#diy processing spiral
pricegouge · 4 months
Fatted Rabbit, Part Twelve on AO3
You tell yourself the best plan is no plan. 
Bearshifter!Price x reader | explicit
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You tell yourself the best plan is no plan. You don't know how he does it, but Phil's always been able to predict your thought process. In retrospect, you're not sure why you ever thought some idyllic northern getaway could have possibly saved you. Of course he found you there; he knew how much you missed home, knew you weren't quite dumb enough to return.
So, no plan. Except you can't go much more north without a passport, so that's out. You briefly wonder about Canada's asylum policy and then marvel at your ability to laugh at a time like this. Beats crying, you think, as you cry hard enough that signs blur and you miss the last good turnoff toward a western route for hours. On your left, the Flatheads loom high overhead, barren and undeveloped, casting their runoff into the valley through which you drive. You carry on, game driven into the basin.
After nearly nine hours of driving, you make it out of Montana. You don't stop. The road ahead of you seems to trip over itself, fall flat. Your headlights illuminate more than twenty yards ahead of you now as the terrain levels out. You check your rearview every thirty seconds, manage to convince yourself you see a low gleam working its way down the range behind you. You keep an eye out for a road side parking area, eventually make due with an abandoned leveled lot, and sit with a steak knife in hand as you wait for the car far miles behind you to catch up, sobbing in relief when it passes without so much as tapping its brakes. 
You feel maybe a little ridiculous sitting there with your knife, and then realize even the threat of Phil nearby has your thoughts spiraling into old patterns again. The only thing ridiculous about your little steak knife is the fact that you don't know how to use it, and it won't do shit against a man who once stood you against a wall and broke in his new nine iron by driving golf balls at you after your late return from work had 'worried him' so much he'd missed tee time. 
You'd left him a few times in the past - quick excursions he would basically allow before pulling some string you never did find the source of and having you fired. He'd wait you out, come calling with pretty flowers and prettier promises when he knew you were facing eviction just to show his true colors once he had you solidly dependent on him again. Somehow, you didn't think it would go down like that this time. Phil didn't love you, he barely ever even liked you, and now you'd made him miss tee time by months. 
You only realize now, trying to sleep upright in the driver's seat, parked on the side of a road so barren you'd had to DIY a pull off, that you'd basically done half his job for him. For all intents and purposes, you're already dead. No societal standing to be upended once he finally tracked you down. There were no coworkers who would note your absence as uncharacteristic, no PO box that would overflow to the point the clerk would call for a wellness check. Phil had separated you from your loved ones, sure, but you'd kept them away out of fear. 
The only one who would note your absence was John, but you'd made it perfectly clear that was by your own choice after yelling at him like you had. 
John. You want to cry again, don't have the energy. You'd known he'd been keeping tabs on you, somehow, and you'd managed to convince yourself you were being paranoid. Stupid , same as always. You'd been so proud of how far you'd come since leaving Phil but you'd again made the same dumbass mistakes that had landed you with that bastard in the first place; ignoring instincts in favor of a handsome smile. 
Still, he didn't deserve to be left like that, and you'd be lying if you didn't need someone to talk to right now. Your phone sits in the center console, unpowered and unthreatening. 
You decide you're still mad, that you'll call him tomorrow.
Between the self-doubt, your inclined position, and the one eye you keep trained on the wide horizon at all times, it takes you over an hour to fall asleep despite your genuine exhaustion. It's fitful and restless; you get maybe three hours sleep before the sun begins creeping above the flat plains ahead of you to the east. You'd forgone your blinds as a safety measure so there's no escaping the blinding brightness of the horizon and you grumble about how you should have turned your car around so you could have slept in just a bit. Still, getting flash banged by the flatland sunrise is preferable to at least one other wake up call you know you could have gotten. You give yourself another ten minutes or so to wiggle some feeling into your stiff joints and enjoy the sun's warmth on your face. But when the air quality begins to shift from golden warm to still and humid, you climb out of the Jeep to rush through your morning routine. 
It's strange how used you've gotten to baring your ass in public. Back out by Glacier, you'd gotten to the point that it hardly made you squint more than was necessary to check the coast was clear. Here though, in the open fields of Wyoming, with barely any vegetation to hide you and a known predator that scares you far worse than a friendly bear on your tail, you find yourself a little gun shy. Strange, missing being homeless in the woods.
A nagging voice tells you you're missing more about Glacier than just the vegetation, doesn't shut up when you try to slam your door on it. 
Another four hours of driving brings you down close to real civilization. You skirt past one city and come upon her sister an hour later. Desperation and exhaustion weigh heavy on you, and you know if you sleep in your car another night you'll be too beat come tomorrow to drive safely. You drum your fingers off the steering wheel as you sit at a red light, weighing your options. It's possible Phil can track your spending. You'd switched your bank when you'd left, of course, but he's mean and scary, and tends to get what he wants. Banks and payroll offices are manned by individual people, after all. It's unlikely, but offers a neat, tidy explanation as to how he found you to begin with. It would be best to empty your account and start a new one, but that can be difficult without an address. Start small. An ATM could at least give you a few day's head start. 
You find one in the lobby of a small pharmacy, stare at it suspiciously through the vestibule glass for a good twenty minutes before deciding on a plan. Withdrawing as much as the ATM allows, you wince at what you see of your remaining balance on the receipt. Yesterday morning the amount had been a comfort, but now that you know Phil is no closer to giving you up than he'd been months ago, you can't help but feel a little helpless about your pitiful savings. 
It's a problem for another day, though. In the meantime, you need a safe place to hang your hat for the night. If Phil is monitoring your account, he'll have seen you stop off in Gillette so you head back the way you came and find a room at the sleaziest motel Buffalo has to offer. The carpets don't even extend under the bed, and you're fairly certain a sex worker is posted up next door, but that's her business; yours is keeping your head down. 
After checking thoroughly for bed bugs, you deem it safe enough to bring in a change of clothes and some essentials. You make yourself the world's plainest quesadilla on your skillet for dinner, and tuck into bed with a happy sigh while the sun's still up.
Still, exhaustion isn't quite enough to keep your brain from running in circles; and after spending the whole weekend tucked tight to John's side, you can't help but choke up a bit, thinking of what you left behind. You know you'd panicked when he first admitted to knowing about Phil. It probably hadn't warranted running the fuck away like you did, but it was too late now. What could you do, go crawling back explaining how you'd assumed him to be a monster based off the smallest of transgressions and would he please take you back? Besides, you had warned him you'd leave if Phil ever showed up again.
You sigh, eye your phone where it sits on the bedside table, still powered off. You've been avoiding it like the plague, knowing full well that every minute that ticks by unanswered only makes it worse. If John's reached out, he'll have assumed something bad has happened based on your silence. You should reassure him, at least tell him you're alive. But you're not sure you'll be able to stand the rejection you'll feel if you power it on and find no missed messages. 
"Christ," you huff, unsure how you're even able to worry about such petty things at a time like this. You turn your phone on out of spite and frown when the amount of missed notifications which pop up nearly brick your phone. You scroll through them quickly, noting your voicemail box is full - mostly John, though a couple from an unknown number catch your eye. You listen to one and get a little teary eyed when you hear Soap's brogue telling you to 'Come back Bonnie, we'll help you.'
Filling up your mailbox hadn't stopped John from calling, it seems, another forty or so missed calls are enough to give you pause. There is such a thing as too concerned, though if you'd known that he'd had an abusive ex who was actively hunting him down and then suddenly he'd disappeared from your life, you suppose you'd be pretty worried too. You briefly scroll through the text messages, only a few words here or there registering. 'Can't smell. Fucking pepper spray,' draws your attention and you frown in confusion. 
"Pepper spray?" you ask yourself, and then jump so bad you nearly throw your phone across the room when it starts ringing. 
" Bunny, " he sighs in relief. Or at least you think he does. Hard to tell, with how croaky his voice sounds. "Where are you?"
"Wyoming. Are you okay? You sound like you got throatfucked."
"Am I bloody o -." He huffs, takes a deep breath. "Who cares? Are you okay? Send me your location, I'll come meet you."
"John, that's -."
"Sweetheart, please ," when he begs, his voice goes thin and ragged. He coughs to clear it - wet, hacking, and then groans in pain. 
"John, seriously, are you okay? Are you sick?"
"Did you get my messages?"
"You sent a lot of messages, man. I haven't had a chance to go through them all."
"Oh." He pauses, sniffles, hacks a bit more. "Ran into your ex."
"Phil?" you breathe, eyes darting to the window instinctively, as if even just mentioning his name could summon him. "When did you see Phil?"
"Right as you were pulling out of that cafe."
"You're sure it was him?" Your voice sounds far away, but you can't even concentrate on that when your brain's running in circles trying to figure out why Phil would get so close without accosting you.
"Can't imagine anyone else would want to unload two cans of mace on me."
