#does that sentence even make sense
mossytrashcan · 1 month
is it considered “new” art if I just repost the gideon update that no one liked the first time
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georgespaniel · 1 year
i am the 112th on the global leaderboard for top listeners in past 4 weeks of the 1975 on stats.fm is that embarrassing or dedicated
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sakorb · 2 years
which one of the four games I play on a rotation will consume me next
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rossary-of-the-rose · 6 months
I vote we call a group of introverts an ‘anxiety.’ It’s not fair that owls get parliament and zebras get dazzle. I mean, just imagine it:
*David Attenborough voice*: There goes a rare anxiety of introverts, who are currently performing their daily ritual of trying not to catch each other’s eyes. Studies show that the only reason they hang out in a group at all is to seem cooler and more popular than they actually are, while also not having to make the effort to engage in any actual conversation.
I am open to any other suggestions, of course. I was thinking an exhaustion of extroverts, and perhaps a catastrophe of Karens?
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inkskinned · 1 year
i love my therapist but i hate being in therapy. 10 minutes before my appointment, i'm in a meeting with my boss - we discuss my artistic choices; my boss recommends i artistically choose less. 10 minutes after therapy, i wash my hair and think about everything that was said, and then i have to switch it off, like a lamp, and go back to work again.
i was on a walk the other day and someone had the perfect combination of his cologne and whatever-else. it was almost exactly his scent. i fucking hate that. after all these years, i remember that? i tell my therapist - i feel like a fucking wolf. try telling a middle-aged blonde lady. oh i scented him on the air. i'm 30, and i'm having a panic attack over something that would be a plotline in the omegaverse.
what they don't tell you about mental illness is that if you are lucky enough to survive it into adulthood; it becomes a weird slice of your life. because you do, eventually, have to build a life. i realized in a panic somewhere around 22 - oh. i don't know what i'm fucking doing, because i always assumed i'd just go ahead and die. i didn't die, and i'm grateful for that, and i'm very happy about that choice. but it does mean that i am an adult in an apartment, living with my conditions side-by-side like. oh, that's my roommate, adhd. ignore the glass, bytheway, that's ocd.
so you pick your stupid life up by the scruff of the neck and you're, like glad for it (so much laughter and light and friends you would have never thought possible, when you were in the worst of it). but it feels so strange to be dancing around these odd little microcosms, these patchwork moments of your symptoms. if you have a panic attack at night, you still need to wake up and walk the dog in the morning. if your depression is making everything boring, well, you don't have any sick days left, and a job's not really supposed to be that exciting anyway. your ocd tears out each individual leg hair, and then, an hour later, you sigh, patch up the bloody bits, and go get dinner with friends. and the life is kitten-quiet, mewling and pathetic, but it's also like - it's yours, so you're fond of it.
and it's like - you're real. so you still enjoy pushing the shopping cart really fast and then riding on the back of it down an empty aisle. and you're not, like, so sick anymore that when you accidentally drop a mug you burst into tears (except for the days you do that. which are bad). and no, you're not allowed around certain items anymore. oops! but you've learned to be good about brushing your teeth most days of the week. and yeah sometimes in the middle of the day you have a little freak-out about how fucking unfair it all is, how fucking hard, how other people can just do this without having to fucking hurt the whole time. and then you sigh and force yourself to sit down and fucking journal about it so you can tell the nice middle-aged blonde woman yeah i had a hard day but i practiced grounding. you still sometimes want to burst out of your own skin, but you force yourself to eat kind-of healthy and to take your vitamins. you let yourself chop off all your hair in the sink in a dramatic poetry of control and relief - and you also have developed good hobbies that help you move your body more frequently. you feel helplessly behind, lost in the shuffle - but you also practice gratitude, taking stock of what you have garnered. because you're trying. even if you're never gonna be normal, you have something... close enough.
and the little kitten of your life, this mangy, starlit tigercub, this thing you expected to rot so young: in your arms, it turns itself over, belly-up. exposing this new soft part, all the organs and guts. like it's saying i trust you now. you won't give me up.
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ghostlyjax · 2 years
Do y’all ever experience full body shivers at random times? Because I do like all the time, and every time I do, people give me the weirdest fucking looks. Which I mean I get it I guess because not everyone does this, so whenever they see me doing it, they probably get freaked out or something like that, but I just wish that they wouldn’t acknowledge it because I’m fine it’s just a random little thing that I do. 
Even my friends who have seen me doing this plenty of times before still look at me like I’m some kind of weirdo whenever I do it and I’m like “bro we’ve been over this before you know I do this sometimes why do you gotta keep looking at me like that?”
So yeah, I do this a lot and I just wish that whenever someone sees me doing it, they would just mind their own business respectfully. Thank you.
