#does it involve spending two months finalizing a single purchase
missivesfromtroy · 2 years
I feel a bit like the princess and the pea at present, because after a little over a month and a half of just trying to get the new mattress I ordered, new mattress seems to be too firm and my hips/back are not a fan. So now I have to swap it out, which means the poor mattress store guys get to make a third run to my house next week.
(This is not even including the box spring saga, which may not get resolved until January.)
Adult life is a constant stream of decisions you will then have to redecide on multiple further times before you settle for something that works well enough. Also, back pain. Which will be a driving factor in many of those decisions.
0 notes
pallasperilous · 4 years
Boneless Wings
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 {AO3 version}
So, blah blah blah, it’s their standard-issue disaster: pack of dumbass witches (always with the dumbass witches. Where do they find the time for this shit? Somebody get these women signed up for a Peloton subscription or a macramé class or a vibrator of the month club, seriously, whatever it takes—), ancient curse, Castiel being the actual angel of stepping in it, nobody cares. 
The point is, two hundred and forty-one hours of binge-worthy drama later, Dean and Cas are living in a semi-detached just a short thirty-minute commute to somewhere equally lame, Castiel has two literal-ass wings, and yes, Susan, they kiss now. 
The neighbors are weirdly cool with it. 
For those of you perving along at home, Dean could absolutely provide a list of the hundred or so ways that having a boyfriend* with giant fucking actual wings is super hot and/or awesome.
This is not that list.
(*you can just shut right the fuck up , Sam, because it’s either this or Dean will start saying lover. And nobody needs that. Nobody wants that.)
1.  Bird mites. Holy shit. 
 2.  Sharing a bathroom. The shower curtain rod, and consequently the security deposit, are early casualties. The medicine cabinet follows swiftly behind. Shower hijinks are not even an option.
 3.  Dean comes home one day from a gig and there is a giant plastic green turtle in the backyard. A closer inspection reveals that the turtle is actually a mule for about half a truck bed of industrial dust ‘n grit. It is, in fact, a kiddie sandbox. Dean points out that they do not, in fact, have a small child (FINGERS CROSSED), so...?
Cas then earnestly shows him an entire playlist of exotic birdy dust bath videos on Youtube. 
Dean then earnestly shows him the garden hose. 
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4.  The down just gets, like...everywhere. EVERYWHERE. How many times have Sam and Dean practically sold their kidneys for a single angel feather for some dumb spell to solve some pointless Occult McProblem? And now Dean is picking them out of his damn teeth every morning. (No, gross, not because of... Jesus, no, that is not a thing.)
On the upside of this one, Dean finally has an excuse to buy a Dyson, which he’s secretly always thought looked awesome. It is. 
 5.  When Dean is scraping out the umpteenth canister of fluff he jokingly suggests they use some of it to supplement the tragically flaccid down comforter currently shaming their bed, and Castiel pitches an existential fucking sulk. Dean wants to experience happiness again, so he does not point out that it get ass-bitingly cold here this time of year, and decent bedding is not exactly inexpensive, and the Dyson kind of maxed them out on household purchases.
But whatever.
 6.  Castiel is indulging in what Dean thinks of as a sky pout when he flies right into a head-on with li’l Timmy NextDoor’s new Christmas surveillance drone. It dings the shit out of one of Cas’s left primary feathers (the scientific term is “those big motherfuckers”), which apparently hurts like a bitch. Cas is grounded for a few weeks after that and is cutely pathetic about it and at first Dean is absolutely down to kiss it better. By the end, Dean is almost ready to strangle Cas with his own necktie, but he has learned a lot of surprisingly interesting stuff about ancient Mesopotamia, like that it was super horny.
 7.  After the snow melts, Dean starts finding shit on the front step with the morning paper. It’s not even a good newspaper; Cas signed them up for the local fish-wrapper (or maybe it was Sam, before he fled for the hills— he occasionally breaks out in a  “support local journalism” rash). The crossword puzzle is insulting, but the paper does at least syndicate Carolyn Hax, whom Dean secretly suspects of being an absolute wildcat in the sack, so he grudgingly expends the calories to bring it in every morning. 
Anyway, at first the stuff he discovers crapping up the welcome mat is just shiny bits of trash — couple granola wrappers, some MGD pull-tabs, a few field-stripped twisty-ties. Probably just windblown, and he tosses it in the garbage can. 
Then a couple weeks in, things start getting...grisly? It escalates real slowly, from a variety platter of mouse bits to squirrel à la power line and then half of a dry-aged raccoon and an opossum that has recently graduated from playing dead to professional dead-being. The neighborhood crows obviously love that their front step is now a roadkill café; Dean has to bat increasing numbers of them away with the kitchen broom in order to relocate their horrible snack to the edge of the nearest storm drain.
Then one morning there are like twenty crows and they’re in just the cutest little football huddle-up around what turns out to be a human fucking finger with a retro-fun mood ring still on the knuckle (it’s feeling: Sad) and Dean fully loses his shit. 
Cas hears him freaking out and comes whomping out of the garage ready to, whatever, flap somebody to death maybe, but as soon as he establishes that Dean doesn’t need anything more than a fresh pair of boxers, he de-poofs a bit and assesses the whole human finger/crows situation in his usual infuriatingly unrushed way. The crows had mostly bounced up to the cable line over the house, safely out of brooming range, but one by one they start to drop down and hippity-hop back towards the world’s tiniest crime scene.
If Dean were five percent less freaked he’d be tempted to go inside and find out how much of a dent he can make in a six-pack before Castiel finally dings and spits out his results, but he isn’t, so he just stands there in silence clutching the broom like it’s a shotgun.
Eventually Cas says “hm,” and then he looks at the crows and makes some noises that sound like a spoon caught in a garbage disposal, and the crows make some scrawps and chuks back, and then one of them delicately noodges the tip of dead finger with its beak and then hippity hops back a foot or two, bows, and then they all fly away over the shitty little beige duplex across the street like they’re running ten minutes late to an important bird appointment.
Castiel stands up (Dean reflexively backs up into the doorway, as this involves Cas bomfing out his wings a bit for ballast and Dean has caught a blow to the nuts on more than one occasion), dusts off his goddamn slacks, pulls a plastic evidence baggie out of thin goddamn air or maybe his socks, and casually bags the finger like they’re doing a standard FBI wheeze. “So what,” Dean says, as Cas diligently zips the baggie, “the fuck?”
“Oh,” Cas says, blinking in surprise that Dean is still there and interested, “they think I’m their god.”
Dean kind of stares back at him, the six feet of dude and like sixteen feet of bird, and thinks sure, okay, but his face must still be stuck on “Tippi Hedren attic scene” because Cas puts a reassuring hand on Dean’s shoulder and adds “Don’t worry. I’ve told them I don’t require further offerings, and I reassured them that you’re my consort and were simply jealous of other potential mates.”
It takes Dean two weeks to come up with a response to that, but by then it’s become evident that no bird is ever going to shit on the Impala again, so he decides to just chalk it up in the win column and move on.
You know. The family business.
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8.  No matter how tightly he folds them, Cas can’t fit his wings through the definitely-not-up-to-code doorway of the wood-paneled family rec room in the basement, so Dean claims it as his man cave and dubs it the “No Fly Zone.” 
Castiel doesn’t find this funny, but Dean really only uses it to fold laundry. 
 9.  Transpo is an obvious issue. Cas can almost stuff himself into the Impala if he sort of reverse-cowgirls the back seat, but then the wingtips smoosh up against the windshield and Dean’s visibility is approximately zip. And, sure, Cas could fly himself anywhere they really needed to go, he’s basically a Chevy Of The Air, but sometimes it’s raining, and the seraph Castiel — Shield of God, Heavenly Soldier of the Lord, multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent, will smell like a wet fucking chicken for days afterward. Febreze does not help.
Dean spends a few nauseating weeks contemplating the purchase of — and here he learns that the human gag reflex can be conditioned, but never truly eradicated — a convertible. Once Cas brings up the possibility of a minivan or perhaps a station wagon (he’s taken to studying family motor vehicles with all the intensity of a birder with a life list) and Dean makes him sleep on the couch.
Dean gets his own living room rotation after he shows Cas a Craigslist posting for a very reasonably priced horse trailer. Castiel points out that it’s used and Dean notes that neither of them is exactly mint in original packaging either. Castiel points out that he’s not a horse, and after a few necessary but admittedly unoriginal jokes, Dean pulls up a website with an exhaustive photographic tutorial on how to convert a horse trailer “for the safe and sanitary transport of ostriches, emus, and/or cassowaries.” Cas points out that he’s not an ostrich, emu, and/or cassowary, and Dean counters that he clearly isn’t, because an emu would probably show a little more gratitude, and that’s how Dean learns that the couch has a broken spring under the left cushion. The transpo issue remains unresolved.
 10.  Dean keeps a pair of shop-grade safety goggles by his side of the bed. It’s not the sexiest look, but it turns out feathers are stabby as hell when encountered at a particular angle. Cas can do the healy thing, of course, but they learn the hard way that cornea perforation is not really a mood enhancer. On the bright side, Castiel accidentally corrects Dean’s incipient presbyopia, which means Dean doesn’t have to hold the newspaper at arm’s length anymore when he’s idly speculating what Carolyn Hax looks like below the neck. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
 11.  You’d think that, when you’re coming down from a time-limited but incurable curse that makes you feel like every cell of your body has its own cute little individual headcold — because you missed a hex bag due to the fact that you were preparing your legal response to Sam turning up to the hunt wearing a goddamn hair scrunchy, as if he were fresh off the set of a very special episode of Clarissa Explains It All — anyway, you’d think that being wrapped in the warm embrace of an angel’s wings would be nice. 
But you would be wrong, because apparently your boyfriend has been out communing with the bees again, and those feathers pick up ragweed pollen like it’s their goddamn job, and guess what else angels can’t cure? Dean will take Motherfucking Seasonal Allergies for 600, Alex. 
12a.  One of the neighbors has that homesteading hippie brain disease that drives an otherwise normal-seeming person to brew their own beer and raise a bunch of chickens despite living within five hundred yards of a fully functioning Hy-Vee. There’s a week where one of the wee little velociraptors seems to be processing some kind of trauma because it starts yelling at dawn and keeps going until well past the hour that swearing is allowed on network TV. 
When Dean finally hammers on the front door the next afternoon the neighbor apologizes with some extremely nasty home-brew (HIPPIES) and some absolutely devastating weed (HIPPIES!) and explains that “Ginger is going through a rough molt” and then he kind of nods his head towards Dean’s side of the fence where Cas is futzing around in the squash plants and stage whispers (this is a direct quote) “You know how they get.”
Dean is about to rip the dude a new one for comparing his immortal space-kaiju lover to a fucking Australorp yard pullet when Castiel pops his head up over the white pickets and breezily contributes “Bad molt, yes, those are terrible, Dean can tell you all about how insufferable I am those weeks,” and sometimes Dean just doesn’t know why he even tries.
 12b.  The less said about angel molt, the better. 
Seriously, the freakin’ eyes-on-his-hands naked mole rat dude from, whatsit, Pan’s Labyrinth of Subtitles, would run screaming from this shit. 
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 13.  There’s a 4th of July BBQ Potluck Block Party and Dean’s inability to stand idly by while good meat is abused ( shut up Sam ) means he winds up manning the grill and dismissing the pretenders to set some strictly inedible things on fire. Cas hangs out next to him and uses his flappers to kinda whupf the smoke away from Dean’s eyes now and then, which rules. It’s actually a pretty chill event until Sharon and Don From Number 4267, The Green House With The White Trim, turn up with a giant Pyrex full of naked, still-marinating teriyaki wings. 
Sharon And Don look down at their wings and then up at Castiel and then down at the wings and then up at Castiel and they are clearly teetering on the edge of a Midwestern politeness failure-based nervous breakdown. But then Cas, smooth as a margarine commercial, gently takes the dish from Sharon’s frozen hands, examines the contents for a silent moment, and says “it’s alright. They weren’t personal friends.”
He gets an extra burger for that one.
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 14.  Cas keeps absent-mindedly trying to groom Dean — who, in case it still needs to be said at this point, possesses zero-point-zero feathers of his own — so he goes after Dean’s hair, instead. Dean has to stop him after his second hour of trying to straighten out a cowlick. “I don’t understand how you can steer properly with this deformity,” Cas says, as if it’s a genuine miracle that Dean isn’t constantly careening over ottomans like Dick Van Dyke. He’s even more horrified by Dean’s (frankly minimal) use of hair gel. “Jesus, Cas, it’s not like I’m drinking it,” he says, but then one time they have an epic make-out session shortly after Dean performs his masculine beauty rituals and there’s some smearage of various types of Product (tm) on the flappy areas. 
And, sonuvabitch, for the next six hours Cas is spirographing around the house like he has a heavenly inner ear infection, and he only stops veering into the doorframes after Dean wipes down every. Single. Feather. With mineral oil and about eighteen clean shop cloths. Dean switches to something called hair wax, which costs thirty zillion times more per ounce and makes him smell vaguely like church, but is a lot less gloppy. The things we do for love.
 15.  Seating inside the house is a bit of a conundrum, too. Cas can kind of flop his wings out to the sides if he sits in the middle of the couch, but then Dean’s stuck on the recliner, which is basically in the next county. Bar stools are disastrously tippy, Dean’s lower back and hips have not endured mumble-mumble years of hunting just to be subjected to a damn beanbag chair, and, after a brief flurry of optimistic excitement, Dean determines that they’d have to take the front door off to get a massage chair in. He finds a swing online that if, he can get the hardware properly installed in the crossbeam, is rated for up to 500 pounds, so he texts Cas the URL so he can check out the specs. After half an hour he writes back —
CASTIEL: I believe this swing is intended for sexual congress.
DEAN: ...
CASTIEL: I can infer from the ellipsis that you have spent several minutes attempting to draft a response.
DEAN: ...
DEAN: it’s multipurpose
  16 . On the plus side, though, big-ass wings make for a pretty good drying rack. He can get every sock in the house laid out on those suckers in a single round and, one episode of Dr. Sexy later, they’re perfectly dry and toasty warm, without any of the pair-busting casualties Dean has learned to expect from the apparently socknivorous dryer in the basement. 
Dean assumes it’s just the product of good air circulation and body heat until he realizes that he hasn’t had to toss a pair for being too worn out in...maybe six months? So he asks Cas “Are your wings... healing the socks” and after an entire Abbott and Costello routine centering around heal versus heel, Dean determines that the answer is: yes, his boyfriend’s wings are channeling the almighty power of Heaven to magically repair the socks Dean buys at Target in twelve-pack bags. On sale.
This is actually kind of sexy, if Dean is being perfectly honest, so, you know what? It doesn’t belong on this list.
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 16.  So nobody really freaks out or bursts into tears or calls the news or the FBI or anything when Cas goes out in public with him, which Dean is secretly a little disappointed about, because come on. (Maybe giant wings just reads as a gay thing? Was there an episode of Will and Grace about this that Dean missed back when he was ass deep in wendigos or something?)
But no. Dudes tend to just glance at them across the Home Depot parking lot, throw them the Mutual Dude Acknowledgement Nod, and say some shit like “Comic-con,” or “nice anime” in a knowing tone. Then they go back to rolling their carts full of gaskets or hammers or whatever back to their mom’s station wagon. 
Little girls tend to go googly-eyed — Castiel seems to fall into the same category as a Disney princess, despite the stubble and the drabcore wardrobe, and Dean can’t count the number of times some mom has approached Dean at the grocery store (like he’s Castiel’s manager?? Which, okay...yeah, actually) and asked if they do birthday parties. The money would actually be pretty tempting if Dean weren’t five thousand percent sure that Cas would get them both arrested by launching into an anatomy lesson about duck sex or how God is a loser who favors relaxed fit jeans and Wild Turkey.
The worst is white ladies of a Certain Age, and it always seems to happen in the pudding aisle, for some reason. They either go cross-eyed with horniness and become indiscriminately handsy (Dean can’t blame them for the impulse, but also back off, Karen), or ask Cas for prayers for their cat’s chronic asshole problems (which Castiel WILL take seriously). 
Worst of all is when some hippie spinster clocks them. This woman inevitably reaches right for the feathers and asks in a willowy voice if they’d ever consider turning some of them into dreamcatchers to sell at her studio, which is literally always named The Faerie’s Glen. Then Cas gets confused about why, exactly, a sixty year-old WASP in a peasant skirt would need to call on the infant-protection powers of an Ojibwe spider goddess, while Dean just wants to bite the lady’s fingers off. 
Either way, it’s always a bad scene, and many fully loaded grocery carts have been lost to the fallout.
17.  For some metaphysical reason Dean is too dumb to suss out but also too smart to question, lugging a pair of Cessna-sized flappers around this mortal dimension actually seems to tucker Cas out. He doesn’t need to zonk out every night, but he semi-regularly throws in the towel and actually crawls in with Dean for the duration. 
This would be swell in theory, but the guy absolutely cannot settle the fuck down in less than three (3) human hours, which is the exact amount of sleep Dean requires to maintain his famously sunny demeanor. It’s not just ye olde tossing and turning — Dean can handle that, sharing a bed with Sam is like sleeping next to a kangaroo with restless leg syndrome — no, it’s a nonstop parade of little flippy-flappies and shiffle-shuffles and spontaneous outbursts of preening. 
So Dean makes him a Baby Sleep Sack. 
This is something Dean knows about due solely to one super dumb hunt involving a banishing sigil that had to be drawn in — he still feels like this had to be a misprint — human breastmilk, and that was obviously not happening. But the monster of the week wasn’t going to banish itself, so they wound up at the nearest Walmart, at 4am, picking up what turned about to be an unnecessarily generous supply of baby formula, along with a fresh box of shotgun shells because God bless America*. It doesn’t work, although “lots of stabbing” turns out to be a solid fallback plan, but the point is that while Sam was debating between Digestion Support or Neurological Development, Dean acquired an unprecedented familiarity with some of the products currently available to the sleep-deprived parent. So Dean finds some DIY Baby Sleep Sack knockoff patterns online and determines he can replicate and scale up the concept with some beach towels and duct tape, and the next morning he presents the lumpy but totally functional prototype to Castiel. 
