#do i also have approximately 7 other fresh new characters i could/should be playing?
ohlawsons · 4 years
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4 notes · View notes
shannygoatgruff · 4 years
Big Scary Love
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(Header made by the talented @flowers-in-your-hayr​)
For @a-mess-of-fandoms​ Kayla’s 1K Writing Challenge: Prompt #20 (prompt in bold in text below)
Characters: Ivar || Ubbe
Genre:  Romance
Warning: None
Rating: PG
Summary: A little brother seeks approval as he’s about to make the biggest decision of his life.
A/N: I was supposed to have written and submitted this one-shot for @a-mess-of-fandoms​​ months ago, but I suck! I have struggled with this thing so much. I have literally rewritten it 19 times. I don’t know why one-shots are so hard for me. The only have to be one scene, but I struggle with did I choose the right scene, how much do I want to say about it, did I find resolution? Needless to say, I was never happy with anything I wrote. It still didn’t turn out exactly as I hoped, but it’s close.
Congrats on your many followers! I’m sorry I’m so late.
Big Scary Love
Lothbrok’s Bar and Grille sat approximately two miles south off of exit 131B  between Kattegat and Hedeby. 
Established in 1990, the bar was built from the ground up by the Sigurdsson brothers, Ragnar and Rollo, as a place where the blue-collar people of both towns could get a good meal and stiff drink. It was also the place where Ragnar’s sons had grown up and naturally where they chose to carry on the childhood tradition of their monthly family game night. 
Dating back to when Bjorn first taught Ubbe and Hvitserk how to play Go Fish, when they were the ages of 6 and 4. respectively, the boys would meet at a table in the back of the restaurant to play games. It helped keep them close, especially since Bjorn lived in Hedeby with Lagertha and the other boys lived in Kattegat with Aslaug. But, the bar was in the middle, on neutral territory. It provided a place where they could all gather and remain close when distance and the common dislike between the adults threatened to tear them apart.  
Almost thirty years later the tradition continues at 7:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month. Bjorn and his wife Gunnhild, Ubbe along with his wife Torvi, Hvitserk and his girlfriend Amma, Sigurd with his boyfriend Kalf, and Ivar who vowed to start bringing his girlfriend, Cami, would gather, at the table in the back left corner, to play the game of choice according to whose name was next on the chalkboard. 
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Watching the door, Ivar’s brows raise when he recognizes his older brother cross the threshold. Slowly, he continues to organize the colorful money so that all the faces aligned in the same direction and before placing it back in the bank. A quick nod acknowledges the fact that Ubbe is headed to the bar to get a drink before he takes a seat at the large table in the back corner of the room, already set for the brothers’ monthly game. Tonight’s game is his pick, Monopoly.
Ubbe shivers slightly, trying to knock off the outside chill as he brushes the fresh snow from his black wool pea coat. As he approaches the bar, he removes his gloves and smiles at his younger brother. “Hvitserk,” he sings, clasping the younger Ragnarsson’s hand before drawing him into a manly hug, “How’s it going, brother?”
“Pretty good,” Hvitserk answers patting his brother on the back with a smile, “What are you doing here so early? We’re not supposed to meet for another,” he looks up at the clock built into the ship’s wheel on the far wall, “hour.”
“Ah,” Ubbe puts one his foot on the wooden rungs of the bar stool and balances his weight on his other leg while he plays with the coaster, “Ivar asked me to meet him here early.” He looks over his right shoulder toward the table in the back and holds up a finger to his youngest brother and then points to the bar to ask if he would like a drink. “Do you know what’s up with him?”
“He probably wants you to help him cheat,” Hvitserk explains as he takes the towel from over his shoulder and wipes down the side of the bar to Ubbe’s left. “The usual?” He prepares two drinks, when Ubbe holds up two fingers, for both of his brothers. “Oh, Angrboda just made a huge pot of Helga’s seafood stew.”
Ubbe’s eyes light up as he nods his head, “That sounds great. I’m fucking freezing. Send over a large bowl with bread, yeah?” He knocks on the bar twice, as is customary, before picking up the glasses and makes his way to the table.   
Ubbe sits the drinks on the table and smiles cheerfully, “Hey, baby boy.” He walks around and hugs his brother’s head before leaning down to kiss him on the top of his hair, “How you doing, kid? You good?” Receiving a pat on his forearm, he playfully pushes Ivar away before flopping down on a chair beside him.
“Hey,” Ivar answers watching his brother sit, holding an awkward smile on his lips, “thanks for meeting me early.” He takes a look out the window at the falling snow covering up his uneven footprints on the sidewalk, “It’s getting bad out there?”
“Nah, not really. Should have a good covering come morning, but nothing too bad.” Ubbe picks up his glass and takes a drink, stretching his lips across his teeth as the sour taste of the vodka gimlet settles on his tongue. He takes note of the way his brother is arranging the game pieces and watches for a moment before he speaks, “So…what’s going on? Why did I need to meet you here before the others?”
Ivar takes a sip of the Guinness Stout and picks up the Chance cards to arrange them all in the same direction, “Well, uh, Ubbe. I wanted to talk to you, about…about, Camille.”
“What about her?” Ubbe isn’t sure where this conversation is headed. He’s only met her a handful of times and she seems nice enough, though he’s not sure she’s the one for Ivar. There’s no reason for him to feel that way, it’s just something in his gut that says the relationship will be short-lived. 
“So,” Ivar takes in a deep breath. Having rehearsed his speech for the better part of the day, he struggles to remember to pace himself and breathe, “You know we’ve been together for a little over a year now and things are going in a really good direction with us. She’s moving in with me. We’ve even talked about looking for a small house together.” He looks up from the game box to gauge his brother’s reaction. Unable to read Ubbe’s face he continues, “I want to ask her to marry me.”
Ubbe coughs down the gimlet that gets caught in his throat as he swallows. He sits back in the chair and leans against the backrest folding his arms across his chest. He tries to keep his mouth closed to let his brother finish but the words start to spill out his mouth, “Oh, Ivar,” he chuckles, “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” 
“Why because she’s Afro-Latina and not Viking? I thought you of all people would understand that our differences don’t matter to me. Hell, I’m different, and it didn’t stop her from wanting to be with me,” Ivar defends.
“Of course not, brother. I’m not a dick,” Ubbe places his hand on his brother’s arm to calm him, “I only meant that she’s your first girlfriend. I get that you’re excited, and everything is still pretty new with you two. But, you don’t have to run out and propose to the first girl that you -” he raises his brows and ducks his head to signal Ivar what he’s talking about. “You will have lots of relationships. You will meet a ton of beautiful women that will blow your mind in bed. Hell, you might even want to marry them all. We all know Bjorn tries to,” both brothers chuckle at that, “but it’s not necessary.”
“You don’t understand, Ubbe.” Ivar interrupts, “it’s not like that.”
“You don’t understand, kid. Bjorn will never release your shares from this place before you’re 30. Especially not if he knew you would be just turning it over to some girl and knowing you it would be without a prenup. Without the interest on that trust, what will you do for money, huh? Work for Hvitserk?” He raises his brow at Ivar while ignoring the flash of anger in the younger man’s eye. “Rollo and Father put every dime and ounce of sweat they had into this restaurant to give us a legacy. You are too young to remember, but there were nights when Father would not come home because he was here laying the foundation, brick by brick. There were also many times when Mother had nothing but soup to feed us all because there was no money to buy meat; father spent it all to see his dream come true. His dream was for us to have a better life and we did. When he died, we all got a piece of this place and the money from it is for our future.”
Ubbe blinks his blue eyes thoughtfully at the younger man beside him, “Besides, baby boy, you are so impulsive – as soon as you get an idea, you jump on it. You don’t always think things through. Have you really thought about this?”
“When Bjorn decided to join the Army and go to war, we didn’t tell him he couldn’t go. We let him go live out his dreams of being one of the Avengers. And was Hvitserk being impulsive when he decided that he wanted to take this place over after Helga died? He did not know the restaurant business. Liking to eat and running a restaurant are two different things, but none of us tried to talk him out of it?” Ivar rolled his eyes and slammed the game cards onto the board, “We all rallied around him and pooled our money together to help him remodel this place how he wanted. We promised that even if he fucked up we would pitch in and help keep this place afloat. My money is here, too. I should be able to have it if I want it.”
“But, Ivar…”
“I’m not finished, Ubbe,” Ivar runs his fingers through his long, loose hair and pulls it over to one shoulder, “When you decided to marry Torvi, a woman that had three children that weren’t yours, did any of us say anything? No. We could see that you loved her and that she made you happy and that was enough. And Sigurd? He was scared as hell to tell us about Kalf, but in the end, it was fine, because he’s our brother and we support each other. But why not me?”
Ubbe takes another drink and sets his cup down silently. He regards his little brother and smiles at him softly, “Because you, my little Ivar, are my baby brother and I don’t want you to get hurt.” He squeezes Ivar’s shoulder lovingly, “I have always looked out for you. I have been your legs since you were a child. You are a part of me, brother, and I must protect you.”
“You can’t protect me from love, Ubbe. She’s my big scary love,” Ivar’s eyes drop bashfully as the blush stains his cheeks.
 “Your what?”
“That’s what we call it – big scary love. You know that love you feel all the time, but sometimes you wake up in the morning and you just say to yourself, ‘I love the fuck out of this woman?’ It’s that love that after a year I still feel fluttering in my chest when I hear her ringtone and why my world spirals out of control when I see tears in her eyes. And she loves me that way, too, Ubbe. I mean, look at me,” he opens his hands in surrender, “In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you. Well, she does. She loves me like that and so much more. My legs, crawling around, breaking bones, the pain, my temper...hell, she loves me despite those things. To her, they are just additional sides of me to love.”
Ubbe listens to his brother, trying to keep the tears that threaten to spring to his eyes at bay. He can hear it in Ivar’s voice that he is truly happy. Now, he regrets not getting to know Cami better, but he admits to himself that he did not think that their relationship would last. “I am happy that you found love, Ivar.”
