#does carrots improve your eyes
literary-motif · 3 months
Andrew Marston x Reader
You have a fight with Andrew. It does not end well.
“I hate this so much!” you exclaimed, throwing up your hands in exasperation. The words would not come, and you needed to type up this in-depth review tonight. “I just want to read these lovely little manuscripts and write some silly little notes on the margin, not do this!”
Andrew chuckled tiredly at your theatrics, continuing to chop the carrots for dinner. Today had been particularly challenging at the museum. He had been looking forward to spending the evening with you for the whole day, cooking you dinner and cuddling on the couch until you fell asleep in each other's arms. It was a fail-proof remedy to improve his mood, and he desperately longed to be trapped in your soothing embrace until all his worries melted away like wax under a flame.
“I wouldn’t call the blocks of paper you go through ‘little,’ exactly,” he said, raising an eyebrow at you from the kitchen aisle, “Nor are your comments ‘silly.’ You do your work well and thoroughly, Darling.” Perhaps a little too much of the latter, he reasoned, the sight of your frown as you continued staring daggers at the words in front of you both amused and annoyed him.
You had promised to reduce your working hours. You had promised to call it a day when he got home, no matter the unfinished work. Yet here you were, going back on your word to him.
“Yeah yeah,” you mumbled, waving dismissively as you continued working on the report. “I’m not sure why I’m struggling so much with this, honestly. I know what I want to say, but the words get jumbled when I try to express myself coherently” — you paused, reading over the absolute garbage you had just typed out and deleting it again with a groan, trying again — ”And I don’t see why I should be the one running the numbers here either. What do I have to do with mathematics? Why do they want me to do it?”
“You should really take a break,” he said, trying to drain the impatience from his tone as much as possible. 
It was obvious you were tired, and no matter how much you hated leaving your work unfinished before you allowed yourself to rest, he knew that what still needed doing would get done in at most half the time tomorrow, when your body and mind were rested, than it would take you to do today.
Doing a half-spin, Andrew raised the lid of the cooking pot, adjusting the heat to keep the water from boiling over. “If you can’t finish it, I can always do it for you,” he added absentmindedly, pulling out another pot to cook the carrots. 
His words made you pause, stilling the sound of your typing as they fully registered. An odd feeling of inadequacy washed over you as you looked up at Andrew. Surely, he had not meant to sound condescending. But the wording, the way he phrased it, the careless tone in which he told you that whatever you were struggling with, he could complete with barely any effort at all—
If you failed, he was sure to do it right.
“What,” you began, trying to keep the hurt out of your voice as you dropped your gaze to your half-finished review, “do you think I’m incompetent?”
Your tone must have been flatter than you had meant it to be because Andrew’s head snapped up immediately. “What?” he asked bewildered, confusion evident on his face, “No! Why would you— what are you talking about?”
You scoffed, the hurt his words caused you only now fully settling in. Why had he offered to do it for you instead of simply offering his help? Was that what Andrew thought of you? That you were inefficient, slow, and dragging him down, failing at doing useless little things he wouldn’t even bat an eye at doing?
“Do you think I’m unable to do my own work? Is that it?” you asked, the ache in your heart quickly bleeding into annoyance. You frowned, resuming your work. There was no way you could concentrate and finish this review now that the air between you and Andrew was filled with tension. 
The thought of him being right — that you truly could not finish this on your own right now while he could probably do it in less than twenty minutes — made your jaw clench, further fueling your anger at the situation.
“I never said that!” Andrew exclaimed. His shock at your initial reaction quickly fading into exasperation. This was not the way he had hoped this evening would progress, and the last thing he wanted to do right now — or ever, actually — was fight with you. Especially when he figured that it was your exhaustion making you snap and jump to conclusions. Turning off the stove to give you his full attention, he began with a calmer tone. “Darling, what—?”
“You sure implied it,” you muttered pettily, not looking up even as his footsteps drew closer.
“I did not imply anything,” he said, placing his hands on the kitchen table and looking at you closely. 
You still refused to meet his gaze, keeping your eyes fixed on the screen. He was growing tired of it, his fried nerves from a long day at work adding to his own irritability. So knowing all your files were saved automatically, he pushed your laptop shut. 
“Look at me when you accuse me of things at least. Frankly, I don’t know what you’re getting so worked up over, so how about you explain it to me instead of acting out dramatics.”
“Oh, ‘acting dramatic,’ am I?” you scoffed, annoyance turning into outright anger as you rose to your feet as well. “At least I don’t waltz it everywhere and declare that I can do everything perfectly and with no effort at all unlike some people, just because I’m a few years older and held a damn professorship!”
Andrew’s expression darkened, his mood souring further as he listened to your opinion of him. “I don’t know how I did not fail you in literature,” he said, his tone of voice reverting to his flat academic monotone, “evidently you are abhorrent at reading between the lines.”
The angry reply died on your tongue as his words sunk in, and you blinked at him Once. Twice. 
Silence hung heavy between you two as you looked at him speechless. His words reminded you of the power imbalance that had hung over your heads and, while it never truly felt that way, it was undeniably there all the same. 
Although you had been the one to bring it up, it still knocked the breath out of you to hear Andrew wield his power over you.
“Wait, Darling, no. That was—” he stuttered, running a hand through his hair nervously. He was frustrated. This was the opposite of what he wanted. The argument was bleeding into a fight, and he feared that he had escalated it now even though he had set out to do the opposite. “I didn’t mean to—”
You only shook your head once, expression blank as you straightened and walked away towards the entrance hall. He watched you, the gears in his head turning for a moment until he heard the rustling of your coat. He dashed to the door. 
“Where are you going?” he asked around the lump in his throat, hands balled into fists to stop them from shaking as an argument that happened years ago flashed before his eyes. 
The last part he saw of his brother was his back, disappearing behind the slam of the front door as he walked away from him. The last thing Andrew said to him was a tearful ‘I’m sorry,’ nearly drowned out by the church bells tolling for mass. It was not enough neither to keep him from leaving nor for him to stay in Andrew’s life.
His brother disappeared entirely when he stepped through that door, and perhaps he would have managed to slip from Andrew’s mind as well if he didn’t stare back every time he looked at himself in the mirror.
“Out,” you answered briskly, putting on your shoes.
“What do you mean ‘out’?” he asked, his voice shaking slightly. 
He could not bear the thought of you leaving, could not face the possibility that this could be it — you could walk away from him just like that, shattering his heart and leaving a mess of broken shambles in your wake that he would never have the energy to place together again.
“When will you be back?” Andrew asked, heart racing as he wracked his brain for a way to get you to stay when he saw you pick up your keys. ”Where—”
“Just out, Andrew!” you said with more force than necessary. “I need to clear my head.”
Andrew panicked, the image of his brother disappearing behind a slammed door making him tremble. 
“Running away from conflict, are you?” he said shakily, his tone as daunting as he could manage. If you continued your argument, that meant you would stay. He could turn this around and keep you from leaving. If you were screaming at him, at least you were still here. “How mature of you.”
The anger flashing in your eyes at his words felt like a newly ignited fire. “Immature, am I?” you spat, stepping towards him. “How rich coming from you,” you said, pointing an accusing finger at him, “Your favorite movie is a child’s movie!”
Andrew clenched his jaw. Bringing up his childhood, one of the most vulnerable sides of him and one that had taken him a lot of courage to trust you with, felt like a stab in the heart. It hurt hearing you use it to make a point. 
It hurt hearing you use the trust he put in you against him. Rationally, he knew you didn’t mean it; the words were spoken in anger. Still, it was hard not to take them to heart, especially with how closely connected this part of himself was to his brother. 
Andrew stiffened, his back straightening as if the walls he was rebuilding around himself drew him up as well. “I have achieved more in my career than you ever will!” he retaliated, panic overshadowed by hurt and anger.
You let out a huff of laughter, looking at him incredulously. “You’re so arrogant. I can’t believe I’ve never seen it before. What, you think academic validation is everything?” you scoffed, shaking your head. “At least I managed to make friends during my time in university because I’m not an insufferable, uptight, perfectionist asshole so full of himself because—”
You cut yourself off, biting back the insult. 
“Because what?” Andrew asked challengingly. “Go on. Or are you too much of a coward to speak your mind?”
Your expression darkened. The irony of being called a coward when you were the reason this relationship developed in the first place left a bitter taste on your tongue. 
“Because mommy and daddy never taught you how to make a mistake,” you finished flatly, relishing the expression of hurt flashing across Andrew’s face and wiping away the self-satisfied smirk. 
He felt like he’d been slapped. 
All the trust he had put into you, opening up about his difficult family relations — his parents, his brother — ultimately leading him to be alone in the world, was now thrown carelessly at his feet. You stomped on his heart, taking all his secrets and insecurities, and laughed in his face.
Blinking away tears, he clenched his fists. “At least I don’t struggle with basic mathematics and English,” he retaliated, raising his voice to hide how it shook, “because I actually spent my time studying instead of ogling my professor!”
“Are you calling me stupid you prodigy?” you screamed. 
“What if I am?” Andrew screamed back, holding your gaze. “Do try to keep up with me, but oh” — he chuckled condescendingly — “I forget. You’re too slow. How I put up with you daily is a mystery even I haven’t figured out yet.”
His words made your heart sink. Was this what he thought of you? You still hadn’t fully forgiven yourself for being the reason he quit his job at the university. Having the confirmation of your deepest fears — that you were a burden to him, that you were too stupid, too slow for his excellent mind — tore you apart. 
You averted your gaze, turning from him to hide the tears in your eyes. He did not say anything as you dashed to the door with a choked-off sob, letting it fall shut behind you without sparing him another glance. 
It made you miss the immediate regret appearing on his face, his wide eyes as he processed his words and their implications. He stood frozen in the hallway, staring at the shut door as if willing you to walk back over the threshold. 
Andrew was alone again. 
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Games in the library 18+ MDNI
Aemond x reader (Tutor/gamer au) Fluffish and also smuttish
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Tags: smut, library fucking, public sex and nerdy gamer references.
Cool devider credits: saradika
🔷Summary: Your GPA is tanking and you need help. Luckily there is the grumpy antisocial Aemond to help you out.
🔷Author's note: Based on tutor aus but I made my own spin on it.
🔷Wordcount :7324
🔷Warnings: Au universe, smut, desk fucking, p in v, dom/sub, reader x aemond, fluff, gamer references, cozy gamer gf and shoot-em-up bf (found something else? Let me know)
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There have been quite a few storms lately, causing more rain and making the world a little gloomy. You don’t mind, however. You have always been a fan of rain. Unlike today, where it’s an extra reminder how much you rather spent inside, cooped up with a good game with a warm cup of hot chocolate, not running around your campus with your bag above your head, as if life depends on it.
You are relieved when you make it inside, in the beautiful library that was built long before you began this study. You notice a silver-haired boy with a missing eye sitting in the corner of the room, with his math books in front of him, impatiently glaring around, unaware you are already there. “Hi!” you enthusiastically say, placing your Starbucks coffee cup and handbag on the table in the big messy library you just entered. It’s a saturday so most students would not want to be found death here at this time. 
You have a reason to be here, sadly. You are failing math, falling behind more and more on the subject. So your professor, Borros assigned you a very unwillingly tutor, Aemond Targaryen. He sighed when Borros suggested he should tutor you, even going as far to say that there is no use in tutoring someone who does not want to learn. There is truth in that, but the issue is not that you don’t want to learn. It’s something else.
Aemond glares at your cup before standing up and checking the time on his expensive smartwatch. “Why are you late?” Great. You were afraid of not getting here in time, seems like your Starbucks trip took a little longer than you had planned out.
You take out your phone. You are exactly 5 minutes late. There was a big line in front of Starbucks. And you forget you had tutoring today, to begin with. “I—uhm—forgot the time.” You lie.
He looks at your Starbucks cup accusingly. If it had feelings, the cup would feel attacked, perhaps even insulted, before it would hop off the large wooden table and into a nearby trashcan, ending itself. You would gladly follow it in the rabbit hole trashcan.  “I’m sacrificing my free Saturday for you. The least you could do is get here on time.” There is always a bit of a gruff, Gringe-like edge to his voice as if someone just stole his presents and he is pissed.
You huff. He acts so high and mighty, and yet you know there is nothing personal about this. He does not help you because he is some godly angel. He helps you to get points. This is not a charity project for him, or a social project this is cold selfishness and part of his plan to become the best student of your class, likely a step 4 in his 10 plan step to world domination.
You smile sweetly when adjusting your ponytail. “You aren’t sacrificing anything. You get points and the chance to become Borros’s TA.’’ You tell him, dangling his reward in front of him as if it’s a carrot, just in case he thought about bailing.
