#do u understand i’d get the bad ending on PURPOSE
wakatshi · 2 years
when i was 12 i’d only fall for emo(ish) anime characters until i discovered mystic messenger and jumin at 14 he’s caused me irreversible damage
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stuckinapril · 6 months
how do u cope with being betrayed or scammed or played, it happens to me so much, i don't want to change who i am to stay safe, but i am so angry and devastated and hurt, i want to cry, i feel like it triggers my cptsd, i feel so unsafe and don't trust anyone.
it has really helped me to reframe misfortune: instead of going “bad things always happen to me,” i’ve switched to “bad things always happen for me.” have i been through some shitty experiences i’d rather never repeat? totally. but it doesn’t make it any less a fact that they did happen—so i might as well learn something from them. every time someone walks out of my life or i get unlucky or i have to deal with an unfavorable situation, it’s for the purpose of my growth. it’s to get me to the place i need to be. this growth mindset stops me from catastrophizing situations or thinking i’m doomed to tragedy. life really is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
i’m also a fan of holding myself accountable. if it’s a continuous pattern in your life to allow people to betray you or scam you or play you, maybe it’s time to turn the focus on yourself and go “why is that the case? what can i do to prevent this? what errors am i making that allow these people into my life in the first place?” there’s absolutely no shame in that. i just think it’s flawed to not change, to do the exact same thing you’ve been doing, all while expecting the end result to be different. absolutely do not self-flagellate—some people truly are shitty & there is very little you could’ve done differently to prevent that—but you are a locked gate, not an open entrance with no door. you’re not hopeless. you allow people in and out of your life at your own leisure. better yet, maybe it’s time to learn the warning signs so you don’t let these people past the gate in the first place. understanding you have agency is so instrumental in preventing these things from reoccurring.
finally—cptsd is very complex. it’s beyond the scope of anyone who hasn’t gone through it themselves, me included. it’s totally okay to go “maybe this isn’t something i can control all by myself” and to invest in therapy, in a support system, in anything that could mitigate it. don’t be afraid to admit to yourself that you need help. and please don’t be too hard on yourself friend, this all happens to the best of us. i hope you figure it out and find the people who’re right for you & with whom you can feel safe x
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pixiecapsalt · 4 months
time to qsmp talk
theres multiple things about the new server that i do enjoy i love the new mods and i mean lootr is so awesome for dungeons and theres a lot more cool blocks and decorations to build with and i think bounties are actually fun to give people stuff to do and i love the new world and everyone starting from zero and new builds.
but theres also the cons! i truly would not have minded the economy system if it wasnt so invasive to the gameplay. i dont mind “money” being established when it comes to buying silly things like cosmetics or the plushies or generally things that dont impede you being unable to craft. i understand why everything is behind a paywall, i get it, they want to really promote this system and get the players involved but its such a drastic shift from being able to simply craft a waystone.. to having to pay for every single one you want. it’s rough. it dont see the point really in having a mod in the game but locking it behind money and removing essentially its utility to the players. with every con though theres pros like its interesting to see how players develop transportation for themselves to get around easier i mean points towards foolish have you ever seen a man so dedicated to breeding fast horses. but again that doesnt lessen the unfortunate aspect of waystones, warpstones, and such being less available.
i dont see the point in putting the nether behind a paywall i dont get why they have to grind for it as if they havent waited long enough and tried millions of things go get the nether already. its odd. though again i think these choices make sense in the story like the island is being run by a new character mr bunny and he’s obsessed with money so it makes sense for the players to live in this capitalistic hellscape where they need to even pay to teleport. i think it reinforces the power and imbalance between the federation and the islanders. they thought they had it bad but they continue to make their lives worse. i think all of this works actually really well in the story my issue is that when you look at it from any other lens its not fun. it feels unnecessary and forced onto the players, which again makes sense in the story, to partake in. idk i think if the admins wanted to delay the nether being opened then they couldve just done that without the collective spending. it feels really weird. i always wanted the nether opening to be this cool grand lore moment but it feels like its just going to be “woo u wasted money congrats here u go” not nearly as thrilling as if the players idk uncovered information from the federation and the bunnies and found a way to make a permanent functioning portal that would lead to this opening moment.
the whole thing with the coins is such a shame because i wanted it to be good but as of right now it doesnt bode well with me. also makes me question what about all the players duck coins they had earned prior to the reset? where did those go? once they go back to their old builds can they deposit that money?
i wouldnt even say earning coins is hard like the admins have offered a variety of ways to get coins my main issue is all the things behind these payments with the coins. i dont get the nerf with waystones i dont get why. i dont know. i’d like to have a genuine chat with the admins over what the future of the smp looks like to them and what their aim is with all these features. i want to understand better so im able to watch and know what the point is before simply criticizing ignorantly. but im sure they’ve received a lot of negativity already and i dont want them to be discouraged. im just honestly curious like the beginning of purgatory was confusing and jarring but once we got the premise of what it is and what its purpose is meant to be in relation to the server i personally ended up enjoying it throughly.
anyways peace and love on planet earth ily admins and qsmp team (please set us free)
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
hello I've seen your work about haikyuu dad's as absent parent. AND I TELL U, I REALLY LOVE IT 🫶
but can u write another version of it? wherein it has more angst on it no fluffs T___T but if you're not uncomfy to do it, it's fine I understand ^^ but if you're okay to do it can I request some ushijima, suna or kuro's version? thank u sm!
Omg I’m so glad you liked them!!!! They’re so fun and interesting to write!!!Besties??? This is such a good idea😭I may cry writing this but I will do it!!!!I know this is like not technically what you asked for since I give reader and baby a little fluffiness but like besties I just feel bad giving them absolutely no happy ending???(I can for sure rewrite this though and would love to if someone sent in a request for reader also having no fluff because I have a few ideas for that!!)any who let me stop rambling!! Tysm for the request!! They’re my absolute favorite thing ever! Pls request more because I’m out of school cause I can’t pick up a pencil🤪(taking advantage of the time I have with my unwrapped hand to write this🥰)
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Tw- angst(little little fluff for reader and baby but none for boys), crying, drunk, peer pressure, cursing, crying, no fluff for Kuroo’s reader(I was gonna make them be with Kenma but decided not to!), boys are incredibly rude, anyways let me know if I missed anything(I’d be cautious about reading this!!)
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It felt like so long ago, he’d broken up with you simply out of fucking peer pressure, it felt dumb to beg him to stick around. If he was so susceptible to peer pressure about your five year relationship Yoh didn’t doubt it could have been the same for your six month old baby girl who as you watch get rocked by Tendou as she sucks on her pacifier on the brink of sleep you can’t imagine raising her any other way.
When it originally happened, Tendou had practically ran over to pick up the pieces of your lives.
Turns out he’d liked you since highschool but kept rather quiet since on Valentine’s Day, Ushijima had beat him to asking you out even if they’d both agreed not to ask you out because they knew it would signify the end of their relationship, so of course when he’d found out Ushijima had fucked up he wasted no time in booking a flight from Paris to Japan.
And that was how it began.
You both glanced over to your phone when you’d heard a notification.
All day today almost on every channel, Ushijima’s face was plastered there, inevitably you’d just turned it off, he had a game in France today but neither of you thought he’d try and show up at your little house, and it wasn’t like you lived so much in town that oh could pass his visit off as a mistake, quite the opposite actually, you two lived a little ways out of town, not to far from the sweets shop but far enough to know that his visit was very much on purpose.
So of course when you glanced down at your phone, seeing the text from Ushijima, “hey I’m outside, we need to talk” yoh of course nearly threw the phone to Tendou as you moved to lock the front door as Ushijima begins knocking.
Tendous eyes widen, inevitably your precious baby in your arms as Tendou opens the front door.
“Do you need something?” He’s leaning against the doorframe and it takes everything in you it to break down and cry because obviously he was here for your baby what else would he be here for?
“Tendou?” He’s confused, he was certain you couldn’t live without him? How could you move on so fast and as he peers around Tendou all he can see is you curling yourself around a soft pink blanket, you looked scared…maybe it was time for him to move on if you had seemingly grown a family in the time he was gone and wordlessly he left.
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You felt dumb to think he was ever going to want to settle down, he never did, it was drinking every night and partying and as you got older it just felt so out of place.
So of course when you’d told him you were pregnant he just told you to get out and that it obviously wasn’t his.
And a short three years later, you’d gotten married to Osamu who adopted your adorable daughter.
It was sweet…really, almost everyday you’d sit in the little booth that was designated to you and your precious girl and whenever she’d come out the kitchen on Osamu’s hip you’d set out her coloring book, other days you’d play waitress though that was on busy days.
Today you were sat with her in the booth when Suna walks in.
He looked rough you simply rolled your eyes pulling out a menu, maybe you could play a normal customer.
You could see the way Osamu’s brows furrowed at the way Suna seemed dazed, he walked right past the counter not even hesitating to practically slam his hands down on the table
“Suna” it’s clear to anyone else you’re trying to placate him before he could scare your daughter who looks up at him with wide eyes.
Osamu’s practically got steam coming from his ears as you look to him with a scared look.
“Is that her?” Suna glances towards your daughter and you can’t help the way your eyes begin to water.
You almost let out a sigh of relief as she slips under the table running to Osamu who scoops her up as she lets out a tiny, “daddy” through her sniffles.
The anger almost dissipates in Suna’s face, right he was the one who chose to leave it was only proper for you to move in wasn’t it?
With that he leaves, trying not to imagine the way he knows you’ve broken down in the booth left once again for Osamu to pick up the things he’s broken, he’s reminded that he has no place in your life.
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It was a little one night stand, of course when you’d tried to call him three months later for what he figured was a rekindling he blocked you…on everything.
You were trying your hardest to tell him about your baby, you felt it wasn’t to fair for him to not know that he’d had a kid out there but unfortunately because of his choices he found out in a horrible way.
When he’d came into the little cafe you were at he saw the baby blue baby carrier sat beside you he was confused.
He watched the way you stood up with your little boy asking quietly if he had anytime to talk.
He ends up sat in a little park on a bench with you, “is he mine” his face shows clear disinterest.
You nod, “he’s almost eight months old” he can’t believe how happy you sound you were obviously trying to get something from him, maybe money? Maybe you were trying to bang trap him but that wasn’t about ti fucking happen.
“Look whatever you’re trying to get from me it’s not about to happen” your face falls quickly your hands stopping in their place as they hover over your son’s buckles.