You blink stupidly at your phone for a minute. On the other end, John just keeps grumbling about his sense of smell. "Seriously, bunny, come ho -."
"He did what!? " you shriek, belatedly.
"It's no matter, sweetheart, but I can't find you now unless you tell me where you are, okay? Please tell me where you are." Something about the way that's phrased should strike you as odd, but you're too busy hyperventilating about the fact that your dogshit life choices have gone and gotten poor John involved. Two cans of mace, what the fuck?
"John, I'm so sorry. I never should have even been there, shit , are you okay? Did you go to the hospital?" There had been witnesses hanging around; you remember how they'd watched you and John warily. Surely they'd have called for help when Phil attacked him and -. "Wait, is Phil still there?"
"No," John growls. There's no other word for it. John's got a deep, scratchy voice as is, but in this state it's down right animalistic. "Bit his ear off and the coward scarpered before authorities arrived."
You blink again. "Huh?"
"Cops were slow getting there. Laswell says they had a busy day with -."
"No, before that. Did you say you bit Phil's ear off? "
"Oh. Yeah. Couldn't exactly fight, blinded and all. Just kinda instinct."
"Okay there, Iron Mike…" there are important follow up questions you should be asking. About PEP and therapy, probably, but all you can think about is John covered in Phil's blood and while it should disturb you, it very much doesn't. 
"Bunny. Focus, sweetheart, please. Where are you?"
"Uh. Buffalo, Wyoming. I'd give you the address of the motel, but I don't think they legally exist anywhere."
John barely hums, unamused. "Can you send me your location, honey?"
You chew your lip, debating. It's one thing to feel like right shit about what happened, another thing to overlook the entire reason you'd been mad at him. "You never explained how you knew about Phil."
John sighs, shuffles around a bit. You think you can hear Simon in the background, but then a door shuts and it's quiet on his end. "Wasn't lying, sweetheart. Graves came into the bar looking for you. Soap ID'd him, didn't think anything of it when he said you'd probably come around later. Well, you didn't, obviously - thankfully -, so Graves apparently hung out for a good few hours, just asking about you and saying some vaguely threatening things to Soap. Simon threw him out, then took his name from Soap and called up Gaz - my old bartender; you haven't met him yet. Together they did some digging and found out all about Phil, and when they brought this all to my attention, I kind of panicked. Tracked you down, scared you. Sorry about -."
"How did you track me down?"
He hesitates. "Only yellow Wrangler in the area."
You huff, frustrated that it's a good answer, and then glance back to the window warily when you realize your car hasn't stopped being conspicuous.
"Bunny, you should be here. We can help you."
You try not to think about how sad he sounds. "You said you did some digging on him?"
"Basic stuff. Residence, employment -."
"He knows someone high up. I think military, but like… way up there. He's slippery. Nothing sticks to him." You're not sure if you're warning John, or yourself. 'Don't get your hopes up,' you want to say. 'There is no "stand your ground" on this.'
"All the more reason you should be here." His voice borders on anger, but for once, you don't even flinch. John is not mad at you.
"What are you gonna do if he turns up again? Bite his other ear off?"
"I'll eat him alive if I ever see him again," John growls, and you gulp, try to remember now is not the time to start wondering if you're maybe into… well, not cannibalism; that brings to mind Anthony Hopkins, fancy wine, and bone china. But you would have paid good money to see John bite Phil's ear off, and you don't know what that says about you. Not trusting your voice, you just share your location with him and smile to yourself when he checks the notification and sighs in relief. "Thank you, bunny."
You hum, settle further into your bed. "I'll start heading back in the morning." You don't mean to sound so sheepish, but it's hard not to be embarrassed by your blind panic when John made it all sound so easy. Sometimes you forget how little experience you have with healthy relationships until you do something as childish as running away to the next state instead of asking a clarifying question.
Blessedly, John doesn't seem to mind too much. "Simon and I'll start heading your way tonight. Keep your phone on for me, okay love?"
The pet name takes you by surprise, makes your voice catch in your throat. "Okay."
He pauses, clearly having noticed. "You alright?"
"Yeah," you croak, very clearly not. "Could you stay on the phone with me while I fall asleep?"
"Oh, sweetheart," he breathes, "of course."
"I'm sorry I thought you were spying on me," you blubber. 
You're not sure if he knows what exactly you're referring to, but he takes it in stride anyway. "Can't blame you for being paranoid considering everything, bunny."
"And I'm sorry you got maced 'cause of me."
"That's not on y -."
"And I'm sorry I didn't even know about it 'cause I was too busy running away like a coward."
John huffs, coughs. "Not cowardice, bunny. I think if I -."
"You make me feel safe, John. I don't know why I didn't stay." You'd be surprised if he understood that one, what with all the broken sobs. Absently, you worry about the income of the girl next door. Loud weeping can't be good for the mood, you'd assume.
"Oh, bunny, you're still safe. You've got yourself a nice den tonight, yeah? With a door and a proper bolt?"
"Yeah," you sniffle, and John hums in approval.
"And I'll stay on the line with you. All night if you want. And tomorrow we should meet up around Billings, it looks like. I'll drive back with you, keep you safe."
You sigh, rational thought creeping in. "You guys don't have to meet me halfway, you know? I can just -."
"We're driving down and that's final. I won't be able to sleep anyway."
"Okay," you mumble, not at all mad about the outcome. The conversation peters a bit and you assume he's trying to let you sleep but your mind is still too busy so you pull up maps to check the route you'll take tomorrow. Billings is much closer to you than half way, but you suppose that makes sense if they start driving tonight.
He's so fucking sweet.
"I miss you," you blurt, close your eyes when you hear how vulnerable it makes you sound.
"Miss you too, sweetheart. I hope you know I'm not letting you sleep outside my bed for at least a month after this." Part of you wants to find fault in his words, fret over the way he presumes to control you.
Mostly, you're too tired.
"And I miss my fucking bear," you pout.
John coughs - or maybe laughs -, clears his throat. "I'm sure your bear misses you too."
You sniffle, listen to John do the same and think about his poor sinuses. You're gonna make him so much fucking tea with honey after all this he's gonna think you're trying to drown him.
"Try to fall asleep for me, love, okay? I'm gonna start getting ready."
"Are you -?"
"I'll stay on the line. Got an earbud in so Simon can mind his own business."
You smirk, sure that if Simon's paying attention at all, it's out of concern more so than jugement. You're not sure how you know this, considering you've only spoken to the silent man a handful of times, but you remember how he calls you 'pet,' how he seemed genuinely happy that his boss was getting laid. "Tell him I said thanks. Oh, who's watching the bar?"
"Senior staff, bunny," John chuckles, "don't worry about it."
"Is Simon mad to be leaving his boyfriend?" you whisper, conspiratorially. 
"Stoic as always, but Soap's right pissed about being left behind," he murmurs back. You hear Simon shout something and John covers his mouth piece to return fire. "Ears like a fucking elephant, that one," he grumbles when he returns. "Alright, bunny, I'm gonna mute myself so you can work on sleeping but I'm still here, okay? Sleep tight, see you soon."
"Okay, John. Drive safe."
"Will do, love," he whispers, and then the line goes quiet. 
Checking the time code, just to be sure, you sigh happily when you see it's still counting. You remember to plug your phone in for once, and snuggle deeper into the scratchy bedding. "I miss your bed," you confide within the silent room, and watch the timer tick on. He's heard you, presumably, but he's got the right idea about you getting some sleep so you content yourself with silence. It would surprise you, how quickly you fall asleep, if you were awake enough to take note of it.
You're back in the Jeep, frigid in the drafty cab. You feel around for your blankets, but find yourself tangled in them, difficult to move. 'Must be snowing out, then,' you muse, and open your eyes to find the sky clear and cloudless, crescent moon casting wan light - just enough to see the tops of the pines dipping in and out of view as the wind pushes at them. 
"Fuck," you grumble, jaw heavy with sleep. You feel around for your phone to check the forecast, convinced something isn't right. It eludes your grasp but calls to you with John's voice. 
'-here, bunny,' it says, voice urgent like it has a winter storm warning to issue you.
"'S'a bit late, eh?" you try to quip, but you're still very sleepy and it's very cold, and your lips don't quite move the way they're supposed to. 
You find a warm patch amongst your blankets and drift a bit, time distorting around the edges as it does when you're not fully awake. It feels like hours have passed, but the moon never moves, and your phone is still desperately trying to get your attention. You blink and the bear's outside the window, banging on it with human hands. 
"Hey there, big guy," you mumble. It's a fox when it turns to you, eyes too blue, hair too light, and you squint at it suspiciously as the moonlight shifts into a warmer, incandescent shade.
"'Lo, darling."
"Shit!" You hiss, leaping to your feet. The movement sends your phone flying and you watch in horror as it lands with a small crunch at Phil's feet. The call doesn't end. You hear John's muffled voice from across the room, yelling something that doesn't sound aimed at you. Phil, seated on the only chair around, leans forward just enough to stare apathetically back down at it. He stands, takes a step closer to you, crushes your phone under his boot in the process.
