#do what i hate (jonah myers)
doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year
i'm not here to walk around in twelve depressing circles [months] but i'm desperate for something real to change
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refairy · 3 years
what do you think peter would wear as a Halloween costume?
and how would he spend it with mean reader, or mj, or his friends or whatevs?
a lot of the adaptations of peter are menaces. it would be funny if he went as spider-man but he specifically goes to people’s houses who he knows hate spider-man & they wouldn’t even know it’s the real one because they’ve seen 7 spider-man’s already. he just shows up to j. jonah jameson’s house & watches the vein pop out of that old man’s forehead.
peter b. parker would put out a bowl because he doesn’t want to be bothered & a bunch of kids would run away with all the candy along with the bowl. he would also dress up as spider-man except he’s too tired to find an actual costume but if he’s dating/married to reader then he’s doing a couples costume.
mcu peter would want to go as a star wars character to match with ned or an 80s movie character but mean reader would be like no, let’s go as something hot & peter would agree straight away. reader would suggest tatum riley & ghostface (because i think peter in a ghostface mask is hot).
mj would meet up with them & immediately tell reader that she should have been ghostface because peter is short lmfao. reader asks peter to do a little photoshoot of that iconic “please don’t kill me mr. ghostface — i wanna be in the sequel!” & reader has to crouch a little bit so he looks taller in the pictures.
mj accidentally matches with peter by going as another slasher, michael myers. she goes all out, coveralls, mask & a knife (which is a piece of cardboard with a picture of a kitchen knife printed out & stuck onto it). she’s creative like that.
ned would go as a star wars character, darth vader, most likely & he actually bought his entire costume online & spent the most money on it (he has spent over 1k on star wars legos, if anyone can afford it, it’s ned).
i can’t actually think of a group costume except the scooby doo characters but reader would be daphne, peter as fred, mj as velma & ned as shaggy.
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twistedfxtes-blog · 5 years
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muse 16, henrik holm, eighteen, he/him. ☼ * ⋆ : hey, check it out, it’s JONAH MYERS! everyone calls ‘em J, though. aren’t they a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR now? man, time flies. isn’t their birthday coming up soon? it’s AUGUST 4TH, 2001, right? i gotta get them a present – i heard they like MESSY BUNS, LOUD MUSIC, NATURE. and, like, don’t tell anyone, but i think they ARE IN ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES. ( lolly, 24, est. )
SEXUALITY: he likes people. in general. a lot.
he never had a close relationship with his father. sure, the two would talk and occasionally throw a ball back and forth, but there was something missing between them. and he wasn’t sure he’d ever figure out what it was.
it was different with his mother. he was distant, for the most part - always residing to his room when he got home from school - but she would force her way into his life and leave a mark he wouldn’t know he needed.
she, along with his siblings, meant something to him (even if he didn’t always show them in physical gestures). and when she passed away so suddenly, something snapped inside of him. 
he couldn’t stop the anger from festering inside of him. it wasn’t fair. how could this happen? how could the universe allow this to happen to him? it didn’t help when his father showed up - someone he hardly remembered - and they had to readjust to their so-called happy family.
he got into his first fight that summer. he punched a kid right in the nose, leaving him to bleed while his friends tried to help him up. it only got worse as time went on, and he started getting sent home for aggressive behavior. 
eight or so months ago, he stood outside a bar with a fake ID. a boy his age bumped into him and called him a name he didn’t fully make out. the only thing jonah remembers from that night is sitting in the back of a police car; tired eyes locked on the bloody mess.. the one he’d created.
he was forced into anger management classes, after that. music and his classes have helped him so far, but he still struggles.
jonah is a complicated soul, as most of us are during our high school years. he’s still trying to come to terms with who he is, and it leads him to be a bit distant/reserved.
it’s not that he’s unkind... he just doesn’t want to trust the wrong person. he doesn’t want to get close to someone and then have them leave him, like his mother did.
he’s aggressive. little things set him off, but mostly because he reads situations wrong. he’s quick-tempered and always assumes the worst, even if his heart is telling him he’s wrong.
he has a lot of love to give. if only he knew how to do this without punishing himself in the process.
he’s intelligent. once you get him talking about something he enjoys, he might not stop for hours.
