#doctor who 1x09 the empty child
toshsato · 2 years
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As soon as the sirens go, you find a big fat family meal, still warm on the table with everyone down in the air raid shelter and bingo! Feeding frenzy for the homeless kids of London Town. Puddings for all, as long as the bombs don't get you.
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holdthegirlboss · 5 months
watching doccy who for the first time
1x09 — the empty child
just read the title this episode better not be about them kids in the gas masks they are so creepy
ITS ABOUT THE KIDS IN THE GAS MASKS NAHHHH i don’t know if i can watch this girlypops
(for context i watched this episode before when i was like 8 and i can’t remember any of it except the ‘are you my mummy’ bit because i couldn’t sleep in the dark for months xx)
(the same thing happened with that weird eye patch lady i don’t know her name but we’ll get to that much much later xx)
just when i thought it couldn’t get scarier here comes john barrowman (on that note get a job stay away from rose 👎)
could not imagine having the strength to even go on/go out during air raids if my brother got bombed huge respect for ar nancy
(also i think nancy’s brother became an empty child bc of the bomb will update if i am right) (update i was right)
the shot of doctor constantine turning into an empty child is going to give me nightmares for a week
doccy who does this a lot but i love when they show people in diff places facing the same threat - they did it in the episode w the slitheen with harriet/rose, jackie/mickey and the doctor/everyone else and i love that they’ve done it here as well
oh surely it’s not a fucking two parter i cannot hear ‘are you my mummy’ for ANOTHER hour i’m not gonna sleep for weeks 😭
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thingsasbarcodes · 7 months
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Doctor Who 1x09 - 'The Empty Child'
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geronimomo-spd · 5 months
and there we go! the full Confidential Archive!
here are all the episodes, according to tardis wiki list, including all of the mini specials and chrismas specials and most if not all in good quality! the full list of everything is under the cut because yeah, its a longgg list!
all in order, including some youtube videos and dvd rips hehe, all according the the tardis wiki list
1x00 - A New Dimension (a prolog to season one, narrated by David Tennant)
1x01 - (rose)
1x03 - (the unquiet dead)
1x04 - (aliens of london)
1x05 - (world war 3)
1x06 - (dalek)
1x07 - (the long game)
1x08 - (father's day)
1x09 - (the empty child)
1x10 - (the doctor dances)
1x11 - (boom town)
1x12 - (bad wolf)
1x13.1 - The Ultimate Guide (another little documentary right before
parting of the ways, about key aspects about filming the season)
1x13.2 - (parting of the ways)
1x14 - Backstage at Christmas (the nine minutes they gave us from some of behind the scenes of The Christmas Invasion)
2x00 - One Year On (a general preview for season 2, including the series 2 press launch, a lot more behind the scenes of The Christmas Invasion and some Torchwood stuff)
2x01 - (new earth)
2x02 - (tooth and claw)
2x03 - (school reunion)
2x04 - (the girl in the fireplace)
2x05 - (rise of the cyberman)
2x06 - (the age of steel)
2x07 - (the idiot's lantern)
2x08 - (the impossible planet)
2x09 - (the satan pit)
2x10 - (love & monsters) - (featuring the winning of the contest of designing a monster)
2x11 - (fear her)
2x12 - (army of ghosts)
2x13 - (doomsday)
2x14 - Music and Monsters (the behind the scenes of doctor who's first music show, including some behind the scenes stuff of The Runaway Bride)
3x01 - (smith and jones)
3x02 - (the shakespear code)
3x03 - (gridlock)
3x04 - (daleks in manhattan)
3x05 - (evolution of the daleks)
3x06 - (the lazarus experiment)
3x05 - (42)
3x06 - (human nature)
3x07 - (the family of blood)
3x08 - (blink)
3x11 - (utopia)
3x12 - (the sound of drums)
3x13.1 - (last of the time lords)
3x13.2 - Children in Need Special (the behind the scenes of the special where 10 meets 5, really cute stuff)
3x14.1 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 1 - the full version in less of a good quality i found on youtube, bless this youtube channel honestly)
3x14.2 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 2 - the shorter version that was up on iplayer)
3x14.3 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 3 - the version i edited to include the low quality parts that were missing with the good quality shorter version)
4x01 - (partners in crime)
4x02 - (the fiers of pompaii)
4x03 - (planet of the ood)
4x04 - (the sontaran stratagem)
4x05 - (the doctor's daughter)
4x06 - (the posion sky)
4x07 - (the unicorn and the wasp)
4x08 - (silence in the library)
4x09 - (forest of the dead)
4x10 - (midnight)
4x11 - (turn left)
4x12 - (the stolen earth)
4x13 - (journey's end)
4x14.1 - The Journey (So Far) (a documentary about the entire show so far)
