#doctor strephen strange
saylorsaysstop · 8 months
Say Don't Go | Stephen Strange
a/n: i just wanted some angst and here it isssss
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Everything had felt like it was crumbling around you for the last few weeks. The distance he put between you, the quiet which left you almost hollow. You would stare at the front door, beckoning him to walk through it, only for him to let you down. You didn’t know what to do or how to make it better. What was there to say to someone who wasn’t putting in the effort to love you as you deserved to be? 
The evenings he does come home, he won’t look at you. He won’t touch you. It’s as though a part of him that once adored you had died and all that remained was this silhouette of a man who used to belong to you. You knew his life was a strangled case of despair, that everything seemed to crumble around him after the accident. But you never expected Stephen to shut you out. You thought there was more to your relationship than this bitterness. 
Sitting on the barstool in front of the counter as you finish looking over a case for tomorrow at the hospital, that’s when your heart scatters in your chest at the unlocking of the front door. He stumbles inside, his complexion drained of all color. There is a heap of sorrow sitting in the middle of his back. The weight he carries looks detrimentally heavy and within time, you knew he’d fall to the ground and be crushed by his grief. 
“Stephen?” You call out to him. Your eyes trace the outline of his body, his bandaged hands, and the withering of his fingertips as he splays them on the door. You can see him taking in a couple of deep breaths before the sound of his forehead thumping against the wood has you closing your folder and crossing the distance before your brain can catch up. 
Standing before him with his back turned to you as it has been every time you see him, you swallow the thickness and blink back the tears. You will not cry in front of him. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t let him see you fall apart. 
“Stephen,” you say his name with a little more force. 
“What?” He snaps harshly, his head craning to the side. “What?” he asks again when you don’t respond immediately. 
“Where were you?”
“I was–” he draws in a sharp breath and stops talking. “Nowhere.” 
“Nowhere? Please, Stephen. Spare me. I know you’re hunting like some madman for a cure, some sort of way to fix this situation. When will it stop? When will you let me in?” 
Stephen’s shoulders clench. You can see it through his clothes. The tension could be sliced with a knife as thick as it lays between you two. “You couldn’t possibly begin to understand what I’m going through.” 
His words stab like a sword, straight to the heart. 
And the next words out of your mouth make him flinch. 
“I would be able to understand if you’d drop this grieving facade and let me in!” 
You wince after the term grieving, knowing that struck a chord in him. He slowly turns to face you and you see nothing but wariness on his features. His eyebrows pinch together as he glances up at the ceiling, forcing himself not to look you in the eye. 
“Grieving facade?” 
“Stephen, that’s not what–” 
“No, no. You don’t get to say that to me! I don’t expect you to understand what I’ve lost because of this damn accident! These hands,” he lifts his scarred hands, deep blooms of red and purple and blue splotching his skin from the surgery. His eyes are glassy but he won’t let them fall, just like he knows you won’t cry in front of him. “Are my life. My livelihood is centered on what I can do with them. I’m a neurosurgeon! The best there is! And now I can’t do what I do best! You wouldn’t understand. You’ll never understand.” 
You stare up at him and your body trembles with the desperate need to sob. “You shouldn’t even be here.” he finally pushes past you and leads himself into the kitchen. 
“What?” your voice cracks. 
“I don’t need you.” He whips around, his face reddening as the anger surges and boils to the surface. “I don’t need you coddling me! I don’t need you waiting here every night for me! I don’t need YOU!” 
The words are out of his mouth when the first tear slips free followed by another. And another. And another until his image is completely blurry from crying. That was the final thread, the string that held you two him. He just severed it in two. Your head falls into your hands as you sob uncontrollably, listening as the man that you loved just screamed that he didn’t need you. 
You’re not sure what’s going on in the rapidly spinning world but the moment you feel his touch on your shoulder, you find your bearings and flinch away from him. 
“NO!” You scream. “You don’t get to say that to me, Stephen! You don’t get to hurt me because YOU’RE hurt! That’s why I’m here– to help you! I know how much this accident has affected your life. I know there’s nothing more you love than to be in that operating room, saving lives, and making a name for yourself! I KNOW THAT! But you… You don’t get to say that to me. I can’t believe you said that!” 
Stephen’s face morphs into so many emotions but the one that sets in stone is remorse. Shaking your head, you walk over to the counter and grab your folder and purse. “Where are you going?” he asks. 
“Someplace where I’m needed since you don’t anymore.” 
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry.” Stephen’s voice is tight. “I’m just angry. I-”
Holding up your hand, he stops talking. “Figure it out.” 
His eyebrows lift. “What?” 
You point a finger at him. “Figure out what it is that will make you happy. Figure out what you need.” 
“I need you.” he hisses. “I need you!”
“You should’ve thought of that before you said you didn’t.”
“Am I not allowed to be angry?!” Stephen’s voice roars. 
You angrily wipe away your tears as you sling your bag over your shoulder. “Of course you do, Stephen. You’re allowed to fight, kick, punch, and scream. But never will you take that anger out on me, the only person who has stuck by your side since the accident happened! Who’s taken off work to be with you, to help you recover? Who’s cooked for you? Who has ensured you met every appointment, drove you to those appointments, who has loved you through this entire freaking mess?! ME, STEPHEN! ME! I’VE LOVED YOU THROUGH IT ALL!” 
Stephen flinches the higher your voice grows. Your chest heaves, a quick rise and fall as your nerves pulse with the need to throw something. You bite hard on your cheek until you taste blood, knowing that if you say anything else, you’ll bury the casket that was once your love for Stephen. You adore him. You love him. But you’ve officially reached your breaking point. 
“I need some time to regroup.” You exhale. 
“How long will that be?” Stephen dares to ask.
You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t know.” 
“I love you,” Stephen says.
His heart squeezes in his chest, waiting for you to say it back. But when you inhale and grab the doorknob, he feels you slip through his fingertips.
“Bye, Stephen,” you say before leaving.
It’s when the door shut behind you and you made it to the safety of your car that you sobbed your heart out.
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ilguna · 10 months
☼ when the dead rise pt2 (Stephen Strange) ☼
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summary; five years pass, and you come to terms with the fact that you may never see Stephen again. when Tony calls you, telling you that there may be a way to change everything, you decide to take one more chance.
warnings; swearing, willing starvation, needle mention, weapon usage, death, blood, ehh gore, suicide mention, weight gain/loss, kinda cringe if you think about it, happy ending!
wc; 18.7k
notes; the entirety of endgame, haha, i'm not kidding. with nonsensical talk of time traveling, more angst, some fluff, tony and y/n get along, and stephen is there at the end.
part one.
The galaxy that you’re floating in is beautiful. It’s perfect, and if you weren’t here right now, sitting in front of the window, you’d say that it’s not real. There’s a mix of the rainbow out there, the brightest hue being aquamarine. Which paints everything in the spaceship the same shade.
You’ve been sitting here for hours, just staring at the stars. They don’t change, captured at their best times. It’ll be millions of years before they burn out, by then they’ll have fulfilled their purpose. There will be no regrets.
You wish you could say the same.
“(Y/n), are you going to come over and eat?” Tony asks from behind you.
He’s sitting at the table with Nebula, they’ve been going back and forth playing their games, trying to keep entertained. You heard him talking about eating, but you never bothered to join the conversation. You don’t have the energy to get up and go over there.
“No, I’m fine.” You murmur, leaning into your knees, arms wrapped around the back of your thighs. “Go ahead and have the rest.”
It’s quiet for a moment, then you can hear him sigh. “You haven’t eaten anything today.”
“I know.” You tell him. “I’m not hungry.”
The sound of a chair scraping against the metal flooring fills the air. You close your eyes, taking in a deep breath. His footsteps echo through the ship, shuffling to a stop behind you.
“You haven’t been hungry for the past couple of days.” He says, voice surprisingly gentle. “You can’t do this to yourself. It won’t change things.”
With gritted teeth, you swallow thickly, and let out an uneven breath. “I know that too, Tony.” 
He moves to stand right next to you, letting out a grunt. When you open your eyes, looking over, you see that he’s sitting beside you, legs crossed. The shiny silver bag is in his hand, he shakes it, looking inside.
“It’s some sort of mix. It doesn’t taste good at first, but it’ll grow on you.” He says, holding it out for you.
You stare at him, pressure building behind your eyes again. Your lips begin to tremble first, face twisting as the tears take over. Tony frowns, setting the bag down, and reaches to pull you in a hug. As you begin to cry into his shoulder, he squeezes you tightly, causing the ache in your ribs to surface.
“I just want him back.” You sob, “Is that too much to ask for?”
“It’s been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth.” Rhodes says, he’s standing at the wooden table where a holographic projection displays out of a cylindrical device in the middle.
In the air, you’re able to see the faces and names of those you lost that day. It’s constantly rotating, a few of them being Nick Fury, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Peter, and Stephen. There’s more, of course, faces you don’t recognize because you cut ties with the Avengers a couple years ago.
“World governments are in pieces,” Natasha begins. “The parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did…” She trails off for a moment, Tony pushes up his glasses, hand covering his face when Peter appears in front of him. “He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out,” She sighs, “Fifty percent of all living creatures.” 
There’s a moment of silence across the table, you play with one of your rings, twisting it between your fingers. 
Tony moves his hand, lifting his head. “Where is he now? Where?” He’s currently in a wheelchair, hooked up to an IV. He’s looked better, but to be fair, so have you. You’re two peas in one miserable pod. 
While you came out with bruised ribs and a gnarly scar from where Thanos had ripped out a chunk of your skin—which Tony tried his best to repair while on the spaceship. He had to fight through an infection from being stabbed by his own nanotech, which Nebula had the pleasure of healing.
In the end, there was only so much food to pass around on the ship. Even though you’d gone days without eating, it didn’t help the supply any. However, your weightloss is nothing compared to Tony’s, because he’s sick at the moment.
“We don’t know.” Steve says, his arms are crossed over his chest. He’s leaning against a table nearby. “He just opened a portal and walked through.”
Tony wheels forward, sighing, looking off to the side. “What’s wrong with him?” He asks, motioning to Thor. He’s sitting in a separate room, leaned forward on his knees, a hard expression on his face, moving his thumbs.
“Oh, he’s pissed.” Rocket says. He’s a talking raccoon that was part of Quill’s group, you met him after you landed back on Earth. Which only happened because Tony and Nebula set off a distress signal, and a woman named Carol Danvers came to save you. “He thinks he failed.” Tony’s hand falls. “Which, of course, he did, but there’s a lot of that going around, ain’t there?” 
“Honestly, until this exact second I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.” Tony says.
“Maybe I am.”
“We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks now.” Steve says. “Deep space scans and satellites and we got nothing.” He pauses, looking up at the table. “(Y/n), Tony, you fought him.”
“Who told you that?” Tony asks. “I didn’t fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet while the Bleecker Street magician—” You turn your head to look at him, eyebrows drawing in. “Gave away the store. That’s what happened.”
“Don’t talk about him like that.” You snap, suddenly getting up from your chair. When it begins to fall back, you catch it with one hand, slamming it against the floorboards. “Prick.”
“There was no fight, ‘cause he’s not beatable.” Tony finishes, unbothered by you. 
“Okay,” Steve nods. “Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?”
Tony makes a noise, saluting Steve. “I saw this coming a few years back.” He sinks into the wheelchair. “I had a vision. I didn’t wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming.”
Steve stands. “Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus.”
“And I need you.” Tony says, it’s muffled because of the hand in front of his mouth. He drops it. “As in, past tense. That trumps what you need. It’s too late, buddy.” He shakes his head. “Sorry.”
You run a hand through your hair, and then settle into crossing your arms.
Tony sniffs. “You know what I need?” He slaps a bowl away from him, the spoon clattering against the table. He gets to his feet, one hand on it as he leans forward. “I need a shave. And I believe I remember telling all youse…” 
He begins to pull at the IV needle, Rhodes steps toward him. “Tony, Tony!”
“...alive and otherwise, that what we needed,” He does a circular motion. “Was a suit of armour around the world. Remember that?” His voice is raising. “Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not. That’s what we needed.”
