#doctor potts & captain stevens
meidui · 7 months
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steve hiding his face because he's captain america and this is a military base + tony looking everywhere with his whole face because he has not been born yet
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Cringe shows that bury their gays vs the chad Doctor Who bringing their gays back from the dead as immortal time travellers on three separate occasions
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captainjackscoat · 2 months
The captain is cursed The roses will fall The doctor will leave him An old soldier calls
A saviour forgets The pond will turn dry Run, you clever boy, remember Rose Tyler, I
A raven has taken An impossible friend The river runs deep As the diary ends
A girl is turned to glass The mistress of evil was kind All 'cause a TARDIS was stolen And Gallifrey left behind
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doctorfriend79 · 10 months
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Doctor Who At San Diego Comic-Con 2017
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a-b-riddle · 1 month
Pen Pals Chapter One: Welcome to the Internet
I feel like most girls who claimed they loved world history either had a hot history teacher or a Percy Jackson obsession. Well, I'm not like most girls. I had both. I may have been failing math, but when I tell you I was passing history with flying colors...
It was 2009: I was a freshman in high school and at 14 years old, I was very impressionable. Full disclosure: I was not groomed. Well, by my teacher at least. My history teacher wasn't like that weird, over-friendly coach with the students. He was just hot. Very incredibly boring, but hot by my standards as a 14-year-old who up until that point had only kissed two boys, but read some very questionable fan-fiction. 
Our semester closed on the unit about World War II. It was the week of Christmas, we just finished our finals and we watched a movie I highly recommend called 'Pearl Harbor'.
That movie just kind of fueled my obsession with World War II. It's like those little kids who had a really nice nurse when they were sick and they grew up wanting to be nurses. I saw Ben Affleck in a WW 2 uniform and was fucking SET. 
Now don't get me wrong, I actually enjoyed it besides the hot actors. I loved the stories. I loved the heroes. Second Lieutenant Audie L. Murphy: The most decorated soldier of the war. He was credited for killing over 200 Germans. Corporal Desmond Doss was a medic, never picked up a weapon and saved 75 men by lowering them down from a freaking cliff. I cry every time I watch his interviews and if you want to know his full story watch Hacksaw Ridge. Then there was Private Steven Grant Rogers. Started out as an E-1 and then promoted to a O-3 (or a Captain) and was renamed  Captain America.
Just like how people think of Tom Brady when they think of the Super Bowl, I did the same thing when it came to Captain America and the war. Now, I don't want to say I idolized the man, but I did admire the hero.
My obsession made me major in History and later get a Master's in Conflict Management. Now, I was applying to one of the biggest companies in the nation: Stark Industries. Now, that was partly because I could not find a job anywhere and someone that I went to college with started working in HR and was able to get me an interview. It didn't have to do with anything pertaining to my degree, but it had been a while before I was able to find a job that paid this well. 
I felt like I was running my sponsor dry with his support and I had applied several times to multiple colleges in the city. I mean I had a freaking Master's degree with intentions of pursuing my Doctorate for crying out loud and the best I could do was be a personal assistant.
I was going to be a secretary. Nothing important, but the pay was more than exceptional. 
Stark Tower was intimidating to say the least. Over 90 floors and reflective glass windows. It hurt my neck to look directly up at it. 
When I walked into the building, security instructed me what floor to go to. When I got there, I was greeted with an empty desk. I waited several minutes downstairs before a strawberry blonde woman with cute freckles came down to greet me. "Hi, you must be the secretary applicant." She smiled. "I'm Pepper Potts. So you're resume here is quite impressive and Harrison in HR highly recommended you."
"Yes, I was so excited when he told me you had a position available."
"Usually, I would be doing the interview, but I'm afraid I have to head out on some other business, so if you want to take the elevator to floor 82, Mr. Stark will be waiting."
"Of course." I said holding a folder that contained all the documents he requested I brought in.
"Hello, Mr. Stark." I greeted.
"You must be Pepper's replacement."
"Oh," I said. "Is she not-"
"She's been made COO." He clarified. "She can't leave that easily."
"Oh, good." I said. "She seemed really sweet."