Initially Cas thinks it’s a sex thing (reasonable, it probably is), but once they clear up that misunderstanding, he’s obviously a little peeved by the concept of being swaddled as if he were a gassy baby instead of a deathless sky monster in a sexy dude-shaped can. But Dean must be giving off some serious man on the edge vibes because Cas grudgingly agrees to let Dean tape him up the next time he’s feeling dozy. 
It’s real awkward and takes forever to get Cas bundled up right, and then he’s just kind of lying there on top of the sheets, like an enormous, grumpy baked potato. 
“I could easily break out of these restraints,” he says in a pissy tone after Dean has crawled in and turned off the light, and Dean rolls over to tell him “no shit”, but then he has to stop himself because the guy is already asleep.
Eventually they upgrade to a version made out of some of those trendy weighted blanket things, a few yards of parachute silk, and a whole lot of velcro. The dude looks so damn peaceful that Dean is honestly a little jealous.
*he doesn’t, actually. 
 18.  There’s a sunny afternoon that isn’t the usual Kansas is trying to murder you level of humid so Dean rolls the Impala out into the street for a wash. Cas helps him out a bit initially, although tragically not in a way that involves removing any unnecessary articles of clothing, but Deans sends him to grab a new tub of wax from the shed and he never comes back. After half an hour Dean needs a beer break and goes looking for him, expecting to find Cas lost in thought over whether Turtle Wax is made of actual turtles, or is made to put on actual turtles. Instead he finds Cas crouched on the shimmering pavement at the back of the driveway, sun beating down on him like it has a personal vendetta, and he’s got both wings stretched out real low above the ground. Dean kind of flips out because it’s the type of pose that just screams “stabbed in gut by angel blade” or “migraine from Hell, literally.”
Then Cas looks up, which pulls his wings up a smidge too, which in turn reveals that fully half a dozen neighborhood cats are lounging in the shady patch beneath his wings, spread out on the concrete like blobs of furry peanut butter. No, it’s actually eight cats. There are eight cats.
“Ling-Ling was feeling a little overheated,” Cas says, as if this explains everything. 
And, you know what, at this point, it does.
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 19.  Dean has faith that eventually Sam or Cas or the third demon from the left in the second row will turn up a solution for the whole business. Castiel will get to tuck those bad boys back into the secret wing-closet dimension and he won’t have to worry about getting stuck in stairwells anymore, or being reported to the FAA (again). Then they can finally pack up the house, plaster over the more egregious spots of drywall damage, and go back to killing things outside of the tri-county area. The whole thing has been a pretty embarrassing interlude for a couple of dudes who’ve kicked Satan’s ass multiple times — Sam is probably telling other hunters that they’ve been deep undercover to take out a nest of suburban vampires, or a pack of ghouls with mortgages, instead of vacuuming angel down out of the AC unit and considering a Costco membership. 
And sure, there have been some...serious pluses to the situation (see: the other list), but, in his weaker moments, Dean has to admit that he’s kind of going to miss some of the goofy, irritating shit, too — like finding a six-inch feather in the veggie crisper (how? why?), or watching Cas fwap his wings out just in time to accidentally clothesline a jogger, or even the strangely compelling, sorta cheesy smell that starts to float around the house if Cas goes a little too long between hosedowns. 
He has actually grown fond of this shit. Which is 100% the least sexy thing on earth, it’s some genuinely, seriously pathetic goo goo crap, and that’s why nobody will ever hear a fucking word about it. People will ask “so what’s it like, with the wings” and Dean will waggle his eyebrows suggestively and review the highlight reel over an inadvisable amount of rail whiskey. His secret’s safe with, well. Him.
 20.  Seriously though, the bird mites. 
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storiesbymads · 3 years
HOT SUMMER NIGHTS ( haydn fleury . )
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Haydn and Y/N are childhood friends that take their families tradition of summers at their cabin into their own hands when their parents decide they aren’t going this year
warnings: sexual references, alcohol
wc: 4.1k
add yourself to my taglist!
Summer was your favorite time of the year. It’s been your favorite since you were six when your parents decided that you and the Fleurys were going to spend every summer from then on at a cabin they’d purchased together. It was situated on a small lake—that could really be considered a very large pond—and it had enough yard to let your golden retriever run five miles before it had to turn around and come back.
John had enlisted both sons to build some semblance of a fire pit when you turned fifteen. Haydn and Cale finally had a good and functioning pit… two summers later. That started the tradition of the three of you sitting down by the pit when both sets of parents had tucked in for the night and sharing stories into the early hours of the morning. And you may or may not have snuck into your dad’s supply of Natty Light while you did so.
Your days at that cabin were filled with probably the happiest memories you’d ever made. Haydn always forced you to go paddle boarding with him or canoeing during the day—you preferred the canoeing since he would just let you tan near the front while he did… whatever he did. Your parents pretty much left you to your own devices until dinner where all of you would gather around the enormous dining room table and spend an hour or two just talking. There was also the occasional game of Monopoly that totally didn’t end in Cale flipping the board that one time when Haydn gave you too much money as banker for six rounds in a row. You thought you were being really sneaky.
All of that being until your parents decided that they weren’t going up to the cabin this year. And neither were the Fleurys.
“Can you believe this,” you groaned into the phone. Haydn chuckled at your response to his phone call. You’d been on the call approximately 3 seconds at this point.
“I know but did you really expect us to go up there for the rest of our lives,” he replied.
“Uh, yeah,” you said. “We’re going to continue the tradition forever and before you know it we’ll be bringing our own kids up there. They’ll be best friends just like us.”
You really only included that last part to keep Haydn from knowing that you didn’t picture the tradition going on as it was right now. You did imagine the two of you going up to that cabin for the rest of your lives but you only pictured one family being involved in the whole ordeal.
“You know we could always just go by ourselves,” he said.
And the idea sparked joy into your heart. Until he picked you up from your house and you realized that you’d be spending all summer with him. Alone.
“You ready for this?” he asked as he helped you put your two duffel bags into the trunk of his car. His right hand found your thigh as he started up the engine. “Time for the summer of our lives.”
“Hell yeah,” you said as you hooked your phone up the aux in his car. That was one of your undisputed rules. On road trips, whoever wasn’t driving picked the music.
The ride down to the cabin felt shorter than usual. You liked to chalk it up to the fact that you were just older now and car rides didn’t feel as interminably long as they did when you were eight but it was probably due to Haydn making you laugh harder than you’ve laughed in six months the entire time. It seemed like you’d just pulled out of your driveway when you pulled into the gravel one of your cabin.
“Do you remember when Cale jumped over the bonfire and almost lit his ass on fire,” you giggled as you lugged your luggage up the wooden steps to the front door.
“Yeah, yeah I do,” Haydn said as he found the key under the welcome mat. He remembered exactly the moment you were talking about. The two of you were sixteen and testing out the unfinished fire pit and he was seconds away from spilling all the feelings he’d had for six years when his brother decided to test fate.
You inhaled deeply the second you stepped into the living room—out of habit of course. It was exactly like you remembered seeing as you’d been there just last year. It was odd not having your mom there to shove you the rest of the way through the door and forcing you to help put up the groceries before you got a chance to put your stuff in your room. Now that you thought about it, you could totally take your parents bedroom for your own and sleep in a California King for the next two months.
You hadn’t even noticed Haydn had gone back to the car until he lugged the yeti cooler in behind you and dropped it by the kitchen island. The two of you would definitely have to go to the grocery store in town for the rest of your food but you could push that off until tomorrow.
“You wanna head down to the dock?” you asked, readjusting the duffel bags on your shoulders. There was a side compartment in one of them full of nothing but bikinis and you were just itching to start using them.
“You’re ready to go down already? Don’t you usually ward off going outside for the first 24 hours of the trip?” he asked, grabbing his own bags and following you up the stairs that led to the small second level that housed three of the four bedrooms.
“Let me get changed and I’ll go down all by myself if I have to,” you scoffed, pushing open the door to your parents usual bedroom and dropping the duffels on the bed. It seemed that Haydn had the same idea as you had because he was currently dropping all his luggage onto his parents bed. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t sneak a peak at him taking his shirt off before reminding him his door was wide open for the world to see. Of course, all he said in response was that it was just you before shutting the door quietly and changing into his swim shorts.
You tried to shake the thought of Haydn seeing you in the same position. You tried to shake the thought of Haydn being the one taking your shirt off. It didn’t work.
You shut your own door before grabbing a red set out of your bikini compartment. It made your ass look great, not that that was your whole goal in wearing it, but it couldn’t hurt.
A soft knock at your door alerted you to the fact that Haydn was already done. You let him know he could come in while you pulled your hair up into a ponytail. You eyed him in the body length mirror that faced the door and, man, did you wish his mom still dressed him. The 5.5 inch inseam shorts did wonders for his thighs and he had on a canes snapback on that you were determined to steal from him later.
You weren’t doing Haydn any favors either. The thong bikini had to be his new favorite shade of red and you had your hair pulled up to reveal the small tattoo the two of you shared at the base of your shoulder blade.
“You ready?” he asked.
“Did you bring claws?” You walked past him to the hallway closet that held all of your bath and beach towels. You grabbed one for both of you, tossing him one, before making your way down the stairs.
“The mango ones,” he replied as he followed you, only about a step or two behind. You gasped in delight as you skipped the bottom step, rushing to the cooler and grabbing said mango white claw out of it. You grabbed Haydn one of his beers while you were in there, too. You weren’t heartless.
The dock was probably your favorite part of the cabin. Your mom had had it installed two summers ago and it was big enough to hold about six lawn chairs and a few beach towels across—which, by the way, was way too big for the lake but you did tan every single day while you were there.
The water was fully up to the dock when you got down there. You definitely could submerge like half your leg if you sat on the edge.
Haydn hooked up his phone to the speaker he’d mounted to the singular wall the dock had. He’d made sure the small roofed area kept the weather from dealing too much damage to it over the time you were gone.
“What music do you want?” he asked, squinting as he scrolled through his various playlists on spotify. A good ⅔ of them had been made by you and forced into his library but that didn’t matter to him. He listened to all of them.
“Do last year’s. I haven’t gotten around to making one for us this year yet,” you said as you laid out your towel. “Hey, do you think you could sunscreen my back for me?”
“Yeah, yeah, hold on,” he said before MKTO started flowing through the speakers. He grabbed the SPF out of your beach bag of sorts before sitting himself down on your thighs.
“Undo the strings, I don’t want lines,” you hummed, already enjoying the feel of the sun on your skin, and the feel of Hayden’s weight on top of you.
His breathing stuttered slightly, not enough for even you to notice, when he undid the thin tie that held up the cherry red bikini top. Squirting the lotion straight into your back, he rubbed it in. God, he could’ve spent the rest of his vacation right here.
“There you go,” he whispered once he was finished, pushing himself up from you and walking back over to where the rest of his stuff was. He grabbed his own towel, laying it out beside yours.
“Do you want sunscreen?” you asked him, opening your eyes slightly only to see him starting to lay down.
“No, I’m not staying here for long,” he replied. “The lake is calling to me.”
“You can still burn in the lake, Hay. You should know, we go over this every time.”
“This time’ll be different,” he said and he sounded so sure of himself.
If only it had worked out like that.
“Oh my god I can’t move,” he groaned into the leather of the living room couch. Your eyes were glued to the incredibly red skin of his back that you’d already lathered in aloe vera. You’d already commented on the fact that he matched your bathing suit. “The sun fucking hates me.”
“I’m sure he does.” You patted his calf twice before grabbing one of the seven remote controls on the coffee table in front of you and turned on the small box tv situated in the corner of the room. If the two of you kept this up, you’d need to do some serious renovations in the coming years.
It took two whole weeks for Haydn’s sunburn to heal enough for him to spend time outside without a shirt on. And seeing as he was your only company, the two of you had spent a hell of a lot of time inside. One thing Haydn’s lack of sun protection didn’t affect, though, was the nightly bonfire you had out back in the fire pit. You’d be surprised if you had enough firewood to last you through July with your evening antics as they were.
Haydn crumpled his Bud Light box and set it at the base of the fire pit before stacking the night’s supply of wood on top of it. He had the fire going strong in a solid ten minutes.
“I honestly don’t know how you do it. If i was stuck in the wild without you I’m pretty sure I’d just not survive,” you said when he took his spot in the fold out chair beside yours. He was close enough to you that you could smell his cologne and you could practically feel his body heat.
“Fire God,” he said, waving the extra long stick he always used as a poker. You were sure he’d had that stick for close to ten years at this point.
His eyes stayed glued to you as you told him about one of the bonfire’s you’d had when you were still back in high school. The two of you had gone to different schools then and it was probably why you’d looked forward to these trips so much.
About an hour later, the fire had diminished down to embers but neither of you cared. The two of you were so lost in conversation, you could care less about the dwindling flames. Or, at least, Haydn didn’t care.
“Oh, shit. I think it’s time to head inside,” you chuckled as you gestured to the pit. He nodded, getting up from his spot and pouring the rest of the water he’d switched to for the night before you guys came outside over the embers. He held out his free hand when he was done for you to take, helping you out of your chair. You were thankful for the lack of light or you’re sure Haydn would’ve seen the way your cheeks were burning red.
The next few days passed like clockwork. You woke up half past nine, Haydn at ten, and you made breakfast together. He was, surprisingly, not half bad at making an omelet or really anything that primarily involved eggs so you gave him most of the reigns in the kitchen. When the two of you finished eating, it was straight out to the dock until Haydn got bored and either forced you to swim with him or to get into the canoe tied off to your right.
“Y/N/N, I am begging you,” he whined. He was completely covered in sunscreen this time, you’d made sure of that, but at least he’d ditched the t-shirts. You’d chosen a white bikini today. They had full coverage bottoms and Haydn didn’t know whether to rejoice and silently hate the manufacturers.
“Hay, I just need five more minutes,” you sighed, turning your head so that you could face him from where you were laid out on your stomach. You’d already done your other side and you just wanted it to be even.
“Fine,” he said. You smiled at him in thanks, thinking that’d be the end of it and he’d make you paddle board with him when you were finished. Then, you felt his hands push underneath you and suddenly you were off the towel and pressed into his chest, bridal style.
“What the fuck!” you shrieked in the midst of the havoc. Haydn laughed briefly and before you knew it he’d jumped off the dock with you helplessly in tow.
The water was warmer than you expected but it still jolted you awake. The lake was just deep enough that you had to wade to stay afloat but not much deeper than that.
“I was almost done,” you whined, smacking him lightly on the chest when you resurfaced. You’d separated underwater but you were still incredibly close to him.
“I told you, I was bored,” he said, moving your wet hair with his fingers and tucking it behind your ear. Your breath caught in your throat at the contact. His eyes have never looked bluer than they have in that moment with the water reflecting in them.
Haydn’s fingers were still tingling, electrified with the skin to skin contact and he was desperate that you felt it too. His eyes flickered down to your lips. He wondered if he’d be able to taste the banana chapstick you’d applied before breakfast this morning.
Without even thinking about it, you‘d shifted closer to him. You contemplated wrapping your legs around his torso, seeing as it was growing more difficult to tread water with how close you were. Your body acted before you’d even made up your mind, but his hands found your thighs faster than your brain could function and your arms were already tucked behind his head.
The two of you were seemingly locked in a daze. No words passed between you but your whole world was screaming excitement. Every nerve ending in your body was shooting off as you held him close, allowing yourself to admire him in a way you’d previously held yourself back from.
Your fingers traced the deck of cards on his left arm. You knew the tattoo meant a lot to him, he’d told you what it meant when he’d forced you to come along with him when he’d gotten it done.
“I think we should head in for lunch,” Haydn said after a minute or two, mentally cursing himself for ruining the moment but he had a bigger problem at hand. Particularly the one below the belt.
He allowed you to climb the ladder to the dock before him, claiming it to be a ladies first ordeal, and watched as you made it halfway to the house before following you out himself. You were already inside making sandwiches when he shuffled inside and into the half-bath downstairs without so much as a word. He knew it was risky but you couldn’t potentially walk in the way you could if he took care of things in his bedroom. He had already contemplated just trekking upstairs to take another cold shower but he’d taken enough of those in the past week to last him a lifetime.
You hadn’t been able to get the moment from the lake out of your mind since it happened. You caught yourself wondering if Haydn had wanted to kiss you the way you’d wanted to kiss him more than a time or two.
June was drawing to a close but you felt like your summer with Haydn was just beginning.
You’d had two too many white claws—plus one of Haydn’s beers—for the evening and you were really starting to feel it when you struggled to sit upright near the fire pit. You’d been trying to finish off the box before your weekly grocery run in the morning but you were starting to regret your decision.
“We’ll get some more firewood in the morning, too,” Haydn said, throwing the last big piece of wood from the pile onto the top of the blazing fire.
You stared at him in your drunken haze when he sat back down next to you. The stories were coming out slower tonight but the silence was not completely unwelcome. It was hard to have an awkward silence between the two of you after all the years you’d spent being friends.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” you whispered just loud enough for him to hear. His heart skipped a beat at the insinuation.
“What?” he asked. He’d heard you perfectly.
“That day in the lake. Why didn’t you kiss me?” you asked again, though a tad slurred. And in that moment he wished he could travel back in time and kiss you the way he’d dreamed about so many times. Maybe he’d be able to show you how in love with you he’d been since he was ten years old. Maybe you’d actually feel the same.
It was oddly reminiscent of when you were fourteen and you’d been in the same predicament with a boy named John. John had taken you out to the movies—or, at least, his mom had. He’d been the first boy to ever really ask you out and you thought if you prettied yourself up enough you might be able to finagle a first kiss out of it.
Of course, later that night you’d been in the same predicament on the phone with Haydn asking why this stupid freshman boy couldn’t man up and kiss you.
Had it been because of you? Had you misread both situations in your life. Had you seriously misjudged where you stood with both boys to the point that you thought you were getting a kiss only to be left high and dry and wondering why.
Maybe all of this was just the alcohol in your system talking. Or, maybe it was just because both boys had been scared.
“We should go inside,” he said as he repeated his fire ending ritual. It sizzled and sparked before erupting in a cloud of smoke. Then it was silent.
“Haydn,” you mumbled as he helped you up from your chair. You staggered when you fully reached your feet partially from the heartbreak of Haydn not responding to your question and partly from being drunk off your ass.
He helped you up the stairs and into your bedroom without another word. There were too many thoughts running through his brain right now for him to get a coherent sentence out, anyway.
The only problem was that you started stripping down to your underwear the second you stepped into the room.