“Well, that didn’t work out, did it?” Steve asks.
“I said we’d lose.” Tony points to himself. “You said, ‘We’ll do that together, too’. And guess what, Cap? We lost. And you weren’t there.” Steve sighs. “But that’s what we do, right? Our best work after the fact?” Rhodes grabs Tony by the arms to steady him. “We’re the ‘Avengers’. We’re the ‘Avengers’, not the ‘Pre-vengers’.”
He looks at Rhodes, who nods. “Okay.”
“Right?” Tony asks.
“You made your point. Just sit down, okay?” 
“Okay.” Tony says, looking away. “No, no, here’s my point. You know what?” He points at Carol. She’s unamused, “She’s great by the way.”
“Tony, you’re sick. Sit down.” Rhodes tries to push him down.
“We need you. You’re new blood.” He pushes off of Rhodes. “Bunch of tired old mules. I got nothing for you, Cap.” He walks to stand a foot away from Steve. “I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust, liar.” He whispers.
You watch as he reaches up to grab the arc reactor, ripping it from his chest. Tony’s breathing becomes uneven, as he grabs Steve’s hand, and slaps the reactor into it. “Here, take this. You find him, put that on, you hide.” He falls to his knees.
You, Steve and Rhodes move forward at the same moment.
“Tony!” Steve reaches for him.
“I’m fine.” He says. “Let me…”
His eyes roll back, collapsing.
Tony lays on a reclined bed, unconscious, with Pepper beside him, holding his hand. Rhodes drops off his glasses on the bedside table, and then leaves the room, coming to join you, Natasha, Steve and Carol.
“What about you, (Y/n)? You never said anything.” Steve says, several eyes land on you.
You twist the ring, looking at the engraving on the inside for the hundredth time today. Always with you, it says. You found it in Stephen’s room one afternoon, after he’d asked you to clean if you had time. You couldn’t say no, and though he liked to make sure he looked neat, his bedroom could be a mess at times.
When you asked about it, he smiled and told you to keep it. You tried to resist it, hiding it in places all throughout the Sanctum to ensure that it wouldn’t end up back in your possession. He always knew where to find it, and at the end of the day, he’d give it back to you. A gift.
You never really liked wearing jewelry on your hands and wrists. It interferes with the whole ‘raising-the-dead’ thing. You can’t remember the amount of times you broke a bracelet or scratched a ring at the beginning. But when you finally accepted the gift and stopped trying to give it back, you promised Stephen that you’d wear it everyday.
Now you can’t keep it on, as if the gold burns your skin each time it settles into place. Always with you. It feels like a taunt, a joke, something you can’t get away from. 
Where is he?
“No offense, Steve.” Your voice is colder than you mean it to be. “But if I knew anything, don’t you think I would’ve said something?”
Steve opens his mouth to speak, but Rhodes doesn’t give him a chance. “Bruce gave him a sedative. He’s gonna probably be out for the rest of the day.”
“That’s for the best.” You mutter, sliding the ring into your pocket.
“You guys take care of him, and I’ll bring him a Xorrian elixir when I come back.” Carol says, arms crossed over her chest as she begins to walk away.
“Where are you going?” Steve asks.
“To kill Thanos.” She says simply. 
The four of you follow after her quickly, because her pace isn’t slowing down. “Hey.” Natasha calls, Carol stops and turns around. “You know, we usually work as a team here and, uh, between you and I, morale’s a little fragile.”
Rhodes leans against the doorway.
“We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight, too.” Steve says.
“You even know where he is?” Rhodes asks, looking up from the tile.
“I know people who might.” She says.
“Don’t bother.” Nebula cuts in, standing across the room. “I can tell you where Thanos is.”
“Well, let’s hear it.” You say, going down the steps to join her in the sitting room. 
When you get inside, you see that Rocket is in here, too. Nebula moves to stand next to the window, waiting for the others to join you. You twist a chair around, sitting in it, and sinking into the navy blue cushions. Bruce and Thor roundup to join you.
“Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me.” She says, once everyone has come inside the room. “And when he worked, he talked about his Great Plan. Even disassembled, I wanted to please him. I’d ask…” She pauses. “Where would we go once his plan was complete?” She turns her head. “And his answer was always the same.” She joins them at the table. “‘To the Garden’.”
Rhodes makes a face, tilting his head. “That’s cute. Thanos has a retirement plan.”
“So, where is he?” Steve asks, moving around the table.
Rocket pulls up a projection of the Earth. “When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions.” The projection sends off a blast to emphasize this. “No one’s ever seen anything like it. Until two days ago…” 
He messes with the projection to show a different galaxy, zooming in until you’re met with a planet with rings around it. When you lean forward to see it, the name tag above reads, ‘PLANET 0259-S’. 
“On this planet.” Rocket finishes. 
“Thanos is there.” Nebula says. 
Natasha leans in close. “He used the stones again.”
“Hey, hey, hey.” Bruce nervously chuckles, he’s standing at the doorway. “We’d be going in shorthanded, you know.”
“Look, he’s still got the stones, so—”
“So, let’s get ‘em.” Carol’s eyes are locked on the planet. “Use them to bring everyone back.”
“Just like that?” Bruce asks. 
“Yeah. Just like that.” Steve says.
You sit up on the chair at the sound of this.
“Even if there’s a small chance that we can undo this, I mean, we owe it to everyone who’s not in this room to try.” Natasha says, shaking her head.
“If we do this, how do we know it’s gonna end any differently than it did before?” Bruce asks. 
“Because before you didn’t have me.” Carol says, hands on her hips. 
“Hey, new girl?” Rhodes looks at her. “Everybody in this room is about that superhero life.” She tilts her head slightly. “And if you don’t mind my asking, where the hell have you been all this time?”
“There are a lot of other planets in the universe. And unfortunately, they didn’t have you guys.”
Rhodes and Steve make the same face at each other—fair enough.
Thor pushes up from where he’s sitting at the dining room table, still chewing his food. He walks up behind Carol, and she faces him. He holds his hand out over her shoulder, Stormbreaker—the axe that was made on Nidavellir—goes to him, narrowly missing her head, blowing her hair into her face. She doesn’t flinch.
He sighs, squinting, and then nods. “I like this one.”
There’s a moment of silence, you get to your feet, wandering over to stand at the table. Steve looks at you, “Let’s go get this son of a bitch.”
The planet that Thanos has chosen to inhabit is, unfortunately, gorgeous. It’s a peaceful place, quiet, with thriving nature and wildlife. The group of you walk in silence, allowing you to enjoy the sounds of the animals chittering around you. 
It doesn’t take long before you come up to the wood shack that Carol had noticed when she came through the atmosphere about ten minutes ago. She went in first, while the rest of you waited in space, wanting to make sure that there wasn’t anything waiting for you on the planet. 
She’d come back, happy to report that there wasn’t a single living being beside Thanos. No satellites, ships, armies. There weren’t even ground defenses. Which would’ve had you excited, if it weren’t for what happened last time you fought him. You practically had the advantage then, too. There were so many people with different abilities.
Bruce positions himself underneath the shack, wearing his iron suit to supplement the fact that Hulk is still out of commission. You watch as Steve waves his arm in a circle, giving Carol the signal. A bright and fiery beam goes right through the shack, and seconds later, she follows.
There’s the sound of Carol fighting Thanos, getting him into position. Bruce breaks through the floor first, with Rhodes and Thor coming through the ceiling. It isn’t until you hear Thanos screaming, do you concur that the gauntlet must be off, done in the most aggressive way possible.
Steve goes up the stairs first, you and Natasha following close behind. Carol has Thanos in a headlock, Rhodes holding his right arm, Bruce holding the left. On the floor lies Thanos’s hand, the gauntlet still attached to it.
Thanos is groaning, face twisted. Rocket makes his way around to the handle, flipping over the gold gauntlet. “Oh, no.”
You look over, expecting to see that everything is fine, besides his mangled arm. You’re met with empty slots, not a single one of the stones is attached to the gauntlet. You sigh, pressing your lips together.
Natasha and Steve share a look before he speaks, “Where are they?”
Thanos groans, Carol pulls her arm tighter, “Answer the question.”
Half of his face is scarred, as if he’s recently been in a fire. Your eyes trail down to what’s left of his arm, finding it in the same condition. In this moment, you can feel the little hope you have leaving your body. 
“The universe required correction.” Thanos says. “After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation.”
“You murdered trillions!” Bruce shouts, shoving Thanos back.
“You should be grateful.”
Bruce punches him.
Natasha takes a breath. “Where are the stones?”
“Gone.” He tells her. “Reduced to atoms.”
“You used them two days ago!” Bruce exclaims.
“I used the stones to destroy the stones.” Thanos says. “It nearly killed me.”
You shake your head, corners of your lips turning down. “That’s not true.”
“It is.” His eyes land on you. “But the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable.”
“We have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying!” Rhodes says. 
“My father is many things.” Nebula murmurs. “A liar is not one of them.”
“Ah.” Thanos breaths. “Thank you, daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly.”
Thor swings his axe up without notice, shouting as he cuts off Thanos’s head. It hits the ground with a thud, purple blood splattering against the wall, on Nebula's face. His body falls back.
“What?” Bruce breathes.
“What did you do?” Rocket asks.
“I went for the head.” Thor mumbles, turning to walk out of the hut.
The rest of you stand in silence, watching as Nebula walks over to his body, kneeling down to shut his eyes. You take in deep breaths through your nose to calm the rising anger. Various thoughts on how you could torture him, even though he’s dead, begin to come to you. You could drag his pathetic body back to Earth, conjure it everyday, make him work his fingers to the bone, never let him rest.
He took Stephen, you think. 
You grit your teeth. “All due respect, Nebula, but we better burn his body.” You tell her, Natasha and Carol glance at you. You squeeze your hands into fists. “Or else I’m going to make sure he never rests. I could find thousands of ways to make the afterlife miserable, trust me.”
She nods at you, and then turns back to him.
You move to follow after Thor, who’s already down the stairs, traveling toward the spaceship. “If you need me, I’ll be by the ship.”
The hero suit fades away, falling back to your regular clothes. Your fingers dip into your jean pocket, coming into contact with the ring you’d stored earlier. You pull it out, holding it in your palm for a long moment. Then, you sigh, sliding it back into its place on your thumb.
The dark clouds swirl above the field, acting as a warning that you don’t have much time to practice today. It rains often in New York, so this wouldn’t be your first time having to experience it while testing your abilities. However, it’s happened enough for you to say that you hate the feeling of it.
Lately, you’ve been feeling heavier whenever you come out here, like the ground is one giant blackhole and you’re constantly fighting against flying inside of it. The rain will only make it worse, and you can’t stand it when your clothes are waterlogged. It makes the seats of your car soggy.
Despite this, you take your time walking to the middle, not that you’re able to go faster than this, anyway. You haven’t been yourself for quite a few days, you think a cold might be coming on. Wong has begun to notice too, it was a struggle to convince him to let you leave the Sanctum. Which was done on the promise that you wouldn’t come out here to do this today.
Well, unfortunately for him, you can’t afford to lose time. Every day you spend on your ass, you take a step back from what you’re working towards—a breakthrough. It’s got to be right around the corner, this whole week, you’ve repeatedly felt yourself come to the ledge, but you were too afraid to jump.
You know now that this is how you grow to be stronger, to have a better understanding of your abilities. You can’t become a better hero if you don’t know how to sacrifice yourself sometimes, too.
There’s something under there, beneath the grass. It’s more than just the dead that you’re used to bringing to life. You get a feel for it each time you try, but it’s like uprooting a tree that’s been standing for hundreds of years. It’s resistant. 
You haven’t told any of the Avengers yet, afraid to get their hopes up. You think that it’s those who were killed in the blip. The reason why it’s so hard to bring them back is because they don’t have physical bodies, so what happens if you try to put them back together?