He dreams of that position for some reason, though you can’t for the love of the gods figure out why. Perhaps for status, power, future learning references or just to get close to Borros? Your teacher  had hinted that if he could somehow get you to improve your grades, there might be a chance he would become his teacher's assistant. That was enough to sway Aemond into teaching you.
Aemond briefly pushes his gold-rimmed glasses back on his nose, smirking at you.  You feel a little nervous under his gaze. “Correct. That means that I decide how this lesson will proceed.’’ 
His cryptic description makes your mind wander back to the familiar gutter you have come to know so well. You  make a mental note to stop reading dark romance books with tutors for a while. 
You ignore him. That makes him eager to get your attention back. “No calls, no texts—for the next hour, you are at my mercy.” Sweet gods.
His soft pink lips briefly smack before breaking into a grin that sends shivers down your spine. You are thankful for the small bolero that covers your dress.
Aemond is a huge nerd. Kinda cute, but he doesn’t know how innuendos work. And he is certainly not aiming his innuendos at you. 
“Okay. So, you’re like good at math, right?’’ you ask, a little insecure. You are worried he might not actually teach you anything at all, though he is smart, his hands almost always scorching through the air as though Borros is personally offending him with his questions. He reads advanced math books whenever you and your girlfriends hang out in the library, shooting glares whenever you are too loud, giggling or gossiping.
He seems insulted that you think so lowly of him.”’I’m the best in our class.” You never really kept eye on who is the best of the class, and you do not really ever cared. Who cares, as long as you keep up your GPA it is all fine.
But you are not dumb, you need to keep him as your friend for now. At least your ally. Your accomplice? You don’t know. You think you would be all the way at the bottom. ‘’Impressive.’’ You say, but you can’t bother to meet his eye before taking a sip of your very delicious pumpkin spice late.
His head tilts slightly when he narrows his eyes suspiciously, reading you as a open book. He huffs. “I can tell you don’t give a damn. Take out your notebooks, study books and whatever else you might need. It is time we start.” Whatever else you might need? You feel dread and anxiety fill your chest as you become aware of your thoughts traveling already far away from the lesson.
He brought an adorable little digital clock, that he puts on the table gently, before turning it on, exactly 120 minutes. He really does not want to be here a second longer than he has to be.
You faithfully take out your notebooks decorated with Sanrio stickers, Pokémon stickers and panda stickers, as well as your textbook, and your collection of Hello Kitty gel pens. You put it all out for him to see, flicking the textbook open in front of you. 
Aemond stands up, briefly looking over your handwriting in your notebook. He wets his lips before speaking. “Good girl.”
You roll your eyes.
He gets up from the chair across the table, walking to the empty seat next to you. He sits down, glancing at some of your previous sums, together with little drabbles and doodles. “So—what do you have problems with?” 
You can feel the warmth of his body and smell the fabric softener he uses on his clothes. He probably does his own laundry. 
This will be a long hour. You sigh, before summing it up. “Addition and subtraction, analog time, multiplication and division…’’ And you forget dozens of other things.
Anything and everything that involves numbers. You have been that way since a kid, throwing tantrums whenever you were forced to do math or make a puzzle. Your brain blacks out whenever you are forced to make a sum, and after a while your brain is just completely fried.
He wrinkles his nose, thinking. “So, everything?’’ he summarizes dryly. 
You nod. “Yep.”
His good eye slightly widens. “I can do this,” he mutters, to himself more than to you. He taps on an empty page of your notebook with his fingers.
‘’Write down ‘twenty-five plus eighty-seven’.”
You obey, faithfully writing the sum down in your notebook with your favorite Hello Kitty glitter pens. 
Aemond looks at the pen with a sigh, bending over your notebook to see what you wrote down. His brows furrow. 
You try your best to focus on his voice and his words rather than the fact that he sits so close to you and smells like fresh strawberries.
‘’Alright. Next, write down ‘one hundred and fifty-nine plus ninety-four’.” Again, you write it down as best as you can, in a reasonably readable handwriting. You hear him curse under his breath, exhaling.
“Five hundred and thirty-two plus six hundred and fifty-six..” 
You write a bit faster, messing up a few of the numbers in the process. You are glad you are starting with the addition sums, as they come the easiest to you.  
“Lastly, three hundred and fifty-five plus four hundred and sixty-six.’’ He looks at your sums. With one glance at his face, you can tell you’ve already fucked it up. “I said ‘one hundred and ninety-five’, but you’ve written down ‘one hundred and fifty-nine’. I said ‘six hundred-and-sixty-five’, but you wrote down ‘six hundred and fifty-six’.” 
Great. He must think you are doing it on purpose. Embarrassed, you quickly scratch out the numbers you wrote down before sighing, cursing yourself for thinking this was going to solve anything.
“Are you doing this on purpose?” he wonders. “Do you even want my help?” The nerve of this man. 
“What do you think?” you snap, placing the cap back on your Hello Kitty gel pens. “You think you’re my first tutor? You think you’re the first who’s tried to help me? I’ve done all of this before, but none of it matters. Nothing will stick anyway.” 
Your voice becomes squeaky. You blink rapidly to avoid ruining your mascara. He must think you are so stupid. You are. So, so stupid.
Aemond looks over your work again, sighing and rubbing his face. “No,” he murmurs quietly. “You turn them around. Some of the numbers.” 
That has been an issue since you were introduced to numbers. That and the bigger they get, the bigger the chance you mess it up.
“No shit,” you huff, searching your handbag for your tissues. You find them buried under your perfume bottle and use them to wipe at your eyes. 
His feet move under the table, briefly touching yours.
“Don’t get mean. Just making an observation.’’ He scratches behind his ear. “What do you mean, ‘nothing  will stick’?” 
Great. He will piss himself with laughter when he hears this.
You’d rather not tell him, or anyone, really. It is embarrassing. You are a twenty-two-year-old girl who can’t divide the simplest numbers and, without a digital clock, you’d get nowhere on time. You wouldn’t even know the time. People can and have taken advantage of that just to bully you. “It’s complicated,” you say.
His usual gruff voice softens. “Alright. So, tell me.”
What is the harm? you wonder. Who is he even going to tell?
“I’ve got a non-verbal learning disorder,” you mumble. There. He knows.
“What?” he asks, a little too loud for your liking. Even if he had whispered, it would have been too loud. There is no one here, yet you are worried somehow someone heard.
You growl back, “Non-verbal learning disorder. NLD.” 
It is a little less common than dyslexia—a lot less common, actually. You have heard that dyscalculia and NLD is a very common combination. That might be the reason you are so horrible at math. Part of your brain just refuses to understand it, which frustrates you, which makes you upset, and all that means you’d very much rather not do math at all. 
Aemond becomes very quiet before admitting something you never thought you’d hear. “I’ve never heard of that.” 
Where could he have, though? He is very clearly a math expert, not a learning disorder expert. 
You look at your polished pink nails with gold glitter.
“Hm. Not surprised. You are perfect after all, aren’t you?” you ask.
He becomes grumpy and unbearable, as you become mad and perhaps jealous that he is so perfectly fine and normal, and boring. “Fine. Don’t tell me.” 
Aemond takes out his phone. You thought they were ‘forbidden’. Didn’t he say so earlier? You glare, insulted. You have a social life, after all, and the world suddenly seems far more beautiful than it had been before you began your suffering here. 
“So, are you telling me you don’t know how late it is now?” He shoves a Wikipedia page in your face. He looked it up.
You take out your phone. “Of course I do. It’s fifteen-thirty.” 
You don’t say the correct time. You say ‘fifteen-thirty’. Fifteen thirty. Not half over past something, am or pm bullshit. You say it how it is. It’s fifteen-thirty.
Aemond draws a clock in your notebook. You quite like the way he uses your Hello Kitty gel pen for it. “And in analog time, that would be?” He wonders, his voice trailing off when his one remaining good eye glances at you.
You shake your head as he draws two hands on the clock, and multiple numbers. “Oh, no one cares about those lame old clocks,” you smoothly lie, and it is part of the truth. 
No one uses those old lame clocks anymore. Everyone and their mother has a cellphone. Why bother reading a clock if you have a cellphone? And in your case—why bother reading a language your brain seems to not understand anyway?
Aemond sighs, reading you easily. He scratches the clock out. “You can’t read them, can you?” He asks after he has scratched them out. You can either deny it or lie about it but why waste energy and time?
This man is too observant. 
“I know that the big one up means ‘twelve’,” you say with a little smile, very proud that one thing did decided to stick.
You can see it on his face—it’s becoming more and more clear that you don’t need a tutor. You need a miracle.  
He blurts out a question. “How did you even leave high school?” he asks. You don’t think he meant to hurt you, but he still does.
“How did you lose your eye?” you ask, lashing out.
Aemond sits up a little straighter. “That’s quite a personal question—” 
You smile back, still furious and hiding your displeasure by ripping your nails.  “Exactly.” you groan.
“Fine,” he mutters. “I’m sorry. I’m impressed, if anything.’’
Fake sympathy. Yeah. 
This is a waste of time, you didn’t learn years ago, why would you learn it now? Why did you even came here to begin with? A little voice reminds you of just why you came over. “You don’t need to lie to me. I know I’m stupid,” you mutter when playing with your bracelet. 
Aemond grabs your wrist, letting go almost the second his skin touches yours. “You’re not stupid. I know you can be very clever and an absolute pain in the ass when you want to be.” He grins. “Just… not with numbers.” He closes your notebook.
You know you are clever on other fronts. It’s just difficult to believe you aren’t stupid when you see how advanced your peers and friends are and you still struggle over middle school math.
He nods. “Yeah. I remember for a while in History and Language that you were a threat to my position as best student.’’ 
You’d liked History for a while, it’s true. You were good at it—that is, until you got a social life and it became an afterthought. What might have happened if you had stayed on that path?
You don’t understand why he wants to be the best. “I mean, you are already first in math, aren’t you?” 
He should not push for perfection as much as he does.
He shrugs. “I don’t care. I have to be the best in everything.” It sounds empty. You might not be the only one with problems.
You try telling him what you think. “That’s a little… unhealthy.”
He snaps at you, suddenly scowling. “Well, I don’t have a rich daddy to pay my way into school.” 
Ah. That is his issue with you. He thinks you’re a rich little girl that has a daddy that pays for everything.
You stare at your pink nails, briefly ripping at them before speaking. “I don’t either. Mine died when I was two. I have a stepfather, but he’s too busy fucking my mom and arranging vacations to Dorne for the two of them to bother with me.’’
Aemond’s chest sinks a little, regret written across his face. “I’m sorry.” 
He sounds sincere. And, just like that, you realize your math session has turned into a therapy session. 
You laugh despite your sadness. “Look at me, trauma-dumping all over you. Sorry.” 
You open your notebook at the same moment that Aemond grabs your fingers.
“I think you’ve earned a break.” He awkwardly lets go of you again.
That’s fast. “We haven’t solved a single sum,” you say. “I mean, we can solve one. I think this one is doable…” 
You look at your crossed-out sums. Oh, yeah. That happened. 
His silver-haired head nods up and down, but he does not answer at first, staring at your nails. “Perhaps not. But we have discovered why you have issues with this. Go take a break. That’s an order.”
He cheekily smirks at you, causing butterflies to flutter in your stomach. Perhaps not butterflies—perhaps just straight-up lust. You want to pull this guy in by his sweater and give him a good tumble.
You lick your lips. ‘’Yeah? What will you do if I don’t, sir?’’
He leans in a little closer, his eye flickering to your ruler lying untouched on the table. “Let’s just say… you wouldn’t like to find out.’’
Aemond takes a bottle of water from his bag and a sandwich while you grab a hot chocolate from the machine in the library and a freshly baked muffin from your bag. 
You eat your muffin and then take out your Nintendo Switch bag, starting the device up for a brief moment of relaxation. You play Animal Crossing for a few minutes, forgetting the world around you as you’re sucked into your peaceful little island.
Aemond is very silent as well, staring mostly at you.
“I’ve got one too.” You are sucked out of your island and back into reality. 
‘’Huh?’’ He nods to the switch.
He means a Switch. You didn’t think he would be into games. You think he would be too busy studying, really.
“What game are you playing?” he asks, tilting his head, coming a little closer so he can see for himself, almost touching your skin in the process as he clumsily bumps into you. ‘’Sorry.’’ He murmurs.
“A very intense one,” you comment as a compilation happens on your screen. You want to restore your island from desertcore to cottagecore and right now, one of your villagers has decided to be a menace. 
On Aemond’s lips grows an almost dreamy smile as he stares at you playing on your Switch. “Oh—like Xenoblades? Zelda? Hades?” 
You’ve heard of all three, but haven’t played them. They are not games you think you would like. They sound difficult, full of combat, full of puzzles and full of realisation that you are stupid. So you stay far, far away from them.
