#doctor kelly scarlet hollow
1emon-ice · 4 months
I’d like to request ur fav Scarlet Hollow character!! :3
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Me to Joan: “Did you just say you were interested in my body? Should should we go someplace private?"
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ghostface001 · 2 years
Unless some new fucked up details come to light about their relationship, I will be a Dr. Kelly defender till the day I die. Don't misunderstand, she is a horrible mother, but holy shit can you imagine being a single parent with the (alleged) jersey devil as your kid 😭 I will always save her in my playthroughs
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red-revival · 3 months
Gotta say I really admire the dedication to the concept of "horror game where you can flirt with people" being so strong as to also let you flirt with the horrors
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hellhoundmaggie · 1 year
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abby-howard · 2 years
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More previews of what’s to come in episode 4....
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omegafallon · 1 year
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a packed house
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voice-of-the-dumbass · 3 months
When the worlds at stake from trail to Oregon the musical is very Joan Kelly coded tbh
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vilnan · 2 years
you can flirt with wayne............... inchresting
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zaffrestars · 1 year
I have so many scarlet hollow thoughts and theories... it's such a good game. I cannot recommend it enough. The characters are all interesting and multi dimensional and the possible relationships are so dynamic. Please play it if you get a chance.
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bestdeadbeatmilf · 6 months
Round One, Bracket Two
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Propaganda under the cut!
The Queen:
PLEEEAAASEEEE this is a prime example of good intentions alone not saving anything. shes barely ever around for her son but shes sooo sexy abt it.
Dr. Joan Kelly:
milf doctor, makes her own medicine! (spoilers) well maybe it's actually poison to try and suppress her son's werewolf-like transformations and she has seriously questionable ethics but you can't say she's not competent. and if you're hot and understanding you can totally definitely maybe fix her
Extra notes: she is romanceable in game! canonically sexy! had an immaculate conception after romantic sleep paralysis dreams!
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royal-misfit · 8 months
So I finished a playthrough of the current Scarlet Hollow episodes and I'm pretty sure Sybil is up to something. I don't know what exactly, but something's strange about her.
She definitely knows what's up with Wayne and Reese. Wayne apparently has been standing outside her home at night (at least until the Player Character arrived) and I'm 99% sure she gave Doctor Kelly the Ricin for Reese.
During the tea reading she claims to see a ton of portents of doom and insinuates that someone close to you is trying to harm you. However, if you have the Mystic trait and try to read the leaves yourself, you don't see anything.
Plus the way she "suggests" Kaneeka take a rest when you and her were looking for Stella felt very off.
I don't trust her. She hasn't done anything "bad" yet, but my gut is telling me that she's up to something.
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clementinescarlet · 8 months
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Spoilers for Scarlet Hollow ahead!!
So I, admittedly, am cheating a little bit and am going to canonically have Clementine achieve the golden ending for chapter 4 despite not having the correct trait. My main reasoning is 'because I can' but also because the other choices just don't feel like something Clementine would do. She definitely doesn't think it's a good idea to let Reese kill Dr. Kelly (she is the town's only doctor, among other things) but she so genuinely believes he is not inherently dangerous that locking him up is out of the question. She may not have the confidence or charm of the Hot trait, but she is incredibly stubborn and very angry on Reese's behalf. He also had several chances to kill her if he really wanted to, and yet here she stands.
She's going to prove he's not dangerous and then tell Dr. Kelly "told ya so" right to her face.
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hellhoundmaggie · 1 year
Any predictions for the next SH episode? I just finished chapter 4 and wellll... considering Wayne might be living in the Forbidden Wing, I think he might try to lock us in there to keep us out of trouble?
It would be neat if, based on who you've been hanging out with, your friends try to rescue you, OR a supernatural event happens and you miss it if you don't get out fast enough!
Based on comments Wayne makes if you talk to him at the end of Ep 4, he is past trying to stop us from investigating. He knows we are supernaturally drawn to The Plot and can’t be stopped, so he’s resolved himself to being our bodyguard. He even suggested we investigate the Estate and learn about the Scarlets ourselves at the end of the episode.
Therefore I think Ep 5’s main daytime activity will involve us doing just that. Tabby will be dealing with the strike — and probably with the unearthing of Becka and Alexis in worldstates where they were left in the mines — so will not be available to help us, but many of our other friends will. Wayne will be the default investigative companion, but we’ll have the option to call on one other member of the gang to help us instead. It’s an exploration date!