It sounds ridiculous at first, but it’s not that heinous when you map it out. When you tried to explain it to Wong, he shut you down within the first thirty minutes, telling you that this isn’t how it works. You told him that it’s fine if he doesn’t want to have hope, you won’t let him drag you down. 
It goes like this—it’s very simple—their bodies are everywhere. Those who were killed outdoors have been spread through nature. They were in the air at one point, but now they’re in the grass, the dirt, the Earth. They’re here, half the job is already done for you. What you need to do is focus on one person to bring back in the area, and work from there.
And it’s not even that ridiculous of an idea! When you were on Titan last year, directly after you’d lost Stephen, you tried that exact method. It’s where your inspiration came from. The ground shook, trying to listen to your direction. The issue is that you weren’t strong enough, you didn’t have enough practice to be doing something like that.
Now, you do. It’s what you’ve been working toward for the past few months, day in and day out, no breaks, absolutely no days off.
You slowly lower yourself to the ground, joints aching. You breathe heavily, sitting sideways on your legs, because your knees hurt from sitting on them for hours at a time. You place your hands in front of you, palms flat in the grass.
When you close your eyes, the ticklish feeling in your stomach rises. You focus on that, what it means, how long it’ll take for it to build before it becomes the dark energy that is necromancy. It isn’t until you feel the pressure beginning in your palms, as if you’re being sucked downward, do you switch to that.
You don’t allow it to bring you down, in fact, you pull back with ten times as much force. You’re coming to me, you think, not the other way around. It doesn’t want to, though, so you sort through the mass. Eyes bouncing from side to side behind your lids, looking for the weakest link.
You find it, and yank. The first few times, it doesn’t budge, it’s coming from several directions, exactly what you’re looking for. With this excitement, you beckon it toward you. The body isn’t fighting anymore, it’s like reeling in a dead fish. Which wouldn’t be appetizing to others, but it’s what you’re looking for.
The worry sets in when you realize that it’s not slowing down. You’ve just lifted your right hand off of the ground, when the matter surges through your body—your head whipping back so fast that you’ll be feeling it for weeks. 
A scream tears through your vocal chords, fire eating you up inside. 
It explodes.
You’re thrown into the air, body twisting at an awkward angle as you come into contact with the ground. You land on your bad shoulder, sending a spike of electricity through your torso and down your legs. 
There’s an unbearable ringing in your ears when you roll onto your back, struggling to breathe through the cloud of black smoke that comes to choke you. Your head rolls off to your right side, fingers reaching to touch the scorched grass that you’ve landed on top of. 
The moment you come into contact, it crumbles, turning to dust.
And so do you.
The consistent beeping of the heart monitor next to you is what you hear first. A moment of relief floods you, because this means that your hearing isn’t permanently damaged, but it’s fleeting when you realize what that means. Your eyebrows draw in, squeezing your eyes before you try to open them.
The hospital room is dark, the entire afternoon has been wasted away. You look to the window a few feet away, and find a lovely shade of blue and grey, blurred because of the raindrops that cling to the other side. It’s raining, of course, which means that you won’t be able to go out and try again tonight.
You roll your eyes, letting out an annoyed sigh, which you instantly regret when the pain seizes your entire body. You let out a grunt, pressing the back of your head into the pillow, teeth grit while you wait for it to pass.
You remind yourself that this is only a temporary setback. As soon as it’s not muddy out there anymore, you’ll try again. So, maybe not tomorrow, but the following day. You’ll do it again, and you’ll do it right.
A knock on the hospital room door makes you look over. It swings open without you granting entrance, making it a courtesy knock, and when you see who it is, there’s no explanation needed.
Tony Stark strolls into your room as if he owns the entire hospital. His eyes are on you, jaw set. You know this look, it’s the same one he gives right before he lectures you. The look on his face is the least of your worries when you see that his lip is busted and swollen. There’s also a cut across his forehead, blood leaking from it.
“What happened?” It hurts you speak, you wince, scooting to sit up higher on the bed. “How do you know I’m here?”
He shuts the door behind him, there’s no vase of flowers, not even a get well soon card in his hand. This is not a visit he’s making to check on your wellbeing, he doesn’t want to comfort you.
“I’m your emergency contact.” He tells you, stopping at the end of your bed. He sticks his hands into his pockets, eyebrows raised. “I got a call from the nurse because she thought you needed some support.”
You press your lips together, eyes drifting away from his face and to the door he just came through. Stephen is supposed to be your emergency contact, you did it when you got extremely sick during your first year of dating. He was worried you wound up dead somewhere when you hadn’t seen or talked to him for three days straight. He called every hospital in New York to find you.
Tony’s your backup, actually. You know that if anything were to happen to you, and if there’s no one else to make the decisions, he’d do what’s right and in your best interest. The two of you are very close, but you know he’d never let emotion get in the way if he knew you were suffering.
“I’m fine.” You murmur. “Just had an accident, that's all.”
“An accident?” Tony repeats. “That’s what you call raising a monster from hell?”
You blink, face twisting. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I mean, I think something exploded but there was no monster.”
“You weren’t awake for that part.” He tells you. “I just spent the last hour fighting it and your wizard buddy had to contain it.”
You stare at him, unsure if he’s telling the truth or not. A part of the evidence is his face, you suppose. You didn’t see anything, though. Just the smoke… which very well could’ve hidden it.
“What were you doing out there, anyway?” He asks.
“I’m working on something.” You adjust in the bed, settling back. “I’ve almost got it. As soon as I get out here, I’ll try again.”
“Try what again?”
You smile, “To bring them back, of course.” Tony’s face falls, he closes his eyes, shaking his head at you. “You have to hear me out first—”
“See, when Wong told me what you were up to, I didn’t believe him.” Tony reaches up, rubbing his face. “I thought that you couldn’t possibly be naive enough to—”
“Oh,” You groan out, waving your hand dismissively, “Don’t listen to Wong, he says I can’t do it. I’m so close though, I can feel it. I almost had it this afternoon, I think I just… chose the wrong thing, you know?”
“(Y/n),” Tony warns.
“See, this is one of the reasons why I didn’t want to tell you so soon. Either it’d get your hopes up, or you’d fall with Wong. Ignore him, he doesn’t know anything.”
You look out the window again. You’re not sure why he’s shutting you down like this. Out of everyone, you thought that he’d be the one that’d jump on your side. It wouldn’t be the first time he bet on something so outlandish. With him on your side, you think you have a better chance at succeeding.
Besides, you can bring back the dead, anyway. How is this that big of a stretch? And if you did pull a monster out of the ground—it’s even more the reason to believe you.
“I can bring them back, Tony.” You say.
“(Y/n), you can’t.” He says, “You tried, remember? You couldn’t then, and you can’t now.”
“Yeah, because I haven’t had my breakthrough yet.” You laugh, which dissolves into you grimacing. “I’m not strong enough. Just a couple more times, and I’ll have it.”
“No.” Tony waves his hand, as if he’s cutting off your plan. “You do any more of this, and you’ll get yourself killed.”
“That’s not true.” You shake your head. “We both don’t know if I can even die.” 
“At the pace you’re going, it doesn’t even matter!” He holds his hand out. “In the end, if you die, all you would’ve been doing to yourself this entire time is torture.”
You tilt your head at him. “I know you’re worried about me, and I appreciate it. I’m fine, though, look at me.”
“I am, and I feel like I’m talking to a corpse. Have you looked in the mirror lately?”
“I’m sick, Tony. It’s just the flu.” You say.
“No, (Y/n), your body is wasting away because this,” He motions aggressively to the window. “Is all you do. Wong has been contacting me for weeks, afraid that you’re going to drop dead any minute.”
“Fine,” You sigh. “If you two are so worried, I’ll take a break, but I’m not giving this up. It’s a hiccup, as soon as I get it down—”
He cuts you off, “What would Stephen think of this?” 
You stare, “Don’t.”
“No, you don’t.” He tells you. “I know we don’t have the best relationship at times, but I sure as hell won’t watch you kill yourself.”
“Then walk away.” You point to the door. “No one asked you to be here, to come in here talking about what Stephen would or wouldn’t want. You don’t know anything about him!”
“That doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t take a genius to know that he cared about you.”
“Get out.” You tell him. “Get the fuck away from me.”
He starts toward the door, not saying anything until he’s halfway out, turning to look at you. “If I catch wind that you’re doing this again, I’ll have you locked in a padded room for the rest of your life.”
Tony pulls the door shut tightly behind him.
The clothes in the closet have lost their scent. After three years of picking them out to hold against your nose, there’s nothing left of him. Which means that your reasoning to stay in the Sanctum has finally expired. You have to move on.
This is by your own choice, not anyone else’s. Wong has made it explicitly clear that if you want to stay here, he will not say otherwise. He doesn’t mind it. In fact, you keep him company, even if your presence is mostly done in silence. What matters is that you’re in the room.
You took this offer, but told yourself that you couldn’t stay here forever. If you were going to be hung up on Stephen, you’d have to do it privately. So, you made a deal; the moment his room stopped feeling like it belonged to him, it was time to go. 
You noticed it a few weeks ago, when you came back from the Avengers Compound to collect the last of your belongings. The team was falling apart, again, and as much as you wish you could say that you were going to stay this time, you weren’t. You were already planning on leaving for good, this was just the perfect excuse to use.
The moment you stepped foot into the bedroom, you knew there was no coming back. It felt like you were walking into a foreign planet, a place you didn’t recognize, despite being there hours earlier. Six years of living in this room, gone.
Since, you’ve spent your time trying to find an apartment you like for a decent price, that’s also close to the Sanctum. You almost cried when you got offered a perfect one a few streets away, ready for you to move in. However, your initial excitement has worn off. You’ve been dragging your feet the entire week when it comes to packing, because they had to finalize the paperwork anyway.
Which left you to do it all today.
For the past two hours, you’ve packed everything you own back into boxes and bins, stacking them by the bedroom door. You decided early on that it would be easier if you worked in phases. The hardest part would be detaching yourself from this place, which proved itself to be true. 
You’ve cried a few times throughout the process, but it’s done now. The only thing left to do is bring the boxes down to your car, that’s waiting for you parked in front of the Sanctum.
You drag your feet, stopping in front of the first stack. A sigh leaves you when you reach to pull a box into your arms. When you realize it’s not heavy, you adjust to grab the one that was beneath it, too. You’re not entirely looking forward to going up and down the stairs a hundred times.
A sickness rises in your stomach when you leave the bedroom, beginning to go down the hallway. This feels wrong, like a one-sided breakup, leaving before the other person can get home. Your feet pause briefly, shoe squeaking against the freshly waxed floor.
That’s exactly what it is, isn’t it? 
No, you think harshly, this is different. Stephen is never coming home. He’s lost, just like the trillions of other lives that were taken when Thanos snapped his fingers. This isn’t a breakup.  A part of you wishes it were, because at least then, you’d still have a chance to see him around New York, even if it weren’t on good terms or romantically.
You suck in a deep breath, holding it as you begin your way down the stairs, the first trip of many. You drop these boxes next to the front door, wanting to pack your car all at once. That way, if there’s an issue, it’ll be easier to take it apart. You head back upstairs to repeat this process, it only takes a good fifteen minutes before you’re done. 
When you go back to Stephen’s room one last time to retrieve the engraved, golden ring, your heart skips a few beats in your chest. You shuffle toward the dresser, eyes searching the surface, thinking that it might be blending in. You run your fingers over it, and come back with nothing.
You turn around to look into the room, face twisting, eyebrows pushing in as you struggle to remember if you had moved it or not. You walk to his nightstand, opening the drawers, rummaging through them, even though you could’ve sworn you never put it in here.
It’s not there. So, you move to your nightstand, where you’ve kept your jewelry in the past, especially the ring. Except, when you open the first drawer, you’re met with emptiness. You’ve already taken everything out of it, because it’s packed into one of the boxes downstairs.
You sweep the floor with your eyes, but it’s too dark in here. You throw the curtains open, flooding the room with sunlight. When you go back to looking, hoping that the ring will reflect the light, you can’t find it.
