#dolan twins preference
What are we?
Type: One shot | Imagine about Grayson Rating: Rated PG Word Count: 3600+ Pairing: Grayson + Skylar Enjoy!
"Who are we to each other?" he questioned. "You tell me," she asked as her voice cracked. "Clearly nothing" he crossed his arms. "Nothing" She swallowed hard. "Yea nothing," he said as he leaned against the counter. "Nothing," she nodded as she turned away from him. Trying not to cry but the tears were burning her eyes.
She went upstairs to finish getting dressed. Grabbing her things and putting them in her bag. He came upstairs and leaned against the door frame, just watching her. He chuckled slightly as she was packing her bags.
"We do this at least once a week," he said. "I'm done" she looked at him. "Another thing you say" he rolled his eyes. "I mean it this time" she pushed past him and went downstairs. "Alright see you later," he said. "I'm nothing to you, right? Then that means not seeing each other" she slipped her shoes on. "Yeah sure," he made his way downstairs. "What is your problem?" she questioned. "I don't have one," he said. "Alright stop" he grabbed her arm before she could get out the door. "Get off of me," she said. "Stop" he pulled her back to him. "You know you are my everything," he said. "Let me go," she said. "Come on don't do this," he said. "No, you gaslight me all the time then say what you THINK I want to hear so I'll stay but not this time," she said. "Fine go," he said as he let her go. "I will!" She grabbed her bag and left the house.
She got into her car and pulled out of the driveway. Once she was down the street she pulled over and started crying. The last two years were just a waste of time. She took a deep breath in and got her mind straight before driving. She made it to her best friend's house and he was already outside waiting for her.
"Come here," he said as she got out of the car. "Grayson," she said as she walked to him. "It's ok" he hugged her. "Finally done with that asshole," he said. "Yea I am," she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "Come on in," he said as he kept his arm around her shoulders, leading her inside.
They went inside and Grayson went back to the car to get her things. She sat on the couch trying not to get upset. Grayson placed her things in his room and grabbed a box of tissues. He sat next to her and allowed her to just cry it out, allowing her to feel whatever she needed to feel.
"Skylar just breath," Grayson said as he rubbed her back. "I'm just nothing to him," Skylar said. "You are too good for him," Grayson said. "I hate him" she started to cry. "Come on, he's not worth your tears" he hugged her to his chest.
She cried against his chest until she felt that she didn't have anything left to cry about. She sat up and Grayson wiped her tears away from her cheeks. She looked at him and she knew she would be ok. Grayson and Skylar have always been friends since forever. She always had him and he always had her.
"Thanks for allowing me to cry it out," she said. "I'm always here for you," he said. "I know," she smiled slightly. "We are having a little get-together later tonight, If you aren't up for it I'll cancel it," he said. "I think I need people around me. It will be good" she said. "Alright," he smiled slightly as he looked at her. "I'm going to lay down for a little bit, but let me know when they are coming," she said as she got up. "I will," he nodded.
She grabbed her bag and went into his room. She laid down and ended up falling asleep. Later on, Grayson entered the room and gently woke her up. Sitting on the bed next to her as she opened her eyes.
"They are about 20 minutes out," he said. "How long was I asleep for?" she questioned. "About two hours," he said. "Oh," she nodded and sat up in bed. "Are you ok?" he questioned. "Yea I'm fine. I'm going to get into the shower, keep them out of here?" She looked at her. "It's just Ethan and his girlfriend, a few other friends," he said. "Still I don't want them seeing me naked," she said. "True," he smiled. "I'll make sure you won't be bothered," he said. "Thank you" she kissed his cheek before getting up, going to the bathroom.
She started the shower when Ethan walked into the house. Grayson went out of the bedroom to make sure they wouldn't bother Skylar.
"Uh-huh Grayson got laid last night" Ethan jokes. "No, I didn't" Grayson rolled his eyes. "Then who is in the shower?" Ethan asked. "Skylar," Grayson said. "Oh finally," Ethan said. "No, not finally, she just broke up with her boyfriend," Grayson said. "So take your chance, you know you are in love with her" Ethan said. "It's not the right time," Grayson said. "So when are you going to tell her?" Ethan asked. "I don't know," Grayson said as he sat down on the couch.
Skylar got out of the shower and started to get dressed when she could hear Ethan and Grayson talking.
"Tell her that you are in love with her," Ethan said. "And what if she doesn't feel the same way?" Grayson said. "I'll be crushed and the friendship would never be the same," he said "You'll never know until you tell her," Ethan said as he sat down next to Grayson. "Maybe one day," Grayson said. "Hey Ethan," Skylar said as she entered the room. "Hey Skylar," Ethan said. "So what are we talking about?" She asked. "Just random stuff," Ethan said as he shot Grayson a look. "Cool," She said as she sat down in the chair. "Yea, just messing around," Grayson said. "I'm going to a party tonight, you guys in?" Ethan asked. "I am," Skylar said. "Sure" Grayson nodded.
They all left Grayson's apartment and headed downtown to where the party was. Once they arrived Grayson offered to take Skylar's jacket and helped her take it off. He placed it into the room where the coats were. Skylar went and grabbed two drinks for Grayson and herself. Handing him the drink once he caught up with her.
"Here you go," she smiled. "Thank you," he smiled. "So what were you and Ethan truly talking about?" she questioned. "Just stuff," Grayson said. "Ok," she nodded. "Anything I need to know about?" she looked at him. "Not really," he said. "Ok" she took a sip from her drink.
The night went on and the drinks started flowing, music was going and Skylar was enjoying herself. She kept an eye on Grayson though, because she knew what they were talking about. She didn't realize that she had feelings for Grayson until she overheard them talking.
"Ok so we are going to play a game," Ethan said. "Well, it never has I" Ethan chuckled. "Should be interesting," Sklyar said. "Yea should be," Grayson said. "Never have I ever hid my feelings for someone," Ethan said. "Ethan!" Grayson said. He placed his drink down and left the apartment. Skylar rushed behind him, making sure he was ok. "Grayson, stop," She said as she tried to catch up with him. "Go enjoy yourself," Grayson said. "No, stop," she said as she finally caught up with him, grabbing his arm. "What Skylar?" he asked as he turned to face him. "I heard you two talking today so I know what that was about. Now talk to me" she said. "I'm in love with you," he admitted. "I heard that part," she said. "And I don't want to lose this between us so I didn't say anything," he said. "I have feelings for you," she said. "But it's complicated, because of what happened today but that doesn't mean I don't want to be with you" she looked at him. "So now what?" he asked. "We take it slow" she grabbed his hand. "Wait so you want this between us?" he questioned. "Yea I do" she admitted. "Just no rush," she said. "Ok," he nodded and laced their fingers together. "No rush," he said. "No rush" she looked at him. "WE DID IT!" Ethan said as he was out in the hallway. "Oh hush it," Grayson said. "Don't mind him," he smiled. "I never do," Skylar laughed.
Grayson placed his arm around Skylar's shoulders as they walked back to the party. They stayed for a few more hours before leaving and heading back to Grayson's apartment.
"I'll sleep on the couch," he said. "No you won't," she said as she pulled him to the bedroom with her. "Oh," he said. "Sleep in the same bed with me," she said. "Ok," he nodded.
She grabbed one of his oversized shirts and went into the bathroom to change. She came back with his tee-shirt on and her panties, and she got into bed. He was already in bed with just his boxers on, she snuggled to his chest. Pulling the blanket around them as he wrapped his arm around her. Kissing the top of her head as she started to drift off to sleep. He also fell asleep holding her close to him. In the morning she shuffled in the bed to realize that she was alone. She groaned as she opened her eyes and her head was pounding. She sighed and sat up in bed, stretching before getting herself out of bed. She slipped on her slippers and made her way to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth and her hair before making her way into the living room. Grayson wasn't to be found in the apartment. She grabbed a glass and got herself some water before sitting on the couch. She grabbed her phone that she left on the coffee table and checked her messages.
"Oh you are awake," Grayson said as he walked through the door. "Yea, where have you been?" she questioned. "Down to the coffee shop to get coffee and donuts," he said as he sat next to her. "best hangover medicine around," he said. "Yea I need it," she said. "I have aspirin if you need it," he said. "No, the coffee and donuts are enough," she said as she took the cup from his hand. "Good" he kissed her forehead before pulling out the donuts. "Do you remember last night?" he questioned. "Last night?" she asked. "Yea last night" he looked at her. "Were you that drunk?" he questioned. "Of course I remember last night" she smiled as she looked at him. "Oh," he took a deep breath in. "I thought I was going to have to tell you again," he said. "You can" she leaned her head against his shoulder. "I love you," he said. "I love you," she said as she played with his hand.
