#does this count as a rant?
duin-i-guess · 15 days
You know, something i need to embrace is that Jeffory has a bit of sass and slight condescending-ness, this is best seen in his first appearance in pdh when interacting with Aaron,
often i just like to see Jeffory as the really nice gentlemanly type, and while I could write off this one interaction with Aaron as just an out-of-character thing, he's kinda similar in his first appearance in mcd as well,
so i'm just going to work with it, the one short fanfic I made, i did give him a little bit of sass, just a drop though so i still need to work on it a little.
but overall i'm not opposed to it, I already really like Jeffory and this just adds a little more flavor I suppose.
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ninjago-x-lmk · 2 years
I’ve seen from people that Kai’s story in Quest for the Lost Powers doesn’t make sense, since Kai should’ve already known his morals by now, but I beg to differ.
Now I’ve only had Tannerfishes to do the summery, but the moral lesson for Kai still stands. And though I do not know all the details. Kai trying to do things on his own and not being seen as helpless is probably in character for him.
Though Kai is with the ninja and the ninja have this ‘We’re a team’ going on, people would assume Kai would learn how to ask for help every once in a while right?
Because he hasn’t done that in the instance of an actual threat.
When an actual threat comes in, yes, he does know teamwork but then again, Kai has always managed on his own, he’s basically the lone wolf in the group.
We’ve never actually seen Kai ask for help when it comes to problems he needs and he gets angry when he gets saved because that’s something that he’s not used to
We have to see ourselves in Kai’s perspective and why he’s the way he is.
We don’t know how old Kai and Nya were, Nya could have possibly been 3 years old. But from a young age, Kai had to raise Nya all on his own. Sure there could have been friends of their parents around to help them or some people to help support their children, but most of the time, it was probably Kai that had to play parent.
The fact that Nya has told Maya that she could do well without her, (basically they were already absent for most their lives that they can now independently live with their parents) it strictly implies that both of them had to depend on each other to live and grow.
Plus add the face that Kai is the most protective of his sister until he knows she can walk on her own two feet, gives the feeling of a parent instead of an older brother, because Kai had to take responsibility ALL ON HIS OWN.
EVEN WHEN HE STARTED TO BECOME A NINJA, his main priority was Nya, unlike the others, Cole became a ninja because he was mourning his mother, Zane became a ninja because Wu and him met twice and Zane felt lost in his place. Jay wanted to ‘invent’ something new. But Kai, Kai’s main motivation for becoming a ninja was ‘I wanted to save a person I love’ and even then in the PILOTS Kai was trying to do things his way.
‘But that’s just the pilots!’ This is only the first instance.
Kai is shown to be a lone wolf, even after the pilots.
Many point out that Kai’s lesson in Quest of the Lost Powers seem to mirror him saving Lloyd in Season 1, but even then in Season 1, Kai was the one saving Lloyd, doing it on his own, and his own way.
Even the way he does it is different from the Ninja. Sure, I’ve seen someone say that the True Potential is caused by Adrenaline, and I do believe that.
However, out of all the ninja, Kai’s the only one who actively makes a shield around him and Lloyd to protect them. Zane creates bursts of ice, Jay stops the rollercoaster with electricity and Cole uses raw strength to lift up the lights. Kai actually makes a ball of fire around them to try and get him away from the active volcano.
This isn’t the only time, when Kai takes responsibility, he tends to do it on his own terms, like, in Season 5.
When Kai promises he’d protect Lloyd and save him, he damn well did just that. He tries! Really does! And he does it by himself, the other ninja basically either can’t or get lost on the way, Kai does it on his own accord.
He jumps off the boat to save Lloyd
He chases after Morro to try and save Lloyd
Makes himself the leader because he has to take responsibility.
Tries to handle things with Morro and Ronin.
Dives into the water despite being scared of it when Lloyd is going to fall off a cliff
When his main motivation is protecting someone, he does it, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO HIM.
The other instance is Season 7
Kai suspects something’s up and it’s related to him and Nya’s parents, and Kai, takes it upon himself to try and solve the mystery. He does it by himself! He doesn’t tell Nya at all unless he’s totally sure. And when he’s deceived he makes it his responsibility to stop his parents for ‘betraying’ Master Wu.
