the scientist
i am the observer, the scientist, the astrologist. 
how strange to study something so far away.
they tell me that the matter of the planets i study runs through my veins with my blood.
how strange to study what i apparently am.
but i do not think it is that star-filled blood that runs through me.
the heavenly bodies i study are nothing like my own.
i cannot see through their eyes, cannot understand how they exist, cannot understand anything they seem to do.
and so i am confined to research, to observe their behavior.
become the student of that which i cannot understand.
become the student of that which everyone knows.
become the student of that which everyone is.
except me, i think.
forever the scientist to these planets and stars that i cannot understand. 
i do love my job, though. 
the brilliance of the stars, the beauty of the moon. the vastness of seeing that blue planet from outside of it. 
it’s impossible to describe. but it brings a brightness to my eyes, a haste to my pen. 
i don’t think i will ever stop watching. 
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hellebore-petall · 3 years
Are there any popular DMs you're inspired by?
Oh yes!!! DnD podcasts were my gateway to paying (though I knew of its existence and wanted to get into it long before, I just didn't know how). I'd have to say my biggest influences on DMing are Griffin McElroy and Matthew Mercer. Also, Haley and Gus from Unprepared Casters are super inspiring too, and I have a feeling will provide the balance I need between TAZ and Critical Role in terms of energy and techniques.
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starboystation · 3 years
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paladinbaby · 3 years
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i am in love W @dndelionn fantasy high tma art so was inspired to try it
some of the bad kids would definitely make better avatars than others
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natdrinkstea · 3 years
if anyone has blank alignment chart memes PLEASE send them to me, @dndelionn inspired me to makes memes of my dnd parties
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kori-dearest · 3 years
tagged by @plaidsuitapologist to answer some questions and tag nine five people I want to get to know better.
five songs i’ve been playing on repeat:
I used to hear a simple song - Cory Fry
Montero - Lil nas x
Born2Run - Penelope Scott
Yucky Blucky Fruitcake - IamDoechii
Sleeping with the enemy - bby mutha (defiantly recommend this one in particular)
last movie: (my attention span isn't long enough to watch a damn movie :/ )
currently watching: Assassination Classroom + Bob's Burgers
currently reading: Alice In Wonderland + At Risk Of Being A Fool
tagging @dndelionn @mcnuggyy @cannibalistic-lovers @aurora-cycle-unofficial @rattoes420
no pressure :)
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(major tw for su!cidal thoughts, particularly talk of martyr complexes)
To become like a god,
To become idolized.
The stories slipped their ideals into
My mind,
That before apotheosis must
First come death.
That to die young
To die tragically
To die for a cause
Was to become a hero.
A saint. 
A figure of some importance.
That’s what I wanted really.
They say attention-seeking 
As if to dismiss the thoughts,
But to some extent it’s true.
I wanted to be known.
Not entirely selfishly, 
I wanted to die for a cause,
To die to be a cause
For something.
I think I wanted to die to live
Because I felt like I was living to die.
A death at the proper due time
Just seems like the waste of a life,
A waste of an opportunity. 
But an unjust death, a too-early death
A death you can use.
That would be a death worth dying, I thought.
To die to live on.
To die to become more than mortal.
To die to become immortal.
To apotheosize.
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“do you…” i say. “do you think this is forever?”
“no,” she says. “no, i don’t think so.”
“how do you know?”
“i don’t but it must be true.”
a silence like the beat of a heart. 
“one day you will laugh again.
maybe the day is not today, but it will be soon.
because it must.”
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hellebore-petall · 3 years
Are you DM out of choice or necessity?
A bit of both, really. I never would have stepped into the role if it didn't interest me, but I did start because I wanted to play but didn't have any party to join. The first one shot I ran was for my family, who I forced into playing on a family vacation (they had fun). I've done a few other one shots since then and am going to be running a level 1-3 campaign out of Explorer's Guide to Wildemount for a group I'm a part of once we finish the game of Lost Mine of Phandelver one of my DMs is running while he's prepping for a longer campaign. I also want to run a full campaign at some point when the pandemic is over and I can do cool in person props and things.
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hellebore-petall · 3 years
Do you prefer running social encounters or combat?
Social encounters!!! For some reason, I have to put all my concentration to stay focused in combat in anything, including books and movies, so social encounters come more naturally and are more relaxing to me. Plus, characters and character development is the true core of why I love D&D, so I love to see what my players do with the people I throw at them.
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hellebore-petall · 3 years
tagged by @dndelionn to answer some questions and tag five people I want to get to know better! Thanks so much for the tag, I hecking love tag games!!!
five songs i’ve been playing on repeat:
Graceland Too by Pheobe Bridgers
Just a Girl by No Doubt
It’s Alright by Mother Mother
Runaway by Aurora
Party Killer by Addison Grace
last movie:
From Up on Poppy Hill (It’s so sweet and good oh my goodness I have not been able to stop thinking about it!!!)
currently watching:
Watching? Campaign 1 of Critical Role and Parks and Recreation. (Also on a more casual basis, The Owl House). I’m going to throw in a few podcasts as well because those I listen to more than I watch things. I’m currently listening to The Magnus Archives, TAZ Graduation, Unprepared Casters and This Composed Mess.
currently reading:
Untamed by Glennon Doyle! Phenominal book!!! I’m hoping to get back into reading novels at some point too though.
To do this I tag @huginsmemory @mothghhost @thriftyfoods @acebatmickey and @pokemontrainerfromgallifrey ! (No pressure to do it if you don’t want to. Also, if any of my other followers want to do this, you are welcome to do it and say I tagged you.
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