#doctor carmilla and the mechanisms
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Propaganda under the cut.
Mabel Pines:
There's an entire episode where Mabel's arc is about how being pure of heart is actually a social construct and it ends with her declaring "Today I learned that morality is relative."
Raphaella la Cognizi:
She’s a scientist! She’s a little unethical times, but it’s all in the name of science, so certainly it must be okay. She sails on a spaceship called the Aurora with a crew of space pirates who sing about tales that they’ve both witnessed and potentially played a part in. She also has an absolutely gorgeous singing voice.
she does all of the science. all of it. yeah some of the stuff she's done is unethical but sometimes that's what's needed for information! also she has wings and can sing really well (listen to the mechanisms im begging). and then she jumped into a black hole when she died which is just a cool as hell way to die honestly. also she's an immortal space pirate and plays the keyboard. or uh. past tense because canonically she's dead. but also canonically the crew exists outside of chronological time which means she's alive in my heart forever <3
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chaoticmannamedoliver · 11 months
Random The Mechanisms Headcannon number god knows what
jonny bastardly d'ville man stole the black and red nail look from doctor carmilla when they met for the first time
(I don't ALWAYS headcannon this, but rn i definitely do)
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nerointhecorner · 6 months
"we need more morally gray/evil women!!" you could not handle gertrude robinson or doctor carmilla
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Happy fuck you and your train Friday, to all my friends who celebrate
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captainsvscaptains · 6 months
Battle of the Captains
Round 4 Poll 4
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anxiouslittlepossum · 10 months
How To Calm an Angy First Mate By Doctor Carmilla
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 7 Poll J
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No antipropaganda on my polls please
"But op this isn't a flower name" : read this
Carmilla comes from the Hebrew for garden, orchard
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(Orchard and strawberries)
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tnt-tourney · 10 months
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ROUND ONE -- Kermit and Miss Piggy VS. The Mechanisms (Jonny d'Ville, Ashes O'Reilly, DrumBot Brian, Gunpowder Tim, Raphaella la Cognizi, Marius von Raum, Ivy Alexandria, Nastya Rasputina, The Toy Soldier, Doctor Carmilla, and The Aurora)
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the-suns-a-tube · 4 months
Fandoms love flip flopping, where once the main interpretation was of an abusive Carmilla, now commenting on her characters flaws gets you called out for slander (politely called out, no hate to that individual I respect u greatly <3)
ANYWAY. My Opinion on Carmilla. She is Morally better than the mechanisms, and her intentions were good, however the relationship between her and her immoral children WAS ABUSIVE. In both directions.
I shall look at all Cannon Interactions between Carmilla and the mechs:
-Carmilla specifically never starved them for THAT long
-Carmilla installed a morality switch into brian. (the mechs claim it was for cruel entertainment purposes, I do not believe them)
-Carmilla did not bioprograme the mechs
-The Mechs airlocked Carmilla "Lots"
-Carmilla didn't leave through the airlock the last time
-The Mechanisms are described as "on the run" from carm
-"it always ends like this" refering to Jonny panicking as Carmilla drugs him in homestuck
Its common for the mechs to be violent towards each other, but that seems more like banter to me. With Carmilla its different because thats a parental figure grasping for control over her children she loves, inflicting violence to keep them in line. The Mechanisms Inflict it back, airlocking her and trying to get away from her because they see her as impeding on their freedom.
The Mechs assume Carmilla made the morality switch for entertainment because their own motivations for doing anything are for entertainment. I think they see carmillas modivations as Trying to control them, hold power over them, when her actual motivations were to stop them from hurting people.
The Relationship between Carm and the Mechs was an unhealthy power struggle between individuals who love eachother but were ultimately too at odds with eachother's morals to ever work out a healthy situation. In the end Carmilla realized it was for the best if they parted ways.
