#do you see those tattoos
spookyvalentine · 2 years
mass effect au: sports coach
During the nightmare on Akuze, N7 Mercy Shepard hears of a name--Cerberus. In the aftermath, Shepard joins Alliance Intelligence to lead the hunt for the terrorist group. Lately, children have been going missing from certain schools across the Citadel. Their next mission? Placed undercover at Presidium Academy as the new middle school coach
Nihlus, the high school coach, has never seen such a consistent turnout of parents to not just the games, but the practices too
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ART BY ‼️🔥 @naarisz 🔥‼️
canon, crime lord, white collar
fic under the cut!
When James makes it to the park to meet his commander, someone has beaten him.
“I hope to see you around more, coach,” says a quarian that he is nearly very certain is Admiral Shala’Raan. He’d never forget that throaty voice.
“Please,” Mercy says, dimpling. “The kids call me coach. I’m just Mercy to you.” 
“Mercy,” she purrs, it’s insane, really. She gives James lingering once-over as well. “I see someone wants your attention.”
It feels nice, how much they perk up when they notice him.
“James!” They greet, and sling an arm around his shoulders. It takes a lot to make him feel short, and Mercy does it easily and comfortably. “This is James. He’s the coach at Citadel Institute.”
Shala’Raan nods at him, and turns back to Shepard. “I look forward to Tali’s next game.”
“See you then, Admiral,” they reply with a smile.
“Bro, are you serious,” James hisses, uncertain if he’s about to shake his commander like a ramen seasoning packet, or continue gaping after the outrageous set of hips on the quarian aunty swaying off the sports field.
“You should come to one of my practices sometime,” Mercy laughs. “I think there are more parents than kids.”
James believes it, oh boy does he believe it, as Mercy stands in front of him gleaming like a shiny trophy under the floodlights. Being out in the artificial sun has darkened their skin and the freckles have multiplied. They’ve been growing their hair out for this role—brightening into a surfer blonde, and waving thickly to their shoulders.
He’s not even going to comment on their silky little shorts.
“I’ve got my own practices, remember?” James says. “But let’s switch schools, hey? You’ve got the one with all the hot parents.”
Mercy opens their mouth to respond, when James notices Dr. Solus and Dr. Chakwas escorting Jack.
They dart from his side, and runs for her. 
With a holler, they slide to their knees in time for Jack to fling her arms around their neck for a hug.
The two clutch at each other, and Jack looks incredibly tiny in Mercy’s big hands. 
Abruptly Mercy stands, bringing Jack with them. They hold her out by the armpits, with their long arms fully extended to beam up at her, like some Lion King shit—and then swings her around. 
Jack shrieks with delight. 
Some pebbles and bugs rise from the grass in little blue bubbles. 
Mercy guides her into some simple stretches as Jack babbles about her week with the doctors. They correct her form easily, and well, it’s a lot to see such a big body be so flexible. 
He watches as Mercy leads Jack into running a lap together, admiring his commander’s easy loping athleticism. Jack laughs, giggling and tripping a little when they hoot out with joy and starts running circles around her with the ball.
Every time Jack laughs, it’s like a sip of good, cold beer with a fat slice of lime after a hard workout. The first time they finally got that kid to warm up and crack a smile, was also the first time James saw his commander cry.
The pair passes the ball between each other, Jack copying Mercy’s increasingly elaborate tricks sometimes so seriously she locks up rather than be loose—but she’s improved a lot since that last time James saw the kid. 
“Shepard would do well in this career,” Dr. Solus says, as they watch Mercy divebomb Jack with a shout and scoop her up. “If chose to retire from intelligence. Is very good with children.”
And his commander does look right, as they jog up to James and the doctors with Jack sitting on their shoulders. Their hands wrap around the kid’s chubby shins entirely. 
“Time for nachos, yes?” Dr. Solus says, and briskly taps his fingers together 
“Nachos, nachos!” Jack chants, Mercy quickly joining in and bouncing.  
“That can’t be the only thing for dinner,” Dr. Chakwas says, smiling too much to pull off stern. “What else?”
“Mangonadas!” Jack hollers, grabbing fistfuls of Mercy’s hair, which they gamely accept with a wince. 
“Tamales!” She leans down and shouts into their ear. 
His commander has turned down their hearing aid in time, judging by their serene expression. 
“Which ones, mija,” James asks. Is this paternal pride? He would lay the world down at this kid’s feet. “¿Cuáles quieres?”