“Woah, uhm,” Haydn said, wide eyed, before he clamped his hand over his eyes. He figured it shouldn’t matter that much, he saw you in a bikini just about every day, but this just felt so much dirtier.
“I’m decent,” you hummed as you threw yourself face first onto the duvet.
“Well, I’m just gonna-“
“Stay,” you said. “Please.”
“Alright,” he sighed before helping you both under the covers of the California King bed. You were asleep almost instantly and he just smiled fondly as he watched you curl up into his side. Maybe he’d be able to really explain everything in the morning. When you were sober.
The light pouring in from the open curtains caused a string of profanities to ungracefully fall from your lips as you smacked at your bedside table in an attempt to find your phone. You opened your eyes, barely, and squinted when you couldn’t find it in a few slaps only for your eyes to be met with a small glass of water and two gel caps of Advil with a note in Haydn’s scrawl.
I figured this would help the hangover. xx
You popped them in your mouth quickly, downing the water in about two gulps before grabbing the first piece of clothing you saw on your floor and heading into the en-suite to get somewhat presentable. You could hear the stove being used when you made your way down the stairs for breakfast.
“Thanks for the pills,” you said, making yourself somewhat comfortable at one of the island stools as Haydn hunched over the stove. You could smell the bacon but not much else. You eyed the clock over the fridge and noticed you’d slept way past your usual nine am wake up call.
“I went to the store already so we don’t have to worry about that,” Haydn chimed in when he saw you eyeing the new loaf of bread next to the fruit bowl.
“Do you remember what I asked you last night?” you asked, your heart dropping into the pit of your stomach as you vaguely recalled your own question.
“Yeah,” he said. He moved the pan of eggs to the eye that was shut off before turning to face where you were seated at the island.
“Why didn’t you say anything,” you continued.
“You were drunk-“
“Then, why didn’t you kiss me?” you asked again. It was already out there. You couldn’t take anything back you’d said last night so all you could do from here was push forward.
“I should’ve,” he said finally. “I should’ve kissed you.”
You got up from where you were sitting, moving around so that you were practically chest to chest with him again. You were right before. His eyes were definitely bluer in the water.
“Kiss me now,” you whispered. The dull aching your head was replaced with the intense feeling of his lips on yours. His lips were chapped, expectedly so, but they felt incredible against your own. He tasted like crest toothpaste and coffee and the combination was intoxicating.
His hands were on your hips in a second, lifting you to set you on the countertop so you were fully level. They were moving quickly, up your sides and back down again, digging into the flesh of your waist.
“Nice sweatshirt,” he said after pulling back slowly. You looked down to see you’d grabbed his from the night before rather than your own.
“I love you,” you whispered. And it was true. You’d loved him since you were fourteen when he comforted you after your first date with John. You’d loved him every day of the past ten years and you weren’t afraid of it anymore.
“I love you,” he said. “I’ve loved you since I was ten.”
tags @ptersparkers @annedub @corebore123 @damndunner @kiedhara @watermelon05 @sidscrosbyy
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authorlaurawinter · 3 years
Hey there! First time actually doing a public ask *whoop whoop*. So as you already know, I recently got a short story published by an online literary magazine. Obviously, this means I got it traditionallily published, but I know that people self publish their short fiction as well (including you). That made me curious about the self publishing process for short fiction, so I was hoping you could talk answer a few questions about it. How does publishing your short fiction differ from your novel-length work? What’s the difference in marketing? Do you bundle your stories in collections or just sell them on their own?
Yay! Love these things. Let's have a go at this - keep in mind, this is all my personal experience/strategy. It works differently for everyone and I've learned from others and pulled from many others. Also keep in mind that I publish exclusively through Amazon (thus, I take advantage of Kindle Unlimited). These price points and discussions are all about ebooks. Print pricing varies drastically and I won't go into the nitpicks of formatting and such for pricing, especially if we're talking about short stories (there is a minimum page number for Amazon to publish a paperback, so short stories are usually not included here unless in a collection).
1. The difference between self-publishing shorter fiction versus novels
Short answer: price and genre. Shorter works are reflected in the $0.99-2.99 range (lower price for romance, higher price for high fantasy). Full length novels range $3.99+ (though I stick to my guns with $4.99, explanation to follow)
Long answer: There is no difference in how the story is published. No matter the length, you still need a title, a cover, a blurb, and a place to purchase the story.
Price reflects length of the story. It's incredibly common in the self-publishing world that shorter stories are priced lower. I have three short stories that are listed at $0.99. Those range from 6K-15K words and are each standalones - they have no greater purpose outside the single story. I have also published a serial (10 stories that range from 15-30K each). Because those are part of a series and are very intricate, I price those at $2.99 each. Finally, my novel works are listed at $4.99, regardless of genre. The lowest word count is 70K and the highest is 120K (and each are relevant lengths for the genre they are involved in).
I value my work, which is why my novels sit at $4.99. Were I publishing a longer book, I would consider what other books in my genre are pricing for similar length.
(read the other two answers below)
2. How marketing is different between shorter and longer fiction
A challenging question to answer because it varies by genre. In short, the only difference in marketing for me is the audience I target. My shorter works are romance, and thus I target romance readers. My novel-length works are YA fantasy / magical realism, so I target that audience specifically. My serialized story is high fantasy and thus I focus on that audience.
The other important detail is that I am very clear what the length of each story is - through blurbs, marketing, and price. Price being the most critical. I have set the expectation with my readers that certain price points reflect the length of the story. They will not pay $4.99 for a story that takes them twenty minutes to read and then be pissed. Whether you choose to clarify the stories as episodes, shorts, or full-length via subheadings is up to you, it's critical to try your hardest to convey the length beforehand.
While I have many notes surrounding my work about the specific lengths of each book, and I clearly specify the length in some way on the purchase page, I sometimes receive reviews that someone expected a full-length novel and didn't get it. These people will always exist, but you have to let those negative reviews roll off your back if you've done everything in your power to specify. That is out of your control.
3. Bundling stories in collections
Ah, the age-old conversation about cannibalizing your sales.
Let me clarify. I publish all of my short stories and episodes as individual books. My romance shorts remain as standalones and will not be grouped in collections.
My episodic series, however, has three separate collections for the ten episodes. The decision to publish them as collections comes because the individual stories are too short to publish as paperbacks (and I have an audience that demands paperbacks *cough cough, my mother* (but also others)). Therefore, I publish paperback collections that come out much later than the stories are released.
Why? Cannibalizing your series.
If people are still purchasing and reading your individual books, let them continue! By releasing a collection, those individual books are essentially eliminated because people would rather buy the collection rather than spend money on three different books. The rule of thumb that many follow is to release a grouping of stories after you've seen a dramatic decrease in the downloads/purchases of the individual books. That can be after months or years. It all varies. Just understand that when you go for a collection after you've had the individual stories out, you're cutting into your profit.
Collections, not individual stories
There's also the option of collecting a few stories that are related to each other (by genre, topic, etc.). The idea is that if you publish it as a collection rather than individual stories, you can charge more for the 'book' of them. People think "oh, I get four stories for the price of one book", or something similar. It reduces the marketing, plus reduces any fees you might have for cover design and other self-publishing costs that you might be outsourcing. It's an incredible option if you have a few stories that are related but not entirely long enough to justify publishing as several different individual options.
I hope that helps! Keep in mind, this is my own take on the questions. There are other self-published authors who will do things differently. Take what works for you and mold it into something that fits the business model you're going for.
I'm a full time author. I do all of my own marketing, editing, design, and grunt work. I don't outsource anything, which means I have the time and skills to do all of this. I make the business decisions as a self-published author. I also come from a history of marketing experience, two advanced degrees, and a desire to learn and develop my skills. I say this, not to brag, but to say that it's a tough road to do all of this yourself. It's not all writing when you choose the self-publishing route.
It's rewarding - it's the best thing in the world, actually - but I choose to do all the things because I've learned to love all the things.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
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Mark Tuan x Reader
Genre: Some angst, fluff, Surgeon Mark! (Lord help me)
Summary: You’re five months pregnant and practically on your own with your pregnancy when your fiancé gets a promotion. However, he fails to notice the distance between the two of you, nor does he understand how bad things are between the two of you until you make the announcement that you’re going to be staying with your parents for a while.
A/N: I don’t know if y’all have seen Jane the virgin or if you have heard this song (On tiktok) but it honestly fucks me up (and makes me cry over the boyfriend I don’t have) but I watched a tiktok about a single mother going through pregnancy and parenthood alone (You go sis you deserve the entire world men aren’t shit) and this just sort of came about (The idea of being domestic with Mark makes me want to scream @ God send him my way)
“Hey, why are you still up y/n? It’s 3:30 in the morning. That’s probably not good for the baby.” Your fiancé put his briefcase down before heading towards the fridge to look for something to eat. Mark was one of the head surgeons in the hospital he worked at, which is why he would find himself returning home at random times of the day. 
Some days he came home in the afternoon and other days, he came home at midnight. As proud as you were of him for working so hard and dedicating his life to saving people, you wished he paid more attention to you, your relationship and your growing belly. You were five months pregnant at this point and when you first found out about your pregnancy, you were over the moon.
From the time you and Mark first started dating back in college, you knew he was the man you wanted to settle down and spend the rest of your life with. Which is why you felt on top of the word when he finally proposed to you and found yourself only a few months later sitting in your bathroom, waiting patiently for your pregnancy test results. It was as if everything seemed to be falling in to place for you and Mark. You knew your fiancé loved you with every fiber of his being. No matter how many times he would tell you how madly in love with you he was on a daily basis, he never failed to show you through his actions. 
Just a few months ago, he had gotten a promotion to lead surgeon in his department. After seeing him cry and stay up many times during his residency, you knew all the blood, sweat and tears he went through to get that position was worth it. However, the more time he spent at the hospital, the less time spent with you. At first, you didn’t care because you knew how dedicated he was when it came to being a surgeon. But you felt as if you were the only one putting effort in to your relationship and in your pregnancy. 
You checked all your messages and your call log; you were the one sending all the texts and calling him all the time. You were the one attempting at having a conversation with him and trying being intimate with him, but your plans always seemed to fail. You knew that he was exhausted and you tried your best to be understanding that he had a job that drained away all his energy. For the last week and a half, the two of you have been going at it over the smallest things and you were sure it was because the both of you were both so tired.
Pregnancy was wearing you out and there were days you found yourself suffering alone. It seemed as if the only time the two of you shared together was spent arguing and disagreeing on things. He would complain about the place being messy, how you would leave dishes in the sink for him to clean and how you would fail to throw empty milk cartons away. Then came the complaints about work and you felt that he took out all his stress on you. As much as you wanted to listen to him vent and be his shoulder to cry on, it was more like being his punching bag and you were getting tired of the way he was treating you. 
When you found out you were pregnant, you were hesitant on telling Mark only because you didn’t want him worrying about you when he had other things to focus on. However, when you finally did get around to telling him, to say he was excited was an understatement. He’s been dreaming of having a big family from the time he was little. Since he was surrounded with so many nieces and nephews, he couldn’t wait to have little ones of his own. He made a promise to you that he would be there for you for every little thing you needed. During your first trimester, he did pretty well with keeping his promise. 
Whenever you were hungry, he cooked whatever you were in the mood for and one time he found himself driving to Taco Bell at three in the morning just to get you a quesadilla. If you had to pee, he wouldn’t hesitate to bring you to and from the bathroom no matter what time it was. He would massage your shoulders to get you to relax, prepare baths for you when you had a long day and even talked to your belly from time to time in order for your child to recognize their father’s voice. He still had a hard time believing that him and his favorite person were going to have a little one of their own in just a few months. 
Although the two of you had yet to find out the gender of your baby, he began buying things he thought they would need just to be prepared and he even purchased things he felt you needed. That’s how you found yourself with a body pillow, twelve different pairs of maternity clothes and three different stomach warmers. He also bought every pregnancy book Barnes and Noble had to offer. 
Unfortunately, that all changed as soon as he got promoted. Since his schedule was constantly changing, you’d find yourself attending your appointments with your parents or sometimes by yourself. He tried to get his friends to go with you, especially because you were pretty close with them too; but you hated being a burden on people. Plus, it didn’t feel right having them attend the ultrasound of a baby that wasn’t theirs. 
Every time you got to see how quickly your baby was growing, it never failed to bring tears to your eyes. You were extremely happy to see their tiny tittle frame growing bigger as the months went by. However, you wish Mark was there to celebrate with you. It was getting harder for you to move around as you were getting in to the middle of your second trimester and some of your body parts began getting swollen. You felt like you were all alone in this and Mark wasn’t around enough for you to tell him how you were feeling. 
It was in those moments of being alone in your bed where you would find yourself crying at the thought of how life will be like when your baby finally does arrive. If Mark is already absent like this during your pregnancy, what more when you finally gave birth? The first few months after your baby arrives are apparently the hardest and you had a feeling you were going to go through all of that alone. Which is why you made the decision to sit your fiancé down and tell him your plans. As much as you hated being away from Mark, it wasn’t like he was ever around much these days anyways. 
“We need to talk.” Mark pulled his head out of the fridge and looked at you in curiosity. Those four words never led to anything good, so he was worried you had bad news and he wasn’t quite in the mood to hear it. He almost had two failed surgeries that night and wanted nothing more than to sleep. Before he could open his mouth, you beat him to it. “I’m going to stay with my parents for a few weeks.” For some reason, he wasn’t surprised. He knew something like this was coming. You were always an independent woman, you had such a good head on your shoulders and it was one of the many things Mark loved about you. That was the reason why he wasn’t in shock when told him of your decision. 
Although he hid it behind a poker face, deep down his heart was breaking. Mark hated the distance between the two of you and as much as he loved his Job, he hated that it took him away from you. He didn’t think the two of you would end up like this, distant to the point where you could be considered strangers. Looking at him, it didn’t feel like you were staring at your fiancé; the man you’ve been in love with your years. It was as if you were looking at someone you didn’t recognize and the thought made you feel numb. When did things get this bad between the two of you? 
“What? Why? When?” You released a frustrated sigh before making your way to the couch. Your body felt as if it was about to pass out at any moment and you were afraid of things taking a turn at the worst. 
“Why? Are you seriously asking me that right now? I’m almost five months pregnant Mark and I’ve been practically going through this pregnancy by myself. I’ve been going to all the appointments by myself and I’ve been having to take care of this house by myself. You’re never around and I can’t keep doing things on my own. I’m stressed, lonely, tired, depressed and frustrated all the time. All I want is to fall asleep in your arms and for you to reassure me that everything is going to be okay. But everything won’t be okay, will it? Look at us Mark. We’ve been arguing almost every day for the last week, we can barely hold a decent conversation hell, I can’t even remember the last time we shared a genuine kiss. Pregnancy is supposed to be such a beautiful and exciting experience but lately all I ever seem to do is worry and cry and I have no one to comfort me. I understand that you love your job and I’m very proud of you for all that you’ve accomplished. But it seems that you forget you have a fiancé and a baby on the way. I don’t think you’re ready to be a father Mark—“ 
He furrowed his brows before looking at you in disbelief. Sure, he hasn’t been that involved in your pregnancy, but he didn’t think that made him a bad father. The reason why he’s been working so hard and so often was because he wanted to be able to provide for both you and your baby before it arrived. He wanted to make sure you both were financially prepared for the baby. If he knew it was going to take such a negative toll on your relationship, he wouldn’t have agreed on taking up all those extra hours. 
“And you’re ready? Look y/n, I’m sorry. I’ve been a shit fiancé and I’m sorry, but don’t you dare say I’m not ready for parenthood. You may be the one carrying our baby and I’m very thankful that you’re being so strong in a time like this. But I’ve read every book and bought everything our little one needs—“ 
You scoffed. “Of course not. I’m scared out of my mind but I’m handling it better than you are. Oh, and that’s supposed to be enough? God Mark, how stupid can you be? Admit it, you love your job more than anything else. More than you love me and probably more than you’ll love our baby. Don’t give me that look, you know it’s true. If I’m already going through my pregnancy by myself, I’m sure it’s gonna be like this once the baby arrives. You’ve always been my number one priority Mark. I always want to put you and your happiness before anything else. But then I came to the realization that maybe I’m not important enough for you to do the same. Our baby is my main priority now and I think staying with my parents is the best option for the both of us. My mom was the one who offered and I was hesitant at first. I hate the thought of being apart from you, but you’re never around anyway, so what’s the point? I need to be around people who can give me the support and attention I need right now.” 
Mark hesitantly looked up at you and felt a tear fall down his cheek as he took in your appearance. It was obvious that you were tired beyond belief. You had dark circles, your eyes were red and swollen as if you had been crying and even though you were pregnant, you looked like you’ve lost quite a bit of weight. He knew he was the reason why you looked so fragile, so small and he wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him whole. How could he have done that to you? Mistreated you, neglected you, not give you the help you need during your pregnancy? He felt like such an idiot. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but he had nothing to say. What do you tell your pregnant fiancé when you’ve been absent in everything going on in her life? No amount of apologies would ever be enough and he was afraid to say the wrong thing. When you noticed that he was just standing there in the kitchen and not saying anything, you sauntered off to your shared bedroom and reached for your bags you’ve packed just a few hours prior. The tears were hot as they fell from your face but you continued to grab your things. After taking a few minutes to breathe, you made your way back to the living room only to find Mark in the same place you left him. But this time, he was crying. You could hear his quiet sobs when you were in the hallway and immediately stopped moving. 
Mark could be extremely sensitive sometimes, but he never cried because of you. He never had a reason to. However, as he gave you your space and allowed you to do whatever it was you were doing in the room, he couldn’t help but think you were leaving him. Permanently. As much as he tried convincing himself that you just needed some time to yourself, he couldn’t help but feel this was a sign of the end of your relationship and he obviously was not going to let that happen. He’d give you your space, he’ll allow you to do whatever you need in order to satisfy you. But there was no way in hell he was letting you go. Not only because you were pregnant, but because you were his person. You meant everything to Mark. He couldn’t care less about anything other than you. He’d give up his job and settle for a shittier one that paid way less if it meant being able to spend more time with you. 