We will also deal with the fallout of the Reese situation: visiting him in the forest in worldstates where he is alive and free, or visiting Doc and/or a locked-up Reese in the clinic. We might also have an amputee Rosalina develop an infection that requires a doctor’s care — a major downside of worldstates where the town’s only physician is dead! We might also get some expository dialogue from Oscar, who has been researching the Seals. Good job research buddy!
Then there comes the evening event, which I believe will take place at the church and involve Tulip’s “rat” “friends,” along with Kaneeka awakening to her burgeoning magical power. The major choice will be letting Sybil drain her daughter for some kind of greater good — this would also de-age Sybil into a hottie, facilitating her romance — freeing Kaneeka from her mother’s control and allowing future badness to happen, or using Mystical to maintain the magic without sacrificing Kaneeka.
I’m sure of one thing: there are plenty of surprises left in store for us!
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jpriest85-blog · 2 years
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"Valintina: You need to get your son some therapy. I don't think he's okay.
Dr. Kelly: Thanks for the advice. But I don't trust the field of psychiatry. And therapist are just wannabe psychiatrist so they're even worse. Just a bunch of thoroughly damaged people trying to help other thoroughly damaged people. I'd rather not subject my son to any more supposed professional opinions."
Valintina, about to snap because on top of the very traumatic past few days her 4+ years of studying psychology are being dismissed: Am I just a fucking joke to you?!
Some screen shots from my latest playthrough of Scarlet Hollow. After finishing episode 4, Dr. Kelly being so dismissive of therapy is very darkly ironic, not only because she often complained about folks in the Hollor not bothering to see a doctor until it's too late, but this whole situation with her son could have been avoided if Dr. Kelly was just honest with Reese about his "condition" and getting him some anger management therapy to help cope with his feelings and possibly not turn into a murderous nightmare Beast. Also there is the fact this happened in one of Valintina's saves, where she romanced Reese, so the fact she still wants to kiss the tortured artist despite multiple red flags and failed attempts at matricide, makes her a bit of a hypocrite too.
The sad thing is that despite the fact Dr. Kelly and Vivian were close friends, I headcanon Vivian had the opposite response to dealing with Valintina when she started showing signs of being sensitive to the supernatural. She actually took the time to have Valintina see doctors and talk to someone when the things she saw frightened or upset her, and she believed Valintina when she told her mother about how her "imaginary friends" might not be entirely imaginary. Vivian knows better than anyone that the Scarlet family is haunted by very real ghosts, even if they both left the estate.
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omegafallon · 1 year
Reese blushes and smiles when you call his mom hot and that's so important to me
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mochidreambubble · 2 years
Desire to Take a Bite out of You
Something about a Beauty taming a Beast… You could call it a cliché but it happens time and time again for a reason, no?
[didn't post it here originally but here, my self indulgent Reese fic cause when the newest update released I had lost my mind. AO3 version here.
Spoilers up to Episode 4 of Scarlet Hollow Episode 4 has me in a chokehold. Also probably OOC for Reese because I’m trying to hold back on purple prose but that is asking a lot from me. Almost all dialogue is lifted directly from in-game text (This was torture for I had to keep referencing in game dialogue lmao)]
With the doc fussing a great deal in the clinic above, Reese just stares into the ceiling as music blasts through his speakers. His phone that rests next to his head, sharing the lumpy space, has lit up with activity a great deal the past several hours. It’s from Stella. He should be keen on reading what she has to say, being the only friend for a long while that keeps in touch with him at all but
just so
tired, down to his very bones
and those bones are yelling at him, screaming to move and to stretch but into what he doesn’t know and he just wants to keep laying there but he needs to get up he’s just stuck here
Reese relents, at last, to read the wall of text Stella’s messages had accumulated to. Calls were one thing, but Stella tended to text more intensely - message after message if she could, in terms of her updates. 
Almost all of it, in between what could almost be strung coherently like a B-grade horror flick plot, was about the only other Scarlet apart from Tabitha to currently walk the Earth. He actually can’t tell if she’s just excited to make a new friend or if there are some hints of a developing crush because she does seem taken with the guy.
Stella did have a history for dating Scarlets, even if the only one prior was Tabitha - that and she didn't tell Kaneeka or him. But he didn't think they were hiding it that well. Though comparing him to his cousin, from what she’s been explaining, he pegs the new guy in town as a lot less sour - heck, even friendly. There’s this odd sense that she’s skirting around talking about what this guy looks like for whatever reason. He tries to paint a picture in his mind of haunted eyes amidst a friendly face, but every Scarlet he got the chance to meet or see past pictures off were all so dreary. Maybe, despite being from out of town, or maybe because they were a Scarlet born out of Scarlet Hollow, that they morphed into looks so unearthly that no words could describe them. And Stella was just too nice to speak of it?