“De rajas,” Jack says with relish, nailing the accent. “Con queso.”
“I like the ones with raisins,” Mercy hums.
“We’ll get those too,” Jack reassures them, patting their cheeks with her little hands.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Hey, are y'all seeing this shit?
Phaya and Tharn in reality:
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gif by @firstmix
Phaya and Tharn in fantasy:
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Clearly Phaya had a very informative morning.
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adahlenan · 6 months
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        “ what you are, I was; what I am, you will be ”
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transmechanicus · 4 months
How to remove the words seratonin, dopamine, and oxytocin from the minds of people who take psych advice from unlicensed tiktokers. Bonus points if it takes the tattoos they got of the molecules bc they’re scientifically illiterate and think a chemical structure adds legitimacy to their pseudoscience.
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ravenxbones · 1 year
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next up in my revamped kj designs: jet star!! 💫
she is so important to me… the space puppy tattoo is partially because of @eggbagelz’ headcanon which i saw and thought “oh definitely jet would LOVE laika” and the design is (with permission) one of my lovely friend @andpierres’ tattoo flash designs and tattoo tickets are available on his kofi if YOU would like to have a space puppy tattoo on your own skin! :)
as with the last two posts, untextured version under the cut for cleaner details and accurate colors!
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ovcii-doodles · 9 months
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[REDACTED]: You're writing down an awful lot there. Counselor: Just my observations. Does this evaluation make you...anxious?
washed hands interview my beloved
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Welp I have some incredibly kind mutuals so I went and finished(?) that Nicky sketch from the other day lol. :] Mostly the same but I gave him some silly little tattoos and bling (and sweatpants- I can't draw clothes for the life of me but he deserves to be cozy lol)
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Also bonus repost of an old Taylor doodle lmao ignore the eraser marks pleeease
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astralprisms · 1 month
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Was wondering why this particular gith face always feels like it suits baldness best and then I realized it IS in fact Orpheus' face model, Orph just has different unique ears.
Anyway welcome back, dreadwolf.
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#he almost had purple-blue eyes but I've wanted to use that pink on *someone*#I have vague plans for a gith from creche y'llek who was the first gith to be shown mercy by ko'kuu#think I might use him for that#blasting him with the agonizing chronic pain beam. sorry#might call him solir which is funny because it's actually the name of a sun god in one of my homebrew campaigns#but that could work for a gith born in the monastery basement of the morninglord's temple#also: cleric. for fun and profit.#realized the orph thing when I also made him yellow RIP oh well. maybe he'll be sympathetic to orpheus' plight finally#not playing him yet I have too many other characters on the docket at the moment but I keep turning his concepts around in my head#so I wanted a visual to go with#doubly glad I didn't go with the spots ko'kuu has because I think Orph has the same ones underneath those tattoos#but I like the concept of recognition as sympathy in that sense: why ko'kuu fought for him; why he might in turn fight for orpheus#hmm#we'll see#I also wanted to see what Xa'rok looked like with these spots on because in my brain they have spots on their neck (more along the sides)#but I wasn't convinced#alas#I also like that one spot pattern with the spots on the chin.#also considered a body 1 gith for this concept but again the faces vex me. I think the only face I like is the first one#I'll have to play Kresh's guardian sometime because she's pretty#I almost gave him that same tattoo because it's fun to see which tattoos go all the way up into the hair that you don't normally see#but I was adamant about leaving his face bare because I NEVER do#oh god I don't want to play a second warlock (lii'r'ai is a warlock) but this guy making a pact in the hopes of mitigating his pain... hmm#unaligned cleric/cleric of morninglord to cleric of ilmater or loviatar (once he learns about them) to warlock could be fun...#my tavs#rook's ramblings
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aroaceleovaldez · 11 months
hello i believe you asked to be reminded about petalpressed? that sounds very interesting do explain
Hello yes! okay so rundown of Petalpressed:
In general, Petalpressed is an AU template I created that focuses on flower symbolism. It's like a combo hanahaki and soulmate tattoos au, except only taking the best parts of both. So everybody has a "living" tattoo somewhere on their body of a plant (or plant-adjacent, it's very broad - so fungi, lichens, algae, etc also count). The plant, in some way, represents or symbolizes the individual, usually via flower language, though it's totally a personalized thing so you can get as funky with it as you want. It can be absolutely anywhere on their body (face/head, back, legs, etc), take up a completely random amount of space (tip of finger vs entire torso, etc), and it will change based on the state of the individual.
