#diverted resources
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Since appearing on a local-to-me platform, NEXTDOOR, i’ve really had to watch what I write, which is a good thing for me. It forces a little more discernment into play on my part, which for me, is a good thing. I had a Health Care Aide who awakened my desire for physical closeness—something i think we all crave in one form or another. it wasn’t really possible in my marriage and…
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asharaks · 4 months
okay so a large part of my issue with halsin is that his character feels inconsistent, right. like larian wanted him to be a wise older man mentor character but then they wanted him to be fuckable, and they wanted him to be a nontraditional/nonmonogamous romance, so they made him sexually experienced and confident and casual, but he's also a romance option, so he talks about having Feelings for the player character. and then he needed to be a quest-giver, so he needed to ask for help. and what we ended up with is "guy who up and abandoned his responsibilities at the first chance of adventure, got captured and needed rescuing, makes all sorts of comments about his sexual experience but loses all self control and wildshapes at the first glimpse of ass, tells you he has feelings for you to get you in bed then leaves at the end of the game, and makes inappropriately sexual comments abt the sexual abuse victim if you're romancing him" - all of which reads as an uncomfortable, unlikeable mess of a guy.
halsin suffers from a lack of focus - he's neither a full romance on the level of the origin companions, nor is he a fling or sub-romance; he got more care and attention than wyll, in some ways, but the writing is flaky and weak and makes him look, frankly, like an incompetent, immature manchild. the bear scene is grossly pubescent (it should've been player choice to initiate that, not have it dropped on you that if he gets too horny there's a risk he'll CAST A SPELL and turn into a literal animal. by mistake. and if that's his reaction to seeing tits what's gonna happen when he cums) and the way he pushes for astarion to join you if you tell him you're in a relationship feels wildly inappropriate.
I know halsin has a history of sexual abuse himself (and I've seen good analyses/critiques of the way that's handled) but again I find it weird that finding out about that is locked behind not just a sex scene but a threesome+ scene - the writers really wanted to drive home that This Guy Fucks to the point where he comes across as pushy, and his trauma is reduced to background noise in a scene where he is essentially a sex object. he is simultaneously objectified by the writers, and in-universe by himself and those around him, but instead of exploring that we're just supposed to go with it; likewise, his lack of commitment and emotional immaturity aren't problems in and of themselves, but it feels like the writers aren't aware that that's the character they've written, and so these things are never appropriately addressed, and his arc and romance don't match up with the other characters' stories about growth and development.
not rly sure where I'm going with this, but it bothers me!! I think it's a nasty mix of the writers' intentions at a cross purpose with the push for fanservice, and the whole thing leaves a sour taste in my mouth t b h.
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pushing500 · 2 months
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It's not Dire Wolf's fault that the power conduits got busted in that zzzt event!! Leave her alone! She's only smol!
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If you weren't already convinced that this cannibal cult is very mean and nasty and evil, we just ate fifteen kitty cats. So that's something. We did get a persona core out of it, for whatever it's worth.
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Garbage Gang ain't got nothing on Poison the Bionic Thrumbo (and Socks with knuckle dusters). We've got two waster prisoners now. We'll probably execute one and do the violent conversion ritual on the other. Maybe we'll get a cool waster colonist out of it, maybe not. We'll see.
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I've often heard the story of how my dad proposed to my mum in the middle of a muddy country backroad during a rainstorm, so I always thought there was something especially romantic about rainy-day proposals.
My hearty congratulations to the future Mr and Mrs Buckeye, though!! <3 <3 <3
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Finally, I was watching the countdown on the first of newly-engaged Buckeye and Magic Man's sapling children. It was going to become a baby any minute when all of a sudden...
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Things happen so fast in the Daycare of Ecthuctu!! Nonetheless, welcome to Baby Blackthorn Buckeye, and congratulations to the Babalbil-Mossler family for adding another child to their ever-growing family tree.
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ampleappleamble · 7 months
what the phone call that woke me up today said: hey there! you don't have health care coverage anymore! here's a website or something to figure it out yourself, asshole. lmaoooo
what the phone call that woke me up today apparently meant: hey so we, your health insurance carrier through the state, are changing our name for no good reason and uh, we did a lil fucky-wucky, so you're still enrolled for medicaid through the state healthcare authority, but not with us. don't worry, they automatically signed you up with another carrier that probably isn't as comically incompetent as we are, just give 'em a call and they'll send you your member id cards in the mail in about a week. hope this didn't freak you out, or anything!!!!!!!!!!!