“Oh…well I didn’t want anything” you look crushed, you’d heard he could be a dick to people but he seemed so sweet when you’d met him, but you’d cornered him and he was scared.
“Honestly, you’re all the same” he scoffs.
With that he’s left.
When he gets back to his office he can’t help the way the tears flow, how did he always manage to fuck up say the worst things. That really wasn’t what he wanted to tell you?
He can’t help but replay the horrible expression he practically forced onto your face the way your son looked up at him with the most precious little eyes so full of happiness and he had practically crushed it
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Omg guys do you want me to make a part two of Kuroo’s???? Maybe reader ends up with Kenma and Kuroo tries to apologize??(anywho guys pls request because I’m off of school today and I’m so bored!!!)
Part two!!
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sadiecoocoo · 6 months
Okay, so the relationship between Brad and Jessica, to me, doesn’t seem like the best relationship. (I’m probably gonna end up making a lot of point u already made in some of ur analysis posts lol… I’m also kinda biased when it comes to stuff abt Jessica cuz I don’t rlly like her that much for a few different reasons)
First of all, it doesn’t even seem like Jessica wants to be dating Brad. She seems sarcastic whenever she’s talking to him (I believe this can be seen in S1 Ep6), she’s basically cheated on him several times, and she gets mad at him for trying to fight a weird hitler clone??? Like girl you don’t wanna be on that side of the pitch forks
Another thing, in S1 Ep6 when Jessica is affected with the weird love potion shit (not Morty’s best moment :/) Brad doesn’t get mad at her, but rather at Morty. This stands out because Jessica was clearly making moves on him, and Morty honestly seemed a little uncomfortable at how the potion was working (that might’ve been a later scene I can’t remember). This means that either Brad got tunnel vision and saw Morty as the threat, or that Jessica does this often.
Also, when Jessica broke up with Brad (shown off screen) she decided a couple of days later to go out to lunch with him. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I think that if you just broke up with someone you need to have a decent no contact time period. If you don’t and you see each other again when emotions are high only bad things could happen (ei. You fall back into a possibly toxic relationship, or you get into an argument that has no purpose other than to make the other person feel bad). I would also like to note that this can happen with any kind of relationship, so if you are having trouble after getting away from a toxic friend, do not try to talk to them so soon after, it’ll just make things worse trust me I know 😭
To focus on Brad more and why Jessica gets mad at him, he is a little hot-headed. He rushes into fights that can generally be solved with talking it out. He also tends to bring ppl down while asserting himself and Jessica (while also giving her a backhanded compliment that she responds sarcastically to… if ur in a relationship and something like that bothers u, say something abt it please, don’t take that shit) like when he was telling Morty to back off of Jessica he really went for the jugular in insulting Morty as much as possible, which was really uncalled for.
Of course, if Brad felt genuinely threatened by Morty crushing on Jessica, I can understand why he’d try to make Morty feel like shit. However, he should not feel actually worried that Jessica would leave him for Morty (who everyone in the school thinks is a loser so he rlly doesn’t stand a chance with anyone in HHH… sry Morty I still love you) this leads me to believe that Jessica has a track record of cheating, be it on Brad or someone else.
TL;DR basically, their entire relationship is a subtle red flag in my opinion. Both show signs that they don’t really love each other, and they probably get into fights often… I doubt there relationship would go much further than high school. Also I’d say this is a bunch of subtle red flags because to anyone else it’d look like a normal relationship. I mean it’s never really be questioned in the show if it was healthy, it was just pointed out that Jessica gets annoyed with Brad a lot
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bbgmessi · 1 year
O!Erling and A! Odegaard enjoying a lazy Saturday Morning:
Martin is frustrated after yesterday's game and feels like he failed his team despite his trying his best. Man City is quickly climbing the ladder behind Arsenal, and Erling(though elated) is understanding of his boyfriend's feelings
He gets up early and makes him a breakfast in bed with all his fav things.
(IDK much about Norwegian food Lefse was very good but I have the weirdest food preferences so you help me w what you think Martin would like but whatever it is Erling makes it)
(do swedish ppl and norwegian ppl eat similar food? Sorry for the proximity bias lol)
Martin is upset at first waking up alone
But he hears his man in the kitchen and calms himself down
I headcannon Erling doesn’t like breakfast food so maybe he makes himself a mini pizza
Erling’s hatred of breakfast would always make martin laugh bc its very out of character for him
Erling bringing up the food 
They are silent until theyre half way done w their meal
Alot to unpack
Some media sources contributing their shit performance due to his “distraction” aka his relationship w Erling
A LOAD of online hate from supporters and opponents
Fans worried Erling is tryng to sabotage him mentally so Arsenal fumbles the league
Opponents just saying this is what happens when you sleep w S*ts 
Live love twitter trolls you know. 
Erling reaffirms that he was the heart of the game and that he did his best 
Real fans still love him and if he wants to do better he needs to keep his head up
Martin in turn checking on haaland bc of the missed pk
Erling’s dm’s always weird b/c 50% normal hate 
Like ppl saying hes a machine and he ran out of oil and thats why he missed the shot (Completely igoring his other goal)
Others saying its an example of omegas craking underpressure
Hyperanlysing the kick and saying its indicative of a bad future 
Despite the fact that its like the only goal he’s missed????
Some fans want an end to their relationship bc it stresses THEM out as if Erling’s personal life is their business
The Erling are Marting are in love and trolls wont change that 
 Martin is very appreciative of his boyfriend’s gesture  and he show it.
The two usually have such strict schedules but for now they’ll relax with their food and a harry potter marathon (I see them adopting a yellow lab so perhaps their dog is in bed watching with them.
ok before answering the hcs i’m so fascinated by u anon when did u try lefse ❤️ we do eat some similar food but not all but also i like to hand wave around it and claim scandinavian privilege for fic purposes❤️ (sometimes i just make up what fits my ideas best. it’s my universe now)
martin knowing disappointment so well, he’s lost enough games with norway, spent enough time loaned out from rm and all that so arsenal kinda choking is such a dark but familiar feeling for him 😔 so erling tries his hardest to help him relax by making breakfast for him… it’d be so funny if erling was like hey babe did you see what they’re saying about us. and martin is all. you shouldn’t read that you know but erling just finds it funny how much people hate him so he’ll read out loud from his phone about how people think he has an evil master plan to destroy martins psyche so city can come out on top (as if i’d do that to team norway.. fuck up our team dynamic forever just for that… he sighs)
also about the penalty kick.. that was like the first one he’s missed in what two years??? but people are tearing him DOWN over it, and martin can sense that he doesn’t really find it that funny anymore. maybe it’s getting to him a little:(( like erling is not even twenty three and he’s trying and working SO hard and martin makes sure he knows that it’s appreciated but trolls online are SO harsh. they both just need a pick me up lol
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bostonkreme · 2 years
I need 2 collect myself, they are all such genuine fine lambskin sluts. tuck me in bed & read me pierre lapin wtf. let’s do this
karl urban gets this unhinged murderous look on his face and I want him to direct it at me
frenchie mon coeur my good trainspotting bitch, are you even alive? I love you. I hate myself. If anything happened 2 u I’d bomb the national archives. c’mere i wanna shave something funny in ur hair. I know u took my fishnets but im not mad they obviously look great. alexa play nuxx by underworld before I START. SCREAMING. just kidding play that song by toulouse. I will risk it all & end up dead or incarcerated.
kimiko could make me do whatever she wanted, queen of cooking & dancing & murder. I wanna be her so bad. I will settle 4 adoring her
would also commit such serious crimes for mothers milk, he makes the slightest facial movement & I am on the edge of my seat. the tension when he pauses. he makes me wanna be a better person fr this is all so grey I’m fine
so so confusingly attracted to jack quaid, he’s exactly age appropriate & I love a well meaning comedic disaster, but…lineage. I know it’s you parent trap, I’ve got mail ok, I can’t look at you knowing I wanted to fuck your parents before I even knew what that meant. you look exactly like both of them get away from me
I’m upset about starlight going full instagram face. but I get it. everyone has filler, that’s not what I’m talking about. I understand that nose jobs are basically a welcome mat for an entertainment career, but when ppl in their 20s get buccal fat removal??? etc
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it makes me sad, she was SO cute in jessica jones & is obviously gorgeous now, I just hope she’s okay later in life. I worry about people who seriously alter their faces super young!! fucking look at what they already did to dove cameron, for gods sake someone explain. I thought the point of cosmetic procedures & plastic surgery was to touch up what you already have AS you age or change something that makes you really insecure, but we are spitting out carbon copied barbies FULLY FACIALLY TRANSPLANTED BEFORE AGE 30 at a rate I cannot handle!!
discover the joy of playing with every weird kind of barbie why don’t u. how…what’s the long term testing on that much surgery in your 20s for purely cosmetic purposes? how does it hold up & affect your nerves? who was patient zero. do you realize what it looks like after a decade when a surgeon didn’t do your eyelids EXACTLY right? who wants to worry about that??
help I actually don’t know, I’m just frustrated in a way that is hard to articulate. obv I have my own image hang ups like we all do & I’m not saying erin moriarty specifically got a full head transplant & none of this is on her at all. she should do whatever & not have to explain it & when she shows up somewhere looking like this I’m like………
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carry on madam, as u were, I would never even dream of challenging you??? I can handle that our eyes no longer both squint unevenly when we lopsidedly smile. and the outrageous editing, do ppl really always do that outside of photoshoots? yes. they do. wtf. none of these pictures match & you’re already so good looking. why must everyone have the exact same face without even the slightest defining characteristics. and almost everyone doing this was pretty much already industry standard gorgeous to begin with???
decided I’m going grey AND getting so much filler. I would like the sexy old witch package, just age me right up I’m tired. where in the hell was I going w this. oh jesus christ that’s right yeah I’d die 4 starlight like I do not have any notes for her I don’t think. god, so much happened I really don’t know
maeve. maeve?? QUEEN MAEVE. I will rip out every single inch of every single metro line with my bare hands & become the movie volcano. I will sink the entire eastern seaboard into the atlantic if you ever scare me like that again. love you.
the a-train storyline was like watching the writers meticulously craft two perfect beautiful puffy little cannolis & then when I’m about 2 cry at the sheer wonder of these pastries in front of me they shove them both in my ears at mach speed
antony starr is so gifted at making me hate him, I can’t even tell if he’d be attractive with brown hair bc the picture when I pause is too small and I’m already so afraid
I can’t look at chace crawford without thinking abt that girl who publicly shit herself in front of him, what a fucking queen, I know I have the screenshot somewhere bc I would never delete it. shelly miscavige is still missing btw
they gave black noir some dialogue & that was rly where they went with it. an episode that dealt so much additional trauma to my already fragile psyche that it straight up canceled out what I was already carrying around in real life. what if we all died with him in first person lmfao. my fucking synapses quit firing. I am no longer a girl, I’m a fucking iPod touch with a cracked screen playing map of tasmania by amanda palmer & I will remain this way probably at least thru the end of the week. do not plug me in or take me off repeat 1 okay just let me vibe, thank u
jensen. another very specific kind of ‘it’s 2005 and channel 3 the WB is blaring on my fatback tv with a huge antenna & we can’t acknowledge gavin degraw or he gets louder’ type of brain damage. wait now it’s 2009, do u guys wanna see my bloody valentine 3d? yeah it’s only been 5 mins but this guy is definitely the deranged killer. his friends like. abandoned him in a mine shaft.