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canneddolts · 10 months
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justfriendsbestthings · 6 months
If I were Linda and my 16 year old son was sitting at home, with red rimmed eyes, both his friends there, when I was meant to pick him up from school to go to the police station to report a crime done to him, refusing to go now and saying ‘if everyone’s just going to protect themselves and their families, then I’m going to do the same’ I would have so many questions. Soooo many questions. Come on Linda, I know you don’t like confrontation but come on!!
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dreamlandcreations · 6 months
Imagine getting into an arranged marriage with Shanks...
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Imagine getting into an arranged marriage with Shanks. Your business rival. Your nemesis...
Just so you could secure your claim on the inheritance of the company from the woman that practically adopted you but whose yellow-eyed devil of a son is suddenly hell bent on keeping it for himself.
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tchouamenii · 6 months
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the first player in real madrid history to score in his first 4 champions league matches for the club
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olasketches · 3 months
ok so the twin theory regarding yuuji and sukuna doesn't make sense to me in a literal sense but there are some aspects of it that... just make too much sense. the theory might turn out to be true in a way. they can still be twins or like twins... just not blood related ones. well maybe yuuji is a part of sukuna's bloodline considering how similar wasuke looks like to og sukuna or why yuuji has pink hair so in that case they would be blood related.. just not blood related twins. I think it might have more to do with their souls and how they've come to coexist together when they were sharing the same body.
yuuji and sukuna being twins no because they're blood related siblings but because of their souls would be such a interesting twist considering the connection between the soul and the body in jjk world. maybe kejaku feed gave yuuji a part of sukuna's soul or created him using a part of sukuna's soul. mahito stated that 'the soul should always exist before the body' and 'the shape of the body will always be depended on the shape of the soul' by that logic it would mean that the body is like a container in which the soul resides and once the body dies the soul can no longer live in it. Im not gonna dive into that rabbit hole and speculate the physics behind it but the baseline is that there is a deep connection between body and soul. they're intertwined in some very unique way and we already know that there must be a connection between yuuji and sukuna's souls as they were able to coexist in one body. you could even say that in a way they were like conjoined twins, sharing and inhabiting the same flesh... ALSO there’s this very subtle imagery of yuuji and sukuna's souls being conjoined together so y'know...
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I think what I'm trying to say is that yuuji and sukuna might not be (blood-related) twins but maybe their souls are.
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wmnylander · 5 months
having two blogs is so embarrassing like it’s only a matter of time before i post something like “look at him taking it to the rim” accidentally on this blog & you all unfollow and block me
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I can't get over every little thing spencer reid does. like his little mannerisms are EVERYTHING TO ME. The way he talks with his hands, how he presses his middle finger to his thumb and rubs them together sometimes or moves it as if he's writing when talking, the way he scrunches his face up sometimes, the way he wrings his hands at all really like just playing with the fingers of his other hand or sometimes I've seen him just press his knuckles together and rub them together, the thin lipped pressed together smile he does as he awkwardly waves to new people he's being introduced to, when his hair is a long enough length and he tucks it behind his ears all the time. I think he does both sides sometimes and and and UGHHHHH I LOVE HIM
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zukkaoru · 6 months
been thinking abt dazai using mirror pronouns recently. they don't really see themself as nonbinary or trans, but they also don't exactly feel cis, and making the identity of the people around them dictate how they're referred to is a way for them to remedy that. it's fun for them. and dazai isn't the one who has to worry about which pronouns to use to refer to herself anyway; that's everyone else's problem. and there's something about the reflective aspect of it, too. dazai doesn't feel particularly human, but maybe if everyone around her is reflecting themselves onto her, she can at least pretend. she can at least be seen as something human-like. dazai sees themself as a reflection of humanity itself; not the real thing, but a rather convincing imitation. they look the part, even if they don't feel it. even if they don't believe they'll ever feel human. if everyone around her reflects their own humanity onto her, she feels a little less like a fake. she feels like she's taking some of their humanity for herself, cloaking herself in snippets of everyone else, but only stealing the bits and pieces she knows they won't miss. dazai becomes human by reflecting those around them, by taking in their love and their kindness and their passion and their humanity and imitating it until it becomes part of who she is. until she can be human too. am i making any sense. do you understand. does this mean anything
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feyyyd · 3 months
i finished reading the book and, no offence, i truly do not understand what people hated to much about zendaya's chani compared to book chani. i'm sorry but the entire time she was giving go girl give us nothing. it was like...paul had some visions > they met and get to know each other for like three 3 seconds > she kisses his cheek > [time skip] > they now have a son but we do not get any info beyond a name > she miracously knows whats wrong with him and revives him from the water of life > their son is killed andthe only thing she thinks of is how this might negatively impact paul > she's super understanding and fine with the fact that paul is gonna marry another woman
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If your OC was a god (assuming they aren't), what would they be the god of?
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