WANTED (dead or alive):
a fling. can be someone he met in school, or maybe he met them at a party. serious?? not serious??? booty call??? angsty? throw it all at me.
a best friend/confidant. jonah isn’t very good at forming connections with people. this person would’ve had to knock down his defenses and showed him he could trust them no matter what. i’m even down for a trio.
an ex. maybe the two absolutely hate each other, or maybe they pushed each other away. they could’ve been each other’s firsts. they can still be friends, now.
enemies. face it. we all have enemies in high school. people we don’t necessarily enjoy, for whatever reason.
a "maybe we can try”. someone jonah didn’t expect to like as much as he does, and yeah, maybe the thought scares him. he doesn’t want to get hurt. but he doesn’t like “what ifs”, either. 
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secretiveauthor · 5 years
4.4- Continue
The car ride to the DPD was silent. Dead silent. No music or any type of small talk. The air was thick and filled with tension that only Hank and Athena could resolve.
Athena was nervous. Very nervous. She didn’t know what was going to happen to her. What was going to happen if they found Peter? Would they use her to get to him or do they forget about him? She could make up a lie and say that Peter died or something but how would she be able to prove that? 
The car came to a full stop.
Hank was the first to get out, going to the opposite where Connor was and opening the back seat. 
“Alright, out you go.“ 
“I thought you’d be happy to see me, Hank.“
“Not when you’re on the run and wanted for murder, kid.”
“Fair point.“ No matter how bad Hank wanted to smile and embrace Athena in a bone-crushing hug, he didn’t want to give in just yet. Bringing her into the DPD, all eyes were on her, Hank and Connor. Athena kept her head down as her hands lightly shook, her palms becoming sweaty due to being nervous. 
They took her into the interrogation room Athena took a seat while another person came into the room. He was tall, had brown hair and grey-blue eyes. Light scruff could be seen on his face as he came in with the files from the investigation. He tossed them on the metal table and sat in the chair.
“Gavin Reed. Detective. That’s all you need to know.”
“Alright, first off. I need you to tell me what exactly happened the night you murdered Jonah.” Athena was silent. She didn’t even bother to look at the pictures, already knowing what they consist of.
“Look familiar to you?“ Gavin got no response, his patience already running low and Athena not talking to him or responding to his questions just fueled the fire in him. He gritted his teeth and snarled at Athena.
“Hey! Look at me when I’m talking to you!” He snaps his fingers in front of Athena to get her attention but it was no use. Furrowing his eyebrows, Gavin had about enough of this shit. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.
“Fucking Christ... Say something goddammit!” Gavin slammed his fists on the table, making Athena flinch and let out a small gasp. 
“Yelling at her will get you nowhere, detective.“ There was a new voice in the room. Deep and husk. But also monotone and mechanical. Athena knew it was the Android and neither of them heard him come in. That blinking LED shining brightly- now turned a cautious yellow.
“Shut up, Tin can! This is my interrogation!“
“It seems that your tactics aren’t getting her to talk, Detective. I suggest you try another way.“
“Let's see you try it then, huh?!” Gavin pushed back the android that his back hit the wall behind him. “Come on, show us how it's done, Tin-can!” It was known knowledge that Gavin hated androids. He despised them. This one was no different when it came to Gavin. He hated him all the same.
Athena couldn’t help but watch with a skeptical eye as Hank came in to stop Gavin from doing any more damage. He put his hand on Gavin to lightly separate him from the android. Gavin shrugged off Hank's hand and grabbed the collar of the android who was seemingly taller than Gavin was.
The android didn’t seem to mind.
“Gavin, that’s enough!“
“Stay out of this Hank!“
“I said, that’s enough.“ Hank pulled out a gun and aimed it right at Gavin. Athena’s eyes grew wide as Gavin came to a full stop. He looked at Hank and eventually let go of the androids collar. He looked at Athena and then back to the android. Gavin sneered, muttering curse words under his breath. Athena watched at the android tightened up his tie and thanked Hank.
“Thank you, Lieutenant. Do you mind if I take over the interrogation?“ Hank wasn’t too fond on the idea of having an Android interrogate a human but Hank decided to give it a shot anyway.
