#dmitri malama
Did any of the Romanov sisters (Olga,Tatiana,Maria,Anastasia) had a boyfriend at that time?
Im pretty sure the girls growing up. And being teenagers they wanted to have fun (getting drunks or sex)
In my opinion it was very hard cuz their mother Alexandra she was hella STRICT and religious
hi anon! The short answer to this is no they never got the chance to have boyfriends.
The long answer is: OTMA had a lot of little girl crushes on officers and wounded soldiers but they knew that they could never get married because of the difference in rank (Grand Duchess vs. officer)
I will list them all here :)
Pavel Voronov (officer on the Standart)
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2. Alexander Shvedov aka “AKSHV” (officer)
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3. Dmitri Shakh-Bagov aka “Mitya” (wounded soldier)
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Nikolai Rodionov (officer on the Standart)
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2. Dmitri Malama (wounded soldier)
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Maria: Nikolai Demitrievich Demenkov aka “Kolya” (officer)
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Anastasia: Georgiy Taube
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And it’s not like Alix was super strict about their crushes! Both her and the girls knew extremely well that they could never end up together.
I hoped this helped and thank you for asking!!!
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otmaaromanovas · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any photos of Tatiana Nikolaevna with Dmitri Malama? It is for an edit and I only have two but I need a couple more. I’m digging through Tatya’s albums but i am having no luck identifying him. Thank you!
It's definitely difficult trying to identify him, he of course looks a lot more frail in the photos with Tatiana that in his uniform, but I've tried my best and included some photos I've tentatively identified as him. Here are also some photos that are confirmed to be him, for comparison. Also, he was a cutie!
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Most of these photos are either from Tatiana's 1916 album, or Anna Vyrubova's album
With Tatiana - he is on the far left on all these photos
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On the far left, sat behind a very happy and adorable Tatiana, and next to Tatiana in the wheelchair (I think!)
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Sat behind Olga. Sadly, poor Tatiana got cropped out of this photo in their album :( And again next to Vera Gedroitz (centre), sat on the left
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^^ Stood next to Tatiana, smiling! He signed this photograph with 'Kornet Malama', his rank and surname
With other officers and wounded:
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On the far right in white and stood behind Anna Vyrubova. Not sure if the third photo of the man in bed is him or not, but there is some resemblance imo so I put it in :)
He is also featured on this magazine/newspaper cover that depict some of the 'first heroes of the Great War', published in August 1915. Dmitri is number 25.
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Photos that I often see identified as Malama, but personally I don't see much of a resemblance, but that could just be me! However, in the last photo he is having some form of medical procedure on his leg, which would correlate with the photos of him in a wheelchair. Tatiana wrote something above the photo of the man, but her handwriting... yeah it's too hard for me to read haha, it looks a bit like a T?
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I'm going to leave the decision of whether this young man is Malama up to you :)
I also found this photo of Dr. Vera Gedroitz looking SO stressed, which was too funny not to include. Bless her haha, she needed a holiday.
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There is also a Russian wikipedia page for him with FABULOUS information, including this note from a fellow patient which said 'Tatyana Nikolaevna always sat near Malama' - so cute!! There is also this photoshop and colourisation by Tatiana Z which might be helpful when translated through google!
I can't help but think about how Alix once wrote that 'he would make an excellent son-in-law'. Perhaps in another universe...
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I hope this was helpful! <3
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roses-of-the-romanovs · 3 months
Hello! I'm creating a Romanov roleplay so could you give me a list of members and friends of the Romanov family, and others (Standart officers, Bolsheviks, etc.) for people to roleplay? That would be very helpful since I know I'm going to accidentally miss some characters (^^”).
Hi! These are some people who were involved with the Romanovs:
Anna Vyrubova—quite possibly Alexandra's dearest friend. Typically viewed as a bit of a simpleton or a cunning spy--the reality is probably that she was neither. Also very attached to Rasputin.
