#dr joan kelly
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Hi Scarlet Hollow nation, I’m being completely normal about Dr. Joan Kelly I promise (I’m lying)
I want to make it clear that I don’t condone her actions. She is a horrible woman who caused irreversible trauma to her son and she should be held accountable for it. People do insane things when they are scared and I think that’s especially true for her. I know a lot of people are like “If Reese was my son I would figure out coping methods to prevent him from becoming a monster.” And sure! Maybe you would! But logically, I think watching your virgin birth child’s bones crack and reform would psychologically fuck you up. ESPECIALLY when it mainly happens when he’s mad. Like!! Imagine telling your son no to staying up late and he morphs into a creature that can easily overpower you and kill you because he’s unreasonably pissed. We don’t know what Reese was like in those three other instances. While he’s generally just kinda depressed now, we’ve seen first hand how his emotions take over when he’s angry.
And don’t come at me. I know that Reese becoming a monster is a metaphor for neurodivergence and mental illness! I also love his character and could write a novel on him because I think he’s great! However, within the physical world of Scarlet Hollow, he literally transforms into like an 8 foot tall monster who can unhinge his jaw and murder people. While from our perspective, it may be something to examine and find the symbolism in, from the Scarlet Hollow perspective he is akin to a massive predator with magical powers.
I just think it’s important to recognize that Joan is also a victim of the horrible town of Scarlet Hollow. The methods which she uses to survive are NOT ok. Again, i want to make it clear that I DONT condone her poisoning her son. Still, I can see why she felt the need to do what she did. She is a complicated character, as are all of the Scarlet Hollow NPCs.
Back to being silly now! I also like her because she’s hot and I would let her commit acts of medical malpractice on me <3
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bestdeadbeatmilf · 3 months
Round One, Bracket Two
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Propaganda under the cut!
The Queen:
PLEEEAAASEEEE this is a prime example of good intentions alone not saving anything. shes barely ever around for her son but shes sooo sexy abt it.
Dr. Joan Kelly:
milf doctor, makes her own medicine! (spoilers) well maybe it's actually poison to try and suppress her son's werewolf-like transformations and she has seriously questionable ethics but you can't say she's not competent. and if you're hot and understanding you can totally definitely maybe fix her
Extra notes: she is romanceable in game! canonically sexy! had an immaculate conception after romantic sleep paralysis dreams!
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honeyfizzly · 4 months
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I made an thing
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slobfern · 5 months
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crestoflames · 1 year
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another meme i made a while ago
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omegafallon · 1 year
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fuckmarrykillpolls · 4 months
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juleshollow · 1 year
Reese/Dr. Kelly decision
(Episode 4 Spoilers)
This one is pretty straight-forward for me, but the choice I feel is "right" still leaves a guilty, sad aftertaste.
I give Dr. Kelly the tranquilizers.
I see it like this: when Reese starts to transform and Wayne arrives, you find yourself in the middle of a crazy dangerous situation that keeps getting worse. Unless you are Hot, you're powerless to stop it from escalating.
I was presented two bad options: help Dr. Kelly imprison her son again or let Reese murder his mother. I felt helpless because I didn't want any of those outcomes, so how could I make the most out of a situation that was so out of my control? By thinking ahead and picking the alternative that didn't have irreversible consequences.
I want Reese to be free AND happy. There are some things you can't go back from, and killing and eating your mom is one of them (seriously, he didn't need to devour her). No matter how awful Dr. Kelly's parenting was, that's something irredeemable that would clearly hurt Reese as well. Do you think Kaneeka and Stella would treat Reese as if nothing happened? Or that Reese wouldn't carry the guilt with him for the rest of his life? Would he internalize that murder is an acceptable solution to his problems, and weaponize his power again in the future? Reese transforms into something supernatural, but what he does with that power is what can make him a monster.
This turning moment makes me think of how all of Reese's story is about choice. Joan knew her son was different and she tells us that she had no choice but to keep him restrained for everyone's safety. But of course she had a choice. She couldn't know that he would harm anyone, she just feared it. It's the suffering that she inflicts to her son that makes Reese despise her in the end. I love that the game actually gives you the chance to call her out on that ("don't you think it's a self-fulfilling prophecy?").
She absolutely could have done things differently. She could have been honest with Reese about his nature (and how little they knew about it) and educate him to accept and control it. It's her fault that she didn't even consider it. Can you imagine having a super strong gym bro son and making him sick because "he could hurt someone with his powerful build"? That's basically what she does. She imprisons her son on the grounds of possibility, for a crime he hasn't committed and might never commit. She never trusted Reese, never gave him a chance. If she did, Reese could have been a fully functional Jersey Devil (or whatever kind of goblin he is) that used his powers for harmless purposes.