“Animal Crossing!” You turn your Switch so he can see your former desert island as you turn it back into a cute aesthetic-worthy village. 
He tries to blink, but he only has one eye so it looks a little awkward. “That is your definition of ‘intense’?” 
It can be. It can be so intense you rage-quit. Some of these animals have no manners—you’ve certainly bullied a fair few off your island. 
“You try terraforming your island when a lazy villager sits in the way!” You point with your finger to the panda cub that sits in the way, right where you want to plant a bush. “That’s Chester, and right now he’s making my life hell—” 
The panda, or Chester, enjoys a sandwich while smiling at your avatar, unaware of the misery he is 
“That panda is?” Aemond asks, confused. “The panda is the issue? Can’t you tell him to move?” 
That would be so helpful. But, unfortunately, no—that is not an option. 
You nod, turning your Switch back to you. “He just won’t leave. I can hit him with a net, but he would hate me,” you mutter. “Pushing him is useless. He’s, like, glued to this spot.”
Aemond smiles to himself. “Perhaps he is saying we should return to studying.” Chester would say that, the menace. He has not given you his photo either, the bear knows too much.
“He says to me that I can have five more minutes,” you say, smiling and blinking your eyes innocently. 
He sighs deeply, exhaling before putting his arm under his head, watching you terraform around your island. “Cute.” He sits up straight, blushing and quickly pointing to your Switch, decorated with stickers from Stardew Valley. “I meant, uh, the stickers.” He quickly mutters, and you can’t hide your own smile.
The stickers are cute, but you can’t help but wonder if he wasn’t talking about something else. “Thanks, they’re from Stardew Valley.” 
“I heard that game—” Whatever Aemond would say next would forever be a mystery. He is rudely interrupted by your fan dumping all over him, telling him the plot, the main features, and your personal opinion of the game in the world-wide record of 4 minutes as you ramble. “You’re kinda supposed to help this town flourish by bringing crops you grow, artisan stuff, to this community center. You can also romance and have children and have a pet. There is like magic too, but I wish it was more fleshed out-’’ You shut up quickly. You put your switch down.
He nods, but you can tell you are losing his interest. 
“You can slay monsters, too,” you blurt out. “And you have different swords, weapons and stuff. Sorry. I kinda ramble.”
“I like it. It’s cute when you ramble.’’ Damn it. You feel your cheeks redden. Aemond watches the rain outside, before asking another question about Stardew Valley. ‘’Can I kill my spouse?” he asks as a follow up. 
You know the modding community is very active, but they are like about dogs and cat breeds, about teleportation hacks and making portraits better. Not about you know, full-blown murder. “No…”
He frowns as if that surprises him. “Is there warfare? Can I take other people’s farms? Is there a princess for me to save?” No, no, and no.
You understand you two play different games.
“No, not really. It does have multiplayer, though.”
Aemond’s scoffing little smirk returns but it does not meet his hurt and very glossy eye. “I’m kinda a loner.” He laughs but there is a hidden sadness there. A sadness you relate too all too well.
“I am, too,” you say. 
“You have dozens of friends.”  You can still have friends and be alone.
He refers to the girls that you hang out with. Are they friends? You don’t hang out aside from the weekend. You can’t call them, if something has happened to you, and they definitely don’t know you game or have NLD. 
“Yes,” you say, “but…none of them game, I guess? Like, in that way, I’m alone. And I don’t make friends easily. Not everyone likes the games I play. Some wouldn’t even call it gaming. So, what kind of games do you like to play?”
He suddenly becomes interested in his very well cared for nails, and you know you hit a weak spot.
“Crusader Kings II, Zelda, Hades, Xenoblades and shooters.” He tells you. ‘’Mostly single-players.’’
You don’t know Crusader kings, but judging by the name, you do not have a cute farm at day and a run a witchy cozy coven at night. “The bloody ones.”
He snaps his head to you, smirking a bit.
‘’Zelda is not bloody.’’ Before he looks at your hair and your lipstick. ‘’I think you actually like it, if you gave it a chance.’’ He says. ‘’I mean, there is dozens of npcs to talk to, a wonderful open world, and ingredients to forage and outfits to collect and to find. In a way, it is Stardew Valley but without the Valley.’’
He definitely heard about Stardew Valley before. ‘’You know a lot about Stardew.’’
He nods. ‘’My sister, Helaena, she plays it a lot. I wouldn’t know how to play it, however.’’ He confesses, slightly tilting his hands. ‘’It’s beyond me how you get anything done with a time limit and a stamina bar.’’
You smile, and you never thought you would in his company. ‘’Describe the story. Of that Zelda game.’’ 
He needs some time to think before telling you the main story. ‘’You see, with an adventure game that’s…that would defeat the purpose of playing. So: You are a hero, named Link. After 100 years, you awake in a shrine, and you hear a voice, and you need to save the kingdom and the princess.’’ It sounds very …male-written and male-aimed. You aren’t sure Zelda is for you.
You have another problem with it too.
‘’That sounds horrible. Imagine waking up from your nap, and suddenly you got to save the world.’’
At first he is confused but the moment he knows you are joking, he laughs, a very delightful sweet and welcoming sound. ‘’It starts very locked, but there’s so much you can do in the game, in my honest opinion it's one of their best entries in the series. There’s cooking, horses-’’ Horses? There are horses? And cooking? ‘’There is combat, but you learn quickly, at least I did. The monsters are actually clever, and in the beginning, its best to avoid them until you get decent weapons.’’ You aren’t sure. Combat? The monsters in the skull cave of Stardew Valley regularly kick your ass.  ‘’There are puzzles too-’’ That is where you draw the line. No puzzles.
‘’Hell no. I hate puzzles.’’ You did as a kid, and still as an adult you can’t figure out how some people enjoy putting together these images, made up of 1,000 pieces and when they finish it, they destroy it too. Like what is the point? And it does not help you can never figure out where to start.
‘’I know.’’ That catches you off guard. Aemond does not pressure you into it. He simply accepts it.  ‘’But they are fun. We can solve most problems in multiple ways. You can’t fuck this up, if you are scared of that. Even if you die, you can restart as many times as you like. And no one is going to call you stupid for it.’’ He promises you, when leaning in a little closer, touching your face gently.
‘’Not even you?’’ You ask, for confirmation, not sure why you care but you hate for him to laugh at you for doing something very rookie. 
He shakes his head.  ‘’No. It took me a lot of time to get the hang of it too, if you must know.’’ So he is not as perfect as he pretends to be. ‘’I already told you: I don’t think you are stupid.’’
You lean in a little closer to him, staring at his soft pink lips. You make your voice as dry as possible. ‘’What if I call ‘’Link’’ ‘’Zelda?’’ You ask him with a cheeky grin. Nothing annoys Zelda fans more than that.
He grins back, but has faith in you. ‘’I know you won’t.’’ That is true. You know that the Princess is called ‘’Zelda’’ but the person you play as is called ‘’Link.’’ To confuse the two would be like calling JojaMart Pierre’s general store.  
‘’But what if I do?’’ You ask, getting a little cheeky. ‘’Hm? Sir?’’ You ask, pushing his buttons a little more as you grin. 
He needs to make an effort to hide his smirk, quietly muttering when eyeing the stickers on your switch. ‘’Don’t push me, we are alone after all, and I’m very bored.’’ He murmurs, sending a shiver down your spine when his voice gets that rough edgy little dark edge.
‘’Are you …Interested?’’ You ask, surprised.
He lifts his head, a bit insulted. ‘’You think I would not avoid you like the plague if I wasn’t?’’
All this time you thought he hated you, but he had a crush on you. ‘’I thought you hated me! That I annoyed you!’ 
He blushes, quickly cleaning his glasses for some reason. ‘’No, I just don’t like it when I can’t control my feelings. Like I become very different around you.’’ You noticed. He puts walls around himself.
‘’You become a little angry bird or a Goomba.’’ You know for sure he knows what a Goomba is, and you know it as well. They are the adorable little creatures from Mario games that try to murder Mario and look grumpy.
He chuckles, mortified by your description.
‘’Please, no, gods, not a Goomba.’’ 
You do find the courage to tell him your final thoughts, before flipping your notebook again, picking up where you left with the sums. ‘’If it helps, you are kinda cute too, Aemond.’’ You tell him, and you mean it. ‘’Not that I’m into Goombas, but..Yeah. You’re cute.’’ You tell him.
He nods, absently before he becomes serious again. ‘’Did you ever try motivational tutor lessons?’’ Motivational what?
‘’What uhm do you mean?’’ You ask, a little lost.
He shrugs, smiling. ‘’Well, people are more likely to succeed if there is a reward for them in it.’’ You notice him biting down at his lips, avoiding your eyes.
‘’And uhm, what would my reward be?’’ You ask your body to betray you within mere seconds as you think of how he will reward you. You, on the couch on top of him when fucking him-
He grins, when slowly touching your legs, going to the space between your legs, to where your dress ends. ‘’Whatever you like,’’ he purrs softly in your ear. ‘’ A cup of coffee, a donut…’’
You nod, a little disappointed and curse your dirty mind. That man is a saint for trying with you. Aemond reaches out to grab something close to your textbook and your eyes follow his fingers. ‘’People are likely to succeed more if they are disciplined too.’’ He is just teasing you, you tell your very dirty minded mind.
You know he will make you stand in the corner or perhaps take your phone away. ‘’And what would my punishment be?’’ You ask, dryly when you copy the sums from the textbook.
Aemond sighs. ‘’I won’t do anything you don’t consent to, that is the first lesson.’’ You were taking a sip of your cold coffee and nearly spat it out, all over your textbook as your cheeks burned with interest.
‘’But if you are into a little motivation, I guess I can show you another use for this pretty ruler.’’ He mutters, tapping with the ruler against the palm of his hand. You notice he has excellent self-control. This will be fun.
Yet you are surprised, that the red sweater glass-wearing sniveling little best of the class into BDSM. ‘’You’re into Kink?’’ You ask, your voice is a bit strangled.
‘’That’s not an answer, little brat.’’ 
He totally is. Gods, just your luck, stuck with Aemond Targaryen who is secretly into brat taming. Whatever sums you wanted to make, will certainly get fucked up now.
‘’Do you expect me to really learn better?’’ You hope he understands that your brain is just not a regular brain. It won’t magically solve things now that you are motivated. 
Aemond shakes his head. ‘’I kinda don’t. But it’s alright, love. I won’t get upset with you. Not really, at least.’’ He tells you with a grin. ‘’But I won’t lay a finger on you until I get your consent.’’ Such a gentleman. 
‘’Fine, you’re free to touch me.’’
On his lips, grows a dangerous smirk as he grins, before sitting next to you. ‘’What is the square root of 48?’’ He puts his left hand on your knee and slowly makes his way to your thigh…
Fuck. ‘’Uhm, 4.’’ You blurt out. It is a gamble but you don’t care.
Aemond chuckles before tsking as a disapproving teacher, before grinning and telling you the correct answer. ‘’That would be 6.’’ You growl, a little angry you didn’t know it. But he softly murmurs in your ear, when his hands go over your body. ‘’Take off your coat.’’ He tells you coldy. 
You let out a little squeak. He grins, adding softly. ‘’Again, if you want to, of course.’’
‘’I want you to strip too.’’ You tell him after you have taken your coat off. 
He chuckles, thinking you can’t defeat him. That you don’t know his weakness. But he told you, earlier today without him realizing so.  ‘’You can ask me questions but I know a lot more about math-’’
You interrupt him, smiling.
‘’What year did the Titanic sink?’’
Aemond gawks at you, before thinking deeply. It is a random event that did kill people, but it had no major consequences. ‘’1910?’’ He guesses. You grin. 
‘’1912, take off your shoes.’’ You tell him.
‘’Fuck.’’ he murmurs, but obeys. ‘’If I go with the train at 9:20, and the train takes half an hour-'’ No way you will get that one, so you take your dress off, zipping your zipper down and exposing your black bra and matching knickers. Aemond’s breath catches slightly, exhaling when his pupils enlarge.‘’Good girl.’’ That is enough to worsen your arousal and to harden your nippels. Aemond watches as it happens, a pleased contemptuous smile on his lips. 
‘’Tell me, little Brat. Darwin’s father has four children, Red, orange, yellow and-’’ It is a pattern question. A clear question. Red orange yellow are colors represented in the rainbow. ‘’Green?’’ The moment you said it, you repeat the question silently before growling.
‘’No! "It's Darwin!” You grow out.
He chuckles. ‘’You can keep your pretty knickers and bra on. I want you to sit on my lap.’’ You sit down on his lap, making sure to rub him a tiny bit in the process, to make him wild. He groans in your ear when forcing your ass down. ‘’Such a naughty little brat. And so wet for me too.’’ He murmurs in your ear when his fingers smoothly slide in your knickers, before toying with your folds, touching before inspecting your wetness. You twist on his lap, trying to force the finger to move deeper, harder, and rougher. Aemond pulls you tightly to his chest to avoid you moving at all.