Lili Dehn—another of Alexandra's friends, a lady-in-waiting. Also close with Nicholas and the children; was with Alexandra when Nicholas abdicated.
Elizabeth Naryshkina—the elderly mistress of the robes.
Sophie Buxhoevedon—lady-in-waiting, affectionately known as "Isa" (also spelled "Iza").
Catherine "Trina" Schneider—also attempted (unsuccessfully) to teach the Romanov sisters German. Taught Russian to Alexandra. Lutheran.
Grigori Rasputin—infamous. Especially intimate with Alexandra, also a sort of mentor for the daughters. Killed in 1916.
Kolya Demenkov—Alexei’s friend.
Gleb Botkin & Tatiana Botkina—the children of Evgeny Botkin.
Sofia Orbeliani—Alexandra’s friend and an invalid. Died in 1915.
Countess Anastasia “Nastenka” Hendrikova—family friend.
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna—OTMA's grandmother. But a bit frosty in her relations with Alexandra.
Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna—Nicholas II's sister. Often the grand duchesses spent Saturdays with her.
Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna—Nicholas’s sister. Her family was known as the Ai Todories due to their estate. Her daughter Irina especially was close to the daughters. (Irina’s husband, Felix Yussupov, was one of Rasputin’s assassins.)
Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich—one of Nicholas’s favorite cousins, and once considered a possible groom for Olga. Under the care of Elizabeth Feodorovna. One of Rasputin’s assassins.
Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna—Alexandra’s sister. Became a nun after her husband Sergei’s assassination in 1905; sent coffee and chocolate to the family during imprisonment. Murdered by the Bolsheviks.
Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich—Nicholas’s brother. Married morganatically and exiled. Saw Nicholas before Nicholas’s departure to Tobolsk. Also murdered by the Bolsheviks.
Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich—commander in chief of the Russian army during WWI until Nicholas II took over. Not liked by Alexandra due to his dislike of Rasputin.
Pyotr Vasilievich Pyotrov—the Russian tutor, known as "PVP."
Pierre Gilliard—the French tutor, especially close to Alexei. Often called "Zhilik" or "Monsieur."
Sydney Gibbes—the English tutor, often known as "Sig."
Sofia Tyutcheva—Known as "Savanna," OTMA's unofficial governess when they were young. Outspokenly against Rasputin, and not popular with the Romanovs' other friends.
Margaretta Eagar—OTMA's Irish governess, dismissed in 1904.
Anna Demidova—lady-in-waiting who accompanied the family and was eventually killed with them. Known as “Nyuta.”
Aloise (Alexei) Trupp—footman who was killed with the family; unique in that he was Latvian, and Catholic.
Ivan Kharitonov—cook killed with the family.
Leonid Sednev—companion of Alexei during captivity, eventually sent away by Yakov Yurovsky.
Eugene Botkin—doctor (primarily Alexandra’s). Killed with family.
Nagorny and Demenkov—Alexei’s “sailor nannies.” Only Nagorny continued on with the family to Tobolsk.
Standart Officers of Note:
Pavel Voronov—Olga's love interest in 1913. She wrote of him as "S." in her diaries.
Alexander Konstantinovich Shvedov—Also Olga's love interest in 1913, took place before Voronov. Referred to as "AKSH" in diaries.
Viktor Zborovsky—Anastasia's crush. She also exchanged letters with his sister Ekaterina "Katya" in captivity. Nicholas's favorite tennis partner.
Patients during WWI/Nurses, Doctors:
Dmitri Shakh-Bagov—Olga's love interest. Known as "Mitya."
Dmitri Malama—Tatiana's love interest. Gave her a dog known as Ortipo, named after his cavalry horse.
Valentina Cheborateva—OT’s friend and fellow nurse.
Margarita Khitrovo—fellow nurse and friend. Known as “Ritka” or “Rita.”