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wildwood-faun · 10 months
today's driving school mood is i would like to not drive any more right now i would in fact prefer to be sewing at home thank you
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pointless-letters · 1 year
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Getting terminal lung cancer, diabetes and losing your home to a gambling addiction to own the libs
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tansypaws · 10 months
gonna drop some adopts soon w/ the proceeds going towards mutual aid efforts in maui. keep an eye out.
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springtrappd · 1 year
i should start writing insane theory posts about the djmm in the style of popular dca takes. like if any of the pizzaplex cast is ACTUALLY severely neglected and disliked by corporate, it is definitely the fucking gigantic mute spider thing that commands only one segment of the arcade and who'd create endless logistical nightmares when in need of things like routine maintenance
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dragonomatopoeia · 2 years
i'm guilty of watching video essays with the same runtime or longer of the movies they're analyzing but while the video essays are structured so that either someone is always talking or something interesting is happening on screen, the beautiful cinematic art pieces they're discussing employ poignant silences or dramatic camera work where the lack of stimulation is the point. which while evocative and powerful are under-stimulating for my neurotransmitter-deprived frontal cortex
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kyuala · 2 years
#you guys brazil's history in the last 10 or so years have been so fucking insane#what started as a general discontentment over a rise in the public transport fare prices somehow turned into#an unprecedented reactionary extremist right-wing wave that only got worse and worse through the years#our first and only woman president suffered a literal coup and in the 2 years we were governed by the mild right#a politician who did nothing - and i do not say this lightly - literally NOTHING in like 20 years as a deputy gained so much popularity and#social media attention using nothing but hate speech fake news and the instrumentalization of the Christian faith and masses#somehow won over the public opinion - thru dishonesty n prejudice that's how - and was elected president. that's bols*naro#his mandate was marked by lies prejudice incompetence and negligence. thousands of ppl were literally dying in brazil everyday bc of covid#and u know what he did? mocked them. said he wasn't an undertaker so it wasn't his problem. mocked ppl's difficulty to breathe. caused a#animosity in the population against SCIENCE and health organizations. schemed to overprice when buying vaccines when companies were willing#to give them to us literally for free so the government could cash in. not to mention he dismantled federal operations against crime just#bc they were the left-wing govt's legacy he messed with the legitimacy of the federal police when it went after his sons he created a#scheme to divert public money into politician's pockets instead of employing the resources in u know. the public collective well-being#his govt created a law to protect said politicians and hide the money for 100 FUCKING YEARS from public records#the lost money already amounts to over 65 billion reais. that's roughly 12 billion dollars in taxpayers money. all lost#and he and his supporters have the NERVE to say he's an honest man. that he's a Christian. that he represents goodness.#when he did nothing but spew lies and prejudice and kill us and fuck us over the past 4 years.#his government is the definition of fear politics and necropolitics. it's a stain in the fabric of our country's history. it's never been#anything but a threat to our democracy. our senate n house of deputies r filled with bigoted extremist right-wingers now. but we have hope#now we can have hope! lula has been dishonest and corrupt in the past. he should pay for what he's done like almost every single high#ranking politician in this country should. but not like it was done! after they staged a coup against his ally they unjustly arrested and#convicted him SPECIFICALLY so he couldn't run for president. they KNEW our country would choose him. if he was free bols*naro would've#NEVER won. he's wrong and corrupt and now a convicted criminal turned free man but he represents our country and our democracy!#he's always been our only hope! he's not the right choice but the only choice. and that's how now we have - for the 1st time in history#- not only a president serving a historical THIRD mandate but a president who was arrested and freed between mandates#which is. fucking insane if u ask me#also blsnr is the first president ever in the history of brazil to not be able to be reelected lmfao fucking loser#what's also historical is our divide. lula won by 1.8% can u IMAGINE how split the public opinion is rn#but we won! and we're free of this vermin and on our way to rebuild our country. and i couldn't be happier or feel lighter#and not to mention they tried to stage another covert coup literally during the voting process today 😶‍🌫️ but anyways
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captainswan618 · 2 years
So the idea of the paperclip maximizer fits especially well for Gnosis, huh?
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Concerning the Morgott post, I would agree for most of what you said! Or at least in the beginning, when Leyndell was still powerfull, but now? What force of civilians? All that is left is mindless nobles. The other political powers mentionned are scattered, with the dissident Perfumers having left for Poison Hell or other ruins and honestly all we see of the clergy is corpses. He didn't seem to have a problem leaving a whole side of the city to Misbegottens, why not the Omens?
