#dol Leighton
yetiwang2000 · 3 days
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𝓭𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵 𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓼
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shokujin-art · 12 days
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Just your local bunny girl dancing at Briar's club with some familiar faces around. Honestly would love some of them to visit the club and find out pc currently working here :3c
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propertyofwhitney67 · 27 days
Lore my beloved
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I want Whitney to choke me and make the necklace leave a mark on my neck
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miku-meeku · 2 months
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normal gartic phone session at the fanartist channel at the dol discord server
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ihonestlycanttellyou · 8 months
Imagine Avery gets invited to some rich person event and the guest list is Bailey, Briar, Leighton, Remy, and Wren. I just imagine most of the shady bastards are rich idk.
"PC. I'm at the wrong party."
Don't question why or how he called PC shut up
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kittiesandkillers · 5 months
Leighton fuckers are a different breed. They won't make excuses for Leighton's behavior like a lot of people who simp for the other characters often do. Sure they want to fuck the bastard, but it's hate fucking at best. What they REALLY want more than anything else is to ruin Leighton's life. I respect that.
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riwooga · 1 year
DOL npcs part 3, the teachers! ✨
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Frankly it’s an injustice how little lewd we have with them 🤧 (what I wouldn’t give….for lewdness with Winter… or Doren..😩) I honestly also wonder if one of them will ever end up romancable? ..hm 👀✨
Anyway here’s the close-ups~
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digenerate-trash · 1 year
More head cannons that I have but for non-love interests. mostly teachers and Bailey and Harper. 
Bailey used to be a normal person who cared if the orphans got hurt but over time in order to keep the younger kids safe from the town he needed to start charging the older ones rent to keep this rinky-dink shack above water eventually it became too much for him to care about every victim he sent out onto the street to make rent so he stopped. Either by dissociation or worse. now he's just a heartless asshole who protects only the kids in the youth ward and even that is hard for him to do. The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all. 
Harper is afraid of blood. Straight up. He’ll faint if he catches sight of it that's why he prefers needles and brainwashing no blood is involved if you do it right. He's giving some real “I never got my doctorate” energy and I don't think this town cares because he's the best they have. He's definitely jacked off over an unaware patient. Has a kink for making patients cum hands-free (it's a power thing). Almost agreed to work for Remmy for free because he got too excited about brainwashing people into mindless cow hybrids. moral compass? Whos she? 
Leighton is such a fucking freak of nature. Would not be surprised if he went from teacher’s aid to head teacher solely through blackmail and other underhanded means this dud has always been a straight-up freak. Like Kylar but instead of being obsessed with one person, his passion is corrupting innocent people and once he's done and he's gotten off it's off to the next unsuspecting victim. This dude probably doesn’t know how to use a modern cellphone though so thank god for that. 
Sirris. Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. I mean Mommy? Sorry. For real though giving milf energy. Probably really loved her dead husband to the point where she's not getting married again. (which is the real crime) but deeply cares for her kid, and even though she has no idea the extent of  Leighton’s abuse she has threatened to kill him and go to church the next day if he even breathes near her kid. Owns a sex shop purely to exploit this town's obvious sex addiction issue and is probably saving for Sydney's future as well. The only good parent I’ve seen in this game.  
River is a virgin for life. my man has never seen a pussy and is physically afraid of it. (same goes for cock but a little bit less so) has an avid believer of the church's teachings and he has a kind of friendship with Sydney but refuses to give them any special treatment because it wouldn't be fair (although Sydney is his favorite). Prob wear’s a chastity belt since he was 18 and has absolutely refused to take it off its like a security blanket now. No one is getting their filthy hands on this dick.
Doren is one of those freaks who has crushes on his students and sees nothing wrong with it, he cares about them and wants the best for his students but the power dynamic is hard to ignore for his students and even though he wants to be kind and a friend to all of them most students will avoid getting too friendly with him. He does his best to protect the students he likes best giving them snacks at lunch being extra patient with them during lessons helping them out or bumping up their grades just because they asked but if you’re a nuisance he lets you fall by the wayside because his love and care are conditional. 
Winter is heavy into costumes and BDSM but that's not a surprise super into weird sexual history and also has a huge denial/edging kink. Surprisingly the teacher she gets along best with is River. They hang out in the teacher's lounge and bitch about students. Leighton has absolutely harassed her for information on her students like which ones squirm during her unorthodox lessons but she refuses to play into his antics. When she's working at the museum she is the most content. It's her real passion but it doesn't pay the bills. Probably got hired because Leighton thought she would be an easy mark but it turns out she's a total dom and now he's afraid to fire her. 
Mason is the guy Dorent wishes he was. Students are always trying to feel him up during lesions and asking if he's single. But he really just wants to be left alone. At one point he was good enough to be on a national swim team but for one reason or another, his life fell apart and now he's burnt out and living in the worst town in Britain at the ripe age of 25. The dude probably wouldn't hurt a fly unless he had to and even then he would be crying for a week afterward. Bottom energy.