Dr. Vera Gedroits—female doctor. Known as “Princess Gedroits.” After the tsar’s abdication, her behavior turned increasingly unconventional.
Vladimir Kiknadze—Tatiana’s love interest after Malama. Considered a dangerous flirt by the other nurses and doctors.
Sergei Witte—Served as prime minister 1905-1906.
Pyotr Stolypin—Served as prime minister 1906-1911. Sofia Tyutcheva, Nicholas II, and OT were there at his assassination.
Mikhail Rodzianko—state chairman of the Duma, 1911-1917.
Bolsheviks/Captors, etc.:
Alexander Kerensky—member of the Provisional Government. Oversaw the Romanovs’ house arrest.
Eugene Kobylinsky—commandant during house arrest; nevertheless on good terms with the family.
Vasily Yakovlev—commissar, searched the house at Tobolsk; helped transfer the family to the Ipatiev House at Ekaterinberg.
Alexander Avdeev—commandant at the Ipatiev House.
Yakov Yurovsky—commandant at the Ipatiev House after Avdeev. Orchestrated the murders.
Pyotr Ermakov—one of the executioners, his accounts of the Romanovs and their murder are highly exaggerated and untruthful. Was drunk on the night of the murders.
Ivan Skorokhodov–despite the rumors there is no reliable evidence to support the idea of a liaison with Maria. However, he was really a guard at the Ipatiev House.
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who do you think olga and anastasia would've married if they had the chance to? tatiana would've married alexander of yugoslavia, since they were madly in love and maria would've married louis.
Olga wanted to 'remain Russian' so she didn't have a ton of options, but one of the Konstantinovichi boys would work. Prince Konstantin apparently asked to marry her at one point, so he might be the option with the most basis in history. Otherwise Prince Roman Petrovich or maaaaaybe Vladimir Paley if his parents' morganatic marriage wasn't held against him. I suppose if he was 'Romanov enough' to be killed in the revolution he might be 'Romanov enough' to marry a Grand Duchess.
I could see Anastasia never marrying, honestly. She might like being the quirky, independent aunt and not tied down to any husband or throne. But there was a rumor that Queen Alexandrine of Denmark (daughter of Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna), hoped that her son Frederick would marry one of the younger grand duchesses. She might be thrilled to have a daughter-in-law who had the same name as her mother, and Maria Feodorovna would love to see a granddaughter on the throne of Denmark. Frederick was very tall though so Anastasia might hate that, haha. And the rumor could be totally made up, it's from a very gossipy source.
There's some evidence that Alexander wanted to marry Tatiana, but is there anything to suggest she wanted to marry him? I've never seen anything from her end that the feelings were mutual. Rather she had her 'crushes' like Dmitri Malama and Vladimir Kiknadze. That doesn't mean she wouldn't have married Alexander--she was the most duty-conscious of the sisters and would make an excellent queen. I just don't think we can say she was in love with him.
Unpopular opinion but I don't think Maria actually would have married Louis Mountbatten. Sure, HE said he was 'determined to marry her,' but they were first cousins and first cousin marriages are not allowed in the Russian Orthodox Church, and Nicholas II didn't approve them. Nicholas' brother Misha wanted to marry their cousin Princess Beatrice of Edinburgh/Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Nicholas refused to allow it. He was furious when Kirill married Ducky, a first cousin and divorcee. I just don't see Nicholas allowing them to marry; it was a religious thing, not just his personal opinion, and that's harder to overcome. I honestly think he'd be more likely to allow her to marry a noble or officer than a first cousin, as he DID allow that for Tatiana Konstantinovna, Irina Alexandrovna, and Olga Alexandrovna. And like with Tatiana and Alexander, I've never seen anything about Maria's feelings for Dickie. I have a hard time seeing her wanting to leave Russia--like Olga, she made it clear her dream was to marry a Russian.