They sat on the couch and ate their donuts. They decided to take it easy that day, just stay on the couch and watch whatever tv show they wanted. She finally got up after a few hours and stretched. Going to the kitchen to make something to eat. Grayson got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen where she was. Wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head against her shoulder. Softly kissed her cheek as she placed her hands over his.
"Let's go out to eat," he whispered. "Sounds good," she said. "Or order in?" she asked. "I want to take you out," he said. "Ok" she nodded as she leaned back against him. "Where do you want to go?" he asked. "You know me, I like anything," she smiled. "I know that but I want you to choose," he said. "Let's go down to the restaurant down by the beach," she said. "That's a good idea," he said as he kissed her cheek again. "Yea I love their food" she admitted. "I know you do," he smiled. "So it's a date," she said. "A date," he nodded. "Do you have anything to wear?" he asked. "Yes  I did grab my clothes, well mainly all my clothes," she said. "Ok," he smiled as he held her close to him.
She pulled away from his grip and went into the bedroom. She changed into something a little bit nicer as he also got ready. He grabbed her hand as she entered the living room. Kissing her cheek softly before grabbing his jacket. She also grabbed her jacket and phone before heading out the door. They left the apartment and got into the car, making their way down towards the beach.
"Stay there," Grayson said as he got out of the car. He smiled as he made his way over to the passenger side and opened the door for her. "After you," he said as he held his hand out for her. "Thank you" she smiled and grabbed his hand, getting out of the car.
He laced their fingers together as they walked up to the restaurant. They got a table and he sat next to her, placing his arm around her shoulders. They looked over the menu but they both knew what they wanted. They ordered their food and started talking.
"Can I ask you a question?" she asked as she turned to him. "Sure," he said as he looked at her. "How long?" she asked. "What?" He responded. "How long have you been in love with me?" she questioned. "It's hard to know when I started to truly catch feelings for you," he said. "Oh," she nodded. "Are you sure that's the answer?" she looked at him, "I've always had feelings for you but they just deepened every day I'm around you" he smiled. "Aw, that's sweet," she said. "It's true," he said as he tucked her hair behind her ear. Placing his hand against her chin.
She leaned in toward him, placing her lips against his. He smiled against her lips and kissed her softly. Brushing his thumb against her cheek as he kept the kiss. She rested her hand on his leg as she moved closer to him. Skylar pulled away when the food arrived at the table.
"Opps" he smiled. "No oops" she kissed his cheek.
They started eating their food and once they finished he paid for dinner. Walking back to the table reaching for her hand as she got up, She grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together as they walked out of the restaurant. She pulled him towards the beach. He followed her down to the shore, watching the waves crash into the shore. He moved behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. Leaning his head against her shoulder as they watched the sun finish setting, the darkness falling around them. The moon shining on the water, she leaned back against him.
"Perfect" she whispered. "You are," he whispered in her ear. FInally spending these moments with the right person" she placed her hand over his. "These moments are priceless," he said before kissing her cheek. "Yea they are" she turned to face him.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at him. He placed his hands on her hips and looked at her. Leaning down, kissing her softly, gently tugging at her bottom lip. She smiled against his lips before softly pulling away, resting her forehead against his. He pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her as she rested her head against his chest.
"I knew you were trouble when I met you," Jackson said. "Jackson?" Skylar said as she pulled away from Grayson. "Slut 101 right," Jackson smirked. "I thought three years meant something to you," Jackson said. "You are an asshole, Leave," Grayson said. "Three years meant so much to me but not to you," Skylar said. "Because you jump in bed with any guy you see," Jackson said. "Fuck off," Grayson said. "Oh, the pretty boy has something to say," Jackson said as he stepped closer. "Pretty boy will knock you on your ass," Grayson said. "OK stop," Skylar said as she got between the two. "Pretty boy is just a rebound and he needs to know his place," Jackson said. "You wish," Grayson said. "Yet did it not take her but what a day or two before getting with you after we break up?" Jackson said. "What does that say?" he crossed his arms. "Grayson isn't a rebound, '' Skylar said. "If you say so sweetheart" Jackson rolled his eyes and walked away. "Don't listen to him," Skylar said as she grabbed Grayson's hand. "Don't" Grayson said as he pulled away from her and walked back to the car.
She followed Grayson back to the car and got inside. The ride home was awkward and silent, Grayson pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car and went straight into the apartment. She sighed and got out of the car as well, making it inside the apartment. She sat on the couch as he was sitting in the chair. She didn't know what to say but she wanted him to know that he wasn't a rebound. She also knew right now he wouldn't believe a word she said. She laid back on the couch and stared at the ceiling, allowing the tears to fall from her eyes. He went into the bedroom and locked the door behind him as she cried on the couch. She finally fell asleep on the couch, later on, that night he came out of the room. He placed a blanket around her and turned off the lights before going back to the bedroom. In the morning she woke up when the sun started to peek through the windows. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, stretching and looking around to see if she saw Grayson.
"Grayson?" she said as she stood up. He wasn't in the apartment but she didn't find a note from him. 'We can talk later but just not right now, you can still stay I just need space xo Grayson'
She sighed and went into the bedroom to get her clothes. She got ready for the day and decided to go looking for apartments. She didn't want to bother Grayson or make him feel like he couldn't come back to his apartment. She found one closer to her job and it was perfect. She signed the lease and put her bags inside the apartment. She locked up and went to work, trying to get Grayson off her mind but she felt awful about what happened. After work, she returned to Grayson's apartment and left him a note as well as his key.
'I love you and will always love you. I know you feel like you are a rebound but the truth be told I've been in love with you before Jackson came along. He was a distraction because I didn't want to lose you. Seems like I have lost you now and that hurts and I will never forgive myself. I've moved out and left space for you. You have my number if you want to talk. Please just know I love you and would love to be with you. Xo Skylar'
She left the apartment and went to her apartment. She ordered take-out and just ate on the floor. She looked out her window just staring at the moon. Remember how the moment was so perfect before Jackson ruined it. She grabbed her blanket and laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling before falling asleep. All Skylar could do was give Grayson space and hope that he could see that he wasn't a rebound. She went to work each day and came back home, living her mundane life. There was a storm coming in that weekend and she just wanted to get home before it started. Skylar's friend needed her to work her shift so Skylar was stuck at work for a few more hours. Once she got off of work it was raining, she left her job. Stopping to get her something to eat before going back to her apartment. She sat at the table she just bought and watched the rainfall from the window. It was getting pretty bad outside. The thunder was loud and the lighting would light up her whole apartment. The lights flicked a few times before turning off.
"Ugh, it's going to be a long night" she sighed.
She got up from the table and cleaned up her mess. She heard someone knocking on the door. She walked to the door and opened it up. Grayson was standing there soaking wet.
"I love you," he said as he looked at her. "Grayson," She said. "Come inside, you are soaking wet," she said. "I don't care," he said as he pulled her to him and kissed her softly. Placing his hands against her cheeks keeping the kiss.
She smiled against his lips and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She pulled him inside of the apartment and closed the door behind them. She pulled away from him and went into the bathroom to turn on the shower. He followed her into the bathroom. She started to take his wet clothes off of him.
"You are going to get sick," she said. "Get in the shower, I'll throw these in the dryer," she said. "Thanks," he said as he kissed her. "Of course now go," she said.
From that moment on nothing could separate them. Grayson was never the rebound, he was always the one that she wanted.
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tomnookwhore · 6 years
Dating Ethan would include:
-Staying up all night talking/texting each other because we know he’s damn nocturnal
-him teaching you how to skateboard
-Skateboarding together
-Him writing stories about you for fun, y’all know the boy said he likes to write, imagine that being a cute thing him and his girlfriend do, even though it’s mainly as a joke.
-Tease each other on the daily, but not to the point where it’s hurtful just in a flirty way.
-He would check up on you when he knows you’re stressing with exams or work, try helping you if he can.
-LOTS of inside jokes, the nickname he gives you would probably come from an inside joke y’all have.
-I feel like he hides his emotions a bit more, but with you, he can have personal conversations and just open up.
-He would find ways to SHOW you how much he loves you (tho he tells you sometimes)
-Getting pedicures together, Don't @ me.
-cuddles. always.
