
i think that gets to one difference between how i think we should understand misandry and the strawman that a lot of misandrists keen to denounce the concept bring up: its not an "axis of oppression" (which is not imo a particularly helpful lens by which to think about the world) but a societal prejudice. men are, overwhelmingly disproportionately and even when similarly situated, treated as dangerous and unclean and predatory and disposable, in need of being kept away from ppl whose safety and purity fetches a higher price
disproportionately severe treatment at almost every stage of the criminal process is one obvious manifestation of this, historically much higher rates of quasi-carceral psychiatric confinement pre-deinstitutionalisation is another.* im not sure why you dont consider this in and of itself a form of injustice, going to prison in my country is just about the worst social fate i can imagine for anyone, and the fact men are not only far and away more likely to be condemned there but more likely even controlling for similarity of criminal circumstances seems like an obvious knockdown argument for the horrifying reality of misandry
these are obviously extreme examples, but i think similar patterns play out in most ppls lives very regularly. which is why i can be reflexively hostile: this all seems so obvious to me i assume it must be to others as well, so my first instinct is to assume malice
idt these prejudices are unique to women, liberals, leftists, or feminists. similar fundamental distrust of men is talked about just as openly on the opposite end of the political spectrum. but i think the way ppl dismiss these concerns in communities friendly to feminism is both pretty unique and quite bad
*(some ppl in the thread were complaining about how this doesnt hold for contemporary inpatient hospitalisations. this apples/oranges: large mental hospitals in their heyday played a very different and harsher role than being forced to spend a couple of weeks in the psych ward, and ppl blithely comparing one to the other are just parading their ignorance. state mental hospitals, the actual direct institutional successors to the madhouses of yore, are basically nowadays adjuncts to the carceral system itself, and thus skew overwhelmingly male; see p. 10 here)
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sushine24 · 4 months
Navigating BPH Prostate Challenges: Insights and Solutions for Healthcare Professionals
As healthcare professionals, staying updated on the latest developments in urology is crucial for providing optimal care to patients, especially those dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of BPH, its symptoms, treatment options, and management strategies. Whether you're a seasoned urologist or a healthcare practitioner seeking valuable insights, this article aims to equip you with actionable tips to better serve your patients.
Understanding BPH Prostate: 
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, commonly known as BPH, is a prevalent condition among aging males. It involves the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, which can lead to various urinary symptoms and affect quality of life. BPH is often characterized by symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, weak urine stream, nocturia, and incomplete emptying of the bladder. While BPH is not inherently life-threatening, its impact on daily functioning and urinary health should not be underestimated.
Recognizing BPH Symptoms: 
One of the primary challenges in managing BPH is recognizing its symptoms early on. Patients may often attribute urinary symptoms to aging or other factors, delaying diagnosis and treatment. Healthcare professionals play a pivotal role in identifying and assessing BPH symptoms through thorough medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and uroflowmetry. By recognizing the signs of BPH early, healthcare providers can initiate timely interventions and improve patient outcomes.
Exploring Prostate Treatment Options: 
When it comes to managing BPH, healthcare professionals have a plethora of treatment options at their disposal. From lifestyle modifications and medication to minimally invasive procedures and surgery, the goal is to alleviate symptoms and improve urinary function. Medications such as alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are commonly prescribed to relieve symptoms and reduce prostate size. For patients with refractory symptoms or complications, surgical interventions like transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or laser ablation may be recommended. Healthcare providers need to tailor treatment plans to individual patient needs, considering factors such as symptom severity, prostate size, patient preferences, and comorbidities.
Managing BPH Effectively: 
In addition to medical and surgical interventions, managing BPH involves holistic approaches aimed at enhancing overall prostate health and urinary function. Encouraging patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate hydration, can complement medical therapy and alleviate symptoms. Moreover, educating patients about bladder training techniques, pelvic floor exercises, and strategies for nocturia management empowers them to take an active role in their care. As healthcare professionals, fostering open communication and providing ongoing support are essential for optimizing BPH management and improving patient satisfaction.
Urology Updates and Future Directions: 
The field of urology is constantly evolving, with ongoing research and advancements in BPH management. From emerging treatment modalities such as prostatic artery embolization (PAE) to novel pharmaceutical agents targeting specific pathways in prostate growth, healthcare professionals must stay abreast of urology updates to deliver evidence-based care. Moreover, exploring complementary therapies such as herbal supplements, phytotherapy, and acupuncture may offer adjunctive benefits for patients with BPH. By embracing a multidisciplinary approach and staying informed about the latest developments, healthcare professionals can enhance their practice and elevate patient outcomes in BPH management.
In conclusion, navigating the complexities of BPH prostate challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of the condition, its symptoms, and available treatment options. By equipping healthcare professionals with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage BPH, we can improve patient outcomes and enhance quality of life. From early recognition of symptoms to tailored treatment plans and ongoing support, healthcare providers play a pivotal role in addressing the needs of patients with BPH. As we continue to advance in the field of urology, collaboration, education, and innovation will pave the way for better outcomes and improved patient care.
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unique-hospital · 4 months
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Cancer, a formidable adversary claiming millions of lives annually, has long posed a significant challenge to medical science. However, amidst the grim statistics, recent breakthroughs are ushering in a new era of hope and progress in the battle against this relentless disease. Dr. Ashish Gupta, USA trained, American board-certified medical oncologist and Chief of Medical Oncology at Unique Hospital Cancer Centre, Dwarka India, stands at the forefront of these advancements
Cancer: A Complex Enemy
Cancer, characterized by the uncontrollable proliferation of cells within the body, remains enigmatic in its origins and elusive in its treatment. While no singular cause can be pinpointed, certain factors, such as smoking, radiation exposure, and genetic predisposition, heighten the risk of developing this formidable illness. Dr. Ashish Gupta emphasizes the importance of understanding these risk factors to navigate prevention strategies effectively.
Prevention: Navigating Risk Factors
In the quest for prevention, awareness and avoidance of these risk factors play a pivotal role. Empowering individuals with knowledge about lifestyle choices and environmental influences can mitigate the likelihood of cancer development. Dr. Ashish Gupta‘s expertise guides patients in making informed decisions to reduce their susceptibility to this disease.
Immunotherapy: Harnessing the Body’s Defenses
Immunotherapy emerges as a groundbreaking frontier in cancer treatment, leveraging the body’s own immune system to combat malignancies. This innovative approach, often integrated with conventional methods like surgery and chemotherapy, shows promise across diverse cancer types, including breast, lung, and melanoma. While hailed for its efficacy, immunotherapy may entail side effects such as fatigue and autoimmune reactions, underscoring the need for comprehensive patient care overseen by experts like Dr. Ashish Gupta.
Targeted Therapy: Precision in Action
Targeted therapy, another cutting-edge modality, zeroes in on specific genetic aberrations driving cancer growth. By thwarting molecular targets implicated in tumorigenesis, this tailored approach offers renewed hope for patients resistant to traditional treatments. With ongoing research yielding a myriad of targeted therapies, the horizon of cancer management expands exponentially under the guidance of specialists like Dr. Ashish Gupta.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT): Illuminating New Paths
PDT illuminates the realm of cancer treatment with its light-activated approach to cell eradication. By sensitizing tumors to specialized light sources, this technique exerts precise cytotoxic effects, holding promise for various malignancies, from skin to pancreatic cancer. As an adjunct to conventional modalities, PDT enhances treatment efficacy while minimizing adverse effects, bolstering its appeal as a safe and efficacious option, endorsed by experts like Dr. Ashish Gupta.
Hyperthermia: Heating Up the Fight
Harnessing the power of heat, hyperthermia emerges as a formidable contender in the arsenal against cancer. Whether administered externally or internally, thermal energy targets and destroys cancerous cells, offering a non-invasive alternative across a spectrum of malignancies. As ongoing research refines techniques and expands applications, hyperthermia continues to carve its niche in the landscape of cancer care, guided by leaders in the field such as Dr. Ashish Gupta.
Embracing Hope: Charting a Brighter Future
As the dawn of a new era in cancer treatment unfolds, optimism pervades the medical community and instills hope in patients worldwide. With an array of innovative therapies at their disposal, clinicians stand poised to confront cancer with unprecedented precision and efficacy, led by pioneers like Dr. Ashish Gupta. With each advancement, the trajectory of this age-old battle veers closer towards triumph, illuminating a future where cancer’s grip is loosened, and lives are transformed.