Kai has always proved his worth by being selfish at times, by trying to place himself in the line of battle, sometimes even being a literal Shield for the ones he cares about.
And when he fails, he takes it HARD, which is why he’s scared of sacrifice, because every time someone sacrifices something (Zane and Nya are the only literal examples) THEY GET HURT OR DIE.
It’s also the same with death.
When Zane dies, Lloyd remarks ‘I get it Kai, you’ve run out of bad guys to beat up’
This could imply Kai’s been playing vigilante after rebooted.
Look, I know Lloyd still remains a ninja, but I highly doubt he can handle the city on his own. Plus this is early in the Season, crime rates should have gone high by that time. Including with Zane’s death, rumors would have spread that the ninja have ‘retired’ that there’s ‘no one to protect ninjago’ and with the less use of technology, police and government officials would have no access to high-tech weaponry that could possibly compete with growing crime rates. It could have opened the window for Kai to play vigilante, not only that but it also could have created a rumor that the ‘Flaming Shogun’ (actually shogun kinda fits him at this point) was protecting the streets thus succumbing him to arena fights to direct his anger.
With Nya’s ‘death’ Kai redirected his anger differently by saying ‘if I couldn’t even protect her, I can at least help protect others’ and in a way, yes, he does, but in a more violent manner than expected and that which he was taught.
Third, this also ties back to Kai’s view on his powers.
Why he places his worth on them despite losing it time and time again. Well it’s simple, he thinks he’s not strong enough.
If Kai is willing to sacrifice himself for others, you betcha he has problems dealing with strength and powers. Compared to the other ninja, Kai’s actually one of the weakest. Something I think he hides with his ego.
Lloyd uses his physical skills and powers at the same time, balancing the two and creating a fighting style fit for the Green Ninja, symbolizing balance, the very essence of Ninjago. With the added bonus of being half Oni, half dragon. Both sides of Light and Dark.
Nya’s shown to be just as strong as Lloyd, as I’ve said before, her power activates differently from the Ninjas. VERY differently, similar to Morro, Nya uses her surroundings to create water and with her added abilities, Nya can talk to Sea Animals, and when she was in her Neo form, she could turn herself and control the entire OCEAN to her will, plus that scrapped concept of her creating a WHIRLPOOL.
Zane is shown to be the most dangerous, Forbidden Spinjitsu showing us what could happen if Zane was too powerful. If Zane can turn a whole realm into a Winter Wonderland, then he should be just as strong as he is.
I know how ironic it sounds, but yes, Jay is stronger than Kai. Jay’s powers have more variety on what it could do. Time and time again, Jay uses actual Lightning to power himself up, CAN REDIRECT LIGHTNING, and USE HIMSELF AS A FREAKING BATTERY. That’s some crazy shit someone can do, especially for Jay.
Kai? His powers are not only limited but his strategy and strength. Though he is quick, he tends to be DIRECT, in combat, opting for offense instead of defense. Even with his powers, we only see the Fire knock someone back, compared to Aspheera who used them for actual destruction.
Kai is not physically strong, Cole is, nor is he strategic, Zane is, Kai is not balanced, Lloyd is, Kai’s powers don’t have variety, Jay’s does, Kai isn’t well adept in Physical combat, Nya is.
Making him the weakest Ninja of the bunch. Which is why he makes up something on his own. He’s the ninja with the powers, he identifies himself with his powers, because it’s literally the only thing he can cling onto. And that makes him an interesting character to me.
He’s not like his fellow ninja, be he tries to be, and he wants to be stronger, he wants to protect them, because it’s his only purpose, without that then what is he? Which is why Quest for the Lost Powers is exactly the best way to teach Kai.
Because Kai defines his worth on protecting others, being responsible for others, BEING THEIR SHIELD, BEING NEEDED BY OTHERS. And this chapter gives him the push that, no, that’s not going to be your entire purpose at all and that you need to rely on others, more than just yourself.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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holycrimin · 2 years
My headcanon for why Jay's voice sounds more and more like a chipmunk the more the series progressed/progresses, is because of all of his screaming.
