#do try adding some powdered cinnamon to your nutella sandwich - it’s delicious;)
abittersweetraisin · 2 years
I bet there is a corner in heaven where you can get all sorts of delicious desserts made with nutella. 🥹
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ouraidengray4 · 4 years
31 Healthy Snacks for When You Love Fruit but Have a Sweet Tooth
Fruit is never a chore. Nature’s candy ranks up there as one of our favorite things about being people.
However, the same way we won’t just stroll out the front door stark naked, we also don’t have to limit fruit consumption to the way nature intended it.
Tatjana Zlatkovic/Stocksy
Would humanity really be humanity unless we found ways to dip everything in chocolate, make it into pizza, or shove a skewer through it? Of course not.
We found 31 amazing ways to make your fruit snacks a little more… fruity.
When dessert puts on its healthy hat.
1. Chocolate kiwi ice pops
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Photo: Show Food Chef
On the days when the strawberry/chocolate combo seems a little overdone, you can pull this surprise out of the bag and turn your snack time on its head.
The recipe calls for just three ingredients (kiwi, dark chocolate, and coconut oil), but we love ours with nuts or coconut flakes sprinkled on top.
Easy, delicious, and different.
2. Chocolate-covered fruit
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Photo: Chelsey Amer Nutrition
Pick your favorite fruits, dice ’em up, and skewer ’em. Dip them into melted dark chocolate, pop them in the freezer for a few hours, and it’s a job done — you have yourself a cool, sweet treat with minimal work.
3. Vanilla roasted strawberries
Photo: Simply Recipes
This is a Swiss army knife of a sweet option. Get this right and you’ve got a topping for ice cream, oatmeal, and yogurt.
Roasting the strawberries kicks their flavor in the pants and makes it go — plus, it creates a rich syrup that brings an extra zhuzh to whatever the strawberries are sitting atop.
You probably never thought of roasting your strawbs before, but give it a go. It’s a great way to boost their already exceptional taste without adding sugar.
4. Almond butter, banana, and strawberry chia jam sandwich
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Photo: Days Like Laura
“We didn’t turn up to a renowned Greatist recipe roundup just to have sandwiches thrown in our faces!”
We know, we know. But hear us out. This one’s a special take on PB&J that pushes all the right buttons.
Swap in almond butter, add some homemade strawberry chia jam, and you have yourself a bomb-ass concoction.
For a quicker recipe, you can also just add some sliced strawberries. The whole-grain bread and strawberries offer a great dose of heart-healthy fiber, the almond butter is rich in protein, and the banana’s packed with potassium.
How can you stay mad at us with all that potassium?
5. One-ingredient banana ice cream
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Photo: Garlic Matters
Ice cream doesn’t have to be unhealthy — as long as you define “ice cream” pretty loosely.
Simply peel a few bananas, stick them in the freezer, and let them hang out for a few hours or until they’re solid. Put the frozen ’nanas in the bowl of a food processor and process them until smooth.
Finally, add your choice of mix-ins (if you like). Dark chocolate chips, diced strawberries, and a PB swirl are Greatist favorites.
6. Papaya punch smoothie
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Photo: Exploring Healthy Foods
Idina Menzel, eat your heart out — this fruit, veggie, ice, and chia smoothie is the real delivery of frozen perfection.
It’s loaded with papaya, a tropical fruit that has tons of flavor and fiber. Papaya is also relatively low in sugar compared to other fruits, with just 11.3 grams per cup.
Papaya’s got a brand new bag.
7. Summer fruit spring rolls
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Photo: Bigger Bolder Baking
There’s no way you’d expect these flavors from spring rolls. Who knew they could taste this sweet?
This inventive take on the sushi restaurant favorite fills classic rice wraps with fresh fruit for a simple, slightly sweet (and super fun) snack.
8. Strawberry Nutella bruschetta
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Photo: Simple Vegan Blog
It’s a recipe that rhymes satisfyingly and tastes even better than it sounds.
Strawberries plus Nutella is a classic combo. Just add a slice of toasted whole-grain bread for a fiber-rich, filling snack. You can also sprinkle some chia seeds, honey, or coconut flakes on top for an added flavor boost!
9. Lemon raspberry cheesecake ice pops
Photo: Simply Recipes
The word “cheesecake” might make this recipe sound like a rich dessert, but it clocks in at half the calories of the classic cheesecake. Plus, you can hold it on a stick, so it might already be beating the original.
In this version, “cheesecake” is actually just the sweetened lemony Greek yogurt mixture that gives these pops a creamy texture.
10. Frozen yogurt bites
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Photo: I Heart Vegetables
This recipe is an awesome way to get creative with some items you probably already have in your kitchen.
Freeze some Greek yogurt with granola, pop whatever fruit you like on top, and boom! It’s a cute breakfast treat for the next morning!
11. Spicy fruit salad
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Photo: Minimalist Baker
If you’ve ever thought of fruit salad as boring, you have to give this recipe a try (you’re also wrong — sorry).
Sprinkle some lime juice and chili powder on top of your favorite fruity mixture for an added kick in flavor and heat.
Can’t take the heat? You don’t have to get out of the kitchen — just try cinnamon instead.
12. Two-ingredient banana chocolate chip ice cream bites
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Photo: The Baker Mama
Two of our favorite foods take center stage in this recipe: bananas and chocolate chips. You can’t go wrong here.
Blend up some frozen bananas in a food processor, and then dump in some chips. That’s it. These guys store for 2 to 3 months in the freezer, so feel free to make a giant batch to dip into whenever you feel the munchies.
13. Frozen grapes
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Photo: Zen and Spice
This is so simple it barely qualifies as a recipe — it’s more of a recommendation, because, well, these bang.
Buckle up, because here are the steps:
Remove grapes from vine.
Get snackin’.
This easy, naturally sweetened treat is perfect to keep in the freezer for when that sweet tooth comes calling.
14. Vegan blueberry oat bars
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Photo: Happy Healthy Mama
These breakfast-on-the-go bars are a healthier twist on blueberry cobbler.
The blogger uses just blueberries, but feel free to throw in some strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries for a mixed-berry version.
15. Pineapple and blueberry fruit salad
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Photo: Food Doodles
The key to this recipe is what goes on top (like a great hairdo or a zany hat).
Pineapples and blueberries are awesome, but when you add some lime zest, lime juice, honey, and Greek yogurt on top, you get a next-level treat that’s creamy, zingy, and healthy in equal measure.