-Creative/fun ass dates, like going to a museum (sorry I love history)
-LOud SOO Loud all the time, either you're also loud which annoys Grayson or you're a calm person, which annoys you sometimes.
-Singing with each other, every car ride is like carpool karaoke.
-Though you guys joke around a lot, He can get really sentimental.
-Videogames together and being competitive, or if you don't play videogames he’d teach you how then you'd act like a pro
-I feel like he likes to play with your hair... Idk why
-He’d be touchy asf in private (as long as you're comfortable ofc)
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dolansarebae · 6 years
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dolayn · 6 years
dating a french girl ♡ preference
requested by anon ♥️
eth ⇒ I feel like with Ethan, he’d be super into the accent but would lowley tease you for it. He’d probably always joke around and say things like “Bonjour!” to greet you in a terrible accent, trying to mimick yours. He’d think it’s cute if you’re having trouble with translating a word or don’t know the exact word for the sentence. You could be trying to call him handsome or something and he’d go, “Oh yeah babe, you’re very ‘beaut’ too,” with the cheesiest smile on his face.
gray ⇒ I think Gray would take the french thing more seriously. Like E would try saying a few words jokingly, whereas with Gray, he’d be more willing to actually learn some words and phrases. This sweet boy would probably stay up late, google translating all the things he’d wanna say just so he could wow you with new additions to his french vocabulary. Don’t even get me started on him trying to cook your favorite dishes!!! “Look babe, I made you a cheese souffle!” he’d exclaim as he sat down the hot dish fresh from the oven with a proud smile. Or “Y/n what do you say we make some ratatouille tonight!”
a/n - i’m sorry this sucks y’all, i’m not thriving /:
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AU Meme: You’re dating Ethan Part 2 Part 1
Yayy! You guys wanted more Imagines with Ethan and I finally got to do something. Hope you enjoy! :) Leave me comments and feedback if you did, I love reading you guys responses so much <3
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dolaninc · 6 years
Ethan Dating A Black Girl 💛
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💗 loving how your skin turned golden in the sun
💗 constantly taking pictures of you whenever you guys go out
💗 always standing up for you whenever a fan becomes disrespectful
💗 always asking questions about your hair
💗 watching you do your twist outs
💗 trying to help you do your twist outs and failing terribly 😂
💗 him constantly seeing you in different hairstyles (and Grayson sometimes not recognizing you lmao)
💗 “what do you mean it’s gonna take all day to get your hair done?”
💗 “The 60’s and the 70’s looked so fun right?” “Ethan I’m black.”
💗 sometimes being in the twins videos
💗 Grayson also standing up for you when people are being disrespectful
💗 him getting used to you playing trap music
💗 “wow this is crazy... Alexa play Faneto by Chief Keef”
💗 bomb ass sex because why wouldn’t it be
💗 “damn girl you thicker than a bowl of oatmeal” “Ethan I will literally break up with you”
💗 him constantly calling you his queen
💗 him comforting you when the hate becomes too much sometimes
💗 “so what’s the difference between a perm rod set and flexi rods?”
💗 “I love you so much and don’t ever let anyone make you feel otherwise”
💗 him picking up on your slang
💗 “you should wear neon colors more often they look amazing on you”
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lostincalum · 6 years
Translation- Grayson Dolan
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AN: Well, this is my first Grayson piece, idk how to feel about it, but i kinda like it, its basically the reader being a none native english speaker ish??
Word count: just over 600 i think
TW: none, this is fluffy AF 
One of the most entertaining things to do in your relationship with Grayson was annoying him. Particularly you enjoyed listening really loudly to music he could not understand. Not because the lyrics were deep and hard to decipher, but because it was in a foreign language to him.
Coincidentally, a lot of the music you listened to out loud was in your mother tongue, for the sole reason of annoying him. What annoyed him the most was the fact that he could not listen to music that only he understood, cause you were pretty fluent in english.
One day, when you were sitting in the middle of your bed listening to some of your favourite music, Gray came and stood in the doorway. Only to be kind of awestruck. You had headphones in your ears, and were singing quietly to yourself. He could not for the life of him figure out what the words meant, but he desperately wanted to understand.
Quietly he walked over to your bedside, unnoticed, and pulled out an earplug. Your eyes met his smiling, adoring face, and instantly heat rushed to your face.
“Hey there, rockstar”
You only laughed, this had happened a lot of times before. But it was one of the things he adored the most about you.
“Hey, what’s up?”
This time it was Graysons turn to blush. He was in fact refusing to meet your eyes. So you grabbed his hand with both of yours and pulled him down to the queen sized bed.
“Well, I was kind of wondering about something”
He bit his lower lip, and you could tell he was nervous.
“I wanted help with trying to translate a song for me.”
At this you perked up.
“Ouu, is it for a new video, like a google translate thing?”
Gray let go of his lip, and looked at you.
“No, but that’s actually a great idea, I want you to help me understand the lyrics the songs you listen to”
At this you kind of stopped up. You had never really expected this to happen. Your previous boyfriend in LA, who had been a music student, never really cared much for your music. Now Grayson did and you were actually overjoyed.
“Well, I’m glad you asked cause I’ve just found this new song which is pretty cool.”
You sat for a couple of hours, you on Grays lap, and translated song after song. He was asking questions about the lyrics and how you felt about them. You laughed and had fun when the lyrics came out wrong in english. And Gray got pleasantly surprised when he found english there, because it was quite hard to understand a completely different language.
A door slammed heard Ethan yell across the warehouse.
“I’m hooome, you better not be fucking anywhere strange.”
You laughed out loud, and turned around to watch Grayson as he yelled out.
“It was ONE fucking time dude, let it go”
He had the slap that stung across his thigh coming.
“Ouu, kinky”
Rolling your eyes was the only thing you could do.
Later that day when you were doing homework in the living room, Gray came through the door humming on one of the songs you had previously translated. Ethan came and sat down beside you.
“He has been humming that song all day and i can’t for the life of me figure out what song it is.”
You laughed, and looked at Ethan.
“It’s one of mine, my guess is he has been babbling nonsense to you all day anyway”
He nodded, as you both watched Gray do some ridiculous moves.
“Well, he’s happy and that’s all i care about.”
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1-800-moatinyghase · 6 years
a & z😍
A-Aftercare (How they are after sex)
ETHANFor Ethan I think that he would be really playful if that makes sense? He would go from fucking you mercilessly to cuddling and laughing with you until you felt like getting up. Now when freshening up he would probably have licked up everything depending on the time, he would take a shower with you or a bath also depending on how fucked out you were afterwards.
GRAYSONI feel like Grayson would be so fucking cute with that shit like he really would sit here and praise the hell outta you. “Wow you’re amazing” or “ damn I don’t deserve you”. I don’t feel like he’d be much different from Ethan in terms of taking a bath or shower but he would be having a casual conversation with you and be way more giggly than usual (you know how your endorphins rush after messing around).
(I literally never think about the aftercare part or how romantic it would or could be so thas it really)
Z-ZZZ (How fast they fall asleep or some shit I typed this before reading what the actual post said lmao)
ETHAN If you and Ethan went a good few sensual rounds then lmao he’s never going to sleep but if he goes rough and super dominant he would be out after a few minutes. Like I said before, he would laugh and cuddle but in the middle of that he would try and stay up forever and maybe even fall asleep after you but if he really is worn out he’d probably be knocked the fuck out in a second.
GRAYSONNow we know this boy can sleep and also stay up for hours so with him I see it being more so like he would sit up there and either die right after he busts or take forever to fall asleep. Grayson would probably pass out from you talking to him cause we all know falling asleep to people’s soft voices can be really soothing. I think that when he does fall asleep he subconsciously will wrap an arm around you or just randomly yank you really close after a while of having nothing in his arms.
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surfsupsnuggie · 7 years
Canada with Grayson Would Include
Not Requested.
For all my Canadian babes out there<3
Message me where you live in Canada and we can complain about the weather! (Haha) and even if you’re not from Canada, message me and tell me where you live in this wonderful world. I promise I don’t bite! :)
Requests opened ;)
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• obviously taking Grayson to Tim Hortons for his first time
• “awh babe, can’t we just go to Starbucks today? They have my pumpkin spice Frappuccinos”
• “Gray, its a Canadian staple! You have to try it!”
• Grayson getting so frustrated because there was Tim Hortons on every block.
• “woah! This is like a Dunkin’ Donuts! They have Munchkins here too!”
• “those are Timbits. Not Munchkins”
• “no, Munchkins”
• “Timbits!”
• “Munchkins!”