"To you, yes. To me, I can't do anything. Don't put your life in danger, don't challenge terrorists." He mocked. "She's no fun." He walked further into what I assumed was a common room of sorts. It gave no indication that he lived on that floor. There was a full bar and it looked more of a place he hosted parties. "So tell me a bit about yourself." He began to pour himself a drink. "Something that isn't on your resume."
"Um, well, I'm taking a course in French and Greek right now. Just online classes, nothing too time consuming. I prefer dogs over cats because I think that its important if you die, for your pet to at least be sad and I am the first one in my family to live in New York, that I know of. I'm the first girl to graduate with their Master's. I plan on eventually getting my Doctorate, but not for a while. I don't like hot coffee and I'm terrified of snakes."
"Who would actually prefer cats over dogs?"
"Pepper?" I asked to which he laughed, even though it wasn't that funny.
"I like you." He took a sip of his drink. "It's not liquor. Pepper has this rule that alcohol should only be consumed during certain times of the day."
"I think 9:30 on a Monday is acceptable. I was debating on getting Mimosas after the interview if it went well."
"And if it didn't?" He asked.
"I would say tequila, but I got food poisoning from the limes once."
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said. "I had about 15 limes and felt terrible the next day."
"I prefer a good scotch myself."
"I like anything that doesn't taste like alcohol. I'm really impressed that a bottle of wine can cost thousands of dollar, but I guarantee it can't be as delicious as a Moscow mule."
"I haven't had a Moscow mule in forever." He said. "They were my go-to in college."
"Where did you go to school?" His response was to point at a wall that was covered in awards and accomplishments. "You went to Andover?" I asked looking at his degree.
"Seven years." He said. "I really liked the science department."
"I've given a few guest lectures there. It's a lovely school."
"What was the topic of discussion?"
"The North African campaign during World War 2, but specifically the Battle of Ramree Island."
"History nerd. Nice." Mr. Stark replied sarcastically when the elevator door dinged. "Speaking of historical nerds."
If my legs could have physically turned into jelly at that moment they would. None other than Steve Rogers walked in with a blonde following dutifully behind. "Tony."
"Capscicle and the ice queen." He whispered too low for them to hear.
"Rogers, meet our new secretary." Tony introduced and started to head toward the elevator.
"It is such an honor, Captain Rogers." I said taking his outstretched hand.
"Please, call me Steve." He insisted. The blonde beside him remained quiet and eyed me up and down with a stoic expression.
"Not that I'm trying to cut you off, but I'll let you two old ladies reminisce on the glory days." Tony clicked the elevator door and waited until it dinged opened. "I have somewhere to be. Congratulations. You got the job. Blah. Blah. Blah. Monday at 9, don't be late." He pressed a button I couldn't see and the doors began to close. "Or do. I really don't care, but if you're late, bring coffee."
"He's..." I began, but couldn't quite pick the right word.
"Arrogant." Steve finished.
"I was going to say interesting." I said.
"So what 'glory days' was Stark referring to?"
"Oh. I gave a few lectures about a few battles at the University he went to. Nothing exciting."
"Well Mrs.-"
"It's just Miss." I said. That was stupid. Why did I say that? That was rude to cut him off like that. "Sorry." I apologized. Why was I apologizing?
"Well, Ma'am. It looks like we'll be seeing you Monday morning. If you're late Tony gets a triple shot of espresso and a disgusting amount of sugar in it."
"Being late isn't really my style. My mother always said if you're not early, you're late." Why was a quoting my zealot mother right now. Jesus, stop it.  Not like Jesus Jesus. You know what, never mind. "I think I can find my way out." I said.
The walk back home I felt my cheeks burn the entire time. I haven't even started and I'm already flustered. Jesus, get a grip.
Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was him.
*So how did it go?*
*I got the job* I replied back.
*That's wonderful. I'm so proud of you* I couldn't deny the pride that swelled inside of me at his praise.
