#doing the family tradition of saying “only a hop skip and a jump away!” seconds before driving up to water healed me in a way i wasn't expe
chitsangenthusiast · 6 months
can't believe it's been a year. i miss my dad. i love him so much
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glowinggator · 4 years
Chicago Lightning
Summary: You and the rest of the Mud Dogs plan a heist on a bank, and end up getting into a pretty serious gun fight. It’s way different from what you usually attempt, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. 
[A/N: Good evening, fellow Mud Dogs enjoyers <3 These three live in my head rent FREE and by god, I’m gonna make that everyone else’s problem.]
Content Warnings: Gunfights, mild arson, copious swearing, crime, and the fear of death. Nobody dies, and there’s a happy ending. <3
Pairing: Mud Dogs/Reader (Platonic/Familial) 
Word Count: 1572
God, your ears are gonna be fucking ringing tomorrow. Whoever suggested staging a robbery is certainly going to get a verbal beating, if you even make it out of here in the first place. The deafening “crack” of a bullet tearing by instinctively pushes you further into the white, porcelain countertop, and you blindly fire a few rounds from behind cover. Your ears ring at the noise, and your legs ache dully from crouching down for so long. 
“What’s the plan?” You yell, glancing nervously towards the pillar where Leonard’s taking cover. 
“I don’t know!” he yells back, “Give me a minute to think!” He taps his fingers against the muzzle of the glock, eyes glancing around the building. Dust from ricocheting bullets clouds the air, sending pits of granite and porcelain dust through the room. The light filters through them, although just barely so. You hardly even recognize the building anymore, you think to yourself. Leonard fires a few shots from behind the pillar before taking cover once more, looking up at the ceiling with furrowed brows. 
“Hate to burst your bubble, Loathsome,” Danny yells from your left, “But we’re already a bit behind the eight ball here. We don’t have time to spare!” 
“Yeah, no shit!” Mickey yells, “And I’m not really in my element, either.” He fires off a couple shots, and the recoil from the gun is obvious despite his white-knuckle grip on the firearm. He scowls, turning to fire off a few more shots from the other side of the counter. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in pure gusto.
“Easy on the lightning, pal!” Danny calls, “we ain’t exactly armed to the teeth, here. If we run out of ammo, we’re screwed!” 
“I’ve got it!” Leonard yells to you, “Grab those bottles of hand sanitizer off the counter and throw ‘em to Mickey. We’re gonna light it on fire, throw it at ‘em, and bolt for the back.” 
“Then what?” You say, grabbing the bottles and throwing them to your friend. 
“Steal a fucking car, I guess? What else?” 
“Sounds good to me!” Mickey calls. His eyes light up as he disassembles the bottles, twisting and turning a few paper bills to create a sizable fuse that leads out of the liquid disinfectant, like the true firebug he is. If they land just right, it should spread quickly enough to get out of control. If they land perfectly, that is. But you’re not gonna have time to tell, are you? You just have to pray that it does, and if it doesn’t, that it burns hot enough to stall them. Oh, how you’re lamenting skipping out on that oxidation unit in chemistry class.  
“Just tell me when!” He shouts, although you can barely hear him over the crack of yet another bullet flying by, a little too close for comfort. 
You look back towards the emergency exit, steeling yourself to run. The bright red sign flickers slowly, just barely clinging to life after being struck with a stray bullet. You tear your eyes away from the door, glancing at your friends nervously. The air between all of you isn’t peaceful: not by any means. But it’s full of understanding: An understanding that if there’s any real, perfect way to go out, it would be right here. Danny’s grip tightens on his gun, and the tip of his tail twitches slightly, as though he were fighting the sensation entirely. Leonard’s eyes flit around the room quickly, scowling down the opposition on the other side of the building. Yet when he turns to the rest of you, his eyebrows soften. And Mickey’s apprehension… God, he’s doing a great job of hiding it. He smiles brightly, but the look in his eyes clearly conveys his thoughts. His fingers twitch around the plastic bottle, peeling at the wrapper as though looking for something to tether him to the world. The pops of your enemy’s guns might as well be static, for all you care. 
But it’s the chipping of porcelain, the crack of a supersonic bullet whizzing past you, and the pop of yet another gun that brings you out of your stupor. The corner of the porcelain countertop chips off and falls to your feet, and you can feel your heart leap into your chest. Had you been leaning out any farther, you’d be dead. Your breath catches in your throat, and you throw yourself deeper into cover. You whip your head around to Leonard, steeling your nerves and throwing him a firm nod. 
“On three!” He shouts. 
Inhale. You’re all gonna be okay. 
Exhale. You shoot one last look at your friends and set your eyes on the door.
Mickey shocks the flammable paper leading out of the bottle and chucks it towards the entrance of the building the moment it forms a strong and steady flame. And for a moment, the world moves in slow motion. It arcs wildly, but the flame persists nonetheless, crawling its way into the bottle. It hits the ground with a thunk - much less grand than your traditional molotov, you remark sarcastically - and splatters. The flame jumps from puddle to puddle, quickly spreading out of control. The rest of the containers are thrown haphazardly, which only fuels the intense and wild flames: it eats at the carpet, the walls, anywhere it can reach. And with that, all four of you bolt towards the exit. 
Your feet pound against the carpet, and you’re the first to reach the door. You ram your shoulder against the bar, opening it quickly for everyone to follow out. You bolt for the nearest car, looking back once to make sure everyone’s made it out. And sure enough, they have. The nearest car is an old four-door, and you pray to every deity you can think of as you race towards it. You shoot at the passenger side window, shattering the glass almost instantly, and you throw your hand through the jagged pieces to unlock the car as quickly as possible. You throw open the car door, ripping off your jacket and throwing it over the broken glass on the seat before patting around the car for a spare key. You don’t have any fucking time to hotwire the damn thing, and who the fuck knows what year this thing is from? 
You breathe a sigh of relief when you find it and clamber into the car, jamming the jagged end of the key into the ignition and smiling as the car roars to life. Danny is the second to reach the car, sliding over the hood to hop in the passenger side. Mickey is the third, as Leonard runs behind him, providing covering fire for the smaller man. You reach behind your seat, pulling up the lock for him to tear open the door. And with that, Leonard runs the final few feet to the car, throwing himself in the door that’s already open and sliding in next to Mickey. You don’t waste a second, throwing the car into reverse before speeding out of the lot. 
The force throws you harshly back into your seat, but you can’t help but laugh. “We made it out! Holy shit!” You put the pedal to the metal, gripping the steering wheel tightly as you floor it down the street. The buildings zip by so fast that they’re hardly more than a blur, and you revel in the adrenaline rush. The boys laugh alongside you, still reeling from their escape. You swerve off the small street and onto the highway; hopefully, you’ll be able to turn off onto the countryside at some point and find a remote place to lie low while the heat dies down. A farmhouse would be nice, you hum to yourself, although who really knows where you’ll end up this time? 
Mickey leans forward through the armrest. “Dude,” he laughs, “that was the coolest shit ever!” 
“We almost died,” Danny chuckles, dragging his hand along the armrest, flicking off little pieces of glass as he goes, “But I have to admit... it was pretty incredible.” 
“See? I told you guys I had it all figured out,” Leonard says, “And look at all this fucking cash! Even after Big Mama’s cut, we’re still gonna be rich.” 
“And did you see how quickly that fire spread? You might as well have doused the damn building in Everclear!” Mickey laughs, “Something tells me that place won’t be there tomorrow.” 
The highway is practically abandoned, perhaps because of the recent events. And for that, you’re thankful. You’re sure that in a few minutes you’ll be chased down by those blue and red lights, but for now, everything is okay. You press the pedal down as far as you can, making as much distance as possible before the chase starts up once more, and you chuckle. Danny rests his arm on the window, picking up little pieces of shattered glass off of his seat and throwing it out onto the highway. That’ll be someone else’s problem then, you think to yourself. He meets your gaze with a smile, and you return it happily. Mickey and Leonard shove each other playfully in the back seat as they rifle through the duffle bags, presumably counting your earnings. 
“So,” you muse, “how many days do you think it’ll take before we can go to a restaurant without getting arrested?”
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saharamae21 · 4 years
My Biggest Distraction (Part Two) - Topper Mini Series
Hey guys! PART TWO! I’m really just in the mood for Topper fluff so here is this! I have a very good idea about where this is going and I’m super excited!!
Author: sguymon21
Summary: After Topper shows up at y’n tennis match, things start to heat up. He spends the day with her and they even get approval from her parents to go on a date. Topper and y/n are getting really close, but are things moving a bit too fast? (Bad summary Sorry)
Word Count: 1,830 Words
Warnings: none
I stood awkwardly between my parents and Topper. Topper extended his hand to my father and he just stared at it. It’s almost as if my dad didn’t know what to do. My mom hit him gently and finally, he reached out and shook the boys hand. I was incredibly nervous that he wouldn’t like Topper, but my mom was all smiles. “So are you the one inviting y/n out everyday?” my mom asked. He told them he was guilty while rubbing his neck sheepishly. “It’s nice to see that y/n has made such a good friend.”
“Well, I’d like to become more than her friend,” he said bluntly. My heart sped up and my jaw dropped a little bit. I’d be lying if I said we had been flirting a little over the past few days, but I didn’t think it would amount to anything. I was definitely feeling a certain way towards him, but hearing him saw that made all those feelings jump to the surface.
“I know your family pretty well, Topper,” my dad said. I felt my heart sink back down into my stomach. “Let’s take a walk.”
“Mom, stop him!” I said as they walked away together. She chuckled with me and told me it would be fine. I knew dad though. He wouldn’t let anything come between me and my future, especially not a boy. I could only imagine what my dad was saying to him. I heard my name being called by my coach and sighed.
The next match was about to start. I didn’t see Topper or my dad anywhere. I shook my opponent’s hand and my coach gave me two thumbs up. I grabbed the new balls after winning the coin toss and prepared myself to serve. I walked back to the baseline, bouncing the ball with my racquet. Then, right before I served, I looked up and saw his face watching me from across the fence. He was still here after talking to my dad. This boy was a keeper.
I made it all the way to finals and Topper stayed with me all day. I’ve never had anyone other than my parents watch before, but here Top was. He spent the day being my biggest fan and water boy. I don’t remember the last time I had so much fun at a match before. I knew the girl I was playing in the finals. We’ve played hundreds of times, each winning about 50 percent of the time. She was my biggest rival and I knew that this was all or nothing. The first set went surprisingly quick. Maybe it was because I had an edge. I wanted to win. I wanted Topper to see me win. I was closing in on the second set. Topper was cheering in a more respectful way now. Hearing his voice lit a fire under me though. I tossed the ball up and projected myself into the serve. Ace. Match Point. My head snapped over to see Topper. He was smiling proudly. I went forward to shake Genevieve’s hand.
“Got some fire today kid,” she said. She was a year older than me and off to college in the fall. I knew we wouldn’t play each other again. If I was lucky we would play on the same team in a year. She glanced over at Topper and smiled at me. “Finally something to motivate you a little harder. Keep it up.” It was the first time she really encouraged me. Usually she told me that I needed to focus more. I needed drive and passion. Today, however, she smiled at me. She told me I did good. Maybe Topper was the key to it all. I exited the courts after chatting with my coach and before I could get to Topper, I was stopped by my dad. “Okay, notes for today,” he said, looking at his phone. Dad had the same tradition every match day. He would write down everything he saw wrong and give me a lecture about it when the day was over. I looked at mom, pleading for her to stop him and she told him to do it at home. I gave him an apologetic smile and slipped away. I walked up to Topper and smiled.
“Congrats, you played so well!” he said. I could tell he was trying to decide if he should hug me or not. I smiled at him and shyly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I said thank you. He looked at me and stared and I awkwardly giggled for a second. “So if you don’t have plans tonight, I’d love to take you out on my boat.”
“Is Topper Thornton asking me on a date?” I asked, all smiles. He chuckled at me, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Maybe I am,” he said. I blushed as I rocked back and forth on my heels. “Is that a yes?”
“Yeah, sure. Of course!” I stuttered out. He smiled at me and told me he would pick me up around 7. I was all giggles as I thought about my first date. I was nervous and excited. “Cool.”
“Cool,” he said, chuckling.
I got home that evening and hopped in the shower. I threw on my bikini and some casual clothes over and walked down the steps. Mom had already agreed for me to go out tonight, but my dad was less than thrilled. I sat down with a plate of food when the lecture began. I listened to my dad analyze my entire day of tennis, criticizing every move I made. I sat there and took it though. Tennis was the only time Dad paid attention to me, so if this was the only time we spent together this week, I would take it. I shoveled my meal into my mouth and then it was over. The food was gone, my dad had finished, and it was almost 7pm. I skipped out to the dock and waited for him. He was right on time, maybe even a little early. I heard my dad yell from the house about my curfew and we took off.
I pulled myself out of the water and dried off. The sun had set and we were in the middle of the marsh. Topper wrapped a towel behind my back and stared down at me. I felt a little self conscious. It’s not like he’s never seen me in a swimsuit before, but this was the first time that I could feel his eyes looking at me. I looked up at him, blushing. He told me I was beautiful and for a moment, I thought he might kiss me. Maybe it was too soon. Maybe he didn’t want to make me uncomfortable. Maybe he didn’t want to kiss me. Whatever the reason, he took a step back. I wrapped the towel around me, overthinking the whole situation as I sat down. This was my first date. I didn’t know how things worked. He, however, had experience. He’s been on dates and he’s fallen in love before. I felt like some bright eyed, foolish girl.
“Can I show you something?” he asked, interrupting my thoughts. I nodded and he took off. He took me by this cove. I’ve never seen it before. Hell, I’ve never even heard someone mention it. He helped me out of the boat and onto the shore. It was like our own private beach.
“Wow…” I said. The moon was shining down on me and the stars were coming out.
“Pretty cool, huh?” he asked. He looked at me for approval. I smiled at him and spun, looking at it all. It was gorgeous here. The moonlight reflected off the black water and shimmered all across the ocean. Even the stars seem to shine brighter.
“Is this where you murder me?” I asked with a laugh. He told me he would never. “C’mon, I bet there are tons of other girls' bodies hidden, buried in the sand!”
I was laughing and joking, but he got serious for a second. He grabbed both my hands in his and looked me in the eyes.
“You’re the only girl who's been here,” he said. My giggles stopped and I stared up at him. He didn’t look like he was lying. I thought about the girls before me. I thought about Scarlet and Brynn. I thought about Sarah Cameron. How could I be the first girl he’s brought here?
“Not even Sarah Cameron?” I asked, feeling some sort of way. I think the right word would be jealous, but it was such an ugly emotion and I hated it.
“Not even Sarah Cameron,” he said confidently. I felt my heart speed up. This boy was very bad for my health.
The night continued and we sat in the sand together. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore was the perfect background noise. Somewhere along the way, I laid down, laying my head on his lap. I pointed up at the sky and told him to look. Everytime I did it though, we would get confused and give up on trying to find the exact star I was talking about. I tried to point at a pretty noticeable one, but he just stared down at me instead.
“Top, look!” I said, shaking my hand. He didn’t avert his attention though. He stared down at me. “C’mon Top! It’s beautiful!”
“I’m looking at something beautiful,” he said. I giggled, feeling my blood rush to my cheeks. I flicked his forehead and sat up. I wondered how many girls he’s used lines like that on.
“So cheesy,” I said. I giggled again, making a joke out of my insecurity. “Is that how you get all the ladies?”
“Y/n,” he said. His voice was serious. I turned to meet his gaze. His hand touched my cheek and then his lips met mine. It was a sweet and delicate kiss. One to reassure me and eliminate all my worries. He pulled away before I could even react. He looked into my eyes as he spoke again. “I asked you out because you’re the realest girl I’ve ever met. I’m not thinking about other girls that aren’t you, so you shouldn’t think about them either. Got it?”
He poked my forehead and I nodded. He smiled at me and I leaned in, wanting to feel his lips on mine again. He moved the hair away from my face as he pulled me in for another kiss. This one was deeper, more meaningful. It was intoxicating and it made my mind go blank. I didn’t know where to put my hands, but they found their way behind his neck. Even though these were my first few kisses, everything felt so natural with him.
I worried about what kind of trouble we would’ve gotten into if I hadn’t had my curfew...
Tag list : @justcallmesams @jellyfishbeansontoast @prejudic3 @queenofthebees003 @jjtheangel @infinitydols @simpingforrudypankowonly @sunwardsss @talksoprettyjjx @bb-tings @waywardbarbie @beth-winchester21 @jiaraendgame @outerbankslut @outerbongs @ilovejjmaybank @teenwaywardasgardian
Tagging a few extra today : @baby-pogue @potterheadhollander @obxmxybxnk @sexualparkour @lindzaylove
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[For y'alls consideration... I propose an atla au]
"Mike, we really shouldn't be down here..."
"Relax, Scottie, I made sure we wouldn't be followed!" Mike assured his twin as they walked down the corridor, path dimly illuminated by the fire that sparked from Mike's palm. "This'll be great, just trust me!"
"The last time you said 'just trust me', Father nearly banished us." Scott snarked, staying close to the other while he observed the walls around them. Stone carvings lined each wall, a level of detail that almost made the prince stop to admire them... if they weren't currently trespassing. "And if that was over a simple prank, imagine what he'll do of he catches us in the Fire Sage's Sanctuary!"
"He won't find out, alright? Besides, even it he does..." Mike trailed off, finding themselves in front of a large metal door. "... He'll understand why we're doing this."
"The Fire Lord will understand why his own family went behind his back to snoop through sacred documents." Scott's voice dripped with sarcasm, and he stepped to the door. He carefully reached for some of the handles and gave it a light tug, sighing when it refused to budge "Oh darn, it's locked, can we go now?"
Mike rolled his eyes, pulling a key from his pocket and waving it in front if Scott before inserting it into the lock on the door.
"... You stole the keys to the archives."
"I prefer the term 'borrowed'."
"Prince Michael David Afton!" Scott yelled, only to cut himself off and glance around nervously, afraid to make too much noise. "... We're going to be killed for this, I hope you know that."
"You didn't have to accompany me, you know. You can turn around and leave at any point." Mike smirked, knowing Scott was too stubborn to admit he was going to stick with Mike no matter what. Satisfied with shutting the other up, he pushed the door open. "The ends justify the means, as they say."
"... Michael, that's not- that's not a statement of fact, that's a legitimate argument surrounding the morality of horrendous actions taken by-"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" Mike huffed, waking a hand dismissively as he entered the archives. Hundreds of books and scrolls surrounded them, but only one was what Mike was looking for. "Listen, the next Avatar is to be born of the Fire Nation, right? So if anyone knows who it is, it'd be the Sages!"
"Mike..." Scott sighed, folding his arms in unease "I know Father wants to hunt down the Avatar, but... tradition states that the Avatar isn't announced until their 16th birthday-"
"I know how the tradition works, dumb-dumb." He poked his brother on the forehead, trying to ease the obvious tension a bit "But if we can find and track down the Avatar and bring them to our Father, then we'll be heroes!" Mike grinned, the thought alone shooting waves of exhilaration between him before he went back to digging through certain files "And if the Avatar isn't even 16 yet, then they'll be easy to take on!"
"Mike, we're not even 16 yet."
"Yes, yes, but we're different! We were trained in combat ever since we were little kids, unlike most commoners!" He was about to go on with his plans, but gasped in surprise when finding a specific scroll, sealed with the Sages' insignia and displaying symbols representing all four elements. "Oh, this is definitely it."
"Mike, let's maybe think about this for a second." Scott placed a firm hand on his shoulder to stop him before he could go any further "If we unseal that, there's no going back. And just because the next Avatar is Fire Nation... that could be anywhere! What if they're in an Earth Kingdom colony? Not exactly a hop skip and jump from here! And- And what if it's only a name, how can we track them down?!"
"Then we'll use our resources to our advantage!" Mike reassured, patting Scott's hand to try and calm him. "We have connections, we'll be alright, and we'll be heroes to the entire Fire Nation! Father will be so proud of us, doesn't that sound amazing?! So what if we break a rule or two, it's for the greater good of our people!"
... Scott sighed "I... I suppose. It's just... I have a bad feeling about this, but... I trust you, bro. Whatever you do... I'm with you."
Mike grinned, another wave of energy coursing through him now that he finally got his brother on his side. "You! Are! The! Best!!!" He paused only to give a quick hug to the other prince, then pulled away, quickly undoing the seal on the scroll "Alright, the next Avatar should be..."
It took a moment before the words seemed to register. There was a short paragraph explaining the Avatar Cycle, but below that was the name of the next Avatar and the date they would turn 16. Mike's eyes scanned the name, unsure if what he was seeing was real or not, before the realization slowly sunk in. Had his veins turned to ice? That's what it felt like, along with the heavy dread he felt pooling in his stomach.
This... had to be a dream. There's no way...
"... Michael?" Scott chimed in, unease at how suddenly-quiet his brother became. He placed a hand on his shoulder once more, trying to decipher what made him go from excited to... this in a matter of moments. "What's wrong? What does it say...?" He leaned over the brunette's shoulder just enough to read the scroll, eyes briefly scanning the page before- "... Oh."
The name on the scroll was Michael's.
"... This can't be real." Mike tried to breathe, feeling like air was being sucked out of his lungs as the panic set in. "Father wants to..." He couldn't even bring himself to add 'to capture and even kill the Avatar' to that sentence, making his anxiety spike further "B-But if he's... And I'm going to be the... Then- Then what's he going to do to me- I-I don't-"
Scott eventually found his voice again after his own wave of shock passed "Michael, hey, listen to me." He took the scroll, focusing on steadying his breathing before holding his hand out "Give me your hand."
Mike looked up, eyes wide at the other "What are you-"
"I'm not a bender and I need your fire, so please give me your hand."
Mike heistated, but nodded, holding his hand out and sparking a small flame from his palm.
Scott quickly grabbed him by the underside of his hand, careful not to accidentally burn himself, then held the scroll over the flame, nodding in satisfaction as the paper took fire.
This only spiked Mike's panic once again "What are you doing-?!"
"Covering our tracks. The less people know, the better." Scott took a steadying breath, now placing his hand over Mike's palm to smother the small flame out.
"... How are you so calm?!"
"Oh trust me, I'm having a panic attack as we speak, I'm just shutting down so it doesn't look like that!" He laughed dryly, thinly veiling his own anxiety as his thoughts raced. "... If Father finds out, I-I don't know what he'll do."
This only made Mike worse "I-I'm his son, surely he-he'll understand and not try to hurt me, right?!"
"... I don't know." Scott cast his gaze to the floor, answering honestly. "Father can be... Difficult. I-I can't guarantee he'll choose his family over his conquest..." ... His gaze then hardened, meeting Michael's eyes once more "But I will."
"What do you mean...?" Mike cocked his head, trying to quell the heart pounding in his chest.
"I mean we're going to run away to make sure you're safe."
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a-singleboat · 5 years
Break-Ups and Make-Ups
Word Count: 2330
Request:  hi! I don´t know if you are taking requests, but if you are I was wondering if you could write something where reader and Damien Haas (or Shayne Topp) break up, so the rest of the smosh fam try to get them back together. Hope to hear from you soon - @lula132
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The morning after a breakup was always the worst for you. As tradition dictated, you had hunkered down in your room for the night with a box of tissues on your right and a tub of ice cream clutched in your shaking hands with whatever sappy romance movie popped up first in the recommendation queue. 
You had fallen asleep with the now-melted ice cream tub in your arms and the movie credits rolling. In the morning, you felt like you had been hit with a train that had not stopped moving since. With just a few words, the past seven years of your life suddenly meant nothing and you were left alone. 
You capped the tub of ice cream and put it on your nightstand, swapping one comfort item for another and picked up your phone. The only notifications you had were a call from your mom and several Twitter notifications for fans that had mentioned you in their own tweets. 
You cast a glance to the clock and read that it was six in the morning, two hours before you had to be at work. You sat in your bed and debated if you should even go in for the day if you should call in a family emergency and take the day to travel up to San Francisco to spend the next few days with your parents. 
You shook your head and hopped off your bed, a new resolve set for yourself. You wouldn’t let this break-up force you into a shell. So what if Shayne Topp had broken your heart after seven years of loving you? You were still young and you had your whole life ahead of you, so what if seven years meant nothing in an ill-fated conversation. 
You flung the curtains open and took a moment to just look outside at the bus streets of Los Angeles. You moved to the city nearly eight years ago after being employed by Defy for Smosh. You started as a low-level editor and slowly made your way to head camera operator and editor for the Smosh Games section. You would oversee filming when it came to table games or punishments and edit what you could for any games played on the computer. You even had a short stint as stunt coordinator before it was decided that they needed someone with a little more expertise especially when it came to the safety of the cast.
However, you met Shayne when you had just moved to Los Angeles and when you started dating, it came as no surprise to anyone. The decision to stay in separate apartments came with the idea that while you both had loved each other oh-so-much, you both need your own space and neither of you could afford to buy anything bigger than the apartments you both had or a house together. 
Before you knew it, you had fully cleaned your room of any trace of the break down you had last night and were well on your way into the office. You called your mom on the drive there, using the conversation as a distraction so you wouldn’t have to think of him until you saw him. 
You got to the office at the same time that Courtney had and you barely managed a smile in her direction. You could tell that she could tell that something was off with you because she had that knowing look on her face. If there was anyone who knew you better than you knew yourself, it was Courtney. 
You brushed her off, saying that you had a rough night and asked her to help you carry some of the equipment that was still in your car from the last punishment you had to film outside. 
When you got in the elevator, you deemed it safe enough to share the details of your night. You put the box you had in your hands down and rubbed your eyes. You had skipped on make-up that day, knowing that you would mainly be editing and eventually the feeling of the product on your face would get you to become quickly annoyed. 
“Shayne and I broke up last night,” you confessed, breaking the silence. At first, you thought she didn’t hear you and you dreaded having to repeat yourself. When she put her own box down and engulfed you in a hug, you knew she heard. 
“I’m so sorry, what happened? Just yesterday you guys were so happy,” Courtney’s eyes grew wide and sympathetic. You were regretting telling her. 
“Yeah, I thought we were happy too and then he broke up with me out of nowhere. Of course, he was my ride home so I had to endure the awkward situation,” you picked up your box when the elevator doors opened on your floor. “Please don’t mention this to anyone yet.”
“Please don’t mention what to anyone?”
Damien Haas was your best friend next to Courtney. If you needed a laugh or even just a break from whatever you were doing he was there to provide a joke or a distraction. 
With his question, you had to think fast on your feet. “It’s nothing, I just wanted to go back to see my parents for a little but I wasn’t too sure when would be a good time so I didn’t want to mention it.” 
While that wasn’t completely a lie, Damien still looked skeptical. He read the look in your eye and slowly nodded, allowing that to be your answer. “Alright, if you say so.” 
You smiled at him wide and moved past him, leading Courtney to where all the filming equipment was stored when it wasn’t in use. She helped you put most of the equipment away before she brought up a point that you had been debating for a good while. 