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worldoftheromanovs · 1 year
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Dmitri Yakovlevich Malama in the Tsarsko-Selo infirmary (lying), autumn 1914. Tatiana Nikolaevna standing next to Malama’s hospital bed. Olga Nikolaevna is sitting near his feet
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n-rnova · 2 years
Tatiana Romanova WW1
Colorized and Enhanced by me
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Tatiana and Dmitri malama
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imperial-russia · 2 years
Is there any Information about Olgas crush Dmitri Chakh-Bagovs later life and wich books do you recommend to learn more about these two?
I would recommend Olga´s own words which we can read thanks to the dedicated work of Helen Azar. And though I have my issues with it, Helen Rappaport´s The Romanov Sisters deals with Olga and her love life too.
It is very strange but I have found nothing on Shakh-Bagov post-revolution. In one of the books, I consulted they even got him confused with another Dmitri - Malama, Tatiana´s beau. Poor dude.
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thestarik · 4 years
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Alexandra takes a picture of Tatiana with recovering officers. Tatiana stands next to Dmitri Malama, in the wheelchair.
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annalaurendet70 · 3 years
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Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia holding onto Ortipo.The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia is with them.
Letter from Tatiana Nikolaevna to her mother,Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
"30 September 1914
Mama darling mine,
Forgive me about the little dog. To say the truth, when he asked should I like to have it if he gave it to me, I at once said yes. You remember, I always wanted to have one, and only afterwards when we came home I thought that suddenly you might not like me having one. But I was really so pleased at the idea that I forgot about everything. Please, darling angel, forgive me. Tell Papa about it. I hope he won't have anything against it. Good night, beloved Mama. God bless and keep you.
1000 kisses from your devoted daughter and loving,
Say, darling, you are not angry."
Little dog ~ Ortipo
He ~ Dmitri Yakovlevich Malama
📌 There was actually two Ortipo.The first one died and Dmitri Malama upon hearing this gifted her with another.
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historical-babes · 4 years
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Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia (1897-1918).
Second daughter of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.
Tatiana was the younger sister of Grand Duchess Olga and the elder sister of Grand Duchess Maria, Grand Duchess Anastasia and Tsarevich Alexei. She was known amongst her siblings as "the governess" for her domineering but also maternal ways. Tatiana was the closest out of all the children to her mother (Tsarina Alexandra), often spending many hours reading to her. She was often thought to be the most beautiful of all her sisters, and was the most aristocratic in appearance. During World War I, she chaired many charity committees and (along with her older sister Grand Duchess Olga) trained to become a nurse. She tended to wounded soldiers on the grounds of Tsarskoye Selo from 1914 to 1917. Her time as a nurse came to an end with her family's arrest in 1917 after the first Russian Revolution.
Tatiana was reserved and "well balanced" but less open and spontaneous than Olga. She was also less talented than Olga, but worked harder and was more dedicated to seeing projects through to completion than her elder sister. Tatiana's artistic talents were better expressed in handiwork and in her talent for choosing attractive fashions and creating elegant hair styles.
She fell in love with Dmitri Yakovlevich Malama, an officer in the Imperial Russian Cavalry in 1914. Tatiana was also fond of an officer named Vladimir Kiknadze, whom she cared for when he was wounded in 1915 and again in 1916.
According to some sources, Serbian king Peter I wanted Tatiana as a bride for his younger son, Prince Alexander.
Tatiana was described as tall and slender, with dark auburn hair and dark blue-gray eyes, fine, chiseled features, and a refined, elegant bearing befitting the daughter of an emperor.
She was murdered with her family by the Bolsheviks.
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Tatiana Nikolaevna x Dmitri Malama edit
Thursday, 6 November. ...Went to Anya's for tea. Iedigarov, Kudrev, Gordinsky and N.P. arrived. Then darling Malama. Was terribly happy to see him. Later looked at the album with him. Drove them to the station in the motor. It was awfully nice, and most importantly, darling Malama was here...'
— The Diary of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia
Made my me using IMovie :)
(Thank you to @otmaaromanovas for helping me find the quote!!)