Heart jackrabbiting in your chest, your gaze darts from Phil to the door. You make a run for it without even thinking it through, get clotheslined for your troubles. Phil plants a heavy boot on either side of you and leans down close, puts his mean face right up next to yours. You look at him - really look at him - for the first time in months; maybe years, considering how long you'd been avoiding him. He looks a little gaunt, chiseled down to sharp angles. The top of his ear looks like it was sawed off: gnarled and folded, stringy. It stinks like rot and looks like he may have tried to cauterize it, judging by the waxy quality of the skin that remains.
You used to think he was handsome. 
"Phil," you hedge, but he smiles down at you with no warmth and you shut your mouth just as quickly.
"You know, I've had months to think about it, and I'm still not sure what I want to say to you. Not so sure I want to say anything at all," he drawls. You gulp, afraid to incite him even more. This is new. A quiet Phil was a plotting Phil. You'd expected screaming, physicality, but he's barely even touching you. 
"Phil, please," you whisper. He shoots you a warning glance but you ignore it, croaking past the lump in your throat, "we don't have to do this. We can each just leave. You won, right? You found me, you've made it clear I'm not safe." He leans closer and you flinch, sobbing, "We can just be done." 
"Now, see, if you'd just said that instead of running away and making me look stupid, maybe I'd agree." He's lying - you've tried that -, but mentioning that won't help. "But you didn't do that, did you? You know how it looks to have a fat little bitch like you walk out on a man like me?" 
"You could've told people you'd sent me packing," you counter, and he backhands you for it. You gasp and palm the side of your face, ear ringing. 
"Don't think we're even yet," he grins, angling his bad ear toward you. 
You're not sure where the instinct comes from - or where it was all those years you'd been with Phil either; perhaps lying in wait for when you needed it most -, but the second he exposes his wound to you, you're calculating, grabbing for the shattered remains of your phone and shoving it up against the tender flesh. It stings, cutting into your palm, but that just means there are indeed sharp bits caught between your flesh and his so you press harder, following him when he reels backward and letting the momentum bring you to your feet. You dart over to the dresser, presence of mind enough at least to grab your keys before dashing madly out the door and towards your car. 'Billings,' you think wildly, spamming the unlock button on your fob, 'just have to make it to Billings.'
You can't believe your luck when you reach the Jeep first. You grab for the handle, get the door halfway open, but then your face is thrown into it and you collapse, dazed, half in your car and half out.
Behind you, Phil pants, probably more in pain than exhaustion considering he's always been a quick shit. When you glance over your shoulder, you're pleased to see him bloodied again, but the pleasure's short-lived as the motion makes it feel like your brain is no longer connected to your optic nerves. You slide to your knees on the pavement, head briefly propped in the footwell of your car. There's a voice in your head that's seen one too many movies urging you to move before Phil closes the door on your head, so you keep falling until you're laying flat out on the pavement, stomach churning violently at the sudden movement. 
"Headache, darlin'?" You fight to focus, find Phil glowering despite his chipper voice. You don't answer, kick at him weakly instead. He catches your foot easily, keeps it pinned against the runner of your Wrangler. He laughs darkly. "My, look at you, doll. Got more fight in ya than you did before, I'll give you that. Cleverer, too. Doubling back after Gillette - that your idea, or your man's?"
You're so confused, head filled with cotton balls. Your man? Isn't he your man?
"Might've worked, had you not driven right past me in this fuckin' Jeep," he chuckles. "Bad luck there. What's your man call you? Bunny?"
Right, that's your man. You peer around, looking for him. "John?"
"Think your luck might've run out, rabbit. Back left, yeah?"
You blink, uncomprehending, and then scream in pain when he stomps on your raised ankle hard enough to break it.
Okay I'm not happy about it either, but while hemming and hawing about whether or not I wanted to be a cheesy horror writer and hobble my character, I remembered I literally have a bad luck rabbit tattoo (on the same sleeve as my bear tattoo, no less) and I am nothing if not a cheesy horror trope fan first and foremost.
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dustedmagazine · 8 days
Mope Grooves — Box of Dark Roses (12XU)
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Box of Dark Roses presents the final 27 songs written, arranged and recorded by trans activist and musician stevie (Pohlman), a massive two-LP set that showcases her DIY art, passionate engagement and close links to other trans advocates, poets and revolutionaries.
Mope Grooves emerged in Portland, Oregon in the late teens, with a brash but vulnerable guitar rock sound and a message, from the beginning, about gender identity, inclusion and mental health. Their early albums, Joy and Vanished from 2017 and 2018 respectively, bristled with punk energy, with shouted anthems and loose-slung, infectious melodies. Dusted’s Jason Gioncontere called Desire, the band’s fourth album, “their most cohesive set yet,” late in 2019. And Portland’s Ben Parrish who caught them early and fell hard, wrote of an early show, “And Mope Grooves—Pohlman’s band—broke my brain. Imagine if somebody ran records by The Raincoats, The Clean, Beat Happening, Tyvek, and Marine Girls through a wood chipper and glued the pieces into a new super-record.”
Musically, Box of Dark Roses is more keyboard- and synthesizer-based than Mope Grooves’ earlier album, an uneasy sweetness percolating in its gentle melodies. The soft pretty songs are, in some ways, the most disturbing. “Forever Is a Long Time” pits tootling organ riffs against a sing-song melody, but sharpens the edge with rattling, off-kilter drumming. “Aileen” floats hauntingly graceful vocals over space-video-game pinging and rushing drums. “They’ll tell you you’re a criminal for paying them back in kind, but in the dark, in the wild, in the heart of the night, it is right to fight,” sings band member Lee. It’s a bracing sentiment in a song dedicated to Aileen Wuornos, a sex worker from Florida who killed seven of her clients, purportedly in self-defense. And “I’m Tired All the Time,” with its music box chimes, spiraling fiddle and slapping, just-behind-the-beat percussion, is a lullaby or a suicide note, depending on how you hear it.
Politics turn more explicit in the tracks with extensive spoken word incorporated. Marilyn Buck, the poet and May 19 Communist organization revolutionary best known for freeing Assata Shakur from the Clinton Correctional Facility for Women in New Jersey, speaks on a handful of cuts, including the opener “Controlled Burn” and “Here Comes the Moon.” The song “Continuity and Intensity,” tells the story of the Black Liberation Army’s Kuwasi Balagoon, who, when put on trial, declared, “We have a right to resist, to expropriate money and arms, to kill the enemy of our people, to bomb, and do whatever else aids us in winning, and we will win. The foundation of the revolution must rest on the bones of the oppressors.” The song “Dora” recites a detailed account of gender oppression in Weimar, Germany and the suppression of Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Research.  The ratio of polemic to hook is pretty high on these tracks, but these were issues that mattered to stevie, and, as such, they belong here.
Box of Dark Roses was made near the end of stevie’s life (she killed herself in 2024), after a long struggle against gender dysphoria, physical and mental health issues, poverty and sporadic homelessness. In a lengthy, revealing essay included as liner notes, she writes, “I funded the recording process and the deposit on my surgeries by submitting my body to hyper-exploitation. I worked vanilla jobs 40-70 hours a week most of the time before relying increasingly on the informal economy. I was frequently in severe pain and losing work from chronic disabling illnesses that are aggravated by intense labor.”
And yet, though her suffering was real, she never lost sight of how much worse off others could be, particularly black and brown trans people. Before her death she stipulated that all profits from Box of Dark Roses should go to “gender marginalized survivors incarcerated as punishment for defending themselves, either directly to their fundraisers/commissary funds or thru the Survived and Punished NY mutual aid fund.”   This is a difficult, important record, a whole different experience from Mope Grooves’ earlier lo-fi garage albums, but well worth making time for.
Jennifer Kelly
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ohmygodshesinsane · 1 year
Hi all!
After a month (and a bit!) of creating Jily Microfics​ I’ve decided to do a bit of a round-up and create a masterlist for ease of navigation! Most fics are drabbles or double drabbles, but all are under 3k words. They’re all canon-compliant (except for the noted AUs) but aren’t necessarily canon with each other if that makes sense. So, here we goooo.
James the Barbarian - Lily isn't impressed by James' costume. James isn't impressed by her lack of impression.
divining (and other attempts at connection) - James has to keep his cool when Lily agrees to help him.
spellcheck - In a gesture of goodwill, Lily offers to check James' essay, but soon notices a problem. James takes issue with part of her critique.
Ogden’s & Sympathy - James and the Marauders try to process Lily's criticisms.
Charm All Over -  Lily does her best to maintain the status quo and hate Potter, but he makes it difficult sometimes.
live a little -  James extends a definitely-friendly invitation to Lily as they teeter on a precipe.
gloom - James isn't the right person to do it, but he tries anyway.