4x14.2 - Confidential Christmas 2008 (behind the scenes of The Next Doctor christmas special)
4x14.3 - Doctor Who: Top 5 Christmas Moments (a sort of confidential behind the scenes clip show of all of the episodes set at christmas)
4x15.1 - At the Proms 2008 (behind the scenes of doctor who at the proms 2008)
4x15.2 - The Eleventh Doctor (the special they used to announce Matt Smith as the new doctor who)
4x15.3 - Desert Storm (behind the scenes of Planet Of The Dead)
4x16 - Is There Life on Mars? (behind the scenes of The Waters Of Mars)
4x17 - Lords and Masters (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part One)
4x18 - Allons-y! (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part Two. version 1 - full dvd version)
4x18 - Allons-y! (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part Two. version 2 - shortend higher quality version from iplayer, this version has a song in the soundtrack that is diffrent from the dvd version, this is the most accurate version to what aired on tv at the time)
5x01 - (the eleventh hour)
5x02 - (the beast below)
5x03 - (victory of the daleks)
5x04 - (the time of angels)
5x05 - (flesh and stone)
5x06 - (the vampires of venice)
5x07 - (amy's choice)
5x08 - (the hungry earth)
5x09 - (cold blood)
5x10.1 - (vincent and the doctor)
5x10.2 Monster Files: The Daleks (a little documentary about victory of the daleks/daleks in general)
5x11 - (the lodger)
5x12 - (the pandorica opens)
5x13 - (the big bang)
5x14.1 - Monster Files: The Weeping Angels (a little documentary about the weeping angels episodes this season)
5x14.2 - Monster Files: The Silurians (a little documentary about the silurian episodes)
5x14.3.1 - Monster Files: The Alliance (a little documentary about the alliance of monsters from the pandoica opens)
5x14.3.2 - Backstage at the Doctor Who Prom 2010 (behind the scenes of doctor who at the proms 2010)
5x14.4.1 - Charlie McDonnell - Runner (the first Charlle behind the scenes videos, pretty quiet - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos) - Charlie McDonnell - TARDIS (another Charlie video, she explores the tardis set this time -Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.4.3 - Charlie McDonnell - Decorating Bus (another Charlie video, she decorates the food place with christmas decorations, i liked them Charlie - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.4.4 - Charlie McDonnell - Christmas Presents (badger) (the famus Charlie video where she brings the cast and crew presents! this is where Matt gets his badger puppet - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.5 - Christmas Special 2010 (behind the scenes of A Christmas Carol)
6x01.1 - (the impossible astronaut)
6x01.2 - My Sarah Jane: A Tribute to Elisabeth Sladen (a special memorial for the late Elisabth Sladen 😭😭)
6x02 - (day of the moon)
6x03 - (the curse of the black spot)
6x04 - (the doctor's wife)
6x05 - (the rebel flesh)
6x06 - (the almost people)
6x07.1 - Charlie McDonnell interviews Neil Gaiman (Charlie interviews Neil Gaiman, appewrently causing some ruckes on Charlie's blog at the time hehe - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
6x07.2 - (a good man goes to war)
6x07.3 - The Monster Files: The Silence (a little documentary on the silence, thank god because i needed that)
6x07.4 - The Monster Files: The Gangers (a little documentary on the gangers, my beloveds)
6x07.5 - Charlie McDonnell Becomes A Dalek (the last Charlie video, released late because it had the 1-4 tardis set, also she gets to ride a dalek in this one - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
6x08 - (lets kill hitler)
6x09 - (night terrors)
6x10 - (the girl who waited)
6x11 - (the god complex)
6x12 - (closing time)
6x13.1 - (the wedding of river song)
6x13.2 - The Monster Files: The Antibodies (a little documentary on the antibodies from lets kill hitler)
6x13.3 - The Monster Files: The Cybermats (a little documentary on the little adorable cybermates because awww)
6x14 - The Nights' Tale (a little documentary on on the nights mini episodes! the last confidential stuff ever made rip)
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Doctor Who 1x09: The Empty Child
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cowlovely · 2 months
best nuwho episodes to show to someone who has never seen doctor who, but wants to get into it*
*i’m working off of very specific criteria here. this can’t just be another “best episodes” list, because an episode being good doesn’t necessarily mean it would make a good introduction to a series. for this reason, there will probably be very few episodes past s6 or so on here, as i feel like that’s around the time that many doctor who episodes become too steeped in the show’s own history/overarching plotlines to make the most effective starting points (definitely at least partially moffat’s fault lol)
1x01 rose — maybe too obvious a choice, but this episode is the pilot for a reason.