“Sure, why the hell not.” The android nodded and watched as Hank left the room. It was now just Athena and the android. The air was dense and Athena could fee her heart pounding in her chest. She quickly glanced up at the android, noticing his calm and comforting demeanor. He took a seat in the chair Gavin was in and held his hands together.
“My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to help with the deviant's case.” Athena looked away from Connor and balled her hands into a fist, the metal cuffs rubbing against her skin creating a small rash. Connor seemed to notice the small action and wanted to reassure her.
“I’m not here to hurt you. I only want to help you.“ Connor took the time analyzing Athena from what Hank had previously told him when Hank first found out it was Athena who was suspected of murder.
Name: Athena Brooklynn Myers
DOB: August 12th, 2013
Age: 25
Occupation: Waitress
Connor also noticed something apart from her background. From the moment he saw her on the streets, his eyes instantly shifted to the bruises on her face. The purple-green ring around her eye with that undertone of blue and her red-tinted cheeks with a cut on her lip.
“I can see that you’re bruised. Did Jonah do that to you? Did he beat you?” Athena didn’t respond just as she did to Gavin. There was a slight jump in her stress levels when Connor mentioned Jonah and the bruises to her, though. Athena felt tears prick her eyes as she tried holding back the tears and trying to escape the flashbacks.
“You wanted to be a mechanical engineer after college, right?” Connor asked. “So what stopped you from achieving your goals? Was it Jonah?” 
“If you don’t cooperate, I’m going to have to fully press charges against you for Second-degree murder and Voluntary manslaughter. You will be sentenced to 25 years in prison with the exception of parole.“ He could see her heart rate instantly spike to a high 75%.
“It not that simple...“ Athena replied. Bingo. Now he was getting somewhere with extracting the confession.
“Then talk to me.“
“You don’t understand- he didn’t mean to do it! He was just trying to...” Athena trailed off before exposing any more information to Connor. Connor was now so close to getting to know who this person Athena was talking about as well as hoping to gather more information that goes beyond than just a murder case.
“Who?!“ Athena bit the inside of her lip, tears running down her rosy cheeks as she bowed her head on the table and silently sobbed.
“Was it your Android? Did he kill Jonah?!” Connor pressured. He could see Athena start to unravel before his eyes, analyzing her once more and seeing her heart rate increase with her stress levels up to 80%. Her blood pressure was high and Connor could see that she was struggling to come up with an answer.
Athena was so conflicted with what she should do. So many thoughts and flashbacks were happening all at once that Athena felt herself start to panic, her breathing becoming unsteady and her hands were shaking. She could see her vision start to split into two just like how you would cross your eyes to look at your nose.
--> Tell the Truth
--> Lie
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burnouts3s3 · 6 years
Hellboy (2004), a review
(Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit unprofessional blog post written by an unprofessional blog poster. All purported facts and statement are little more than the subjective, biased opinion of said blog poster. In other words, don’t take anything I say too seriously.) Hellboy, a review
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The year is 2004. Movie Studios are suddenly aware of the fact that superhero movies are good for business and are scrambling to get any comic book rights to make lucrative film deals out of them. Fresh off the success of Blade II, director Guillermo Del Toro rallies an eager crowd of fans, asking if actor Ron Perlman would be a suitable Hellboy. Among the cries of an overwhelming “Yes!”, Del Toro secures a movie deal with Revolution Studios and gets the movie adaptation Hellboy greenlit.   In 1944, with the help of Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin, the Nazis build a dimensional portal off the coast of Scotland and intend to free the Ogdru Jahad—monstrous entities imprisoned in deep space—to aid them in defeating the Allies. Rasputin opens the portal with the aid of his disciples, Ilsa von Haupstein and Obersturmbannführer Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, member of the Thule Society and Adolf Hitler's top assassin. An Allied team is sent to destroy the portal, guided by a young scientist named Trevor Bruttenholm, who is well-versed in the occult. The German team is killed and the portal is destroyed—in the process absorbing Rasputin—while Haupstein and Kroenen escape. The Allied team discovers that an infant demon with a right hand of stone came through the portal; they dub him "Hellboy" and Bruttenholm adopts him.
