#divine warrors
ramrodd · 28 days
The Melchizedek Connection: Bridging the Old Testament to Jesus
Melchizedek is a Maji. He is part of an experiment in intelligent design conceived to sustain the social cohesion  to build pyramids and develop the metaphusics necessary to produce Apollo 11. Enoch was a engineering consultant to the Magi and interpreter of their design emerging from base 60 numerology and the19 year Solar cycle, the Metonic cycle in their communication with God, however it suits your fancy to define the great I am that I am. In 3780 BCE, God composed the Bood of Job and Enoch started the clock on a 7000 year Epoch designed to produce Apollo 11. We are currently at Enoch Year 5784. We are not quite 2000 years ahead of schdeul because of the Talking Cross in the Gospel of Peter. People like Melchiedek were in working out of Persia as stone masons going back to the Ziggaruts and they kept track of the Egyptian pre-metaphsical thinking and rewarding natural born stoics in the manner of Abram, According to the numerology, Abram fought along sinde Yaweh, Queen of  Battle. This completes the 6 element ontology of Moses: Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 4:2 , Elonim the One; Genesis 1:2, Elohim the demifurge of Plato and the Spirit of God relative to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the 318 warrors of Abraham is the numerology for Yaweh, Queen of Battle, and then The Satan, in The Book of Job. If you want to understand Hegel, understand Enoch's Epoch as a grid of ten 700 year weeks that started at EY 1 and goids out to EY 7000. Recent scholarship has revealed that the tithe went from Melchizedek to Abram instead of the other way around as written in current translations  I've always heard the version of the tithe in this exposition, but my experience with tithing doesn't feel the same sas described by the Prosperity Gospel of Project 2025,   I happen to agree with this new research because the Tithe to Abram is consistent with the Parable of the Talents as a discription of the open system cascade structures of the economics of Jesus and Adam Smith. It's why Eisenhower's neo-liberalism is perfectly congruent with the inerrant epistemology of the Bible. It is useful to remember that Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is an interpolation of the literature of the Boble according to the economics embedded in the narrative. Genesis 41 is a model foJr capital budgeting they used to plan for WWII in the Pentagon. It's what Biden'/Harris/Walz's Build Back Better capital budget is all about. Melchizdek rewarded Abram for being a stoic along side Yaweh, Queen of Battle and the Wise Men in Matthew are Magi who tithe to Mary, Joseph and Jesus to nuture Messiah for His appointment with the Cross. Jesus was a Kami Kazi Messiah,  I don't know if Enoch saw that coming , but the Talking Cross may have accelerated the Metaphysics of Aristotle by 2000 years or so. I don't know, but the Talking Cross represents a divine endorsement between the Stoic and the Epicurian in Roman society, the separation of Chruch and State. That was the difference between Rome and the rest of the world at that time. And what Jesus was trying to do was to guide Isreal into the same republican sociology as rome. which, today, is the IDF. Like Josephus, he was going long on Pax Romana. Hebrews 13:17 is the stoic raison d'etre of the Italian Regiment of the Preatorian Guard. They were the Swiss Army soldiers of Roman society in the same way the US Army is the Swiss Army slidiers of We, the People, the Philospher Kings of the American Republic, Every bote counts.
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tadofvylad · 3 years
MCD cast Jo9 names (feel free to steal!)
Laurence the Emerald Temper
Dante the Duel Wielder
Aphmau the Phoenix Resolve
Garroth the Diamond Soul
Vylad the Shadow Blade
Zane the Darkened Crown
Kawaii~Chan the Unassuming Animator
Gene the Oceanic Mind
Sasha the Lavender Eye
Zenix the Unbreaking Thorn
Irene the Unending Light
Shad the Neverending Darkness
Esmund the Winged Shield
Enki the Bronze Tome
Menphia the Tempest Rage
Kul'Zuk the Lone Key
Aaron the Vengeance Blade
Lucinda the Aubern Staff
Travis the Demon Blade
Feel free to ask for any other characters or if you want me to come up with a better name
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ffxivpathoflight · 5 years
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Name: Yansa Ru’shi (Yansa of the Ru’shi). Epithet: The Shadow. Age: 22 Race: Xaela Au Ra Gender: Female. Sexuality: Though her only relationship so far has been with a male, she is not yet completely sure herself. Nameday: the 14th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon. Guardian Deity: Althyk the Keeper, god of time and surveyor of change. Elemental Crystal: Wind. Marital Status: In a relationship with Mikhel Shir’valah. Voice: Eden Riegel.