I actually feel bad 4 him if he’s completely straight bc he definitely got offered so much dick in late 90s LA
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this bitch is lifted shifted higher than the ceiling. did god take away his dog or did I hallucinate that. idk that was the best/worst month ever and I didn’t make it to the last season but I also don’t wanna say how far I did make it
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what the god damn fuck do u want me 2 say
how’s it hangin coward why’d you put a sock on it
oh right the character. he’s the worst. what if we made stucky happen except he’s one person & he’s fucking himself. what if we rolled those two enormous old fruits into a stale swisher & let charlie sheen smoke it behind a gander mountain
red headed crazy girl from jessica jones is holding this show together. the affection I feel for her is tangible. she can rip out my hair instead, I’ve got extra fr
cherie 💕🥰💖 we will have a winter wedding. im thinking bordighera but whatever she wants
resurrect the milf. I can’t stand the udders and this psychotic prick needs his fucking mommy milkies bc no one ever fucking loved him and actually I shouldn’t even have to factor that in for that choice to be on the table. im kidding that would be dumb but what happened to her fkn baby lmfao was it super. don’t talk to me about the other kid I CANT
laser baby’s day out is still the best part of this universe. I believe that firmly
the real life political echoes are feeling a little too on the nose. kripke, I’m FINALLY ready to fight u and win. ugh, good job I think 😂
im good. im fine
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sehodreamsthoughts · 8 days
yeah :( i could probably go on for a while too about plus size clothing options and the limitations.. but i won’t cuz i don’t wanna make myself feel worse rn😓😓 but i agree with everything you said… work clothes is a whole thing too like u said.. especially if ur limited by what you’re allowed to wear at work (like where i work u can only wear black, no other colours) so and i like wearing black but.. it limits a lot of options.. i try to find cute tops but.. also can’t have anything too revealing.. only recently got a tank top to wear cuz it gets really hot and even then, even though the straps are really thick and the neckline is high, i’ve had people made negative comments about me wearing it.
it’s okay, please don’t feel pressured to share anything ur not comfortable with!! i was just curious.. but i really need to find smth and soon to go back to school for.. i thought about fashion.. but i simply don’t think i’m creative enough and i’m more into like… cute outfits than like.. walking art so idk. i thought about gender studies or like.. some type of humanities degree but it just makes me depressed to think about things sometimes. i deal with stuff enough day to day, i don’t want to focus on it anymore than i have to. so i’m not really sure. i really don’t think there’s anything i’d want to do for the rest of my life like that.. but.. maybe i’ll find something. or maybe i’ll just have to be an adult about it, pick something and settle.
i’d like to expose myself more to going and doing things by myself, i admire you for being able to do that, and you mentioned before you go to the gym too! i really want to start going to the gym.. but honestly at this point i just want to build more muscle, i like being strong and would like to be stronger. my arms have been getting more muscular and it makes me feel good about myself.
sorry.. i hope this hasn’t been too much of a vent or anything but😓😓 idk i’ve been feeling a little down since towards the end of my shift today.
i’m trying to distract myself now then, if riize were in a band.. or probably.. multiple bands… who would play what or have what position? in ur opinion??? me saying this as if they’re not technically literally.. a band. but i mean like for punk band concept🤭🤭
Don't worry baby, I vent a lot too hahaha
Oh god, and all black. I try to not wear too much black because my head is pretty... Idk, but I notice different things, and black in my opinion makes me stand out more and I can't help but feel nothing goes well if it's not the same kind of black because there are different blacks and if my socks and pants or shoes don't match I go insane 😭, and different kinds of black never match!
Still, I hope you find something pretty you like to wear, we all should be able to find clothes we feel comfortable wearing, and people making comments about your appearance are simply stupid, rudeness is one of the things I hate the most, no one will get anything positive out of bad comments. Please the next time they make negative comments remember that ignorance, at the end, is the ugliest trait anyone could have (And yeah, I understand the concept of not everyone having equal opportunities at studying, but respecting others is a value we all should follow, and making negative comments about someone's body is them being ignorant on purpose).
I'd tell you to keep taking your time, or if you have the opportunity, take a career test or try to study what you have in mind, I'm also really empathetic so I easily feel depressed when I see some stuff in reality, that's why I've stopped watching the news altogether and I also don't ever watch movies with animals because I feel easily sad with those cases. In the end, we all should do what we feel is correct in real life for us (while it doesn't involve harming others), and if you have to ignore certain things, block them or avoid them (they seem like synonyms I think but in my head I have a situation for each of them hahaha), just do it for your own wellness, you and your boundaries should always be your first priority.
It's okay to take your time, I actually wanted to study literature when I was young but my parents didn't like my choice and send me to do some psychological tests to see which career would be good for me (the career test and a few others), and at the end it was exactly their first option so I got tired and accepted, but I always dreamed of working with books, reading, writing and doing things like that, even working in a library, but oh well, here I am.
If you want to go to the gym I totally recommend you doing it, but I'll be honest, sometimes trainers and people there can be a little blunt, so you have to always keep your mind in what you want and how you feel, if they try to tell you things like "you can't eat this", "you have to run" even when you feel tired, etc, ignore them, tell them no or wait for them to go and do it following your limit. I've been training since I have memory so I know how some of them can be, there was one that made me do 45 minutes of cardio before and after training (a total of 90 minutes apart from my routines) and I would end up dying, and there was one that talked to me pretty rudely when I was on my period (I'm anemic) and couldn't follow his routine, etc. I have a lot of different experiences with people, good, bad, meh, and it's true that they'll push you to do more and that's kind of okay, but there are times in which they simply think that being skinny is the only purpose of exercising and become irrational, so you need to stay true to yourself and recognize your own limits (I've fainted and vomited too lol), only that way you will be able to create a good relationship with working out. (Well, that's my opinion)
Oh god a band concept, I know what I'm about to say probably doesn't match their current positions, but I've mentioned that Sungchan should definitely be the lead singer, he has the presence, the posture, everything! And I've also said this before (fanta grape) but I kind of see Seunghan with drums 😭
In the case of Eunseok, since he's my boy and I've always dated guitarists, I'd give him that position with a touch of vocals too 🥺, and in the case of Anton since he has played a classical instrument I'd say bassist, I don't know why but I feel like people that play this instrument give the vibes of classic music with the control and that touch of elegance I've seen them have, like they have a different ear to understand music (in my opinion) and I respect them a lot for that.
Wonbin I guess would be a guitarist too (duh) and Sohee... Wow, I don't know if there is one in a punk band, but keyboard? I think it'd fit him so well 😭, he could sing too and play it at the same time, and I see him more behind the keyboard than just singing and being the one taking all the attention on stage like I see Sungchan.
I'll be honest, I don't follow real bands or see band presentations so I'm not sure how many positions there are, I'm just guessing and trying to remember about the only band I've read about hahaha.
What do you think their positions would be?
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hyunverse · 1 year
yes i do! i grew up in boston and ended up getting a rly good scholarship at a school here in nyc so i live here now :)) it’s not too bad. tbh it’s pretty much the same as boston just a little bigger. andddd what’s ironic is even tho i’m from two of the like most known cities in america, i am terrified of rodents 😭. i see them quite often in nyc but not as much in boston. no matter how many times i see them i’m still terrified of them and i am fortunate enough to not be rodent infested 🙏🏼🙏🏼. also yep teef in the muscles is the best way to do it. i want to eat minhos thighs. like chomp is an understatement for what i want to do to those thighs and i have no shame in explaining. the gods ddu du ddu performance …. that’s all i need to say
omfg what is even the point of dating someone like that ?? it’s exhausting. i agree with just wanting to do your own thing. when i was younger i always wanted to date but now i just want to be aloneeeee. i do miss aspects of being a relationship but tbh i’m fine w waiting to experience that w someone like every day yk ?
hey man technique is technique 😏. also yes hyunjin and felix hand comparison makes me crazy. ngl i’m big on size diff and hyunjin just does it for me. so tall and lankyyyyyy he’s just my type. like no joke he is my exact type all around but especially physically. nothing better than a feminine man with so much androgynous energy and duality. like it makes me insane. when i get home i want to measure my hands so i can compare mine w everyone’s. im sure it will be drastic so i will keep you posted ! how tall are you?? im 5’1 .. 😟 it’s bad ik
watch me cry at how sweet you are rn 🥲. u make me blush 🙄. i did take some earlier this morning and i’m trying to drink as much as i can (maybe i’ll purposely forget to do all of this just so you can come here but you didn’t hear that from me 😇😇😇). CONGRATULATIONS THAT IS SO AWESOMEEEEE!!!! you should be so proud of yourself and know i am very very proud of you as well <33 that is literally so amazing, hard work pays off my love 🫶🏻 that’s so awesome. if we happened to not live all the way across the world from each other i’d treat you to a delish meal but i guess our lives failed us on that one >:|. what’s ur fave food btw ? sending hugs back to ur sweet self ��💗💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💕 and a happy heart attack bc u deserve it hehe
- 🐈‍⬛ much love from ur g <333
that sounds nice!! honestly, from experience, moving from one state to another is quite tough. i’ve been living in the city my entire life, but had to make an entire 180° for university life ‘cause my campus is in a village! like an entire village — on the way to my campus, there’s a sign that says, “welcome to ***** village!” good god u can imagine my terror 💀 the facilities are not bad but definite different compared to the city </3 okay i sound like a brat, don’t i? anyway! bae, i’m dead terrified of them nasty rodents too. i feel like puking at the sight of them </3 so i 💯 understand you honestly.