16. Cherries Jubilee chocolate chia seed pudding
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Photo: Real Food Whole Life
Cherries Jubilee is a classic dessert, but it isn’t exactly the healthiest snack.
This recipe keeps the awesome cherry flavor but adds some healthier substitutes (like cacao) and nutritional bonuses (like chia seeds). Plus, this looks great in a mason jar, so you can seem fancy at all times.
17. Yogurt breakfast parfait with plum compote
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Photo: Cake and Whisky
This fall-inspired breakfast has an awesome combination of some pretty underrated fruits and nuts.
Plums, blackberries, and hazelnuts shine in the classic parfait-style snack. And if you’re really in the fall mood, try sprinkling some pumpkin pie spice on top (because you know full well it’s pumpkin spice everything season).
18. Fruit sushi (frushi)
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Photo: Dinner at the Zoo
Time to play with your food! (Also, “frushi” is an excellent name. You might want to consider it for a pet in the future.)
This is a super fun snack recipe. Put some sliced kiwi, oranges, and raspberries on top of sushi rice for a fancy treat.
Of course, feel free to improvise — sliced strawberries, mango, or apple would also make a tantalizing topper.
19. Melon salad with chili and mint
Photo: Simply Recipes
No matter your age, making spherical chunks of melon is always a baller move (not sorry — that was great) and a lot of fun to boot. It rolls up just like ice cream.
Chili and mint make this a sophisticated, interesting array of flavors — you’ll never think about melon the same way again.
20. Breakfast yogurt pops
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Photo: I Heart Naptime
Tired of your same old yogurt-and-granola breakfast? Try changing up the shape. Yes, it all ends up in the same place, but shapes are fun and ice pops more so.
This recipe takes the classic combo and freezes it into a (very ’grammable) ice pop.
Just make sure to prep these the night before, since they need to sit in the freezer for at least 4 hours.
21. Blueberry coconut protein balls
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Photo: One Broad’s Journey
Making a ton of these little protein balls is the perfect way to meal-prep some snacks for the week.
The secret ingredient here is lemon. The combo of lemon juice and lemon zest adds a burst of flavor to the blueberry-coconut one-two punch.
Pop one of these in your cakehole for a kick-ass start to the day.
22. Sesame oat square bars with pear compote
Photo: Cooking Melangery
Oat bars are a great way to save some time in your week — and these are on the fancier side. Make a bunch on Sunday so you’ll be able to grab them on the go during your busy workweek.
Coconut oil binds all the oats together — there’s not an egg in sight, which makes these bars super-duper vegan-friendly.
The recipe includes a homemade pear compote that will satisfy any fruit lover’s craving.
23. Chewy raspberry apple granola bars
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Photo: Amy’s Healthy Baking
Granola bars are far from boring when you make them at home. You can customize the flavors however you want, and there’s none of the processed ingredients and preservatives you’d find in store-bought options.
This simple version has just seven ingredients like milk, honey, oil, and cinnamon. Raspberries stand out and do jazz hands as the vibrant, delicious star of the show.
Fruits still have a lot of sugar
While fruits are amazing and can boast a huge range of vital vitamins and minerals, they come with a heavy hit of fructose — a natural sugar, but still a sugar.
If you’re on a sugar-restricted diet or have a condition that can impact your blood sugar levels, such as diabetes, it’s best to eat fruit in moderation and be selective about the fruit you eat.
Some fruits are better than others for people with diabetes — we rounded them up here.
A mix of flavors is the mark of enlightened kitchen work, so try to switch up your fruit game entirely and get creative.
24. Grilled fruit pizza
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Photo: The Chunky Chef
Oh, boy… is pizza not just bae? Well, we’re willing to wager that you haven’t had one with fruit and honey as a topping before. (If you’re one of those who falls on the angrier side of the pineapple-on-pizza debate, this one might not be for you. Or maybe it’ll convert you.)
Just grill up some pizza dough, naan, or tortilla and sprinkle your favorite fruits on top.
25. Strawberry and goat cheese bruschetta
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Photo: Homemade Hooplah
We’d eat goat cheese with pretty much anything, but it’s especially good with fruit. The creamy saltiness offsets the sweetness of many fruits beautifully. But strawberries hold the starring role here.
This bruschetta recipe features the gooey combo with a balsamic glaze on top that really brings out the strawberryishness (definitely a word) of the strawberries.
26. Peach quinoa tabbouleh
Photo: Jo Eats
Peaches and quinoa might not seem like a match made in heaven, but this sweet and salty Middle Eastern-inspired dish has other ideas.
Honey, mint, and parsley dance around the peach flavors, adding all kinds of busy mouth sensations. Even as a side or a standalone snack, this intriguing tabbouleh stands all on its own.
27. Honey-lemon toast with figs and pistachios
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Photo: Ambitious Kitchen
Getting creative with toast is all the rage these days (thanks, avo toast!).
This honey-fig version is the perfect savory way to eat your fruit. With ricotta slathered on the base, stopping your snack at a single slice is the most difficult thing about this recipe.
28. Creamy cheese fruit pizza
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Photo: The Frugal Foodie Mama
Fruity pizza: round two. (Wait, how is there more than one? Where the f*ck are all these fruit pizzas coming from?)
This one features peaches and blackberries, but feel free to make your own version with any fruit-cheese-dough combo.
Get as creative as your brain wants — they broke the seal with pineapples many moons ago. This is just the natural consequence.
29. Mango, avocado, and fresh cilantro salsa
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Photo: The Frugal Foodie Mama
You’ve heard that it takes two to tango — well, it can take two fruits to salsa. And, yes, avocado is a fruit.
This two-fruit salsa (yes, avocado is a fruit) is a way to give sweet flavors a savory twist when it’s served alongside classic tortilla chips.
Avocados are brimming with healthy monounsaturated fat and tons of vitamins, including vitamins E and B6.
30. Fig and prosciutto crostini
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Photo: Mama’s Gotta Bake
Fresh figs — does it get any better?
Well, when you wrap a fresh fig in a slice of salty prosciutto and stick it on top of some toasted bread, you’ll learn that there’s more to the already mighty fig than meets the eye.
31. Melon, prosciutto, and mozzarella skewers
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Photo: The Comfort of Cooking
Here’s another awesome salty-sweet combo (because savory doesn’t mean you need to kick all the sweetness out).