Come on, you can't tell me that wouldn't have done IRREPARABLE damage to your vocal cords. My guy has screamed bloody murder atleast ONCE in every episode hes in (except for a select few instances)
I'm surprised he's not mute by this point omg
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nagalias-mindscape · 1 year
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I'm sorry, but Hogwarts Legacy has me in stitches sometimes. Mostly in a good way, but this one just... baffles me in a not-so-fun way.
Like, kid. That lock... is useless. You have arms, just lift the lock off the nail and you're good to go. I shouldn't need a spell to just lift that lock off the hook, it can't weigh that much can it?. It's literally just sitting there, and Archie. Kid. I once again mention: You have arms.
But also. Look at this-
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I unlock the gate, and it just falls once it's 'unlocked'. It wasn't being help up by anything. Archie, sweetie, you could have just pushed the cage gate open. Sure, you would have still had to go against all the Ashwinders, but that doesn't change the fact that you were yelling for help before and after the fighting ended in the other room.
(Also, I love the pose here, but Archie. You aren't all that. Don't you go looking at the cage like 'Well, how did this happen?'. You know full well what happened.)
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twilitkingzant · 2 years
Feeling childish tonight...
I don't want to go to my classes this week. AGGHHHH! I want to rest and I want to catch up with my personal drawings! Gotta do this- GOTTA DO THAT-
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fireflychaosdemon · 17 days
my dad was freaking out earlier
because he had to do some prom ish thing for his work
and he was upset because he didn’t take my mom to prom or let her go to it when they were teenagers
and he was upset that he was a shit boyfriend or something
which yeah he kinda was
but also that was a quarter of a century ago, tf you gonna do now
being sad about it will do fuck all
but hence why I will be going to my eventual prom regardless of if I have a date
I’m still planning to ask my crush if I am unable to ask him out before that
but if he says no I’m going anyway
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jan-pi-suli-ala · 2 months
if your brain is being filled with serotonin and dopamine causing a variety of effects such as being happier and more hopeful repeatedly hit one palm against the other to signal to the people around you that you are in fact having more serotonin and dopamine in your brain!
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untossedchoclit · 7 months
I should have stayed home today
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rubys-domain · 1 year
ppl are always going on about how resin efficient the shim/emblem domain is. but i don't need shim at all — i already have too many good glad pieces, and i don't have anyone who needs the 4pc on my main account. for early game, yeah, it's more efficient; presumably the player doesn't have just tons of glad pieces laying around, and is in the process of building everyone. 2pc2pc atk or atk/er is a pretty good temporary build for most characters. for my account though, that domain is just as resin efficient as the tenacity/pale flame domain, if not less than since i actually want pale flame pieces. imo the only truly resin efficient domain is the deepwood/gilded domain. which i say with gritted teeth cuz that domain and i hate each other with a burning passion. but yeah. if you're going for gilded, you likely also want deepwood, and vice versa. every other domain is situationally resin efficient at best. yes that includes the marechaussee/golden troupe domain.
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ratla · 1 year
I've kinda realized how little my family notices things when it's physical objects, like the fact that I put the art I made for pride month on my wall and no one has noticed. I have an advantage.
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zennialemo · 2 years
Kill me kill me kill me :)
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toasty-broski · 7 months
Sam did not study and try to be like his big brother since he was FOUR YEARS OLD just for some people on twitter to say that “no one in Deans life really knows him except for Cas”. EXCUSE ME. Did we not all watch the same show?? Sam is LITERALLY Deans entire world, no one compares to Sam in his eyes. To say that Sam doesn’t know Dean is saying that you actively don’t pay attention to anything in this show and that’s crazzyy. There’s 15 season of this shit. Sam knew that Dean wanted a fucking slinky without even vocalizing it to him. THAT is how much he knows him and pays attention to him.
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bluesidebun · 4 months
Every time I think about Shinichi's and Kaito's parents doing the bare minimum effort to protect their kids I get mad. Like they're both like "u should stop", their kids say "no", and they're like "okay, bye✈️✈️".
Like tf is this????? They kidnap him to make understand how dangerous his situation is but then they do nothing? And they just go away???
They leave their kid behind who is currently in the body of a 6-7 year old alone to deal with a criminal organization? They say they're going to step in if it gets too dangerous but he has almost died many times after that and they weren't there...