You switch to the closet, opening the doors to reveal that it’s half empty now. The only clothes left hanging are the ones that Stephen thought were too important to fold, and to keep them from wrinkling. There’s nothing here, not even in the darkest corner.
Did it fall under the bed?
On your knees, you press the side of your face to the floor, but the only thing under here are the dust bunnies. You make sure of this, too, when you grab a broom to bring it all out.
The panic begins to settle in, spreading through your body. How did you manage to misplace the ring? It’s the most valuable thing to you. You’d think you’d be more careful with something as sentimental as that—a ring from your dead boyfriend.
“Maybe it’s in a box.” You murmur to yourself to calm down, reel in the insanity that’s beginning to rise. 
You head out of the bedroom, looking at the boxes over the railing. Once you’re down the stairs and in the foyer, you pull the first box off of the stack, opening the cardboard flaps, and pulling all of its contents out. There is no ring, so you push the objects away, off to the side, not bothering to repack it.
The further you get through the pile, the more hysterical you grow. The box that you’d packed with your jewelry doesn’t have it. The neatly folded clothes, now tossed on the floor, don’t have it caught in the cloth. It’s not stuck between the books, you didn’t accidentally throw it with the rest of your trinkets, it’s not with your electronics.
Everything you own is strewn across the foyer, as you continue to tear them apart.
It’s not here.
You get back to your feet, struggling to breathe, the tears starting.
The front door suddenly opens, you look over to see that it’s Wong. He gives you a wide smile at first, which slowly begins to fall when he sees the expression and the state the foyer is in.
“What’s the matter?” He asks.
“I lost the ring.” You whisper. “I don’t—I don’t know where it is. I’ve looked everywhere.” You turn around to motion to the mess you’ve made. “I don’t have it here, I even checked my car. I set it aside so I wouldn’t lose it and it’s not here. The one thing I carry with me and I’m stupid enough—”
“(Y/n),” Wong says, coming to grab your shoulders. You can feel his fingers pressing into the metal that makes up your left shoulder. A replacement that Tony made for you, covering the entire cost. “(Y/n), stop.”
You press your lips together, face contorting as you nod, trying to focus.
“I told you I was taking it to get cleaned, remember?” He asks, face twisted. He removes his hands, reaching into his coat pocket to pull out the small silk bag.
“Oh.” You breathe, feeling your body relax.
You cup your hands, watching as he carefully shakes the ring out of the bag. It’s polished, smooth. When you tilt it to see the inside, the engraving is there, untouched.
“Okay.” You say.
“You’re okay?” He confirms.
You nod, pushing it back to where it belongs on your thumb. “I’m sorry, Wong.”
“Don’t apologize.” He tells you, turning to face the foyer. “Do you need help repacking?”
“Will you?” You ask.
“Of course.”
The sound of a distantly familiar ringtone begins from the coffee table in your living room, again. 
Your eyebrows draw in, turning your head to the side to listen through the first few notes. As you reach for the towel on the counter to dry your hands, you try to remember who it could belong to. It’s garish, dramatic. Whoever the person is, they must resemble the noise.
The bell finally rings.
It’s Stark.
You toss the towel back on the counter when you leave the kitchen. There’s a faint sense of urgency in your steps, considering that you’ve let him call you twice already, figuring that whoever it was would leave you a voicemail. 
In fairness, it’s been a long time since you and Tony talked to each other, muchless on the phone. If you remember correctly, the last conversation you had with him happened right before you left the Avengers. Since then, there hasn’t really been a need to keep up-to-date with him.
All of his life updates are posted on social media, anyway. The only thing you’re obligated to do each year is send his daughter presents when the holidays come around. After all, it’s the least you can do after he saved your life and set you straight.
Sure enough, Tony’s face lights up your screen, a sigh escapes you. You pull the phone into your hand, swiping across the glass to accept the call. You press it to your ear, “Hello?”
“Do you ever answer your phone?” Tony’s voice comes through. “I mean, seriously, it took me three tries for you to pick up? What if I were dying?”
You roll your eyes, letting out a light laugh. “I would hope you’d call Pepper before me, considering we haven’t spoken to each other in almost three years.”
“Has it really been that long?”
“Yes, Tony. Is everything okay?” You ask, walking back to the kitchen.
“I’m fine, (Y/n). Listen, something’s happened.”
You put the call on speaker, setting your phone next to the sink so you can resume doing the dishes. “Good or bad?”
“Both.” He answers. You pull a plate out of the soapy water, scrubbing at it with a sponge. “You remember that fight between me and Cap, right? The one in Germany? There was the guy who could go from big to small?”
You hum, “Scott Lang?”
The sound of him snapping fills the air. “Yes, that guy. Well, he, Natasha and Cap showed up at my house the other day.”
He pauses, not going on any further. You wonder if there’s a point to this story, or if he’s just calling to tell you it’s weird that Scott flew from Los Angeles all the way to New York. Which you guess it is, considering…
Your hands freeze on the plate, eyebrows drawing in. “That’s not possible, Scott Lang was killed in the blip.”
“Yeah, I thought so too, but he’s here. They came over talking about quantum jumping, and how he got stuck in the middle of it when Thanos snapped his fingers. Five years felt like five hours to him.”
“And he’s alive?” You ask.
“Yes.” He sighs into the phone. “You know I wouldn’t be calling you if I thought I was just getting your hopes up.”
This is true. When you were parting ways with the Avengers, you and Tony had a long discussion about the future, and where both of you stood on the matter. You told him that you wanted to retire your suit for good. With there being so many heroes in New York again, there wasn’t a reason for all of you to be active anymore.
This set up the idea that this could be the last time you came face to face with them, because it was partially your plan. You can’t be sucked in if you refuse to be involved. He respected your wishes on this, and told you that if anything were to happen to you, he’d be there in a second if you needed him to be.
And before you left, you came to an agreement; if there was a way that either of you could turn back time and fix everything in a reasonable way, you’d be there, no questions asked.
“Okay…” You prompt him.
“(Y/n), I figured it out.” He tells you. “I figured out how to time travel. It’s taken me…” You can picture him shaking his head. “But I think we can go back and fix this. I think we can bring them back.”
You set the clean plate off to the side, placing the sponge back where it belongs in the ceramic dish. “Are you sure?”
You lean over the sink, nodding slowly. “What did they say about it?”
“I haven’t told them yet. I thought you should be the first to know, that’s the deal we made, right?”
“Right.” You agree. “How soon are we doing this?”
“Today.” He says. “I’ll pick you up. We’ll sort it out with them when we get to the Avengers Facility.’
Your eyes land on the gold ring that’s currently sitting on the window sill. “I’ll be ready.” You murmur. “Tony?”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“I remember why I stopped letting you drive me around.” You say, watching as the Facility grows closer. “Cause you’ve got a lead foot.”
“Shut up.” Tony tells you, taking a turn. “We’re almost there.”
“Try not to send us through the windshield before then.” You mutter, being thrown into the door, tires squealing against the asphalt.
As you near the front, you can see that Steve is standing outside of it, hands on his hips. Tony pulls up right before him, putting the car in park when it’s come to a complete stop. He rolls the window down, lazily moving his head to look at Steve.
“Why the long face?” He asks after a moment of silence. “Let me guess, he turned into a baby.”
Steve nods, looking away. “Among other things, yeah. What are you two doing here?”
You throw the car door open to get out before he can start driving again. 
“It’s the EPR Paradox.” Tony gets out, too. “Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might’ve wound up pushing time through Lang. It’s tricky, dangerous. Somebody could have cautioned you against it.”
You shut the door, walking around the car to join them. 
“You did.” Steve says.
“Oh, did I?” Tony mocks being shocked. “Well, thank god I’m here. Regardless, I fixed it.” He holds up his hand, which has the time traveling cuff—or whatever it is, you stopped trying to understand it after he explained it the second time. “A fully functioning time-space GPS.”
Steve smiles.
“I just want peace.” Tony holds up two fingers. “Turns out resentment is corrosive, and I hate it.”
“Me, too.” Steve says, looking at you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m here to help, obviously.” You give him a bright smile. “I can be useful, sometimes.”
“We got one shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities.” Tony says. “Bring back what we lost, I hope, yes. Keep what I found, I have to, at all costs. And maybe not die trying, would be nice.”
Steve nods again, holding out his hand. “Sounds like a deal.”
Tony takes it, they shake on it. You let out air through your nose, shaking your head as you wander away, staying close to watch Tony open the trunk of the car. He pulls out Steve’s shield, dumping the blanket and stuffed animal back into the car. 
“Tony, I don’t know.” Steve mutters.
“Why? He made it for you.” He flips it around. “Plus, honestly, I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding.”
Steve takes it, holding it across his arm. “Thank you, Tony.”
“Will you keep that a little quiet? Didn’t bring one for the whole team.” He pulls out a red case, reaching up with his other hand to press the button that closes the trunk for him. “We are getting the whole team, yeah?”
“We’re working on that right now.” Steve says. 
“Cool.” You turn around to walk to the doors. “Until we have everyone here, I will be sitting on my ass and doing exactly nothing.”
“Not very different from what you usually do, right?” Tony asks behind you.
You give him a sarcastic smile.
“Okay, so the how works.” Steve begins. “Now we gotta figure out the when and the where.”
There’s a set of three screens he’s standing by, each one showing two stones. It’s sorted into detail by what they look like, what they can be contained in, what building they were originally found in, and who might have them in their possession. 
Your eyes are set on the most obvious one, the Time Stone. You and the others already pretty much agreed that you’ll be going after it. You know the most about it, after spending years of being around Stephen.
“Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones.”
“Or substitute the word ‘encounter’ for ‘damn near been killed’ by one of the six Infinity Stones.” Tony says, standing on the other side. There’s a coffee cup in one of his hands. 
“Well, I haven’t, but I don’t even know what the hell you’re all talking about.” Scott says.
“Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round-trip each.” Bruce tells you, walking around the back of Scott’s chair. “And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history.”
“Our history.” Tony emphasizes. “So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in, yeah?”
“Which means we have to pick our targets.” Clint’s got his eyes on the ground. 
“So, let’s start with the Aether.” Steve says, eyes set on a specific target. “Thor, what do you know?” 
Thor, who has since gained weight, forgotten how to shower, and grown a beard, sits in the corner of the room, slouched as deeply as possible in the chair. There’s a beer in one of his hands, the other rests on his stomach. The pair of sunglasses on his face prohibits you from seeing where his eyes are.
Everyone turns to look at him, waiting.
“Is he asleep?” Natasha asks.
“No, no. I”m pretty sure he’s dead.” Rhodes says.
Tony lets out a sigh, shaking his head. He slaps a hand on his shoulder, which jumpstarts Thor. “Rise and shine, buddy. What do you know about the Aether?”
Thor groans, “I was just about to get up.”
He gets to his feet, wanting to the front. “Uh, where to start?” He pulls off the sunglasses, holding them in his hand. “Um… The Aether, firstly, is not a stone. Someone called it a stone before.” He points at Steve briefly. “Um, it’s more of an angry sludge sort of a thing… so someone’s gonna need to amend that and stop saying that.” He tilts his head back to squirt eye drops into his eyes.
Your mouth falls open slightly, watching him do this. Is this what you looked like to everyone else when you freaked out that first year? Of course, you were the opposite of whatever Thor is representing, but still. His coping mechanisms are a hell of a lot worse than yours were… you think.
Clint comes beside you, pulling a chair out to sit down.
“Here’s an interesting story, though, about the Aether. My grandfather, many years ago, had to hide the stone from the Dark Elves.” He makes a ghostly sound, laughing in the middle. “Scary beings. So, Jane, actually—” The middle screen changes to show her face. “Oh, there she is. Yeah, so Jane was a—was an old flame of mine.”
You rub your face, letting out a sigh while you tilt your head back to look at the ceiling. These past few days already have been long, while you waited for them to design the time traveling suits, build the platform, and send Clint into the future as a test run. You can’t imagine what today and tomorrow are going to be like, if this is how it’s starting.