*Thank you, although I did make a complete ass out of myself*
*How so?*
*Well, my new boss introduced me to one of his partners and I felt like I made a fool of myself.* I typed. *Not partner in the sexual way, but someone he works with. He called Mrs. and I corrected him and said 'no it's just MIss' like it didn't even matter, he was just being polite. Then I quoted my mother. I was just flustered, but I start Monday.*
C didn't reply after that. We were supposed to have a date tonight so I'm sure he would just finish the conversation later. I had a caprese salad, but ate mostly the mozzarella. I showered, shaved and waited until I got a notification.
 *Sorry. Something came up. Regardless, I think you'll do great.* I smiled at his message, but was disappointment that he was cancelling our date tonight. Well the closest thing we came to date nights which usually ended in me being in an unsavory position.
Initially, C and I met on a chat forum in 2016. I was working on my senior seminar and had sort of an open ended question regarding the war. It was something along the lines of taking the notion that if a war on that scale were to happen in today's world in what ways would American citizens contribute to the war effort at home? Back in the 40s most companies like Ford made strictly military equipment. It was an honor to have a government contract whereas now it's more like any other business deal.
I received a lot of interesting responses, but a user named CR0876 replied that shifting the current American ideal of self-preservation to what we had before which was sacrificing for your country was the only way in which today's America could possibly aid in a war. I messaged CR0876 to further discuss the topic. 
He wrote me: All I am saying is we now live in a day and age where you have people who won't vaccinate their children simply because they choose not to. They don't have an issue with you vaccinating your kids, but not theirs. We eradicated some of the deadliest diseases that are still present in some third-world nations and you have entitled people who don't trust science to preserve the health and well-being of not only their children, but everyone they come in contact with. The reason that our life expectancy has shot up isn't because of ground breaking medical break throughs like chemotherapy, it is for preventative measures. Getting vaccinated. Getting checkups. Wearing sunscreen. Washing your hands after wiping your ass. 
A few minutes later he sent an apology for getting so riled up in his rant and I told him that no apology was needed and I completely agreed with him. From then on our friendship started to blossom. 
Most of our conversations had something to do involving the war, but then it got more personal. I felt comfortable with him. I talked about my time at college and what I was studying. We went from a few messages a week to communicating everyday. Eventually when graduation came around, I offered him a graduation ticket. I was a little disappointed to find out it was too far for him to travel. He asked for my mailing address. That he felt guilty for missing such a big event and he wanted to make it up to me. I was a little apprehensive. I mean, we were taught to never give your stranger your address, but I was an RA in a college dorm. I would be out into the real world soon and he wouldn't know my room number or what I looked like.
So I sent it.
A few weeks passed and I got a pair of beautiful pearl earrings with a card that read. A beautiful girl always needs a set of beautiful pearls. Congratulations on all of your hard work. -C
Four and a half years later and I still have that card. We still talk about the war. I recommend him movies, while he recommends books then we both point on the inconsistencies. It was stupid, but it was fun. Now, I just sort of tell him about my day to day life and he tells me small tidbits about his. It was earlier in 2020 when the pandemic hit that things started to get... well things just changed.
I had just moved to New York in early February to start teaching at a local college. I was going to start with May-mester classes, but then Covid hit and the world stopped. 
I had moved in with little to nothing. I had a few pieces of stuff for the kitchen and a bed. It wasn't much, but it was mine and I was damn proud of it.
My pride was short lived when I got the e-mail. In a panic, I sent him a message.
Hey can you talk?
Sure. What's up?
Is there anyway you can call me? I'm kind of in a bad place right now and I really don't have anyone else to talk to. I felt guilty as soon as I hit the send button. I'm not like going to hurt myself or anything I am just super stressed and if you have the time and energy, I just need to unload some stuff.
Seconds later my phone began to ring.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I took a deep breath. I can't believe this was the first time hearing his voice. It wasn't what I was expecting. I expected almost a pompous scholarly tone in his voice. But instead he was borderline on being batman. His voice was deep.
"They rescinded my offer." I took a deep breath. "I just spent all of my savings literally to move to this stupid freaking city and they told me over an e-mail 'we are sorry to inform you that your offer for employment has been rescinded until further notice due to the impending pandemic and the unforeseeable circumstances it holds. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and wish you the best in your future endeavors.' They said sorry and good luck." 