Prosciutto and melon is a classic duo. Add fresh mozzarella, put it on a stick, and things get seriously tasty.
Fruit wears many disguises, and almost all of them are delicious (when put together right).
Whether you’re in the mood for sweetness or a broader experience for your taste buds, you don’t need added sugars. You can use the natural sugars in fruits to bolster the flavor of your meal and take advantage of their natural goodness.
Had your fill of pizzas made of fruit? Fine, here are some desserts made from vegetables (and if you think carrot cake is the limit, you are very much mistaken).
from Greatist Health RSS Feed https://ift.tt/2HZWbKL 31 Healthy Snacks for When You Love Fruit but Have a Sweet Tooth Greatist Health RSS Feed from HEALTH BUZZ https://ift.tt/327t1kl
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badgerkick0-blog · 5 years
18 Recipes to Build the Perfect Ice Cream Sundae Bar
[Photographs: Vicky Wasik.]
Cakes and cupcakes are great, and we love cookies, but there's nothing quite as celebratory—especially in the warmer months of the year—as a completely decked out ice cream sundae bar. We've collected a mixture of recipes for ice creams, including a technique to help you riff on them, as well as toppings and a couple additional treats to crumble, stack, and build your way to the perfect ice cream sundae.
Ice Cream
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This list would be incomplete without a really good chocolate ice cream. This is a light and creamy custard-style ice cream that pulls its flavor from high quality cocoa powder, and it doesn't require any churning in an ice cream machine.
No-Churn Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe »
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
Sometimes vanilla ice cream is the best option when you're building a sundae. It's delicious as it is, but it's also simple enough to pair well with nearly any topping or sauce you can throw at it. Think crumbled Oreos, chili crisp, or caramel—we'll get there soon enough.
No-Churn Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Oatmeal cookie ice cream is exactly what it sounds like. A brown sugar base is infused with the warm spice of a cinnamon stick, toasted oats, and a vanilla bean. The ice cream is studded with oat clusters, crunchy pecans, and plenty of dried fruit.
Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
All too often, strawberry ice cream is icy and crystalized, tasting of artificial flavors. We've gone in the opposite direction and created an ice cream that nails the fresh berry flavor, without compromising on a rich, velvety texture.
The Best Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe »
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
It's true that this is technically gelato, not ice cream, but it's too good to leave off this list. Stracciatella is a chocolate chip gelato that builds on the purity of fior di latte, a simple milk-based gelato. Since this gelato is so sweet, you'd do well to use the freshest and highest quality ingredients you can get your hands on. Drenched with caramel sauce and bits of freshly baked cookies, this is as good as it gets.
Stracciatella Gelato (Sweet Cream Chocolate Chip) Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Sometimes a cup of coffee in the morning isn't enough; sometimes you need some coffee in ice cream form, too. This rich and buttery ice cream has a nice kick of coffee flavor, without an overwhelming amount of bitterness. If you're thinking that a "nice kick" probably isn't enough coffee, we've got a stronger coffee ice cream that we made just for people like you.
Milky and Mild Coffee Ice Cream (With a Stronger Option, Too) Recipe »
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
It's true that we designed this syrup to be swirled in to ice cream, but there's no reason you can't drizzle it over the top of your sundae. In fact, we think you should give it a try. The sauce is thick and fruity, and won't seize up even when it comes in contact with the cold ice cream.
Fruit Syrup for Swirled Ice Cream Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Chili crisp might not be a classic ice cream topping, buy you're going to have to trust us on this one. The powerfully savory aromatics contrast with the sweet creaminess of any ice cream, sending its flavor in a completely different direction. Sichuan peppercorns in the oil create a mouth-numbing effect so you'll be experiencing plenty of hot and cold at the same time. Chili crisp is great with vanilla ice cream, but you can experiment with other flavors. (You may want to avoid fruit-forward ones where the flavors will clash.)
Homemade Spicy Chili Crisp Recipe »
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[Photographs: Vicky Wasik]
Creamy pistachio cream is a wonderful topping on fruit and non-fruit ice creams alike. The pale green spread is nutty and aromatic, with a floral note from a dash of orange flower water.
Homemade Pistachio Cream Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Most ice cream sundae bars have ice cream, but it's usually the stuff you shake out of a plastic bottle. Real caramel is a three-ingredient sauce, containing nothing more than sugar, water, and cream. This recipe gives you the freedom to cook the sugar until it's either light and pale or darker, so the flavor is exactly how you want it. Want something a little different? You could also try cajeta casera, a similarly gooey and sweet sauce made from goat's milk.
Easy Homemade Caramel Sauce Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Nutella belongs on sandwiches, smeared on slices of banana, and yes, definitely on ice cream, too. Homemade brittle gives our take on the classic spread a mellow sweetness, with hints of caramel to complement its already nutty flavor.
Homemade Nutella (Creamy Chocolate-Hazelnut Spread) Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Nothing finishes off a super-rich ice cream sundae quite like airy, light whipped cream. This one is sweetened with brown sugar, which gives it a slightly deeper flavor than whipped cream sweetened with white sugar. The insides of a fresh vanilla bean turn this into yet another impressive addition to your sundae bar.
Brown Sugar Whipped Cream Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
These crisp citrus-candied pistachios are a great way to top off a huge bowl of ice cream. Fresh lemon syrup helps them toast up and get extra crisp, while adding a subtle acidity that will cut through any ice cream's sweetness.
Crispy Citrus-Candied Pistachios Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Sugar, dark chocolate, and just a few other ingredients turn regular popcorn into a crisp, chocolate-coated snack. It's good on its own, but even better crumbled over a bowl of ice cream and topped with caramel sauce.
Crispy Chocolate Popcorn Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Milk Duds are meant to be paired with movie theater popcorn, so it only makes sense that a homemade version, paired with our chocolate popcorn (above), is the perfect topping for an ice cream sundae.
Homemade Milk Duds Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
We aren't going to tell you whether you should crumble, break in half, or just leave these super-thin Tate's-style chocolate chip cookies whole. All we suggest is that you bake a double batch, and put them out in a towering pile at your next ice cream sundae party. They'll go fast.
Tate's-Style Thin and Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Though we're calling these a topping, you might want to treat one of these glossy fudge brownies as the base for your towering ice cream sundae. They're rich, glossy, chewy, and not too sweet.
BraveTart: Glossy Fudge Brownies Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
These homemade sandwich cookies give store-bought Oreos a run for their money. The crispy, slightly bitter wafers are balanced by the sweet vanilla filling. Break them into pieces over your ice cream, or use them to scoop up bites.