• “Timbits!”
• Ordering Gray his first Double double coffee which he falls in love with
• driving and listening to Christmas music as Grayson rests his cold hand on your leg
• cuddling up by the fire watching the snow fall peacefully
• your legs tangled togther up as Grayson leaves small kisses on your head
• bickering over which Christmas movie to watch
• Christmas baking together <3
• Gray obviously being impatient and just start eating the cookie dough
• taking Gray to get his maple taffy
• G acting like a little boy because he always wanted to pay with our colourful
• matching jerseys with Gray at a hockey game
• Gray taking you on a romantic date and taking you to an ice rink
• laughing at Gray because he was a true goofball trying to imitate a figure skater
• He pulled you by the waist and you glide all the over to him and he planted his lips on yours.
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donijlove · 7 years
When you first met him at 4OU- Grayson Dolan
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Type: One shot about Ethan Dolan Rating: Rated PG (Contains Drinking) Word Count: 3900+ Paring: Ethan + Riley Enjoy! 
She grabbed her bag and left her apartment. Heading to the airport, it was her week off and she wanted a different scenery. She boarded the plane and off she was to Miami. She got off the plane once it landed and headed to her hotel. Once she checked in she went up to her room. She placed her luggage down and headed straight for the bathroom. She took a quick shower, just to wash off the plane feeling. She got dressed in a body-tight black dress before heading out of the hotel. She found a club, she quickly got in and went straight to the bar.
"Can I get a black Russian?" she asked. "Of course sweetheart," the bartender said as he winked at her. "Thank you," she said as she waited for her drink. "A woman who knows what she likes," someone said. "Of course I do," she turned to them. "A black Russian though?" he chuckled. "I like my drinks like I like my men, strong," she said as she grabbed her drink. "I see that," he smiled. "Put it on my tab" he nodded towards the bartender. "I'm a woman who can pay for her drinks," she said. "Trust me I know that" he smirked. "Good," she said. "What's your name?" He asked. "I'm Ethan," he said. "I'm Riley," she said as she took a sip from her drink. "Nice to meet you" he nodded as he took a sip from his drink. "You as well," she said as she looked at him.
She leaned against the bar, just taking in the scene. She kept taking sips from her drink, once she finished her drink she put the glass down. She walked over to Ethan and grabbed his hand, leading him to the dance floor. He placed his hands on her hips as they moved to the music. She turned so her back was facing him, grinding her hips towards his. Brushing against him as she moved to the beat. He kept his hands on her hips as he moved with her. He grabbed her hand and swung her around, dipping her slightly. She smiled as she stood up placing her arms around his neck. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, allowing his thumb to brush against her cheek. She leaned in towards him, placing her lips against his. He kissed her softly but slowly turned it into a passion. His tongue entered her mouth as she pulled against his bottom lip. His hand placed on her neck, keeping her close as she grabbed his shirt. She tugged at his bottom lip as she pulled away, turning away from him. He grabbed her hips pulling her back against him. His breath against her neck as he kissed her neck. She turned to face him grabbing his shirt once again. Pulling him to her as she allowed her lips to linger against his.
"Another drink?" she whispered. "After you," he said as he never looked away.
She grabbed his hand and led him back to the bar. She ordered another drink but this time he also ordered the same as her. She clink her glass with his as she looked at him. She never looked away as they both took a sip of the drink. He choked slightly as he didn't realize how strong the drink was. She laughed slightly as she watched him.
"Question," she said. "Shoot," he replied. "How many tattoos do you have?" she asked as she traced over the one on his arm. "Too many" he chuckled slightly. "I would love to see them all" she smiled as she grabbed his shirt, pulling him towards her. "Even the one on your ass," she laughed. "How did you know?" He looked at her. "Lucky guess" she looked at him. "Really?" she asked. "Maybe," he said as he took another sip of the drink. "Oh ok," she said. "I'm staying at a hotel if you want to have a nightcap," he said. "I'm staying at a hotel as well," she said. "So guessing you're not from here?" she asked. "No, I bounce between LA and NJ" he nodded. "Oh cool," she said. "I'm from NY" she looked at him. "Spring break?" he asked. "Something like that" she grabbed his hand and led him back to the dance floor.
They danced to a few more songs before heading out of the club. He grabbed her hand and led her down the street to his hotel. It wasn't only his hotel because it was the one she was staying at as well. He hit the button for the elevator, as they waited she pulled him towards her. Placing her lips against his, kissing him hard and passionate. Their tongues playing to see who dominates, she pulled his bottom lip as the elevator beeped. They got on the elevator and once the doors were shut they were on each other again. His hands caressed her sides, running his hand up and down. Playing with her shirt as he moves his lips down to her neck. Sucking gently as she grips the back of his neck keeping him close. The elevator stopped on his floor and he led her down to his room. She wrapped her arms around him as he fumbled with the keycard. She chuckled slightly and took the key card from him and opened the door.  He pushed her against the door as he placed his lips against hers. She pulled up his shirt and over his head, placing her hand on his bare chest. He moved his lips down to her neck as he gripped her shirt in his hand. Lifting it over her head, placing his lips back against her skin. She pushed him towards the bed as she undid his pants. Allowing them to fall to the ground, he walked out of them. He placed her on the bed, slipped his hands up her thighs. Pulling off her skirt and panties at the same time. He got over the top of her, leaving a trail of kisses down her body. They surely enjoyed their first night in Miami together. She was snuggled up to him when she woke up in the morning. She winced as the sun was peeking through the window. She slowly got out of bed making sure not to wake him and gathered her clothes. She quickly got dressed and slipped out of the room, heading to her hotel room. She took a hot relaxing shower and got ready for the day. She put her bikini on under her outfit.
"Last night was fun but today will be relaxing," she said to herself as she checked her phone.
She had a text from her best friend Kodi. She smiled as she replied and started a conversation with Kodi. Kodi was already in Miami and they decided to meet up at Crandon Park. Riley put her things in a bag and headed out the door. She caught a taxi and was on her way. She stopped to get food before making her way there. Once she exited the taxi she saw Kodi, she smiled as she rushed over to where Kodi was standing.
"Hey, you," Kodi said as she placed her arm around Riley. "Hey, why didn't you tell me you were coming down here?" Riley asked. "Last minute trip, got in last night," Kodi said. "Last night" Riley smiled to herself, thinking about Ethan. "Something happened?" Kodi asked. "You mean who happened?" Riley smirked as they walked over to a park bench. "Who?" Kodi asked. "Some guy" Riley rolled her eyes. "Meeting him at the bar and boy last night was amazing," she said. "Nice" Kodi nodded as they started to eat. "I could get used to this view," she said. "It's so nice here, '' Riley said. "Better than the cold at home," she said as she looked out towards the water. "Yea that's why I decided to come down here," Kodi said. "Wait is that Ethan," Riley said as she looked down the beach. "Is it?" Kodi asked. "I think so but he's too far away to know for sure" Riley turned her focus back on her food. "Riley?" Ethan asked as he noticed her. "There is my runaway girl," he said as he walked over to where they were. "Runaway Girl" Kodi looked at Riley. "Yea a runaway girl," Riley said as she looked at Ethan. "I didn't think we would see each other again," she said. "Well, maybe it's fate" Ethan smiled as he sat down next to her. "Maybe," she said. "You two would be cute together," Kodi said. "Hush" Riley rolled her eyes. "I don't think I'm strong enough for her" Ethan playfully pushed Riley. "He can't take a black Russian," she said as she pushed him back.
After Kodi and Riley finished eating they joined Ethan on the beach. Ethan helped Riley get ready for the water, which included getting her undressed. He pulled her close to him, she rested her hand against his chest. He tilted her chin up and kissed her softly. She smiled against his lips and kissed him back. He put sunscreen on her back and she helped him reapply his sunscreen. As soon as he knew she was protected he picked her up over his shoulder. Running towards the water, she screamed and laughed as they got closer to the water. She spanked his ass right before they plunged into the water. The waves crashed over them pulling them apart. He broke to the surface before she did, he looked around for her. He saw her and helped her to the surface. She wiped the water from her face and gasped for air. He pulled her to him, keeping her close to him.
"You ok?" he asked. "Yea I'm fine" she nodded. "Don't tell me my runaway girl can't swim" he brushed the hair from her face. "I know how to swim but the waves caught me by surprise," she said. "It's ok I can be your strong man," he smiled. "Oh hush," she said as she splashed him. "Oh it's on," he said as he splashed her back.