You enjoy his control more than you should. ‘’Fuck…’’ You quietly mutter. He muses happily to himself as you squirm and twist on his lap. 
‘’So tense, are we shy, little brat?’’ He is toying with you, torturing you.
‘’Aemond, please.’’ You beg, helplessly as he begins to fuck your body with his fingers, and you happily fuck his hands, clenching yourself whenever you are allowed. 
You need to find release soon, and he knows it very well judging by his smirk. ‘’I’m afraid I won't listen to that name. You will call me Sir or you will refrain from speaking at all.’’ He says, and your fucked up little brain enjoys it too much.
That is so hot. He has an authority kink. ‘’Fuck!’’
He grins, as he takes a stance behind you.
‘’I’m afraid I can’t allow such crass words.’’
Oh shit. You feel your heart race and your stomach flutter with lust and butterflies and your curious mind wanders. ‘’Aemond…’’ He grabs you briefly by the throat, but he does not make it hurtful. He raises a brow. 
You look at your shoes.
‘’I meant, Sir…’’ Your face is pressed down against the wood of the table, before Aemond growls.
‘’Nothing will save you now, little brat. You are all mine.’’
He grabs the ruler and your cheeks are spanked first with his fingers before he moves on to the iron ruler, hitting your cheeks with precision but hard enough for you to like it. You squirm on the desk, certain you leave a trail of wetness as Aemond uses the ruler on both your ass cheeks, finding a torturous rhythm. And yet you like it. You want it to happen again, you want to brat. ‘’Fuck,’’ you cry out as three of his fingers enter your pussy. His left hand is feeling you up, when his right continues to punish you for your sins. ‘’Sir, sir please!’ You moan.
‘’Are you sorry?’’ He asks, between fucking you on the desk with his hand and spanking you. You nod, furiously. He sighs, letting go of you and his fingers leave your spent wet cunt. ‘’Good. Don’t be naughty again or I will punish you again.’’ He warns you. You want to brat. And you want to brat so hard that he will punish you with his cock this time. 
You bring your own fingers to your entrance but before that you can shove them in, Aemond has grabbed your wrist, painfully twisting it. ‘’Seems like someone can’t behave herself.’’ You nod, furiously as if you regret it deeply. Aemond sighs. ‘’Pull my pants down for me.’’ He tells you, and you inwardly cheer. You get to work, unbuttoning his jeans for him and pulling them down first, before staring at his boxers which barely hide his erected cock. 
You pull his boxers down too, freeing his cock as the red swollen tip is pushed in your face, with clear precum on the edge. ‘’Get on the desk.’’ He tells you. ‘’Bent over it, the way I know you want to.’’ You know what he means very well, and you obey, bending over the desk so he could take you on it.
He sighs before grabbing one of your hands and wrapping your fingers around his cock. ‘’Make me go wild, and I’ll fuck your little needy pussy.’’ You obey, your back turned to him as you try to please him with your fingers rubbing his head and his balls. 
You are bended, and Aemond opens your legs roughly and sharply, before going inside of you with his cock, filling you all the way with his length as you silently whisper. Aemond starts to trust and you become lightheaded and carried away on your pleasure. He fits so well. ‘’Sir,’’ you weakly mutter as he fucks you on the table, your book and hello kitty gel pens still present. Aemond grunts as an animal before grabbing the ruler, smacking your cunt this time, causing you to cry out in pleasure. ‘’Sir!’’ You repeat your own cry, before slamming your hips against his own, begging him to finish you. ‘’Please!’’ 
‘’Such a needy cunny. I’m going to come inside of you, little Princess. You are going to tell all your little whore friends about this, that you got fucked by a man in the library, used as a glorified slave. You will tell them how red and throbbing your little pussy was, and you will not tell anyone it was me. Is that understood, or do you need me to fucking explain it another way?’’ You understand, but you would love another explanation because it sounds so dirty.
‘’Another way. I’m pretty stupid.’’
He glares as if he disagrees with that.
‘’Very well.’’
Aemond grabs you by your hips again, fucking you.
‘’’N-no, Aemond, I have a party tonight-’’ You tell him, begging him to be a bit gentle.
He groans. ‘’I don’t care. Fuck your parties.’’
He did not get invited.
‘’Nhn!’’ You cry out as his cock cruelly fucks you, not giving a damn about your warnings.
Aemond’s lips briefly kiss your sweaty forehead. 
‘’Delicious, such a good cunny.’’ He murmurs, rubbing your cunt until blood sticks to his fingers. You need a little push. Just one tiny push. ‘’And now, you will come for me, my slut. When I tell you, you will come all over my cock, soaking me.’’ You nod, bracing yourself.
Aemond fucks you harder and faster and it becomes difficult to hold your orgasm in. You need to release it, you need to find a release fast. ‘’Sir, please.’’ You beg, helpless. He grins, spanking your needy pussy.
‘’I know, but try to show some self-respect, my little brat.’’ 
You wordlessly wail. He sighs, before impaling you thoroughly and resting his hands on your hips. He whispers in your ear. ‘’Come.’’ You obey, freed from a prisoner and let go when you two fuck each other roughly, your muscles hurting from the rough fucking on the desk. And finally, you come all over his cock, just as he promised you would. He takes you two more times after that, bringing you close to two other orgasms, before denying those two. You are taken without warning and lose your control, coming all over him, earning you a spanking and a rough fucking before he comes inside of you as well, with a lot of curse words and grunts. 
‘’Fuck, Y/N.’’ He murmurs, in your ear. You put your underwear and bra back on. The timer ends, revealing that two whole hours have passed. Aemond dresses himself quickly too, looking at your messy hair and glassy eyes. 
You become aware of the feelings and the urge to run far away from them. ‘’I have to go.’’ You tell him.
Aemond stops you, gently and you know he has become himself again, dropping the dom-act.
‘’No. You seem to know some things about Kink, but after playing with my ladies, I give them aftercare. You deserve a bagel, or a donut, or fuck it, another Starbucks if you want. If we were at my place, I’d prepare a bath for you or give you a message.’’ He rambles on. ‘’Let me buy you something nice for your lunch, and at least walk you home.’’ He asks, no, begs. Your face melts at his sweet manners. 
You put your stuff in your back, as Aemond zips up your dress for you, careful to avoid your hairs. He has done this before. You wonder how many times and with who. ‘’She is judging us.’’ He suddenly whispers, nodding to your hello kitty gel pen. 
After two hours he has become just as mad as you have. ‘’She knows too much, I might drown her into my Starbucks later.’’ You tell him.
He does not approve of that idea.
‘’That would be sad and torture.’’
‘’Fine, I’ll just…put her in my pencil case.’’ You do as you promise him, putting the gel pens in your pencil case.
‘’That’s it, good girl.’’
He winks before following you to Starbucks.
‘’Hey, uhm Aemond?”’ You ask after you are waiting for your order. Aemond looks around a little amazed. He has never been here before, calling it a capitalistic hell. 
‘’Yeah?’’ his hands nervously play with his rings. He can be so adorably shy.
‘’What are you doing tonight?’’ You wonder, hoping you don’t regret this. As in, he does not say no.
‘’Not much, I might actually play Zelda. Why?’’ He wonders.
‘’Want to come to this party with me?’’ You blurt out with a smile.
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a/nthank you for reading let me know what you think. there might be a part 2 but i havent decided yet.
The eh creatures above the a/n are goombas.
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inoreuct · 1 year
I've been loving your ZoSan drabbles, they honestly make my day. I do have a potential drabble request if you'd like: I feel like these two idiots tease each other mercilessly for the dumbest things, like an old married couple. It's almost a game for the rest of the crew to how long it takes them to turn the teasing into either flirting or kissing. It's peak entertainment for the crew
thank you so much??$4!;7:)3 I’M SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT and yes. absolutely. I FLEW TO MY DOCS TO WRITE THIS AND IT WAS SO FUN. the tension is through the roof; not even with the bickering but the teasing. it’s playful and easy and they’re more fond than they should be and is an insult really an insult if it’s said with a smile? anyway. enjoy 😽
“Oho! The world’s greatest swordsman can’t handle a kitchen knife!” Sanji has his hands propped on his hips, faux-flabbergasted and crowing like a town crier. Zoro looks about three seconds away from chopping him up with said kitchen knife instead of the carrots on the countertop. Usopp fears for the cook’s safety.
“Do you think we should… do something?” he turns and whispers gingerly, leaning across his mug of tea so that Nami can hear him from where she’s seated across the table. 
“Something like preventing a possible murder, or getting them to finally kiss? Because…” She takes a pointed slurp from her own mug, her amused gaze fixed on the way Zoro is now animatedly arguing back. “We could do both. Or neither. I’m entertained either way.”
Usopp turns back around, hiding his face in his drink as he eavesdrops shamelessly. He must have missed some conversation, because now Zoro’s sniping about Sanji’s hair, of all things. How they got so far from the original topic in such a short time? Usopp does not know. 
“Well, at least I don’t spend an hour rubbing conditioner on my head,” Zoro scoffs, and Sanji gasps like the swordsman had just cussed out his entire family three generations up and down.
“And that, my dear marimo, is why it looks like a lawn,” he declares with a prim sniff, flicking the tap on with a flourish. “An untrimmed lawn. That a dog ran all over.”
“No, no,” he laments, scrubbing at a dish in the most melodramatic way Usopp has seen in his life. “A pack of dogs. And they shat all over it, too.”
Zoro puffs up like an angry cat, clearly winding up to verbally throw down, and Usopp turns around to find Nami smirking at him with her eyebrows raised as if to say, see what I mean?
“This is incredible,” he whisper-shouts, amazed.
I know, she mouths delightedly, eyes shining like golden coins.
“What are we talking about,” Luffy hisses, and Usopp damn near jumps out of his skin.
“Great Mother Ocean, when did you get here?!” he nearly squawks, pulling his volume down at the last second, just in time to hear a victorious “and that is why no crab in its right mind would ever want to eat you!” from Zoro. He doesn’t even bother to question it anymore.
Luffy shrugs, biting into an apple with a satisfying crunch. “Like two seconds ago. Are Zoro and Sanji fighting again?”
“More like flirting,” Nami laughs, gesturing with her chin. 
Usopp gives up on straining his neck and gets up to straddle the chair properly. The convo has somehow turned back to hair; Sanji has one hand plucking delicately at green strands, the other covered in soap.
“Keep talking shit about my brows and see if I will,” he says haughtily, and Usopp strains his ears for context as Zoro bares his teeth in a grin, his eye twitching.
“As if I want you to cut it. You’d probably make it all uneven.”
A dry ha! “That’d be an improvement.”
The sniper whips around wildly to look at Nami. Either he’s hearing things, or they sound almost… fond. The way their navigator’s sitting forward in her chair hints at the latter. Luffy bites into his apple again, mumbling, “Why haven’t they kissed yet?” 
Usopp explodes into a flurry of desperate hand movements, mouthing exactly! Exactly! so enthusiastically that his cheeks hurt. 
His captain smiles and then pauses, tilting his head. “Have they kissed yet?”
Usopp’s worldview shatters into shards that then start rearranging themselves because that is a very real possibility. Sanji and Zoro have been bickering ever since before the cook came aboard the Merry, but somewhere along the line it had turned to something more lighthearted, less I’m-gonna-gut-you-like-a-fish-and-have-your-entrails-for-breakfast and more you’re-so-damn-annoying-sit-down-and-let-me-help-you.
The three of them turn in unison to stare at how Sanji and Zoro are now nose to nose, Sanji peering down the scant half-inch he has above the swordsman in height with a smug smile and murmuring “—not what you were saying last week, marimo.”
Zoro tips his head, not backing down even as Sanji cooes at him and somehow, somehow, it doesn’t sound condescending. Usopp is losing his mind. “Never said that, curly-brow. You were the one who filled in the blanks.”
“You left blanks for me to fill in.”
“You’re delusional. There’s gas in your brain, that’s why your head’s so big.” 
“Oh, yeah?” the cook grins, lazy and bright, eyebrows going up as Zoro steps into his space. “What’re you gonna do about it?”
Zoro smirks and tilts his head back. “I don’t know. You tell me,” he murmurs, before pulling away and dropping a whole stack of dirty crockery into the sink. “Better get to washing, dish boy.”
Usopp’s eyes are bugging out of his head as Sanji yells and sprays Zoro with water from the pullout tap, sparking a whole new round of squabbling and ankle-kicking and wayward elbows.
“You’re seeing this, right?” he asks desperately, turning around in his seat and gripping the edge of the table. Gosh, he’s feeling light-headed. “I’m not going crazy?”
