#dmdp spoilers
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if corpse god has a million fans, then i am one of them. if corpse god has ten fans, then i am one of them. if corpse god has only one fan then that is me. if corpse god has no fans, then that means i am no longer on earth. if the world is against corpse god, then i am against the world.
he must be protected at all costs
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crehador · 10 months
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Frankly, I am Obsessed with them.
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madnessatdawn · 1 year
I love all the main characters of Dead mount death play but I want to talk about my homegirl Misaki real quick
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Misaki is what would have happened if Harley Quin and Claire from Baccano fused into one person. She seems manic, but she's not. The girl's base instinct is to murder, and she is fully aware of how messed up that is. She seems scatterbrained, but shes not she's just taking in every detail. If you aren't a threat, you are fine, she is chill but still considering what to do if you turn into a threat. If you ARE a threat, she is already considering how to murder/maim you.
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That's the edgy stuff but on to the emotional aspect and the reason why I love her is that she knows what she did in the past is horrific; she doesn't excuse herself for it. The plot gets going because of this very mindset. She decided she was gonna kill someone who as far as she knew was an innocent person. The first time she did so cause she wanted to see if she could. Before, she only killed horrible people. The minute she sees that, no she can off someone no matter their morals or action. She's like welp guess that means I can just take anyone out no problem. :) Someone like me really should not be alive huh :) There only one way to solve that :)
.... :) Only to have that interrupted cause the person she killed didn't stay dead. You know what? She hasn't forgotten what she has done. She hasn't excused what she's done, and she certainly hasn't forgiven herself. Cause that is not something that can be forgiven. She knows this and it makes her reaction to certain things so interesting. Not to mention she is just plain cute.
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
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He’s just a goofy guy
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choaru · 1 year
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Redrew a panel of Fram from Dead Mount Death Play's manga so I could hopefully make an acrylic stand for myself LOL
The struggles of drawing a character who hasn't appeared in the anime yet so you have no color reference for his waist below,,,so if this turns out to be wrong im going to cry.
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Sooooo two days ago I saw the first episode of Dead Mount Death Play and promptly looked for the manga (because I’m that type of person who, once I’ve watched all of the content the anime has, I read the manga to it’s full) and I have binge read every chapter that is available online. Good lord is this a wonderful piece! It goes the line between serious and comedic really well, and I loved trying to figure out what was happening next, why X was connected to Y and Z, and what that meant for A and B, etc. 8.5/10 on a scale of happiness (-2 for the seemingly unnecessary lesbian sex scenes, and the sexualization of seemingly underaged/teenage girls, however there are a lot of strong female characters in this manga, who aren’t just used as plot development for the main character, and they’re well designed and thought out, so +1 point back. -.5 for how chaotic the storyline is told. Once you put most of the puzzle pieces together, it gets a lot better. The delivery of the material is what I have an issue with, like the order of information we’re given.) Other than that, I really enjoyed it! And here’s a screenie of my favorite panel (warning! Spoilers past chapter 80)
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pancoleon · 1 year
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cryct · 1 year
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takumi patting corpse god's head. that's it. that's the post.
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DMDP Anime: Episode 1 available
Episode 1: Reincarnation of the Dead Mount Death Play anime is available to watch on Crunchyroll here. I attempted to skim through it but was overcome by sheer embarrassment, which I’m going to have to get over if I am to write an episode article on the DMDP Wiki. It’s just... The start of DMDP is full-blown teenage edge material, the type aimed at teenage boys and not the adult woman demographic (that’s me, who is part of the Narita demographic), and it’s obvious even from skimming that the anime amplifies the edge and the fanservice because of course it does. Ack. Save me. For now, I’ve put up a spoiler-safe FAQ for wiki newcomers and added boards / categories for Forum / Discussions. My basic Manual of Style draft needs work still, but I should try to get something up for it soon. Still undecided on how to title the Episode articles, but I’m leaning toward simple Episode 1, Episode 2...titles that don’t include the episode title itself.