—pros: does a very good job establishing nuwho’s version of the doctor, as well as thoroughly and effectively introducing us to rose and her life; the autons are a good and fun choice for the first threat.
—cons: is definitely not AS good as some other episodes of the show, so maybe not the best if you only have one episode to show someone and you want to make the most of it
1x06 dalek
—pros: establishes one of Thee enemies of the series, demonstrates 9 and rose’s values, sets up/explains a bit of the time war in an easy to understand way, has a great emotional core
—cons: i genuinely can’t think of any
1x09/1x10 the empty child/the doctor dances
—pros: fabulous storytelling all around with plot, themes, and pacing, emotional but with a happy ending, great blending of tone throughout, and a complete standalone story
—cons: it’s always a bit of a risk to start with a two parter
2x04 the girl in the fireplace
—pros: great creature design, fun storytelling devices, pretty self contained as far as references/lore go, fantastic performances from everyone but especially from sophia myles
—cons: has some of steven moffat’s worst writing attributes, including 10 feeling out of character in several spots, and reinette being very clearly a Moffat Woman in many ways (though this is in my opinion somewhat saved by myles’ great acting)
2x08/2x09 the impossible planet/the satan pit — i really debated putting these ones on here, but this story was MY introduction to the series so. clearly it’s very effective
—pros: really immersive story and setting, great cast of guest characters/actors, another self contained story (as far as i remember), introduces the ood
—cons: another two parter, might be a bit intense as a first story for some people, 10 and rose’s dynamic/significant moments in this might not hit the same way for someone who hasn’t seen other episodes
3x01 smith and jones
—pros: new companion episode, so the audience gets things explained to them at the same time as martha, fun little mystery at the center, interesting conflict/non-antagonist antagonists, good chemistry between tennant and agyeman, the hole rose left emotionally can be felt but doesn’t cut into the story as much as it does in the runaway bride
—cons: is again maybe not one of the standout episodes of the whole series (but is still very solid)
3x03 gridlock — might be a bit controversial since i didn’t include new earth, but i’ll explain
—pros: really interesting setting and plot, and while i think seeing new earth first gives interesting context, i don’t think it’s necessary to enjoy or understand what’s happening in this episode, and it’s kind of cool to come at this one from martha’s pov. showcases a lot of different kind of creatures/people, has a really satisfying and emotional conclusion, has the doctor reintroduce the concept of gallifrey and what happened to it
—cons: could definitely have some confusing elements if you haven’t seen new earth, in particular novice hame and the face of boe, and the effect of the city being the way it is in gridlock could be a bit diminished without the context of 2x01
3x10 blink
—pros: considered to be one of if not the best episode of the series, and with good reason. carey mulligan KILLS it, the mystery is incredibly compelling from start to finish, and the weeping angels are undoubtedly one of the best additions to the series. this episode is crafted damn near perfectly
—cons: while this episode is incredible, i don’t think it’s actually the best possible intro to the show that many people think it is; it’s not a good microcosm of the show as a whole in terms of structure and tone, and the doctor is really hardly in this episode at all. it makes the episode really gripping and intriguing if you’re already familiar with the show, but i actually think that effect is slightly dulled if you’re somebody who isn’t. this doesn’t mean that it would necessarily be the WORST introduction to the show (i’m still including it on the list after all), but i also don’t think it’s the best
4x08/4x09 silence in the library/forest of the dead
—pros: do i have to keep mentioning the episodes are really good? anyway these are really good. really highlights donna’s complexities, story is tense and emotional and intellectually engaging all at once, introduces river/touches on relationship dynamics with a time traveler, great and genuinely scary monster
—cons: another two parter, river’s introduction and the emotional weight of her and 10’s dynamic might not hit the same if you don’t know the doctor as a character either, and the same goes for donna’s plotline in these episodes (it was really difficult in general to pick ANY donna episodes because so many of the ones that feature her are really tied up in series lore of some kind 😭)