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otmaaromanovas · 1 year
ok i need to just say a few words
HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT RECOGNIZING OFFICERS?! honestly to me they all look the same (except NP Sablin and Pavel Voronov)
I think if I knew Mitya or Dmitri Malama or Maria’s Kolya’s faces better than I would be better at it lmao you are just so good at this!
haha thank you so much! Honestly I don't know either, I tend to get lost in a sea of faces, especially in the photos of injured officers, there were SO many!
I find that getting a photo of the officer in question that is confirmed to be of him (like this one of Mitya) and then comparing it with the album photos... I just save whoever I think looks slightly like them as 'maybe [name]' and re-examine them later :) after doing that for a while I can clock them easier.
Moustaches and hairstyles help too! Olga wrote in her diary about Mitya doing a new parting in his hair, so I can look out for that ^_^
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Ironically I still can't tell apart Sablin and Rodionov though lol!
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mashkaromanova · 5 years
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Tatiana Nikolaevna with her dog, Ortipo. Ortipo was given to Tatiana by her favourite wounded officer, Dmitri Malama, and was named after his favourite horse. Unlike Anastasia Nikolaevna’s dog Jimmy, who was murdered in the basement along with the family, Ortipo was likely killed separately.
“Tatiana also loved animals and her beloved French bulldog, Ortipo, slept in the ‘big pair’s’ bedroom - to the chagrin of Olga, who was frequently kept awake by the dog’s snoring.”
- Tatiana Romanov: Daughter of the Last Tsar, Diaries and Letters 1913 - 1918
“Anya brought me a little French bulldog from Malama, incredibly sweet. So happy.”
- Tatiana’s diary, 12th/25th October 1914
“Ortipo is growing and is awfully cute, runs around a lot and is terribly happy.”
- Tatiana to Nicholas II, 26th October/8th November
“Ortipo is so sweet, and grew bigger in my opinion.”
- Maria Nikolaevna to Nicholas, 31st Oct/13th Nov
“Ortipo is terribly sweet and was with me again in Vilna and Kovno. And there she had her first walk.”
- Tatiana to Nicholas, 25th November/7th Dec
“I taught Ortipo to ‘serve’ and today to give paw, she does it so well the darling.”
- Anastasia Nikolaevna to Nicholas, 30th Jan/12th Feb 1915
“Ortipo is running around the room like a maddog.”
- Tatiana to Nicholas, 7th/20th March
“Ortipo was chasing the little machine and Trupp’s shoe buckle and has now calmed down.”
- Olga Nikolaevna to Nicholas, 9th/22nd May
“Your telegram about the scandal that happened with Ortipo had me very amused - I imagine what it would be like... the little monster!”
- Nicholas to Tatiana, 9th/22nd Sep
“Yesterday they brought Ortipo with the children [her puppies] to show them. They are very small and ugly and who knows what and whom they look like. But Ortipo lay quietly beside them in a basket and evidently was very scared that we would tease or torment the little ones. But they [Ortipo with her puppies] were taken away again and later they will only bring Ortipo [out to play].”
- Tatiana to Nicholas, 17th/30th Sep
“Ortipo is now lying on the floor and chewing on her football.”
- Tatiana to Nicholas, 28th March/10th April 1916
“Ortipo is doing well, but is becoming terribly lazy. [She] is lying down by the fireplace all day or on the sofas. Does not want to walk.”
- Tatiana to Ekaterina Zborovskaya, 11th/24th Jan 1918
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Hi! Do you mind if I informed you about the so-called "engagement and sympathy" of Tatiana Nikolaevna and King Alexander of Yugoslavia. This information came across to me in Russian sources and interested me very much.