With Blade, X-Men and Spider-man (and to a lesser extent, even the critically panned Daredevil) kicking off the Superhero Boom, Del Toro’s Hellboy helped solidify it and helped explore some of the more mystical and horror roots. Sixty years later, FBI agent John Myers is transferred to the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) at the request of Bruttenholm, where he meets the adult Hellboy and a psychic, amphibious humanoid named Abe Sapien. He learns that a third BPRD member, Liz Sherman, has recently checked into a mental hospital to protect others from her volatile pyrokinetic abilities. Despite regular visits and coaxing from Hellboy, she is determined not to return. Kroenen and Haupstein resurrect Rasputin in the mountains of Moldova and the three unleash a demon known as Sammael. Guillermo Del Toro’s vision of the Occult, mysticism and the supernatural is on full display here. He manages to imbue Lovecraftian Horror into each and every scene with some of the finest makeup I’ve seen in the business. At times, the film feels more like a horror movie meant to scare and shock you, lighting the subways of New York more like a Rated R monster movie than a PG-13 action flick. While the film uses CGI (effectively, I might add and knows when to use it during the dark), the true star of the show is the make-up team. From Hellboy to Abe to Kroenen, each character make up brings the world to life and for Del Toro to not only imagine the make-up but also direct the actors to perform under it, just makes everything click. Ron Perlman was My Hellboy. The match made in Heaven with Del Toro’s love of makeup effects and Perlman’s ability to act under Heavy prosthetics (one of his earlier acting jobs was playing the Beast in Beauty and the Beast TV show) was already a sealed deal to begin with, but Perlman sells the cigar-smoking, beer-drinking, quip-making, cat loving character to such a degree, it makes me weep with joy. Ron Perlman was Hellboy to me the same way Christopher Reeve was Superman to an entire generation and J.K. Simmons was J. Jonah Jameson to newcomers. Even Doug Jones and Selma Blair deliver great performances here. Selma Blair has always had great range as a performer and acting both as this scared girl afraid of her own destructive capabilities and Hellboy’s love interest, she brings in much more agency than most actresses would in the role. Doug Jones (who would be a mainstay for Del Toro projects such as Pan’s Labyrinth and the Shape of Water), brings great personality into the role of Abe Sapien. And who could forget the Late John Hurt as Bruttenhom, playing a kind father to a rebellious son or Jeffery Tambor as the stern BPRD director who’s sick and tired of covering for Hellboy’s antics. But it’s not all perfect. John Myers was the audience avatar for the movie, i.e. a guy for the audience looks through in order to better comprehend the proceedings and be given exposition from the characters who’ve been there longer than he has. He’s not from any of the comic books and was originally created for the movie. Okay, let’s clear a few things up. It was the early 2000’s, and movie studios were really worried that another Batman & Robin situation would kill their financial prospects, so the producers probably decided to make this bland, milquetoast character to offset the Red devil character and the walking Fishman just to make sure audiences wouldn’t freak out. For the record, I actually like Myers. You do need this walking cipher to be the viewpoint character (at least for the 1st movie in the early 2000’s when Bryan Singer’s X-men was relevant) and for what it’s worth, Rupert Evans does attempt to bring in as much personality he can to the character. (Though for some reason, we have yet another British actor attempting to ape an American accent. What, it’s not enough to be human looking, he also needs a toned down accent?) A lot of fans decried the changes from the source material. Aside from some continuity issues, the main idea that Liz and Hellboy were never love interests but more akin to close friends are among the chief complaints. A lot of fans also didn’t care for the additional humor. Speaking from someone who discovered the film first and the comics second, I can see where the complaints come from.  But, I actually think these changes are welcome additions. Obviously, this was playing to a mainstream crowd, and studio executives are worried they won’t draw in the ticket sales. But Del Toro has a knack for these things and Perlman, despite his Hellboy quipping more than the comic book version, sells every line. Plus, that fight scene in which Hellboy has to save kittens gets me everytime. Even the Liz and Hellboy romance managed to surprisingly move me in a way I didn’t expect. Perlman and Blair have great chemisty and you really do believe than the Hellspawn from another dimension can not only find humanity but love as well.