Tossing Rocks At Your Window - Lily acts as an intermediary between James and the ex-girlfriend he wants to win back.
A Dangerous Game - At a certain point, it's inevitable, a meteor streaking towards them. But Lily knows the consequences and so she avoids, avoids, avoids. For both their sakes.
now or never - Lily has to race against time to tell James the truth. A week earlier, James made a confession. 
at least we were electrified - Seven weeks. Seven years. What difference? Or: Lily and James' relationship escalates. It's difficult to know when it began.
the lion of gryffindor - Lily and Sirius always gang up on him.
Abbey Road - Lily quizzes James, with Sirius' input.
inter-house unity (badgers, not bees) - James and Lily are invited to a springtime party in the name of inter-house unity.
The Modesty Thing - For the first time, James can't believe his eyes. Lily isn't having it.
In Liverpool - Lily takes James to his very first football match.
karma is my boyfriend - Lily gets what she never thought she would have.
Of Brooms and Bicycles - Lily gets James to try something muggle.
Long Live - James unloads a photograph as he helps Lily move in.
jam on toast - Lily's breakfast is sacred, and not to be interrupted by a needy would-be quidditch player.
bones -  Lily has a favourite, in typical healer fashion. James knows it.
boring - Lily and James go into a back garden at a wedding reception.
scrapbook -  James and Lily attempt to put a DIY photo album together.
Painting With Evans - Lily has a specific vision for the nursery.
wand shopping - James and Lily go to Ollivander's on a hot summer's day. They're getting in early.
Hidden - James and Lily are infiltrating a Death Eater hideout, but their cover is nearly blown.
the art of seduction -  James and Lily test a potion under a watchful eye.
fury - James returns after a mission gone wrong and a week of being unaccounted for.
a mouse, a stag, and/or a homeless hag -  James, Lily, and the others try to come up with a plan to infiltrate the Death Eaters. They're a bit out of ideas.
what it’s become - When Lily hears that a relative of an Order member has been killed, she spirals thinking about her own loved ones.
koi fish - Lily loses herself in a pond - or tries to find herself.
the smell of smoke (hangs around this long) - A question not asked, and never entirely answered. What is trust to desperation? (Lily and James talk after a battle).
growing old (a farce by james potter) - James and Lily pick costumes for Sirius' 22nd birthday party.
Flaming Sticks and Motley -  Though but a servant, Lily cannot respect the ridiculous Duke of Peverell. Medieval AU. 
Half A World Away -  Half a world away from home, James and Lily discuss the forsaken loves that brought them to Havana. They have more in common than they might think. Pirate AU.
Room 509 -  Lily is loathe to call for assistance when she finds herself locked out of her dorm room. James is all too happy to help. University AU.
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pap-da-coconut · 1 year
hi! have you moved to a different blog or are you just not posting anymore? :)
Hello! uh.. yeah, i have to come clean: I've kind of abandoned Tumblr right now - just... not because I wanted to.
Ok sorry this might be a bit of a infodump - probably not what you wanted but anyway.
I kinda fucked everything up, huh? It all started with some mental health issues, which then spiralled into shame because I didn't respond to so many lovely asks. So I started avoiding opening Tumblr completely. (good idea yes)
And then I had to start preparing for my uni entrance exams, making my portfolio and such. Then the second rounds of entrance exams (which take three gruelling days). All this time I've spent thinking about Tumblr and I was horribly ashamed.
And when i finally thought i could return and... fix (?) things I've realised that i've yet to graduate high school, which. uh ohs. i haven't done anything for that + our teachers just straight up abandoned us in this one so its kind of a... DIY process and i'm. breaking down.
ANYWAY! I'm supposed to have the speaking exams (the final part) on the 17th of May and THEN. THEN i'm gonna be FREE of this GODDAMNED INSTITUION (which lowkey is one of the things that ruined my mental health in the first place) and then I want to start posting again. for real this time. I just hope that they'll let me pass (even if solely on the basis of having straight As all 8 years XD).
I apologise to all of you who have sent asks and din't get a response. I do appreciate it and I love all of you but sometimes I'm just a dumb brick that can't deal even w simple things.
And lastly, thank you anon for sending this ask, which broke through my massive wall of shame and finally forced me to..god, to open this site after like half a year? sfgfhd oh no im so sorry fhghm
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b-blushes · 1 year
one thing about me is that i like to turn a regular easy task (such as replacing recently smashed beloved mug) into a pointlessly intricate multi-step process that's spiralled way beyond the original objective (i can only find the base of this mug which was a one of a kind decoration by an artist like 10 years ago in a 6 pack of blank ones or designs i don't like -> i don't really want a plain white one -> what if i decorated my own -> how does one diy decal fine china with just an oven at your house)
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treeaestheticswa · 2 months
Stump Grinding Is it Right For Your Yard?
A rotting stump can attract wood-eating pests like termites and carpenter ants to your property, destroying other trees and plants and possibly invading your home. Stump grinding is an environmentally friendly way to get rid of these unwanted pests, while also creating a more visually appealing yard. Stump grinding is a quick, relatively cost-effective, and DIY-friendly alternative to tree removal. However, it’s important to weigh all the factors involved before deciding whether to tackle the project on your own or hire a professional service. In some cases, hiring a professional may be worth the extra expense to save you time and hassle, and ensure a safe and quality job. Stumps are unsightly and take up valuable space, making them difficult to use or enjoy in your landscape. Even worse, they can create tripping hazards and provide hiding places for dangerous pests to hide out. Stumps can also cause soil erosion and deterioration around the base of the stump, which can lead to further damage or expensive repairs in the future. Stump grinding not only improves the appearance of your yard, but can also increase curb appeal and value for your home. There are a few instances when stump grinding is not the best option, including when a large number of above-ground roots need to be removed, the stump is located in a hard-to-reach spot that requires equipment access, or it is too close to a building or foundation that could be damaged during the process. In these instances, consulting a professional can help determine the most appropriate method to meet your goals and budget. When evaluating your options for removing a tree stump, the first thing you need to consider is the size of the stump. Is it small, medium, or large? Then you will need to consider other factors like how much time you have to work on the project and how close it is to flammable objects, other trees, or buildings. To grind a stump, an arborist uses a machine called a stump grinder, which shaves away the top of the stump and buries the remains below ground level. A professional will assess the area and make sure that it is safe to work in, including ensuring there are no obstacles like rocks or other debris in the way. In addition, the operator will check to see if there are any nearby power lines or other structures that need to be protected from the grinding process. Once the safety checks are complete, the stump grinder can begin its work. Smaller grinders typically run on gas, while larger ones are powered by diesel fuel. They use a rotating blade with teeth arranged in a spiral to cut into the stump and break it up into smaller pieces. The resulting mulch can then be used to cover the stump and prevent it from growing back or attracting pests. After a stump is ground, some clients prefer to replant the area with grass or another tree, which can be done either by physically removing the root ball or using a chemical method. If you have this in mind, be sure to communicate it with your arborist so they can grind the stump deep enough for proper replanting. via https://treeaestheticswa.wordpress.com/2024/08/04/stump-grinding-is-it-right-for-your-yard/
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gsinfotechvispvtltd · 3 months
The 7 Most Ridiculous Procrastination Stories You Won't Believe Are Real!
Procrastination is a universal struggle that we've all experienced at some point in our lives. Whether it's putting off important tasks or delaying deadlines, the art of procrastination can lead to some truly absurd and unbelievable situations. In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of procrastination and share seven stories that will leave you in awe of the lengths people will go to avoid their responsibilities. Get ready to be shocked, amused, and perhaps even inspired to tackle your own procrastination habits as we explore these ridiculously unreal procrastination stories!
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The Epic Netflix Binge: In this story, we'll uncover the tale of a person who managed to binge-watch an entire TV series in one sitting, completely ignoring their looming deadlines and responsibilities. Find out how this procrastinator turned their living room into a personal cinema and paid the price for their epic binge-watching session.
The Last-Minute All-Nighter: Prepare to be amazed by the incredible story of a procrastinator who left an important project until the very last minute, resulting in a sleepless night fueled by caffeine and desperation. Discover the surprising outcome of this adrenaline-fueled race against time.
The Cleaning Frenzy: Uncover the bizarre tale of a person who found themselves scrubbing and organizing every corner of their living space instead of tackling their pressing tasks. Explore the lengths to which this procrastinator went to avoid their responsibilities, and the unexpected consequences that followed.
The Social Media Rabbit Hole: In this story, we'll delve into the world of endless scrolling and mindless clicking. Witness the captivating journey of a procrastinator who spiraled down the social media rabbit hole, losing hours of productivity in the process. Discover the surprising discoveries and distractions that awaited them.
The "Just One More Level" Gamer: Prepare to be mesmerized by the story of a procrastinator who found themselves trapped in the virtual world of gaming, unable to tear themselves away from the allure of "just one more level." Learn about the triumphs and setbacks that resulted from their gaming obsession.