 “She’s pregnant.”
Ubbe unintentionally holds his breath as he tries to think of something else to say, but no words will come out. Why can’t Ivar see what he’s doing? This is all the more reason for him not to make this mistake.
“That’s not the reason why I want to marry her, though.” Ivar smile doubles in size as he thinks about the prospect of becoming a father, “I’ll admit the idea of having a baby is like…fuck! But, I want to marry her because I want to make her my family. I want it all, Ubbe; a family of my own, with her. She’s it for me.”
 “So, what do you want from me?”
With a shrug, Ivar relaxes, “Your permission? Your blessing? Congratulations? I don’t know. You’ve always been my favorite brother – I guess I just want to know that I’ll still have you in my corner. I don’t give a fuck about the money from the restaurant. If Bjorn wants to be an ass and tie it up for years, so be it. I’ll get a real job and stop living off of the family name. The only thing I want is Mother’s ring. I want to propose the right way…and maybe you in my corner.”
Ubbe cups one hand around Ivar’s cheek and gives him a few hits, “My baby brother has finally grown up!” Leaning in, he places his other hand on Ivar’s other cheek before pulling his face toward him to kiss him on both cheeks, “You’re going to be a father and husband! I’m so proud and happy for you! Of course, I will stand up for you, brother. All I have ever wanted was for you to find your own happiness.” Ubbe can’t stop the laughter coming from him as he notices Hvitserk coming over to the table. “And it would be my honor to give you Mother’s ring.”
“Sorry, it took so long. Porunn was late for her shift again. Know any good people needing a job? I could use some help around here.” Hvitserk says, sitting the bowl of soup on the table. He looks at his brothers and smiles at them laughing like loons, “What are you idiots up to?”
Ubbe gives Ivar a knowing smile as he hugs him around the shoulders. “Nothing. Just our brother here has some wonderful news to share tonight when the others arrive.”
Nodding, Hvitserk punches Ivar’s arm and picks up Ubbe’s glass to toast, “Well, to whatever your news is, Ivar,” he clicks glasses with his youngest brother and finishes off Ubbe’s drink. “I’ll get you another, Ubbe.” As he turns to walk toward the bar, he yells over his shoulder, “And you’re not banker during Monopoly tonight, Ivar. You always cheat!”
 Tags:  @youbloodymadgenius​​​ @idea-garden @kol--mikaelson​​​ @mooniemouse​​​ @didiintheblog​​​ @waiting4inspiration​​​ @tempt-ress​ @where-beauty-goes-to-die @crazyaboutmotleycrue​​​ @oddsnendsfanfics​​​ @geekandbooknerd​​​ @ivarthebloodyking​​​ @honestsycrets​​​   @xbellaxcarolinax​​​  @zuxiezendler​​​ @inforapound​​​​  @a-mess-of-fandoms​
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Industry sources have revealed that BC Entertainment, Dimensions Entertainment, and Gold Star Media are hosting a second annual joint retreat and workshop. The three companies previously held a joint retreat last June in Hawaii and insiders claim the companies are looking within Korea this year. Though the exact location and the exact dates of the retreat could not be confirmed, sources state the location was suggested by both Gold Star CEO Bang Sunyoung and Dimensions Entertainment creative director Choi Dongwook, though none of the company executives will be able to attend the retreat themselves this year. 
After the success of last year’s retreat in Hawaii, all idols and key staff members from the three companies have been invited on a joint retreat at a healing and wellness resort in the mountains of Gangwon Province, South Korea! All idols will leave by bus from Seoul on the morning of June 19 and the trip to the resort will take approximately two hours. There will be six buses total, with three buses reserved for the idols to travel in. Idols will be sorted onto buses by arrival time, so they may not be on the same bus as their group mates or label mates.
Attendance is considered mandatory, so if there’s a reason your muse wouldn’t be able to attend the retreat, please clear it with the admin first.
From the morning of June 19 to the afternoon of June 22, everyone will be staying at a resort nestled in the mountains of Gangwon. Idols will be sleeping in suites of three people to a room. Roommates will be chosen by random card draw, so idols may end up sharing with people they don’t know, though all roommates will be same-sex and idols will only room with other idols, not staff. Roommates can be plotted among muns as long as no more than two members of the same group are in the same room. There will be three full-size beds to a room. Room design visuals can be found here, here, and here.
Each night, idols can choose to go on a group hike to go camping in the mountains in tents at an organized camping area if they’d like to sleep in the outdoors instead. Each idol will be limited to doing this only one night out of the trip.
The resort is advertised as a natural and relaxing escape from the rush of everyday life, so the cellphone and internet connection is quite bad though not entirely unavailable. There are no televisions or computers provided on the resort campus and activities available at the resort are focused on practices considered healing and relaxing. The resort does not have room service, but it does have a cafeteria building where personal chefs cook organic, healthy meals curated by expert nutritionists. No alcohol is served at the resort and it is strongly discouraged to drink or smoke on resort property, though it would not be impossible for attendees to smuggle such things in in their luggage.
Visual references of the style of the resort can be found at the following links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. The campus of the resort also features all of the following spread across several different buildings, which are open 24 hours:
A swimming pool and a thermal pool
A library of books and LP records and a reading area
A sauna
A spa, massage, and meditation center
An indoor flower garden
A water garden
An outdoor terrace with a view of the mountains
A bonfire area
A hammock area
A fitness center with a rock climbing wall
A cafe
A music hall
Organic farming center
Several mountain hiking trails of varying lengths
The following classes are also offered in small groups each day:
Organic home gardening
Rock climbing
Yoga / aerial yoga / paddleboard yoga (in pool)
Coffee brewing
Meditation / active meditation / sound meditation
Art (painting, pottery, jewelry making)
The entire resort has been rented out for the trip, so only those associated with BC, Dimensions, or Gold Star will be at the resort during the stay.
Idols will be allowed to explore the resort and its surrounding area at their leisure, but there will also be activities specifically highlighted in activity brochures given to each attendee (including the aforementioned classes as well as hiking and traditional tea ceremonies) alongside mandatory events specific to the companies’ retreat that can be found below. One night and one afternoon of the trip have mandatory company events with an optional group event on an additional night, but idols may explore the area freely the rest of the time. Managers will not be on clock for the trip, but idols will still face punishment if they misbehave in a way that reflects negatively on the company in the presence of resort staff. All currently promoting groups/soloists will have pre-recorded their music show stages before leaving for Gangwon
Everyone will leave in the late afternoon of June 22 by bus back to Seoul following the group picnic.
Idols are not allowed to post to social media about the retreat until the retreat is over to avoid any fans finding their location and attempting to trespass on resort property.
Scheduled Activities Overview: (attendance is mandatory for all *except open mic night* unless muse is injured/ill)
June 19: Bonfire. After everyone has settled into their rooms and had a chance to explore the wellness resort, a bonfire will be held at the bonfire area of the resort. Staff will not be present at the bonfire, as they have another scheduled bonding event. The bonfire won’t be structured, but attendees are welcome to talk, play games, roast food, and other bonfire activities. After the bonfire ends, anyone who would like to take the hike up into the mountains to camp under the stars will be given the opportunity to do so (though this option is available every night).
June 20: Free day/night. 
June 21: Open mic. This activity is optional. Any interested attendees may attend an open mic night to unwind on this night at the music hall. Attendees are free to perform music for the other attendees, read poetry, do comedy, etc. Signing up attend of time is not required, though it is an option. Attendees may team up for duets or group performances with any other attendee if they wish, but no one will be given more than ten minutes on the mic. A baby grand piano, an acoustic guitar, a tambourine, and a recorder will be available for use for musical performances as well as a sound system. Performers shouldn’t do anything too raunchy as they are in mixed company, but as these are private performances for fun and relaxation, they have a lot of freedom. Anyone interested in watching may come and go from the event as they please.
June 22: Picnic. On the last day of the retreat, all attendees will have an outdoor picnic together for lunch before leaving to return to Seoul. Every attendee will be given a lunch basket of fresh foods including meat, rice, vegetables, and fruit prepared by the resort’s personal chefs.
In game, this event takes place on from Friday, June 19, to Monday, June 22, but threads and other posts for this event may be started from Sunday, June 7, at 12PM EDT (the time this post goes up), to Saturday, July 4, at 11:59PM EDT. Threads may be continued past the end date, but must be started before then and are no longer eligible for points past the end date. Non-event related interactions may be conducted during this time as well.
NOTE: All posts related to the event should be tagged #fmdwellnessretreat. Remember to use #fmdcall if you want to post a plot or starter call for the event, which I encourage everyone to do if they’d like to!
As with all events, there are special points up for grabs.
INTERACTIONS: Having an event thread with a starter and at least three replies (starter ▻ partner reply  ▻ op reply  ▻ partner reply) by the end of the event is worth 2 points. This is valid for up to ten threads this time and the threads can take place during any part of the event.
INTERACTIONS: Having an event thread going with someone your muse has never had an interaction with before is worth 1 additional point for each thread.
INTERACTIONS: Posting an open starter for the event is worth 2 points. This counts for up to one open thread starter (not a text/sms post) per character.
PLAYLIST: Making a playlist of seven or more songs matching your muse’s idea of a ‘relaxation’ or a ‘wellness’ playlist is worth 2 points not counting toward your monthly playlist limit.
PROMPT: Upon gathering for the picnic on the final day of the trip, all muses are handed a new simple, bound journal. A resort staff member speaks up when everyone has arrived for the picnic, giving a brief talk on the importance of self-reflection as a part of a “continuing wellness journey”. Everyone is then given half an hour of silence in nature to write the first entry in their newly gifted journal as a self-reflection on their current state and place in life. Completing this prompt in a self-para of 400+ words is worth 3 points not counting toward your monthly self-para limit.
You can also earn the normal amount of points through writing additional self-paras, etc. related to the event!
