Wait, wait. So. Carlisle is a doctor, right? But. Human Carlisle was a preacher's son. Not a doctor. And. I'm just realizing, I'm sure the books say something about this but I must have glossed over it. Carlisle... as a vampire... learned to be a doctor. Before meeting the Volturi even???
This man just. walks into idk 18th century med school. and is like "Don't mind me I'm definitely not afflicted with a strange condition, let's just learn from these cadavers"
Do you think he did a residency??? Young Carlisle, eating rats in the sewers by night, understudy at some hospital by day. Germ theory wasn't even a thing then! Oh my god I bet he killed people by mistake from infection due to unsanitary hands. Do you think he realizes??
And. And. And. Medicine was a whole different bag of bones back then. The cadavers were often stolen! Sometimes by the teaching doctors! Somehow I can't see this son of a preacher-man digging up graves, but he had to have tacitly condoned it.
What even is this man? I mean we know he's big no judgement with the vampires killing humans, but by god he really doesn't judge anyone does he???
(Any early-Doctorage meta thoughts you have would be appreciated!)
@therealvinelle has a great post that covers pretty much everything you're asking
Oh, anon, the books said a lot about this. I think the movies briefly mentioned it but it wasn't that important to them so they kind of skipped it.
It's to the point where there's not much meta to be had, we pretty much get the whole story.
But yes, Carlisle starts out as a vampire hunting priest, and this does not go well for him. He then has a terrible time trying to kill himself only to find he could eat animals, goes to Volterra, yada yada, then leaves.
So yes, the medical career was pointedly after the Volturi (though Meyer keeps her timeline weird and vague about when Carlisle was with the Volturi and how long, but it seems he showed up there within a few decades of turning if that and left a few decades later)
We learn than Carlisle afterwards pursued a number of things in university, enrolling himself, trying to decide what he wanted to actually do with his life (among these apparently was music I believe) but he eventually settled on medicine.
Carlisle predates doing residencies and just slinks in at modern medicine as we recognize it in the western world (he would have just been starting/been after we decided "actually, we need to cut up bodies to study anatomy"). So yes, there were a lot of things people thought they knew at the time and did that Carlisle would have been caught up in to then learn "oh fuck" later.
That said, we're told canonically that Carlisle often goes back to university to make sure he's up to date with the field, so he's not telling you that your humors are out of whack if you visit him.
But yes, he's a weird dude.
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andrea-lyn · 5 years
hi! when you have the time, could you make a mylex fic from kyle or michael's perspective where it happens one of those fight that end up with them making out? i love how you portray their relationship.
Anon, I absolutely love writing the Mylex dynamic, so I am more than happy to add to that ‘verse! This is a gap scene for this little ficlet where Kyle & Michael bicker a lot about which version of ‘doctor’ is better. 
There are times when Michael picks a fight that he intends to lose, knowing that the consequence is he’ll get Kyle looking smug and hot. Other times, that fight is all too real and he’s viciously defending the hard work that he did to earn the right to be called doctor, every bit as much as Kyle did. 
It’s learning the intricacies of those arguments. Tonight at the Pony, it feels a lot more like the former, if only because they’d only been talking about what they were going to do for Alex’s birthday when Michael had dropped in an absent comment about how Kyle could dress up as a sexy nurse, seeing as it would be just about as much work as he’d done getting the ‘doctor’ title. 
Kyle bristles and then they’re off. “I went to medical school and worked my ass off…!”
“What?” Michael challenges, eyes glinting with a mischievous spark. He’s only pushing Kyle’s buttons tonight, wanting to see how pent up he can get him, because he knows exactly what happens when they’re both brimming with so much energy that they need to find a way to expend it. “What, are you implying that I didn’t? I spent years earning that doctorate and the actual definition…”
“Oh, spare me,” Kyle huffs. “We both know you just like the way it sounds in bed when Alex says it…” 
Michael raises both eyebrows. He doesn’t even need words to ask if Kyle is seriously telling him that he doesn’t like it just as much.
“So what if it sounds better to say Dr. Guerin than Dr. Valenti,” he counters, because he’s got Kyle almost all the way to the riled up point that he likes him at, but Kyle’s still holding on to some of that control.