“Nope,” Nami sighs, popping the ‘p’. “Wanna bet?”
“On?” Luffy shuffles closer, grinning around his apple and she shrugs a shoulder, feigning disinterest. 
“How long it takes dumb and dumber to get their shit together.” 
Usopp really doesn’t know how much he’d be willing to put into this. The way that they fight’s more pigtail-pulling than anything, and that in and of itself is telling— Not to mention, again, how this has been going on for months. Sanji would give Zoro shit for being messy but then go to clean anyway, only to find Zoro’s things already packed. Zoro would snip at the cook for being rigid about dessert before dinner and then find a slice of sour raspberry tart on his bunk, way after teatime was over. Usopp had honestly thought they’d been doing it out of spite, but now…
Then again, with how repressed the both of them were? “…A hundred berry, one month,” he decides, and Nami wrinkles her nose.
“Stingy,” she complains, but she’s hiding a smile as she turns to their captain. “Luffy?”
The boy hums thoughtfully, twisting around. “Are you two kissing?” he yells, and Usopp’s heart fucking drops to the floorboards as the pair stares at them wide-eyed and bursts into protests.
“What— this idiot?”
“The hell? No! Why would you—”
“—on any planet would I ever—”
“Absolutely fucking not. His refined palate—”
“—His brains are in his biceps—”
“Okay,” Luffy says, shrugging as he finishes the last of his apple, core and all, and flings a singular seed into the tiny bin by the sink with startling precision. “Five hundred, two weeks.” 
Usopp can’t help it. He bursts into laughter, smacking his forehead into the tabletop as he clutches at his stomach and the twinge in his ribs. He can hear Sanji’s panicked shouts of “what? What were you betting on? Usopp, tell me now—” and Zoro growling, “Luffy, I swear if this is what I think it is—” and oh. 
The sniper grins into the table. Oho. Did that not imply that Zoro knew something was going on? He could be wrong, but— “Seven-fifty, one week.”
“A thousand!” Luffy counters immediately, and Usopp cackles helplessly because he knows that his captain’s just shouting out numbers now, Luffy doesn’t even have the money. 
“How about we spill the beans on what the hell we’re betting on, and I make us all a special dinner, hm?” Sanji pleads, and it’s honestly funny how hard he’s trying to find out. 
“Absolutely not,” Nami replies, her grin saccharine sweet. “A joint bet of one thousand, seven hundred and fifty berry for one week. Y’know,” she studies her cuticles, pursing her lips in an unbothered moue, “This is the one time that I’d be happy not to collect. Don’t let me down, hm?” She gets up and slides out the galley door, and they hear her laughing all the way down the hall. 
Zoro looks like he’s about to have a conniption. Sanji has his hands buried in his hair, looking up at the ceiling and turning around like he’s begging for a divine answer. Usopp and Luffy share a gleeful look.
This is going to be a marvellously interesting week.
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strawberrystepmom · 7 months
hyoga (dr stone) x f!reader. canon au, reader is an agriculturalist. mutual pining. my usual, served hot. wc 1.2k. divider by cafekitsune as always.
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“Not this again.” 
Hyoga groans and frustratedly thrusts his spear through the air, tipping his head upward toward the oranges of the dawn sky when the head of the weapon lands inches away from where he intended it to - a true pain to a man as exacting as he tends to be. Perfection isn’t an option he gives himself, it’s an expectation, but something keeps getting in his way. He takes a centering breath and it only lasts for a few beats, his chest heaving from the exertion of his early morning practice. 
The spearman visits the training area just as the sun rises to have time to practice, welcome the day, and think alone. However, for the third day in a row, he can hear you singing to yourself while inspecting your plant.
Turning to look over his shoulder, he groans. At this distance, he can make out the vaguest silhouette of you. If he were to be honest with himself, he’d have to admit that he is silently annoyed that his mind easily fills in the blanks he can’t visualize through his squinted eyes. The sun is only beginning to beat down although if it’s bothersome, you don’t show it and your outline steps between rows of vegetables, still singing happily to yourself.
Looking around the arena and the camp both, Hyoga notices how empty the spaces are and decides now is the time to go talk to you if he’s going to. You are well-liked enough by the other members of the Kingdom of Strength you’ve unwittingly found yourself a part of that he risks a bit of ostracization if he is perceived as picking on you, something that should not bother him but does for inexplicable reasons. It’s not that he particularly cares what anyone else thinks, fear is more valuable than respect in this new world anyway, but he is distinctly bothered by the notion that other people are protective of you.
Placing his treasured spear aside, he scrubs a hand over his face and crosses the small dirt path between your world and his. Your treasured fields, thoughtfully planned since the day you were handed the reigns of growing food for the kingdom you serve, and his place of violence. The two of you are so different yet he finds himself increasingly curious about you and how unabashedly yourself you tend to be.
Since the first day you were depetrified, you offered yourself in full despite any fear. Your time, expertise, and ability are going to improve the lives of everyone. You hate praise on a wide scale but beam when receiving it one on one. You smile brightly and offer plentiful hugs if someone needs support. Everyone likes you, it’s not difficult to understand why despite his own opinion.
He rolls his eyes and scoffs at himself for even pondering your likability. All his mind has done is conjure ridiculous imagery of a ridiculous woman and he refuses to entertain it any longer. Each step of his boots leaves a mark in the dirt below it and Hyoga attempts to quiet his steps when he approaches you but if the way you stop singing abruptly is any indication, has already been spotted. 
“You are incredibly obnoxious.”  
Smiling at his greeting before you even glance in his direction, you wipe your hands across the brown canvas of your work pants and rise to your full stature. The mask he always wears covers his mouth which leaves you unable to tell if he is snarling or frowning but you assume from the tone of his voice he isn’t quite seething, just annoyed.
“Good morning to you too, Hyoga. How are you?”
Midnight colored eyes flit briefly over the entirety of your figure and his eyes shift downward at the rows of planted soil instead of continuing to look at you, taking stock of how quickly the carrots have started growing. Their green tops have sprouted and if he were less annoyed by the inconvenience of you interrupting his training, he would acknowledge that you are impressive at what you do.
“I would be far better if you hadn’t interrupted my morning training.” He spits and you offer an apologetic frown, folding your arms over your chest and tilting your head to the side. “Why are you out here so early? I train every day at sunrise to be alone so feel free to stay in bed tomorrow.”
Laughing to yourself, you shake your head and raise your eyebrows. You’re likely the only person bold enough to actually talk back to him, the fear he has stricken in the rest of his loyal subjects seemingly lost on you. It’s not that you don’t respect him or take him seriously, you do, but merely that you enjoy pushing his buttons more than anything else.
“You don’t own the dawn,” the petulant note in your voice is rewarded with a low warning hum from the man standing on the other side of your tubers. You have to force yourself not to smile, pressing your lips together although if he were to take a good look he’d see the faintest trace of a curve across them. “And besides, there is no way I can take a good look at everything without being interrupted at any other time of the day. In two hours people will be out here and asking questions and..ugh!”
You throw your hands up and sigh, eyes wide. There’s no hiding the fact you are laying it on thick this morning and Hyoga almost certainly sees through it garnering no sympathy for you. Despite this, there’s a slight relaxation to his shoulders you would miss if you weren’t staring at him so intently. There’s no challenge in your gaze, only curiosity, and it frustrates him that he can never tell what your true intentions are. Is your kindness self preservation? Are the smiles faked in an effort to keep yourself less threatening? He can never tell. 
Luckily for you, he doesn’t feel like getting into it right now. A low hum precedes his words and you keep your eyes glued to him.
“Fine but keep the singing to a minimum. Some of us have actual work to do.”
Smiling, you nod and his posture stiffens again.
“Sorry for distracting you.”
Rolling his eyes, he turns on his heel to cross the dirt path back toward the practice arena but stops himself long enough to look over his shoulder. Another glance at you, raking over your face and body.
“You didn’t.”
Satisfied with his ability to get the last word, he heads off in the opposite direction of where you stand. That went far better than expected and your difficult disposition is clearly subdued this early in the day.
Hyoga considers this a victory in the battle of wills between the two of you and entering his designated area, he reaches for his spear again. Examining the tip and the handle carefully, he squints and loses himself in thought about how he could possibly improve the weapon with the rudimentary tools he has access to now. Running his thumb along the sharpened tip, gloves protecting him from any injury, he catches himself humming a fragmented version of the song you were singing moments earlier.
“Enough,” he tells himself aloud. Grateful to be alone, the word leaves him in a weak whisper a second time. Enough of your songs, enough of your smile, enough of you.
Narrowing his eyes once more, he glances across the dirt path to see you working alone, quietly. The sun has risen higher in the sky and illuminates you, the shine of your hair and the round of your cheeks and he blows air out of his nostrils tensely.
Distraction indeed.
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feybeasts · 7 months
Since the stick is a bad approach, I’m gonna go ahead and delete my last post about this and switch to the carrot.
You might not wanna leave Tumblr, not want to go to other social media that is- in your eyes- unproven. You might be here until the ship sinks, and you know what? That’s your right. Whether you don’t have the time or the energy, it’s ultimately your choice and I genuinely do not want to try to browbeat people about that, puts a bad taste in my mouth to act that way.
For myself, however- I’ve got ample energy and strength to put into Cohost, Bluesky, and so here’s what I’m going to do:
I’m building a home there. All I have is lumber, nails, and a hammer. It’s gonna take time, it might not even work- but I’m gonna build that house as best I can, send letters in the form of what I’m doing in my new home, and if the day comes you need shelter, I hope the house myself and people like me build is a good, strong house for our friends.
You’re always welcome in it. Because love, friendship, it transcends where your house is- home is more than that.
This does mean I’ll no longer post art on Tumblr unless the situation with moderation, potential AI dataset sales, and the deplorable behavior by management improves, but I’m not gonna partition it off either- I’ll link anything I do on cohost, so feel free to pop in and take a look if you wanna!
Because ultimately, y’all are right. These decisions can only be made for you, by you- and I can just keep the lights on :)
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itspdameronthings · 4 months
Summary: Was planning to post this on my birthday(may 19th) Life happened. this is a sweet fic starring Benny and Santi planning something rather special.
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“ Just don't know man. Runnin out of ideas for our Dixie girl’s birthday. Sad she has to work on that day “ Benny pacing around the living room floor while Santi in his easy chair reading and listening to the rants. Which now is a lost cause. Placing the book on the side table,” You know she doesn't really care what you do. It's us being with her. Like little things like I don't know… wait! Nah..” Benny hates when he does that . Like nails on a chalkboard. Thumping Santi’s head,” Out with it daddy. What's going on in that head of yours. “ Santi smiles while heading upstairs to their shared bedroom. Pulled out her journal. Finding a certain entry,” So happens baby boy. She wrote something about her special day last night. Happened to glance at it since she left it on the bed. If.. you really don't want to know “ Benny reached for it before Santi snatched it away,” invasion of privacy baby boy. Can't intrude,but . If we really want to know. Better find out.” 
Both of them got comfortable on the bed while Santi begins to read: 
Almost my birthday. Time to make a wish for what my heart desires. Funny it's the same thing. Being loved. Which I have. Two hearts that love me with all of their might. Best gift ever. Made me think when Benny and I were teenagers when he would go all out to make my birthday memorable,even if I was sick ,or something happened like a terrible thunderstorm which was supposed to go to a special screening of our favorite movie. Ever since Benny wanted to make sure that happened. Such a beautiful soul . Oh my sweet daddy Santi. Can't leave him out. He would find that perfect gift. Always said don't want anything. Until one birthday he surprised me with a beautiful necklace. Silver chain with a cross. Find out it was his. Told me that he was supposed to give it to the special person who is worthy. Oh did I mention it belonged to his mom? Still wear it. This year I know my hearts will be planning something. Also they are reading this. 
Santi rolls his eyes,” Sneaky Dixie girl! Sneaky as shit! Now what we are gonna do!” 
After another trauma has come and gone. All Dixie wanted to do is go home and enjoy her birthday. What is left of it. Relax with her boys. That would make her happy. Changed out of soiled scrubs. Sneaking out before anyone sees her. Texted her boys that she was on her way. Smile falls on her lips as she thinks about them.
“ That's not what ya put in the sauce man! Who puts cumin in spaghetti sauce anyway?!” Benny rolls his blue eyes as he stirs in more ingredients,” Dixie's ma man. Taught me that funny your ma doesn't do this. Pass me some red pepper flakes.” Santi nods. Thinking how far Benny’s cooking has improved since taking to her mom and his mom about cooking her favorite dishes. Sure Santi knows few of them.mostly the Spanish ones. He leaves the country to comfort him. Which he is still learning. Goes over to the stove to prepare some pasta. 
