#doctor who s12
Dangit, I wish I’d gotten to season 12 before helping with that “Is Doctor Who a UU?” talk. ‘Praxeus’ is textbook Seventh UU Principle: “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.”
Also it was a damn good suspenseful episode with a super-cute same-sex couple. ^_^
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performing-personhood · 3 months
Orphan 55 was so crushingly mediocre and formulaic, it almost made me understand why everyone hates ChibnallWho so much.
I choose to believe it was a contest winner episode and the screenwriter was in high school.
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dwgif · 8 months
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DOCTOR WHO Fugitive of the Judoon
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bellamysgriffin · 1 year
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 get to know me meme >> Favorite Friendships [22/?] Team TARDIS (Doctor Who)
Look at you. My fam. No, still doesn’t quite work. Team TARDIS? We’ll take that.
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my-ghost-monument · 9 months
was writing this on a gif set comparing Yaz's conversation about the Doctor with Jack in rotd and her one with Dan eotd but. it's the parallels.
how she does the same thing each time. The person (Jack/Dan) probes gently at the obvious feelings/connection Yaz has for the Doctor; then Yaz tries to shut them down with a quick flat comment that should have them backing off. You're getting a lot from a shove, and I don't know what you mean. Defence mechanisms. But Jack and Dan don't back off; they look and speak to her gently, because both of them understand the place she's in, and when confronted with that fact-
Yaz gives this look. It's like defeat - defeated in the fact that she couldn't lie better, that they've figured her out. and she turns to them and there's just this truth off her lips. this vulnerability. she doesn't pretend. doesn't dodge. just sighs out her feelings, I just missed her and is it that obvious? the same confession, a whole weight in just four words, and she's got this same air about her. this massive thing she's always carrying under the surface, cracked and let forth. Like the cloth falling off the final act, but it's just Yaz being honest about the con she's trying to run with herself, that she doesn't have to confront her own truth. that the Doctor means more to her than she wants to obviously admit.
idk. yet again, love Mandip's acting in those scenes, bringing the same reactions to such believable life.
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aroacespacerock · 3 months
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Some Missy sketches!
I wouldn’t know what to do with another chance / if you gave it to me
The way things are, Fionna Apple
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toshsato · 2 years
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sometimes I'm just vibing and then my brain screams at me "ALL THAT PAIN AND MISERY AND LONELINESS AND IT JUST MADE THEM KIND" and I go a little bit feral
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hyaesia · 2 years
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i'm almost done with my doctor who rewatch and idk how to cope with that, so here's some art
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diamondisunmemeable · 9 months
Chris Chibnall's decision to re-destroy Gallifrey is so frustrating to me. So much narrative potential, wasted for shock value.
I would've loved stories exploring the Time Lords' place in the post-War universe, living at the end of time and nowhere near as powerful as they once were.
Hell, give me a story where the Doctor helps Time Lord refugees settle on a new planet after fleeing Gallifrey. Don't just blow shit up for no reason, Chris.
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mwagneto · 4 months
yaz watching 13's hologram scene. 5838 dead 39284782 injured
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graveyardbong · 16 days
Frothing at the mouth thinking about the new season of Dr who so far
I have so many thoughts
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dwgif · 1 year
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Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror DOCTOR WHO (2005– )  
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raspberry-gloaming · 3 months
I very much doubt there's much chance of this, but is there anyone out there who is a fan of both Doctor Who (and especially/possibly the Gallifrey audios) and the Nevermoor series? As I have many au thoughts but no-one to share/discuss them with.
(if you are please message me)
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yaz voice: i keep thinking,,, i keep thinking abt the.....future affecting the past of it all. the "if he runs out of time the hostile action would end and a time machine would know", "im fine because you fixed yourself", and "because it's not a grave"
like if it were me. if it were me. i still would have gone with the villa diodati conundrum. "save the poet, save the universe" what do we do when the poet IS the universe. "watch people burn now or tomorrow" like the distinction exists? like tomorrow isnt yesterday?
so we make them face the child. the doctor loses this one, right? too beholden to their rules. lost with shelley, will lose with the child. because there is no way to win it. not with the rules of the universe theyve clung to up to this point. not without play
so theres a child that needs to be saved but the doctor cant do it because it will take the foundation out from under the universe. she Can Not interfere. she fails to be the doctor when it comes to herself. but yaz is there. doctor's doctor. wont accept this. saves the child
the universe crumbles, but this or tecteun's revenge the outcome is similar except. the universe that crumbles if you save the child is the timelords' universe, their imposed histories, their laws, their logic. nothing makes sense anymore. it's terrifying. gotta let go gotta let go gotta let go. you HAVE to play. play or perish. please it's not that serious. it's just identity! funniest game there is. listen to the master; tag, youre it
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spoofymcgee · 4 months
people are like 'oh thirteen is so emotionally closed off and never talks about her past'
like the doctor ever has?
like eleven mentioned rose or martha or donna or the master even once?
clara already knew everything about the doctor but if he ever mentions regeneration or gallifrey or his previous companions or explains missy to bill then i don't remember it
martha and rose knew about each other and donna knew about both of them because they were intertwined in all of ten's seasons and kept reappearing and his era is like. comparatively short? like he has seven years. that's it. but still, he doesn't talk about jack, he doesn't talk about the time war or gallifrey or the master unless and until he absolutely has to
the doctor knows what they were like with and without their memories, charging straight into a new situation right after losing their last companion. they did that with martha and the whole point of the season is that it doesn't work. they can't do it. they can't move from one person to the next that quickly.
(amy and rory to clara doesn't count because clara was there before, donna to amy and rory doesn't count because there was time there in the specials before they regenerated)
they also know what they're like without that. they know there's a difference between how they were with bill, with all the memories of clara surgically removed and distanced, between how they are with enough time to grieve and then move on.
but she doesn't have time. thirteen lands and immediately makes new friends and starts traveling with them and they're fresh off losing bill, maybe two days before, and they don't have the time, and they don't want to replace her because that's not fair to her or to ryan yaz and graham, but the memories and the grief and the fault are there and not going anywhere.
so they jump between people and guns and talk fast and desperate and pleading instead of grand and sweeping and arrogant and they try to convince ryan and yaz and graham to stay instead of asking them along. and she doesn't focus on the past and she lives in the moment because they aren't ready to move on but they don't have a choice.
and yeah, they make it a plot point, and yeah she's forced to confront her past anyway and that's the point and maybe she should share that with her companions and rely on them instead of hiding it.
but it's hard to ask for help, and it's hard to let people know you're hurting and be honest with them. and the last times she got her companions involved with the master it ended horribly. so, you know, i think it makes sense.
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