The film was a success for the director and actors. While it had a $66 Million Budget and earned $99 Million at the box office, a healthy Video take as well as good word of mouth helped boost the movie. Guillermo Del Toro had 2 mainstream hits under his belt, despite a few mixed reviews (one from Richard Roeper, stating, "I loved about 49 percent of this movie but I hated 51 percent of it so I'm going to give this film thumbs down"). With that in mind, the series would continue its streak with the sequel, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.  
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Quotes from alt.atheism
Anyone up for a wild ride?
From: http://atheismandme.com/crazy-theist-quotes/
This is a collection of theist quotes from various places. Many of the quotes are from atheist forums, which attract lots of theists, although usually not the brightest kind.
I really have to stress that these quotes are real, no matter how bizarre they seem. At least, every quote I’ve tried to verify has turned out to be real – that is, it was written by an actual theist, not meant as a joke, and not taken out of context (although some were probably written on a bad day).
Plagues are good and God knows this. Without them he couldn’t teach us how to stop them. — Jerry Myers
I don’t know how ‘real’ Noah was, or how real Jonah was either, but the signature of the Divine is all over their stories. Since I do things on a regular basis that defies the laws of physics, I can speak with some authority on the matter. — vtailor
Jesus rose from the dead – no Jew or Muslim did that. Please spare me the fact that Jesus was a Jew, which is true — duke32
Atheists are known for making absurd claims for which there is no documentation, or claims for which there is considerable documentation in the opposite directions. Or even claims for which there is absolutely no documentation and which all the documentation contradicts — Reese
You seem to be concentrating on all negative affects of infant mortality. As I said some babies are just to good to live in this world. — skii
All of man’s pre-Judaic philosophies predate the Bible — georgeann
In response to: If god exists, he could very easily provide evidence of that fact. This fact itself proves the existence of God, for if He did not exist, it would be very difficult for anything resembling Him to provide such evidence. — ernobe
In response to: Why do you assume the Bible is correct? Because if we don’t, then WHO WILL??? Something in this world has to be correct, why not the Bible? — radelster
Intolerance for other religions is a good thing. Especially if they are bad. — hlvawter
It is not, however, our job to persecute, as the lord reserves this right. — jlowrey539
One does not have to read well, one merely must believe; often the mentally challenged are quicker to believe than others. — Rosemond.com
Your belief is reality. I’ve yet to see anybody prove that reality exists. — Ted Seeber
Atheism is a bizaare claim. I percieve it the same as if someone told me they could not make themselves invisible. — Dr. Sinister
I love human beings. You are not a human being, so I have no consideration towards you. — John R.
look at the queen ant and you will see God in action. The queen ant is like God in a way with all the ants working to keep her alive. — patmine
The evidence for creation is so overwhelming that even God says that there is not one bit of an excuse for not seeing it. — Casey
First of all, BSA does not discriminate against atheists. If an atheist wishes to acknowledge God and to live by His teachings, he will be more than welcomed in. — Lester Phinney
All the suffering of all humanity throughout the history of Earth can’t even begin to compare to the suffering of just *one* lost soul. Any attempt to ease suffering on Earth is misguided. Those resources should be used to save souls. — Bill M
I don’t hate the inferior races. — Alex Vange
And in fact, what is objective reality anyway, other than a myth that some people called scientists decide to believe in. — Theodore Seeber
I have born no false witness. You have, with your twisting of scripture and reality of God in ancient times. Why should anyone listen to me? Because I am Christ, simple enough. — Dore Williamson
As for the ‘stories’ in the Bible. They are all true… at least those that have happened. — Jeremy Walker
I sincerely believe that if a monkey hits a keyboard randomly,he will no be able to produce a Shakespeare drama even if he keeps on hitting it for all eternity. I am so sorry if you Atheists think otherwise.If you do,it must be because you are evil and undoubtly deserve to be burnt in Hell for all eternity. — Arbiter
What don’t atheists like about OBEDIENCE? Is there any condition under which you could see yourself getting ON YOUR KNEES before another being and acknowledging that being as having ABSOLUTE authority to tell you what to do forever no matter what – and LIKE IT!? — Mr. GoodSalt
