#doctor who the devil's chord
hauntswitch · 4 months
My favourite thing about the new episodes and new season so far is that its really, really channeling this quote by William Hartnell:
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A Theory on Mrs. Flood and Susan Twist
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Spoilers for Season 14 ahead!
1. Susan Twist is the One Who Waits
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For those who don't know, Susan Twist is an actress who has been playing multiple background characters for this season. Since The Church on Ruby Road, she has played a background character with a speaking role for each episode.
At first, this may seem like an easter egg included by Russel T Davies. However, in 73 Yards, when Susan Twist plays the old hiking lady, Ruby points out that she recognizes her.
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What if this reappearing background character played by Susan Twist is actually the One Who Waits? Quite literally, they are waiting in the background of the episodes, biding their time before they finally make a full appearance.
Additionally, there is an extra bit of evidence that may at first seem too meta of a conclusion. However, with the way the show has veen exploring more meta concepts (the Maestro playing the theme song in Devil's Chord, and the theme song not showing up after The Doctor disappears in 73 yards), this might not be such a leap after all. As we know, the actress's name is Susan Twist. And what does The Doctor say at the end of The Devil's Chord, which itself becomes a full length song? He says "There's always a Twist at the end".
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(Bonus I found while writing this theory: In the behind the scenes video for The Devil's Chord, Murray Gold mentions that "The song was always called There's always a twist at the end".
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The fact that the song was always called this means that the title may be more important than just an artistic choice)
2. Mrs. Flood is the Oldest One.
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In the Devil's Chord, the Maestro mentions the Oldest One, who was there on the day of Ruby's birth. At first, I believed that the Oldest One and The One Who Waits were the same. However, this wouldn't explain Mrs. Flood.
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Mrs. Flood is certainly not a normal old woman. She is one of the only characters with the ability to break the fourth wall, and demonstrates knowledge of The Tardis, in a scene which suspiciously happens in the middle of the end credits, almost breaking the reality of the show.
I have heard the theory that she could be Older Ruby, yet we have seen old Ruby in 73 yards. Additionally, breaking the fourth wall is a reality warping power. It's a power we have only seen used by the Maestro, and The Doctor right before the Twist musical number (where reality breaks due to the remnants of Maestro's power lingering after their banishment)
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Could it be that she is also a member of the Pantheon? If so, I believe that they are the Oldest One. The only major argument against this theory is that the Oldest One is stated to be a He, and Mrs. Flood is referred to as She, but Mrs. Flood can merely be another form or disguise for the Oldest One.
Ultimately, I believe it would be interesting if these two suspicious old ladies are the very extra-dimensional beings that we are warned about.
Thank you for listening to my wild theories! Reblog and comment your ideas, I'd love to know what you guys think about this. I hope you also see my next theory, which is coming out soon, on the identity of The Oldest One. See ya!
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tabb1tha · 4 months
Doctor who the devils chord English book doodle dump
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caspersgraveyard · 4 months
okay I'm withholding judgment for the moment because of my affinity for the series but uhhh my feelings about the new episodes are essentially eh. it's got it's moments but there's just something missing
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margarita-life · 4 months
Maestro | MUSIC IS MINE (Doctor Who)
link: https://youtu.be/XZFekPb5_BQ
"...If he was a living game, you are the essence of music itself..."
Spoilers The Devil's Chord!
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zorilleerrant · 4 months
see the problem with the Beatles in The Devil's Chord isn't that there isn't enough of them, per se, it's that they're not particularly relevant to the plot. like you could replace them with literally any band, musician, or dance troupe (from any time period, too - it would've worked just as well in a modern or ancient setting) and everything would unfold in essentially the same way, with slightly different references and slightly different outfits.
personally, I really think they should've gone with Leonard Cohen, because Hallelujah has built in lyrics and structural elements that would've worked beautifully as pedal points in the episode. there are so many references to the creation of music! there are so many references to mistakes and unknowns! there's a whole ass secret chord in the song....
also, because then you could just blatantly rewrite the lyrics to Hallelujah to make it, like, Dog-elujah, right?
I've got some pets: a dog, a cat, a parakeet, some mice and rats, and if you want a mouse I'll give one to you
But not my dog, Fred Not my dog, Fred That's my dog, Fred Not your dog, Fred
Get your own dog to name Fred...
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joju-but-trek · 4 months
Doctor Who Season 14, Episode 2: The Devil's Chord
They shouldn't have cancelled Schmigadoon.
I loved this episode. It was so weird and so fantastic and so different from how Doctor Who usually works.
I absolutely recommend it, with the caveat that it is going to feel like a ton of stuff happened between episodes 1 and 2.
This episode took the premise of being as ridiculous as possible and ran with it. I respect it for that.
The Maestro is such a fun villain, Jinkx Monsoon is incredibly chaotic. I love the approach for the Toymaker's army generally being evil concepts. I normally love that kind of cosmic horror and this was such a fun way to deliver it.
I like how they played with the other things in the show's history happening in 1963, and used it to further the idea of the Fifteenth Doctor reacting to his past in a more complicated way.
Also, Ruby is definitely cosmically something. I'm buying into that theory now. My joke answer is that Neil Patrick Harris is going to pop out of her in the finale or the Christmas Special. I do like that this episode played into her musical history, it was nice to get a character beat from her that wasn't about her family.
