#doctor who 73 yards
itsatorchwoodthing · 4 months
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73 yards
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fairyspheres · 4 months
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doctor who truly is a fantasy world. i've never been on a uk train that quiet or empty
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pjdraws · 4 months
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73 Yards. 🔷+❤️❤️
Did we like the new episode!!! I think I might go back and draw art for the first two episodes but I’m not sure. Would y’all wanna see that???
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wayward-wren · 4 months
This week on Doctor Who: Ruby Sunday experiences The Horrors
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timebones · 4 months
Love the dual imagery of the old woman. How she represents both the previous generations that dealt with Mad Jack the first time, and the current generation worrying what their future will be. Will the older version of me look on me kindly? Is that even the older version of me, does that person even survive? Or is it only the past, silently watching us walk into destruction?
The old woman appeared after the the circle was broken, yes, but also after Ruby became aware of her own mortality due to the Doctor’s slip of the tongue.
As a representation of the previous generations, the woman is distant and offputting. Not even the oldest folks in the pub are worried about Mad Jack anymore, and when Ruby tries to bring other people in, tries to let those now-dead generations speak, Ruby becomes the problem.
She’s left to embark on this (in retrospect) decades-long mission virtually alone, getting involved in politics, taking calls, holding coats, pulling every strategic lever available to her even if it means working for this terrible man. She has to, because she’s one of the few people who fully recognize the danger he poses.
And both the past and herself-from-the-future are watching.
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mollyollypuddingpolly · 4 months
You'd have thought the Doctor would have learned to look where he was going since the last ep huh.
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roxannepolice · 4 months
I think if Harold Saxon was pointing out post-politics, Roger ap Gwilliam is pointing out a desire for simple solution. The interview kinda nails it: there's inflation and inflation is a messy, complicated and above all boring issue that isn't caused either by rich people being greedy or poor people wanting handouts alone, but you know what - NUKES. Nukes are simple, nukes you understand!
And people gobble it up, without hypnosis.
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A Theory on Mrs. Flood and Susan Twist
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Spoilers for Season 14 ahead!
1. Susan Twist is the One Who Waits
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For those who don't know, Susan Twist is an actress who has been playing multiple background characters for this season. Since The Church on Ruby Road, she has played a background character with a speaking role for each episode.
At first, this may seem like an easter egg included by Russel T Davies. However, in 73 Yards, when Susan Twist plays the old hiking lady, Ruby points out that she recognizes her.
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What if this reappearing background character played by Susan Twist is actually the One Who Waits? Quite literally, they are waiting in the background of the episodes, biding their time before they finally make a full appearance.
Additionally, there is an extra bit of evidence that may at first seem too meta of a conclusion. However, with the way the show has veen exploring more meta concepts (the Maestro playing the theme song in Devil's Chord, and the theme song not showing up after The Doctor disappears in 73 yards), this might not be such a leap after all. As we know, the actress's name is Susan Twist. And what does The Doctor say at the end of The Devil's Chord, which itself becomes a full length song? He says "There's always a Twist at the end".
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(Bonus I found while writing this theory: In the behind the scenes video for The Devil's Chord, Murray Gold mentions that "The song was always called There's always a twist at the end".
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The fact that the song was always called this means that the title may be more important than just an artistic choice)
2. Mrs. Flood is the Oldest One.
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In the Devil's Chord, the Maestro mentions the Oldest One, who was there on the day of Ruby's birth. At first, I believed that the Oldest One and The One Who Waits were the same. However, this wouldn't explain Mrs. Flood.
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Mrs. Flood is certainly not a normal old woman. She is one of the only characters with the ability to break the fourth wall, and demonstrates knowledge of The Tardis, in a scene which suspiciously happens in the middle of the end credits, almost breaking the reality of the show.
I have heard the theory that she could be Older Ruby, yet we have seen old Ruby in 73 yards. Additionally, breaking the fourth wall is a reality warping power. It's a power we have only seen used by the Maestro, and The Doctor right before the Twist musical number (where reality breaks due to the remnants of Maestro's power lingering after their banishment)
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Could it be that she is also a member of the Pantheon? If so, I believe that they are the Oldest One. The only major argument against this theory is that the Oldest One is stated to be a He, and Mrs. Flood is referred to as She, but Mrs. Flood can merely be another form or disguise for the Oldest One.
Ultimately, I believe it would be interesting if these two suspicious old ladies are the very extra-dimensional beings that we are warned about.
Thank you for listening to my wild theories! Reblog and comment your ideas, I'd love to know what you guys think about this. I hope you also see my next theory, which is coming out soon, on the identity of The Oldest One. See ya!
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offonaherosjourney · 4 months
Upon finishing today's Doctor Who episode "73 yards" you had one of these two reactions:
What a cool episode but also what the fuck
hang on lemme google something really quick:
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luimnigh · 4 months
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ghostinthepepper · 4 months
I'm pretty sure the fairy circle was supposed to be because of the TARDIS from the alternate timeline, because when ruby is old all the flowers and old paper and things looks almost like the fairy circle did in the beginning. Perhaps one of those scraps was from someone writing 'Rest in Peace Mad Jack' because he died in old!Ruby's timeline.
So my thought is the TARDIS caused the alternate timeline to happen in order to protect the Doctor from disappearing by crossing the 'fairy circle' which due to timey-wimey might have killed or removed him from the timeline?
This is also the only way I can make sense of the old!Ruby being the woman following her despite from what I can tell her having longer hair, different clothes on, etc., is because of something related to time travel. Ruby's timeline echos through that moment, her thoughts of having been abandoned her whole life are broadcasted in a way that makes everyone want to abandon her.
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fairyspheres · 4 months
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genuinely this episode couldn't have been better timed with its release, given that the general election coming up is literally about these very same issues
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superanimepirate · 4 months
Well let's just add 73 Yards to the shelf with the Weeping Angels for "Things in Doctor Who that Fucked Me Up" shall we?
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poemsandsadness · 4 months
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Ruby Sunday in 73 Yards
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lethargic-lavender · 4 months
what is it with fifteen and not looking where he’s fucking walking
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timebones · 4 months
The Doctor loves to shit on human politics, meanwhile every time there’s an election they’re like “here’s Fairytale McWarcrimes, an ancient evil I just released, please don’t elect them prime minister teehee bye”
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