If anything in this post is unclear or you have any questions, please feel free to contact the admin. Please like this post to let me know you read it!
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Episode 1: Pilot
Hey Prodigies. 
Welcome. My name is Jessica. I will be posting my weird thoughts/comments (with approximate time stamps) for every episode of Prodigal Son as I rewatch the episode. I like to be completely absorbed in the show the first time I watch an episode which is why, even for new episodes, this will always be a rewatch commentary.  
I’ve done this for some of my other hyper-fixations and I’ve had a lot of fun doing it so here I am making another one for Prodigal Son. I doubt anyone is interested in my thoughts but I’m just doing this for fun so sorry, not sorry. 
Here we go with episode 1
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0:10 - Baby Malcolm is so freaking cute. 
1:00 - after 60 seconds I’m hooked. This show is incredible. Little boy watches his serial killer father become arrested? Yes. Please. What. A. Concept.
1:47 - Is Bright the only FBI agent on the premises? Maybe I’ve watched too much Criminal Minds but I thought FBI agents travelled in groups for cases?
3:34 - This scene. As a fandom, I feel like we don’t give the adorable actor who plays baby Malcolm enough props. Seriously, his facial expression combined with his delivery of the lines, “They call you a monster....are you?” Breaks my heart. Every. Time. It is the moment I fell in love with Malcolm as a character. Also side note - Michael Sheen is killing it as usual. 
5:10 - This cop shouldn’t be allowed to carry a gun. Seriously - can you say immoral?
6:24 - “Next time you call someone crazy, ask for their gun first.” He’s not wrong. In fact this line is amazing. 
7:00 - I think college!Malcolm is really interesting but that hair part is not ok. Also. The way he tries to hide his hand tremor in this scene is heart breaking. AND. The way Martin talks to Malcolm in this scene (as someone with a manipulative, abusive father who fooled family friends/teachers, etc. that he was a stand up guy) is truly haunting. He is putting up an amazing act. He is calm, kind, understanding, and concerned. He also killed people. That duality is just...upsetting.
9:04 - He sleeps in restraint with a mouthguard. Immediately I want to hug him.
10:04 - This conversation between Ainsley and Malcolm reminds me of my own brother and I (I was ten when my abusive dad left and he was 7, he doesn’t remember much but I do). My ability to connect this scene to my life is probably why I find the dynamic of Ainsley and Malcolm’s relationship so real and believable. These siblings are close, they can go from talking about real problems in their lives to teasing each other and whining about mom in an instant. 
11:00 - THIS. THIS HUG. IS. EVERYTHING. This scene is everything. This is the moment that I became curious about Gil. Who is he? Why does Malcolm (who has already been established as very emotionally wounded) trust him? And why does this guy care so much about the son of a serial killer?
12:05 - Is this the only time we see Dani chew gum?
12:10 - I love the way Bright is introduced to the team. You immediately see that Gil is Malcolm’s fake dad and that Malcolm is very socially awkward. 
13:00 - Something about this scene is reminding me just so slightly of BBC’s Sherlock. 
15:03 - Does no one else on the roof hear this conversation?!? You can see other people on the roof.
15:20 - I love how many subtle nods there are to Malcolm’s hand tremor in this episode.
16:12 - The interaction between Jessica and Malcolm is wonderful. It really showcases how extra Jessica is and how much Malcolm is suffering. Also the fact that Jessica’s pill holder is bedazzled is HILARIOUS.
18:00 - The only thing running through my head right now is how fine Tom Payne looks in that long sleeved polo. 
18:45 - Edrisa is a breath of fresh air. She is awkward and funny and she lightens up the very serious aspects of this show. 
19:00 - “He’s the killer right? We agree?” JT is honestly such an underrated character. He’s honest (a little blunt) but he also has a huge heart. Also the line about Malcolm not sleeping is heartbreaking. 
20:05 - ngl. The whole Edrisa/Malcolm dynamic (in the first few episodes) really grosses me out. It’s awkward and creepy. 
20:21 - What is JT’s facial expression here?!? That weird pout as he looks at the ground?! It’s hilarious but honestly sooo out of place in this scene. 
21:15 - Sooo the killer broke into Nico’s apartment. Why did he cover everything in plastic? I mean why? It’s so bizarre. Also - why did he hang out in the dark? He was just in the apartment. He definitely didn’t turn off the lights as he prepared to flee the scene.
22:10 - I love that Dani, the woman, is the officer to pursue the killer. Not JT who is the most physically imposing. 
23:15 - This scene always gets me. It’s just soooo crazy. I mean everything about it is just wild. 
24:40 - More of my boy and his shaky hand. <3
25:05 - As I rewatch this episode I notice all of the subtle looks that Gil gives Bright. They’re concerned looks. I love them. 
25:30 - It looks physically painful for Malcolm to swallow. :( Also the looks that Ainsley and Malcolm give each other as Jessica prattles on about Egypt are amazing. 10/10 would recommend.
26:00 - “Not with the sound on” Yikes. I like Jessica but she really needs to work on being a better mom to Ainsley.
27:27 - The lighting in the case room is suddenly flickering? Really? Well that’s convenient I guess. 
28:40 - Dani saving Malcolm is so important. She just met this guy. She clearly thinks he’s a little off. But she’s a good person. She wants to help him. She protects him from himself and the gun wielding police officers. 
28:55 - ....Malcolm put on a coat before he went to talk to Gil about his night terror? Interesting. 
29:00 - I love this scene. We find out about Jackie. We find out more about Gil. We see how much Gil cares about Malcolm. AND we can see JT and Dani in the background talking and looking over at Malcolm. It’s so good. Character development for the win. 
30:18 - Ok. So. Martin Whitly is an amazing artist. He drew those. Dang. 
31:07 - How did Martin manage to keep a medical license after killing all those people?!? 
31:10 - Martin and Malcolm’s first conversation in 10 years is so interesting. The dynamic of their conversation is complex and intriguing and honestly I could write a freaking novel about their relationship. 
34:35 - The first hint we get that Martin might care more about merely having company than having a relationship with his son.
35:40 - This scene is peak comedy. “Maybe you should draw your gun.” hahaha. 
37:48 - Malcolm has no sense of self-preservation. Honestly. He walks into a room containing an armed serial killer when he himself is unarmed. 
39:15 - This scene. Malcolm’s speech. You can see how much Malcolm hates himself. How much Malcolm hates his past. How much pain he carries. It’s haunting. 
40:48 - I love that even after finding out that Bright’s dad is a serial killer, Dani takes a minute to make sure that Malcolm is okay. She cares more about his wellbeing than his past. That’s an incredible distinction. 
41:23 - Gil’s speech. Gil’s story about Malcolm. Wonderful. Chef’s kiss. This is why I keep watching the show. The idea that the cop who arrested a serial killer became that fake dad to the serial killer’s son is such a beautiful and complex concept. I’m obsessed with the father/son dynamic between Gil and Malcolm. 
If you actually read all (or any) of this - Thanks for hanging out. I wish I could say that my thoughts for subsequent episodes will be shorter but honestly I forced myself to be brief with this one. 
Basically - I love this show. I’m someone who is, generally speaking, fascinated with character development and whump. This show is a gold mine for both. 
I’ll post again soon. Read it if you want. Or not. I’m mostly posting this for myself. Because you know, COVID-19. I’m at home. I have way too much time alone with my thoughts and doing this is fun. 
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blogsight485 · 3 years
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Download and install League of Legends for the North America server. Play for free today. Below, you'll find the minimum system requirements for running League of Legends on PCs and Macs. If your setup meets only the minimum requirements. League of Legends for Mac OS X 10.10 freeware download. The download should start automatically in a few seconds. If it doesn't, click here to start the download process manually. Would you like to receive announcements about new League of Legends for Mac OS X.
League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBAs to arrive on Mac, with thousands of players battling each other across the globe every day. However, Mac players do suffer from one disadvantage when compared to their Windows or Linux friends — smooth performance. Macs have fewer game-oriented video cards in the beginner to intermediate models, which could mean lower frames per second (FPS) rate for many players.
You can be sure that in the middle of a gank, solo fight, or rax, every frame counts. Smooth performance can be the difference between landing a stun, using an item, or helping your teammates in a split-second. When the stakes are high, don’t let slow performance and lag drag you down.
Why Is League Of Legends Slow On My Mac?
League of Legends is one of the easier MOBAs to run thanks to a lightweight graphics engine and a smart team of engineers at Riot games. However, the load on your Mac can become fairly high as the match progresses. Champions level up and have more skills. They earn more money and have more items. In a late-game group fight, your Mac is processing so many actions at once that it can bog down the framerate. On top of this, your internet connection has to send all of this data to the server and back so that everyone is on the same page.
Between the infamous League of Legends slow motion bug and even some issues with League of Legends slow updates, optimizing your Mac is more important than ever to winning your next game.
1. Disable shadows
One of the most demanding graphical components in the League of Legends engine is the shadow processing engine. It renders the shadow of every champion, tree, and blade of grass on the map, which then have to respond to the conditions around them, such as spells and changing light. To speed up League of Legends, the game stores most of the shadow assets and states in your video RAM (VRAM). The more VRAM you have, up to approximately 2 GB, the smoother your FPS. But disabling shadows completely in the Video options can increase your FPS and also give you extra visibility on the map (with fewer distracting shadows). To access the Video options, simply press Esc and then select Video. While you’re in there, try setting the overall graphics quality to Very Low.
2. Close all other apps
League of Legends on Mac plays better when there are no other apps using valuable RAM and resources in the background. Common culprits include Dropbox, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Google Drive. By closing these apps before you play, you’re making more RAM and processing power available to speed up League of Legends. To identify and close any resource-hogging apps, simply:
Launch Activity Monitor from Applications.
Switch tabs to Memory and make a note of the apps at the top of the list.
Switch tabs to CPU and see what’s taking up processing power.