Atheists are stupid low life creatures. God doesn’t mind atheists, atleast for now, lol. The day of retribution hasn’t come yet. I hope it comes sooner, then i can watch all of them die! — giggi999
why do atheist so desperately try to hold on to reality? what are you afraid of? — s67c
I am not Mr. Goodsalt but I am going to answer this one anyway. Yes I would kill people that got in my way and were ruining my life if I knew I could get away with it. — Skypher
If you refute the Bible based on the fact that you don’t believe there is a God, then all the “proof” I could give to you would be useless, because it is all biblically based. — Light
If a person is firmly settled that there is no God, no Heaven, no Hell, and no final Judgement, then that person must necessarily be a monster of Stalinian stature. — Chris Vail
A being appearing in the shape of a cloud, above the White House, Bicentennial Day, is NOT a mircle?? — Yebedjiah Shetzic
You’re assuming that I would think being slaughtered was somehow bad. That would be your subjective opinion. Not everyone who is slaughtered thinks it is bad. — Skypher
I took 1st year high school algebra, which is all a person needs to know in order to prove Einstein and his disciples wrong. — Robert Winn
The mind can never follow the heart. It always tries to deceive people. Only when the mind is controlled and destroyed, can the heart truly shine. — brze
In response to a request to provide evidence for the existence of souls: Just because a ‘soul’ hasn’t been discovered doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The fact that is hasn’t been discovered in many many thousands of years of civilised human development must tell you how difficult it is to produce evidence – therefore asking for it from me is unreasonable. — altheim
A healthy fear of hell is probably one of the best things you can possibly instill in a person. — Mr. GoodSalt
In response to: Why do you believe what the bible says? Because it has contradiction. — Tony Chan
[Marital rape is] an oxymoron. — Doug
Genesis doens’t have to be “scientifically accurate”; instead, science must be “genesis-accurate.” For any scientific findings to be true, they must agree with Genesis – not the other way around. Any “scientific findings” that disagree with genesis are, by definition, in error, becuase Genesis is true. Scripture is the measuring stick, not stupid stuff that man thinks up. — Chris C
No one is really an atheist. They are just in denial, lying to themselves. In addition to a conscience, God also gave all humans the knowledge of His existence, with the proof in his creation. So those in denial choose to worship the creation instead of the creator, since they don’t want to acknowledge His existence. — Dennis Kikendall
Bzzt. A god who can, by definition, supersede logic may be (logically!) be expected to exist despite being logically impossible. — Tichy
You condemn homosexuals, and obviously do NOT realize that ALL sex is earthly LUST and SIN and anyone who indulges in sex of ANY kind, even with marriage partners, will NOT see heaven. — Dore
Whether God really exists or not; whether the religion is theistic or not; religionists have been achieving permanent happiness for quite some time now. They simply just DON’T suffer, even when bad things happen to them. — Bhakta Khang
I do not have any hard evidence that my faith is baseless, but I have been pressured since early childhood to conform, and I have been taught that hellfire and damnation is everlasting, and that God and the saints are all that is good, and certainly my faith today is due to my long effort to be a good person and gain the approval of my parents, relatives, wife and others. Certainly any change in my position now would be met with disbelief and hostility, and it would also fill me with terror. — Dave
Gravity is not a belief. It is a fact – providing one is on the planet earth. — Mousquetaire
I have no need to read pro-atheist books – I believe the reverse of their premise. — duke32
Evidence is your master, not mine. — Alan Wostenberg
In response to: You’re assuming your conclusion – that what Paul says is true because Paul says it. Well, yes of course. — Caiaphas
I approve of slavery and I would treat my slaves very nice. — skii
The ONLY reason you atheists don’t believe in creation is that you don’t believe in the Creator, and that’s no reason. That’s CIRCULAR reasoning, which you too often accuse creationists of. — John W
My God is a forgiving God. The reason that is true is because I want it to be. — News
I’m glad you agree, but the point is that the claim that babies shouldn’t be killed carries a burden of proof. — Tichy
talking about truth and such. If your goal is believing the truth you ought believe whatever happens to be true, whether or not it can be detected. — keith
Irrelevant!!! Even if you were to prove concusively that Christ never existed, we would still love Him and believe in Him. That’s the way love and faith are… — Pastor Frank
You are such an idiot. If you are nice to someone, most often they will be nice to you. It therefore makes sense to be nice to people. — Jim Scannell