There was a pause and I heard him sigh. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry." 
"Thanks." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Looks like that chapter closed before it got any good. I guess I can see if maybe I can do virtual learning for a high school, but I don't know if my degree is enough. I think you need an education degree to teach."
"But you always wanted to teach college..." His disappointment matched mine.
"I know..." I looked down at nearly clear streets of New York. "But I need a job, C." I sighed. "It's either that or call my parents and I would literally rather be homeless than ask them for help."
"How much?"
"What do you mean?"
"How much was your job going to pay you?"
"80k a year starting." I said and felt another wave of nausea wash over me. 80k wasn't much to some, but it was a lot for me and it would be doing something I loved.
"Tell you what, that is about 6 and a half grand a month. I will pay you 7 grand a month if you promise me not to give up."
"What?" I couldn't believe this. "There is absolutely no way I could ever accept that kind of money."
"It's not like I don't have it, Princess." He can't be serious. That's crazy. He never mentioned having money or being well off. 
"And what do you want in return?" The butterflies in my stomach began to churn. God I hope he wasn't wanting to do anything... unethical. "Surely you wouldn't do that just because you want me to be a college professor."
"Nothing." He said. "Absolutely nothing. I just want you to be taken care of and pursue your dream."
"I really can't let you do that."
"It's only temporary." He tried to assure me, but I still felt guilty. 
"C-" He was always so argumentative and authoritative over messaging and he matched it over the phone.
"I promise." He interrupted. "It won't put a dent in my wallet."
"Only until I have a full-time job." I tried to say.
"Until you become a professor."
"No," I said. "As soon as I get a job and can support myself."
"Sweetheart, it's not polite to argue."
"I appreciate it." I said. "I really do."
"So does that make your day a little bit better?" He asked.
"It does."
"Anything else gone wrong you need help fixing?"
"No." I responded and felt like a child and and adult came up to fix the mess I had made.
"Good." I heard him sigh. "I'm glad that was easy to fix and now, that I got you on the phone... it's nice to finally hear your voice."
Chapter Two: Confessions
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queersrus · 6 months
Hello!! ^^
Can I request names, pronouns, and titles inspired by doctor who? I’m currently hyper fixated on the show!! Thank you so much!!
yes!! i was fixated on dr who again for a bit idk why i didnt answer this sooner i love dr who <3
assuming you want the entire show for a theme not just the doctor themself ^^
doctor, doc, dalek, dan, danny, davros, dodo, donna, doom, dregs ace, ada, adipose, adric, amy, ashad, ashildr, auton barbera/barbara/barbra, ben, bill, brian, boe captain, charles, clara, cyber, chaplet, cassandra jack, jackson, jones, jackey/jackie, jamie, jo, joseph, judoon, jane harkness, holloway, harriet/harriett/harriette, harry lovelace, lewis, leela, liz pond, potts, pink, peri, polly write, warp, willfred, william, who yates, yasmin oswald, one time, traveller, tardis, tyler, two, three, ten, twelve, thirteen, taylor, tempora, temporal, tegan noble eight, eleven, empty, elizabeth five, four, fourteen grace, graham, grant sullivan, shaw, shelley, song, sally, sparrow, sara/sarah, sea, seacole, six, seven, steven, susan, space ian, ice, idris k9, kamelion, kandy, karvanista, katarina, kate macra, mara, martha, mary, mel, mickey, mire, melody nickola, nine, noor, nyssa queen, queenie victoria, vicki, vincent river, romona/ramona, rory, rose, ryan universe zoe
the doctor, the doctors companion, the companion, the tardis, the time traveller, the time lord, the immortal, the dalek
(prn) who travels through time, (prn) who time travels, (prn) who fights aliens, (prn) who's seen the future, (prn) who comes from the past
1st pov prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ti/time/times/timeself tri/trave/travels/travelself spi/space/spaces/spaceself di/doc/doctors/doctorself ti/tardi/tardis/tardiself sci/fi/scifis/scifiself ci/com/companions/companionself whi/who/whos/whom/whoself di/dale/daleks/dalekself
2nd pov prns: you/your/yours/yourself
to/timer/timers/timerself tro/traveller/travellers/travellerself to/tar/tardisr/tardisrself spo/spacer/spacers/spacerself sco/fir/scifirs/scifirself do/doctor/doctors/doctorself co/companionr/companionrs/companionrself who/whos/whoms/whomstself do/dalekr/dalekrs/dalekrself
3rd pov prns: they/them/theirs/themself
ti/time, ti/me, time/times, timey/wimey, time/travel, time/traveller travel/traveller, trav/el, trav/eller, travel/travelling, travel/travels, traveller/travellers tar/dis, tardis/tardis', tar/tardis spa/space, spa/ce, space/spaces sci/fi, science/fiction doc/tor, doc/doctor, dr/drs, doctor/doctors, doctor/who who/whos, wh/o, who/whom, who/whomst, whom/whomst co/companion, companion/companions, compan/ion, com/panion da/lek, dalek/daleks, dal/dalek
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ineffable-snowman · 6 months
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @underacalicosky and @dark--whisperings!