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shokujin-art · 4 months
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A lil' before / after with Leighton. Now she's just getting her daily 50£ (and sometimes more) from him.
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propertyofwhitney67 · 5 months
How the fuck have I never had this before?
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ruby-serpentis · 1 year
horror au! leighton - head canons
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pairing: male! leighton x gn! reader
warning(s): corruption, political corruption, obstruction of justice, coercion, mentions of grooming, nonconsensual voyeurism, guilt tripping
this is also like...VERY LATE I’M SO SORRY GUYS. (anyways victorian leighton?)
reader is in their 20s, btw.
please note that i do not condone any of this behavior in real life. this is merely a work on fiction based on another work of fiction.
you were born in a rough environment, per say.
living in an orphanage was not ideal especially with the caretaker bailey. she was strict, rough, and cheap. she did not care much about you or the other children.
but you eventually found a caretaker: a lovely man named doren and his spouse, sirris. they treated you warmly and with kindness. you loved your home despite the smallness. there was enough money to keep your stomach full so you didn’t complain.
things in your life went awry so quickly. the good thing that finally happened went away in the blink of an eye.
your father was accused of a crime he did not commit. you didn’t remember what. and he was shipped away, never to return.
you didn’t know what happened to sirris, only that you were then placed in the custody of the judge that sentenced doren to exile. he was never to return.
you knew nothing about the judge other than his name: leighton. that and you remember seeing him quite a few times when you used to live at the orphanage. he would converse with bailey often. there was something he wanted and that he would get, obviously.
he housed you as his new ward and kept you locked within his home. it was a nice home. lots of things to do. and for the most part, he left you alone which made you relieved. something in your stomach told you that the older man was off.
you would be unaware of his interest in you as you grew older. and you wished it stayed that way.
when you came of age, leighton started looking for a spouse for you. after all, you were his ward. it was his job to have you married off and perhaps even take a dowry while he was at it. a little extra money never hurt anyone. not that his pockets were empty. they were far from that.
leighton knew quite a few people in high places. old money, new money, aristocrats, factory owners. he knew them all. after all, they supplied money in his pockets if they needed a favor. some of them he’s been working with since he was a young lawyer.
but you? you showed no interest in marriage, despite your popularity. you had people approaching you for marriage almost every day. proposals flooded the mailbox of your home. people even came up to you on the street to ask for your hand.
and you said no to every one of them.
it was cute when you were young. leighton chalked it up to your spritely young attitude and growing into an adult in society.
but after you turned 20, it was no longer cute. you might’ve ended up being unmarried for the rest of your life.
the judge started getting more involved in your life, much to your annoyance. he even started chaperoning you when you went out. normally you would’ve been chaperoned by one of his henchmen or even a house servant.
leighton started to question what to do with you. if you weren’t going to be married off, then you would be stuck with him. and that was not right...was it? supporting you until he died, passed his properties onto you?
it wasn’t until after your most recent birthday did he start seeing you...differently.
he started noticing your attractiveness, your intelligence, the way your body moved sensually and how the clothes clung onto you. you were sweet and melodic. despite the grayness of the world, you were gentle and kind.
despite having him as your guardian.
he was perhaps one of the most corrupt people to exist in town. well, there were others that could be considered worse. but who had the most influence and power? he did. no one else.
and you seemed to grasp none of it.
you were untouched, untainted. and it was because of his influence that you were this way.
and perhaps, if he had married you off, you still wouldn’t be the sweet, pure soul that he recognized you were.
at one point, this obsession grew to the point he had a hole cut in the wall. it was small and hidden well. you didn’t seem to notice. but he would remove the small painting covering it to spy on you, to watch you.
some nights you read and wrote, working on your novel. (yes he had absolutely gone through your room and desk. your writing was quite exquisite)
other nights you looked wistfully out your window, sketching something on your windowsill. a butterfly, a flower you bought from the florist down the street, a book you took from your shelves.
and then there were the nights you...indulged. in earthly pleasures.
your little moans were so lewd and the way you would bite down onto your pillow to muffle your sounds? so so cute.
he was pawing at his own cock, feeling himself get hard so quickly. he wondered what you were thinking about while you touched yourself. could you possibly be thinking about him? that got him even more hard.
he loved those nights where he would watch you from his study, hand smoothly gliding down his shaft. he imagined how warm your mouth would be around his cock and how warm your hole would be, how the walls would clench around his cock, desperately trying to drain his balls.
leighton had to have you.
you needed to be his.
“i will marry my ward.”
it was a sudden announcement to the servants. even his henchman was surprised. alas, he did not say anything. they were all paid to keep quiet and work on the wedding arrangements in private.
getting measured for new clothes was nothing new. so it was routine for you. you didn’t suspect a thing.
after getting your measurements taken, you went to the market to scout for something to buy. you had a little more allowance than usual and wanted to spend it on something.
as you stared at the inventory, a charming man caught your attention.
he was running the stall and he wormed his way into your little heart. it was for sure a marketing tactic, trying to convince you to buy his potatoes or maybe a bottle of fresh milk.
and yet, it worked. you were practically putty in his hands.
you got his name: alex.