He was too deep in his thoughts and self pity that he failed to notice you re-enter the living room and when his eyes landed on your suitcase, his sobs grew louder. “Are you leaving?” You looked at him with so much sadness in your eyes and nodded slowly. “Me. Are you leaving me?” Once those words fell from his lips, you felt your chest getting heavy. Did he really think you were going to break up with him? You were only staying with your parents until you decided you no longer needed their help. You couldn’t help but think you’d end up staying with them even after you gave birth. Sure, things haven’t been going as well as they used to be between the two of you, but you didn’t think it was bad enough to make you end things with Mark. You were sure you’d die of heartbreak if you were to lose him. 
“No, I’m not leaving you. Unless that’s what you want.” His facial expression was quick to change to something you’ve never seen before. He looked angry, yet hurt and confused. 
“Of course that’s not what I want. Why would you even think that? Fuck, I don’t even want you going now but you have your reasons and I can’t stop you I just—fuck.” 
There were so many reasons why you loved Mark. In fact, he was everything you could want in a significant other and more. Sure, there’s no such thing as a perfect person, but he came pretty close. Sometimes, you had a hard time believing he was real and that he was yours. With that being said, there were a few things you could live without. His stubbornness. He always had to have the last say in things and he always had to be right, even if he was wrong; and if he were to be proved wrong he wouldn’t admit to it. 
He was also really bad at communication. You knew there were so many things he wanted to say, ways he wanted to apologize to you. You knew he wanted to yank your bags out of your hands and beg you to stay; but words were never his forte. 
Lastly, the fact that he couldn’t apologize. Sure, if he did something wrong and took responsibility for it, he would say sorry. However in situations that he didn’t feel he did anything wrong, he wouldn’t apologize. You knew you weren’t going to get the apology you deserved out of him, but you were too tired to continue arguing with him. 
“How long will you be gone for?” 
“I don’t know, however long I’m going to need help from my parents.” 
You could tell he wanted to make his way towards you with the way he kept inching forward but he would ultimately move back. Mark knew his limits and he knew how much you didn’t like it when he would try and reach out to you right after the two of you would fight. But in this moment, you wanted nothing more than for him to pull you in to his embrace. You missed the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. Mark was your safe haven, your home. You always felt so protected with him around, but you haven’t felt that way in a while. 
“You can stay here. I’ll help you from now on—“ the emotionless chuckle that left your throat sent chills down Mark’s spine. You were always so positive, you were his own personal ray of sunshine; he hated that he was the reason you were now so cold. 
“Yeah sure, because you’ve been doing such a good job at helping me these days. Please don’t make this harder than it already is. Go get some rest, I’m sure you’re tired. Don’t worry about me, you’ve already been doing such a great job at that.” When he saw you pick up your car keys, that’s when he finally made his way towards you and all but gently yanked it from your hand. 
“Mark, what the hell?” 
He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “I thought someone was here to pick you up. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you drive twenty minutes to your parent’s house by yourself in this condition. I’ll take you.” 
You shook your head in disagreement and attempted to reach for your keys but to no avail. “I’m fine Mark. I don’t think it’s a good idea—“ 
He released an exhausted sigh and you knew by the way he was looking at you that he was serious about not letting you go by yourself. However, you knew that you’d end up staying completely if he continued to try talking you out of it. “None of this is a good idea! You’re leaving me for God knows how long y/n! Fuck. I’m so fucking sorry. For everything, but please rethink this. I’m nothing without you. I know, I’ve been gone all the time and we hardly ever see each other but please baby, let me make it up to you. I’ll take good care of you and our baby. I’ll change. I’ll work less and be home more. I’ll start getting more involved again and I’ll pay more attention to you and—“ you slowly got on your tip toes and placed a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips to get him to stop talking. 
Your mind was made up and you believed this time apart would help in bringing you both back together again. You needed Mark to feel how you’ve been feeling these last few weeks. You wanted him to know something was wrong; you wanted him to feel the effect the distance was having on you. You wanted him to miss you, to need you and to regret the way he’s been neglecting you. 
“I have to go Mark. We’ll be fine. Okay? I’ll let you know when I get there. Take care of yourself while I’m gone please. I love you.” He tried to grab at your waist, but you were already out the door. There was no way he’d be able to sleep now that you were no longer there. Even if the both of you were no longer intimate and hardly ever saw each other, just your presence kept Mark sane. He knew was going to lose it now that you were gone and he was pissed with himself that he didn’t try harder in stopping you from leaving. He began pacing the room back and forth, waiting for a text or call, letting him know you got to your parents place and released a sigh of relief when he got the notification fifteen minutes later. He began typing out multiple messages filled with apologies, telling you how much he loved you and begging you to come back; but he ended up deleting each and every single one. 
When you got to your parent’s house, you quietly made your way up to your old room and began to cry to yourself once you laid down on your bed. Your hands made your way down to your belly and you began to apologize to the tiny little being growing in there. A part of you was upset that Mark didn’t try harder to get you to stay. If only he were to genuinely admit to his faults and promise you he’d do better, then maybe you would’ve stayed. But he just let you leave, as if it was so easy. As if it didn’t bother him that you were leaving and that’s what hurt you the most. You continued to cry as you remembered everything that went down almost an hour ago until you found yourself falling asleep. 
Mark however, couldn’t find it in himself to go to bed. Images of your hurt expression continued to play over and over again in his mind as if you were taunting him. He couldn’t stop thinking about you crying to yourself and having to go through so much pain on your own. You were right. He was obviously not ready to be a father. If he was, he would’ve never allowed you to go through everything alone. No matter how time consuming his job was. He didn’t realize just how much time he spent at work until you brought it up to him. Mark knew what he had to do in order to get you to come back home, and he was going to do it soon. 
For the next two weeks since you’ve left, you had only gotten bigger which meant it was harder for you to do anything by yourself. Your parents were extremely kind and understanding. To your delight, Mark texted you multiple times every day, checking in on how you were doing, if you were eating your meals and taking your vitamins. But that was pretty much it. You weren’t going to lie, you missed him so much. However, you were too busy focused on the well-being of your little one that you didn’t have time to think about what Mark was doing and if he was missing you the way you were with him. 
Little did you know, your fiancé was suffering without you. The house was cold and empty without you. He decided to sleep on the couch because he wasn’t able to sleep in your room knowing you weren’t there next to him. He also began lagging at work. His mind was too busy with thoughts of you that he actually took a sick leave for a few days. On some days, he didn’t even have an appetite. Your absence was killing him. He tried giving you your space by not bombarding you with texts and calls. But he wanted more. He wanted you home. He wanted things to be okay between the two of you again. He hated how awkward things seemed to be getting between the two of you, as if you weren’t a couple. 
There were times where he’d find himself outside of your parents house, wanting to take your things and you back to your place, but he didn’t have the courage to do so. He was afraid your mom now thought negatively of him. You were very close with your parents, but your mom was your best friend. Mark was sure you told her everything, which is why she came up with the idea of you staying with them. 
Finally the day that Mark would make things right finally came. Almost a month since you’ve left to stay with your parents, he got a text from your mom, letting him know that you were at the hospital going to find out the gender of your baby. He was upset to say the least that you didn’t tell him you were going to find out what you were having. Even if you were mad at him, he was still your fiancé and the father of your child; he had every right to know the gender of your baby. 
He was minutes away from a surgery, but he had asked to slip away for a few moments in order to go be with you. As he made his way towards your gynecologist’s office, he felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest. This was the first time he was going to get to see you again after that night and he couldn’t be more happy. His heart yearned for you and he was going to make sure you were aware you were going back home with him. 
The receptionist was quick to greet him but looked up at him in confusion. Mark was well known throughout the hospital because of his position and because he was extremely handsome. All the nurses and receptionists would fawn over Dr.Mcdreamy and this receptionist was no different. 
“Dr.Tuan, is everything okay? What can I help you with today?” He looked around for you but you weren’t in the waiting room. Was your appointment over? Did you leave? Did he just miss it? But your mom said ten o’clock, he made sure to be there on time. 
“Y/n y/l/n, is she here? She’s supposed to have an appointment today.” The receptionist looked at her computer before nodding in agreement. 
“She’s in room 7, is she a patient of yours?” He shook his head before heading towards the room. 
“She’s my wife.” Your mom was holding your hand while gently running her hands through your hair in attempts to get you to calm down. You were extremely excited to find out what you and Mark were having. Just a few days after finding out you were pregnant, you and Mark made a bet on what you were having. You wanted a boy and he wanted a girl. You couldn’t help but giggle at the memory, but quickly grew sad when you realized you were going to find out by yourself. Before you could start tearing up, you heard the door open and when you turned to see who it was, your heart began to flutter. 
“Mark—“ he made his way towards you and brought your face in his hands, pulling you in for a long awaited kiss. When he felt you smile in to the kiss, he found himself smiling too. 
“Hey stranger, I’ve missed you.” You brought your fingers up to his face and gently grazed his cheek with your thumb. 
“I’ve missed you too. Wait, why are you here? Are you not going to get in trouble for leaving work?” He playfully rolled his eyes and shook his head. 
“I was kind of upset when your mom told me about this appointment and that you didn’t, but that doesn’t matter. I’m here now. And I’m always going to be here from now on baby. This is the most important thing going on in my life right now. Hey mom, thanks again for the invitation.” He pulled your mom in for a hug before taking his place back on the bed with you. He looked at you lovingly before placing one more chaste kiss on your lips. 
“You only get more and more beautiful every day and look at you, you’re practically a basketball. God, I’ve missed you so much.” Before you could respond, your gynecologist walked in to the room. 
“So y/n, how are you—Oh—Hi Dr.Tuan. How have you been? What are you doing here?” Mark reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers together while showing it to your gynecologist. 
“Y/n is my wife.” You looked at him in shock before smirking and nodded in agreement. Your doctor had you lie down while applying gel on your belly and began the ultrasound. Mark never let go of your hand the entire time and even placed soft kisses on the back of it every so often. 
After a few moments, your gynecologist smiled down at you. “Congratulations y/n, you’re having a baby boy. There’s his cute little toes and his fingers. He’s hiding his face but that’s his nose right there. Right now he’s approximately 5 pounds.” The gentle squeeze on your hand sent warmth to your cheeks and you turned to face your fiancé. Although Mark made it clear that he was hoping for a girl, the wide grin on his face made it known that he was just as happy that you were having a boy. Once the gynecologist got done explaining to you how the remaining weeks of your pregnancy were going to go, you were left alone in the room with your mom and Mark. 
“I’m going to go validate our parking. I’ll be waiting for you outside y/n, but take your time. Mark sweetie, it was nice seeing you again.” He said his goodbyes to your mom before turning to you. Even if he was confident just a few minutes ago with the way he kissed you as if nothing was wrong, he knew he had a lot to make up for and a few kisses weren’t going to solve your problems. He needed to tell you what he should’ve said a month ago. 
“You must be happy. You’ve always wanted a boy, even when we first started dating I’d catch you in the boys section looking at clothes you’d want to dress our future son in.” You hummed in contentment before motioning for him to come closer. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead while bringing his hands down to yours, absentmindedly playing with your fingers. 
“Baby I’m so sorry. I’m an asshole, a fucking idiot. I can’t believe I was so blind to the way I was neglecting you and failing to give you the love and attention that you need right now. I cried every single day you were gone even if I had no right to. I missed you so fucking much y/n. I didn’t realize just how much I needed you in my life until you were gone. I put you through hell and I hate that it took you having to leave in order for me to realize it. And I’m sorry for not telling you this that night, I could’ve prevented all of this if I just got this off my chest. I was just so stubborn. I admit it, I let my job take over my life and I didn’t make you and our little bub my priority as you should’ve been. I’m sorry, for all the times you cried to yourself, for having to suffer alone. For making you feel like a single parent. Hearing you said you didn’t think I was ready to be a father upset me, but I understood where you were coming from. If I couldn’t even take care of you, there’s no way in hell I was ready to take care of a newborn baby. But I am, and I will.” A tear fell from his face and you were quick to wipe it away before placing a soft kiss on his temple.
“The lack of intimacy, the lack of communication, not being able to spend much time together, that’s all going to change. I already talked to my supervisor, she’s reducing my hours and I get a month off to spend with you and our baby once you give birth. I’m going to stick by your side like glue to the point where you’re probably going to get irritated with me. Anything you need, I got you baby. I’m going to take good care of you y/n and I’m going to make sure I’m the best father to our son and the best fiancé you could ask for. This is only the beginning y/n, but I’m telling you it’s only going to get better from here. I love you, more than you will ever know. You mean the entire world to me. I’ll give up anything and everything for you and your happiness. This, this pathetic and broken thing I call my heart, it’s yours. It beats for you, it yearns for you. You’re all it wants and all it knows, for the rest of my life. By the way, you’re coming back home with me today. I’m going to show you just how much I’ve missed you my love.”
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quizzmate-review · 3 years
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medea10 · 5 years
Medea’s Anime/Game Superlative of 2019
Well it’s that time of the year where I look back on the animes I’ve watched and the games I played with this outdated meme quiz from 10 years ago. But I still do it for the fun of it! As usual, it doesn’t matter what year the anime or game came out. If I messed with it this year, it counts for the honors. So if it came out two years ago (which feels like forever ago), it counts. Let’s get at it!
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First Fandom of 2019: The Promised Neverland
Episode 1! That’s all you need to watch to officially get hooked to this series. I jumped on this title at the beginning of the year not knowing what to expect due to Aniplex and Crunchyroll whoring this particular anime months prior. But once I saw the first episode, I was immediately hooked. It shook me to my core to watch one of the most graphic scenes to come from this year. I was captivated by Emma, Norman, and Ray’s plans in order to escape their doomed fate of becoming food for creepy demons. Each episode, I was at the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. Is Gilda in cahoots with Sister Krone? Will Don learn the truth about what really happened to Connie in episode 1? Can Ray be trusted? IS NORMAN STILL ALIVE?! Come on, I’m like really far ahead in the manga. I want to see Norman and Emma together again. I’m so happy this series is getting a second season in 2020.
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Favorite Main Character of 2019: Haru from My Roommate is a Cat
It was a close call this year for main characters and normally I don’t shoot for main characters. This year I will admit that I fell in love with Chika from Kaguya-sama. Plus, I still love me some Lana from Pokemon Sun/Moon! And I finally started part III of Jojo’s, so Grandpa Joestar is just the awesome OH MY GOD that I need. However, they all lose out to a cat! Yeah, just like that one year where I picked Nyanko-sensei as my favorite main character, I’m doing it again.
I know Haru can’t actually talk back to her human, but the audience can hear what she’s really saying and it’s absolutely amusing. She was funny when she thought the word “Haru” meant food. She’s so adorable when she’s playing with whatever catches her eye. She’s got quite the personality (almost tsundere even). But I gotta admire Haru too. Before she was adopted, Haru was on the street trying her best to look out for her younger siblings. Even giving them more food scraps when she would go hungry herself. After Haru was adopted by Subaru, she eventually warmed up to him as “her human”. It was a learning experience for both as Haru didn’t know how to react to having a human care for her and Subaru has never taken care of a cat before. But Haru is a loyal kitty who loves her human. Hell, she ran away from home because she feared her human collapsed somewhere. Haru’s the greatest!
Favorite Villain of 2019:
…Dear God, give me the strength to pull through this one.
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Princess Malty “Myne, Bitch, Whore” Melromarc (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
No, this is not me insulting her. These are all her official names. Really! In many of the animes I watched this year, the villains were pretty hit-and-miss with me. I’m in the middle of watching the elven uprise with Black Clover and didn’t want to talk about that this year. Fairy Tail’s villains are just okay. And I didn’t watch Frieza this year! So let’s talk about the ONE villain who even out-trump’s the actual villain to the series.
It only took one episode for an entire fandom to turn on one single character. A single lie that figuratively speaking threw our main protagonist Naofumi under the bus, kicked him in the nuts, shanked him, robbed him, and thrown him off a cliff. Myne did so much throughout this series. She lied about being raped. She abused her power to get what she wanted. She set up someone to fail constantly. She attempted murder on her own sister (several times) just to keep her status as first in line to the throne. And she cheats so she gets her way! It was so sickening to watch this vile woman for more than just one episode. When you created a character who was so disgusting and revolting as a secondary villain, you did something right! It’s like with Shou Tucker and Father from Full Metal Alchemist. Ask any anime fan and they’ll definitely remember Tucker over Father. Myne is this anime’s Shou Tucker! And I have to give her some credit, she is now one memorable villain. And aren’t villains usually supposed to be despised? I, Naofumi, most characters in Shield Hero after episode 21, and all of the internet can come together in agreement to say, we hate Malty, Myne, Bitch, Whore.
Final insult on the matter, she’s a cunt!
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Favorite Video Game Character(s) of 2019: Piers & Marnie (Pokemon: Sword and Shield)
I knew point blank that Marnie was going to be my favorite rival in this game. I knew I was going to enjoy the antics of her yell squad (a.k.a. Team Yell) too. But I never expected to meet her brother and enjoy him too. Like in more recent games, Pokemon has given your character a total of three rivals to look out for. And while Hop is just the British version of Hau and Bede is just…a fuck-face, Marnie was someone who marched to the beat of her own drum. She recognizes a powerful foe and has a level of respect for her rival. She has her own fanbase, but isn’t totally arrogant about it. Plus, she doesn’t mind helping you out and giving an extra boost in battle. Plus that smile scene is just too adorable for words. And then there’s Piers!
First of all, I just love the design of this guy. What did I say when I first laid eyes on him? It’s like if David Bowie, Marilyn Manson, and Sid Vicious threw up on a pentagram crafted from Hot Topic gear and this dude emerges! And much like his sister, he marches to the beat of his own drum. That’s why he’s the only gym leader in Galar that doesn’t use the Dynamax method. I would have been satisfied if I only got to see him once or twice in the game. But I was blessed when Piers came to my aid to take down the Marco Cosmos thugs AND take on all the rogue Dynamax pokemon in the post-game. I’m impressed! Out of all the people they picked to help the protagonist and Hop in this adventure, it was Piers. I am ever so happy by this. I am so heavily invested in this guy that I’m already thinking of fic ideas involving him.
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Favorite Game of 2019: Pokemon Masters
As much as I really do love Pokemon Sword and Shield, I gotta give it to the mobile game this year. This game not only made one of my reoccurring dreams come true, but gave it something no other Pokemon game has been able to do in over twenty years. HUMAN VOICES! The trainers, they speak! AND YOU CAN CHANGE BETWEEN ENGLISH AND JAPANESE! Do you have any idea how much of a win this is for me! I know they’ll never have Tracey Sketchit in the game, but this still rocks my world. Do you know how much I love hearing Mamoru Miyano play a dickish bad guy? Do you know how badly I need to hear Daisuke Ono on a day-to-day basis? I’m a voice queen!
