#do not rb
an-albino-pinetree · 4 months
@plutothecatplushy is goin absolutely wild in my notifications, and I love it so much sfjjn
you are so very 100% valid for the absolute simpening taking place in my posts 💚💚
The next post will* be a carnival page~ for my fellow Carnival lovers -//v//- 🩶
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mcondance · 7 months
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mcon, Black, they she fae. no f! terms. 20. white people dni /srs
rules mlist anons
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cupcraft · 4 months
I also want to clarify some of my posts from the other day and just like explain where my head's at. This is not a vague to anyone btw its just about me.
My posts about "no speculation" was mostly because I saw leaktwt stuff in which was pressuring Shubble, digging up extremely private information about HER, and also using tommy vlogs as evidence of something and it made me feel so sick as a victim who wouldnt wnat that to happen to me about my past abusers. It was a very triggering day for me and I regret posting so much about it as I did without that clarity.
However, I want to be clear people coming to their own quite obvious conclusions about the situation was never the problem (I have come to conclusions myself as well, though I don't think I need to state them out loud nor do I need to make a long post about what posting on my blogs gonna be like at this time I don't think that's productive for me personally). And I never NEVER meant to post as if I was supporting abusers, none of my posts were to be "neutral" or defend anyone at all and I don't think it came accross that way but I want to make sure and emphasize that in case it did.
We can live in a world where pressuring Shubble and harming her and her private information (meaning the stuff that wasn't what she talked about publicly) is bad and also moving intentionally to not platform abusers can exist in the same realm. Shubble made it clear that silence has only bolstered this man, and that he's dangerous and will hurt others again and again.
So, I just ask, going forward. Please be kind, please do not pressure Shubble at all, do not entertain leaktwt doxes/nor their intentions (which is not pro-victim). But do bolster Shubble's message and her wishes above all else. Do not let your misogyny cloud how you talk about Shubbles story. Do be cautious in platforming abusers. Do be patient with us victims who are triggered by all this in the fandom again. Do not make long posts saying you support your fav male cc and why "you'll always stand by him" and do not victim blame or try to pick apart shubbles story you equally make me sick to leaktwt doxxes and you are not pro-victim either. Do not use your stories or other peoples stories of abuse to denounce Shubble's do not attempt to discredit her because your experiences were different or you just really really want to defend your male cc.
And I am sorry I posted without clarity and while I was in a triggered state of mind (those posts have mostly been deleted).
I just I'm scared. I cannot go through another moment in this fandom where people blame and harm victims like many did during the dream allegations. I cannot do that again. I cannot. Your behavior has consequences and does in fact harm people, that is why it's so important to be for victims. I love you all, thank you. And if you areleaving the fandom/blog/etc. as a mutual of mind feel free to reach out if you want to stay in contact o7
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reimeichan · 4 months
We just got out of a call with our mother, and... I'm not going to diagnose her with anything, but viewing her behavior through the lens of her having distinct dissociated parts of self really helps us better understand her. And the more we interact with her, the more we see signs of that: how one moment she remembers the things we told her months ago, the next her attitude has completely changed and she'll say "what thing? you never mentioned that before to me in my life!"
And just.... it hurts. It fucking hurts so much.
That woman is not just an evil, manipulative, abusive bitch who hurt me time and time again as a child. Now that I'm more integrated I actually can remember moments where my mother was nice and kind and patient with me. And this past phone call with her was exactly that: she was willing to hear me out and offered me a lot of aid and help and even wisdom for what I'm going through. And I realized, fuck, that's Nice Mother, isn't it? I never, ever deal with Nice Mother. That's always been Gray's thing.
No, what usually happened throughout my childhood and even my adulthood was that we would hope for Nice Mother to be the one to talk to us, or even Airhead Mother or Work Mother, and sometimes we would be greeted with a mature, level-headed version of our mother. But sometimes, she would suddenly change and go from understanding and patient to cruel and paranoid in what seemed to be a flip of a switch. And in those moments, I'd have to step in to do some form of damage control... so of course I never met Nice Mother. I have only ever known Angry Mother.