The DIY Disaster: Uncover the comedic tale of a procrastinator who decided to embark on an ambitious do-it-yourself project instead of completing their important tasks. Explore the hilarious mishaps and unexpected challenges that arose, leaving the procrastinator with a mess to clean up.
The Unlikely Excuse: In this final story, we'll reveal the most ridiculous excuse a procrastinator came up with to avoid facing their responsibilities. Prepare to be astounded by the creativity and audacity of this procrastinator's excuse, and the consequences they faced as a result.
Conclusion Procrastination can lead to some truly unbelievable situations, as we've discovered in these seven ridiculous stories. From epic Netflix binges to last-minute all-nighters, these procrastinators took avoidance to new heights. While these stories may elicit laughter and disbelief, they also serve as a reminder of the importance of managing our time and focusing on our goals. So, let these tales of procrastination serve as a lesson and motivation to overcome our own tendencies to delay and embrace a more productive and fulfilling path.
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luluave · 3 months
Diy Guide: How to Create Your Own Custom Helix Earrings
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Creating your own custom helix earrings can be a fun and rewarding experience. Whether you're a jewelry-making enthusiast or a beginner looking to dive into a new hobby, this guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. From gathering materials to the final touches, you’ll learn how to make beautiful, personalized helix earrings that reflect your unique style.
Introduction to Helix Earrings
Helix earrings are a type of cartilage piercing located on the upper ear. They have become increasingly popular due to their versatile and stylish appearance. Unlike traditional lobe earrings, helix earrings require specific materials and designs that can comfortably fit the curvature of the ear's cartilage. Similarly, helix conch piercings, located in the inner part of the ear, also need particular designs for comfort and style. Making your own custom helix jewelry allows you to experiment with different designs, materials, and techniques.
Materials You’ll Need
Before you start crafting your helix earrings, you’ll need to gather the following materials:
Jewelry Wire: Choose a high-quality wire, such as sterling silver, gold-filled, or surgical steel. These materials are hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive ears.
Wire Cutters: Essential for cutting the jewelry wire to the desired length.
Round Nose Pliers: Used to shape the wire into curves and loops.
Flat Nose Pliers: Helpful for flattening and manipulating the wire.
Beads and Charms: Select a variety of beads, gemstones, and charms to personalize your earrings.
Earring Backs and Findings: These include jump rings, earring hooks, and stud posts, which are necessary for assembling your earrings.
Step-by-Step Guide
Designing Your Earrings
as well as the types of beads and charms you want to include. Additionally, think about designs for helix conch earrings, which require special consideration due to their placement in the inner part of the ear. Keep in mind that both helix and helix conch earrings should be lightweight and comfortable to wear.
Cutting the Wire
Using your wire cutters, cut a piece of jewelry wire to the desired length. For a standard helix earring, you’ll typically need a piece of wire about 1-2 inches long. If you're creating a more intricate design, you may need a longer piece.
Shaping the Wire
Use your round nose pliers to create a small loop at one end of the wire. This loop will serve as the anchor point for beads and charms. Gently bend the wire into the desired shape for your earring, whether it’s a simple hoop, a spiral, or a custom shape you’ve designed.
Adding Beads and Charms
Thread your selected beads and charms onto the wire. Experiment with different arrangements to see what looks best. You can use a combination of small and large beads, or create a pattern with different colors and textures. Once you’re satisfied with the arrangement, use your round nose pliers to create another loop at the opposite end of the wire to secure the beads in place.
Assembling the Earring
Attach the earring hook or stud post to the top loop of your earring using a jump ring. Use your flat nose pliers to carefully open the jump ring, slide it through the loop, and then close it securely. If you’re making a stud earring, attach the stud post directly to the back of the earring.
Finishing Touches
Inspect your earring for any sharp edges or rough spots. Use your pliers to smooth out any imperfections. Make sure all beads and charms are securely attached and that the earring is comfortable to wear. Repeat the process to create the matching earring for the pair.
Tips for Success
Practice Makes Perfect: Don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts aren’t perfect. Jewelry making takes practice, and each piece you create will improve your skills.
Use Quality Materials: Investing in high-quality materials will ensure that your earrings are durable and safe to wear. Avoid using cheap metals that can cause irritation or allergic reactions.
Experiment with Designs: Don’t be afraid to try new designs and techniques. Experimenting with different shapes, beads, and charms will help you discover your unique style.
Stay Organized: Keep your materials and tools organized to make the crafting process smoother and more enjoyable.
Advanced Techniques
Once you’ve mastered the basics of making helix earrings, you can explore more advanced techniques to elevate your designs:
Wire Wrapping
Wire wrapping is a technique that involves wrapping thin wire around beads or gemstones to create intricate designs. This technique can add a professional touch to your earrings and allows for greater creativity in your designs.
For a more permanent and durable finish, consider learning how to solder your jewelry pieces. Soldering involves using a small torch to melt and fuse metal components together. This technique requires additional tools and safety precautions but can result in high-quality, long-lasting earrings.
Incorporating Mixed Media
Experiment with incorporating different materials into your helix earrings, such as leather, fabric, or resin. Mixed media designs can create unique and eye-catching earrings that stand out.
Caring for Your Helix Earrings
To ensure your custom helix earrings last a long time and remain in good condition, follow these care tips:
Clean Regularly: Clean your earrings regularly with a soft cloth and mild soap to remove any dirt or oils. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the metal or beads.
Store Properly: Store your earrings in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. Use a jewelry box or pouch to prevent them from getting scratched or tangled.
Handle with Care: Be gentle when putting on or taking off your earrings to avoid bending or breaking the wire.
Creating your own custom helix earrings is a fulfilling and enjoyable activity that allows you to express your creativity and personal style. With the right materials, tools, and techniques, you can craft beautiful, unique earrings that are perfect for yourself or as gifts for others. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced jewelry maker, this DIY guide provides the foundation you need to start making your own helix earrings. So gather your supplies, unleash your creativity, and enjoy the process of making your own custom jewelry!
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essentialcatering · 4 months
10 Budget-Friendly Wedding Catering Hacks
Planning a wedding is an exhilarating journey filled with dreams of love, commitment, and celebration. However, amidst the whirlwind of excitement, the reality of budget constraints often sets in, especially when it comes to catering—an integral part of any memorable wedding experience. From embracing buffet-style dining to harnessing the bounty of seasonal ingredients, these budget-friendly wedding catering Melbourne hacks promise to elevate your wedding culinary experience while keeping costs in check. 
Opt for Buffet Style
Buffet-style catering offers several advantages over plated meals, particularly when it comes to cost. With a buffet, you can eliminate the need for individual plating and serving staff, reducing labour costs significantly. Additionally, buffets allow guests to serve themselves, which can create a more relaxed and casual atmosphere. Work with your caterer to design a buffet menu that offers a variety of options to suit different tastes and dietary preferences.
Choose Seasonal Ingredients
One of the easiest ways to save money on wedding catering is by selecting seasonal ingredients for your menu. Seasonal produce is not only fresher and more flavorful but also more affordable, as it is typically abundant and readily available. Work with your caterer to create a menu that highlights the best seasonal ingredients, whether it's a summer salad bursting with ripe tomatoes or a hearty autumn stew filled with seasonal squash and root vegetables.
DIY Appetisers
DIY appetisers are not only cost-effective but also fun and interactive for guests. Consider setting up stations where guests can build their own bruschettas, assemble their own fruit and cheese platters, or even create their own mini sliders. Not only does this approach save money on catering staff, but it also encourages guests to mingle and interact with each other.
Embrace Food Trucks
Food trucks have become increasingly popular at weddings in recent years, and for good reason. Not only do they offer a wide variety of delicious options, from tacos to gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, but they also tend to be more affordable than traditional catering options. Plus, food trucks add a fun and unexpected element to your wedding reception, making it a memorable experience for you and your guests.
Limit Alcohol Options
Alcohol costs can quickly add up, so consider limiting your bar options to beer, wine, and a signature cocktail or two. You can also opt for a consumption-based bar, where you only pay for what is actually consumed, rather than a flat rate per person. Additionally, consider offering non-alcoholic alternatives like sparkling water or lemonade to keep costs down.
Serve Brunch or Lunch
Hosting a daytime wedding can be a budget-friendly option, particularly when it comes to catering. Brunch and lunch menus tend to be more affordable than dinner menus, featuring items like eggs, pastries, and salads. Plus, who doesn't love a mimosa or bloody mary bar? Hosting a daytime wedding also allows you to take advantage of natural lighting and outdoor venues, further enhancing the overall ambiance of your special day.
Skip the Champagne Toast
While a champagne toast may seem like a wedding staple, it's not necessary to impress your guests. Consider skipping the champagne toast altogether or offering a more budget-friendly alternative like sparkling wine or prosecco. Most guests won't even notice the difference, and you'll save a significant amount of money in the process.