Quit all the apps you don’t need by selecting them and choosing Force Quit icon in the top-left corner.
If closing these apps didn’t seem to make an impact on speeding up your League of Legends, try restarting your Mac first for a clean wipe of RAM usage.
3. Repair corrupt game files
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League of Legends, like other MOBAs, is updated very frequently for new champions, items, bug fixes, or balances. Over time, your game files can become corrupt due to an error in processing the new files upon each update. Occasionally, this can lead to FPS problems and slow performance. Thankfully, League of Legends has a built-in repair function that will fix any corrupted files:
Run League of Legends.
Click on the gear in the top right corner of the window.
Click Initiate Full Repair.
Wait for the repair function (it can take from 5 minutes to over 30 minutes depending on the corrupted files).
If in doubt, you can always try reinstalling League of Legends entirely so that fresh new files are pulled from the install.
4. Remove resource-heavy and temp files
While there are some good tips for speeding up League of Legends FPS in the game settings, there are some optimizations that can only be done inside macOS. With use, your Mac becomes full with all kinds of files you don’t need that still consume your processor’s speed. But how do you find them?
A popular trick used by pro gamers is to fire up an automatic optimization tool like CleanMyMac X, which finds the files that slow you down so you can focus on landing that next stun.
Using CleanMyMac X is easy — just fire up its Optimization module:
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Download CleanMyMac X (free trial available).
Choose Optimization in the left-side panel and click View All Items.
Disable unneeded files or remove them completely.
Besides, feel free to use other scans from CleanMyMac X that have to do with System Junk, iTunes Junk, or Malware Removal. Just hit Scan and CleanMyMac X will do all the work for you.
Now you’re ready to get back to the game! Remember to repeat the optimization process from time to time, whether you’re doing it manually or using a more convenient and thorough one-click solution from CleanMyMac X.
League Of Legends For Mac Os
League of Legends is a MOBA where two teams of 5 players battle each other as they destroy towers in an attempt to blow up the opposition’s nexus.
Over 140 champions
League of Legends is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) that has a highly competitive environment.
Mac Os X Download
League of Legends is entirely free to download and play. You'll only have to pay for cosmetic skins and champions. Riot Points let you purchase these elements. However, Blue essence only buys champions. You'll have to earn and use skin shards to unlock skins for characters.
LoL’s gameplay is highly competitive, even when you’re playing a non-ranked match. The thrill is the main reason that this game becomes addictive. You’ll keep playing to try and master your lane and character.
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Once you’ve played through the tutorial, you’ll have the ability to spend your blue essence and choose from over 140 different champions. All characters have a playstyle and their lane. However, most heroes can be played in any role if you have enough skill.
Due to its complexity and competitiveness, the game’s community is mostly toxic.
Where can you run this program?
League of Legends is available for Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher, as well as Windows 7 and up.
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Is there a better alternative?
League Of Legends Download Mac
No. League is a great MOBA, but Dota 2 is another software program that lets you pick any hero from the moment you join the game. Smite is another MOBA with heroes that pull from world mythology, but it’s not as popular as League or Dota 2.
Our take
LoL is a fun MOBA that’s extremely competitive. However, this competitive nature turns the player base toxic and requires you to mute the chat if it becomes too much.
Should you download it?
Yes. If you enjoy competitive games or want a team-based title, then League of Legends is for you.
They are some complaints I think you should know if you are thinking about getting this. First let’s start with the pros: The campaign mode was fun. It is also fun collecting all the info on the buildings and enemies. Assassin's creed brotherhood mac. Also, collecting new items and powers (like sticky bombs) for my assassin is fun.
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swingopen27-blog · 4 years
The 24-year-old V God's open life: from the talented teen who developed games to the founder of Ethereum having a net really worth of hundreds of billions
To understand electronic foreign currency and blockchain, in addition to Bitcoin, we have to mention Ethereum, which is the second largest in marketplace value. 10 years back, the emergence of Bitcoin allowed people to acknowledge the everyday living of blockchain technologies, and began to yearn for and discover the decentralized planet; 5 years ago, the emergence of Ethereum permitted people to witness the huge possible and infinite behind the blockchain may. From some data, we can see the huge effect of Ethereum within the currency circle in those days: In 2017, the price of ETH increased almost 90 situations from the reduced stage; the ICO initiated by Ethereum became the most popular approach to fundraising. The global amount elevated through ICOs exceeded 4 billion U.S. bucks; the total marketplace value of global digital currencies furthermore soared from 18 billion U.S. dollars at the beginning of the entire year to 560 billion U.S. dollars in 2017. If Satoshi Nakamoto is the creator of Bitcoin and blockchain, after that Vitalik born within the 90s has created a new era of smart contracts and brought great prosperity to the global cryptocurrency marketplace. He had been 19 years old when he founded Ethereum, and he was named "V God" within the circle. Nowadays, let's become familiar with the 24-year-old V The almighty again, and pay attention to his life story, how he went from a talented teenager with super intelligence to the creator of Ethereum having a net worth of a huge selection of billions. Regarded as a kid prodigy since he had been a child, he developed little games at age 10 V God was born in Russia in 1994 and immigrated to Canada with his father when he was 5 yrs . old. He is a Russian Canadian. He has already been "extraordinarily gifted" since he was a child and has extraordinary abilities. In the 3rd grade of primary school, The almighty V showed amazing talent. When most people hadn't memorized the multiplication table of nine to nine, Our god V could already perform three-digit mental arithmetic at twice the quickness of his peers, so he Naturally, I inserted the school's "Genius Youth Class" specially create for talented college students.
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By the 5th and sixth marks, everyone thought he has been a math genius. He also realized he was better than ordinary individuals, and was even a tiny bit distressed, "Why can't I carry out at an average of 75 factors like everyone else." There's also rumors that when he has been 7 yrs . old, V God created a name called " The complex document of "Bunny Encyclopedia" is a small world made up of rabbits, that is filled with mathematics, graphs and calculations. https://cvplab.org/central-bank-of-canada-the-potential-impact-of-central-bank-digital-money-on-bank-deposits/ in the world strictly stick to the formula. Lord V recalled he first encountered a computer when he had been 10 years aged. 10 years aged is the age group when children are addicted to online games. God V is no exception, and he is furthermore an "Web addicted teen." Most kids are using toys or chasing and using their close friends, but V God chooses to utilize computer programming to create small games. The initial program he wrote was a game where the golf ball bounced to shoot. V God later laughed and known as this sport "Vitalik's version of Area Invaders." Furthermore, he also produced some strategy games based on medieval legends as a child. V God cute photos while i was young At the age of 13, V Our god became dependent on playing "Wow", often near the computer all day, playing Warcraft each day. Until afterwards, in a new version update, a casino game company terminated a must-kill ability for his dearest game character "Warlock". This video game character V Lord has reached degree 80. V Our god is distraught and contains repeatedly published I emailed and approached the engineers of the game company in the state forum and questioned them to revive this skill, but the response had been "The business did this away from consideration for online game balance and cannot be restored." Afterwards, V God chose to give up playing Warcraft. This might also pave just how for V God's later thinking: In the world of Internet games, players are usually fragile as individuals, and game designers are the manage center of the overall game. One of the biggest drawbacks of the centralized service is that everything is The developer gets the final say, gamers can only choose to passively acknowledge or quit the overall game. In no way dismissive of Bitcoin To state when The almighty V begun to become connected with Bitcoin, it's important to talk about his dad Dmitry Buterin, who was enlightened by his dad to know Bitcoin. In those days, V God has been 17 years old. His father experienced his own corporation, Wild Apricot, as soon as introduced the concept of Bitcoin to V Lord. In those days, Bitcoin was born less than 2 years ago. V Our god first heard about Bitcoin & most of that time period. People have exactly the same reaction, dismissive, thinking that Bitcoin has no real value and can not need long-term growth. Selfie picture of V Our god and father Afterwards, V God's father sold his firm and became the co-founder of BlockGeeks, a blockchain incubator. V God once again learned about the idea of Bitcoin from his dad and learned that it was based on a decentralization This time he was fascinated by the cryptocurrency of blockchain technologies. He made a decision to study Bitcoin. This analysis was unable to extricate himself. In March 2011, Lord V begun to write some articles about Bitcoin by himself. He fulfilled a pal who wished to take up a Bitcoin blog for the Bitcoin chat community forum. God V contributed articles to the web site and obtained 5 Bitcoins for every article. (It had been worth $3.5 at that time) until the website went bankrupt. At exactly the same time, he wrote for a magazine called "Bitcoin Weekly". At that time, V God should have saved a lot of Bitcoin. More importantly, during the time of writing, Lord V has accumulated a lot of knowledge and first-hand information about Bitcoin, and has also made several friends that are also thinking about Bitcoin. And blockchain technology also has a deeper knowing. In Sept 2011, a pal called Mihai Alisie approached V God and invited him to become the chief writer of the newly founded "Bitcoin Mag" (Bitcoin Mag). V The almighty also grew to become the co-founder, in 2014 Continue steadily to write and give food to before the center of the year. (The magazine was obtained in 2015 and changed to the web version, that is the extranet we frequently browse at this point.) Actual physical publication of Bitcoin Magazine Later, when V Lord was 18 or 9 years old, he was admitted to the University of Waterloo in Canada (ranked 18th in the world for computer science) to review computer science. But he lowered out of college 8 months after entering college. Because he found that he was filled with bitcoins, he couldn't perform both research, writing, and studies in bitcoin at school. After dropping from school, V Our god visited Amsterdam, SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, Israel along with other cities to review, visited the Bitcoin developer community, and approached some cryptocurrency tasks. Along the way, he gradually discovered the restrictions of Bitcoin, so he wanted to discover Bitcoin in Program opportunities beyond cryptocurrency. While in Israel, God V discovered that many residents were doing Bitcoin propaganda work, but the Bitcoin concept they popularized has been very complicated. God V was considering whether there is any way to easily simplify these complex methods and how exactly to highlight the features of the blockchain. We know that for security reasons, Satoshi Nakamoto just used a complex scripting language to create the Bitcoin process. However, this language intentionally limited the difficulty of transactions and triggered Bitcoin never to incubate. More programs. Vshen believes that when we can develop a platform that everyone may use, so that developers can freely construct their very own blockchain applications on it, it might be great. Started Ethereum and had been called V God At the end of 2013, V Shenyou returned to Toronto after learning, and immediately wrote down his ideas and wrote a white paper. In the white-colored paper, he launched the "Ethereum" project for the first time. He suggested to develop a new platform using a more prevalent scripting language. To carry the development of applications, such as for example social networking, trading, game applications, etc., this is actually the later "Ethereum Wise Contract". At that time, V God sent the white paper to 15 close friends, and these 15 individuals