“People are going to find out eventually, Y/n. You can’t just pretend that absolutely nothing happened,” Courtney sent you a pointed look. You pursed your lips and slid the last piece of equipment on the shelf. 
“I know, I just don’t want to make it into a big deal,” you shut the lights and closed the door behind you. You looked at the time on the clock on the wall. “You should get to costume, you start filming in an hour.”
She glanced at the clock and panicked for a second. “Just don’t isolate yourself, okay? And this isn’t something you need to keep from anyone. We’re all adults and if anyone gives you a hard time, that just means they still have some growing up to do,” she started to walk away, doing a half-backward, half-sideway walk. “We’ll go for lunch later and talk more, yeah?”
You nodded and confirmed the lunch plans, intending to go out for lunch anyway. After sorting through a few stacks of editing notes and creating a mental list of things you had to accomplish for the day, you headed into the room dubbed as the ‘editing cave,’ and prepared yourself to watch all the footage from this week’s episode of Maricraft. 
Shayne had woken up late that morning, distraught and a general mess. He arrived that the office, cutting it close by a mere two minutes and immediately getting himself to costuming. The velvet box weighed heavily in his backpack and despite how last night had played out, he couldn’t bring himself to take it out. 
When he sat down in the chair for the hairdresser to do his hair, Damien found his way to his side and poked his side. “So,” Damien wiggled his eyebrows. “How’d it go last night?”
All Shayne did was pull the box from his bag and hand it off to his friend. “Did she reject you? Is that what she and Courtney were talking about in the elevator this morning?”
“She and Courtney were in the elevator this morning?”
“Yeah, she told Courtney not to say anything about something and Y/n made an excuse about visiting her parents,” Damien noticed his friend’s distressed look. “Hey dude, you okay?”
“So, last night didn’t exactly go as planned,” Shayne wanted to fall in on himself. “I might have broken up with her instead of proposing.”
“What?” Damien was taken aback, blinking a few times to make sure he was awake at the moment. “You’re telling me that you got to the carnival last night, got onto the ferris wheel, and broke up with her on the top, and then had to drive her home right after that?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what happened and I don’t know how to fix it and now Courtney knows which means a lot more people will know pretty soon and,” Shayne made a noise that was not unlike what a cat being strangled would sound like. 
Damien took some time to calm him down. “I’m sure that all this will take is a conversation with her. Y/n is a very reasonable person and I’m sure you can make it up to her.”
“I sure hope so,” Shayne caught Courtney’s eye. She was looking at him with a scowl on her face. Shayne sunk into his seat. “I think our first step is telling Courtney what happened, maybe she’ll know how to fix this.”
By the time lunch rolled around, Courtney was aware of the plan and was sent to fetch you for lunch. You had your headphones on, hyperfocused on a black-and-white clip of Damien. She lightly tapped on your shoulder causing you to jump slightly before settling down upon realizing that it was just Courtney. 
“You ready for lunch?” she asked, pulling out the seat next to you and sitting to watch your process. You clicked on the save button and saved the footage to an external hard drive as an extra precaution. You stored the hard drive in a small drawer on your desk before standing up and stretching. 
“Yeah, let me just tell Matt that I’m heading out and that I’ll have this Maricraft episode ready for posting when I get back,” you powered your computer down and grabbed your phone and wallet from under all the papers.
When you left the office and walked side-to-side with Courtney to her car, you were relieved for the slightly longer break you both would be getting. Not only were you ahead of schedule but Courtney’s next call wasn’t for another two hours. 
“Now I know you and Shayne just broke up, but we’re going to lunch with him and Damien.”
You looked at Courtney with a dead look in your eye. “I’m fine with it, just because we’re broken up doesn’t mean I can’t be civil.”
Shayne and Damien were already in the car, sitting side by side in the back which caused you to look confused. “I gave them my keys so they could start the car’s air condition before I got you,” she explained. 
The drive was an awkward one, the four of you decide to take the time to drive to a nicer Italian restaurant as you all had the time to spare. When you arrived and were seated, Courtney smacked her forehead and mentioned that she left her wallet in the car. Damien offered to go with her and that left her and Shayne at the table together. 
You played with your fork and avoided all eye contact with him for as long as you could. 
“Y/n,” he said. You slowly turned to face him, not wanting him to see the hurt in your eyes. There was something in his hands but you couldn’t discern what it was. 
“I never wanted to hurt you,” he explained and you let him, deciding that you would’ve had this conversation one way or another. “And I still never do want to hurt you but last night was the biggest mistake of my life. I didn’t bring you up to the top of the ferris wheel to break up with you. I just panicked and I wasn’t really thinking.”
“Shayne, you don’t owe me an explanation or anything,” you wanted to look away but he seemed like he still had more to say.
“I didn’t bring you up there to break up with you, in fact,” he opened what he was holding in his hands and you let out an audible gasp. You watched as he moved to get out of his chair and then kneel next to you. “I made a horrible mistake last night and while I’ll never know how it happened but I really wanted to get down on my knee last night and ask you this question.”
“Y/n, you’re a wonderful person and you’ll be a saint if you’ll even allow this. But I truly want to marry you. I promise I’ll never cause you any pain anymore and I’ll be apologizing for my mistake for the rest of my life. But, Y/n, will you marry me?”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you processed what was going on. On one hand, he had caused you the most emotional pain that you had ever gone through and on the other, he was trying so hard. You made up your mind, nodding vigorously and pulling him up from the floor as the restaurant patrons around your table clapped. 
He slipped the ring onto your finger as Courtney and Damien returned to your table, smirks on both of their faces. “You were both in on this, weren’t you?”
“We had some help,” Damien explained. “Ian overheard our conversation and he went to talk to Matt Raub to convince him to give us four an extra hour for lunch in case things went south and we had to do some drastic measures but everything turned out alright.”
“Remind me to thank Matt when we get back, but I think we should eat lunch while we’re here,” you laughed with your friends and at that moment, you knew everything would be alright.
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everlarkficexchange · 6 years
Prompt 33.
Written by: @wendywobbles
Prompt 33: “Where’s my engagement ring?” [submitted by @sunflowerslyf​]
“Where’s my engagement ring?” Katniss looked from her bare hand at her friend Johanna. Jo had popped into Katniss office with a coffee and they were chatting when suddenly Katniss realised her ring wasn’t on her finger. She spun on her chair and frantically started lifting things up from her desk.
“Relax” said Jo “I’m sure it’s here.” She started looking too, scouring the floor around the desk.  
It wasn’t in any of the usual spots.  Katniss Everdeen had a habit of taking off her ring when she was working, it annoyed her when she was typing and despite her colleagues warning that she was going to misplace it up to today she hadn’t….except that time she left it in the bathroom on the first floor and Leevy returned it two hours later or the time she left it on the kitchen window sill in Prim’s apartment, then that was the time she left it in the Mellark’s after dinner one Sunday. Old Edna, Peeta’s mum, had a field day with that “mark my words if she can leave this trinket behind so easily I dread to think what your marriage will be like” this was one of the nicer things she had said-the old bag-and she’d lot count of the times she left it sitting on the counter top at home
But recently work had been busier than usual, with more events then normal on the calendar and extra work Katniss had been running around, skipping lunch, working longer hours and she had lost some weight and more than once the ring had slipped off, she knew she should have been more careful…..
“Ok…OK.. lemme think. I’m not panicking. I am not panicking” Katniss was clearly panicking.
Jo rolled her eyes she had been through the lost ring drama more than once with Katniss. “Relax Brainless, let’s just retrace your steps and see if we can work it out”
“Ok, so this morning I had a doctor appointment – before you ask no I’m not pregnant- I remember having it then.  Then I went home before I came to work.  Peeta is going away to that Culinary Convention in District 2 so I wanted to see him before he went.  He won’t be back until tomorrow late“
“Bluegh I get it you two lovebirds couldn’t be parted. Continue”
“Whatever Jo. Anyway I helped him pack the last of his stuff and drove him to the airport. The car! I’ll check  the car. Where are you going?” Jo had thrown her coffee cup in the bin and was following Katniss.
“Eh it’s Friday, I’m bored. We’re going  on a pearl hunt” Jo laughed at her joke, Katniss just looked blankly at her “The kids book by Michael Rosen? “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” Never mind” Jo shoved Katniss out the door muttering something about needing to read more.
They marched down to Katniss car and pulled it apart, by the time they were finished that had found a pair of shoes, an odd sock, a bracelet, Peeta’s old sunglasses and about $15 in loose change but no ring.
“Ok” said Jo pocketing the change “where to next?”
“Back to work, it’s only gone 3 and we’re here until 4 at least. Come on let’s go.  It’s probably be at home”
“Fine.  I’ll ring Gale and tell him I’ll be late this evening and I’ll help you look at home.  We’ll find it” for all her sharp edges and rough ways Johanna Mason would move heaven and earth to help her loved ones “Plus it’ll give me break for the hellcats for a bit longer ” she cackled as she walked away.
She shook her head and tried to concentrate on work but she couldn’t. She rang the doctors to see if maybe it was there but they had nothing. She needed to find her ring.  She thought back to the day Peeta had proposed and then the saga that was finding her the perfect ring……
18 months ago
“So is that a yes?” Peeta Mellark was standing  in the middle of his and Katniss kitchen in their newly purchased house-he would have been kneeling but the prosthetic he wore made it difficult.
They had just bought their first home together and were unpacking.   Katniss found the toaster and has thrown some bread in to make toast. This moving lark was hard work and she was starving a couple of slices of toast, with real butter and marmalade was just what she needed.  She turned to ask Peeta what he wanted when she saw him standing there with a half afraid look on his face, a big question on his lips and a small box in his hands.
The first thing Katniss did was drop the bread she was holding, the second thing  she screamed  yes and the third thing….well I leave that to your imagination.
Afterwards as they lay on the sofa, relaxed and blissfully happy Peeta suddenly remembered he had forgotten to give her the ring.  He hopped up and walked naked through to the kitchen following the trail of their discarded clothes and grabbed the ring box . 
“Not a great start to my new role of fiancé I forgot to give you this. Now it just a plain silver band until we can find “the one” He sat back down beside her “I looked and I couldn’t find anything that really fit for you.  You don’t wear jewellery so I want to make sure that your engagement isn’t too big, top showy. I looked at diamonds, I looked at emeralds and then there were the different metals and settings it was far more difficult than I thought.  I hope you don’t mind?”
“No Peeta how could I mind! I’m happy with this” she looked at the silver band now sitting proudly on the third finger of her left hand.  Now let’s go order some Chinese food and crack open the champagne Prim gave us for moving in here and celebrate our engagement.”
And so Katniss and Peeta announced their engagement.  Friends and family were delighted.  Mrs Mellark couldn’t understand why Katniss didn’t have a diamond.  She actually asked Peeta could he afford a ring. Katniss wanted to smack the old hag but she resisted the urge.  Peeta simply smiled and told his mother that yes he could afford a ring but he and Katniss were going to choose the perfect ring together.  She still didn’t understand and was heard muttering that she would never understand these hippie kids and what was wrong with tradition.
So they started looking for a ring.  Peeta was right finding the perfect Katniss ring was not easy.  Pushy sales assistants didn’t help matters insisting all the girls LOVED a diamond,  and  while Katniss did think they were pretty they weren’t her.   After two months Katniss was fed up and so when it came time to visit Katniss mom in District 4 she was glad to take a break.
They flew to District 4 where Mrs Everdeen lived and worked. She moved there some time ago to take up a position in the local maternity hospital.  Since she couldn’t travel to 12 when Katniss and Peeta gotten engaged she invited them out and paid their airfare as an engagement gift.  They jumped at the chance, between buying the house and the usual stress and strains of life it was a while since they had been away.  They had a lovely few days and on Saturday morning Katniss was sitting with her mother having breakfast Peeta was having a rare lie in.  They were talking about this and that, Katniss was regaling her mother with some of the ring shopping stories.
“Before you say anything mother, it’ not because I’m fussy. I just have specific requirements….ok I’m a bit fussy “ she grinned as she said this
“Morning Everdeens” Peeta was up, he leaned in to give Katniss a kiss on the cheek “I keep telling you Katniss you are allowed to be cautious and you want to be sure of your choice,  this will be on your finger for life unless you trade me in for a newer model someday” he said this with a smile.
“Never!” responded Katniss
Mrs Everdeen smiled at the two of them “How about when you guys are ready we head down to the market and have a look around, there are a few jewellers and goldsmiths down by the Marina. We can grab lunch as well, what do you think?”
“Sounds great Mrs E”
It was a lovely day, they were in no hurry so they took in the sights, walked along the beach. Peeta bought some seaweed salt convinced he could make use of it in the bakery back home.
They found Cresta and Odair Goldsmiths and Fine Jewellery and decided to have a look.  The pieces on display were all inspired by nature and had simplicity to them that Katniss was quite taken with.  Annie Cresta and her husband Finnick ODair were in the shop Annie was dealing with customer while Finnick was working on something.  Katniss looked at several of the designs and when Annie finished with the other customer so came over and introduced herself and  they got chatting Peeta and Katniss explaining they were looking for an engagement ring, and the difficulty they were having finding one that really spoke to them.   Annie showed them a further  selection of rings and there was no denying they were beautiful but not quite right.  At this point Finnick had come out and was chatting to them when Katniss caught sight of a bracelet he had on “Excuse me? What’s that symbol?” Katniss asked as she pointed at his arm
“This is a Claddagh it’s a traditional Irish symbol it represents love, loyalty and friendship.  The heart is the love, the hands friendship and the crown represents loyalty.  Do you like it? It is more traditionally seen in a ring here I’ll show you?” Annie passed Finnick a design book with pictures of rings designed and crafted by Finnick.
Peeta and Katniss looked through and Katniss knew this could be the one for her “Yes but I would like it more contemporary, flatter… am I making sense?”
“Of course! And if you’re not it’s our job to bring your dream to reality. If we go with a wishbone style, which is easy enough to fashion from the shape we can make a wedding band to sit perfectly with the engagement ring Let’s get to work” said Finnick
And they did. Finnick helped to bring Katniss vision to reality. Peeta had noticed that some of the pieces in the shop had Mother of Pearl inlaid so he asked Finnick if it would possible to use that in the ring as  the heart.  Finnick said that shouldn’t be a problem.  Peeta liked the idea of part of 4 being in the ring.
So when Katniss and Peeta left District 4, the making of the ring was underway and they would have it in a few months.
And now she had lost it.  This was awful.  She wondered how Peeta would react when she told him.  This was Peeta she knew he would be ok and I mean they had insurance.  It wouldn’t be the same but that was ok except  it wasn’t she had to find that ring.
She picked up her phone and called Jo “Jo meet me at the car in 10 minutes.  We have a ring to find”
As Katniss left her office and headed to the reception to wait for Jo. 
“Hey Katniss, heading out early?” asked Keith one of security guards at her office.
“Yeah. Keith I don’t suppose anyone handed in a ring today? I’ve lost mine” she described it but Keith said there was nothing left with him. He said he would send an email round to all the building and he would let the cleaning crew know to be on the lookout.
“Thanks I’d appreciate that. I’ll leave my mobile number you can call me if anything turns up”
“Right! Let’s get going” shouted Jo “I’ll follow you in my car. Oooo I’m starving can we order food when we get to yours? Bye Keith, see you Monday”
Once they got to the house Jo got Katniss to retrace her steps and they walked through the house but turned up nothing.
“Wait! Peeta would have emptied the bins before leaving….oh god I’m going to have to go through the rubbish” Katniss wailed
“Well we won’t  be doing that tonight.  Let’s get the gang together and pull this place apart tomorrow we’ll find it before Peeta gets back. Now I’m heading home I’ll be here with Gale and the kids tomorrow about 10? Oscar and Emily will  be delighted to help in the search plus their tiny child hands can get into places we can’t.  We’ll get Madge, Delly and Darius round too”
After Jo left Peeta called Katniss.  Peeta was in his element at the conference talking a mile a minute about meeting news suppliers, learning new techniques and making new contacts.  He was going to meet his brother who lived in District 2 for dinner this evening then tomorrow there were a number of workshops he was attending.  Katniss smiled as Peeta prattled on about this and that.
“Enough about me, how was your day?”
“Good, nothing unusual.  I finalised at the details for the training event next month so the pressure is off for a few days at least.  What time are you back tomorrow?”
“My flight is back in  lands at 7 I thought we could go to Sae’s and grab dinner when I get in?”
“We could or we could just stay in……..I mean you’ve have been away  and well Peeta a woman has needs……” she whispered seductively
“Check the freezer” laughed Peeta “you didn’t think I’d leave you without a supply of cheese buns did you”
“And that is why you are the perfect man for me Peeta Mellark, but I still think we should stay in”
“Ok well love you. I got to go meet Lincoln. I talk you tomorrow”
“Bye Peeta, love you”. 
True to her word Jo arrived with the troops the next morning.  Katniss has coffee and pancakes ready.  Jo being Jo called everyone to order “Listen up people! We have a situation on our hands.  We are here to help Katniss find her engagement ring which she has lost. Again.  Now we are going to pull this house apart.  Every piece of furniture, every drain, every bin –no stone left unturned.  Right Kantiss and I will take the upstairs, kids you come with us.  Gale and Darius you are an on rubbish sorting, garden and car.  We looked at the car already but going over it again is probably a good idea. Madge and Delly hit up the kitchen, living room, dining room.  We’ll find this bad boy!”
Gale laughed at his wife “Honey we really need to get you a hobby, but for now Darius let’s get ready to play in the bins”
Delly asked Katniss if she had sat on any particular sofa or chair yesterday “No I don’t think so why?”
“Well I started an upholstery class last month and I could easily remove and replace the base of the sofa if you needed to look in there.”
Katniss was slightly horrified but desperate “Do whatever you’ve got to do Delly”
She ran upstairs to where Johanna was she had all the shoes and handbags Katniss owned out on the floor and Oscar and Emily where shaking t hem then flinging them over their shoulders when nothing fell out. Jo meanwhile was stripping the bed and shaking pillows.  She pointed and Katniss “You can check your beside tables….you don’t want me finding out what’s in your goodie drawer”
Oscar was instantly alert to the words “Goodie drawer” “Aunty Katniss do you keep a drawer of sweets and chocolate in your bedroom…..that is so cool. Can I have something?”
“No Oscar don’t mind your mom she said…erm hoodie drawer….it’s where Uncle Peeta keeps his hoodies. Oooo look what’s that?” Once Oscar was distracted Katniss threw a sock at Johanna.
The search of the house turned up no ring. 
The search of the bins turned up no ring.
The drains held nothing except hair….causing Gale to comment that Katniss shed more hair then his dog.
The garden had nothing either.  Darius suggested he get his metal detector but as she hadn’t actually spent any time in the garden it wasn’t necessary.
And Delly wasn’t very good an upholstery, Katniss was glad no one could see the bottom of her sofa.
“It’s actually gone” Katniss slumped onto the nearest chair and a lone tear fell from her eye, before she knew it she had started to cry.  Oscar and Emily were watching TV and Katniss was grateful, she didn’t want to scare the kids with her crying.  Her friends all rushed to her and hugged her until she finally stopped.
When she had calmed herself a bit she accepted the cup of tea Madge had made for her and  everyone sat around the table. 
“Have we missed anywhere Kat?” asked Darius “Let’s go back over your movements yesterday again.  From the time you got up until the time you noticed the ring was gone”
“What’s the point?” sighed Katniss
“Look” said Madge “I know we’ve already been through it but let’s start from the top and work our way through your day.  We might have missed something.  We have time and we are not quitters!”  Nods from around the table made Katniss smile and she knew they were right.
“Ok let’s get lunch and then “Operation we’re going on a pearl hunt” can officially begin” said Jo, Gale laughed and from the living room Oscar and Emily started singing and song about a bear, Delly, Madge, Gale and Darius joined the kids singing….Katniss was just lost.
“C’mon” laughed Delly “I’ll help you make lunch”
An hour later and everyone was fed and ready to go.  They did one final sweep of the house Katniss led them through the house stopping everywhere she had been and then back down to the front door.
“Ok. So next thing I did was get in the car and drive to town.  We’ve pulled the car apart twice so I’m satisfied it’s not there.  I went to the doctor’s office,  popped into Mellark’s for a coffee and from there I headed to the chemist and picked up some stuff and finally headed to work.  Don’t look at me like that Joanne….ok I skived a bit but I think I’ve earned it.  I’ve been working my ass off and my fingers to the bone hence the reason I lost my ring” Katniss joked.
“Right so do you wanna drive into town?” asked Gale
The day itself was dry and not too warm, walking to town didn’t take too long but with the two kiddos it might take a bit longer but it was nice spending time with her friends, even if they were spending it looking for her engagement ring “If everyone is up for it, how about we walk? Jo will the kids be okay with that?”
“Sure and we have enough adults here that can carry them if their little legs get tired….and Gale brought the buggy.  We have wheels and we are ready  to roll.  So let’s go.  Everyone ready? Oscar and Emily are you ready to lead us?”
“Yyyyeeeeess” came the excited shouts
“Ok guys  why don’t you start singing our song?” grinned Gale
And they set off to the kids screeching “We’re going on a pearl hunt, we’re gonna catch a big one” and the adults laughing and  Katniss joining in singing the song.
 Thirty minutes later the troop arrived at the doctor’s office and entered in a line with Oscar and Emily leading the way followed by Katniss, Jo, Delly, Madge, Darius and then Gale.
“Oh my!” said the receptionist Effie Trinket “what have we here?”
“Hey Effie, I know I rang last night and there was no sign of my ring but I was kinda hoping that it may have turned up? Maybe one of your cleaning crew found it?” asked Katniss
“Oh dear Katniss I’m afraid not. Are you all looking for the ring? “she asked as she surveyed the group in front of her.
“We sure are” replied Darius “we’re like a modern day Fellowship of the Ring….or something”
“Well in that case good luck in your quest brave sirs and madams” Effie smiled and then indicated to the bucket of stickers and lollypops she kept at her desk  Jo nodded and Effie handed Oscar and Emily one of each.  The kids were delighted and popped their treasures into their backpacks.
“Effie, do you think maybe us adults could get a lollypop too?” asked Madge
Effie laughed and handed them each a lollypop.
“Right! Kiddos are you ready.  Time to get singing again” The gang left a confused looking Effie and marched onto Birdsong Street and headed towards Mellark’s with everyone of then singing loudly “We’re going in a pearl hunt, we’re gonna catch a big one”
Mr Mellark stood at the counter and could hear the singing long before the Katniss and her gang of singers came into sight.  He laughed as they entered, Emily and Oscar headed straight to the display case that held the cupcakes and cookies.
“Hey Mr M” Katniss smiled “I don’t suppose……the thing is….whew this is hard”
“Katniss? You’re beginning to worry me, what is it dear?”
“I lost my engagement ring, I was hoping I had dropped it here” she whispered to him
“Oh my dear, no nothing and I cleaned the shop myself and no one handed it in.  Is this a ring search party” he nodded to the assembled group around the shop.
“Yep” and she relayed the story of the last 24 hours to him.
“It will turn up I’m sure of it” he patted her hand before turning his attention to the adults and children in the shop and spoke to them “Well I think that when a person undertakes a task such of this they require sustenance and who better than a baker to provide this! I have some cheese buns and quiche that I can box up and I think perhaps your little helpers might be allowed a cookie…” this time Gale nodded a yes and smiled.  Mr Mellark packaged everything up and once more the headed out with the kids leading the way and singing loudly.
Katniss stopped outside the chemist. This was her last chance,  Jo stopped beside her and gave her hand a squeeze “C’mon I have a good feeling about this.  Ok kids one last time we’re going on a pearl hunt…”
Katniss headed straight up to the counter and when she spoke to the assistant she had all but given up hope that she would find her ring when she heard the manager Sae call to her “Katniss! We found a ring…well Rue found it. Rue works here part time and she was stocking some shelves and she found a ring, very unusual design it was too. Wait just a second while I grab the lost and found box”
From behind her Katniss heard Delly squeal, the kids asking Gale what lost and found was and were they getting something since everyone else had given them a treat.  Gale hushed them but Katniss smiled. 
“Here we go” she put a box on the counter and everyone peered into it, Gale and Darius had picked Oscar and Emily up so they didn’t miss a thing.
Katniss’ heart sank they was a ring but it was a silver with what looked like and emerald, beautiful but not hers “No Sae, that’s not mine” Sae glanced into the box  “Oh no wait, wait , wait that’s not the ring I meant” She flew off back to the office and returned with and envelope “Here” she  said and Jo reached out and  took it and passed it to Katniss……
“OH MY GOD!” she shrieked “it’s my ring! It’s my ring”  Everyone cheered, then laughed and cheered some more and just at that moment Katniss mobile phone rang.  It was Peeta.
“Shhhhh its Peeta ”she hissed at everyone  “Hey honey, everything ok?”
“Hey, yeah just have a few minutes before my next demo so I thought I’d ring and say hello.  Up to anything interesting?”
“Me? No, no not doing anything exciting” as she said that Emily piped up “But Auntie Katniss tell Peeta we’re going on a pearl hunt”
“Hey Katniss is that Emily? Are you hanging with Jo and the kids,and you’re on a bear hunt? I love that story”
“Am I really the only one who doesn’t know that story?” she asked Peeta
“Ah ask the kids for if you can have  lend of their book, you’ll soon get up to speed. Look  I’ve got to go sweetheart I’ll see you later”
Katniss slipped the ring back on her finger where is belonged.  It was a bit loose but before she could say anything Sae handed her a packet of plastic tubes(at least that’s what it looked like)“Until you get that beautiful ring resized use these “Ring Snugs” it will help keep your ring on”
Katniss pulled out her phone and text Mr Mellark to let him know they had found the ring.
Everyone headed back onto the street.  Katniss felt herself welling up again as she looked  around at her friends “Thank you all,  I really thought I’d lost it.  You gave up your Saturday to wade through garbage, pulled sofas apart, and pulled my house apart and you Jo you especially kept me going.  I can never thank  you guys enough.  But to start with how about we all head back to mine,  I’ll order dinner  and we can relax.  Emily and Oscar would you like to pick a movie to watch?”
A chorus of yes please filled the air and they set off back towards Katniss and Peeta’s house all singing  “We’re going on pearl hunt”
After everyone had headed home that evening Katniss waited for Peeta.  She had debated whether or not to tell Peeta what had happened but as Jo pointed out they had been seen by half the town singing and word would spread.
When Peeta finally arrived home Katniss was waiting with a cold beer and a tall tale for him…. and Peeta had bought her a copy of “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”
So I hope I did this some justice for you @sunflowerslyf.  This is partly based on something that happened to me only I lost my wedding ring and never found it…..and trying to find a replacement has been way harder then you would think: )
A quick google will throw up the details of the book and song “We’re going on a Bear Hunt” but be warned you may end up with it stuck in your head if you don’t already know it :)
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islareeveswriting · 6 years
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Christmas is the most wonderful time of year.