Finally she is home. Traffic was so long! Sun is setting,and a soft breeze is blowing. Felt so good,yet relaxing. Upon unlocking the door welcomes a wonderful smell. Her favorite meal! So sweet of them. Sneaking upstairs to change into something comfortable. Benny's old tee from highschool. Santi's old army sweats that were made into shorts. Walking down the stairs that leads to the kitchen watching her boys cook. Listening to Benny tell Santi how to make another country dish. Santi laughs,” Can't wrap my head on how both of you love carrot cake weird to me. Guess my mom never made it. Now.. since it's her favorite? I'll try it.” Glancing over his shoulder to see a vision of loveliness. Turns off the stove,” I'll be back man. Keep working.” 
Benny sits next to his baby. Pulling her close to his always warm body,” How long have ya been sittin on the hard steps? Hope not long.” Inhaling his special scent,” Not long. So sweet both of you doing this. Especially the carrot cake. You remembered when we had that. Sweet on how you're teaching Santi how to cook some old country classics . “ Kisses her cheek,” We had to do somethin ya know. I know spaghetti isn't countyfied,but at least there are other things to enjoy. Took us most of the afternoon to do this since.. he read your journal ya left opened on the bed.” Blushing,” oops. How about helping me up? Wanna help. Think there is one dish left to do.” 
Santi tastes the sauce. Loving how it tastes. Spicy,but sweet. Just like his babies. Got lost in the task and didn't know Benny and Dixie. Kisses her daddy’s scruffy cheek while helping with the garlic bread,” See ya enjoying yourself. Hope there is some left. “ Rolling his eyes ,” Funny ha ha! It's just never had sauce like that before. Now go ,and sit down .  can't have our birthday girl doing anything. By the way, there is a package for you “ Nods as she opened the box containing not one ,but two rings. Hands covering her mouth. Tears practically in her eyes,” I'm speechless! Wasn't even expecting this! To answer the question? Yes! I'll be yours forever!” Santi kisses her lips,” didn't have to get on our knees. Had while we had speeches planned ,and shit! Was planning on giving it to you while we were in bed. Benny! “ 
This is by far her favorite birthday ever. Everything she wished for came true. Plus one surprise she didn't count on. Want to shout it to the world. Boys want to keep it on the down low. Others are out of town. Dixie finally is asleep. While both of them are still awake. Benny cuddles with Santi head resting on his shoulder,” We did good daddy. Birthday she wouldn't ever forget. Neither will I. “ Santi agrees as he turns out the lights. Been thinking about that surprise for awhile. Told Benny few hours earlier. Happy birthday Dixie. 
@rhoorl , @romanarose @musings-of-a-rose @crookedbreadtimemachine
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mrs-bond · 2 years
Here's the story I've written for @runnning-outof-time Christmas Bingo
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Summary: You and Tommy are more " than just friends." Tommy decides to take you to a charity Christmas dance for the Shelby Orphanage. How will the dance go? How will he confess his love to you? Read to found out more.
Warnings: Kissing, blushing, complimenting, being cute, romantic, beautiful, and hugging.
Pairing: Tommy x Reader
Prompt: Tommy confesses his love for you by a first kiss
Characters: Tommy, reader, Ada, Polly, Shelby brother's, guests, and orchestra.
Word Count:1077
Christmas Dance
You and Tommy have been just friends for a while, but you two were more than that. One is that you two would go on dates a lot. Those dates were to a dinner or taking a trip to a private island. Other thing you two would stay at each other's house every weekend, so you two can get to know one another. Now you two are like peas and carrots.
Tonight the Shelby family was hosting a formal Christmas dance for the Shelby Orphanage. The reason for the dance is to raise money to improve the orphanage. These are things like adding new rooms to providing necessities such as clothes, nannies, more rooms, and such. You and Tommy are going to the dance.
At the Dance
You and Tommy arrive holding each other's hands. The dance area was a sight to behold as you two walk into the ballroom. Many red and green garlands line the ceilings. Also, wreaths with red ribbons line the walls. Looking at this reminds you of Whoville. In the corner of the room there was a Christmas tree decorated with red and green ornaments. You smile looking at it. One is that the tree looked very cute to you.
" This is one beautiful party darling", Tommy says looking at you.
" Sure is", you say smiling at him.
As you two walk around greeting people. An announcement is made. You two look and listen.
" Attention everyone, the dance will start shortly", Polly says with a smile looking at everyone.
All the guests look at her and smile. Everyone was ready to start the party on the right foot. Then everyone took their partners hands, waiting to dance.
" Ready my darling?", Tommy asks taking your hand.
" Yes my love", you say bowing your head to him.
He kisses your hand when you do that. Tommy reminds you of a prince when he does that.
" You're such a prince charming love", you say getting in front of Tommy.
" Always for you my princess", Tommy says blushing at you.
The orchestra starts playing a beautiful Christmas song. It sounds like something from the Nutcracker. Tommy looks into your eyes as you both dance to the music. In the corner of your eye, you see Ada watching you two dance in the crowd of watchers. She smiles watching you two dance.
" You look beautiful darling", Tommy says softly as he twirls you around.
" Thanks, and you look very handsome love", you say turning to him.
Tommy smiles at you as you two dance close. His right hand is on your back and his left on your neck.
As you two still dance, you notice that everyone stops dancing to watch you two. It's like you and Tommy was captivating to the crowd. You and Tommy was dressed like something out of a fairytale. One is that you was wearing a red dress with red roses on the skirt of it. Tommy was wearing a green suit that brought out his handsomness. Tommy looks into your eyes with a loving look as you two slow dance. You look into his eyes with just as much love. The crowd still watches you two with awe in their eyes.
His brother's look at you two with their mouths open. It's like they were surprised to see Tommy happy once in his life. Most of the time Tommy was usually mad like a rattle snake with his company dealings. With you he was a prince charming. He gives you great love and care.
Next he dances with you close to a red curtain. The curtain opens without you two knowing it. Then he dances with you to the open area it leads to. He starts singing a Christmas song in Romani to you. You smile listening to him as you two dance. The curtains were closed where it was just you and Tommy dancing. His voice was the only music you were dancing to at this moment.
The crowd goes to dance to their own music. His aunt Polly looks around for them.
" Where they go Ada?", Polly asks with surprise looking at her.
" I believe they're dancing to where they can be alone", Ada says with a smile.
" I'll let them be, since those two are love birds", Polly says with a smile as she leaves.
Tommy keeps dancing with you as he sings. He dances you to the most beautiful area. The area had many snowmen. Some had stocking caps on. Others had black top hats on. One in particular caught your eye. This one reminds you of Tommy because it has a makeshift cigarette on the corner of its mouth. You smile at the sight of that as you dance.
As he finishes his song, he dances you to a red and green bench. Then he takes your hand in his as he sits you down. You sit beside him with a rosy blush on your cheeks. Up on the roof tops where you two are sitting, Johnny Dogs turns on a snow machine.
" There's something I like to say to you darling", Tommy says looking into your eyes.
" What is it love?", you ask him as you feel snow touch your face.
You turn to look up at the sky and see snow falling. Tommy sees you looking and takes a look for his self.
" The snow is from a machine darling, but it's so real", Tommy says looking at you again.
" It's so beautiful Tommy." " What were you going to say?", you ask watching him again.
" I love you very much love." " Also, I want to say we're an official couple now." " Not just friends", Tommy says leaning in close to you.
Then he looks up above him and sees a mistletoe hanging there. You notice him smile as he looks up. You decide to look for yourself. There it hangs a mistletoe. A rush of heat runs through your body looking at it. One is that you get to kiss the man you love so much. You two look back at each other exchanging loving looks. Tommy goes to kiss you passionately. You kiss him back with just as much passion.
After you two kiss, he takes your hand in his again.
" I love you y/n", he says as he watches the snow fall.
You say the same watching the snow fall. Tommy puts his arms around you giving you a loving hug.
The End
@runnning-outof-time @look-at-the-soul @gypsy-girl-08 @cillmequick @pherelesytsia @madame-wilsonn @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @evita-shelby @julyzaa @adoresmiles @mrkdvidal1989 @emmanuelle19 @allie131313 @midnightmagpiemama @creativepawsworld @shelundeadxxxx @rangerelik @elenavampire21 @lyarr24 @sydi22 @theoshelbyjones @thomasshelbee @theshelbyclan @theshelbyslimited @queen-multi-fandoms @queencoraline3 @moral-terpitude @itssamlavadaa @lovemissyhoneybee
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* 𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒑𝒕. 36
change however necessary.
“The All is alive.”
“Man is a piece of the universe made alive.”
“There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”
“The ultimate stuff of the universe is mind stuff.”
“The universe displays no proof of an all-directing mind.”
“There is nothing uncultivated, nothing sterile, nothing dead in the universe; there is no chaos, no confusion except in appearance.”
“Considered in its concrete reality, the stuff of the universe cannot divide itself but, as a kind of gigantic atom, it forms in its totality the only real indivisible.”
“The universe is so vast in relation to the matter it contains that it can be compared with a building twenty miles long, twenty miles wide, and twenty miles high that contains a single grain of sand.”
“The universe ought to be presumed too vast to have any character.”
“It’s embarrassing that 90 percent of the Universe is unaccounted for.”
“The universe: a device contrived for the perpetual astonishment of astronomers.”
“All places are alike in the universe.”
“We do not really ‘come into’ the world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree.  As the ocean ‘waves,’ the universe ‘peoples.’”
“That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy.”
“I do not pretend to understand the universe.  It is a great deal bigger than I am.”
“The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond.”
“A cucumber should be well sliced, and dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out as good for nothing.”
“On the subject of spinach: divide into little piles.  Rearrange again into new piles.  After five or six maneuvers, sit back and say you are full.”
“Lettuce is divine, although I’m not sure it’s really a food.”
“I have no truck with lettuce, cabbage, and similar chlorophyll.  Any dietitian will tell you that a running foot of apple strudel contains four times the vitamins of a bushel of beans.”
“An onion can make people cry, but there has never been a vegetable invented to make them laugh.”
“A world without tomatoes is like a string quartet without violins.”
“If there is one vegetable which is God-given, it is the haricot bean.”
“I confess that nothing frightens me more than the appearance of mushrooms on the table, especially in a small provincial town.”
“A mind of the caliber of mine cannot derive its nutriment from cows.”
“I won’t eat anything that has intelligent life, but I’d gladly eat a network executive or a politician.”
“A vegetarian is a person who won’t eat anything that can have children.”
“You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit.  If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I’ll buy you a new car.”
“Caesar’s armies marched on vegetarian foods.”
“I was a vegetarian until I started leaning toward the sunlight.”
“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”
“Vegetarians have wicked, shifty eyes, and laugh in a cold calculating manner. They pinch little children, steal stamps, drink water, favor beards.”
“If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?”
“I’m a student of violence because I’m a student of the human heart.”
“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor; and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms.”
“Even within the most beautiful landscape, in the trees, under the leaves the insects are eating each other; violence is a part of life.”
“Always do right.  That will gratify some of the people and astonish the rest.”
“He that does good for good’s sake seeks neither paradise nor reward, but he is sure of both in the end.”
“Virtue has its own reward, but no box-office.”
“Search others for their virtue, but yourself for your vices.”
“I have found that the best way to get another to acquire a virtue, is to impute it to him.”
“A healthy appetite for righteousness, kept in due control by good manners, is an excellent thing; but to ‘hunger and thirst’ after it is often merely a symptom of spiritual diabetes.”
“Nothing is more unpleasant than a virtuous person with a mean mind.”
“He who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good.”
“To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.”
“War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography.”
“No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.  He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his.”
“War is cruelty.  There’s no use trying to reform it.  The crueller it is the sooner it will be over.”
“To a surprising extent the warlords in shining armor, the apostles of martial virtues, tend not to die fighting when the time comes. History is full of ignominious getaways by the great and famous.”
“One of the main reasons that it is so easy to march men off to war is that each of them feels sorry for the man next to him who will die.”
“I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they’d never expect it.”
“War is not nice.”
“Dulce bellum inexpertis.  War is delightful to those who have no experience of it.”
“There are only three principles of warfare: audacity, audacity, and AUDACITY.”
“One who conquers himself is greater than another who conquers a thousand times a thousand on the battlefield.”
“The world began with war and will end with war.”
“The condition of man is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.”
“There has never been a kingdom given to so many civil wars as the Kingdom of God.”
“The Lord is a man of war.”
“It takes fifteen thousand casualties to train a major-general.”
“Battles are sometimes won by generals; wars are nearly always won by sergeants and privates.”
“My dear, the noise!  And the people!”
“There will never be a nuclear war; there’s too much real estate involved.”
“As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination.  When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.”
“To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
“Being in the army is like being in the Boy Scouts, except that the Boy Scouts have adult supervision.”