BraveTart: Homemade Oreo Cookies Recipe »
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Source: https://www.seriouseats.com/roundups/sundae-bar-recipes
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There definitely is a good side to having to stay at home in lockdown: it’s a great time for getting creative, especially in the kitchen! Were you always too busy to cook anything other than basic recipes or ready oven meals? Then now is the time to try out new things – and you’ll soon find that the possibilities are boundless!
I’ve always liked any sort of ingredient that instantly turns a simple meal into something exotic and exciting, a contrast in taste to the usual savoury dish. I love adding a bit of sweetness, and my favourites are tinned or frozen fruit (of which you can get all sorts nowadays, from pears and peaches to lychees and pineapples!), raisins and honey. We can learn a lot from the Asian and Caribbean cuisine in this field!
First, let’s look at all the different things we can do with tinned or frozen fruit; ingredients are always for two. And don’t forget, dear friends, that you’re always free to play around with the ingredients and add your own ideas!
  Toast Hawaii
2 slices bread, 2 slices ham, 2 slices cheese (the sort that melts, like edam, gouda, cheddar…), 2 slices pineapple (tinned), butter or margarine, ketchup
Would you believe that this famous toast was invented by a German TV cook back in the 1950s? I certainly grew up with it, and I recently rediscovered it when I found a tin of sliced pineapples in the cupboard… It’s literally child’s play – I first made one myself when I was about 12!
First, preheat your oven to 200° C. Put two slices of bread on a baking tray laid out with baking foil, spread some butter or margarine on them, then top with the ham, the pineapple slices and the cheese and put a dash of ketchup on top. Grill for 5 minutes in the oven – ready!
  Pizza Hawaii / Florida
1 frozen ham and/or bacon pizza (or margarita if you want a vegetarian version), 200g pineapple chunks (tinned or frozen) or 200g peach or apricot chunks (tinned or frozen)
There once was a time when you could get a ready frozen Pizza Hawaii at every supermarket, but the good old dish seems to have been forgotten a bit. You can make one yourself any time, though, based on an ordinary frozen pizza. It’s VERY simple: just open up a tin of pineapple chunks and drain them (you can also use frozen chunks), then place them on the pizza and bake it according to the instructions on the packet!
Instead of pineapples, you can also use peach or apricot chunks – the result instead of a pizza Hawaii will be a pizza Florida…
  Steak Hawaii / Florida
2 pork steaks, 2-4 pineapple slices or 2-4 peach halves (tinned), salt, pepper, flour, oil
Very similarly, you can pep up the taste of an ordinary pork steak: flavour the steaks to your liking (I usually use salt and pepper and roll them in flour, but you can also add paprika or even a dash of Cayenne pepper) and fry them in oil together with the pineapple slices; when they’re done, simply put the fruit on top of the steak and you’ve turned an ordinary European meal into something different! It goes with all sorts of side dishes, but best with chips or French fries.
And, just like with the pizza, you can turn your steak Hawaii into a steak Florida, simply by using peach halves from the tin instead of pineapples…
  Noodles with chicken bites, peppers and mango
150-200g noodles, 200g chicken bites, 100g frozen chopped bell peppers (red, green and yellow), 100g frozen or tinned mango (or peaches or apricots), 100g frozen or tinned pineapples, 2tsp gravy powder, oil
I recently invented this recipe myself – as I said, all you need is creativity and a few things in your freezer or your cupboard. Since my darling husband and me had to defrost our old fridge, we had to use up our frozen fruit and veg – and the outcome was a really tasty dinner!
Cook the noodles (thick egg noodles are the most suitable ones) for 10 minutes. Fry the chicken bites (you can also use ready meatballs or any other quick fry meat) in oil, then take them out of the pan. Add 100ml water and the gravy powder and stir well with a fork. Then add the peppers and the fruit and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Add the noodles and put the meat back in and heat it all up together – ready!
  Sweet potatoes and pineapples
2 big sweet potatoes, 250g pineapple chunks (tinned), 150g grated cheese (cheddar, gouda or edam), salt, ginger powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, 2tsp dark rum
This is a great and really exotic recipe from the Caribbean – it’ll make you feel as if you were lying on a beach in Jamaica! Many greengrocers and supermarkets in the UK and the USA sell sweet potatoes nowadays; don’t worry if you’ve never done them before, they’re pretty much the same as ordinary potatoes – just sweeter.
Clean the potatoes (a brush is the best tool for that) and cook them for about 1 hour in salted water, then cut them in thick slices and put them on a baking tray laid out with baking foil. Preheat the oven to 180° C. In a bowl, mix the pineapples with the rum and flavour with salt, ginger powder, cinnamon and nutmeg. Spread the mixture over the potato slices, top with the cheese, and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
You can enjoy this lovely creation as a vegetable dish, or fry some lamb or pork chops to go with them – and how about a Cuba Libre to go with it, since you’ve opened that bottle of rum?
  Another very useful ingredient for spicing up meals is honey – easily obtainable, easy to use, and it makes such a difference!
Spareribs with honey
2 frozen spareribs ready marinated, 200g frozen chips or French fries, 3-4 tsp honey
Believe it or not, dear friends, but this rather exotic sounding recipe for spareribs is actually very popular in Bavarian beer gardens! And it’s extremely easy to do, too, all you need are frozen spareribs which you heat up in a pan with a lid (even if it says on the packet to do them in the oven; they remain juicier in the pan) while you heat up the chips in the oven according to the instructions on the packet. When the chips are ready (usually after about 15 minutes), the spareribs should be done as well. All you have to do now is put the honey on the spareribs – delicious!
No need to say that, just like in said beer gardens, this hearty dish goes very nicely with a pint of beer or cider…
  Sweet and sour rice
100-150g rice, 100g frozen chopped bell peppers (red, green and yellow), 100g frozen or tinned pineapples (or peaches or apricots), ½ vegetable stock cube, 1 dash soy sauce, 1-2 tsp ketchup, 3tsp honey, salt, sugar, oil
Cook the rice for 15-20 minutes; meanwhile, fry the bell peppers and pineapples in oil, then add the stock cube and 150ml water, add the soy sauce, the ketchup, the honey and some salt, sugar and pepper and simmer for 15 minutes.
You can serve the rice and sauce on its own as a vegetable dish, or with whichever fried meat you like; this Chinese classic goes especially nicely with chicken nuggets!