But Dr. Kelly's fear makes her narrow-minded when it comes to Reese. And in Episode 4 she tries to make us buy into her black&white philosophy - she frames the crisis as a situation with only two possible outcomes: either she tranquilizes Reese and locks him up, keeping everyone safe, or Reese kills her and rampages free to terrorize the town. NICE DICHOTOMY IDIOT, WHAT LIES OUTSIDE IT??
As I said, I want a different outcome and I won't let Dr. Kelly trick me into thinking that's impossible. So, despite being powerless to get my way in that moment, I focus on what I can do after. I cannot bring Dr. Kelly back from the dead. I can absolutely break out Reese later, and that's what I intend to do.
Reese transforms and becomes a bit insane PROBABLY because of the influence of the carving (so a bit my fault 😬 sorry I brought unearthly despair to your household, I'm a Scarlet). I hope that it will pass and I'll be able to reason with him when he calms down. I wasn't hot enough to appease you before, pal, I'll give it another try after your nap!
So my intention is to free Reese and maintain his innocence. Let's disrupt the self-fulfilling prophecy before it self-fulfills! There is a better way to do things and it's about time the Kellys hear about it.
I'm determined to do that, but it still feels awful to know that Reese thinks I betrayed him. I barely said a word to Dr. Kelly when she walked me out of the house, because she acted like we were sort of on the same page while all I could think was "you're still wrong and I'm going to get your son out of here as soon as I can, I just didn't want him to gobble you up".
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justforbooks · 7 months
A lot of adjectives come to mind when one mentions Fred Astaire: debonair, poised, elegant, captivating. And nouns too, especially grace, sophistication and talent. Fred Astaire is regarded by many as the greatest popular music dancer of all time. Astaire is usually remembered for his pairings with Ginger Rogers, who starred in several films with him, including Swing Time (1936).
Light on his feet, Fred Astaire revolutionized the movie musical with his elegant and seemingly effortless dance style. He may have made dancing look easy, but he was a well-known perfectionist, and his work was the product of endless hours of practice.
Astaire started performing as a child, partnering up with his older sister Adele. The two toured the vaudeville circuit before making it to Broadway in 1917. Among their many productions the brother-sister team starred in the 1927 George and Ira Gershwin musical Funny Face. For all his early success, though, career in the movies eluded Astaire. He had done a screen test, but he failed to attract any interest. A studio executive wrote at the time, "Can't sing. Can't act. Slightly balding. Can dance a little."
In 1932, Astaire suffered a career setback. His sister Adele retired from the act to marry a British aristocrat. He floundered a bit professionally without his usual partner, but then decided to go to Hollywood to try once more to break into film.
Finally, Astaire landed a small role in 1933's Dancing Lady with Joan Crawford. The role opened the door to new opportunities, and Astaire signed a contract with RKO Radio Pictures. He was matched up with another Broadway talent, Ginger Rogers, for Flying Down to Rio, also in 1933. Cast as supporting players, their dance number stole the movie. Astaire and Rogers appeared in several more films together, including The Gay Divorcee (1934) and Top Hat (1935). The duo became film's most beloved dance team. Their routines featured a hybrid of styles—borrowing elements from tap, ballroom and even ballet. Katharine Hepburn once described what each of them brought their successful partnership: "Fred gave Ginger class, and Ginger gave Fred sex."
Off-screen, Astaire was known for his relentless pursuit of perfection. He thought nothing of rehearsing a scene for days, and Rogers eventually tired of the grueling schedule. The pair went their separate ways after 1939's The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle. Years later, they reunited once more for 1949's The Barkleys of Broadway.
After the split with Rogers in 1939, Astaire performed with such leading ladies as Rita Hayworth, Cyd Charisse, Judy Garland, Leslie Caron and Audrey Hepburn. Some of his most famous musicals from his later career include Easter Parade with Garland and Funny Face with Hepburn.
As his movie roles tapered off, Astaire worked more in television. He often appeared as himself for special tribute shows. Astaire had a growing interest in dramatic parts, working on such series as Dr. Kildare. He also worked with another legendary dancer, Gene Kelly, on the documentary That's Entertainment, which explored the golden era of the movie musical.
Around this time, Astaire received his only Academy Award nomination for his supporting role in the 1974 disaster film The Towering Inferno. He also won an Emmy Award for his work on the television special A Family Upside Down in 1978. More accolades soon followed. Astaire received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Film Institute in 1981.
A few years later, Astaire was hospitalized for pneumonia. He died on June 22, 1987, in Los Angeles, California. With his passing, Hollywood had lost one of its greatest talents. Former actor and president Ronald Reagan, upon learning the news, called Astaire "an American legend" and "the ultimate dancer." Rogers said Astaire "was the best partner anyone could ever have."
I hope you enjoy this as much as I have.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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voiceofthesilly · 4 months
SH ask game: 9, 11, 12, 15. Thanks in advance!