If you are tagged, post a picture or write out the names of your fics/WIPS as they are in your computer/phone. (Explain the names if you think it’s necessary)
I have too many wips, probably will only finish a few of them, but I never fully give them up. I always like to think that I might come back to them in a few years.
Star Wars
double time travel (gen. Right after his death, Darth Vader travels back in time to make things right. He gets there just after Qui-Gon's death. Little does he know that Obi-Wan is a time traveller, too. ... and now I've spoilt the plot twist, but I don't think I'll finish this one anyway. One time travel fic is enough.)
pirate AU (Obikin. All I know about pirates comes from watching POTC and OFMD, which makes writing this a little complicated. But I have the beginning and a rough outline.)
prince obi-wan (Obikin. I have written exactly seven words for this so far but I have the full idea in my head and really want to get to work on this. AU in which Obi-Wan was not trained as a Jedi. Padawan Anakin falls head over heels for the charming prince. Then things get complicated.)
A High Prize to Pay (Obikin. In this AU Anakin was never trained as a Jedi but stayed on Tatooine as a slave. One day he meets Obi-Wan, obviously. Then things get complicated.)
Good Omens
Be kind to each other (set in biblical times. Crowley gets his hopes up that demons can be forgiven. After a failed experiment involving holy water, Aziraphale is there to help him.)
Suggestion Box (The only thing on this list that could be a one-shot instead of a multi-chapter epic. post season 2. no further explanations needed, I think.)
The rest of their lives - becoming human (the ineffable husbands lose their supernatural abilities and need to adjust to human life)
Your typical trashy Christmas movie Good Omens style (human AU, the rest is self-explanatory)
70s (Stony, or rather Captain Stevens and Doctor Potts AU)
Alpine and Figaro save the relationship (Sambucky, no powers AU. Breaking up and getting back together while becoming cat dads)
Christmas sambucky (fluff, idiots to lovers etc.)
fake dating (Sambucky and one of my favourite tropes)
followed (Sam “I'm more of a soldier than a spy” Wilson and Bucky “I know when I'm being followed” Barnes - set after TWS)
I haven't been very active on tumblr lately (real life is stressful and tough right now), so I don't know who has already done it. If you see this and haven't done it yet, please consider yourself tagged and link me to your post (do it!!!), I want to see if other people are as bad at titles as I am!