sent it with their close friends one after another. The white-colored paper spread rapidly in the Bitcoin local community and obtained unanimous praise from everyone. Confident V Lord convened several partners to start out the deployment of Ethereum at the beginning of 2014. He committed to the $100,000 scholarship or grant he received at that time (Paypal founder and Facebook's very first external investor Peter Thiel for Scholarships granted to encourage young people under the age of 20 to start out a business) to the project. In addition, V God also designed a fresh cryptocurrency foreign currency for Ethereum-Ether (ETH), and made a decision to raise money through ICO like additional cryptocurrencies. In July 2014, the crowdfunding of ETH has been officially released, and customers can pre-purchase ETH with Bitcoin. The trade ratio is 1 Bitcoin to 2000 Ether. Based on the cost of 600 USD per Bitcoin at that time, the initial worth of 1 Ether is approximately 0.3 USD. To everyone's surprise, the crowdfunding was a huge achievement from the beginning. A lot more than 3,500 bitcoins were elevated within 12 hours. After 42 times of crowdfunding, a complete of 31,529 bitcoins were raised, that was worth 18.4 million at that time. Dollar. As one of the bright spots and trump cards of Ethereum, clever contracts are favored by developers because of their versatility and flexibility. Soon, Ethereum had been recognized by a lot of people and became synonymous with the second generation of blockchain technologies. The Ether released by it quickly became the world's 2nd largest digital foreign currency after Bitcoin. At the same time, V-God brought the team to establish a nonprofit organization, the Ethereum Basis, in Switzerland, and Vtalik has since been called "V-God". Experiencing storms and crises Smart contracts have got significant advantages in terms of versatility and versatility, but there's also some security risks. In May 2016, The DAO (Discentralized Autonomous Business), the decentralized firm of Ethereum, finished a $150 million crowdfunding and prepared to invest in some start-up tasks in Ethereum through wise contracts. Who would have thought that this large sum of funds attracted hackers. In June 2016, hackers used the program code loopholes in The DAO smart contract to strike and stole 50 million U.S. dollars really worth of ether. This is the well-known " The DAO occurrence" is also the biggest digital currency theft. In those days, following the DAO has been hacked, everyone questioned the protection of smart agreements, and many investors fell into panic. Ether fell from US$20 to US$10, as well as the global market worth evaporated by US$500 million over night. After discussing with the group, the 22-year-old God V made a bold decision-to retrieve all of the lost ether through a hard fork, and the stolen funds will be rolled back again to the smart contract to recover User loss. This process is actually contrary to the decentralized and immutable nature from the blockchain, but V God considered more traders' losses at that time. So this decision led to a hard fork of Ethereum. One faction has been Etherum Classic, and they chose to continue steadily to maintain the unique Ethereum; another faction has been Ethereum led by The almighty V, plus they updated the Ethereum A lot of security vulnerabilities continue to operate on the new chain. In the past two years, the technologies of Ethereum provides matured and developed, and the position of Ethereum has been recognized by the marketplace. From March to June 2017, the price tag on ETH begun to skyrocket, and the marketplace value of Ethereum once reached more than 80% of Bitcoin. However, bitcoin price flattened, and something wave started once again. In June 2017, another rumor that "the founder of Ethereum died in a car accident" broke out on the Internet, and it was distribute wildly by domestic and foreign media, causing the cost of Ether to plummet by 30% and the marketplace value of vast sums of bucks evaporated. Later, Our god V submitted a hash worth of the 3930000th prevent on his Twitter to prove he was still alive, angering the absurd rumor having a connotative photo. Gengzhi Boy wants to change the world through Ethereum V God's personality has always been fairly straightforward. CVPLab - BLOCKCHAIN x CONSTRUCTION as mentioned that "Ao Ben Satoshi" is really a "madman", he as soon as caused EOS founder BM, and Sunlight Justin stated that "TRON is definitely rubbish." As a strong rival of Ethereum in those days, EOS used the DPoS system. V Our god bombarded the development of the blockchain platform with this mechanism. The two have repeatedly fought on Tweets over the problem of "POS or POW that is more decentralized". But in the eyes of BM, he and Lord V are in fact "disharmonious in technique but the same way". Although each took its own path, the best goal would be to try to reduce social problem and maximize social freedom. V God, who has been a genius since childhood, also believes that he has a objective that is different from ordinary people, especially after getting into the blockchain field, he really wants to do something that may really change the planet through Ethereum. V God often expresses his thoughts on Twitter, not wanting Ethereum to become a bubble of speculation and prosperity, but really can bring some true impact to the planet. For instance, in 2017, Ethereum is at a stable and rapid growth stage, and the price of ETH also skilled various rounds of skyrocketing. V God warned all Ethereum users on Twitter to treat Ethereum maturely, otherwise they will withdraw from Ethereum. God V does not want Ethereum to become bubble beneath the carnival, but to permeate all sectors and decentralize the world's economic climate, society, and lifestyle. Before year or two, V God provides been to several countries to take part in conferences and lectures, to market the technology of Ethereum and other related knowledge, and help people form the correct knowledge of Ethereum. Today, ETH ranks second within the global digital foreign currency ranking with market worth of 150 billion RMB. A lot more than 90% of the top 100 digital cryptocurrencies are designed on the Ethereum platform; a lot more than 70% from the blockchain applications may also be built for the Ethereum Over the Fang platform. Although Ethereum may have been quite successful inside our eyes, it could still be quite a distance from what he wants to achieve in the heart of Our god V.
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Simpsons Tapped Out Cheats
Simpsons Tapped Out Guides
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Simpsons Tapped Out guide has been launched. ** ea may additionally retire on line functions and services after 30 days' notice published on www.ea.com/1/provider-updates. Essential patron statistics. This app: calls for a persistent internet connection (community fees may also follow); requires recognition of ea's privacy & cookie policy, tos and eula; starting place cellular services are blanketed with this application. See http://www.eamobile.com/beginning and quit user license agreement for details; ea may also retire on line functions and services after 30 days' observe posted on www.ea.com/1/carrier-updates; ea might also retire on line capabilities and offerings after 30-days word consistent with e-mail (if available) and published on www.ea.com/de/1/provider-updates; collects statistics even though third birthday celebration advert serving and analytics generation (see privateness & cookie policy for information); includes direct links to social networking sites supposed for an target market over thirteen. All screen pictures of recreation images & dialogue and game pix from documents ™ and © ea, gracie films and fox. The simpsons ™ and © fox and its related entities. All rights reserved. (in case your wiki became recently closed, it could take a quick time frame for the files to be generated) guide for ios 7 let you make most use of your gadgets with ios 7 update. All the trick and tips of guide for ios 7 are from the professional ios customers, and it's miles your nice assistant to installation ios 7. http://on.fb.me/1f5g0ws guide for ios 7 has come to app keep, contains all the suggestions and hints to fine use ios 7. plus, with our mod version where you could revel in unfastened gameplay, we do not see any reasons why you should not get it. While shopping for land with no Money. It says i need greater Money. And there are things what i cant buy with zero Donuts. The thriller container, 12 months e-book, characters, to speedup human beings and so on can u please repair the simpsons: tapped out - this is an interesting approach for android, wherein the primary characters are the characters of the caricature simpsons. Also as this game is free you are in large part unable to whinge because the portraits and gameplay are quite great and has a whole lot advantage wherein many games of a comparable build do no longer. You may visit your springfield in your ipad too and think about your minions in hd which is every other easy but superb addition. It is very much like the sims and as such offers a similar level of addictivness if you want to have you ever frequenting springfield a long way more than you'll have previously expected. The critiques on google play keep are in large part positive and the game has a score of 4.2/5. The builders replace the game with new content material - clean occasions, unexpected tales, and so on... it not handiest exams your competencies of handling alternate however also keeps you engaged and asking for greater. With over a hundred,000,000 downloads, the Simpsons Tapped Out speaks for itself! It occupies sixty four mb on your telephone + the gap needed for additional downloads. The Simpsons Tapped Out can be downloaded on all android phones with versions 4.1 or better. You could ship them off for 30 seconds, 24 hours or different options. That makes it handy to schedule the "tapping" round your day and also send all people off to do stuff at the same time as you sleep. Ea has made it even less complicated with a latest feature (tied to the workplace of unemployment) that that lets you robotically send every body off on a job for a given duration, with a single click on. Collectibles, items and buildings (specifically seasonal ones) can grow to be litter over the years, but you could sell them or put them in garage for later use. There are lots of in-jokes, hidden references and other nuances to be able to make this recreation a pleasure for everybody who calls himself or herself a fan. Some other aspect i really like approximately it's miles how it works hard to stay contemporary. The game has best been around seeing that march and it is already had fundamental expansions for halloween and xmas, and i'm expecting one to occur for one of the subsequent huge vacations. It keeps gameplay fresh and thrilling, as there is constantly new sports for the simpsons to do, and new objects to build. Of route, the whole lot you do may be sped up by way of the "unique currency" du jour, Donuts. And would not you are aware of it, ea is extra than satisfied to sell you all of the Donuts you want for a stack of real Money. I remember that microtransactions are the brand new norm in cellular gaming, and while finished right i even guide them, however in this example it looks as if a fake preference, both you purchase more Donuts or you do definitely not anything for considerable quantities of time. To get 10 free doughnuts and additionally get the statue of jebediah springfield into your inventory, here's the secret. At the same time as you are playing the game, select homer, and this may convey up the challenge menu. Even as that is open, press/click on homer precisely 10 times. After you've clicked him that typically, you may get an on-display message and then the doughnuts and statue will be on your stock. We haven't any unlockables for the simpsons: tapped out yet. When you have any unlockables please post them. In the beginning the best man or woman you've got is homer, however then as you construct certain homes greater characters from the cast are added. As an example flanders suggests up while you construct his house. And everybody who’s performed games like farmville or smurf village could be pretty familiar with how this all you works. You start off with more or less not anything and very slowly amplify your digital metropolis, setting characters onto lengthy quests and building homes that can take hours or days to complete. Apart from that hassle i clearly love the sport. They hold adding extra to it over the years and theres continuously new occasions starting from holidays like halloween and xmas, to one-off activities based totally on unique episodes. At the start the game had little to do, you will assign people to do moves, starting from 6 seconds to 24 hours, and area the few homes you can. It became an uneventful mobile metropolis sport like family man quest for stuff or that futurama one. On occasion you may find random Donuts round. You may additionally earn some unfastened Donuts for completing various quests in the game. Evan heisenberg named himself after a breaking bad character one time, and then got stuck with it. He's a san diego guy living in tacoma, so he legitimately enjoys the cliche "long walks on the beach." Aside from writing about mobile games, evan is an aircraft hydraulic maintainer and maintenance instructor. He likes weightlifting, beer, dad jokes, the padres and chargers, and slightly-old luxury and exotic cars.