4x10 midnight
—pros: genuinely SO brilliantly written, acted, and edited it is ACTUALLY crazy. i’m biased because this is my favorite episode of the series, but i really think it’s such an all around tight story, and definitely one of the more self-contained ones of the show (especially considering this is a one-off monster we don’t even really hear about afterwards, let alone see again). and really i cannot hype up the writing and acting in this episode enough—if you’re really into sociology as a focal point in your sci-fi this episode will be for you
—cons: kind of similar to blink in that this episode isn’t very emblematic of what the show normally is—both in its bottle setting and the fact that the doctor is totally solo for the majority of the runtime, which is not the norm. i love it, and i think it works really well for the episode, but it’s still an outlier (the tone is also more serious than most eps). and also as minor as they are, there are still a few lore moments/references that might be confusing if this were someone’s first episode (rose’s face coming through on the bus screen, for example)
5x01 the eleventh hour
—pros: new doctor, and similar to smith and jones in the new companion factor. great story, episode is filled with lots of great energy, and this really showcases some of moffat’s better attributes as a writer/showrunner, particularly the kind of fairytale vibe he brings to doctor who; first episode of nuwho with a new showrunner, so it kind of intentionally comes off as a bit of a soft reboot
—cons: while it IS a bit like a soft reboot, this is one that kind of rolls with the assumption that you sort of know the deal at this point when it comes to the doctor as a character. i wouldn’t say it’s necessarily confusing, but i could see it potentially being a bit annoying for a new viewer, or just not as effective as an episode. also this was made in 2010 by moffat, and it shows (the sherlock editing, in particular)
5x02 the beast below
—pros: continuing the fairytale vibe, engaging setting and mystery, absolutely heartbreaking in the best way possible, self-contained story
—cons: viewer might feel a bit lost if they don’t know anything about the doctor and amy or how they met. kind of pro british monarchy :/
5x08/5x09 the hungry earth/cold blood
—pros: introduces the silurians (to nuwho at least), has really good guest characters/dynamics, conflict is compelling and very nuanced (feels closer to a classic who episode if that’s something that compels you), and this is something i’ve refrained from mentioning so far, but these episodes in particular have absolutely fantaaaaaastic makeup/SFX, costuming, and production design
—cons: two parter (take a shot every time i say this), the dramatic conclusion of this one might be confusing and/or fall flat if you aren’t familiar with amy and rory or the overarching plot of the season, and i could definitely see some people finding these episodes boring with all the political talk (i definitely did as a kid)
6x09 night terrors
—pros: very self-contained (as far as i can remember), perfectly straddles the line of horror and sci-fi, has a good emotional core, and 11 with kids is almost always an a+ for me
—cons: honestly can’t really think of any? again maybe not like. an AMAZING episode, and it may have references to past episodes/events in it that i can’t remember that might be confusing to a new viewer
6x11 the god complex
—pros: GREAAATTTT episode hook that really quickly and effectively drops you into the setting and overall vibe of the episode, some great one off characters, encompasses a lot of doctor who’s themes and different blends of genre
—cons: the second half of the episode pretty significantly focuses on amy and her fears/insecurities related to the doctor, so much so that it almost made me not include this episode
7x07 the rings of akhaten
—pros: this episode is so good. great intro to clara’s character (despite it not being her first one), great setting, great alien designs + worldbuilding, great music, and oh my GOD the monologues…the damn monologues…chef’s kiss
—cons: the doctor’s monologue probably won’t have the same effect for a new viewer that it does for people who are already fans, but honestly it’s so good that i don’t think this is that big a deal
9x03/9x04 under the lake/before the flood
—pros: very similar vibes to the impossible planet/the satan pit, but honestly i think i’m even more compelled by this story than i was by that one. i LOVE all the moving parts in this, i love the characters, i love that we’re underwater, and i love that it’s GHOSTS!!