“will you be here tomorrow alex?”
“of course. you’re welcome at my stall any time.” his smile was warm, his voice gentle. not to mention his body.
you came home with a skip in your step, excitement bubbling in your veins. leighton thought it was strange. you never expressed such a thing in your demeanor.
and when he asked what had happened, you didn’t answer. you brushed him off, ignored him.
he had a servant ask you and come to him when they had to answer. and you answered honestly this time.
“they met a man, sir.”
“you are dismissed.”
leighton sat and contemplated. there was no way this boy from the country would interrupt his plans to marry you...right?
oh how wrong he was.
young love was like adrenaline. it pumped through the body quickly and fiercely. except unlike adrenaline, the feeling of love and care for alex didn’t leave so quickly.
you visited the markets every day for two months straight just to talk to him, to get to know him. he even walked you through the park or down the shopping streets. you were getting...cozy.
and you were also moaning his name at night.
leighton decided he had to act quickly.
the same night of your wedding with him, you were going to meet with alex in town. alex had plans to formally court you and he was excited.
he waited in front of the address you gave him, faithfully. he was nervous and dressed in his best clothes.
but you never came out.
he wondered where you were, waiting for hours after you guys were supposed to meet.
and that’s when it happened.
it happened so quickly. he was hit on the head, hard, during the night. no one was around to see. the people that saw on the street turned a blind eye in favor for the money coming from the judge’s pocket. and then he was thrown into a carriage and taken away.
you, on the other hand, woke up in a cellar, locked in a literal cage with your ankle chained to the wall. you banged, screamed till your lungs hurt. nothing. you were weak after hours of trying to escape and decided to sleep.
leighton thanked the woman who made the cage, telling her to ignore your pleas for help and screams. “my ward is quite dramatic. i am doing this for their own good.”
“sure.” she scoffs.
“truly your finest work eden.” leighton presses the bag of money into her hand. “should be enough for you to retire to the countryside.”
she doesn’t say anything, following a servant out of the house.
the hours passed and you jumped when the door to the cellar open and saw your guardian. “leighton!” you exclaim. “please! let me out of here!”
he smiles but it unnerves you. it doesn’t reach his eyes. he dangles the keys to your shackles and cage in his hand. “awww. poor little dove.” he chimes. “all locked up. i’m sorry to have to do this to you.”
...have to do this?
“i couldn’t let that boy court you. if he courted you then you would not be...well, mine.” he lets out a chuckle.
“i am not yours! not even as your ward!” you exclaim.
“tsk, tsk. you misunderstand, little dove. you did not want to marry. i debated if i should just arrange something for you. but why would i do that? i realized that you must not have married...so you can stay with me.”
you scoffed at the idea. you remained unmarried for your independence, something that being with leighton gave. he wasn’t involved in your life. why was he suddenly getting involved now?
“i decided to grant your wish. you can stay with me permanently. it’s a promotion even!”
your stomach sank. “no...no!” it cannot be what you were thinking of.
“little dove, our wedding is tonight. private of course. with two witnesses.” he sighs wistfully. “and you have no choice but to accept.”
“i can still say no!”
“are you sure? do you...want to be alone? thrown out onto the street? no one will want you. your birth parents didn’t even want you and no one else in that barber’s family wanted to take you in. who would dare publish your book? horrendous and cheesy and oudated.” he’s read your book! since when? “you won’t be able to make a living. and then you will get desperate, perhaps turn to crime or sell your body. you’re cute, people would pay to ravish you. but you wouldn’t want to be demoted to such a state, would you?”
leighton steps forward and crouches, staring deep into your eyes. you felt shivers run through your body. you felt like an insect under observation by a madman.
“you have no one but me little dove. i took you in under the kindness of my heart.” he places a hand over his chest. “will you repay with such hostility? i would hate to see you become a whore.”
even if you wanted to reject him, he was...right. in almost every sense.
the worst part about leighton was that he spoke the truth. how many people would want to read your novel? it was pointless to even consider publishing.
your silence was golden and he watched the way the gears turned in your brain, the way he pondered and thought.
you spoke through gritted teeth. “...i will...marry you.”
a smirk creeps onto leighton’s face. he made a mental note to find a publisher for you.
“that’s a good little dove.”
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ihonestlycanttellyou · 9 months
Me after making Avery, Bailey, Briar, Eden, Harper, Leighton, Remy, and Whitney all fem in one save:
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kittiesandkillers · 5 months
If only we could fuck all of the teachers. I'm sorry Sydney, I swear.
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ali-houston · 8 months
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degrees-of-lili · 6 months
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The rest of the teachers and I'll copy the designs I did for the other teachers into this for completions sake and so I don't have to link them all from my Otome blog. Leighton, Sirrus (+Syd) and Mason.
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leghost · 7 months
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