Go Minimalistic with Decor
Decor costs can quickly spiral out of control, so consider taking a minimalist approach to wedding decor. Simple and elegant decor not only looks chic but also helps you save on rental and floral costs. Opt for timeless pieces like white table linens, candles, and greenery, which can create a sophisticated and romantic ambiance without breaking the bank.
Choose a Non-Traditional Venue
Venue costs can be one of the biggest expenses when it comes to wedding planning, so think outside the box when selecting a location for your reception. Consider non-traditional venues like parks, beaches, or even a friend or family member's backyard. These venues often have lower rental fees and may offer more flexibility when it comes to catering options, allowing you to save money without sacrificing style or ambiance.
Negotiate with Caterers
Don't be afraid to negotiate with caterers to get the best possible deal for your wedding. Ask about package deals, discounts for off-peak seasons, or any current promotions they may be offering. Many caterers are willing to work with you to meet your budgetary needs, so don't hesitate to ask for a better deal.
Planning a budget-friendly wedding doesn't mean sacrificing quality or style, particularly when it comes to catering. By implementing these 10 clever hacks, you can serve up a delicious and memorable feast for your guests without breaking the bank. With a little creativity, strategic planning, and willingness to think outside the box, your wedding reception will be a celebration to remember for years to come, without leaving a dent in your wallet.
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johnnymarkssh · 4 months
How Many Types of Threading Taps Are There?
Threading taps are essential tools in the manufacturing and metalworking industries. They are used to cut the internal threads in a hole, allowing for the insertion of screws and bolts. Threading taps come in various types, each designed for specific applications and materials. Understanding the different types of threading taps can help you choose the right one for your project, ensuring precision and efficiency.
Hand taps
Hand taps are the most commonly used type of threading taps. They are typically used for general-purpose threading in a variety of materials. Hand taps are usually available in sets of three: taper tap, plug tap, and bottoming tap.
Taper tap: This tap has a gradual taper to its cutting edges, which helps in starting the threading process. It is ideal for initiating a thread in a hole.
Plug tap: With fewer tapered threads than the taper tap, the plug tap is used to deepen the threads initiated by the taper tap.
Bottoming tap: This tap has a very small taper, which allows it to cut threads to the bottom of a blind hole.
Machine taps
Machine taps, also known as spiral point taps, are designed for use with machines rather than hand tapping. These taps have a spiral point that helps to push chips ahead of the tap, preventing clogging and improving threading speed. Machine taps are highly efficient and produce consistent results, making them ideal for high-volume production.
Spiral flute taps
Spiral flute taps are similar to machine taps but with a helical flute design. This design helps in evacuating chips out of the hole, making them suitable for threading blind holes in softer materials like aluminum and copper. The spiral flute also reduces the chances of thread damage and ensures a smoother finish.
Pipe taps
Pipe taps are specialized taps designed for creating threads in pipes and pipe fittings. They come in two main types: taper pipe taps and straight pipe taps.
Taper pipe taps: These taps create a tapered thread, which provides a tight seal for pipes carrying fluids and gases. The taper allows the threads to compress and create a seal as the pipe is tightened.
Straight pipe taps: These taps cut straight threads and are typically used for mechanical or structural applications where a sealing fit is not required.
Pipe taps are essential in plumbing and gas line installations, ensuring secure and leak-proof connections.
Thread forming taps
Unlike traditional cutting taps, thread forming taps do not cut the material but rather form it into the desired shape. These taps displace the material to create threads, resulting in stronger threads and longer tap life. Thread forming taps are ideal for materials like aluminum and copper, where the material's ductility allows for effective thread forming.
Choosing the right tap
When selecting a threading tap, it is important to consider the material you are working with, the type of hole (through or blind), and the thread standard required. Each type of tap is designed for specific conditions and materials, so using the appropriate tap can significantly improve the quality of the threads and the efficiency of the threading process.
In conclusion, understanding the different types of threading taps, including pipe taps, can help you achieve precise and reliable results in your threading operations. Whether you are working on a plumbing project, high-volume manufacturing, or a simple DIY task, selecting the right tap will ensure a successful outcome.
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scopeclean · 4 months
Why It’s Best to Leave Mold Removal to the Experts
Are you worried that mold may have infiltrated your property? Or, do you know mold has gained a foothold into your home and you want to make sure that it’s removed as completely as possible? All mold needs to grow is a bit of moisture. With that, it can damage your home as well as your health. For many years, we’ve provided the caliber of mold testing and mold removal Santa Clarita and the surrounding area deserve. Now, we can rid your property of mold.
The complexity of mold remediation demands professional expertise. Trained professionals are well-versed in various removal techniques tailored to the type of mold and its specific location. Their expertise ensures thorough and careful handling of mold, addressing the problem at its source and preventing future recurrences.
How Can Mold Damage Your Home? Mold, the stealthy invader, can silently undermine the very structure of your home or building if left unchecked. Its insidious growth can infiltrate various surfaces, from wood to tiles, cardboard to insulation, and even invading precious furniture and appliances. Over time, this unchecked growth can compromise the integrity of your walls and ceiling, leading to potential instability and costly repairs.
How Can Mold Damage Your Health? Prolonged exposure (or really, any exposure) can exacerbate allergies and asthma symptoms, posing a serious risk to health and well-being. By enlisting the expertise of professionals, you not only mitigate the risk of exposure but also ensure the thorough and effective removal of mold from your environment.
How Does Scope’s Mold Remediation Process Work? Our process begins with a meticulous inspection. There, our trained professionals assess the extent of the infestation and determine the necessary equipment and safety measures required for remediation. Every nook and cranny is scrutinized, leaving no hiding place for mold to thrive.
Then, we get right to work on containment and removal. Utilizing advanced technology and techniques, our specialists isolate the affected areas, employing negative air pressure, containment barriers, powerful air scrubbers, vacuums, and more to purge the mold from your environment.
Once containment is achieved, the cleanup and repair phase commences. We provide comprehensive cleaning services for all affected items, from removing odors to deodorizing, and restoring them to their pre-infestation state.
Can’t I Do My Own Mold Removal? Attempting a DIY mold removal or ignoring the problem altogether can prove costly in more ways than one. Beyond the expense of purchasing supplies and investing time, amateur attempts often fall short, allowing mold to proliferate unchecked.
What initially seems like a manageable task can swiftly spiral into a larger, more entrenched problem. Opting for professional intervention from the outset saves both time and money, sparing you the frustration of repeated efforts and the potential structural damage mold can inflict (to say nothing of the damage it can inflict on your health).
Thoroughness is key in mold eradication. Even a few overlooked spores can spark a resurgence, necessitating further intervention.
Superficial treatments may offer temporary relief, but unless every trace of mold is eliminated, recurrence is inevitable. We understand that mere scrubbing won’t suffice; unlike dirt, mold spores are resilient travelers, easily airborne and capable of infiltrating other areas, including your HVAC system. Disturbing mold without proper containment measures risks exacerbating the issue, as spores find new habitats in moist, dusty environments.
Worse still, amateur mold removers may not recognize the importance of safety. Recognizing the potential health hazards mold poses, our professional crews equip themselves with proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and employ safe chemical solutions in their removal procedures.
What Can Scope’s Techs Do That Others Can’t? Pros from Scope excel in mitigating cross-contamination risks during remediation. Our expertise extends to controlling airflow and proper disposal techniques, ensuring that mold doesn’t spread to uncontaminated areas. Embracing cutting-edge techniques and equipment, we leverage technological advancements to enhance safety and efficacy, prioritizing your family’s well-being.
Beyond the visible signs of mold, accurate evaluation is crucial. Mold can be elusive, lurking in hidden corners and crevices, evading detection by the untrained eye. Professional mold testing and inspection are essential to accurately assess the situation, pinpoint problem areas, and guide remediation efforts effectively.
Insider insights from our mold remediation experts arm you with preventive strategies, empowering you to have a better chance to maintain a mold-free environment.
By addressing underlying moisture and humidity issues, our professionals don’t just clean up; we eliminate the conditions conducive to mold growth, effectively banishing it for good. Investing in professional mold removal and mold testing Santa Clarita isn’t just about cleanliness; it’s a proactive measure to safeguard your home and your health against a persistent and potentially damaging threat.
More Than Just Mold Removal in Santa Clarita Beyond just the complete and utter removal of mold, we can also provide experienced water and fire damage restoration services as well. If you have even the slightest suspicion that mold may have wormed its way into your property, you can reach us through our site or call us 24/7.
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membraconuk · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Reverse Osmosis Filters: How They Work and Why You Need One
In the quest for clean, pure water, reverse osmosis filters stand as champions of filtration technology. From removing contaminants to enhancing taste, these systems have become a staple in many households and industries around the world. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the inner workings of reverse osmosis filters, explore their benefits, and explain why you need one in your life.