“You know, she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time and then the Aether stuck itself inside her and she became very, very sick. And so I had to take her to Asgard, which is where I’m from and we had to try and fix her.” Thor continues.
You swivel in your chair, facing Natasha. She raises her eyebrows, and you grab her notepad, dragging it in front of you. Clint offers up a pen on the other side, you take it, writing down that Jane Foster has the Aether in Asgard. 
“We were dating at the time, you see and I got to introduce her to my mother,” He’s waving around the sunglasses. “Who’s dead and, um… Oh, you know, Jane and I aren’t even dating anymore, so.” He sniffs. “Yes, these things happen, though. You know? Nothing lasts forever. The only thing that—”
Tony goes up to Thor, grabbing him. “Why don’t you come sit down?”
“I’m not done yet.” He pushes Tony away. “The only thing that is permanent in life is impermanence.”
Tony claps twice. “Awesome. Eggs? Breakfast?”
“No. I’d like a Bloody Mary.” Thor smiles.
You take in a deep breath, “Can I get one, too, then?”
Tony looks at you, “Don’t encourage this.”
“Just something to get me through the rest of the day.” You reason, a teasing smile hinting at your lips.
He squints at you, directing Thor to sit back down in one of the chairs. “Let’s take a break, we’ll regroup at dinner.”
The group breaks apart, eager to get out of this room and away from Thor. You stay where you’re seated, and Tony doesn’t move, either. Thor seems disinterested, turning the can of beer on the table. Once the door has shut, you can’t contain your laughter.
They look at you, waiting for you to let them in on what you find so funny. You wave your hand, turning around in the chair to bury your face in your hands. You forget just how ridiculous this team can be at times. It’s more than just crime fighting, it’s camaraderie. 
“Okay,” You breathe, facing them again. “Thor, can you give me a year where Jane was in Asgard when she was infected with the Aether?”
“Oh, sure.” Thor says, he’s composed himself. “It was twenty-thirteen. It won’t mean anything unless it’s in the Stone form, though.”
You hum, flipping the page over, writing down everyone that is planning to help. Next to Thor’s name, you put ‘R’ for the Reality Stone, making him in charge of that. He’ll need someone to go with him, of course, because he’s in no state to have this big of a responsibility, but you’ll figure that out later on. The point is that Asgard was his home, he’ll know how to navigate it.
Beside your name, you write ‘T’ for the time stone. No matter what the others say, you won’t let them take this one from you. If they want to help you, you’ll drag someone along. As far as you’re concerned, this will be under control.
“What are you doing?” Tony asks, coming around the table.
“Sorting this out.” You murmur, flipping back to the original page. You begin to write what you know about the Time Stone, which is more than what Thor could give you about the Reality. “Those who know the most about the stones should be in charge of them, I figured you don’t really think otherwise.”
You look at him, he makes a face, nodding to agree with you. 
“What are you thinking about for dinner? Takeout will be on me.” Tony says, crossing his arms.
“Burgers.” Thor says, “A nice juicy burger.”
You make a face, “I’ve been craving Chinese lately.”
A few hours later, after everyone has finished what they were doing with the suits or the portal, you find yourself back in the room. Your suggestion on Chinese food was fairly popular with the others, so Tony took the order and had the food delivered to the Facility.
“All right, Ratchet, go for it.” Tony motions once everyone is settled in their seats.
“Rocket.” He corrects, giving him a look. “Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag.” The screen lights up purple, you set your fork down to write what he says into the notepad.
“Is that a person?” Bruce asks, smacking on his ice cream.
“No, Morag’s a planet.” Rocket says, standing on the table. “Quill was a person.”
“Like a planet? Like in outer space?” Scott asks from the other end of the table.
“Oh, look.” Rocket places his hand on Scott’s head, beginning to give him a head rub. “It’s like a little puppy, all happy and everything. Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy?” Scott pulls his head away, unamused. “I’ll take you to space.”
“Have you been to Morag?” You ask, looking up from the paper. “You or Nebula?”
“No.” Rocket says, turning around to face you.
“I haven’t, either.” She shakes her head. “I believe it’s kept in a temple.”
You blow a piece of hair out of your face. “Okay…”
You flip the page, finding her name on the list, writing ‘P’. You chew on the inside of your lip, thinking. When you look at Tony, you find his eyes on you. 
“What’s the problem?”
“We’re going to have to go in pairs, anyway, right?” You ask, “What if…”
You write ‘R’ next to Rocket, knowing that he and Thor have worked together in the past, during the first fight with Thanos. They went together to Nidavellir, where Thor got Stormbreaker. They clearly get along fine. As for Nebula, lately she’s been working with Rhodes. That’s why you decide to pair them together.
Tony tilts his head, “I don’t see why not.”
It’s the following day when you finally get time to talk about the Stones again, since the conversation on Morag was thrown out the window when technicalities came into play. The group of you called it a night when Thor started talking about Jane again.
“Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir.” Nebula murmurs from the front. 
“What is Vormir?” Natasha asks, holding the notepad. She’s been up all night writing notes, building off of what you’ve already got in there. When she offered to take it from you, you didn’t argue. 
“A dominion of death at the very center of celestial existence.” She says, voice lowering. “It’s where Thanos murdered my sister.”
There’s a moment of silence between the few of you. Not everyone could make it to this time around. Tony opted out because he decided off the bat that he didn’t want to be involved with anything other than the Space Stone—the tesseract—because he believes that’ll be an easy grab, too.
Steve sighs.
“Not it.” Scott mutters.
This causes several people to look at him.
The meeting room is trashed two days later, there’s papers scattered across the room, as well as folders. There’s books opened to certain pages, laying open on the floor to be easily picked up and resumed when needed. Tony and Natasha lay on the table, with Bruce being on the floor, considering he’s permanently part-Hulk now.
You sit in the recliner in the corner, reading through all the notes you’ve gathered thus far, trying to put together a fairly decent timeline. 
“That Time Stone guy.” Natasha finally breaks the silence.
“Doctor Strange.” Bruce says, you look up from your notes, clicking the pen.
“Stephen Strange.” You murmur.
“Yeah, what kind of doctor was he?” She asks.
“Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit-from-hat.” Tony says, he’s turned on his side, rubbing his face.
“He was a neurosurgeon, that’s why he likes being called Doctor.” You tell her. “He worked at the Metro-General hospital.”
“Nice place in the Village, though.” Bruce says.
“Yeah, on Sullivan Street?” Tony says back.
Bruce hums. “No…”
“Bleecker Street.” You correct.
“Wait, he lived in New York?” Natasha asks, no longer spinning the pen in her hand.
“No, he lived in Toronto.” Tony says.
“Uh, yeah, on Bleecker and Sullivan.” Bruce says.
“Have you been listening to anything?” Tony asks Natasha.
She holds her hand up. “Guys, if you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York.”
Bruce sits up, “Shut the front door.”
You nod, forcing the recliner back to its original position. “Space, Mind and Time, huh?”
“Yeah.” She says. “All we need to do is figure out who’s getting which one.”
An emergency team meeting is called. The four of you move to a different room to be in, because the last one is trashed. The others begin to trickle in steadily, all asking questions on what happened.
It isn’t until the last person comes inside, do you begin. “Everyone, this has gotten a whole lot easier.”
Tony nods, walking up to the projection. At the top, it’s titled ‘Time Heist’, courtesy of Scott, who’s attached to the idea of it. The sections below are broken into three. The first one being New York, which has Time, Space and Mind. The second one is Asgard, which obviously holds the Reality Stone. The third one is Morag / Vormir, for the Power and Soul Stones.
“We have divided the teams.” Tony says. “For team Asgard, we have Thor and Rocket,  Morag will be Nebula and Rhodes, and Vormir is Natasha and Clint. As for New York, it will be the rest of us.” He turns around to face you. “(Y/n) has volunteered to grab the Time Stone, Bruce will go with her. Which leaves Scott, Steve and I to get the Space and Mind Stone, because it’ll be in the same buildings at the same time.”
“All right. We have a plan.” Steve says, crossing the room to stand in front of the projection. “Six stones, three teams, one shot.”
You stand up, walking to stand next to Steve. You grab his shoulder, making him turn to you. “Now we can get this son of a bitch.”
“Five years ago, we lost. All of us.” Steve begins. “We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the stones. Get them back. One round-trip each. No mistakes, no do-overs. Most os uf are going somewhere we know. That doesn’t mean we should know what to expect. 
“Be careful.” He says. “Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives, and we’re gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck.” He backs off.
“He’s pretty good at that.” Rocket says.
“Right?” Scott looks at him.
“All right. You heard the man. Stroke those keys, Jolly Green.” Tony tells Bruce. 
“Trackers engaged.”
Clint holds out his hand, looking at the Milano—Rocket’s spaceship—which has been shrunk to make for easier transportation.
“You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?” Rocket asks.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Clint dismisses him. “Okay, I’ll do my best.”
“As promises go, that was pretty lame.” Rocket crosses his arms.
“It’s Clint, everything about him is lame.” You say, and when Clint looks at you, you give him our sweetest smile. “Isn’t that right?”
“Be quiet.” He tells you.
Bruce comes up the stairs to the platform, stopping to stand right next to you. He slaps his wrist, causing the platform to begin beeping. You take in a deep breath, tilting your head from side to side.
“See ya in a minute.” Natasha smiles.
The helmet comes over your face, you look down, finding that the ground has opened up, sucking you inside. You travel through… you’re not entirely sure how to describe it. At first, it’s a bright tunnel of color that quickly submerges you in blue, traveling through a molecule and into a white light.
You land on your feet in an alleyway, the street in front of you is covered in debris and overturned cars. The time traveling suit disappears, leaving you in a pair of relatively normal clothes for this time. The sound of screaming, sirens and the alien beings moving around and shooting is slightly overwhelming for a couple seconds.
Steve marches forward. “All right, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down.” He must decide the coast is clear, turning around to come back your way. “Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock.”
Hulk roars, you look around Steve to watch as he lifts a car, smashing it into the alien, clearly killing him. Another one comes to save his comrade, but turns around and runs at the sight of past Hulk plucking a tire off the car and throwing it at a streetlight. Unsatisfied with his original smash, he jumps on the dismembered car a couple times, before stomping away.
Bruce covers his face, embarrassed.
“Maybe smash a few things along the way.” Steve suggests.
“I think it’s gratuitous, but whatever.” Bruce says, ripping off his tank top, walking to the street. 
You shake your head at him, rolling your eyes. You begin to walk away, backwards. “This shouldn’t take long. Are you sure you don’t want my help with the other two stones?”
“We’ve got it covered, (Y/n).” Steve gives you a hard nod. 
“If you say so.” You tilt your head, before following after Bruce, who’s lazily punching cars.
You walk behind him, amused at the way he tries to mimic how he was in the past. He was incredibly, unnecessarily destructive, wasn’t he? You can’t imagine the amount of things he tore apart or broke solely because he could.
“I think we’ll travel faster if we take the roofs.” He finally says, stopping.
“Why do you think that?” You ask, catching up with him. 
He opens his mouth, letting out a sigh. “I don’t want to do this the entire way.”
“Well, unfortunately, you don’t have a baby carrier on you, so you don’t really have an option.” You shrug, “Just enjoy the walk.”
“I can’t.”
“Then don’t break shit, I don’t care.” You laugh, “It’s only a few minutes from here.”
He looks disappointed at your indifference, but he admits that you’re right. Bleecker Street and Sullivan isn’t that far when he’s listening to your directions on the quickest shortcuts. However, you have a problem when the front door to the Sanctum doesn’t open.
Your mouth pops open, tongue clicking. You place your hands on your hips, tilting your head back to see the roof of the building. Your face smooths over when you see orange magic shoot at an alien, causing it to explode.
“Get us up there.” You tell Bruce, it’s a command.
“Sure.” He says.
You allow him to pick you up, setting you on his shoulder. You struggle to balance while he scales the building, but it’s worth it the second you reach the top. He starts for the door that’ll lead you inside of the Sanctum, you don’t move from where you stand, eyes on the lady standing feet away.
A sinking feeling of disappointment hits.