Hair: Yansa has straight, lustrous dark purple hair in a medium cut that frames her face; a few bangs partially hide her left eye. Given her discipline, it has been sometimes compared to a hood. Eyes: As it is said to happen to children born with an exceptional strong Echo, she has odd eyes: her left eye is bright red, while the right one is light blue. Both of her eyes’ irises have a deep black limbal ring that make her gaze appear unusually intense. Height & Build: Yansa is petite even by Auri standards at 1′46m, yet this lithe, apparenly frail frame actually works to her benefit, giving her extraordinary agility and helping her to go unnoticed by others. Her skin is a pale blue, which contrasts with the darkest tones of her hair and scales. Distinguishing Marks: Her elegantly curved horns and wiry, spiky tail. Of course, being a Xaela, they are covered in midnight-color scale. Common Accessories: Yansa is seldom seen without her ninja mask. It is not because she follows the shinobi dressing code, which she does, but because it also helps her deal with her shyness. She only takes it off when she is with people she truly trusts.
Profession: Scion of the Seventh Dawn, formerly Guardian of Light and currently Guardian of Darkness. She began training in the ways of the arcanist, but she soon took on the way of the ninja, and excelled at it. Hobbies: Because of the ways of her tribe, Yansa enjoys reading. Her favorite topics are history and mythology. Languages: Common [fluent], old Xaelan [fluent]. Birthplace: Ru’shi Iloh, the village of her tribe in the Dalvalan Grath, the rugged montain range north of the Azim Steppe. Current Residence: She has no residence in Eorzea, so she tends to stay in inns. Religious Beliefs: Though Yansa is not a devout believer, like many Xaela she reveres Nhaama, the Dusk Mother. Her tribe focuses a lot more in science and knowledge than religion, hence her rather loose faith in the divine. Fears: She suffers a bit of agoraphobia (fear of crowds).
Spouse: N/A Children: N/A Parents: Aaruq Dazkar, father, alive. Nikhbei Borlaaq, mother, alive. Her parents met after Aaruq got separated from his tribe due to a battle against the Dotharl, and Nikhbei chanced to find him and nursed him back to health. Since Nikhbei could not take Aaruq back due to the Borlaaq law of only allowing women in the tribe, they sought the secretive Ru’shi tribe, said to welcome refugees and exiles from other tribes, and joined it. Siblings: Midkah Ru’shi, older sister and proficient spearwoman; Chelun Ru’shi, younger sister and talented arcanist. Yansa has always felt inferior in talent to both of her sisters. Other Relatives: Probably in both of her parents’ former tribes, though she knows nothing about any of them. Pets: Shono, the female yol she tamed in Bardam’s Mettle as the rite of passage young Xaela have to go through to become full-fledged warriors of the Steppe. The tradition, while not as high-regarded as in other tribes, has not been lost to the Ru’shi.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between /  Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
【additional info】
Smoking Habit: Never. Drugs: Never. Alcohol: Aside from the ocasional kumis back in the Azim Steppe, Yansa does not like alcoholic drinks or whatever that might befuddle her senses.
Middle of Three: Yansa’s parents met under uniquely complicated circumstances, and yet they managed to stay together and form a family. Aaruq of the Dazkar tribe was back then a young Auri man who lived according the ways of his tribe: men were to stay in the tribe’s yurts unless on the move, while women hunted and brought food and goods home. His rather peaceful life was turned upside down when the Dazkar were attacked by the Dotharl, and in the middle of the confusion, Aaruq fled and got separated from the rest of his tribe. As a Dazkar male, he was not used to be outside, and so he struggled to survive on his own. He wandered the Azim Steppe for days, and he would have died of hunger and exhaustion if someone had not found him while hunting. She was a young woman, Nikhbei of the Borlaaq.