  And then there are raisins, which, while in Europe they’re mainly used for baking, are very popular in savoury dishes in the Near East and India…
  Lamb pilaw
300g cubed lamb, 100-150g rice, 1 onion, 100g raisins, 50g almonds, ½ beef stock cube, 2-3 cloves garlic (or garlic powder), 100ml passata, salt, paprika, oil
Chop the onions and the garlic and fry them with the almonds in oil in a big pan; when the onions are golden brown, add the lamb and season with salt and paprika. Add the passata, the stock cube and 250ml water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 1 hour (you might have to add some more water once or twice in order to keep it from sticking to the pan). Cook the rice for 15-20 minutes.
Add the rice and the raisins to the meat and simmer for another 30 minutes; a genuine Arabic classic that’ll give you a feeling of 1001 Nights! Tip: The perfect accompaniment for this dish is a sweet wine, like Malaga or Samos or Mavrodafni…
  Curry rice
100-150g rice, 1 green bell pepper (or 100g frozen bell peppers), 1 onion, 1 carrot, 100g raisins, 30g flour, ½ vegetable stock cube, salt, curry powder, oil
An Indian variant of exoticness that’s really easy to do: Cook the rice for 15-20 minutes, meanwhile chop the bell pepper and the onion and slice the carrot and fry them in oil with the raisins. Add the flour and stir well, then add 200ml water, the stock cube and a generous amount of curry powder (preferably sweet) and let it simmer until the rice is ready.
As with the sweet and sour rice, you can eat the curry rice as a vegetable dish, or with chicken breast, legs, wings or – the easiest choice – nuggets.
  And finally, here’s an idea for a dessert which kids (and not only) will absolutely love!
  Nutella and Smarties sandwich
2 slices bread, Nutella, Smarties or m&ms
If you’ve been desperately trying to find something for your kids to do while they’ve been moaning about not being able to go out, this is the perfect way: get them to create their own sweet sandwiches! There’s lots of possible ingredients for turning a simple slice of bread into a face or a cute animal or whatever you like: jam, peanut butter, food colours, wine gums… For my own example, I just used what we already had in the larder: Nutella and m&ms!
Enjoy your creations, dear friends, and do tell me about your own ideas in the comments…
Roberta’s Recipes: Get creative! There definitely is a good side to having to stay at home in lockdown: it’s a great time for getting creative, especially in the kitchen!
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nichetraveldesign · 6 years
I love a Christmas market. In fact, I have yet to meet a Christmas market that I didn’t like. I love the vibe, the decorations, the music. I love the bustle and the throngs of people all enjoying the season. And living abroad, I like learning about how each country celebrates the season a little differently. Hamburg’s White Christmas Market is a little different than the rest.  It is smaller, set along the water, themed with all white market stalls and quite tranquil in feeling. The reason that I loved Hamburg’s all white Christmas market was that it was peaceful and elegant. It evoked a feeling of respect for the season. The all white stalls set against Alster Lake were breathtaking.  The glow of the white stalls and lights drew us in like moths to a flame.
GERMAN CHRISTMAS | A CELEBRATION OF FOOD While I cannot profess to be an expert on German Christmas after three days, I can tell you that the predominant feature of every Northern German Christmas market (and we went to no less than 5 in 3 days) was food!
Food, food and more food. We sampled flame broiled bratwurst, grilled sausages, hams, currywurst – a fried or grilled sausage is cut into thick slices and seasoned with spicy ketchup and generous amounts of curry powder (usually served with french fries), fischbrötchen – a fish sandwich served with pickled or fried fish and onions and sauerkraut – fermented cabbage.  We also saw big vats of boiled potatoes, sausage in green cabbage.  Also for sale were potato pancakes served with applesauce.
GERMAN CHRISTMAS | A CELEBRATION OF SWEETS!! After your main meal, one finds a vast array of desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth. My favorite was fried dough sprinkled with powdered sugar (called muzen in Lübeck and schmalzkuchen in Hamburg). We also tried marshmallow cremes dipped in chocolate (schaumkuss) which were surprisingly delicious as I am not a marshmallow fan usually.  These marshmallowy treats were not as sugary as their cousins in America. There were also lots of mini pancakes (profferjes) filed with your choice of Nutella, butter, sugar, marzipan, apples, mint, cherries, Grand Marnier, Baileys, Cointreau, Amaretto, vanilla to name a few.  We didn’t try those and I wish we had, especially with some Grand Marnier. Next time!!  Northern Germany is also famous for marzipan in every shape, color and form that you can imagine and these large gingerbread cookies with various messages of Christmas and other festivities written in hard frosting on them.
GERMAN CHRISTMAS | A CELEBRATION OF WINE To wash it all down, one can stop at one of the many glühwein (mulled wine) forests constructed all over town.  Glühwein is usually prepared with red wine. It is heated with cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, citrus, sugar and vanilla beans. It is offered as is or mit schuss (with a shot), which means that rum or some other liquor is added.
GERMAN CHRISTMAS | A CELEBRATION OF DECOR THE CHRISTMAS STAR We noticed that the northern Germans also embrace the Christmas star as they do in Sweden, but more often than not, the German star is more three dimensional, resembling a thistle or bur.
THE CHRISTMAS PYRAMID Another similarity to Swedish Christmas is the German  Weihnachtspyramide or the Christmas pyramid which is like the Swedish änglaspel in that the pyramid device works by generating heat from candles to turn the wooden blades. While these beautifully carved wooden pieces look nothing like what I was taught a pyramid looks like, they are called pyramids nonetheless. They reminded me of multi-leveled carousels. All of them depicted a Christmas theme such as the Nativity, angels and the Wise Men.  Much larger than their Swedish counterparts, the German versions are often 3 or 4 stories high and made entirely from wood as opposed to brass in Sweden. I was told by one woman in a shop that the German Christmas pyramid predates the Christmas tree. Fascinating! CHRISTMAS TOWNS Also wildly popular at every market were these miniature towns – very intricate miniature wooden carved people, houses, animals, trees – entire villages really complete with town halls and churches.
CHRISTMAS GNOMES There also seems to be a German version of tomte, the Swedish elves that I have fallen in love with. Tomte are known to help you with your housework over the year if you leave them some porridge on Christmas Eve.  Unfortunately, I did not get an accurate name or story for their German relatives – the gentleman and I were trying our best to communicate across the language chasm. I did buy one and much to my daughter’s horror, I think his hair is real animal hair.  I love him and think he is adorable. Lena is creeped out by his hair. I only hope that bringing him into the house will not piss off the tomte in our basement as I am serious about wanting that help with the housework.