“I’d be careful going that way. We just had the floors waxed.” She tells Bruce before he can open the door.
She’s British, she has an accent, and she’s bald. The robes she’s wearing is a shade of mustard yellow. And she has the Eye of Agamotto around her neck, the same thing that Stephen had in his possession. The Time Stone is right here.
The longer you stare at her, the more you believe you’ve seen her before, or at least heard of her. You go down the three steps, going to join her. You refuse to take your eyes off of her.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Doctor Strange.” Bruce says.
The lady lifts her head slightly. “You’re about five years too early.” She steps away, toward the edge of the roof. “Stephen Strange is currently performing surgery—” she lifts her hand to motion, “about twenty blocks that way.” She stops walking. “What do you want from him?”
“The Time Stone.” You tell her. 
“Ah!” She looks down at the Eye. “I’m afraid not.”
“Sorry, but I wasn’t asking.” Bruce says, stepping over the metal bar to walk toward her.
“You don’t want to do this.” She warns him.
“Bruce, I think we should listen to her.” You tell him.
“Ah, you’re right, I don’t. But I need that stone and I don’t have time to debate it.” He says, hand reaching to grab it.
She slams the heel of her hand into his chest, Bruce falls to the ground, unconscious. You stare with an open mouth for a brief second, and then you snap it shut, looking at her.
Her eyes are already on you, head tilted. “Are you going to take it by force, too?”
She smiles. “Let’s start over, shall we?”
It hits you after this, you squint at her. “You’re the one that Stephen and Wong talked about all the time. What is it—?” You wonder aloud, eyes drifting as you think. “Ancient One, isn’t that what they called you?” When you look at her again, she’s got her eyebrows raised. “You’re the Sorcerer Supreme.”
“You’re wise.” She says. “What’s your name?”
“(Y/n).” You tell her, she begins to think about it. “I’m not a student of yours, I’m just dating one. We need the Time Stone, it’s urgent.”
“For what, exactly?”
“We need it so we can bring back half of the population of every living being.” The words are grave, her facial expression changes. “We’re from eleven years in the future. And this is the only solution we have left. We have teams gathering the other five Infinity Stones, and when we bring them together in our time, we’ll be able to fix the damage that was done.”
“You want me to hand it over?” She asks you. “No.”
She begins to walk away, heading for the door. You follow after her. “Please, you don’t understand.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t help you, (Y/n).” Her pace doesn’t slow. “If I give up the Time Stone to help your reality, I’m dooming my own.”
“With all due respect, all right…” Bruce’s voice echoes, you turn to look behind you, finding him in his original body, not the half-Hulk, half-Bruce one. Except, he’s see-through, a phantom, a ghost. He joins you two up the stairs, jogging in front of her to make her stop. “I’m not sure the science really supports that.”
With him standing between her and the door, she humors you. She reaches forward, yanking out an orange line right in the middle of them. It stretches far between the blocks of New York on both sides. 
“The Infinity Stones create what you experience as the flow of time.” The stones create a ring around the orange. She reaches forward to flick the Time Stone. “Remove one of the stones and that flow splits.” You watch as a black line branches off from where the ring of stones is, creating its own path through the air. “Now, this may benefit your reality but my new one, not so much.
“In this new branch reality without our chief weapon against the forces of darkness our world would be overrun. Millions will suffer. So, tell me, Doctor. Can your science prevent all that?” 
Bruce is rubbing his hands together, “No, but we can erase it. Because once we’re done with the stones we can return each one to its own timeline at the moment it was taken. So, chronologically—” he pulls the Time Stone out of the air, placing it back in the ring, remedifying the split timeline. “In that reality, it never left.”
She turns around, walking away. “Yes, but you’re leaving out the most important part.” She stops at the end of the roof. “In order to return the stones, you have to survive.”
“We will.” You tell her. “I promise.”
“I can’t risk this reality on a promise. It’s the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone.”
“I know.” You murmur. “But Stephen had no choice but to give it to Thanos.” 
She stares at you, “What did you say?”
“Stephen gave the stone to Thanos.”
“Willingly?” She asks.
“Yes.” Bruce says behind you.
“We lost the battle so that we could win the war.” You tell her. “It’s what had to be done.”
“I see.” She murmurs after a long moment of silence. She reaches over Bruce’s shoulder, summoning his body. 
Bruce returns, back to being giant and green. You watch as she bends her fingers, moving her hands apart, unlocking the Eye. Inside sits the stone, she pulls it out, you cup your hand.
She doesn’t drop it quite yet. “Strange is meant to be the best of us.”
“He is.” You assure her. “He handed it over for a reason.”
“I fear you might be right.” She places the stone in your hand.
You’ve only held it one time before, when Stephen had to fix the Eye of Agamotto. It’s meant to be unbreakable with his spells, but there’s always an exception. He saw how much it bothered you, seeing the Time Stone out of place, and elected you to hold it while he repaired the Eye. 
When you told him you were afraid you’d break it, he said that provides more comfort to him, because it means that you’ll be careful with it.
“Thank you.” Bruce says.
She steps forward, hands over yours. “I’m counting on you, (Y/n). We all are.”
“I’ll bring it back.” You tell her. 
She lets you and Bruce go through the Sanctum to get to the street, not wanting you to crawl back down the building. As soon as you’ve stepped foot back on the sidewalk, you pass the Time Stone over to Bruce, “Here, you take it back.”
His face twists. “We’re going back together. Don’t you want to hold onto it?”
You shake your head. “No, there’s someone I have to see first.”
“You can’t, (Y/n), if you see Stephen, you’ll ruin the timeline.”
“That’s not who I’m going to.” You wave him off. “I won’t talk to her. It’ll be a few minutes.”
He nods, holding out his arm to type in the present day’s date. You watch as he warps into the air, disappearing. You begin to walk away, reaching up to touch your earpiece, “This is (Y/n) to Tony, Bruce has taken the stone back. How are we looking for the other two?”
Tony sighs in your ear. “There’s been an issue, Loki took the Tesseract and disappeared.”
Your feet pause, but quickly go back to walking, because you don’t have much time to be out here. “Okay, what’s the plan? You don’t have enough particles.”
“Cap and I are going back further in time, we’ll be able to get particles and the stone in the same place. We’re sending Scott back to the present. What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna visit someone. You two be careful.”
“We will.” Steve’s voice comes over. “Remember the plan, don’t interact with anyone.”
“I know.” You tell him.
It isn’t that hard for you to find young (Y/n), mostly because of the shredded asphalt and the decomposing bodies that lay on top of it. You follow this careless path, and divert from it to go through an alleyway, where it leads you right to where she is, standing a few feet away.
There’s a smile on her face, that dissolves into concentration, as she gets on the ground, hunching over to pull more of the dead out of the Earth. You remember this, it’s moments after Tony found you and told you to draw in as many of the Chitauri as you possibly could—as long as you could handle it.
You were so young back then, you had absolutely no idea what you were doing. Or that this would eventually lead you to becoming a hero, yourself. That day, you took a leap of faith, and it completely changed the trajectory of your life.
If you hadn’t done this, who knows where you’d be right now. If life would have treated you any differently. If you still would’ve joined the Avengers, just a few years later down the line. Or if you’d ever even get to meet Stephen.
It doesn’t matter, because you don’t think you’d ever tell your past self to change her mind. 
“You’ve got this.” You say to her, eyes flickering between the time system and her, where she’s fighting. “Just keep pushing, you’re on the right path.”
As you type the date in, you watch as she looks up from the ground, eyes landing on you. You submit the time, and just before you leave, you hold a hand up to wave at her. 
You’re sucked through the warp, as you travel backwards through the tunnel you took to get here. And despite leaving at different times, it joins you with the rest of your group. You arrive at the Avengers Facility at the same time.
The helmet falls back at the same time it does for everyone else, the suit following directly after.
“Did we get ‘em all?” Bruce asks.
Rhodes laughs. “Are you telling me this actually worked?”
Clint falls to his knees, staring off in front of him. You know this look, something’s happened. Your eyes try to switch to Natasha, hoping that she’ll offer an explanation, but she’s absent.
“Oh, Clint.” You murmur.
“Clint, where’s Nat?” Bruce asks.
Clint’s eyes are watery, his lips turning further down. There’s a long moment of silence between all of you, as the news settles in. You were warned by Nebula that the way Thanos got the stone was through losing his daughter. You were all hoping that she was being difficult and her actions got her killed, not… this.
Bruce falls to his knees, slamming his fist into the platform.
You sigh, shaking your head. “Shit.”
“All right, the glove’s ready.” Rocket says, adjusting the fingers. “Question is, who’s gonna snap their freakin’ fingers?”
“I’ll do it.” Thor says, coming over.
“Excuse me?” Tony asks, turning around.
“It’s okay.” He steps closer to the glove.
“Stop, stop.” Tony reaches to grab Thor at the same time Steve does. “Slow down.”
“Thor. Just wait.” Steve tells him. “We haven’t decided who’s gonna put that on yet.”
“I’m sorry. WHat, we’re all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?”
“We should at least discuss it.” Scott says.
“Look, sitting here staring at the thing is not gonna bring everybody back.” He brings his fingers to his thumbs on both hands. “I’m the strongest Avenger, okay? So, this responsibility falls upon me. It’s my duty.”
“Normally, you’re right.” Tony steps in front of him. “It’s not about that.”
“It’s not that.” He shushes him. “Stop it! Just let me. Just let me do it.” He whispers. “JUst let me do something good. Something right.”
“Look, it’s not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I’m telling you. You’re in no condition.” Tony tells him.
“What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?” His hands are on Tony’s shoulders.
“Cheez Whiz?” Rhodes suggests, you snort.
Thor is unamused, holding out a finger to quiet him. “Lightning.”
“Lightning.” Thor repeats.
“LIghtning won’t help you, pal.” Bruce says, finally going forward. “It’s gotta be me.” Thor looks at the ground, Tony moves away. “You saw what those stones did to Thanos. They almost killed him. None of you could survive.” He stops in front of the glove.
“How do we know you will?” Steve asks.
“We don’t. But the radiation’s mostly gamma. It’s like… uh, I was made for this.”
“If this is what you want.” You say, backing away.
Bruce nods, reaching into the case to pull out the glove. 
“Good to go, yeah?” Tony asks.
“Let’s do it.”
“Okay, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago, you’re just bringing them back to now, today. Don’t change anything from the last five years.” Tony says.
“Got it.”
Your suit comes to cover your body, preparing for the worst. You shuffle behind Tony and Clint, where Tony brings up a shield as another form of protection. 
“Friday, do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol, will ya?”
You watch as the skylight slowly covers with metal, as well as all exits, including doors and windows. That way, if anything goes wrong, the only people that’ll be affected are those who are standing in this room.
“Everybody comes home.” Bruce mutters, slowly pulling the glove on. The machinery adjusts to fit his hand, rather than Tony’s. When it secures, it sends a visible shock up his arm, all six Infinity Stones begin to glow.
Bruce drops to his knee, groaning, veins popping out of his forehead. He grabs the glove with his free hand, watching as it transforms. 
“Take it off. Take it off!” Thor shouts.
“No, wait.” Steve holds out his hand. “Bruce, are you okay?”
Bruce throws his head back, the fabric on his arm begins to burn up, the colors of the stones are beneath his skin, traveling up the underside of his jaw. He’s in pain.
“Talk to me, Banner.” Tony says.
“I’m okay.” He breathes, as the stones begin to settle. “I’m okay.” He pants heavily, slowly lifting his hand. His green skin is now charred, black, glowing red underneath. Like bubbling lava.
He screams, preparing his fingers, and then snaps.
The glove falls off in an instant, Bruce unconscious on the floor, arm is sizzling.
“Bruce!” Steve crouches down next to him.
Clint kicks the glove away, Tony joins Steve. “Don’t move him.” The healing solution comes from his fingers, coating Bruce’s arm in white. 
“Did it work?” Bruce asks, grabbing Steve’s arm.
“We’re not sure.” Thor says. “It—it’s okay.”