In the relentless pursuit of a cure, the latest advancements in cancer treatment herald a paradigm shift in the fight against this formidable foe. From immunotherapy and targeted therapy to photodynamic therapy and hyperthermia, these cutting-edge modalities offer new avenues of hope and healing for patients and families affected by cancer. As research continues to push the boundaries of innovation, the promise of a brighter, cancer-free future grows ever nearer under the guidance of experts like Dr. Ashish Gupta.
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doctorirabernstein · 6 months
The Future of Wound Care: Advanced Technologies and Emerging Treatments
Introduction: Pioneering the Future of Wound Care
As we stand on the cusp of a new era in healthcare, the landscape of wound care is poised for transformative advancements. Rapid strides in technology and innovative therapies are reshaping the way we approach wound management, offering unprecedented opportunities to enhance healing outcomes and improve patient quality of life. In this article, we explore the exciting developments in advanced technologies and emerging treatments that are shaping the future of wound care.
Harnessing the Power of Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineering is at the forefront of revolutionizing wound care, with a focus on developing novel materials and devices to promote healing. Bioactive dressings embedded with growth factors, stem cells, or antimicrobial agents hold promise for accelerating wound closure and combating infection. These advanced dressings provide a targeted and controlled delivery of therapeutic agents, optimizing the wound microenvironment for regeneration.
Furthermore, the advent of 3D printing technology has enabled the customization of wound dressings and scaffolds tailored to individual patient needs. By precisely controlling the architecture and composition of these constructs, researchers can enhance cellular adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation, facilitating tissue regeneration and wound closure.
Innovative Therapies for Chronic Wounds
Chronic wounds, such as diabetic ulcers and pressure injuries, present significant challenges due to impaired healing processes and underlying comorbidities. However, emerging therapies offer new avenues for addressing these complex wounds. One such approach is the use of bioengineered skin substitutes composed of living cells embedded in biocompatible matrices. These skin substitutes promote tissue regeneration and provide a temporary barrier to protect the wound bed, facilitating healing in chronic and hard-to-heal wounds.
Additionally, low-frequency ultrasound therapy has shown promise in promoting wound healing by stimulating cellular activity and enhancing tissue perfusion. Ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the wound bed, accelerating the inflammatory response, angiogenesis, and collagen deposition. This non-invasive modality offers a safe and effective adjunctive therapy for enhancing healing outcomes in chronic wounds.
Personalized Medicine and Targeted Therapeutics
The future of wound care is increasingly characterized by personalized medicine approaches that take into account individual patient factors and wound characteristics. Advances in molecular diagnostics and biomarker profiling enable healthcare providers to tailor treatment strategies based on the unique biological signatures of each wound. By identifying specific molecular targets and pathways associated with impaired healing, targeted therapeutics can be developed to intervene at the molecular level and promote tissue repair.
Furthermore, the integration of digital health technologies, such as wearable sensors and remote monitoring devices, allows for real-time assessment of wound status and response to treatment. These data-driven approaches enable early detection of complications, timely intervention, and optimization of treatment regimens, ultimately improving outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.
Conclusion: Shaping a Brighter Future for Wound Care
In conclusion, the future of wound care holds immense promise, fueled by the convergence of advanced technologies and innovative treatments. From bioactive dressings and 3D-printed scaffolds to bioengineered skin substitutes and personalized therapeutics, the arsenal of tools at our disposal is expanding rapidly. By harnessing these cutting-edge approaches, we can usher in a new era of wound management characterized by improved outcomes, enhanced patient satisfaction, and a higher quality of life for individuals living with wounds.
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taylogbusinessspaces · 8 months
Massage education Los Angeles
OUR MISSION AND VISION Our mission is to dispatch the highest mood of education in a caring and well-disposed environment, producing former students who are able to assist themselves and others to experience increased health and competently creature through the Holistic Healing Arts. Our programs are competently meant to prepare the students for a rewarding career. Our professional staff works hard to offer the categorically best experience and personal buildup to our students and prepare them competently acceptable to allow the students to start a career as soon as they graduate. Building a sound curriculum at an affordable price enables more people to pursue this amazing and rewarding career.
550 HOUR - credited massage THERAPIST (CMT) PROGRAM This program begins in imitation of core education in Swedish massage techniques and practices and continues to supplement collect education in radical modalities such as Deep Tissue, Pregnancy Massage, radical Swedish techniques, radical Anatomy & more. dynamic in our clinic mood and getting enhanced education in event skills and ethics will equip our students in imitation of a competitive edge to get employed in this rewarding field. In adjunct on graduation our students will be eligible to apply for certification as a massage therapist in imitation of the California massage Therapy Council (CAMTC). A career in massage therapy has in view of that many alternating opportunities to stroke each therapist's interests. Establishing your own event and growing personal clientele is empowering and offers personal fulfillment. If you are looking for opportunities, here are some places that offer excellent career paths for our students: Chiropractic Offices - Sports Therapy and Recovery Centers Private Health Clubs and Spas - Hotels and Resorts In this opinion session, we will evaluation everything you infatuation to know in order to successfully total your program.
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blueweave8 · 10 months
Middle East and Africa Beer Adjuncts Market Outlook, Analysis, Report 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the Middle East and Africa beer adjuncts market size at USD 2.51 billion in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects the Middle East and Africa beer adjuncts market size to grow at a CAGR of 4.83% reaching a value of USD 3.32 billion by 2029. The Middle East and Africa beer adjuncts market is influenced by several key driving factors, including a growing consumer demand for diverse beer flavors and types, leading breweries' efforts to innovate and experiment with ingredients, a rising preference for craft and artisanal beers, and the region's expanding young population seeking new beverage experiences. Also, the increasing disposable income in some Middle Eastern and African countries contributes to higher beer consumption and the exploration of unique adjuncts. Regulatory changes, such as relaxed alcohol laws in certain regions, further stimulate market growth, as does the cultural acceptance and integration of beer into social and dining experiences.
Beer Adjuncts – Overview
Beer adjuncts are non-malt ingredients added to beer during the brewing process to enhance flavor, body, or other characteristics. Common adjuncts include grains like corn, rice, wheat, and oats, as well as sugars, fruits, spices, and even coffee. While traditional brewing methods adhere to the purity law (Reinheitsgebot) that limits ingredients to water, malt, hops, and yeast, adjuncts can add unique flavors and textures to beer. They are often used in lighter lagers and American-style beers to lighten the body and reduce production costs. The use of adjuncts is a subject of debate among beer enthusiasts, with some favoring traditional methods and others embracing innovation.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/middle-east-and-africa-beer-adjuncts-market/report-sample
Impact of COVID-19 on Middle East and Africa Beer Adjuncts Market
Middle East and Africa beer adjuncts market faced substantial setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns, restrictions, and economic uncertainties reduced beer consumption and disrupted supply chains, causing a decline in demand for adjuncts such as malt, corn, and rice. Breweries faced challenges in maintaining production, and some even temporarily closed. Despite these hurdles, the market adapted with innovative strategies, emphasizing e-commerce, takeout, and home consumption. As the region navigated pandemic-induced challenges, the Middle East and Africa beer adjuncts market started showing signs of recovery, emphasizing the resilience of the industry in the face of adversity.
Middle East and Africa Beer Adjuncts Market – By Form
By form, Middle East and Africa beer adjuncts market is split into Liquid and Dry segments. These segments represent the primary forms in which beer adjuncts are available within the market. The liquid segment typically includes adjuncts in a liquid or syrupy form, which are often used in the brewing process to add specific flavors, sugars, or other ingredients to the beer. On the other hand, the dry segment encompasses adjuncts that are in powdered or dried form, serving a similar purpose in brewing but with different characteristics. These two segments play a pivotal role in shaping the diversity of beer offerings within the region.
Competitive Landscape
Middle East and Africa beer adjuncts market is fiercely competitive. Major companies in the market include South Africa Breweries, Heineken N.V., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Nigeria Breweries Plc., Consolidated Breweries Limited, Guinness Nigeria Plc., Golden Breweries, Others. These companies use various strategies, including increasing investments in their R&D activities, mergers, and acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, licensing agreements, and new product and service releases to further strengthen their position in Middle East and Africa beer adjuncts market.
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BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
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irisnewz · 1 year
Biography of Alicia Grimaldi
Alicia Grimaldi is a British people philanthropist and writer, who is trump known as the wife of Canadian rockstar Bryan Adams. Alicia Grimaldi age is 42 years as she was born on Dec 3, 1981, in London, United Kingdom, making her 41 years old as of 2023. Grimaldi premeditated at the University of Bristol, where she attained an undefined degree in French and Italian.
