#does this count as suntang?
tp2-byes · 2 years
Look what I made. Behold the thing
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kiraisrika · 10 months
Context here this is Wukong's and Sanzang's full confrontation scene.
Your eyes have yet to fool me
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"J-Just why?" The king's voice breaks, echoing through the vast expanse of golden painted skies. Sanzang shakes his head slowly while chuckling.
"I suppose this is the price I pay for your sufferings in our journey, Monkey," The monk's sad expression does not go unnoticed.
"I already forgive you for that! are you here only to-" his voice shatters, "to leave me again?"
Sanzang tilted his head and brought his hand to the side of his cheeks.
"That sin of the past does not belong to me nor him," his eyes cast down to the unconscious scholar, "That sin solely belongs to The golden cicada but what am I if I was no better than him?"
"You are ten times better than him!" Wukong stated, "you are the most sincere human I have ever met, and most of all you are- you are my friend,"
Sanzang chuckled, covering his smile with his hands, "I'm flattered, Monkey,".
"if there's anything I want to know just tell me, What am I without you?"
The king stayed silent, his gaze planted to the ground as he pulled at the hem of his clothes.
"that's good wasn't it? You are finally free, Wukong you can do whatever you want in life, you can do so much more than just being my disciple," the monk touched his cheeks. "I...I was envious of my latest incarnation,".
"he has every humanity I have ever yearned for and more, the fact that he acts so human is what makes him beautiful," Sanzang then looked down again to the scholar. "He didn't have to learn about the value of companionship to help his friends, so treat him gently okay?"
"ah...it seems the hours of my turning have come, it might not seem like it but honestly I was quite afraid," The clouds around them slowly engulf the Monk.
He laughs softly and gave Wukong a sincere smile, even with the face of his recent incarnation. He set his gaze downcast, as if knowing that his face brings pain to the great sage.
"Farewell my disciple, I hope you loved the part you played for the past 500 years,"
Them fr
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