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eridanisanenby · 9 months
Atlantis Attacks
Ant Ant
Arkham Asylum
Agent A (Alfred)
Amity Arkham
Amadeus Arkham
All-American comics
Baxter Building
Bombastic-Bag man
robert Bruce Banner
james Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes
Black Blot/Blackagar Boltagon
elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock
Brian Braddock
william “Billy” Braddock
Billy Batson
Beast Boy
Blue Beetle
Boston Brand
Bouncing Boy
Carl “Crusher” Creel
Captain Carter
nathan Christopher Charles summers/Cable
Curtis "Curt" Connors
Caped Crusader
oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
Captain Cold
Captain Carrot
Catherine Cobert
Cressida Clarke
Crocky the Crodile
Doctor Darrk
Doctor Destiny
Dorthy Duncan
Ding-Dong Daddy
yankee Doodle Dandy
Dinah Drake
Darla Dudley
Damien Darhk
(new) Fantastic Four
Four Freedoms plaza
Fin Fang Foom
Freedom Fighters
Freddy Freeman
Felix Faust
Guardian of the Galaxy
Green Goblin
Guy Gardener
Gorilla Grodd
Gotham Gazette
Gotham Globe
Gotham General
Green Guardsman
Golden Glider
Glorious Gordon Godfrey
Happy Hogan
Hank Hensley
Hank Hall (Hawk)
Henry “Hank” Henshaw
Hank Hall
Hippolyta "lyta" Hall
Hank Haywood
Jessica Jones
John Jonah Jameson
Katherine “Kate” Kane
Kristen Kringle
Kip Kettering
Lacie Lorraine
Loki Laufeyson
Lunella Lafayette
Lonnie Lincoln
Lois Lane
Lex Luther
Lighting Lad
Linda Lee
Luma Lynai
Lana Lang
Laura Lang
Louise Lincoln
dinah Laurel Lance
Linda Lang
Lena Luther
May Melinda
Miles Morales (og 42)
Meows Morales
Michael Morbius
Multiverse of Madness
MilkMan Man
Mateo Maximoff
Marya Maximoff
Mole Man
Mister Mxyptlk “Mxy”
M’gann M’orzz/Megan Morse/Miss Martian
Mia “Maps” Mizoguchi
Mary Marvel
Miguel Montez
Music Master
Mr. Miracle
Mirror Master
Mad Mod
Malcolm Merlyn
Maria Mercedes Mooney
Matches Malone
Monsieur Mallah
Nia Nal
Olivia Octavius (doctor Octopus/doc Ock)
Pepper Potts
Peter Parker(s)
Pabitr Prabhakav
Peni Parker
Peter Porker
Pedro Peña
Penny Plunderer
Quasar’s Quantum bands
Quentin Quale
Reed Richards
Rocket Raccoon
Richard Rider
Roberto “Robbie” Reyes (og 69)
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Ronald Raymond
Sun Spider
Scarlet Spider
Serpent Society
Super Skrull
Silver Sable/Silvija Sablinova
Sinister Syndicate
Sinister Six
Steven Strange (dr Strange)
Sybil Silverlock
Susan “Sue” Storm
Samuel Sterns
Sebastian Shaw
Suicide Squad
Star Sapphire
Silver St. Cloud
Secret Six
Pter Ptarker (TT)
Taneleer Tivan
Tyros The Terrible (Terrax)
Teen Titans
Titans Tomorrow
Tom Turbine
Traci Thirteen
Unus the Untouchable
Vicki Vale
Valerie Vale
Web Warriors
Wade Winston Wilson
Wallace “Wally” West
Wallace “ace” West II
Wonder Woman
Warlock the Wizard
Wizards & Warlocks
Zatanna Zatara
Zachary Zatara
Zilius Zox
Duela Dent Napier Nigma
Cooper Coen/Web Weaver
Matthew Michael “Matt” Murdock/DareDevil
Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel
Otto Octavius (doctor Octopus/doc Ock)/Superior Spider-man
Victor Von doom/Doctor Doom
Warren Worthington III/ArchAngel
Cassandra “Cass” Cain/Black Bat
J’onn J’onnz/John Jones/Hank Henshaw/Martian Manhunter
Kei Kawade/Kaiju Kid(/Kid Kaiju)
Mitchell Mayo/Condiment King
Max Mercury/Windrunner Whip WhirlWind
Red Robin/Joker Junior
Cletus Cortland Kassidy (Carnage)
Clark Kent
Conner “Kon” Kent
Chemical King
Carrie Kelley
Killer Croc
Karen Crane
Seaboard City
Total alliteration: 207
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stony-ao3-feed · 1 year
Diaries Of Project 808
Read it on AO3
by All_Outta_Therapy
Steven Grant Rogers, is an Ex-captain of the US army, struggling with the realization that his life will never be the same. Once known as the soldier who led humanity to victory against Thanos' assault on mankind, now stood within the lobby of a hospital, waiting for yet another doctor to tell him his body isn't responding to treatment.