They splashed each other until another wave crashed over them. Separating them once again, he stayed under the water and looked for her. She broke the surface first and reached under, grabbing his arm. He came up to the surface and pulled her to him. After hours of fun under the sun, they came back out of the water. She took her towel and dried herself off before getting dressed. Sitting on the sand leaning back on her arms as she looked out at the water.
"Beautiful isn't it," he said as he sat next to her. "Yea it is" she nodded. "Miami is an amazing, beautiful city," he said. "and warm," she smiled. "True that better than NJ this time of year," he said. "Yea NY is the same" she looked at him. "But you also live in LA, you are used to this," she said. "Yea but it's still nice to get away" he looks at her. "True," she said. "Want to go to dinner?" he asked. "I could always eat" she looked at him. "There is a restaurant not too far from here," he said. "Alright I'm game," she smiled. "Hey you two," Kodi said. "I'm going back to the hotel, it was a long night than being in the sun I'm tired," Kodi said. "Alright, it was nice seeing you," Riley said. "We have to hang out sometime this week," she said. "Of course," Kodi smiled. "Have fun" she said as she nodded towards Ethan. "She will," Ethan smiled.
Kodi hailed a taxi and left. Riley and Ethan left the beach and started walking towards the restaurant. He held the door open for her as she entered. The waitress seated them right away, Ethan slipped into the same side as Riley. She looked over the menu as he did. The waiter walked up and Riley ordered drinks for them both.
"Surly likes to be in control," Ethan smirked. "Not in the bedroom though" she winked. "Oh I know" he bit his lip as he looked at her. "First guy to dominate me" she leaned in and kissed him, pulling his bottom lip. "Really?" he asked as he grabbed her chin, keeping her close. "Yes," she kissed him again. "Trying new things?" He looked at her. "Yea it's spring break so why not try something new," she said.
The waiter brought them their drinks and they ordered their food. While they waited they played 21 questions to get to know each other better. It surely spiced up the conversation and it was never awkward between them. Their food arrived and things got quiet as they ate. Once they finished he paid and reached for her hand. She grabbed his hand and left the restaurant, they just walked around taking in the sights of Miami.
"We should get a tattoo," she said as they walked past a tattoo shop. "Are you sure?" He looked at her. "Why not?" she looked at him. "Are you sure?" he asked again. "Yes I'm sure," she said as she pulled him into the tattoo shop. "Hello we are doing a special today, 2 tattoos for the price of one but here's the catch you have to play Russian roulette" the guy smiled. "Meaning we put money into the machine and get whatever tattoo design that comes out" Ethan explained. "I'm game," she said. "Me too," Ethan said.
She put the quarters in the machine and got a design. Ethan followed and got his design. They both got butterflies, just slightly different. He went first and got the butterfly on the back of his neck with his other tattoo. She decided to get the butterfly tattooed behind her ear.
"That's a painful place," the guy said. "I'll be fine" she nodded and sat down. "You can hold my hand if it gets too much," Ethan said.
She moved her hair to the side as the guy started the tattoo. It was only painful in a few places and she squeezed Ethan's hand a few times. Once he finished she looked in the mirror and saw it the best way she could. Riley loved it and decided to get a heart tattoo on her ring finger. Once she was finished they paid for the tattoos and left.
"I can't believe you did that," Ethan admitted. "Hey you only live once" she smiled as she looked at her hand. "Those two tattoos are perfect for you," he said. "We kinda got matching ones" she laughed slightly. "But different in their way," she said. "Yea" he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked.
They finished the night off by getting ice cream before heading back to the hotel. She decided to call it a night and say her goodbyes to Ethan before heading to her room. Once she got to her hotel room she went straight to bed. Playing in the sun all day wore her out. She was knocked out until she heard the siren go off in the hotel. She got up and grabbed her jacket and phone, slipping her shoes on before exiting her room. Everyone was leaving the hotel because the kitchen was on fire. Ethan ran over to where she was standing.
"Good Morning, '' Ethan said as he stretched. "Yea, it sure is morning," she said as she yawned. "I need coffee," she said. "There is a cafe down the street, I could go get you some" he offered. "That would be greatly appreciated," she said.
He went down to the local cafe and got them coffee and something to eat. He returned and they sat on the curve and ate their breakfast. She enjoyed her coffee as she started to truly wake up.
"Thank you," she said. "No problem," he said. "We should stop meeting like this," he chuckled. "We do stay in the same hotel room so it's bound to happen" she smiled. "I'm not complaining, I like spending my week with you," he said. "Me too" she looked at him. "So what do you have planned for today?" he asked. "I'm not sure, kind of let the day tell me," she said. "I want to go to the zoo, it looks like a free-roaming zoo," he said. "Interesting," she said as she took another sip from her coffee. "Would you like to join me?" he asked. "Sure why not" she looked at him.
Once they were allowed back into the hotel they both went and got ready for the day. They met back at the lobby and were off to the zoo. They walked around for a while just looking at the animals. They feed the giraffes and the parrots. She grabbed his hand and led him to the Safari Tram tours. They got onto the bus and went for a ride.
"Wait, I'm not too sure about this," she said as they went into the safari. "Don't worry I got you" he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her. "It's cool but I'm kinda worried," she said as she watched the animals. "What if they eat us?" she asked. "The animals in the safari won't hurt you" he kept her close. "Aw look at the deer," she said. "See, they won't hurt you," he said. "Ok this isn't too bad," she said as she relaxed in his arms. "As long as I'm holding you" he smiled and kissed her temple. "Yea" she nodded as she leaned against him.
They got off the safari and looked around some more. He pulled her into the snake exhibit, where they saw a green anaconda. They also saw frogs, lizards, and also an eyelash viper.
"You like snakes?" she asked. "I always thought they were cool," he said. "Yea they are but I wouldn't want to be near one," she said as she looked at the anaconda. "Snakes are harmless, well not these but most snakes are," he said. "Yea I know" she nodded. "That's a pretty snake," she said as she looked at the viper. "Yea it is" he nodded. "Look at these cool frogs" he grabbed her hand. "Poison frogs," she said."But cute frogs" she looked at them. "So vibrant in color" he admired the frogs. "Can we go check out the crocodiles?" she asked. "Of course, right this way," he said as he offered his arm. "You're cheesy" she smiled as she linked arms with him. "Oh you will learn to love it" he smiled as they walked to the crocodile exhibit.
Once they finished checking out the crocodile they rode another ride. They finished up by looking at the elephants before leaving the zoo. There were food trucks in the parking lot so they grabbed some food and sat on a picnic bench. As they ate they watched the sunset. Once they finished eating they got a taxi and went back to their hotel. She went with him to his room and spent the night with him.
"So what movie?" he asked. "Just pick one," she said as she slipped her shoes off and got into bed. "Alright well this is it," he said as he picked a movie and laid back.
She laid in his arms, resting her head against his chest. They barely made it through half of the movie before falling asleep. In the morning she was awakened with him getting out of bed.
"Now who's running away?" she asked. "I'm going to the bathroom," he said. "uh-huh," she rolled on her back, stretching her arms. Once he finished in the bathroom he returned to the bed. "I have bad news," he said. "What?" she snuggled back to him. "I leave tonight," he said. "I thought you were staying until Sunday?" she asked. "I was supposed to but my brother needs me," he said. "oh ok," she traced his tattoo, not knowing what to say. "I want nothing more to stay longer but my flight leaves tonight," he said. "Well we have one last day together," she said. "And I want nothing more to spend it with you" he kissed her forehead.
They ordered room service and decided to not waste a minute of their last day together. They went to the beach, the jungle and ate at Versailles. They also went on a tour of the European-Style Mansion at Vizcaya. The day was full of fun and just enjoying their time together.
"So our time is winding time, so what's the next thing you want to do?" she asked. "Just walk down the street with you in my arms," he said. "We can do that" she smiled as she wrapped her arm around his waist. "How is this going to work?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "What do you mean?" she asked. "When I go back home and you go back home?" he asked. "Will we still want to be together?" he questioned. "I don't know," she said. "I enjoy my time with you and would like to see where things go between us," she said. "But our words are so different," he said. "But if we want it to work we will," he said. "Yea we will," she said.
They walked around for a while before heading back to the hotel. She watched him pack his bags and once he finished they were off to the airport. She walked him into the airport, not sure what the future held.