—cons: two parter (shot!), and specifically a two parter that—while i love it to bits—drags a bit more than other two parters that i’ve included on this list. a new viewer may also not totally get (or maybe even be put off by?) 12 and clara’s dynamic
10x01 the pilot
—pros: i’ll be honest i wouldn’t say this is one of my FAVORITE episodes or anything, but it’s still very solid, and i DO think it could make a good introduction into the series for someone
—cons: has multiple allusions to other characters/arcs that will probably feel kind of weird to a new viewer
eve of the daleks special
—pros: time loop lovers come get your juice!!! this episode fucks, it’s probably my favorite from chibnall’s era? top three at least for sure. features the daleks without being too steeped in the Lore/having them overshadow everything in the episode
—cons: this episode is an atypical structure flr the show, and is kind of like. is About 13 and yaz’s relationship, which will probably be kind of odd if you haven’t seen any of the show before
honorable mentions, aka episodes i really wanted to include, but which had one too many cons to justify: 1x02 the end of the world, 1x08 father’s day, 2x01 new earth, s3 xmas special the runaway bride, 3x08/3x09 human nature/the family of blood, s4 special the waters of mars, 5x07 amy’s choice, 5x10 vincent and the doctor, 5x11 the lodger, 6x04 the doctor’s wife, 6x05/6x06 the rebel flesh/the almost people, 6x10 the girl who waited, 10x10 the eaters of light, 11x06 demons of the punjab, 12x08 the haunting of villa diodati, 60th special wild blue yonder)
that’s it so far!! i may add onto this when we get more episodes with 15, we’ll see!
(also i promise i’m not as biased towards early seasons nuwho as this list implies, i was just trying to be as objective as i could possibly be with the criteria that i set 😭 (while obviously still being subjective to my opinions) a lot of the later seasons just don’t have very many easy entry points 😔 (which is i’m sure at least partly why the show is being soft rebooted with 15))
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What you need to know to watch the David Tennant era of Doctor Who
I have been seeing so many people asking about this after watching Good Omens and wanting to jump into David Tennant's earlier work, so I've written list of what you need to know to watch his era of Doctor Who.
1) Please don't skip season 1 (DT shows up in the final episode of season 1). It's seriously amazing and is so important for understanding who the Tenth Doctor (Tennant's Doctor) is, the characters he loves and interacts with, and why they are so important.
2) If you do skip most of season 1, I recommend watching at least these few episodes
1x01 Rose - Introduces the companion Rose Tyler, sets up the concept of the show, introduces the Doctor himself
1x06 Dalek - Introduces the classic villain the Daleks, and why they are specifically so important to the NuWho Doctor (even more so than the Classic Doctors)
1x12 Bad Wolf and 1x13 The Parting of the Ways (two-parter) - Culmination of everything that makes the Tenth Doctor who he is and the farewell to the Ninth Doctor
1x04 Aliens of London and 1x05 World War Three (Two-parter) - These episodes have a rather cheesy alien villain, but introduce another extremely important character for Ten's run, and sets up an arc that culminates in the finale
1x08 Father's Day - A very important character is introduced in this episode, and more than that it's an amazing episode with stunning character moments, a beautiful story, and a flawless exploration of various relationships
1x09 The Empty Child and 1x10 The Doctor Dances (two-parter) - Some of the best episodes of the entire show, introduces another extremely important character for Ten's run, and sets up the relationship dynamic that is so important for Rose, the Doctor, and [redacted]
3) If you really don't even want to watch those episodes of season 1 in order to get to Tennant, here's some quick information that you should go in knowing.
Under the cut for spoilers
Important plot to know: The Time War
The Doctor is not just a Time Lord, he's the last of the Time Lords. There was a war between the Time Lords and the Daleks... the last great Time War. And in order to protect the universe from destruction, the Doctor was forced to end it by destroying everybody. He committed genocide on his own people, and on the Daleks, in order to protect the universe. And the trauma, ptsd, and loss of that haunts him. Rose is an enormous factor in him starting to recover from that trauma, and she does it simply by being the most ordinary person in the world who is capable of being extraordinary, and showing him that there is indeed wonders worth living for.
Important plot to know: Bad Wolf
Throughout the entirety of season 1, The Doctor and Rose Tyler constantly run into "Bad Wolf" imagery. No matter where they are, when they are, or who they are up against, Bad Wolf is waiting for them. In the finale, they find themselves up against a fleet of Daleks who had escaped the Time War, thanks to the Emperor of the Daleks. The Doctor assumes that they had used Bad Wolf to lure him there, but they were just as confused by it as he was.