Molly had always believed that, always. As a child the thrill, like with all children, had come from what might be waiting under the tree on Christmas morning, leaving a mince pie and a carrot on the doorstep Christmas Eve, stuffing herself silly with chocolate and sweets without stern words from her parents. Of course by the age of twenty, Molly had discovered the joy of selecting the perfect gift, perfectly hung fairy lights and a glass of eggnog by the fire with her family.
This year was no different, and Molly was relieved. There had been a small, and seemingly insignificant part of her that had worried Christmas at home would have been ruined. Home was her’s and Ryan’s place, it was the place they existed together, started together. At home they were Molly and Ryan, Molly hadn’t been just Molly at home for four years and there’d been a sickening anticipation in the bottom of her stomach at how home might feel now that wasn’t the case.
As so often seemed to be the case though, the worst case scenario in Molly’s head wasn’t anywhere near the reality. Within seconds of stepping inside her parents house she felt the familiar warmth and cosiness that she associated with Christmas time in her family home. The garland hung from the bannister the way it always did, glittering with golden fairy lights, the large tree, fetched from the small local garden centre, was in the corner of the room, decorated perfectly, and mistletoe hung over her head as she lugged her bags back over the threshold. Nothing had really changed.
Something inside Molly had shifted, and maybe she was a different person for having ended a long term relationship, but she was struggling to see that as a bad thing when she felt so normal, so easily. The build up in her head had been far worse than the reality, and whatever small part of her had been feeding on the doubts she was having about being in her hometown without Ryan, was brushed away with the scent of homemade mince pies. The conversation about what had happened with Ryan was over and done with her parents within ten minutes. Strengthening words of having to do what was best for her, and following her heart, made her feel warmer. The slight look of disappointment on her mother’s face ignored.
Of course her sister needed all the details. Jeanie had crawled in beside Molly in her double bed, the pink bedspread smothering them both as Love Actually played in the background. If it hadn’t come up, Molly hadn’t been planning on telling her sister that Harry had driven to Bath to take her home, but Jeanie could see straight through Molly, and there was no way she was buying that Ryan had taken it well. Jeanie had clutched at her heart, and softened like a puppy when Molly had told her about what Harry had done for her. Molly couldn’t really believe it either when she heard it explained out loud for the first time, if the roles had been reversed she’d have probably been welling up to. Because her sister would have found someone willing to do all that for her at the drop of a hat.
In fact Molly could remember having the exact same reaction when Jeanie had told her how Matt had decided to move all the way from New Zealand to be with her. Of course there was no comparison. Apart from anything, Matt and Jeanie were head over heels in love with one another and couldn’t be more made for one another if they tried. Harry was a friend, and even though driving to Bath was more than Molly could have asked, moving across the world held a slightly different gravity.
It felt nice to tell someone about Harry though, and Molly was so glad her and Jeanie were so close, and more like best friends. Especially when Jeanie so easily understood that Molly and Harry really were just very good friends. There was the tickle of acknowledgement that if Molly had dared to tell Jeanie how Harry gave her butterflies, and made her skin tingle when he touched her, and how she went soft at the knees when their eyes caught one another, she wouldn’t have been quite so easily convinced. Molly was struggling herself.
It played on her mind how she hard she was finding it to stop thinking about him, which in turn only made the not thinking about him thing more difficult. Even as she sat in her chair, near the fire, with a nearly empty glass of Baileys on ice in her hand and the sound of her mother’s favourite Christmas Carols CD playing, Molly was thinking about Harry. Wondering what he was doing, wondering if he’d like it where she was, by the fire, with a glass of whiskey to match her father’s, Mosby curled up by his feet, because she was sure their pet Retriever would love Harry. Wondering if she could skip the pub trip and give him a call.
Wondering when was it not too soon to admit how she couldn’t stop herself from feeling for him when she’d just called it a day on a four year relationship. Even if just to herself.
“Well Thomsons, are we all ready for the pub?” Molly was pulled from her daydream as her dad clapped loudly, jumping from his chair, and rubbing his hands together with excitement. There was a bottle of premium brand whiskey waiting for him at the local pub, along with at least three good friends to share it with. It was possibly Terry Thomson’s favourite Christmas tradition, and his girls just rolled their eyes and followed suit, the way they’d done since they were old enough to be able to walk to the pub.
“Yes let me just grab my coat.” Molly said, placing her now empty glass on the table beside her and hopping up too.
“Oh Cece, can you get my red one out the wardrobe?” Jeanie asked as Molly passed her seat, tapping away on her phone, presumably to Matt currently stuck in traffic coming from London. Obviously. Molly couldn’t quite believe that they had decided travelling on Christmas Eve was a good idea. Now the rest of the family were suffering for their poor planning. Jeanie was yet to say more than two sharp words to anyone, or manage to lift a smile.
“Why, so all the kids think you’re Mrs Claus?” Molly jested sarcastically taking the first step up the stairs, but looking back to catch Jeanie’s response. There hardly was one, her sister’s face still deadpan as she tapped away. Molly’s face fell, before the remark shot out of Jeanie’s mouth.
“Well you can be rudolph with that spot on your nose.” Jeanie snarked. Molly gasped covering her nose quickly with her hand. She knew it was there. It didn’t take long for her mother to let her know that morning when Molly had come down for breakfast, and ever since Molly had been doing her utmost to get rid of it. Clearly nothing had worked.
“Girls.” Their mother snapped. The look on Penny Thomsons face was displeased to say the least as she flicked her eyes from daughter to daughter, the age difference more and more indistinguishable as they got older. “It’s Christmas Eve, Cecelia, go and get your sisters coat please.” Molly grumbled something incomprehensible as she stomped up the stairs. The name didn’t grate on her when it was her family using it, she’d never convince them to call her Molly and besides, she thought it might be weird if they did now. The look her mother fired at her, one of ‘stop winding your sister up or else’ did grate though.
Once Molly was coated, and concealed, lest anyone else notice the growth on the end of her nose, she hotfooted back down the stairs to join her family. Much to Molly’s annoyance her sister was now dressed in Molly’s dark, long line coat, the one she’d saved long and hard for. Molly went to say something, refuse to let her out of the house in it, but before a single sound could pass by her hanging mouth her mother just raised her eyebrows and tilted her head slightly. Molly knew to pick her battles, and Christmas Eve, against her mother, was not a safe enough bet to chance it. Instead Molly just flared her nostrils, smiled sarcastically at her sister as she viciously placed the red coat over the bannister, and made sure she was first out of the house with her father.
It often happened that it was Molly and Terry and Penny and Jeanie paired up. It kept bickering sisters at bay easier, and Molly always found her father much easier to stomach when her mother was in a ‘Jeanie can do no wrong’ sort of mood. It switched, there wasn’t a clear favourite like there often is, and Molly could be on top at any minute. But to save Christmas Eve ending in snide words across a glass of wine, Molly decided to just walk beside her father.
They travelled in virtual silence. The pub was only a two minute walk, if that, and the sound of Christmas Eve mass was ringing from the church. Home never felt so much like home as it did at Christmas. Molly loved growing up in her village, but it came to life at Christmas, it felt like it was there to be lived in at Christmas. It was made for huge decorated trees, chestnuts roasting in the village square, and Christmas markets.
As with every Christmas Eve, the pub was incredibly busy. It was like everyone was out, and they probably were. It was toasty inside, warm from bodies and the fires lit at either end of the large room. Molly was glad all she had on under her thick wool coat was a silky cami and a pair of jeans. The roll neck jumper she’d ummed and ahhed about would have definitely been too hot to stomach. Through the crowds Molly could see friends she hadn’t seen since the last break from university. She had to admit though that her stomach lifted, along with the apprehensive look on her face, when she realised neither Ryan nor any of his school friends were in sight.
“Molly.” The voice was recognisable as ever. It seemed no matter how long Molly and Suki Langford went without talking, they fell straight back into childhood best friends like it was the only thing they knew how to do. With her glass of white wine in hand, Molly turned to Suki with a smile on her face.
“Hey Sooks, how are you? Merry Christmas? How’s uni?” Molly rambled off the list of usual suspects, questions that were common place now they didn’t practically live in one anothers bedrooms. They give each other a quick hug before moving away from the bar to let others into the spaces they left behind as Suki began to talk.
“Oh you know, law, stressful, never ending, same old, same old, you?” Suki smiled, waving her hand through the air as if shewing the conversation away. Suki had always been bright and intelligent, with her bright blonde hair, and even brighter blue eyes it was almost like she’d walked straight off the set of Legally Blonde when she announced she was going to go to Oxford to study law. If Molly hadn’t known Suki as well as she did she’d have fallen of her chair, but it made so much sense. What Molly lacked in academic intuition Suki more than made up for, and vice versa with artistic license. They were a double act that fitted together like Laurel and Hardy, and no one could deny it. Even when they were running on a phone call a month if they could fit it in and only seeing each other in the holidays, nothing changed.
“Yeah not bad.” Molly shrugged, looking as light as she felt as she took another sip of her wine.
“I heard you and Ry split up?” Suki almost asked, wincing a little as she did so. Suki had been there through it all, Ryan’s incessant texting to try and get Molly to go to prom with him, the internal battle Molly had faced over saying yes or no, and virtually every up, and even every down of the four year rigmarole that had followed after she finally said yes. Much against Suki’s advice that had consisted mostly of ‘do people ever change?’ Turns out the answer is mostly no.
“Heard?” Molly sort of laughed, one eyebrow cocking as Suki shrugged and took a sip of the bubbly pink liquid from the crystal champagne flute wrapped up in her perfectly manicured fingers. “From who?” Molly asked.
“Ryan.” Molly rolled her eyes, because of course he’d told her best friend before she’d had a chance to get to her. It didn’t seem like Suki was too bothered, and she wasn’t looking for any sort of explanation. It didn’t stop Molly feeling guilty though, and she wished she’d been brave enough to at least send a text even if she couldn’t manage a call. No one at home had been told though, apart from her family. None of her friends from school knew, or at least she thought they didn’t, but as she glanced around the pub Molly wondered how many of the people she’d shared school corridors and classrooms with knew about the end of her relationship. Perhaps telling people as and when she wanted was a right she’d given up by being the one to call it a day. Just another thing she didn’t know, no one had told her, no one had prepared her for.
“Oh right, yeah, few weeks ago now.” Molly shrugged.
“How you doing?” Suki asked, mouth down turning at the corners and her head tipping to one shoulder a little.
“Yeah I’m fine, it was my decision.” Molly explained with a weak smile. Apparently that was all Suki needed, the light in her eyes flicking on and a playfulness making itself known that Molly knew well. At the age of six it had come to light as they stole plumbs from the tree in Mrs Wilson’s front garden, at sixteen it was topping up an empty bottle with her dads vodka and skipping through the fields no idea what hell laid ahead of them.
“Cause of that cutie on insta.” At twenty it was toying with Molly that bought out that sparkle. Clearly. Molly just frowned at Suki like she had no idea what the blonde girl was talking about.  “The one that tagged you in that photo on your birthday.” Molly shook her head and lifted her glass, hiding the things that gave her away.  “Come on Mol, the fit one, opposites attract.”
“Oh, Harry, no he’s just a friend.” Molly smiled like it had only just clicked who Molly was talking about  and what photo. As if the photo hadn’t been sent to her at her request so she could print it with all the others from the night.
“Ryan said-”
“Ryan’s talking shit, I ended it because I was fed up and wasn’t feeling it anymore, distance and not seeing each other, and being bailed on everytime you make arrangements with your boyfriend can do that.” Molly practically spat. Suki nodded but Molly could see on her face how taken back she was by Molly’s tone. It still grated on her how nasty Ryan had been since she’d ended things, when all she’d been was nice and understanding. It ran against how much she wanted to salvage some sort of friendship with him. Though the more time that passed, the more she heard about him, the more he ignored her replies, the more she thought there was nothing to salvage apart from civility. “There’s no one else.” Molly sighed looking down at her booted feet.
“Always was a prick.” Suki hissed with a sneer reaching out and rubbing Molly’s arm gently.
“Stupid me to think he’d change.” Molly shrugged wondering how she’d managed to convince herself he was so different when they were together when he clearly hadn’t changed at all.
“To be fair, it looked like he had for a bit.” Suki pointed out, and Molly nodded supposing that was semi true at least. Ryan did do a very good job of convincing everyone that he wasn’t the spoiled, vindictive, nasty boy he could be during his school years. “Oh well, things that don’t end the way you want you give you an experience.” Molly had to laugh, Suki completely serious in yet another attempt at some sort of idiom.
“Who on earth gave you that one?” Molly laughed and Suki shrugged.
“Read it somewhere once.” Suki told Molly who was still giggling at the turn of phrase. It did make some sort of sense somehow, and Molly guessed if there was a positive to have she’d learned a lot from her time with Ryan. How to be completely and honestly herself without compromise for anyone. How not to lower her frequency to meet someone on their level. How no one ever really changes, how they just get good at wearing disguises.
With just over half a glass of wine, Molly took up Suki's invitation to join her with the group of their school friends Suki had been talking to before Molly walked in. Most of them Molly hadn’t really seen since going off to university, but they all exchanged polite hugs and fell into routine conversations about how things had been going. At some point Suki slunk off into conversation with Jed Brooks, leaving Molly with Sophie and Hayden, two people she’d sort of known at school, but not enough to feel really included in the conversation about Sophie’s sisters recent accidental pregnancy.
Out of the corner of her eye, Molly caught a glimpse of Jeanie sitting at the bar, alone, still glued to her phone. She didn’t really need an excuse to walk away from the conversation she wasn’t really in anyway, but the empty glass in her hand served as a good one. The pub was crowded, it had only got busier through as the evening rolled into night, and Molly had to fight her way through to get to Jeanie. There was an empty bar stool next to her though and Molly hopped up onto it and asked Tim for another glass of wine before turning to her sister.
“You ok?” Molly asked, and Jeanie nodded, though didn’t look at Molly as she did so. “What’s going on Jean?”
“Nothing, just hoped Matt would have been here by now.” Jeanie lamented, mouth downturned finally locking her phone and looking at Molly. “Doesn’t look like he’ll be here much before midnight now.” Molly just sighed and gave Jeanie a sympathetic look reaching out to rub her back gently. Jeanie just shrugged, but Molly didn’t really notice it as eyes wandered off to the door opening yet again. Her heart sunk instantly at the sight of Ryan, followed by a small group of his friends. At first she’d hoped Ryan would never turn up, and as the hours rolled on, she thought her wishes had been answered. Of course they hadn’t, and of course Ryan bowled into the pub laughing loudly and boisterously enough for nearly every head to turn his way. Just another reminder that Molly had been completely fooled into think Ryan had actually changed from the arrogant school boy she’d been sat next to in GCSE History.
“What’s up?” Jeanie asked as Molly’s eyes followed Ryan through the pub, though he never so much as glanced her way, he didn’t even seem to realise Molly was there, though he must have known she would be. It was a family tradition to drink in The Barn on Christmas Eve, Ryan knew that, he’d joined them for the last three Christmases.
“He’s been telling people I ended it because there was someone else.” Molly grumbled, slowly drawing her eyes off Ryan back to the bar and the refreshed glass of wine that had been placed down in front of her, the cost added to the tab her father undoubtedly would have set up at the beginning of the night.
“He is such a jerk.” Jeanie sneered, looking past Molly to where Ryan and his friends were stood at the bar. Each one Molly knew and had learned to tolerate, though now their RP accents, and deep chuckles wound her up as much as they had in classrooms.
“Try telling mum that.” Molly huffed.
“She’s really not as upset as you seem to think.” Jeanie assured. Though Molly couldn’t find it in her to believe that. It had always seemed like Ryan could do no wrong when it came to Penny. If they’d argued, she took Ryan’s side, if Molly was making an unfavourable decision she’d want to know Ryan’s view, and Molly didn’t miss the slightest glimmer of disappointment in her mother’s voice when she told them she’d ended things with Ryan. She’d ignored it, because it didn’t matter. Her father told her it was her choice, and she had to do what was best for her and her happiness. Her mother tried, Molly could give her that, to be as supportive, but Molly just didn’t buy into it as much. “She’s not, she was just always looking on the bright side, trust me she used to bitch about him behind your back something rotten.” Jeanie went on at the despondent look on Molly’s face.
“Really?” Molly quizzed in disbelief, because if that was true where did the disappointment come from.
“Yeah we all did.” Jeanie announced like it was obvious, like she couldn’t believe Molly didn’t know. “Cece the boy is obnoxious and big headed.” Jeanie pointed out, to which Molly shook her head, looking away from her sister and taking a sip of her wine.
“Yet you let me carry on with him for four years.” Molly pointed out dully.
“You loved him, we’d get over most issues if you love someone.” Jeanie tutted, shaking her head a little and taking a small sip from what Molly was assuming was a spirit and coke based on the colour. Out of character for Jeanie who’s normal poison was an expensive red wine, but perhaps the stress she was feeling needed a little more than fermented grapes to ease it.
“I just can’t believe he’d tell people there was someone else, he’s making me look like a complete dick.” Molly fumed quietly, glancing over her shoulder. Ryan was still at the bar but they all had pint glasses in their hands now, and didn’t show signs of moving for other people waiting in line to get served.
“Nah, just himself.” Jeanie promised. “People who know you won’t believe that for a second.”
“Guarantee every single one of them does.” Molly grumbled nodding at the gaggle of boys Ryan was encircled with.
“You really care what Miles, and Josh and whatever that prize with blonde hair is called, think?” Jeanie sneered, looking straight at them and clearly not caring if they saw the almost disgusted-esque look on her face as she did so. “They’re not worth your energy, and neither is Ryan if he’s going to be like that.” Jeanie finished reaching for Molly’s chin and turning her face away from her ex-boyfriend and the other boys.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Molly sighed.
“Of course I am, I’m the big sister.” Jeanie shrugged making Molly giggle. Molly took one last glance Ryan’s way, catching the back of his head as he wandered over to the table she’d been at earlier, the one surrounded by their school friends. She couldn’t help the sad feeling that rose in her, the one that made her fold her lips into one another as she turned back to Jeanie and picked up her glass again.
It got to her that he hadn’t thought to look for her when he walked in, or had seen her and ignored her. Neither was favourable, and neither leant themselves to Molly’s belief that he’d want to move forward as friends as much as she did. Yes that made her sad, and she wasn’t ashamed to admit that. She wasn’t ashamed she wanted more than just civility with someone she’d shared so much with over four years of her life, four important years of her life. Through that time, for all his flaws that maybe she’d ignored, or that maybe he’d concealed, it didn’t matter, Ryan was there. When she got her place at university, when she moved, when she had a breakdown on the third day of freshers when she thought she couldn’t do it. He meant a lot, and that didn’t go away because the romantic side of their relationship stopped working. They’d shared too much to throw it all in the bin, Molly couldn’t see how Ryan would be thinking any different. But perhaps he was, and she supposed she’d just have to learn to be ok with that, even if it wasn’t what she wanted, or what she had in her head and was struggling to let go of.
Jeanie and Molly sat in silence, both of them too absorbed by their minds to spark conversation that didn’t lead back to what they were thinking about anyway. The noise around them carried on as they sipped at their drinks and stared into space like two people who had been placed next to one another and had nothing in common. It didn’t stop Molly clocking Ryan getting closer though, hands dug deep into the pockets of the dark wash jeans he was wearing, ones she hadn’t seen before, and ones she knew were as new as the black t-shirt with embroidered rose on the chest he was also wearing.
“Hey Mol,” Ryan started once he was close enough. Molly just offered a kind smile, seemingly lost for words, even a simple Hello eluded her. “Can we talk?” He asked, admittedly seeming a little nervous.
“Sure.” Molly nodded, looking to Jeanie who slunk off the stool, giving it up for Ryan and slipped off towards the bathroom. Ryan took her place and turned to face the bar, Molly following suit and pulling her stool in closer.
“I just figured, considering it’s Christmas and all, maybe we should just try and put everything behind us.” Ryan explained quietly, though Molly didn’t know why. The pub was loud enough that no one could decipher any conversations apart from the one they were in. Words jumbled together in the air so the room was just a mess of sounds.
“Yeah that would be nice.” Molly smiled with a nod.
“I’m really sorry for how I spoke to you, that was unfair.” Ryan admitted, which Molly appreciated, especially when she knew, and could see on his face, how hard it was for him to admit he was in the wrong.  “You were right, I knew things weren’t right between us, I just was sto stuck on it being me and you that I was refusing to admit it.”
“I was the same.” Molly told him, suddenly realising Ryan’s quiet tone wasn’t out of choice. It felt like her voice faded out for the conversations, playing into the sensitivity of it, like if they said the words too loudly they might just hurt one another all over again, before old wounds had even properly healed. “I’m sorry I kissed someone else.” Molly whispered, letting her eyes close for a second longer that was necessary for a blink, but still not quite believing she’d done it.
“Was it really not Harry?” Ryan asked, clearly not convinced by her insistence that it wasn’t him. Molly couldn’t help but wonder if it would be better if it had been. At least it wouldn’t have been a random, meaningless kiss that only seemed to serve the purpose of proving to her that she didn’t love Ryan anymore. At least not in the way she should have done. As if she’d needed to kiss Niall to prove that. As if the way she’d been more worried about what Harry thought than Ryan didn’t prove it. As if the butterflies she didn’t get for Ryan ever, that made themselves known at the sight of Harry’s name on her screen didn’t prove it. As if the fact she knew she was falling for Harry, head over heels, harder and faster everyday, but was too scared to own up to it, didn’t prove it.
“No, it was his mate, I was very, very drunk.” Molly insisted a little emphatically.
“His mate?” Ryan gawped. Molly didn’t say anything to answer it, she didn’t need to.  “Molly that’s savage.”
“Alright, thanks.” Molly groaned regretfully. “How have you been though?” She asked, changing the subject quickly.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” Ryan nodded with half a smile, and Molly smiled back waiting for him to ask about her, though he never did. “I’m erm, you should know, I’m seeing someone else.” Ryan blurted quickly, swallowing hard on nothing as Molly’s eyes went wide.
“Sorry?” Molly spluttered. “Are you joking?” She laughed sarcastically not quite believing what she was hearing, and visibly taken back by it. “Is that why you’ve been telling everyone I ended it with you for someone else, makes you feel better?” She interrogated without apology. “Were you with her before we ended?” She asked finally, trying not to fume before she had an answer.
“No, no, no, definitely not, god no.” Ryan promised quickly and forcefully, reaching out but stopping himself as Molly recoiled from his hands.  “We knew each other, mutual friends-”
“Wow.” Molly cut in, huffing and shaking her head, not sure how to take it in, but feeling a little duped. “So you went off at me about Harry, who is literally just a friend, who I am not even nearly seeing, and you’re now dating a girl you have ‘mutual friends’ with, after everything you put me through over Harry.” Yes there were feelings brewing, but Molly had no intentions of acting on them. She’d been so adamant they were just friends to everyone including Harry, that it seemed unfair to change her mind. If Harry had ever liked her in that way, he surely didn’t anymore after she’d insisted so vehemently they were good friends. If Harry had liked her in that way, he’d learned to put those feelings into being good friends, Molly would learn to do the same.
“Molly, it’s not like that.” Ryan sighed.  “We were just passing acquaintances, I was cut up after you ended things so the footie lads suggested a big night, and she was there and we got to talking and it just sort of happened.” He explained calmly. “This was going to happen at some point Mol, we’re both going to move on.” Ryan told her.
“Yeah I thought it might take longer than a month is all.” Molly told him honestly. It played into everything for her. Even a couple of glasses of wine in Harry’s flat couldn’t bring her barriers down enough to allow her to do anything other than play with the idea of flirting. It was too soon, it could look like a rebound, it could look like she’d played Ryan, it could look like she was leading someone on.  “I knew you’d fallen out of love with me, but I thought you still cared for my feelings and had some respect for me.”
“Molly don’t, of course I still care for you, I always will.” Ryan promised, not caring for how she pulled away anymore and reaching for her hand, holding it tight. “I have every right to find someone who makes me happy.”
“I know, of course you do.” Molly admitted, looking down at their hands and remembering how it had felt when he’d taken her hand as they’d walked up the red carpet to prom and she’d admitted she was nervous. How it had felt like all the support she needed. They weren’t even together properly then. They weren’t together now, but it didn’t feel like support. She didn’t know what it felt like, apart from that it didn’t feel right.
“You do too, and you will.” Molly ignored how condescending it sounded, deciding it wasn’t worth the hassle of pulling him up on it. Instead she just pulled her hand from out of his and lifted her eyes to look at him again, ready for the conversation to be over. “I just wanted to be the person to tell you.” Ryan sighed.
“Thank you.” Molly half smiled as something began to switch. It wasn’t that she suddenly didn’t want to find common ground for a friendship with Ryan, it was just that she’d lost the fight to find it. If it happened it happened, but she wasn’t sure she was willing to continue pushing so hard for it. Jumping to his texts, asking questions she never got answers to, trying to remember all the things they had in common. She’d spent the last year forcing herself to find the good in a failed romantic relationship, she didn’t have the energy to carry on forcing a friendship that might not even have the ground to take off.
“I mean it’s been like two dates, it might be nothing.” Ryan shrugged, appearing to try and backtrack.
“No, I hope it works for you, it was just a bit of a shock.” Molly told him honestly, because it was a shock, especially after how he’d reacted when she ended things. “Well have a good Christmas.” Molly finished with a sigh and a falsely bright smile, that if Ryan really knew her as well as he’d once professed to, he’d have seen straight through. Instead he just smiled back.
“Yeah you too, maybe see you before we go back to uni.” Ryan suggested standing from his stool.
“Yeah maybe.” Molly nodded knowing she wouldn’t. If she didn’t see him again until the same time the following year, she wasn’t entirely sure she’d mind. Ryan just turned away and stalked back off to where he’d come from. Molly deflated, not realising she’d pushed herself taller until she fell down a little, and scanned the room for Jeanie. She spotted her sat in a window seat with a girl Molly half recognised from school, a few years above, presumably Jeanie’s year. Molly got up off her own stool, finished the wine and headed for Jeanie and her friend.
“Jeanie, I’m gonna head home, feeling pretty tired.” Molly told her, not entirely lying.
“Ok, see you later.” Jeanie smiled, seeming cheerier than she had earlier. Perhaps talking with someone else had taken her mind off Matt’s absence. It gave Molly an idea.
Outside it was even colder than it had been a few hours earlier. There was frost in the air that could be promising snow, though Molly doubted. The light sea breeze that was whipping at her hair and biting the end of her nose, suggested it wouldn’t let flakes actually settle even if they fell. The large winter coat Molly had chosen from her cupboard kept her arms and body warm, though as she tapped away at the screen of her phone, her fingers felt like ice and they began to get numb. As soon as the phone was tucked under her hair, against her ear, ringing, she shoved her free hand into her pocket to get warm.