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After graduation, she worked for a few years in varied jobs before eventually landing a job as a subjective assistant to Bryan Adams in 2004. Grimaldi rapidly became an integral part of Adams’ team, helping him manage his schedule and wield his byplay affairs.
Grimaldi and Adams developed a close relationship, and in 2013, they tied the tangle in a private ceremony in the Caribbean. The couple has two children together, a missy onymous Mirabella bunny rabbit and a son named Lula Rosylea.
Aside from her role as Bryan Adams’s wife, she is also known for her philanthropic work. She is the co-founder of the Bryan Mount Adams Foundation, a charity that supports various causes such as education, the environment, and human being rights. The foundation has supernatant several organizations such as the Teenage Cancer Trust, War Child, and the Elton John AIDS Foundation.
Personal Life
Alicia Grimaldi is a philanthropist and the wife of famous Canadian musician Bryan Adams. She has been in a committed relationship with Adams since 2004, and the couple has two daughters together. Grimaldi is also the co-founder of The Bryan Adams Foundation, a charitable organization that works to improve breeding and other opportunities for people around the world. Alicia Grimaldi Bryan Adam’s wife tends to keep a low profile, Grimaldi has been an adjunct partner to Mount Adams passim his career. Together, they make a powerful team, both in their personal lives and in their efforts to make the world an ameliorated place through their philanthropic work.
Grimaldi passion for the philanthropic process is evident in the many causes she has supported over the years. She has been actively involved in promoting sustainable sustenance and has worked with various organizations to raise awareness about eco-friendly practices. She is a creation phallus of the British fashion initiative “Fashion Targets front Cancer” and has been involved in various campaigns to upraise awareness just about breast cancer.
Alicia Grimaldi has also been involved in supporting education initiatives, particularly in developing countries. She has worked with organizations such as Room to Read, which aims to improve literacy and gender-undefined education in developing countries. Grimaldi has also been involved in supporting the cause of kid refugees and has worked with organizations such as the UNHCR to support their breeding and welfare.
In addition to her philanthropic work, Grimaldi is also an established writer. She has contributed to some books, including the “Breast Cancer Care Book of Strength and Courage” and “The undefined Society: How the Coming Shift from Information to Imagination will metamorphose Your Business.” Grimaldi is a gifted writer, and her work has been widely praised for its thoughtfulness and insight.
Despite her high visibility as the wife of a famous musician, we can see it in Alicia Grimaldi Wikipedia. She prefers to maintain a low profile and stay come out of the public eye. There is very soft information disposable about her personal life, as she keeps her buck private life separate from her philanthropic and professional personal endeavours.
In conclusion, Alicia Grimaldi Bryan Adams wife, is a unique philanthropist, writer, and recommended for property living. She has made a name for herself through her philanthropic process and writing. The many cause Grimaldi has backed over the years show her commitment to making a positive difference in the world. Undefined by her success, Grimaldi remains humble and focused on making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.
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ebaytmb · 1 year
Waste Disposal Method - 5 Ways to Prevent Contamination
Human waste disposal is of innocent issue in sub urban and rural areas. This article outlines the basic precautions to be followed behind disposing human and added household waste.
Excreta Disposal Without Water Carriage
Excreta disposal is more frequently a tormented of the rural areas or little towns having no amenities of a water carriage system. It is important that the human excreta should be removed or disposed of hygienically and in an efficient character. Any waste disposal method employed should generally get-up-and-go at achieving the in the yet to be objectives:
(i) All excreta should be removed to an abandoned place for the proper disposal of waste.
(ii) The excreta should not be accessible to flies, insects or add-on animals.
(iii) It should not make impure any surface or auditorium water supply.
(iv) There should be freedom from odors and unsightly conditions.
(v) The waste disposal method used should be easy and economical both in construction and operation and adjunct should ensure privacy and ease of admission.
butcher waste disposal disposal of slaughterhouse waste
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ananya5400 · 1 year
Brewing Ingredients Market Projected to Garner Significant Revenues by 2026
The report "Brewing Ingredients Market by Source (Malt Extract, Adjuncts/Grains, Hops, Beer Yeast, and Beer Additives), Brewery Size (Macro Brewery and Craft Brewery), Form (Dry and Liquid), and Region - Global Forecast to 2026" The market for brewing ingredients is estimated at USD 34.5 Million in 2021; it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8% to reach USD 47.9 Million by 2026. Asia Pacific accounted for the largest share, during the forecast period, in terms of value. The Asia Pacific economies are set to witness rapid economic growth and increase in the adoption of western lifestyles, which would fuel the consumption of beer in the next five years. Increasing disposable income and rising consumption of alcoholic beverages for recreational purposes influence the demand for these brewing ingredients in the market.
Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=248523644
The malt extract segment by source is projected to achieve the fastest growth in the brewing ingredients market.
The malt extract is the fastest-growing segment source type during the forecast period. Increasing use of specilaity malts is projected to boost the market of the malt extract segment. These malts often have a longer time in the kiln, at higher temperatures, or get roasted to add depth, complexity, and flavor to the resulting beer. Specialty malts include less in the way of sugars but have a greater influence on the color of the beer. These malts are widely used in craft beers.
By brewery size, the macro brewery segment is projected to account for the largest market share in the brewing ingredients market.
Macro brewery leads the global market owing to its large consumption globally. Macro brew is mass-produced beer brewed in very large quantities, due to which it is generally sold for a cheaper price than craft beer. Beers produced on a large scale in macro breweries are typically monotone in flavor and go through a standardized process of production, including filtration and pasteurization.
The dry segment by form is projected to account for the largest market share of the brewing ingredients market over the forecast period.
The dry segment is projected to account for the largest share. Increased shelf life of brewing ingredients in the dry form is projected to foster the growth of the segment. Because of the lower water content, dried malt extract tends to have a better shelf life without the darkening issues of light malt extract.
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Asia Pacific is projected to be the fastest growing market.
The Asia Pacific market is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during forecast period. The high growth rate is supported by various factors such as growing urbanization, increasing disposable income and increasing population in countries such as India and China.
Key Market Players:
The key players in this market include Cargill, Incorporated (US), Angel Yeast Co. Ltd. (China), Boortmalt (Belgium), Malteurop Groupe (France), Rahr Corporation (US), Lallemand Inc. (Canada), Viking Malt (Sweden), Lesaffre (France), Maltexco S.A. (Chile), and Simpsons Malt (UK). These players in this market are focusing on increasing their presence through new product launches and expansions. These companies have a strong presence in North America, Asia Pacific and Europe. They also have manufacturing facilities along with strong distribution networks across these regions.
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phelanspharmacy · 2 years
Final Information To Buying A Wheelchair
She is an adjunct professor at CUNY Hunter School of Public Urban Health in New York City the place she teaches meals service management. Amidor is also the author of eight cookbooks, certainly one of which is a Wall Street Journal bestseller. Communication aids embody mobility chairs ireland aids that improve the listening to, studying and writing of the patient. One example is a magnifier, which can be handheld or attached to a spectacle, headband or neck attachment (Berry & Ignash, 2003).
If a passenger is unable to maintain bodily control over the service canine, even if the cause is associated to the particular person's incapacity, Aer Lingus reserves the right to disclaim transport of the animal within the cabin. All wheelchair-bound passengers should send us a particular assistance request to request applicable assist from the departure and arrival airports. We’d ask you to offer us a minimal of 48 mobility chairs hours’ notice of your intention to travel. Contact us for any additional data on wheelchair requirements. The energy wheelchair may be controlled with a BRO-App in your smartphone or with the management panel that may be attached on either side. One also can management the course and speed with the hand joystick, making it versatile and adaptable to numerous wants.
I nevertheless came to this article when searching for “how can a dog relaxation in a wheelchair”?. Yes, your canine can relieve themselves whereas utilizing their Walkin’ Wheels! Both male and female pets can pee and poop freely while utilizing their wheelchair. The Walkin’ Wheels features push button adjustability, permitting you to easily modify the height, size and width, allowing you to fantastic tune the scale to perfectly fit your dog! An adjustable cart provides your canine a customized fit with out the customized worth. If a visitor with a sensory or cognitive need is cruising, the household ought to meet with Guest Services as soon as they're on board to debate any special lodging, together with a personal safety briefing.
If you resolve to buy a wheelchair without a doctor’s steering, you'll most probably have to cover the full cost of the wheelchair, as insurance has specific requirements for covering these prices. The course orthopedic chair of from qualifying for a wheelchair to finishing your purchase and having a wheelchair at your disposal can take weeks or months, as qualification starts with a doctor’s appointment and a discussion. For extra information about how to lease or purchase a wheelchair, go to our Mobility Rentals page and our Online Wheelchair Store.