Frohe Weihnachten jeder! Buon Natale! God Jul! Merry Christmas!
Hamburg’s White Christmas Market – The Best Little Christmas Market in Germany I love a Christmas market. In fact, I have yet to meet a Christmas market that I didn't like.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Cure Your Craving Without Feeling Guilty! A List of Low Calories Snacks to Keep You Full!
There is nobody that does not love good snacks. It [1]curbs hunger between meals and also keeps the body fueled from early morning until late night dinners.
For anyone trying to curb weight, snacks can become quite a challenge. Small tempting bites can trap nutrition boosts as they have loads of unnecessary calories and provide a lack of sufficient nutrients. Calorie intake in turn becomes nutritionally void.
Snacks have developed a negative link to them , but no worries there is no need to fade mid morning nibbles. Bite size snacks are important in diets because they provide midday energy. Also healthy snacks resolve hunger pangs and prevent over eating at meal times.
Not all snacks are healthy. Ensure you do not keep unhealthy snacks nearby to steer away mindless nibbling. Avoid all snacks in the ‘junk-food’ categories – candy, chips, ice-cream and cookies. The best way to keep from eating junk food or other unhealthy snacks is to not have these foods stored in your home.
There are many benefits to healthy snacking:
Healthy snacking stabilises blood sugar levels.
Healthy snacking balances blood sugar levels if a consistent intake of carbs is kept. It is helpful as diabetes can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity
Healthy snacking fuel you up with nutrients throughout the day.
Healthy snacks meets daily nutrition requirements . The best options that are dense in nutrients include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and low-fat dairy.
1. Parmesan Carrot Fries
Each serving has 83 calories, 3 g fat, 11 g carbs, 280 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 2 g protein.
French fries are a worldwide guilty pleasure. Swapping carrots for the spuds leaves you with a scrumptious alternative of the deep fried temptations. Roast carrots allow natural sweetness to emerge and makes a combination of a crispy finish with a soft interior, sure to tantalize the taste buds. Every serving of carrot fries comes with a healthy dose of beta carotene, fiber and vitamin A, promoting a healthy vision and skin. Top up with some basil and Parmesan sprinkles and make a sweet,savory treat.
2. Sweet Potato Wedges
Each serving has 153 calories, 0.4 g fat, 0.1 g staurated fat, 2.4 g protein, 35.5 g Carbohydrate, 2.3 g Cholesterol, 0.9 mg Iron, 166 mg Sodium, 31 mg Calcium
Another way to break free from greasy deep fried french fries that cause upset stomachs are these sweet potato wedges. Seasoned with a flavor of spices with limited oil to make them crispy. Paired with a garlic and avocado mix that is packed with a healthy chunk of omega-3 fats. Drool on.
3. Green Collard Wraps
Each wrap has 113 calories, 4.5 g fat, 14 g carbs, 195 mg sodium, 6 g fiber and 5 g protein.
This raw green collard wrap is vibrant and bursts with an abundance of whole foods. A rainbow of delicious vegetables and wrapped in an awesome collard. This leafy green is packed with vitamins A, vitamin C and vitamin K. It is an excellent antioxidant and anti inflammatory source. Collards double as the most healthy sandwich wrap. They are gluten free, unprocessed and low in calories!
4. Banana Nutella Muffins
One muffin has 165 calories,7 g fat, 21 g carbs, 197 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 8 g protein
A power snack of note, delectable with Nutella adding that ideal sweetness. Whole-wheat flour used brings fiber, antioxidants which are needed, with yogurt and protein powder giving it muscle!
5. Spicy Baked Chickpeas
Each serving has 153 calories, 4.1 g fat, 22.9 g carbs, 69 mg sodium, 6.6 g fiber, 7.3 g protein.
Quick and easy to prepare these snacks come packed with a protein punch and a few common pantry staple ingredients. The bites are far more tasty and a healthy alternative to potato chips.
6.Vegan Artichoke Dip
A quarter cup has 73 calories, 2.5 g fat, 10 g carbs, 250 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 3 g protein
An appetizer sure to please crowds without dairy, reducing calories and fat. It is filled with artichokes rich in fiber, and is rich with white beans, with a cream with texture and a tasty flavor of spices, lemon and herbs. Artichokes are full of antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium and folic acid. A snack away dip!
7. Sweet Potato Quinoa Cakes
Each patty has 134 calories, 3 g fat, 21 g carbs, 415 mg sodium, 3 g fiber and 6 g protein.
These veggie baked cakes are a delicacy gluten-free wonder. The appetizer is rich in fiber. The sweet potato and kale and sweet potatoes keep the delicate quinoa mixture together.
8. Vegan Hummus
Calories 119.0, Total Fat 7.5 g, Cholesterol 0.0 mg, Sodium 213.7 mg, Potassium 53.5 mg, Total Carbohydrate 10.3 g, Dietary Fiber 3.3 g, Sugars 0.6 g, Protein 4.2 g, , Calcium 4.6 %, Copper 8.7 %, Folate 2.9 %, Iron 5.3 %, Magnesium 2.6 %, Manganese 7.8 %, Niacin 2.9 %, Zinc 3.3 %
The flavored dip is perfect for most dietary limitations (vegan, gluten-free, soy free). With oregano and sun-dried tomatoes it evokes a divine taste. Enjoy it with fresh veggies for a good healthy snack.
9. Home made Cheese Crips
Real cheddar, coconut flour and almond flour with a dash of cayenne powder. Stick them in your handbag and nibble away!
10. Raisin Rice
Cooked brown rice with a dash of vanilla soy milk plus raisins packs a delightful warm punch.
11. Korean Beef Cabbage Wraps
53 mg cholesterol, 7 g fat, 567 mg sodium, 9 g carb., 3 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 21g protein
This healthy delight ground beef munch filled in cruchy cabbage outlays can be served as an appetizer or a main course.
Low calorie Sweet Snack delights
We have all been there, having a craving for a sweet something. The solution is a satisfying small quick nibble without a calorie overload. These treats are low in calories and will please any sweet palate.
