#the tag section is a mess
tp2-byes · 2 years
Look what I made. Behold the thing
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brother-emperors · 10 months
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The Bargain
like, sometime just before Pompey and Crassus go all in on their plans for their (first) joint consulship.
the actual. scene. I have for this in my mind that dictates a lot of their dynamic when I draw them is something like this
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however. I'm a fucking sucker for a catchy song. I've had tsada mahigugma on repeat for the whole day. usually they're more destroya to me, but. the beat is good.
so! an alternative version of the Bargain that I usually have in mind, because I'll redraw six or seven variations of the same scene if I feel like it, I don't give a fuck. this time it's with all the bite taken out of it and replaced with a night that you'll look back on years later and wonder if it was the right thing. and then decide lmao yeah!! it was! he's the only motherfucker in rome who can handle me!! let's do another joint consulship!
it's the lahat nalang ay kalaban may tao din na para sa'yo, kapit lang dahil darating din yun of it all or whatever!
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derelictheretic · 4 months
WIP(s) as a Moodboard
tagged by @inafieldofdaisies !! tysm!! <33
rules: show a moodboard and an important phrase or dialogue from the current fic you are writing!
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WIP: So Much For You and Me
"Fuck you," Dean choked on the words, he hated it but his voice broke as he swallowed a sob. His anger was infused with a heavy sorrow tugging at him. He should have gotten it through his skull when the helicopter crashed, if any of his friend had been left he'd have plucked him out of that wreckage and taken him away. Far, fucking, away. His friend was gone, well and truly. And the only person to take out the anguish of that loss on was the husk of his memories in front of him.
He surged forward, tossing messy, uncoordinated punches at the redhead as he shouted every profanity he'd ever learned. Every word he'd scolded Jacob for using on the playground, every hissed syllable he'd heard from the kitchen at night, every hurled abuse rained with spittle in his face at bars. He threw it all at Jacob and hoped it'd be absorbed and taken away, but it hung heavy in the air between them; sticking to them like an angry web.
Jacob caught his hands and headbutted him with a grunt, twisting him around and catching him in a headlock. Dean clawed at his scarred arms, visages of the peggies he'd incapacitated this wxact way springing to his mind. What a cruel swing of karma.
"That's not all you got, I know it isn't." Jacob grunted and Dean replied by elbowing him in the ribs and ramming his head back into his nose. Jacob stumbled back with a groan, his grip only loosening enough for Dean to tuck his chin under his arm. With his mind in survival mode he does the only thing he can think of and clamps down on the scarred flesh with his teeth, his canines sinking in enough to have a metallic taste quickly pooling into his mouth. Jacob swore abruptly, swinging Dean into his bedroom wall. Dean crumpled to the floor, his vision going white for a moment as his brain rattled around in his skull. It's like he can feel every part of it at once and none of it at the same time.
sending tags out to @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @deputyash @clicheantagonist @aceghosts @kyberinfinitygems @megraen @simplegenius042 and anyone else who feels like it!! <3
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essektheylyss · 3 months
I know I keep just liveblogging my weird ass writing process rn but I did realize that the issue when I get into a section where things are quieter and there isn't some major plot beat is that my brain responds like. the fucking email form fields that start yelling at you the moment you type something because it's not a valid email.
I was just sitting here trying to figure out what I felt was wrong with the chapter I'd just finished and it's because it's slower. It also ends with a very quiet but (ideally) stomach-dropping beat! And it's the chapter in the middle of a section! Why are you yelling at me! It's doing exactly what it needs to be doing! The section's not done yet! Shut the fuck up!
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raifuujin · 2 years
It’s done!
The directory of all the various DC related books (that I own) has been completed!
Not all of the scans are mine, when other people have shared for the main series and spinoffs over the years, but a very solid chunk are my scans of all the ‘unimportant’ material. (If other people had good scans, I opted to save my own time, even if I could scan my own copies, basically.) And now it’s all fairly organized in one easy access list!
Includes: Conan, Kaito, Yaiba, the novels, movie manga, educational manga, activity books, tokubestuhen, archives, game guides, etc.
Now that it’s caught up, I’ll try to keep it up to date when I get more books in the future.
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favroitecrime · 4 months
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Jigen’s lighter (and lack thereof) in Lupin Zero episode 4
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bunnyb34r · 7 months
Lmao so NewLady hasnt been there at all this week (either sick or sick of work, either way I get it) and I was the only one in clothing yesterday while RC was in another area
They were sick today, NewLady was out sick, the one lady who is supposed to work our area but conveniently always has other areas to do was off today. I almost called out (only went in bc I remembered I had liquidations to pull and was like eh I guess I could use the cash) and NetflixCoworker almost called out sgdggdgdgd
We were both like "I was so close to calling out too..." like that wouldve been so funny like just absolutely no one in clothing, the recoverer wasnt in last night either, so it was a fucking mess EVERYWHERE, and like no one was there to cover our shifts in our section had we all bailed 😭 but it'd have been so funny
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please tell me about sayer and bernard roth, and do not pretend to be normal about it 🩷
okay okay okay, anon I am giving you a little kiss on the forehead. I am gonna be going back through my notes so if this takes a hot minute, that’s why.