What does tickle me is that the top review (of six) on Crunchyroll’s DMDP hub linked earlier isn’t a review; it’s user Joshay12 sharing the “actual synopsis as once again, Crunchyroll has a stupid one.”
You know what “actual synopsis” they’ve copied? The one I wrote for the home page of the DMDP Wiki, haha. I’m sort of indirectly flattered.  
Screenshot below (date: April 10, 2023, maybe four or so hours after the episode became available?):
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Yeah, can’t fault CR for not borrowing a synopsis some rando wrote for free on some wiki. Ha. Hoo.
It sure is odd to encounter one’s own writing (or blog linked) in the wild. 
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neurodivergent people /positive
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crehador · 10 months
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stop it really is so funny and they know it 😭
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sabaramonds · 2 years
dmdp posting again. hey guys. MANGA SPOILERS !!! ive rambled about this on discord and on twitter in bits and pieces but it haunts me so im going to talk about it again here. so theres this song i heard a month or so ago, turtles all the way down by sammy copley, and every time i listen to it i start tearing myself apart at the seams over the corpse god and his emperor (and once again i will be referring to them strictly as their titles because, again, if you havent read the entire manga and been edged for 80 chapters, it just isnt right...) typical ok this got super long so im actually putting it under a cut this time but 👇 go forth if you want to be subjected to the depths of my illness
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anyway!!! i just cant help it. everything about it perfectly encapsulates their relationship from corpse gods perspective. like
im not well as you can tell by the way i havent looked you in the eye im about to lie and say im fine but inside you and i know thats not true but its either this or let my burden weigh on you and that i just cant do so ill choose for the both of us and youll just go along because youve trusted me for no good reason here i am, committing treason force the last page of our story one more boring allegory hope to god youll rise above me; always bite the hand the loves me mine, mine is the unkind kindest cut of all and ill watch you fall
i feel crazy. “but its either this or let my burden weigh on you / and that i just cant do / so ill choose for the both of us” because corpse god doesnt want to burden his emperor more than he already has; his emperor has already dirtied his hands for him. thats already too much. “youve trusted me for no good reason / here i am committing treason / force the last page of our story” because he feels as if he is unworthy of his emperors love and trust and kindness and that aside from what hed done under a foreign necromancers influence, the grief and rage that possessed him to act in violence made him even more unworthy - made him a traitor to his masters teachings, to his emperors affection... even before we got further context for their relationship in the last few chapters of the most recent arc (civil having his #girl moment) i wrote in “the ghost of who you were” that corpse gods escapist fantasy of seeking out a world, or creating one, where his emperor would never have to dirty his hands on corpse gods behalf - or on the behalf of any child subjected to violence by adults who should love them - was an impossible dream he chased in an attempt to outrun the forgiveness of his emperor (though, to his emperor, there is nothing to forgive at all) also “hope to god youll rise above me; always bite the hand that loves me / mine is the unkindest kindest cut of all / and ill watch you fall” so fucking prophetic. to me. about corpse god choosing for both of them (sealing away his emperor and other spirits hed contracted with deep within himself so they could not reach out to him and judge him for what he had done) and the fact he did, indeed, watch his emperor fall; he had done it himself, with his own two hands, as unwillingly as it had been.