12. Chocolate Banana
Cholesterol 0 mg, Calories 205, Sodium 10 mg, Total Fat 17 g, Potassium 0 mg, Saturated 12 g, Total Carbs 28 g, Polyunsaturated 0 g, Dietary Fiber 4 g, Monounsaturated 0g, Sugars 17 g, Protein 3 g, Vitamin A 2% , Calcium 2%, Vitamin C, 10%, Iron 6%
These frozen bananas dipped in chocolate are healthy and refreshing treats for the summer. These super delicious bananas and will indulge any sweet cravings. It is gluten-free, Raw Vegan, soy free, wheat free and kid friendly.
13. Mexican Chocolate Avocado Mousse
Raw cacao powder in a healthy blend of avocado makes a delectable sweet treat with raw honey and coconut milk. This Mexican spiced chocolate mousse is a dairy free delight.
14. Sweet and Salty Bon Bons
Cholesterol 0, Calories 110, Total Fat4 g, Saturated Fat 2 g, Potassium 15 mg, Dietary Fiber 5, Sugars 9 g
Sweet and Salty Bon Bons combine Peanut Butter Brownies with a chocolate drizzle and a sea salt sprinkle making a delectable sweet and low calorie chocolate bite.
15. Peanut Butter Brownie
Cholesterol 0, Calories 140 , Total Fat 6g, mg Sodium 170mg , Potassium 65mg, Total Carbohydrate 23g, Dietary Fiber 5g , sugars11g , Protein 3g ,Iron 6%
A divine sweet treat. Spread a smooth cream cheese and peanut butter mixture between the fudge brownie halves o.
16. Low Calorie Cereal Snack
6 Mini-Wheats: 47 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium
Bite size whole grain wheat cereal crispies wirh some maple are a satisfying crunch with low calories and a pinch of filling fiber too
Quick Pop Snacks
17. Raspberries
Nutrition facts for 3/4 cup raspberries: 50 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium
Packed with antioxidants, fiber, and potassium, raspberries are among the Cleveland Clinic’s list of 40 best foods for heart health. Research suggests they help lower blood pressure and boost good cholesterol, plus they’ll tide you over as a delicious snack.
18. Cherries
Five cherries: 50 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium
Stock these simple treats in your fridge for grab-and-go convenience. Each cherry has just 10 calories with no fat or cholesterol.
19. Popcorn
45 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 69 mg sodium
A family favorite popo away snack for all!
20. Sweet and Crunchy Rice cakes
43 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 107 mg sodium
Crunchy sweet rice snacks ,in addition to being low in sugar has no cholesterol or fat.
Some unexpected low calorie quick treats:
Frozen Grapes
Honeyed Yogurt
Spiced Orange with cinnamon
Grilled Pineapple
Stuffed Figs with Ricotta cheese and cinnamon
Nuts ‘n’ Berries
Dark Chocolate
[1]^lifehack: Eat Something Before You Get Too Hungry Or You May Get Hangry 
function footnote_expand_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).show(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“-“); } function footnote_collapse_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).hide(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“+”); } function footnote_expand_collapse_reference_container() { if (jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).is(“:hidden”)) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); } else { footnote_collapse_reference_container(); } } function footnote_moveToAnchor(p_str_TargetID) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); var l_obj_Target = jQuery(“#” + p_str_TargetID); if(l_obj_Target.length) { jQuery(‘html, body’).animate({ scrollTop: l_obj_Target.offset().top – window.innerHeight/2 }, 1000); } }
The post Cure Your Craving Without Feeling Guilty! A List of Low Calories Snacks to Keep You Full! appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2q5v8jH via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Cure Your Craving Without Feeling Guilty! A List of Low Calories Snacks to Keep You Full!
There is nobody that does not love good snacks. It [1]curbs hunger between meals and also keeps the body fueled from early morning until late night dinners.
For anyone trying to curb weight, snacks can become quite a challenge. Small tempting bites can trap nutrition boosts as they have loads of unnecessary calories and provide a lack of sufficient nutrients. Calorie intake in turn becomes nutritionally void.
Snacks have developed a negative link to them , but no worries there is no need to fade mid morning nibbles. Bite size snacks are important in diets because they provide midday energy. Also healthy snacks resolve hunger pangs and prevent over eating at meal times.
Not all snacks are healthy. Ensure you do not keep unhealthy snacks nearby to steer away mindless nibbling. Avoid all snacks in the ‘junk-food’ categories – candy, chips, ice-cream and cookies. The best way to keep from eating junk food or other unhealthy snacks is to not have these foods stored in your home.
There are many benefits to healthy snacking:
Healthy snacking stabilises blood sugar levels.
Healthy snacking balances blood sugar levels if a consistent intake of carbs is kept. It is helpful as diabetes can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity
Healthy snacking fuel you up with nutrients throughout the day.
Healthy snacks meets daily nutrition requirements . The best options that are dense in nutrients include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and low-fat dairy.
1. Parmesan Carrot Fries
Each serving has 83 calories, 3 g fat, 11 g carbs, 280 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 2 g protein.
French fries are a worldwide guilty pleasure. Swapping carrots for the spuds leaves you with a scrumptious alternative of the deep fried temptations. Roast carrots allow natural sweetness to emerge and makes a combination of a crispy finish with a soft interior, sure to tantalize the taste buds. Every serving of carrot fries comes with a healthy dose of beta carotene, fiber and vitamin A, promoting a healthy vision and skin. Top up with some basil and Parmesan sprinkles and make a sweet,savory treat.
2. Sweet Potato Wedges
Each serving has 153 calories, 0.4 g fat, 0.1 g staurated fat, 2.4 g protein, 35.5 g Carbohydrate, 2.3 g Cholesterol, 0.9 mg Iron, 166 mg Sodium, 31 mg Calcium
Another way to break free from greasy deep fried french fries that cause upset stomachs are these sweet potato wedges. Seasoned with a flavor of spices with limited oil to make them crispy. Paired with a garlic and avocado mix that is packed with a healthy chunk of omega-3 fats. Drool on.
3. Green Collard Wraps
Each wrap has 113 calories, 4.5 g fat, 14 g carbs, 195 mg sodium, 6 g fiber and 5 g protein.
This raw green collard wrap is vibrant and bursts with an abundance of whole foods. A rainbow of delicious vegetables and wrapped in an awesome collard. This leafy green is packed with vitamins A, vitamin C and vitamin K. It is an excellent antioxidant and anti inflammatory source. Collards double as the most healthy sandwich wrap. They are gluten free, unprocessed and low in calories!
