#dna fingerprinting
DNA fingerprinting
Ford missed some major things that contributed to fingerprinting and using it in forensic science. Here's two:
Thing Ford Missed #142: DNA Fingerprinting
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And then
Thing Ford Missed #143: Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)
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helpimstuckposting · 13 days
I think yall need to cut Celia some slack. I don’t think she’s this huge all-knowing manipulative mystery. She lost her entire identity and life in the TMA universe, was thrown into a new universe by herself, made her own life, had a baby, and then all of a sudden she started being pulled away from the home she made into the world that left her with amnesia after an apocalypse. Yeah, swapping places with someone else probably isn’t the best morally, but the other doppelgänger straight up murdered his counterpart and she told the computer ‘hmmmm no I don’t think so’
She also repeatedly told Sam they should NOT be going to hilltop, she said it was a bad idea and she TOLD him it was dangerous. She was definitely second guessing her first idea, and she DID like him! There was not one single reason for her to date him and sleep with him and introduce him to her son! All she needed to do was say she’d help him, that man was determined to look into all of this no matter what, they could have just done that as ‘friends’ if she didn’t actually care about him
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fisheito · 4 months
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let him speak
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aurorangen · 10 months
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The usual break at a coffee shop in town but Vincent feels there's something off about the barista. Maybe he's just tired. After they left...
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?: Thanks for the tip sis [chuckles then gets serious] good job at that festival the other week, they come here like you said [listens] yes I think Miss Veronica studying here wasn't a bad idea after all. And I can clarify his name is Vincent K from his card, everything matches the data from the records. We've found Kingsley.
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asjjohnson · 2 years
What if the Fentons invent an Ecto-Trace Finder gadget? Like a down-pointing colored flashlight that makes ecto-trace glow bright green. Basically... it shows ghost fingerprints.
So, Danny's in the basement at the time, and they're telling him about it and they test it on the counter they're standing next to. And... it picks up on a fingerprint. "Huh," Maddie says, and she and Jack stare at the glowing fingerprint in incomprehension.
Meanwhile, Danny panics and quickly leaves the basement. That evening, he wipes down his whole room (door, walls, and all). And throughout the next two or three months he wipes off anything he touches, even so much as brushes against, and he carries a bottle of hand sanitizer everywhere, using it often enough to get his hands badly chapped. He's in a constant state of worry about his parents finding his fingerprints.
...He's so focused on this, that he doesn't realize his parents had figured out—about half an hour after he'd left the basement—that the Ecto-Trace Finder also picks up on human fingerprints. Or that the fingerprint on the counter had belonged to one of the two of them. Or that they'd collected Danny's and Jazz's fingerprints the very next morning (while Danny was barely even awake from staying up worrying) by handing them both a glass of orange juice and then taking back the empty glasses, and programming into the Ecto-Trace Finder to disregard either of their prints.
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So long as it's not, like, a masquerade breaching murder, then the best way is just to not dispose of anything and to frame someone else for it, actually :).
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whats-in-a-sentence · 4 months
In the DNA fingerprint in figure 25.26, lanes 1, 5 and 9 represent internal standards, or control lanes.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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katarinas-redemption · 6 months
The Blacklist - Brainstorming Raymond Reddington's Fingerprints and DNA.
Also posted on Reddit.
A little theorizing.
Red's fingerprints.
In the pilot episode, Red is identified as "Raymond Red Reddington" by FINGERPRINTS and by a visual identification from the Assistant Director of The FBI Harold Cooper. Red's fingerprints were a match to the prints of Raymond Red Reddington stored in the FBI's database [AFIS]. RR was on The FBI's Most Wanted list for Treason among many other charges.
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We later found out in Season 4, Episode 22 that Assistant Director Harold Cooper did consider taking DNA from Red in the pilot but only in so far as he suspected that Red and Liz might be related. Liz: Procured a sample of Reddington’s blood? From evidence? That’s tampering. Cooper: Yes. And I should’ve done it the day he surrendered.
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Red's DNA
Red is an imposter and not the real Raymond Reddington as is later revealed in So how did his fingerprints match?
The writers may have given a possible explanation.
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Samar: What’s with the long face?Ressler: We pulled a print off the Fowler crime scene.Samar: Reddington’s?Ressler: Possibly. If it is, it ties him to our murder. Haven’t run it yet.Samar: And you don’t know if you should.Ressler: Oh, I know I should, but if I do, this could all end and we might end up in jail.
Gale: And? Ressler: It didn’t match. Gale: [ Chuckles ] What? Ressler: The print it’s not Reddington’s. Gale: That’s impossible. Did they even run it through AFIS? Ressler: Yeah, the unsub wasn’t in the system. Gale: Well, there you have it. The system’s rigged. Ressler: What are you talking about? Gale: [ Chuckles ] The system’s rigged by Reddington, for Reddington. It’s the only explanation. I mean, he’s he’s got somebody on the inside. You said so yourself. Ressler: I was kidding.
Liz: How’d you do it? How’d you change the fingerprint? Red: The fingerprint? Liz: Don’t play dumb. The one Gale and Ressler found that connects you to the death of Diane Fowler. Red: I assure you I know nothing of it.
Gale: He’s listening to “Sundown.” The strum of the guitar, the voice of a man who’s seen too much sorrow. You know, there is a chance this music was on before Reddington got here.
Doubtful that music was on. Red put that record on. This was an alternative explanation to "the prints didn't match Reddington"
more wild speculations:
Conclusion (Imho): The show is trying to say that the system is rigged by Red. It's the only explanation. Not surprising given the episodes Room 417 and The Morgana Logistics Co in Season 10.