“Hello you.” Four rings and Harry’s voice rustled down the phone, sleepy and slow, rough around the edges. The line was slightly crackly and Molly didn’t doubt it was due to poor village signal on her end.
“Hey, where are you?” Molly asked lightly, quietly, just in case there was anyone in the village actually asleep.
“Nans.” Harry answered simply but with a little drag in his voice, almost a struggle, the sound of movement vibrating down the line.
“Oh say hi.”
“She’s gone to bed love, it’s nearly midnight.” Harry chuckled, and Molly quickly checked her watch in complete disbelief it was that late. But it was, eleven thirty seven to be exact. The seconds seemed to tick past quicker as they crept closer to Christmas Day. It always seemed to go so slowly as a child, the twenty four hours of Christmas Eve, but as Molly got older, the day only slipped by quicker in another blur of laughter and food and alcohol.
“Oh sorry, I’ll let you sleep.” Molly whispered as if that made a difference.
“No, it’s fine, I’m not going to sleep yet.” Harry told her, another shuffle echoing his voice.
“What you doing?” Molly asked dipping her head and watching her feet scuff along the pavement, as if trying to hide the smile gracing her face.
“Just watching a movie, you?”
“Just walking home from the pub.” Molly told him, glancing up, the gates of her family’s house in sight.
“Lolly.” There was a tinge of disappointment in Harry’s voice and the gruffness only intensified with it.
“Harry.” Molly replied, with the same tone, giving him a taste of his own medicine. Even with the sweet nickname that she’d begun to adore when it rolled of his tongue in that relaxed way it so often did, the almost warning in his voice hadn’t been missed, and it wasn’t exactly appreciated.
“You gotta stop doing this to me, you’re gonna send me into cardiac arrest, you on your own again?” Harry clucked, just like he had when she’d called on her way home from Alesandros nearly two months ago, as Molly crunched across the gravel driveway. The outlook to the lane behind her was dark, street lights had long since been extinguished for the night. The only glow was the porch light that had been left of before leaving the house that night. Even the moon and the stars were hiding behind a thick coat of clouds.
“Yes, but I am letting myself into the house now aaannnddd, I’m in, door closed, I’m safe.” Molly assured as she locked the front door behind her again and flicked on the hallway light. She scanned the parts of the house she could see. Somehow Harry’s fretting had put nerves in her that she wasn’t familiar with when she was safe inside the walls of that house. Moseby trotted out of the kitchen and she felt fine just as quickly as she hadn’t, her fingers finding the dogs long hair over it’s head and ruffling it gently as she headed for the kitchen.
“How long have you been walking?” Harry asked, and Molly could almost see that small crease between his eyebrows that he wore when something didn’t make sense.
“Like two minutes.” Molly shrugged at a guess, quickly filling a glass of water and taking it upstairs, Moseby following at her heels, and leaving her coat on. The house had a chill, the heating had clocked off for the night, she flicked it back on, but it would take a minute for the old pipes to shudder back to life and begin warming the house again.
“Oh, you live near the pub, then.”
“Harry everyone lives near the pub, it’s a village, it’s tiny.” Molly told him, not quite able to emphasise just how tiny it was with words alone. The thought of Harry visiting came to her yet again, and just like it had everytime it sent of a few little butterflies from the bottom of her tummy. The image in her head made sense. Harry looked at home in her home, as she’d felt in his.  “So how was your Christmas Eve?” Molly asked quickly, before the image in her mind could convince her to ask anything more ludicrous.
“It’s been good.” Harry told her, the smile in his voice traceable through his words. “I went and saw L-my Nan, well obviously that’s why I’m here, stupid me.” Harry laughed, seemingly nervously. Molly chuckled along but more out of confusion than anything else, her brow furrowing as she did so and patted her bed for Moseby to hop up and warm the covers while she got changed into something more comfortable. Her parents were out so no one would have to know apart from her and the dog that wasn’t allowed on the beds.
“You been drinking?” Molly asked with a laugh in attempt to not offend Harry.
“Only a couple with the family.” Harry mused, Molly’s mind spinning through images of him sat in the large leather armchair she’d seen in Nancy’s living room, one of the crystal tumblers in his hand, sipping and laughing with his family through Christmas Eve as carols played in the background.  “Why?”
“You’re being weird.” Molly told him with a slight smirk as she did so, sure Harry would see the funny side.
“Am I? Sorry.” Harry bleeted and Molly felt immediately guilty for pointing out how strangely he seemed to be acting over the phone.
“It’s ok, as long as everything’s ok?” Molly assured quickly, turning to sit on the edge of her bed in one swift movement.
“Yeah, yeah everything’s fine.” Harry promised just as quickly. It felt a little like they were both afraid of upsetting one another. It wasn’t quite eggshells, it didn’t feel that tense or stunted, but they were both definitely treading with caution as they maneuvered into new territory with bitten breath. “So you’re home now, wanna facetime?” Harry suggested, almost from nowhere, Molly freezing mid coat removal.
“Erm, sure ok, if you want.” Molly buzzed, her voice lifting a semi-tone with each word. There was no denying the idea thrilled her a little, there was something a little more intimate, and a little easier, about seeing Harry’s face as they spoke. It just threw her off track a little, but only because she’d assumed the conversation would be coming to an end soon. “Can I just get changed first then and I’ll call you back from my laptop?” Molly told him, her coat half shrugged off and her waist dying for something more elasticated than denim jeans.
“Ok sure, speak in a sec.” Harry finished, the smile in his voice again, the one Molly now couldn’t wait to see, before they ended the phone call.
It took Molly less than two minutes to shed her clothes and pull on some clean black joggers and a hoodie to match. It felt cosy, and even more so as she slipped her feet into a pair of red fluffy socks, patterned with snowflakes, perfect for the time of year. There wasn’t a lot of makeup left on her face, but she removed it with a cotton pad and some lotion nonetheless, rubbing a light layer of night cream over her skin and calling it a job done, her normal, five step routine forgotten as she grabbed her laptop from the dressing table and crawled onto her bed with it, pulling a blanket with her and calling Moseby closer.
Thanks to the wonders of ‘the cloud’ Harry’s number was stored on her laptop. Within moments, after checking her makeup free face, and unbrushed hair were adequate, her laptop was ringing out to Harry.
“Hey.” Molly’s heart fluttered as he grinned through the screen back to her. It was ridiculous how she was letting him affect her now. It was as if because she’d been pushing it down so hard, it was now coming up stronger. Like telling a child not to touch the biscuits, only to discover they’d eaten the whole jar half an hour later.
“Hey.” Molly smiled back. “Sorry I wanted to take my makeup off, I look a bit rough.” She excused motioning to her bare face.
“I was gonna say you look pretty actually.” Harry offered with a slightly dipped brow and straight mouth.
“Oh, thank you.” Molly blushed, dropping her eyes for a second. Harry just smiled at her coyness, whatever light he had on where he was flattering every one of his features. Even through the low quality webcam his eyes seemed to sparkle with the grin that dimpled his cheeks, one more heavily than the other. His hair was tied back away from his face, but Molly could see a few ringlets curling down his neck, probably tickling the soft skin she could see for the neckline of his hoodie that had been cut slightly to save his throat being rubbed by the fabric. There was no one Molly had felt so attracted to. Ryan looked good, she’d always thought he was attractive, but with Harry it was something other than just his glittery eyes, or pretty smile, or the way his hair fell or any of those things. There was something else about him that toppled her over an edge.
“So did you see Ryan?” Harry asked, drawing Molly’s eyes away from the tight, firm line, of his jaw.
“I did.” Molly told him quickly, clearing her throat and finding his eyes again. It was clear he was waiting for more, his plump bottom lip sticking forward a little. Molly cleared her throat again, though she didn’t need to, but her voice felt stuck, words lodged together in a mess of noise in her throat. “It was fine,” She started, her voice light as a summer breeze. It didn’t match anything, but it especially didn’t match the heavy look in her eyes. “It was civil, we spoke, just to clear the air kind of thing.” Molly shrugged with an attempt at a smile.
“That’s good.” Harry smiled back, tilting his head to one side and narrowing his eyes just a touch, for only half a second. “Do you feel better?” He asked, straightening his head again. Molly nodded quickly, the smile rising up her face, until her eyes creased and Harry could see her teeth. It was too big for what they were discussing, so falsely bright, it gave her away instantly. “Why are you lying to me?” Harry asked softly.
“I’m not lying.” Molly insisted with wide doey eyes.
“Lolly.” Harry sighed, shrinking into the velvet headboard behind him. “What’s up?” He asked.
“Nothing I’m fine, it was just a little sad, but I’m good now, I feel better now, you’re right, you were right, it’s for the best.” Molly insisted, this time only lifting one side of her mouth. It was sad, Molly had felt sad. It felt like a real ending, and she’d never liked those, but who really did? Eventually she was sure she’d feel the wound closing up and healing, eventually the conversation would feel like closure, Molly was sure. But it still felt a little bruising and a little sore, and at the back of her mind was the nagging point of what Ryan moving on so quickly said about the back end of their relationship. She supposed it didn’t matter when she was so unabashedly entranced by the way Harry’s bottom lip bounced as he talked.
“You sure?” Harry checked sitting up again.
“I’m sure.” Molly nodded with a tiny, but definitely genuine, smile.
“You’d tell me if something was up wouldn’t you?” Harry asked and Molly nodded with a small giggle. “Promise.”
“I promise, you big goof.” Molly chuckled, rolling her eyes.
“Big goof? That’s mean.” Harry mocked offence, sticking his bottom lip out like a petulant child and creasing his brow just a touch. Molly only giggled more at the sight of it, forcing Harry to smile and his lip to roll back up to meet the top one again, his dimple dipping into his right cheek. Molly had never known someone's smile to take over, and change a face the way Harry’s did. Every intricate detail of his face responded to his smile, the joy oozed out of him like liquid gold and it was hard not to be infected by it.
“Well stop being so soft.” Molly giggled, pulling the blanket over her legs and tucking Moseby in as she did so.
“You love it.”
“You’re right I do.” Molly agreed with a nod of her head, pressing her lips together. The smile on Harry’s face was different then. It made Molly stop and think, which was always dangerous, but especially when she already had thoughts she wished she didn’t swimming somewhere in her head. “I don’t want people to think I’m stringing you along or something.” Molly admitted a little quieter, but hardly a whisper.
“Why would they think that? And wait I thought we weren’t worrying what other people thought.” Harry backtracked, shaking his head side to side and frowning back at Molly.
“I know, but, it looks like I’m saying jump and you’re saying how high.” Molly admitted.
“That’s not how it is though is it?” Harry told her even though it sounded like a question.
“Isn’t it? You do a lot for me, for no reason, just because, and what do you get out of it, you see how it looks.” Molly was ranting, words spilling out of her with ease, only proving how sure she was of the point she was making.
“I don’t get it, why do you do this to yourself?” Harry questioned rhetorically. Molly just lowered her eyes, her cheeks sucking in a little. She didn’t really know either, why she continued to hit the self destruct button, why she continued to worry about things that didn’t need an ounce of her concern, let alone the kilos she was giving them. It was just a part of her design, the way she was made. “We’re good Lol, we’re good, I’m happy, I don’t feel like I’m being shortchanged, I do what I do for you because I want to and because I can.”
“Why though?” Molly asked quietly, her lips barely moving as she began to scratch away skin at the edge of her thumb nail.
“Why not?” Harry shrugged, cocking one eyebrow. “Look, you’re more often than not the first one to text about doing something, you call me more than I call you, we’re pretty even.” Harry reminded her, but that didn’t feel like enough after everything he’d already done for her.
“I don’t drive halfway across the country for you.” Molly pointed out, looking at Harry again. One hand lifted to scrape through the hair he’d tied back, his fingers left lines through it as the tips dragged along his scalp.
“You don’t have a car, and I didn’t end a four year relationship.” Harry told her, his words a little sharp. Molly nodded, her shoulders rising with the sigh she let out quietly through her nose. “Can we please just be without you worrying about what other people may or may not be thinking.” Again Molly nodded, promising herself silently that she’d stop getting wrapped up in the potential thoughts of anyone other than herself. All that mattered, all she had to worry about, or concern herself with what she was feeling and thinking, and when she let go of the needless fretting, what she was feeling and thinking was that she was beginning to really feel something for Harry and she thought she quite liked that. Especially when he looked at her like the same was happening for him.
“Sorry.” Molly whispered.
“Stop saying sorry.” Harry chuckled darkly.
“I’m sorry.”
“Seriously Lolly.” Harry chuckled louder, a deep rumble of thunder that came from his tummy and made his shoulders shake a little.
“Oh shit, I’m…” Molly hesitated for a second as she shook her head in disbelief at herself, trying to decide what she was most of all. What am I? “I’m happy.” Molly settle on finally, opening her eyes to look at Harry as she told him how she was truly feeling.
“Yeah?” Harry checked and Molly nodded, a tiny, glimmer of a smile on her face, the corners only just upturned. “Good, that makes me happy.” Harry told her, just one corner of his own mouth lifting in response to Molly’s quietly content smile. For a second Harry’s eyes flicked off to the near distance, but they quickly came back. “Hey, Lolly, it’s midnight.” Harry announced. Molly frowned, not believing that much time had passed, but the clock on her laptop told her it was in fact one minute past midnight. Christmas Day.
“So it is.” Molly grinned brightly, the childlike excitement instant, and readable from the gleam in her eyes.
“Merry Christmas Cecelia Molly Thomson.” Harry almost whispered.
“Merry Christmas Harry Edward Styles.” Molly replied in the same soft tone, her voice sleek like silk over Harry.
“We could do presents.” Harry suggested, cocking one eyebrow a little.
“I suppose we could.” Molly agreed, though admittedly she was nervous about the idea. Generally speaking Molly thought she was quite good at buying presents, she liked to step outside the box a little and they always seemed to go down well, and she enjoyed buying gifts for others. However, Harry was a bit of a enigma to her, although she felt like she knew him well, finding him the right gift was surprisingly tricky. He had the air of a person who didn’t want for lot, but bought the things he wanted for himself. Molly knew she really needed to step out of the box to find a gift he’d love. Or she thought she did. But then she got a burst of inspiration and his crowded book shelves came back to her. “Shall we?” Molly asked, excited nerves tickling her tummy and making her voice higher than normal.
“Yeah, I think so.” Harry smiled with a nod.
“Ok give me a sec.” Molly pulled her legs from under the blanket, so as not to disturb the sleeping Moseby curled up beside her, and got up from the bed, heading for her wardrobe and the large tote bag she’d travelled home with, sat on the train seat behind her. The gift from Harry, the one he’d given her before driving her home from his apartment, was tucked inside neatly and safely. It was wrapped tidily in red paper, tied with a red and white ribbon that Molly planned on putting around Moseby’s neck once the present was opened. It looked too good to open, and Molly wondered if he’d wrapped it himself. Somehow she just couldn’t imagine his long, strong fingers, being delicate enough to crease the paper so perfectly.
“You first.” Molly groaned as she crawled back onto the bed and sat cross legged before her laptop, matching Harry.
“Oh there’s a dog.” Harry beamed, “The famous Moseby.” Harry’s eyes were glued on the golden retriever, sleeping peacefully still despite the commotion around him. Molly just giggled and nodded, stroking Moseby’s head gently. “Anyway, I insist you go first.” Harry pushed, the tone in his voice ensuring Molly knew there was no room for argument.
“Fine.” Molly sighed, picking the present up and beginning to peel the tape from the paper gently. People laughed at her for how careful she was about unwrapping presents, but she didn’t feel the need to tear away at paper to find what was underneath in seconds. It built up the tension more her way. Molly took the paper away from the rectangular gift and flipped over to look at the front. ‘Coyote Ugly’ on DVD. “Ah, yes, thank you.” Molly grinned and nodded.
“Now you have no excuse.” Harry smiled.
“No I do not, thank you.” Molly giggled placing the DVD case beside her laptop. “Your turn.” Molly gleamed looking to Harry again. Molly knew what was underneath the brown paper dotted with silver stars, but as Harry pulled the red and white striped string to untie the bow she’d tied it in, she felt nervous like she didn’t know a copy of Disturbing the Peace laid beneath it.
“The only book you’ve ever liked.” Harry beamed, eyes flicking over the back cover as he read the blurb, a quick summary of the story of a salesman turned alcoholic and adulterer, designed to make someone buy and read the book. “Thank you, I’m gonna start it tomorrow.” Harry grinned, looking back up at Molly.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Molly told him blushing a little.
“Of course I want to, if this is the only book you’ve ever liked it must be good.” Harry told her, looking down at the book again for a second before reaching across and placing it on the bedside table that Molly could just see in frame. As he stretched his hoodie rose up over his hip a little, revealing the smooth skin and plump flesh underneath. “Thank you.” Harry grinned one more time.
“Do you wanna watch this with me?” Molly asked without really thinking about the question before doing so.
“You gonna wait that long?” Harry asked, seeming a little put out.
“Or I could put it on now and we could watch it together now.” Molly mulled, detailing how she’d seen it in her head. Turning her laptop a little the TV hung on the wall so Harry could watch the screen with her, like they were there together watching the movie he couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen already, but not really. Harry laughed, really laughed, like she’d told the funniest joke. Molly felt her cheeks redden, realising how ridiculous the idea was and how mad it sounded. How much of a joke it sounded.
“Oh wait you’re being serious.” Harry realised a little too late, the laugh falling away as he winced, noticing how put out Molly seemed.
“No it’s ok, it was a stupid idea.” Molly brushed it off, waving her hand through the air and offering a reassuring smile.
“No, no it’s not that, I just..” Harry hesitated for a second, looking over Molly visibly as she waited for him to finish what he was saying. “Thought you’d want to get to sleep, but yeah, put it on.” Harry told her nodding as he did so.
“Sure?” Molly asked with wide eyes.
“Sure.” Harry confirmed nodding again. Molly smiled and once again got up from the bed to put the DVD on.
The movie started and Molly got comfortable, angling the laptop a little so Harry could see too. The logistics didn’t work out quite as perfectly as they had in her head, and she was sure Harry could hardly see, but he never complained, just got comfortable himself, relaxing back against the headboard. As the movie carried on, Molly glanced to Harry every now and again, his bottom lip between his fingers as he pulled at it. It couldn’t be helped how sleepy Molly felt. It was gone midnight, she was warm and comfortable, curled up with Moseby and her blanket in the softest clothes she owned. Of course her eyes were heavy, and of course she gave into that easily. It couldn’t be helped.
She woke up the next morning, dazed and alarmed at the sound of her sisters voice and her bedroom door opening. By the time Molly realised it was Christmas morning Jeanie had disappeared again, leaving the door open behind her. Molly had no memory of falling asleep, or where she’d gotten to in the movie that was now just a black screen with the words DVD across it. In fact the last thing she could remember was pressing ‘play movie’ and settling back with Harry.
Molly jumped at the memory and grabbed her laptop that had gone into sleep mode. Molly wondered when. As the screen came back to life, the facetime call screen that remained showed her the call had ended at 1.15am. Harry must have ended the call after she fell asleep. Molly reached for her phone, plugged in on her bedside table. A message was waiting for her.
Goodnight Lolly, sweet dreams, Merry Christmas x
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Eeeee hope you like this one. Are they heading in the right direction? What are we all thinking?
Thank you SO SO much for all the love on this so far. We’ve got a long way to go but I’m so glad so many of you seem to be loving it so far. Would love it if you send over your thoughts and theories and always and if you wanna give it a like or reblog feel free!
All the love, I x
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sembell · 7 years
Moving Forward - Chapter 54
It’s been some time, but the longer the wait the longer the chapter, I guess?! Thank you guys so much for your patience, your encouraging words and your constructive feedback! I still love writing this story as a way to escape into an alternate reality that, as of now, makes me feel so much better than the actual reality (whatever that is :P) The title of this chapter is based on my very first encounter with Gillian at the Toulouse Game Show in 2015, when I was standing in front of her, ready to get my poster signed. Her phone buzzed, she looked at it and went “Oh shit! Just a second, sorry!” and then typed something. Who knows what happened there, but this is what I made out of it for the MF-universe :)
NC-17 warning!
“Oh shit! Just a second, sorry!” Gillian Anderson
September, and with it the end of filming, came around much faster than expected.
Parting ways had always been difficult, but incredibly hard after spending three and a half months together - as a family.
A few days after wrapping, David and Gillian found themselves, once again, on completely different continents, thousands of miles apart from each other. When he’d started to film the second season of Aquarius in Los Angeles, Gillian had flown out to Nepal with Piper and her sister to shed Aaron’s ashes. Right after their short and highly emotional trip, she traveled to India to shoot her new movie Viceroy’s House.
The weeks went by excruciatingly slow, even though their days were always busy and packed with an enormous workload.
By the middle of October, she was still shooting the movie in Jodhpur while David found himself at the New York Comic Con with Mitch and Chris, starting the promotion of their six-episode-event-series.
Although she couldn’t be with them, she had sent a video of her sitting by the pool, sounding somewhat like Lady Mountbatten and making a teasing comment about one of the pool boys. David grinned to himself as the audience cheered, remembering all those hours they’d watched documentaries and recorded her voice during breaks, and how much they’d laughed over her weird accent.
They’d started the panel with screening the first episode, and the rest of it went smooth and enjoyable, mostly due to Kumail, whose love and excitement for the show was basically endless.
At some point, right in the middle of an audience’s question, David’s phone buzzed on his upper thigh. With a quick glance down, he saw that Gillian had tweeted something.
Lying in bed in Jodhpur watching live NYCC panel. Miss you guys. Especially one of you.
He pursed his lips and read it again.
Especially one of you.
And then again.
Suddenly, Chris had started to talk again, and David raised his head abruptly, his eyes wandering over the audience. He had no idea what the question was, but it was answered quickly, and Mitch was talking again. And that was basically the rest of the panel for David. He just wasn’t able to concentrate anymore, especially since his phone kept on buzzing with new messages coming from his little tease over in India.
“She just texted me about my flow,” David said bashfully as he followed Mitch off the stage. The panel had just ended, and they were already on their way back to the media area where they were supposed to give a couple of interviews.
Mitch chuckled, turned around and gave David a pat on the back. “Did she watch us live?”
“Yeah, she did.”
“What does she think about your flow?”
“She says it’s flowing just fine, she’s still turned on by the way I handle my chunky monologues,” David answered, and they both fell into hearty laughter.
There was another message that he’d received during the panel, which he didn’t show Mitch, that said:
> Is that handsome dude on my screen really my boyfriend? I miss him terribly <
She knew exactly how to sweeten him up.
> I thought he’s right there with you, providing cold drinks and fresh fruit? <
A couple of seconds later, she started to type, and it didn’t take long for another text to pop up:
> :P - I wish! Y’all looked fantastic though. I’m so sad I couldn’t be there and watch the episode! Is it any good? <
> It’s good, the audience liked it. <, he replied and began to chew on the inside of his cheek as a new wave of longing came over him.
Right then, he couldn’t have cared less about the episode. All he could think of was kissing her in that pool by her hotel, running his nose over her cute little freckles and smelling her delicious, sunkissed skin.
Yes, he was desperate. And who could really blame him after all those weeks without her? Though admittedly, it had started to become fun to play with all the possibilities they had nowadays to stay in contact and feel somewhat close. David especially had become a big fan of those little sexting games she would constantly come up with. He certainly couldn’t imagine his life without being able to play “Queen of the day” with her anymore.
Unfortunately, nothing was even remotely close to what it felt like to have her in his arms, kiss her beautiful lips and tell her he loved her while looking into her deep blue eyes.
A couple of weeks later, David landed at London Heathrow Airport on a gloomy Friday afternoon, tired to the bones and aching from a long week on set.
He had been looking forward to their first weekend together in what felt like forever, at least up until last Tuesday, when he received a call from a very angry, but also abashed Gillian, telling him that the convention she would attend this weekend wasn’t actually taking place in Paris, as she assumed it would, but in a little French town called Toulouse, which was basically in the middle of nowhere.
All their plans for a nice, long weekend together with the kids, visiting the Eiffel Tower, climbing the stairs of the Basilica du Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre up to the top, or eating years worth of crêpes and baguettes had died in a matter of seconds.
Instead, David decided to spend the weekend at home with the kids, not really keen to drag them out to a cold, snowy Toulouse, no matter how nice and interesting it might’ve been. With so many geeks in one small city, chances were they wouldn’t be able to have a very good time after all.
It was already dark when he arrived at Gillian’s house, and Erin, the kids’ nanny, was all set to leave for a romantic weekend with her boyfriend in a nice little cabin somewhere on the coast. David couldn’t possibly envy her more, even though he was starting to look forward to having some fun with the kids alone.
Over the last couple of months, it had become somewhat of a tradition that whenever he had Gillian’s kids for himself, he’d take them to places that served American food. The good, greasy and overly sweet stuff that the boys didn’t get too often, but of course loved tremendously. He’d lie if he said that he didn’t enjoy spoiling them - they were awesome boys, and they had a good relationship even without buffalo wings, chicken with waffles or s’mores, but he loved having a good time with them and seeing them happy and relaxed around him. And whenever he’d been away for a longer period of time, it was an easy way to skip the awkward first couple of hours to warm up to each other again.
They took the tube to a nice little place near St. Paul’s Cathedral and had a wonderful dinner before driving back home and taking Nelson for a long walk around the neighborhood.
The dog had become everything David had hoped he would when he gave him to Gillian - a wonderful, beloved buddy for her active young boys. Both Oscar and Felix were very dedicated to Nelson, and it was a delight to watch how much fun they were having together, but also seeing how much responsibility the boys had taken for the little guy.
When David had settled Eaden for the night, the boys showed him their new sports game on the Nintendo Wii, and they ended up playing tennis and golf way past midnight, having so much fun that David even forgot to call Gillian before she fell asleep in her hotel in Toulouse.
On Saturday, the four of them went to an indoor playground right after breakfast, and David spent the better part of his day counting heads, carrying Eaden back to the toddler area, which she was constantly sneaking away from to jump around with the big kids, and handing out snacks and drinks.
Around midday, he started to receive some hilarious text messages from an incredulous Gillian, asking him how anyone in their right mind could possibly confuse Toulouse with Paris and complain that she was freezing her ass off in the hall she was sitting in before she eventually sent him a picture of a squat toilet, labeling it “Welcome in Europe 2015”.
While David had a good laugh over it, he also felt for her. She deserved a weekend to relax, yet she was out there making other people’s dreams come true. He couldn’t admire her more right now.
Gillian was back at her signing table after the first round of photo op’s around 2 pm, frozen to the bone and overwhelmed by the number of people still waiting in line to see her.
It was fun though, really. She’d grown to like these conventions despite her fear of crowds and her aversion to public speaking.
Her fans were crazy, but most of them were very nice, lovely people, and knowing she could make them very happy by just being there and taking a moment to talk to them was bringing her an immense amount of joy as well.