In spring I get on my horse with a raise, and we bring in the calf crop,” he says. “Rope ‘em and drag ‘em, tie their legs, vaccinate, model and castrate them, but I stay on my horse.” Besides the feedlot operation, the household chairs for elderly ireland has 1,000 head of cows to manage. The family owns all their own bulls and feeds and sells all of the calves.
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researchvishal · 2 years
Antiepileptic Drugs Market Research, Segmentation, Key Players Analysis & Forecast By 2032
As per Future Market Insights’ latest industry analysis, the valuation for the globalantiepileptic drugs marketis estimated to be aroundUS$ 17.3 Bnin 2022, and is projected to exhibit growth at a CAGR close to4.3%over the forecast period, with an estimated valuation to be aroundUS$ 26.2 Bnin 2032.
Epilepsy is a condition that causes repeated seizures that are not brought on by localized or severe brain shocks. Epilepsy is linked to gradual impairments in cognitive functioning, neurological damage, and other cerebral impairments if it is left untreated.Antiepileptic medications (AEDs) are prescribed to patients who have epilepsy to reduce the frequency and/or severity of their seizures.
After headaches, epilepsy is the second most prevalent neurological disorder. Since it has a significant financial impact on the health care system and imposes a significant morbidity burden on both individuals and society, it is a major concern for public health. It is characterized by repeated seizures with cerebral etiology.
Numerous medicines used to treat epilepsy frequently result in severe poisonings. AEDs do not have a perfect pharmacokinetic profile, which makes them suitable for both therapeutic and toxicity monitoring. Currently, tailoring the dosage to the patient's specific requirements and keeping an eye on adequate blood concentrations is very advantageous for patients utilizing different AEDs.
The growing ageing population, rising burden of neurological conditions, and rising disposable income, are thus the factors driving the demand for the global antiepileptic drugs market.
Request a Sample of this Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3341
Key Takeaways from Market Study
Second generation of antiepileptic drugs are the leading segment as drug generation, and hold approximately 53.4% market share in 2021. In comparison to first-generation medications, second generation AEDs have a lower risk of teratogenesis and a more favorable side-effect profile.
Oral route of administration segment is set to lead in terms of route of administration of antiepileptic drugs with a market share of around 62.2% in 2021, owing to its ease of administration in pediatric and geriatric patients.
By distribution channel, retail pharmacies are leading in the global antiepileptic drugs market, and are expected to continue to do so with a projected CAGR of 4.6% during the forecasted years.
North America is considered as the leading region with a value share of 43.6% in 2021, owing to the high prevalence of neurological diseases in the region.
“Rising prevalence of neurological and mood disorders has called for innovations within the antiepileptic drugs market sphere,” says an analyst of Future Market Insights.
Key market leaders are concentrating on receiving regulatory agency approvals, which is anticipated to propel the expansion of the worldwide antiepileptic drugs market. Key players are coming up with new drug profiles to widen their portfolio presence.
For instance:
Pfizer, Inc. reported in July 2019 that the US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first Lyrica (pregabalin) generics for use as an adjunctive therapy for the management of partial onset seizures in patients aged 17 and older.
In August 2021, Eisai Co., Ltd. announced that the National Medical Products Administration in China had granted its internally discovered and developed anti-epileptic drug (AED) Fycompa® two additional approvals as "a monotherapy for partial-onset seizures" and "an adjunctive treatment / a monotherapy for pediatric indication for partial onset seizures in patients with epilepsy 4 years of age and older."
Antiepileptic Drugs Market: Key player
Some of the major key players in antiepileptic drugs market are following  Abbott Laboratories, Cephalon, Inc, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., Sanofi S.A. and UCB Pharma Ltd. GlaxoSmithKline plc,, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis AG, Pfizer, Inc.,
The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also includes projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.
Antiepileptic drugs market: Segmentation
Global Antiepileptic drugs market can be segmented by Drug class, Therapeutics use, Routes of administration, distribution channel and regional.
Segmentation by Drug class
Phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek)
Carbamazepine (Carbatrol)
Oxycarbazepine (Trileptal)
Valproate (Depakote)
Topiramate (Topamax)
Ethosuximide (Zarontin)
Primidone (Mysoline)
Phenobarbital (Luminal)
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
Pregabalin (Lyrica)
Rufinamide (Banzel/Inovelon)
Levetiracetam (Keppra)
Ezogabine/retigabine (Trobalt/Potiga)
Lacosamide (Vimpat)
Eslicarbazepine acetate (Aptiom)
Zonisamide (Zonegran)
Perampanel (Fycompa)
Segmentation by Therapeutic uses
Segmented by Distribution Channel
Retail Pharmacies
Hospitals pharmacies
Mail order pharmacies
Segmented by geography
North America
Latin America
The Middle East and Africa 
0 notes
Sorceress (Loki Oneshot)
Summary: Loki comes to stay at the Avengers Tower while you are away on a mission. He becomes quite interested in you when he learns you wield magic similar to him and Doctor Strange.
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader
Word Count: 5,260
Warnings/Disclaimers: Anxiety issues, brief mentions of blood loss and injury, Wanda being an awesome friend
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You wound your way into the kitchen and flipped on the electric kettle. Gathering your mug, you pulled out your calming tea blend. Today was the first day of the semester, and it always made you anxious. You felt like you had not rested one bit over the summer break. It probably didn’t help that Fury had sent you on a mission for most of it and you just returned yesterday, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. Just keep moving. This was your life now.
You went over the mental checklist in your head. Syllabus, notes, handouts...
“And who might you be?”
The low, charming voice ripped you from your thoughts, causing you to jump and almost knock over your mug. Swinging around to face the intruder, you found Loki the God of Mischief hovering closely behind you. You had forgotten about Thor contacting you on your mission to tell you Loki would be kept at the Tower for his punishment. Tony made him call you, something he did when he was afraid of you being angry. You had heard Tony coaching Thor in the background of the call.
“Don’t do that!”
He chuckled, taking a step back. “My sincerest apologies.”
You folded your arms and took in his appearance. He definitely did not look the same as he did on the news when he tried to take New York. From the images you had seen, his eyes were wild and sunken and his face gave off a sense of malnourishment. The god standing before you now looked healthy with bright not quite blue but not quite green eyes that held a sprinkle of boyish mischief. Maybe Thor had it right about the possible mind control.
“Shall we start anew?” He bowed lightly, delicately taking the fingers of your right hand in his, forcing you to uncross your arms. “I am Prince Loki of Asgard.”
Oh no... Boyo was laying it on thick.
Nervously clearing your throat, you introduced yourself.
“A lovely name, my lady. May I ask why I have not seen you here before?”
He was still holding your hand. You could feel his energy pushing against yours. Was he trying to test your abilities?
“I was on a mission overseas. Just got back last night.”
“That is a shame. I would have preferred your presence here when I first arrived.”
You heard the click of the kettle and pulled your hand away to pour the hot water in your mug. He seemed almost disappointed by the loss of contact.
“I heard from Wanda that it was pure chaos for a while. She practically begged me to abandon the mission and come home,” you chuckled. “Don’t know if that would have done any good though.”
Taking a sip of your still brewing tea, you realized Loki had retaken the step back from earlier and was nearly looming over you. You regained that space, heading for the door.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish preparing for class.”
You rocketed out the door before he had a chance to respond.
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You flopped on your bed after taking a portal home. Your closest friend Wanda was there to greet you.
“So how are all the magic newbies you ditched me for?” she teased.
You huffed a laugh. “Same old, same old. College freshmen who think they already know everything. They’ll be in a world of hurt in the coming weeks.”
“At least being an adjunct professor has its perks, right?”
“Yeah. I have some semblance of a life.”
You both started giggling at that.
“Are you still going to eat with everyone for dinner tonight?”
“I don’t see why not. Today was only day one of classes. Nothing to grade yet.”
“Maybe Loki will chill out then.”
You casted Wanda a concerned look. “What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed. “Ever since Thor mentioned you could wield magic, Loki kept asking when you would be back.”
“Huh,” you mulled. “Guess that would explain this morning.”
“This morning?”
You nodded and hummed. “Yeah. I was in the kitchen making tea when he showed up.”
“You talked to him before me?!” She shoved you playfully, feigning hurt feelings.
“Because I totally planned it,” you laughed.
“So what did you think?”
“You mean other than tall, dark and handsome?” You paused as she snickered. “He’s alright, I guess. He was being overly nice.”