Okay rest including PJO-ification under the cut cause this got long:
For example, when the person is a baby their tattoo will appear as just a seed or bulb or whatever is applicable for that plant. The plant will also probably be semi-ambiguous at that point or change plant types as babies don't really have a ton of defining traits. By the time they start settling into being an individual they'll get a more clear plant and it will most likely stay that for the rest of their lives, unless they experience a major shift in their identity that would cause it to change. It also is unlikely to change locations on the body unless for the same reason. The plant will also reflect the person's physical or emotional state, such as wilting if they're very sick or upset, blooming if they're extremely happy, etc etc. Some people may also have generalized versus specific tattoos, such as general "roses" rather than "roses of a specific color" in which case their tattoo may change colors to match mood/plant language associated with that specific color of the plant/or just at random, depending on person.
The soulmate/hanahaki thing comes in when the person develops romantic feelings or enters a mutual romantic relationship (specific because i'm aroace so I like including normalization of not having a partner, even QPP - there's still leeway there though with how individuals categorize "romantic" and obviously it's a template so there's freedom to mess with it). If they have a crush they may start coughing up the plant or parts of the plant associated with that person, though it doesn't cause them any physical harm. Does the coughing-up-petals thing go away once the relationship is reciprocated or is it just a thing that Happens When You're In Love Sometimes At Random? Who knows. You decide. If they enter a mutual romantic relationship with someone, their partner's (or partners') plants or a part of their plants will appear beside their own, and will change depending on the state of the relationship or partner's physicality or emotions. If their relationship is going well, the plant may bloom, if it's going poorly it may wilt, etc, and same if the partner(s) are upset/sick/etc. If the relationship breaks off or is no longer reciprocated the secondary plant will disappear, and if it left a particularly strong impact on the individual, residual parts of the partner/partners' plant(s) may be left behind, such as leaves, seeds, or petals. It depends on the person/relationship if those remnants will ever go away or how long it may take.
"Plant compatibility" is totally a horoscope-type thing in this universe alongside stereotypes of types of plants, and that's where the "soulmate" concept comes in. It is up to discretion if it is actual soulmates or just coincidental, but in-universe there is an idea of "If you share an exact plant with somebody, you are soulmates." Again, re: horoscope thing, here it could totally just be a coincidental thing based on "If you share a plant that is meant to symbolize you, chances are you have similar personalities and so will get along." There may be people with the total opposite perspective - "Don't date someone with the same plant" because maybe having similar personalities means you'll totally clash. Those concepts probably co-exist in practicality. Lots of variety. Also totally up to customization if the plants have to be local to where the person's from or be from anywhere or how much you want to stretch the definition of "plant" or etc etc. Lots of fiddling options.
I do have a sideblog for it as a more generalized template - @petal-pressed. Since it's a template, it's meant to be applicable to any fandom and totally free to use, and I occasionally post prompts on that blog. And again, the template intentionally lots of room for fiddling and freedom.
Anyways the PJOification of all of this:
"What ships are this au" Whatever's funniest/most dramatic in the moment. Go wild. Make your own variations or whatever.
Everybody's plants: (subject to change)
Percy & Annabeth - Bluebells (They match) - Annabeth's on arm where she got stabbed, Percy on small of back.
Grover - False goat's beard, placement undecided
Piper - Anemone (plant not animal), placement undecided
Jason - Forget-me-nots, right forearm
Leo - Hydrangea, placement undecided
Hazel - Clover, possibly forearm
Frank - Undecided but Snapdragons maybe, possibly forearm
Reyna - Jonquil, possibly forearm
Nico - Dandelions, wrist
Will - Sunflowers, side of torso/back
Luke - Originally Lilacs on face, changes to Rhododendron and spreads to shoulder/armpit.
Thalia - Eastern White Pine, placement undecided
Calypso - Undecided but Hibiscus or Zinnia maybe, placement undecided
I have some other notes for other characters but theyre all very noncommittal
I made a lot of random moodboards for this au but since they were just for personal use I don't have the credits for the images and so will not post those. If people are interested I might take requests to make new ones though. They're quite fun for me to make.
And random doodles - The first one is an extremely old one that was just me fiddling with random designs + cameo Solangelo to show off how the plant tattoos might look
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And then some more recent ones:
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I usually do aro/ace Leo for these aus, so here's him pretending to cough up plants as if he had a crush ^
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and some silly Jasico ^
Some other misc fun notes I had for random things:
"Is this canon-verse au or non-canon-verse?" you may be asking. The answer is. Depends. You decide. Again this is not a fully fledged singular au it's just me rotating a template in my brain and it happened to be formed around PJO initially.