“You want Evidence? OK…………. The truth of the matter is that the Bible tells us and the proof will be when He returns. Circular reasoning you may call it…………….Perhaps you are not allowed circular reasoning at University but the Bible is allowed to use it.. Why? Because the Bible is the Only writing that gives prophecies that will all come true………..” — Bethzur
Since my religion was the first true religion I can be sure that it is the true one. — Tsarkon
A huge part of the illeteratacy problem stems from the liberal agenda. — Jeff Strickland
I feel people in California,Japan,etc have a special hatred for God because they are stupid enough to build tall buildings in known earthquake zones, but that’s off the subject. Natural disasters don’t really bother me, it’s like the earth going to the bathroom – it just has too happen. I’m not a scientific genious but how can you blame disease on God when we’re the ones who pollute the earth, destroy the ozone, introduce vaccines which make disease more resistant, etc.? — Greendream
In response to: Why show your vast ignorance rooting around ancient books? You ask “Why?” I ask “Why not?” — david ford
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Veep: 10 Hilarious Amy Brookheimer Quotes That Were Just Plain Vicious
Amy Brookheimer was a complicated character. She had no illusions about the game of politics and could play it as well as the next person. She had a moral compass. She didn’t always follow it, but it was there. Mostly, though, she had no time for incompetence, idiocy, or anything that didn’t forward her goal of putting Selina Meyer in the Oval Office.
She did not suffer fools gladly. Unfortunately for her, fools surrounded her. She spent so much energy trying to save Selina from her own worst instincts, she didn’t have any left to prevent her from being brutally honest with those around her. This led to some truly wonderful rants and insults.
RELATED: Veep: The 5 Best Episodes (& The 5 Worst)
10 “You are like an earlobe. You’re just there, just wobbling.”
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One of the most incompetent people on Team Meyer was Communications Director Mike McClintock. Aside from Gary he’d been with Selina the longest, but he’d never been particularly good at his job. In the episode “Catherine”, he avoided making an announcement that he knew would be met unhappily. His continual reluctance drove Amy crazy. They finally laid down a concrete event where he had to make the announcement but when asked if he had informed people, he was still avoiding it, not wanting everyone to be angry at him. In the end, everyone still yelled at him, including Amy.
9 “Dan is a shit… He’s a massive and totally shit. When you first meet him, you think surely to God this man can’t be as big a shit as he seems, but he is.”
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Amy and Dan dated before Selina hired him in the first episode. Before Selina hired him, she wanted to find out more about him, so she asked Amy what she thought about him. Amy let her know immediately what she thought of Dan and held nothing back.
RELATED: Veep: 10 Selina Meyer Quotes That Represent All Of Us
Amy continued, “Because like if there were a book with covers made of shit, you’d think, ‘That’s intriguing. I wonder what’s in this book that they saw fit to give it covers made of pure shit.’ And then you open it and… shit.” Despite Amy’s vivid descriptor, Selina still invited Dan to join the team, and he more or less proved Amy right.
8 “You’re not even your mother’s favorite Jonah, Jonah.”
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With the amount of abuse he took in the show, Jonah would almost be a pitiable character. Instead, with everything he does and says, he just makes himself worthy of the bile thrown at him. The sole reason he worked at the White House is because his uncle Jeff owned the New Hampshire vote. But he acted as though he was the most powerful person in Washington.
As the White House liaison to the VP’s office, Selina’s team had to deal with him. But they didn’t have to like it. So when Jonah enters the office with, “Look who it is, everybody. It’s your favorite Jonah,” how else can Amy respond.
7 “Hello Leon. It’s always good to see the most left-swiped face on Tinder.”
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Amy tried to play nice with the press. She knew that staying on their good side was the smart thing to do. The one person she couldn’t really manage that with was Leon West. Working for the Washington Post, Leon had a huge audience. But he was also an enormous pain in the ass of Team Meyer. He always lurked, trying to catch them out on something.
Leon ambushed Amy in the grocery store, trying to get her to spill which of Selina’s staff members had called her a c***. (It turns out it was everyone, with the exception, of course, of Gary.) When he approached with an insult, she had to respond in kind. She couldn’t help herself.