And now that I've met Nice Mother, how the fuck am I supposed to reconcile that these are the same person? That this woman who has caused me so much pain and grief for almost 30 years of my life is also the same woman who hugged me and told me that she'd do whatever is in her power to help me through the toughest times? How do I stop being so jealous of the other versions of me, who likely arose to handle the other versions of her, for having essentially a different mother from me despite those mothers all being the same person?
I'm so, so angry that I was never given the opportunity to feel loved and supported by her. The other parts of me have, but what about me? I've only ever had a cruel mother. But they... of course they had a kind mother. Because I kept them from the cruel mother. But I deserve to have a kind mother too.
Fuck, I don't know what I'm trying to say. I'm typing all this as I'm bawling my eyes out. I just need somewhere to type it all out and get some thoughts in order.
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hypnogogyc · 11 months
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God i fucking missed digital painting
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bbina · 4 months
ADS ₍★^..ᐢ₎ 20, she/her + currently back at @saeist 💣💥
before you follow ⋮ rules ⋮ masterlist ⋮ between the lines
tenants of bbinaverse the city of yapsalot: 💫 🪼 🌷 🍥 🎐 ♣️ ⭐️ ❄️ 🐉 🥞 🦞 🦐 🪐 🥮 🪤 💚 ☁️ 🍭 🧸 🍡 🪩 🦥 🫧 🩰 🪀 🍶 🐚 🎀 🎸 🍙 🐊 🐇🍓 👑 ♟️ 🧮 🌕 💖 🐙 🌚 🌱 ꨄ 🔬 🥟 🦕 🐈‍⬛ 🦌 🥝 🍰 🧬 🐹 ⛄️ 🦝 🪨 🥹💂💥 🤍 ✨🫀🥯 🐻
follows from @saeist do not repost any of my works © bbina 2024
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cherubdulce · 5 months
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interest check! I’ve been practicing on my cheebs for awhile now and I’m considering to make a section of it for my Valentine’s Day comms with the base price of $20 (I might change it) (including coloring and such)
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atesomerocks · 3 months
so uh yeah. as someone who was a fan of wilbur soot for many, many years and has been continuing to follow his music career, i cant say that i am not absolutely fucking appalled and disgusted with whats come to light. genuinely i now just wish i had known what kind of person this was before i ever showed any support for them, and i can assure anyone wondering that any shred of respect i once might have held for the man is completely evaporated.
support shelby and the victims.
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mcondance · 9 months
girlhood, infinitely.
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mcon, they she fae. no fem terms. 20. white people dni.
rules mlist anons
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divinemackerel · 4 months
grieving is awful. try to draw a tribute to someone, fail, cry for 30 minutes. stop. try to draw them again.
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sirius-to-pup · 5 months
Hey friends! I'd like to make a yume/selfship server, but mainly for friends! It's gonna be selective because I plan to make dedicated gush channels mostly to avoid others speaking over each other and doubles. If this is something any of my mutuals are interested in joining, feel free to like this post 💛
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hexellent · 5 months
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Ooooo you wanna trophy wife him so baaaad
Apparently I can only go ham on oc art…I will always be my babies’ biggest fan. 😭💜
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darkgreenandbloodred · 3 months
My brother, the black sheep, and I, the scapegoat, have recently started talking again. About life and our toddlers, about death, mental health, grief, the lost years, about being jaded and cynical and traumatized. It’s been nice.
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rarefaed · 6 months
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xaden riorson bio.