CHOMPING ON HIS THIGHS YEP YEP. minho needs to drop the workout routine cs god his thighs are. . . sighs dreamily. love em. wanna bite em. talking abt that performance. . . lee yongbok. i will never forget that signature ab showing move tbh. gonna show them to my kids being all like this is ur uncle felix! (get it? cs imma marry hyunjin frfr! yes pls entertain my delulu pls pls)
RIGHT i feel like my past experiences and friends’ relationships are the cause of me not wanting one </3 scared me off legit. i think imma stick to writing 🙏 why experience it rn when i can be delulu with u?
UR TYPE AND MY TYPE MUST BE THE SAME THEN CS I LOVE TALL AND LANKY MEN MMM EAT THAT GENRE UP ALL THE TIME! when they’re 90% legs and have big hands? call me up. call me up‼️that is my type right there.
yes keep me posted with the hand comparison, baby. tell me ur hand size too so i can compare with me 🙏 i’m 5’2 so we’re both not that far off HELP. short gang ig 😔
PLEASE DONT FORGET 💔 MY ANGEL I AM TOO BROKE TO FLY TO AMERICA 💔 ONE DOLLAR IS ABOUT FOUR MYR 💔 PLS TAKE CARE OF URSELF 💔 AND THANK YOU BABY!! means a lot from u hehe. i have sm fave food dang. . . it’s hard to choose. i like steak, and ramen and this malay dish u call tomyum! very yummers. also loveee hotpots. i could eat hotpot everyday of my life. and donuts!! what about yours, darling?
you make me blush too ^__^ kisses to u frm me!!
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19onyx-da-poet87 · 2 years
Im Night-Mare Called Desire,
This Ain’t A Dream, Ima Nightmare,
Read the signs, before you get to close,,
Truthfully I’m just a nigga from the block,
Raised my self, Yet hood I am, still I’m a gentleman, as I was that boi thrown to the streets yeah true, still I stood tall - wit all 10 planted -
Truth is I’m just a mf walking through life careless as I was as that same mf I was ain’t shit change - except I was a non-ego owned mf cause my confidence was confused with talk - hol up -
Them niggas ain’t me, why - cause they can’t walk like me, don’t do it, dis dick not for the weak I promise,
Yeah bold as fuck, them Niggas can’t be me yet they wish they was me, deny it bet he hesitates to answer u, cocky I ain’t by far trust me on it,
Huh, aye look wait hol up,
Okay, dreams don’t get sold here as they are separately lost cause I field where they are grown by a real one, I’d rather show u a real energy that’s blunt, as I’m a nightmare, honestly pressure don’t mean shit as they say yeah ma u bad, ok u that pressure u busy pipes I see u, but u don’t know what up yet hol up I’ll explain so u not lost as u looking the way u lookin, so I’ll make it make sense real fast then, 👇🏾
Dreams I don’t give I’ll hand u a night so fucked up you wake up I’m a sweat like fuck why u do that I’m a night mare called exotica by vibe to a a dream it’s not sold or bought by sight as pressure u are, yeah ok…. I’ll give you that but excited I ain’t cause I’m the steam that built a pressure you bust pipes bitch I’ll make your soul erupt again without u know it’s number 2 you can be bad as fuck but can yo bad ass fight from being made as the storm in the night sky, unseen till u cum like a hell flowing as the wave u give is that mf worse than the force give beyond the natural beauty called a storm like a dream cause on purpose or is you not understanding cause your still lost count as u still stuck wit a clue that’s beyond gone wondering how you missed that first nut ended up on level lost in depth of your own puddle like u still think it’s a dream, nawl you wisely awake soul was took tha moment u felt this tongue deep in your chest oh wait yo eyes way rolling by then ur still off count legs shake aye u was a tweak goddess as you was a squirter caught up without a sound deaf u was wait listening to the sounds you said stop slurping my pussy
- started to stop but shit pussy monsta made y breakfast luck dinner and secret meals in between the ones as I made ones to go between them you ain’t let a nigga head go so i kept going
Wait truth is -
Shush ma… ( yo secret is safe with me )
Aye wait tho, yet I’ll leave u a note - your begged me to stop yet bad ass was completely confused as ur said stop u ain’t playing fair but turned as u said nigga u drinks it good -
Slight whispers
( shit u decided to ride this face backwards so I ain’t fight it - )
aye wait mama….. listen tho, I’ll stop yet again don’t hit me with that shit u hit them with as pressure excites the others as they ain’t me I’ll be the stream that made ur pressure build up while rudely letting this head talk for me, as to explain why I’m the meaning of he went right but this curve that’s going left touch’s moats a belly button - yeah still dose with its curve, yet thick with a trail don’t come playing with i as I am not the same as them who’s say real nigga shit,
Truth is I’ll show u - judge if real is real or something beyond that,
Dreams are sold separately by them who makes up dreams - I’ll give you the me as the night mare called - Why you slurp my pussy that way - I’ll just hold up a sign saying I told you not to feed that animal at the zoo, cause beast are real but I’ll hold back,
Truth is I’m just a hood nigga by chance, thrown to the jungle as I chose to become as I had to be,self raised true shit ma, yeah gentlemen like is my nature exotic is my definition to a means as u ain’t gone under as I’ll warn before gate is opened as the cage is unlocked, aye look truth is I’m just really a lil nigga from the hood who walk like a demon, who’s gone do no talking cause I’ll give you a nightmare that is built to erupt the pressure,
Truth is them nigga are dream givers, I’m a nightmare untamed with a warning ⚠️ attached permanently to my soul, yeah ma real carefully now,
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evilsnievil · 2 years
Along with the urge to become so wasted I lose the capacity for cognitive thought
I also want to sh :]
I scrolled through sh twt awhile ago and my god, I now know what beans are
Ive been clean for years but I just idk, I don’t actually wanna do it but idk
It wouldn’t help shit and it’d be so stupid of me but Ive just been thinking about it again recently
My boyfriend sh for the first time in years because my dumbass was too cowardly go just get a hall pass during class so that I could comfort him for awhile.. why couldn’t I just do that im so stupid, I really left him all alone in that state because I was scared of getting in trouble, im supposed to take care of him what the fuck is wrong with me literally anyone with any worth would do that for someone and I fucking couldn’t
Ive never had to take care of someone before. In my stupid fantasies of what I relationship would be like I thought someone would be saving me and taking care of me and checking up on me instead Im the one doing that for the most part
What a horrible thing to say, it’s not that I’m not happy to do those things I think any good partner would do all that and I’m not exempt from it because I’m a little sad sometimes nor do I want to be exempted from being a decent partner, I just want to be small for once.. my boyfriend has been through so much shit though, he’s so troubled and traumatized so that makes me the stronger one in this dynamic. And I wanna be strong for him I do I do I do but I’m not who he needs or deserves I’m not strong at all it’s all an act towards him I’m so fucking pathetic in reality and I know he hates that about me he fucking said it he said he would always secretly get so mad when I was venting about my social anxiety because idk his trauma because he said quiet people get all the care and attention when they’re hurt but his loud and outgoing self never got any of that and okay sure understandable ur bitter because u didn’t get enough love as a child I think anyone would be and I’m not holding that against you because I love u and I know ur life fucking sucks it truly does I’ve never known anyone more traumatized than you sir but i done even know where I was going with this :]
Im just sad and lonely and tired of being strong even tho I wanna be strong for my boyfriend as he traverses his way through the fucked and scary world of adulthood but idk I just envy him sometimes because I let him indulge in being small and cared for when he needs it but all my life I thought I’d be the small one and now I’m changing myself for him under the guise that I’m such a “nurturing and caring person” nah I’m just continuously being a people pleaser like he always says he hates when I do, little does he know I would do anything for his happiness even if that means suffering a little in silence.
That’s such an exaggeration lol I’m not suffering u lying ass bitch I’m just a crybaby who had delusions of someone coming to save them until reality hit and he realized that nobody is mentally well enough for his little woes and problems so he’s gotta suck it up and be a good person for once in his pathetic life
I love my boyfriend I truly do he means the world to me and he’s not like purposely taking and not giving back he knows and he’s said that he feels bad for not being able to be there for me like I can do for him and yeah.. he’s just very troubled, it seems like I’m the one of the only people in his life that truly and unconditionally loves him and would be there for him through anything and that can’t be fucking easy especially because I’m not there in-person. I just him to be happy and feel loved but there’s only so much I can do from here.. I wish we could skip to the part where we lived together.. even if we were still struggling a bit at least at the end of the day we wouldn’t be alone
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“I’d like to end up as a tree”
Marwan kenzari (31) won a gold calf last year for his role in the movie Wolf. As of next week he is to be seen in Bloedlink (/reckless), opening’s act of the Dutch film festival. “It’s not my place to say I’m good.”
“Acting offers the chance to become well acquainted with the complexities of being human. The Moroccan kick-boxer Majid in the movie Wolf had a fascinating interior life. His character was even easier to understand when he said nothing at all - I don’t think I’ve ever had as little lines in a movie. Rico in Bloedlink is completely different. He accidentally finds himself swept up in criminal business, but he’s actually just someone who’s had a whole slew of bad luck. In the movie his character undergoes a few very surprising U-turns. In my portrayal of him, I interpret all those different sides as honest, I find that interesting. In the movie, Rico does some paradoxical things, but he means all of them. Of course that’s simply not possible. That’s what makes him fascinating and tragic.”
“If I’m a good actor? That’s not my place to say. Sometimes you do the most interesting things you think are worthless in the moment. A movie is a collaborative journey, which, in the case of Wolf, I underwent with director Jim Taihuttu among others. Although I secretly did think during shooting: this will be fun. Wolf is an honest movie. The kick-boxing, the hits to the body, very little of that is pretend. Not that everything should be real in a movie, but this story required that. At a certain point I felt: this could be something really fresh in Dutch cinema. And it was.”
Peanut Butter
“Ever since that role, which I trained for quite extensively, I’ve found it increasingly important to stay in shape. It wasn’t a complete transformation; even beforehand I would exercise six times a week. But now I’m slightly addicted, yeah. It makes you mentally stronger, too. If I’ve been training on a Sunday at 7 am and then at 8 am I’m outside again, showered, refreshed and in shape while the rest of the city’s asleep, I’m 1-0 ahead. Scratch that: 10-0. I pay attention to my nutrition as well. Bread for example gives false energy. But I’m not always so strict. I get plenty of enjoyment from a good, white slice of bread with calvé peanut butter. And then fold it over, don’t cut it! You shouldn’t cut a sandwich, everyone knows that. Then you miss the first bite.”