Fingerprints and DNA cannot be changed even in the universe of The Blacklist. Not even Red's. Rigging/falsifying/manipulating on the surface is just trickery. The show told us how the magicians do their tricks but they also told us how the truth is easy to unravel. [proper testing, etc]
Katarina faked the DNA report to fool Kirk into believing he was Liz's father. Liz took a new test between her and Kirk and it was revealed that he was not the father. Retesting properly would reveal the actual truth.
Same thing with The Alchemist episode. Yes. medical science is portrayed as being competent. Just like they don't show the FBI being incompetent all the time. The DNA from 4.22 ACCURATE. The DNA from 5.22 ACCURATE. The Dna report between Red and Liz that Liz ran in Episode 1.02 would have been accurate. There is a reason the show couldn't and didn't address running a DNA report between the two in the beginning of the series or even throughout the whole show. It's the biggest mystery so understandable the show needed to preserve this secret to stay on the air. The DNA from 5.22 between the real RR and Liz matched as parent/child. Red's and Liz's would also match as Parent and child because Red is the Mother.
The Philomena Episode
Agent Gale was trying to solve the murder of Diane Fowler. What was shown was that when Red was at Fowler's house, he handled the record and the record player.
Those things were scrubbed and cleaned of any DNA or prints. The chair Red was sitting in had no trace of anything. For some reason, the record brush was the only item that had many fingerprints on it.
*There is a reason the writers wrote this and it was a big part of the episode.
More speculation and questions:
Is it possible that Red's imposter prints aren't in the system and those were his actual prints on the brush?
Are the prints in AFIS Reds or the real Reds?
Why did his prints match the real RRs in the pilot but not the brush?
*****Does Mr. Kaplan and Dembe clean up after Red [wiping down fingerprints and DNA] so Red aka RR isn't tied to new crimes? doubtful. Red leaves his prints and DNA everywhere and I don't think Red cares if he is tied to new crimes. But if Red is tied to crime and they have DNA and prints left behind from say Red... then this evidence can be loaded into the system and if Red is ever captured and tested, his prints and DNA will match the unsubs and his identity would be questioned. I think.
I've always maintained that Red switched out his prints with the RRRs in the system and those prints on file are Red's. But I'm reconsidering.
Bonus Gif:
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Relevant screencaps and/or gifs
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Finally, Dembe has cleaned after Red as well.
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collectivecloseness · 8 months
Learning that DNA was beginning to be known and understood in the public more in 1986 meaning I can realistically use it in any stranger things fic and it’ll be time period accurate 💪💪
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rekikiri · 1 year
most of Neil’s problems could’ve been solved if he just burned off his fingerprints
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Results from some of the failed cyanotypes, although it didn’t work how it should, they did produce some interesting mark making, some of the prints I only partly washed and then left to dry rather than washing the whole print away as that’s what happened when reacting with the water. I tried using citric acid to save the other that washed away but no luck unfortunately.
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heighpubsseo · 2 years
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forensicfield · 2 years
Forensic Science E-Magazine (November 2022)
We are presenting the November issue (Vol10) of your favorite magazine, Forensic Science E-Magazine. The current issue of the magazine, as usual, has helpful content related to forensic science. #Forensicscience #forensicmagazine #forensicfield #forensic
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simplyforensic · 4 months
DNA Recovery After Sequential Processing of Latent Fingerprints on Black Polyethylene Plastic
Date: May 19, 2024Source: Journal of Forensic SciencesAuthors: Abigail S. Bathrick MFS, Sarah Norsworthy MS, Dane T. Plaza BS, Mallory N. McCormick BA, Donia Slack MS, Robert S. Ramotowski MS The Impact of Sequential Treatments on DNA Analysis from Latent Fingerprints on Black Polyethylene Plastic Introduction In forensic science, both latent fingerprint visualization and DNA analysis are…
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a9saga · 8 months
Cops really used to give people sodium pentothal and be like, "speak bitch!"
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thenotaryseal · 1 year
Cheap DNA Paternity Test – Get Court-Ordered Authentication
Comparing the STR profiles of the child and the alleged father provides a probability of paternity. This probability is expressed as a percentage, indicating the likelihood that the tested man is the biological father.
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DNA Paternity test authentication
A probability of 99% or higher is generally considered conclusive proof of paternity, while probabilities below that threshold may warrant further investigation or additional testing. It is important to note that Cheap DNA Paternity Test is incredibly accurate, with only a minuscule chance of error due to the uniqueness of genetic markers.
The implications of DNA paternity testing are vast and diverse. Legally, it has been instrumental in settling disputes over child custody, inheritance claims, and child support cases.
Emotionally, it has provided individuals with a clear understanding of their biological origins, bridging gaps in family knowledge, and potentially strengthening familial bonds. Ethically, Court Certified DNA Test requires the consent of all parties involved and must adhere to strict privacy guidelines to prevent misuse of sensitive genetic information.
Fingerprint Background Check needed
While DNA paternity testing focuses on establishing familial relationships, fingerprint background checks serve a different purpose – the verification of an individual's identity and their potential threat to the community. Fingerprinting is a practice deeply rooted in the realm of forensics, employed for over a century to aid law enforcement agencies in solving crimes, identifying missing persons, and maintaining public safety.
The uniqueness and permanence of fingerprints make them an ideal tool for identification purposes. The ridges, loops, and whorls on an individual's fingertips form distinct patterns that remain consistent throughout their lifetime. Even identical twins have different fingerprint patterns that you can find Fingerprint Background Check. This level of distinctiveness has led to the widespread use of fingerprinting in criminal investigations, background checks, and even everyday applications like unlocking smartphones.
Click here for more information: https://thenotarysealllc.wixsite.com/thenotaryseal/post/cheap-dna-paternity-test-get-court-ordered-authentication
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