I know I don’t usually like to give praise to freemium games for the mobile phones, but this game is quite nice. I mean, yeah, you really do have to save up your gems in order to (hopefully) get the 5-star trainer that’s currently advertised and the urge of wanting to open up your wallet to actually purchase gems is tantalizing. Not as fucked as Fate/Grand Order, but you get my meaning. Unlike a lot of the freemium games, this one doesn’t limit you so much to play (unless you spend fake or real money in the game). You can super train all you want and not lose stamina! Plus, I like these special sync moves between trainer and pokemon. And there’s just something about seeing all of these different trainers from all these regions together and interacting with each other. Despite never seeing a lot of this in the anime, manga, or previous games.
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Favorite Het Couple of 2019: Retsuko x Haida (Aggretsuko)
In one of my baby accomplishments this year, I stopped being a tight-wad and splurged on a Netflix account. Right around the same time it becomes unpopular. Hahaha! Why does this always happen to me?
Throughout the series, we’ve watched Retsuko take chances with a lot of guys including a charming polar bear, a red panda with the brain of a pot plant, and the world’s handsomest donkey. But Retsuko has friend-zoned her workmate Haida the whole time. Meanwhile, I and pretty much like 90% of the fanbase ship the fuck out of this. Rightfully so! Haida has been admiring her from afar for so long. He tries his best to be supportive of her in the office and elsewhere. He was even nice enough to run back to the office to try and help Retsuko with the last-minute paperwork thrown at her on Christmas Eve. Hell, we watched him at his best in the season two finale helping to corner Tadano. And even though she turned him down at the end of season one, I still hold out that there’s hope. I mean, it was right after a break-up, so it was kind of the right call for Retsuko to not go out with Haida. Season three could give us this ship in the end. I know Retsuko doesn’t see Haida as boyfriend material as of now, but I have a feeling it can change.
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Favorite Yuri Couple of 2019: Atsuko “Akko” Kagari x Amanda O’Neill (Little Witch Academia)
That’s right, Akko and Amanda. This is the one Yuri ship I’m leaning on more than all the other ones. I know she wasn’t involved in the infamous love-bee episode, but that still didn’t stop me from making dirty jokes whenever these two girls were together for an episode. And that’s what makes it better! Akko and Amanda’s relationship wasn’t tampered with because of a love bee, what they have is real! Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating. But whenever I see them together doing something in an episode, I can totally see them as something more. Then again, my mind is warped.
Besides, this is as close to a yuri couple as I got this year. I can’t mention the one second we got of Ymir x Historia from Attack on Titan. Yayoi and Shion didn’t get much in Psycho Pass 3. And it’s leaps and bounds better than that OTHER anime I watched with two girls. Happy Sugar Life? More like a big pile of nope!
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Favorite Yaoi Couple of 2019: Mafuyu Satou x Ritsuka Uenoyama (Given)
You knew it was coming! I was rooting for these two boys since they met in episode one. And even though I had to hold it back a bit when I learned of Mafuyu’s grieving, I still hoped that one day, these two boys would defy the odds and become the sweetest couple of 2019. Was I correct? While it wasn’t as full-blown gay as Yuri on Ice, it still gave us so much.
As I mentioned, Mafuyu was in a relationship prior to meeting Uenoyama. And this one ended in heartbreak as Mafuyu’s lover dies. But meeting Uenoyama, Mafuyu was able to smile again and got to play the instrument his previous lover left behind. Mafuyu was able to shake off the sad shackles of the past and start life anew. Now is this feeling mutual? Of course! Uenoyama dealt with the worry of “will he, won’t he” and by the end of the series, the audience seems pretty satisfied with the outcome and hope for the best of these sweet boys.
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Fandom That You Didn’t Expect To Get Into: Domestic Girlfriend
2019 has given me surprise amounts of incest! This year alone I wound up watching several surprise incest anime plots including Kiss x Sis, Marmalade Boy, and Eromanga Sensei. And those of you who are not on the up-take, surprise incest is primarily a love plot involving your step-sibling. But there was just something about Domestic Girlfriend that I just couldn’t shake. I couldn’t believe I binge-watched this entire series. I couldn’t believe I picked up the manga immediately after the finale. I couldn’t believe…that I didn’t despise this anime! Yeah, usually anything with even a whiff of incest, I throw in the trash and put a bullet through its head. This one, I did not.
Simple story! Boy named Natsuo fucks a random girl and also has a crush on his teacher. Natsuo’s father tells him he’s getting remarried. Then, BIG BOMBSHELL, the random girl that got fucked and his teacher are now going to be his step-sisters. Concept alone was just fifty shades of messed up. I mean, who the heck do you root for in this situation? Throughout the 12 episodes I went back and forth either rooting for Rui or Hina. And for episode, I rooted for Miu, the cute literary girl. I was so intrigued that I had to dig through the manga for more answers. But I enjoyed this trashy soap opera! I doubt it’ll get a sequel, but it was…fun for the most part. Too hot for television fun! And if that makes me trash, well call me Forky because...
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Yeah, I can admit that freely now.
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Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Fruits Basket
*squeals* I never thought this would come back into my life. One of my all-time favorite animes was returning with a reboot. AND IT WAS GLORIOUS! Oh sure, the first half of this series was literally a shot-for-shot remake of the original Studio Deen anime. But even that was enough to make me love every frame of it. Fruits Basket was just one of those animes that grabs you with the intriguing tale of a cursed family that changes into members of the zodiac. Then they take you on a fun ride with silly moments like Kyo and Yuki fighting each other or Ayame telling his ridiculous stories or Hatsuharu flashing some guy his junk. But then this series takes you on a detour of the most heart-wrenching stories involving heartbreak, bullying, gangs, abandonment, and hiding your true self.
This show re-introduced us to the many colorful and complex characters that exist. From the ultra-flaymboyant Ayame to the complex Ritsu! Many of these characters have severe baggage coming and going and you just wish the best for them. And seeing Tohru reach out to just about everyone in her own way, to tell them she’s there for them and she accepts them all for who they are, it just gets to you. 18 years was too long to keep this gem away from us. Welcome back Fruits Basket, we missed you.
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Fandom That Inspired the Most Crack: Zombieland Saga
I know it came out last year, but I got the opportunity to finally watch it this year. And it was every bit of crazy as people told me it would be. Who would have thought mashing zombies and idol shows together would be a good idea?
Seriously! You’ve got Mamoru Miyano voicing the craziest character to date, who’s a necromancer who brings back seven girls from the dead. Puts special makeup on them to fool unsuspecting audience members! All to bring life back to the Saga prefecture. Add another layer to the WTF cake, these dead girls are all from different times including 2008, 1997, the showa period in the 1980’s…you even have one from the freakin’ 19th century! But that’s not all! These girls end up becoming an idol group singing different kinds of genres. One episode they’re head-banging to metal rock and the next IT’S A FRIGGIN’ 8 MILE RAP-BATTLE! And then you have this one girl named Yamada Tae. She doesn’t speak and usually makes weird noises throughout the entire series, but we don’t care! We freakin’ love her! And even with the oddball girl, she’s not the craziest character on here. Who needs a Best Girl category when you know the best girl is just going to be the crazy dude in the shades!
I’m absolutely cereal on this! Kotaro Tatsumi STOLE this show for his own! With his crazy antics, constant shouting random phrases every five seconds, and eccentric behavior, this made for one of the most entertaining animes I’ve ever watched.
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Last Fandom of 2019: Pokemon: Sun & Moon/2019
I know I spent the greater part of Sun/Moon bashing several aspects of the series. But Sun/Moon was gradually getting better compared to its slow start. This year we’ve got some extreme character growth from some of Ash’s friends and even pokemon. I was amazed to watch episodes featuring Lana, Mallow, and even Sophocles growing. Lana up against Kyogre, Mallow’s thank you to her deceased mother, and Sophocles mastering Z-moves, all of these were great! Add to that, a Pokemon League that showed all of us up after 20 years of disbelief of Ash ever winning a competition. Where HE WON THE FUCKING COMPETITION! With the exception of one of the matches, this Pokemon League is definitely one for the history books for Ash. From his epic dog fight with Gladion, to the six-on-six with his mentor, to taking down a massive Ultra Beast, to taking on an island deity! All leading up to one of the most beautiful goodbyes and finale! Seriously, I screamed balls when I saw a pregnant Professor Burnet.
And my high continues with the new continuation of Pokemon 2019 (yeah, still the name). First of all, praise Arceus the animation has improved! Secondly, I am fully digging Ash and Gou traveling together. In answer to your question, yes I’m already shipping the hell out of them. Third, having these boys travel all around the pokemon world has given me so much hope in the world. The boys are going to be traveling the pokemon world revisitng old places including Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Kalos. I know I was disappointed in Ash not soley traveling to Galar and having Pikachu wear a Sherlock Holmes hat, but this I can’t cast to the side.
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And yes, I support Ash x Gou like a beast!
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theriteek · 3 years
Email Marketing Tactics
What Is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers, and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.
Why Email Marketing?
There are many reasons you should make email marketing. Some of them are listed below:-
Email is the best communication channel. Above 90% people check their email in the daily basis.
Almost Everyone uses email. A Hubspot survey states that 91% of  consumers use email.
It's Affordable. You can reach a large number of consumers for less than pennies per message.
How to start Email Marketing?
Here I am going to explain exactly how to start an email marketing campaign  from scratch.
Step1-Get Permission
first, we’ll need to focus on building a sizable email list. There are many ways we can do this, of course.
I can’t tell you which is the right or wrong answer for your incentive, but I can tell you that it’s important to have a clear purpose when asking for an address.
Establish your credibility, explain what the emails are for, and get people interested in receiving them.
Simply posting “enter your email for updates” isn’t going to get anyone excited. Instead, consider sharing specifics.
By sharing a specific call to action or benefit to giving your email address, you can get more people to subscribe.
Some common ways to entice people to sign up include:
Email series
Free downloads
Free white papers or eBooks
Update lists, like new releases and product updates
Step2-Follow through with great content
The initial follow-up email should be sent immediately as a way to introduce yourself and detail what you plan on doing with your new subscriber’s email address.
It’s better to be long-winded and detailed than it is to be quick and unobtrusive, but if you can pull off quick and concise, then more power to you.
From here, it’s simply a matter of living up to their expectations.
Step3-Analytics and Segmentation
Now that you understand the basics behind an effective email campaign, let’s talk about how to take things to the next level.
Specifically, that involves using segmentation and analytics to start refining your broadcasts and generating even better results than you would with a basic campaign.
How to understand your email analytics
First, your open rate explains how many people open your emails. It’s based on a single invisible tracking pixel that loads when someone clicks on your message.
When looking at open rates, it’ll usually tell you how well you’ve built your relationship with readers. Ideally, people are excited to read your emails and open them quickly.
If your open rate is low, it usually means you have a lot of unengaged subscribers. You need to work harder on providing value and managing expectations.
Next, your click-through rate, or CTR, shows how many people clicked on a link (if any) in your email.
If your CTR is low, it means that your message is either not targeted enough, or simply not getting through. In this case, focus on improving your copy.
Finally, your unsubscribe rate tells you how many people have clicked the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of your email.
If your unsubscribe rate is high in relation to your opt-in rate, then you’ve passed the point of building value and writing good copy… you’ve got some serious work to do.
Essentially you’ve built a sieve and people that sign up eventually leave. If this is you, try to examine when people are leaving and take action based on those leaks.
If they’re leaving after a certain autoresponder email, then re-work it. If they’re leaving after marketing messages, then re-work the way you present offers.
If they’re leaving early on in your funnel, then you need to fix your original call to action so that it’s in harmony with what you’re sending.
Email analytics are critical in that if you’re paying attention, they’ll give you very specific clues as to what you’re doing wrong.
Of course, the key variable here is “paying attention.”
How to segment your list
If you’re unfamiliar with the term, segmentation is the practice of splitting up your email list into more targeted groups.
For example, the following are ways to segment a larger, more unified list:
Customer list (in comparison to leads who haven’t bought)
Newsletter subscribers
Daily email list (in comparison to weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc)
In dividing your list in this manner, you give yourself the ability to send more targeted communication.
For example, some customers want both product and sales updates, while others might only want to hear about new versions.
Plus, you can even send specific emails to buyers thanking them for their purchase.
If you don’t give them the chance to choose, you risk losing them altogether. Since customers are more likely to buy again, it’s fairly obvious why you want to keep them subscribed to your customer email list.
With segmentation, you can send a broadcast only to those that didn’t open your last message (ask them why), or to those that showed interest (a second pitch).
You can also split test messaging amongst different groups in order to refine your best practices.
As you can see, segmentation isn’t rocket science, but it is work, which is why most don’t take the time to do it right.
If you do, you’ll immediately separate yourself from the pack.
How much is your list worth?
Your email list is one of your most valuable resources, and if you learn how to treat it right, the cost of doing so will pay for itself.
Over time, you can start tracking how much money people on your list spend on average. This will tell you how much your list is worth.
If a list of 10,000 people usually spends $50,000 on a campaign, and you run two of those campaigns each year, you could average it out and say that each subscriber is worth $10 a year.
When you do the math like that, you can understand immediately how losing several hundred subscribers could be dangerous to your bottom line.
Here is the 5 best Email Marketing tools you can use:
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GetResponse email marketing and online campaign management platform helps entrepreneurs build targeted subscriber lists and send high-impact newsletters, video emails, and follow-up campaigns.
Monthly payment plans are bracketed by list size, starting at $15 per month for unlimited messages to up to 1,000 subscribers.
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Aweber is an email marketing app that allows you to: create a mailing list and capture data onto it. design newsletters that can be sent to the subscribers on your list. automate your emails marketing via use of 'autoresponders'
Our pricing is designed so that you can start your campaign for free. After the first 30 day free trial, the cost is $19 per month for up to 500 subscribers. You would only pay more when you're profiting from a growing subscriber base over 500 subscribers.
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Leadpages is a best-in-class website builder that enables entrepreneurs and marketers to easily publish web pages, confidently generate leads, and consistently transform clicks into customers. From landing pages to websites,
Leadpages helps you get in business and stay in business online. Leadpages pricing starts at $25.00 per month. They do not have a free version. Leadpages offers a free trial.
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iContact is our email marketing platform for creating, sending, and tracking messages.
iContact Pro is the marketing automation platform for powerful multi-step campaigns and scalable solutions to track all digital marketing efforts across your website, landing pages, and social media sites.
iContact pricing begins at $15 per month for 500 subscribers or email contacts; signing up for an annual plan brings the price down to $12.75 per month in the Base plan.
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HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales platform that helps companies to attract visitors, convert leads and close customers. It does this by bringing together a variety of functionalities and allowing marketing and sales departments to manage all their activities in one place.
There are four products: Hubspot CRM is completely free. Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, and Service Hub are available via four plans, with varying features and add-ons: Free, Starter ($50/month), Professional ($400–$800) and Enterprise ($1200– $3200).
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nessafms · 4 years
new  york’s  very  own  NESSA  LOCKE  was  spotted  on  broadway  street  in  𝓳𝓲𝓶𝓶𝔂  𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸  𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓪  𝓯𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻  𝓽𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓵  𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼  .  your  resemblance  to  kylie  jenner  is  unreal  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  have  your  twenty  two  birthday  bash  .  while  living  in  nyc  ,  you’ve  been  labeled  as  being  finicky  ,  but  also  alluring  .  i  guess  being  a  scorpio  explains  that  .  3  things  that  would  paint  a  better  picture  of  you  would  be  expensive  diamonds  clinging  to  delicate  fingers  ,  makeup  swatches  on  tan  skin , &  wine  induced  giggles  .
GREETINGS  ,   cuties  .   i’m  gi  ,  9teen  ,  and  go  by  she  and  her  pronouns  .  i  kind  of  suck  at  introductions  ?  so  please  excuse  all  of  the  rambling  and  unnecessary  comments  that  are  throughout  this  .   nessa  is  kind  of  my  baby  ?  so  im  super  super  excited  to  bring  her  into  this  group  and  play  her  once  again  and  even  more  excited  to  write  with  all  of  you  !!!!!!   everything  you  need  to  know  about  her  is  under  the  cut  ,  and  if  you  want  to  plot  please  give  this  a  heart  and  we  can  do  so  (  or  message  me  on  discord  ,  𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐲#1776  )
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*  basics 
FULL  NAME.  nessa  ryan  locke  .
NAME  MEANING.   pure  ,  holy  ;  butterfly  . 
REASONING.   it  was  suppose  to  be  vanessa  but  somehow  ended  up  being  just  nessa  by  the  time  she  was  actually  born  .
NICKNAMES.   ness  ,  nessy  .
PREFERRED  NAME.  ness  and/or  nessa  .
BIRTH  DATE.   november  third  ,  nineteen  ninety  eight  .
AGE.  twenty  two  .
ZODIAC.  scorpio  .
GENDER.  cis  female  .
PRONOUNS.  she  and  her  .
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION.  heterosexual  .
CURRENT  LOCATION.   moved  to  new  york  city  at  the  age  of  nineteen  ,  (  click  here  to  see  her  residence  ) .
PLACE  OF  BIRTH.  los  angeles   ,  california  .
HOMETOWN.   los  angeles  ,  california  .
FATHER.  jared  locke  ,  actor  .
MOTHER.   jillian  locke  ,  former  model  .
SIBLINGS.   nirvana  locke  ,  emerson  locke  .
BIRTH  ORDER.  youngest  .
PETS.  wolfie  ,  husky  .
HAIR  COLOR.   originally  a  black  color  ,  though  it  tends  to  go  from  black  to  a  light  brown  and/or  a  blonde  color  . 
EYE  COLOR.  brown  ,  but  she  takes  pride  in  the  small  specks  of  green  .
DOMINANT  HAND.  right  .
HEIGHT.  five  ft  six  .
TATTOOS.   nessa  has  five  tattoo’s  all  together  ,  the  first  one  being  something  that  resembles  the  fire  emoji  on  her  right  inner  hip  she  got  with  her  group  of  friends  .   she  has  a  rose  on  the  left  side  of  her  boob  ,  which  she  got  strictly  because  she  thought  it  was  pretty  .   she  has  two  butterflies  behind  her  left  ear  ,  a  smiley  face  on  her  right  upper  butt  cheek  ,  and  finally  the  words  ,  ‘  take  care  ‘  tattooed  on  her  right  arm .  