Wanda scoffed. “That little... Okay. So, when he wasn’t holed up in his room or the library being all nice and quiet, he kept making all these snarky comments to everyone. Then, there was the pranking... He saved that mostly for Tony though.”
“So what you’re saying is to keep my guard up because he could go bipolar on me.”
“Great... This is going to be fun... How long is he staying?”
All you could do was groan and hide your head in your pillow.
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Dinner was suffocating to say the least. Loki joined the team in the dining area, apparently a rarity for him, and they were not happy about it. Well, it was mostly the original team members, the ones who fought against Loki in the Battle of New York. The newer members like you and Wanda, while not fond of him either, couldn’t care less. Thor seemed to be the only who was content, shoveling food down his throat, unable to read the room with a silence so palpable and deafening.
This is... awkward. Wanda spoke to you through her mind, something she usually did when she was uncomfortable but still needed to express herself.
No kidding. I’m thinking about ditching.
Aren’t you hungry though?
Starving! But I can’t eat like this. I’ll come back down in a couple of hours for something. Maybe I’ll watch a movie til then.
Room for one more?
With half your plate empty, you excused yourself and disposed of the scraps in the kitchen. Steve, who usually fussed at you about your not so great eating habits, did not say a word. Sneaking some snacks for the movie from the kitchen, you went back to your room to wait for Wanda who popped by about ten minutes later.
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You woke with a start, stomach growling and gurgling. You blinked away the sleep from your eyes and looked around. Wanda was long gone. You guessed she went back to her room after you fell asleep at some point. She was at least nice enough to turn off the TV before disappearing.
Your belly rumbled, again. Reluctantly leaving behind the warmth of your blankets, you stumbled to your feet and hobbled to the kitchen. You reached for the light switch, the kitchen being too dim in the low lighting left on at night. The lights turned on before you could find it.
“I was wondering when you would arrive.” Your name slid off Loki’s tongue like silk.
Letting out a breath, you tempered your scowl. “What made you think I was coming down here?”
“Aside from the dinner you barely touched?” he chuckled as he traced a finger across the counter. “Well, it can be considered rude to hold a private conversation from such a small group of people.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised by a magic wielder being able to see what other magic wielders are doing.
You folded your arms. “It’s definitely considered rude to eavesdrop.”
“That is quite true.” His signature smirk graced his face. “Although, is it really eavesdropping when I did not listen to what was being said? I merely sensed the exchange of energies.”
“Sure...” You didn’t believe him, but you would let it go for now. It’s not like you two had said anything damning. You just needed to be a bit more careful moving forward. “Now would you be so kind as to stand aside? I would like something to eat, and you’re blocking the fridge.”
“My apologies, but perhaps I may be of better service to you with,” he snapped his fingers, “this.”
The leftovers from dinner instantly appeared piping hot on a plate.
“How did you-”
“Come now. I thought you were a sorceress,” he smirked teasingly.
There was the ego you were expecting.
“I can manage the same end result,” you pouted. “But... the steps leading to it would be different...”
“I could always show you how.”
That grin and those alluring aventurine eyes would be the death of you. You wanted so badly to say yes. While you had the schooling and moved on to helping others, there was still so much more to learn. To say you were eager would be an understatement. The problem was you just met this Trickster God. How could you trust him so soon?
“I... I appreciate the offer, but maybe another time.”
You tucked some of your hair behind your ear. Why did you feel guilty for turning him down?
“Of course. The offer remains standing. Enjoy your dinner, Sorceress,” he replied, his disappointed voice betraying his stoic demeanor.
With that, he swiftly left the room. Yeah. You felt bad. Maybe you would find a way to make it up to him.
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Weeks later, and you were frustrated beyond belief. The last lesson you attempted to teach was going nowhere. You needed help, and you needed it now.
You sprung from your room with your notes and textbook and practically sprinted to the library where Loki could usually be found. You were right. There he was lounging with his back to you on one of the couches amongst the books, reading Dante’s Divine Comedy.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Sorceress?” He didn’t even look up from the text. Not a good sign.
Taking a breath, you answered, “I was hoping I could get your help with something.”
That got his attention. “Oh? Would you not rather ask that Strange fellow the others prefer to associate with.” he scowled.
Great. Of course, he had to be in one of those moods today. His mood swings were to be expected but the timing was difficult to predict.
“Pff. The last time I asked him for help, he was a total ass. Just because he trained with a master overseas for a short period of time and has a photographic memory does not mean he fully understands every magical concept.” You brought your rant to a halt. You could say so much more but doubted anyone wanted to listen.
“Well, someone who sees that charlatan for what he truly is,” he snorted, snapping his book shut. “Now, pray tell, why would I assist you when your magic is so similar to his?”
Adding fuel to the fire. The rant was back on. With a huff, you came around to the front of the sofa and dropped your supplies on the coffee table, taking a seat next to him.
“You really want to get me started, don’t you? Look, I have been practicing and studying magic since I was child before I even knew what I was even doing. Hell, I’m still learning. That will never stop. I have worked my ass off to get this far. That’s why I get frustrated with Strange. He never believed in magic until it could help him in some fashion, and then he’s deemed a ‘master’ so soon after starting. Admittedly, yes, I am a bit jealous. However, I would not change how I have learned because it has allowed me to dig deeper and understand more.”
You inhaled deeply, signaling the end of your monologue. You had not really meant to go that far with it, but it was too late now. Your words hung in the air as Loki studied you.
“What do you need assistance with?” He flashed you a grin.
You silently screamed with relief. “Okay, so there was a theory I was trying to teach yesterday.” Flipping open the textbook to the right page, you brought your notebook and pen to your lap. “The students just aren’t getting it.”
Loki leaned over the table to read the book. “Magical Exchange: The Equal Exchange Theory...” His eyebrows could have rocketed off his forehead with how surprised he was. “This is an elementary subject.”
“It is a 101 course,” you shrugged. “I just don’t know how to explain it better. I’ve not taught a class that had issues with this before. This particular group has proven... Difficult.”
“Have you attempted a more... Oh what do you mortals call it,” he hummed. “A more ‘hands on’ approach?”
You sighed and unconsciously tapped your pen on your notebook. “Yeah. I tried to improvise like that when the text did nothing. It just made things worse.”
“I see...” His lips drooped into a frown. “Perhaps a new perspective is required.”
“You read my mind,” you teased, winking at him. You still had not forgotten that first day. “So if you were teaching this, how would you go about it?”
Clearing his throat, he picked up the text book and lounged back on the couch. An anxious silence droned on before he finally spoke again.
“This text describes the various classifications of what is considered Equal Exchange, yet there is little on what does not qualify.”
Loki proceeded on his own mini-lecture about the experiments performed by both mortals and Asgardians, many of which ended in failure due to the lack of Equal Exchange. One ended up being about the Philosopher’s Stone, a topic you had already learned quite a bit about. You scribbled notes as fast as you could, filling up a good quarter of your notebook when he had finished.
You chewed on the end of your pen while looking over your notes. “This could work. Between these explanations and showing some examples, they might grasp what all it means.” Letting out a tired sigh, you looked up at him with full sincerity. “Thank you, Loki. I owe you one.”
He chuckled deeply, sending shivers down your spine. What was he up to?
“There is one favor I wish to ask of you in exchange.”
You blinked deftly. “And what might that be?”
Taking your free hand in his, he gently swiped his thumb across your knuckles. “I merely ask for a dance.”
“A. Dance?” That was not what you had expected.
“Yes. Stark is holding one of his... illustrious parties next Saturday.”
Oh crap. You had purposely forgotten about that. Parties were not normally your thing.
“R-right! I forgot...” you mumbled, swiping your hair behind your ear.
“All I ask is one dance. Would that be acceptable?”
You gazed into his eyes where a dabble of insecure hope hid. “I... Yes. That would be nice.”
Your face felt like it was on fire when he kissed your knuckles, whispering, “Excellent,” before he helped you to your feet and gathered your belongings.
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Saturday seemed to arrive all too quickly. Anxiety pulsated through your veins most of the day. Why were you so nervous? It was just one dance.
You sucked in a breath as you took in your appearance in the mirror. The off-the-shoulder, malachite dress hugged your form just right until it flowed gracefully from your hips to your knees. A silver pendant and heels tied off the look. You looked... Good. Better than you had anticipated. Now if you could just calm yourself down.
All those people, people you did not know for the most part would be there, too. Tony always invited so many guests no one else knew. But you also wouldn’t be alone. The whole team was going to be there. You would not be alone. One party should be manageable.