Toneelgroep Amsterdam
“After the acting academy in Maastricht I was immediately invited to Toneelgroep Amsterdam. I was with them for three years, but found my attentions pulled towards film during that period. When the actors from TGA are - rightfully - expected to be fully available. We “broke up”, though that sounds too serious, with full, mutual agreement. I see the company as family and will be playing in Angels in America at the end of the month, in New York. Director Ivo van Hove has been very important for my development. I admire his knowing exactly what he wants, but also his ability to be unsure and searching, and to be able to be vulnerable about that. But I have to be fair to myself. I’m 31 now, and these are my most important years in film. While I hope to be an even better stage-actor when I’m fifty. I’m slightly further ahead in film than on stage. That development is tougher, needs more time and possibly total dedication. Stage is the motor in the actor’s car; film is a different muscle. But if Ivo calls me in two, or ten or forty years, he’ll be the first stage director I’ll say yes to.”
Pierre Bokma
“As the son of Tunisian parents in the Hague painters-quarter I didn’t come into automatic contact with theatre. As a kid I was mostly interested in football, the emotion you see on a player’s face when he scores - fantastic. At a certain point I realised that movies can affect you the same way, even though you know it’s fake. That’s the magic of acting. Through contacts I ended up with De Nieuwe Amsterdam, an in-between theatre course for teens for whom the leap to theatre school was perhaps a bit too big. I learned everything there: playwrights, Dutch actors, repertoire. You’re also taught which acting schools exist. And I thought: where did Pierre Bokma go to school? And Fedja van Huêt? That was Maastricht. It also appealed to me that they implemented Bijltjesdag: you might still be sent away halfway through the first year. I decided: if I’m going for this uncertain profession, maybe the best trial by fire will be going to a school where you aren’t sure if you’ll be allowed to stay. I was allowed, in the end. At the theatre academy I came into contact with art, philosophy, poetry. All of that was new. But it didn’t feel as if I was behind, I only saw it as a fantastic source of riches; as if I could try on all sorts of new glasses.”
“I never thought that this path wasn’t laid out for me, I just always let myself be lead by my passion and my dreams. My parents are happy for me; I have a good connection with both. My father is an amazing person - an accumulation of beautiful ingredients. He’s honest with himself, doesn’t spare himself and laughs a lot, that’s important to me. He might be made out of simple components, he’s from a huntersfamily, but for me these are the components that build a strong character. My dad can tell beautiful stories, about his life in Tunisia, about his old friends who aren’t with us anymore. Every year death takes someone new, and in that way a beautiful group of people slowly disappears, the protagonists of a generation. One lives close to the elements there, I find that fascinating. It’s so different to our life here. I’ll also never interrupt my dad when he starts on a story like that. Even if I’ve heard it before.”
“I’ve always said: I want to play a woman, a vampire, a Moroccan kick-boxer. I’ve succeeded in doing the last one. A vampire is a wonderful character. The beauty of their faces, the sensuality, the tragedy of never going outside during the day, and of course their never ageing; never dying, in fact. I’d like to never die. When I was a kid, I suffered a lot of nightmares. About falling and never landing. I had a hard time in the dream world, I wasn’t a big fan of night. It was, I think, a sort of inexplicable fear of dying. At a certain moment I grew familiar with those dreams, figured out how to influence them. I could for all intents and purposes check-out whenever it became scary. I became the director of my own dream world. When I was twelve, I fell in love, and then I was over it. I still have nightmares, like everyone else, but now I find them fascinating instead of threatening. Beautiful how your mind can make a story out of all sorts of ingredients. Sometimes I call my mother to talk about what a dream might mean. For example, I recently dreamt about my grandmother. ‘She thinks about you and loves you,’ my mother says.”
“I still know fear and uncertainty, but they don’t hinder me anymore. They’re two trusted companions now, who walk with me. They keep me sharp and hungry, and in a good way, they keep me on my toes. As long as they don’t hold me back, they can be here. Fear of dying is now simply fear of no longer living. If a way to live until you’re 377 is discovered tomorrow, I’ll be the first to sign up. I’d like to end up as a tree. Then you only need to have a care for wind, rain and sun.”
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certified-sloth · 3 years
Scenario: mc hating being jealous and the feeling of envy just bcuz and I quote "it's make me feel gross...and stuff"
*the brothers trying to make mc jealous by spending less time with them and hanging out with other people*
Mc unfazed: oh I didn't notice u were gone! Did u have fun atleast? Where they nice??
I'm not sure if they would really do that... but i'll try to relate it as much as I can
Sighing in frustration, he frowns deeply at your awfully fake smile.
"MC, you do realize this is all related to my line of work. Of course I'd have to deal with it, as per Diavolo's orders." He tries to explain.
"Really? Like how it was Diavolo's orders for you to keep me 'alive' for the program? That's how we started out right?"
He groans and shakes his head in disapproval. "I didn't ask you to assess me like that. Clearly, you're accusing me of something I am not guilty of."
"We need a break. Then we'll talk about this once we both clear our heads."
He concluded, as he left you alone feeling as if you've drowned from disappointment.
Of course, the 1st born was a prideful demon. There's always a limit to his patience, and you were not an exception.
He tries to explain it to you, but you wouldn't understand.
"Was I making you jealous? No! Can't you just stop jumpin' into conclusions? It makes me feel like you never trusted me..."
He does no good, but never had he done anything to try and hurt you purposely. If he did, then he's sorry.
This man is head over heels for you, and you still think he'd do something as far off to spend less time with you? Just for someone else?
The 2nd born may be a fool but he can be sensible at times.
"Then what were you doing with them?" You asked with a frown. He sighs and ruffles his hair.
"I was tryin' to ask them help with some gift for your birthday. I don't wanna ask my brothers since they're gonna scramble up ideas of their own gifts." He explained rather honestly.
You blinked, not sure if you should believe him or not. He's used these tricks on his brothers, what's the difference if it were you?
"D-don't look at me like that! I'm not lying! I wanted to surprise ya but I didn't want you to wrap your head in things that ain't true..." he stammered as he looked away with in embarrassment.
Sighing in defeat, you went to pat his head.
"I believe you... and, i'm sorry for doubting you too." You apologized and he glanced at you before letting out a chuckle.
"I mean ya ain't wrong with feelin' like this, at least now ya know how I feel when I see you with my brothers."
You laugh and nodded at his statement.
It clearly doesn't end well... you're glaring daggers at his back while he was playing a game.
He's a shut-in, sure he's still supposed to have the outside world's communication, but making you jealous? With a real person involved? Along with having to interact with them?
Now that's just not realistic. The most way he could make you jealous is to just talk about Ruri this and Ruri that. Nothing else.
You must be out of your mind to think he has the guts to pull in another normie when he already has you.
His Henry.
"I don't get why you would suddenly think someone like me can get anyone else... I mean there's my brothers, but me? I'm just not fit for that."
He frowns and hesitantly holds your hand, trying to ignore that fast pace of his heartbeat.
If it weren't for the background music from the game still viewed on the screen, you would've been able to hear his heart close to jump out.
He's been there. He's the literal avatar of envy, feeling jealous of others and what they have is his job.
So the fact that you're like this... he would've been happy that you feel jealous of someone that wants him.
But in reality, he knows how disgusting the feeling is. Instead he tries to talk you out with experiences like that.
It's a heavy feeling on your chest, as if you'd end up suffocating. Especially if the other had done nothing to assure your assumptions.
Slowly but surely, you and him end up creating a deeper bond by talking about those little moments and just end up laughing or get all embarrassed about it.
If you wish to accuse him, quit beating around the bush and tell him in a forward manner.
He doesn't read minds, but he's observant. He just wants to be sure of his conclusion as to why you seem upset with that fake smile of yours.
Your body language was enough to tell him what you were feeling, but he hopes you tell him honestly.
"Is this about the succubus I told you about the other day?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
When you didn't answer him, he took that silence as a 'yes'.
He sighs and leads you to the couch to stare at you seriously. If he wants this to be dealt with peacefully, both you and him will have to talk this out in a mature way.
"MC, she's been asking for tutoring. She has made her advances, but I declined. She was failing her grades so I had someone else to help her." He explained.
"So you didn't tutor her personally?"
"Of course not. I don't want to interact with someone who had actively showed their interest in me when they know I already have you." He assured with a smile.
He then noticed your shoulders slump slightly in relief and he chuckles at your sudden change of expression.
Tucking your hair from behind your ear, he offers to read this new book he just got from Akuzon.
He's been staring at you almost offended of your accusation.
"Darling, I am the avatar of lust, surely you realized that whatever advances I make to others are merely fake." He assured, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"You're the only one, and every word I tell you are nothing but truth." He said sincerely as you look down, feeling lost.
He knew how it was hard to be with him. You're dating the embodiment of lust itself, surely it seems as if he's not into commitment.
But he tries, because you didn't love him for his looks. If ever you were to be insecure, whether you tell him about it or not.
"Did it seem as if I were neglecting you? I'm sorry, how would you want me to make it up to you?"
He only wishes the best for you, at this point, even the avatar of lust himself is hooked.
Why are you looking at him like that as if he's done something much more horrible than yesterday?
You only frowned with how clueless he is and ended up telling him what was the matter.
He looks at you in distaste of your words. Shaking his head, he cleared that he thought you were mad at him so he decided to give you space.
"I didn't want to push in your comfort zone especially if you looked mad the other day... and the lady was the manager of the new restaurant that opened."
He smiles and picks you up. "I was asking for arrangements to take you there to cheer you up, i'm sorry."
You slowly look away, muttering an apology for misunderstanding. It's just that you've been insecure of your own capabilities.
And Beel had always assured you that there was nothing wrong.
"It's ok to be insecure MC, it's part of your humanity... from what Satan said, and I still love you this much. Please don't belittle yourself."
...ah, to think that a demon would acknowledge your self-worth more than you ever could.
Are you sure you hadn't dreamed of it instead? He hasn't even left the bed for two days.
"I'm not trying to spend less time with you, i'm sorry." He apologized sincerely.
Although he's half-asleep, he knows how you don't like feeling like this.
As he showers you with love, you clearly were stubborn to reject his advances.
He would've been mad that you didn't trust him enough to assume he was seeing others.