The Borlaaq are a female-only tribe, so Nikhbei could not bring Aaruq back home with her. She found him about to pass out on the shores of the river closest to Bardam’s Mettle, and she took pity on him and helped him heal and took care of him. During the time they spent together, Aaruq and Nikhbei fell in love, but since the Borlaaq would not accept a male amongst them and there was no trace of the Dazkar, the couple had to roam the Steppe on their own in search for a place to settle down. It was then when they heard rumours about a tribe in the Dalvalan Grath that welcomed anyone who searched knowledge, no matter the tribe of their birth. Intrigued and wanting to find a place to call home, Aaruq and Nikhbei crossed the mountains and found the hidden village of Ru’shi Iloh, where the Ru’shi tribe had been founded around twenty sumers ago by its khan, Igvar Ru’shi, a wise and elderly shaman and the only member of the tribe who, besides children born within the tribe, had the privilege of claiming to be of the Ru’shi. Despite this rule, Khan Igvar warmly welcomed Aaruq and Nikhbei to the tribe if they agreed to live by the tribe’s rules, which they did. And so the couple became part of the Ru’shi, and months later they got married. A year later their first daughter, Midkah, was born, and since she had been conceived amongst the tribe she would be formally known as Midkah of the Ru’shi.
Midkah was more suited for using a bow than casting spells, but even so the Ru’shi tribe still needed hunters and warrors to protect themselves, and that did not keep her from being taught by the wisest amongst the Ru’shi. However, three years after Midkah’s birth, her mother got pregnant again, and her second daughter was born. She had astounding odd eyes, one ice-blue and other deep red, with black limbal rings. Aaruq and Nikhbei named her Yansa, and Khan Igvar claimed she was destined to do great things.
Two years after Yansa’s birth came her parents’ third daughter, Chelun, who soon would demonstrate great aptitude for magicks. And though Midkah was a great warrior, Yansa did not show any special abilities that would support the claims that she had a great fate to fulfill.
Life in Ru’shi Iloh: In stark difference to both her sisters, Yansa was shy, clumsy and introverted. She held her own with both magic and traditional Xaelan weapons, but it could not be said she excelled at any. She felt great expectatives on her, believed she was but a failure to her family, even when her parents reassured her that they loved her no matter what. Living under her sisters’ shadow made Yansa largely unnoticeable for the rest of the people, no one pausing to look at her twice when her more talented sisters were at the spotlight.
Yansa spent most of her time in her house with her father Aaruq, mainly trying to avoid other people. As she grew up, this isolation began worrying her parents, since their middle daughter hardly got any attention from others while Midkah and Chelun were largely admired and even courted. Yansa did not seem to care about those things as she tried to learn arcanima, the most valued discipline amongst the Ru’shi, so Khan Igvar and her family could have something to be proud of her. She rarely talked, and her father Aaruq feared his daughter’s obsession ended up in a depression, so he asked Khan Igvar for advice to help Yansa. The elderly shaman told him that if she wanted so, he could guide her towards her fated purpose. Yansa agreed to meet the khan, and after a ritual meditation, Igvar told her that if she wanted to find her true calling she should travel westward, to the realm of Eorzea, in the island continent of Vylbrand. When Yansa asked what she had to look for there, Igvar replied that she should search for the Arcanists’ Guild in Limsa Lominsa, where he studied arcanima many years ago, and then her purpose would come to her.
For the first time in a long time, Yansa felt excited at the idea of making her family and tribe proud. She decided to follow Khan Igvar’s prediction and travel to Eorzea. The journey was long and arduous, and she was still young and not particularly talented, and that is why her parents were reluctant at first to let her go. But, in the end, they finally accepted, thinking it might toughen up her shy, insecure middle daughter and gain some self-esteem. At nineteen summers old, Yansa left the Azim Steppe, a long road that would take her to Limsa Lominsa and the Arcanists’ Guild, where she believed she would find her purpose.