“I don’t know what weapons World War Three will be fought with, but World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones.”
“Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one, but there is a third thing that makes it water and nobody knows what that is.”
“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”
“Water is the only drink for a wise man.”
“Ever wonder about those people who spend $2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water?  Try spelling Evian backward.”
“You know when you put a stick in the water and it looks like it’s bent but really isn’t?  That’s why I don’t take baths.”
“Expect poison from the standing water.”
“I bought some powdered water but I don’t know what to add.”
“Wealth is like seawater; the more we drink, the thirstier we become.”
“There is no wealth but life.”
“It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.”
“Who is rich?  He that is content.  Who is that?  Nobody.”
“No one can earn a million dollars honestly.”
“It isn’t necessary to be rich and famous to be happy.  It’s only necessary to be rich.”
“I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street.  You try to be greedy when others are fearful.  And you try to be fearful when others are greedy.”
“It’s years since I gave a mink coat to anyone except a member of my own family.”
“To suppose, as we all suppose, that we could be rich and not behave as the rich behave, is like supposing that we could drink all day and keep absolutely sober.”
“At the back of every great fortune lies a great crime.”
“Never esteem men on account of their riches or their station.  Respect goodness, find it where you may.”
“Riches appear to me not at all necessary; but competence, I think is.”
“One can see the respect God has for riches by the people he gives them to.”
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dadjokestop · 1 day
Looking for some jokes for 10-year-olds that will get them giggling? You’ve landed in the right spot! Kids at this age love to share a good laugh, and these jokes are perfect for their sense of humor—fun, silly, and just the right amount of cheesy! Let’s dive into a collection of jokes that are guaranteed to bring smiles and laughter. Why Jokes Are Great for Kids Jokes are not just about making people laugh; they're also a fantastic way for kids to express their creativity and improve their communication skills. Sharing jokes with friends can build connections and create memorable moments. Whether it's at a birthday party, in the classroom, or just hanging out at home, these jokes for 10-year-olds are sure to bring joy! 20 Jokes for 10-Year-Olds Why did the student eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake! What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping? A dino-snore! Why was the math book sad? It had too many problems! What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot! Why did the kid bring a ladder to school? Because he wanted to go to high school! What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese! Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts! What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt! How do you organize a space party? You planet! What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear! Why did the computer go to the doctor? Because it had a virus! What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh! Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired! How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together! What did one wall say to the other wall? I’ll meet you at the corner! Why did the cookie go to the hospital? Because it felt crummy! What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite! Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one! What do you call a funny mountain? Hill-arious! Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon? Because she will let it go! Wrap-Up: Share the Laughter These jokes for 10-year-olds are not only fun to share but also a great way for kids to practice their storytelling skills. So go ahead, tell these jokes to your friends, family, or even at school. Laughter is always the best medicine, and these jokes are sure to bring some joy to any day!
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sanjeevannetralaya · 2 months
Breakthrough Treatments for Dry AMD: Exploring the Latest Advances
Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent eye condition that primarily affects older adults, leading to gradual loss of central vision. As this condition progresses, it can significantly impact daily activities such as reading, driving, and recognising faces. At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we are dedicated to providing effective treatments for dry AMD using the latest advances in Ayurvedic medicine. This blog explores the latest breakthroughs in dry AMD treatment and how they can help preserve your vision.
Understanding Dry AMD
Dry AMD occurs when the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp vision, deteriorates over time. This condition is characterised by the accumulation of drusen, yellow deposits that form under the retina. Unlike wet AMD, dry AMD progresses slowly and does not involve the growth of abnormal blood vessels. Early detection and proactive management are essential to slowing the progression of this condition and maintaining vision quality.
Latest Advances in Dry AMD Treatment
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies  Triphala: A potent combination of three fruits – Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki – Triphala is known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to strengthen retinal health. Regular use of Triphala can help in reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall eye function.  Bilberry Extract: Rich in anthocyanins, bilberry extract enhances microcirculation within the eyes and protects retinal cells from damage. It is a key component of natural dry AMD treatment.
Nutritional Support  Antioxidant-Rich Diet: Consuming foods high in antioxidants such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, and berries can help protect the macula from oxidative damage. Nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, found in spinach and kale, are particularly beneficial for macular health.  Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in flaxseeds, walnuts, and fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids support eye health and reduce inflammation, making them an essential part of dry AMD treatment.
Eye Exercises  Simple eye exercises such as palming, blinking, and focusing on distant objects can improve eye circulation and reduce strain. These exercises are beneficial for maintaining healthy eyes and supporting dry AMD treatment.
Ayurvedic Therapies  Panchakarma: This detoxification therapy helps eliminate toxins from the body and balance the doshas. Treatments like Netrabasti (eye bath) with medicated ghee nourish the eyes, enhance vision clarity, and are effective in dry AMD treatment.  Nasya: Nasal administration of herbal oils can help clear the channels and improve ocular health. This treatment supports better vision and reduces symptoms of dry AMD.
Lifestyle Modifications  Protecting your eyes from excessive sunlight exposure, avoiding smoking, and managing stress through yoga and meditation are crucial steps in preserving vision and supporting dry AMD treatment. Adequate sleep and regular exercise also contribute to overall eye health.
The advancements in Ayurvedic medicine offer promising solutions for managing dry AMD effectively. Through a combination of herbal remedies, nutritional support, eye exercises, Ayurvedic therapies, and lifestyle modifications, patients can achieve significant improvements in their vision and quality of life.
At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we have treated over 6,00,000+ retina patients with 100% effectiveness. Our holistic approach to eye care ensures that each patient receives personalised treatment plans tailored to their specific needs. For more information on our dry AMD treatment options and to start your journey towards better eye health, visit our website today.
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aarohij · 4 months
Vegetables for Diabetes: Tasty Options to Control Blood Sugar
Having diabetes is very tedious. You have to control what you eat and get ample exercise. Diabetic or not, it is important to eat fruit and vegetables every day for a balanced diet. Here is how you can change your attitude toward food by delving into the wonderful possibilities of vegetables regarding diabetes. Buy fresh vegetables online. vegetables and fruits that are low in sugar and rich in fiber and complex carbs are the go-to food choices for diabetics. In simple words, let's explore some fruits and vegetables that will balance out your blood sugar.
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Let's talk about fruits that are awesome for diabetics.
Blueberries are a superfood for diabetics. These tiny, tangy fruits contain vitamins, essential minerals, and many antioxidants. Not only does it promote overall health, but it also gets rid of free radicals. For long-term diabetics, eating a bowl of purple salad containing blueberries, purple cabbage, and feta cheese will help increase insulin sensitivity and glucose processing. Blueberries, strawberries, or other berries, are a diabetic’s best friend.
Peaches define the summer season. They are a super healthy addition to your daily diet, low in calories, and a wonderful source of fiber, potassium, and vitamins A and C. It is the perfect fruity treat for diabetics to satisfy sweet tooth cravings. If you never find it in your fridge, then get fresh vegetable delivery. Peach smoothies or salads, it's up to you!
When you think about an orange, you think of vitamin C and citrus, but it’s more than that! Citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemons, limes, and oranges also contain vitamin A and iron. The nutrients in them reduce inflammation and the possibility of cell damage, and they also protect the heart. Folate and potassium help in controlling diabetes. Remember, to get the best benefits out of oranges or any fruits, it’s better to eat them whole rather than drink the juice.
Kiwi is a great choice for diabetics. Not only is it delicious, but it’s also rich in antioxidants. With the focus being on improving immunity these days, it is also a great way to keep your immune system healthy. This is due to the presence of free radicals that destroy any toxins present in the body. Difficult to find in regular shops, check for fresh vegetables online in Bangalore. Kiwi keeps heart health at its best.
Let’s Talk About Vegetables That Are Awesome for Diabetics:
Let’s start by discussing one of the planet's healthiest vegetables. Broccoli is a superfood for people with diabetes. A wholesome meal is incomplete without greens. Packed with antioxidants, folate, and a host of other vitamins and nutrients, they are beneficial for not just diabetics but for everyone!
Obesity is one of the primary causes of diabetes. Filling up on veggies is a great way to manage diabetes and promote weight loss. Soluble fiber is one of the several nutrients found in cabbage. It contributes to regulating blood sugar. The next time you’re having lunch, try out a cabbage salad with the lean protein of your choice and stay full until dinner! Want a fresh batch? Buy fresh vegetables online.
Kale is the queen of greens. They’re packed with vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and a range of nutrients. People with irregular blood sugar should eat foods high in vitamin C due to their capacity to cure inflammation, which is another one of the major causes of diabetes. The green, crinkly leaves of kale have a bitter taste. Adding them to your salad or smoothie will protect your heart and detoxify the body.
Did you know diabetics shouldn’t eat carrots? This is a misconception. Steering clear of starchy, calorie-dense vegetables is key to a diabetic-friendly meal. Carrot is a non-starchy, nutritious vegetable that ranks low in the glycemic index. Carotene prevents diabetes from getting worse, while healthy carbs and vitamins protect your eyes and heart. Swap your normal snacks with baby carrots and keep your blood sugar stable.
They fall under cruciferous veggies, just like their cousin broccoli and cabbage. With the world shifting towards healthier alternatives, along with being an amazing kidney-friendly vegetable, cauliflower is extremely low on carbs. Brimming with nutrients like folate, potassium, and vitamins, enjoying a cauliflower lentil curry or any other cauliflower dish ensures a much more stable blood glucose level.
Eat what makes you healthy!
Diabetes is a serious condition that requires lifestyle changes. Buying vegetables online in Bangalore to eat right and exercise regularly will help. If diabetes is left untreated, it can cause serious heart problems and other complications that worsen the situation. So it is always better to eat fruits and vegetables that will keep you healthy!
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talewrites · 5 months
okay so first of all-
I couldn't find you in my following list so I searched up your url and this came up
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Yes, it really was.
ANYWAY how old are your characters? heights? builds? basically what do they look like? how long does it take to warm up to each other? Is Ava taller than DeAngelo bc (and I don't want you to change the storyline in anyway just letting my mind run) if she is taller than him I think the part about him annoying her while following her home would include questions like "so like, whatdya eat? to get so tall I mean" "Man wish I was that tall, dya wear tall shoes or sum?" "How good exactly are your genetics?"
I might just draw this-
Are their personalities like; Ava takes a while to warm up to people but is really sassy and funny when you get to know her? DeAngelo really fuckin annoying when you first meet him (in kinda like a cocky way but not if that makes sense? like he seems like he's cocky but he's just annoyingly stupid?) but he's really sensitive and can get serious (like braydin bridges from Swolemates if yk it?)
How long have you been working on your book? where are you hoping to get it published? I hope it sells really well (not saying it wont i think it'll be a really good read) so it sells fast in Australia (i live here :cry:) and i can get me hands on it :)
Aw that’s so kind of you!!! Thank you!
I’m actually working on drawing character sheets for Ava and DeAngelo! But for now I can give you their appearance descriptions!
DeAngelo Martinelli
Age: 23
Hair color: Curly brown short hair
Eye color: hazel eyes (yellow and brown)
Body Type: 5”7, wide build, a little on the heavier side
Race: Italian/Mexican
Skin Tone: light brown/slightly tan
Glasses: none
Style: dark brown bomber jacket, mustard yellow shirt, dark wash blue jeans and white sneakers
Freckles/Moles/Scars: a mole under right eye
Predominant Feature: vibrant eyes, thick eyebrows
Health: average, exercises weekly
Likes: sport mechs, attention, asmr videos, sleep
Dislikes: bugs, swimming, sitting still
Color: mustard yellow
Food: energy drinks, fries
Hobbies: drag racing, vr gaming, and astrology horoscopes
Ava Patel
Age: 23
Hair color: short bob messy brown hair with blonde highlights
Eye color: greenish brown
Body Type: thin, with strong legs
Race: indian, white, african american
Skin Tone: dark tan
Glasses: no
Style: big baggy t-shirts (her mom’s) cargo pants/shorts
Freckles/Moles/Scars: lots of little moles all over, mostly on arms and chest
Predominant Feature: she’s short (5”1)
Health: very healthy, exercises every day all day and eats a lot of fruit and veggies
Likes: vegetables from her dad’s garden, the sun, power tools
Dislikes: green peppers, rude and entitled people, sand
Color: cerulean blue
Food: loves raw carrots, celery, red sweet peppers, hummus
Hobbies: pickling, cooking, electronics and mechanical repair, Spanish soap operas
I’ve been working on my book since the beginning of this year. I use writing fan fiction as a writing warm up and practice to improve my own writing! It’s a great exercise. My goal is to finish the draft by the end of summer. Hopefully I can post pictures of their designs soon!!