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thiscatisbisexual · 10 months
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[ID: a digital drawing of Dr. Carmilla holding a bloody knife, with hands forming a broken halo around her head. Dr. Carmilla is a vampire, a woman of color with short red hair, wearing a white kimono with pink flowers, and a black vest. She is looking at the viewer with intense glare, and half her face is dark. In one hand she holds a bloodied tantō knife, defensively, and in the other hand she holds a silver cane. Around her head there is a broken golden halo, held by the Mechanisms' hands. Clockwise, the hands are: Ivy Alexandria, Ashes O'Reilly, the Toy Soldier, Nastya Rasputina, and Drumbot Brian. Some hands hold the halo with a flat palm, while others appear to be reaching to Carmilla. There is another hand grasping Carmilla by the sleeve of her kimono, Jonny D'Ville's. The grasp is aggressive, but there is golden light of the halo shining from his fist. The background is dark, the halo casts golden light on Carmilla. End ID]
Dr. Carmilla the love of my life <3
Wanted to finish this for the last day of @drcarmillaappreciationweek but alas I was struck by the demons. This piece was originally part of the "mechs with swords" series that never saw the light of day, but this one specifically I loved a lot, so I'm happy I had an excuse to finish it.
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Propaganda under the cut.
Doctor Carmilla:
She’s literally the coolest person alive. But fr, she turned her gf into a vampire to stop her from dying of a chronic illness, gf turned abusive so Doc C killed her, fled her home planet and went to space where she was lonely so she created the mechanism, a space crew of immortal pirates. Doc found people who’s bodies broke, replacing one part of them with a mechanism that would keep them alive forever (with consent kind of??). She medically experimented on them and for millennia they roamed the galaxies together on the star ship aurora (a sentient moon-turned-space-ship who is in a loving relationship with one of the mechanisms, nastya rasputina whose mechanism is mercury blood). The doc hated her creations and what they did (mass murder and all that good shit), so she left. She gets such a bad rep in the mechs fandom. People will infantilize the mechanisms while villainizing The Doc. That’s not the story and she realized what she had done to the mechs and left and this is a terrible explanation but i love her sm and i wouldn’t even mind if she turned me into an immortal space pirate.
shes a girlboss plain and simple. shes an abused child who lost her closest friend and decided if she couldnt be the hero shed be the villain. she beat up her abuser and became the top commander of the evil army, just under its leader. she tried to kill her ex best friend sooooooo many times. she briefly found solace in the desert but everything came undone and she ended up activating a portal that would destroy the world. she lived briefly in paradise but things went wrong and she tried to kill her ex best friend again. these two are SO homoerotic just to be clear like its genuinely insane. she became consumed by her work and lost her few real connections in the horde. she sent her friend to beast island to die. she hired a hot shapeshifter who betrayed her and her abandonment issues only escalated. shes deeply compelling and sympathetic. she got abducted and joined the evil space empire. she betrayed them. she got mind controlled. her ex best friend saved her. she saved the universe with the power of kissing her gf who was dying of poison. she did a lot of atrocities while she was being the teenage commander of an army trying to take over the world. shes super girlboss. shes snarky as fuck. i love her deeply. vote catra
She qualifies because she is the most morally ambiguous but she did it all out of love for the woman she loves. She's the best there is.
Did not give a SHIT that the evil invading force she worked for was evil even though she 100% knew. Instead of escaping she thought 'How do I make this worse for literally everybody including myself?' and then she did that.
poor little meowmeow who tried to destroy reality bc she has mommy issues. deserves to win bc she is a lesbian and she is so so hot
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Doctor carmilla, my beloved♡
I ain't 100% happy with her- but it's good enough to post
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secretlyhuntokar · 7 months
you WILL like these space pirates you WILL Listen to every song, you WILL read every bit of fiction, you WILL Look at every picture, you WILL Watch every recording of past liveshows, you WILL Know all the lore
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One Eyed Jacks, everything is the same except instead of the dramatic harmonica solo after Johnny kills his dad, it’s a kazoo
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Spspspspsps i have a treat reference for you. Doctor carmilla for downtime.
[Do not repost or use any of my art without permission.]
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ender-of-the-sender · 16 days
How to become a character in The Mechanisms!
Blow up / want to blow up the / a moon
Be a lesbian in love with a ship
Gun turrets?
Kill your parents / be an orphan
Use They/Them pronouns
Be British
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