My MC uhh he got
Save Gretchen
(Keen eye) Stop Rosalina from sneaking away
Leave the ghost be
Let Reese eat Dr. Kelly
Similar to you, I've actually no idea what I'd do in these situations but I'd like to imagine id also save Gretchen, go after the kids in the mines... I definitely wouldn't forfeit my years uhh and honestly? Probably would either help lock Reese up or get so panicked id stay in the basement lol ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Definitely enjoying Stabby, but one silly I love a lot is some past Vivian/Joan . For shits and giggles — found out they were friends when looking for source material of what Vivian might've been like, joked about it with a friend and actually. Yeah i like it fairly much
Definitely glad Rosalina and Alexis are friends, also the little friend group they make with Zane and Miles are fun. Also enjoying the relationship Oscar and Rosalina have, it's nice to get some parents who are good in the Holler. And it's very sweet to see a teenager who likes their parent
+ idk if this counts but Joan with kids is great
I only got here recently so haven't seen a whole lot of fan theories, especially ones I have strong dislike towards — I missed a lot of the earlier ones for sure bc only started playing this year
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Hello again Scarlet Hollow Nation :)
Here’s my self insert Sophie Scarlet! Her traits are talk to animals and hot. The only constant in her life are her crocs and she has a weak spot for morally ambiguous women (especially when they’re older than her). She’s also trying so very hard to be bffs with Tabitha.
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hellhoundmaggie · 1 year
Nanscough: A Gothic Scarlet Hollow AU
Nanscough (Cornish: Scarlet Valley) is a village and civil parish in Cornwall. The local tin mine, owned by the prominent Cough (pronounced ko) family, was once prosperous and drew many to the area. A few Afro-Caribbean families even settled in Nanscough a century ago and are now assimilated into local life. But the tin trade began to decline earlier in the century following a collapse in Nanscough Mines, and the town’s fortunes fell along with it. The parish is also home to the Seven Maids, local megaliths said to be a group of girls turned to stone for dancing on the Sabbath. Lately the area has been plagued by reports of creatures from Cornish lore – giants, pixies, Tommyknockers, phantom cats, and even the Devil’s Dandy Dogs. Nanscough will not give up its secrets easily….
Mr./Miss/Mx. MC Cough: MC grew up in genteel poverty with their mother, the late Vivian Cough, who fled her ancestral home under mysterious circumstances. They are visiting Nanscough for the first time in their life to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Anne Cough.
Miss Tabitha Cough: Iron-fisted manager of Nanscough Mines and mistress of Nanscough Hall. Cousin to MC.
Dustin: A badger living in a dresser in the Hall. Son to Dustin Mam. Speaks broken English with a strong Cornish accent.
Dustin Mam: Another badger living in a dresser in the Hall. Mother of Dustin. Also speaks broken English with a strong Cornish accent.
Frou-Frou: Nanscough Hall cat. Speaks with a French accent.
Miss Stella Trelawney: Former lady’s companion to Miss Cough, current lady reporter investigating stories of the Devil’s Dandy Dogs. Owner of Gretchen. Friend to Cora and Rhys.
Gretchen: Stella’s lapdog. Speaks the Queen’s English.
Miss Cora Forsyth: Afro-Caribbean shopkeeper, aspiring naturalist, and lover of Gothic tales and penny dreadfuls. Friend to Stella and Rhys. Sister of Miles and daughter of Sybil.
Mrs. Sybil Forsyth: Town midwife, herbalist, and shop owner. Mother to Cora and Miles. A fixture of Nanscough.
Master Miles Forsyth: Indifferent Afro-Caribbean youth. Lover of boy’s adventure tales and little else. Son of Sybil and brother of Cora.
Mx. Avery Bell: Afro-Caribbean barkeep at the Bell, Nanscough’s only public house. Nibling to Winifred. Liked by all, but close to no one.
Mrs. Winifred Bell: Widowed Afro-Caribbean landlady of the Bell. Aunt to Avery. Makes the best pasties. Another town fixture.
Mr. “Duke” Calloway: Local farmer. Claims to be descended from British royalty, hence the nickname. Father to Beau. Distant cousin to Julius.
Mr. Beau Calloway: Local farmer. Large adult son to Duke. Distant cousin to Julius.
Mr. Julius Tremaine: Local farmer. Scoffs at his family’s claim to royal blood. Distant cousin to Duke and Beau.
The Miners: Come from all over Cornwall and even parts beyond.
Mr. Oscar Gutierrez: British-born Spaniard schoolmaster. Father to Rosalina.
Miss Rosalina Gutierrez: British-born Spaniard girl. Daughter to Oscar. Friend to Alexis, Miles, Rebecca, and Zane.
Morsel: The Gutierrez’s cat. Speaks broken English.