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discoverybody · 5 months
Health Myths Debunked
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We dispel some of the most widespread health misconceptions that have been around for a long time in this article. We discuss the significance of debunking these myths and the ways in which erroneous knowledge can result in decisions that are detrimental to one's health. In the first place, we dispel the urban legend that eating carrots can improve one's vision. However, contrary to what was previously believed, carrots do not considerably improve vision, despite the fact that they contain vitamin A, which is great for your eye health. The propaganda that was spread during World War II is the source of this misunderstanding. Following that, we will dispel the urban legend that it is recommended that everyone consume eight glasses of water on a daily basis. In spite of the fact that being hydrated is of the utmost importance, the quantity of water that is required varies based on factors such as age, weight, level of activity, and climate. It is possible that adhering to a guideline that is universally applicable can lead to an excessive amount of water consumption and frequent trips to the lavatory. The idea that cracking your knuckles might lead to arthritis is another misconception that we dispel. Gas bubbles are the source of the cracking sound, and they do not cause any injury to the joints or increase the likelihood of developing arthritis. Taking into consideration the fact that certain people are sensitive to the sound, individuals are free to crack their knuckles without fear. As we move on to some myths about diets, we will discuss the idea that eating fat causes you to gain weight. Rather from being simply caused by the consumption of fat, research has demonstrated that weight gain is the result of consuming an excessive amount of calories overall. It is essential to consume healthy fats, such as those found in avocados and nuts, in order to maintain a balanced diet, and these fats can even help with weight loss. Additionally, we refute the notion that avoiding gluten is automatically healthy, unless the individual in question suffers from celiac disease or is sensitive to gluten. There are a lot of gluten-free items that are highly processed and might not have all of the critical elements that are present in whole grains. Furthermore, we would like to make it clear that eating late at night does not directly lead to an increase in weight. Calorie intake that is higher than the body's requirements at any given time can lead to weight gain. Instead of concentrating on the timing of meals, it is more vital to pay attention to the quality and amount of the meals.
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tatumeyecare · 11 months
Nutrition for Healthy Eyes: Foods That Boost Eye Health
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In a world dominated by screens and digital devices, caring for our eyes has never been more critical. The right nutrition can significantly contribute to maintaining optimal eye health. Let's explore the foods that serve as a feast for our eyes.
The Window to Well-being: Eye-Boosting Nutrients
Nutrition plays a pivotal role in promoting healthy eyes. From vitamins to antioxidants, incorporating these nutrients into your diet can be a game-changer.
Vitamin A: The Visionary Nutrient
Unlock the potential of Vitamin A-rich foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach. These not only enhance night vision but also support overall eye function.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Liquid Gold for Eyes
Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel are a treat for your eyes. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, they contribute to maintaining retinal health and preventing dry eyes.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin: The Dynamic Duo
Find these powerful antioxidants in leafy greens like kale and broccoli. They act as a shield, protecting your eyes from harmful high-energy light waves like ultraviolet rays.
Zinc: The Guardian Mineral
Foods like beef, poultry, and beans offer a dose of zinc, an essential mineral that supports the health of the retina and may prevent age-related macular degeneration.
Vitamin C: The Eye's Best Friend
Citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers bring Vitamin C to the table. This antioxidant not only boosts your immune system but also helps maintain healthy blood vessels in the eyes.
Nourishing the Eyes: The Role of Hydration
Hydration is often overlooked in discussions about eye health. Yet, it is fundamental in maintaining the moisture balance of the eyes, preventing dryness, and ensuring optimal functioning.
Nutrition for Healthy Eyes: Foods That Boost Eye Health
Now, let's delve into the specifics of a nutritionally rich diet tailored for vibrant and resilient eyes.
Breakfast Delights
Kickstart your day with a vision-focused breakfast. Include yogurt with berries, a source of Vitamin C and antioxidants, or a spinach and tomato omelet for a Vitamin A and lutein boost.
Snack Smartly
Munch on a handful of nuts, particularly almonds. Rich in Vitamin E, they support eye health by protecting cells from oxidative damage.
Lunchtime Staples
Opt for a colorful salad featuring kale, carrots, and bell peppers for a nutrient-packed lunch. Pair it with grilled salmon to ensure a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids.
Dinner Elegance
Wrap up your day with a plate full of vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. These provide a combination of lutein, zeaxanthin, and Vitamin C for a wholesome eye-boosting dinner.
FAQs: Your Eye Health Queries Answered
How often should I have foods rich in Vitamin A for optimal eye health?
A: Consuming Vitamin A-rich foods two to three times a week is sufficient to support your eye health.
Can supplements replace a diet rich in eye-boosting nutrients?
A: While supplements can be beneficial, it's best to obtain nutrients from a varied and balanced diet for comprehensive eye care.
Are there specific foods to avoid for maintaining good eye health?
A: Limiting the intake of processed foods and excessive sugar can contribute to better eye health.
Is it true that carrots improve night vision?
A: Yes, carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into Vitamin A, essential for night vision.
How does dehydration affect eye health?
A: Dehydration can lead to dry eyes and discomfort. Ensure you stay adequately hydrated for optimal eye function.
Can a healthy diet prevent age-related eye conditions?
A: Yes, incorporating eye-boosting nutrients can contribute to preventing age-related conditions like macular degeneration.
Investing in the right nutrition is a proactive step toward ensuring a lifetime of healthy eyes. Embrace the power of nutrient-rich foods, stay hydrated, and witness the transformative effects on your vision.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
Consuming healthy and balanced is essential for every person. However, some foods are excellent for problems that impact females, like bust cancer cells, maternity as well as fragile bones. 1. Beans beans Beans have great deals of healthy protein. There are no fats in beans as well as they are really high in fiber. Beans can decrease your high blood pressure, reduced blood sugar level as well as heart price. 2. Grape Fruits grapefruit Due to flavonoids located in grapefruits, it is thought that it might decrease the threat of particular kinds of strokes as well as might additionally aid your heart wellness. Grape Fruits might not incorporate well with your drug, so see to it you speak with your medical professional prior to you take in great deals of this fruit. 3. Asparagus Asparagus This bone structure veggies filled with vitamin K has you covered. It has lots of folates, which aid protect against abnormality like spina bifida. More: 10 Secrets to Better Aging – What does ‘Aging Gracefully’ mean? 4. Berries as well as Cherries berries These vibrant fruits in pink, purple, red as well as blue are not simply pleasant to the preference, yet contain flavonoids as well as anti-oxidants, which can safeguard healthy and balanced cells from damages. Berries aid maintain your mind sharper as you grow older. The vitamin C they include aid construct collagen, the healthy protein that maintains your skin company as well as smooth. More: Top 7 Refreshing Cool Drinks That Keep You Refreshed & Hydrated 5. Pawpaw pawpaw Pawpaw’s red or deep yellow shade is from beta-carotene (like in carrots) as well as Lycopene (in tomatoes as well as watermelon) Lycopene reduces your opportunity of obtaining cervical as well as bust cancers cells. The anti-oxidants therein maintains cholesterol as well as high blood pressure at healthy and balanced degrees, therefore decreasing the threat of heart problem. More: Buns away: Wreck Beach group seeks to set a skinny-dipping world record 6. Level Low-fat Yogurt low level fat yogurt You require extra calcium when you more than50 Yogurt is stuffed loaded with it. Try to find the kind improved with vitamin D, to aid your body utilize the minerals much better. More: How to Properly Wash Your Hair The Right Way in 5 Simple Steps? 7. Sardines Sardines They contain healthy and balanced fats, vitamin D as well as calcium. Their Omega-3 fats can boost the top quality of bust milk states specialists. They have much less mercury than the majority of various other fish. More: 1 Single Teaspoon Empty More Than 9 Kilos Of Waste and Empty Your Abdomen 8. Avocado (Pear) Avocado They contain the excellent fats. Specialists claim avocado abundant foods or diet plan help in reducing stubborn belly fat, safeguard the eyes as well as skin More: Magic Spice That Will Certainly Help You Burn 3 Times More Fat 9. Sweet Potatoes sweet potatos Dessert Potatoes include copper, fiber, vitamin B6, potassium as well as iron. They are the overall bundle. They are additionally loaded with beta-carotene as well as vitamin A. All these nutrients safeguard your child while pregnant. More: How to Lose Weight: Try These 34 Tricks That Will Reset Your Fat-Burning Hormones 10. Spinach spinach Superfood spinach is packed with folate as well as lutein. Exceptional for prenatal nutrients. Reduces the possibilities of obtaining mental deterioration, heart problem as well as colon cancer cells. Lutein secures the eyes as well as might fend off some creases. TO REMAIN HEALTHY: Consume Rest Mingle. More: Erectile Dysfunction: Learn about Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
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thuzycheebum · 1 year
Can Hamsters Eat Carrots? 14 Facts You Should Know!
 Information about food
Carrots are a popular and healthy food that people and some animals like to eat. They have a lot of important nutrients and are low in calories, so a hamster might like to eat them. Carrots are good for you because they have carbs, fiber, vitamins (especially vitamins A and C), minerals (like potassium and manganese), and antioxidants.
Carrots are good for your hamster.
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When given in small amounts, carrots can help hamsters in several ways:
Vitamin A: Carrots are a good source of vitamin A, which is good for a hamster's eyesight, immune system, and ability to have kids.
Dietary fiber: The fiber in carrots helps with digestion and can keep hamsters from getting constipated, which is a regular problem for them.
Since hamsters are always growing, they should chew to keep their teeth in good shape.
Enrichment: Carrots can be used to make a hamster's environment more interesting by keeping their minds busy and making them look for food on their own.
Possible Dangers of Giving Carrots
Hamsters: Can they eat carrots? Even though hamsters can benefit from carrots, there are some bad things that could happen if they eat them:
If you eat a lot of carrots, it can make you gain weight and cause other health problems.
Digestive Problems: If a hamster eats too many carrots, it can upset its stomach, which can lead to diarrhea or bloating.
Hamsters could choke on any food, even carrots, if it was too big. Always give pieces that are the right size.
Is it okay for hamsters to eat carrots?
Yes, most hamsters can eat carrots as long as they don't eat too many at once. But it's important to only give them a small amount as part of a well-balanced meal that also includes foods made just for hamsters.
Are carrots good for hamsters to eat?
Hamsters can eat carrots, but not too many all at once. As with any food, if hamsters eat too many carrots, their bellies can get upset.
What happens when hamsters eat too many carrots?
If a hamster eats too many carrots, it doesn't get sick very often, but if it does, it might show signs like:
Loose stools.
Having gas.
Being lazy.
Getting heavier.
Keep hamsters from eating carrots by chance.
Hamsters won't accidentally eat too many carrots if you give them the right amount and don't leave big chunks of carrots in their box. Watch how much they eat and remove any food they don't eat right away.
How many carrots can a hamster eat?
Carrots have a lot of sugar, so you shouldn't feed them to hamsters in big amounts. As a treat, you should generally give the hamster thin slices of carrots or a small piece that is no bigger than the size of its eye. Only once or twice a week should carrots be given.
How much and how often to feed
Hamsters: Can they eat carrots? You shouldn't give hamsters too many carrots or other treats. Only a small part of what they eat should be treats like carrots. As a general rule, a hamster shouldn't get more than 5–10% of its daily food from treats.
Different options and extras
Besides carrots, there are many other safe and healthy things that hamsters can eat. Besides carrots, here are some other ideas:
Apples, bananas, and berries are all fruits that are safe to eat in small amounts.
Safe veggies: Cucumbers, bell peppers, and broccoli are some more veggies that are safe to eat.
Safe Grains and Seeds: Use safe grains and seeds like oats and pumpkin seeds to add more variety.
The hamster food you can buy in shops is made especially for them and should be their main source of food. Look for good-quality commercial hamster food with a good mix of seeds, grains, and other important nutrients.
How important it is to eat a range of foods
To make sure hamsters get a wide range of nutrients, you should feed them a variety of safe fruits, veggies, grains, and seeds. By changing what they eat, they can improve their health and well-being as a whole.
Are carrots safe for hamsters to eat?
Yes, hamsters can eat a small amount of carrots. Hamsters need carrots because they help them get vitamin A, fiber, and brain stimulation. But it's important to include them in a healthy diet and not make them the only food.
Last Thoughts on Feeding Carrots to Your Hamster
Even though hamsters can eat carrots as a healthy treat, they shouldn't eat too many of them. Their nutritional needs will be better met by a well-balanced diet of store-bought hamster food and safe fruits, veggies, grains, and seeds.
How important it is to get dietary advice from a doctor
It's important to talk to a vet who works with small animals because each hamster may have different food needs or health problems. A vet can give you personalized help and make sure that your hamster's diet is good for its health and length of life. To get the best care for your pet, you should take it to the vet often and do what they say.
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