' Hope is a fickle, dangerous thing. It steals your focus and aims it toward the possibilities instead of keeping it where it belongs—on the probabilities. ' –Xaden, Fourth Wing
a third-year rider and wingleader of the Fourth Wing. He is bonded to the dragon Sgaeyl.
son of the rebellion leader, Fen Riorson, he was marked by General Melgren's dragon, as were all children of rebellion leaders.
his rebellion relic is dark shimmering curved in swirls and dips, starting at his left wrist up to his collar, swirling up his neck and stopping at his jawline.
this mark, along with the 107 scars on his back, came from a deal that he struck after his father's execution where he would take personal responsibility for the loyalty of the 107 children of the rebellion leaders
out of all 107 children, Xaden is the oldest
he was 18 years old when the rebellion ended and when he was sent to Trivainne, along with Liam Mairi, to be fostered by Duke Lindell
Xaden taught Liam how to fight in order to prepare him for the Riders Quadrant
Xaden is muscular and tall with windblown black hair and dark brows. It's impossible not to notice his commanding presence. His tawny-brown skin and dark, rugged stubble along the jawline are perfectly complemented by his piercing eyes, which resemble the shade of gold-flecked onyx.
his chest is well built, with wide shoulders and heavily muscled arms.
His back is covered in a dragon relic of Sgaeyl, that sweeps from his waist to over both of his shoulders.
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his 107 scars, which resemble silver lines. they cover his entire back. save for one scar over his heart which he took to claim responsibility for Violet prior to the events of Iron Flame.
he is always seen in black leather clothes, especially his flight jacket or uniform. none of his uniforms have patches aside from his year, wing, or rank.
personality. stoic, cool, calm and collected. he carries himself with confidence and has undeniable charisma that was similar to his father's. riders seem to move around him, giving him a wide berth as though he's a shark. He walks with lethal grace.
powers. lesser magic: due to the bond with his dragon, Xaden is able to wield her power to do things such as; increase his speed, see through Sgaeyl's eyes, lock and unlock doors, place runes, and power an ink pen.
signets. shadow summoning. Due to his bond with Sgaeyl, Xaden developed the signet of being able to summon and wield shadows. He often uses his shadows to conceal himself or use them against opponents to tackle, choke, or hold them in place. Inntinnsic. Because Xaden's grandfather used to be Sgaeyl's rider, he is capable of owning two signets. As an inntinnsic, he is able to read other people's true intentions through their minds.
Skills. Xaden is an expert with several kinds of weapons and apt in learning new kinds. He's noted as being the best fighter in the Riders Quadrant by his fellow Marked Ones. Xaden's fighting style is described as dirty and fucking ruthless, during the secret meeting beneath the tree. he's fast enough to catch one of Violet's flying daggers without using lesser magic.
Relations. Sgaeyl, Xaden's dragon. she mentions to Xaden that she chose him as her rider because of his ruthlessness during the Threshing, where he killed another cadet for bullying Garrick. but he believes it's because he reminds her of his grandfather. Bodhi Durran, the two are cousins, with Xaden a year older than Bodhi. They closely resemble one another, though Xaden has sharper features. Liam Mairi, his foster brother, Xaden and Liam grew a close friendship, with Xaden trusting him to be the one who watches out for Violet. Catriona Cordella, former betrothed. Both from noble families, their arranged betrothal formed a political alliance, to be enacted when she turned twenty, before the rebellion. Xaden and her were involved in Cordyn, but after 9 months of engagement, he realized they weren't compatible. Violet Sorrengail, current love interest. Xaden and Violet have a complicated past. linked by their families’ roles in the Tyrrish Rebellion. Xaden’s father killed Violet’s brother, so Violet’s mother executed Fen Riorson. She also gave Xaden 107 scars for claiming 107 separatist children as his own responsibility.
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eslanes · 1 year
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Hello it's me, a dumb bitch. Things are finally starting to settle down a bit in terms of life, mental health etc etc. I'm waiting to start my new job and I'll be travelling to visit my new baby niece at the end of the month, so there's some things to look forward to. That being said, I'm really struggling with motivation to sim and generally feeling discouraged about my blog and content in general so I dunno when I'll be back back. It just gets old shouting into the void with no response unless it's negative. Anyway I'm sooking now so I'll shut up, mostly just wanted to give a little life update and show my bitch face 😂
xoxo slanes
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an-albino-pinetree · 6 months
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