"I'll call you when I land," he said. "You better, I need to know you are safe" she wrapped her arms around him. "I will" he leaned down and kissed her softly. "Good and when you are NJ give me a heads up" she looked at him. "Of course," he smiled. "Now this isn't goodbye, just see you later," she said. "Yea" he nodded and kissed her again. "I didn't expect to meet anyone," she said. "And to be sad to see them go" she looked down. "Don't be sad" he tilted her chin up. "We will make this work," he said. "Yea we will," she nodded. "See you later" he kissed her forehead and squeezed her to him
He pulled away from her and grabbed his bag. Walking away from her as he made his way to his gate, he turned around and waved to her. She left the airport and went back to the hotel. She stayed until Sunday and then caught a flight back to New York. Back to reality once her feet hit the ground in New York. She wasn't sure if it would work with Ethan but she wanted to try everything that she could to make it work. When he was in New Jersey she would drive up there on the weekends to spend time with him. He would also drive down to New York when she had to work, just to spend time with her. When she had a long weekend she would fly out to LA to be with him. It was hard at first but once they realized what they meant to each other it got easier. He finally moved back to NJ to be around his family as well as be close to her. A fun week that wasn't supposed to mean anything changed their whole world. It was fate that brought them together but love is what keeps them together.
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dolansarebae · 6 years
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dolayn · 6 years
ultrasound ♡ ethan
requested: yes
You and Ethan were currently at your OBGYN for your 20 week check up. You were a bit nervous since it had been a while since you had come to a doctor about your pregnancy and you haven’t really been updated on anything since you found out you were pregnant.
“So, y/n, you’re able to find out the gender today, would you like to do that?” The doctor asked as she looked over your papers before pulling out some ultrasound gel for your belly.
You and Ethan both responded with excited nods, watching in amusement as she spread the cool gel over your large pregnant tummy.
The doctor had the monitor facing her, so you couldn’t see the screen but as soon as she placed the probe on your belly, both you and Ethan heard a tiny heartbeat.
You felt happy tears start to prickle in your eyes, just from the small sound, let alone being able to see anything. The doctor hummed, writing some things down before turning the monitor with a warm smile. Once the screen was facing you, you felt your heart drop when you saw two small bodies, a wide grin slowly spreading across your face.
“Woah, why does the baby have two heads?” Ethan asked as he squinted his eyes, voice mixed with confusion and worry. You smiled, reaching for his hand with a small giggle.
The doctor laughed as she countinued to move the wand over your large belly. “There’s two heads because there’s two of them! Two boys” The doctor nodded, showing where two hearts were, four arms, 20 tiny toes.
“Y/N, there’s two in there!” He exclaimed, giving your hand a squeeze before cheering happily.
You nodded, watching the screen in awe, pure happiness in your eyes. “It’s like you and Grayson Jr’s,” you joked, teary eyes still glued to the screen.
“Definitely not. More like Ethan Jr. One and Ethan Jr Two.”
a/n - a twin having twins lmao
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multiparadise · 5 years
survival ✦ g. dolan
summary: everything seems too difficult and near impossible as the survival video in australia starts to take a toll on you and you’re too scared to tell grayson because you don’t want to take this opportunity away from him.
warnings: this imagine is inspired by their video where they do a survival video in australia but this imagine will be written in my perspective. so please do not compare what i write to what actually happened as this is fiction, thank you. xo!
author’s note: my first ever request! thank you! request said: Heyy I saw that you write for the Dolan twins! Woukd you be able to do a Grayson imagine? About going to Australia with him and doing the survival video. And Grayson is very protective of you. Oh and the reader and him are dating. Thanks lovely xx
you couldn’t stop shaking from the cold. you could never imagine how bad this could have been. the blades of grass were squished beneath your body, poking at you. the log your head was resting on was too hard and the bugs crawling on it weren’t shy as they were probably crawling on your hair. the water that was almost gone had a nasty taste, a taste you wanted to forget. you could feel your stomach growing smaller and smaller as you grew more hungry. 
you were turned away from grayson, trying to hold your chattering teeth to a minimum as he sat on top of the log talking with ethan about despite how hard this has been, he is thankful for the opportunity. 
you didn’t want to show grayson that you felt weak, that you couldn’t do it anymore. you didn’t want him to give up this challenge because of you. you wanted him to succeed and be happy but you found that extremely difficult as tears were streaming down your face. as you felt weak beyond belief. 
- * - 
it wasn’t until the sun came up did you realize how bad it was. in a very quick moment you went from shivering to sweating. the sun was beating down on the back of your head and it felt like too much. you wanted to move, you needed to move. looking for shade felt like the best choice but you were to weak as you didn’t get a wink of sleep last night. grayson and ethan were already up, determined to look for food. 
grayson walked over to you and shook your shoulder, “come on babe. we’re gonna look for food.” 
but you scrunched your eyes shut, trying to tell grayson to go ahead with out you but you couldn’t as your mouth was extremely dry and you couldn’t get any words out. 
“babe?” grayson asked concerned but you just shook your head, sobbing into your hands. “(y/n)?” 
grayson looked at ethan in panic and ethan looked scared. he didn’t know what to do. he didn’t know how to help grayson out. they just both knew something was wrong. “help me.” grayson cried to ethan and ethan ran over as they rolled you unto your back. grayson saw your face for the first time since last night as the sun fell. you weren’t holding up so good. grayson knew right away that you were dehydrated. 
“we need to go.” grayson cried as he held you close to him. “we can’t be out here anymore. do you see her? she needs water. food. sleep. for god sake we need it too ethan.” 
ethan felt at a loss for words as he ran his fingers through his hair in fear. “o-okay, but then we’re gonna need to stop filming. we need help getting back. we need to get her out of here, now.” 
everything seemed like a blur as the camera’s stopped filming. everyone behind the camera’s rushed over to help giving the twins a pair of shoes, holding an umbrella over them. grayson lifted you up in his arms and he cried as he saw your flushed face, eyes fluttering shut as you pressed your head to his chest. 
everyone tried to get out of the wild as soon as possible and once you were all to the car grayson sat in the back seat with you. grabbing the water bottle that was passed to him and he pressed it to your lips begging you to drink it and you did. 
the air conditioner was on and grayson ran his fingers through your hair trying to comfort you. he would whisper sweet nothings into your ear and press a kiss to your temple once in awhile. finally as you got back to the house you walked to the shower, letting the water try to relax your muscles as you cleaned yourself. when you came out you saw grayson lying on the bed, hair damp from the shower he took in another bathroom. 
you crawled onto the bed next to him wrapping your arm around him and he held you close to him. he shut his eyes praying that he would never be able to let you go. “i’m sorry.” you whispered into his chest. 
that was the first time he heard you speak all day and he couldn’t stop the hot tears cornering his eyes. “i was so scared i was going to lose you. never again do i want to feel that way. i can’t survive without you, i love you too much.” 
you kissed him softly as you mumbled back an i love you too. the two of you held each other close, listening to each others heartbeats patiently waiting for the food to arrive. 
author’s note: please send in more requests. thank you!
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dolantwinsfavss · 5 years
Meant To Be {g.d}
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Always (Part 2) // Masterlist
“Gray?” You mumbled after waking up to realize that Grayson’s side of the bed hadn’t been slept on.
Rubbing your tired eyes, you noticed a faint light coming from the living room and got out of bed, wrapped yourself in a blanket and headed to the living room to see a very tired Grayson on his laptop while Ethan slept beside him.
“Hey why are you still up?” You whispered before yawning.
“Hmm?” Grayson slowly blinked before saying, “Oh um we’re editing a video... What are you doing up?”
“I woke up and realized you weren’t in bed yet.” You sighed sitting next to him, “I thought you were going to go to bed early tonight.”
“Y-Yeah. I was but then things weren’t working out the way we wanted them to and I guess I just lost track of time?” Grayson said never taking his eyes off the screen.
You could see how tired he was. He was trying so hard to stay awake, eyelids drooping every few minutes and rubbing his face with his hands. You hated seeing him like this, sacrificing his own health for work... once again.
You reached over and softly scratched the nape of his neck which he instinctively leaned into. “You promised you would stop pulling all nighters for videos remember?”
“I know I know. It’s just we promised our fans the video would be up tomorrow and I don’t want to let them down.” Grayson said softly, finally looking into your eyes. You could see that he truly wanted to keep his promise. He absolutely hated it when he broke any promise and that’s just the way he was. Someone who was always true to his word. Always wanting others to be happy.
“Grayson. Your fans will understand if the video isn’t out tomorrow. They know how hard you guys work on them and how far you’ve come to put videos out for yourself, not their views.” You explained softly, hoping you would be able to change his mind.