It would be interesting, Reese concludes, something worth getting up to see if he had the chance to. Stella talks quite extensively of him but has yet to offer up a picture of any kind after all. 
He sleeps, dreams of finally leaving this prison of a house.
* * *
He gets his flippant wish, and part of him wishes to turn back time if only to make one with more serious thought
a key for his cage maybe
but he’s ecstatic - even if he can only express it in the mildest way possible - to see Stella and Kaneeka again; to finally have company aside from just his mom and the silence of the ever-changing guests at the morgue. His mom had told him that they were dropping by for dinner with said Scarlet stranger. He tells her his name is Ashe and gives the most noncommitted sound of acknowledgement she can. He supposes maybe she doesn’t think it’s worth remembering for long, since he was only here till the funeral before he likely dips for good, never to return to this sorry state of a town. 
He tries not to be glued to the entrance, the doc fussing how he’s going to wear himself out and that the outside warmth would swelter him and the dozen over effects of why and how and everything. But he’s close enough to hear when they arrive.
“..What if Doctor Kelly yells at us?”
And he stifles a laugh. He hears Stella good-naturedly reply to Keneeka, even giving his own mom the benefit of the doubt that it was all fine and dandy that they were here a little early because they were there to hang with him after all. Makes him feel a little guilty them for delaying looking at her messages and updates. She really was a good friend. 
He opens the door just as Kaneeka interjects, and he holds back the already rising laugh - he’s actually not sure the doc would react well if it devolves into a coughing fit. It would end the night early and he would hate that after he finally gets the chance to see other people again. 
He makes sure to take in the sight of both his childhood friends, holy hell it feels like it’s been too long, and…
Oh fuck.
He takes the few insane milliseconds that quickly tick by that his friends used to greet him back to go through an inner state of panic cause what the fuck Stella how hard is it to tell him the new guy was a siren on land, a work of art a little warning would have been nice actually fuck he should say something
“You must be Ashe, right?” He offers a small smile and Ashe immediately retaliates with a bright one. “I’ve heard a lot about you. Stella’s been relentless about making sure I got all the Ashe updates.”
Gretchen starts getting huffy in Stella’s arms, her owner gently trying to calm her nerves. The poor pup never really liked coming here, and he’s a little surprised Stella still brought her along. His mom never lets pets in the house - near him especially. 
“Hope she’s been saying good things,” Ashe gives a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Reese gets the feeling Stella would nudge him if she wasn’t trying to calm the restless Gretchen in her arms. “Please, I’ve just been thorough on our misadventures, and if those include unsavoury details about you, that’s on you, dude.”
She throws a wink his way and Ashe laughs with a little more vigour. Kaneeka rolls her eyes and gives Reese a pointed look, doing her best to 
His mom rushes to the door at last, clearly in a worried and displeased huff that they were early. 
Several minutes of tense small talk between his friends, the stranger and his mom, the visiting trio found themselves in his basement room. He tries not to just focus on the newcomer; his friends whom he hasn't seen face to face in forever were visiting after all. Who knows when the next time this would happen would even be. But he still peaks at Ashe from the corner of his eye, the teen who dressed in sleek monochrome studying his work so intently. It makes his heart dance and tremble. Perhaps he should have laid out his best work…
Stella pulls him back, she and Kaneeka spending minutes in conversation with him. You told them to make themselves comfortable while the newcomer continues to study Reese’s works. He's happy that his friends are here of course. Of course he is, but there's this great impatience there too. He can only be disappointed in himself but
hunger just a bite. you deserve it you want to sink your teeth into his pale neck and to lick the wound close and have him curl against you to rely on you wouldn't that be nice to be all he needs
“Your art…”
The three of them turn to Ashe who was meeting their gaze, his eyes in some form of contemplation as he gently brushes his fingers against the frames of the canvas. “I feel the emotion you put into these… They’re writing, just behind the paint, radiating pain and anguish.”
Oh. Oh he understood.
behind the paint, they yearn to pull him in, drag him so he remains here, forever immortalised
He walks over to the lithe young man. “I know what you mean. I feel it, too.”
Part of him wants to slap himself. Of course he would know, these were his paintings after all. He continues, if only to quickly pretend he didn’t say that. “When I’m working on them it's like I’m channelling whatever’s plaguing me into the paint, and when they’re done I feel like I’ve been emptied out, and all the vile things inside of me have been sealed away in the canvas.”