I translated it into English so that it was immediately clear :)
"Konstantin K. on January 17th [1914]. Friday. There were lessons in the morning. We had breakfast 4 with Dad, T. Ella, Alexander P. brother of Elena (Ioannchik's wife) Serbian and Kostya"So Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna writes about meeting with the "groom" and "great love" - the heir to the throne Alexander. A huge number of articles have been written about the relationship between the Prince and the Grand Duchess, compiled as if under a carbon copy - an engagement postponed due to the war, correspondence until his death, Alexander's unwillingness to marry until clear evidence of Tatiana's death appears, and even, allegedly, his suicide attempt due to the loss of his beloved. All the articles are of the same type, and all without a single proof and excerpts from a more or less authoritative source.Meanwhile, it will not work to write off the silence of Tatiana Nikolaevna, who was considered the most restrained and majestic of the tsar's daughters, for modesty: she did not hide her feelings (when there were any) - sympathy for officers Vladimir Kiknadze and Dmitry Malama splashed out on the pages of her diary. Tatiana did not ignore her interest in Alexander's close relative, Prince Peter of Montenegro. "So you really, really liked Peter of Montenegro and you are not averse to becoming the aunt of John and Elena! Um, um... I don't know if I like it - while you have a lot of time ahead to change your mind about everything for a long time and a lot," writes Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna to her fourteen-year-old niece in her letter in August 1911, a year later, in September 1912, at the height of the Balkan War, she also makes fun of Tatiana - "of course, you think a lot about Montenegro at the moment. They fight famously...". Twenty-three-year-old Peter fought in the ranks of the Montenegrin army in the Ottoman Empire at that time - Prince Alexander, whom Tatiana was supposed to see at the same time, at the wedding of Princess Elena and Prince John Konstantinovich, also at the front, but his future "bride" does not bother. Peter comes to Russia again in July 1914 - and is interested in Tatiana again. "We went to a big lunch for Kazan residents and Akhtyrites. There were only aunts from Aunt Stan, Vera and Elena. Peter too. I talked to him after lunch, he's so cute," she writes in her diary on July 12: the prince has been following the princesses for several days, visiting the palace, going to regimental maneuvers, going to the theater with them. On July 13, Peter is leaving - Tatiana also mentions this in her notes.
Александр, впрочем, тоже получает свою долю внимания, но уже от другой великой княгини. Имя князя цветет на страницах дневника Ольги Николаевны - и ярко "цветет". "Приехал Александр Сербский (В русской форме. Ух, какие глаза)", "Я стоял рядом с Александром Сербским, он был чуть дальше. Ух, ух какой", "Мы завтракали с Папой, Тетей, Костей и Александром Я сидел с ним. Милый, смущающий и красивый ужастик. Вау-вау какой». О князе Ольга вздыхает в своих дневниковых записях за 1913 год, в 1914-м она считает месяцы со дня разлуки и признается, что рада видеть княжну Елену Петровну («она — частичка Александра, и я люблю ее»).
A couple of Alexander and Olga Nikolaevna???
Interesting! Loved the letter from Olga A to Tatiana, she always has such a fun, teasing, light-hearted style. The plot thickens!
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nikolacvna-archive · 5 years
♡ + exes ( bc peridan needs to know who dared to dump her )
❈ ✼ ❈       ♡   +  headcanon  ( accepting!! )   //   @splitcrown​
okay, not exactly exes, because she’s never been in a real relationship before…  at least, not ones that have been allowed to progress to actual relationships.  she has has very dear friendships with several men   ( and if asked, that’s absolutely  a l l  they were ).
she did exchange a bit of correspondence with alexander i of serbia, who was considered a plausible candidate for her hand before…  well, the gigantic war broke out.    the war really brought tatiana an opportunity to bloom, and through it she found several…  sorta-kinda boyfriends.