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loudcreationsublime · 6 years
Every advancement in graphics innovation is gone along with by a brand-new, silly method of revealing it off. Whether it’s 128 versions of Mario running around a globe for the GameCube, a million Toblerone pieces spreading around in Knack, or 1-2-Switch’s lockpicking minigame showing all those ice cubes inside the Joy-Cons, developers often create around the possibilities of powerful new tech.
Yet this elevates an essential inquiry: What regarding the food? Inning accordance with data I simply made up, we invest regarding 15 percent of our time consuming as well as one more 82 percent of our time thinking of eating. In comparison, I just spend regarding 10 mins of my time daily thinking of 128 Marios running about and getting into trouble. Do you think each Mario assumes of himself as the real Mario, and also the others as imposters? With any luck, he recognizes that each Mario has the very same right to uniqueness as himself. I’m leaving track below.
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There is a criminal absence of pc gaming centered around one of the most integral part of our lives, the part where we push food in our face. Nintendo created Super Mario Sunshine around the gorgeous water simulations new equipment enabled them, but they can have made a similarly lovely milkshake simulator or acorn squash bisque-drinking challenge. Virtual Reality allows players hold online things right up in their face to examine; primarily, this is made use of to observe how numerous guns do, in reality, look like weapons. But this ability might additionally be made use of to approximate a bakeshop, with all type of different loaves of bread and also croissants to observe. Which brave programmer is mosting likely to be the initial to allow me look at a flawlessly increased sourdough loaf?
The good news is, some modern designers have actually heard my weeps. The past couple of years have been a golden era of food-simulation, with new illumination strategies and also physic systems being related to one of the most honorable of objectives: making me intend to eat while I play games. Ensure you’ve got some snacks in the kitchen, since this list is going to make you hungry.
Last Fantasy XV
I was a Boy Scout as a youngster, as well as one of the finest parts of taking place a journey was preparing all the waste my good friends and I were mosting likely to consume. The official policies of camping state that rules of nourishment don’t matter in nature; all that matters is just how peach cobbler tastes when you make it in a dutch stove while huddled around a campfire at night.
No person comprehends this better than the impeccably clothed Ignis Scientia in FFXV. Noctis as well as his young boys are spending lengthy days on the road, battling wooly mammoths and also tossing swords as well as whatever else a royal posse does on a cross-country journey. In the evening though, they work out down and Ignis gives them with some legally magnificent dish selections. Little could pull a team with each other like durable food, so it adheres to that the relationship between FFXV’s spikey-haired boys is one of the most effective parts of the video game.
One of my favored dishes from FFXV is the Taelpar harvest galette, a truly succulent remix of a basic fruit treat. A galette is a pastry that drops somewhere between a pie and a calzone. It folds in on itself enough to just allow a peek at the deliciousness that stays within. A properly made galette is downright opprobrious.
Tumblr individual ��My main is a cook” devised a recipe for the Taelpar harvest galette from Ignis’ recipe book. It entails oranges, goat cheese, cinnamon, which hallmark flakey crust. Honestly, if you simply informed me it was involved and also pie-like goat cheese, I would have already been on board. Put all those active ingredients together, as well as you’ve got a dish I ‘d smack out of the hands of the prince of Lucis.
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A fresh-cooked galette, thanks to Ignis Monster Hunter World Beast Hunter is a game of excess. Characters possess swords that weigh roughly 95 extra pounds and also whack dragons the dimension of house buildings around, simply for the possibility of getting a range to earn their armor prettier. Removed down to its basics, Monster Hunter stresses efficient searching by way of preparation and also preparation. One of the most vital part of searching prep? A hearty meal, certainly.
There are 2 type of living points you don’t eliminate in Monster Hunter. The first are other human beings. The 2nd are Palicoes, sentient felines that put on clothing and speak to each other that are so cute it needs to be prohibited. No person concerns the Palicoes, nor must they. This is merely an attractive globe where humans and also felines have comparable civil liberties and deal with each various other with respect.
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Meowscular Chef takes fantastic satisfaction in his job Obviously, the Palicoes are fairly much better than human beings. This ought to be obvious– they have hairs and tails. Also far better though, the Palicoes have cooking abilities that our weak homo sapien minds could only imagine. Beast Hunter: World’s boss is the Meowscular Chef, an intimidating Palico with one eye that commands a small military of other felines. Working as a team, they reduced pieces of meat (do not ask which monster it originated from) on a searing rock frying pan, mix kiddie-pool sized soup bowls, and also toss in some veggie skewers completely measure. When the food is prepared, seekers tear right into it without modern-day pleasantries like flatware or eating.
The very best parts of Monster Hunter: World’s food is in the preparation. Little touches stick out; the fatty components of the meat fold over with practical weight, and blocks of cheese have an enjoyable skin. Certain, an Azure Rathalos has actually been dragging my ass around the ancient forest. However if I get to return to this sort of dish each time I shed, failure doesn’t hurting rather as much.
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Link preparing to prepare some kind of poultry-stuffed pumpkin The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild I appreciate Breath of the Wild’s technique to cooking since it closely mirrors my very own: toss a lot of tasty-seeming active ingredients in a frying pan and hope they function. Link just takes a large armful of meats, veggies, as well as flavors and also tosses ’em done in. Like me, he in some cases obtains”dubious food,” a pixelated mixture which he chokes down out of stubbornness. More frequently however, those components integrated into something delicious-looking and also healthy.
Out of all these games, Breath of the Wild’s food feels one of the most sustainable for a healthy and balanced life. Consuming isn’t really a special occasion, it’s something we do each day. The mushrooms, meats, and soups that Link subsists on feeling concrete, the simple-but-hearty diet plan of a guy on the roadway. It advises me of the scene in Princess Mononoke when Ashitaka as well as Jigo sit in a cavern and eat rice gruel. The food isn’t extravagant or difficult, yet it’s made by a practiced hand and also would possibly be ideal after a long day.
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Okayu(rice gruel)in Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke For my money, the seafood curry in Breath of the Wild comes out as the most effective all-rounder. With these sort of simple meals, the difference between exceptional as well as ample frequently boils down to spices. Link’s addition of some Goron seasoning pushes this one over the side; the shrimp/crab/rice combo additionally appears very loading, and also the description assures that the spice packs a severe kick.
Identity 4
Not all food is produced for the same purpose. Some offers straightforward nourishment. Some is for event, some for mourning. Other times, food is an expression of dominance. On the program Man v. Food, a single guy would certainly try to take in merciless sections of everything from hot wings to oysters to pancakes. After 7 seasons, the show continues, but the initial host has stepped down; food was inevitably successful.
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It’s a tidal wave of beef In Persona 4, you have simply one food-based opponent, the huge beef dish. It is described as a”tidal bore of beef.” You’ve got the chance to check out the Aiya Chinese Diner as well as attempt to eat the entire bowl of in one sitting, a feat you’ll just accomplish with extremely high statistics. If you handle to do so, the dish
is complimentary! Hopefully, Aiya also places your image on the wall surface or something. Identity 4 has the series’typical calendar-keeping gameplay. Daily, you could hang with good friends as well as take pop quizzes as well as store, simply like non-gaming teens most likely do (I wouldn’t recognize). Numerous of these activities aren’t offered when it’s raining however. But wet days are by the way the only days when the beef bowl obstacle is readily available. I enjoy this pomposity. Everything in the whole city is closed down, the day is ruined, so why not go consume a metric lot of seared meat?