Ashe turns to him now, investing, transfixed even by his words. Kaneeka and Stella seem to browse around his room, trying not to interfere. So Reese continues. “It’s why I make so many of them. Sometimes, when I return to a piece, it’s almost like I’m offering an invitation for those feelings to slither back under my skin…”
The newcomer looks slightly mournful as the words pour out from Reese. “There are some pieces I can’t even look at. I hide them until I forget they exist. I’d rather not let those particular feelings back in.”
Kaneeka chimes in, a reminder that it was not just the two of them in the room. “Sounds kind of like… Therapy? That seems… Healthy, probably…?”
“Yeah, art therapy!” Stella’s chipper voice joins in. “Sounds like it does you good. Being empty must be better than being full of bad thoughts, right?”
“I think so. It works for me, at least.”
There’s a glint in Ashe’s eyes, slightly playful and enticing inviting. ��If you ever need a model, I’m here ‘til Monday.”
It was like his heart was suddenly caught in his throat. “Th-That would be amazing. Though I should warn you, I work odd hours… I don’t usually pick up a brush until late at night.”
He doesn’t seem deterred by Reese’s words, and he feels confident to ask, trying his best to sound… Flirtatious? Hopeful?
“But if that’s not a dealbreaker, it would be incredible to have such a…” He tries not to fluster or blush, it would be so obvious on his pale visage. “Captivating model. I look forward to the company, and I hope I can do your likeness justice.”
“Late hours don’t bother me,” Ashe smiles, and Reese can understand why foolish sailors were drawn to drown by mermaids or to follow enchanting but dangerous beauties into the woods. “I’m something of a late owl myself, so I don’t mind if it’s alright for me to be over so late.”
Whatever elation you feel is sharply shattered when Stella interjects. “Maybe we could all come! Wouldn’t that be fun?”
Keneeka finally turns back at them from her corner, a little awkward as she reads the mood. “Uh…”
Ashe simply laughs good naturedly and the conversation lulls to other things. Reese tries to focus on the fact that things seem to be looking up for him. 
Of course, he just had to fall ill at dinner, and his friends and the newcomer had to be chased out of his home…
He readies himself to be despondent on not seeing Ashe before he had to leave on Monday…
* * *
…Except whatever that seemed to be looking out for him finally threw him a bone. Reese was staring into the darkness, the chill of the morgue drowning him. Then, the lights clicked on.
Ashe was just as surprised to see him. Well, slightly funny as Ashe was likely trespassing out of the blue. He’s not disappointed though. “Ashe? What are you doing in the morgue?”
Clearly caught off guard, Ashe actually seemed a little flustered. “Uh,” he cleared his throat, trying to regain composure. There’s an odd look to his face, as if he was not used to being so flustered. “H-Hi…”
It was an adorable contrast to the cool countenance from yesterday. 
and the hunger stirs deeply
“H-hey…” Of course, he shoots down any chance to be the cool one for a change. He scrambles to his feet to meet Ashe. “Sorry,  this must look kind of weird. I promise I’m not secretly dead already or something. Sometimes I just come down to… Practice. Rehearse.”
Ashe steps closer, that playful gleam returning like from yesterday. “If you are a living corpse,” he pauses as if to ponder, then adds jokingly. “That wouldn't be a dealbreaker.”  
“That’s good to know. I’m still not. But I’m glad I haven’t managed to scare you off, it’s not often I get to meet new people.”
Reese crosses his arms, trying to hide his nervousness, but unable to meet the eyes of the other, to fear his tells giving him away. “Especially new people I, um… Would like to get to know better.”
He sees the slight delight at those words, but Ashe was suddenly drawn to something else. The wall it seems. He didn’t mind. Not when it started a chain of exciting events. And well, it certainly helped that…
The retrieval of the axe gets slightly halted from the Doc’s quick return, and now Reese finds himself in the closet (Ha! Like a bad metaphor for the ages) with Ashe. He feels Ashe come closer to gaze out the small crack of the closet door, Ashe’s hand brushing against his. His reflex has him involuntarily twitching away, a quiet gasp escaping his lips. He tries to keep his voice steady in his whispers. “S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to bump you…”
“It’s okay,” His voice was so so gentle. How long was it that someone spoke to him this way, his own mother even. “I don’t mind.”
“Oh…” Reese relaxes slightly, though the whole affair made him anxious as he was excited. With a small smile back, Reese speaks up again, but he feels a blush colouring his cheeks. “Th-Then if you need to lean in, that’s okay. I don’t mind, either.”