Because I'm not entirely sure just how much of the city is actually dead, or if we don't see it because they go on lockdown relatively regularly. In the Ashen Capital, we see the ghost of a commoner who seems to be recently killed, so I can only assume that the vast majority of the people there are actually hiding in their homes most of the time while the army patrols the street. Leyndell has some pretty good defenses for a city post-Shattering, but it's not impenetrable, and the fact that it's so heavily guarded makes me believe that Morgott has all the vulnerable people on lockdown to prevent them from getting slaughtered whenever a Tarnished gets past his defenses. I mean, we see how easy they are to kill in Stormveil, and Morgott's a hell of a lot better of a lord than Godrick. In fact, iirc the only commoners that we see in Leyndell are either in the sewers (so probs escaped prisoners), or are guarding that twiggy cracked tear with an Omen soldier, so we DO know that they exist, they're probs just out of the way.
There's also the fact that the Golden Order views the Misbegotten and the Omen differently (even though the Omen are probably just the Erdtree attempting to make more Misbegotten, and failing miserably). The Misbegotten are allowed to have a side to the city of their own because they're viewed as lesser beings and are kept as slaves, while Omen are seen as cursed monsters that either need to be dead or as good as dead. So when you consider that, it's not too far off to assume that the soldiers themselves likely would turn on him if he commanded them to protect the Omen, endangering not only his life, but the lives of all of the Omen soldiers in the army and in the Shunning-Grounds. There's a lot more human soldiers than there are Omen, so if giving them better quarters infuriates the uncursed, there would be a bloodbath. It sucks, but the Omen of Altus really are better off either hidden away in remote sections of the army or locked in the Shunning-Grounds. Even dehorned and scorned, he can ensure that the Omen in the army are regularly fed and stationed away from battle, while the Omen in the Shunning-Grounds are placed in a spot so hidden and undesirable that most racist assholes aren't willing to try to go down there to kill them.
Also the perfumers haven't all left, they're all over the city- the ones near Miranda flowers are just gathering more ingredients for their perfumes. Their ability to heal and kill with powerful concoctions only they know gives them a lot of political power, and the presence of Omenkillers in their rank means that Morgott would do very well not to test them. They may heal the unwanted of the Golden Order, but they still uphold the status quo, and are likely very capable of either killing or driving him off the throne if he does something that displeases them.
So no, he is not in a place to try to go against deeply-embedded social prejudices, because trying to do so would place both him and the Omen of the city/army in the line of fire. Marika might be gone, but he's still trapped, all these years later
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songonthewind · 2 years
Netflix really spent $30million PER EPISODE this season of Stranger Things but they still somehow cant find the money to pay people to write accurate captions
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communistkenobi · 7 months
I think it's good to highlight that the amount of money the US is spending to conduct a genocide in Palestine could instead easily be used to house every homeless person in america or socialize healthcare or cancel student debt, because this helps demonstrate to people how little the US government gives a shit about you, but even if the US cancelled its billions of dollars in aid to Israel right now and diverted all that money into creating a massive welfare state for every american, it would still be a horrifically evil imperial country. the mountain of wealth it rests on top of was produced by the process of settler colonialism and genocide and slavery - the US is a big reason why "the global south" exists as a geopolitical category at all - and hoarding these resources domestically would not suddenly make it a just state. I think it's important when making these arguments that our ultimate conclusion isn't that the US should just become a western european welfare state while leaving the current system of imperial inequality enact. that is not the road that will lead to a decolonized Palestine because decolonialism is not merely the absence of imperial aid, it is the destruction of the system that allows a country to extract, hoard, and then spend billions of dollars on missiles and tanks and guns to conduct genocide in the first place
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bashhowardproductions · 11 months
Sam reid i am sooo sorry abt your hairline... babygirl we can fix this. We can fix this.
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funkopersonal · 13 days
Im quite literally so done with this shit. i keep on going back and forth between hiding all the i/p related tags, but then I realize that its seeped EVERYWHERE. It's in the motherhood tag, and jewish history tag, and everything else. I can't fucking escape it. I opened tiktok yesterday to see one of my favorite characters (iron man) weaponized to support the one group that wants to see me dead, the user saying that iron man would support palestine, and be an antizionist because he "spoke out against the public" and he wasn't like the sheep. It frustrates me to no end this horrible cycle of fucking misinformation that exists.