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Toichi challenges him pretending to be someone else to get Kaito to quit but then just leaves him alone and goes back to Las Vegas with Chikage?
Chikage doesn't sit to talk to him seriously about quitting just suggests him to quit and prepare for his career as a magician in Las Vegas, but that's it.
Your kid that it's being shot at at some of his heists? Who's putting his life at risk and is only 17 years old?
Like I know for the plot is made like this but it doesn't make it any less infuriating 🫠🫠
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got excited from chatting with some of the LM discord server so i decided to draw a Hylian Prince (Koridai) with my Hylian Prince (Zelden) Koridai teasing Prince Zelden about the usual things,
Koridai (left) belongs to Frulle of @linked-maze
Prince Zelden (right) belongs to Zaiah (me) of @zelda-a-new-age
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i realized very quickly that Prince Zelden's redesign took some inspiration from two of the Linked Maze characters. He already had a lot of his features before i put him in the twink machine. (hair, circlet, etc) but it's quite funny to notice the similarities!
later in the story i'll draw him with his other character inspiration from LM!!
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stat-16 · 6 months
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Want to do more rendering on this one
I need to see them having some hot steamy threesome where magmatron breeds his two babes in turns
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cable-salamder · 2 months
Alright, y’all already know. It’s time for a teaser breakdown.
Before I start, I will say that I will at times deviate from the chronological timeline of the actual teaser in order to accentuate or explain my point, or just because the images correlate to each other. Spoilers ahead, obviously. And just be aware that this is probably going to be a massive read (future cable who just finished writing: it is.).
(Also, here’s the link to my previous analysis post on the IMBD pictures because I cite it a lot, in case someone hasn’t seen that one yet)
So, let’s crack in, shall we?
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Right off the bat, what I noticed immediately: This is a different punch than we’ve seen in the other Lloyd vision where Beatrix punches him (right). The lighting and background are different. Maybe this could be an indication that Beatrix is close to coming back? Either way, that sure is a way to start a teaser (I will be addressing the other part of that vision later)
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Yay! Roby! By that selfie stick bit I am PRAYING that he *actually* has the personality that he does in that set promo video, because it now seems ever more like that. Also, hey! That’s one of the Explorer’s Club members! I’m assuming that he managed to find work in this Temple City after the Merge (good for him honestly tho he doesn’t look too thrilled)
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Okay, this. We’ve already had this image as per the IMDB thing and we already assumed that it was Roby welcoming the ninja into the temple city, and through that I am going to assume that that image comes right after this one:
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Which implies what I had already kind of guessed, and it’s that the ninja will have difficulty getting into the Temple City/ there will be some force trying to stop them. I actually first assumed this was the Imperium Hunters, but it seems like those are actually the Temple Guards.
Now, as per what I thought before and what I see here, I’m going to assume that this is a challenge already. In a sec I’ll talk about all the different kinds of challenges we see, because I think they’re quite interesting in of themselves, but because of that giant screen we see projecting the ninja (Lloyd and Nya) on Jiro behind Roby, this basically confirms to me that these Temple Guards aren’t there because they want to particularity stop the ninja from entering, but that they are just a sort of obstacle that any potential participant has to overcome in order to get into the city.
So, yay, the lizards aren’t being hurt just for the sake of it! How nice.
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Then we’ve got this and. Uhm. Well first off what the fuck
But now to actually be serious, other people have already been saying this, and it’s the idea that the person sitting down (in what looks like almost a throne? Idk) is Nokt, and he’s sort of… half and half between the two worlds, which could bring about all sorts of things.
Edit: I have been made aware that this, in fact, probably isn’t Nokt (neither his body nor soul)
So what do I think this is? I have no fucking clue. I could say that this was my idea about Jordana getting mildly possessed by another FF that may have gotten out (because the way she acted at the end of p1), and honestly that seems to be the most plausible answer right now. Either way, to me, it looks like the other FF are either praying/ casting, or perhaps having some sort of meeting together? No matter what, it looks ominous as fuck, and something Kai and Bonzle (who we see walk up behind Kai) should probably not be walking into for their own safety.
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*THIS* I find a very curious screenshot. Because yay Lloyd in his master robe HEWLL YEARH but also. He didn’t wear that before. In that IMBD picture we see him on the screen, and he is in fact wearing the green tournament suit.