A knock at your door tore you from your spiraling thoughts. With a half-hearted sigh, you meandered to the door and open it to find Wanda and Vision. Wanda must have sensed your distress. She took one look at you, told Vision she would meet him downstairs, gave him a chaste kiss and stepped into your room, closing the door behind her.
“I-I don’t know if I can do this, Wanda.” You sat on the edge of your bed, thoughts of nausea swimming in your head.
She said your name with such resolution, your gaze snapped up to hers. “You can do this.”
“I don’t-”
“Don’t start. One, you look gorgeous. Two, you’re a professor AND Avenger. You teach in auditoriums and fight bad guys for a living. This party should not be a problem.”
“Small auditoriums...” you mumbled, earning you a look.
“Three, Vision and I will stay nearby. If any weirdo tries anything with you again, we’ll be there.”
Because you needed to remember the one party where some drunk rando was getting too handsy, the one where you had trouble controlling your abilities because you did not and do not like crowds. Tony, Steve and Wanda had to extract you after kicking out the drunk moron. That was your last party.
“I don’t want to be the third whe-”
“Shush. I’m not done.” She waved you off. “And four, once you have your dance, you can get the hell out of there. Okay?” She smiled sympathetically.
You nodded and looked at the floor. Wanda took you by the shoulders and forced you to stand.
“Alright, now breathe with me. Ground and center. Breathe. Raise your shields. Breathe.”
Doing what you were told, you started to feel better, the deep breaths helping the most.
“Okay. Let’s get going. Remember, you can do this.” She guided you towards the door.
“Right... I can do this...”
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I can’t do this...
You leaned on a wall out of the way, sipping on a light cocktail that you had hoped would keep you calm. It didn’t. Between the flashing lights, pounding music and the chaotic array of energies emanating off the guests just made you want to crawl in a hole and bury yourself.
Wanda and Vision were out of your sight but you could still sense them nearby. They’d be there in a blink of an eye if you needed them, but you didn’t want to ruin their fun. It also did not help that Loki was nowhere to be seen. At first, you thought he and Thor were getting ready, but that thought was thrown out when Thor arrived fashionably late alone. Maybe Loki decided the whole thing was a waste of time and backed out of coming. Yeah. That had to be it which meant you could bug out of here early.
“There you are, Sorceress.”
Never mind. Just as you had moved to the bar to set your glass down, Loki showed up behind you. You spun around, dress flowing out as you did. He looked taken aback with his cheeks slightly flushed. He muttered something under his breath but the music and chatter drowned him out.
“I’m sorry? I didn’t catch that.”
He just shook his head, smiling as he reached out a hand for you. “Would you care to join me on the balcony?”
Balcony?! Why didn’t you think about going out there? It would be so much quieter.
“I would like that very much.” You took his hand and let him lead you outside.
The balcony was so much better. The doors muffled the incessant beat of the club music along with the yelling guests. You took in a deep breath, taking the chance to glance at Loki and appreciate his look.
Yup. Still attractive in Midgardian clothing. His designer suit looked as though it was made only for him, the black color matching his curling hair that brushed past his shoulders. The green tie brought out his eyes and made them seem more saturated like an emerald. You definitely appreciated the new style.
“You’re staring, Darling,” he chuckled.
“Sorry. I’m so used to seeing you in your Asgardian garb,” you flushed. “T-the change is not unwelcome though. You look great!”
Great. Where were your words when you needed them most? And did he call you “Darling”?
“Thank you, my dear. Now, about that dance...”
That’s when you realized he was still holding your hand.
“What about the music?”
“I have something better planned than the noise Stark has chosen.”
He pulled you close, one hand encased yours while the other placed your free hand on his shoulder before snapping his fingers and keeping you close by the small of your back. A record player appeared playing Merry-Go-Round of Life.
“Shall we?”
You smiled and nodded, “Yes.”
Loki swayed with you along the length of the balcony, leading you into spins in time with the music. Neither of you had said a word since you started moving, but you did not need to. Everything was perfect. You felt like you were dancing on clouds amongst the stars. All of your anxiety had melted away. Needless to say, you were disappointed when the song ended.
“I do not suppose I would be able to convince you for another dance?”
Loki held your hands in his as he pulled back. He seemed just as disappointed as you.
“Well,” you mocked contemplation, “That wasn’t part of the original agreement.”
The soft grip on your hands loosened even more.
“But, I don’t see why I can’t make an exception, especially seeing how your explanations went over so well with the students. I haven’t thanked you for that part,” you smirked and with a golden flourish of your hand, changed the music on the record player.
Loki’s grin put the starlight to shame as he brought you back to him. As one song ended, one of you would switch it out to keep the music going.
Neither of you knew how long you were out there for. It had to have been more than a couple of hours since Tony was the one to break up your private party.
“Reindeer Games, Magic Hands! Pack it up! Party guests have already left!”
Both of you grimaced, hating your nicknames. Regardless, Loki led you back inside. Wanda and Vision had stayed throughout the party while you were on the balcony, and gave both of you these little knowing looks as you passed them. Ignoring them, Loki walked you to your room.
“Thank you, Loki. You made the night much more enjoyable,” you smiled brightly.
He smiled back, playing with the fingers of your hands. “I am happy to be of assistance, Sorceress.”
A moment of silence and you stepped forward, thinking of something a touch bold. “You know, if this were to become a regular occurrence, I might be persuaded to show up at Stark’s parties more often.”
A low chuckle reverberated in his chest. “That could be arranged.”
“I hope so.” You leaned on your toes, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, again.”
You slipped past your door so quickly you didn’t notice the lightly dusted blush on Loki’s face.
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Today was not a good day. Scratch that. It was a terrible day. Some senior in Advanced Summoning got cocky and accidentally summoned a few large, irate creatures from the Fae Realm. With you being an Avenger and working for the school, it was no surprise you were chosen to handle the situation. Killing would have been easier, but you could not bring yourself to do it. It’s not their fault they were ripped from their home and dropped in an unfamiliar world. You were able to open a portal and send them back but not without sustaining a critical injury. You were barely able to close the portal before passing out from blood loss.
You woke up in the medical wing of the campus, a fog clouding your brain. You felt the dull pain in your side where one of the creatures had swiped its claws whenever you tried to move.
“Oh! Please lie still!” A healer came rushing over. “You don’t want to reopen the wound. We’ve done all we can to heal you without overloading your body.”
You just nodded and rested your head on the pillow. Looking at the window, you noticed how dark it was.
“What time is it?”
The healer looked at you nervously. “A little after 10PM.”
Groaning, you sank into the pillow more. “Do you know where my phone is? I need to make a call.”
The team knew your schedule, and they were going to flip, especially Loki. You two had grown attached to each other since the start of your balcony dances (there had been at least six so far). The status of your relationship was in limbo, somewhere between friends and romantic partners. Neither of you seemed to know which way to go.
The healer left the room momentarily before rushing back in. Handing you your phone, she warned, “Now, your phone started going off non-stop since about six this evening. We had to answer just to see if it was important and if they could wait until you called back. Th-the man on the other end. He was.. Not. Pleased. He started demanding to know where you were...”
“I understand,” you cut her off softly. “If I could get some privacy please, I will call him.”
She nodded and headed to the door.
“And whatever else he said, don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure he behaves.”
The healer pursed her lips and closed the door behind her. What the hell did he say to her?
You picked Loki’s contact in your phone. He answered in barely one ring, calling out your name. “Norns, are you alright?! Where are you? What happened?”
“Loki, I’m fine. I’m still on campus. There was a little mishap that I had to take care of. Got a little banged up in the process, but everything is okay.” You added that last part quickly.
“A little mishap? You should have returned hours ago. Please, allow me to bring you home.”
“Loki, the school only allows faculty members and students on campus. The wards make sure of that. And despite the constant demands, even Fury and Strange have not been granted access. They don’t even know where to look. Besides, you’re on lockdown. Remember?” You tried to reason with him, but knew he would not give up so easily.
He pleaded your name. Lately, he almost always stuck to pet names for you, only using your name when he was truly upset. “Please... I need to know that you are in good health.”
“I am, Loki. I will more than likely be back at the Tower in the morning.”
“Not tonight?” His pout was clear even over the phone.
“It’s late and I doubt the healers would let me check myself out at this hour.”
“I- Alright.” The defeated tone in his voice made your heart break.
“I’ll call you in the morning, okay?”
“Goodnight, Loki.”
As you pulled the phone away to hang up, you heard him call your name.
“I... I will see you tomorrow.”
You hummed with a smile. “See you tomorrow.”