He wonders if it was possible to feel regret and elation all at once in such intensity, especially since Ashe does lean in again. Reese does so too, trying to keep his eyes out into the office. He knows Ashe could likely hear the erratic beating of his heart and his shallow breaths, though Ashe himself makes no further comments on it. 
Once they were in the clear and free to explore the office once more - Reese trying to not look like he was hurrying out, Ashe does give a soft laugh and it was like music. “Aw… I was having fun in there.” 
He pauses in his search for the keys, heart once again caught in his mouth and a quick glance back to Ashe, cheeks dusted pink again. He could swear Ashe was all too pleased. It was like a hope, a swansong, this direct interest. He tries to search intently, unable to meet the other’s eyes. “...We could always… Spend more time together later. Once we’re done sneaking around.” 
Reese shifts to another cupboard, trying to look too preoccupied to return his focus to Ashe. “If the doc hasn’t kicked you out by then.”
Though just like a mocking force enjoying his suffering, whatever joy that built up was shattered by haunting revelations. He was only grateful that Ashe let me use the axe to ruin that drywall. And maybe he was… Slightly happy to carry Ashe once whatever that stone… slab thing knocked him out. The carvings were so intrinsic, if the doc wasn’t on a warpath and a sleeping beauty wasn’t literally sleeping in his arms, maybe it would be interesting to sketch down. 
Ashe certainly didn’t seem to mind when the revelation came up that Reese carried him down to his room and laid him on his bed. 
“Wish I’d been awake while you carried me…”
Maybe Reese should mark the calendar for today for the most occurrences that blood has rushed to his face. “I could always put on a repeat performance… If that’s the sort of thing you’d like.”
Ashe seemed more concerned about him and his current circumstances than wherever occurred upstairs. He even scored an invite to… To live with him. Well, him and a pet cat of sorts. One may think they were moving so fast but…
“It’s an exciting thought. Living… With you.”
Anywhere was better, so long as they were away from her, a place where he could keep Ashe safe
can you? so long as she lives, can you keep him safe?
They discuss plans and theories of that woman, but it eats at him, something itches beneath his skin.
Ashe offers the most enticing distraction before more anger could build. “You could always… Draw me.”
Reese tries not to think of the frenzied painting of Ashe he did last night. It was all wrong when he tried, unable to being forth the captivating features and the life in those eyes. He dreamt that the painting of Ashe came to life and…
It doesn’t matter. He ruined it somehow. Tore through the canvas.
This was a chance to redeem that. 
“If you’re sure you’re okay with sitting for a portrait… I’d love to draw you.”
He gets Ashe a chair, energised and excited at the prospect. He feels more alive than he has in years. Bolder even. After some rough lines, he decides to ask, “May I… Touch your face?”
His art model laughs, and every time Reese hears it, it’s always like a symphony that he wants to repeat. “You don’t even have to ask permission.”
He really is so… Calm about this attention. It shouldn’t be that surprising. People like Ashe… They are hardly the type to have a sparse dating history. He had mentioned offhandedly yesterday he wasn’t in a relationship now, but it just meant he had a history. There is that itch beneath his skin again, a gnawing feeling. He ignores it, pushes it down as Ashe gave him permission to touch him.
He feels the need to be gentle as he tilts Ashe’s head slightly to the side. He was so close he could smell the wisteria and jasmine on Ashe’s skin. Ashe was watching him from the corner of his eyes. Reese memorises the long lashes and gentle gaze.
“Perfect,” Reese says as he pulls away, missing the soft touch of the other’s skin on his fingertips as he pulls away. He doesn’t withdraw very far, eyes locking with Ashe who hasn't broken his own gaze from him. Ashe takes this chance to gently take his hand, bringing it to his cheek. 
“Maybe you could study my face… More closely.”
He is pulled closer, and a flurry of words come to panic because he could swear he was about to get a-
Ah. But what was that and the constant theme of things not going his way? It was only natural perhaps, that it all went to hell.
That voice. That man, creature, whatever that ghoul was. He just has to interfere, had to be a thorn at Ashe’s side. It didn’t matter. Him. The doc. They would all be dealt with now, wouldn’t they?
* * *
It was like a sudden breaking of a curse. The anger. The hunger. It all snapped and tore away. 
“She loves you Reese,” Ashe doesn’t recoil from him, a gentle hand on his face. “Leave now.”
He hears the plea, so torn, so heartbroken. For him.
“Before you do something you regret.”
“I’m not… a monster…”
The gunshot that came after that tore through him did not hurt as compared to the horror he saw flash in Ashe’s eyes. It hurt even more, the longing to be with him…
He flees.
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