Nuzzling close to your neck, your back facing him as he held you close. Kissing your neck gently with soft apologies in between.
He already learned that one of you should yield in times like this. If you see him at fault, then sure, he'll accept it.
It went really bad when the both of you had stayed stubborn, he doesn't want to repeat it.
"It feels... disgusting." You whispered how you felt, taking hold of his hand as your consciousness was beginning to fail you.
You could feel him smile as he hummed softly on your neck. "I know, i'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
"I'll make it up to you tomorrow, but don't expect too much from me." He finished, and you've heard him clearly.
But your consciousness had already slipped away before you could answer as you slowly fell into deep sleep.
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Heyyyy. So i was thinking a out mafia au fic like where kuroo is a mafia leader and youre his gf. Somehow, while his group were in a war, u got kidnapped which made him furious ofc and whiel saving u and trying to escape, u saw someone trying to shoot hima nd u go ahead and sheild him which made u got shoot. Its a angst but a hppy ending. Ill let u do what kind of ending u want 😁 anyway congrats and hv a great day!
Beginnings of a War
Kuroo x reader
Word Count: 3.5K
TRIGGER WARNING: violence, gun mentioned, blood
A/N: I had so much fun writing this piece and I literally couldn't wait to start this one! I thought of this Bokuto when writing this piece because I can't get enough of him
Happy reading and I'd love to know your thoughts!
The tension in the room was uneasy as the two leaders from opposite gangs stared each other down, neither saying a word. There was no easy conclusion to their mess but the longer they sat there, the more impatient both parties got. Yet, Kuroo was never one to give up easily. He was persistent and determined. Meanwhile, the two-toned haired man who goes by Bokuto was notorious for always getting his way. Right now, they were both stuck in the middle. Kuroo leans back on the black, leather couch, resting both arms behind the back.
“That’s my final bet. Take it or leave it. You either release him and take the money, or we’re gonna have some trouble,” Kuroo finally spoke up. Bokuto slants his eyes at him, clearly not persuaded by his offer.
“You’re a good comedian if you think I’m going to release one of your men for that small amount. After what he did to ten of my men?” Bokuto was trying to place the blame on the other leader but that only made Kuroo’s eyebrow twitch in annoyance.
“Your men attacked his family and his girl, leaving her in a hospital. If anything, your men deserved everything coming to them,” Kuroo set him straight. Even though Bokuto knew that, he knew that his men were in the wrong, he still had to protect them. So his comment visibly upset him as he slammed his fists down on the glass table in front of him, almost causing it to break if he hit any harder.
“I don’t give a shit what my boys did. All I care about is what your men did to mine,” he stated clearly. By now, Kuroo was getting a headache.
“Then what do you want? You don’t want the money, you don’t want anything else I offered. Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want!” he grew impatient and raised his voice. Before Bokuto had a chance to open his mouth, the double doors behind him flew wide open and in you came, eyes only on your boyfriend as you walk towards him. Sexy and sultry-like, you come to greet your boyfriend after a long day of shopping, not paying attention to his special guest. But he was paying close attention to you.
The click of your heels meeting the floor caught the attention of all the men in the room. You loved it when all the attention was on you because you knew. You knew you were attractive. You had the confidence, the walk, the clothes, the attitude. Everything a girl boss should have. Even though eyes were on you at all times of the day, only one man caught your attention and you would do anything for him.
Striding towards the mafia boss who was clearly in the middle of an important meeting, you made your way into his lap. You made yourself comfortable, touching the back of his hair before pulling him in for a steamy kiss. The kiss was slow and deliberate. You made sure to taste every part of him, your tongue gliding against his, purposely biting his lips ever so slightly. You kissed him like there was no one else in the room. But little did you know, Bokuto was looking you up and down, clear interest written all over his face.
You pulled away with a soft hum, satisfied to be with your boyfriend again. Kuroo, who was annoyed, is now smitten with you. He has, and always will have, a soft spot for you and isn’t afraid to show it.
“I’m a little busy, sweetheart,” Kuroo mumbled against your lips, lost in your eyes, your taste, your smell, your everything.
“I just missed you, daddy,” you cooed with a pout.
“Alright, I’m almost done,” he promises. He puts a protective hand over your waist and you wait in his lap like the good girl you were until he was done with his meeting. Kuroo focuses his attention back to his guest, acting like that whole interaction didn’t happen.
“What do you want?” Kuroo asks again. This time, Bokuto locks eyes with you and you just give him an innocent look that makes Bokuto obsessed.
“Her.” He points to you. That shocks both you and your boyfriend. You didn’t know what was going on, maybe because you just forced your way into their conversation, but you could tell that Kuroo wasn’t very fond of his answer. His hand tightens on your waist.
“She’s off limits,” he almost growls. Now that’s a voice you haven’t heard in a hot minute.
“Then the deals off,” Bokuto says simply, leaning back while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. Kuroo slants his eyes and gives you a few soft taps to your butt.
“Go upstairs,” he demands. You know by the tone of his voice that he was upset and you knew not to talk back. Last time you did that, you couldn’t walk for two weeks. And that was… so long ago that you can’t even remember. So you immediately got up and walked out of there, but Bokuto still had his eyes on you.
When you left the room and completely out of sight, Kuroo sits back and crosses his legs. He lets out a deep sigh and glides his tongue across the inside of his cheek in annoyance. He didn’t understand why Bokuto wanted you all of a sudden, out of all people, but there was no way in hell he was giving you away.
“I’ll give you anything you want. Tell me and I’ll give it to you. You want the money? Fine. Take it. You want a woman? I’ll find you one who can’t resist you. Name your price, but she’s my woman,” Kuroo made things clear with the man across from him.
“I’m not leaving until I get her,” Bokuto was set on having you, taking you and making you his. Kuroo uncrosses his legs and leans forward on his knees.
“Oi. Can you fucking hear? I said she was off limits.” Bokuto copies his movements.
“Does it look like I give two fucks? If you want one of your men back, give me the girl,” he compromises. Kuroo clenches his jaw and leans back.
“Then there’s nothing to discuss. Leave.” Kuroo glares at him. And that was asking him nicely. But Bokuto lets out a loud chuckle.
“You’re gonna let a bitch get in the way of your men?” the mafia boss taunted. And boy, did it work.
“Do you want to die?” Kuroo asked through gritted teeth, a vein clearly visible on his forehead from how much anger he was trying to hold in.
“Is that a threat?” Bokuto turned serious, all jokes out the window.
“No. but this is,” he says, standing up and pulling a gun out of the inside of his jacket pocket and points in straight in his opponent’s face. With his fast reflexes, Bokuto saw it coming and also took his gun out. So now both men had guns pointed in their faces, neither of them moving. Just glares being exchanged.
“Tsk, tsk. Now is that how you persuade an old friend?” Bokuto shook his head in disappointment.
“Friend? More like business partner,” Kuroo corrected him. They had a silent face off. Pointing dangerous weapons at each other but neither wanting to pull the trigger first. Bokuto thought this was exciting. He laughs, spins his gun with his finger and places it back in his pocket. He turns around, looking unfazed by the whole situation and simply leaves. Somewhat relieved, Kuroo also puts away his gun and cautiously watches the other boss leave. Bokuto stops right as he’s about to step through the door to give Kuroo a wary warning.
“You better be careful. I always get what I want,” he said before making his disappearance.
You were waiting patiently in your shared bedroom, swinging your feet around with a pout on your face. You didn’t know what you walked in to, but it didn’t seem good from the looks of it. Kuroo looked so serious down there, you thought to yourself. But your mind wandered to naughty thoughts because you loved seeing him like that, even though the situation doesn’t call for it. He just looks so sexy what he’s serious.
Kuroo opens the door to the bedroom and before you could say anything to him or greet him, he smashes your lips together without any explanation. You were surprised by his actions but you kiss him back nonetheless. From the way his lips move against yours, you could tell that he was in a bad mood. Your lips were too smushed and teeth were rubbing against each other, so much that he was starting to hurt you. Kuroo moves on to attack your neck and then you were finally able to breath.
“Kuroo,” you whined, still short of breath. He ignores you and instead starts to suck on your supple skin, creating bruises of all kinds of sizes on your neck. He grabs your face again, smashing your lips together and he pushes you back so that the back of your knees hit the bed, causing you to fall backwards, Kuroo falling on top of you. His legs were on either side of you as he dominated the kiss.
“You’re mine. All mine,” he growls, hands wandering to grope your body harshly. He licks from the top of your breasts all the way up your neck and captures your lips again. Your hands go to tangle his raven locks and wrap your legs around him.
“I’m all yours,” you whisper against his lips. Kuroo smirks, quickly removing his jacket then undoing his tie before he goes to unbuckle his belt. Excitement started to rise in you. Angry sex? Fuck yes. You were in for a hell of a night and let’s be honest, one hell of a week.
You were kept inside for a time being because Kuroo was wary of what Bokuto said to him at that meeting. He wasn’t going to take any chances, but you understood where he was coming from. It was boring not being able to leave the fancy mansion you lived in, but you made your boyfriend make it up by letting him by you all sorts of gifts to apologize.
But after a while of nothing happening, your boyfriend lets you go on a shopping spree to make up for your boredom and loss of time. But you couldn’t leave until you brought extra bodyguards to look out for you. Annoying as it was, you obliged. There was no use in arguing because if you did, he probably wouldn’t have let you out. The whole threatening fiasco didn’t bother you one bit. You couldn’t count how many times people have said that to him and nothing has ever happened to you. You believed that nothing was going to happen this time around.
You were walking down the empty street after a successful day of shopping, having every single one of your bodyguards hold bags of clothes, accessories, shoes, food, things that you couldn’t resist buying. You skipped along the sidewalk, feeling happy and free, the warmth of the setting sun and the blow of the oncoming evening wind was making you feel content with life. You wonder if your bodyguards were feeling the same. Speaking of bodyguards, they were being awfully quiet. Spinning around, you realized that you were alone.
You paused, stunned frozen.
Where were your bodyguards? All of a sudden, several men appeared out of the shadows of the alleys. You sighed in relief, realizing that it was just your bodyguards pulling a prank on you.
“You scared me! How could you leave me alone like that!” you jokingly scolded them. But they were indeed not your bodyguards. The smile that was on your face was quick to drop upon realization. You took a few steps back, trying to get away from these men who were getting closer and closer to you. But you were stopped, running into someone’s chest. You looked up to see who it was and all of a sudden, everything turned black.