He can see it ebbing away. He’s gripping his pool cue tighter, his thumb stroking up and down the side of it, and Michael knows that they’re seconds away from having to take this outside or risk Maria hosing them down. He glances over his shoulder to see if Alex is going to intervene, but he’s too busy talking to his friend.
So, you know, this is all up to him.
“I don’t know about that, but I definitely know you moaning your own name when you’re jacking off is nowhere near as sexy as you saying mine,” Kyle argues.
“Let’s take this outside,” Michael suggests, with the heated aggression of a man who’s implying they’re about to fight instead of what’s actually going to happen. He sets the cue against the table, waiting for Kyle to follow his lead. 
Luckily, they’re heated enough that they’re definitely not going to be doing much fighting (which is a lie, but they fight a lot better when they’re tangled up together, heatedly kissing like they have to prove to one another that they’re better even in that).
Michael heads out the door first, ready to round the corner to the trusted little back area of the Pony, still bitching. “I mean, come on, so you went to medical school,” he’s mock-griping at this point, and he’s glad he’s not facing Kyle, because he’s grinning like an idiot. “I can put a bandage on someone too. So can Alex, but you don’t hear us calling him…”
He doesn’t get past that.
Kyle grabs his ass unexpectedly, mid-rant, and Michael goes stumbling forward, slamming his face against the nearest pole. The thunk sound might be funny if Michael’s vision didn’t suddenly swim and he wobbles a little, hearing Kyle’s shout of alarm.
“Fuck! Fuck, Michael, I didn’t mean to…”
“Relax,” Michael says, closing the one eye because it’s definitely going to bruise. “I mean, you clearly had the element of surprise with the ass-grab,” he admits, wincing as he opens the eye a little to let Kyle inspect it. “How bad?”
Kyle drifts in, sliding his fingers over his face. They feel cool against his too-hot skin and suddenly their argument from earlier seems really stupid when Kyle’s willing to drop everything and take care of him.
It definitely deserves something in turn.
He slides his fingers around Kyle’s wrist to pry it off his face. For a second, Kyle looks genuinely worried, his eyes widening with alarm, and there’s a mild protest on his lips, but Michael works fast. He eases him around the corner to the back of the Pony, pinning Kyle to the wall as he sinks down.
“Michael,” Kyle groans as Michael gets Kyle’s jeans undone. “Your eye…”
“Don’t poke my eye out with your dick and it’ll be fine,” he argues, because they can ice it and worry about it later. Since Kyle looks like he’s about to argue, Michael hurries it up when it comes to getting his mouth on Kyle. 
With his hands on Kyle’s hips to control the pace, he doesn’t need long to get Kyle worked up to the point that he’s not doing much more than moaning Michael’s name, but the real treat of it all is when Kyle comes and he moans out, “Doctor Guerin,” because deep down, Kyle really does love him.
It’s sweet how he’s gonna sit around and argue that somehow, his doctorate is more important.
(Yeah, yeah, Michael knows that neither of them is better than the other, but the little mock-fights they have is some of the best foreplay he’s ever had in his life). He eases back onto his knees and clambers to his feet so Kyle can thread his fingers into Michael’s hair, dragging him in for a slow kiss to clean his lips (even though Michael spit). 
“You sure you’re okay?” Kyle asks quietly. “I can go inside, get Alex, we can go home.”
“Nah, he’s having a good time,” Michael waves a hand. “Let’s go back, you can take care of me there, okay?”
That requires no argument, it looks like. 
When they get back to the cabin, Kyle goes immediately for the ice. “I’d make a comment here about you needing a medical doctor, but seeing as I caused the issue and I’m just putting ice on you, I don’t know if that’s really a great argument.” 
He settles on the couch and pats his thighs a couple times, which is all the permission Michael needs before he curls up on Kyle’s lap, resting his cheek against his leg. 
“Besides, you kind of one-upped me back at the Pony.”
“This time,” Michael hums, and from the dazed look on Kyle’s face, he’s feeling pretty blissful himself. “Don’t worry, doc,” he praises. “You’ll get your chance later on.”
He always does.