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It was early morning when you finally left the campus. Loki didn’t answer his phone, so you left him a voicemail instead, fairly sure he knew how to access it. Cell phones still were not his strong suit, but he was getting better.
Stepping through the Tower doors, you were greeted by Happy who gave you the world’s most gentle bear hug. He had Friday let the others know you were headed up.
“By the way,” he yelled to you as you stepped in the elevator. “Loki was up all night worrying about you. You should go talk to him.” He winked at you.
You just shook your head as the elevator doors. When they reopened at the common room floor, you were greeted with Wanda tackling you before she dragged you out.
“Loki told us something went down at the University. What happened?!”
She pulled you into the common room to one of the sofas.
“Some moron was trying to impress a girl in Advanced Summoning. Brought in some undocumented creatures from the Fae Realm.”
“Of course... Now you were hurt? Where?” She started looking you over.
You lifted your shirt just enough to show the heavy bruising on your side. “The healers did a decent patch up. Just have to deal with this for a couple days, and then I’m good.”
“I wish I could help, but healing is not my forte.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” you smiled reassuringly, letting your shirt fall.
“Fine is not how you would have been classified yesterday,” a low voice came from behind the couch, startling you.
“L-Loki! I thought I had told you not to do that!” You clutched your chest, taking a deep breath.
“Darling, may I speak with you? Alone.” Loki gestured for you to follow him.
You squeezed Wanda’s hand apologetically. “I’ll come find you later.”
Loki led you out, down the hall and into the library. He didn’t say a word until he sat you down on the couch next to him, gaze on his lap.
“Loki... I-”
“Dove, what were you thinking taking on those beasts on your own?” He clutched your hands tightly.
“I didn’t have much of a choice. I’m one of the few stateside who is trained in battle magic,” you pleaded.
He was upset. It was obvious. Your heart shattered with how he looked at you, fear and worry melded into one.
“You could have called for assistance.”
“Loki, we’ve been over this-”
“Would they not have made an exception with their students in danger.” It was a statement. He was right about that.
“If there were time, yes. They needed to be dealt with immediately.” You tore your hands from his grasp and cupped his face for him to really look you in the eyes. “Loki. Everything turned out alright. I’m still here, and I’m okay.”
“And yet you almost were not.” His voice was so quiet, you barely heard him. “I... I do not...”
You stroked his cheeks with your thumbs, encouraging him to go on. He pulled one hand away to hold while leaning into the other.
“Just be more careful from now on. Please.”
“Of course.”
“Promise me.” He squeezed your hand.
“I will. But first.” You took your hand from his face. “Finish what you were saying.”
He froze. “I am not sure what you mean.”
“You cut yourself off three times within twenty-four hours. You always finish your sentences. Now. What were you going to say?”
He still was not used to being caught, his initial confusion evident in his eyes which then darted about the room nervously. You sighed, and with a golden flourish of your hand, the library doors shut and locked.
“There. No one to walk in and disturb us or overhear.”
Loki was silent. He stared at your hand that was intertwined with his, then met your eyes.
“I do not know what I would do without you,” he whispered, bringing you into his arms in one fluid motion, your head tucked under his chin.
The scent of cedar and sage filled your senses as you returned the embrace and carded your fingers through his hair.
“Well, that’s not something you need to think about. I’m not going anywhere,” you responded softly. “Promise.”
He hugged you close, pulling you into his lap. His chest rose with a deep breath before he kissed the top of your head.
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tanadrin · 3 years
Of the Moon and her myriad nations
[Earth's Moon], though naturally quite barren, was for centuries an attractive prospect for explorers, colonizers, would-be rebels, and utopians of various stripes. Unlike the other bodies of the Solar System, it can be reached with even simple rockets in just a few days, its gravity is low enough to make export-oriented industries feasible, and, perhaps most importantly, it has a psychological connection to Earth found nowhere else in outer space. The rest of the Universe is beyond that first celestial sphere, beyond the gravitation influence of our home, where the Earth is reduced to a dot in the sky, or entirely invisible. But on the near side of the Moon, the home of your species hangs in the sky, resplendent and cloud-marbled in the darkness, only a glance away--as the Moon in turn has hung, with its pale and shining face, in the skies of Earth since the beginning.
Although several scientific outposts and a handful of desultory attempts at industrial projects dotted the lunar surface at the start of the Second Space Race, settlement of the Moon did not begin in earnest until novel propulsion technologies put most of the Inner Solar System within easy reach, and asteroid-based mining and manufacturing began in high Earth orbit. For processes that required more than microgravity, the Moon was a more attractive production site than Earth, with its low escape velocity and lack of atmosphere. Helium-3 could be found there in relative abundance, along with water, and although the base materials had to be imported from Earth, hydroponically grown and synthetically manufactured foodstuffs could be more easily exported than they could from the Earth's surface. Because of its close proximity to Earth, the Moon was initially dominated by terrestrial political structures: tellurian corporations and states, and a handful of orbital and Moon-based organizations with close ties to them. The rest of the Solar System was too distant to either rely upon Earth or to be drawn into its political sphere of influence, once the colonists their achieved self-sufficiency. Should disaster befall them, Earth could be of no help, so what was the use of trying to stay forever in her good graces? Not so, on the Moon.
Nowadays, of course, things are quite different. Between Tranquility Base and Maskelyne Anchorage, one may cross through a dozen major or minor sovereign polities, free estates, or discrete political condominiums. Lunar politics, and consequently lunar law, is a tangle of overlapping jurisdictions, most with some form of sovereign right or privilege, that resembles nothing so much as the ancient Holy Roman Empire, or perhaps India in the wake of the Mughal Empire's collapse. None of these statelets are dependent on Earthbound sovereignties, and indeed they are nothing if not a little scornful of their decadent neighbors, with their wide seas and rich atmosphere. They are resentful of outside meddling, to the point that the surest way to end any dispute on the Moon is to barge in as an offworlder with your own opinion--for then every single party to the argument will turn as one against you. And this is as true in a game of cards over drinks as it is in international relations.
The transition from a shared fiefdom of Earth to world of truculent, free-spirited micronations was occasioned by early experiments in lunar law that at the time seemed quite unimportant. While for the most part, Earth law was imported whole during the initial settlement of the Moon, in keeping with the notion of that body being the common heritage of mankind and no state or corporation having truly sovereign jurisdiction over any part of it (as opposed to temporary usufruct rights), several pan-lunar and pan-orbital coordinating bodies were set up under the auspices of the United Nations. As individual factions relentlessly pursued their own interests, these bodies were mostly hobbled and reduced to symbolic status, but the coordinating body on personal and property disputes, the Private Law Board, operated primarily below the level of interest of the sovereigns, and managed to exercise a free hand rather effectively. Early on in lunar history, it gave legal protection to a new kind of domestic institution arising in the tunnels and domes, the extended polycule. Polyamorous relationships and family arrangements were not then new: they were common in several Earth cultures of the era, but they existed in parallel to, or entirely outside, the legal institution of binary marriage. Rather than try to adopt that system to a larger group of persons, where sexual, romantic, and childrearing relationships were not automatically commutative throughout the entire group (but could be), the Private Law Board created the Shared House as an adjunct to it.
If you are not familiar with it, a Shared House may be described thus: it is a formal relationship and contract, much like binary marriage, in which the members of the House are considered close kin, whatever their genetic or historic relationship. The only closer degree of relationship is created by marriage, which may occur within or outside a Shared House, but only between two individuals. If a person dies intestate, their personal property devolves, in the absence of a married partner, to the House, where it may be divided or disposed of as its members see fit. Houses may have their own rules or agreements within themselves, as in any domestic relationship, though these rules cannot overcome or extinguish legal rights and obligations. In the interest of protecting their rights, children are automatically members of the House into which they are born, and on the age of majority have equal status with their parents and the other adults of the House. Marriage between children of the same House is theoretically possible, but extremely rare, with children of a House overwhelmingly preferring partners from outside the community (the so-called 'kibbutz problem,' though on the Moon it is considered largely beneficial). Marriage with close genetic kin is still impossible.
Two or more people of no house, or of separate houses, may together establish a new Shared House. Two may marry, creating a kinship relation outside the House; in some quarters this is viewed unfavorably, undermining the interests of the House, while in others it is seen as neutral or even beneficial. A person who wishes to commit to a partner of another House may also opt to join that House, and this is the most common form of family-building on the Moon.