When you woke up, you found yourself sitting on a chair, arms wrapped together and duct tape covered your mouth. It didn’t take long to realize that you’ve been kidnapped. The classic empty warehouse and burning fire in a can was proof of that. You checked your surroundings and was surprised to see that your legs weren’t tied together. You weren’t blindfolded either, but you were tied down to the chair. It wasn’t long after you woke up that Bokuto makes his appearance, sitting backwards in a chair right in front of you. He looked happy to see you but you couldn’t say the same. You slanted your eyes at him, disinterested in whatever he wants to say or do. You tried to keep your composure by being still and keeping a poker face, because if you didn’t, you don’t know what he’ll do to you.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Bokuto greeted you. “You’re probably wondering why you’re not tied up.” He starts, then rips the duct tape off your mouth and cuts the ropes around your arms. Then he leans down to your level and smirks.
“Because I know you’re not going to run away. Look at you shaking,” he says and looks you up and down then going back to his chair. It was true. You were shaking. You’ve never been in this situation before. You’ve always imagined it: being nonchalant and bored of all the empty threats and your savior of a boyfriend would come save you from all the madness. But now you were second guessing yourself, now being caught in this situation. You were shaking, but you were still going to stand up for yourself. That’s what Kuroo taught you to do.
“You’re not going to get away with this. Kuroo is going to save me and you’ll regret ever doing this to me,” you ran your mouth. But Bokuto doesn’t respond. So you go on. “Kuroo is the strongest fighter I know. He could kick your ass in his sleep. You don’t even look like a fighter. I bet you’d do down so easy!” You said that anything that came to mind. Yet, Bokuto continued to stare at you with a bored expression. And that made you nervous.
“I would never date you. You’re ugly, mean, and-and… you suck!” you couldn’t come up with any good comebacks. But for some reason, that set him off. He stands up so fast that it knocks the chair over and that shuts you up real quick. He walks over to you, duct taping your mouth again.
“Noisy bitch. Maybe this’ll shut you up,” he says and tightly seals your lips shut with the silver tape. He then grabs your chin to look up at him. You glare up at him, already tired of how rough he was handling you. He tilts your face from side to side, getting a good look at you.
“See, you’re prettier when your silent,” he comments. He looks down at the tape and frowns. He tapped the tape that was over your mouth over and over again, like there was something missing. Bokuto opens the palm of his hand and one of his guys puts a bright red lipstick in his hand. With a swift action, he pulls the cap off with his teeth and applies the lipstick on the duct tape that outlines your lips. He spits the lid on the floor and smirks.
“There, that’s better,” he says. He grabs your chin again and pulls you in for a kiss. You struggle to get out of his grip but he was stronger than he looked. When Bokuto pulled away, the lipstick was smeared across his lips, but didn’t seem to care. He was about to say something until he heard screaming and grunts of pain. He turns around just in time to see your boyfriend getting thrown on the floor, all bloodied and beaten up. You gasp, tears beginning to form at the sight.
This was wrong. That couldn’t be your boyfriend. There was no way. Your boyfriend was strong. He beat up and sometimes even killed when anybody got in his way. How could this have happened?
Kuroo was thrown on the floor and a handful of men continued to beat him up, kicking him in all places. You shook your head in denial, not even wanting to watch but couldn’t look away. Bokuto was loving everything. Your expression. Kuroo’s sounds of pain. He was getting a kick that things were turning out how he had planned.
“Look who decided to show up,” Bokuto kneels down to his level, grabbing a handful of hair and picking him up to show his face. Blood was dripped down the sides of his face, from his nose and mouth, his cheeks were bruised and he looked like he was about to pass out.
“Let her go,” Kuroo barely manages to let out. Bokuto clicks his tongue and shakes his head.
“I told you, didn’t I? I want her. Anything you want to say to your little girlfriend for the last time?” Bokuto allows him to say some final words. But Kuroo was too out of it to comprehend what he was saying.
“What about girlfriend over here!” he exclaims, presenting you perfectly fine and free from any scratches. Bokuto rips the duct tape off and cries ripped from your throat.
“Kuroo Tetsurou! You better get up! Stand up please! Fight back!” you cry but that just causes Kuroo to get more kick and punches to his body. Large tears escaped your eyes and you couldn’t stop the sounds of agony coming from your mouth.
“You’re the best fighter around, right? Fight back please!” you begged him. Getting beat up, okay. But not even trying to fight back? That’s not the Kuroo you know. What was wrong with him? Why was he allowing them to do this to him? Kuroo looks up and faces you with a smile.
“I can’t let you get hurt, baby girl,” he professes. And that just breaks your heart. More sobs escaped your mouth but the sounds of skin hitting skin was louder. Kuroo was being tossed around, kicked, punched, spit at. Blood was stained everywhere, and you didn’t know what to do. Even though he was getting beat up so badly, he was still standing. And that seemed to annoy Bokuto. Time was ticking and he was getting impatient. If he was doing to die like that, then he was going to have to do it himself. Bokuto pulls the gun out of his pocket, aiming for Kuroo. You see it just in time and as if your feet were moving on it’s own, you run to shield him before he gets shot. The moment you touched him, you heard the gun shot and everything went black
The feeling of soft sheets under your fingers woke you up. You jolted awake, sitting up in the bed that was all too familiar to you. You were at home, but how did you get here? You checked your body all over but there were no signs of pain or even wound marks. There was no bullet, no bruises, no scarring. So, what the hell happened? Then your mind went to your boyfriend. Getting right out of bed, you ran to his room and he was resting in bed, bandages covering his shoulder.
“Kuroo,” you called out to him, running to his side and grabbing his hand. He shifts in his position, sighing deeply. Then he brings your hand to his lips, placing a small but meaningful kiss on your knuckles.
“You’re up, my dear,” he says as a fact, eyes barely open. Concern washed over you and so many questions came to mind. You didn’t know what to ask first.
“How-what-but I… I took the gun shot for you,” you tried to recall what happened. Kuroo knocks your forehead and you pout.
“You think you’re so slick. I saw what you were trying to do. I flipped you over just in time. Now I have this to remember,” and then points to his shoulder with the bandage. He took the bullet for you. You pout again, feeling bad. Not only did he get beaten up pretty badly, but he also got shot that night? That was supposed to be your job.
“If I didn’t get shot, then why did I pass out?” you questioned, more to yourself.
“I think you passed out from the shock, baby,” he comforted you. It made sense… but when you looked at your boyfriend in this condition, it made you upset. You started to burst into tears and hit him in the chest.
“You idiot!” you yell, accidentally hitting the place he got shot and he jumps up in pain. But you cuddle right up to him to make up for it. But you thought he deserved it.
“What about Bokuto?” you shot up and looked at Kuroo was worry written all over your face. He softly smiles at you and pets your hair.
“We all retreated. For now. But it’s not over,” he tells you. Oh, it is far from over. This is actually just the beginning.
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peach-coke · 4 years
PEACHY!! I just finished the final. How u doing? What do you think?
Hey Sol! Sorry for leaving you hanging with an answer for a couple days but I had to process. And mourn, after all I said goodbye to something that has been part of me for 15 years. That's half my life. It's weird and I don't think I've ever cried as much as I have in the past 3 days but... Well. Luckily, they're happy tears. "Don't cry because it's over, cry because it happened" aside? I love the ending.
It's all I could've ever asked for. Ah, who am I kidding? It's more than that. I was prepared to be gutted in a really bad way. I am gutted but for all the right reasons. It was tragic. It was painful. It was beautiful. But most of all? It was a Love-Letter.
I know there’s a lot of people who’re upset about parts of the episode; I understand. We’re all grieving in our own ways. I hope however, that once the dust has settled and feelings stop spiking into extremes, people will realize that the episode left so many things unsaid and ambiguous... Meaning there's lots and lots of space for interpretation and headcanons to “fix” the finale into something that makes it better for you. And I’d like to think this was done on purpose.
I’m soo sorry I end up rambling on one of your asks again Sol, but I’ll do exactly that to pick up some of the things I’ve seen people be most upset about and give some of my perspective on them. Maybe it’ll help some people to feel better and grow to love the final as much as I do ♥
One thing I’ve seen a lot of people be upset about is that Dean didn’t get to live the life they’ve fought for so hard. Actually? We don’t know that. There is no timestamps, no indicators that tell us they didn’t do what we saw in the first domestic montage for a couple years. The only hint we have is that Miracle is still around and kicking, so it couldn’t have been more than maybe 6 years (because 6-8ish is when a dog that size shows clears signs of aging). Besides that? Nobody and nothing stops us in believing they had that “domestic bliss with a little bit of hunting on the side”-life for quite a while before it happened.
Them talking about mourning Cas and Jack is no indicator either. I still mourn people I lost 15 years ago, when the occasion calls for it or I remember them in moments that they would’ve loved to be part of. Mourning never stops… Of course, even 6 years aren’t a lifetime. But do we really think Dean - our Dean - would’ve been happy and content with a 9-to-5 job? Yeah, didn’t think so either...
Then, we have the rebar. Which honestly didn’t bother me at all, for several reasons. First, I love parallels and this episode was so full of them… Not only was the whole “stabbed in the back” thing a direct callback to arguably the most painful death in the series to date – Sam’s first in All Hell Breaks Loose – it was also a callback to The Song Remains the Same. The episode where Sam is stabbed by Anna – with a rebar/fixture she ripped out of the wall - and bleeds out on the floor. The only reason he got out of it alive, is because John!Michael fixed him. Otherwise? He would’ve died by being stabbed with a rebar. Just like that.
Ash himself told them that they died several times together and can’t remember because the angels don’t want them to. We, the viewers, have never seen them die together until Dark Side Of The Moon. Which strongly implies that they must’ve died on random hunts. More than once.
So Dean’s death in the barn? That’s what happens to Hunters who have no divine intervention. That’s what happens to Hunters who are living the life without being chosen for something bigger. That’s what happens to Hunters with free will. Dean’s death in the barn was a true Hunter’s death. The one he always wanted. There’s no glory, there’s nothing special about it. It just is. And I thought that was tragically poetic in its own way.
I know people were expecting them to go out Butch and Sundance style. Together – I admittedly wanted that too. But the way Dean’s death happened didn’t bother me at all. And honestly? Sam’s soul died in that barn, too. We know it did. So they did go out together, one way or another. It was just not the way we expected.
The cinematic parallels of Sam’s life without Dean to Dean’s life without Sam after Swan Song honestly floored me. It was beautifully heartbreaking.