The metal sheets begin to lift, doors opening, allowing you to leave. Scott wanders away, and so does Clint a second later.
“Can you feel anything, (Y/n)?” Steve asks, looking at you.
You suck in a breath, closing your eyes, concentrating hard. You discovered a couple years ago that there wasn’t a need for the dramatics if you actually put some of your own energy in to pull some out. You sacrifice a little of yourself, digging deep, feeling around for the same heavy weight that there’s been for years.
“I don’t…” You murmur, head turning to the side, eyebrows drawing in. “I can’t say for sure.” You open your eyes. “It might be the building, it works better when I’m outside. I could go out—”
“Don’t bother.” Clint murmurs, picking up his vibrating phone, pressing it to his ear. “Honey.”
“Guys…” Scott breathes. “I think it worked.”
A smile breaks through when you make eye contact with Tony, finding your happiness mirrored onto him. 
You did it.
You touch the ring on your thumb.
A blast of hot air throws you across the room, slamming you into the cement wall, head cracking against it. An explosion shakes the ground. A wave of dizziness hits you as you reach to touch the spot on your forehead, fingers coated in blood.
One second, you’re staring at your friends, and the next, the building is collapsing. The ground gives way beneath you, a scream leaves your mouth as you begin to slide, knowing full well that the Facility goes hundreds of feet underground.
The suit comes to cover your body as your fingers slip from the cement. Your stomach flies to your throat, lodging itself there as you begin to fall with the chunks of rock and debris.
Another rocket hits nearby, as your body is engulfed in fire. 
When you wake, a sharp stabbing feeling flies through your abdomen. You reach to grab it, hands coming in contact with a steel rod. It’s wet, but not from your blood. The water from the plumbing system and the lake nearby rain down on you, causing sparks from severed electric wires to zap.
“(Y/n)?” You hear Bruce ask. “Are you with us?”
You struggle to breathe, hearing every breath enter and leave your mouth. You squeeze your eyes shut, head resting back. “I’m stuck.”
“I know, we’ll get Rhodey and Rocket over there to help you.” He says.
“No, Bruce.” You gasp, wincing. “I’ve been impaled.”
The sound of rushing water fills the air. You lift your head, eyes searching from the direction it’s coming from. It sweeps through the rubble, beginning to fill the hole you’re in.
“Guys!” The panic in your voice alerts Rhodes, “Help!”
Rocket gets to his feet, coming in your direction. “Oh, no.”
“Mayday, Mayday! Does anybody copy? We’re on the lower level. It’s flooding!” Rhodes says into the earpiece. “We are drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!”
“I don’t think we can get you out of this one.” Rocket says once he sees you. “Bruce, any chance you can come over here?”
“Not really.” He grunts.
You take careful breaths, trying to relax. “If I don’t get out of here, I’m going to drown.”
Rocket shakes his head, hands up. “I don’t know what you want me to do.”
“You don’t have any tools?” You ask, “To cut the bar in half?” He doesn’t respond, you close your eyes. “Fuck.”
“It’s filling up fast!” Rhodes shouts.
“Move back.” You tell him, he listens.
You grip onto the steel bar, “Come to me.” You murmur, the ground begins to shake under you, causing the pain to heighten. You grit your teeth, wanting to stop. “Come here.” You order.
The ground splits somewhere, the cement you’re laying on dips to the side, making you move. You resist the urge to throw your head back, trying to avoid a concussion.
“Oh, what the—” Rocket lets out, “What is that?”
Through half-open lids, you watch as a few of the dead come to crawl out of the rubble. They get to their feet, and without any other word, come to rescue you from where you are. The issue is that they aren’t so gentle, when they grab you by your shoulders and hips, pulling you free. 
The insides of your body burns, as you bite back a scream. They drop you on your feet, and with the weight all falling onto your wound, you stumble forward and onto your knees, hand wrapped around the area.
“If you could do that—have them take the rubble.” Rocket motions to Bruce. “So he can get us out of here.”
“They’ll crumble beneath the weight.” You tell him, the dead grab your elbows, forcing you to your feet. “They’re not good for much besides fighting.”
“You can’t tell them to find a way out and we follow them?” Rocket suggests.
“We can’t leave Bruce behind.” You shake your head. “And it’s not guaranteed that it’ll work. They can lead us to a dead-end. They aren’t all-knowing.”
The roof is beginning to fall, Bruce shuddering beneath it. The water is coming through faster, you shuffle to stand with Rhodes, Rocket climbs up as far as he can. You tilt your head back, water creeping up your chest. The dead that were with you are now floating on their backs, no longer alive.
“See you on the other side, man.” Rhodes says.
Rocket whimpers, not liking the idea of dying. You pant, tears in your eyes. You’re going to die before you’re able to see Stephen again. For the past five years, you’ve held onto the idea that it could be possible. And now he’s back, somewhere, but not here.
“(Y/n), stop.” Rhodes warns you.
You cry, the water reaching the back of your head. “Get me out of here!”
“You need to breathe, you can’t hyperventilate under the water.” He says, it’s flooding your ears.
“I know.” You gasp. “I know.”
You take a deep breath in right as the water covers your face. For the first few seconds, you think that it’s fine. And then you reach out, grabbing onto Rhodes’s arm, squeezing tightly. You feel his hand over yours, trying to provide comfort.
The burning in your lungs begins in the second minute, pressure tight in your skull, adding to the lightheadedness. You want to open your mouth and suck in, despite knowing that you’ll fill your lungs with water. It’ll be quicker than fighting this, right?
An object surrounds you, bumping you to the side. Your eyes open suddenly, struggling to see through the murky water on what’s moved you. For a second, you think that it’s Bruce, until you find him joining you. The water current from the other side brings the four of you closer together, as what you assume to be the roof closes in on you.
But then the ground comes up, uneven, and you’re lifted into the air, water running. You gasp, desperate for air, coughing out the water. You drop to your knees, pushing your hair out of your face.
“It’s Scott!” Rhodes shouts.
He must grow through the Facility, because all you can hear is the concrete breaking to pieces around you. He opens his hand when it’s safe, the others jumping off, while you carefully take your time, eyes adjusting to the situation in front of you.
Thanos is here. There’s a giant ship in the air off to the left, with the Chitauri and the Leviathan’s coming out of it. Just like they had eleven years ago when Loki came to New York. 
On the right side, is where you find several armies coming together to help. The army from Wakanda, led by T’Challa, the Asgardians, following Valkyrie and sorcerers, preparing behind Wong. And more, ones you don’t recognize, coming through the portals.
With one hand over your side, you hobble out to solid ground, eyes on Thanos. Your upper lip begins to twitch into a snarl, but it’s more for the laughter that catches in your throat.
When you come to a stop, you level your breathing as much as possible. You’ve brought back large armies in the past, but those will compare nothing to what you’re able to do.
The dark energy comes through your feet, snaking its way up your legs. You roll your shoulders back, feeling it wrap around your chest, alleviating the pain in your abdomen enough for you to remove your hand.
“Let’s play.” You smile, swirling your hand in the air. At first slowly, but growing faster, rock trembling, Earth reacting to what you’re demanding.
A hole appears, ground caving in on itself, creating a pit with no visible bottom. You shuffle to stand over it, peering inside. A cold gust of air blows your wet hair out of your face, goosebumps covering your arms.
“Come to me.” You demand, “All of you.”
There’s whispering, and sounds of hissing overlapping each other from deep below. They grow louder as they rise to the top. At the sight of the first undead climbing the walls, you back up to give them room. This is a trick you’ve been practicing for years, hoping you’d get the chance to use it here.
“Got anything for us, (Y/n)?” You hear in your earpiece, it’s Tony.
“They’re coming.” You tell him. “And mine will make the others seem like a joke.”
They crawl out, coming to their feet, walking forward. At first, a few at a time, not wanting to overwhelm the area, or anything. Then they begin to come in crowds, eager to get out of where they’ve been hiding this entire time. You walk away, watching as they come out of every direction they can.
As the numbers multiply and grow, Steve steps forward. “Avengers!” He holds out his hand, Mjolnir flying to it. “Assemble.”
Thor shouts first, the armies following as they rush forward. Yours, not quite yet, waiting for a command. The fun thing about the dead is that there’s so many of them, people will never stop dying. Which means that when you send the ones standing off, more will continue. A never-ending supply.
“Kill them!” You shout, pointing at Thanos’s army.
This is when they move at a steady pace, not feeling the need to run. You stay where you stand, supervising the hole to ensure that a great amount comes from it, before you point straight down the middle. 
“Come here, Arzorath.” The flow of dead stops to let this creature come out, five times the size of you, built like a monster. As soon as he’s out, the dead begin again. You grab his grey skin, looking up at him. “You stay here, and you make sure this doesn’t stop.”
He grunts, giving you a solid nod.
With that, you turn to walk into the fight, to the center, where Thanos is going to be. You should be afraid of walking through this crowd, but with the amount of undead that are spread throughout, they jump to protect you if any danger arises. 
There’s explosions, the sounds of weapons clashing against one another. You see several laser beams shoot through the air to hit their target. There’s billows of black smoke, indicating several fires.
“Cap!” You hear Clint’s voice in your ear. “What do you want me to do with this damn thing?”
Steve grunts. “Get those stones as far away as possible!”
“No!” Bruce shouts. “We need to get ‘em back where they came from.”
“I made a promise to the Sorcerer Supreme that I’d get it back. I intend on keeping it.” You tell them.
“No way to get ‘em back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel.” Tony says.
“Hold on!” You watch as Scott disappears, likely shrunken back to his regular size. “That wasn’t our only time machine.”
The sound of a horn playing Spanish music makes you turn your head. 
“Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?” Steve asks.
“Yes! But you’re not gonna like where it’s parked!” Valkyrie shouts, she’s in the air, riding on a pegasus. 
“Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?” Tony asks.
“Uh, maybe ten minutes.”
“Get it started. We’ll get the stones to you.” Steve says.
“We’re on it, Cap.” Hope says—Scott’s partner.
“Do you need me to clear a path for you?” You ask, “Because it won’t be that hard.”
“No, I can fly him there.” Hope tells you.
You continue through the battle, coming upon a patch where there is no one. You climb a pile of rocks, surveying the area to find Thanos, fighting Wanda. She’s got him stuck in the air, squeezing him with her magic.
That’s when the first blue light hits the ground, causing a blast, killing a dozen of your dead. It’s not only one, though, as more following, firing straight into the crowd without any prior aim. Thanos doesn’t care who he hits, as long as he doesn’t lose this fight.
You watch as the sorcerers cast shields, holding them above their heads, working together to cover a small part of the field. You don’t move for shelter, holding your stance. You glance over your shoulder to find Arzorath, still guarding the hole as you instructed him to.
“Help, somebody help!” Peter shouts.
“Hey, Queens, heads up!” Steve says back. 
Mjolnir flies through the air, you can see it from where you are. You reach up, pressing the ear piece. “Anyone have eyes on Thanos?”
“He’s by the van!” Scott shouts back, “I need backup!”
You sigh out your nose, jumping down from the rocks, heading straight into the fight once again. “Arzorath!” You shout, looking over your shoulder. He raises his head. “More!”
He raises his arms, throwing them down as he grabs a chunk from the ground, ripping it out and throwing it into the crowd of Thanos’s troops. By widening the hole, it creates a bigger flow. In seconds, you see the difference, as they rush to follow you, and then past you to create a path.
The blasts from the sky become more frequent, like hail. At least half of the dead come to jump at you to protect you, bringing you to the ground. They hold you there, refusing to let you move, until it suddenly stops. 
In the silence that comes after, you’re pulled to your feet. When you walk, they do too. The ship above suddenly changes its target, firing into the clouds in the distance. 
“What the hell is this?” Sam asks.
It doesn’t matter, you’re able to make it halfway to the van by the time the object from the atmosphere finally makes an appearance, slamming directly through the spaceship, and coming out on the other side. It must destroy the inside, setting off explosions, as the blasters power down, and the ship begins to fall, heading for the lake.