While in the midst of dealing with his physical decline as sickness ravaged his body, Steve receives the news that his brother Bucky was reported missing in action during his latest reconnaissance and assumed dead. After having to break the news to his dear mother, the ex-captain is confronted by a SHIELD representative, who introduces himself as agent Phil Coulson and presents Steve with a proposition.
Take his brother's place in Project 808- (aka, the Avatar program). A mission set to change life as they knew it.
When Steve accepts, he isn't expecting much to come out of sending a sick man across space in pursuit of a new world, much less for him to meet a Pandora native with a whip-smart mouth and a dangerously brilliant mind. Or to fall madly in love with everything about the insanely brazen, and wildly scintillating man of another species.
Words: 4100, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avatar - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Ho Yinsen
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Clint Barton & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor
Additional Tags: avatar AU, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Tony Stark-centric, Steve Rogers-centric, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark Friendship, Hurt Tony Stark, Hurt/Comfort, Unrequited Love, One-Sided James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark - Freeform, But he works through it and cares for tony no matter what, Hydra (Marvel), Protective Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark Friendship, Steve Rogers Fights For Pandora, Tony Stark is Not Iron Man, yet - Freeform, Tony Stark Has Issues, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Avatar the blue people, Tony Stark Is Na'Vi, James Rhodey Rhodes is Na'Vi, Pepper Potts is Na'Vi, Steve Rogers is an Avatar Driver, Friends to Lovers, Drama & Romance, more tags to be added later, No Beta Reader But I May Need One, Ho Yinsen Helps Tony, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers Are Brothers, An'Tone is Tonys Na'Vi Name, james cameron avatar, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug
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autoacafiles · 2 years
So who in totals travelled with the doctor? I know we saw donna, but what other companions are there?
This is gonna be a big one, so *Takes a deep breath* In his first incarnation, the First Doctor started his travels with his granddaughter Susan, accidentally taking her school teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. Along his travels, people would come and go, including Vicki Pallister, Steven Taylor, Katarina, Sara Kingdom, Oliver Harper, Dodo Chaplet, Ben Jackson and Polly Wright.
In his second incarnation, the Second Doctor would continue his travels with Ben and Polly, taking on Jamie McCrimmon, who would stick with him through his life. Along the way, The Doctor would also travel with Victoria Waterfield and Zoe Heriot. It was during this time that The Doctor would also meet Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, who would become an important figure during his most of his lives.
In exile is his third incarnation, the Third Doctor was forced to work with the Brigadier as UNIT's scientific advisor. Working initially with Liz Shaw, Mike Yates and John Benton, he would finally be able to travel again, first with Jo Grant, and later Sarah-Jane Smith.
In his fourth incarnation, continuing to travel with Sarah-Jane Smith and joined by Harry Sullivan, the Fourth Doctor would go on to travel with Naomi Cross, Leela of the Sevateem, Margaret Hopwood, two models of the robot dog K9, "Anne Kelso", Romana in two of her incarnations and Adric.
In his fifth incarnation, The Doctor continued travelling with Adric and took on Nyssa of Trakken and Tegan Jovanka, who he had met towards the end of his previous incarnation. Along the way, he would also travel with Marc, Thomas Brewster, Hannah Bartholomew, Vislor Turlough, Peri Brown and Erimem.
Still travelling with Peri in his sixth incarnation, The Doctor would travel with others including Frobisher, Evelyn Smythe, Charlotte Pollard (retroactively under the guise of Mila due to already travelling with his Eighth Incarnation), Flip Jackson, Constance Clarke, Melanie Bush and Hebe Harrison.
Continuing to travel with Mel in his seventh Incarnation, the Doctor would go on to be joined by Ace McShane, Bernice Summerfield, Hex Schofield, Sally Morgan, Lysandra Aristedes, Mags, Raine Creevy, Elizabeth Klein, Will Arrowsmith, Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester, though ultimately ended up travelling on his home.