The threat is dire, and the Doctor finds himself facing a similar choice that he faced during the Time War: Destroy the last of the Daleks, but in doing so also destroy his adopted home (the Earth). And in the end, he cannot do it. But one thing he can do is send Rose home and keep her safe, like he promised her mother he would do. Rose absolutely refuses to do so, and finds her way back to him by looking into the Time Vortex transforming herself into a Goddess. She becomes the Bad Wolf, the Goddess who creates herself, and she left the Bad Wolf message back across time and space for herself so that when the time came she would know what to do. But all of that power is killing her, so the Doctor absorbs it all in order to save her life.
And so the Ninth Doctor, the one fresh from the Time War, traumatized, guilt-ridden, haunted by a loss he cannot even begin to talk about, dies for the love of Rose Tyler. And that is what Ten is born from. He is born for the love of Rose Tyler.
Important characters to know: Rose Tyler
This was mostly covered in the Bad Wolf plot, but Rose Tyler is the definition of ordinary. She works in a shop, is very firmly lower class, and has as much aspiration as she does opportunity. But she has grit, determination, and intelligence. So when the Doctor comes along offering her a chance to travel through time she jumps at the chance.
Her parents are Jackie Tyler and Pete Tyler (deceased), and her boyfriend is Mickey Smith. In the episode Father's Day, Rose goes back in time so that when her father dies in a car accident he doesn't die alone, and she holds his hand when he dies.
Important characters to know: MP Harriet Jones
MP Harriet Jones is a completely ordinary woman who the Doctor and Rose meet in their travels together. But she's brave, smart, and willing to do absolutely anything to save the world... even if it means sacrificing her own life to do it. When he first meets her, the Doctor feels like he knows who she is, and only at the end of their adventure does he remember: she will later be elected Prime Minister for three successive terms, and is the architect of Britain's Golden Age
Important characters to know: Captain Jack Harkness
Captain Jack Harkness is a Time Agent and a con man from the 51st Century who will probably cry if he is prevented from flirting with any man, woman, or vaguely human-shaped being at any given point. The Doctor and Rose meet him when he is actively trying to con him, but he proves himself in the end when he willingly goes to his death in order to save the world. The Doctor and Rose save his life, and he travels with them.
During the finale, in order to buy the Doctor time, Jack leads an army of civilians against the Daleks, kissing both Rose and the Doctor in farewell and telling them that he wished he hadn't let them influence him into becoming a good man... because he might have lived longer if he was a coward. Jack sacrifices his life to buy the Doctor time, but when Rose emerges as the Bad Wolf she restores him to life. When he runs back to where the Doctor, Rose, and the TARDIS are, they have already left, leaving him behind in the year 200,100
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bussterj · 6 months
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I just watched Doctor Who 1x09 "The Empty Child (1)"
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angelic37 · 1 year
Please do a gif set of WW2 costumes in the doctor who episodes the empty child and the doctor dances
Hi anon, I haven't forgotten about your request. I'm on it, as I'm making another gifset with 1x09 ♥
Tho I hope it'll be what you requested!
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bakerj86 · 1 year
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I just watched Doctor Who 1x09 "The Empty Child (1)"
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Who looks at a screwdriver and says ‘Ooh, this could be a little more sonic?’
Jack Harkness
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mxmeiyun · 4 years
We first saw Captain Jack Harkness in an episode called “The Empty Child” and now we’re seeing him in season 12 where there’s a whole arc about a so-called Timeless Child, and I don’t believe it’s at all related, but I do think it’s a funny coincidence
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who-niverse · 4 years
with the gas masks and the gays and the last minute saving, this episode reminded me of The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances a lot..
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itsashleighh · 4 years
I'm not being funny but when I was a kid, mum wouldn't let me watch Tooth and Claw because it was "too scary" and yet she was perfectly happy to let me sit through The Empty Child that still gives me nightmares to this day??
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chiefnooniensingh · 2 years
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Doctor Who Rewatch -> 1x09 The Empty Child
When that bomb dropped, there was just one. Dead? At first. His injuries were truly dreadful. By the following morning, every doctor and nurse who had treated him, who had touched him, had those exact same injuries. By the morning after that, every patient in the same ward, the exact same injuries. Within a week, the entire hospital. Physical injuries as plague. Can you explain that?
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computer-bouquet · 3 years
doctor who 1x09 the empty child is almost too creepy for me even on rewatch, like there are parts i think i may skip forever, but i have to watch it anyway every time bc i love 1x10 the doctor dances so so so much and it's just not the same without the leadup
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