As a Gen Z, I simply do not understand how its reached this point? I can't even write all my feelings and information about how shitty this is in a single sitting because 1) it'd be too long and 2) my joints wont let me write that long. But how did it reach this point?
How did it reach the point where jewish/isreali stores are fucking marked to notify the public. Their windows are being broken and the stores are being robbed. How did it reach the point where jewish students on some campuses are told to stay home? how they're harassed out of specific areas, and campuses have been made unsafe? How did it reach the point that people literally have written "I ♡ Houthis & Hamas" and "no mercy for Jews."? How did it reach the point that there are nazi symbols, and hanging deadmans, and communist symbols being drawn on college campuses? How is it possible that students are calling for the end of jewish student unions and hillel international on campus? that'd be like calling for the end of the fucking muslim student organization, or disbanding an african-american affinity group. Which would never be acceptable, but apparently its fine when its jews.
I'm sick and tired of all the horrible conditions of palestenian cities being blamed on israel. Palestine is its own country. They had their own government until they elected Hamas to lead them. Hamas, who diverted all their funds to the military. Hamas, who uses hospitals and public spaces as their bases. Hamas, who built miitary tunnels under cities so that when they're invaded, the cities will collapse on itself. Hamas, who steals all humanitarian aid from its citizens. Hamas, who controls palestenian media and teaches hatred to its children. Hamas, who wants their citizens to become martyrs for their country, to die for their goal. Hamas, whose number one goal is to eradicate all jews. Hamas, who denies the existence of the holocaust. Hamas, who enlists children as soldiers and suicide bombers. Hamas, who has has never expressed an interest in a 2 state solution.
Is this the organization you consider freedom fighters? because i dont think they should ever, in any context, be called that. Hamas is nothing but terrorists.
Yes, the deaths and treatment of palestenian citizens is horrible. but no, this is not a genocide. Israel is trying to rid them of Hamas, because quite literally, no country should ever be forced to live in "harmony" with a terrorist group. Especially one who denies their existence and actively wants to kill them all. Israel has been letting palestenians get jobs in the country, has let palestine use their resources and water, all for years. They've let hamas continously bomb them, they've gotten used to a life of bomb shelters in every residence. Hamas has done nothing but crippled their country's own economy and society.
None of the surrounding coutnries want to let in palestenians, or live with palestenians. Egypt wants to annex Gaza, and Jordan wants the West Bank. In fact, they did own that land for a part of history! Yet Israel has let palestenians govern themselves for years, even when Hamas originally came into power, they didn't interfere. Not until they were provoked.
Yes, Israel has flaws. But welcome to the fucking real world, princess. Every country has flaws. Even America, you dipshits. This is not a little fandom for you to play sides on. its not some fictional world that has a black and white solution. Yes theres going to be deaths, just like in any other WAR. But you really can't call for the destruction of a country on the basis that they're trying to make sure they're allowed to stay a country? Because guess what honey bunchkins? "from the river to the sea" really doesn't mean what you think it does. It just means that you want to kill all jews, or at best, forcefully remove them and scatter them around the middle east. (to countries that have killed them in swaths in the past. To countries that have emprisoned jews for helping others escape. To countries that avidly hate jews and want them dead). I don't understand how that would mean peace in any way shape or form?
Not only that, but half of "protestors" and "activists" for palestine, haven't even done basic research. They dont know what river or sea theyre talking about. They dont know that "palestine" was not a palestenian state in 1948, but it was instead a BRITISH MANDATE, that was NOT fully occupied by palestenians. In fact, "palestenians" weren't a thing. Palestenians are just muslims and arabs from countries like syria, who lived alongside jews and christians in the same land (which was largely uninhabited for the most part). Yeah, you heard me right.
Honestly my thoughts on this issue are so scattered its so hard to make a solid points when I can just keep on going forever.
Fact is, Israel deserves to be a country. No one should be supporting Hamas. Everyone should be supporting the eradication of Hamas (and I mean Hamas not palestenian citizens). I don't get how these are debated, and seriously don't understand how citizens of america are so quick to support a terrorist group, to resort to antisemitism.
Im so done with this all. I cant believe we have to tell you gentiles that stoning a 13-year old kid for being jewish is horrible. That throwing a brick through an israeli-owned cafe in New York is horrible. That students not being able to be on campuses because of their religion or ethnicity is horrible.
This has to end.
Do your research, or don't speak (and terrorist-controlled propoganda channels don't count).
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