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Time to knock the milkshake-drinking laugh off his face Wolfenstein 2 Have you ever enjoyed a cooking video clip on YouTube where they don’t try the food at the end? It’s irritating. Seeing somebody prepare food is an emotional financial investment, and if I can’t consume it, I desire to be able to live vicariously with a person that does. In gaming, activity capture as well as computer animation have recently brought us to an area where characters can give probably rapturous reactions to well-crafted foods items. One of the finest responses to food in video games comes from an outright item of rubbish. In Wolfenstein 2, BJ Blazkowicz need to satisfy a personality who runs an old-timey diner in the center
of the Nazi occupation of America. This restaurant has whatever: cheap burgers, coffee, and also a real vintage soda water fountain. I should aim out that a good soda water fountain isn’t the blocky thing they contend every McDonalds as well as Bojangles. It’s a flexible tool with the capacity to generate drinks like an egg lotion as well as a ginger yip, a throwback to a much more tailored period of soft drinks. The restaurant likewise has the proper kind of milkshake; individually mixed in a gigantic metal cup that the proprietor might allow you consume alcohol from once your glass is empty. When a Nazi captain who’s also more weasel-y than the typical Nazi walks right into the restaurant and also orders a strawberry milkshake, it harms me in my spirit. Not only is this punk in a state of not-being-punched, yet he’s buying a hand-made dessert that tastes the way summer season memories feel. I’ve had a strawberry milkshake or smoothie. In truth, I’ve had a strawberry milkshake or smoothie made by the precise same lime-green blender or food processor, from a location called Ox and Rabbit in Durham, NC. That place is currently shut down. So now I cannot have a strawberry milkshake or smoothie, but this Nazi can!.?. !? It’s an outright oppression. He shuts his eyes and also takes a lengthy drink, appreciating the pieces of strawberry combined in with the piercing cold of theice cream. He looks like he enjoys it. He likewise gets his brains burnt out about 2 secs later on. No milkshake or smoothies for fascists.
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canvaswolfdoll · 6 years
CanvasWatches: The Marvel Cinematic Universe
That’s right, I am reviewing the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe in a single, definitive essay! Why would I, a single, brave and foolhardy man dare tackle such a task?
Because I can’t actually be bothered to write about most of the films individually.
The usual reason I write these reviews is to shine a light on media that lacks a wide appeal and does something interesting with its storytelling. I want to write stories, and studying the works of others is a good way to do that.
Now, I like the Marvel Cinematic Universe quite a lot. There somethings I’d like to be done a little differently, and I do dislike how it’s becoming increasingly locked with continuity so you have to pretty much watch the whole thing as a 19-part film series, but it executes on its promises.
Point is, I watched Avengers: Infinity War after dedicating a significant amount of time catching up on the films.
I also realized that by ranking the films, you can get a good approximation on a person’s narrative preferences.
So I’ll give a quick blurb on the films before listing them.
So enough forwarding, let’s go through these films. Spoilers, obviously.
To be fair, there’s a rift part way through. I started my catch-up with The Winter Soldier, so it’s been years since I watched anything before that. I’ll mark the rift and preemptively admit that early films may deserve better than I give.
Iron Man
The film that started it all, much to everyone’s excitement. It’s probably the most conventional superhero film of the series, but it did it’s job very well.
The Incredible Hulk
The most forgettable film. Very little carried over from it, to the point that it might as well no longer be canon.
Iron Man 2
Starts putting the work into actually building the MCU, but the story itself is one of the weakest.
I actually really liked Thor. Seems to usually be considered one of the lesser films, but I liked the fish out of water narrative, Thor himself is very charismatic, and Loki remains one of the MCU’s better written villains.
It also begins to establish that Thor has the potential for strong comedy. Just takes them a while to finally realize the potential.
Really, my biggest gripe is the ‘Norse Magic is just highly advanced technology’ angle that poisoned magic for so long. I like fantasy, and I really like how Superhero universes throw genres into a blender to make a colorful Speculative Fiction smoothie. Let magic be magic!
Captain America: The First Avenger
The subtitle’s a bit egregious, but this is my favorite of the phase one films. Good period piece, good hero, and the Red Skull is a level of pulpy villain I want more of.
The Avengers
So I seem to be one of the few who think this film was just okay. A landmark of shared universe films, yes, but I found the story wanting. Just a bunch of set up to fight aliens in New York, but nothing I feel I could sink my teeth into. It’s fine.
Iron Man 3
Another unexciting film. Tony Stark keeps learning the same ‘be a better person’ lesson, and I’m tired of it.
The Mandarin Twist was killer, though. The sort of playing with lore the series needs to take advantage of. The films are… let’s call it a dusty slate. There’s a lot of toys to play with, and expectations for how to use them, but it’s a chance to take a deep breath and streamline things. Incidentally, racism is a great topic to iron out while we’re here.
Thor: The Dark World
Yeah, not even I can defend this one. I liked the set designs. But Christopher Eccleston is wasted.[1] The plot was muddy. Jane Foster[2] twisted the knife in the corpse of Asgard Magic.
I actually did want to give this movie a rewatch, but it wasn’t checked in to the library when I started the undertaking, and I recalled it being unimpressive in the theaters. Good opening fight scene, though.
The Rift (Oooh, scary)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Not one of my favorites. Winter Soldier seems to be very well regarded, but both times I watched it, I found myself bored. It takes itself way too seriously for a Comic Book Movie, and it's very heavy on action scenes built around gun firing and punching that I don't enjoy.
The plot is built on a relatively subdued premise, questioning political corruption and monitoring the citizenry. There's also no grandiose villain.
Winter of Soldier fails to feel larger than life, and besides affirming Steve Rogers’ dedication to Bucky, it doesn't feel like it left much of an impact on the universe. So it falls short on my personal list.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Ah, finally, the movies are cutting loose. About time.
Guardians of the Galaxy is fun. Can't we just have fun? Yes. And we should.
Actual color design, fresh and exciting cast, fantastical setting, and actually making the bland villain work by having Ronan be essentially a force of nature instead of a person.
Also a soundtrack so distinctive it’s a calling card as good as Captain America’s shield. And it stands on its own legs, while all the previous films pretty much used the mounting lore as scaffolding.
And it’s just fun. It makes me smile and want to watch it again soon after watching.
Avengers: Age of Ultron
So, first viewing I couldn’t maintain focus. Second viewing, I could focus on Ultron’s scenes through the second act before it all goes blurry.
There’s too many characters. I’m not sure I can even give any reasonable summary of the plot. A bunch of dull, shakey cam fight scenes, the entire cast taken to their blandest characterization, and just… ugh.
Also, Ultron is supposed to be a Pym creation. He looks like a bug. This makes no sense.
The worst part is later films keep referring to the events of Age of Ultron like anyone could comprehend what happened.
I’m even putting it below The Dark World, because that one at least had some interesting visual and notable scenes.
A superhero heist film.
Goofy characters and witty dialogue.
Fight scenes I enjoy.
I really like Ant-Man. It’s a good origin film, the heroes are all the right sort of dingy white to make them likeable and interesting.
And it finally helped me realize what I want from combat: visual clarity, inventive choreography, and originality.[3] Because of the gimmick of shrinking and growing, the camera needs to actually frame the scenes to show off scale. And playing with scale also makes the fights interesting, since you never fully know what will come into play and how.
Also, I just enjoy heist films. The more ridiculous the better.
Captain America: Civil War
Sorry, but I’m on team ‘This is Avengers 2.5’. But, in that light, still notably better than previous team up movies.
Yes, it’s mostly about Captain America and Iron Man, but just about everyone who appears gets their narratives progressed somewhat, the plot is clear once we get past discussing the Accords (which themselves are boring).
The only complaint I have is I feel they fired this particular plot a bit early. From my layman understanding of the original comics, one of the main thrusts of the Civil War was oversight, yes, but also maintaining secret identities, which, if they let the roster build up some (including more secret identities)[4] it would be much more easy to follow than ‘We can’t let what happened in Age of Ultron happen again!’ Because no one knows what happened in that movie.
Also, big points for not killing the Bad Guy. It should be a low bar, but I personally hate the tradition of villains dying for their crimes. It’s overdone, and limits the talent pool for later stories.
Doctor Strange
I liked this movie, but also don’t know if I have much to say. They’re finally letting Magic be Magic, which I am 100% down with. An element of Dark magic not being evil magic[5]
The bad guys were forgettable. The Good Guys fun. I’m waiting to see more, but there’s a lot of good will built up.
Should’ve cast more Asian actors, though.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
‘Well, you love the first one, does the second one exceed it?’
No. But that’s fine. There’s a few clumsy attempts to recapture lightning that don’t pan out, but it’s not particularly hindered by it. The absurdity and joyous joke-cracking continued, and the pathos that was introduced was earned.
It’s a good movie, a worthy successor to the first, but doesn’t quite beat the original on my personal list.
Spider-Man Homecoming
Title’s kind of on the nose, isn’t it Marvel?
Fun fact, I haven’t seen any of the Andrew Garfield films as my stance was ‘I’m voting with my wallet, and I want Spidey in the MCU.’ Now that that happened, the two The Amazing Spider-Man movies don’t matter anyways!
Tom Holland is perfect for the role, both in the suit and out as he manages to capture awkward youth at a level never before seen. The plot’s interesting (even though the big twist was spoiled for me),[6] the movie drips with charm, and it’s fun to see Marvel’s big money maker fight DC’s![7]
Homecoming does perpetuate the conflict with poor communication (Happy’s indifference is narratively justified, Iron Man’s not), but they also let the villain live at the end, so I guess it cancels out?
Good movie. I recommend it.
Thor: Ragnarok
I’m… okay with this film?
So the creative team finally figure out comedy is Thor’s strength and leaned into it, which I, of course, love. But the story also feels unfocused. Is it about Thor versus his family? Oh, wait, now he’s on an alien world in a coliseum. But there’s just one fight before he easily escapes. Hulk’s back, and Hulk himself is an actual character! But Hulk and Banner don’t have much effect on the plot once away from the Grand Master. And suddenly we’re back to the Asgard stuff.
Narratively, it works, but the stuff with Grand Master felt more like a diversion than actual meat. Still, they’ve shifted the tone of Thor films to that of Guardians of the Galaxy so I’m not upset.
Excited for whatever’s next, but Ragnarok didn’t pump me up like most people.
Still, hopefully the Earth-based movies catch on and lighten up.
Black Panther
I liked it, but also feel underqualified to discuss it. Saw it in theaters, so that was fun!
Lot of villain killing, though, which is a shame since Klaue was oddly affable. I want way more than we got of him!