“I just... I know. I know what we said about not having a deadline or rushing to put out a video, but sometimes I still feel guilty for being selfish.” Grayson admitted with sorrow in his voice.
In that moment you could feel your heart breaking into a million pieces. The man who always wears his heart on his sleeve, despite being fucked over so many times, feels selfish for putting his happiness above others.
You placed your hand on his cheek and brushed his soft skin with your thumb while saying, “Grayson Bailey Dolan. You are the least selfish person I know. Don’t say that putting your own health and happiness above others is being selfish because you’re not. You’re finally taking care of yourself after all these years. And your fans will love and support you endlessly as will I, but how can they do that when you’re not taking care of yourself? You have to put yourself first, no matter what or who, including me. It breaks my heart to see you're pushing yourself to the point of burning out. So please don’t ever say that you’re selfish.”
Grayson knew you were right. You were always right. Somehow you always knew what to say at the right time. And that’s what he loved most about you.
Grayson rested his head on yours and closed his eyes. “I love you.” He softly mumbled, not knowing what the right words were to say in that moment.
“I love you too.” You smiled before pulling him into a soft kiss.
You pulled away and put the laptop to sleep, “Now go get ready for bed while I try to get Ethan to go his bed so he doesn’t complain about his back hurting tomorrow.” He chuckled and placed a kiss on you forehead before walking towards his room.
Somehow you managed to get Ethan into bed, but before you were able to close his door, you heard, “Y/N?”
“Yeah E?”
“Thank you for taking care of Grayson.” Ethan said with a smile on his face before falling back asleep. He didn’t know it at the time, but his words made you smile.
“Goodnight E.”
“Goodnight Y/N.” He said before you closed his door to head back to Grayson’s room.
When you got to the room, Grayson was already asleep. As you laid next to him, you couldn’t help but to stare. How can someone look so perfect and be so perfect?
“Like what you see?” Grayson mumbled into his pillow, opening one eye to look at you, “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
You chuckled, “I would, but I think I just want to enjoy this moment with you.”
He reached over and pulled you into his chest, wrapping your legs with his. “Your feet are so cold.” Grayson said, making the both of you laugh.
“I know. They’re always cold but that’s why I have you to warm them up for me.” You said, leaning your forehead against his chest.
For the remainder of the night, the two of you laid in each other’s arms, mindlessly drawing shapes on each other until Grayson whispered, “Y/N?”
“Do you ever think about our future together?” He asked, feeling his heart race when you didn’t answer him right away.
Truth was, you have. For a while now actually. You’ve pictured the way he would propose, the day of your wedding, even starting a family with him. Grayson has been the only person everything has felt right with. You never knew what love felt like until you met him.
“Yeah all of the time.” You spoke softly before placing a kiss on his chest. “Have you?”
“Yeah. For our wedding, we’ll be surrounded by all of the people we love and I know from the moment you walk down that aisle, I’m going to start crying because of how happy I am to finally spend forever with you. And for our honeymoon, we’ll go wherever you like. Just the two of us. It’ll be unforgettable, a time to start the beginning of our lives together. Then when we’re ready, we’ll start a family. Have a house right next to Ethan just like him and I have always dreamed. Maybe we’ll have kids at the same time as Ethan so then they can all grow up together. And maybe we’ll have twins just like how Ethan and I are. We’ll travel the world and be so happy. Then we’ll grow old and smelly together  because we’re meant to be.”
You knew this wasn’t going to be anytime soon, probably years from now, but the fact that he’s thought about all of this or the thought of him mentioning spending the rest of his life with you to his mom, Ethan, and Cameron, made your heart melt.
“I love that. It’s everything I’ve always dreamed of.” You softly said
He pulled you closer, if that was even possible, and placed a kiss on your forehead. “I love you, my angel. I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
“I love you too.” You said as the two of you fell asleep in each others arms.
This is where you were meant to be. Right here with the love of your life. The two of you were meant to be.
But wasn’t always like this. 
You were happy... a long time ago.
You were the couple everyone wished they could be. Everyone was sure would get married and live the perfect lives destined for each other. But it broke your heart knowing the future you once envisioned with the boy you loved was slipping away day by day. 
One day you were so in love with each other, planning your wedding, how many kids you would have... And the next... it was like you were strangers again.
But tonight was different. It seemed like every little fight was leading to the biggest fight you’ve ever had and it scared you knowing what might come next.
“Would you stop walking away from me when I’m trying to talk to you?!” Grayson shouted as he followed you into the house.
“Fine. You want to talk? Let’s talk. Let’s talk about how you were kissing another girl tonight.“ You said slamming the keys on the counter before turning around to face an angry Grayson.
“I pushed her away! You saw me do it!”
“Yeah that was after I caught you shoving your tongue down her throat!” You said shaking your head, “God knows if I wasn’t there, you’d be doing a lot more than just making out.”
“You’re one to talk...” Grayson scoffed while crossing his arms.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” You shouted angrily at him, not ready to believe the words that were about to come out of his mouth.
“It means I shouldn’t be the one who should be accused of cheating when you’re the one who’s been flirting with every guy you see!”
Is he actually being serious? Did he really think that you would cheat on him? I am so fucking in love with him that it hurts. But it hurts even more to think that he thinks I would...
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?! Do you really think that I would cheat on you?!” You shouted, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
He didn’t say a word, but that’s all what you needed for an answer. He really believed you would...
“You know what? I’m done. Do whatever you want, but I’m not going to stand here and be accused of something I would never do.” You managed to say as your voice broke before leaving Grayson standing in the living room.
You were angry, hurt, and betrayed. Never have you felt so much pain in your life, especially with Grayson. Your whole entire relationship was filled with nothing but love and happiness. It was hard to believe that in this moment you would feel so empty.
Your vision became blurry as tears spilled from your eyes. You couldn’t stay there anymore. You just couldn’t... so you began to pack your bags until you were interrupted by the one your heart still yearned for.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Grayson said with a quiet voice as he stood in the doorway, praying his mind was just playing tricks with him.
“I don’t know anymore. I don’t know.” You said continuing to throw your things into your bags, not daring to look at Grayson because you knew if you stopped, you would break down right then and there.
“St-stop we can fix this. Just stop... please.” Grayson said walking towards you as he continued to watch you.
“Grayson. Just leave me alone!” 
“Y/N we can talk about this! Just please stop!” He begged, but you wouldn’t listen. 
“No Grayson! I’m so tired of fighting for something that doesn’t exist!”
“What are you talking about?” He asked, not moving from his spot.
“You! Me! Us! Don’t you get it? We barely talk to each and when we are we’re at each other’s throats!” You said as more tears fell.
“If you would just talk to me, we can work this out.” Grayson said, feeling himself begin to choke up.
“But we can’t Grayson! Every time we try to, it always leads back to us fighting over and over ag-” By now the tears were streaming endlessly and Grayson knew that if he didn’t do something now, he would lose you forever. 
Grayson quickly grabbed your wrists and pulled you into his chest. You didn’t even try to fight him. It was no use. Even after all the screaming and crying, you still couldn’t help but to feel safe in his arms like you belonged there.
“P-Please. We can f-fix this. Please don’t... Please don’t go... I can’t lose you.” He sobbed into your neck as he held tightly in his arms.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say the words that needed to be said so you stayed silent as the both of you stood there with tears falling from your eyes. Neither of you wanted to ruin what could be the last moment of your relationship.
Somehow you both ended up laying in bed in each other’s arms, but still no words were exchanged as the both of you were terrified of what the other might say until you asked quietly, “Are you happy?”
He paused for a moment, debating if he should say the words that would keep this relationship alive or the words his heart felt was right. Earlier in the beginning of your relationship if you had asked him that, in a heartbeat he would say yes because that was true. But now... he wasn’t so sure, “I don’t know... Are you?”
I really wish I was. I wish I could lie and tell you that I am but I’m not.
Just like Grayson, you contemplated on what should be said next. But you knew what your heart wanted. “I want to be...”
As the night grew on, the both of you fell asleep from how tired you were. But you woke up earlier than expected, leaving you to find yourself wrapped up in Grayson’s arms for one last time. You carefully untangled yourself from him and finished packing your things, careful not to wake Grayson up.
By the time you were finished, he still was sound asleep, except this time soft snores came from his slightly a-gaped mouth. You couldn’t help but to feel your heart melt at how peaceful he looked. Something inside you still wished there was something you could do to save your relationship, if there was anything left that is. But you had promised yourself you needed to do what’s best for you so you placed a soft kiss to his temple and whispered, “I love you.”