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Understanding Reverse Osmosis Filters
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that utilizes a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities from water. The principle behind RO is simple yet effective: it relies on pressure to force water molecules through a membrane, leaving behind contaminants and producing clean, purified water on the other side.
Here's how it works:
Pre-Filtration: Before water enters the RO membrane, it typically passes through one or more pre-filters to remove sediment, chlorine, and other larger particles.
RO Membrane: The heart of the system, the RO membrane, is a tightly wound spiral of semi-permeable material. It allows water molecules to pass through while blocking contaminants such as dissolved minerals, heavy metals, and bacteria.
Post-Filtration: After passing through the RO membrane, the purified water undergoes a final filtration stage to ensure any remaining impurities are removed. This may involve activated carbon filters to improve taste and odor.
Why You Need a Reverse Osmosis Filter
Improved Water Quality: Reverse osmosis filters effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, including chlorine, fluoride, lead, arsenic, and microorganisms, providing you with clean, safe drinking water.
Better Taste and Odor: By eliminating impurities that affect taste and odor, RO-filtered water tastes fresher and more enjoyable than tap water or water from other filtration systems.
Health Benefits: With its ability to remove harmful substances, RO-filtered water offers health benefits such as reducing the risk of gastrointestinal illnesses and exposure to potentially toxic chemicals.
Environmental Impact: Using a reverse osmosis filter at home can reduce the consumption of bottled water, which helps decrease plastic waste and lower your carbon footprint.
Versatility: Reverse osmosis systems can be installed under the sink or as whole-house systems, providing clean water for drinking, cooking, and household use.
Tips for Choosing a Reverse Osmosis Filter
When selecting a reverse osmosis filter for your home, consider the following factors:
Water Quality: Assess your water quality to determine the level of filtration required.
System Capacity: Choose a system with adequate capacity to meet your household's water demands.
Certifications: Look for filters certified by reputable organizations like NSF International to ensure performance and safety.
Maintenance: Consider the ease of maintenance and replacement of filters when comparing different systems.
Installation: Determine whether you prefer a DIY installation or professional installation services.
In Conclusion
Reverse osmosis filters offer an effective solution for obtaining clean, pure water in your home or business. By understanding how these systems work and the benefits they provide, you can make an informed decision to invest in a reverse osmosis filter that meets your needs. With clean, great-tasting water on tap, you'll enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing your water is safe and healthy for you and your family.
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nzfasteners1 · 5 months
Mastering the Art of Drilling: A Comprehensive Guide to Drill Bits
Unveiling the Tools That Drive Precision and Efficiency
Drilling is an essential aspect of various industries, from construction to manufacturing, and even in the realms of DIY projects. At the heart of this fundamental process lie the unsung heroes known as drill bits. These small yet mighty tools play a crucial role in achieving precision, efficiency, and accuracy in drilling operations. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of drill bits, exploring their types, uses, and key considerations for selection.
Understanding the Basics: What are Drill Bits?
Drill bits are cutting tools used to create cylindrical holes in various materials, including wood, metal, plastic, and masonry. They attach to a drill or drilling machine, utilizing rotational motion to penetrate surfaces. Despite their seemingly simple function, drill bits come in a myriad of shapes, sizes, and materials, each tailored to specific applications.
Exploring the Types of Drill Bits
Twist Drill Bits: Among the most common types, twist drill bits feature spiral grooves that aid in chip removal and enhance cutting efficiency. They are suitable for drilling holes in wood, metal, and plastic.
Masonry Drill Bits: Designed with a carbide tip, masonry drill bits excel in drilling through tough materials such as concrete, brick, and stone. Their robust construction enables them to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty applications.
Spade Drill Bits: Characterized by a flat, paddle-shaped blade, spade drill bits are ideal for drilling large-diameter holes in wood. They offer rapid drilling speed but may produce rough edges.
Forstner Drill Bits: With a flat-bottomed design, Forstner bits excel in creating precise, flat-bottomed holes in wood. They are favored for woodworking projects that demand accuracy and clean finishes.
Countersink Drill Bits: These specialized bits combine drilling and countersinking functions, allowing users to create recessed holes for screws and fasteners. They are indispensable in carpentry and metalworking tasks.
Step Drill Bits: Featuring multiple stepped diameters, step drill bits are versatile tools suitable for enlarging existing holes or drilling holes of varying sizes in thin materials like sheet metal.
Key Considerations for Selection
When choosing drill bits for a particular task, several factors come into play:
Material Compatibility: Select a drill bit that is compatible with the material you intend to drill. Different materials require different cutting geometries and coatings to achieve optimal results.
Drill Bit Size: Consider the desired hole diameter and depth when selecting the appropriate drill bit size. Using the wrong size can lead to inaccuracies and inefficiencies in drilling.
Speed and Feed Rates: Adjust drilling speed and feed rates based on the material being drilled to prevent overheating and premature wear of the drill bit.
Quality and Durability: Invest in high-quality drill bits made from durable materials to ensure longevity and performance consistency, especially for heavy-duty applications.
Safety Precautions: Prioritize safety by wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety goggles and gloves, when operating drilling equipment.
Drill bits are indispensable tools that form the backbone of drilling operations across various industries and applications. By understanding the different types of drill bits available and selecting the right one for the task at hand, professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike can achieve precision, efficiency, and safety in their drilling endeavors. Whether drilling through wood, metal, concrete, or other materials, the right drill bit can make all the difference in the success of a project.
For More Info:-
Drill Bits
Powerbuilt Tool Chest
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luxurybathroomsau · 5 months
Essential Dos and Don'ts of Bathroom Renovations: A Comprehensive Guide
Bathroom renovations are a vital aspect of maintaining and enhancing the value of a home. Whether it's updating the aesthetics or addressing functional issues, renovating a bathroom can significantly improve the overall living experience. 
However, amidst the excitement of transforming a space, many homeowners often make common mistakes that can lead to unnecessary challenges and setbacks. 
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the essential dos and don'ts of bathroom renovations Melbourne, providing valuable insights to help individuals navigate this process with confidence and success.
1. Plan and Budget
The first and foremost step in any bathroom renovation project is meticulous planning and setting a realistic budget. Without a clear plan in place, the project can quickly spiral out of control, leading to unexpected costs and delays. It's crucial to outline the specific goals of the renovation, whether it's addressing functionality issues, modernizing the aesthetics, or both. This ensures that the renovation stays focused and aligned with the homeowner's vision.
Furthermore, setting a realistic budget is paramount. Homeowners should carefully consider the costs of materials, labor, and any unforeseen expenses that may arise during the renovation process. By establishing a well-defined budget, individuals can make informed decisions and prioritize essential elements such as plumbing, fixtures, and structural modifications.
2. Quality Materials and Professional Help
Using high-quality materials is a fundamental aspect of ensuring the longevity and durability of the renovated bathroom. From tiles and countertops to plumbing fixtures, investing in superior-quality materials can significantly reduce maintenance costs and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the space. Homeowners should prioritize durability, functionality, and visual appeal when selecting materials for their renovation projects.
Moreover, seeking professional help for complex tasks is highly recommended. Tasks such as plumbing and electrical work require expertise and precision to ensure safety and compliance with building codes. Hiring licensed professionals not only minimises the risk of errors but also provides homeowners with peace of mind, knowing that skilled individuals are handling the critical aspects of the renovation.
3. Adequate Ventilation and Lighting
Proper ventilation is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of bathroom renovations Melbourne. Inadequate ventilation can lead to moisture buildup, mold growth, and structural damage over time. Therefore, homeowners should prioritize installing efficient ventilation systems to maintain a healthy and sustainable bathroom environment.
Additionally, the impact of good lighting should not be underestimated. Ample natural light and well-designed artificial lighting can transform the ambiance of a bathroom, creating a bright, inviting, and functional space. Incorporating skylights, windows, and strategically placed light fixtures can significantly enhance the overall aesthetics and functionality of the renovated bathroom.
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1. Ignoring Plumbing Issues
One of the most common and costly mistakes during bathroom renovations is neglecting existing plumbing problems. Failing to address plumbing issues before initiating the renovation can lead to a cascade of challenges, including water damage, leaks, and disruption of the renovation process. 
It is imperative for homeowners to conduct a thorough inspection of the plumbing system and address any underlying issues before commencing the renovation work.
2. Cutting Corners with DIY Projects
While DIY projects can be fulfilling and cost-effective, homeowners should exercise caution when it comes to complex tasks in a bathroom renovation. 
Taking on plumbing, electrical, or structural modifications without adequate knowledge and experience can lead to hazardous outcomes and code violations. It is essential to recognize the limitations of DIY and consider hiring professionals for tasks that require specialized skills and expertise.