There’s a lot of good storytelling through design and minor actions (I particularly love how Killmonger snapped his spear in half to make a shortspear). They did a good job of carefully modulating the mood with well placed jokes (especially with M’Baku, who took such joy in messing with unexpected guests).
It’s a good film for a hero that I don’t know much about, and I’m interested for more.
Avengers: Infinity War
Ah, finally, the big moment! Did they stick the landing?
Yes! Then they took another jump, so I’m waiting to see if they can finish the gymnastic routine.
At the very least, Infinity War has vastly exceeded the previous Avenger films. The universe is bigger now, and everyone’s involved and I could follow every plot point! So big applause for that.
I’ve got a couple nitpicks, of course. I wish they stuck with Thanos’s original motivation[8] just to continue to embrace the absurdities of comic storylines. The whole ‘we need to cut all populations in half’ doesn’t stand up to any thought (populations repleniish, you could’ve doubled resources, heck, turn it into a Long Earth situation, you stupid purple Homer Simpson).
But all the praise is (currently) right. It’s a good movie.
Admittedly, the scenes actually taking place on Earth weren’t as compelling as Thanos’s quest, Thor’s mission, or the Guardians meeting Tony Stark’s team, but that’s just a summary of the whole franchise. I enjoy it more when they go high concept and have fun.
They could’ve chosen the deaths better. It’s a mix of unfair (all but one of my Guardians had to go!?), and overly obvious with impermanence (Spider-Man can’t stay dead, Sony will riot).
Also, didn’t really feel much like a war.
The List
Final Standings from worst to best(based on my personal impressions)
The Incredible Hulk Avengers: Age of Ultron Thor: The Dark World Iron Man 2 Iron Man 3 Captain America: The Winter Soldier The Avengers Iron Man 1 Thor Captain America: Civil War Doctor Strange Black Panther Captain America: the First Avenger Thor: Ragnarok Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spider-Man Homecoming Ant-Man Guardians of the Galaxy
Now, you may be asking ‘Where’s Infinity War?’
That’s a fair question. I’m holding off on ranking it because it’s obviously a Part One. Its story is currently incomplete, and there’s also the chance the next film will sour the first. It happens. But as it stands, it’d be Top 5, easy.
So, what can we divine about me from this ranking? I enjoy fun and high concepts. The more gritty and ‘real’ you try to make your story, or repeatedly spinning your wheels is a detriment. I’m also very much a character-first guy.
Maybe there’s something else you can interpret. Feel free to send me any feedback you’ve got. I enjoy thinking about my entertainment.
As for what’s coming up in the MCU? Well, the next film is a sequel to Ant-Man, my second favorite film, so that’s exciting. We’ve also got Captain Marvel, a character I know next to nothing about, which really excites me. It’ll be fun to get introduced to completely new lore, without my nerdy foreknowledge questioning choices.
Then there’s Infinity War part 2 (or whatever they’re going to call it). Now, personally, I want Thanos to be defeated by Squirrel Girl because I am a massive nerd. But I know that won’t happen. But Part One built up good faith the first two Avenger film squandered, so I’m anticipating it.
All in all, feels like the movies are moving into a good direction. I’m still trepidatious about the inter-film lore getting too entangled, but solving the Thanos situation is a good point to back off and just focus on telling good individual stories.
At least until they can bring in Dr. Doom. No one else would dare follow Thanos except DOOM!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to send me questions and comments, check out my various other works, and support my patreon. Help fund the extended Canvas Universe.
Kataal kataal.
[1] Not that he ever seems to like the jobs he takes. [2] Who also clearly wants a divorce from this franchise. She hasn’t been relevant… ever, really. [3] The final battle of Guardians of the Galaxy adds ‘clear goals’ to the list. Baddies want to touch the ground, good guys need to prevent that. Defined endstates. [4] My stance on this tropes has always been ‘Keep secret from the general public, but tell your dang Aunt, Peter.’ [5] I don’t talk about it much, but it’s one of my lesser irks. Why can’t Darkness be good, or at least a true neutral force. Night time’s nice. [6] Thanks Reddit. [7] Micheal Keaton’s great. [8] Let Thanos be in love with Death, you cowards!
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jessilixx · 7 years
Exploring Careers With Animals
Whether it is movies, cartoon movie making, gaming, tv or some other area, everywhere multimedia executives are wanted. Publisher: Eddie Smith Have you ever ever wondered how the characters within the films Shrek, Finding Nemo or The Incredibles were made? The characters in these films are all merchandise of computer animation. Animation firms hire artistic individuals with a broad knowledge and expertise in drawing. That is the rationale why animators should have the eagerness for animation, as well as talent in drawing. Writer: Angel Rigg This article gives a rough idea that how people can get jobs in animation business and can start his / her career. Writer: Renata McGee The work of proficient artists makes up the spine of pc animation. This regularly rising career prepares students to develop the newest in technological animation and digital video manufacturing. Students can full packages from accredited schools that present the options for pursuing a career in computer animation. Writer: 2step2job .com This content is expounded to career. Writer: Cody Landon Character animators work in 2D or 3D or in dimensions but to be discovered, bringing life to speaking rabbits, dancing hippos, anthropomorphic automobiles, near-sighted fish, and more dysfunctional families than you possibly can shake a stick at. Finest Resume Writing Companies: What's Most Ideally suited for You?
Most males weight in at 6 to 6.5 pounds whereas the females are about one pound lighter. When you build a chicken coop, nest choices for the Ameraucana is a must. Another breed that can want a chicken coop nest is the White-Faced Black Spanish. As the identify suggests, this chook originated in Spain, although it enjoys recognition in North America and the remainder of Europe as effectively. This bird has glossy black plumage with overlarge white low-hanging ear lobes. They lay eggs of a chalk white shade about thrice a week. Most of them come in between 6 and 7 pounds. This breed belongs to the Mediterranean class of chickens that includes other breeds such as the Minorca and Castilian. A moderately uncommon breed of chicken known for egg laying within the West is the Orloff. This breed originated in Persia, but gained its name from a Russian Rely, Alexey Orlov. He appears the half utterly. Millie is a double reserve Champion brown female (Futurity and SWAG 2010) and we thought her and Qjori would mix perfectly. Early days however we might be watching Tsar very closely. Remember his name individuals for it'll strike worry into people's hearts at shows at some point, be warned and be afraid. The truth is, take cowl. Here he is along with his gorgeous mother, Millie (daughter of Lily, my favourite alpaca in the whole broad world). At this juncture I should level out that each one of our alpacas do not have names ending in ly or llie, as in Dilly, Millie and Lily. No, just these three. Oh and Polly, I forgot her, just the 4 then. So there we had it, two cria, each healthy and each up and feeding rapidly whilst Sue chosen sausages and bananas in a supermarket far far away. I delayed my departure for work till Sue got home and we made positive every thing was effectively.
The weather has been very crazy here is Michigan for the last 12 months. We had a miserably cold winter last yr. Then spring lastly arrived and never seemed to go away. The summer time was unseasonably cool and rainy. The alpacas did not appear to thoughts the average temps, which hovered in the 70's for a lot of the summer. Now mom nature has determined to skip fall all collectively and soar right into winter. This fall has been 15 degrees cooler on average each day than the conventional temperatures and it seems like we've had non-cease rain. This week Wednesday, the temps actually bought into the 60's and it was sunny. It felt so glorious to have the sun beating down on my face. The alpacas appeared to enjoy it too as they have been all laying out on their sides solar bathing once i acquired residence from work. Our respite didn't final lengthy as Thursday brought torrential rain showers and grey skies. I heard on the weather report this morning that Grand Rapids got 2 1/2 inches of rain overnight. Golf is a sport that is being practiced in many parts of the nation as well everywhere in the world. It is often touted as man's sport and everyone seems to be enthusiastic about playing the sport. As with all other games, you'll have to play by the foundations so as to achieve the game. One can develop into a professional golf participant very simply. Even when you don't get an opportunity to symbolize the country on worldwide foundation, not less than you will be capable of rule the hearts of your peer players. People typically resort to e-books on golf to learn the basics of the sport. This is nice, however not fair sufficient. Textbook knowledge ought to be coupled with sensible information. One easy technique to realize practical data of the sport (without even touching a golf club) is thru golf videos. Seeing is believing and the issues which you see in motion are identified to be permanently impregnated in your thoughts. Even studies have proven it.
I'm always aware of not overdoing it with treatment, the vets do not go on about resistant parasites for nothing however even so this 12 months we have now needed to worm earlier and later than ever before. The truth is Fifi, one in all our, 'never to be offered' girls had a very squitty rear end this morning. She was handled however I actually should remember to take my reading glasses (or injecting glasses) as I as soon as again gave myself a dose of wormer in the finger. Still I shall be worm free going into the Christmas period which is at all times good. December is about to be a busy month, however extra on that because it develops, a visit to Calais is coming up so we might be well stocked for the festive season. Which by the way, nonetheless hasn't started individuals, what happened to the twelve days of Christmas? I had a trip to a brand new alpaca herd in Suffolk two weeks ago, a small herd had been formed they usually wished a lovely black girl to complement the colours that they already had. Consumers are steadily leaning towards acquiring a style for the healthier alternate options and the demand for organic hen is in the upswing because of this. You could possibly be within the forefront of an thrilling wave of in-demand client merchandise about to sweep the market within the close to future. Bear in thoughts that you must be organic all the way in which in beginning a rooster farm from start to complete. You should procure chicks and eggs for hatching from purely organic rooster sources. You should also observe strict organic practices from the day the chicks were hatched, to the means of egg laying and production, to the loss of life chambers the place chickens are killed in the most humane way as attainable, quick and clean. In beginning a rooster farm organically, the rooster ought to approximate the natural dwelling conditions of a free roaming animal as a lot as possible. Chickens should be free to take pleasure in wholesome lives, with loads of exercise outdoors, freely accessing natural amenities comparable to sunshine and shade, fresh air, consuming bugs and worms and steady provide of recent clean water.
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