Her phone buzzed beside her, and she only meant to take a quick glance at it, but the first three words immediately caught her full attention and set her on alert. It was a message from David, one that didn’t start very good.
“Oh shit,” Gillian exclaimed, taking her phone and looking at the young woman standing in front of her. “Just a second, sorry!” Gillian said with an apologetic smile and unlocked the screen before reading the entire text:
> Rufus is missing. I can’t find him anywhere. Erin said Eadie didn’t have him for her nap either. Do you remember seeing him around somewhere? <
And that was when the nightmare started.
Gillian hopped into the waiting limousine to leave the convention center by 7:30 pm, much later than she’d anticipated since she spent another hour at her table, meeting even the last person who hadn't gotten the chance to see her earlier today.
The rest of the day had been so busy that she didn’t get the chance to write David anymore, and his messages had piled up by now.
His immediate reply to her suggestions where the bunny might’ve been was:
> No, he’s not in the car and not under our bed, or any bed for that matter. Please come up with something a little bit more helpful. I’m running out of options here. <
There were four more rather desperate ones before she reached the last one:
> I can’t find it. I looked absolutely EVERYWHERE! <
Gillian inhaled sharply and turned her head to look out of the window as they were passing the crowds on their way home, or to the next bar.
It was raining again, or snowing, she couldn’t really tell. The cold and cloudy weather in the past couple of weeks was starting to get to her mood and overall well-being. As if only the sun could recharge her batteries. Maybe a nice long bubble bath back at the hotel and a decent sized burger with fries and a milkshake on the side would do the trick, too, Gillian thought, smiling to herself. Boy, she really wasn’t looking forward to making a call home and face the reality that her one-year-old’s heart was probably broken into a million pieces.
With an exasperated sigh, Gillian dialed David’s number and raised her phone to her ear. Better get it over with right away, she thought.
He picked up on the fourth ring.
“Hey, stranger. You're done with your day?”
Gillian smiled. “Hello, yourself. Yep, I'm completely done. Done, done, done in every possible way. My brain is just… mush.”
“I bet it is,” David said with a chuckle. “Lots of people, huh?”
“You have no idea. But now tell me what’s going on! How is she?”
“A-s-l-e-e-p,” he spelled, especially emphasizing the ‘p’ at the end, sounding both relieved and tired.
“Oh, wow,” Gillian said in surprise. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Yeah, me neither. But she basically cried herself to sleep on the couch while I was trying to make dinner. I guess it was an exhausting day for all of us, and now she’s lying half on top of Nelson - who’s also on the couch, I’m very sorry - clutching one of your hoodies to her face.”
“Oh no, poor girl,” Gillian said ruefully. The bunny had been on top of her mind since David’s first message, and she couldn’t really remember when she’d seen him the last time. On Friday morning when she’d gotten the baby ready for the day? Did Eaden have him in the car during their school run? Or… did they bring him to get a couple of groceries and actually lost him while strolling through Brick Lane Market? Which was, undoubtedly, the worst case scenario.
“Yeah, it’s sad,” David said, pulling her out of her thoughts. “She just doesn’t understand it.”
“Fuck, David. I feel so guilty. It’s all my fault.”
“No, Gillian. Things like that just happen.”
“Have you ever lost the favorite stuffed animal?”
“Well, no. But we’ve lost a bunch over the years…”
“Yeah, the ones that are forgotten the next day. But you usually don’t lose the favorite one because you never bring it with you when you leave the house. That’s the number one rule every parent knows… and usually follows.”
“Maybe we’ll find him again. I will keep looking, okay? Don’t lose any sleep over it, babe.”
“Maybe I should go out for a drink with David and Nicholas after all,” Gillian mused, referring to the American actors that had also attended the convention with her.
“Yeah, at least one of us should have fun,” he said with a light chuckle.
“I’m so sorry, David. I know this wasn’t what you were expecting from this weekend. Are the boys good for you at least?”
“They’re awesome. One of them was always with Eaden or looking for the bunny. They took off to play upstairs an hour ago when the crying got really bad, which I can’t blame them for, to be honest. I think they’re hungry and waiting for dinner now, so…”
“Oh, okay. What are you making?”
“Baked mashed potatoes.”
“Um, okay. Sounds… interesting.”
“Easy and… basically ready to serve. I gotta go, babe. I love you, you know?”
Gillian smiled as heat rose to her cheeks. “I love you, too. Very much.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, finally. Good night, Gillian.’
“Good night, David. Please give the kids a kiss from me, okay?”
Rufus hadn't miraculously resurfaced by the next day, which pretty much sealed the deal for David that Eaden’s favorite stuffed bunny had in fact gotten lost in the streets.
After lunch, which the baby had refused to eat even though it had been pizza, David found her in the library rummaging through one of the bookshelves.
She didn’t even look up when he kneeled down beside her. “What are you doing, slugger? Are you redecorating Mommy’s books?” he asked, running his hand over her back.
It was only when she turned her head that he saw the tears running down her cheeks again.
“Ufus!” Eaden sobbed, her bottom lip stuck out so far that a bird could have perched on it.
“Oh honey,” David sighed. How often could his heart actually break for this little girl? She was looking at him as though he was the only one who’d be able to make everything okay again. There were so much hope and expectation in those piercing blue eyes. How he wished he could take away her pain. Or at least be able to explain what was going on.
Thankfully, she fell asleep in his arms after he’d picked her up and laid down on the couch with her.
But it was barely an hour later that Eaden couldn’t be soothed anymore.
David was leaning against the kitchen island with a screaming, wiggling Eaden in his arms when he heard the front door being closed and someone in heels walking through the hallway.
He had a tight hold on Eaden’s little feet as Oscar was standing right in front of him, looking up at his sister with worried eyes while he was gently stroking her arm.
Felix was sitting on the couch, holding his ears while staring at David’s iPad.
Oh boy, Gillian thought as she caught the first sight of them. It was worse than she’d expected.
Putting her bags down, she gave David a weary look as she approached them, but could see a hint of relief crossing his own features.
“Hey, you guys. What’s the matter here?”
“Mum!” Oscar exclaimed and ran into her arms, embracing her waist. “We weren’t able to find the bunny.”
“Mummy, she won’t stop screaming and we looked everywhere!” Felix complained from his position on the couch, not even attempting to get up and give her a hug.
“Yeah, we did! We thought Nelson might have taken it, but it’s nowhere in the house! She must’ve lost it somewhere outside.”
“Oh dear,” Gillian sighed and ran her fingers through Oscars hair before leaning over to give him a kiss. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“Nope,” Felix stated, cringing as Eaden let out another loud wail and plugging his fingers back into his ears.
“Hey, baby girl,” Gillian cooed and walked towards David and Eaden with Oscar following her closely. With four fingers of her right hand stuck in her mouth, she was clutching David’s neck with the other, and her head was resting against his shoulder as though she’d literally no energy left in her to hold it up herself.
“Look! Mommy’s home, baby. Everything’s alright now,” David whispered, gently bouncing her up and down.
Gillian snorted and started to rub Eaden’s back to get her attention. She seemed to be completely out of things, and her whole body heaved with convulsive sobs, each one wracking her harder than the last. It sounded pretty much like she was choking.
Her normally bright, sparkling blue eyes looked glassy, and the white in them had turned into a bright pink. Only her cheeks were redder than her eyes.
Gillian felt her daughter’s forehead with the back of her hand, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“She’s hot.”
“Yeah, she’s been crying and screaming on and off for hours now. She didn’t eat anything at all and only managed to take a couple of sips of tea here and there,” David said, worry and remorse evident in his voice.
“M-hm, it’s hard to make her drink anything when she’s so upset,” Gillian squeezed his arm reassuringly.
He managed a weak smile before asking, “You want to hold her for a bit?”
“Yes. Just let me change into something clean and comfy, okay?”
“Yeah,” he nodded and put his hand on her upper arm as she was attempting to walk away, pulling gently. “Hey,” he whispered, his smile soft but tired.
She raised her arm and stroked his stubbled cheek before putting her fingers around his neck and pulling him down for a chaste kiss. “Hey,” she whispered as she pulled back. She’d pictured their first kiss after weeks a little bit differently. “Hang in there, I’ll be right back.”
The crying got worse again once she’d left the room to head upstairs, and it resonated even up to her bedroom. Gillian could count on ten fingers the times she’d heard one of her kids crying like this, and it had mostly been Eaden with her newborn colics. The memories of spending hours walking around and bouncing her to ease the physical pain were still very vivid. But how on earth was she supposed to help her one-year-old with her emotional struggles?
Gillian sighed as she quickly undressed and walked into the bathroom to wash her face. No matter how many kids one had, parenthood would always be a challenge, and it would never be simple.
She came back to David pouring what she guessed was fennel tea, Eaden’s favorite, into a sippy cup while their daughter was now sobbing directly into his shoulder. They always made a whole can in the mornings and let it cool down. Gillian hated it, couldn’t even stand the smell anymore, but Eaden was chugging it down like crazy. On a normal day, at least. She really hoped Eaden would take it.
She went over to Felix first, who had been joined on the couch by Oscar, to make a point and give him a kiss hello. He smiled at her bashfully when she ruffled his hair before finally pulling her down for a bear hug. No matter if she was gone for a weekend or a couple of weeks, they always seemed happy and grateful when they had her back, and in need of a lot of cuddles. She hoped she’d get the chance to spend some quality time with both of them before she had to fly out to Belfast on Tuesday.
“Hey sweetheart, look what Daddy made you! Your favorite tea!” Gillian tried to sound as excited as possible when she stepped beside David, who let out a frustrated sigh while trying to screw the lid with one hand.
She gently put her hand over his, gave it a reassuring squeeze and took the cup to close it.
“Eaden, Mommy is here now. Have you seen her?” David murmured, gently trying to loosen her tight grip on him so she would at least take a look. He still couldn’t believe how hard it actually was to peel a tiny, clinging toddler off of you. “Eaden, please,” he begged, and Gillian could tell that he was giving everything not to sound annoyed or harsh. It must’ve been a horrible weekend for him, especially after not seeing them for such a long time.
“Okay,” Gillian nodded, put the cup on the counter and started to take the baby away from him.
She was holding on for dear life, pulling at his shirt and stretching it as far as possible before he finally got to open her fingers around the fabric, and she let go.
Gillian had just turned her around and settled her on her hip to take a look at her when Eaden broke into full-blown bawl, arched her back and suddenly threw herself backward so forcefully that if David hadn’t been there to catch her, Gillian would’ve dropped her.
“Jesus Christ,” Gillian breathed in utter shock, her heart now beating rapidly in her chest. Eaden’s cries once again intensifying.
David nodded, running his large hand over Eaden’s small back while Gillian was holding her tightly, even though she was squirming in her mother’s arms.
“It’s alright baby,” Gillian tearfully choked out. She felt horrible. Eaden had never resented her like that before, and it stung.
If she only had been there for her over the last two days.
She looked up to meet David’s eyes. “Do you think it might help if I retreat into the library and lay down with her?” Gillian asked, cradling her daughter’s head in her palm and bouncing her gently.
“Yeah, you do that,” David said softly and leaned forward to kiss her forehead before handing her the sippy cup. “I’ll be out here if you need me, okay?”
“Yeah. Thank you,” she whispered, hoping he knew how grateful she was for everything he was doing for her. Flying over for the weekend to watch her two boys, their daughter and the dog all by himself was more than she was expecting from him, especially since she didn’t even have to ask.
He found them peacefully lying in the raffia glider a while later. The library was one of his favorite rooms in her house. It was peaceful and comfortable, and he loved to come in here, browse her bookshelves and lay down with a book that caught his interest. David even had a shelf for his own books in here, and sometimes, he’d find a book in it that she’d bought him, one she thought he would like, or one she just really wanted him to read.
Eaden was slumped against Gillian with her head resting on her mother's chest, her little body still shaking with an occasional sob. With one hand, she was fingering a few tendrils of her mother’s hair that had escaped out of her ponytail. The other one was holding onto Gillian’s shirt.
“Hey, it’s so quiet in here,” he said with a soft smile and let himself slump down onto the blue sofa beside them.
“Yeah, finally,” Gillian said, her voice just above a whisper, and looked at her little girl.
Eaden had stopped drinking, but Gillian was pleased that she’d managed to drink at least half of the cup. Her eyes were still open, but she was staring at nothing in particular, her little fingers absently playing with the collar of her black shirt before disappearing underneath it again.
Gillian sighed. It was so tempting to give in, to go 10 steps back, ruin everything they’d worked for over the last eight weeks and just let her nurse, even if it was just for comfort’s sake.
“Babe, don’t,” David said quietly as if he’d read her mind, his eyes warm and full of affection. “I know what you’re thinking, but it won’t help her, or you, in any way.”
Gillian nodded and buried her nose in her daughter’s soft blonde hair. He was right, of course; the whole process was a nightmare she didn’t want to start over again. She couldn’t do that to Eaden, or to herself.
For Gillian, it was an emotional rollercoaster of unknown dimensions. Some days, she thought she was experiencing something similar to postpartum depression. She had to excuse herself from meetings or during filming to cry in private multiple times in the last couple of weeks. Had found herself on the verge of a panic attack every Monday morning when she was about to leave for Belfast, or felt completely unable to get up in the mornings and go to set.
On other days, she was incredibly relieved that she didn’t have to offer her body to a little person every waking hour of the day, or night, anymore. While she loved being close to the kids and loved providing the physical comfort each child needed, there was definitely a certain point when she started to feel very anxious, claustrophobic and protective of her own body.
One night back in the beginning of September, she’d broken down into tears after another day of tugging, fumbling, holding, carrying and rocking a cranky toddler, just to be used as a human pacifier at bedtime, and hours beyond.
Just the thought of having to hug or kiss David, or give herself out to anyone else on top of that made her heart race and her stomach clench. She was feeling incredibly overwhelmed and irritable pretty much all the time. Touched out, as some were calling it. And she found that this description was pretty fitting to what she had been feeling over weeks.
When Gillian had finally come to the conclusion that she couldn’t carry on like this, David met her with an immense amount of sympathy and appreciation. He’d been the one encouraging her to make whatever changes she had to in order for her to be able to take and do whatever she needed to remain happy and healthy. In the end, Gillian was quite surprised to find out just how invaluable her intimacy with David and the sheer feeling of being a desirable human being was to her sanity after all. And that by regaining some of her emotional and personal space, she quickly became much more relaxed and approachable again.
For Eaden, it seemed to have similar effects. She appeared to be much more independent and mature all of a sudden, boldly exploring her surroundings without looking back in search for Gillian quite that often anymore. But she was struggling to accept all the other ways to be close to her mother as the new and sole sources for comfort and security, and that nursing wasn’t one of them anymore.
She simply didn’t understand what was going on, and her coping strategies varied from crying for Gillian at night, throwing tantrums and downright begging to very creative attempts to change her mother’s mind, like pulling coy and funny faces, or even offering Rufus Gillian’s ‘na-na’s’. “Omise na-na Ufus, Mommy,” she would say, probably thinking that her mother was too polite to say no to Rufus when he’d already been promised something.
The look of rejection on her child’s face was unbearable though, as was having to say “No” over and over again, no matter how sweetly Eaden was looking at her. Or how heartbroken she was over the loss of her favorite stuffed animal.
“She probably thinks we keep punishing her, David. And of course, she has no idea why we’d do that.”
Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t argue with that. It did indeed feel like they were pulling the safe ground they’d tried to build over the last two years right from underneath their child's’ little feet.
Nothing had ever been really easy with Eaden. Maybe it was because of their own, rather advanced age for being the parents of a baby, or the fact that she was definitely their last child, but both him and Gillian were incredibly attached to this kid.
David only knew that guilt was playing a big part for himself. Not only that they weren’t living together and working all over the world, therefore dragging the little one from one place to another, but because their daughter had two parents who would probably not be able to be by her side for the bigger part of her life. He could be extremely grateful if he’d make it to her thirties. And that… didn’t feel really good.
Being aware of that, they were working hard on providing her with a secure, nurturing environment and making sure she always felt safe and loved.
Right now though, it seemed like they were failing miserably. Or maybe, he thought as he was looking at them, it was just him who was failing his daughter, and Gillian, by constantly being away from them.
“You’re a terrific mother, Gillian. I know I don’t say it enough, but I’m constantly amazed how you handle all of this; four kids with completely different needs and expectations. Mostly by yourself.”
Gillian gave him a warm, lopsided smile and shook her head slowly. “I’m not by myself.”
“I-, I know you don’t see it that way… with Erin being around and the boys spending half the time with Mark. But when it comes down to it, it’s your opinion and your decision that counts. You are the mother and you know all of them better than anyone else.”
“David,” she said and held out her hand. He reached up immediately and took it in his. “I couldn’t be the mother I am, or trying to be, without you. I’m thankful every day that the three of you are the best father’s I could’ve possibly chosen. But this,” she made a circle like motion with her head, “is only possible because of you and me together. We haven’t seen each other in what, six weeks? And you come here, all the way from LA, knowing I won’t be here most of the time, just to watch the kids. Not just our kid, but mine as well.”
“That’s the least I could do after you’ve watched them for six weeks,” he stated.
“It’s only about being able to rely on each other. I have your back and you have mine, right?”
Right, he thought. Just sometimes, he felt like it wasn’t enough.
Eaden let out a soft whimper and turned her head, searching for David. “Daddy,” she murmured, extending her left arm towards him.
“Yeah, baby,” he said and let her wrap her tiny hand around his thumb before he closed his fingers completely around it. “Daddy’s here.”
The tiniest hint of a smile played on her lips as she borrowed her face deep between Gillian’s breasts and let out a content sigh.
“Come here,” David said softly, holding Gillian’s hand while she was climbing into the tub to join him, hissing when her heel met the water. “Careful.”
“It’s hot,” she said, squeezing his hand tighter.
He raised his right eyebrow and gave her an amused smile. “Hot? I’m sitting in here, it can’t be that hot for you.”
“I told you, I’m frozen to the bones. It probably feels hotter than it actually is.”
“Alright, take your time,” David nodded, putting his hands on her hips as she slowly climbed in.
When she was finally standing between his legs, he let his hands fall down to her upper thighs and leaned forward, placing soft a kiss against the mole on her right butt cheek before gently biting into her flesh, just where her ass met her thigh.
Gillian giggled and braced her arms on the edges of the tub to ease her body into the warm water. Once the bubbles had covered her breasts and his arms had come around her middle, she let out a satisfied moan and leaned back against his chest.
It was almost 8 pm now and all three kids were asleep. After getting Eaden to eat a couple of bites of the leftover mashed potatoes for dinner, Gillian gave her daughter a quick bath and rocked her to sleep before tucking her into her crib, not leaving until she was sure the little one wouldn’t wake the second she left the room.
The boys had been patiently waiting for her on Oscar’s bunk bed to tell her everything about their weekend with David. There was a brand new Star Wars Lego-set they’d started to build in the middle of the room, and they proudly showed her the letters they’d received from their teachers to inform their parents about their impeccable behavior in class in the last couple of weeks. The Lego-set, so they explained, was David’s reward for them. Gillian could barely contain the amused grin the entire time they were talking. David really was… something else. The relationship he had built with Oscar and Felix was a fascinating one. There was a great deal of respect, curiosity, friendship and lately, probably since Vancouver, she really thought she could see love between them, too. Something very similar to the love between a parent and a child, still developing its roots, but very beautiful to witness. Something Gillian had never dared to hope for it to happen.
She laid with the boys for a while, listening and cuddling before giving them both kisses and hugs good night, turning off the lights and leaving their room to search for David.
She found him in the master bathroom, already sitting in a bubble bath between a sea of lit candles. She felt like crying of gratitude for this sweet man.
“Feels good?” David asked softly.
“Hmm, feels like heaven. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Yes, me too.”
“By the way, I stumbled upon that… huuuge Lego walker-thingy in the boys’ room.”
“Oh?” David chuckled almost nervously. “Am I in trouble?”
Gillian laughed. “No, of course not. It looks extremely expensive, though.”
David shrugged, cupped a handful of water in his palm and let it run down her upper arm. She smiled and leaned further back, resting her head beside his.
“Boy, I need a vacation. A very long one.”
“Hmm,” he nuzzled her cheek with his nose. “What are you thinking of?”
“I think of multiple things.”
“Of course you do,” David chuckled and brought his index finger up to her nose, placing a tiny bubble of soap on its tip.
“Hey!" she giggled girlishly and wiped her nose before giving him a chaste kiss.
"What are you thinking of?" he eventually asked, absently caressing her forearms with his thumbs.
"Hmm, a private rooftop or balcony pool from where you can see a beautiful, white beach.”
“Oh,” he nodded approvingly. “That sounds promising indeed.”
“A big bed.”
“One with enough space for all our children?”
“No!” she nudged him playfully in the side. “No kids.”
“No kids?”
“No. At least not the entire time. The big bed would be ours alone. Enough space to eat a big breakfast and read the papers in the mornings. Or for all the food I’d order from room service in the middle of the night while we’re all sprawled out, watching Trash TV. Or-”
“I don’t know… what else can you do in such a big bed with no kids around?”
David shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea. It’s not like I’m used to having a big bed just for the two of us anymore.” God, he wasn’t even used to the way she felt in his arms anymore. Had she ever been this tiny?
“Yeah, true. Hmm, maybe we’ll think of something once we’re there.”
“So this is the beach vacation somewhere nice and warm?”
“It is, yes.”
“Maldives, maybe? One week with the kids and then another… for us? Just you and me, a private little house on the ocean with a balcony pool. You completely naked the majority of the time…” he said dreamily, and she started to giggle.
“Sounds so heavenly, can’t we go now?”
“That would be something, wouldn’t it?” he nodded.
“Seriously, David,” Gillian said and turned her head so that she could look into his eyes. “I can’t go that long without seeing you anymore. It’s… getting harder and harder every time. And it’s just that… sometimes, I feel like…” she paused, pondering her next words while stroking his forearm with her thumb absently, “...not that we’re neglecting our relationship per se, but that it… gets lost in the shuffle, sometimes. Often. You know, with work, and the kids, which is completely normal, but… I wish we’d have more time for ourselves. To do adult things…”
“Oh,” he said appreciatively and waggled his eyebrows, making her snort before she went serious again.
“Yes, those things, and just… explore places without pushing a stroller or without having to stop at every other ice cream stand. Go to museums, meditate together, spend a night in town, just,” she sighed, “we don’t necessarily have to do all those things, but it would be nice to at least have the time that we could if we wanted.”
“I know what you mean,” he nodded.
“But it’s mostly just the... mundane things that I miss the most. Like sharing a meal in the evenings, or going to bed together. Not having to sleep alone…”
“Yeah. I miss that, too,” he said with a sigh and rested his chin on her shoulder.
At least they were happy, that was what he was thinking when he was lying in bed alone on one of those many lonely nights these days. He felt whole knowing he was hers, and she was his, no matter where they were.
“So,” David said, “about the vacation…”
“Mh-hm,” Gillian hummed.
“Is it a good thing that I… booked us a weekend in Budapest in March? Just for the two of us?”
Gillian opened her eyes and blinked before looking back at him, surprise written all over her face. “What? Are you serious?”
David chuckled. “I am, yes. Being the only one who has full access to your schedule certainly has its perks when it comes to making a surprise perfect.”
“Oh my god, I love Budapest! I will show you all the beautiful sights! And I will give my friend Zoltan a call, who has a nice little restaurant there, and ask him if he cooks us the best Hungarian food you’ll find on this planet before we’ll head to the coolest bars you’ve ever been to! And because we also need some time to relax, we will go to one of their famous baths!”
“I love when you’re so excited. It’s adorable.”
“That’s really nice of you, David. I always wanted to do a city trip with you. And I would love to go on a nice shopping tour again. Budapest is great for shopping,” she nodded with enthusiasm, but then seemed to reconsider.”Although I can’t do that with you.”
“Why not? Didn’t you say that I’m a very patient shopping companion the last time we went together?”
“I did. But I can’t blink twice and the cashier already has your credit card in their hand,” she smirked at him.
“And? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you would’ve made it clear if you didn’t like a little bit of spoiling every now and then,” David winked and leaned in for a kiss.
“Hmm,” Gillian hummed approvingly.
“Am I right?” he prompted, his breath brushing against her neck.
“Mhh, yeah, you are. The apples don’t fall far from the tree, you know?” Gillian tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her skin.
“So I’ve heard,” he murmured, teasing her with delicate kisses so faint she didn’t dare to breathe, too afraid to miss a single one of them.His hands had started to roam over the flatness of her belly, fingertips tickling the sensitive skin between her breasts up her neck, and eventually drawing little circles right under her ear.
The simplest touches of his hands had the power to make her squirm like a cat in heat, unable to ignore her bodies basic needs. To be touched. To be loved.
They were lying there silently beside the occasional giggles while washing each other until the water started to turn too cold for her liking.
David knew that she could lie there for hours, refilling the tub with hot water every now and then, but he had something different in mind. It didn’t take a lot of convincing to make her get up and let him rinse both of them off before wrapping her in a big, fluffy towel.
He’d barely gotten a chance to dry himself off and she was impatiently pulling him back into the bedroom by his hand, her own towel left behind on the bathroom floor.
She fell back onto the mattress and pulled him on top of her, both giggling like two young people who’d just fallen in love with each other. Yet they were doing this for almost 25 years.
Languid kisses quickly turned into something more serious. Hands were roaming and hips grinding against each other for a little bit of relief. Their bodies were still warm and soft from their bath, and the sensation of skin to skin was unbelievably arousing.
Their breaths were coming in shorts pants when David broke away from Gillian and gently moved her into the middle of the bed, making sure that her head was comfortably propped up on a bunch of pillows before kissing his way down, caressing very scar and stretch mark on her perfect little body. There really wasn’t anything not beautiful about her.
He had just placed a couple of kisses on her pubis and outer lips when Gillian moaned out loud, and he quickly looked up from between her legs, surprised by her strong reaction. He hadn’t even come close her clit yet her back was arched and he already needed to shush her.
“Shh, not so loud,” he whispered, caressing her tummy with his flat palm, his smile giddy and reaching up to his eyes.
“David,” she said in a half warning, half desperate voice, glaring down at him. “It’s been six weeks with only my own fingers down there. I will scream this place down if you don’t continue, and nobody wants that to happen, right?”
“What about screaming it down because I’m continuing?” he teased, but earned nothing but a blank stare, telling him that she wasn’t in the mood for his jokes anymore.
He continued easy on her, his thumbs caressing her inner thighs, nuzzling her slit with his nose while kissing and licking the soft space between her pussy and her ass. She was dripping wet already, her hips softly rotating.
Her face was still relaxed, though. Eyes closed, cheeks flushed, bottom lip lightly tucked between her teeth. It was rare that she was so content and comfortable, only concentrating on the sensation of his touch, and he loved seeing her like that.
When she put her left foot flat on the mattress beside his shoulder, basically opening up for him, he knew the teasing was over, and she needed more.