I think what this implies is that THIS is actually for the The Feast episode, wherein I think they gave this sort of formal robe to Lloyd as a way to… I guess make him stand out as the leader of the group? Not to mention that they seem to be coming from a building and going into a new building and looking at something rather grand, which I can thus only assume is a big dining hall. I know people are saying that Arin looks too happy for it to be an episode farther in, but I honestly think it could be a facade. The fact that he’s holding open the door could imply that he feels the need to do something useful, at least.
However, the fact that Lloyd is wearing his robe also makes me think of another clip that we see:
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I am going to say that I’m directly assuming these two things happen within the same episode. I haven’t seen anyone talk about how Lloyd is wearing the same outfit, and I think that’s with the assumption that he’s wearing this for the entire tournament which, as said, I don’t think is true.
What everyone IS talking about tho is the cloaked figure. Which, yk, is a cloaked figure. Of course I want to know who it is, but I have attempted my best at cross referencing any of the villain’s suits, and none of them match (A further post about that here). Which brings me to…
Something that I find very curious is that we don’t see any of Ras’ crew, except for Cinder. He’s the only elemental master they’ve got, and we don’t know whether Jay is *actually* gonna be there at all now, considering we didn’t see him whatsoever. Could this cloaked figure be Jay? Sure. But the suit doesn’t match up, either. Which made me realize that we don’t see any of the other fighters at all, really, which is… interesting, to say the least. Perhaps they’re just waiting to reveal what kinds of others powers there will be present at the tournament.
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And since I was already talking about Cinder, let’s look at these screenshots, shall we?
What I get from the first one is that HORRAH Wyld vs Cinder rematch!! (Which means we can’t fully trust those fighting promo cards from a while ago because the fights don’t seem to completely match up). What else I get from it is that Shatterspin is allowed in the tournament, and by extension Rising Dragon! Which means that this is likely a tournament with rules similar to the Tournament of Elements, where the rules were basically that you could do whatever you wanted.
And for the second one. Good lord, I don’t even know. It just scares me, that’s all.
No, but, fr, what is happening. Why does he suddenly have Wyld’s power. Someone said this could be also like in the TOE, but instead of the loser’s element going to one person they go to the winner, which, yk, isn’t terrifying at all. You know what else isn’t terrifying at all? This bit:
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I have much thoughts about this image, but I’m just gonna say what my first thought was, and it’s that this is Wyld accidentally setting something on fire, and then not being able to control it. Maybe even IN the Cinder fight. Maybe this is someone else causing it and Wyld gets blamed.
Either way, what I think is going to happen here is exactly that: WF gets blamed, and she will have to show that she’s grown as a person and wouldn’t just set things on fire anymore without reason, that she can help. Whether that works, or whether other people even believe her, is yet to be seen, I suppose.
(On a lighter note, I fucking love the little face of the flame on her back. The second letter seems to be a F, and the first one perhaps an R? I’m not quite sure. Anyways, it’s adorable.)
And speaking of adorable things:
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GEO. HE’S HERE!!! He’s here and he’s cheering and I am going to selfishly believe that he’s cheering on Cole because GAH I need Geode to become real by the end of this season. God I hope no one at that Tournament is racist to Geo I would punch my screen
Ahem. Anyways. I guess what we can get from this is that those outfits seem to be spectator outfits rather than what the participants wear! And what we can get from that is that Geo will sadly probably not participate in the tournament. To be fair, it seems like only trained fighters will be attending, and despite Geo being able to kick ass, I don’t think he would be particularity good at it against people who have been training for who knows how long.
This also might imply he left the finder kids at the monastery in Mr. Frohicky’s care— which, yk, still leaves the question of how he gets to this tournament in the first place, as we do not see him in any of the screenshots where the ninja are still outside Temply City.
What I also realised from this is that we don’t see Euphrasia anywhere in this trailer. I’m still holding onto hope, so we’ll wait and see.
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Then we’ve got all the Sora centric bits (which there seem to a lot of, which kinda tells me that she’s gonna be a focus and YES this will cause issues for Arin no one can convince me otherwise)
Anyways, as I said before, these images demonstrate to me what kind of challenges there will actually be within this tournament: Not just fights, but also what looks like a parkour and a race! Oh what joys. The first one actually kind makes me think that this is a challenge about ingenuity (due to that pole Sora is holding), but I might be reaching with that.