4. Banana Nutella Muffins
One muffin has 165 calories,7 g fat, 21 g carbs, 197 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 8 g protein
A power snack of note, delectable with Nutella adding that ideal sweetness. Whole-wheat flour used brings fiber, antioxidants which are needed, with yogurt and protein powder giving it muscle!
5. Spicy Baked Chickpeas
Each serving has 153 calories, 4.1 g fat, 22.9 g carbs, 69 mg sodium, 6.6 g fiber, 7.3 g protein.
Quick and easy to prepare these snacks come packed with a protein punch and a few common pantry staple ingredients. The bites are far more tasty and a healthy alternative to potato chips.
6.Vegan Artichoke Dip
A quarter cup has 73 calories, 2.5 g fat, 10 g carbs, 250 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 3 g protein
An appetizer sure to please crowds without dairy, reducing calories and fat. It is filled with artichokes rich in fiber, and is rich with white beans, with a cream with texture and a tasty flavor of spices, lemon and herbs. Artichokes are full of antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium and folic acid. A snack away dip!
7. Sweet Potato Quinoa Cakes
Each patty has 134 calories, 3 g fat, 21 g carbs, 415 mg sodium, 3 g fiber and 6 g protein.
These veggie baked cakes are a delicacy gluten-free wonder. The appetizer is rich in fiber. The sweet potato and kale and sweet potatoes keep the delicate quinoa mixture together.
8. Vegan Hummus
Calories 119.0, Total Fat 7.5 g, Cholesterol 0.0 mg, Sodium 213.7 mg, Potassium 53.5 mg, Total Carbohydrate 10.3 g, Dietary Fiber 3.3 g, Sugars 0.6 g, Protein 4.2 g, , Calcium 4.6 %, Copper 8.7 %, Folate 2.9 %, Iron 5.3 %, Magnesium 2.6 %, Manganese 7.8 %, Niacin 2.9 %, Zinc 3.3 %
The flavored dip is perfect for most dietary limitations (vegan, gluten-free, soy free). With oregano and sun-dried tomatoes it evokes a divine taste. Enjoy it with fresh veggies for a good healthy snack.
9. Home made Cheese Crips
Real cheddar, coconut flour and almond flour with a dash of cayenne powder. Stick them in your handbag and nibble away!
10. Raisin Rice
Cooked brown rice with a dash of vanilla soy milk plus raisins packs a delightful warm punch.
11. Korean Beef Cabbage Wraps
53 mg cholesterol, 7 g fat, 567 mg sodium, 9 g carb., 3 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 21g protein
This healthy delight ground beef munch filled in cruchy cabbage outlays can be served as an appetizer or a main course.
Low calorie Sweet Snack delights
We have all been there, having a craving for a sweet something. The solution is a satisfying small quick nibble without a calorie overload. These treats are low in calories and will please any sweet palate.
12. Chocolate Banana
Cholesterol 0 mg, Calories 205, Sodium 10 mg, Total Fat 17 g, Potassium 0 mg, Saturated 12 g, Total Carbs 28 g, Polyunsaturated 0 g, Dietary Fiber 4 g, Monounsaturated 0g, Sugars 17 g, Protein 3 g, Vitamin A 2% , Calcium 2%, Vitamin C, 10%, Iron 6%
These frozen bananas dipped in chocolate are healthy and refreshing treats for the summer. These super delicious bananas and will indulge any sweet cravings. It is gluten-free, Raw Vegan, soy free, wheat free and kid friendly.
13. Mexican Chocolate Avocado Mousse
Raw cacao powder in a healthy blend of avocado makes a delectable sweet treat with raw honey and coconut milk. This Mexican spiced chocolate mousse is a dairy free delight.
14. Sweet and Salty Bon Bons
Cholesterol 0, Calories 110, Total Fat4 g, Saturated Fat 2 g, Potassium 15 mg, Dietary Fiber 5, Sugars 9 g
Sweet and Salty Bon Bons combine Peanut Butter Brownies with a chocolate drizzle and a sea salt sprinkle making a delectable sweet and low calorie chocolate bite.
15. Peanut Butter Brownie
Cholesterol 0, Calories 140 , Total Fat 6g, mg Sodium 170mg , Potassium 65mg, Total Carbohydrate 23g, Dietary Fiber 5g , sugars11g , Protein 3g ,Iron 6%
A divine sweet treat. Spread a smooth cream cheese and peanut butter mixture between the fudge brownie halves o.
16. Low Calorie Cereal Snack
6 Mini-Wheats: 47 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium
Bite size whole grain wheat cereal crispies wirh some maple are a satisfying crunch with low calories and a pinch of filling fiber too
Quick Pop Snacks
17. Raspberries
Nutrition facts for 3/4 cup raspberries: 50 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium
Packed with antioxidants, fiber, and potassium, raspberries are among the Cleveland Clinic’s list of 40 best foods for heart health. Research suggests they help lower blood pressure and boost good cholesterol, plus they’ll tide you over as a delicious snack.
18. Cherries
Five cherries: 50 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium
Stock these simple treats in your fridge for grab-and-go convenience. Each cherry has just 10 calories with no fat or cholesterol.
19. Popcorn
45 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 69 mg sodium
A family favorite popo away snack for all!
20. Sweet and Crunchy Rice cakes
43 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 107 mg sodium
Crunchy sweet rice snacks ,in addition to being low in sugar has no cholesterol or fat.
Some unexpected low calorie quick treats:
Frozen Grapes
Honeyed Yogurt
Spiced Orange with cinnamon
Grilled Pineapple
Stuffed Figs with Ricotta cheese and cinnamon
Nuts ‘n’ Berries
Dark Chocolate
[1]^lifehack: Eat Something Before You Get Too Hungry Or You May Get Hangry 
function footnote_expand_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).show(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“-“); } function footnote_collapse_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).hide(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“+”); } function footnote_expand_collapse_reference_container() { if (jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).is(“:hidden”)) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); } else { footnote_collapse_reference_container(); } } function footnote_moveToAnchor(p_str_TargetID) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); var l_obj_Target = jQuery(“#” + p_str_TargetID); if(l_obj_Target.length) { jQuery(‘html, body’).animate({ scrollTop: l_obj_Target.offset().top – window.innerHeight/2 }, 1000); } }
The post Cure Your Craving Without Feeling Guilty! A List of Low Calories Snacks to Keep You Full! appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2q5v8jH via Viral News HQ
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