The second loud moan didn’t come as unexpected as the first, but David had to retain himself from looking back and check if she’d closed the door earlier. She probably had. At least he hoped so.
As if she could read his mind, or maybe it was his slackened tongue that had given him away, she reached down and tangled her fingers in his hair.
“Relax. The door is locked,” she murmured, licking her lips in anticipation of what was coming next.
David rested his cheek against her inner thigh and glanced at her beautiful, open pussy right before him. It was sensory overload - the pink, glistening flesh with the perfect little nub poking out of the middle and that divine, feminine smell of hers.
She had never been shy about this particular part of her body, while there were others, much less private ones, that she didn’t feel entirely comfortable with, and wouldn’t let him look at for too long. It was a miracle that she’d let him get away with kissing her ass.
Her hand suddenly came in his vision, the index finger stroking his cheek a few times before she ran it through her folds.
“Whenever I did this, when I touched myself, and made myself come, I was thinking about you, and those long, skilled fingers of yours,” Gillian said, her voice low and sultry.
David swallowed, pressing his hips into the mattress. His cock was hard as a rock. Almost painfully so.
“About your lips on my clit. Or just about you… fucking me.”
“How?” David coaxed out, watching two of her fingers disappearing into her wetness. “How did I fuck you?”
“Hard. You fucked me hard, David. Like you did in that tent on the last day of shooting. You remember that, right?” she asked, pressing herself against her palm.
How could he possibly forget that? It had been a tent with no solid walls in the middle of the set. Everyone could’ve walked in at any given time.
“I remember,” David nodded thoughtfully. What a great memory it was. “You weren’t able to keep your voice down back then either.”
“Hmm. What can I say,” Gillian said, pulling her fingers out and resting them on his bottom lip. With a growl, he opened his mouth and welcomed them in. “You do this to me.”
“Hmm,” he hummed around her fingers, swirling his tongue around them.
“Were you planning on fucking me tonight?”
David huffed, pushed her hand aside and leaned down and sucked her clit between his lips.
“You bet I was,” he murmured against her hot flesh. “Fuck babe, when I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk for the rest of the week,” David added and dove in for good, sucking as much of her tender flesh into his mouth as possible, rubbing her clit with the flat of his tongue.
She’d braced herself on her elbows, watching him with a smug expression on her flushed face, and it was the hottest thing on earth. She was a demanding lover with very high expectations; a woman who knew exactly what she needed, and how to get it. When you got her looking at you like that…
“Oh fuu-huck,” Gillian moaned and threw her head back, nails digging into the mattress, bunching the sheet between her fingers.
… or moaning for you like that, you could consider yourself the luckiest guy on earth. Because this was… mind altering. Unbelievably fucking sexy.
His erection felt hot and gigantic between his pelvis and the mattress, pulsating with each heartbeat. He couldn’t help himself but grind it against the soft sheet, again and again, probably leaving one hell of a wet spot there.
Her hips bucked up against him, and he felt a new rush of her hot wetness on his lips that he greedily lapped up.
“Hmm,” David hummed, watching her in wonder.
A single strand of hair was now sticking on one side of her face, and he could see a soft layer of sweat glistening on her forehead. She was licking her lips, biting them, pouting, opening her mouth only to press her lips together a couple of seconds later, then opening it again for a low moan. There was so much happening on her face at once, he just couldn’t look away. With every lick and every suck, her expression changed.
Eventually, she opened her eyes again and met his gaze.
“So close,” he whispered. It wasn’t a question. “So beautiful.”
At the same time as she reached down, David reached up and took her hand in his, giving it a light squeeze and put both of their hands down beside her hip.
His other hand snuck under her thigh and lifted her leg over his shoulder and onto his back, surrounding himself with her almost completely before putting his mouth back on her pussy, gently nibbling and licking, building the tension once again.
Her chest heaved as she struggled to control her breathing. She squeezed her thighs around his head and lifted her hips, hoping he would get the cue.
He didn’t disappoint. Of course not.
His free hand snuck between her legs, and she could feel his thumb entering her as the rest of his hand came to a rest between her butt cheeks.
“Oh god,” Gillian whimpered as he started to draw his middle finger around her anus with gentle pressure, spreading her wetness all over it. “David… fuck.”
“Yeah, you like that, huh?” he said softly, his eyes not leaving her face anymore. This was going to be so, so good.
“Ye-hes,” she whimpered and bucked into his face, inner muscles clenching around his digit.
His tongue sliced back and forth, up and down and in circles over her pulsing clit, lips sucking rough and relentless.
“Ahh,” Gillian cried out, and he knew her release was lingering so, so close now.
He pressed his finger a little firmly against her anus, and suddenly, she was grabbing a handful of his hair, twisting it between her fingers while she squeezed his other hand, her whole body jerking.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, Dave- fuuuck,” she screamed, and he couldn’t do anything about it but enjoy and watch in awe as she came... so fucking hard.
It lasted longer than ever before, and when she finally slumped back onto the mattress with an exhausted groan, he slowly removed his hand and kissed her inner thighs, staying with her while she was calming down.
“Oh my god, oh god,” she breathed after a while and put both of her hands over her face, letting her leg slide off his shoulder.
Gillian completely zoned out for a couple of moments, and when she finally opened her eyes again, he was lying beside her again, a lopsided grin on his beautiful, slick lips.
“David,” Gillian whispered and turned towards him. His arm came around her waist and pulled her close to his chest.
“That was incredible,” he said and stroked the small of her back, feeling goosebumps rising underneath his fingertips. She was still incredibly warm, and so soft.
“That was loud,” she corrected and looked at him sheepishly, her forehead bumping against his'.
“Yeah,” he nodded, gently thrusting his erection against the soft skin of her belly. “We better save that for our vacation next time, huh?” David whispered and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
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moosheeran · 7 years
Unwrap the Magic
Author: @moosheeran Rating: PG 13+ Word Count:  3,410 Author’s Note: Sometimes I get wild ideas and never act. This idea I decided to attempt to write. I literally can’t thank @sippin-on-red-wine for dealing with me. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the feedback I might have quit this. I hate proof reading so yeah keep that in mind. Feedback is always welcomed too!
The last year had been a whirlwind of emotions. Good and bad. The thought of having a family became a real idea, only for it to be an unexpected quest. Ed and Ophelia had been together for awhile. Sure, they always talked about having a family, never decided it. When they started trying, they never excepted any of the outcome. After months of trying and finally a positive, it was short lived. After a few weeks, the positive was a negative and Ophelia was done. In her mind, if they were suppose to have kids, they would’ve had them by now. The lifestyle they both led because of Ed’s fame, sometimes using protection wasn’t a thought. After not seeing or touching each other, there was really one thing on the brain. Giving up on having children, Ed decided they should start a home for when that moment came. For the first time, they were to be home owners together. Being the gentleman he was, Ed agreed to find a home close to where Ophelia worked. His job of touring took him all over the world, she was going to stay there more than him. House after house nothing seem to catch her eye. They look at homes with grand entrances,according to Ophelia, that was too much money. They looked at homes straight out of an old time movie. As much as she loved it, that was too much for her. “Babe...can we go look at this one,” Ophelia questioned turning her phone to face Ed. The house small and simple. White in color with a tin roof, two windows and two screen doors covered the front. A porch stretched from one end the other, big enough for a swing and rockers. The little house sat upon a small hill, a bayou running not far from side and a beautiful oak tree that was older than the house was set to the back. “If you want to,” Ed scrolled through the photos. It was an odd choice, nothing compared to the houses they looked at. Was he going to say anything? No. “Do you like it?” The tone in Ophelia’s voice was questioning. Ed just nodded, a million questions running in his head. Whatever she liked he was going to buy. The struggle of Ophelia not being able to carry a child took a toll on him, he could only imagine how she truly felt. Ed would do whatever he could to cheer her up. “Be serious with me.” Ophelia reached over running her fingers in his ginger curls. “It’s different.” Ed laughed as he got a very knowing look from Ophelia. “Fee I mean, it’s cute.” “It looks so simple. I need simple right now.” Ophelia curled up next to him, snuggling close. “Guess I need to call the realtor then.” Three days later, Ed and Ophelia drove up to the little white house on a hill. The realtor sounded a little weary about them looking at the house. After about ten minutes of Ed agreeing that he knew it wasn’t like the other houses, she agreed to show it to them. Ophelia was a bundle of joy as soon as they got out the car. For some reason, it was more than she was excepting. Greeting the realtor, she led them inside, ready to rush the showing. Walking through the door, the realtor started her speech. It was a three bedroom, two bath, living room, small dining and kitchen. Nothing fancy, nothing special. The currently owner started to remove but not everything. The walls were a wooden panel that seem to be painted over a cream cover, and as much as Ed wanted to pay attention to all the “facts” he couldn’t. Reason one was because she was talking them out of it more than anything. She kept pointing out how it was going to cost to fix this and that and how it was an old home. She even so much as said it wouldn’t make a good family home.  Ed’s attention was on Ophelia. As she walked through the house, her attention wasn’t on the realtor. Ed could see the stars twinkle in her eyes as they went room to room. “Fee,” Ed commented as they came to an end of the walk through. A course, he got no answer. “Ophelia,” he said a tad sterner. “Huh,” she replied turning to look at him. A nervous smile on her lips. “What you think?” “Do you like it?” “That’s not what I asked Ophelia.” “Honestly...” she took a deep breath looking around quickly. “I love it. It feels like home.” Those words drew a smile from Ed. “Okay...we want it.” Ed turned to the realtor who looked at him in shock. “How soon can we get the paper work done?” “Right away! Let me make a call.” Ophelia couldn’t help but to jump in Ed’s arms, giving him small kisses over and over while repeating I love you, over and over. There was no protest from Ed on that part, only him hugging her tighter. In reality, this was their dream coming true together. Maybe they didn’t things non traditional, but neither of them were traditional. They weren’t married but had decided to attempt to start a family, when that didn’t work, they decided to buy a house to make a home. As hard and difficult everything had been, this was the break. This was going to be their home, their getaway in a small town to just be normal. After a couple of months, everyone was settled nicely into their new home. Even the cats had their favorite hangout spot. Not much was needed to make it feel like home, a few photos and all of their belongings and it felt like they been there for years, not just a few months. With Ed busy scheduling, it wasn’t long before Ophelia found herself alone in the new house. Being alone wasn’t anything new, the house was perfect and cozy but with the holidays approaching and the plans they had once made gone, it seem like a downhill struggle to stay jolly. Waiting on his flight, Ed tapped his foot nervously against the concrete flood. It was a little less than two weeks to Christmas and he hadn’t really got to do one festive thing yet. Ophelia went Christmas tree shopping and FaceTimed him the whole time because she refused to pick one out by herself. As much as Ed knew she understood, he couldn’t help but feel bad. A familiar tone came from his phone. “Can I pretend the grinch stole the ornaments???”’ The text read from Ophelia followed by a picture of their tree with just lights. A few gifts were wrapped under it, the cats sat sweetly on top of them. Instead of replying to the text, he pressed call. Hearing her voice would definitely cheer him up. “I put two ornamented and gave up,” was the first words he hear followed by a sigh. “It’s perfect with just the light,” Ed replied. A smile crossed his lips as he heard that breath of defeat from Ophelia. “Why aren’t you at work?” “I took a sick day. Just didn’t feel like going.” “You alight?” Ed became rather worried from her tone. “It’s the holiday and you aren’t home.” Ophelia took a deep breath and fell silent for a few seconds. “I just really miss you.” “I miss you too baby girl.” Running his fingers through his ginger curls, he took a deep breath, trying to hide that his voice was breaking. “I’ll be home before Christmas. I promise. If you don’t want to finish decorating that’s fine. When ever I get back we’ll do it. Okay?” “Okay,” was Ophelia managed to say. That short reply was enough for Ed to know she was crying. That just made him feel like the worst boyfriend ever. Before he could attempt to make it better, his flight was called. “Fee I have to go.” Ed stood up grabbing his things, “I’ll call you as I can. I love you.” Her I love you back broke his heart. Never once didn’t she tried to make Ed feel bad for never being around for special things. There she was crying because she missed him, but also trying to hide it from him. In her goodbye she tried to sound happy and okay and all Ed could do was blame hisself for doing it to her. Wrapping paper was scattered across the living rooms, the cats plays chase with a balled up piece, Ophelia sat defeated in the center. It was total chaos. Decorating the tree was just something she couldn’t bring herself to do. That was something Ed was suppose to be there to do with her. Ed was was suppose to be here. As much she told him she understood and it wasn’t a big deal, it was. All the movies playing right now was about couples being together and spending the holidays together. Well, Ed and her were many many miles apart. It was over a sixteen hour flight, more than a hop, skip, and a jump away. Placing a name tag on a gift, she sighed looking at her mess. There wasn’t going to be many gifts. One, she didn’t know what to buy Ed and two she told him not to buy her anything. The house was enough. Like always, Ed refused and told her not to open anything that was shipped to his name, just to wrap it. Lost in her own little world of wrapping, a knock on the door brought her back to reality. Figuring it was a delivery, the mood she was in, she payed no mind to it. They would leave the package next to the door and she’ll get it later. That was her plan at least. “Damn it,” she swore as another knock came from the door. Pushing herself up from the floor, she covered the short distance to the door in no time. Opening the door, she was faced with white and red roses. Behind the roses, was the one person she wanted to see more than anything. The tears immediately started to fall, instead of letting Ed into the house, she threw her arms around his neck. “Surprise baby girl,” Ed whispered softly placing a kiss on her head. Ophelia was speechless, the tears kept rolling down her cheeks, even as placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Sorry for lying to you.” “I don’t care! I can’t believe you are home. What about everything you had schedule?” The questions ran through Ophelia’s mind a mile a minute. She was overjoyed Ed was home, not if it costed him work. Placing the roses in a vase, she couldn’t help but to smile as Ed wrapped her in a hug from behind. “You’re the most important thing in the world to me.” Kissing her check, he swayed with her slightly smiling wider as she lent back against him. “Plus it seem like you needed help decorating our tree.” Ophelia laughed before turning to face him, no present could compare to having him standing in front of her right now. “You know, you also have to help pick up the mess the fur kids and I made in the living room.” Nodding, Ed placed a soft kiss on her lips. Ed took over decorating the tree, Ophelia sat on the floor with the cats, video and taking photos of Ed being Ed. In their small living room, Ophelia had her own private Christmas concert by Ed Sheeran. “You’re so special,” Ophelia laughed as Ed danced around the room. “You love me though,” Ed spoke before tossing a Christmas ornament at her. Shaking her head no drew a pout from Ed before a devilish grin spread across his lips. Before Ophelia had a chance to say anything, she found herself tackled against the floor. “Admit it!” Ed shouted pinning her arms above her head. “Never!” Ophelia wiggled but it was no help. “I like you sometimes.” Letting go of her wrist he clutched his heart before rolling off of her. “I’m wounded.” “You’re a drama king,” Ophelia laughed kissing his cheek. Running her fingers through his messy ginger hair, she smiled. “Guess that’s one of the reasons I love you.” “I win!” Ed caught her lips in a quick kiss before standing up. Putting his hands out to her, pulling her up as soon as she took them. “Let’s finish this so I can catch up on cuddling with you.” It wasn’t long before Ed was placing the star on the top, Ophelia snapping a quick photo to remember that moment. After the mess was picked up and a quick meal was eaten, Ed declared it was time to watch Christmas movies. With a beer in hand, in sat on the couch, Ophelia curling up next to him in a blanket. Ed never thought in a million years he would have this life. Never did he think he would find someone who would flip his world upside down and over again. Ophelia was a tough cookie, she stuck to her guns no matter what. If she was right, she was right. When it came to Ed, she pushed him to better hisself. There was times when she packed her bags and left him, didn’t answer his calls or anything, because of Ed’s stupid actions. After awhile he learned that all her fussing was just to better him. A few years ago, he would have been in a bar, drunk off his ass, not having a clue how he was getting home. Now, he was sitting in his house, sipping a drink, watch a corny Christmas movie all along side the person he couldn’t see his life without. Onto the second Christmas movie of the night, the plot was all the same. Everyone was going to find happiness and fall in love. It was common sense, no Christmas movie would end on a bad note. Running his fingers through Ophelia’s hair, he looked down at her smiling. With her head in his lap, she was sound asleep. Instead of waking her, he continued to running his fingers through her hair, taking in her peacefulness. It wasn’t until the movie was over that he shook her awake and ordered her to bed. After turning out all the lights, Ed walked to their bedroom. Walking in as Ophelia stripped down and pulled on one of his shirts before crawling in bed. He didn’t waste any time stripping down, it had been too many nights that he slept alone. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he nuzzled into his hair taking in her scent and warmth. “Sweet dreams baby girl. I love you,” he mumbled. Before long he was in a peaceful slumber. Ophelia awoke the next morning to an empty bed. Where the hell was Ed? There was no way that was a dream. Getting up, she made her way to the kitchen to find Ed at the stove. That was a sight itself. “Morning,” Ed greeted her with a smile. “I made breakfast.” “But you didn’t have to.” “Just sit down.” Before she has time to protest, Ed handed her a plate with eggs, just the way she liked them. In silence, they ate breakfast together. Ed refused to let her help clean up. His excuse was she did it all the time, it was her turn. “Here, this is for you,” Ed said as he walked up behind her. Kissing the top of her head, he handed her a card. Giving him a questioning look, Ophelia opened it slowly. Inside a beautiful Christmas card unlike anything Ophelia had seen before. Opening, it had no printed words at all, instead a hand written note from Ed. ‘The last year had seem to be the hardest on you. There is so many words to tell you but no clue how to put them. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever known. Thanks for putting up with me and the fame and all the hell I put you through the last few years. Thank you for being you. Stubborn and hard headed. We may never have a family like we plan, just know I love you. I wouldn’t want to grow old with anyone else but you.’ “Baby...” The water works were on and Ophelia couldn’t stop them. “I love you so much.” That was all she managed to choke out before Ed gave her a tender kiss. “I’ll be right back,” Ed placed a kiss on her forehead before heading outside. Confusing was written all over Ophelia’s face, even more so when he walked back in with a box. “It’s an early Christmas present. I know you didn’t want anything but just open it.” “And I’m hard headed.” As she unwrapped the box, Ed watched her closely. Taking the top off, she gasped. “Oh my god Ed!!” Inside the box, sat a black and white French bulldog puppy. Taking him out, Ophelia hugged his close to her. “You have to read his tag.” Ed said as he moved everything out of the way. ‘Hi! I’m Pierre. Would you be my mum?’ “Edward!” Ophelia didn’t know if should laugh or if she should cry or do both. The tears started to flow again and she couldn’t help it. “That’s a yes?” “Yes!” “I know you wanted a dog. The last place wasn’t ideal. Now that we have a yard he’ll have room to run and...” Ed was kindly cut off mid sentence by Ophelia kissing him. “I love him and I love you. But you aren’t naming our kids.” “Hey! He’s French, he needed a French name.” Ophelia just laughed at Ed explaining the name. “You’re an amazing mum to the cats so I know you’re be an amazing mum to this fellow. One day a human baby.” “Thanks baby. But since you gave me an early gift, you have to get one.” Running to the tree, her new baby in her arms, she looked through all the gifts before finding the one she wanted. “Here.” Ed looked at the box, shook it too before he started to open it. “What is it,” Ed questioned as he undone the paper inside the box. Inside a little onesie that read ‘my dad rocks’. Ophelia just stood there with a small grin on her face as she watched Ed put everything. “Are you fucking with me?!” Ophelia just shook her head no, Ed looking at her and then the onesie. “You’re pregnant!?” “We’re having a baby next year.” “Oh shit.” Ed was speechless and then the tears formed in his eyes and he couldn’t even try to hold them back. In a split second, he closed the distance between Ophelia and him. Wrapping his arms around her, he hugged her tight before kissing her with all the love he had for her. “When did this happen?” “Apparently not long after we brought the house. I’m about 16 weeks.” “So we are good?” “They said everything is perfect. We are for real having a baby this time.” Ed couldn’t help but to smile. Putting his hand on her stomach, he just shook his head in disbelief. All they wanted was to have a baby, they tried, it didn’t work. They had both given up on it. Ophelia had decided it wasn’t in her cards to have kids and Ed was okay with that. They even thought about adoptions in the next few years. Ed couldn’t wait to tell everyone. By noon, he called everyone important to him to tell them that he was going to be a dad. Ophelia had never seen him so giddy before. Gathering everyone in front of the tree, Ed decided they needed a picture to keep as a memory. With the cats where ever the pleases, Ophelia sitting next to him and Pierre in her lap, they took their first Christmas selfie in their new home as a new family. After getting the ok from Ophelia, he decided to post it to his Instagram. ‘Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Sheeran’s and the new two family members.’ Every Christmas movie had a happy ending. Ed and Ophelia had their very own Christmas miracle and very own New Year’s surprise to look forward too. After every storm, the sun must come out.
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veronicatheslayer · 8 years
Do You Want To Build A Snow Seal? || Ricky and Veronica
Veronica and Ricky enjoy the snow.
Veronica had always had a full set of snow gear. Her parents had often insisted that they go skiing in the Alps and it had become a tradition. Wearing her warmest jacket, gloves and scarf, Veronica waited out the front of the Church for Ricky. All around her were kids throwing snowballs, building snow men and generally having a good time. She had to admit that this place was beginning to show a different side of things, at first she had just dismissed it. She had always been slightly religious but never enough to go to church. She had been at the Church when the snow started falling, helping them with some admin stuff, the most senior Priest, Father Duffy had convinced her to stay for the fun and she wasn't regretting it. As she saw Ricky's Jeep pull up in the snow, she pushed herself off the wall she was leaning on and crunched her way through the snow over to her friend. "Glad you could make it," she said with a gentle smile.
Church was a strange thing. Ricky's father had been a staunch Catholic and Ricky had halfway been raised in the church. But he was a selkie first and a catholic second. He wasn't entirely sure how the Church's doctrine applied to him. At the very least it was a constant reminder of the father he didn't speak to anymore. Seeing Veronica leaning against the wall he hopped out of the Jeep, pulling his light jacket around his broad frame and sweeping her into a tight hug "I'm not doing Bible study. But I'm totally here for some secular fun." He looked around at the kids laughing at the beaming faces of nuns good naturedly watching over them. A strange scene to find Veronica in but if she condoned of it it couldn't be all bad. "I believe I was promised cocoa?"
Hugging Ricky tightly back, ​Veronica​ couldn't help but smile. Somehow, despite whatever happened, Ricky never failed to cheer her up. It was one of her favourite things about him to be perfectly honest. "Don't worry, I don't plan on doing any Bible study either, but I don't think that is their intention. I think they genuinely just want people to have a good time, most of the nuns and the priests are from Ashford River and they got brought across here with the merge. They are surprisingly good people. I had my reservations too but just let them convince you." She smiled and nodded. "That is a good idea, lets get a hot drink," she said smiling as they moved into the church building and towards the table that almost seemed to be buckling under the weight of all the drinks on it. "Two hot cocoa's please," she said to a beaming Sister Agatha, as the nun handed them to her she smiled, "thanks."
Ricky shook his head slightly as they walked towards the church's main building "The merge is a weird thing. At least they made with the transition with aplomb apparently." They walked into the warmth and towards the refreshment table, thankfully skipping the pew and incense filled center of worship so Ricky's hands, already itching to cross himself from some mnemonic driving force, could stay firmly in his pockets. A brightly smiling nun passed them both a hot cocoa and Ricky dug some bills out of his wallet and stuck them in a basket sitting on the table, "god bless, Sister." Taking the delicious cocoa and wandering back towards the door to watch the fun outside he leaned in close to Veronica "I've got a flask of good whiskey in my pocket. Say the word and I'll spike your drink." Glittering white snow drifted down in front of them "you know. This is surprisingly nice. I didn't catch fire walking through the church doors or anything."
Laughing gently once more, ​Veronica​ shook her head once more and smiled. "The Merge has been a giant pain in my a-... behind," she said suddenly remembering her manners and the fact that she was in Church, "the Church took away my gym and that was part of my life, but this place isn't all bad. It is one of the few things that the merge got right." Smiling gently as she watched kids run and jump through the snow, she had to admit that she missed when she was that young. Those had been care free times. That was something that she definitely missed. "When you said that you were bringing a flask I didn't realise that you meant a hipflask," she said laughing gently before nodding for him to pour a little in her drink," the whiskey sent a fiery shiver down her spine and she smiled into the steam rising from her cocoa. "They may be nice," she said with a nod, "but most of them are slayers, Sister Agatha, the one who gave you cocoa is a slayer, Father Duffy too." She shrugged. "It is kind of strange but if you look at stuff like the stained glass windows, or some of the statues in the alcoves at the back, you begin to notice quite a lot of anti-vampire symbolism."
Tipping some whiskey into each of their glasses as casually as he could, Ricky listened to Veronica talk. The Merge, as much as he understood it, hadn't affected him any. But it seemed like he was one of the lucky ones. "I usually have a flask. So. Whenever you need some you know where to find me." As she kept talking he cast a surreptitious glance over his shoulder at the still smiling Sister Agatha, face gently creased by lines of age and frequent smiling. "You mean Sister Smiles back there could put me in the ground with no problem? Impressive." He kept looking around, focusing on the windows to look for what Veronica was talking about. "We weren't a huge church family. Dad went every week. I was baptized. Had first communion and everything but.... I am what I am. We don't really have a religion"
Veronica nodded gently and smiled. Of course Ricky normally had a flask of alcohol with him, he was in College and even though that was a phase of her life that Veronica had missed, she still understood what college was like. She got it. "I will be sure to call upon you for all of my alcoholic needs," she said with a smirk, "though I have to admit that I've never understood the need for one." She shrugged gently, maybe it was just her. Maybe because of her upbringing there were just thinks that she didn't get. "Sister smiles back there could try, I don't know if she would manage it but she is good. She has a soft side to her, doesn't like killing anything but type I's. Type II's look too human to her," she shrugged gently. "I understand, my parents went but I never really got it. I still don't. I guess I'm slightly religious but it is hardly a priority for me."
Tucking the flask back into the interior pocket of his coat Ricky smiled "Its not a crutch and it's not a problem I swear. But sometimes you need a drink." Walking back out into the blinding white of the church's snow covered yard Ricky took a sip of the steaming cocoa "the nuances of vampire hunting seem far too complicated for me. But. Then again. I try to avoid killing anything if I can help it. Not that I always can." He pulled his jacket close and blew a puff of steam into the air "speaking of vamps... found my friend yet? Mr. Likes to snack on inhumans? I'll happily help take him out if you need. I don't appreciate my evenings being ruined like that. I was having a really good night."