Shadow Walker: Yansa was allowed to join the Arcanists’ Guild, and there she spent around three months in which she learned some arcanima, though nothing would point towards her supposed calling. She was an average student at best, but it was during a joint exercise that she caught the eye of the Lominsan shadows when Yansa’s ability to go unnoticed allowed her to infiltrate a pirate vessel while other arcanists with the Yellowjackets distracted the brigands on board.
A few days later, Yansa got a mysterious letter that invited her to meet the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss, a supposed convent in Fisherman’s Bottom closed to everyone except for a few. Intrigued, Yansa followed the instructions, and then she found herself in the very Rogues’ Guild, the headquarters of Limsa Lominsa’s most feared individuals. She had taken the interest of their leader, Jacke Swallow, and he offered her a chance to test her rogue skills with a pair of daggers. Surprisingly, even for herself, she took these weapons with incredible ease, and her petite build and natural ability to not draw attention made her an excepcional recruit. Yansa left the Arcanists’ Guild in pursuit of mastering this new discipline, and she came to be one of Limsa Lominsa’s rogues.
However, this only lasted for some months, during which she easily became the best amongst the rogues’ ranks. She took part on a mission to follow the tracks of a couple of suspicious individuals and ended up meeting Oboro Toiroi and his companion Tsubame, two Doman ninjas who had come to Eorzea in search of a traitor. Oboro quickly noticed Yansa’s innate talent for the art of the shinobi, and so offered to train her in its secrets. She had heard about these shadow walkers back in the Far East, and wanting to test her limits, she took Oboro’s offer. And so, Yansa started training as a ninja, and as her mentor suspected, she exceeded all expectations. She had found her true calling at last, and for the next two years she trained to the point of widely surpassing Oboro’s skill.
As Yansa kept honing her skills, word came that the Eorzean Alliance was assembling for taking back Ala Mhigo, and that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn were searching the realm for adventurers gifted with the Echo to join their ranks in the war effort. Yansa possessed the gift, and so she decided to answer the call. She traveled to Gyr Abania, where she learned the chosen adventurers would form a special unit under the command of the Warrior of Light herself. She met her and her comrades-to-be in Rhalgr’s Reach, and one of her companions caught her attention: Mikhel Shir’valah, a Miqo’te black mage who had joined the Guardians of Light alongside his sister. Yansa and Mikhel bonded quickly, given their introvert and shy nature which made them connect with each other, and over the course of the campaign their relationship turned romantic. By her partner and companions’ side, Yansa fought alongside the Warrior of Light in both Doma and Ala Mhigo, and in the following crisis that followed their liberation.
Shadows in the Light: After the Call to the First in order to restore Darkness in the shard, Yansa became one of the Guardians of Darkness. She would follow X’wyhn Lehn, now the Warrior of Darkness, in their new purpose. Though she knows not where this new path leads, at least she feels she will be able to pull through whatever happens if she stays by Mikhel’s side.
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ausarausetpa · 6 years
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@Regran_ed from @ausarausetcanada - Herukhuti is the divine principle that safeguards our existence from injustices and undue hardships in the world. This is achieved NOT by seeking revenge or destruction toward anything that appears to threaten our interests; but instead by re-establishing the laws of MAAT in our every day lives. Divine protection and justice therefore are earned by cultivating peace, balance, harmony and restoring God’s order in our lives. This does not happen by osmosis. It is daily work! It requires discipline and consistency in living the divine laws. It mandates that we identify and remove all that interferes with our focus on living divine truth.  The Herukhuti cycle calls on us to awaken and bring forward the divine warror that lives in all of us. Without question - the time is now! - #regrann #Herukhuti #Justice #protection #aries #scorpio #mars #metuneter #kamit #kemet #khamit #Kamiticspiritualscience #africanspirituality #africanreligion #meditation #metuneteroracle #spirituality #rainitiation #ausarian #AusarAusetSociety #AusarAusetPA #AusarAuset #aasphilly #aaspa https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMyL4sHSPU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18mw564j4jfno
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