her greatest love was dmitry malama, who she grew very close with while nursing in the hospital.   he was sweet, mild-mannered, endlessly loyal…  and her mother loved him.  they grew very close over a period of months, and when he had to go back to the front, he left tatiana a gift  —  a tiny bulldog puppy named ortino.   ( family letters refer to tatiana as ortino’s “mama” and malama as his “papa”, so it was basically their child. )
after that, tatya fell for a bad boy.   vlamimir “volodia” kiknadze was disliked by all of her friends, because he has a propensity for gossiping.   still, tatiana was entranced by him  —  for whatever reason  —  until she found out he was sharing some of her letters behind her back with the other soldiers.  after this, their bond sort of died, and he was sent back to the front soon after.
she’s never been dumped, never dumped anyone else, but she has experienced her share of heartbreak.   tatiana is too practical  —  for better or worse  —  to let it affect her.  she knows, in the end, she cannot marry a soldier   ;;   she’ll have to marry a prince.
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shyybzikx · 2 years
FC: Felicity Jones
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NAME: Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova
TITLES: Grand Duchess
NICKNAMES: Tatya, Tanushka, Tanya
AGE: verse dependent, born 1897, was 21 when she was murdered
PERSONALITY: Out of the five siblings, Tatiana was the most orderly and practical. She would often correct her siblings and remind them about behaving when they were rowdy. As she grew older, she took on most of the responsibility of the household, despite being 18 months younger than Olga, and was always aware of her station as daughter of the tsar. She wanted to work hard and be useful, but like her siblings had a kind heart on her sleeve, even though she had the tendency to be cut off from others. 
ABOUT: The second born daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, Tatiana was born June 10th, 1897. While her parents were happy she was healthy, it still meant her father had no heir. However, Nicholas was the one who named her and her sister after Alexander Pushkin’s novel Eugene Onegin, as he liked the idea of having daughters named after the sisters from the story.
Tatiana was the more sensible of Nicholas and Alexandra’s children and was quite religious and read from her Bible often, as she saw it was her duty. She was the most like their mother, and was the only one out of five children who seemed to understand her, and in so, ended up with the nickname ‘Governess’. However, it was Tatiana that was always sent to their parents whenever the children wanted something, as she was quite skilled in taking charge of situations and negotiating.
Growing up, she seemed to be less open and spontaneous than her sister Olga, and was even less talented in most things, but she worked harder and with more determination. She especially liked embroidery and stitch work. As a teenager, she was assigned a regiment of soldiers, the Vosnesensky Lancers, and was given the honorary title of Colonel. Tatiana loved going out to inspect and greet the soldier, and even found herself becoming infatuated with some. However, she found their behavior to be a bit shocking, even when they were in her presence.
After the assassination of Pyotr Stolypin at the Kiev Opera House, Tatiana had trouble sleeping afterwards. She became a nurse, with Olga and their mother at the outbreak of the Great War. Most considered her to be an excellent nurse and to be very skillful, so much so that a war aid committee was named after her. The burdens of war soon fell on her shoulders and she even felt guilty that she couldn’t do anything to help, so she began to make more public appearances, even more than Olga. Several soldiers passed through the hospital and she became infatuated with them. One in particular was Dmitri Yakovlevich Malama. He even gave her a dog at one point, but nothing serious came out of it unfortunately. Like Olga, matches for Tatiana were often speculated. At one point, the potential marriage between her and Alexander I of Serbia was even considered before the war.
Once the family was under arrest, Tatiana found it hard as she felt out of place from not having anything to do. She missed the hospital and being a nurse. It was noted that she had even lost a lot of weight. The situation weighed heavy on her mind, but that didn’t keep her from speaking to the soldiers that were there to guard them at Ipatiev. She even kept an optimistic future about going to England. Just like when they were younger, Tatiana was the one sent to the soldiers or Yurovsky to negotiate for things. Otherwise, she was found reading her Bible or speaking with her mother until that final night. She had even asked Yurovsky that evening if they could bring back the little kitchen boy that Alexei liked to play with, but that wouldn’t happen.
 After the reading of the execution sentence and all hell broke loose, Tatiana had tried to stand to get to her father, but she had been shot in the head.
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