PIERCINGS.   she  has  five  holes  on  her  right  ear  and  seven  holes  on  her  left  ear  .  
DRUGS  /  ALCOHOL  /  SMOKING.  no  (  beside  smoking  weed  here  and  there )    ,  yes  ,  no  .  
SOUNDTRACK.   self  care  ,  mac  miller  .   angel  ,  the  weeknd  .  fetish  ,  selena  gomez  .  bitter  ,  fletcher  .  july  ,  noah  cyrus  .  bad  news  ,  kehlani  .   after  hours  ,  the  weeknd  .   needy  ,  ariana  grande  .   save  myself  ,  ed  sheeran .  p*$$y  fairy  ,  jhene  aiko  .  girls  in  the  hood  ,  megan  thee  stallion  .  
AESTHETICS.   emerald  hues  forming  into  a  distant  memory  ,   soft  laughter  in  the  dead  of  the  night  ,  luxurious  material  clinging  to  honeyed  skin  ,   tired  hues  ,   the  glow  of  neon  lights  lightening  up  a  dark  room  .  
LINKS.  here’s  her  pinterest  !! 
FUN  FACTS.   she  has  a  three  year  old  husky  ,  whom  she  treats  as  though  she  carried  him  around  for  nine  months  .  she  has  a  obsession  with  acrylic  nails  ,  you  will  always  find  her  with  something  different  every  two  weeks  .  she  always  has  her  toes  painted  ,  usually  baby  something          baby  pink  ,  baby  blue  .   she  enjoys  switching  up  her  look  which  includes  hair  changes  whether  it  be  sporting  a  wig  or  actually  dyeing  it  .  has  a  talent  of  painting  but  normally  doesn’t  have  the  time  or  inspiration  to  do  so  .  a  music  bug  ,  she  has  to  be  listening  to  tunes  if  she’s  cleaning  ,  cooking  ,  bathing  ...  hates  the  gym  more  then  anything  but  has  a  personal  trainer  (  she  spends  most  of  the  time  avoiding  )  to  kick  her  ass  in  shape  .  rarely  diets  and  with  this  she  has  a  bad  habit  of  eating  whatever  her  body  craves  .  she  loves  waffle  fries  ,  and  prefers  a  burger  over  a  chicken  sandwich  .   she  hates  neon  green  ,  don’t  fight  her  on  this  .  she’s  a  bit  of  a  car  junkie  and  constantly  purchases  them  despite  not  needing  to  .  her  worst  habit  is  online  shopping  ,  she  will  spend  thousand  of  dollars  at  ONE  store  .
*  background .
stranded at  the  age  of  five  ,  a  stuffed  elephant  in  hand  and  confusion  lingering  on  skin  .  only  small  glimpses  of  heart  felt  moments  to  ease  the  tears  .  one  moment  she  was  there  ,  and  the  next  she  somehow  slipped  through  the  cracks  .  not  even  the  power  of  hollywood  being  able  to  track  down  the  angelic  emerald  hued  model  .  instead  ,  her  father  had  to  wrap  his  arms  around  his  three  children  and  fabricate  a  story  that  would  not  shatter  their  delicate  hearts  .  but  the  damage  was  already  done  .
drenched  in  sovereignty  and  affluence  ,  the  privilege  of  being  privilege  had  always  been  a  reality  ,  even  before  the  disappearance  of  her  mother  .  a  celebrity  child  ,  grew  up  in  the  spotlight  and  had  ears  filled  with  comments  from  millions  who  did  not  know  her  .   not  a  sob  story  ,  unless  you  considered  her  mommy  issues  .  inherited  her  father’s  ambition  and  her  mom’s  trust  issues .  started  branding  herself  at  the  age  of  seventeen  ,  a  trend  setter  .  the  title  of  social  media  personality  was  granted  to  nessa  before  it  was  even  a  thing  ,  and  she  did  not  stop  there .   ventured  into  the  beauty  industry  ,  building  an  empire  from  top  to  bottom  .  and  eventually  even  created  a  fashion  line  with  her  older  sister  ,  even  after  all  the  red  warnings  .
but  the  finer  things  in  life  did  not  come  with  all  blessings  .   her  delicate  hands  drenched  in  cold  glue  ,  shattered  pieces  clinging  for  their  lives  with  expectations  of  being  put  back  together  again  .  adored  and  envied  by  the  world  ,  but  the  outside  looking  in  did  not  see  bent  back  constantly  picking  up  pieces  of  her  sisters  who  crumbled  with  even  the  softest  poke  .  addiction  controlling  every  aspect   of  her  sisters  lives  ,  and  the  relationship  she  shared  with  them  .  it’s  never  been  pretty  to  watch  the  ones  you  love  self  destruct  and  take  everything  you  love  and  trust  down  with  them  ..  hard  to  look  them  in  the  eyes  as  anger  and  heartache  consumes   you  .  and  even  harder  to  forgive  .  
forever  fighting  the  demons  her  mother  instored  in  her  ,  and  the  demons  her  sister’s  stir  up  .  her  only  breath  of  fresh  air  being  her  daddy  ,  and  the  way  he  always  has  her  back  (  no  favorites  are  played  but  we  all  know  )  ,  and  the  life  she  helped  build  for  herself  .  wants  to  be  rid  of  hands  that  hold  her  back  and  take  and  take  until  she  has  nothing  left  ,  and  instead  plunge  into  the  world  of  living  for  herself  and  new  york  city  granted  the  brunette  that  opportunity  .  
*  personality .
affection  sings  to  her  in  the  form  of  a  love  song  ,  her  love  language  .  digits  itch  to  hold  friends  hands  ,  and  lean  on  lovers  shoulders  .  uses  pet  names  like  her  vocabulary  only  consists  of  the  word  angel  and  baby  .  a  chatter  bug  that  hides  vulnerability  with  ebullience  and  teasing  manners  .  impulsiveness  that  jumps  out  at  all  the  wrong  times  ,  and  a  carelessness  that  teams  up  with  her  pettiness  to  make  all  the  wrong  choices  .  feels  replaceable  and  easily  disposable  ,  makes  her  fear  of  ever  letting  anyone  get  too  close  .  finicky  ,  hard  to  please  and  even  harder  to  totally  figure  out  ,  some  would  say  she’s  hot  and  cold  .  tries  to  stay  out  of  her  head  with  burying  herself  in  work  .  knows  how  it  feels  to  feel  like  you  are  nothing  ,  and  fills  that  whole  with  giving  back  as  much  as  she  can  .  silly  and  sometimes  ditzy  .  loves  too  hard  for  her  own  good  ,  and  has  a  bad  habit  of  letting  people  back  in  even  when  they  do  not  deserve  it  or  her  ..  has  a  softness that’s  desperate  to  escape  .   hates  love  because  she  understands  what  it  can  do  to  you  and  loves  just  as  much  for  the  same  reason  .  built  a  wall  around  her  heart  to  avoid  adding  any  more  scars  ,  and  will  save  you  before  she  saves  herself  .  holds  on  to  people  a  little  too  tight  ,  because  she  hates  going  through  the  process  of  letting  people  in  all  over  again  .  a  twenty  something  year  old  who  craves  a  mother’s  touch  but  holds  a  grudge  that  sometimes  causes  her  to  miss  out  on  people  .   always  just  wants  to  feel  like  she’s  worth  making  sacrifices  for  .
* career . 
kylie    cosmetics  ?  nessa  cosmetics  ,  a  brand  built  at  seventeen  years  old  and  has  only  grown  from  there  .   collections  that  consist  of  collabs  with  close  friends  and  family  (  when  she’s  talking  to  them  )  ,   and  season  /  holiday  collections  .  does  something  for  her  birthday  ,  november  third  ,  every  year  .  has  a  collection  dedicated  to  her  zodiac  sign  , scorpio  .   constantly  changing  her  formula  to  better  her  brand  ,  and  does  everything  hands  on  .  does  most  of  her  work  from  her  office  .   can  find  her  instagram  stories  to  be  her  swatching  her  latest  products  .  favorite  thing  of  hers  being  her  eye shadows   (  applaud  for  the  pigmented  ) .  good  quality  ,  inclusive  and  diverse  (  more  then  actual  kylie  cosmetics  )  is  the  most  important  thing  when  it  comes  to  her  brand  . 
launched  nessa  skin  a  single  year  ago  ,  and  has  worked  on  it  for  the  last  three  years  .  her  latest  child  ,  and  plans  to  only  grow  it  .  skin  has  always  been  super  important  to  nessa  ,  and  delivering  her  supporters  with  products  that  will  actually  work  is  her  main  priority  .  
a  youtube  channel  with  ten  million  subscribers  ,  youtuber  as  a  second  job .  it  starting  as  a  hobby  and  a  way  of  connecting  with  supporters  to  becoming  something  she  cannot  imagine  not  doing  .   her  channel  consists  of  mixed  content  such  from  fashion  hauls  to  makeup  videos  to  even  vlogs  that  involved  her  friends  (  and  family  )  doing  stupid  things  .  
em  &  ness  ,  a  clothing  brand  her  and  her  sister  are  developing  .   features  trendy  street  wear  ,  more  to  come  soon  . 
* connections
the  childhood  friend  that  reminds  her  of  simpler  times  ,   mud  pies  in  the  back  yard  and  riding  their  bikes  around  the  neighborhood  .  secrets  and  promises  of  being  friends  forever  that  felt  secure  but  feel  short  .  bonded  forever  maybe  ,  but  constantly  feeling  like  strangers  .   (  or   they  could  still  be  close  friends  )
the  family  friend  that  their  parent(s)  swore  were  going  to  end  up  together  ,  though  if  the  two  caught  any  talk  of  that  would  scrunch  their  nose  ups  and  shake  their  head  .  or  at  least  they  did  for  a  while  ,  until  lines  started  to  fade  and  the  comfortableness  felt  like  something  more  ..  not  together  now  ,  but  constantly  a  what  if  ,  the  idea  still  runs  in  their  minds  but  is  a  friendship  worth  something  that  might  not  work  out 
a  friendship  or  more  so  platonic  soulmates  ,  if  you  see  one  you  know  the  other  is  not  far  behind  .  they  are  somewhat  extensions  of  one  another  ,  swear  they  cannot  survive  without  one  another  .  the  one  person  nessa  trusts  the  most  ,  someone  who  has  never  hurt  her  or  left  her  .  her  person  .
the  bad  influence  that  plays  on  her  impulsiveness  .  talks  her  head  up  to  get  even  or  take  that  tenth  shot  because  why  the  fuck  not  .  anytime  something  bad  almost  happened  ,  like  that  time  we  almost  got  a  fine  ,  she  was  with  this  person  .  and  while  she  adores  them  ,  she  knows  they  aren’t  exactly  the  best  for  her  .
the  friend  group  you  cannot  help  but  envy  ,  constantly  plastered  on  one  anothers  instragram  feeds  .  has  their  own  groupchat  that  does  nothing  but  blow  up  .  shopping  trips  in  italy  and  vacations  in  greece  .  do  not  always  get  along  but  there  is  always  love  in  between  them  .  they  are  constantly  in  her  vlogs  ,  and  would  kind  of  be  like  her  very  own  vlog  squad  .
the  friends  with  benefits  who  swear  they  are  just  friends  ,  and  the  sex  means  nothing  .  despite  the  fact  that  they  linger  a  little  too  long  in  one  another’s  bed    .  and  the  promises  of  this  will  not  ruin  anything  become  blurry  when  they  connect  on  a  deeper  level  .  and    it  gets  confusing  when  their  affectionate  comes  to  surface  ,  but  regardless  they  are  just  friends  .
a  trio  of  three  friends  who  are  always  seen  together  ,  best  friends  could  be  the  world  to  use  to  describe  them  (  bonus  points  if  its  all  girls  )  .
the heart  breaker  ,  the  person  that  fucked  her  up  for  good  .  ruined  the  way  she  loved  and  left  her  with  a  lot  of  regret  and  heart  ache  .  she  swear  she  hates  them  ,  but  she  hates  how  much  she  loved  them  and  how  close  they  got  to  her  .  hates  how  they  went  from  knowing  her  more  then  anyone  to  being  someone  she  cannot  even  look  in  the  eyes  anymore  (  bonus  points  if  it  involves  them  cheating  on  her  ,  extra  bonus  points  if  it’s  angsty  as  hell  )  
the  drinking  buddy  she  confides  in   ,  a  glass  of  wine  and  a  lot  of  shit  talking  that   always  end  up  in  talking  about  personal  matters  .  they  are  a  ear  and  someone  to  lean  on  .
the  on  and  off  fling  ,  their  back  and  forth  being  nessa  and  her  refusal  to  let  them  in  completely  .  her  feelings  for  them  scare  her  ,  and  she’s  not  ready  to  walk  down  the  road  of  being  with  someone  again  .
other  things  i  want  include  ;  unlikely  friends  ,  enemies  to  friends  ,  friends  to  enemies  ,  lovers  to  friends  ,  friends  to  lover  ,  ex  best  friend  ,  ex  friends  in  general  ,  ex  friends  who  miss  each  other  terribly  ,  other  youtubers  she  collabs  with  ,  other  ceo’s  of  makeup  brands  /  skin  brands  she  has  a  rivalry  with  because  the  media  made  it  seem  like  they  hated  one  another  .
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American Family Auto Insurance Reviews
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Insurance by state
Insurance by state, fee and total claims received. By law, state residents are required to carry at least the minimum auto insurance coverage in order to drive legally. Many states, including Georgia, Hawaii and Massachusetts, require all drivers to carry more than the state minimum, but these requirements may not apply to your situation. All vehicles must have insurance on them, regardless of your driving record. The minimum penalties for a first time offense are: According to the GA Department of Financial Regulation, an automobile liability insurance policy contains specific restrictions for a driver who has a car of average value, as determined by the number of vehicles that are insured. For a first offense, the driver must pay a reinstatement fee of $150 to $1,000 and maintain a vehicle registration in the state for three years. For subsequent offenses, the state minimums are increased to $2,000 for the previous offense and $2,500 for the previous offense, up to $3,500. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission,.
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American Family home insurance discounts! We specialize in Homeowners Insurance and are ready to help you find the best coverage at the lowest possible rate with our many policy options! I have family members, and friends, who live in Canada. They know their home. Their homes aren t far from home. I m already a Canadian citizen, and we have insurance with the same company. This is very helpful and makes me thankful to know that anyone that lives there must own a life insurance policy and have their home cover their assets (we were born in the U.S.). I was wondering how we would be able to get life insurance for our grandkids? I am interested in getting into applying for life insurance for my family, but I still have some questions. Please let us know in the comment box below. Hi, our granddaughter came to Ontario for her pre-degree in business. She lives in Canada and has been working full-time for almost 20 years. She is not a resident of Canada but lives in the U.
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dhill202-blog · 4 years
10 Tips for a Better Travel Experience
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Hitting the street once will change your life forever. Fact. You will become more flexible and thinking on your feet will become second nature. Confidence and self belief will blossom as you overcome the trials and tribulations engendered by life on the street, and you'll evolve. Interaction with other people, from all walks of life, will become a daily event. The people you meet and the situations you encounter, both good and bad, will gradually start to define you. Some days may be magic, others could be tough - but every day will leave its mark, and the cumulative impact is life altering.
Whether you travel for a month, a year, or ten years, you'll have an experience unlike any other. But pause for a moment and ask yourself: - is it better?
Here are ten ways to improve your travel experience.
Go Slow - You have quit your job or got time off work, flown half way round the world, and are now desperately excited to see firsthand all you have read and dreamed of. However, by racing though too many nations in a given time you may lose out on much more. Not only will you learn less about the places you've longed to see, but you'll tire quickly and become travel weary. A couple of nights in each place also spells out buses, boats or trains at least ever other day, and packing/unpacking will become a daily event. Tiring? I should coco.
With more time spent in fewer areas you will start to live in your new environment. The extra time in every place may encourage you to explore under your own steam instead of being shackled to a guidebook and its top ten tick off list. Worries about wasting time won't be a problem, leaving you free to go drifting and raising the chances uncovering a lesser known delight.
Have Faith - Be a bit more trusting. Everyone isn't out to steal your money, or cheat you. Traveling with this unhealthy mindset will cause someone to become detached, cynical, bitter, and a very bad ambassador for their country. Do not be dismissive or rude when approached - after all, it is wonderful to be nice.
Ok, sometimes an unsavory cookie can cross your path, but this can be taken care of upon consciousness; but, overall, those who approach you may fall into other categories: people like you and I wanting to earn a living (and assisting you with a service in the procedure ), and the ones which are either interested or favorable (or usually both!) Thus, let the guard down a bit and listen to people out. Judge situations on their unique merits and occasionally be a Yes Man, you can't know where it might lead.
Get Involved - Keep a look out for opportunities where you can make a difference. We learn so much from people we meet and places we see, but all too often its one way traffic. Get prepared to help others and attempt whenever possible to give back something. Perform to your skills and expertise, you might have something valuable to offer. 
Learn the Lingo - Even just the basics will lay the foundation for a better experience. 'Pleases' and'thank you's go a very long way, and, even if they're not delivered properly or understood, they show that you're willing to make the hard work and communicate a respect toward the people you meet. If nothing else it will raise a smile or two, and that is always a bonus. Furthermore, in the event you still need encouragement to acquire a phrase book, some of the local lingo can get you a better price for transportation, accommodation, and the little knick-knacks you can't pass up.
We attempt to taste all the regional delicacies, so why not sample all of the regional modes of transport, also? Ok, the railroad system might be the preferable method of travel for any particular state, but find out for yourself . Moreover, even if the bus station is in walking distance from the accommodation, throw financial caution to the end at least one time by splashing out 50 cents for For the ones which are still worried about value for money, I say sit at the front bucket of a Vietnamese Cyclo and get taken across a busy Saigon intersection - for the purchase price of one beer you'll have a vision etched in your mind for all eternity. Then, for the hardcore thrill seekers amongst you, invite your Cyclo Jockey to sit at the chair of death as you peddle him across the intersection...
Adopt the Weird and Wonderful - Do not miss a chance to try something a little out of the ordinary, be it fresh food, local traditions, children's games, or anything else of barbarous tobacco from Javanese street sellers. Get in the swing of it and make somebody's day.