Also this episode fucked with the sound in so many ways. The mute scene, the background scoring, the lead-in to the theme, it was fantastic. And the way they lead into a musical number at the end was fun too. It did remind me of Schmigadoon, which again, should not have been cancelled.
I made a note in the non-spoiler section that stuff happened between episodes 1 and 2. There were a few moments where Ruby started with "Doctor, you always do this" and I kept remembering that we've seen them do two things together, and during the second one the fact that the Doctor got scared of something kept coming up. If this were a show with a reasonable number of episodes, we'd probably have a couple more, but I feel like this is leaving space for comics and audio dramas. If that's the case, good, it's just assuming a lot and I'm not sure how someone who hasn't seen the show before is supposed to read this.
Anyway, a ton of fun, CGI music notes are great, 9/10.
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Anybody else notice this in the new Doctor Who?
There's a DC fan in the writer's room 😆
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vieramars · 3 months
The devil's chord is so good immediately
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rt8815 · 4 months
Henry Arbinger (Harbinger) has not changed from 1925 to 1963 (or was it 1962?) 👀
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poemsandsadness · 4 months
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 4 months
watching the beatles dw episode now and lolling cos 1) theWIGS! i knew they wouldnt let me down lol 2) love that it's set in '63 so they're all in their early 20's and yet paul esp looks like he's in his 30's lol (he had pretty blue eyes tho so i'll give him that) 3) why'd they make john so buff?!?! this feels so cursed no one needs buff!john helppppp 4) giving john 'famous for cheating on basically every woman he was with' lennon the line of 'i just want to settle down with a woman' (not the actual quote but smth similar) is a very funny choice lol 5) wouldnt be a beatles related piece of media w/o everything revolving around john & paul in the end with george and ringo just kinda being There lol
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I have 2 wild theories for The One Who Waits and the origin of Ruby Sunday.
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Spoilers for season 14 ahead!
1. The One Who Waits is Death
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We know the One Who Waits is an godlike being, most likely a manifestation of a concept like the others we've seen. They also are probably "the oldest one" who was at Ruby's birth, as the Maestro says.
What is the One Who Waits was the embodiment of death itself? Varying depictions of death usually show them as powerful and old. Also, Death being inevitable and waiting for everyone in the shadows is a common concept. Thus, the idea of death being more powerful and older than the Toymaker and Maestro makes sense.
I'd also like to point out that the last episode of this season is titled "The Empire of Death". What better way to end the season than to have the Doctor fight the One Who Waits, or death itself?
2. Ruby Sunday is the Child of the One Who Waits
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In the Devils Chord, we meet Henry Arbinger. Otherwise known as Harbinger. They are created by the Maestro and are stated to be a child of them. What if in the same way, Ruby is a child of The One Who Waits? Much like how Henry Arbinger is a "prelude" for the Maestro, Ruby would be a prelude for the arrival of this otherworldly foe?
Throughout the season, Ruby has been shown to be more than a normal human. She seems to be able to conjure a state of snow, which stands still at the moment of near death. Bizarre coincidences float around her, which the doctor points out on more than one occasion. Even the Maestro says she has a secret song in her soul and calls her a "creature" connected with "The Oldest One".
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Moreover, Ruby finding her parents and the arrival of the One Who Waits are both set up as major plot points. Perhaps they are one in the same. This would also relate to the fact that the "Legend of Ruby Sunday" episode comes right before "The Empire of Death", almost like her identity reveal is a prelude for the arrival of the One Who Waits, assuming they do appear in the season finale.
In a way, this ties with the inclusion of showing Henry Arbinger at the end of Devils Chord - the scene shows that a child created from one of the Pantheon can survive after their God's banishment. This is a fact that might come in handy if this theory is true, and they must banish the One Who Waits, meaning Ruby won't be destroyed after their banishment.
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Bonus Mini Theory (more of a headcannon): Ruby Sunday is the Embodiment of the Dead of Winter.
If both of these theories are true, it would be cool if Ruby was the embodiment of the dead of winter. This would tie in with death, and her powers to make snow fall, as well as how she was dropped off in a quiet snowy night, during the dead of winter (end of December to beginning of January, which Christmas lands in)
Thank you for reading all the way to the end! I hope you enjoyed these wild theories. I can't wait for us all to see how the story plays out!
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paintdoktahwho · 4 months
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caspersgraveyard · 4 months
seeing how Fifteen began with bigeneration, I like the parallels to Ten scattered through the episodes
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esonetwork · 4 months
Doctor Who: Space Babies & The Devil's Note Review
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/doctor-who-space-babies-the-devils-note-review/
Doctor Who: Space Babies & The Devil's Note Review
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Embark on an epic journey through time and space with the Earth Station Who Podcast, as we delve into the exhilarating premiere of Season 14 of Doctor Who! Join us as we unravel the mysteries and marvels of the first two episodes, ‘Space Babies’ and ‘The Devil’s Chord.’ From thrilling encounters with Space Babies to meeting the Beatles and the heart-pounding musical horror of facing off against the Maestro, we explore every twist, turn, and timey-wimey surprise that awaits the Doctor and Ruby Sunday. Whether you’re a devoted Whovian or a curious newcomer, join Mike F, Michael G, and Mary, as well as their guests Elaine Sweatman, Matt Sweatman, and Dave Chapman, for our insightful analysis, engaging discussion, and insider insights that will transport you to the heart of the action. Tune in now and discover the excitement of the new series of Doctor Who, exclusively on the Earth Station Who Podcast, and remember there’s always a twist at the end!!!
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