Update: This is… getting very long so I’m going to do this in sections. Your introduction lies below the readmore. Because I’ve hit 850 words. It really needs an edit. I am not doing that. Have fun. There will be another installment later.
So. Corsets (and Why We're So Weird About Them)
So, a few things need to be established here to understand the roots of modern anti-corset rhetoric. I will be dealing with sexism, ableism, and likely touching on racism within the medical field during the 19th century. If you’re anything like me, you will be angry by the end of this, just hopefully at some guys who have been dead a really long time, and not me. I’m just some guy who is three arbitrary credits off having a degree in History (with High Distinctions, btw. I’m very proud of my disabled ass for my current 6.0 on our 7-point scale)
France, America, and the UK in the 19th century were very Christian in the 19th century. The research I’ve done mostly focused on these countries, however I did briefly dabble in German history because the medical dress reform movement more or less started there, but more on that later.
As many of you know, it is a fairly standard belief in (many denominations of) Christianity* that if you do something Wrong™ then you will be Punished™ with misfortune. During this period, if someone was ill then they had Done Something To Deserve It™. This meant that, often, your physical condition was treated as a shorthand for your moral standing.
* For the purposes of this discussion, Catholicism is included under the “Christianity” blanket, I know many Catholics disagree with that categorization, but I am not writing “Christians and Catholics” fifty times
The medical field was professionalized to a recognizable degree in the 19th century. A lot of that professionalization resulted in super fucked up ideas about gender, race, and disability. The professionalization of medicine was parallel to the rise in global eugenics movement. This will probably surprise no-one but needs to be stated, nonetheless.
Many disabilities are more frequently observed in Women* than Men*. Scoliosis, which was the focus of my research for my major work, was one of these conditions. It followed, therefore, that women were doing something Bad™ that men weren’t** and the easiest options were exercise and corsetry. Now, doctors genuinely believed that women were more delicate and susceptible to disease and injury (both to the physical and spiritual being). For the most part, many doctors did NOT want women to be doing as much exercise as they were recommending for men. So corsets were Public Enemy #1
* I’m nonbinary, I know that the binary is bullshit and biology is weird soup, but I am using the terms applicable to the medical understanding and discussion of the period, it’s just easier when referring to primary texts.
** Many men did actually wear corsets. I want one of the advertisements as a tattoo. They’re great.
Right. So now that we have the basic facts outlined, onward. I will include a reference list below. I might put some of my recommended reading in a google drive or smth if anyone wants that.
So. First of all we should probably talk about what a corset is. “Oh by Charlie I know what a corset is” shush. Maybe you do. Maybe you know what a modern corset is. This is my ted talk and I will be as obsessive about my definitions as I like.
For the purposes of SEO algorithms, a corset is a generic term that could refer to bodies, stays, corselets, true corsets, and anything you can find on google when searching for a fast fashion corset top. A generic term that can be applied wantonly for a thousand different garments from the 16th century to today is not very helpful.
When I say “Corset” I mean a garment that began to evolve from stays in the 1820s and had established itself as the popular foundational garment by the 1840s and remained so until the 1920s. For simplicities sake, a corset is a “rigid bodice” supported by vertical boning (Usually baleen/whalebone. Sometimes steel, sometimes reed, sometimes cording)(1). Its primary function was to support the bust, but they also formed the foundation of popular fashions (2).
Corsets work by distributing weight of the bust (and also clothing) across the entire torso, supported by resting on the hips (think of the difference between cradling a toddler – or a heavy box - and sitting them on your hip)(2). They also formed a smooth surface so that clothing could be tight to the body while limiting wrinkling but, more importantly, IT STOPPED WAISTBANDS NEEDING TO DIG INTO THE BODY TO STAY UP. They could be tight to the body, but the corset would not allow them to dig into the body. They were (USUALLY) custom made to the individual and (USUALLY) only worn to the tightness comfortable for the level of activity for the individual. (I will talk about exceptions later). Tight lacing wasn’t hugely common. Usually the drastic shape was achieved through optical illusion and padding (Bust improvers, bustles, bum pads) (3)(4). If you make the hips and bust appear larger, the waist will naturally appear smaller, regardless of actual measurements.
God this is going to be so long I haven’t even got to the Bernards. Okay so this might have to be in installments.
1 Steele, Valerie. Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. Kindle ed. Charles Schribner’s Sons, 2005, p. 290
2 Waugh, Norah, and Judith Dolan. Corsets and Crinolines. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, Ny, Routledge, 2018, p. 75.