3. Overlooking Storage and Functionality
A common pitfall in bathroom renovations is overlooking the importance of storage and functionality. Focusing solely on aesthetics without considering practical storage solutions can result in a cluttered and impractical bathroom. Homeowners should prioritize optimizing storage space through smart cabinetry, shelving, and organizational systems to ensure a functional and well-organized bathroom environment.
Furthermore, the layout and design of the bathroom should prioritize usability and convenience. Overly intricate or impractical design elements can compromise the functionality of the space, leading to daily inconveniences for the homeowners. It's essential to strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality to create a harmonious and efficient bathroom layout.
In conclusion, successful bathroom renovations Melbourne require careful planning, attention to detail, and a proactive approach to addressing potential challenges. By adhering to the dos and avoiding the common pitfalls outlined in this comprehensive guide, homeowners can embark on their renovation projects with confidence and clarity. 
It is crucial to approach bathroom renovations with a combination of creativity, practicality, and a commitment to quality, resulting in a space that not only meets the homeowner's needs but also enhances the overall value of the property.
Source By - https://tinyurl.com/3s42tcys 
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outbursthubnj · 5 months
The Definitive Guide to Essential Faucet Repair and Replacement in Spring Lake
The integrity of your home water fixtures can profoundly impact your day-to-day comfort and the maintenance of your property. Faucets serve as the gateway to your water supply, and any issues with them can spiral into larger, more costly problems if not addressed promptly and correctly. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the intricacies of faucet repair and replacement Spring Lake, providing homeowners and plumbing professionals alike with the insights they need to keep the water flow in perfect working order.
Identifying the Need for Faucet Repair or Replacement
Before you can address a faucet issue, you need to know exactly what you're dealing with. Several telltale signs can indicate that your faucet is in need of attention. These include:
Continuous Dripping: A dripping faucet isn't just a nuisance—it's a waste of water and can lead to higher utility bills.
Leaks Around the Handle: If you notice water pooling around the base of the faucet handle, your faucet's internal components may be compromised.
Low Water Pressure: Reduced water pressure can point to various issues, including a clogged aerator or a faulty valve.
Sudden Temperature Swings: An inability to control the water temperature can be a sign of a failing temperature regulator.
Spend some time observing your faucet to note any of these warning signals. Once you've made your observations, you can start to troubleshoot the problem.
DIY Faucet Repair Tips for Homeowners
To save on costs, many homeowners opt for a DIY approach to faucet repair. Some common issues are relatively straightforward to fix with the right tools and a bit of patience. Here are some tips for handling minor faucet repairs:
Leaky Faucets: For a leaky faucet that has a damaged or worn washer, replacing the washer or O-ring inside the valve seat can solve the problem.
Clogged Aerator: An aerator that's clogged with debris can be easily cleaned by unscrewing and rinsing the parts in vinegar to dissolve mineral deposits.
Low Water Pressure: Remove and clean the faucet diverter or check the shut-off valve for sediment buildup that could be restricting water flow.
Remember to turn off the water supply to the faucet before you begin any repair work. If the DIY approach doesn't resolve the issue, it might be time for a professional inspection or a full replacement.
Selecting a New Faucet for Replacement
When deciding on a new faucet, there are several factors to consider:
Type of Faucet: Choose a faucet type that fits your sink and space. Common options include center-set, single-handle, and wall-mount faucets.
Style and Design: The aesthetics of your faucet can significantly impact the look of your bathroom or kitchen. From modern to traditional, there are numerous design options to suit your taste.
Materials and Finish: Look for quality materials that are resistant to corrosion and discoloration. Chrome, stainless steel, and brass are popular choices due to their durability.
Water Efficiency: Opt for a faucet with a WaterSense label for improved water efficiency and lower utility costs.
With the right replacement faucet selected, you can move on to the installation process.
The Installation Process
Installing a new faucet may seem daunting, but with attention to detail, it's a task that can be accomplished by moderately skilled homeowners. Here's a general guide to faucet installation:
Prepare the Area: Clear out the under-sink cabinet and lay down a towel or bucket to catch any excess water that might drip during the installation.
Assemble the New Faucet: Follow the manufacturer's instructions to assemble the new faucet, including attaching the handles, spout, and any additional components.
Connect the Water Supply: Depending on the type of faucet, you'll need to connect the corresponding hot and cold water supplies. Use plumber's tape on the threads to prevent leaks.
Test for Leaks: Turn on the water supply and check for leaks. Tighten any connections that show signs of dripping until the faucet operates properly.
An alternative to DIY installation is to hire a licensed plumber to ensure the job is done correctly the first time.
When to Call in Professional Assistance
There are certain situations where professional intervention is the best course of action:
Complex Repairs: If your faucet repair requires disassembling the faucet body, it's often best to leave it to a professional to avoid causing further damage.
Older Plumbing Systems: Upgrading older plumbing systems during a faucet replacement may be necessary, which requires the expertise of a plumber.
Water Damage: If your faucet issue has led to water damage, a plumber can assess the extent of the damage and provide recommendations for repairs.
A seasoned plumber has the experience and tools to handle a wide variety of faucet repairs and replacements, often with a warranty on their work for added peace of mind.
Maintaining Your Faucet for Longevity
Once your faucet is repaired or replaced, regular maintenance is key to avoiding future issues. Here are some maintenance tips to keep your faucet running smoothly:
Monthly Cleanings: Wipe down your faucet with a damp cloth to remove any soap scum or mineral deposits.
Annual Inspection: Schedule an annual plumbing inspection to catch and address faucet issues early, before they escalate.
Immediate Repair: Don't ignore small issues that can be signs of a larger problem. Addressing them promptly can prevent costly repairs down the line.
A little routine care can go a long way in maintaining your faucets and ensuring a consistent water supply in your home.
Final Thoughts on Faucet Care
Your faucets are an integral part of your daily life, and proper care and maintenance can save you time, money, and the hassle of dealing with unexpected repairs. By understanding the signs of faucet trouble, knowing when to tackle repairs yourself or when to call in a professional, and maintaining your fixtures regularly, you can keep the water flowing in your home reliably and efficiently. Remember that when it comes to your home's plumbing, it's always better to be proactive than reactive. With this knowledge in hand, you're equipped to handle any faucet repair or replacement needs that come your way, ensuring a well-functioning home for years to come.
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tariqsyedbradford · 5 months
Tariq Syed Bradford Shares The Ultimate Guide to Budget-Friendly House Renovation
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In the realm of home improvement, the allure of renovating can often be overshadowed by the daunting prospect of costs spiraling out of control. However, fear not, as Tariq Syed Bradford, a seasoned expert in the field, is here to demystify the process and unveil the secrets to achieving a budget-friendly house renovation that upholds quality and style.
Assess Your Needs and Prioritize
Before diving headfirst into a renovation project, take the time to assess your needs and priorities carefully. Identify the areas of your home that require the most attention and make a list of essential renovations versus optional upgrades. By establishing clear priorities, you can focus your efforts and budget where they will have the most significant impact.
Create a Realistic Budget
One of the most crucial steps in any renovation project is setting a realistic budget. Tariq Syed Bradford advises homeowners to conduct thorough research to estimate the costs of materials, labor, and any additional expenses. Be sure to factor in a contingency fund to account for surprises or unforeseen expenses that may arise during the renovation process.
Explore Cost-Effective Materials and Alternatives
When it comes to budget-friendly renovation, creativity is key. Tariq Syed Bradford suggests exploring cost-effective materials and alternative solutions that can help stretch your budget without sacrificing quality. Consider options such as refurbished fixtures, eco-friendly materials, or DIY projects that can add a personal touch to your home while saving you money.
DIY vs. Professional Services
While DIY projects can be a great way to save money, it's essential to know when to call in the professionals. Tariq Syed Bradford advises homeowners to assess their skills and capabilities realistically. Certain tasks, such as electrical work or structural alterations, are best left to trained professionals to ensure safety and compliance with building codes.
Maximize Space and Functionality
Another key aspect of budget-friendly renovation is maximizing the space and functionality of your home. Tariq Syed Bradford recommends exploring creative solutions, such as open-concept layouts, multifunctional furniture, or clever storage solutions, to make the most of every square foot without breaking the bank.
Shop Smart and Comparison-Price
When purchasing materials and furnishings for your renovation project, Tariq Syed Bradford emphasizes the importance of shopping smart and comparison pricing. Take the time to research different suppliers, compare prices, and look for sales or discounts to get the best value for your money.
Prioritize Energy Efficiency
In addition to saving money upfront, Tariq Syed Bradford advises homeowners to consider the long-term savings associated with energy-efficient upgrades. Investing in energy-efficient appliances, insulation, and windows can help reduce utility bills and increase the value of your home in the long run.
With Tariq Syed Bradford's expert guidance and practical tips, achieving a budget-friendly house renovation is within reach for homeowners everywhere. By carefully planning, prioritizing, and exploring creative solutions, you can transform your home without breaking the bank. Remember, the key is to focus on quality, functionality, and value to create a space that you'll love to live in for years to come.
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