We see Sam living his life while Dean is driving along “right there beside him, every step of the way”. We see him holding on for Dean, fulfilling the promise he made to his brother about living on. Making sure there’s always a Winchester that knows love left in the world. The final sacrifice of Sam, the bravest and strongest man we know. Sam, who sits down in the car he once called home, to be close to the one person that always held the same connotation. Sam, who knows his other half is waiting for him, sitting just there in the same spot he is. Every step of the way. That’s my Supernatural right there.
What I especially like about the whole thing is, that it once again leaves us with another take besides the one we actually saw and thought obvious. We can also pretend Sam died on that werewolf hunt, shortly after Dean’s death. There is nothing that stops you from seeing this as canon, (There’s actually quite a few hints that it’s a very strong possibility), because the way the whole scene played out could’ve easily been a daydream of Dean while he was driving in heaven.
The fact they left it open like that is a gift, in my eyes. They could’ve easily forced a fixed narrative on us. But they didn’t. Same with so many other things. They left us with so many possibilities and room for our own takes. And I think it’s fair that people need time to process what we’ve been given here. It’s fair that people are still upset about some aspects, because they have yet to realize that there is a pathway for them to see it differently, without discarding canon at all.
There’s only one thing that is not open for interpretation. And that’s that Sam and Dean love each other as much as two human beings can love each other. And none of them is complete without the other. I never quite understood why some people needed the show to end on romantic notes. Supernatural has never been about that. It has always been about the deep, abiding love those two brothers had for each other and how neither heaven nor hell ever stood a chance against it. Platonic love is just as beautiful as romantic love; sometimes even more so. And that’s what this finale showed us.
And that’s why I love it so much. Why I say it’s a Love-Letter. It’s a Love-Letter to us; The ones who’ve been there all the way from the start. The ones who’ve seen the show for what it is and what it has always been: The epic love story of Sam and Dean Winchester.
Despite all that, it is still valid to dislike the ending. You are entitled to do so. But if you really think Sam and Dean - two soulmates, surrounded by the people they love, at peace - spending the rest of eternity together in heaven is the absolute worst possible ending that destroyed everything the show ever stood for? I’m sorry, but in that case you did not understand Supernatural at all.
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heauxzenji · 4 years
I just came across you nsfw with Osamu and I really enjoyed it I was wondering if You could do one for Kita?
Hi love! This is for u 💕 and all the kita fuckers worldwide- myself included bc I’m in love with him now 🥺
NSFW Alphabet - Kita Shinsuke
Tumblr media
Nsfw below da cut g
gn!reader focus in this hoe
A/n: ty @honey-makki for being my partner in degeneracy and my wife ilysm bc she can read when I can’t
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
Will feed you a full meal. His way of making sure you’re cared for is keeping you well fed. He will cuddle you and spoon feed you himself if he has to, as long as you eat every single bite. He has a routine for everything, aftercare is no exception. He runs you a bath, then, while you soak, he cooks. Will make sure to throw a hoodie in the dryer before heading to the kitchen so it'll be warm for you post shower. Then he feeds you and holds you, playing with your hair or your hands until you fall asleep.
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
You already know what the fuck is going onnnn! Kita is honestly so well sculpted that it really doesn’t matter but let’s talk about his back/shoulders. He’s so mf broad and it's very sexc of him. He’s also very fond of when you cling onto and scratch it up…. delicious
He loves your hands. He loves to hold them, especially when he’s looking straight into your eyes as he drills the hell out of you- he’ll lift one up and kiss it bc ✨romance✨
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
Oh he’s going to fill you so full of cum that it pours out of your ears. He has a big breeding kink, and huge loads to match. But he’s also very healthy and takes good care of himself so his cum isn’t bad on your tongue on the off chance he hasn’t already cum inside you 600 times prior to finally doing so in your mouth. And he’s going to kiss you after- very sexc of him.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
Lost his virginity in a barn. Got a tick on his ass of all places. The barn isn’t the secret tho... the tick is.
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
When you got together- he was definitely a virgin. Had only gone as far as MAYBE second base. But you used that to your advantage, because you’ve essentially built him up and trained him to be PERFECT for you. You also helped him find out what he likes and what makes him feel good too. Sure there was a lil’ corruption involved, but in the end you’re both very happy with your sex life.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Full on mf wrestling mating press. He’s going to have his cock so deep inside of you that if he even pushed a bit more his body is gonna go in too. Then he’ll just live there. He’s fine with that.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
Unintentionally so. Every once in a while, you’ll both giggle or laugh because you have to reposition when you start to cramp up or you accidentally hit him in the face when tying to pull him closer or something. But he’s a firm believer in the whole “if you can’t laugh with the person you’re having sex with you shouldn’t have sex with them” addage, so he’s very grateful for those light moments.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
It could definitely be neater. He isn’t abysmal, but he is hairy and could stand to trim a tiiiny bit more often. He’s just very low maintenance down there. As long as it’s clean he's good, which is both true and a decent place to start but pls tell him to get a little off the top of you know what I mean.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈y
He’s! So! Loving! He’s always going to go the extra mile to make you feel special. He likes to keep things on the softer side I’d say 8/10 times. He prefers to make love instead of just fucking it out- but if you get into an argument or he’s frustrated, he will happily go hard… but still with candles and a massage. Also I said it already but he’s gonna hold your hands while he demolishes you- interlaced fingers and all that cute shit even tho you’re getting railed.
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
His grandma is one of those old ladies that’s like “don’t do that you’ll go blind,” so poor baby was a lil pent up before he got older. Now, he still doesn't do it often, but he does it once a month or so as part of his routine. He uses coconut oil because he likes the smell and that it melts easily.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
Breeding, listen it’s just embedded in country boys to fuck and fill. He is no exception.
Spanking, moreso as a way to direct you. Moving too much? slap to stay still. Changing positions? Slap to get you moving. Just wants to see you jiggle? Yeah that too. Motivational slaps also come into play when he wants you to know you’re doing a good job.
Auralism, He LOVES to hear you. The sound of your breath, your moans, the way you chant his name when you’re close… he eats that shit up. It feeds his ego and boosts his pride. He also makes a lot of noise himself, mostly really deep moans but there’s a sprinkling of praise throughout too.
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He needs privacy. So he’s definitely one to want to keep it at home or at least somewhere secluded and away, where he knows only you and him are there and will know about it.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He doesn’t care how he does it, but his number one priority, is making sure that you cum. Kita is a giver. And he will make sure to give you whatever you want from him.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
He’s not into SUPER rough stuff. He’s not vanilla, but he is the kind of guy that sees sex as “lovemaking” so he’s not gonna punch you in the face or throw you around like a ragdoll. It’s just not his style. Of course if it's what you want, he will… but never expect him to ever bring it up or do so on his own.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
Ok so- he's… teachable. I’m not gonna lie, he would start off as absolute trash. But the good thing about him is how adaptable he is, and how willing he is to learn. You’d have to have him work at it a lot but once he gets good he’s great. He’ll love the feeling of accomplishment he gets from you getting off with only his mouth- it does wonders for his pride.
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
It’s very even- until he starts to get close. When he’s close he’s going to speed up so much that you have to brace yourself against anything that’ll hold you. He is definitely a headboard grabber too.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
He likes to take his time with you. For that reason, he isn’t a huge fan. You would really have to convince him that it's worth it. He doesn’t see the point in instant gratification, and thinks you should be patient. Good things come to those who wait and all that Kita stop being so stoic and rail me at the farmers market challenge
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
Lmfao you think this mans is really gonna go for a public or semi-public scene? Think again. Now, he’s into sex outdoors sure, but only in your fenced in, enclosed backyard. He’s not letting anyone see you point blank periodt, you’re for his eyes only.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Excellent self control. He can hold off on cumming for as long as you need him to. Usually he’ll tap out himself after you’ve gotten through at least 3 of your own highs- but his record is 6. Has a super long refractory period tho- so he does things this way to make sure you get everything you need in one go.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
He actually likes using toys on you. He has a bunch of different plugs and vibes that he uses to suit the situation. He prefers to use a hitachi wand on you while he’s fucking you, but all the others he uses for foreplay- or after to keep you full to the brim of his cum.
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
You both tease each other absentmindedly. He doesn’t know why he gets so turned on by you scrubbing the floor on all fours (that’s why), but he does. He also doesn’t understand why you think its hot when he cuts firewood in winter or wipes his forehead with his shirt during the summer. He thinks he’s gross and sweaty- but you can only think of a million other ways to make him sweatier.
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
Listen we stan. He’s not quiet in bed by any means, but he’s not overly loud either. He’s the type who takes deep breaths and then on the exhale let’s out a moan from deep in his chest- you know the one. And he does that shit on purpose. Not really, but he does think of it as his way of letting you know that he feels as good as you feel. Will also 100% hit you with the “is that it baby? Is that the spot?” While you’re practically turning into jello underneath him bc he absolutely knows that’s the spot he just likes to make you say it.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
Wants to recreate the sex scene from tthe notebook with you. He can’t explain why, he just has an unexplainable urge to suck your face off in the rain and then proceed to raw you after peeling all the damp clothes from your body. Please oblige him.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
He’s got the thickness. Not coke Can thickness but like… you remember the Alaskan bull worm from ep of SpongeBob? Well he’s the whole worm, not just the tongue. I’m going to hell for that reference but ya he has a nice dick. The perfect thickness and and I’ll say a pretty good 5.5-6 inches worth. It’s also very veiny on the underside which- yes I love that.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
Normal sex drive, since you tend to do it at least 2 times a week. He only seems to get a little needier when you CAN’T have sex regularly- ie, one of you is sick or you’re away from each other. When that happens, he’s a little edgier than usual, can snap sometimes but not often.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
He’s the type to get a second wind after. He’ll only go to sleep after he makes sure all your aftercare needs are met, and even then, he’s only going to power-nap it for maybe 10mins. He’ll stay still and cuddle you while you sleep, but he’ll most likely watch tv or scroll through his phone while you enjoy his warmth. Every once in awhile he’ll give you a kiss while you stir.
Taglist Starseeds (check ur privacy settings if your url is in bold): @honey-makki @crushzone @yumekosgamblingroom @boujiesav @onesingleravioli @ushijimasfarmhat @trouvelle @nekoma-hoe @right-shoe-jpg @atsumusc0ck @nivky0-0 @animoozies @charmarsmith @tsumue @disasteren @hoe4abbacchio @sillykittt @ukaisbaby
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