and i am aware that its not fair to bring you here then send you on your way you had so much to say and to ask like, “why am i not cut out for the task of loving you forever, of holding you and never wanting less?” well, i can take a guess see, i could choose for the both of us and youll just go along because youve trusted me for no good reason love, no matter what the season; force the last page of our story youre my favorite allegory hope to god that youll forgive me; my mistakes will long outlive me mine, mine is the unkind kindest cut of all and ill watch you fall
ripping my face off as i listen to this song and think about them right now. as we speak. “and im aware that its not fair / to bring you here then send you on your way” like every single part of this. “hope to god that youll forgive me / my mistakes will long outlive me” corpse god binding his emperors soul to him (consensually) only to push him away in the aftermath out of guilt and grief and feelings of inadequacy. his emperor never stopped wanting him, not even when corpse god became one of the undead himself; not even when he was nothing but bones held together by his masters magic, a brain in a jar kept cradled close to his frail, fleshless vessel... in his emperors own words: “no matter what youve turned into, the empire and i are always on your side.” in chapter 80, he says to corpse god, “being alive isnt about whether or not youre dead body. its about whether youre looking to the future or not.” he follows this up by addressing corpse god not by the title he himself had given him, but by his name (BRAIN DAMAGING) (I WAS ON THE FLOOR WRITHING LIKE A WORM)
and i dont know if this makes it any easier perhaps youll find comfort when i say: you and i are nothing more than meteors, never meant to live long past today yes. ill choose for the both of us: youll just go along because you trusted me against your judgement you deserve someone who doesnt force the last page of your story no more boring allegories hope to god youll rise above me, though youll always be part of me mine, mine is the unkind kindest cut of all ill watch you fall now watch me fall
most of the song i feel very strongly reads as corpse gods perspective but “perhaps youll find comfort when i say / you and i are nothing more than meteors, never meant to live long past today” feels like such an emperor thing to say. when you are a child emperor, you are braced for political assassination; when you are from a land where necromancy is a real and thriving art, your fear of death can be softened by the knowledge that if the one you love outlives you (even if their own flesh, too, is long gone) then your voice will still be heard by those who matter. though even then, the emperor is quite a funny guy. he loved corpse god before he was corpse god; he loved him when he was flesh and bone, loved him when that flesh dissolved and he was left as just a skeleton of who he had been; he loved him when corpse god killed him, loved him when corpse god bound them together. and always, he waited for when corpse god would be ready to face him, waited for him to be able to live. because corpse god was not alive before. if we go off of the emperors idea of “being alive” meaning “looking forward”, corpse god was always looking down or looking back; caught in his past, his regrets, his fears. i mentioned what his emperor said in chapter 80. in chapter 81, the opening page of corpse god is him smiling at the sight of his emperors back, thinking to himself: “unlike me, you only ever looked ahead. how could you keep your eyes trained forward on what was to come? i didnt understand at the time (and here, we see corpse god as he once was: face hidden by a bone mask and cowl, unsmiling) but now, i think i get it a little.” he thinks this as he watches his emperor dirty his hands on his behalf once again. he called for his emperor willingly, this time; he asked for his help, not as a subject beseeches their lord, but as a friend. an equal, the way his emperor had always treated him; he is ready to be alive, now. he is ready to look forward instead of past, to accept his emperors forgiveness, his love; to think of himself as worthy returning that love and wait i forgot lol i was so caught up in the insanity of the emperors perspective in those first few lines and segueing into corpse gods growth during the latest arc that i forgot to talk about “hope to god youll rise above me / though youll always be part of me” wanting his emperor to have better than what he does (corpse god) but wanting to always keep part of him with him + “ill watch you fall / now watch me fall” literally he killed his emperor with his own hands (unwillingly) and then his downward spiral in his grief and when he eventually went absolutely bananas on those geldwood cultists giving them a brutal torturous death for murdering the orphan children he was caring for at the time and believing his actions had made him unworthy of the power he wielded and (holding my head) as you can tell i think about this song and about them a normal amount. i think ill stop talking here. for now. i just. oh my god. theyve come so far. the fact corpse god is able to face his emperor now. jesus christ 😭 if you think im bad about these two just wait until i start talking about civil. lol
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madnessatdawn · 1 year
I am so happy that Lemmings is officially here. Also, I enjoy seeing people's reactions at first glimpses to their full appearance.
It's always, "Who the hell is Lemmings? That is a silly ass name. " To "OH SHIT ITS LEMMINGs"
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
katashiro is such a goofball I hope he doesn’t get killed / become an enemy to Polka that would be a bummer
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tenasorimura · 3 years
dmdp spoilers
honestly i wouldnt be surprised if like
solitaires obsession with real magic is rooted in the girl thats possessing him. like hes doing it for her or something. but im also for the conclusion that hes just fucking nuts
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