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6 “She’s offering you vice president, you monument to vaginal dryness.”
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In the final season, Amy left Selina’s staff after being offered a better, more challenging job as Jonah’s campaign manager. Her years in Washington had taken any idealism she had left and ground it into a pulp. She didn’t believe in anything Jonah stood for, but she knew if she managed to have him be a real contender for president, her credentials in Washington would go way up.
Managing Jonah was an arduous task. He wouldn’t listen to anyone, he insulted everyone, and his most heinous ideas always took off with his base supporters. But he did have a strong base, which, in order to secure the nomination, meant that Selina had to offer him VP to get his numbers. But Jonah, as always didn’t understand what was going on, leading Amy to snap at him.
5 “You have three kids by two different men. Maybe your last word should have been, ‘no’.”
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Possibly the most contentious relationship in Amy’s life was that with her sister, Sophie. Other than sharing parents, the only other thing they had in common was an attraction to Dan. Very occasionally they got along for a short amount of time, but it always ended with them sniping at each other.
When their father had a health scare, Amy went to the hospital even though it’s during the mid-term elections. It turned out to be nothing, and Amy was frustrated that her sister made it seem like their father was dying. In their argument, Sophie accused Amy of always needed to have the last word. Amy certainly did in that fight.
4 “Gary, your inner child needs to grow an outer man.”
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For the most part, as long as they didn’t threaten her position in Selina’s administration, Amy got along with the rest of Team Meyer. That included Gary, who many others made fun of or ignored. Of her whole team, with the exception of Mike, they were with her the longest and were the closest to her. That being said, occasionally she would be frustrated with his meekness. When he avoids telling Selina about a painting that he had moved, leading to problems with Native Americans, Amy and Sue both tell him that he has to just do it.
3 “Were you sent from the future to destroy me? ‘Cause it’s working! ‘I think that each candidates has merits and demerits, and I don’t know my left butt cheek from my right butt cheek, but I believe in listening to both butt cheeks and farting out my asshole mouth.’”
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Amy never hated anyone the way she hated Karen Collins, an old friend of Selina’s who joined the campaign as advisor. Karen was infamously indecisive, never coming down on one side or the other. As Selina’s campaign manager, Amy kept trying to get Selina to make firm decisions, but she’d be swayed by Karen each time. Finally, when Doyle dropped out as Selina’s running mate, Amy tried to get her to ask Tom James as his replacement. Selina asked Karen’s opinion, and as always she equivocated.
Amy continued, “That’s not even bullshit. Bullshitting takes talent. You have none. You’re just a blah-blah-blah bitch.” An excellent take-down and something everyone had wanted to say.
2 “You are not Michael Jordan. You are a seven-foot-seven, goony-looking Lithuanian who’s going to drop dead of Marfan Syndrome.”
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Again the target of some of Amy’s most poisonous bile was Jonah. But he set her up perfectly. In Nevada, Amy and Dan tried to get a recount of the presidential votes as Selina lost by a very narrow margin. They were forced to take along Richard who had in depth knowledge of Nevada’s voting system, as well as Jonah, who had been regulated to Richard’s assistant. Jonah, of course, chafed at that, saying, “You guys have Michael Jordan sitting on the bench here, but you’re starting Hakeem Olajutwat.” Never has a Jonah insult been more deserved.
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1 “You have achieved nothing apart from one thing. The fact that you are a woman means that we will have no more women presidents because we tried one and she f***ing sucked.”
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In the same scene where Amy took down Karen Collins, she also turned on Selina. The fact that Anna Chlumsky didn’t win an Emmy for this scene alone was a travesty. For years Amy offered Selina sound advice only to have it ignored and then be blamed when things went wrong. She’d finally had enough and told Selina exactly what she thought of her on her way out.
The lead-in to the above quote was just as good. “You have made it impossible to do this job. You have two settings – no decision and bad decision. I wouldn’t let you run a bath without the Coast Guard and the fire department standing by, but here you are running the country. You are the worst thing that has happened to America since food in buckets. And maybe slavery.” Brilliant.
NEXT: Best Reaction Memes To Stranger Things Season Three
source https://screenrant.com/funny-amy-brookheimer-quotes/
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