The object in question is Carol, as she does a loop, and flies up through the bottom, coming out of the top. She lands somewhere in the field, presumably where the gauntlet must be, not too far away.
Your concern switches when Thanos’s army begins to run at you. For a moment, you think that it was a stupid choice to run out here this far. Then the sound of bones rattling, and the groaning begins behind you. You turn halfway, finding that your people have followed you all the way out here.
“Destroy them.” You say. With a layer of an undead shield in front of you, you continue forward, watching as Wanda flies past you, followed by some of the other girls. You throw your hand out, pointing their way. “They don’t get hurt!”
Valkyrie and Wanda work together to take down the two leviathans above, while you use Carol’s path of destruction as a way to get to the van faster. When the fire rises, smoke hovering like fog, you cover your mouth, refusing to slow down. But when you come out on the other side, you watch as Carol makes a dive for the van, only for Thanos’s weapon to hit the portal at the same time. 
This causes a blast, throwing the weightless dead back. You fight to stay on your feet, leaning into the wind. The gauntlet glove goes flying, landing a few feet away. Thanos runs at it, causing you to jerk forward, too. Tony runs right into him, throwing him to the ground.
Thor lands, Stormbreaker glowing bright blue as he swings at Thanos. When he spins around, intending for a hard hit, Thanos grabs the handle, stopping him. He raises his free hand, and Mjolnir flies to it, acting as a block. Thor’s eyes are bright white, using the power of lightning. Steve runs up behind Thanos, jumping on his back.
Thanos headbutts Thor, reaching back to grab a hold of Steve, and somersaulting forward. When he lands on top, he punches Steve across the face, knocking him unconscious. He crawls the few feet to the glove, getting it in his hands, before Carol kicks the back of his knee, hitting his jaw,
When Thanos fights back, she dodges. She makes the mistake of trying to grab the glove, leaving an opening for Thanos to grab her. He twists, chucking her into the rock and rubble. Once again, reaching to put the gauntlet on his hand, this time succeeding.
Your stomach flies at the sight of the power coursing through his arm, as he raises his hand to snap his fingers. He almost does, until Carol gets her hand between, dragging him down to her height, trying to pull it off. He tries to punch her, but her power creates a shield that he can’t penetrate. When she flies above him, now pushing his hand toward his face, he reaches up, pulling the Power Stone free, and transferring it to his other hand.
She can’t catch herself in time, as he shouts, punching her away. She disappears, leaving a trail of kicked up dirt. 
You find Tony, laying on his stomach, dirt and blood smeared across his skin. He’s not looking at you, but to a different part of the field. When you follow his gaze, you’re met with the sight of him. 
It’s Stephen, in the same condition that all of you seem to be, too caught up in trying to hold the lake water at bay. Still, he manages to hold up his index finger, telling Tony one.
The confusion lasts less than a second, when you remember one of the last conversations you had together before Thanos showed up on Titan. Out of fourteen million timelines that he lived through, there was only one where you won. 
You don’t want to take your eyes off of him, lips parted. The urge to call his name is on the tip of your tongue. He’s right there. He’s so close.
You’re forced to when Thanos puts the Power Stone back on the gauntlet.
You stomp your foot, hard, the dirt around you shakes. “Arzorath, come!” Pain slices through your wound at the sudden movement. “The rest of you, get him!”
They’re faster than you thought they’d be, adjusted to their worn down bodies. They begin to throw themselves at Thanos. In the beginning, he’s able to swing them off, but as the dead come out of the shadows, far through the field, the number is overwhelming. He’s just about to use the gauntlet to swing them away, when a black mist surrounds him. The screams of pain begin, as the poisonous cloud corrodes his skin.
Arzorath appears beside you, materializing out of the air. You cup your hands, watching as he dumps the stones into yours carelessly, since they have no real value to him. 
The stones begin to slide over your palms without an order, adjusting to sit in their rightful places over your knuckles. You pull the Time Stone out, holding it in your free hand, not ready for the pain it’s about to inflict. You take a few deep breaths, releasing the power you hold over your army.
They fall into a useless heap of bones and rotten flesh. Thanos bursts out of it, raises his hand, still assuming the stones are on it. You look over, watching as Arzorath crumples to the ground, the life leaving him, too. You can’t afford to have any of them around. Not if you plan to do this.
“I am inevitable.” Thanos says, snapping his finger. 
It doesn’t react, there is no flash of white light, the people don’t begin to fall, he fails.
You turn your head, meeting Tony’s eyes, which begin to widen when he realizes why Thanos’s snap didn’t work. “(Y/n), don’t!” He shouts. “You have Stephen! He’s here!”
“You have Morgan!” You tell him. “And I have something a lot nastier than just myself.”
Thanos’s head whips in your direction. You get down to your knees, to the ground, the same way you had to in the past. With the hand that isn’t holding the Time Stone, you press it into the dirt, leaning forward, pulling. You reach through, searching for that miserable monster that had come out four years ago when you’d done this. 
This is your only chance—your only trick. It rests, slumbering, refusing to rise at your will. It isn’t until you give a little of yourself, what little dark energy you have left from conjuring so many of the dead, does it wake. And when you pull, it flies up at you, not slowing down.
You can hear Thanos running at you, shouting.
You open your eyes, slapping the Time Stone into its place on your knuckle. The energy that flows through you is different, brighter. This is not the same dark force that you’re used to. You’re able to feel the burning pain up your arm and stabbing into your neck, before it’s gone. 
The beast travels through your feet and up your body, heading straight for your mouth. It sets you on fire inside, and you’re barely able to lift your hand in time to snap your fingers, when he takes over, doing it for you. You’re weightless, flying through the air, wind caressing your skin, cradling you like a newborn. 
And then you hit the ground.
You roll several feet, arms blocking your face, until you stop on your back. You can see a leviathan coming right at you. And when you manage to finally get your eyes open after blinking, you find that it’s gone, nothing but dust in the wind. You let out a breath.
“(Y/n)!” Stephen’s voice is close, coming toward you.
The ground feels like it’s spinning under your body, creating a whirlpool, sucking you down with it. That would be nice, to join the ones that have kept you safe throughout this fight. Maybe you could give them a proper thank you.
There’s mechanical footsteps coming your way, when you look over, it’s Tony. His mouth is open, hands reaching for you. He’s cut off by someone else, dropping to their knees beside you.
It’s Stephen, your Stephen, as he pulls you into an upright position by your shoulders. You let out a cry, abdomen screaming in reaction. He’s got your face pulled against his chest, one arm across the back of your shoulders to keep you from moving.
“(Y/n), stay with me.” He tells you. “Stark—!”
You can’t see much through the haze, like a film over your eyes. But with Stephen’s face so close to yours, it doesn’t even matter. You throw your head back to get a proper look at him, something you’ve been waiting to do for five years. Of course, there’s a mess across his skin, a few strands of hair out of place.
You reach up with the hand that doesn’t have the stones, wiping a patch of blood away. “I’m fine.” You murmur, eyelids drooping. You begin to fall back, but Stephen catches you, pulling you back against his chest.
When you shakily breathe in, you’re hit with his cologne, a smell you’d thought you’d lost forever. You wrap your fingers around his blue robes, staring at the side of his face.
“What can we do?” He demands.
Stephen’s so beautiful, even in a state like this, especially when he’s angry. You remember that being the first thing you thought about him when he stepped out of his car, the second time he almost hit you. He’s handsome, and he’s yours, in front of you. He hasn’t aged a day. Still as perfect as he was the day he was taken from you.
“I’m okay.” You whisper, but your voice is drowned out by Friday, listing your vitals out loud. 
You’re so, so tired.
Stephen jerks you, your eyes fly open. “Don’t close your eyes, (Y/n). You have to stay with me.”
You hum, trying to listen. The worried look on his face has only deepened since learning about your heart rate and blood pressure. You think you can hear Tony making suggestions, all of which Stephen shuts down.
“I just…” You close your eyes, wanting to rest. As you settle, ignoring Stephen’s demands for you to stay awake, a voice from below calls.
Brace yourself.
All you can do is twitch your eyebrows, before a sharp gasp comes through your mouth, eyes opening. Your hand grips at his robes, knuckles turning pale to keep him from going anywhere. The energy resurfaces, bouncing to your temples, a headache slams in after.
You grit your teeth, toes curled as the needles press into every inch of your skin, reminding you that you’re alive. Telling you that you’re not allowed to die. Stephen’s hand is cupping your face, leaning over you.
“I told you;” You breathe carefully, feeling it begin to subside, “I’m fine.”
Stephen smashes his lips into yours, rough and demanding. He holds you there for a long minute, feeling you on him, until he decides when to pull away. You touch the side of his face, a light laugh escaping you.
“I missed you.” You tell him, tears in your eyes. “I can’t live without you.”
“So this is what you do?” He asks, bewildered. “You sacrifice yourself?”
“It’s been a rough five years.” You sniff, reaching over to pluck the stones from your suit. “But this is what had to be done, right?”
“Right.” He says, voice sad, getting to his feet. He helps you up, and catches you when you stumble a step. When you take one toward Tony, he shakes his head. “Are you sure…?”
“Yeah.” You mumble, pulling his hand up to give him the stones. “Here.”
Tony’s standing a foot or two away, staring at you. When you stop, slightly hunched over, he closes his eyes. “You’ve got to be the dumbest person on our team. I could’ve done that.”
“And survived?” You ask.
He doesn’t say anything at first, “Probably not, but it would’ve been more thought out than that.”
“You’re telling me that wasn’t thought out?” You ask, looking back at Stephen. A smile appears on your face first, and when you begin to laugh, you have to force yourself to stop. “I think that went pretty fuckin’ well, don’t you?”
“I would’ve changed a few things.” Stephen comes over to you, “But you’re right.”
“You shouldn’t have…” Tony’s shaking his head, eyes drifting away.
“You saved my life, remember?” You ask him, voice wavering, “That day I told you I was working on a different way to bring them back? I owe you for that.”
“You didn’t.”
“I never—not even in my nightmares—would have let you take the Infinity Stones. Even if it meant that it killed me.” You press your finger to his chest. “We’re even.”
“We always have been.” He tells you.
Stephen reaches to grab you when you sway, not being able to stabilize yourself. “Let’s sit down, (Y/n).”
“Sure.” You don’t resist, letting him lead you to a slab of concrete that’s flat enough to sit down. When you do, the aches in your body leave, you take in a deep breath. “Stephen?”
“Yes, my love?” His eyes are already on you.
You take his hand, lacing his fingers with yours. “I love you.”
He smiles, tilting his head slightly. “I love you too, (Y/n).”
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teamstonydolls · 6 years
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I loved how Dr. Strange turned Thanos` attack into thousands of magical butterflies. I am sure Tony would love that trick, too :’D. 
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Does... Does this mean you've written and/or are willing to write 16th century witch trials Stephen?!
FUNNY THING so like, strephen strange would have been prime real estate for someone calling him a witch just like:
1) VERY prominent (he was a doctor and some part of people always believed that doctors were witches) 
2) knows a LOT of stuff (“how do you fit all that useless information inside your head”) 
3) came from a poor family and worked his way up really fast, making lots of enemies on the way (PRIME for someone who wants to ruin him to call him a witch)
honestly, i mean, if i wrote it it would be an echo of the story of Mary Webster, a woman who was accused of witchcraft in the 1680′s. she was found innocent the first time she was accused by a court but it angered the town she lived in and they hanged her.
or, well, they tried. 
mary miraculously survived the hanging and lived well beyond the men who tried to kill her but there’s a really great poem by Margaret Atwood called “half-hanged mary” (pls ignore the weird ass questions i tried to find a different link but it never had the poem in its entirety) that counts the hours of her lying in the snow, barely alive until she’s found. two lines that i LOVE are:
Before I was not a witch,
But now I am one. 
and i think that would kind of be the story? stephen is accused of witchcraft when he’s just a doctor and they break his hands so he can’t practice anymore but someone finds him (the ancient one? maybe?) and nurses him back to health while teaching him real magic
wHEW this got away from me
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