3 Kunzle, David. Fashion and Fetishism: Corsets, Tight-Lacing and Other Forms of Body Sculpture. Sutton Publishing, 2004, p. 89.
4 Steele, Valerie. Fashion and Eroticism: Ideals of Feminine Beauty from the Victorian Era to the Jazz Age. Oxford University Press, 1985, pp. 62-63
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lexalovesbooks · 7 months
Good news: the entire class was enthralled by my second person swag
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layzeal · 2 years
woke up to like. a huge post on my dash three times in a row purposely misunderstanding and twisting the book's words to say that something that's canon is not actually canon and not gonna lie friends that's a bit upsetting
#like i'm a wwx stan who constantly takes the stance that wex did bad fucked up shit. abd that's good. that's INTERESTING#enjoying a character who does messed up things is sexy and i love it#so what's the point of trying to remove them??? make them boring?#and i especially draw the line at taking separate sections of the book and purposely misunderstanding them#breaking like for line to draw a conclusion that just doesn't compute when taken within the whole context#i'm considering whether or not i respond to it. i don't touch jc discourse with a ten foot pole#because i like him a lot but i stg it seems that whether you love him or hate him everyone likes twisting the words#to either make him better or worse#and that's where it goes ''eh whatever idc'' to ''oh. oh no. oh nooooo''#like. lmao the reason i don't go into the 'c@non j1ang cheng' tag is because it's literally people doing this over and over#to waste energy condemning a man that literally doesn't exist#so can we not do it to defend him either :( can't we just like a guy because of his fuckedupness and not defile a text's words for it#that's literally where i draw the line on this. ...#like. sorry guys but 敲打 literally just means ''to beat someone''#it's something jc himself confirms to us. he's not ashamed of it!!! the novel's message isn't ''all hearsay is wrong''#it is ''it has to be investigated with nuance and not believed until confirmed''#which jc himself confirms to us 😭 let a man torture people in peace it's fineeee#modao#lace speaks
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battlinghurricanes · 2 years
Relationship(s): Genichiro & Wolf (shippy if you look closely), Genichiro & Emma, Wolf & Kuro
Summary: 1. After carving his way through the desolate core of Ashina in pursuit of Lord Kuro, Wolf confronts Genichiro at the peak of the castle to once more duel the man who stole his master.
2.    Wolf dies.
These things bring about a revelation.
Word Count: 8,992
Warnings: Illness, War, Temporary character death (as per canon lol)
A/N: Another Sekiro fic from me out of the blue, yeah I don't know either fdhjka I've had this idea for ages and I suddenly felt inspired to write it out. I still love my babies and writing them again was very fun~
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Sometimes I think I must consume media wrong because I don't remember The Lottery by Shirley Jackson fucking me up
Like sure I read it and was like 'wait hang on, what- oh dear.' but I didn't have the 'Dude That Was So Fucked Up I Am Fundamentally Changed As A Person' experience everyone else apparently had
And that ain't a flex btw this ain't a "oh I can read the most fucked up stuff and feel NOTHING" kinda bullshit I just. Wasn't that deeply affected lmao
#but also i got a B in English Literature A Level so I must be doing somethin right lmao#smol speaks#im trying to think why it didnt really mess with me. it wasnt a 'shocking twist' it's Where The Story Went to me#then again i dont remember many specifics from when i was younger. hell i barely remember the last week. i do know we read it though#i dont remember what conclusions i reached or what we even discussed. however i CAN think of a story that did affect me as a kid:#Lola Rose by Jacqueline Wilson. I read it in primary school and have reread it multiple times. i felt such a connection with Lola Rose#she was so similar to me even though we also had differences (her fear and hatred of sharks vs my love of them) (though her fear made sense#i dont think ive ever empathized with a character so much. and that book introduced me to the concept of abusive parents i think.#the idea of a parent who didnt simply love you but sometimes went about it wrong or made mistakes. but one who *actively* hurt their family#rereading that book again as an adult is heartbreaking ESPECIALLY the 'Voice of Doom' sections which *holy fuck i relate to*. there's such#dread and fear in that book but luckily there is hope and joy!! but God above the shit that girl deals with. anyway maybe reading a story#about a weird festival that ends with a stoning doesnt hit as hard when youve read about a girl seeing the bruises on her mother's chest#in the bath and having to tell her 5 year old brother they ran away from Dad because he hurt Mum and his response is 'but she deserves it'#abuse mention#better tag that huh. yeah sorry i put half the post in the tags again GOD i should make an actual Lola Rose post
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queerhawkeyes · 2 years
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hey Regia, what kind of long calfed freaks are you designing your socks for? these are gonna be too small in the foot but there's so much pattern before the heel
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yoshiintheweb · 2 years
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mmmmmm yummers
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gilbertsdumbblog · 2 years
it’s time to enter old hyperfixation hell
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