Smiling once more, ​Veronica​ nodded. "I more than trust you to keep yourself in check, besides I am sure that you know your limits better than I do and either way who am I to judge your habits?" She smiled good naturedly and sipped at her alcoholic hot chocolate. It somehow made it taste better and she couldn't help but love the warmth that was spreading through her body. "That is a good policy to have, it would be naive to think that you could always avoid it but for the moment I'm sure you're fine," she smiled and stepped down into a patch of fresh snow, her boots crunching beneath her. "The snow is all so beautiful," she said, watching it tumble through the air. "No. Not yet. Though I have a few more leads to follow up before we officially name it a dead case, however if you want to be there when I deal with him then you're more than welcome."
"Just be happy it's only booze. Now that I'm off the team I could be into harder things." The shiver that coursed through him had nothing to do with the cold and everything to do with the fact that he'd thought about it. But had managed to stop himself from following through. "well I killed some Nixies so I've already got a body count to my name." As they wandered through the small collection of snowmen that was steadily growing as people came to the church Ricky nodded in agreement. "I love the snow. And it really looks like the kids are enjoying themselves." Nodding he helped a young girl get a ball started rolling for the base of her snowman "I would. As a matter of fact I'd like to do the honors. But that's up for negotiation." His mind flashed back to the night and he grimaced "But we can talk business another time."
Laughing quietly, ​Veronica​ couldn't help but shake her head. "I'm not your mother Ricky, you can do whatever you want and I'll do my best not to judge you for it, if you get hooked on Nectar or Heroine, I might intervene but other than that it is your own life and I intend to let you live it." She shrugged gently. Keeping quiet. She didn't know how many lives she had taken now, she had never counted, but if she tried to count the vampires she'd killed in the last month alone, well the tally just went up and up and up. It wasn't as if there was anything left of them to tie her to the deaths of those vampires, they had dissolved into little more than dust. But the thing that struck her at that moment was that she didn't feel a thing for all those that she had killed. Not the nixies who had hurt Ricky and not the vampires and not ... well anything. "I'll see what I can do." She smiled gently and nodded, "of course we can, for now, I think I want to try and make a snow seal."
Ricky rolled his eyes and nudged Veronica with his shoulder "I'm dumb, but I'm not dumb enough to try that shit. Believe me I'll be staying far away from anything like that." The snow drifted down around them and for the moment they were both lost in thought. Veronica undoubtedly about something lofty and purposeful, and Ricky in wondering if there was enough snow to make a snowman as tall as he was. When she spoke again Ricky couldn't help but wag his finger accusingly "If this is a way for you to try to encase me in ice and snow I should warn you I'll be pretty grumpy about that. But I bet we can totally make a kickass snow seal. It won't be as handsome as me but we can try."
Veronica laughed gently and shook her head. "I am glad to hear that, I wouldn't want you to take a dark turn in life." She smiled and looked at the snow thoughtfully for a brief moment, trying to work out the best way to do this. "I would never want to encase you in ice and snow Ricky, if I were to do that then I wouldn't get to revel in your company. I didn't invite you here to be on my own, I genuinely do enjoy spending time with you." She smirked and laughed as she began to collect snow. "I'm new to Seal anatomy, so you're going to have to help me with this. Where do you suggest we start?"
Awww come on, V. I'm perfect for an after school special. I can just see the news headline now 'Latino Lovers' Drug Descent.' It'd be too perfect." Ricky smiled and bent down, grabbing a handful of snow and chucking it at Veronica. "Don't lie I know you love the children and the laughter and the nuns. I'm just here for you to look like you're a grumpy Gus." They stopped between two kids in an open patch of snow "tail first. It's gonna be easier to work towards the head after we get a good base body of snow worked up. Head'a gonna be the hardest part."
Veronica sighed and shook her head at Ricky. The mere idea of him ever doing something that out of character was so ridiculous that the mere notion of it became funny. "I don't mind it here," she admitted. Granted some of the nuns and the priests have tried to get me to come to Sunday Mass. But for the most part they are just a happy community." Which though she wasn't one to admit it was something that she held dear to and wanted to protect. Getting on her knees she started collecting handfuls of snow and patting them into the tail.
"It's peaceful." Ricky said as he knelt to the ground, ignoring the feeling of damp denim against his knees. "You can almost forget the monsters and death and everything outside the church gate." He laughed brightly at her revelation that the clergy had been trying to recruit her "Im just waiting for Sister Smiles to tell me she hopes to see me at Sunday Mass. Maybe I'll poke my head in one week. See f I've missed anything the last half decade I've been away from the church." He started to form the tail with Veronica, correcting her composition "less flared. My tail isn't super wide like a wails, the two fins on it are closer together. I'm built for speed. Quick hunting in the water." It felt strange to talk so openly about his aquatic form, but he didn't mind it.
Veronica smiled gently at him. "It is beautiful, the other Ashford River version of myself had a clear idea of what she wanted, I'm amazed that she managed it to be quite honest with you." She shrugged gently once more and moved back to making the tail. "Sister Smiles might well try, she is a big evangelist." She continued working on the tail, taking Ricky's advice in mind. "Is it different being a seal?" she asked quietly, careful that there was no chance of them being over heard. "I can't imagine being anything other than human."
Returning her smile Ricky kept working with the moldable snow as she told her story "Part of me wonders what the Ashford River version of me is like.... if he even exists. Another part of me says don't even try thinking about it or you'll short circuit your limited brain." He moved from the tail up to the body as they worked in tandem, "She can try but I'm not the most willing convert. The Church has some things I fundamentally disagree with. But.... she seems like a sweet woman." As the conversation turned back to him and his dual forms he shrugged, taking another sip from his now-cold cocoa. "You can argue that it's when I'm human that I'm different. There's always the tug of the ocean when I'm human, the itch of longing to return to my skin. That doesn't exist as a seal. Mom told me about selkies who abandoned their human forms entirely. Just living as seals. It's definitely possible. There's no need to be human, but if I don't take on my seal form I'll die." Another shrug and he continued his work. "They're both unique in their own ways and I love them both. I like to think I am equally myself in each form. Perfectly split between the two. Though seal form has fewer detriments than human does."
Keeping working on the snow Seal, ​Veronica​ nodded along as Ricky spoke. "I can understand that feeling." She shrugged gently and smiled again. "The other me, Ashford Veronica isn't half the slayer I am. My parents were brought from Ashford River to Ashkent Creek and they seem to think that I am weak and need protecting when the truth is that I could handle them both at the same time with ease. I'm not trying to be arrogant or an ass, but they don't see how truly good I am. I am more talented than they understand and yet they act like I am child who needs protection." She sighed gently. "It is very ... frustrating." Nodding gently, she shrugged. "It is hard to accept the church when you're gay, it is hard for me to agree with them telling me that being with Bridget is a sinful act, especially when it is so beautiful." She didn't personally understand it, but as she kept working on the seal she completely forgot about her other worries, it was nice to have something like this to focus on. "I couldn't quite comprehend that even if I tried to," she realised out loud, "you're such a different person to anything that I have ever encountered that it is almost refreshing to learn about you. I want to know more." She sighed. "To be honest, living as a seal doesn't sound that bad, I almost wish that I could live as a seal, I wouldn't have to deal with protecting people and the constant moral arguments that people throw at me."
Returning her smile Ricky kept working with the moldable snow as she told her story "Part of me wonders what the Ashford River version of me is like.... if he even exists. Another part of me says don't even try thinking about it or you'll short circuit your limited brain." He moved from the tail up to the body as they worked in tandem, "She can try but I'm not the most willing convert. The Church has some things I fundamentally disagree with. But.... she seems like a sweet woman." As the conversation turned back to him and his dual forms he shrugged, taking another sip from his now-cold cocoa. "You can argue that it's when I'm human that I'm different. There's always the tug of the ocean when I'm human, the itch of longing to return to my skin. That doesn't exist as a seal. Mom told me about selkies who abandoned their human forms entirely. Just living as seals. It's definitely possible. There's no need to be human, but if I don't take on my seal form I'll die." Another shrug and he continued his work. "They're both unique in their own ways and I love them both. I like to think I am equally myself in each form. Perfectly split between the two. Though seal form has fewer detriments than human does."
Keeping working on the snow Seal, ​Veronica​ nodded along as Ricky spoke. "I can understand that feeling." She shrugged gently and smiled again. "The other me, Ashford Veronica isn't half the slayer I am. My parents were brought from Ashford River to Ashkent Creek and they seem to think that I am weak and need protecting when the truth is that I could handle them both at the same time with ease. I'm not trying to be arrogant or an ass, but they don't see how truly good I am. I am more talented than they understand and yet they act like I am child who needs protection." She sighed gently. "It is very ... frustrating." Nodding gently, she shrugged. "It is hard to accept the church when you're gay, it is hard for me to agree with them telling me that being with Bridget is a sinful act, especially when it is so beautiful." She didn't personally understand it, but as she kept working on the seal she completely forgot about her other worries, it was nice to have something like this to focus on. "I couldn't quite comprehend that even if I tried to," she realised out loud, "you're such a different person to anything that I have ever encountered that it is almost refreshing to learn about you. I want to know more." She sighed. "To be honest, living as a seal doesn't sound that bad, I almost wish that I could live as a seal, I wouldn't have to deal with protecting people and the constant moral arguments that people throw at me."
Ricky couldn't help but let out a barking laugh (something he retained in human and seal form) at Veronica's story about her parallel self, "I'll still with the badass Veronica I've got thanks so much. I'm a big fan of her. Though...." he trailed off slightly, her story about her parents making him wonder if his mother was alive in this other town that was so close and so far from their own." The seal grew under their hands as they talked, "Its the gay thing, it's their treatment of women... it's a lot of things. Luckily for me I was never very attached to religion, so it's nothing I have to really focus on." He patted more snow onto the bulk of the body as she continued talking, nodding and smiling at her confession, "It's weird I know. But it's just two halves to the same Ricky." He held up one handful of snow, "There's the human half that loves cold beer and warm pizza, the thrum of the Jeep's engine and the feel of loud music rocking my bones." He held up another handful of snow with his other hand, "Then there's the seal half. It loves hunting at night and diving deep to find the biggest fish and barking at whales and sunbathing on a rock." He mushed them together to form a larger snowball, which he then threw at Veronica "They both add up to Ricky. I'm the sum total of seal and human. That's the Selkie balance. I'm not one without the other. If I was just human or just a seal I wouldn't be all of myself. It's just a matter of finding the balance that honors both halves of myself."
It was honestly strange that they got along this well, in fact it almost bothered ​Veronica​ that she hadn't met Ricky earlier in life. If she had known Ricky prior to this point then maybe she would have had a better chance to express herself. Maybe she would be a better person. "Me too," she admitted with a chuckle, "I can't imagine being like the other Veronica, but obviously in a different life I could have and would have turned out differently, though perhaps that was because I grew up with my Ashford River parents and not with Esme," she shrugged and nodded as they kept developing the seal more and more. "There is far too much that the Church and I don't agree with, there is far too much that I feel they should be doing rather than telling me what I can or can't do with my body, they don't seem to follow the tenants that I was brought up with or at least, the majority do. That is my main problem with it. I can't imagine a god that loves everything and yet acts in the way that this god does. Why would he design me to be attracted to women if he didn't want me to pursue women. I just. I don't understand it." She shrugged gently. "I think that the more I get to know you, the more I understand that. It is like with me. There is the human half that understands philosophy and reads latin, the half that likes fine wine and well made clothes and then there is my other half. The half of me that is an expert in martial arts and wants to help people, I want to protect them from the threat of vampires and I want them to know that they're safe when they go out at night. I might not be the same but I think that I can at least start to understand."
As Ricky set to work on adding snow fangs to the snow seal they'd been working on together he nodded as Veronica talked. "Two roads diverged in a weird supernatural town. I guess it's not really any use spending too much time on it. I am what I am in this universe. Just gotta be the biggest bamf I can with that." He sat back and looked at the finished creation. "Everyone's got a dual nature. I think it's pretty easy to understand. My dual nature just happens to come with dual bodies, but other than that it's just like what you're talking about." He stood up and offered a hand to Veronica "you think Sister Agatha's got snacks? Sealman cannot live on cocoa alone?"
Grabbing Ricky's hand, ​Veronica​ pulled herself to her feet and nodded. "I get it, this life is tough and it is what we make it." She thought that she understood that pretty well at this point. Things hadn't exactly always been easy after all. "Probably, we'll just have to take a look and see." She said, grinning as they stole back inside the church and away from the snow.
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tinypeckers · 8 years
Are you a camp fire? Because you’re hot & I want s’more.
Pairing(s): Aleks/James (NovaHD) and… well, you’ll just have to find out.
Words: 4,998
Summary: Summer rolls around once more and really, there’s a tradition to uphold and the tents & camp fire are calling their name. Except Dan and Jordan are going to have their hands full keeping James & Aleks apart for a different reason. (Part of the ‘Is that a flicker in your eyes?’ universe.)
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine TenEleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen
A/N: You’re welcome for a beast of a chapter. Also, can anyone guess the joke that had me laughing so hard I cried? :P
Morning filtered through James’ eyelids slowly and then all at once, blinding him as Eddie ripped open the door of their tent. The zip was too loud in the quiet of the early hours. James gurgled some phlegm and threw his arm over his face. Eddie hopped out but left the door flapping. James pushed himself up on his elbow. He glared out at the sunshine and watched his brother get smaller and smaller. He could see his father already hunched around a small campfire. Dan passed what looked like a thermos to Eddie and James couldn’t stop his tongue as it darted out and licked his lips. He reached for his phone, holding the button down to try and wake it up. He huffed when it flashed the red battery at him. He knew that somewhere, among the mess of sleeping bags and pillows, there was a portable charger he’d stolen from Aleks before the trip. When he didn’t find it within seconds of reaching out, James gave up. His shoulders slumped and he looked again to the outside of the tent.
 It took him almost five minutes to force himself up and out of the tent to join his brother. James looked desperately at his father, hand outstretched and awaiting sweet coffee. Dan rolled his eyes and handed James his own thermos. He’d have to make more coffee soon, if the rustling from the other tent was any indication. James’ lips hesitated over the mouth of his drink. His eyes narrowed at Eddie whose head was tipped back, throat throbbing as he drank.
“You didn’t give him coffee, did you?” James asked his father. He blew into his drink.
“Oh, hell no. He’s got hot chocolate,” Dan said. Eddie pulled his thermos from his mouth with a string of spit. He saw his family staring and turned to face them, grinning as he broke the spit.
“I hate him,” James said as he tentatively took a sip from his own drink.
“Sure, that’s why you made sure he was home safe last night.” Dan began to make more coffee. James sighed.
 Inside their own tent, Seamus was battling with the roof as he tried to change his clothes. He’d asked Aleks to close his eyes and his brother had pressed his face into the floor of their tent. Seamus could see his nose twitching as he tried to breathe.
“You know you could just close your eyes, right?” Seamus’ voice was muffled by his t-shirt as he pulled it over his head. Aleks murmured something to the floor but Seamus honestly couldn’t make it out. He started to tap on the ground while Seamus shuffled beside him. Seamus swiped Aleks’ deodorant and quickly sprayed under his pits. He placed it back, eyeing his brother as he tried to get it into the right position. He was sure that Aleks must know, by now, he’d been using it all week but Seamus liked to think himself sneaky. “All right, I’m ready.” As Aleks pushed himself up he gasped like he’d been held underwater for far too long. Seamus rolled his eyes at him, folding his arms over his chest.
 “Why’d you make me do that, anyway? It’s not like I haven’t seen you shirtless before.” Aleks said. “Because,” Seamus said as though that alone answered his brother’s question, “I’m a man now.” Seamus frowned when Aleks burst into laughter, holding his stomach as he doubled over. Seamus hit his brother over the head, smirking at the satisfying thud it made. He tried again but Aleks had ducked away, wiping non-existent tears from his cheeks.
“What? You get like, three armpit hairs and you’re a man now?” Aleks laughed.
“You’re right, maybe one day I’ll grow an amazing beard like yours.” Seamus bent down and plucked the one hair that had stood proudly on Aleks’ chin. Aleks’ gasped as Seamus flicked it from his fingers. Aleks glared up at his younger brother, eyes diving towards his chin. He huffed through his nose. He tried to think of something to say back to his brother but he couldn’t come up with anything good.
 Instead he reached for the suitcase he and Seamus had kept from James and Eddie, waiting until Seamus kicked it towards him. Aleks had slept in the clothes they’d worn the night before and they were all wrinkled. He rummaged through Eddie’s too small t-shirts, Seamus’ abundance of socks and James’ worn out boxers to find his own clothes. Aleks settled on a pair of ripped jeans, one of his many ‘cat in space on pizza’ t-shirts James hated and a well-loved beanie. Seamus saw his t-shirt and snorted, muttering an insult under his breath. Aleks paid him no mind, glancing up at his brother.
“Quick, cover your eyes – you might see my chest hair!” Aleks started to tug on the edge of his t-shirt. Seamus pushed his way past Aleks, grabbing the door zip with more force than necessary and ripping it upwards so that he could escape his brother’s obnoxious behaviour. He yanked it down as he left, muffling Aleks’ laughing.
 Eddie skipped towards Seamus once he’d noticed him walking over. He jumped once he was close enough, strangling Seamus with his arms as he attempted to cling onto him with his legs. Seamus had the good sense to push his arms outwards as Eddie pulled them both down towards the ground. He shot Eddie a look when he heard him grunt in pain but before Seamus could blink the boy beneath him was smiling again. Eddie released Seamus neck and reached upwards to press his finger into Seamus’ nose.
“Boop,” Eddie said before he started to wriggle and try to escape from underneath his friend. Seamus didn’t put up much of a fight, wrinkling his nose as he felt Eddie’s phantom touch. He looked up as Eddie stood and brushed the dirt from his knees. Seamus watched as James winked at his brother. If Eddie had been facing him, Seamus would have seen the blush that graced his cheeks.
 Eddie made sure that he couldn’t by running towards James and attempting to tackle him instead. He merely crashed into his brother’s chest. James easily threw him aside. Eddie stumbled, breathing heavily as he fought to stay upright. He looked back at Seamus then, grinning again. Now Eddie was confident that if Seamus asked why his cheeks were so red he could blame it on running. Seamus smiled back at him. He got up and frowned down at the mess Eddie had made of his clothes. He licked his thumb and started to wipe it away. All he seemed to do was smear it but Seamus knew he didn’t have anything else to wear today. He blew out a breath, knowing only one thing could make him feel better.
“Hey Uncle Dan,” Seamus said, “what’s for breakfast?” Seamus rubbed his hands together. He knew, even before Dan spoke, that he wouldn’t like the answer. Dan rubbed the back of his head, shrugging just slightly.
“Well, I was thinking we’d get some while we were out,” Dan said.
 It was like Nintendo had just announced they’d never make another Pokemon game, like Cartoon Network had decided to call it quits, like Eddie had said he would never speak to Seamus again. It was like… well, it was like Dan had said that they weren’t eating breakfast that morning. Seamus’ stomach growled its protests. His lower lip popped out of its own accord, wobbling dramatically as Seamus sucked in a whimper. His eyes widened as they watered. Big, fat tears perched upon the waterline of his eyes as Seamus thought of how long he’d have to wait to have food in his stomach. Where would they even eat? What could possibly compare to Dan’s fry-ups? Seamus wanted – no, Seamus needed – Dan’s greasy, great grub.
“I mean, maybe I could quickly make you an egg roll or something?” Dan offered. Seamus nodded immediately. His stomach finally quietened. Balance had been restored.
 Dan rummaged through their cooking things to find the pain, eyeing the fire as it started to die. He’d started it when he’d woke to keep warm. He’d have to feed it to be able to cook. He jumped as Jordan snuck up behind him. The other man used his height to loom over Dan’s shoulder.
“Why’re you grabbing that? I thought we were eating out,” Jordan said.
“Moose wants to eat now and, he did – he did the thing and y’know how it is,” Dan said. Jordan smiled as he caught the nickname. It was only a reminder of how often Aleks had spent with James over the past year. Still, Jordan frowned as Dan walked over to the fire.
“You shouldn’t indulge him.” Jordan followed his friend. He didn’t take the pan, instead handing Dan the eggs when he gestured towards them. Dan only shrugged, cracking an egg and watching it plop into the pan.
 Jordan looked up as his sons’ tent unzipped for the second time that morning. Aleks poked his head out first, yanking his head to the side when the teeth of the zip tugged on his beanie. He stepped out and was immediately greeted by James. He scrunched his face up as James kissed his cheek, wincing when his boyfriend cupped his bandaged hand. Jordan squinted at them both then.
“What’d you do?” Jordan marched towards the two teenagers. Aleks’ eyes widened. He looked to James for help, hoping he’d come up with a story that would be Dad-approved.
“Did you know how much of a sore loser your son is?” James said. Jordan looked at James with a face that mimicked a baby trying a lemon for the first time.
“What has that got to do with anything?” Jordan grabbed his son’s wrist, forcing his arm upwards so that he could examine the bandage. He could see faint spots of red beneath it.
“He tried to steal a plushie from one of those grab machines,” James said. Jordan dropped Aleks’ hand and studied his son’s face. Aleks was looking at the ground. Jordan looked to James as the boy smiled unconvincingly at him. Jordan sighed.
“Whatever,” he said.
 Jordan let the two boys pass him. He stared into his son’s tent, glancing around and trying to see if anything was amiss. The only thing out of place was the boys’ case, left wide open with all of the clothes thrown about. Jordan knelt down, ready to climb in and clean up. He yelped when Eddie pushed past him, barely managing to stay on his knees. The boy grinned at him as he zipped up the tent. Jordan pressed his face into his hand as he heard Eddie start to rip the case apart. Jordan knew that once Eddie was done his brother would throw around whatever was left. Jordan took a deep breath. They’d definitely be leaving later than anticipated then. Jordan simply couldn’t leave the mess inside his son’s tent. His fingers twitch as the walls of the tents bounced, Eddie chucking clothes around it. Jordan wanted to climb inside, chuck Eddie out with a bundle of clothes and start cleaning now.
 It was Dan who kept him from tumbling inside. He pressed a gentle hand to Jordan’s shoulder, smiling down at his friend as he watched his eye twitch.
“C’mon, let’s wash this pan,” Dan said. He felt Jordan’s shoulders slump in relief. Jordan nodded and got up, following his friend over to where he’d cooked. Seamus was sitting on one of their foldable stools. He was halfway through his roll. Jordan noticed how he kept nibbling at the edges, licking the yolk that dripped out of the side. Jordan shook his head at the son. He was almost glad Dan had made Seamus a roll so early. It meant his wallet wouldn’t take such a hit at the diner. Jordan knew that there was no way Seamus could eat the egg roll and have another breakfast within the hour. He may think like a hobbit, constantly wondering about his next meal, but Jordan’s son certainly didn’t have the stomach of one.
 Aleks was standing beside his brother. He was staring at him intently. James was trying to catch his attention, waving his thermos of coffee under his boyfriend’s face. Aleks batted it away and almost lost it all. He flinched as the quickly cooling liquid splashed in his direction but his eyes never wavered. James settled for stepping in Aleks’ line of sight. Aleks tried to duck around him but James cupped his chin. His thumb pressed into one cheek while his fingers pressed into the other, forcing Aleks’ lips outwards. James ignored the glare Aleks was giving him and kissed his lips. To tease Aleks further, James pressed their noses together in an eskimo kiss. Aleks pushed him away. He caught James before he could fall on Seamus, though. He turned when James tried to kiss him again, sighing heavily as James peppered his cheek with kisses instead.
 “Right,” Dan said as he watched Eddie leave the tent, “James, go and get dressed and then we’ll leave.”
“What? I am dressed.” James gestured to his wrinkled clothes. Dan shot him his best ‘I’m your father, do as I say’ look and that did the trick. James handed his thermos to an unwilling Aleks, forcing it into his fingers before he hopped away. Aleks tore his gaze from Seamus long enough to take a sip from the coffee. He winced as it went down. He shook the thermos to see what was left. The mug barely sloshed. Aleks held it out for Dan to take. Dan nodded his thanks as he swiped it, walking away to hand it to Jordan. James got dressed faster than anyone, so fast that Dan couldn’t be sure he hadn’t just thrown a hoody over what he’d been wearing. James stalked towards Aleks, frowning when he saw the lack of thermos.
“I was still drinking that,” James said. Aleks stepped into his space, resting his head on James’ shoulder and watching Seamus lick his fingers as he finished his roll off.
 Dan clapped his hands together, surveying the camp site. Aleks’ eyes had closed as he tried to fall asleep on James’ shoulder. Seamus was sat, content, on his stool while Eddie ran circles around him babbling about some game Dan didn’t know. James had closed the tent, thankfully, and there really wasn’t anything else to clean up. Jordan started towards the tent but Dan stopped him, shaking his head and gesturing towards the car.
“But the mess,” Jordan said. Dan pat his shoulder and pulled. Jordan breathed heavily through his nose but followed. He knew that Dan was right, that they had to leave now or they never would. It didn’t make climbing into the car knowing the horrific mess they’d left behind any easier. Eddie followed them both with no hesitation. He glanced behind him as Seamus folded his chair and tucked it away. James led Aleks to the car, shuffling very slowly as Aleks refused to move.
 It took them at least ten minutes to get everyone in. Aleks slouched in the very back, head lulling against the window. James had his arm over his shoulder but was staring out of his own window. Eddie had already had his DS out while Seamus was trying to find his. Jordan sat tense in his seat, wringing his hands together while he waited for Dan to start the car.
“Everybody ready?” Dan asked the group. He got several muttered replies, muffled by Eddie’s excited shout. He just missed Jordan’s whispered no but Dan didn’t wait for him to repeat. He started the car and with one last look at their camp, Dan pulled away.
 To Jordan it felt like forever until they were turning into that familiar diner. He pressed his face against the window as Dan parked the car.
“How does it still look so old?” James smacked his hands against his cheeks.
“It didn’t change for years, what makes you think they’d change it now?” Dan said. He opened his door, stepping out and inhaling the fresh air. He loved his family and friends, honestly, but being stuck in a car with four teenagers – especially one who’d just ate egg – was the worst. Eddie hopped out of the car after his Dad, covering his eyes from the morning sun as he looked at the diner. Aleks came after him, shoving Seamus aside so that he could escape the stuffy car. He wheezed over dramatically as Seamus laughed behind him.
“You’re never,” Aleks pointed at Seamus’ face, “ever allowed to eat egg again,” Aleks said.
“I second that.” James pat Aleks’ back as he appeared behind him.
 Once Aleks was breathing normally they all entered the diner. Seamus and Eddie immediately found the space they’d sat last year, nudging each other as they tried to get the best seat. Eddie won, clapping his hands as he stared out of the window he’d managed to sit next to. Aleks didn’t quite get the hype, all they could see was the near-empty car park and a dusty road. He let James slide in before him and then sat down. He was sat across from Seamus. Dan slid in next to him while Jordan hovered over the table. His hand sat in his jean pocket, fingers twitching around the wallet.