I didn’t get a screenshot of that lil Cole we see in that third clip as well, but I think that means we can safely assume that they're driving that combo vehicle we already have a set of, for which Cole gets the white and orange wedding suit! (Why? I don’t know. In my heart I'm choosing to believe everyone gets a similar outfit to that one.)
And that fuckass little dragon? I've got no idea. It kinda reminds me of Vania's dragon, Chompy, but also of those little Source Dragons Lloyd saw floating around his head right before he had the Master Dragon vision. Idk, it confuses me, so I'm choosing to ignore it lmao
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And now the screenshots that I’ve been wanting to hold off on the longest… ho boy. Okay, there’s a lot here.
First off: This is before the tournament, and the next two images that I will be looking at are also before the tournament (the one with Lloyd falling), due to the fact that they are wearing their normal suits.
Second: The Matriarch. In the Kingdom of Madness area. As many people have already been guessing, this is likely where she thought to settle next after getting forced out of their previous home. But also, she looks… bigger? Idk maybe that’s just me. I also keep thinking that it’s the Energy, the Source Dragon that was imprisoned, or that it kinda looks like a bigger Zanth, but I’m probably wrong with that, as that doesn’t make much sense.
Either way, the kids seem to have to help her with something. And, to me, she almost seems… hurt? Like she didn’t call them there to chat or catch up with Riyu, but that she desperately needs help, perhaps something about her horde. Anyways, it concerns me deeply, especially with the next image in mind, which I cannot imagine being before that first one.
Other’s have been saying it and we all know it: that in the background looks like an Administration computer. The problem is that… it’s not the usual color (which was I think green? Berate me if I’m wrong)
So, what do I think happened here? I think the pictures directly correlate. I think what’s gonna be happening here is that the Matriarch wanted to move to this place within the Kingdom of Madness, the Administration was notified of the wrong kind of dragon activity, and is then trying to get them back out, most likely by capturing and deporting them, but maybe also something worse— who knows at this point. Somehow, the Matriarch got hurt, that’s for sure. Maybe she fought them, who knows. What I think will then happen is that either the kids attempt to find where they took the dragons, or they, too, will be captured and brought back.
What happens after this is entirely illusive to me. Of course they could be seeing Jay in that second screenshot, but somehow I doubt it (if this prediction comes true I’m gonna lose my fucking marbles). Either way they are seeing something that’s not normal, which has got to be something extreme, considering Arin has been in that place and has most likely told Sora about it. Maybe they just set off an alarm and that’s why it’s blaring red? Who knows. I sure don’t.
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And these screencaps are just as a mystery (as said, these are very likely pre-Tournament, as Lloyd is still in his climber suit)
But what I haven’t seen a lot of people say yet is that we do know who that dragon is, as it appears to be Heatwave (you can see his face in that split second, in the first screenshot). It looks to me as if Lloyd was either deliberately jumping to one place and Heatwave caught him as to prevent that (for whatever reason?), or Lloyd somehow ended up in this falling situation, and HW is saving him (for whatever reason???). Either explanation scares me.
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And last, but oh my god definitely not least, we have this clip of Motion. She is so gorgeous I don’t know what to say.
So I’ll just repeat what others have been saying, which is that this is likely in the first episode and the way that the ninja actually get their invitation.
Also I lied I do have smth to say: I feel like this could correlate to that one part at the beginning with Lloyd’s nightmare, where he also sees Motion. Perhaps Lloyd will be convinced that following this invitation will be a bad thing, since he saw it in relation to the other bad things (such as Beatrix punching him for a second time), but the others will convince him, for better or for worse.
Either way, this means that the invitation is personal. We can assume that this will not be some sort of trick by others, but that this is really Motion, inviting them to the tournament, as she was also one of the SDs that was up for helping Lloyd. This makes me ever more so believe that whatever the prize of the Tournament is could potentially result in Kai’s return.
Anyways, that’s all from me. I hope this ramble wasn’t too unorganised, I’ve been writing this for………..an hour. I am normal about this show I swear.
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