Stay Alert - Little can ruin a trip and taint your view of a nation and its populous more than being careless with your possessions and learning the hard way. Opportunist theft is a simple fact of life, but you can reduce the danger by staying aware of your surroundings and possessions rather than playing to the minority's control.
Be a 1 Bag Wonder - Travel light, travel joyful. Decrease your possessions and life will become so much easier. Firstly, it makes the mechanics of getting from A to B simpler and less stressful. Easier because it is less fat to be humping around involving transportation and accommodation and less size and weight to be swinging around inside the limits of a densely populated bus. It becomes less stressful since the smaller your bag is, the less probable it is you will be separated from it during journeys- and, judging everyone by my pitifully. Additionally, it is more likely you'll be allowed on an already packed bus out for those who have less luggage. This doesn't ring true in Guatemala however, because you can always fit one more person on the bus, however full it is.
Walk the Path Less Trodden - Now that you've got extra time on your hands in each destination, why not explore a bit? Getting off the beaten path doesn't have to mean single handedly paddling a handmade dugout canoe 500 miles through the Amazonian Basin, it might be something as straightforward as forsaking the guidebook recommends for the day and rather scrounging a map or fliers and opting for an aimless wander in a new town. Some of my greatest discoveries have resulted from doing just this.
Terrific sources of info include Tourist Information Offices (though, where available, they vary tremendously in quality), What's On guides, local papers, handouts, fliers, and, of course, fellow travelers, to mention but a few. Spending less time at the well known and'popular' hangouts will also do your budget a huge favor, too.
Keep a Journal - Writing reams of pulp is not for everybody, but it does not have to be like that. A journal can mean many different things to different individuals. It could be a complete scale daily diary or only a kid's notebook from the marketplace where you place labels from local beer bottles (maybe with drunken scribbling below) - the option is yours. For the geeks among us (me included) there is the choice to travel site, and for the idle geeks among us (again, me included) it is even easier to cut and paste excerpts from emails home to family and friends and keep those as your diary.
Whatever form your personal creation may take, the final result is identical. 
Freelance travel writer and fanatical backpacker Nathan Richards desires nothing more than to inspire and encourage other people to satisfy their wanderlust.
Eclectic and Exquisite Gay Travel Experience
Your work has been preventing you from seeing new terrific things out of your comfort zone. You've been working so hard that you tend to forget there are more to life than your job. Why don't you take some of your time to pull yourself from a thousand paper functions and maintain an adventure you'd treasure in a life? Why not put aside little by little some money for a holiday that will teach you exactly what your job can never endow you with? Why not book yourself for a gay vacation and encounter what's meant by life?
Gay travels have been the cure for tired and weary spirits that wander from the corners of shallow fantasies. These journeys with your fellow beings will certainly open an opportunity for you to look into yourself and find greater things concerning you. Through these exquisite homosexual holidays, you'll be privileged to belong to a community of loving and accepting individuals composed of men, women, lesbians and gay. Not just you'll be communing with nature, you will basically be joining with yourself that you've missed during your hours and hours of tedious work.
Dwelling on some diverse gay travels will bring you into a world of discovery. Some packages will provide you with the opportunity to be showing the presents inside you and using these presents for the benefit of the planet as a whole. What use it is to be true to yourself and the world is instructing you in every manner of not to be ashamed of who you are.
Other offers for homosexual travels include an enlightening about your erotic potentials. Through some enticing team activities, you'll have the ability to spot your sensual facets and nurture them for sexy travel experience. This sort of involvement work your way to your ultimate sexual liberty and unblock sexual inhibitions and doubts. By means of breath, body and hand motion and the soothing magic of audio you will eventually get a real feel of sexual satisfaction. These gay travel experiences on sexual accomplishment and realization are lively and enjoyable to your erotic improvement.
Take more than an isolated island off a exceptional shore or indulge in sensual play activities as you travel your way to revival and rejuvenation of the self. Gay travel experiences are specially made for couples abound who'd want to spend romantic evenings in their communion with love, peace, serenity and dedication. Gay vacations help you explore the hidden and breathtaking views of nature as well as yourself.
At each end of fulfilling gay vacations is a brand new you.... virtually more intelligent emotionally and mentally. The revival of your missing self drained through hard work is invaluable benefit from a journey with your loved one. A week-long time out in the complications of life is a unique opportunity for you to renew your vow for the betterment of yourself and for s more powerful relationship with your spouse. So what are you waiting for? Get booked and travel your way to transformation!
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prorevenge · 5 years
EK tries get me arrested? Enjoy your own criminal record :D
[Background info]
This happened back when I was in sophomore year, and was a bit of a nerd but in a weird phase where I was actually starting to get some confidence. I spent the last 2 years thinking about launching an online business (back when Shopify wasn't as popular and prominent) and finally started to keep on track.
So I spend several weeks going to whole-sale websites, gathering products, designing the websites, etc. Once it launches, I decide to start small and only use my school district as the target market; of course there is mistrust with this system because no one takes a high school kid with an Amazon-esque website seriously. But after a while and some small purchases, I had a decent customer base with around 10-25 orders per week.
This was first when the school found out about it and the AP (Assistant Principal, person designated to watch our specific graduation class for all 4 years we are there) calls me down to his office and basically lectures me on the importance of the legality and on how I need to change the name of the website. Basically I named it after the school which was named after a well-known politician's family, and they didn't want legal issues. I did a lot of homework involving this and legally checked everything, especially since I was a minor and I didn't wanna cause any issues for my own fam.
I didn't care that much, I had been meaning to reboot the site and make it more lighter and modern anyways. I changed the name and moved on.
[Issues begins]
Now EK was a highly manipulative kid; he was one of those unlikable and bratty people who made up stories to attract girls and popularity. He always bragged he was gonna be rich because of how rich his parents were, girls would be obsessed with him, he was gonna be in movies; basically all sorts of delusional claims. I started out being uneasy "friends" with him meaning I just talked to him in class but I slowly drifted away from him because he would constantly flirt and harass these two girls, even though they told him not to and I tried to stop him.
Most of our entire grade didn't like this kid, but then he claims he owned the websites and ran it, and if anyone knows marketing, an unsavory person with ownership is bad for business. So I confront him and he apologizes saying that he'll retract his claims and say the truth.
The next day he did the exact opposite and spread rumors of how the situation happened in the opposite manner. This angered me and he forced my hand, I went straight to the site and made a notification post and email to all my customers saying that [Due to several circulating rumors about our business, we would like to remind out customers that EK does not own the website nor is he connected with us in any shape or form. Thank you for your service! Please be sure to check out our Easter Sale!]
Embarrassed, EK makes the most insane claim that I have ever heard...that I'm using the website to launder and sell drugs & weapons through school. Post-Columbine, this was taken very seriously and I was called down to the office where I found my AP and 3 police officers waiting for me. They questioned me, the website, etc while patting me down and searching my backpack, jacket, and belongings. They freaked out when they saw a condom and credit card knife (yeah it's my own damn fault for having a blade at school but I was an EDC guy who never did anything wrong). Honestly I wasn't as embarrassed as I was worried for the optics on this.
The considered this plausible intent and cause and I was handcuffed and put into police cruiser (a pretty comfy Dodge Charger to be honest) as they headed over to my house and called my mom telling them the situation. They asked to let them search my room (and only my room) and my mom obliges; with us being immigrants, she didn't want any trouble and she probably couldn't think straight from seeing her son in handcuffs. It angered me for a cop to hold me against the wall while I'm restrained, while two more turned my room upside down looking for something that didn't exist while my mother cried her eyes our at all this happening.
They didn't find anything of interest except this out of school project I was working on (JLaservideo's fire gloves, search it up). I had three of them and parts for at least 3 more. The officers asked me what it was and how it worked, I told them the basics and it was for science fair. They took them in as evidence and questioned the legality of the gloves while taking pictures along with the single canister of butane fuel.
I get suspension for 3.5 days (the rest of my school day was In-School-Suspension AKA isolation) but no criminal charges since there was no evidence. WELL NO SHIT!
I checked the office's sign in sheet (whenever we talk to an AP, they keep a record of the time, name, and date of when someone comes in. As I signed out to, I see one name before my own...EKP's. My anger doubles as all I can think of is ways to kill him but I calm myself, saying that his time will come.
The next 3 days allow me to plan for my revenge...
[Revenge time]
One of my friends had a recording of how EK said he wanted to PUSH A GIRL OFF A BALCONY at a party they both were at BECAUSE SHE REJECTED HIM! Maybe somehow that recording was emailed to the police department, teachers, and several students through a throwaway email....
I recorded him stalking this girl from school and all the way to her house and peeking in through her window. This didn't happen once, twice but four times! This was edited almost like a montage and emailed as well.
Once every 5 weeks, the school brought in drug dogs. I saw a K9 police car in the parking lot and quickly texted my friend that was a pothead. I told him to bring a weed brownie and put it in EK's bag when during 2nd period (which was at the other side of the school so he wouldn't get caught). This went swimmingly as hallway banter was filled with EK being caught with drugs in school.
[End Result]
EK was expelled, had a restraining order filed on him by the girl along with two others who came forward, and had a court case the next month. The second girl had a boyfriend who was a classmate of mine and I let him know what he was doing. Somehow the guy found out where he lived and him and his friend's keyed his car, slashed his tires, stole his shoes, and jumped him. He was found guilty for possession of marijuana (idk the real charge but the state I live in is very strict with weed; this resulted in several moths of juvenile detention where he was beat up even more. Where he is now, I don't know but I doubt he succeeded like how he bragged he would.
I spent the rest of the year in a very peaceful mindset :D
(source) story by (/u/Spade3k)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Is there anyone you work with that you don't get along with? Why? I'm always civil with everyone, and when I get mad at someone I make sure it’s because they really fucked up on a task, and not just because I don’t like their personality or whatever. I’ve always just felt like butting heads with someone is only going to affect my work, so I try not to clash with people. If I don’t like someone for any reason, I usually just minimize my interactions with them. Have you ever been romantically interested in a coworker? ...Does a classmate count? I started crushing on Gab back in high school lol. Have you ever been romantically involved with a coworker? ^ Same question. Do you have any thoughts on a 14-year age-gap? Not a fan. Age gaps in general scare me away, though I think it’s because I’ve only been with someone of the same age. What is the game you're currently playing most often on your phone? Bitlife. It’s like a simpler Sims.
What is your go-to Starbucks order? MAN OH MAN does this question make me miss coffee shops. I get a grande iced caramel macchiato. I get it as is because having so many customization options just makes me overwhelmed. Do you have any friends that you're drifting apart from? I don’t think so. We all just have to be apart right now but once we can see each other again, I’m 110% sure it’ll only be like we hadn’t seen each other in a day. Are you close to someone who is mentally unwell? I think all my friends aren’t mentally okay to some extent. It’s pretty common in our age group. What phone do you have? iPhone 8. What is the last thing you ordered for delivery? Andrew and I had Chinese food delivered to Skywalk after a particularly brutal verbal beatdown from our thesis adviser who had told us to revise big chunks of our thesis ASAP. I was super stressed so I allowed myself to splurge on the Hong Kong noodles I really liked and I specifically asked for three fucking packets of peanut sauce to drown my noodles in lmao. Do you have an opinion on adopting/purchasing a pet? It’s my preferred way of getting a pet. Adopt and don’t shop, plz. What's your favorite chain restaurant? YABUUUUUUUU. If I reach the point where I only had ₱400 left to my name, I’d still most likely spend it on their katsu.  Have you ever dated someone who was of a foreign origin? No...well, Gabie is part Turkish, so kinda? She’s still mostly Filipino though. Have you ever read any of your idol’s books/autobiographies? Out of all the people I fangirl over, only AJ has produced an autobiography and yes, I have her book. Oh I have One Direction’s first book too, but I haven’t been able to buy the next ones that came out. Do you own any succulents? Nope. Can’t take care of plants to save my life. When was the last time you climbed a tree? I’ve never done that, all the trees here have red ants. :/ If you have any pets, how would you describe their personalities? Kimi’s an absolute diva and chooses to follow, listen to, and be sweet with only me. He’ll be super nice when he’s asking for food, but will be quick to stop minding you completely once he’s gotten enough food from you. We give him a pass since he’s a senior dog now, but he’s definitely the snobby type hahaha. What is your phone's background? My home screen is of Hayley Williams; my lock screen is of Beyoncé and Jay-Z on stage. Who played at the last concert you went to? Paramore. Who is playing at the next concert you're attending? I’m really fucking hoping it’s going to be Beyoncé because she’s the only artist left I have yet to see lmao but if not, I’m most likely going to see Paramore again. What's your favorite amusement park ride? I like riding the octopus, but only the one in my high school’s fair. What's your favorite deep-fried food item? Corndogs, for sure. Why were you last pulled over? I got confused with the road rules in Alabang and ended up stopping at a red light albeit over a pedestrian lane. Stilllllll pissed about that instance to this day and I’ve never gotten over how rude the traffic enforcer was towards me. Do you have any friends that own a private lake? I don’t think so, we don’t have a lot of lakes here to begin with. What was the last thing you've done on the water? Take a shower, if I understood this question correctly. Canoeing or kayaking? I kayaked in Palawan when we were there and it was so peaceful and felt like absolute heaven. I’d relive that experience over and over again. What's your favorite lake? Like I said, we don’t really have a lot of lakes here. I don’t even know enough to pick a favorite. Are you cool with swimming in a lake? Sure, why not. Do you have a drone? I don’t. I’m not interested in having one. Do you have a smart watch? Nope. I’d love one but tbh I end up losing every watch I ever try to wear, so buying one would be pointless. What's your favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant? It’s a bar rather than a restaurant, but Exile was such a fun place to be in. I still don’t understand why they had to close down so suddenly when sooooo many college kids were going there every single day. It’s since been replaced by this random shrimp restaurant, though I think that already closed too since no one ever went there because EVERYONE PREFERS EXILE. It was a very important part of my early college years and it helped me get out from my slump, so I’ll always be grateful that it was around at some point. What do you order from there? I don’t even remember anymore, it shut down two or three years ago. I’ll see if their menu is still up on Zomato... andddd it’s not. It’s like it never existed, sigh. What's your favorite ice-cream flavor? Cookies and cream. They jack up the prices for Ben & Jerry’s here like CRAZY so even though I’ve wanted to try so many of their flavors, I’ve never gotten to try it. I’m not paying ₱500-₱600 for ice cream. Do you have any t-shirts from any local businesses? Yes, I have a couple of shirts from this local business called Artwork. Their employees, who are also artists, produce original designs on t-shirts, bags, pins, shoes, wallets, etc. every week so every time I visit the store, the selection is almost always completely brand new. What is your prettiest friend's first name? Gabriela, hehe. Who is your favorite comedian? Not really into comedians. I like Andy Samberg’s work, but mostly only for Brooklyn Nine-Nine. What's your favorite Netflix series? Queer Eye or Black Mirror, if we’re talking about original Netflix series. Do you listen to any talk shows or podcasts? I regularly tuned in to a morning radio program when I’d drive to school before quarantine started, but that’s it. Do you know anyone who's had their own podcast? Nope, but I have friends and acquaintances who have released other stuff, like vlogs and EPs. Where were you the last time you stayed in a hotel? Cavite. What are you looking forward to, today? Mom bought shawarma so I can’t wait to eat them tonight. What are you looking forward to, in the next few months? For this Covid mess to finally blow over so I can have an actual, tangible graduation and see all my friends again. Are you a dog or a cat person? Dog. Without. A. Doubt. Do you know anyone who is freaked out by cats? Me. They never liked me no matter how nice I am with them, so I can never be around one for more than a minute. There’s only one cat that’s been nice to me – one of the cats that roam around the college, we call him Ginger – but even then, sometimes his claws can get super sharp when we play and it pierces my skin and I get scared, ahuhu. I’m sure cats are super nice and that they make for great pets, but we just can’t ever bond lol. Do you know any with Crohn's disease? No.
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Find the closest Wells Fargo in New Berlin
Find The nearest Wells Fargo and even ATM Locations in New Berlin, WI. Get Wells Fargo Bank locations and hours, solutions and driving directions.
Wells Fargo Bank in New Berlin, WI
Wells Fargo Bank, 16001 W Cleveland Ave New Berlin, WI 53151
I use this branch to create one or two deposit per month, and I are actually doing this regarding the last several several weeks. Most everyone is extremely nice, although I actually went in today, and We was not too happy with the experience. I was initially on my telephone while I came into the bank, and even My spouse and i was met with by the rep. Typically I have a deposit slip completely ready, consider there was NO other clients in the lender, I travelled right to the teller window. Remember I actually was no longer about my phone call. The teller, though warm and friendly, found this need to let everyone know that "their" customers fill out put in slipping, and that clients according get frustrated when folks like me come into the bank unprepared. Reason us?! As I mentioned prior to, there was no a person in line. We furthermore have been doing this kind of for quite some time, and I experience like she would notice that I normally have anything prepared. As I was leaving, I got inquired if I wanted to analysis my accounts for the free ice cubes scraper. I explained that will We reviewed my company accounts within typically the last couple a few months, plus I made the necessary changes. I furthermore described i used to work at WF, and currently work in the industry, so I do not have much need for a review. No matter, she asked us from least two different occasions. Very annoying! I actually comprehend it is her task to produce everyone these gives, yet there is some sort of fine lie involving getting helpful and staying tricky. One girl guiding the teller line pointed out that will they have made some sort of few becomes the balances just lately, that has been helpful, nevertheless at this point My partner and i had enough. I would provide my phone variety as a result of move on together with my working day, but My partner and i don't think I am stopping in for a good evaluation or the ice scraper. I have recently been looking with regard to a reason to advance my personal accounts from WF, and even this just might possibly be the purpose I needed. If it was not necessarily for the free popcorn, I actually guess this experience may possibly have already been given a 1-star.