Because Percy and Annabeth both have bluebells as their flower, when Percy disappears and loses his memory, both he and Annabeth can't tell if they have only their own flowers or the flowers of two people and it totally freaks them out.
Also because they share flowers, when Nico has his crush on Percy and is thus coughing up bluebells, people presume he has a crush on Annabeth because those are her flowers too. He's not having a great time.
One variant of the thoughts my friends and I brainstormed for Jason was that he and Reyna were dating before he disappeared, and when he lost his memory it also made Reyna's flowers disappear from his tattoo completely. It took longer for Jason's flowers to fade from Reyna's tattoo and she just got to watch Jason's flowers change depending on his state wherever he was until they disappeared too.
Nymphs are obviously pretty one-for-one with their plant. If they even have tattoos is up to you. Either way this does mean Lavinia is coughing up poison oak though so she's having a bit of a rough time. She thinks it's totally worth it though. The coughed-up plants don't really hurt you as bad as the actual plant might, if at all, so she's fine in general.
I had other thoughts too but i'm forgetting.
uhh anyways yeah i think that's about it. woo flower au.
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michameinmicha · 3 months
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He's trying to quit smoking now
OC Nick from the other day
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deltastorm101 · 9 months
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some late night sketchy stuff i've been kinda proud of recently
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empress-hancock · 11 months
People like easy symbols too much I see too many fandom tattoos that, lore wise, make little sense or are antithetical to the message of the story and/or characters that people are trying to show their appreciation of through the tattoo.
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
I kinda wanna bring up sicanje again
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moodr1ng · 1 year
i think its so annoying whenever ppl r reposting "aesthetic" pics of dainty thin lined pastel colors little tattoos and someone says "this would not hold up after healing/in a few years" and everyone goes "oh so youre the fun police!! who cares!! its what they want!! dont be a hater!" etc etc like.. its called information? sure the tattoo is already on the person and thats a done thing and maybe they know its gonna fade and the whites are gonna look yellow-grey and the colors are gonna blur together and its gonna be an unreadable mess and maybe theyre fine w that. but the thing is youre posting all types of pics of these brand new tattoos that still look fresh saturated and perfect and that makes ppl think its gonna actually look like that, and we know very well many ppl dont do enough research before getting a tattoo to know that it wont stay like that. its perfectly fair to point out "this style of tattoo looks good at first but it does not stay like this long term" and people should probably do it more so that those getting them dont do it under the impression that the quality is gonna remain..
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binch-i-might-be · 7 months
those fineline tattoo motherfuckers are so annoying. "oh you think fineline tattoos don't age well?! let me show you this INCREDIBLE PROOF THAT THEY DO!" [fineline tattoo with the caption "1,5 years healed"]
show me one that's twenty thirty forty years old and then we can talk babe 🫶
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byanyan · 8 months
actually ngl, i have been playing with the idea of byan, at some point in their fledgling verse, probably years down the line, eventually coming to work at some shitty little 24 hour tattoo shop
#you know... one of those places that's not the best quality or anything & kinda targeted at people who're drunk and/or spontaneous#where u can walk in and get a tattoo started in under 5 mins bc ur just picking smth kinda generic#or even bringing in a pinterest tattoo to have them copy completely#and byan's like. probably one of the few there who at least makes it their own interpretation bc they hate just copying#and their work is a lot more colourful & fun bc everyone else there sees it as more of 'just a job' than smth their passionate about or w/e#they're* passionate about smh what is spelling#but like. come on. vampire tattoo artist? pretty cool. u can't tell me otherwise#but also they'd be scrambling for smth to make their undeath worth living u know#doing smth they're passionate about and maybe making a bit of money out of it would help a little#god but imagine walking in half drunk to get a tattoo and seeing what looks like this 18 y/o kid working there adhgjsg#just fully babyfaced... lookin like they should be going to school in the morning and everything#like they don't even look old enough to be able to get a tattoo without a parent's permission but here they are givin em to other people#just an idea I'm considering u know how it goes#anyway kinda exhausted after not the best day so I thinkkkkkk I'm skipping drafts again tonight sorry :x#gonna try this whole crochet thing again lmao adhgjsg#━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ ooc ⋮ don’t @ me.#━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ verse: fledgling.
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