“Right, what does everybody want?” Jordan asked. He flinched as everyone placed their orders at once. He barely heard Aleks’ request for a breakfast muffin underneath Eddie and Seamus’ resounding shouts begging for a large breakfast. “Seamus, you don’t need anything else to eat, you’ve already eaten,” Jordan said. He nodded as Dan asked for a cheese toastie and James asked for just a regular sized breakfast.
 Jordan tried to avoid Seamus’ eyes as he ran through the list in his head: breakfast muffin, regular breakfast, toastie, a large breakfast, another regular breakfast for himself.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” Jordan hoped Seamus would cave, tell him to grab some toast and some drink. Instead Seamus did the thing, the damn puppy thing. “Fine, but if you don’t eat it all I’m not giving you any money for the town.” Jordan turned on his heel and strode towards the bar.
“He didn’t ask us what we wanted to drink,” James said with a frown.
“We’re probably all getting water.” Aleks shook his head.
“I didn’t want water,” Seamus complained.
 Jordan did indeed return with waters for everybody. Seamus muttered when he realised that his father hadn’t even splashed for bottled water. They were all drinking tap. He got over it very quickly once he’d seen the size of his plate. It was twice the size of his head and once placed the edges of it knocked Eddie’s own food. Eddie’s plate was wedged against the wall. He tried to turn it for a better fit but as his plate knocked James’ he caught his brother’s glare and thought better of it. Dan rubbed his hands together as Jordan placed his toastie in front of him. Then, after putting his own food down, Jordan finally sat.
“Bone apple tea,” Aleks said. James hit his left arm, scowling at his boyfriend.
“Dude, it’s bon appetite.” James pinched a bit of Aleks’ muffin as punishment for being an idiot.
“I know,” Aleks said. He swiped a bit of James’ bacon in retaliation. James tried to take it back but Aleks already had it in his mouth and well, it was all over then.
 Eddie sat across from them, eyeballing the exchange as Seamus began devouring his meal beside him. He looked down at Seamus’ plate. Eddie chewed upon his lip, staring intently at Seamus’ own bacon. It the blond a moment but eventually he noticed. Eddie sighed as Seamus shielded his plate with his arm and nudged Eddie’s shoulder.
“Aren’t you going to eat your own food?” Seamus asked. Eddie coughed and picked up his knife and fork. He stabbed at his bacon, ripping it apart with his knife. He shoved it into his mouth. Eddie could feel James’ eyes on him. He kept his own gaze to his plate. Why did James and Aleks make it look so easy? Eddie had always been bold and rash but with Seamus simply blurting it out didn’t feel right. Eddie just had to find the right moment… if there’d ever be one. He severed his egg yolk in one quick motion, letting it spill out onto his plate.
 After a while, everyone had devoured their breakfast. Well, everyone bar one. Seamus slumped in his chair, right hand barely holding his fork. He’d done quite well, making an attempt to eat at least one of everything on his plate. The only thing keeping him from his allowance was that one damn sausage and a hash brown that had turned to mush on his plate. Seamus had tried, and failed, to scoop the potato pile up onto a fork several times but now he’d simply given up. Jordan stood with a smug smirk, placing his hands on his hips.
“Right, I’m off to the toilet. Anyone else need to go before we leave?” Jordan looked at each and every one at the table. Nobody replied. “Well, all right then.” Jordan turned on his heel and headed towards the toilets.
 Aleks watched his father until the door had swung shut on his back. He waited for a few seconds and then, when he was sure Jordan wouldn’t suddenly come out again, leaned heavily over the table. He snatched Seamus’ sausage, cramming it into his mouth. He used his finger to push it into his cheeks. He kept chewing as he took his brother’s knife and piled as much of the hash brown mess onto his fork. Aleks took the time to swallow what was left of the sausage before shovelling that into his mouth too. He reclined back in his chair, wiping some potato from his mouth with his thumb. Seamus looked down at his now empty plate then back at his brother. Aleks winked at him before swallowing. Seamus moved his knife and fork together on his plate.
 Jordan returned barely a minute after. He opened his mouth to declare his parental victory over his son before he realised the plate was empty.
“Oh.” Jordan crouched down to look under the table. He regretted it immediately. Jordan snapped back up and shuddered. He’d have to wash his eyes out to forget the grime underneath. There was, surprisingly, no food. With the click of his tongue, Jordan reached into his jeans for his wallet.
“Fine,” he said, “don’t spent it all.” Jordan handed Seamus twenty dollars. The young boy’s eyes lit up as he took the money. Dan sat quietly. He knew that he should probably say something to Jordan, as his friend, but he couldn’t help but admire the brotherly support. He hoped it would inspire something within his own sons. They were jolting in their seats as they kicked one another under the table. Then again, Dan thought that would take a miracle.
 From the diner, the children and the adults split up. Jordan and Dan dropped the boys off in the town before they left to visit their beloved thrift store, Jordan droning on and on about how he was looking out for some old figurines. The boys marched towards the heart of the town where they hoped the old joke shop still awaited them.
“Thanks.” Seamus lightly punched his brother’s arm. Aleks shrugged.
“For what? I was still hungry.” He grinned down at his younger brother. Seamus would have believed him if it wasn’t for the small smirk Aleks gave him afterwards. They walked together as Eddie and James argued up ahead over who won their fight of footsies. Seamus thought that Eddie had won and would have asked Aleks his opinion if he didn’t already know he’d choose James.
 “Well, look at that. It’s still standing.” James looked up at the weather-worn shop front. The sign in the door claimed it was open though none of the boys would have ever guessed. The lights inside didn’t seem to be on and they could have sworn the window display hadn’t changed in a year. Eddie turned the door handle and pushed it wide open. The daylight filtered through and revealed all the little dust particles floating in the air. It near blinded the old man who sat at the counter. He covered his eyes with his hand and glared at the kids from behind it. His eyes widened when Seamus pushed his way through the door. James and Aleks followed their brothers inside. The door had barely closed behind them when the old man stepped out from behind his counter. The older boys were worried he was about to tell them to leave which would have been disappointing but understandable. Instead, he presented Seamus with a paper sick bag. Seamus took it begrudgingly and thanked the old man. Aleks tucked his face into James’ shoulder to hide his laughter from his younger brother.
 Eddie grabbed Seamus’ hand as he caught sight of a scary clown mask. He dragged him towards the wall it hung on, pausing mere inches underneath it. Eddie craned his neck to look, jaw dropping open as he admired its creepy beauty. Seamus stepped behind him, squeezing his best friend’s hand. He looked at the ground instead, frowning when he saw a stain that looked eerily familiar.
“That’s so cool,” Eddie said. Seamus drew his attention to the small joke gifts instead.
“Look, it’s a Chinese finger trap.” Seamus had seen these before but he’d never tried one. Eddie was quick to shove his finger in, wriggling it around and poking Seamus’ cheek. Eddie let go of his hand only to grab the other and manoeuvre Seamus’ unwilling finger into the trap with him. When he’d succeeded, Eddie grabbed his hand again.
“Now we’re stuck together forever,” Eddie said. Well, Seamus could deal with that.
 James and Aleks had wandered off on their own. James’ hand was tucked into Aleks’ jean pocket and he was teasing Aleks by pointing out all of the creepy things on the walls. They neared the back of the store and found a curtain blocking them from going further.
“Huh, didn’t see this before.” James reached for the edge of the curtain but Aleks slapped his hand away. Ready to chastise his boyfriend for being rude, James followed Aleks’ finger as he pointed to a sign that hung above the curtain. It told them that this was off limits for anybody under 18. James’ eyes lit up, already guessing what could be beyond the forbidden curtain. He pulled it aside and stepped through. His hand slipped from Aleks’ pants as he refused to move. Aleks crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head at James.
“What? You’ve never been scared of cock before.” James laughed at his boyfriend. Aleks reached in to swat him. James caught his wrist and pulled.
 Aleks tumbled over the threshold into the forbidden area. He clung to James to keep himself upright. He squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face into James’ shoulder to shield his eyes.
“Seriously?” James murmured. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend all the same and looked around. It was all pretty standard. The area was filled with fake books, fake dicks and everything one would need to make a hilarious bachelor or bachelorette party. Honestly, James was rather disappointed. He’d wanted to torment Aleks by waving porno DVDs in his face but there were none to be seen. He sighed heavily.
“Can we leave now?” Aleks pulled upon James’ hoodie in an effort to pull him towards the curtain.
“Fine, you big baby.” James led his boyfriend back out into the shop.
 They collided with their younger brothers. James raised an eyebrow at them both as they lifted their fingers, still stuck in the Chinese finger trap.
“What’s in there?” Eddie peered around his older brother. James followed his movements and blocked his line of sight.
“Nothing special, you need help out of that?” James had to look around Aleks as he finally stood up.
“It says over 18s only, you’re not 18. You shouldn’t have been in there.” Eddie still kept trying to look around his brother. What could be in there? Eddie reckoned it was full of all the really cool video games his Dad wouldn’t let him play.
“Do you want help or not?” James pinched the younger boys’ fingers. Eddie winced in pain as James manipulated the Chinese finger trap until it released the two boys. He threw it onto the wrong shelf when he was done.
 “Can we leave now?” Aleks frowned at the dusty shelves. He was sure he was breathing in way too many dead skin cells. James held onto Aleks’ elbow and started to guide him to the exit.
“Wait!” Eddie called, forcing everyone to turn around and look at him. “I want to get this.” He held up the Chinese finger trap. James rolled his eyes but nodded all the same. He tried to leave again but Eddie stopped him. “Can I borrow a dollar?” Eddie looked up coyly. James wanted to bark at him and tell his brother to put it back. There was no way in hell he was going to pay for some stupid gag.
“I’ll get it,” Seamus said before James had the chance to yell at his younger brother. “C’mon.” Seamus took Eddie’s hand and led him to the counter. Eddie whipped his head back around to James, panic clear in his eyes. James only shot him a thumbs up. Aleks frowned at them both but when he looked to James for answers, his boyfriend only shrugged.
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Need A Little Christmas | Brittana
Tagging: Brittany Pierce & Santana Lopez
When: Christmas day, mid-day. 
Where: Brittany Pierce’s house
General Notes: Not wanting to spend Christmas alone, Santana decides to take Brittany up on her offer and spend it with her. 
Warnings: none
Santana looked at her phone, rereading a message from a few days ago. ​' If you're still feeling lonely, know that you can still come by'​ glared back at her from the screen. it was Christmas day, and while most families were opening presents together the Lopez family usually spent it like every other day, apart from each other. Her papa was working, which might of upset her if he hadn't done this almost every holiday for years. Leaving shiny wrapped presents at her bedroom door didn't make up for absence in her life she thought bitterly. Maybe she wan't being fair. He was, after all, doing this to be able to provide for his family. Provide what? Certainly not attention. Santana didn't know much good that did, considering they were still stuck in the heights where they had always been...and seemingly always will be. But that left her with her mother, more like a remnant of Christmas past so zoned out Santana was sure she could wrap her up like a present and she wouldn't even notice. She couldn't stay here much longer, not on Christmas. But she wasn't in the mood for her Abuela's lecture and Rachel was jewish. On a whim Santana grabbed her oversized leather jacket and her bag and headed out the door, not wasting a breath to tell her mother where she was going. There was one place she knew she could go. Brittany's. Pulling up her address that the blonde had texted her, she made her way towards the McKinley part of town.
Brittany had been counting down the days to Christmas. Like the typical saying goes, it was the most wonderful time of the year for her. Mostly because it was surrounded by the people you love and everyone enjoyed it together. This year, her parents were traveling and it was no real surprise. They always loved talking about places they desire to go together. Brittany imagined the three of them discovering new cities and having a great time, but the sad reality was that she needed to finish up school. Besides, being away from her house too long made her homesick. She enjoyed her friends and what she knew. Christmas morning came, the girl stretching in bed in her holiday themed pajamas and a sound from the kitchen woke her. A cabinet shut which made her jolt right up from bed. "Mom?" She called out with a big smile. She walked down the steps in a hurried manner and rushed to the kitchen. "Dad?" She called out next but stopped at the sight of Lord Tubbington hop from the cabinet to the counter. Disappointment settled in her stomach as she stuffed her hands in her pockets. She walked to the living room and plopped herself down on the couch, the big house making her feel smaller than ever as she stared at the lit tree with presents under it.
Santana finally found the right house after getting lost in the suburban maze of hundreds of cookie cutter looking houses. "Like freakin' whoville" She muttered to herself under her breath as she jogged up to the door. At the door she hesitated, yeah maybe she should of texted first but she was here now. Finally she pounded loudly on the door.
Brittany had gotten up to go make breakfast. She wasn't the best at cooking, that was for sure. The practice of having to do it for herself made her hope she improved. When she heard the knock, she jumped slightly and paused on cooking. She walked over hesitantly, knowing she told people she was going to be alone but no one had said they were coming. She looked out the side window to see Santana at the door. It was definitely a surprise considering it seemed she wasn't going to associate with her much. She opened the door and smiled softly at her. "Merry Christmas!" She happily greeted while shutting the door behind her. She wanted to ask if everything was alright but didn't want to push it too far either. "You've made it in time for breakfast." She lead them to the kitchen where the round table was set up for five since she couldn't help herself in decorating everything.
Santana was ushered from the cold into the warm house. "Merry Christmas to you." Despite the surprised look on her face, Brittany didn't question her about why she suddenly had a change of heart, and for that Santana was grateful. "I brought some eggnog, but it's kinda early to be offering you a drink." She remarked. She scanned the house, she vaguely remembered Brittany saying that her parents were away and by the looks of it, that was true. The house was eerily quiet that left an awkward silence between the two of them. Mentally Santana filed this information away in case Brittany eventually asked her why she had came. She'd just say that she didn't want her to be alone. Hell if she weren't in such a shitty mood she'd be pumped at the aspect being alone with the hot blonde. She followed her to the kitchen smiling slightly at the decorations which if she had to guess was Brittany's doing. Draping her leather coat over one of the chairs she asked, "So is there anything I can do to help?"
Brittany took the eggnog in hand and warmly smiled at her. "Thank you." She set it in the fridge for now. She came back over to the stove and hummed a bit. "I wanted to make some pancakes, but the first batch burnt a bit. This is my second try. I haven't even gotten to the sausage yet," She said and gestured to the cookies on a tray. "But if you want we can go with cookies and milk?" She asked and hoped that she would at least have a good time here than in her home. "Are there any traditions or stuff you like doing today?" She asked cautiously.
Santana handed over the eggnog, halfway wishing she had taken a good swig of it first. She shoved her hands in her pockets and gave a non-committal shrug. "It doesn't matter, if you want I make a mean chocolate chip pancake?” Santana knew she should probably have something in her stomach, especially if she decided to drink later, but as good as the cookies looked, Santana just wasn’t hungry. She almost always skipped breakfast. At Brittany’s question she paused, before shaking her head. “Ha, I’m not really that traditional. Haven’t really done that kind of junk since I was a little girl.”
Brittany gasped with a smile spreading across her face. "I've never had some before. I've always wanted to try them," she said and looked in the cabinets to get out the supplies. "Oh, ok. If you want to be super cheesy we can wear matching pajamas. Or you can open up the present I got you," she said with a soft smile. "Or we could do the classic sit and sip hot chocolate while watching a movie on the couch."
Santana gave her a bewildered look. "Are you kidding me? You've like a chocolate chip pancake virgin? Okay, lucky for you I'm going to fix that." She exclaimed playfully. "Never had them." She muttered hiding a small smile as Brittany started looking for what Santana assumed was the ingredients. Her expression froze momentarily as the other girl mentioned presents and pajamas. Despite Santana declining the original offer, Brittany must of hoped she'd had come anyways, enough to get her something. ​ Well shit​, Santana thought, she didn't have anything for her. She tried to play it cool, all the while touched that Brittany would think of her and batting away the guilt that started to gnaw at her. "Well being cheesy has never on my agenda, but when in rome...or McKinley. Although I am a little weirded out that you have matching PJ's for us. What stalker, did you like sneak in my house to find out what size I wear?" She deadpanned.
Brittany laughed lightly and nodded, leaning against the counter. "Thank you! I'm excited." She said while giving the supplies to her as well. "I've never ordered them anywhere or had them made for me," she explained with a giggle. It was going well which Brittany was grateful for. Their original plans of staying alone and not following through was ok with her. "No, of course not. I had bought extra pairs in case people were coming over." She said while taking a cookie and happily ate it. It was mostly the best time of year since there were plenty of things to do. Santana coming over was a delightful surprise especially she didn't expect her to after her text. She walked to the living room and got out the folded pajamas that was meant to be for more. The blonde glanced under the tree to make sure her present was there. It was a simple necklace with a single pearl dangling, nothing much. She walked back to the kitchen while showing her the pajamas. "Ta-da!"
Santana raised her eyebrows amused as Brittany trotted out of the room, only to come back with the most tacky Christmas Pajamas she had ever seen. Well, at least they looked comfy. Biting back a verbal insult that rested on the tip of her tongue, she instead just smiled and nodded, hoping it didn't come out like a grimace. "Wow, they look warm, I guess I should go change?" Clearly Brittany had put lots of love and thought into the holidays, and while normally the skank would never be caught dead wearing anything like that, it wouldn't kill her to at least play along. Brittany didn't seem like the type of person who'd spread this around out of malice, and honestly a small part of Santana wanted to make the blonde light up even more then she already had since she'd arrive. She held out her hand for the Pajamas.
Brittany knew this all wasn't much of Santana's style. Still, she wanted to try. "They are," She said and nodded, handing them to her. The bathroom is down the hall and the second door to your right." She explained while walking to the living room. She looked at the DVD collection but glanced towards the bathroom to see Santana go in and change. She took her phone out and dialed her parents numbers. Her father didn't answer so then she tried her mother. Neither did she. Maybe a voicemail would be better. Brittany waited for the beep. "Hi mom, and dad. Merry Christmas! I hope you guys are having fun..I'm just here..in the house with Lord Tubbington. The snow in Lima looks really pretty so I hope where you guys are it's just as nice. Don't forget to bring me a souvenir. Stay safe," She said softly before hanging up. Perhaps they'd return in time for New Year's. She picked out a movie and put it in the DVD player.
Santana took the pajamas in hand and made her way to the bathroom, sneaking a peek at the rest of the house. Finding the bathroom, she quickly stripped down and slid on the pj’s. Glancing at the mirror, she burst out laughing at herself, badass Santana Lopez, in fuzzy christmas pajamas? Ridiculous. At least they were comfy and a whole lot warmer then what she was used to wearing. Making a mental note to tell Brittany in the most non-threatening way that she’s kill her if the girl told anyone about this, she headed back for the kitchen. Perhaps for once, Christmas wouldn’t be too bad.
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sallysklar · 6 years
Six Principles of Learning in School Jazz Programs
Jazz is complex music that even some professional musicians have difficulty playing. Yet somehow, jazz-band teachers create new jazz musicians out of youngsters who just a few years earlier knew nothing about music. What magic must they be using? In the spring of every year in Texas, Katy High School near Houston hosts a jazz festival that showcases junior- and high-school stage bands from around the state. I have attended several times and never failed to be astonished at the musicianship of these youngsters. Each year, there is one or more middle-school band. Even the professional musicians who critique each band’s performance are amazed that these 7th and 8th graders “play like adults!”
I never cease to be astonished at how accomplished these students are. I ask myself, “How did those kids learn such complex music?" The music played by the school stage bands is mostly the big-band music of Goodman, Basie, Kenton, Ellington, and others from the eras of swing and progressive/modern jazz of the 50s and 60s. They also play more modern jazz.
The emphasis on teaching reaches into the festival itself. Each band or ensemble performs for 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of critique from professional jazz musicians (some of whom are music professors at universities). The critiques are shared with the audience, consisting mostly by family and friends. Are university professors ever asked to evaluate student performance in regular secondary school academic classes?
The festival includes small-group performances, which are also openly critiqued by professional musicians. Katy High puts great emphasis on music teaching and has built a magnificent Performing Arts Center, where the festival takes place. If Texas schools are hurting for funds, it certainly isn’t evident at Katy High School. I bet they get extra support from parents.
Jazz fans everywhere lament that jazz seems like a dying art form overwhelmed by the simpler music of country, rap, hip-hop, rock, and whatever it is that most kids listen to these days. But the professional “coaches” at the festival reassure the audience that “jazz is in good hands.” The future of jazz is bolstered by the fact that many school and university music programs teach jazz.
Learning to playing any musical instrument is hard, but playing jazz is the ultimate challenge. In jazz, you not only have to know the tunes, you also have to use the chord structure and complex rhythms to compose on the fly. A jazz professor from North Texas State University counseled in one of his critiques, “I know you have sheet music you have to follow, but when you hear something in your head, play it. That’s what we (jazz musicians) do — improvise!” My impression is that in regular academic classes, we don't do much to encourage the creative application of knowledge. In jazz, it is the whole point.
Another jazz professor during a critique session had two bands re-play a number from their performance. About one-third of the way through, he silently and casually walked through the rhythm section (piano, guitar, bass, and drums) and picked up the sheet music. The kids went right on playing without skipping a beat, because they had already memorized the sheet music. His point was they were using the sheet music as a crutch and not engaging with each other. Musicians talk to each other with their instruments, and listening is a big part of jazz improvisation. Students playing jazz need to be engaged with what each member of the rhythm section is doing, and, moreover, the rhythm section needs to interact with the saxes, trombones, and trumpets.
Hearing such wonderful music from children raised a nagging question. Why can’t kids master science, math, language arts, or social studies? Why does everybody struggle so mightily to get kids to pass simple-minded government-mandated tests in academic subjects? And then it hit me. Jazz-band teachers do the right things in teaching that other teachers need to do more of.
Two things are essential in teaching: the professionalism of the teacher and the motivation of the students. Most school jazz programs provide both. Sad to say, this is not so true of traditional curriculum.
Consider professionalism. It was clear that these band directors really knew what they were doing. Some had professional playing experience. Most, I am certain, were music majors in college. Think about what they have to do. They take young kids who know little about music beyond humming a tune and teach them music theory, teach them to read music, and teach them to play the different instruments in a band. And then they have to teach students how to compose on the fly. You can’t do that without being a real professional.
As for motivation, teaching and learning jazz involves clearly identifiable motivating features. Jazz-band teachers can’t take credit for some of these features, but creative teachers in other subject areas can think of similar motivating things they could be doing, based on what is involved in jazz.
First, there is passion. Jazz stirs the emotions, from blues to ballads to hot swing. If Benny Goodman’s music doesn’t make you want to jump up and dance, you better check your pulse to see if you are still alive. That brings up this point: jazz is fun! Learning chemistry, for example, is almost never considered by students to be fun — but teachers should be thinking of ways to make it fun. 
Some academic subjects do have intrinsic emotional impact. If, for example, the emotions of history students are not stirred by the Federalist Papers or the turmoil of the Civil War and the country’s other wars, then history is not being competently taught. If the beauty of the laws of physics and chemistry or the biology of life are not evident in the teaching of science, it is the teacher’s fault. 
Second is that jazz involves personal ownership. A jazz student intellectually owns his instrument. He or she owns the assigned space on the bandstand. One critiquing musician at the festival reminded students that they own that space, and if the sheet music stand or the audio at their station was not left just right from the previous band, they must fix it. It is now their space.
Jazz players demonstrate their learning in public. How well a student has learned jazz is public knowledge. What you know and can do is on public display all the time in practice sessions with fellow band members and, of course, in public performances. Unlike many traditional classrooms, there is no way to hide. Every student is exposed to embarrassment by mistakes. In a traditional classroom, the teacher is counseled not to embarrass students. It is actually against federal law for teachers to reveal grades on individual performance, even within the more private area of the classroom. The belief system in education these days is that you should not allow an unprepared and under-performing student to be embarrassed. What dingbat policymaker came up with that? I know; it comes from the perverse politically correct movement that ignores the reality that youngsters have to earn self-esteem.
Third is that jazz is ultimate constructivism. All teachers know about constructivism, which is the idea that students have to do something to show they have mastered the learning task. Student jazz bands and combos demonstrate personal accomplishment all the time in rehearsals and stage performances. But in many traditional courses, the main constructive thing students do is fill in circles on a Scantron test answer sheet. In science, “science fairs” encourage constructivism, but these are usually one-time events. Students need to be doing something every day to demonstrate their learning. In English, how often do students write and rewrite an essay, poem, or short story? Does anybody write book reports anymore? In social studies, how many students are required to explain and debate capitalism, socialism, fascism, democracy, and republican government? Do students in academic courses spend hours in deliberate practice and applying their learning comparable to what a jazz student spends in practice? 
Fourth, jazz is social. Jazz students perform as a group, either in a big band or combo. Recall the earlier example from the Katy festival, where the professionals had to emphasize this point by taking away the sheet music. Students had to learn to talk and listen to each other through their instruments. In traditional education, there is a movement called collaborative learning, the idea of learning teams, but many teachers don’t use this approach or do it without regard for the proven formalisms needed for success. Regardless of academic subject, students benefit when they learn how to help each other learn.
Part of the social aspect of jazz is competition. In many schools, many students don’t have to compete to get into a music class. But once in, they have to display learning in order to advance into more prestigious classes (think the “One-o-clock Lab Band" at the University of North Texas). In whatever music lab they are in, they have to compete for “first chair” in their instrument section. It is like competing to make the varsity and then the first team in sports. Where is the equivalent in science, social studies, or language arts?
The fifth point: Unlike a traditional education, where the goal is to meet minimum standards on state-mandated tests, jazz band directors make very clear their high expectations that everybody in each band class should become as proficient as they can. The whole point of their teaching is mastery and excellence, not just achieving minimum standards. They expect excellence, and they get it, as documented by the festival performances. Thanks to the unenlightened thinking of No Child Left Behind law, our public education has degenerated into “No Child Pushed Forward.”
And finally we consider the matter of reward. Somewhere in teacher college courses, pre-service teachers learn about “positive reinforcement,” and most teachers try to use these ideas to shape the learning achievements of their students. But jazz performance provides public reward, in the form of public applause. Is there anything comparable in the teaching of science, social studies, or language arts? Is publishing (inflated) Honor Roll lists in the newspaper the best we can do?
So in a nutshell, the reason jazz students do so well is because their learning environment is built around six motivating factors:
1. Passion
2. Personal ownership and accountability
3. Constructivism
4. Social interaction, both collaborative and competitive
5. High expectations
6. Reward
What I take home from attended these school-band performances is a renewed feeling that, outside of jazz music programs, our schools are letting our children down. These young musicians prove that when motivated and challenged, they can do astonishing things. The printed program for the festival concluded with the comment, “The future belongs to those who are able to capture their creative intelligence. Jazz music education and performance develop the ability to create and produce the ideas that are individually unique.” Why can’t the rest of education do that?
Reference: Klemm, W. R. 2017. The Learning Skills cycle. A Way to Rethink Education Reform. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Remember, to get a full understanding of this post, you need the book, Thank You Brain for All You Remember.
Six Principles of Learning in School Jazz Programs published first on https://buyessayscheapservice.tumblr.com/
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