The fact that Shared Houses possessed legal personalities of potentially unlimited duration was initially regarded as an oversight on the part of the Private Law Board. For the first few generations of colonists who formed such Houses, they often lasted no more than ten or fifteen years, dissolving de jure or de facto into groups of binary marriages, or small triads. Over time, however, as the amount of wealth on the Moon grew, and individual property holdings with them, the economic benefit of the Shared House became obvious. Marriages had long been considered by some as a "welfare state of two," a legal institution that provided stability not only through the usual human desire to share and flourish with one's spouse, but from state sponsorship, intended to promote family life. The Shared House was a welfare state of many; and through cunning investment, political connections, and sometimes a generous portion of luck, some Houses became very well-off indeed.
It was a quirk of lunar law that, while corporations and states could not exclusively possess land or resources of the Moon permanently, persons could: the Outer Space Treaty, even as revised and expanded over the course of numerous annexes and amendments, was intended to forestall competition between states, not private persons. Political agitation by the colonists and a desire to ensure the profitability of lunar development led the states of Earth to strengthen private property rights on the Moon further, with the result that eventually the Houses had more rights to the land they controlled that any sovereign state. And they were better at it: like a tight-knit religious community, or an extended family of bankers, close ties between members of a Shared House, even if indirect, created Moon-spanning trust networks that could operate with much less overhead than any Earth firm, and the Houses displaced them in a few decades. One hundred and fifty years after Tranquility Base was re-founded, the Shared Houses reigned supreme.
I have elided many details, of course. Many Houses continued to have only loose personality; the overwhelming majority had no property to speak of, and there was (and still is) a real risk of a kind of landed aristocracy emerging on the Moon, with the richest Houses becoming feudal lords themselves. Several other private organizations given sanction by lunar law eventually came to compete with the Houses: the Cooperative Fellowships, strongest in Mare Imbrium, the Mining Unions at the poles, the Seven Sodalities, four of which were offshoots of Earth universities, and of course traditional joint-stock corporations, and several territorial states originally founded along Earthlike, constitutional lines. The extreme costliness of armed conflict in an airless environment, where one small bomb could kill hundreds or thousands of people if it breached the right wall, the pan-lunar institutions set up by the people of the Moon on their own initiative, and a shared legal framework that reached maturity in this era, have prevented large-scale violence. Which is not to say they have prevented conflict: political antagonism is, as I have noted, alive and well, and the number of breakaway factions, de facto independent provinces, unrecognized states, and squatters' militias may in fact rival the number of "legitimate" political entities.
The independent-minded nature of the lunar peoples ultimately dismantled the largest of the Shared Houses; modern individualism made a repeat of true medieval dynastic politics impossible. Of the original so-called Hotels (this name originates in a very old and very tiresome joke about monopolies and a forgotten Earth board game), which numbered between twelve and fourteen depending on the criterion used, all had split up before the Conference Muscoviensis adopted rules to prohibit such sprawling empires in the future. Now, only about sixty-four percent of land on the Moon is held by Shared Houses, often through complex schemes involving holding companies and investment vehicles. The Lunar Customs Union, the Uniform Lunar Commercial Code, and various geographically rather than politically based currency unions, together make the Moon seem, to the outside observer or the casual tourist, no more fractious than any other human world, and possibly one of the most unified of them all. This is an illusion, borne of mutual suspicion of outsiders, but it is also a gift; for I can attest that, once you have won the trust of a few lunar friends, and they have come to see you as one of their own number, suddenly all their disputes and rivalries are laid bare, all their petty squabbles and decades-old feuds, and these stories are as tiresome as they are repetitive, and you may cast your eyes about desperately, looking for an unattended airlock to throw yourself out of.
Let us move on. For we have discussed the history of four of the Inner Worlds, and we have seen that, though the result in each case was quite different, similar forces governed their development; only the different balance of those forces determined the outcome in each case. But now we must speak of Venus. Ah! Venus! The world most utterly inimical to human life, except for the gas giants themselves. Yet still peopled: for the pale Cytherian clouds hide one of perhaps the most astonishing tales of the Second Space Race era. It begins on the eve of a war....
--Tjungdiawan’s Historical Reader, 3rd edition
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mediaeval-muse · 4 years
The 2020 cohort of Ph.D.s is facing a nearly nonexistent job market. But of course, even before the coronavirus pandemic, most graduating Ph.D.s faced bleak prospects. National Science Foundation data suggest that 40 percent of recent Ph.D. graduates had no employment commitments of any kind (not in the private sector, nor as postdocs, nor as contingent or tenure-track faculty). Of those who did get commitments in academe, tenure-track appointments were relatively rare. According to the American Association of University Professors, nearly three-fourths of all teaching jobs today are not tenure-eligible. As a new report by the American Federation of Teachers highlights, these non-tenure-track jobs tend to provide low wages, few benefits, and little job security — with contracts extended or retracted capriciously from semester to semester. Many contingent faculty members, even those working full time, have to rely on government assistance just to make ends meet. Many are also saddled by immense debt, incurred in the hope that a terminal degree would provide a pathway to a stable and well-compensated academic job.
Why do departments consistently admit far more students than they could plausibly place?
This tendency is perhaps most pronounced at "non-elite" schools, although even Ivy League departments increasingly struggle to place their students. But rather than decreasing Ph.D. admissions to accommodate this reality, many have increased the size of their Ph.D. cohorts. Why?
The ugly truth is that departments refuse to reduce admits because their tenured and tenure-track professors want to teach graduate seminars on their topics of interest rather than teaching core and introductory courses to large classes of undergraduates.
Yet, whether they admit it or not, tenured and tenure-track academics like having this subordinate labor pool and are not particularly interested in doing without it. And most of them are not too keen on having many of those currently serving as postdocs, lecturers, adjuncts, and so on hired as "peers" — with all the rights, protections, and status entailed thereby.
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anniekoh · 3 years
"The economics are challenging," said Nilda Mesa, director of the Urban Sustainability and Equity Planning Program at the Earth Institute's Center for Sustainable Urban Development. "If there is not a market for the recycled material, then the numbers do not work for these facilities as well as cities, as they need to sell the materials to recoup their costs of collection and transportation, and even then it's typically only a portion of the costs.” In 2017, Stamford, CT made $95,000 by selling recyclables; in 2018, it had to pay $700,000 to have them removed. Bakersfield, CA used to earn $65 a ton from its recyclables; after 2018, it had to pay $25 a ton to get rid of them. Franklin, NH had been able to sell its recyclables for $6 a ton; now the transfer station charges $125 a ton to recycle the material or $68 a ton to incinerate it. Stephanie Kersten-Johnston, an adjunct professor in Columbia University's Sustainability Management Master's Program and director of circular ventures at The Recycling Partnership.
Recycling decision-making is currently in the hands of 20,000 communities in the U.S., all of which make their own choices about whether and what to recycle," said Kirsten-Johnston. According to the EPA, of the 267.8 million tons of municipal solid waste generated by Americans in 2017, only 94.2 million tons were recycled or composted. Sixty-six percent of discarded paper and cardboard was recycled, 27 percent of glass, and 8 percent of plastics were recycled. Global demand for paper and cardboard is expected to grow by 1.2 percent a year, mainly due to the growth in e-commerce and the need for packaging; recycled paper will be essential to meeting this demand. "What has worked," said Mesa, "is where institutions and cities require a percentage of recycled content for their purchasing, for example, requiring 100 percent recycled paper, or recycled materials in building materials…A growth in demand for recycled content, or reused content can be driven by changes in regulations and purchasing commitments, and their enforcement." Another effective measure, she added, is for institutions or governments to limit the disposal of construction and demolition debris, to encourage recycling instead. "These both set up a stable system that then allows for the growth of markets for reused and recycled materials, as well as the facilities that can process them," said Mesa.
Los Angeles recycles almost 80 percent of its waste, with a goal to recycle 90 percent by 2025. Restaurants are required to compost their food waste, and companies get a break on their taxes based on how much they recycle. In addition, an initiative called "Rethink LA" helps residents understand the importance of recycling and composting. South Korea recycles about 54 percent of its trash, including 95 percent of its food waste. The country dramatically cut food waste by providing bins for organic waste that are weighed—the more they weigh, the more residents are charged. Recyclables are picked up for free, but there is a charge for disposal of other trash, determined by its weight.
Taiwan recycles 55 percent of its residential and commercial trash, and 77 percent of its industrial waste. Yellow trucks go through neighborhoods playing music to let residents know it's time to dump their trash; white trucks follow behind carrying 13 different bins into which residents sort their recyclables. Recyclables are then sent to companies like Miniwiz that transform them into building materials. In addition, smart recycling booths accept bottles and cans in exchange for added value to transit cards.
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