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anilkhare · 2 years
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juvmarchiori · 5 years
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Doctor Who is my favorite tv series about a doctor without a doctorage
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joneskennedy-blog · 7 years
Frequently, Kennedy Jones would return to her alma mater of Georgetown. It was not to visit any faculty members, nor students, for she never established many relationships while attending the infamous school.  Certainly, she acquainted some, specifically whenever projects required a group’s effort; however, her mere motivation hidden behind her visitations were seminars that psychological experts presented at. Whenever her occupation granted the woman the opportunity to attend such a symposium, she would definitely jump onto the chance. Not only would it further her knowledge on her study, but it also gave her the ability to intermingle with individuals interested in the same field of intellect. Thus, now she was seated upon one of the many seats in the lecture hall, awaiting the speaker’s arrival.
 After Kennedy discovered the presenter to be Spencer Reid, she instantly cleared her schedule for the specific date. She conjured inquires she desperately desired to question him on. Doctor Reid had been an inspiration for her whilst she completed her schooling necessary for her doctorate. His theses and dissertations were one of the sole insights that assisted her in graduating. Truth be told, one of his earlier writings inspired her final thesis prior to graduation. And now, she had the ability to see the male speak in person.
 She arrived early. The woman seated herself within the midst of the second row, her right leg crossing over her left, the ends of her high heeled shoe slipping somewhat. Her slender leg bounced upward, causing her pencil skirt to rise up somewhat. Kennedy peered down, furrowing her brows as she tugged onto the fabric. “Knew I should have worn pants,” she mumbled, crinkling her nose.
 The lights dimmed. Jones flicked her gaze onto the ceiling, soon canvasing about her surroundings. The hall had not been filled to the brim, no, though a multitude of seats were filled for the doctor’s speech. A soft smile twitched onto her softened lips as she glanced back onto the stage. And there he was. And then it began.
 The presentation’s duration ended precisely on schedule. The doctor bid his farewell, the majority of the audience commencing their dismissal; though Kennedy remained seated, her head tilted to a slight degree as she stared forward. Realization settled within her mind as she came to the conclusion that her window of opportunity of speaking to the man was diminishing each second she waited. “Dr. Reid!” Kennedy hollered. The woman hastily stood, stumbling down the aisle as she rushed to the man before he disappeared. Her heels clicked against the concrete, the female steadying herself. Though, to her dismay, as she attempted to climb down the few steps, her stack of files consisting of her questions and notes she had taken spilled along the ground.
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“Well, God. This is embarrassing.” Jones laughed in a falsified manner, clearing her throat as she kneeled down, beginning to collect her papers. Once again, she scolded herself for not choosing from the wardrobe of pants she owned. “I—uh . . . was wondering if you had a couple moments?” Kennedy asked. “It’s okay if you don’t! I just have . . . a couple questions, that’s all . . . about some of your publications.” She offered the man a soft smile as she stood, gesturing her hand forward in a form of greeting. “I’m Doctor Jones . . . but Kennedy would suffice.” // doctoragent
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achedheart · 7 years
friendly reminder to follow @doctoragent ! i love the admin very much and their writing is ASTOUNDING. ( theyre such a good spencer reid i wanna Cry. ) and theyre super sweet so lets be Honest its a good time. 
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derekmorganidk · 7 years
plotted starter // @doctoragent
Derek’s gaze drifted from the manila folder labeled CLASSIFIED to his younger colleague nearby, his thickened eyebrows perking upward in speculation at his rather blissful attitude. Morgan tilted his head to a slight degree, stood, and strode forward. “Alright, pretty boy,” he began. He leaned against Spencer’s desk and folded his arms across his broad chest, peering downward. “You’ve been nothin’ but smiles the last week or so. And you’re always textin’ someone when you get the chance.” The corners of his chapped lips twitched upward as he leaned somewhat in attempt to glimpse at the screen of his cellular device. “Just like you’re doin’ right now.”
In a rapid motion, the agent snatched Reid’s phone from his calloused hands, a smirk growing on his lips as he pushed himself upward and traipsed back towards his desk. “Hmm—” Derek pursed his lips together as he scrolled through his recent text messages. “Kennedy?” Morgan released an amused chuckle. “You’re talking to a girl. You sly dog. I didn’t even know you used emojis.”
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