Wells Fargo 53214
Wells Fargo Bank, 6130 W National Ave West Allis, WI 53214
Low-budget location with low spending budget help. Inadequate service, very long wait moments. Riffraff consumers as well. Apologies of which I am a purchaser in this article
Wells Fargo Bank Wauwatosa
Wells Fargo Bank, 2675 N Mayfair Rd Wauwatosa, WI 53226
My partner and i found this bank inside search of a Medallion Trademark Guarantee stamp. This is a special trademark promise for the transfer of investments. It's some sort of step further than some sort of notary public, and definitely not just about every financial institution sometimes offers it. Required typically the stamp for some residence paperwork. I used the particular handy dandy Internet to help find who knows where that delivers this service, in addition to I actually found Wells Fargo. I actually called the branch best to me to make sure they do, indeed, have the stamp. I was initially told that just the Mayfair location in addition to the Mequon position offer you the stamp. So off I go, to often the Mayfair location. I got within and was quickly welcomed by Rashad, a person of the particular brokers. I told Rashad I actually needed a Medallion Personal Guarantee stamp. They informed me he's the consumer the fact that does it, but they need a few specific papers to carry out it. That indicates I have to run back home, grab often the reports I need and even come back. Since undesirable as it is, I need the stamp, therefore I go home together with come back with this proper paperwork. When We returned, Rashad sitting us in his business whilst he grabbed the brand, imprint from the vault. They requested my ID in addition to started out entering some information in to his computer. In this case we struck a snafu. Rashad states I'm certainly not in the personal computer. "Do you have an consideration with us? " Well, virtually no, We don't. That's whenever My spouse and i first learn that will, so that you can issue a new Medallion Unique Guarantee stamp, anyone have to have a free account with Wells Fargo no less than 60 days. Why did not they will tell me this kind of on the phone, when I called? Rashad felt terrible. I've already made only two trips here, and they can not even help everyone. So Rashad actually dived online and started off phoning around. Finally, the next standard bank he named stated that they would be able to help us. While My spouse and i don't bank on Bore holes Fargo, the customer services I received was first-rate! Rashad went above together with past by calling different banks for me.
One WF business is much like the other, in terminology of services. However, My partner and i do have a pair of gripes about this location. One particular, the idea is sometimes hard to get around; when you are coming up northbound on the subject of Mayfair Road, an individual have to make the left turn at Heart Street and then help to make another remaining turn into the lot. Is actually, throughout drive times, it has the hard to make that still left turn into the lot, due to inconsiderate folks at the rear of the wheel, browsing brand eastbound on Center road to get through typically the intersection on Mayfair Route; otherwise, I guess you can take the opportunity and even make a U-turn after which enter from Mayfair Highway. Another gripe I have around this location is that there is just one single TELLER MACHINES and it can be a driveup office, outside. It really is not under an hang over or perhaps canopy, so you experience the weather. Nope, generally there is certainly not one TELLER MACHINES inside this kind of bank.
This is definitely a large lobby model bank with comfy seat in the center. Tuesdays visit there was zero line on lunch moment. 2 tellers taking care of push through and table. workers was pleasant plus was able to help me check balance from my personal previous bank Wachovia. Since Water wells Fargo acquired Wachovia after the government-forced selling to be able to avoid a failure connected with Wachovia. The accounts had been merged just last thirty day period. so I have an abundance of new places to find assistance from the banks. I'm getting used to altering since Financial institution Florida seemed to be sold to Initial partnership and first unification had been sold to Wachovia. We still need to get back and find out what just about all the new services not to mention fees will be. I actually hope this is a change to get the better.
I know regarding finance institutions and everything. Nevertheless the individuals that work with regard to them are just the rest of us trying to earn a living like everybody else. Thus with that being explained the tellers are very curteous and pleasant, likewise very efficient into their jobs.
That is super annoying to help always have to withstand some sort of sales pitch regarding some product once We need to go for you to the teller to help deposit a check or receive some other service. I actually prefer to do business with a good small local traditional bank or perhaps credit union that will bring their money in the community. The consolidation of typically the banking industry is terrible news for America.
Wells Fargo Bank in 53233
Wells Fargo Bank, 735 W Wisconsin Ave Milwaukee 53233
Staff members seemed genuinely happy, hola from anyone. I arrived to pay in since the portable software package limits deposits. Often the extended line of 6 changed fast all brokers ended up moving customers very instantly in fact happy from the particular end of the day. 4: thirty. They opened later with Fri 5: thirty? The particular complexes lobby is definitely roomy although I don't get precisely why the ceiling fans had been so dirty and consequently high it makes not any efficiency in which level. They should have drop down water lines if they want the fans to be useful.
Always be advised, Water wells Fargo's credit card client assistance is definitely shipped to Philippines.. would seem unsafe to be writing this sort of secure information offshore...
Brief service they had loads of clerks operating when I was inline was not in there for whole lot more then a couple of minutes on Feb 5th. All even though they possessed some sort of line.
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I haven't been debating for three years for nothing so here we fucking GO.
Dear whomever it may concern,
In June 2015 – four years ago – Taylor Swift wrote an open letter to Apple Music explaining why she would not have her music be available for streaming on the platform; to give you a quick reminder and sum-up, she refused to have her music be streamed because the platform did not compensate artists for the three month free trial their users were getting.
To quote Taylor: „This is not about me. (...) This is about the new artist or band that has just released their first single and will not be paid for its success. This is about the young songwriter who just got his or her first cut and thought that the royalties from that would get them out of debt. This is about the producer who works tirelessly to innovate and create, just like the innovators and creators at Apple are pioneering in their field… but will not get paid for a quarter of a year’s worth of plays on his or her songs.“
Apple Music changed their policy, and stated that they would be paying artists their earned due during the three months of the free trial, and on that day, Taylor Swift herself changed the game for many – if not all – artists in the industry; especially those she sought out to protect, the new talent. In fact, many artists speaking up about the current situation – some of them against Taylor, to which I'll get to in a moment – probably got quite a few cheques from their Apple Music streams that definitely helped them become financially stable. Most of all, though, this action did not remain on one streaming platform. As it is in physics, every action has a reaction, and here Taylor's actions echoed throughout the industry and insured the payment of every artist throughout the streaming platforms that are largely the way people listen to music today.
Taylor Swift did not fight for herself. By the time she released 1989, she was already an established enough artists to earn more than enough money for herself, her crew, and everyone attached to her in a more than decent manner simply by playing her live shows. As quoted above, she fought for YOU. YOU, reading this. YOU, an artist she might not even know but whose work she already valued enough to put her name and reputation on the line. YOU, who might now open your mailbox and receive a cheque of royalties from a streaming service and not even know that it might be a fraction more than it would've been four years ago before Taylor asked for adequate payment for all artists. SHE FOUGHT FOR YOU. SHE FOUGHT FOR YOUR INTEGRITY. Taylor Swift has been a punching bag of the industry for years, and yet she put a then controversial topic upon her shoulders – in actuality one of many Taylor has spoken up her, be it LGBT+ issues, sexual assault, and her recent open involvement with politics – and did it all because she through it only seeked to help the fight for OTHERS.
I pose this question beacause, once again, Taylor is placed to speak within an issue that currently to many seems small and insignificant, seems like it might be an overreaction or not that important, but will through time, echo throughout the industry in a way that will change it from the ground up.
I firmly believe what I say now; One day, you will find yourself owning your own masters without a catch. And in some way it will – much like the numbers on the cheques from the streaming companies – be thanks to Taylor Swift, and what she is doing NOW.
Taylor Swift left Big Machine Records – a label she had been signed to since she was fifteen, the label that had discovered her and under which she had released six albums, starting with her self-titled Taylor Swift and ending with reputation – last year, and through that action, through her choosing what was best for her future career, she was forced to leave her masters behind. Now, the company – and the masters – have been sold to Scooter Braun, and Taylor – whose fight for the masters I will touch upon soon – is farther from them now than she ever was.
Before I go further, I want to ask you one question. One question that sums up this entire debate that has been brought up since the news broke. One question which, when answered, should tell you whose „side“ you should be on. One question.
Is your answer no? Well then, I won't claim to understand it, but I certainly won't stop you to continue your career without truly owning a single piece of what you've achieved. If that is where you find comfort, if that is where you are content and happy, then side with Scooter Braun.
But, I believe, in your heart, that the answer is YES. And this is where I will tell you that it is important to stand with Taylor, as it will ultimately lead to a change in your opportunities as well.
To put this into perspective quickly before I move on: Imagine you are an artist. Imagine you have a lead writing and producing credit on every single one of your songs. Imagine that, at nineteen, you wrote an entire album all by yourself. And imagine now, that you DO NOT OWN ANY OF THAT. This is the situation with Taylor Swift. After a career that's slowly reaching two decades, Taylor Swift will only truly own her upcoming album Lover, out August 23rd. She does not own the masters to any of her SIX previous ones.
Taylor has publicly said that she has fought to own her masters for years, and was continuously denied, and she has also only found out about the sale of Big Machine Records along with the world. Imagine that, imagine your life's work being entirely in the hands that are not yours, and then – without your knowladge or consent – being sold to someone else. Someone who, throughout your career, has brought you only pain. And now they hold six pieces of your heart. Now they own your fifteen years.
Scott Burchetta, the previous owner of Big Machine Records, has released a statement along with the final offer he supposedly gave Taylor for her to aquire her masters, one she has denied. And he presented that offer as if to say Taylor has no one to blame but herself for not now owning her masters, had she accepted the offer. But, he doesn't point out one thing: where Taylor offered to stay in the company for an additional seven years to in return get full ownership of her masters, Scott Burchetta wanted ten. In fact, for every album master of hers Taylor wanted to own, Scott Burchetta asked for an additional album. Even for Taylor, an artist who for the longest time had an album out on average every two years, it would far exceed the ten year timeframe. Taylor Swift took the way out, even if it meant leaving the rights to her life's work behind, because she knew it was the right thing to do. Otherwise, she would have stayed. And the management would've still changed. And she would've been left caged for the remainder of her career.
The issue at hand here, though, is that not at one point was Taylor ever again reached out to with the option to buy her masters. Not once was she brought into the conversation of what was going to happen with her fifteen year legacy. And not once was she given the opportunity to buy that legacy back. Because ultimately, this was never about money. It was about POWER. It was about two men gaining the power over a female artist's fifteen years of work, the female artist whose sole discography brings the company 35% of its entire earnings, the female artist who now probably won't get updated certifications on any of her older songs, and who through that will never be able to officially reach her deserved status of an artist legend.
The line „if a man talks shit then I owe him nothing, and if he spends my change then he had it coming“ is now owned by a man who has complete power over Taylor's masters, a man who gets money off every one of your streams or previous album purchases. A man who has done nothing but abused and bullied Taylor throughout her career.
This isn't the first situation of an artist trying to get control over their masters. Recently, artist JoJo re-recorded and re-released an album she did not hold the masters to, rendering the masters useless, and that is one solution that Taylor could try. But the point is, she shouldn't HAVE to. None of the artists should have to. JoJo herself should not have had to.
I will bring back that question now. The main question. DO YOU BELIEVE ARTISTS SHOULD OWN THEIR OWN WORK? FULLY AND COMPLETELY, DO YOU BELIEVE THAT? Because THAT is what this conversation is about. Ultimately, it is not about who is mean or who is nice, not about who has what reputation, or who gets the bigger name to stand behind them, it is not about who needs to give a half-assed apology or anything of that sort. It is about arists integrity. It is about Taylor Swift, and YOU, and any other artist, being afforded the opportunity to own their own work.
I believe they should. I believe something should be done to protect artists. I believe there should be a clause that all artists get their own masters once they leave once their contract is settled. If not that, then I believe all those artists should be given the opportunity to buy them back; especially once the management of the company is changing.
If you believe so too, if you believe in YOUR integrity the way Taylor Swift always has, if you believe in HER ARTIST INTEGRITY as well, then stand by her and speak up. Be the reaction to her action. Be part of the echo throughout the industry. Fight for her right because you are most certainly fighting for yours.
@taylorswift, I stand with you. Everyone else should too.
With love,
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webtomo-blog · 4 years
Benefits of Professional Quality Website Design
Are you having a business? Planning to design an internet site for it? Sure, you've got taken the right determination. A business is incomplete with out the website. In right this moment's world designing a website has grow to be simpler. It appears that evidently designing a website is sort of simple, however it's not the very fact really. The designers who're working need to know various abilities and expertise to excel within the area of web site designing and development.
With the widespread use of WordPress, things have grow to be simpler and in the grip of every different individual. Now anybody can create an internet site. There are several instruments that help to take action. To make the website environment friendly one needs to know the appropriate abilities to design a web site. In that case, you may rent an internet site design company as a result of your inadequate ideas would not help in making a website. However, as I instructed earlier, everyone can not design the web site. With just the use of WordPress, it is not attainable to have a pretty web site for your business.
Most of the people are of the view that when a company web design firm takes the work they should necessarily provide work. They are additionally entitled to maintain the purchasers informed every minute and every second. The place that's apparent that the shoppers are spending their hard earned cash, it is also true that the designers want time to create something fascinating. Yes, you'll be able to rent the devoted website designers, but they are not at all times obliged that will help you.
Another unsuitable notion is that mobile and responsiveness is the same. The very fact is sort of reverse. Responsiveness is the ability of the web site to be operated from any system Social Network and any platform whereas apps are specifically made for the tablets and cell gadgets. Thus, it's clear that app designing and responsive web site designing is just not the same.
Many individuals think about that a web site should not have any additional area. However in the event you go by the right means then it is better to have some area not noted on the web site.
There are so many website design firms dotted around the globe, it appears every man and his canine is establishing such an organization, actually anybody with a laptop computer seems capable of provide this service, and the costs for such a service are dropping like flies, you possibly can choose up an internet site for a couple of hundred pounds etc.
So what makes one web site design firm completely different from another? What are the distinctive selling points that it's important to be looking out for to make you choose one firm over any other.
This question really depends upon the kind of enterprise that you're in, eg. in case you are a flowery hotel with various restuarants, you'll need a website a little bit extra upmarket than say an area tradesman resembling a plumber or an electrician; that is clearly going to replicate within the value that's charged.
If you will want common updates to your web site this may also be mirrored in the price you pay either monthly or at first.
One of the neglected objects when looking for an internet site designer is whether or not or not any search engine optomisation (WEB OPTIMIZATION) is included, without this your website will Seo Tokyo never get seen by individuals/customers looking for the key phrases relating to your web site/enterprise, that is probably crucial factor when deciding who to get to design your web site.
Designing websites at the moment is relatively easy compared to 5 or 10 years in the past, you might have content managed web sites corresponding to WordPress these will be built by anyone with an intermediate data of computers, you should not have to have any website design or html knowledge. Hence the reason why there are so many web site design corporations bobbing up, what these companies do not or cannot do is the most important factor to do with an internet site and that is SEO, the problem is that it takes a really long time to do it proper.
If you're searching for an internet site design company in your native area merely type in to Google "web site design" + your locality, for instance web site design in Lincoln, this may bring you up a listing of website designers in Lincoln exhibiting with a map in the high proper hand nook and little pink flags displaying the place the businesses are positioned, you should be choosing one in every of these businesses as there SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION expertise have been shown by them being on the primary web page of Google.
Now you must resolve what you want to pay for being on the primary page of Google, I can just about guarantee that 98% of website designers will only want to build you an internet site first then cost you a charge for doing Wikipedia Here WEB OPTIMIZATION work, what you want is the two% of website design companies that do the whole lot as a package and that permit you to pay for it monthly and with out signing any sort of contract, let me explain.
In case you are new to the world of web site design, you are probably unsure as to whether it will give you the results you want or not, it appears a little bit unfair to ask you to pay ?300 - ?four hundred for a basic website not figuring out if it's going to make you any money or no less than get your telephone ringing with enquiries.
The 2% of web site design corporations that do what you need will do the next, they are going to pay on your area title, they are going to build you a website, they'll host the web site and they're going to get the website placed on the first web page of Google (generally within the top three spots) all FREE of charge, they'll then enable you a time frame to judge the amount of latest enterprise you've gotten acquired on this time (normally 1 month from the time you get in to the top three spots).
Solely then will they cost you on your web site and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, this is anyplace from ?50 monthly to ?2,000 per month relying on the type of enterprise you might be in, what it's important to bear in mind is that you've got already seen the amount of revenue you could have comprised of your FREE month at the high Webtomo of Google, its simply now a matter of haggling so that you can stay there, if you think about it, it won't really value you anything in actuality as you are paying to your subsequent months web site at the high of Google from your previous months profit, profit you would not have had had you not been at the high of Google.
There are numerous website design corporations and each claims to supply the best solutions in comparison to all the other companies. For a business taking a look at all the totally different suppliers it will probably become rapidly confusing and when confronted with a deadline and a growing need for a greater online presence, making a selection is tough and significant.
So as to make your best option to your current scenario it's essential to evaluate each design agency you're looking at and make an knowledgeable choice primarily based in your analysis and not the firm's sales pitch. There are several key factors you have to decide before you contact a single designer. Following are 5 of an important traits that should influence your resolution before finalizing a specific firm.
Website design and search engine marketing are so closely related that the shortage of planning for website positioning throughout the design and structure of your web site might be a handicap in how engines like google work together together with your website throughout indexing and ranking. In case your designer understands web optimization and plans for on-line marketing during the design part your site will see massive returns in your investment in approach of traffic and buyer conversions.
The whole lot in your website from the content material, structure, page titles to even the website name itself is all a part of search engine marketing and factored by the various search engines. Ask https://webtomo.com/ any potential design firm about related links, key phrase research, meta tags and on-website optimization. If you don't obtain educated answers your web site will endure for his or her incapability.
Having a novel design is very important in distinguishing your self from your rivals. If a company uses readily available templates on your web site then you may be unpleasantly shocked to see your precise layout and design on quite a few other sites. Have a look at the firm's portfolio of past initiatives and see if they provide a variety of various design options or if they appear very much the same with the largest distinction being the color palette. The design agency you choose have to be skilled sufficient to offer you new ideas and ideas that will further promote what you are promoting and assist it stand aside in your industry.
Regardless that a novel and enticing website is a necessity, your web site also has to perform the objectives for which it was built. An exquisite web site and not using a clear name to action telling the visitor what to do Our Blog is useless as a advertising device. A professional firm will be capable to incorporate unique design and functionality to advertise your focused products or services, seize new visitors and switch guests into customers.
If a design agency does not start their initial research with the proper information about your organization targets, then the website they produce will fall wanting these goals also. You'll be able to study quite a bit a couple of design firm by the preliminary questions requested throughout your consultation. These questions level specifically on the space the design firm is most involved in and if your company wants and goals will not be on the forefront of these questions, then they don't seem to be an important driving pressure to the design firm.
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