Sheriff Hammet: Affable town sheriff. Suitor of the Widow Bell.
Deputy Teague: Overly-serious sheriff’s deputy. Owner of the Lord Mayor.
Deputy Penrose: Calm sheriff’s deputy. Takes ninepins far too seriously.
Jimmy: Deputy Teague’s dog. Affectionately known as the Lord Mayor. Speaks with a slight accent.
Scraps and Daisy: Local dogs and leaders of the Dog Militia. Speak with accents.
Vicar Daniel: Local vicar with sparsely attended sermons. Strange and off-putting. Husband to Mrs. Jane, father to Flora.
Mrs. Jane: Vicar Daniel’s wife, mother of Flora, keeper of sheep. Forces weekly social calls on Tabitha.
Miss Flora: Daughter of Vicar Daniel and Mrs. Jane. Claims to have befriended pixies at the Seven Maids.
Dr. Joan Kelly: One of Britain’s first female licensed doctors. Formerly of London by way of Ireland. Claims to be the widow of a sea captain who died during a transatlantic voyage. Mother to Rhys.
Mr. Rhys Kelly: “Consumptive” artist. Bought to Cornwall by his doctor mother to “recover his strength” in country air. Extremely Byronic. Son to Dr. Kelly. Friend to Stella and Cora.
The other youths: Miss Rebecca, Miss Alexis, Master Zane. Friends to Miles and Rosalina. Probably up to no good.
Mrs. Nancy: An ill-tempered and entitled miner’s wife. Mother to Miss Rebecca.
Mr. Samuel Wayne: Nanscough Hall groundskeeper, currently neglecting his duties. Probably not the host of an inhuman consciousness.
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flammentanz · 3 months
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"Was wir auch sehen oder scheinen, ist bloß ein Traum in einem Traum." (Edgar Allan Poe)
“Traum ohne Ende” (“Dead of Night”) (1945)
Der Londoner Architekt Walter Craig (Mervyn Johns) fährt am Wochenende zu Eliot Foley (Roland Culver) und dessen Mutter (Mary Merrall), die ihn eingeladen haben, ihr Landhaus “Pilgrim’s Farm” umzubauen. Dort begegnet Craig einigen Gästen: der attraktiven Joan Cortland (Googie Withers), dem Psychiater Dr. van Straaten (Frederick Valk), dem Rennfahrer Hugh Grainger (Anthony Baird) und dem Teenager Sally O’ Hara (Sally Ann Howes) Kurz darauf trifft - wie von dem sich stetig unwohler fühlenden Craig vorhergesagt - noch Graingers Gattin Joyce (Judy Kelly) ein. Walter Craig eröffnet den Anwesenden, dass er sie alle aus einem ständig wiederkehrenden Traum kennt, an dessen Inhalt er sich zunächst nur vage zu erinnern vermag, der sich jedoch im Laufe des Abends zu einem Alptraum wandeln wird. Während der Psychiater Craigs Angaben bezweifelt und seine düsteren Andeutungen in das Reich der Imagination verweist, sind die übrigen Gäste bereit, dem Architekten Glauben zu schenken, zumal alle von ihnen bereits selbst mit übersinnlichen Phänomenen konfrontiert waren. Jeder der Anwesenden erzählt die ihm widerfahrene Geschichte, und selbst der skeptische Psychiater weiß von einem solchen Fall zu berichten. Nach dem plötzlichen Ausfall des Notstromaggregats wandelt sich Craigs Traum in den von ihm prophezeiten Alptraum, in dem der Architekt den Psychiater erwürgt und durch sämtliche Schauplätze der zuvor geschilderten Erzählungen zu fliehen versucht. Walter Craig erwacht aus einem Alptraum. Ein Anruf von Eliot Foley bestellt ihn zu dem Landhaus “Pilgrim’s Farm” …
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loony-lupus · 5 months
Who’s Beth bonded with most and least
Let's gooo!
The most: Stella - Beth and Stella got along pretty quickly. Bethany feigns openness pretty successfully, and Stella is just natural, trough her Bethany became more genuine. Kaneeka - they conversations flow surprisingly smoothly. Bethany bonded with her just as easily, and that made her happy, in the past, when she hang up with more than one person, she always felt like a third wheel. But with Kaneeka and Stella she felt seen and heard equally. Unfortunatly they friendship became a bit rocky because Bethany wants to get along with Tabitha.
The least: Tabitha - Even though Bethany want to bond with her only known family, it's not easy with Tabitha. xD Bethany tends to be straightforward when she doesen't like how someone treats her. So it all started passive-aggressively. Dr. Kelly - almost the same as Tabitha, Bethany even tought she might be the "cat". But she didn't want Joan's fate to be… you know. Sybil - Beth doesen't trust Sybil, but she already hooked on her tea.
The rest are in the middle. Thank you for your question!
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