The Eighth Doctor would find himself starting afresh, briefly meeting Grace Holloway and Chang Lee, before going on to travel with Izzy Sinclair, Fitz Kreiner, Charlotte Pollard, C'rizz, Mary Shelley, Lucie Miller, Tamsin Drew, Molly O'Sullivan, Liv Chenka, Helen Sinclair, Tania Bell, Andy Davidson and Bliss.
The War Doctor would go on to make a point of travelling alone, never taking on a travelling companion during his life.
Though he would continue travelling alone for much of his life, the Ninth Doctor would finally yield and take on Rose Tyler as a companion, and later Adam Mitchell, Captain Jack Harkness and Tara Mishra
In his tenth incarnation, The Doctor would continue travelling with Rose, though would later go on to travel with Mickey Smith, Martha Jones, a returning Captain Jack, Donna Noble, Gabby Gonzalez, Cindy Wu, Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven.
The Eleventh Doctor would start his travels with Amy Pond, going on to take on Rory Williams, Alice Obiefune, John Jones, ARC, The Squire, Abslom Daak, The Sapling, Valerie Lockwood and Clara Oswald.
Clara Oswald would continue to travel with the Twelfth Doctor, who would go on to travel with Hattie Munroe, Nardole and Bill Potts.
In her Thirteenth Incarnation, the Doctor would spend her entire incarnation travelling Yasmin Khan, being joined by Ryan Sinclair, Graham O'Brien and Dan Lewis.
Throughout many of their lives, The Doctor would constantly meet River Song, though on many occasions would be forced to forget their encounters to preserve the web of time.
And with that, I'm taking a nap - Dev~
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years
in plain sight
by meidui
Words: 417, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Avengers: Endgame (Movie), canon complicit, 1970, Captain Stevens and Doctor Potts, Hiding, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Feelings Realization
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42467751
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meidui · 5 months
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. . .
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strangelock221b · 2 years
Right back at ya... MCU favorites
favorite male character: Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Steven Grant (yes, there's a pattern but it's a coincidence, I swear), Marc Spector, Loki, Tony Stark, Thor, T'Challa, Shang-Chi
favorite female character: Darcy Lewis, Peggy Carter, Pepper Potts, Christine Palmer, Natasha Romanoff, Shuri, Katy, Nakia, Okoye
least favorite character: Jake Lockley (Moon Knight portrays him as the Evil Alter when he's supposed to be anything but)
prettiest character: Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Darcy Lewis, Peggy Carter, Pepper Potts, Christine Palmer, Layla El-Faouly, T'Challa, dammit the whole MCU is pretty
funniest character: too many to name
favorite season/Phase: I love movies and shows in all the Phases, so I can't pick a favorite
favorite movie/tv series: Doctor Strange, What If…?, Thor, Black Panther, Captain America: The First Avenger, Moon Knight, there's more but those are the biggest ones
favorite romantic ship: canon: Pepperony, PalmerStrange, Marc/Layla, Thor/Jane, Steve/Peggy (but only during Cap 1) noncanon: MysticShock (Stephen/Darcy), SupremeShock (Doctor Strange Supreme/Darcy), Stepper (Stephen/Pepper), ShieldShock (Steve/Darcy), TaserTricks (Darcy/Loki), Shang-Chi/Katy, I could go on but I'll stop here to save space
favorite family ship: T'Challa & Shuri, Thor & Loki, Frigga & Loki, Tony & Morgan, I know there's more but I can't think of them
favorite friendship: Steve & Bucky, Steve & Sam, Stephen & Wong, Steven & Marc, Shang-Chi & Katy (yes, I like them both ways)
worst ship: canon: Steve/Sharon (the timing was horrid) noncanon: Ironstrange, Everstrange, I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them right now
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hackedmotionsensors · 5 years
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70s SteveTony “almost kiss” for @ishipallthings on Ko-fi!!!
I wanted to draw something a little funny this time lol
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cntrpt · 2 years
Marvel characters as whatever these interviews are:
Thanks to my sister for showing me the original source of this vine, I knew I had to do something with it.
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colonelrogers · 3 years
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Doctor Potts and Captain Stevens commission for @ishipallthings 
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