No matter how much it hurt you to leave him. It hurt more knowing you weren’t right for each other.
Grayson woke up to the sound of the door closing after you had left. He fluttered his eyes open as they adjusted to the sunlight shining into the room. “Good morning angel.” He said expecting you to be by his side, but was shocked to see your side of the bed empty.
He quickly got out of bed and ran out to the rest of the house as memories of last night flooded his mind, “Y/N? No... No!” He was praying you didn’t do what you had thought of before, but when he couldn’t find you, he had lost all hope.
As Grayson reentered his room, he found a note with his name on it. With shaky hands, he picked the letter, terrified of what you wrote. But he knew that if he didn’t do it now, he would never be able to.
With defeat Grayson sat on his bed, heart racing a mile a minute, he began to read:
Grayson Bailey Dolan.
My love. My heart. My everything.
I love you. I will always love you.
Never in a million years I thought I’d be writing this letter to you nor would we ever be in this position... But I guess time has changed over the last few years, hasn’t it?
I will never forget the day I met you. Sometimes I wonder what happened if I took a different route or went at a different time, then I would have never met you. But I’m so glad I didn’t because I met you and from that moment on, I have felt nothing but love and happiness I’ve only dreamt about.
You’ve given me the love I never thought I was capable of because you learned how to love my flaws, especially my never-ending questions when I worry too much. Most importantly, you learned how to love me when I pushed you away and built walls to keep everyone out. I never thought someone was going to be able to breakdown those walls, but you did. You made me into a better version of myself, pushing me to chase my dreams and being there every step of the way. You never left my side.
Gosh and that night when you brought up our future, I swore I fell more in love than ever because you saw a future with me. You planned out everything to the point where we grow old and smelly together. That future was so perfect and I was so ready to love you forever and ever. And if you asked me to marry you that night, I would have. Just like any other day. I would in a heartbeat.
But somehow along the way I guess we fell out of love. Day by day that future we planned together was slipping away. Nights together weren’t the same. Grayson... I tried. I tried to stay a little longer, but my heart couldn’t take it anymore. We weren’t happy. I wasn’t happy.
Please know that this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It physically hurts me to write this as you’re sound asleep two doors down. I never wanted to hurt you. 
They say that if you love someone, let them go. And if they come back to you, they’re yours to keep. God I am hoping this is the case, Grayson. I hope that one day we’ll run into each other, years from now and be able to finally have our future together. I can’t wait for that day because I will still be in love with you and hopefully you’ll still feel the same. But for now, I guess this is... see you soon. 
I love you.
When Grayson finally managed to finish the letter, his heart broke into a million pieces. He never wanted to hurt you. He loves you more than anything in the world. He would do anything to turn back time and give you the love you deserve.
He put down the letter and picked up the engagement ring he gave you a few months ago, made to fit you perfectly and read the words engraved into the ring:
Meant To Be. -G
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lostincalum · 7 years
Ridiculous Afternoon- Ethan Dolan
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AN: Idk what this is, and very few people asked for it, but imma post it regardless (p.s. this is not proofread) ((p.p.s. pls give me some constructive criticism)) 
TW: none
Word count: 1175
Other parts: 
Winter Mornings (part 1)  
LA noon (part 2) 
The Last Night (part 4)
People that wanted to be tagged: @anotherawkwardaustralian @bestfriends-0212 @dropdeadhood @curlsfthemmings
The LA beach was bustling with people. Since you and Ethan had talked after the flight, you had gone out on a sort of date. The first one since you had admitted that you loved him. He had not said anything back, and you were alright with that. Because you knew he was not completely ready yet. But you did notice that he had become clingier and a tad bit quieter than usual. It was all in the way he laced your hands together while driving there, and squeezed every so often.
"You okay, Eth?"
You were standing at the back of the car unloading two surfboards from the roof. It was a strange contrast to the morning you had. It had been quiet and cozy, this was more wild and serene. It felt a lot like the two of you. The winter had always felt like it matched your personality more. Filled with evenings in front of the fireplace after a day out in the snow. Ethan was definitely summer, with warm skin, road trips and summer antics. Like surfing.
"Yeah, just a little lost in thought."
He gave you a loving smile, and continued to pull on his wetsuit.
"Hmm, just don’t do it while were out there, wouldn’t wanna wipe out now do we."
Nothing in the world made you laugh as much as Ethan wiping out, it was not because you wanted to see him suffer. He just came up with the most ridiculous excuses as to why he wiped out. Pervious examples consisted of not enough wax on the board, blinding sunlight and other stupid people, trying to steal his wave.
"Psshh, I'll be fine, I always am."
You gave the zipper of your own wetsuit a tug, until you felt it reach the top, giving you the slightly claustrophobic feeling. You always felt a little self-conscious about your body in this tight garment. And like clockwork Ethan gave you your board and a kiss on the cheek.
"You look so hot right now."
The smile that came to your lips was a little wry, but appreciative enough. So, when you put the board under your arm, you stretched the other out to your boyfriend and started walking down the beach, everything felt kind of perfect. The cold temperature of the water made your toes curl deeper into the sand. The leash came on to both your ankles fast.
Wading into the ocean, you put the board down and laid down on it, always with Ethan by your side. Paddling out to the line- up you gave a little wave to the people already there. It was pretty heavily dominated by guys, but there were a few girls too.
Spotting a set was not hard, even less so when there were so many people there. A couple of people started paddling for it, you included. Ethan sat back and watched with admiration as you caught your first wave of the day, giving a small yell of encouragement along with the other guys still in the line- up. There was one guy who seemed to yell a little louder and be a little rowdier, as Ethan noticed, but after your little confession earlier in the day he felt pretty confident.
When you came back to the line- up, you paddled straight to the little trio of girls that sat there.
"Ayy, that was such as good wave!"
One of the girls spoke excitedly as you neared them.
"Thank you! It felt good, I haven’t been out here in a while"
Surfing was definitely higher up on the list of things that made you feel at peace.
"Who's the guy you're here with?"
The same girl as before asked, while the others chimed in that he looked familiar.
"Oh, it's actually my boyfriend, Ethan"
To be honest you almost said it was just a friend, just out of instinct. It felt good to say to other people who he really was to you.
"His last name doesn't happen to be Dolan?"
This time it was the girl on the left who talked. The question made you a little unwell, but you decided to go with honesty either way.
"Actually, it is."  
Your smile was not the most authentic, although they did not seem to have bad intentions.
"I thought it was, that makes you Y/N, right?"
A blush made its way to your cheeks and you could feel them heating up. To hide it, you turned to see who the next person in the line- up was to catch a wave. Ethan, of course it was. He caught it and almost made it through, just as he turned your eyes met and he wiped out.
You were rinsing off the saltwater with Ethan, just goofing around and splashing water on each other, when a guy from the line up walked up to you.
"Heyy babe"
If you were to be honest, you could feel your eyes roll into the back of your head with annoyance. So, you tried to ignore him, but you had no had no such luck.
"I was watching you surf, and I was thinking to myself, this girl could use some lessons from me."
Now this was where you had it, you knew you were not the best, but this was insulting so you turned around to look at the cocky boy. You heard Ethan snicker behind you though.
"Excuse me?"
"I asked if you would like some lessons in surfing, your buddy here obviously doesn’t know how to teach you properly."
A smirk was plaster on his face, he obviously felt proud of the supposed insult.
"First of all, stop grimacing like that, its creepy. Second of all, that is my boyfriend and I think you know that very well. Third of all you're low if you think that is an eligible way to approach someone you're interested in."
The boy seemed bewildered. He looked left, then right, then left again. His blond hair hung down in his face and a blush was quickly covering his cheeks and neck. You just watched as the boy trotted away.
"Ouch, that was harsh-"
Ethan had put his arms around your shoulders and pulled you back into his now naked torso. You could feel every rumble deep in his chest when he talked.
"But also kinda hot."
Stopping the giggles that came from your mouth was practically impossible. He gently pulled the zipper down to reveal your bikini top that was underneath. Ethan placed a gentle kiss to your shoulder. Turning around you gave him a little wink.
"Come on buddy, let's get going. If we're lucky Gray hasn't tried to cook yet."
Ethan laughed, but nodded in agreement.
"Anyhow, why did you wipe out this time?"
You asked out of curiosity, also because you wanted to hear what ridiculous reason he could come up with.
"I was blinded by your beauty."
He said it like it was so simple.
"And also, because I realized I love you."
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